Features of the behavior of the giant hornet. Huge Asian hornet

November 9th, 2015

Among all Asian insects, the Vespa Mandarinia hornet is one of the most famous. This is not surprising, if only because its enormous size makes it extremely noticeable: a huge wasp with a body length of 5 cm and a wingspan of up to 6-7 cm somehow naturally attracts the attention of a tourist or traveler. It is not for nothing that in Asian countries this insect is also called the sparrow bee - for its impressive size.

However asian hornet has another popular name - the tiger bee, it is called for its extremely painful stings. Among local residents, in contrast to the enthusiastic reviews of tourists, the Vespa Mandarinia hornet has rather gained a bad reputation: its bite is deadly, especially for a person with hypersensitivity to insect poisons. If several giants attack at the same time, they can easily bite or cripple almost any person to death.

Photo 1.

Among other things, the Asian giant hornet is a threat to all honey bees, so beekeepers in Thailand, India and Japan regularly suffer serious losses from invasions of these predators.

The Vespa Mandarin hornet is one of 23 species of the hornet genus, which also includes common European relatives. The size of this insect is just a simple anatomical adaptation to a hot climate (larger animals can more easily tolerate high temperatures, because they have a large surface area for heat transfer to environment). In addition, thanks to its size, this giant can count on a large number of potential victims even comparable in size to him. Otherwise, the huge Asian hornet is very similar to its other relatives.

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As for Russians, we are mainly interested in the Vespa Mandarinia hornet as one of the dangers that can lie in wait when traveling through the exotic Asian region. Therefore, information about what the giant Asian hornet looks like, as well as how to avoid its bites, will never be superfluous.

Asian murder hornets are generally similar in body shape and general color tones to ordinary hornets: they are also yellow with black stripes. However, individual color details still distinguish them from each other.

So, if the Vespa Crabro hornet, better known as the common European hornet, has fairly thin black bandages on corpus luteum and a dark red head, the Vespa Mandarinia hornet is characterized by much thicker and more expressive black stripes on the body, as well as a yellow head.

Photo 3.

Visually, it is the light-colored head with two big eyes attracts attention the most.

And yet the main distinguishing feature giant hornet What allows this insect to be distinguished from other relatives is, of course, its size. With its spread wings it almost overlaps a person’s palm, so at the first meeting it seems not quite real, but as if made deliberately unnaturally large. Such sizes help the hornet primarily to obtain food that is inaccessible to smaller relatives.

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The Asian giant hornet leads the same lifestyle as all other members of the Vespa genus.

Hornets live in paper nests made from chewed pieces of young tree bark, held together by sticky salivary secretions. Generates new family female founder, who at the beginning warm season simply lays several eggs in the place where a nest will later grow.

Photo 5.

At first, the female herself obtains food for the larvae, takes care of them and looks after them. However, already a month after laying the eggs, young hornets hatch from them, which, in turn, take on all the worries of feeding new larvae and protecting the family. The uterus greatly limits its role - it continues only to lay eggs until the end of its life.

The Vespa Mandarinia hornet is not picky in its diet: the basis of its diet is a variety of insects. The huge Asian hornet will also not mind eating meat or fish washed ashore, fruits and berries. Unlike adult individuals, the larvae are fed exclusively on animal food, however, this feature is also characteristic of all other hornets of the Vespa genus.

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Hornets almost never use their poisonous sting to get food. They kill other insects with powerful jaws, which literally crush the chitinous coverings of their victims.

Photo 7.

The most common big hornet in the world quite widely: it is found throughout South-East Asia and reaches Russian Primorye, where it is quite common and numerous.

It is worth noting that the species Vespa Mandarinia in different points its range is divided into several subspecies. So, in Japan, for example, there lives a subspecies of the Japanese huge hornet, endemic only to island territories.

Photo 8.

In general, hornets of this species are common in different biotopes, but most of all they prefer forests and various light groves. Thus, it will not be possible to meet the Asian hornet in high mountains, steppe and desert areas.

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The Asian giant hornet is very poisonous: its poison is considered one of the most toxic among all insects in general. However, due to the fact that this huge predator does not inject the entire supply of poison into the wound when biting, in general, the bite of an Asian hornet is, although extremely painful, but for a healthy person with a normally functioning immune system mortal danger has no idea.

