What month is it better to vacation in Cuba? Holiday season in Cuba by month

Climatic features cubes

There are practically only two seasons on the island: the rainy season, during which there are two maximums (in June and October it does not rain constantly, usually 2-3 hours a day) and the dry season, which lasts from November to April.

The climate of Cuba is tropical, trade wind, greatly moderated by warm sea ​​currents, washing its shores.

Maximum temperature + 35°С-occurs in August, while in January it can drop to 19°C. Average annual temperature 29 degrees.

Water temperature throughout the year is subject to less changes than air temperature: off the northern coast it ranges from 24°C in winter to 28°C in summer, and off south coast- from 26°C in winter to 28°C in summer.

Climate table

Month Day C° Night C° Sun, hour. Rain,
Pace. water
January 26 18 5,5 6 25
February 26 18 6,2 4 24
March 27 19 6,6 4 24
April 29 20 6,9 4 26
May 30 22 7,5 7 27
June 31 23 6,1 10 27
July 32 24 6,1 9 28
August 32 24 5,9 10 28
September 31 24 4,9 11 28
October 30 23 4,6 11 28
November 27 20 5,1 7 27
December 26 19 4,8 6 27

Hurricane season in Cuba, when the tornado comes...

It should be remembered that Cuba located in one of the most favorite places not only for tourists, but also in a place where hurricanes and tornadoes like to live.

During the rainy season, it rains between 15:00 and 18:00; at other times it usually does not rain. Considering that it rains for about forty minutes, maximum two to three hours, this is even more of a plus than a minus - the air becomes fresh and clean, dust is washed off from the plants.

The worst time for a holiday is the season from October to December - time tropical hurricanes. Probably at this time it’s better not to vacation in Cuba. Although thrill-seekers come to hotels, settle on the highest floors of the hotel and wait with curiosity for a spectacle that is truly difficult to describe. The speed of a hurricane can exceed 200 km per hour.

In a short time winter period There are influences of cold air masses coming from the north, but they are short-lived.The average temperature throughout the year fluctuates between 20 and 35 ºC, sometimes dropping to 10 °C.

The eastern part of the island is located in a warmer region than the western part and temperature fluctuations between day and night are less emphasized in coastal areas than inland.

Tourists who go on a beach holiday will be happy to know that average temperature water exceeds 25 ° C.According to its geographical location, the country is divided into two seasons from June 1 and November 30 during the cyclone season.They can affect the island in the form of a hurricane with wind speeds that reach up to 200 km/h and strong storms.Major hurricanes don't come every year, but in the last few years there have been several storms that have caused flooding and damage to homes and crops.This cyclone is roughly consistent with the rainy season (May to October), before the dry season (November to April).The experience of cyclones has shown that they are not dangerous, all hotels have modern structure or restored and protected to withstand the force of a hurricane.The northeast trade winds are moderately warm, but summer temperatures in the shade can reach up to 33°C (Havana), and higher elsewhere.

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Summer, autumn, winter, spring - when is the best time to relax in the resorts of Cuba

Do you want to relax in a place where the sun shines 330 days a year, and where all year round sea ​​water temperature is not lower than +22 degrees? Yes, in such a place you don’t need to relax, but live! Can you guess which country we are talking about? Yes - this is distant and sunny Cuba, with its incredible beaches, its gorgeous landscapes and leisurely life. When going here on vacation, you should find out when is the best time to vacation in Cuba, and what time of year it is here Better conditions For beach holiday. It is also very important to know where best beaches and resorts where best view at sunset and, ... in general, read the article and then you will find out everything yourself.

Winter in Cuba is the peak tourist season

Most tourists come to Freedom Island in winter. In December, January and February, most hotels are booked for weeks in advance, and finding a free room is very difficult. On a large number of tourists are influenced by the weather, which is just sunny and the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Already starting in December, the average daytime temperature rises to +26 degrees. At lunchtime, the air warms up even more and you can often see about +30 degrees on thermometers. In January and February weather do not fundamentally change. The day is still sunny and warm, and almost no precipitation. Rains in winter are rare and short-lived.

