When to collect white milk mushrooms. Where and when does breast milk grow? Photo and description

Milk mushroom is a favorite of many mushroom pickers and gourmets. This representative belongs to mycobionts highest category. Any experienced mushroom picker will immediately recognize the milky white mushroom with yellowish mycelium and a pubescent cap with concentric rings.

It is known that all milk mushrooms are lactiferous, that is, after cutting, a caustic milky juice forms in the pulp.

Photos of milk mushrooms

Etymology of name and collection

To answer the question why milk mushrooms were named that way, it is important to know how and where they grow. They meet large families, piles or heaps. If you attack a mushroom meadow, you will quickly collect a large basket of fragrant mushrooms.

Some believe that milk mushrooms got their name precisely because of this characteristic of growth.

Even if you know where these grow amazing mushrooms, then you need to be able to look for them. They are perfectly camouflaged under fallen pine needles or a layer of foliage. You should go hunting for milk mushrooms early - around five o'clock in the morning. You can take a long stick with you and use it to probe all suspicious tubercles near stumps or under birch trees, since it is with these trees that they love to grow in symbiosis, forming mycorrhizae.

There is another version of the appearance of the name of mushrooms. It is believed that the word “milk” originates in Hebrew and is a descendant of a word translated meaning “having a notch.” It's no secret that the cap is funnel-shaped. Therefore, this hypothesis should not be taken seriously.


There are several types of milk mushrooms:

  • real,
  • black,
  • aspen,
  • turning blue,
  • yellow,
  • oak,
  • creaks or violins.


This mushroom belongs to the first category mushrooms. It is also called raw because of its slimy cap. It is found in the Urals or Siberia, in birch forests and young forest plantations. It has a characteristic hollow stem and funnel-shaped cap. The color is milky white, with faint stripes. After salting it acquires bluish tint. When salted, they are very tasty and aromatic.


These representatives of milk mushrooms can bear fruit until frost. They chose country roads, clearings, forest edges, as well as birch and alder plantings. Because of the rich greenish-black color of their caps, they are often called nigellas or gypsies. According to the description, they are similar to other types of laticifers with a typical funnel-shaped cap and a hollow stem. Nigella is considered an excellent mushroom for pickling. And although it belongs to the third category, according to nutritional value superior to many milkweeds, as it can be stored for about three years without losing its taste qualities.


The name of this milk mushroom speaks for itself, as it is found mainly in sedge forests. Aspen milkweed is a fairly rare mushroom, and it is usually used for pickling. Its hat is dirty white with frequent creamy-pink plates. The leg is strong, also white.

Turning blue

This milk mushroom is incredibly tasty when pickled. However, many mushroom pickers are afraid to collect it. When touched, it instantly turns blue, and the milky juice turns purple when cut. The plates are rare, purple. Found mainly in Siberia.


This mushroom does not inspire confidence among mushroom pickers, although it belongs to the edible mushrooms of the first category and is a colored double of a real mushroom. Distributed in young coniferous and fir forests. Experienced amateurs quiet hunt"His hat with small spots may confuse him - this characteristic feature of this type.

There are many edible mushrooms in our forests, but only three species belong to the highest category. The “holy trinity” includes white, saffron milk cap and milk mushroom. Unfortunately, the latter is now undeservedly forgotten.

Many mushroom pickers in Lately In general, there is an opinion that this mushroom in its qualities is at the level of toadstools. This is far from true.

In ancient times, it was not for nothing that it was called “royal”, since in terms of taste and nutritional qualities you are unlikely to find anything similar. So when are milk mushrooms collected? To begin with, we will provide at least basic information about their appearance.

It looks like an ordinary representative lamellar mushrooms with a wide and massive cap. The shape is funnel-shaped and the color varies from white to cream. In “patriarchs” its diameter can reach 20 cm.

An important sign: this mushrooms are always slightly damp, and this does not depend on the weather. And now let’s move directly to the topic of when milk mushrooms are collected.

It is traditionally believed that you need to look for them from the second half of July to the beginning of October. The highest probability of meeting them is in birch groves. Quite often they can be seen in areas with a predominance of deciduous trees. Having found one mushroom, carefully look around: most likely, you will find a dozen more.

Please note that they grow best in lowland areas, as they do not tolerate dry soil at all. If sandy and dry soil predominates in the forest, then you don’t have to look for these mushrooms.