Every year in Japan, about 40 people die from giant hornet bites. Thus, the hornets here set a kind of anti-record - no other wild animal can “boast” of such indicators.

Photo 10.

Due to the presence of several protein toxins in the hornet's venom, its entry into soft tissues immediately activates cell lysis, which is accompanied by instant swelling and inflammation. The presence of histamine and acetylcholine in the poison - substances that ensure the occurrence of an immediate immune response and the transmission of neuromuscular reactions - causes a sharp pain effect, sometimes accompanied by a state of shock in the victim.

“After the hornet bite, I spent three weeks in the hospital. I had huge swelling all over my side and I couldn’t move my arm. The bite itself is simply monstrous - as if a drill is being drilled into the body with an ordinary drill. When the insect bit me, I barely managed to get home and lost consciousness. My wife already called the doctors. And one of my friends died a year ago from a hornet attack.”

Tai Won Xing, Girin

Photo 11.

A quite typical response of the body to a hornet sting is considered to be extensive tissue swelling, which was already mentioned above, increased heart rate, headaches and fever.

However, in people sensitive to insect toxins, even one giant hornet sting can cause anaphylactic shock and death. If there were numerous bites, then in this case, even for a healthy person, the attack is fraught with tissue necrosis, extensive hemorrhages and damage to internal organs.

Photo 12.

Reproduction of giant hornets

Now let's look at how procreation occurs in the Vespa Mandarinia hornet. There are several key points to highlight here.

  1. The giant hornet family exists for no more than one year.
  2. When the housing of these huge wasps grows to a decent size, and there are quite a lot of working individuals themselves, the queen begins to lay eggs, from which males and females capable of reproduction hatch.
  3. At a certain point, these mature individuals swarm and mate, after which the young males die, and the females look for secluded shelters and remain in them until spring.
  4. For the rainy season (and in the Primorye region for winter) old family completely dies out because the queen stops laying new eggs.

It is worth noting that sometimes all Vespa hornets do not survive to the time of natural death, since they die from ticks or infections.

Photo 13.

A disaster for humans or an adornment of nature?

In a global sense, giant Asian hornets are, of course, dangerous to people, but this danger is not critical, since it is entirely provoked by man himself. These insects are not very aggressive by nature; they will only attack in self-defense or protecting a nest.

Photo 14.

Hornets cause much more damage to apiaries, especially those where less aggressive European bees are bred. honey bees. Sometimes hornets manage to destroy an entire bee family, and therefore local beekeepers are waging an ongoing systematic fight against them.

In general, the mortality rate from giant hornet bites is quite high: in some regions, up to 100 people die per year. But in fairness, it should be said that most of the dead are the same beekeepers who, without special means of protection, actively destroy hornet nests and, as a result, fall under their massive attacks.

A simple tourist who accidentally finds himself in the forest next to the Vespa Mandarinia hornet should not be afraid of this insect - it will not attack without a reason.

Photo 15.

In the West, many dietary supplements add synthetic substances similar to the secretion contained in developing hornet larvae. These components are believed to increase human endurance. However, there is no experimental evidence for these claims.

In conclusion, it should be noted that for wildlife, giant hornets are one of the most active natural orderlies. They successfully destroy many forest pests and Agriculture, therefore, in most biocenoses - including agricultural lands - they are useful and deserve protection.

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Several dozen hornets completely destroyed a bee hive


One of the most terrible insects is the Asian hornet. A photo of this creature has appeared in many news reports related to the death of a person over the past decade. Not to mention the fear it brings to its relatives in the wild.

What makes it so special? Why is the Asian giant hornet dominant over other insect species? And how dangerous is it for ordinary people? All these questions have long troubled the souls of inquisitive naturalists, and therefore it is time to give unambiguous answers to them.

Giant insect

The Asian hornet is the official name of this species. However, every nation has given name for this creature. For example, on the island of Taiwan it is called the “tiger bee” because its sting is very painful. And in Japan I call these hornets “sparrow bees” because of their bulky wings.

And there are many similar examples, but they all boil down to one thing - the strength and size of the Asian hornet. And this is not surprising, because among all 27 species of hornets, it leads by a huge gap. That is why it is also called the giant insect, thereby indicating its amazing proportions.


Based on the name, it is easy to guess that this creature lives on the Asian side of the continent. In particular, it can be found in China, Korea, India, Nepal, as well as on the islands of Japan and Taiwan.

