What conspiracies are read on the waning moon? The third phase of the waning moon is characterized by a gradual decline in activity.

The waning moon can take away life's failures and illnesses, giving positive changes in return. To do this, you need to know what needs to be done on the waning moon.

Many legends and traditions are associated with the waning moon. For example, shamans call the Moon the mother of the World and base their rules on observing her covenants happy life. The energy of the waning Moon helps those who are on the same wavelength with it, but if you don’t know what can and cannot be done during a decline in lunar activity, then you can attract minor and major troubles into your life.

What not to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is a time of decline, the fading of all processes. Therefore, it is not recommended during this period to start any important things, plan events and make drastic changes in your life aimed at acquisition and growth. For example, leaving a job on a waning Moon will go well, but it is recommended to get a new job on a waxing Moon.

It is necessary to understand that the Moon influences differently different Signs Zodiac: calm Capricorns, dreamy Pisces and unpredictable Libra perceive its influence in accordance with their individual characteristics. Therefore, the time of the waning moon is extremely unpredictable and has only one principle common to all: you should not start something new and implement ideas by investing time, effort and money in them. Most likely it will not bear fruit, or you will not like the result.

What to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is a good time to get rid of negative influence, illnesses, quarrels and problems. So that the new lunar cycle changes your life in better side and brought harmony, you need to have time to do these seven things:

1. Conduct general cleaning. You need to start cleansing your life of everything unnecessary and outdated from your living space, because home is the place where we spend greatest number time. In order for “even the walls to help in the house,” get rid of junk and unnecessary things. Without regret, throw away things that you have no use for during the year. It will be useful to wash the windows and curtains.

2. Sort out old letters and photographs. Photographs contain energetic imprints of the aura of the person, animal or place depicted. If you keep your photos in disarray or keep a lot of images of people who have died or have already disappeared from your life, then it will be very difficult to attract happiness to yourself.

3. Change your diet. On the waning moon you can get rid of excess weight or health problems. One of better ways- go on a diet, temporarily giving up fatty, salty, smoked, fried and sweet foods. Healthy eating during the waning moon can relieve large quantity problems.

4. Break unnecessary connections. This point is suitable for you if you have been thinking about your surroundings for a long time or someone you know makes you feel like you are being deceived. In this case, the waning Moon - best time in order to stop communicating with people who cause you unpleasant emotions.

5. Repay debts. The energy of money is very closely related to lunar cycles. To attract wealth on the waxing Moon, it is necessary not to take on old financial debts in the new lunar cycle.

6. Tidy up indoor flowers. Flowers in our house play very well important role: On an energetic level, they filter negativity of any kind, passing it through themselves and transforming the energy into positive energy. Repay the flowers with love and care: fertilize them, prune diseased branches, replant plants that have become cramped in their old home into large pots.

7. Trim bad memories. If it happened in your life bad event, the memories of which still torment you, then the energy of the waning Moon will help you get rid of them. To do this, you just need to get a haircut, while thinking about a negative event. The more your past torments you, the shorter you need to cut your hair.

For people who are interested in esotericism, the period of the waning moon will have good help in rituals and conspiracies that relieve melancholy and pain. Lunar energy will accelerate the action of any magical influences aimed at deliverance and cleansing.

The waning Moon will take away everything unnecessary, disturbing and outdated, so that the energy of happiness, prosperity and harmony will flow into the vacated space. We wish you peace and prosperity.

The waning Moon replaced the waxing one in the sky. Not much time has passed, and the Moon in all its beauty, which just recently shone fabulously, begins to melt, to waste its strength and light. The moon, from bright and full, begins to turn into a small, narrow crescent, which will soon disappear completely. The Moon now symbolizes weakening, beginning the process of dying. What do we need to know about the waning moon?

The waning moon is the time when it is necessary to finish all previously started tasks. This is confirmed by many years of observations of the Moon. This time is most favorable for finally breaking up with bad habits, finish protracted repairs, complete unfinished business.

On the waning moon

On the waning moon, practices related to liberation and purification are performed. Do clearing of rubble, general cleaning, energy cleansing of the house, release from negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes. The beginning of the third phase is marked by a feeling of incredible fullness of life. But you can’t get too carried away and throw out energy: everything must be in moderation.

