Chinese horoscope for the snake. full characteristics of the sign

> Year of the Snake

Those people born in the year of the Snake are characterized by innate wisdom, observation and foresight. Such people are quite persistent, persistent, patient, demanding both of themselves and of those around them. Even without taking into account the fact that Snakes are greedy, vain and love themselves very much, they are also characterized by the ability to sympathize with their not very successful comrades.

The Snake has the confidence that it is destined to fulfill big goal. She believes that she can conquer this goal. In order not to be distracted by petty matters, she strives to devote herself entirely to just one cause, one person or one belief. As a result, the Snake devotes itself only to what it has an inclination to, i.e. oh what is destined for her.

Most Snakes are distinguished by the presence of a sixth sense. Often they can prophesy events that will happen in the future, upcoming or in the distant future. The snake has the ability to “be in the shoes” of another person, his interlocutor, and predict all his aspirations and impulses.

The snake always exercises caution and prudence. She moves towards her life's goal at a slow pace and with a certain consistency, because she is confident that she will achieve it as a result. They cannot be seen on the open trail. Snakes are always on the sidelines, which determines their strengths, as well as the fact that at first their abilities are downplayed. Snakes do not tend to trust other people. They tend to rely on their intuition and their own intelligence. They have developed deep thinking, they solve cases in a long and deliberate manner, adhering to thoroughness. The Snake is a true intellectual, a philosopher, prone to foresight. Having made mistakes that cannot be avoided, Snakes take them very intensely and seriously. However, the Snake is never in a state of despair.

Snakes have the ability to adapt to people and events. They try to get around people if necessary, or they may turn off an overly bright street in order to avoid being noticed. Snakes are not characterized by haste, coercion or violence. They simply store and share their own strength, renew it in a timely manner, and do not waste it on trifles. They tend to take care not to become the envy of others and not to acquire unnecessary enemies. However, when the Snakes show hostile interest or uncompromisingness, then they begin to create a plan for liberation from the enemy or come up with ways to neutralize his actions. The worst option is to develop a devastating plan.

The most the best way Snake's learning is perception and impression with early age. If the Snake child suspects that he is being treated incorrectly and unfairly, he will hide his anger, which is very difficult to get rid of. They always demand to be cheered up when they are offended, to be pitied when they have the blues. At the same time, it is imperative to find out the reasons for what happened and ways to overcome these circumstances.

Quite early on, Snakes show their penchant for primacy, prosperity, and some even show a passion for adventure. In childhood and adolescence, almost all Snakes have a certain attractiveness and charm, which is very difficult to resist. And in already mature age Snakes begin to show a cold, sober mind, firmness and tempered character.

In love relationships, the Snake is very jealous. She chooses a partner for a long time and scrupulously. But, in any situation, the Snake will wrap itself around its betrothed, not giving him the least bit of freedom in action. The most vulnerable place of the Snake is the family and home. Snakes can have many children or not have any at all. One thing is clear - the Snake will always keep a tight rein on its chosen one in a love relationship, in marriage or in a common matter.

Snakes who love to socialize are very sociable and sexy. Such a Snake has great power over relatives. A snake that keeps to itself is very shy and timid. The most comfortable place for her is her home, her hiding place. This is the place where she feels safe. It is very difficult for such a Snake to form close friendships. However, if they start, she will carry them throughout her life, until death. The Snake has high requirements To friends. She has a strong attachment to them.

Snakes have excellent organizational skills and are not afraid of responsibility during difficult periods. The snake has a keen eye, they are far-sighted. However, their pride prevents them from seeing reality. Snakes do not see their mistakes and do not admit them.

The first two thirds of the Snake's life pass in a mode of relative calm. More attention should be paid to the last third. During this period, there is a possibility of various complications arising at work, at home, and in the family. The happiest will be Snakes who were born on a hot day, as they cannot tolerate cold and bad weather. If there was a storm on their birthday or natural disasters, then the Snake has a threat of danger for the rest of its life.