Let's look at when milk mushrooms are collected, depending on their type.

  1. Real, oak and can be found from the second half of July to September.
  2. The blue variety is searched for from the second half of July to the end of August.
  3. Yellow and pepper species can be obtained from late July to early September.
  4. your cart will be visible if you go for it from the end of July to the end of September.

Of course, all these terms are quite arbitrary. You just need to remember that when milk mushrooms are collected, the forest must be quite humid. We have already said that you will never find them on dry land.

In addition, look at the local vegetation: if you see thickets of horsetail, then with a high probability you can assume that you will not find a single mushroom. This plant is the first sign that they cannot tolerate it.

It is generally accepted that you only need to collect classic milk mushrooms, although this is not the case. Although its varieties are not so valuable in nutritional terms, their taste is no worse. Their method of processing and salting is no different. The black variety is especially good, which, after salting, acquires a beautiful reddish color.

Remember how we said that milk mushrooms used to be very valued? How to cook them so that you end up with a delicacy?

First, they need to be soaked in running water, and the process should last at least two days. The water needs to be slightly salted and changed frequently, as the milky milk juice can spoil the taste of the dish. Only after this can the mushrooms be salted. After a month of standing under oppression, they will turn into a food quite worthy of a royal table.

That's what they are - milk mushrooms. You already know when to collect them.

Milk mushrooms are distinguished by the fact that they always grow in groups, and the caps of adult milk mushrooms often reach 20 cm in diameter. That is why this mushroom is so loved by many connoisseurs of mushroom “hunting”.

Milk mushrooms belong to the genus Lactarius in the Russulaceae family. There is a mushroom called white milk mushroom, raw milk mushroom, wet milk mushroom, and Pravsky milk mushroom. The word “milk” itself comes from the Church Slavonic “gruddie”, which means “heap”, and is due to the fact that milk mushrooms always grow in groups.

Characteristics of the mushroom mushroom


The diameter of the milk mushroom cap is from 5 to 20 cm, the structure is dense, the shape of the young mushroom is flat-convex, then it becomes funnel-shaped, the edge is turned inward, pubescent. The skin is slimy, milky white or slightly yellowish with concentric zones. The color of the plates ranges from yellow to cream. Sometimes brown spots are visible on the cap.


The pulp is dense, strong, white, its characteristic aroma resembles that of fruit. The milky juice is white, has a pungent taste, and changes color to yellow when exposed to air. The plates are frequent, wide, descending down the stem, white with a yellow tint. The spore powder is yellowish.


The leg is from 3 to 7 cm tall, 2-5 cm in diameter, cylindrical, smooth, white or yellow, hollow. An old mushroom always has a hollow stem with yellow plates.

Milk mushrooms form mycorrhizae with birch trees. Grows in deciduous and mixed forests(most often in birch, pine-birch). The range includes the northern regions of Russia, Belarus, the Upper and Middle Volga region, the Urals, Western Siberia. Occurs rarely, but abundantly, in large groups.

The season for collecting milk mushrooms lasts from July to September, in the southern regions it begins a little later, in August. The average daily temperature for fruiting should be 8-10 °C on the ground.

Milk mushrooms are conditionally edible mushrooms with a specific smell. Dry milk mushrooms contain about 32% protein, vitamins D and B12. Mushrooms are considered a dietary product, and replacing meat dishes with mushroom ones prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

It is important to properly process and prepare fresh milk mushrooms to avoid infection with such a dangerous disease as botulism. It is necessary to collect mushrooms in ecologically clean areas, far from roads. And eat in moderation, especially for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not recommended to eat milk mushrooms for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

Milk mushrooms are most often used for pickling and pickling; they are also fried, boiled, used in appetizers, salads, as an independent dish, in pie fillings, first courses and sauces. Before cooking, milk mushrooms must be soaked well and for a long time in water. According to the Siberian method, fresh milk mushrooms are pickled together with saffron milk caps and.

Types of milk mushroom

Also known as yellow podgruzd, podskrebysh, yellow wave. The diameter of the cap is from 7 to 25 cm, it is fleshy, convex in a young mushroom, gradually becoming flat, depressed and funnel-shaped. The edges are covered with reddish scales, folded. The skin is slimy, golden or dirty yellow, and turns brown when pressed. The pulp is white, turns yellow when cut, dense and brittle, fruity aroma, pungent taste. A lot of thick milky juice, grayish-yellow in color, is released at the incision. The leg is 6-10 cm high, 1.5-4 cm in diameter, white, strong, with bright yellow pits. Hollow inside, sticky outside.