During the period of the waning Moon, medical operations are better, almost all household work is done with ease, the number of conflict situations, misunderstandings are more easily resolved. This time is suitable for diet and skin care: the use of special masks, wraps and other cosmetic procedures is especially effective. Under the waning Moon, it is best to clean up the house and sell a valuable item.

If you were born during the waning moon

The moment of the waning moon includes the period of intermediate phases from the full moon to the new moon. This period can be divided into two phases: The first is the time from the full moon to the third quarter. The second is the time from the fourth quarter until the disappearance of the lunar crescent. Synchronously with the waning of the Moon, the effect of energy and all those processes and phenomena in those areas of life that the Moon controls decreases. Let's consider what character traits people born on the waning moon have.

During the third phase of the moon

People born in the third phase of the moon are overwhelmed with conflicting feelings. They look at themselves as if from the outside and are never satisfied with what they see. To others, they may seem unreliable, constantly changing their beliefs. In the worst case, during the third phase, reckless people are born, influenced by fleeting impulses, illusory desires and dreams. They say about them: “Not of this world.” Often their emotions are beyond their control.

These people need constant friendly contact; being in a team is not a whim for them, but an urgent need. If they don't get help from friends, they can become quite unpredictable. People who unwisely indulge their whims risk wasting their energy. In the third phase of the Moon, born actors and performers are born.

During the fourth phase of the moon

People born in the fourth phase of the Moon look absolutely calm, they often have a cold and hard expression on their faces. These people really lack emotional freedom, the ability to correctly evaluate themselves and control themselves and their impulses. They are characterized by emotional outbursts and impulsive reactions to many events that irritate them. Such people definitely need to learn not to lose their minds in any situation, but also to hide their feelings deeply, without suppressing them.

During the period of the waning Moon, you should cut your hair, do general cleaning, get rid of everything unnecessary, begin treatment, cleanse the body, etc. During the period of the waning Moon, it is advisable to do things that are already established and do not require special effort. An important telephone call made during the waning Moon will most likely not give the desired effect, because on the other end of the line you are listening to a person whose biorhythms are also on the decline. He would rather redirect you to another authority than delve into your problem.

For these phases of the Moon, any work that can be completed quickly is suitable. By getting rid of some bad habit, we seem to kill it. After the habit has disappeared, new inclinations take the place of old ones - renewal begins. This time is considered favorable for completing all kinds of affairs.

Not much time has passed, and now the beautiful Moon, which just recently shone fabulously, begins to lose its strength and light and from full, bright it gradually turns into a small, thin crescent, which soon disappears completely. Now the Moon symbolizes decline, capturing the process of dying. What do we women need to know about the waning moon?

The time of the waning moon is the time of completion of all previously started tasks . Long years my observation of the Moon confirms this. This time is the most favorable for finally giving up bad habits, finishing unfinished business, completing protracted repairs, finishing a delayed dress, etc.

For these phases of the Moon, any work that involves quick completion is suitable. By getting rid of some bad habit, we seem to kill it. After the habit has disappeared, new inclinations take the place of old ones - renewal begins.

Dear women, this time is considered favorable for completing all sorts of things.

On the waning moon, practices related to liberation and purification are performed.

Do clearing of rubble, general cleaning, energetic cleansing of the house, liberation from negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes.

The beginning of the third phase is marked by a feeling of incredible fullness of life. But you can’t get too carried away and throw out energy: everything must be in moderation.

During the period of the waning Moon, medical operations are better, almost all household work is completed with ease, the number of conflict situations decreases, and misunderstandings are more easily resolved. This time is suitable for diet and skin care: the use of special masks, wraps and other cosmetic procedures becomes especially effective.

Under the waning Moon, it is best to clean up the house and sell a valuable item.

If you were born during the waning moon

And people born in the third phase of the moon are overwhelmed with conflicting feelings. They look at themselves as if from the outside and are never satisfied with what they see. To others, they may seem unreliable, constantly changing their beliefs. In the worst case, during the third phase, stupid people are born, influenced by fleeting impulses, illusory desires and dreams. They say about them: “Not of this world.” Often their emotions are uncontrollable. These people need constant friendly contact; being in a team is not a whim for them, but an urgent necessity. If they don't get help from friends, they can become quite unpredictable. People who unwisely indulge their whims risk wasting their energy. In the third phase of the Moon, born actors and performers are born.

