Development program for 1st junior group. Long-term planning in the first junior group of kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the year by month

Working programm in 1 younger group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the 2016-2017 academic year

1.1. Explanatory note 3
1.1.1. Goals and objectives educational program 3
1.1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of an educational program 4
1.1.3. Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the program 5
1.1.4. Age characteristics of the 1st junior group 6
1.2. Planned results of mastering the program by children from 2-3 years old 8
2.1. Content educational activities in accordance with the areas of child development presented in 5 educational areas 12
2.1.1. Educational field "Social and communicative development" 12
2.1.2. Educational field "Cognitive development" 20
2.1.3. Educational field "Speech development" 23
2.1.4. Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" 28
2.1.5. Educational field "Physical development" 32
2.2. Variable forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the educational program 36
2.2.1. Social and communicative development 36
2.2.2. Cognitive development 37
2.2.3. Speech development 38
2.2.4. Artistic and aesthetic development 39
2.2.5. Physical development 40
2.3. Ways and directions of supporting children's initiatives 41
2.4. Interaction with family 41
2.5. The part formed by the participants in educational relations 44
3.1. Organization of the regime of children's stay in an educational institution. Daily routine in 1st junior group 46
3.2. Organization of physical education and health activities in a preschool institution 49
3.2.1 Organization of a gentle regime in a preschool institution 49
3.2.2. Organization of motor mode 50
3.2.3. System of physical education and health activities 51
3.3. Organization of educational activities 55
3.4. Organization of traditional events, holidays, activities 60
3.5. Features of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment 60
3.6. Description of the material and technical support of the educational program preschool 74

Below you can see fragments of the program:

Long-term plan for interaction with parents

months Event names
September 1. Questioning of parents “Let’s get to know each other.”

2.Consultation “Child’s adaptation to preschool”

3. Conversation with parents “Children’s clothing in different seasons.”

4. Instruction for parents on supporting the child’s adaptation process “The child goes to kindergarten”

5. Healthy child - Consultation “How to protect your child from colds.”

6. Introducing parents to the Federal State Educational Standard.

October 1. Parent diary “Games with your baby in the fall.”

3. Consultation “Age-related characteristics of the mental development of children 2-3 years old”

4. Consultations for parents:

- “Features of the development of the emotional sphere”;

- “Features of object-display play”;

- “A toy as part of a folk tradition.”

5. Healthy child - consultation “Regime is the key to the normal development of a preschool child.”

6. “Education of cultural and hygienic skills in children 2-3 years old”

7. “Showdown of two-year-olds”

8. “Features of speech of children 2-3 years old”

november 1.Consultation " Outdoor game as a means of physical, moral, spiritual health and harmony"

2.Individual conversations with parents.

3. Conversation with parents “Clothing of children in the group.”

4.Memo for parents. Topic: “How to help birds in winter.”

5. Consultation for parents “What are bird feeders for?”

6.Healthy child “Healthy eating”

7.Creative project for making a bird feeder.

8. Parent board “Children need your love”

December 1.Design of the moving folder “Winter!”

2. Note to parents: “How to spend leisure time with your child.”

3. Movable folder: “Children love nursery rhymes”

4.Healthy child “Children’s nutrition rules”

5. Thematic exhibition of joint creativity between parents and children “Hello, guest Winter!” Design of the folder – movement “Winter!”

6.Memo for parents. Topic: “Read to children more often”

7. Parent board " New Year for children. How to organize a holiday for children"

8. How to teach children to be independent"

9. “Tantrums in children after a year.”

January 1.Consultation “What toys do children need”

2.Healthy child "Acute infectious diseases upper respiratory tract. Angina"

3.Consultation for parents: “Raising a future man”

4.Parental diary “Teach children to recognize colors”

5.Consultation for parents “Six misconceptions of parents about frosty weather”

6. “Is it possible to achieve obedience in children?”

7. "Meaning" verbal communication with children at home"

February 1.Photo exhibition “My dad, grandfather”

2.Parental diary “Raising a child: the role of the father”

3. Healthy child “What you need to know in case of ARVI”

4. “Too or not”

5. “When parents have different approaches to education”

6.Consultation “The morning begins with exercise”

March 1.Design of the moving folder “Spring!”

2. Thematic exhibition of joint creativity between parents and children “Spring is Red!”

3.Consultation “Game as a means of educating preschool children”

4.Memo “Difference between girls and boys” (education method)

5. “Fears in children 2-3 years old”

6. “Children’s clothes in spring”

7. “How to rid a child of an unwanted habit”

April 1.Parental diary “I AM MYSELF!”