The mushroom grows in coniferous trees, sometimes in birch forests, often in the mountains. Occurs often in groups. Season from July to October.

A conditionally edible mushroom, it is used for making pickles and marinades; the bitterness is removed by boiling or soaking.

Conditionally edible mushroom. The cap is 6-14 cm in diameter, convex in shape, which becomes funnel-shaped with age, the edge is pubescent, curled, scaly, sticky, yellow. The stem is 5-10 cm thick, 1.5-3 cm high, tapers towards the base, sticky, loose, hollow in an old mushroom, lighter in color compared to the cap. The pulp is dense, yellow, the smell is mushroom, the taste is bitter. When damaged, all parts of the mushroom become purple in color.

Distributed in mixed and deciduous forests, in damp areas, in Eurasia, North America, Arctic. The season begins at the end of August and lasts a month.

The hat is 10-20 cm in diameter, convex in shape, with a depression in the center. The edge is rolled up, with a characteristic “fringe”. The color of the cap is yellowish or ocher-fawn. The pulp is fleshy, pale yellow. The leg is strong, cylindrical in shape, yellow color, tapers towards the bottom, 4-8 cm in length and 2-4.5 cm in thickness, hollow in old mushrooms.

The species grows throughout Europe, but is quite rare. Grows in mixed forests, next to birches, oaks, beeches, hornbeams, and hazels.

A conditionally edible mushroom, as it has a bitter taste that disappears only with prolonged soaking.

Also known by the names skripun, skripukha, spurge, milk scraper, and rusk. The diameter of the cap is 8-26 cm, the structure is fleshy, dense, the shape is convex, with age it becomes funnel-shaped, the edge is bent. The color of the cap is white, the top is covered with white pile. The pulp is white, dense, hard, fragile, the aroma is pleasant, weak, the taste is pungent. The leg is 5-8 cm high, diameter 2-5 cm, strong, dense, white. The surface is felt.

Grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, often next to birch trees, in groups, from summer to early autumn.

Conditionally edible mushroom.

Conditionally edible mushroom. The cap is 6-18 cm in diameter, first convex, then funnel-shaped. White, matte, smooth on top. The leg is 4-8 cm high, 1.2-3 cm thick, white, solid, dense, smooth, tapering towards the base. The pulp is white, dense, fragile.

The mushroom grows in rows or circles in moist and shady deciduous and mixed forests. Found in summer and autumn.

Conditionally edible species. The cap is 6-30 cm in diameter, the structure is fleshy and dense, the shape is flat-convex, depressed in the center, the fluffy edge is curved in young mushrooms. The color of the cap is white with pink spots. The leg is 3-8 cm tall, strong, dense, narrow at the base, white or pinkish in color. The pulp is white, dense, brittle, fruity aroma, pungent taste.

Grows in groups, next to willow, aspen and poplar in damp forests. The mushroom is found in warm regions temperate climate from July to October.

Conditionally edible mushroom. The cap is 4-12 cm in diameter, convex in shape with curved edges, smooth, white. The stem is 1-2 cm thick, 3-9 cm high, cylindrical in shape, tapering towards the base, smooth, dense, the color matches the cap. The pulp is dense, fragile, white, with a weak odor.

The mushroom grows in deciduous forests in July-September.

Conditionally edible mushroom. The diameter of the cap is 6-20 cm, the shape is convex-flat, in the old mushroom it is funnel-shaped. The skin is white, gradually acquiring a yellowish tint or ocher spots. The leg is 6-10 cm tall, dense, smooth, white. The pulp is white.

The mushroom grows in deciduous and coniferous forests from Western Europe before Eastern Siberia from August to September.

Poisonous and inedible types of milk mushroom

No similar poisonous or inedible species mushrooms

The area for planting milk mushroom mycelium is well fertilized with peat. Deciduous trees (larches, birches, willows, poplars, hazels) should grow on it. Mycelium is planted from May to September.

The purchased mycelium is sown in a mixture of soil and hardwood sawdust. To get closer to natural conditions moss, fallen leaves, husks, and straw are also used. Periodically replenish with nutrient solutions ( water solution sugar and yeast).

