Wild animals of the Khabarovsk region. Presentation: Animals of the Red Data Book of the Khabarovsk Territory

MBOU secondary school No. 6 KHABAROVSK

Most Khabarovsk Territory occupy forested areas, V
mainly conifers. IN coniferous taiga ungulates live:
elk, sika deer, wild boar, roe deer, musk deer.

Among the predators are the red wolf, the Himalayan bear,
lynx, Amur tiger, Amur leopard.

I want to talk in more detail about the following
animals of the Khabarovsk Territory:
1. KHARZA carnivorous mammal, the largest and most colorful
painted from Russian martens. Body length is 55-80 cm, weighs up to 6 kg. Body
elongated, very flexible, short legs. The tail is slightly fluffy. Fur
rather rough, short, shiny.
It is distinguished by its multi-colored, variegated color. Top of the head and muzzle of the harza
painted black, lower jaw white. Fur on the throat and
the chest is bright yellow, on the body it has a golden brown tint, on the legs
- dark brown. The tail is dark brown.
Kharza is an excellent tree climber.
Runs very fast, and when jumping over
tree to tree, jumps to 4
meters. Feeds on rodents (squirrels,
mice), grasshoppers, hares, birds.
Berries and pine nuts are consumed in
small quantity; Sometimes
eats honeycombs.

2. RED WOLF is a predatory mammal of the canine family.
A rare canine species that is endangered. Red Wolf -
quite a large animal with a body length of 76-110 cm, tail - 45-50 cm and
weighing 17-21 kg. His appearance combines the features of a wolf, fox and jackal. From
common wolf differs in color, fluffy coat and more
long tail almost reaching the ground. Characterized by a shortened
pointed muzzle. The ears are large, erect, with rounded tops,
set high on the head.
The red wolf lives and hunts in packs
5-12 individuals. He hunts
mainly during the day, for a long time
chasing the victim. Production varies from
rodents to deer. Large flock
can handle a leopard and
tiger Unlike many canines,
red wolves kill game without grabbing
by the throat, and attacking from behind. Two
red wolves can kill 50
a kilogram deer for less than 2

3. AMUR GORAL Mountain antelope gorals are similar to
beardless domestic goats. They live on inaccessible rocky cliffs.
Gorals run poorly, but they move masterfully along mountainous slopes.
Strong springy legs easily carry these large and agile animals
from stone to stone, from ledge to ledge. Cling to uneven rocks
They are helped by narrow, sharp-edged hooves. Goral can jump three
meters in height and immediately be out of reach of wolves.
Small groups of animals graze on
mountain slopes, feeding on grass, young
branches of bushes. They eat mushrooms in the forest,
acorns, wild grapes.
Gorals are protected from the cold by their lush,
long wool with soft fluff. IN
mountain antelopes have two offspring
lamb, which already on the fifth day after
births follow their mother everywhere.

Student of the 4th "b" class Tainitsky Alexander Pos. Sunny 2013. Head: additional education teacher Galina Viktorovna Voitova

Amur tiger The territory of the Far East, which is now represented by the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, is the habitat of the Amur tiger. Its body length reaches 317 cm, height at the withers - up to 150 cm, weight - up to 300 kg. The tiger is an extremely beautiful animal. The main color of its coat is rusty yellow with black stripes. This contrasting color is protective. Among the bushes, devoid of foliage, the colors merge and the animal takes on a uniform, brown-gray color. In autumn, in the orange-red vineyards and dry yellow ferns, in which there are many blackened old leaves, a tiger is difficult to notice even on close range. The tiger's habitat is confined to gently sloping mountains covered with Manchurian-type forest. It is also found in places inhabited by humans. The size of individual habitats can be very large. In a day, an Amur tiger can travel from 20 sometimes to 150 km. This animal is not afraid of either snow or cold. It stays where the thicket is thick and there is a lot of food. The food ration of Amur tigers consists of wild boars, deer, roe deer, as well as bears, lynxes, hares, and badgers. If there is enough food, the tiger does not touch domestic animals. Only extreme need forces him to approach villages, and in some cases attack people. In the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve, tigers hunt mainly for wapiti, and in Lazovsky - for sika deer. Their diet includes fish, turtles, freshwater crabs, various berries and fruits.

East Siberian (Amur) leopard In Southern Primorye, the leopard lives in low mountains with broad-leaved forests of the Manchurian type and coniferous-broad-leaved forests where there is no deep snow in winter. The leopard feeds on various types of ungulates, hares, pheasants, and sometimes attacks young white-breasted bears. Among its natural enemies, Amur tigers and gray wolves come first. The number of East Siberian leopards in our country is extremely low. on Far East There were only 20-25 permanently living leopards. Currently, 30-40 individuals of this subspecies of leopard live on our territory. The decrease in the number of animals and the reduction in their range is associated not only with direct persecution by humans, but also with a decrease in the number of ungulates that the leopard feeds on. Intense plays a negative role economic development his habitat. The East Siberian leopard is included in the IUCN Red List 96.