As for the night temperature, the nights here are sometimes cool. On average, all winter at night in Cuba is about +18 degrees, but there are exceptions in both directions. The maximum temperature at night can be higher than plus twenty-five degrees, and the minimum sometimes drops to +12.
Tourists love to admire sunsets on local beaches. If you are going to see a stunning picture and see the sun below the horizon, you should wear warm clothes. After all, the evening and night weather is a little colder and therefore you will be much more comfortable in warm clothes.

Spring in Cuba - a smooth end to the beach season

With the coming of spring beach season continues in Cuba. In March and April people swim and sunbathe here. In May you can also swim and sunbathe, but only if the weather, which is starting to deteriorate, allows.
In March, the temperature slowly rises. It is already becoming common to see +30 during the day. In April, the air warms up even a little more and +33 +35 degrees during the day is a common occurrence.
But not only the temperature is changing, the entire climate is changing. Winds begin to blow, which raise waves on the sea and drive clouds from afar. At the beginning of spring, rains are not so frequent, but there are already more of them than in winter.

Closer to May, there is more rain and it is no longer a light drizzle, but a tropical downpour. On average, it can last 3-5 hours, but it also happens that it rains for a day or even two. In general, according to statistics, in spring it rains 4-5 days every month. Therefore, even if you come on vacation in May, you can relax on the beach and enjoy the sunny weather.

Summer in Cuba – few tourists, low prices

In summer there are really few tourists in Cuba, and prices are reduced by up to 60%. This is due to the weather turning bad. With the coming summer months The wet season begins in Cuba. Heavy rains City streets are flooded, rainwater throws garbage into the sea, and winds and waves bring jellyfish to the shore.

If it were not for the frequent showers and strong winds, it would be a pleasure to relax on the island in the summer. After all, the air temperature almost never drops below +35 degrees, and the sea even warms up to +28 degrees. But everything is spoiled by downpours.
Usually, heavy rain begins in the afternoon, and in the morning the sun shines and a few tourists rush to the beach. You can spend time on the beach until lunch, and then it’s better to leave it. Even if it happens that there is no rain, the sun is very active these days. It shines so much that it burns the skin and you can get a burn or sunstroke. It is advisable to spend lunch hours in shelter from the rain or sun.

Showers begin in the afternoon and stop by evening. Tourists are once again rushing to the seashore to swim and relax. We do not recommend doing this, since after heavy rain and wind there are a lot of jellyfish on the shore. Their bites are painful, and some jellyfish are even dangerous to humans. In the evenings, if it’s a good day good weather, better go for a walk. Take a tour. And return to the beach the next morning.

Autumn in Cuba – the rains are ending, tourists are returning

At the beginning of autumn, in September, the weather is almost no different from summer: there are also showers, air humidity is high and normal rest is hardly possible.
In October the weather becomes more predictable. The rain becomes noticeably less, the winds subside, and tourists begin to check into local hotels again. The second month of autumn refers to wet season, but in the second half of October everything is different here.
In November and at all ideal conditions for a beach holiday. During the day the temperature is +26 degrees, at night about +20 degrees. The water in the sea is +25, and the sea itself becomes calm and clean.
In November, vacation prices go up again, and it is already becoming a problem to find available rooms in hotels on the ocean.

The climate of Cuba allows you to relax in its resorts throughout the year, but there are high and low season s. Let's find out when is the best time to go on vacation to Cuba. Find out about the weather by month, water and air temperature, tourist reviews about beach holidays.


Water and air temperature. This is the coolest month of the year: in Havana and Varadero +25°C during the day, +16°C at night, water temperature +24°C. Trinidad is 2 degrees warmer. Sometimes winter comes cold front, and the temperature immediately drops by 5-10 degrees.

Weather. There is no rain, the sea is warm, but because constant winds being on the seashore is not so pleasant, and tourists prefer the lounge area near the pool.

Reviews from tourists. It is more comfortable to relax by the pool. When a cold front approaches, you will need to wear a jacket.


Water and air temperature. In February, during the day +26...+27°С, at night +16...+17°С, water +25°С. Sometimes a cold front arrives in February and the air temperature drops to +20°C, but usually this phenomenon lasts no more than two days.