Another method is to plant pieces of overripe milk mushrooms in a mixture of peat and sawdust. The container is closed with a lid with a hole and left at a temperature of 23-25 ​​°C for 3 months. During this time, mycelium develops, which is then planted in holes around the deciduous tree. The holes are filled with substrate on top, moss and fallen leaves are laid.

IN dry season the area with the mycelium is watered with at least 30 liters of water per week. In hot weather, protect the planting from overheating. For the winter, insulate the area with fallen leaves.

Also, the mycelium of milk mushrooms is planted in a plastic bag filled with substrate with slits through which the milk mushrooms then grow. The mycelium will develop gradually up to 5 years.

Milk mushrooms are harvested from July to August.

Calorie content of milk mushroom

100 g of fresh milk mushroom contains 16 kcal. Of them:

  • Proteins, g………………..1.8
  • Fats, g………………..0.5
  • Carbohydrates, g……………0.8

  • In the old days, milk mushrooms were considered the only mushroom, suitable for pickling, it was called the “king of mushrooms.”
  • Breast milk is practically unknown or is considered inedible mushrooms in Europe, but in Russia it is the traditional best conditionally edible mushroom.

Real milk has always been loved, since ancient times. It does not grow in the south of our country, but lives in the Urals, the Volga region and Belarus.

Lives in birch forests with an admixture of spruce. The name milk mushroom is translated as “heap”, since this species sits in groups in clearings. In one place you can immediately pick up a whole basket of mushrooms. You need to look for them under the leaves with a stick. Our grandfathers got up at 5 am to go hunting for the delicacy.

The cap is white, reaches a diameter of 20 cm. It is tucked down, the edges are shaggy. Mushrooms are very difficult to find, they hide under the leaves. What kind of milk mushrooms are there anyway?

Where to look for real milk mushrooms (video)

Description of edible types of milk mushrooms

Real milk mushroom

Completely snow-white, tubular cap. The milky sap at the site of damage turns yellow. The hat is terry around the edge. In Russian traditions, this mushroom is considered the best for pickling. Growing up in families. The leg is hollow inside.

Gallery: milk mushroom (25 photos)

Black breast

Black breast milk is also popularly called nigella because dark color hats. On the reverse side it is tubular, white and yellow. They are found in our forests, but not everywhere. It is believed that you need to “tinker” with them for a long time during processing, but they are good for pickling. Grows in birch trees and young forests. Pig mushrooms grow together with black milk mushrooms. Black pods like to burrow into leaves. They should be white on the inside.

Black breast

Yellow breast

Yellow milk mushrooms are valued on an equal basis with white ones. They grow near water, streams, in thickets, near dead wood. Unlike white milk mushroom, he doesn't have a furry hat. The cap is funnel-shaped, the leg consists of dark dimples, and is hollow inside. Milky juice is released from the mushroom and quickly turns yellow in air. It is bitter, that's why it is soaked. Yellow milk mushrooms are used exclusively for pickles.

Young yellow milk mushrooms are buried in the moss and are difficult to see. It has a curved edge, moisture is concentrated in the plates. Rarely spoiled. Collection in September.

Bitter milk mushroom

Everyone salts this type; people call it bitter. He belongs to the genus Milky. It has a rather thin leg, but not hollow, but solid. Where you cut, bitter milky juice appears. Quite large in size. Most often funnel-shaped, reddish-brown in color. There is a small tubercle in the center of the cap. Bitterweed grows in both coniferous and mixed forests.

The pulp is dense, slightly brownish and dry. Bittersweet is often confused with rubella, but rubella has a hollow stem and is small in size.

Bitter milk mushroom

Inedible milk mushrooms

Milky gray-pink

Loves swamps, damp places, grows in mosses. It is not collected because of the smell of rusty metal. Structured like all Milkies, funnel-shaped already in at a young age, the leg is straight and not hollow. It is almost always dry, even when it rains. Its surface is fleecy and pleasant to the touch. People called him “the people’s cracker”. There is very little milky juice; large ones have a hole in the stem.

Milky brown

Rarely found in damp places. The brown milker is confused with the browning one. The brown one has a darker stem, and the color of the underside of the cap is more creamy. Some people use it for pickling.

Milkweed sluggish

The mushroom is dirty gray in color, small. The cap is funnel-shaped, the stem is hollow. Becomes grayish-greenish.