Spine-footed Owl This medium-sized owl inhabits mixed and deciduous forests of Primorye, preferring open forests and forest edges. Its wingspan is up to 80 cm, its toes are covered with stiff bristles, hence the name of the bird. The facial disc is less pronounced than in other species of owls, and there are no “ears”. Seeing a spiny-footed owl in nature is not an easy task, but at night in the places where it lives, you can hear its voice - the muffled cries of “kuh-kuh”. The owl places its nests in tree hollows. The number of species is not limited big amount hollow trees and accessibility large insects, which the needle-footed owl catches on the fly at night (butterflies, swimming beetles). In cold weather, when insect activity is reduced, it hunts fledglings small birds and rodents. The needle-footed owl is a rare, poorly studied species. Outside Russia, it is found in Japan, Korea, China and India.

Amur forest cat The Amur forest cat differs from the domestic cat not only in its larger size (the length of the body with tail can exceed 100 cm), but also in its strong teeth, long mustache and thick hair. The forest cat feeds on various rodents and birds: mice, voles, chipmunks and squirrels, hazel grouse, pheasants. Activity is crepuscular and nocturnal. It makes its den in rock crevices or tree hollows. The female brings two or three kittens. There are apparently more than 1,000 Amur fish in the Far East. forest cats. This species has difficulty adapting to disturbances of natural landscapes caused by human activities. Protected in the Kedrovaya Pad, Ussuriysky and Lazovsky nature reserves. The Amur forest cat is found in the south of the Far East in sparse deciduous forests. It prefers deep paddocks, as well as reed thickets along the shores of lakes and oxbow lakes. It willingly settles in forest clearings, among rocks and placers, but does not rise into the mountains above 500 m above sea level. Avoids dark coniferous taiga.

White-breasted (Himalayan) bear The number of white-breasted bears in the Far East decreased to 5 thousand by the end of the century. The white-breasted bear is very sensitive to the consequences of human economic activity. Deforestation of cedar-broadleaf forests and forest fires deprive bears of their main habitats. In search of hibernating animals, hunters cut holes in hollows, which makes them unusable in the future. There is a shortage of places for hibernation. The danger for the white-breasted bear is large predators- tiger and brown bear. A brown bear attacks its relative both on the ground and in hollows. Its prey most often are females. Considering the low rate of reproduction (a female, as a rule, gives birth to two cubs, and the first litter is possible in the third or fourth year of life), this quickly leads to a decrease in the number of white-breasted bears. White-breasted (Himalayan) bear (Ursus thibetanus) Order Carnivores (Camivora) Bear family (Ursidae) The white-breasted bear is common in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. Inhabits cedar-deciduous forests, cedar forests with Mongolian oak. Prefers river valleys and adjacent slopes. The white-breasted bear is smaller, slimmer and lighter brown bear. The fur is black, shiny, with a white “tie” on the chest. The muzzle is elongated and pointed with large ears.

Red wolf The red wolf is found in the Far East, Transbaikalia, Tyva and Buryatia. From the 20s to the 30s of the XX century. - an extremely rare, endangered species in Russia. The red wolf is a large animal (body length up to 110 cm, tail up to 50 cm). From gray wolf differs in reddish-red color and a longer fluffy tail, from the fox - in large size. The red wolf's voice resembles the squeal of a frightened dog; unlike the gray wolf, it does not howl. For most of the year, the red wolf lives in mountain forests and loaches. In snowy winters, it follows ungulates and descends to the foothills. Its food consists of deer, roe deer, and mountain sheep.


Name: Amur adonis

Adonis amurensis Regel et Radde

Category and status: 4 - an uncertain species, the status of which is of concern due to fires and unrestricted collection as an early flowering ornamental plant, in the region it is located at the northern border of distribution. Decorative, poisonous plant. Honey plant. Short description: A perennial herbaceous plant with a short, thick rhizome and thin roots. By the beginning of flowering - up to 15 cm tall. The stems are thick, succulent, with small, highly dissected leaves. The stem and leaves increase to 30-45 cm by the end of flowering. The flowers are yellow, large, up to 4-5 cm in diameter, with a large number of petals. The fruits are small, numerous nuts. One of the earliest flowering ephemeroids. Flowering is March-April, fruiting is May-June, after which the above-ground part of the plant dies.

Spreading. On the territory of Russia, the species is distributed mainly in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, in the Jewish Autonomous Region, in the central and southern parts of Sakhalin Island, on southern islands Kuril ridge. Also indicated for the southeast of the Amur region. In the Khabarovsk Territory it is found mainly along the river valley. Amur to the mouth of the river. Gorin and its large southern tributaries. In the south of the region, the view is given for the lower reaches of the river. Bikin, rivers Bira, Shivki (Bikinsky district); middle and lower reaches of the river. Khor at the confluence of the Matai and Chuken tributaries (Lazo district). The species was recorded in the vicinity of Khabarovsk, on the ridge. Great Hekhtsir ( Khabarovsk district); in the vicinity of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in the lower reaches of the Gur and Gorin rivers ( Komsomolsky district); in the middle reaches of the Botchi and Koppi rivers (Sovetsko-Gavansky district), in the middle and lower reaches of the river. Anyui, at the source of the river. Mukhen (Nanai district). The locations of the species on the ridge are marked. Vandan ( Amursky district), on the right bank of the Amur Estuary ( Nikolaevsky district), in the vicinity of the lake. Bolshoye Kizi (Ulchsky district), village. Vanino (Vaninsky district), in the valley of the river. Uda (Tuguro-Chumikansky district).