Compatibility of the Snake with other signs

Snake and Rat

This alliance is quite problematic, not taking into account the presence of common interests. The Rat has the ability to become attached to the Snake, which puts itself at risk. There are contradictions that can be smoothed out in the sexual sphere. They can form wonderful friendships. However, in most cases, they are connected by simple chatter, intrigue, and gossip. The development of business relations is influenced by the activity and level of efficiency of both partners and common interests.

Snake and Ox

This union has prospects, especially if family and life interests coincide. If they create a family and the Bull has power, then “the wolves will be satisfied, and the sheep will remain whole.” In this case, the Snake will feel happy because it has the opportunity to work calmly and conduct its business. Friendly relations are possible between them if they understand each other well, although they have different natures. They have no prospects in business relations. Don't even start them.

Snake and Tiger

In this case, marriage should be avoided. This will cause complete and hopeless misunderstanding between them. The Tiger simply does not perceive the wisdom of the Snake. An unlikely friendship between a snake and a tiger. They are unable to hear each other. There is no point in developing business relationships, since there is no understanding and agreement between them.

Snake and Rabbit

There is a possibility of creating a great marriage. They have a strong attraction to each other from the first sight, the first meeting. In order to avoid the transformation of such spontaneous sympathy into antipathy, they need to keep their feelings and emotions under control. Friendships can be strong and lasting. Both the Snake and the Rabbit love to have passionate conversations, mostly philosophical ones. They need to avoid cunning and unnecessary flattery. In business relations, they will prosper if both cooperate on the basis of good faith and maintain a common income.

Snake and Dragon

This union is full of problems. It is very difficult for the Dragon to be under control, in the shackles of the Snake. The Dragon loves to be looked after and adored, but the Snake does not have time for this, it must work. Friendship between these signs is possible. There is an excellent understanding between them. They complement each other without requiring anything special. Can develop and business relationship if both work.

Snake and Snake

The union is complex, since there are two extremes - either heady, faithful love, or open hatred, which grows over time. There is a possibility of problems arising, since both strive to flirt, have a penchant for adventure in love, and constantly try to neutralize each other. Friendships can be long-lasting and strong. There is a meeting between two philosophers, between whom there is an understanding. The development of a business relationship is not very possible, since both are lovers of meditation, reflection, planning, and not work. Such an attitude can negatively affect their common business, or even lead to its collapse.

Snake and Horse

Such a tandem is very doubtful, since the Horse remains faithful until the moment it is in a state of love. And if love passes, then the Horse prefers to leave... And the Snake is in the area love relationship and marriage is the same. They can form strong friendships. The Horse shows sympathy for the Snake’s sociability, agility and satisfaction with everything. And if the Horse gets angry or shows whims, then the Snake simply ignores them. Business relationships can begin, and they will be productive if the Horse realizes the Snake’s ideas and thoughts.

Snake and Goat

Union is possible under certain conditions: The Snake must be rich, or at least prosperous. And even this will not allow you to avoid various incidents. Friendship is possible if the Snake helps the Goat. Business relationships will be problematic, but possible. The snake is wise, but it does not know how to lead, only to give plans and ideas. And the Goat is capable of doing stupid things.

Snake and Monkey

This kind of marriage is problematic. Only prudence and common interests in life will help. They can only be friends in the sphere of secular relations, since there is no warmth and sincerity between them. Business relationships will also be problematic, mainly on the part of the Snake. Everything can work out if the Monkey gets to work. And the Snake can always give ideas and plans.

Snake and Rooster

An excellent union with perspective. There is excellent mutual understanding, a desire for common goal. The basis of their friendship is a wealth of feelings and the need to be together. Business relationships are questionable, as there is a lot of unnecessary talk.