Milky gray-pink

Lilac breast

It is confused with the yellow milk mushroom. Rarely seen. When damaged, its plates begin to acquire a purple tint. The leg is hollow inside, narrows towards the bottom, and dense. The mushroom itself is yellowish on all sides. Purple mushrooms are hairier than yellow mushrooms. They go for pickles.


Small mushrooms that release milky juice when cut. In young specimens the juice is not bitter. The mushroom is thin-fleshy and always grows in very large groups. Rarely collected.

Camphor milkweed

Has a specific smell, plates on the back of the cap Pink colour. The caps are brown with a red tint. Found in coniferous forests. It is edible, but is not taken by mushroom pickers because of its smell.

Lilac breast

Useful and medicinal properties of milk mushrooms

Lactarius resimus is also very popular in Russian cuisine. The breast is used by patients with tuberculosis. A natural antibiotic is successfully used in pharmaceuticals. It is recommended for diabetics to regulate sugar levels. Due to the increased calorie content, milk mushrooms are difficult to digest. The dry matter of the mushroom contains 32% protein. It is a source of vitamin B12.

A large amount of fiber in the composition can cause stomach problems. Improper preparation leads to botulism. Experts note that this is due to improper preservation. The mushroom is susceptible to radiation, so it cannot be collected near highways. Mushrooms provide our body with good bacteria and are an excellent vegetarian option. The benefit of the mushroom is also expressed in the fact that when it is consumed, neuroses are reduced.

When grown in liquid culture, the mycelium of Lactarius resimus produces a mixture of fatty acids and various compounds such as chroman-4-one, anifinic acid, 3-hydroxyacetylindole, ergosterol and cyclic dipeptides. Consumption of milk mushrooms is a prevention of atherosclerosis and diseases of the genitourinary system.

How to distinguish milk mushrooms (video)

How to distinguish a false breast from a true one

Milk mushrooms don't have poisonous doubles. There is a creaking mushroom, similar to the real one, but even it is considered edible. It does not have as pleasant a taste as real milk mushrooms, so you should know the differences in advance.

He has no fringe on his hat; if you rub your teeth on it, it will creak. The tubular layer under the cap is yellow. Skripun loves birch and aspen forests. Real milk mushrooms grow in mixed forests. Skripun is never wormy.

When and where are milk mushrooms collected in Russia?

The hunting season for milk mushrooms is from July to September.. Loves birch, willow, pine, rowan plantings. Prefers damp places, where mosses and ferns grow.

Milk mushrooms are very difficult to find, they hide under the leaves

How to deliciously cook milk mushrooms

Hot salting of real milk mushrooms

  • The first step is to select other types of mushrooms from the milk mushrooms. Rinse everything several times with water. Use an old toothbrush to remove dirt and treat the surface. We trim the legs and leave to soak for a day. In this case, the water changes 3-4 times during this time. Place the peeled mushrooms in a bucket.
  • Transfer the mushrooms to a large container. Now we make the brine: for 1 liter of water, 3 large tablespoons of salt. Mix everything and pour over our mushrooms. We wait for everything to boil, after 5 minutes we throw everything into a colander. At the same time, we put the brine with which the jars are filled, all in the same proportion. Turn everything off, let the water drain and the mushrooms cool.
  • For pickling we use peppercorns, garlic cloves, and dill umbrellas. We take 0.5-0.7 liter jars, for one jar 3 peppercorns and 2 cloves of garlic. Stack the seasonings to leave room for the brine. Cut large mushrooms into 2-3 parts. Place the mushrooms on top of the seasonings, and then add a layer of seasonings. Fill everything with brine and leave overnight. In the morning you need to top up, as the amount of brine will decrease. Cover with a plastic lid, everything will be ready in 2-3 months.