thousand to five thousand rubles;

thousand rubles; thousand rubles (according to Article 14 of the Code of the Khabarovsk Territory on Administrative Offenses dated June 24, 2009 No. 256 (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory)). government inspectors In addition, from 200 rubles per herbaceous plant rarity status category 4 (according to the Taxes for calculating the amount of recovery for damage caused by legal and individuals, listed in the Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory, with the exception of objects included in the Red Book Russian Federation and located in specially protected natural areas of federal significance, approved by Decree of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory dated April 20, 2009 No. 137-pr (hereinafter referred to as Taxes)).

Name: Star spring

Eranthis stellata Maxim

Brief description: Perennial herbaceous plant up to 35 cm tall. In the soil litter there is a spherical tuber up to 2 cm in diameter. As a rule, there is one basal leaf. The stem leaves are brought together into a small whorl under the flower and divided into linear segments. The flower is quite large, pale yellow or white, shiny on top, formed by corolla-shaped sepals. The petals are transformed into nectaries. Flowering - April - early May. Fruits in June. The fruit is decorative, formed by 4-7 leaflets, which deflect star-shaped when ripe. Seeds 1.5-2 mm, round. After fruiting at the end of June it goes into a dormant state. Reproduction by daughter bulbs and seed.

Distribution: On the territory of Russia the species is distributed in

Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, Amur region. Within the Khabarovsk Territory there are about 20 locations, mainly confined to the Amur valley and its tributaries: the vicinity of Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk district), the river basin. Khor, near the villages of Gvasyugi and Khor; the sources of the rivers Katen and Matai (District named after Lazo), the vicinity of Komsomolsk-on-Amur and the village. Pivan (Komsomolsky district), in the area of ​​​​lake. Bolon (Amur region), in the middle and lower reaches of the river. Anyui (Nanai district). The northern limit of the species' distribution is at the mouth of the river. Uda, near the village. Neran (Tuguro-Chumikansky district) and in the upper reaches of the tributary of the river. Uda - Shevli. Also indicated for the area of ​​the urban settlement New Urgal.

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; on legal entities- from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles (according to Article 14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

Protocols on administrative offense are authorized to draw up thousand rubles; region in the field of environmental protection; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory). destruction of one copy


Name: Korean Krasnodnev

Hemerocallis coreana Nakai

Brief description: Perennial herbaceous plant up to 50 cm tall. Rhizome with cylindrical, less often thickened, transversely wrinkled lobes. The leaves are two-rowed, linear, one third to half shorter than the peduncle, entire, pointed. The inflorescence is shortened, few-branched. The bracts are ovate-lanceolate, 1-1.5 cm long, long-pointed. Flowers range from 1 to 3, rarely up to 8, golden yellow. Flowering - June-July, fruiting - August.

Distribution: In Russia, the species is distributed in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, the Amur region. On the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory it is known from one point - the outskirts of the village. Sheremetyevo (Vyazemsky district).

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; ten thousand rubles; fifty thousand rubles (from according to Art. 14 of the Code of the Khabarovsk Territory on Administrative Offenses dated June 24, 2009 No. 256 (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory)).

Protocols on administrative offenses are authorized to be drawn up thousand rubles; region in the field of environmental protection; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

In addition, it is provided for the recovery of damages from 200 rubles per destruction of one copy herbaceous plant of rarity status category 4 (according to Taxes).

Name: Iris xiphoid

Iris ensata Thunb.

Brief description: Perennial herbaceous plant with a short creeping rhizome with numerous adventitious roots forming a lobe. The stem is straight, up to 80 cm tall. Stem leaves 1-3, up to 1.3 cm wide. The basal leaves are xiphoid, with a prominent shiny midrib. The bases of the shoots are pinkish, with fibrous remains of old leaves. In the inflorescence there are up to four flowers 7-8 cm in diameter. Perianth tube up to 1.5 cm long. The plates of the outer perianth lobes are bent down, ovoid or oval-oblong, purple-violet, with a yellow elongated spot at the base. The nail is half as long as the plate, bright yellow in the middle, purple along the edge. The inner lobes of the perianth are oblanceolate, purple-violet, monochromatic. All tepals are velvety. Flowering - June-July, fruiting - August-September.

Distribution: In the Russian Federation it grows in Yakutia and the Far East: Amur, Jewish Autonomous and Sakhalin regions, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. In the Khabarovsk Territory, noted in the vicinity of Khabarovsk, in the floodplains of the Amur, Kur, Ussuri, Kiya, Bikin, Khor rivers, near lake. Bolon, in the flat areas between the Amur and Chora rivers.