Snake and Dog

Family life in such a union will be quite problematic, since it is difficult to get along with the Dog. Prospects in friendly relations also no. There is no sincerity, therefore only secular relationships are possible. Business relationships are possible, but the Dog is not attracted to them, because only “menial” work will fall on its shoulders.

Years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037

People born in Year of the Snake, wise, insightful and perspicacious. They never enter into conflicts with those who are stronger than them morally and physically. Persistent - always achieve their goals with their work and effort. These people never quit midway, even if they understand that it will not bring them any benefit. The same applies to communication - Snakes will communicate until the last moment with someone who is not interesting to them, but they will do everything so that the person himself stops contacting them.

They are hardy and demanding of others and themselves. Among the Snakes there are many stingy and selfish individuals. However, they are also able to sympathize with less successful colleagues and friends. From birth, snakes set life priorities and clearly follow them. They do not waste time on small matters, they devote themselves to one thing - a person, a business or a hobby.

They have well-developed intuition, so they often predict the future, both their own and those of loved ones. They can predict the outcome of a business. Snakes feel people very well, they can put themselves in the place of their interlocutor, so they often guess his intentions and wishes, which helps them in business. Snakes are prudent and cautious, they do not trust anyone, they rely only on themselves and their minds. They think about every action for a long time and thoroughly, but in the end everything turns out better than even planned. Therefore, they are always trusted with the most important tasks that do not require quick reaction.

In life, they are realists on the verge of pessimism - they take their failures seriously, but never bring themselves to despair - they look for a way out of the current situation and always find it, which is why their lives always change in better side. This is their motto: “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”!

These people always try to adapt to their surroundings and conditions: you will not see them in plain sight, because if circumstances require it, they will take a detour so as not to attract attention. They never rush and never force anyone to do anything. They only distribute their forces wisely, carefully developing a plan of action.

People of the Year of the Snake in everyday life. Since Snakes are slow people, it is difficult for them to gather the strength to start cleaning, because of this, you can often find a little chaos in their home. However, if they decide to clean up their house, it will only be spring-cleaning, after which you won’t find a speck of dust or a lint. They can do this for a long time, postponing all their plans for later, which is why they let down their friends, for example, those who invited them to a party.

In addition, Snakes are infrequent participants in entertainment events - you will not meet them in a cafe or at a disco; they usually lead a solitary lifestyle into which they do not let anyone in, not even their loved ones. On top of everything else, they are silent, it’s hard to get them to have a frank conversation, but they know how to listen carefully, so you can always come to them and cry in your vest. However, this does not mean that they will sympathize, since Snakes are indifferent to the problems of others. It is important that everything goes well for them.

Business qualities of people born in the year of the Snake. It is better for snakes to work for themselves, then they will be able to show responsibility and commitment. If there is a person above them who can replace the bored Snake, she will definitely take advantage of this. This usually happens when she is not interested in work. When she is in the heat of the moment, no one can stop her - she will work tirelessly, even to the detriment of her personal life.

Among the people born in the year of the Snake, there are many leaders in character who can lead the team, but again, if they show unquestioning obedience, the rebels will be immediately fired without the right to return. The fact is that these people are very touchy and vindictive. They never see their mistakes. The reason is pride. Snakes are good organizers; in difficult situations they take responsibility.

Love for those born in the year of the Snake. Snakes choose their partners themselves. They are jealous and intolerant of the shortcomings of their other half, although they love him madly. They can’t do it any other way – they either idolize or hate. These people, in a relationship with a loved one, behave like real snakes, wrap themselves around him, not allowing him to get out of the embrace - controlling calls, actions and even words. They do not share their loved one with friends or family.

The Snakes themselves are often flighty, especially the stronger sex. They have connections on the side that can complicate the snake's life. Snakes are vindictive people; if they are rejected, they will remember this for a long time and will definitely, perhaps even after a few years, respond to the offender in such a way that he will feel the blow once dealt to the Snakes.