Milk mushrooms are often prepared for the winter

Crispy marinated milk mushrooms

  • To prepare the brine, we need mustard, paprika, garlic, spring grass and black currant leaves. You need dill, horseradish, salt, sugar and Bay leaf. For pickling, it is better to choose small milk mushrooms. One kg of mushrooms needs to be boiled to remove the bitterness. After boiling, cook the mixture for 10-15 minutes, do not forget to skim off the foam. All bitterness will go away.
  • Place the mushrooms in a colander and rinse them with boiling water.
  • We prepare the brine for 1 liter: 3 peppercorns, a sprig of dill, 3 bay leaves, 5 black currant leaves, 5 spring leaves.
  • Now put it on the fire and wait until it boils, add 2 tbsp. l salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. The brine is boiling.
  • At the bottom of the jar we put chopped horseradish leaves, 2 cloves of garlic, and 1 tsp. mustard and a pinch of paprika, a sprig of dill. Then lay out a layer of mushrooms halfway, then add horseradish leaves, a sprig of dill, 2 cloves of garlic and continue laying the mushrooms.
  • Cover everything with horseradish, dill, 1/3 tsp. mustard and a clove of garlic. Pour the mixture with boiling solution. We put the jars in a dark place, and after a day we place them in the pantry.

How to fry milk mushrooms (video)

Milk mushrooms in batter

Wash, peel, beat and sprinkle generously with salt. Then leave for 3-4 hours and cook in batter. Cut the mushrooms into pieces. We will make the batter using mineral water: 2 eggs, 300 g mineral water and 300 g of flour and a pinch of salt. Mix everything. We will fry with enough oil in a deep frying pan.

Milk mushrooms do not have poisonous copies; all representatives of the Milk mushrooms are conditionally edible. You should read about their differences before taking a walk in the woods.

Gallery: milk mushroom (40 photos)

A representative of the Russula family, the genus laticifer. This mushroom is very popular among Russian mushroom pickers and lovers of delicious, gourmet dishes. Milk mushrooms easy to recognize by the milky color of the pubescent cap and yellowish mycelium. Milk mushrooms are usually found in whole families. Having successfully found yourself in a clearing with these mushrooms, you can immediately collect a whole basket.

Finding them is not easy. They are almost invisible under a blanket of fallen leaves or pine needles. Most often, milk mushrooms grow in symbiosis with birch, so you need to look for them under these trees. There are several common types of milk mushrooms.

Varieties of milk mushrooms

Real milk mushroom

Real milk mushroom (wet, white, raw). Edible mushroom, belonging to the first category. You can meet him in Siberia or the Urals. Grows in young birch groves or plantings. Fruits from July to October. Close-up view with a cap diameter of 20 cm. It is flat in shape, with age it becomes funnel-shaped with a curved edge, covered with a mucous, wet skin of cream or yellow color. Because of this, real milk mushrooms are sometimes called raw. Concentric watery zones are visible on the surface of the cap.

The leg is from three to seven centimeters in height and up to five in diameter, smooth, yellowish, hollow, cylindrical in shape.

The brittle, dense white pulp has a characteristic fruity odor. It contains white, acrid juice.

The plates of this mushroom slightly descend onto the stem, are frequent and wide.

Black breast

Black breast (chernysh, gypsy). A conditionally edible mushroom belonging to the second category. Grows in places where there is access for sun rays, in mixed forests with a predominance of birches.

The cap grows up to 18–20 cm. The shape, like that of other milk mushrooms, is funnel-shaped with tucked edges. The color of the cap varies from olive to brown. In the center the color is darker than at the edges.

The pulp, although dense, breaks easily and acquires a grayish tint when broken. A milky juice with a pungent aftertaste is released inside. The plates descend onto the mushroom stalk, thin, frequent.

The leg is long, about 8 cm and thick - about 3 cm in girth. It matches the color of the cap and is smooth to the touch, with a sticky coating. Old mushrooms have a loose, hollow stem.

Pepper milk mushroom

Pepper milkweed (pepper milkweed). This species is widespread in the temperate and forest-steppe zones of Russia. Grows near oaks, spruces and birches in deciduous and mixed forests. The fruits are harvested from July to October.

The young mushroom has a white cap, which turns yellow with age and brown spots appear on it. The shape is flat; over time, a depression appears on it. Externally fleshy, dense, matte. Dry to the touch.

The flesh of the pepper milk mushroom is dense, coarse with a sharp taste of pepper and the smell of rye bread, in its normal state it is white, but when broken it becomes light blue. It produces a lot of milky juice with a pungent taste.

The smooth, dense, white stem grows up to 8 cm in height and 1.5–2.5 cm in width. The plates are cream-colored, frequent and narrow.

Blue breast

The breast is blue (dog, golden yellow). Distributed throughout the Arctic and temperate zones of Russia, in places with a damp climate. Mycorrhiza most often forms with the roots of birch, willow and spruce. The highest yields are observed from mid-July to early October.