2. Thematic exhibition of joint creativity with children “Happy Easter!”

3. Movable folder “Holiday - Happy Easter!”

4. “Rewarding and Punishing Children”

5.Consultation “The role of grandparents in family education of children”

6. “Let’s play” (finger games)

7.Consultation “Children’s questions and how to answer them”

May 1. Movable folder for Victory Day

2. Healthy child “Don’t leave kids alone”

3. Creative project with children “Dandelions”


-“Let’s talk about education”

- “Teaching order”

-"Crisis of 3 years"

5. Dialogue meeting with parents based on the monitoring results.

Parent meetings

MKDOU d/s "Harmony" SP ds No. 1 Compiled by: Educator 1st quarter. K. Manasyan A.V. Nizhny Tagil 2015

Explanatory note

The work program of the 1st junior group was developed in accordance with the Basic Educational Program of the Municipal State Preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type "Harmony" structural unit of kindergarten No. 1 in Nizhny Tagil: the invariant part of the curriculum of educational work is compiled in accordance with the approximate basic general education program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva 2010-2011 and provides the required amount of knowledge, skills and abilities for children preschool age. Partial program “Basics of safety for preschool children” edited by Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B.

The work program is designed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the characteristics of the educational institution, the region and the educational needs and requests of students and their parents (legal representatives). Determines the goal, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

The work program is developed in accordance with:

With international legal acts:

Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990);

Declaration of the Rights of the Child (proclaimed by resolution 1286 General Assembly UN dated 20.11.1959)

Laws of the Russian Federation and documents of the Government of the Russian Federation:

Constitution of the Russian Federation Art. 7, 14, 17, 26, 38, 43, 68

the federal law "On education in Russian Federation» No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012;

“On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” from 07/24/1998 (with changes and additions);

"National Doctrine of Education" (approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2000);

Documents of the Federal Services:

“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations. SanPiN 2.4. 1. 3049-13" (Resolution of the Main State sanitary doctor RF dated May 15, 2013 No. 26);

Regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014

“On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education” ;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”

The purpose of the Program: to create favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, to form the foundations of basic personal culture, to comprehensively develop mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, to ensure the correction of deficiencies in physical and mental development, to ensure equal starting opportunities for children with disabilities. disabilities, preparation for life in modern society, to schooling, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.

Provide equal opportunities for full development every child during preschool childhood.

Introduce children to the norms and traditions of the family, society, and state.

To form a common culture of children’s personality, including values healthy image life, develop their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, form the prerequisites for educational activities.

Combine training and education into a holistic educational process based on the spiritual, moral and values ​​of rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, and society.

Create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, and the adult world.

Shape cognitive interests and the child's action in various types activities.

Provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

The Program brings to the fore the developmental function of education, ensuring the development of the child’s personality individual characteristics, which corresponds to modern scientific concepts preschool education on the recognition of the preschool period of childhood. Priority activities of preschool educational institutions in groups for young children is to ensure equal starting opportunities for the education of children in primary institutions general education (Federal government requirements to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education).

The program is built on the principles of a humane and personal attitude towards the child and is aimed at his comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and competencies. When developing the Program, the authors relied on the best traditions of domestic preschool education and its fundamental nature: comprehensive solution tasks to protect the lives and promote the health of children, comprehensive education, amplification (enrichment) organization-based development various types children's creative activity. Special role is given to gaming activity as a leading one in preschool childhood (A. N. Leontyev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, etc.).

Age characteristics of children of the first younger group (from 2 to 3 years)

In the third year of life, children become more independent. Subject activity and situational business communication between a child and an adult continue to develop; perception, speech, initial forms of voluntary behavior, games, visual and effective thinking are improved.

The development of objective activity is associated with the condition of cultural ways of acting with various items. Correlative and instrumental actions develop.

The ability to perform instrumental actions develops volition, transforming natural forms of activity into cultural ones based on the model proposed by adults, which acts as not only an object to follow, but also a model that regulates the child’s own activity.

In the course of joint substantive activity with adults, understanding of speech continues to develop. The word is separated from the situation and acquires an independent meaning. Children continue to master the names of surrounding objects and learn to fulfill simple verbal requests from adults within a visible visual situation.

The number of words understood increases significantly. The regulation of behavior is improved as a result of adults addressing the child, who begins to understand not only the instructions, but also the adults’ story.

Children's active speech develops intensively. By the age of three, they master basic grammatical structures and try to construct simple sentences, when talking with adults, they use almost all parts of speech. The active vocabulary reaches approximately 1,000 – 1,500 words.

By the end of the third year of life, speech becomes the child’s means of communication with peers. At this age, children develop new types of activities: playing, drawing, designing.