A family of people born in the year of the Snake. In a family, Snakes usually become the heads of the family - they never listen to the advice of their other half, as they are confident that they are right. And this often happens. They know how and where to earn money to provide for their families comfortable existence. They get along well with their children: they know how to listen to them and lead them, without pressing, to the right decision.

It is very important for the Snake to have a good relationship in the family, they examine their parents, and not only their own, but also their other half. However, in old age they prefer to live separately from their children - they believe that they will be a hindrance to them. For this reason, conflicts arise with the younger generation and, as a result, Snakes often end up living alone. It is impossible to convince them of anything.

Health of those born in the year of the Snake. These people are not in good health. From an early age they get sick very often. They have big problems With gastrointestinal tract, and also with musculoskeletal system. They need to try to watch their diet, which they rarely do, preferring tasty and spicy food. But as soon as they feel that the problem is becoming more serious, they immediately change their lifestyle - sports, healthly food and no stress. This Snake can be seen at the office of a nutritionist and gastroenterologist. They strictly follow their recommendations, and lead them astray the right way impossible.

Characteristics of the Water Snake

People born in the year of the Water Snake are manipulators - they achieve everything at the expense of others. They are insightful and tactful. They skillfully manage people using their intelligence and communication style. They make good politicians. Water Snakes- practical and mercantile, often these character traits develop into heartlessness - they always look for profit in everything. However, this does not prevent them from having many acquaintances and friends.

In addition, they are quite vindictive individuals. They do not know how to forgive and make peace; they will be offended for a long time, even when they are wrong, in the expectation that they will be the first to be approached to improve relations. But they are magnificent avengers - they take revenge for a long time, waiting for the moment when they can strike the one who hurts the most. For this reason, their marriage is usually short, and separation is scandalous and difficult.

Characteristics of the Wood Snake

People born in the year of the Wood Snake are very cunning and insidious individuals, but at the same time kind and sincere. They often choose professions related to charity. Wooden Snakes They strive for a comfortable life, so they can be seen in a restaurant in expensive clothes, treating their friends to a delicious lunch.

They have a huge thirst for glory - they see themselves in the boss’s chair, to whom everyone runs for advice and requests, and only the Snakes decide who to praise and who to refuse. They choose marriage partners quiet man, who, no matter what, will appreciate and respect his soulmate born in the year of the Wood Snake.

Characteristics of the Fire Snake

People born in the year of the Fire Snake are critical and sarcastic, often rude and straightforward. They can even be called poisonous. In addition, they are distrustful and love to discuss others, so they think that those around them act the same way towards them. They find it difficult to get along with people and have few friends.

In love, things are not going smoothly for them either - jealousy can ruin relationships even with a partner who loves the Snake. Fire Snakes They love money very much, for the sake of it they are even ready to forget about their principles. In addition to a stable financial situation, it is also important for them social status- the desire for power can play a cruel joke with these people - their arrogance will cause a quarrel with influential people. Fire Snakes are emotional and hot-tempered.

Characteristics of the Earth Snake

People born in the year Earth Snakes, – sheer charm and spontaneity. They are loved in society, as they get along well with people, which greatly distinguishes them from other representatives of this sign. They calmly accept criticism and even take note of many things in order to improve.

Earth Snakes They are very passionate about money, so they choose wealthy people as friends and marriage partners so that they can live in grand style. If they fail to do this, they can become misers and greedy people. These Snakes are quite wise, reasonable and patient, which they use to achieve their goals. Earthly representatives of the sign of Snakes do not tolerate changes, both in the environment and in life, therefore, having once chosen a soul mate, they live with her all their lives, enduring all his shortcomings.

Characteristics of the Metal Snake

People born in the year of the Snake of the Metal element are cold. They love being alone. They have few friends. These Snakes strive with all their might to beautiful life, so they make comfortable housing even from a small apartment. They dress tastefully, eat only gourmet food and wear expensive jewelry.