This mushroom has a cap of 7-20 cm, thick, fleshy, flat with a depression in the middle. The color is usually light yellow with a barely noticeable concentric pattern. The surface is covered with hairs, the edge is pubescent. In rainy weather, a mucous layer appears on the cap; in places where pressure is applied, it changes color to purple. The milky juice, released from the white, dense, bitterish pulp, also takes on the same color. Narrow, dense plates become covered with dark spots when pressed.

Common leg dimensions are 10 cm x 3 cm. The color is usually yellow, with dark spots. Its structure is loose and turns blue when touched.

The use of milk mushrooms in medicine

Beneficial features Milk mushrooms make it possible to use it for stomach problems. It is necessary to collect young mushrooms and boil them without salt. The milky juice of milk mushrooms helps cure acute purulent inflammation of the eyes (blennorrhea).

An extract that exhibits an antitumor effect is obtained from the pepper milkweed. Methanol extract isolated from fresh mushrooms has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. These properties of the mushroom make it possible to use it to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, and emphysema. For getting medicine Only young individuals are suitable. The antioxidant activity of these mushrooms is also high. IN Chinese medicine with the help of milk mushrooms they relax muscles and relieve muscle cramps. In Russia, healers used it to remove warts and remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.

Be very careful when eating these mushrooms! Before marinating and salting, they must be thoroughly boiled. The resulting mushroom broth cannot be used. Before canning, thoroughly clean and rinse the milk mushrooms. If this is not done, then anaerobes will form and intensively develop in hermetically sealed jars. Once in the human body, they provoke botulism. This is a dangerous disease that often leads to death.

Use in cooking

In Russia and countries post-Soviet space milk mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. In a number Western countries they are considered inedible and sometimes poisonous.

For those who love salted and pickled mushrooms, milk mushrooms are perfect choice. Milk mushrooms prepared in this way will decorate any table and will be appreciated by sophisticated gourmets and simply lovers of delicious food.

Eat important rules requirements that require compliance when canning milk mushrooms:

prerequisite The preparation of milk mushrooms is soaking them. In order for the unpleasant bitterness to leave the mushrooms, they need to be kept in water for up to three days, changing the water from time to time. To understand whether the mushrooms are soaked enough, you need to do the following: try a small piece of pulp (just chew, do not swallow). If you do not feel the bitter taste, you can start cooking;

- It is not recommended to harvest old mushrooms that show rust-like spots. They acquire an unpleasant rigidity that does not go away even after long processing. In addition, old mushrooms contain many harmful substances that are absorbed by milk mushrooms from environment;

- Wormy or insect-infested milk mushrooms are not suitable for pickling;

— Dirt and dust are deeply eaten into the pulp of these mushrooms. Therefore, you need to wash them thoroughly with a hard sponge or toothbrush under running water;

— the pickling container can be glass, enamel, ceramic or wooden. There should be no cracks or rust on it;

- Do not hermetically seal dishes with salted or pickled milk mushrooms. This will help reduce the risk of botulism;

— salted milk mushrooms can be stored for no more than six months. Pickled ones last longer.

Marinating milk mushrooms


  • A kilogram of mushrooms,
  • liter of water,
  • 110 g of nine percent vinegar,
  • 50 g of salt and the same amount of sugar.


After thoroughly cleaning and soaking the milk mushrooms, add water with spices and cook after boiling for ten minutes. Place in jars and close with lids.

More more recipes for the winter

Spicy milk mushrooms


  • Mushrooms,
  • currant or cherry leaves,
  • a few cloves of garlic.

For the marinade, per liter of water:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 25 g sugar,
  • spices (bay leaf, pepper).


Boil pre-prepared milk mushrooms for about 10 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the mushrooms again. Mix the ingredients in the marinade and bring to a boil. IN hot marinade lower the mushrooms and simmer for 15 minutes. Place cherry and currant leaves, chopped garlic, and mushrooms in sterile jars. Pour a teaspoon of 9% vinegar into each jar. Pour the boiling marinade over the mushrooms. Close the jars with sterile lids, wrap them in a blanket and let cool. Mushrooms should be stored in a cool place.

Cold salting option


  • on 5 kg mushrooms necessary:
  • 2 cups coarse salt,
  • cherry leaves,
  • currants,
  • horseradish root and leaves,
  • dill stems,
  • a few cloves of garlic.