People born in the fourth phase of the Moon look absolutely calm, they often have a cold and hard expression on their faces. These people really lack emotional freedom, the ability to correctly evaluate themselves and control themselves and their impulses. They are characterized by emotional outbursts and impulsive reactions to many events that irritate them. Such people definitely need to learn not to lose their minds in any situation, but also to hide their feelings deeply, without suppressing them.

Affirmations for the waning moon

  • Everything I don't need leaves me.
  • All illnesses leave my body.
  • My failures are over. Bright days have come in my life.
  • All my enemies left me. They no longer bother me, they are insignificant to me.
  • All bad conversations are over and will not resume. I am above all this.
  • There are no barriers to my love, they are all destroyed.
  • No one and nothing can interfere with my happiness. I'm happy and loved.


During the fourth phase of the moon it is very good to meditate.

Imagine your heart radiating light and love. This light is getting brighter and brighter. It comes from your heart and spreads to everything visible, to everything in your field of vision.

At the same time, repeat: “I radiate the light of love and happiness. My love is limitless."

The period of the waning moon is a time with very strong, bright energy, which is ideal for internal cleansing, in order to rid your life of everything unnecessary, boring, alien.

Since ancient times, it was believed that the phases of the moon affect a person and various life situations.

Today, even scientists confirm the fact that the phases of the moon have different effects on human life and health. For example, the full moon is a time when a person feels the subtle world especially acutely.

During this period, the number of heart attacks and strokes increases, significant agitation is observed in psychiatric hospitals and patients, and paranoia manifests itself. The waning moon is a period of purification and liberation.

Try to do some general cleaning in your home at this time, and you will feel how, along with dirt and dust, all the negative energy leaves your home, resentment and evil go away, and the desire to breathe and live appears. But on the waning moon you need to clean not only your apartment, but also yourself.

At this time, you can cleanse the body of toxins and waste, cleanse the intestines, kidneys and everything else. internal organs. All this can be done using traditional ways treatment, and through special magical rituals for the waning moon.


During the period of the waning moon, all rituals against alcoholism are carried out without exception. These are powerful magical rituals that should only be performed if a person really suffers from this terrible disease and desperately needs the help of his family and friends, although he himself does not admit it.


This ritual is performed with a new, white towel, which no one has ever used before. At night you need to open the window, stand in the rays moonlight and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As God’s servant (name) wipes himself with this towel, his craving for alcohol will cease. The illness from the servant of God (name) goes away, all the dirt goes into the towel. As soon as seven days pass, God’s servant (name) will be clean and healthy. My will is strong, my word is true, as I said, servant of God (name). That's what will happen. Amen".

Now you need to give the enchanted towel to the alcoholic, and only one person should use it for seven days. After this period, you need to take the towel and bury it in a deserted place where people rarely appear. If it is not possible to go to the wasteland. You can simply burn the towel.


In order to save loved one from alcohol addiction you need to speak to the water taken into the holy water. The words are read thirty and three times:

To free yourself from alcoholism, you need spring water.

“Holy water, you, healing water, help me God's servant(name) to cope with his illness, with a severe addiction, with a harmful habit.

Let his body not accept vodka, let him reject any alcohol from this day on and for the rest of his life.

As soon as seven days pass, the craving for alcohol in the servant of God (name) will go away forever.

Now the charmed water needs to be added a few drops to any alcohol that the target of the magical ritual drinks.


To carry out this effective magic ritual, you will need your husband's wedding ring (it is best that he does not even know that you are taking this ring, let alone the purpose). So, you need to throw the ring into a faceted glass of holy water and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“You are holy water, heal my husband, God’s servant (name), cure him of drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband wears this ring, it will protect him from alcohol and binge drinking. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Afterwards, you need to remove the ring from the glass, let it dry and quietly return it to your husband.


In this spell, you can use any water, but experienced magicians recommend clean water, preferably spring water. You need to collect the liquid in a small vessel and say the words of the conspiracy:

“As this water gets inside the servant of God (name), his drunkenness will go away, all addiction will disappear, disappear and will not return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the spell, the vessel must be placed on the windowsill with an open (or slightly open) window and left there all night. Now add a few drops of enchanted water every day to any liquid that the drunkard will drink, except alcoholic beverages. The ritual cannot be interrupted until the alcoholic drinks all the charmed water.