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles (from thousand rubles; region in the field of environmental protection; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

In addition, it is provided for the recovery of damages from 400 rubles per destruction of one copy herbaceous plant of rarity status category 4 (according to Taxes).

Name: Low Iris

Iris humilis Georgi

Brief description: A low herbaceous perennial with a horizontal knotty branched rhizome, a strong stem with 2-3 short bluish-green leaves 3-7 mm wide. A generative shoot with 1-2 leaves is crowned with 1-2 yellow flowers. The leaves of the wrapper remain with the fruit. The seeds are wrinkled and light brown. Flowering - May, fruiting - June.

Distribution: In Russia it is found in steppe zone European part, Siberia and the Far East. In the Far East - in the southern and western regions of the Primorsky Territory, in the Amur and southern Jewish Autonomous Regions, in the Khabarovsk Territory, where it was recorded on the coastal rocky slopes of the vicinity of the village. Hummi (Komsomolsky district). Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles (from according to Art. 14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory). Protocols on administrative offenses are authorized to be drawn up thousand rubles; region in the field of environmental protection; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

In addition, it is provided for the recovery of damages from 300 rubles per destruction of one copy

Name: Smooth iris

Iris laevigata Fisch. et C. A. Mey

Highly decorative.

Brief description: Herbaceous perennial with a short thick rhizome and a mass of adventitious roots. The stem is straight, up to 80-100 cm tall, often a lateral branch develops from the axils of the upper stem leaf. There are 3-4 stem leaves, up to 30 cm long, with a swollen sheath and a folded blade. The basal leaves are broadly lanceolate, fan-shaped, equal to or longer than the stem, with several noticeable but not prominent veins. The involucre leaves are semi-leathery, dirty green, with purple spots and small papillae. Flowers in the amount of 1-3 are intensely blue, up to 10 cm in diameter, with broadly elliptical outer tepals; nail up to 3 cm long, in the middle with a yellowish-white spot, subulate-shapedly extending onto the plate. Flowering - June, fruiting - July-August.

Distribution: In the Russian Federation it is found in Eastern Siberia and the southern part of the Far East: Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Amur, Sakhalin and Jewish Autonomous regions. In the Khabarovsk Territory it is recorded in the valleys of the rivers Uda, Levaya Bureya, Kur, Gorin, Amgun, Khor, along the Middle and Lower Amur.

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles (from according to Art. 14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory). Protocols on administrative offenses are authorized to be drawn up thousand rubles; region in the field of environmental protection; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

In addition, it is provided for the recovery of damages from 200 rubles per destruction of one copy herbaceous plant of rarity status category 4 (according to Taxes).

Name: Ussuri hazel grouse

Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim

Brief description: Herbaceous bulbous perennial up to 70 cm tall with a thin stem and a round bulb with small scales. Leaves are linear-lanceolate: the upper ones are alternate,

ending in a tendril, the lower ones are whorled and obtuse. The flowers are broadly bell-shaped, brownish-yellow, variegated, with a checkerboard pattern. The bracts also end in tendrils. Flowers 1-2 (rarely - 3). Flowering - May-June, fruiting - July. Distribution: In Russia it is found in the southern regions

Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. In the Khabarovsk Territory, the species is known from the following areas: Khabarovsk - a trail of the southern slope of the ridge. Bolshoi Khekhtsir with three sites in the lower reaches of the Zolotoy and Belyi streams, where the northern border of the range passes; them. Lazo - in the vicinity of the village. Kiya, in the estuary part of the river. Caten; Bikinsky - spurs of the ridge. Strelnikov and the upper reaches of the river. Bira.

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two from fifteen thousand up to twenty thousand rubles with the confiscation of plant extraction tools, and
also the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives or without it; for legal entities - rubles with or without confiscation of the tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives (according to Article 8.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) )).

Recovery of damages provided from 300 rubles for destruction one copy herbaceous plant (Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated 01.08.2011 No. 658 “On approval of rates for calculating the amount of damage caused to flora objects listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and their habitat due to violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management” (hereinafter - Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia No. 658)).

Name: Calypso bulbous

Brief description: A small herbaceous perennial with a short rhizome, cord-like adventitious roots and an aboveground tuberous formation. The stem is covered to the middle with two membranous sheaths. The leaf is single, overwintering, ovate, dark green above, paler below. One flower (rarely two), with a pleasant, delicate scent. The perianth tepals are radiating, dark pink, pointed, the lip is in the form of a shoe narrowed towards the apex, whitish or yellowish with reddish-brown stripes or specks with a pinkish petal-shaped limb. Flowering - May-July.