Peel, wash and place the mushrooms in a suitable container. Fill completely cold water. Place oppression on top. Leave the mushrooms for three days in a cool place. The water needs to be changed three times a day. After three days, remove the mushrooms from the water, rub them one at a time with salt and place them in a pickling bowl in layers, alternating with spices. Cover with gauze folded several times and place horseradish, currant and cherry leaves on it. Place pressure on top again. After a few days, the milk mushrooms will release juice, which should completely cover them. We put the prepared container in a cool room for a month. Make sure that the mushrooms are in the brine at all times. If necessary, you can add salted water. After a month, transfer the mushrooms to sterile jars and seal. Can be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

You can prepare many tasty and healthy dishes from salted and pickled milk mushrooms.

Salted mushroom sauce


  • salted milk mushrooms,
  • onion head,
  • sour cream,
  • butter,
  • a little flour
  • vegetable oil.


Chop the mushrooms and onions and lightly fry on sunflower oil. Add water and simmer for ten minutes. At the next stage, add sour cream. And after it boils, add flour. Boil again. When the sauce is ready, add butter to it. Perfect for vegetable and meat dishes.

Pie with milk mushrooms



  • 1 kg flour,
  • 200 g water,
  • 60 gr. sunflower oil,
  • 25 g sugar,
  • 10 g salt,
  • 25 g yeast.


  • 900 g salted milk mushrooms,
  • 2 onions,
  • 3–4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.


Pie filling: finely chop the onion and lightly saute it in oil. Chop the mushrooms, add to the onion and fry for some time, cool. Prepare from the given ingredients yeast dough, roll out thinly and place on a baking sheet lightly sprinkled with flour. Spread evenly over the top mushroom filling, pinch the edges and place in an oven preheated to 180⁰C. Bake until the dough is ready.


At home, milk mushrooms can be grown in two ways:

- first option attractive for its low cost. Spores from mature mushrooms are collected independently. Then mycelium is grown from them. The problem is that it is almost impossible to predict the process of seed development. This method can only be used by experienced mushroom growers;

- second method more expensive, but more reliable. Ready milk mushroom mycelium is bought in a specialized store and placed in the substrate.

Growing milk mushrooms consists of several important stages:

Site preparation

The area chosen for planting must be well fertilized with peat. Young deciduous trees must grow on the site. Their age should not exceed four years. You can use birch, poplar, willow and other hardwoods. The soil is disinfected with lime solution;


The best time to plant mycelium outdoors is from May to September. If you have a heated greenhouse, then you can plant seeds at any time of the year;

Mycelium preparation

To sow mushrooms, you need to prepare a substrate. For him, sterilized sawdust deciduous trees mixed with disinfected soil. They add forest moss from the places where milk mushrooms grow, fallen leaves, straw and husks of sunflower seeds;


If you plan to grow mushrooms outside, you need to prepare holes for the mycelium. They are dug close to the root system of the patron trees and filled to half with substrate. The mycelium is placed on top. And again the substrate to the edge of the hole. Then the soil must be compacted and covered with pieces of moss and leaves.

To grow indoors, the mycelium of milk mushrooms is planted in a plastic bag filled with substrate. Small cuts are made in the bag in a checkerboard pattern;


For getting high yield It is necessary to constantly water the mycelium and the trees under which it is located. In dry weather, at least 30 liters of water per week should be poured under each tree. It is necessary to take measures to protect the plantation from direct exposure to the sun. On winter period the mycelium should be covered with leaves and moss. Bags with mycelium must be kept in certain conditions. Before the formation of fruiting bodies, the temperature should be maintained within 18 - 20 degrees. When mushroom sprouts appear, it needs to be reduced to 15°C, ensure optimal levels of lighting and humidity;


Within a week after the formation of fruiting bodies, milk mushrooms gain their normal weight. You can start harvesting in July and collect mushrooms until the end of August. They need to be carefully unscrewed from the mycelium or cut off at the root with a knife. A properly planted mycelium with proper care bears fruit for about five years.

Despite the peculiarities of taste and subtleties of preparation, milk mushrooms have been revered in Rus' since ancient times. Having prepared it according to all the rules, you will receive great snack, and a side dish, and aromatic pastries. This mushroom deserves to be in your kitchen.

Gruzdi: photo