Most rituals to attract good luck should be carried out on the waxing moon, since it is the new month that symbolizes the appearance of something new in life. Rituals for the waning moon are intended, rather, not to attract good luck into life, but to get rid of failure and constant problems. Be that as it may, such rituals are not inferior in effectiveness to those performed at the beginning of the lunar cycle.


As soon as the moon appears in the sky after sunset, you need to go outside (or stand near open window), raise your hands to the night star and talk about all the failures and problems that you want to solve. Then we read the words of the conspiracy:

“The moon is bright, the moon is made of pure silver, the moon is waning, the moon takes all my troubles and difficulties with it. Just as the moon dissolves in a dark night, so there is new hope and new luck will be born. Amen".

After pronouncing the conspiracy, go home and go to bed, imagining that in the morning all your problems will go away by themselves, that of all difficult situations there will be a way out, and good luck will come to you in all matters.


It's very strong magical ritual, which can be used no more than once a year. To perform the ritual you will need fresh spring water. The liquid should be poured into a small bowl and placed in the evening near an open window. Now take one sip from the bowl and wash your face, neck and shoulders with the rest of the water. After this, read the plot:

“Mother, you, water, are pure and cold, like gold you are valuable, like silver you are precious. Just as water washes mountains and spills over wide open spaces, so it will wash away all bad luck, all failures and evil slander from me, the servant of God (name).

It will wash away impurities from a clean body, with white body, from all a hundred joints, from the malice of those who meet and cross, from a black sorcerer, from a dark witch, from an old white man, and from an old woman, from evil eyes, and from vain speeches.

Great Beluga, you are a friend of clean water, you sharpened your iron teeth on stones, you protected your tin eyes, you swam in all the waters of the seas and oceans, help me too, drive away all evil, bring good things into the life of God’s servant (name).

Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".


As already mentioned, the waning moon is the best time to perform magical rituals aimed at healing, cleansing, and getting rid of everything unnecessary and bad. There are a great many such rituals in magic, some of them are universal, that is, they help “from everything,” others are aimed at solving only one problem.


During the waning moon, this conspiracy will help you get rid of all the accumulated negative energy, it will cleanse you of everything unnecessary and evil, give you strength, and heal your body. This ritual needs to be carried out away from everyday hustle and bustle and worries, so it is better to travel outside the city or go to a deserted park. When you are there, lay any cloth on the ground and lie down on it.

First, lie still, look at the sky, at the trees above you, then roll on the ground a little and stop when you are lying on your stomach. In this position, you need to press your whole body to the ground and not move for the next few minutes, then roll over onto your back and read in a whisper:

“Just as the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. Just as the earth gives strength to all living things, just as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength and cleanse myself of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, just as Mother Earth is strong, as I said, so she will do. Amen".


For this ritual, purchase an egg, just not a store-bought one, a small paper bag and a blue marker.

To perform this ritual you will need: - one egg(preferably not purchased, from the village); - a small paper bag (can be replaced with a cellophane one); - blue marker.

We leave the egg in a dark, empty room for an hour and a half, then we go into the room, take off all our clothes and lie down on the bed.

You need to take a comfortable position, then take the egg and carefully roll it over your body, starting from your feet, ending with your head (if you want to completely cleanse the body).

If you need to get rid of a certain disease, you need to roll the egg where it hurts. At this time, you need to imagine that all diseases are leaving your body, you are freeing yourself from everything bad and unnecessary.

Now take a marker and write the following words on the egg:

“Healing comes, illnesses go away. I am healthy".

After this, you need to put the egg in the prepared bag and take it to the trash, which is located as far as possible from your place of residence. When you throw the bag, try to hit the egg harder so that it breaks.

A spell for the waning moon to get rid of excess weight.

To reset overweight, special spells are used for weight loss. You need to read the plot on the first day of the waning moon. Take a candle, a white envelope and your photo. Light a candle and, looking at your photo, say the words of the conspiracy:

"How The moon is coming decreases, so my fullness decreases. I lock fat with seven locks, with seven shackles, so that I will never be fat.” After these words, put the photo in an envelope and seal it with candle wax. To do this, drop wax onto the envelope seven times.