Metal Snakes proud and ambitious - they do not tolerate criticism - whoever dares to do this becomes their main enemy. They have an iron will - they always achieve whatever they want, even if they have to walk over corpses. These people are intelligent and wise, so they choose those with extraordinary thinking as marriage partners. Their marriage is strong, but as long as they are interested in the person. As soon as the sympathy leaves, the Snake breaks up without disappointment.

You can find out online which year correlates with which animal of the Eastern horoscope, its color and element on the page.

The sixth sign of the twelve-year cycle Chinese calendar is the Snake. The characteristics of those born in the year of the Snake indicate that these people have all the character traits of this reptile. She is characterized by: cunning, temptation, bad intentions.

This animal is associated with the energy of yin, yang and the element of fire. Zodiac sign – Virgo. The main features of the sign are very contradictory: prudence, selfishness, determination, stinginess.

Video “Snake: characteristics of the sign”

This video features general characteristics eastern horoscope sign Snake.


Cunning and wisdom allow you to always achieve what you want. Such people are very purposeful, so they can achieve success in any field of activity, as well as:

  1. Observant. Because of this, they are often turned to for help and support.
  2. Mudras. They first think about everything, calculate it, and only after that take the next step.
  3. They are demanding not only of themselves, but also of those around them. This allows you to properly organize your life, as well as any work process.
  4. Tricky. Thanks to this quality, they can easily see what is hidden from others and use it for their own purposes to achieve the desired result.
  5. Elegant and sociable. Snakes are always dressed to the nines and are pleasant conversationalists.
  6. Purposeful. Until they get what they want, nothing else makes sense.


Coldness, selfishness, secrecy are the first things that catch your eye. But once you get to know each other better, it becomes clear that you can rely on these people.

Negative character traits:

  1. Stinginess. All funds earned are first distributed to essential goods, and then to everything else.
  2. Prudence. Representatives of the sign easily use even prohibited techniques to achieve their goals.
  3. Stealth. Snakes do not like to share their plans and intentions with others.
  4. A strong character. He does not allow one to show pity either for himself or for other people, which is why “snakes” are often considered cold.

Snake Man

These representatives have a very complex and strong-willed character. Seeing a person through and finding all the sore spots is not difficult for them.

Ambitious and talented, despite his negative traits character, such a guy can be liked by others and attract attention. But such people have very few friends, because only close Snakes are able to open their souls. They do not like unjustified risks and prefer to calculate everything in advance.

These men suffer from mood swings and even depression. But, despite this, the stern and strong-willed dream of a strong and friendly family.

Like the animal symbolizing the year, Snake men do not attack first; usually this is only a response. Moreover, such people can wait for a long time and only after that make one precise blow.


Intelligence and prudence are traits characteristic of the Snake woman. Under external beauty Observation and qualities that allow you to achieve what you want are hidden. She does not accept criticism addressed to her, responding with hidden aggression.

The Snake Woman can be very assertive and insidious, but skillfully hides this under the guise of calm and gentleness.

One has only to curb laziness, and the Snake woman will be able to show the whole world her talents and Creative skills, because she has a well developed logical thinking.

The Snake woman, like a man, prefers material and physical pleasures. They believe that they are destined for a higher purpose in this life. Over the years, ladies become wiser and more patient, turning into wonderful wives.

The characteristics of the Snake woman are very contradictory. She can be grateful and vindictive, while still giving friendliness to others. Sociable and secretive, giving excellent advice without revealing yourself.


Children born in the year of the Snake become adults very early. You would think that babies from the cradle would know what they can and want to get from this world. Schoolchildren can become teachers' favorites, because they are very attentive, calculating, disciplined, brave and strong.

The characteristics of children of this sign are contradictory, because Snake children listen very carefully, but at the same time speak very little. What conclusions they draw in their heads is anyone's guess.