Reviews from tourists. The weather is not hot and pleasant - suitable for beach holidays and excursions. In February it is better to vacation in Cuba with children.

(Photo © Antonio Cinotti / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Costs Nice weather: during the day +28°С, at night +20°С, sea water +26°С.

Weather. Cool, pleasant weather for beach fun and excursions. It is still dry during the day, sometimes it rains at night, and the wind is moderate.

Reviews from tourists. The weather in March is favorable for all types of holidays in Cuba! Some tourists believe that it is better to fly to Freedom Island during this month - it’s warm, low humidity and virtually no precipitation. It is comfortable to relax with children and elderly people.


Water and air temperature. In April there are rarely cold snaps: during the day +29°С, at night +19...+21°С, water +26...+27°С.

Weather. The rainy season has not yet begun moderate wind and low air humidity at 60%, the water is clean and clear.

Reviews from tourists. April has excellent weather for beach holidays in Cuba, excursions and trips around the island.


Water and air temperature. It’s already hot in May: during the day the air temperature is +30°C, at night +20...+23°C, the sea water is +27°C.

Weather. This is the border month of the beach season in Cuba. It gets hotter, but the breezes make the heat easy to bear. It rains about 3-10 days a month (depending on the region of the country), but mostly at night or in the evening. There are cloudy days or hours. The sea is perfectly clean, without jellyfish or algae.

Reviews from tourists. Rains do not interfere much with tourists' plans. Vacationers calmly sunbathe and explore the island, go on excursions. At this time, you can catch a cheap last-minute tour, and hotel prices are reduced.

(Photo © ashu mathura / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Summer comes to Cuba with showers, and in the southwest with hurricanes. The heat intensifies: during the day +32...+34°С, at night +21°С, water +27°С.

Reviews from tourists. In the Varadero area climatic conditions calmer. You can relax there without fear of storms and hurricanes. However, tourists write that it is still very hot and the sea is hotter.

Consider for a vacation - there is a beach season almost all year round!


Water and air temperature. Air temperature during the day is +32°С, at night +22°С. Water +28°C.

Weather. During the day it is hot and stuffy due to high humidity, and it can rain for several hours in a row, turning the beach into a muddy mess.

Reviews from tourists. The most cheerful tourists prefer to rent a car and escape from the rain. Others simply do not fly to Cuba at this time.


Water and air temperature. August is the most hot month in Cuba. During the day +32...+34°С, at night +23...+25°С.

Weather. In the morning the weather is good, you can sunbathe and swim, but in the afternoon it usually rains.

Reviews from tourists. The sea is stormy and a good wave is rising - it would be a sin not to take advantage of this if you want to try surfing.

(Photo © photohu / flickr.com. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. During the day +30...+32°С, at night +22°С, water +28°С.

Weather. In September, it is better not to vacation in Cuba if you cannot tolerate heat and humidity. About 10 days a month it rains in the evening or afternoon. The sea is periodically stormy, but there are many days when the weather is clear and sunny. There are strong winds, which sometimes develop into destructive hurricanes.

Reviews from tourists. There is no need to be afraid of hurricanes - they may not exist. Most often they hit the Pinar del Rio region, so tourists are not advised to go there.

The Dominican Republic is a neighboring country of Cuba. Read about holidays in these countries.


Water and air temperature. The heat is subsiding, it’s easier to breathe: during the day +28...+30°C, at night +20°C, water +27°C.

Weather. Season it's raining As tropical showers begin to wane, they turn into short-term rains, but the likelihood of hurricanes still remains high.

It's always beach season in Cuba. This is an axiom. And the main argument in favor of traveling to Cuba is that you need to get there before the Americans. Diplomatic relations with the US have been restored, and if , a flood of American tourists will soon flock to Havana and Varadero. It is believed that Cuba will not be the same with the Americans. From the original lady with an open heart and a smile on her face, she will turn into a pretty lady, but too similar to her neighbors - Mexico and the Dominican Republic. For those who want to go to Cuba in time, we offer useful information about the best time to go there in terms of weather.

Climatic and seasonal conditions in Cuba are almost the same as in the neighboring Dominican Republic. The “low” season and the rainy season coincide in time: from May to October. At this time it is hot and humid, with short but heavy showers periodically. In winter, Cuba is warm and dry, this is the “high” tourist season, it lasts from November to April.