The period of the waning moon is best suited for lapel rituals. This lunar cycle symbolizes completion, a break in relationships, and therefore lapels and rituals for quarrels carried out at this time have special power.


To rid a person of love spells, you need to perform a special ritual, for which you will need new needles, a church candle and matches. You need to go to a deserted place, dig a small hole in the ground there, and put 9 needles there. As you stick each needle into the ground, you need to imagine that the right person freed from a love affair. Afterwards you need to dig a hole, stand on the ground at full height and read the words:

“Just as needles cannot be together, just as they cannot grow into one whole, so you, the servant of God (name), cannot be together with the servant of God (name). As the needles grow together, then these lovers will only come together. Let it be so".

Now we light a candle in the place of the hole and leave that place without turning around.

Magic for the waning moon: a ritual of liberation.

Get alone, put a lit candle on the table, take a piece of paper, write on it everything you would like to get rid of: bad habits, obsessive fears, frightening thoughts, illnesses and experiences. When you're done, read the list again and throw the paper into the fire. Watch closely as your problems become ashes.

You can throw the ashes down the toilet, but it will be better if you take them away from the house. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual; it must be a sacrament.

Ritual for the waning moon against failures and problems.

Wait until the evening when the moon comes out into the sky. You need to go outside and open your arms towards the moon. Standing like this, mentally or in a whisper, tell her all your troubles, sorrows, problems, failures - everything that you want to get rid of. When you run out of all your thoughts on this matter, say the following spell: “The moon, made of pure silver, is waning, taking all my misfortunes with it, when it dissolves in the night, new hope will be born in me.”.

After that, go home and go to bed. The next morning you will feel free from problems, and success in business will come to you when the waning moon disappears.

Magical money ritual for the waning moon.

To get rid of lack of money, you need to wait until the 15th lunar days. Stand so that you can see the moon; it should not be hidden by clouds or buildings. Standing with your back to the moon and holding a mirror in your hands in which it should be reflected, say three times: “Mother Moon, I ask you, take poverty and lack of money away from me.”.

This ritual will not create money out of nothing, but life will provide you with dozens of opportunities to honestly receive money, profit, and earnings. You will receive profitable offer and your task is not to lie on the couch, hoping for magic, but to use its effect, respond to suggestions and act! This is precisely the essence of money magic. It opens channels through which money will flow to you, and it is important for you to see them and take advantage of them.

Ritual of removing damage.
In order to get rid of negativity, take a bath on the waning moon warm water and put in it so many spoons of table rock salt how old are you full years. At the same time, say: “Mother Earth, help: take off the evil, the black. Let it be so". Lie down in the bath. Try to place your body as horizontally as possible, and then index finger right hand draw an Orthodox cross above you in the horizontal plane.

Get up, take a shower, dry yourself and, having taken out the plug, say three times: “He’ll screw up someone else’s, he’ll screw up what’s bad, he’ll take it to himself, he won’t return it back. Let it be so!"

Ritual of expelling poverty (remove damage to lack of money).
On the waning moon you need to go to church before noon and pray in front of those icons that somehow attracted you with their energy. When you leave, donate to the church the number of nickels equal to your age on that day. At the same time, quietly say: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I forgive, I forgive, I forgive! For today, tomorrow, forever. The Lord Himself is now your Judge. Let it be so! Amen!". And in order to protect the house from poverty in the future, it is necessary to place the root of calamus somewhere in the kitchen.

The next day you need to visit three churches in one day. There, let go of the lack of money. And light a candle for the repose of lack of money. When you return home, do not look back and do not talk to anyone until you cross the threshold of your home. When you enter the house, take a white tablecloth and cover the table with it, place a bowl of water on the table, and light four church candles and read the spell seven times: “Lack of money and poverty, go away through the gates, let me, the servant of God (baptized name), not know you, not suffer from poverty. Water, take away the lack of money, take it to an open field. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, so be it! Amen, amen, amen!

After this, wash your face with this water over a basin and pour the water down the drain.

Get rid of obsessive admirer.
This magical action should be performed by the girl who wants to get rid of an overly obsessive admirer. To do this, she needs to ask him to give her some trifle, a small object.