Many people are now clearly interested in the question: “Is there an Asian hornet in Russia?” Well, the answer will be yes. In our country, it can be found in the Primorsky Territory, and its population is not modest in size.

Distinctive features

The huge Asian hornet is not much different from its relatives, except for size, of course. Adults grow up to 5 cm in length, making them giants in the insect world.

Otherwise, they strongly resemble wasps and bees, especially in coloring. The entire body of the hornet is divided into yellow and black stripes. At the same time, the head of the “bee-tiger” is always yellow color- this is another one of his distinguishing feature. But most of the wide stripes on the body, on the contrary, have a black tint.

The Asian hornet also has large front jaws that can bite a small insect in half. They are one of the most formidable weapons of the hornet, along with its poisoned sting.

The harsh lifestyle that the Asian giant hornet is used to

With the arrival of the first spring warmth, all the insects begin to crawl out. It was during this period that from his winter sleep The hornet queen awakens. Full of strength and ambition, she goes in search of a new home, which often becomes an empty hollow or hole in the ground.

After which she begins to actively lay eggs, from which her first servants will hatch in 2-3 days. If you believe the research of scientists, then in a few weeks the population of such a family can grow to a couple of thousand individuals.

It is quite difficult to feed such a number of hornets, and therefore the scouts of the hive every day, like crazy, rush around the area in search of profit. Anyone smaller than the “tiger bees” themselves, and sometimes even “relatives” comparable to them, can become food. Even such a formidable representative of the eastern fauna as the praying mantis is unable to control them.

War with bees

However, for some types of insects, the Asian hornet is not just an enemy, but the number one goal. In particular, he wages a brutal war on bees. At the same time, for his little relatives, such a confrontation borders on genocide, but let’s talk about everything in order.

As mentioned earlier, the Asian hornet is very voracious. In order to provide himself and his relatives with the required amount of meat, he looks for more and more new sources of food. Therefore, a beehive for him is like After all, by and large, small bees will not do anything against a flock of huge hornets.

Therefore, for the honey plant workers, the only chance to survive is to destroy the scout before he marks the territory with his pheromones. At the same time, the swarm immediately attacks the hornet, not allowing it to come to its senses. But they do not sting him, but envelop him with their bodies in order to increase the temperature inside the living cocoon.

This method is very effective, since hornets are less resistant to heat than bees. However, more than a dozen small insects die in such battles. And yet such a sacrifice is entirely justified, given the stakes that were at stake.

The danger posed by the Asian hornet

As you know, this insect has two formidable weapons: jaws and sting. And if the first brings terrible pain, then the second can easily take life. And the reason for this is the poison contained in the special glands of the Asian hornet.

As soon as toxins enter the victim’s blood, they immediately begin to corrode the cell structure. For small insects and mammals this is certain death. As for larger representatives of the animal world, in most cases they survive a hornet attack.

But a person will have a hard time if he is bitten by a “bee-tiger”. And if you don’t provide assistance to the victim in time medical care, serious complications may occur. Especially if the victim suffers from an allergy to bee venom. But it will be much worse if there are several bites, because in this case death is almost inevitable.

And this is not just intimidation or false rumors. In Korea alone, up to 40 people can die from hornet attacks in one year. And if we take statistics for all of Asia, the numbers become even worse. This is due to the aggressive nature of the Asian hornet, as well as its close contact with people. Therefore, it would be best to avoid meeting him, and if it has already taken place, then do everything possible to protect yourself and your family from bites.

In the world of animals and insects there are sometimes bizarre or terrifying specimens. One of the insects that can instill fear in humans is the Asian giant hornet. Its name comes from the Latin “Vespa mandarina”. The Asian giant hornet is the largest hornet in the world, measuring five centimeters or more and having a wingspan of more than seven and a half.

The habitat of the Asian giant hornet is Korea, China, Taiwan, Nepal, India, Japan, and the mountainous regions of Sri Lanka. Here this insect can be found everywhere. In addition, Asian giant hornets live in large numbers in the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation.

IN different countries The Asian giant hornet is called by many different names. For example, in Taiwan it was called the “tiger bee.” It really has a color like that - black stripes on the yellow body of an insect. Apparently, the size of the hornet also played a role in this name. In Japan, the Asian huge hornet was called the “sparrow-bee”. This name is given due to the large span of its wings.