Monthly weather and water temperature in popular resorts in Cuba


Average daily temperature (°C) 24 26 27 29 30 30 30 31 30 28 26 25
Average night temperature (°C) 16 17 17 18 21 22 22 22 22 21 19 18
Sea water t (°C) 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 27 26 26 25 24

Resorts in Holguin province

Average daily temperature (°C) 27 27 27 28 30 31 31 31 31 30 29 28
Average night temperature (°C) 21 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 24 23 22 21
Sea water t (°C) 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 27 26 26 25 25


Average daily temperature (°C) 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 31 31 28 27
Average night temperature (°C) 17 16 17 19 20 21 22 22 21 21 19 17
Sea water t (°C) 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 28 27 27 26 25

The current weather forecast for Cuban resorts can be found on the government website .

Where is it warmest in Cuba in winter?

When choosing travel dates to Cuba, it is important not only to take into account the rainy or hurricane season, but also to choose the right resort. Depending on the geographical location weather conditions at a particular resort may vary significantly. It is especially important not to make a mistake in January: according to the results of long-term meteorological observations, this is the most cold month. About once every 10 years in the west of the country (Havana, Varadero, Pinar del Rio) there is a sharp cold snap. During the day the air cools to 15–17 °C, at night it is even colder, the wind rises, and the sea is stormy. Is it true, sea ​​water usually doesn’t fail, it rarely gets colder than 24 °C.

Fortunately, such weather anomalies are really rare and usually short-lived, a week at most. Still, we advise you to play it safe. The rule is simple: the further south and west, the warmer. The most unstable and windy weather in winter is more likely to occur in the most popular resort of Varadero. This should be taken into account by those who are planning to travel to Cuba in January with children. Waves and strong bottom currents in winter are definitely not conducive to a relaxed holiday. This is not written about on hotel websites and in tourist brochures; no one wants to scare off tourists. Only uninterested people, such as Cuban fishermen or local old-timers, will tell about the true state of affairs. But let's get back to the resorts. In addition to Varadero, there are many paradisiacal places in Cuba, where it is warmer in January and the season for a beach holiday is almost always. Let’s explain “on the fingers”: if you look at the map of the island, the temperature in January to the east (to the right) is gradually increasing. On the resort islands of Cayo Coco, Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Santa Maria, and Cayo Ensenaches, the air is usually a couple of degrees warmer and the sea is calm. Even further east, in the provinces of Holguin and Santiago de Cuba, add another 1-2 °C to the island ones. The explanation is simple: in these places the terrain is more mountainous, or rather, hilly. High hills protect from the wind and create a warmer microclimate, much like in Sochi. The shore near the resorts of Playa Esmeralda, Playa Guardelavaca and Pesquero Playa is a natural fjord. The sea is shallow, so the water warms up better. WITH Atlantic coast, let's assume we've figured it out. On the Caribbean side, the resort island of Cayo Largo and the resort area of ​​Trinidad are popular. It is also 1-2 °C warmer here than in Varadero. And the conditions for swimming and relaxing with children are ideal during any holiday season.

Tourist season

Climatic seasonality also determines prices at resorts. And, of course, holiday prices depend on the incoming flows that determine hotel occupancy. The main suppliers of tourists to Cuba are Canada and European Union. Most guests from these countries prefer to spend their winter holidays on Cuban beaches. During the winter “high” season, prices for accommodation and services are higher than in summer, and the peak period for arrivals occurs during Christmas and New Year.

Hurricane season

The likelihood of hurricanes increases in summer and fall. And the “highest” hurricane season is in October and November. Surprisingly, Cuba, being located almost in the very heart of the formation of Atlantic hurricane depressions, experiences a serious blow from the elements much less often than its neighbors - the Dominican Republic, the USA and Mexico, approximately once every 10 years. Once, touching on the topic of hurricanes in his speech, Fidel said that “God loves Cuba and protects its people from natural disasters.” And it is true. Most destructive hurricane Cuba experienced “Matthew” of the fourth power category on the Saffir-Simpson scale on October 5 this year. Nothing like this has happened in the last 11 years. Wind gusts reached 300 km/h, about 500 mm of rain fell in Guantanamo province, and authorities evacuated over 200 thousand people. But even this hurricane monster passed through sparsely populated areas of the island. So we believe the statistics and Fidel and rest in Cuba calmly for the foreseeable future.