In the evening twilight, during the waning moon she must go to an uninhabited place, bury the gifted object in the ground, having previously read a spell over it: “I will go out, beautiful maiden (name), when the stars appear in the sky, bow to them, cross myself, turn away from the house and go to an open field, where stands the great and mighty Alatyr stone. Under that stone I (name) will put the love of the good fellow (name) towards me. I’ll pray, get baptized, and return home. I return home, and the love of the good fellow (name) for me will remain under that stone forever and ever. Amen".

After this, try not to communicate with your fan for a week, even by phone or in writing. Gradually his love for you will begin to fade away.

People are part solar system and, regardless of place of residence, gender, social status and age, depend on everything that happens in it, and are influenced by the planets. The threads connecting man and the planets are invisible and very thin, and therefore it can be very difficult to understand them.

When they talk about the influence of the Moon on a person, surrounding nature, quite often you can hear about and , about , about time . But the influence of the night luminary is felt not only at these moments - the periods of the waxing and waning Moon are no less important in this regard.

The waxing moon and its influence on humans

The waxing Moon is like the beginning of a new path. During this period, forces are accumulated for a future breakthrough, it is noted positive influence for everything that requires conservation, nature rests and man is recommended to do the same. The waxing Moon is a reason to reevaluate your attitude towards the body, start restoring energy, and learn to use it rationally.

It won’t hurt to undergo a preventive medical examination at this time, and if you have chronic diseases, then this is simply necessary. It is likely that these days a cure will be found. The waxing Moon is an opportunity to finally play sports, as well as a great time to observe therapeutic diets. Everything positive these days will be multiplied at least twice as much as in other periods.

It is undesirable to overwork during the waxing Moon. At this time, even small loads can cause fatigue and loss of strength. Particular care should be taken by those suffering from edema. Wounds heal poorly at this time, insect bites can cause complications, and food can be poisoned (it is advisable to completely avoid collecting mushrooms and eating them during the waxing Moon). During this period, the body tries to get maximum benefit from the food consumed and makes “reserves”, so it is advisable for those prone to obesity to reduce the usual portion in order to avoid gaining excess weight.

The time of the waxing moon is perfect for cosmetic procedures. Masks and creams provide more noticeable results.

When waxing Moon is in Aries, a person may experience some tension, worry even about a minor issue. We must try to ensure peace of mind and not react to possible provocations.

Waxing Moon in Taurus gives people the missing practicality. At this time it will be great to clean, work on personal plot, go to the dacha. These days, the work will be easy and quick, and the result will be positive and will last for a long time.

Waxing Moon in Gemini Suitable for travel, work meetings or meetings with friends. These days there is an opportunity to get vivid impressions, stock up on new ideas, and recharge with energy.

At waxing moon in Cancer You may need the support and help of others. Listen to their advice. There will definitely be a good one among them.

When the waxing Moon will be in the sign of Leo, the time will come for connoisseurs of works of art, including jewelry. It won't hurt to visit antique shops or showrooms, even if this was not part of the plan. Most likely, you will be able to make a very profitable purchase.

During your stay waxing moon in Virgo You may feel some boredom and even a feeling of emptiness, but do not be upset. It would be much better to spend the day alone, pay attention to your favorite hobby or just read a book.

Waxing Moon in Libra makes it possible to understand what is happening and clearly distinguish between personal and business. Analyze the situation, putting aside emotions, talk frankly with your loved ones. Frank conversations are especially important for relatives or friends who work together.

When the waxing Moon is in Scorpio, it's time to deal with personal problems. This time long-awaited meetings and frank conversations, pleasant friendly gatherings and romantic dates.

For those who can’t get ready to go on vacation or for some reason constantly postpone trips to visit their relatives - waxing Moon in Sagittarius gives every opportunity to implement plans. This is the time to combine business with pleasure. For example, you can take your family on a work trip and, by extending the trip for a couple of days, have a great time together.

As soon as waxing Moon moves into Capricorn, a surge of strength appears and performance increases significantly. If you use the available resources correctly, you will be able to achieve successful promotion career ladder and wage increases.

While in Aquarius, waxing Moon gives you the opportunity to look back and think about those who are having a hard time in this life. This is a great time to devote yourself to charity and help those in need.