The sting of the Asian huge hornet reaches 6 millimeters in size. The venom produced by its sting is highly toxic. That is why the bite of the Asian huge hornet is very dangerous for humans. In terms of toxicity, the bite of the Asian giant hornet is many times more dangerous than the bites of other hornets, since the bite releases an impressive amount of poison. One Japanese entomologist, who was bitten by an Asian giant hornet, compared the sensation of the bite to a hot nail piercing his leg.

People who are allergic to bee and wasp venom should be wary of the bite of the Asian giant hornet - it is deadly for them. The venom of the Asian giant hornet contains a high concentration of a toxic substance - mandorotoxin, a large amount of which can kill even a completely healthy person who is not allergic to wasp venom. Thus, repeated stings or stings from large numbers of Asian giant hornets can be fatal to any person.

In addition to mandorotoxin, the venom of the Asian huge hornet contains other toxic substances, capable of destroying tissue human body, cause terrible pain, and the worst thing is to attract hornets. Acetylcholine, contained in the venom of the Asian giant hornet in an amount of more than 5%, has the ability to attract other hornets. The Asian giant hornet, like the wasp, can use its sting repeatedly.

However, when hunting, the Asian huge hornet uses its jaws, which are quite large and developed. Having grabbed prey with its jaws, the huge Asian hornet crushes its victim with its jaws.

Well, in conclusion, a video of an epic battle... 30 Asian hornets destroy a 30 thousandth colony of European bees...

Poisonous insects cause many unpleasant moments to humans. Their bites are painful and promote the development allergic reaction. Moreover, the larger the representative of this family, the greater the likelihood of complications. The most unpleasant thing will be an encounter with the largest wasp in the world. Vespa mandarinia received this name among the people. This huge insect not only bites painfully, but is also poisonous, so a tumor may appear at the site of the wound, and in some cases, an encounter with it ends in death. And to avoid such problems you need to get to know the enemy better. That's what we will do in this article.

The giant hornet lives in Southeast Asia and the Primorsky Territory. And it is called a giant hornet for its huge size by insect standards. Its body length is 5 cm, and its wingspan is up to 6.5 cm. The sting of the largest wasp in the world is no less impressive and reaches 6 cm in length, therefore, the dose of injected poison will be much greater than from an ordinary wasp. In addition to size, it differs from its relatives in one more parameter. Compared to them, it is the most poisonous. Therefore, it is considered the most dangerous insects in the world.

Comparison: Left - giant hornet, right - wasp

In terms of body structure and color, the giant hornet has much in common with the ordinary European representative of this family. He, like the latter, has 3 small eyes on his head in addition to two large ones.

Its length can reach 5 cm, and its wingspan can be up to 7.5 cm.

They help the largest wasp better navigate in space, especially in the dark. The back of the body is decorated with three black and yellow stripes. In flight, this monster resembles a small bird.

In addition to the two main eyes, there are three additional eyes in the center of the head

As for the differences between these two individuals, there are much more of them than the similarities. These include:

  • Size
  • Darker color on the front of the body, with a pattern on the back
  • Black color of large eyes
  • Bright yellow, almost orange head.

The European brother of this largest wasp does not have such a bright color, and its length is much shorter.

What does it eat?

Giant hornets, like all their relatives, are predators. Therefore, their main food is arthropods, including their smaller close relatives. They attack nests, destroying them and destroying both workers and larvae.

Bees suffer the most from such attacks. In this case, the huge hornet hunts not only its owners, but also honey. Adults of this species love sweets and are dangerous enemies of domestic bees. In a few hours, a swarm of these giants can destroy a lot of bees, up to 30 thousand, thereby causing irreparable harm to the owner of the apiary.

30-40 giant hunters can destroy a bee family of 20-30 thousand bees in a few hours.

Where does it live and how does it reproduce?

The largest hornet in the world builds its nest from tree bark chewed and soaked in salivary secretions. This is done exclusively by the queen. She begins construction in the spring and as soon as the honeycomb cells are ready, she lays eggs in them. They will hatch into future soldiers and workers. As they grow older, they help the queen with the construction of the nest. She, in turn, makes laying eggs her first priority and does nothing else. A few weeks later, the colony already numbers several thousand individuals. In total, one family exists for 6 months.

The dwelling has a huge light gray fruit, the height can reach up to 80 cm, and the width can reach up to 50 cm in diameter.