An important feature of Snake kids is the ability to look at the world philosophically, which distinguishes them from their peers. Well-developed logical thinking and the ability to set priorities correctly allows them to achieve great heights.

The Snake child has a sense of justice, so he will never offend himself unreasonably and will not allow others to do this. Children of this sign do not accept criticism, neither from strangers nor from relatives.

Astrologers warn that Snake children should not be spoiled; nothing good will come of it.


Every year according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar passes under a certain elemental sign. The Year of the Snake passes under five different elements. Depending on a person’s date of birth, some character traits may change.

Black (blue) water snake (1953, 2013)

Those born under the sign of the Water Snake are very sensual natures who are ready to sacrifice their time for the sake of another person. The Black Snake easily breaks all the rules and will not obey strict discipline or planning.

Wood Snake (1965)

The element of wood allows the Snake to perform error-free actions and do right choice. She concentrates on one problem and carefully thinks through every step. The Wood Snake loves to enjoy life, relax, and creates a calm plot for his personal life.

Earth Snake (1989)

The element of earth endows the Snake with secrecy, slowness and unhurriedness in almost everything. She can easily build a successful career by going through each stage thoughtfully and slowly. Representatives of this element are hospitable, create comfort in the home and are wonderful family men. It is important for her to be needed by someone. The earth representative will always come to the rescue, you just have to call.

White Metal Snake (2001)

The element of metal gives the Snake a quick reaction to any change in the environment. She loves passionate relationships with a dose of risk and real, sincere emotions. The Metal Snake will always take care of the family, becoming its breadwinner.

Fire Snake (1977)

The element of fire is the most combative. Representatives of this sign love the spirit of competition and easily calculate events that should happen in the future. If fire snake If she chooses a business that she likes, she becomes purposeful and achieves everything herself. In personal relationships, this is a very devoted sign that is capable of making sacrifices for the sake of the other half.


The snake will look closely at the object that interests it for a very long time. If all the “tests” are passed, the person will begin courtship, while arranging different situations that will show true attitude partner.

At home, Snakes are selfish, demanding and want everything to be the way they want it. Because of this, they are often left alone, but this does not bother them.


Thanks to his determination and ability to get out of the most confusing situations, the Snake becomes an indispensable worker. Thanks to her demandingness and toughness, she makes a good boss.

Suitable professions for the Snake would be: diplomat, doctor, lawyer, financial analyst, accountant.

Famous people

Famous men born in the year of the Snake:

  • Nikolay Gogol;
  • Muhammad Ali;
  • Charles Darwin;
  • John Kennedy;
  • Christian Dior.

Among the women who are Snakes according to the Chinese horoscope, there are also many celebrities:

  • Greta Garbo;
  • Indira Gandhi;
  • Alexandra Pakhmutova;
  • Nonna Gaprindashvili;
  • Lyudmila Zykina.

The fate of the Serpents is entirely in their hands. They try with all their might to achieve success and comfort in life. In personal relationships and love they prefer peace, but they cannot be called faithful wives and husbands.

The snake is the sixth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the energy of “yang”, “yin” and the element “fire”. The corresponding zodiac sign is Virgo.

The snake symbolizes: wisdom, cunning, elegance, determination, exactingness, observation, hard work, cautionprudence, coldness, secrecy, stinginess, selfishness, rigidity

Table of the Years of the Snake

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Snake

The characteristics of representatives of the Snake sign introduces the peculiarities of character, building personal relationships, and professional growth of people born in the year of this animal.

Character traits

Positive. The snake is wise and cunning, so it always gets what it wants. The constancy of her nature is manifested by her determination in any endeavor. This sign achieves a lot in life.