If the waxing Moon is in Pisces, you need to try not to think about anything other than work. Try to avoid taking medications and various dietary supplements, and do not introduce new foods into your diet. There is a high probability of severe poisoning.

Waning Moon and its influence on humans

During the waning moon, desiccation occurs, everything unnecessary is washed away, a significant release of energy is noted, the body is cleansed and freed. It is worth noting that, despite the fairly large amount of work being done, loss of strength does not occur, and if fatigue is present, it is only from the pleasure of what has been done.

At this time, the body seems to accumulate all its strength. Wounds heal almost instantly, even very complex surgeries and other medical procedures are successfully performed. For those who have been putting off visiting the dentist for a long time, these days are the time to catch up and go to the dentist.

For those watching their figure, it will be pleasant to know that during this period you can take some liberties, but if, on the contrary, you arrange a deload or spend a couple of days fasting, it will be possible to lose weight by 1.5-2 times more weight than in other periods.

But it’s better to postpone visiting hairdressers. As a last resort, you can make an appointment with a master when the Moon is in the sign of Leo or Virgo. In other cases, along with the cut hair, there is a risk of giving away your own energy. Those who do not follow this rule note that after a haircut during the waning moon, an excruciating headache occurs.

Waning Moon in Aries awakens in people complexes from childhood and adolescence. Sometimes, everything around you looks exclusively in black and white and does not bring any joy or satisfaction. These days it is better to devote yourself to logical studies, spend your leisure time playing chess or solving crosswords.

Waning Moon in Taurus, on the contrary, fills all the inhabitants of our planet with inner joy and a feeling of complete contentment with life. You should not completely surrender to the feeling of immense happiness - alas, the world is not as beautiful as it might seem.

Finding waning moon in Gemini often associated with accusations of illogical actions. Indeed, these days it’s as if something is leading us astray from the true path; chaos is created in any endeavor, as if by magic.

As soon as The waning Moon takes its position in Cancer, the time comes for analysis and reflection. It won't hurt to look through the phone book and get old ones. notebooks, - perhaps you will find quite valuable information there or contacts of the person you need at that particular moment.

Waning Moon in Leo- time for speakers. Public performance They pass easily and naturally, the public listens with delight to every word spoken, it is possible, without much effort, to organize a circle of like-minded people, to convince people that you are right.

Finding waning moon in Virgo Perfect for cleaning the house. These days, it is much easier to clean the dirt, and the cleanliness will remain for a longer period.

If there is a need to discuss a certain situation, there is better time than finding waning moon in Libra, can not found. By expressing radically opposing opinions, people will not quarrel, and they will be able to find the right points of contact. The result of the negotiations will be the adoption of a common and only correct decision.

Waning Moon in Scorpio is somewhat of a period of renaissance. There is no need to try to keep the person who is leaving - this means that this connection is destined to be interrupted, but special attention should be paid to new casual acquaintances. It wouldn’t hurt to think about the sudden appearance of a “person from the past” if he reappeared in your life during this period.

When located waning moon in Sagittarius You shouldn’t take on other people’s responsibilities, and even more so, you shouldn’t put responsibility on your own shoulders. Mind your own business and you can avoid trouble.

Despite all the practicality for which it is famous Capricorn, while in it waning moon should not be engaged in work. These days you need to listen to calm music, you can attend a concert of your favorite performer or an opera. At this time, it is as if the strings of the soul are exposed, and it is possible to more subtly sense the world around us.

Waning Moon in Aquarius puts you in a different mood. Don't want to communicate with anyone? And it's not necessary. Take a day off and spend time with your favorite book on the couch or chat with your loved ones. Keep everyone else at a distance, otherwise conflicts will inevitably arise.

Waning Moon in Pisces- a wonderful period. The feeling of happiness and euphoria just pours over the edge, but you shouldn’t completely surrender to joy. Try to use the available amount of energy to achieve a long-set goal.

It was created thousands of years before you and I came into this world. The experience of our ancestors, supplemented by the knowledge of our contemporaries, proves that by correctly knowing the available information about the influence of the Earth’s satellite on a person, by knowing how to behave correctly, what to think about first of all on the waxing and waning Moon, you can correctly build your life.