The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is the actions that are performed with game objects that are close to reality. In the middle of the third year of life, actions with substitute objects appear.

The emergence of visual activity itself is due to the fact that the child is already able to formulate the intention to depict any object. A typical image of a person is "cephalopod" - a circle and lines extending from it.

In the third year of life, visual and auditory orientation improves, which allows children to accurately perform a number of tasks: select from 2-3 objects by shape, size and color; distinguish melodies; sing.

Improving auditory perception, primarily phonemic hearing. By the age of three, children perceive all the sounds of their native language, but pronounce them with great distortion.

The main form of thinking becomes visual and effective. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that what arises in a child’s life problematic situations are resolved through real action with objects.

Children of this age are characterized by unawareness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children get infected easily emotional state peers. However, during this period, arbitrariness of behavior begins to take shape. It is due to the development of instrumental actions and speech.

Children develop feelings of pride and shame, and elements of self-awareness associated with identification with name and gender begin to form. Early age ends in crisis three years. The child recognizes himself as a separate person, different from the adult. He develops an image of himself. A crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: negativism, stubbornness, disruption of communication with adults, etc. A crisis can last from several months to two years.

Features of development of young children:

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to implementing the tasks of preschool education. The changes affected not only program documents, but also, mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that the first step to action should be planning. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process largely depends on the quality of planning.

There are ready-made long-term and calendar plans for some sample programs preschool education. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such plans sometimes do not take into account a number of important points: the current situation of children’s development, the characteristics of a group of children, the technologies being implemented, the regional component, the variable part of the educational program, and also do not always allow the implementation of such requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education as taking into account the interests of the child, supporting his initiative and the formation of the child as a subject of his education. Our planning notes comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, but:

ready-made plans can only partially be used to develop teachers’ own plans. When downloading the plan, you should read it in detail and change it in accordance with your children, their interests and abilities.

The effectiveness of the implementation of educational areas as a whole depends on how thoughtfully and competently the planning is carried out.

Forward planning educational process in age groups is an advance determination of the order and sequence of implementation of the educational process for the academic year with the definition of tasks and content for each month. It is based on the basic general education program of a preschool institution. A long-term plan is drawn up by teachers of each age group for a month, quarter, six months or a year (corrections during work in this type of plan are acceptable).

The long-term plan is developed independently by educators and specialists for one academic year and is implemented on the basis of a curriculum approved by the head. Long-term planning of direct educational activities (DEA) is compiled for each age group, taking into account comprehensive thematic planning.

The long-term plan includes (depending on the preschool educational institution program):

Implementation deadlines;
educational areas (socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development; physical development);
goals and objectives (for a month);
types of children's activities,
literature used and methodological manuals,
work with parents for the school year (parent meetings and consultations);
at the beginning of each month is determined: complexes morning exercises, a complex of gymnastics after sleep, work with parents and children for a month (individual and group consultations, group and garden-wide parent meetings, information stands, moving folders, reminders, competitions, exhibitions, seminars, musical and sporting events, days open doors, etc.).

The shelf life of the calendar-thematic and long-term plan is 5 years.

Summary of long-term plans for the year


The summary includes:

  • Routine and routine processes (child adaptation, physical education and health activities, organization of daytime sleep)
  • Classes
  • Independent play activity
  • Working with parents, topics of consultations and conversations.
  • A complex of morning exercises for every month.
  • Games-activities by day.


Author Lyamina Alevtina Ivanovna. Methodological work and long-term planning in the 1st junior group for the academic year.docx>>


Summary of long-term lesson planning for the year by month

One week - one common topic. Each week includes classes in the following areas: cognition, communication, fiction, drawing, modeling, design.

Planning for the program "From birth to school"

Developments according to the program “From birth to school” by N. E. Veraksa, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova for the 1st junior group for the entire academic year, divided into weeks, given the topic, tasks, cognitive, artistic, gaming, work and other activities. Author Kostikova Natalia Petrovna. Long-term planning in the first junior group for the academic year (pdf file)>>

Another planning summary for the “From Birth to School” program. The work program is compiled according to educational areas: physical development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development (FSES DO). Teacher Sukhikh Natalya Sergeevna. Download abstract >>

Long-term planning in the 1st junior group according to the Rainbow program

Teacher Osovskaya Natalya Aleksandrovna. Download plans for "Rainbow" >>

Long-term planning of the first junior group based on an approximate educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard "Childhood"

Summary 5 weeks

Planning classes and routine moments for the first junior group in 5-week cycles in accordance with 5 educational areas. These are social-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic-aesthetic and physical. Notes from mid-September to mid-October.