Distribution: In the Far East of Russia, it is distributed in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, Amur, Sakhalin and Jewish Autonomous Regions. Within the Khabarovsk Territory, the species was recorded on the Urak plateau, the right tributary of the river. Luktur (Okhotsk region), in the central and northern half of the Dzhugdzhur, Pribrezhny, Chelat, Ket-Kap, Geran ridges, in the valleys of the Maya and Uchur rivers (Ayano-Maysk region); in the river basin Uda (Tuguro-Chumikansky district), along the rivers Gorin, Devyatka, in the vicinity of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in the foothills of the mountain range. Badzhal (Solnechny, Komsomolsky districts), in the valley of the river. Amur, in the lower reaches (Ulchsky, Nikolaevsky districts); in the river basin Bureya

(Verkhnebureinsky district), on the ridge. Sikhote-Alin (Vaninsky, Sovetsko-Gavansky, Nanaisky, Lazo districts).

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles (from according to Art. 14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory). Protocols on administrative offenses are authorized to be drawn up thousand rubles; edges in the field of protection

environment; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

Recovery of damages provided from 400 rubles for destruction one copy herbaceous plant of rarity status category 2 (according to Taxes).

Title: Real lady's slipper

Cypripedium calceolus L.

Brief description: Herbaceous perennial up to 55 cm tall with a thick creeping rhizome and long roots. The stem is straight, with brownish sheaths at the base, pubescent with short glandular hairs. The leaves are alternate, oval-elliptic, slightly hairy on both sides and along the edge. There are 1-2 flowers, rarely 3, with reddish-brown outer perianth lobes and a yellow swollen lip. Flowering - May-June.

Distribution: In the Far East of Russia it grows in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, in the Amur, Sakhalin and Jewish Autonomous Regions. In the Khabarovsk Territory, the species was recorded along the Ussuri, Khor, Bikin, Podkhorenok, Shivki rivers (Bikinsky, Vyazemsky and Lazo districts); on hr. Big Khekhtsir, in the estuary part of the river. Chirki and in the vicinity of Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk district). Separate populations along the Amur River (lower reaches of the Anyui, Pikhtsa, Gorin rivers, in the basins of lakes Bolon, Udyl) (Nanaisky, Amursky, Komsomolsky, Ulchsky, Nikolaevsky districts) are fragmentarily noted; along Bureya (Verkhnebureinsky district), Amguni (districts named after Polina Osipenko, Solnechny). In the northwestern part of the region it is found on limestone in the basins of the Maya Aldanskaya and Uchur rivers and on the Dzhugdzhur, Pribrezhny, and Geran ridges (Ayano-Maysky district).

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; on officials - from fifteen thousand up to twenty thousand rubles from five hundred thousand to one million

Protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up by officials of bodies authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses in accordance with Chapter 23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, within the competence of the relevant body (Article 28.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Cases of administrative offenses are considered by officials of bodies exercising control functions in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of federal significance (Article 23.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); bodies implementing state environmental control(Article 23.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), as well as by judges when these cases are transferred to them for consideration by the specified officials (Part 2 of Article 23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Recovery of damages provided from 300 rubles for destruction one copy

Name: Lady's slipper spotted

Cypripedium guttatum Sw

Brief description: Herbaceous perennial up to 30 cm tall with a creeping rhizome and a straight stem covered with protruding glandular hairs. There are two leaves, close together, elliptical and pointed. The flowers are solitary, with a variegated coloring: the upper tepal, similar to a cap, is creamy white, with inside with purple-pink spots; the lip and narrow lateral tepals are white with large merging violet-pink spots; the lower leaf is greenish. Flowering - May-June.

Distribution: In Russia it is found in the forest zone of the European part, in Siberia, in the Far East - in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Amur, Jewish Autonomous, Magadan regions. In the Khabarovsk Territory it is known from the following areas: Bikinsky - the vicinity of the village. Boytsovo and the city of Bikin, the middle reaches of the river. Shivki; them. Lazo - river basin Khor near the village. Bichevaya, villages of Kutuzovka and Kiinsk, in the foothills of the Northern Sikhote-Alin along the river. Chuken; Khabarovsky - ridge. Greater Khekhtsir; Sovetsko-Gavanskogo - river basin Botchi; Verkhnebureinsky - ridge. Ket-Kap, basin of the Tyrma, Bureya, Dublikan, Urgal, Orojemen rivers; Ulchsky - river basin Yudinka, vicinity of the village. Kalinovka; Tuguro-Chumikansky - river basin Uda; Ayano-Mayskogo - basin of the rivers Maya Ayanskaya, Uy, surroundings of the village. Ayan.

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles (from according to Art. 14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory). Protocols on administrative offenses are authorized to be drawn up thousand rubles; region in the field of environmental protection; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

Recovery of damages provided from 300 rubles for destruction one copy herbaceous plant of rarity status category 3 (according to Taxes).

Name: Lady's slipper grandiflora

Cypripedium macranthon Sw

Brief description: Herbaceous perennial up to 45 cm tall with a shortened thick rhizome. The stem is straight, with stem-enclosing brownish sheaths at the base and 3-5 alternate, sessile, oval or broadly ovate, glandular-pubescent leaves. The flowers are large, solitary, purple, pink, less often whitish. Flowering - May-June. Distribution: Grows in boreal forests, both in the European and Asian parts of Russia. In the Far East, it is distributed in the Primorsky, Khabarovsk and Kamchatka territories, the Amur, Sakhalin and Jewish Autonomous Regions. On the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory it occurs sporadically in the basins of the Kukhtui, Bureya, Maya, Tumnin, Amur, Ussuri, Botchi rivers, on the Pribrezhny, Sikhote-Alin ridges (Okhotsky, Ayano-Maisky, Tuguro-Chumikansky, Verkhnebureinsky, Solnechny, Ulchsky, Komsomolsky, Vaninsky , Sovetsko-Gavansky, Khabarovsk, named after Lazo, Vyazemsky, Bikinsky districts).