Fruit season

There are a lot of fruits in Cuba. Not this way. There are a LOT of fruits in Cuba! If you are staying at a good chain “five”, then at the morning buffet you will be amazed at the abundance of fruit. Pineapples, mangoes, papaya, oranges, bananas, guavas, avocados, grapes and many others with unpronounceable exotic names. With pleasure and a smile, they will prepare fresh juice from one or several fruits and suggest the most delicious and healthy combinations. It is believed that pineapple helps burn fat and speeds up metabolism, papaya “lifts” a man’s mood, and mango... It’s just very tasty!

In “fours” and even more so in “threes” the situation with the choice of fruits is more modest. Usually this is a fruit salad from a common pan plus some kind of fruit slices. By the way, watermelons and melons here are not very good; our Central Asian ones are much tastier. Buying fruit in the city markets of Varadero and Havana is easy and inexpensive. True, as foreigners you will be required to pay convertible pesos (CUC), but if during an excursion or independent travel If you see a peasant on the road or in a village with a basket of fruits, they will cost several times less, and you can even pay in local pesos. Most fruits are still seasonal. From June to August is the mango season, and spring is the time for papaya, pineapple, coconut, bananas. Citrus fruits ripen at the end of January. Apples and strawberries are less common.

So the conclusion is simple. You can vacation in Cuba all year round. Don't hesitate and go. CUBA SI!

Attracts tourists from all over the world due to its unique culture, warm weather, Caribbean exoticism, as well as beautiful beaches with a gentle entrance to the water. Once you find yourself on Liberty Island, you will be able to fully experience the amazing atmosphere of this place. Many travelers are ready for a long flight when they find out that you can vacation in Cuba almost all year round.

Types of tourist seasons in Cuba

Calendar year The islands are traditionally divided into two periods, each of which is distinguished by its individual climatic characteristics. From November inclusive to April the weather is very hot and dry, and from May to October there is a large amount of precipitation and possible heavy rains.

Beach season

As for the temperature of the water in the ocean, in Cuba it is optimal for swimming all year round. For late autumn and throughout the winter the water temperature is always +24-26 degrees. This fact is explained by the presence of warm underwater currents in the deep layers of the ocean, which warm the water year-round.

However, it is best to go to Cuba in winter, as this is the most comfortable time for a beach holiday. The main flow of tourists arrives at local resorts in December, January and February, and the cost of tours increases significantly.

As for summer, the weather on the island is so hot that even in the water it is very difficult to hide from the scorching sun. In order to protect tourists from sunburn, hotel management installs sun loungers on the beaches and creates special areas where you can spend time in the shade.

Low season

Starting in May, the number of vacationers decreases and the persistent dry weather is replaced by rain. Air humidity increases over several months and reaches 85%. In such conditions, not everyone can afford to relax, so people with serious health problems should avoid traveling to Cuba from May to November.

Despite all the disadvantages, traveling to the island during the rainy season has several advantages. Among them:

  • reduction in ticket prices by 30-40%;
  • lack of crowds on the beaches;
  • an opportunity to try your hand at windsurfing.

Those wishing to travel during the low season should remember that a last-minute ticket sometimes involves departure a few hours after purchase. Perhaps this is the only disadvantage that those who want to save on vacation should come to terms with.

Diving and windsurfing season

Undersea world The Caribbean fascinates even experienced divers. Multi-colored fish, coral clusters, sunken ships, oddly shaped shells - you will see everything with your own eyes when you dive under water. At the same time, you can dive all year round without fear of deep-sea currents.

The greatest interest among divers is the archipelagos, the resort and the dive area called. In these places you will find several diving centers that specialize in training professional divers.

Resorts also invite tourists to windsurfing classes during the rainy season. For beginners, a program has been developed that includes classes with a qualified instructor who will step by step explain to you the main features of sailing.