The nest of these insects is the largest hive in the world. It is light gray in color and resembles a huge fruit, up to 70 cm high and about half a meter in diameter. The nest can be placed either in a hollow or suspended on tree branches.

Larvae develop from eggs in 5 to 8 days. Adults feed them with killed insects.

Feeding the growing larvae rests entirely on the shoulders of the workers. They are all over daylight hours They kill small insects and, after chewing them, regurgitate the pulp to the young. Unlike larvae, adult individuals, although carnivorous, do not refuse to feast on fruits, vegetables, and even meat or fish.

After construction is completed, the female lays eggs in honeycombs, the number of which can reach 500 pieces

Despite the fact that these hell hornets are poisonous, they prefer to kill their prey with their powerful jaws. Their strength is so great that they can easily cope with the chitinous shells of other insects.

As autumn approaches, the queen stops laying eggs and the colony gradually dies out. The females remaining after fertilization look for secluded places for wintering. Males die immediately after mating. At the same time, the colony no longer returns to last year’s nest.

How dangerous is the giant hornet to humans?

The venom of this insect is dangerous to human life. Therefore, it is better not to meet these giants. After all, even with a single bite, about 2 mg of poison enters the human body, which can lead to the development of allergies and even anaphylactic shock.

Even if you have a strong immune system, you still won’t be able to avoid:

  • Severe pain at the site of the bite;
  • Extensive swelling;
  • Increase in temperature.

For allergy sufferers, it is the largest among insects and can be fatal. If you are attacked by several individuals, then tissue necrosis and even damage to internal organs may develop.

The poison contains a large amount of histamine, a substance responsible for the rapid development of allergies.

Therefore, the standard symptoms will be:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Redness and hardening of tissue at the site of the bite
  • Extensive inflammation and swelling.

And to avoid them, you should not contact this giant from the wasp family. Everyone needs to try possible ways avoid communicating with him.

After an insect bite, extensive inflammation, redness and hardening of tissues, and enlarged lymph nodes appear.

How to behave near the nest of a huge wasp?

Since this insect settles in a colony, at the first sign of danger it secretes a hormone, which is a danger signal for the rest. Therefore, when passing by the hive of these giants you cannot:

  • Knock on the tree it's located on
  • Try to peek at him or damage him
  • Make sudden movements, wave your arms
  • Run away.

Any of the listed actions may seem like a threat to the inhabitants of the colony, to which they will certainly respond with aggression, protecting their offspring and all the inhabitants of the nest.

In addition, do not try to kill a hornet flying near you if its habitat is nearby. During death, he also gives a signal to his fellow tribesmen, and they, trying to protect their offspring, will show aggression. They may even decide to attack you, and bites from several individuals can be fatal.

Interesting video:Lifestyle of giant insects

The Asian giant hornet is the largest representative among its fellows. The insect is difficult to miss thanks to bright color, significant wingspan. Official name– vespa mandarinia. The pest is not found in Europe. The territory where it lives is limited to Asia: Far East, Japan, China, Korea, as well as India, etc.

Vespa mandarinia represents 1 of 23 species of insects in the hornet genus. These are predators that are capable of causing significant harm to humans, however, their task is different. Hornets prey on some small insects, which on the one hand is good, since most often these are pests that destroy useful crops.

On the other hand, vespa mandarinia kills bees, which is detrimental to beekeeping. Thanks to large sizes it is able to hunt effectively, and in addition, the structure of the insect’s body is determined by the need for increased endurance in areas with a hot climate.

How to distinguish the Asian hornet from other species?

The pest is several times longer than a regular wasp. Thus, the body size of a giant insect reaches 5 cm. The wingspan is also significant - up to 7.5 cm. In some ways, the large Asian hornet resembles a wasp. However, there is more similarity with the common hornet, which is found in Europe.

Peculiarities appearance: a huge wasp with a body length of 5 cm and a wingspan of up to 6 cm

The body color of vespa mandarinia is yellow-black. The head is bright (yellow), the chest is dark (black). The underparts are striped, but are characterized by wider stripes. There are long mustaches on the head.

Difference in size: Left - wasp, Right - giant hornet

One of the differences between the pest is its 5 eyes, two of which are large and three are small, located in the center. Additional organs of vision contribute to improved orientation in the area, in addition, the central eyes help the pest distinguish between light and dark colors.