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles with confiscation of mining tools
plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives or without it; on officials - from fifteen thousand up to twenty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of the tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; for legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles with or without confiscation of tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives (according to Article 8.35 of the Administrative Code).

Protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up by officials of bodies authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses in accordance with Chapter 23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, within the competence of the relevant body (Article 28.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Cases of administrative offenses are considered by officials of bodies exercising control functions in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of federal significance (Article 23.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); bodies exercising state environmental control (Article 23.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), as well as by judges when these cases are referred to them for consideration by the specified officials (Part 2 of Article 23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Recovery of damages provided from 300 rubles for destruction one copy herbaceous plant (Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources No. 658).

Name: Lady's slipper

Cypripedium ventricosum Sw.

Brief description: Herbaceous perennial with shortened

branched rhizome and numerous tough roots. Stems up to 45 cm high are covered with simple glandular hairs. Leaves 3-4, alternate, spirally arranged. Flowers 1-2, large, brownish-raspberry-pink. The lip is elongated, obovate. The lateral tepals are lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, mostly straight and longer than the lips. All perianth leaves are usually darker than the lips, raspberry-burgundy. The color of the lip is not monochromatic, but somewhat variegated with alternating dark and pinkish spots and stripes merging towards the base. The staminode is almost always flat or longitudinally notched and completely colored. The fruit is a capsule. Flowering - (May) June-July. Distribution: In Russia it is found in the far east

the European part, the Middle Urals, the south of Siberia and the Far East: in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, the Amur, Jewish Autonomous Regions. In the Khabarovsk Territory it is known from the following areas: Verkhnebureinsky - river basin. Tyrma; Khabarovsk - the lower reaches of the Chirka and Ussuri rivers; them. Lazo - surroundings of the village. Kiinsk, sources of the river. Sidima, river valley Chorus.

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; on officials - from fifteen thousand up to twenty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of the tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; for legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles with or without confiscation of tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives (according to Article 8.35 of the Administrative Code).

Protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up by officials of bodies authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses in accordance with Chapter 23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, within the competence of the relevant body (Article 28.3

Cases of administrative offenses are considered by officials of bodies exercising control functions in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of federal significance (Article 23.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); bodies exercising state environmental control (Article 23.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), as well as by judges when these cases are referred to them for consideration by the specified officials (Part 2 of Article 23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Recovery of damage to herbaceous plants (Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources No. 658).

Name: Paeonia lactiflora Pall

Brief description: Herbaceous perennial with tuberous rhizomes and bare grooved stems up to 80-100 cm tall. The leaves are hard, doubly pinnately or tripartitely dissected. The terminal lobes are oblong, pointed at the apex, wedge-shaped narrowed at the base. The flowers are large, milky white or pale pink. The leaflets are leathery and fleshy, glabrous on the outside, bright in autumn. Flowering - June.

Distribution: On the territory of Russia, the species is distributed in the southern part of Eastern Siberia and the Far East: in the Chita region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Amur and Jewish Autonomous regions. In the Khabarovsk Territory it is known from the vicinity of the lake. Petropavlovskoye, ridge. Bolshoy Khekhtsir (Khabarovsk district); along the river Ussuri and its tributaries - Bikin, Alchan, Bira, Podkhorenok, Khor and Kiya (Bikinsky, Lazo, Vyazemsky districts); along the Amur and its tributaries - the Anyui and Belgo rivers (Nanaisky, Komsomolsky districts).

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles (from according to Art. 14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory). Protocols on administrative offenses are authorized to be drawn up thousand rubles; region in the field of environmental protection; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

Recovery of damages from 400 rubles for the destruction of one copy herbaceous plant of rarity status category 2 (according to Taxes). Name: Obovate peony Paeonia obovata Maxim

Brief description: Herbaceous perennial with brown and

cylindrical-elongated spindle-shaped root

shitik ami (rhizome). Stem 60-80 cm tall. Leaves are double-triple. The flower is large, deep pink,

non-opening due to the strongly concave shape of the petals. Flowering - June.

Distribution: In Russia it is found in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, Amur, Sakhalin and Jewish Autonomous Regions. In the Khabarovsk Territory, it is distributed in the valleys of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, as well as in the foothills of the western slopes of the range. Sikhote-Alin. On the coast of the Tatar Strait it is known in the valleys of the Tumnin, Koppi, Botchi rivers and Somon Bay.

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; on officials - from fifteen thousand up to twenty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of the tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; for legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles with or without confiscation of tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives (according to Article 8.35 of the Administrative Code).

Protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up by officials of bodies authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses in accordance with Chapter 23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, within the competence of the relevant body (Article 28.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Cases of administrative offenses are considered by officials of bodies exercising control functions in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of federal significance (Article 23.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); bodies exercising state environmental control (Article 23.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), as well as by judges when these cases are referred to them for consideration by the specified officials (Part 2 of Article 23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Recovery of damages from 300 rubles for destruction of one copy herbaceous plant (Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources No. 658).

Name: Mountain peony

Paeonia oreogeton S. Moore

Brief description: Herbaceous perennial up to 90 cm tall, with a thick rhizome, with 2-4 large double-triple leaves and a large, up to 8 cm in diameter, single white or yellowish flower. The filaments of the stamens are dark purple at the base and light at the top. Flowering - June-July.

Spreading. In the Russian Federation it is found only in the Far East: in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, the Sakhalin region. In the region it is known on the Lower Amur, in the vicinity of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur; in the river basin Choir district named after. Lazo); in the vicinity of Sovetskaya Gavan.

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; on officials - from fifteen thousand up to twenty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of the tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; for legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles with or without confiscation of tools for extracting plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives (according to Article 8.35 of the Administrative Code).

Protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up by officials of bodies authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses in accordance with Chapter 23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, within the competence of the relevant body (Article 28.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Cases of administrative offenses are considered by officials of bodies exercising control functions in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of federal significance (Article 23.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); bodies exercising state environmental control (Article 23.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), as well as by judges when these cases are referred to them for consideration by the specified officials (Part 2 of Article 23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Recovery of damages from 300 rubles for destruction of one copy herbaceous plant (Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources No. 658).

Title: Violet Moritz

Viola mauritii Tepl

Brief description: Perennial rhizome-taproot

herbaceous plant. The main shoot is rosette, from the axils of the leaves of which elongated lateral shoots emerge. Rosette leaves are kidney-shaped or heart-shaped, with a rounded blunt apex and a narrow notch at the base, up to 5 cm long and 4 cm wide. Elongated shoots, rising or lodging. The stem leaves are round-ovate or ovate, with a narrow shallow notch at the base and a blunt or pointed apex. Flowers are 10-15 mm long, axillary, on long pedicels. The petals are pale purple, oblong-obovate, lateral with beards, the lower one with a thin spur tapering towards the end. Flowering - May, fruiting - May-June.

Distribution: In the Russian Federation it is found in

the European part, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East within the Magadan, Amur regions and Khabarovsk Territory. In the Khabarovsk Territory, there are known places of growth in the valley of the river. May (surroundings of the villages of Aim, Nelkan), on the ridge. Conder (Ayano-Maisky district).

Legal liability measures:

Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles (from according to Art. 14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory). Protocols on administrative offenses are authorized to be drawn up thousand rubles; region in the field of environmental protection; government officials, subordinate to the executive authority of the region, authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas in specially protected natural areas of regional significance (Article 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory).

Recovery of damages provided from 200 rubles for destruction one copy herbaceous plant of rarity status category 3 (according to Taxes).

The fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory is unique and extremely diverse. It is a country of mountain ranges, fast and clear waters, and, basically, coniferous forests which are home to many ungulates and other animals: moose, deer, wild boar, roe deer, wapiti, sable, foxes, weasels, squirrels, muskrats, otters. Here you can also meet some predators: wolves, bears, lynxes, Amur tigers.

Amur or Siberian tiger

Amur or Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) lives east of the Amur River. It is the largest of the tiger species and can grow up to 4 meters in length and weigh up to 320 kg. Due to habitat loss and poaching, this species is critically endangered. In the Khabarovsk Territory, the Siberian tiger is considered the dominant predator, mainly hunting large mammals, including deer, wild boar, goats and cattle.

After a gestation period of 3 to 4 months, a female Amur tiger gives birth to up to 5 cubs. They are born blind and helpless, weighing about 1 kg. The mother feeds them milk for 2 months, after which the cubs are introduced to meat. They are dependent on their mother for the first 18 months. Today at wildlife, the Amur tiger is considered an endangered species and numbers fewer than 500 individuals.

Red deer or red deer

The wapiti or wapiti (Cervus elaphus xanthopygus) is an East Asian true deer. In summer its color is bright red, and in winter period- dark brown. The wapiti has a longer, narrower snout than its other Asian or American relatives. The horns are relatively weak, especially top part. The mating season occurs in September, and offspring appear in May and June.


Sable (Martes zibellina) is one of the most valuable fur-bearing animals. These are the inhabitants of the Siberian mountain and lowland taiga. They prefer cedar forests, where there are many rodents and nuts, which constitute the main food of sables. In summer, these hardy and agile predators feast on insects, blueberries and lingonberries. Sometimes they destroy bird nests and do not refuse carrion. The female gives birth to 2 to 7 cubs. At six months of age they begin independent life.

The fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory is rich in many species of waterfowl and migratory birds. The region is inhabited by wood grouse, hazel grouse, Ussuri pheasants, Indian cuckoos, rock and gray thrushes, blue flycatchers, etc. Lakes and rivers contain more than 100 species of fish.

Fish owl

The fish owl (Bubo blakistoni) is a critically endangered species. It is mainly found in coniferous or mixed forests, always close to a body of water, since all year round he feeds in it. The fish owl is one of the largest species of owls in the world. Its length is from 60 to 71 cm with a wingspan of up to 2 m. Weight ranges from 2.7 to 4 kg, and males are smaller than females. The wings and tail are dark brown with yellowish stripes, the underparts are light brown with thin vertical black stripes. The bill is long and curved, and the color varies from grayish blue to brown. An excellent fish hunter prefers to catch his prey at dusk and at night.

Blue flycatcher

The blue flycatcher (Cyanoptila cyanomelana) destroys many forest pests. Its size is about 16 cm, and its weight is 25 g. This small but very cute bird feeds on small invertebrates, larvae and some berries. The blue flycatcher lives in wooded areas, and during migration or wintering, it can be found in parks and gardens. Winters in South-East Asia(Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Sumatra and Borneo).

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Animals of the Red Data Book of the Khabarovsk Territory

Completed by: Rakitova O.A.

Amur tiger

The Amur tiger is a rare and endangered animal. It was on the verge of extinction, but after the ban on its production was introduced in 1947, its numbers gradually increased.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur tiger permanently lives only on the right bank of the Amur. The main habitat is the western slope of the Sikhote-Alin in the basins of the Khor and Anyui rivers. Another habitat, isolated from the main one, is located in the river basin. Tagemu.

Goral Amursky

An ancient ungulate animal, resembling a domestic goat in appearance. This animal is found in the mountainous regions of the Primorsky and southern Khabarovsk territories.

Far Eastern tortoise (or trionix)

Inhabits the basins of the Amur rivers (in the north almost from the mouth, upstream to the south to the western part of Primorye slightly above the mouth of the Sungari), Ussuri and their major tributaries, as well as Lake Khanka.

Trionics are predators that hunt only in water. They come to the coastal shallows to rest, sunbathe and lay eggs.

Far Eastern forest cat

He much larger than a domestic cat - its body length is 75-90 cm, tail - 35-37 cm. It inhabits mainly dense mountain forests, partly thickets of bushes, sometimes near villages. It feeds on mice, voles, squirrels, birds, and sometimes attacks hares, young roe deer and other animals that it can handle.

Red deer

Ungulate animal of the deer family, subspecies red deer, weight 120 - 180 kg. Color gray in winter, reddish in summer.

Deer habitats are extremely diverse; deer choose areas where there are many young teenager, bushes and grassy glades. The biggest role Grains play a role in the diet.


A typical inhabitant of the taiga from the Ural ridge to the Pacific Ocean.

As a result of merciless extermination in connection with precious fur, the number of animals was constantly decreasing, and in order to protect it from complete extermination, restrictions were introduced on the production of animals.

The sable is a pronounced predator, a dexterous hunter. The main food is small rodents, hazel grouse, wood grouse, sometimes fishes, and can eat pine nuts and berries.

Himalayan bear

Himalayan bear (black, white-breasted, Ussuri, Tibetan) There is a white spot on the chest, sometimes with a yellowish tint, shaped like the Latin letter “V”. Therefore, the black bear is sometimes called the white-breasted bear.

Lives in Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories.

Brown bear

Large predator, powerful, fast beast. When walking, it does not rest on its toes, but on the entire sole of its hind legs and the entire palmar surface of its front paws. The weight of the animal varies from 140 to 415 kg. The color varies from black to straw, and there is a white “tie” on the chest. Lives in the forests of the Khabarovsk Territory. Omnivorous, the main food is succulent rhizomes of plants, berries, nuts, acorns. Kills wild boars, elk, calves of other ungulates, wanders a lot in search of food.


One of the most graceful and dangerous predators cat family. This graceful animal has luxurious fur, tufted ears, a short, stump-like tail, and deadly claws. Distributed very widely in the Far East, found mainly in the northern, most remote taiga regions of this region.

Far Eastern leopard

Considered the rarest cat in the world. The leopard is a colorful, graceful, incredibly majestic and cunning cat. This is a fast and careful animal. Previously, the leopard was distributed almost throughout the Amur-Ussuri region, although its main habitat was in the southern border regions (Khasansky, Khankaysky, etc.). Occasionally, leopards are found in “Kedrovaya Pad” and in the valley of the Razdolnaya River near the village. Grodekovo.


Ermine – small gun an animal with valuable fur, belongs to the mustelidae family. In summer, the ermine has a two-color color - brownish-red top and yellowish-white bottom, and in winter the color of the animal's fur is pure white, and the fur itself is silky and thick. Only the color of the tip of the tail remains unchanged, which is black all year round. This is exactly what it is characteristic feature ermine.

It is found within the Ussuri region, but is scarce almost everywhere. It lives throughout the valley of the Ussuri River, the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin.