Fishing season

Fishing in Cuba is not only fun for tourists, but also the main source of income for the local population. Therefore, fishing is treated as a ritual that requires careful preparation. Avid fish fishers can be sure that they will get the most out of this process. You can fish in Cuba all year round, but there are periods when one or another type of fish bites worse than others.

Swordfish fishing is best in February and March, and amazing fish Sailfish are caught exclusively in October or November. When you come to Cuba for the purpose of fishing, this type of vacation will be organized for you in any season, taking into account your individual preferences. Of course, this pleasure is not cheap, but it is worth the money spent, as you will get the maximum positive emotions. Tourist fishing is one of priority areas on the island.

Holiday season

The Cuban calendar is full of events and celebrations, which are always celebrated with fun and grandeur. The people of Cuba honor each of the celebrations, associating their occurrence with important historical, cultural and international events.

Once on the island at any time of the year, you can take part in the following festivities:

  • Cuba Liberation Day (January 1-2);
  • International Day workers (May 1);
  • National Uprising Day (July 26);
  • Grito de Yara (October 10);
  • Film Festival (early December);
  • Caribbean Culture Festival (late June - early July);
  • Ballet Festival (mid-October).

It is worth noting that each of the holidays has its own colorful traditions, after studying which you will be able to feel the true atmosphere of Cuba. Moreover, the combination of educational tourism and beach tourism is an excellent chance to fully enjoy your vacation.

Climate of Cuba

Meteorologists classify the island's climate as a tropical trade wind type. This means that throughout Cuba the sun shines all year round and the air humidity level is quite high. Changes in weather occur under the influence of the Gulf Stream, as well as due to the influence air masses coming from the ocean. The average annual temperature ranges from +22 to +25 degrees.

Spring in Cuba

First spring month Windy weather is typical, especially on the ocean coast. The thermometer in March rises no higher than +17-16 degrees. Temperature The water gradually increases, reaching +24 degrees in May. The air becomes more humid and many tourists begin to leave the island. On the other hand, spring is the time of excursion tourism, when visitors visit Cuban attractions.

Closer to May, it is quite rainy in Cuba. If you decide to travel this month, be prepared for tropical downpours accompanied by gusty winds. At the same time, the rains stop as quickly as they begin. The temperature in May reaches +28 degrees.

Summer in Cuba

Throughout the summer the weather on the island is very hot. Even water procedures cannot save you from the scorching rays of the sun, as the ocean warms up to +29 degrees. Significant relief is brought by rains that fall mainly during the day.

Many hotels are emptying, and red flags appear on beaches warning of the danger of jellyfish. When vacationing in the summer, you should be extremely careful and stock up sunscreens. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious skin burns.

During the three summer months, the air temperature rarely drops below +34 degrees. In Cayo Coco and Santiago de Cuba there is sweltering heat for a long time, which subsides only in the evening. After 18:00, locals and tourists go out to go shopping or dine at restaurants.

Autumn in Cuba

It cannot be said that the autumn climate is very different from the summer one. This applies primarily to September, when temperature indicators remain at the same level as in August. Air humidity exceeds 78% and this creates not entirely comfortable conditions for relaxation.

In October, inclement weather begins to subside, but on the coast there may still be small tornadoes or hurricanes. Therefore, going out into the open ocean in October can bring trouble. Tourists are advised to limit themselves to swimming and sunbathing.

At the beginning of November, the rainy weather subsides and the official beach season opens. Air is at its last autumn month warms up to +27-29 degrees. The water temperature is set at +24 degrees.

Winter in Cuba

The flow of tourists increases sharply during the winter months. This fact is explained by the fact that stable conditions remain on the island. warm weather and many visitors strive to celebrate the New Year in summer conditions. This situation immediately affects the tourist pricing policy and an increase in prices for travel packages is a normal phenomenon in the winter.

For each winter month there are only two rainy days, which can be devoted to visiting culturally significant sites. The relatively mild climate contributes to the increase in excursion activity on the island. In addition, the beaches fill up very quickly with vacationers from all over the world. When choosing a winter trip to Cuba, do not forget to purchase tickets in advance, having learned all the information from the tour operator.