In addition to the two main eyes, there are three eyes in the middle of the head. Which provides the ideal viewing angle

All these characteristics together make Vespa mandarinia a more noticeable insect. In the extended position, the wings overlap the human palm. This makes the pest noticeable, however, it will not protect against attack, since the insect develops a significant flight speed. You can only prevent contact with the pest by noticing the shelter or the pest itself in advance.

Lifestyle and eating habits

The Asian giant hornet does not differ in behavior from its counterparts of other species. The female begins to build a nest in early spring. However, its dimensions are significantly smaller than the final version. the main task at this stage - to lay the beginning of a colony, for which the female lays the first eggs. Then larvae emerge from them. They are formed into adults, which take on the responsibility of providing the queen and the “young animals” with food, and also perform the function of protecting the nest.

Asian hornets leave their shelter when necessary. However, the queen always remains in place, since after feeding the first generation of insects, its main function becomes a further increase in the number of the hornet colony. Eating habits insects are varied. They usually eat insects different types: flies, caterpillars, bees, spiders, etc. However, pests can feast on meat and fish. Their diet includes fruits and berries.

They almost never use their sting to extract food. Kills other insects with powerful jaws

The food for the larvae is not so varied. For them, their adult counterparts hunt for insects. Adults hunt using only their own rather powerful mouthparts.

Reproduction process

Most pests die by the beginning of the rainy season in Asian territory. In Primorye (Russia), adult individuals die closer to winter. This means that insects live less than a year.

They live in paper nests made from chewed pieces of tree bark, sealed with salivary secretions.

Most of the colony are workers. When the number of pests has increased significantly, the queen lays eggs, from which females and males capable of reproduction emerge.

Then the mating period of insects begins, at the end of which the males die. Females remain alive to procreate. Their further task is to find a suitable shelter for wintering. In the spring they emerge to begin the establishment of a colony. Many adults die much earlier than expected. This is facilitated various kinds infections, mites or other insects that attack en masse, such as bees in Asia.

How does poison affect humans?

The Asian giant hornet is known for its painful stings and extremely toxic substance, which he injects under the skin of his victim. Due to the fact that these pests do not have a jagged sting, like bees, they attack many times without the slightest harm to their body.

Its poison is considered one of the most toxic among all insects in general.

The venom of the giant hornet is considered the most dangerous. However, upon contact with an insect, a person often survives, since the pest injects only part of its supply of the toxic substance.

After a single bite, a physically healthy person will survive. However, with multiple contacts, the likelihood of death increases. This is possible if several adult hornets attack.

Most cases of contact with pests are united by a common reaction: severe allergic manifestations due to the presence of histamines in the toxic substance; swelling, the onset of an inflammatory process as a result of the presence of protein toxins; severe pain.

When a huge Asian hornet bites you, the symptoms can vary. It all depends on how the body reacts to third-party substances. In addition to the main manifestations (swelling, redness), other symptoms may also occur: fever, headache, tachycardia.

The body's first response to a sting is soft tissue swelling

The body of some patients is extremely sensitive, so even a single bite leads to death, which precedes anaphylactic shock. Typically, with multiple attacks on a physically healthy and less sensitive organism, tissue necrosis and hemorrhage are observed as a result of damage to internal organs.

Harm and benefits of insects

Significant harm and serious consequences as a result of contact with a giant hornet occur only if a person provoked the insect with his actions (usually sudden movements and an attempt to approach). This type of pest is not characterized by unlimited aggression. However, he is able to actively defend himself and his nest if he feels threatened. However, 40-100 people die from the poison of these insects every year.

The giant Asian bumblebee (as the hornet is called) causes the main damage to apiaries. It destroys a beekeeper's property in a matter of hours. Of course, this will require a group of insects. One hornet cannot cope with big amount bees European bees are destroyed the fastest, as they are harmless.

Asian honey insects are capable of attacking a giant pest in a large group. At the same time, the bees begin to actively flap their wings, clinging to the hornet. It dies from a sharp increase in temperature within the radius of a living ball of honey insects.

They cause greater harm to apiaries, especially where less aggressive European bees are bred.

By and large, Asian hornets are more beneficial. They feed on insects that destroy cultivated plants of agricultural land, as well as forest pests. For this reason, it is not recommended to destroy hornets en masse. It's better to take precautions.