Characteristic positive features:

  • wisdom: The Snake is never in a hurry to make decisions, but thinks about all the pros and cons; together with natural observation, this quality forms the basis of her character;
  • cunning: always sees “loopholes” that help her achieve her goal; can sometimes even subtly use other people to get his way;
  • elegance: the ability to behave in society and look good - distinctive features Snakes; she is always “dressed to the nines” and easily carries on small talk;
  • determination: always strives for a goal, no matter what - mercantile or love; for her, the current goal is the main thing in life, so other areas remain in the background;
  • demanding: demanding of oneself and others; knows how to properly organize the work process and lead the work team towards the set goal;
  • observation: The Snake is a born psychologist: she always notices what is happening around her and is well versed in feelings; therefore, they often turn to her for advice in difficult situations.

Negative. The main negative character traits of the Snake are coldness and secrecy. She is not easy to understand because she hides her feelings and does not reveal her plans. At the same time, as others get to know her, they understand that they can rely on her.

Negative sides:

  • prudence: always weighs the possibilities for achieving the goal and uses prohibited techniques, including the weaknesses of competitors, their failures and miscalculations; she always ends up in the right place at the right time;
  • coldness: the Snake’s sense of pity and empathy is poorly developed; she has a strong character, and she demands the same from others; at the same time, she is capable of strong feelings for loved ones;
  • secrecy: often you won’t get a word from representatives of this sign about plans and intentions; The snake is accustomed to keeping all ideas to itself, which does not improve its relationships with others;
  • stinginess: thrifty; All earned funds are distributed monthly for the most necessary needs, and then for everything else.

Love and relationships

The snake looks closely at the object of its interest for a long time. He must have a worthy worldview, behavior in society and intelligence.

When all the “tests” are passed, the Snake begins courtship. Often arranges provocations in order to find out his attitude to a certain situation (for example, makes him jealous).

At home, the Snake is selfish and demands that everything be as it suits it. Due to the complexity of her character, she is often left alone. This does not become a problem for her, because she feels comfortable alone. But if possible, he still strives to link his destiny with his chosen partner.

Career and profession

The snake is hardworking. She meticulously carries out the work assigned to her. Thanks to wisdom and observation, he becomes an invaluable worker. The snake always finds a way out of any difficult situation and never finds itself “backed into a corner.”

Performs well on leadership positions thanks to rigidity and exactingness. This is a stern and fair boss. At the same time, he does not like senior management because of comments and instructions addressed to him.

Recommended professions: The Snake chooses for itself activities where it is required to demonstrate the ability to think and analyze. The positions of a doctor, financial analyst, accountant, lawyer, and diplomat are suitable for her.

Years of the Snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

In order to understand the essence of a person born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope, it is necessary to understand the essence of the snake in nature. The size of snakes, their cunning and hunting acumen inspire mystical horror. In fact, snakes are not that scary. They attack only in case of danger.

Snake according to the Chinese horoscope: Astropsychological characteristics

Most snakes do not gravitate towards collective life. The snake's lifestyle is to hide among the roots of trees or among stones. Many snakes can go without food for a whole year and still maintain excellent shape.

The venom of most snakes is fatal. In order to grab prey, the snake makes a sharp throw. She very rarely misses. For example, a boa constrictor quickly wraps two or three body rings around its prey and squeezes until the victim’s breathing and heartbeat stop. If the prey escapes, the hug becomes stronger. The prey is swallowed without chewing.

The fear that snakes cause is born of mystical stories and terrible impressions of the death of people bitten by snakes. But at the same time, snakes themselves become victims of people. The ancestors of snakes are close to lizards. Both of them have powerful astral energy, which is used in healing.

In many Asian countries, snakes are caught and used for food, and medicines are made from snake venom to rejuvenate and increase potency. Currently, many species of snakes are protected by international laws.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Snakes are talented and ambitious from birth. They have the gift of observation, intuition, instantly read information about strong and weaknesses people, persistent, purposeful, have a strong logical mind.

Many Snakes have an innate gift of hypnosis and suggestion. If desired, the Snake knows how to please and produce the right impression on others. And if the Snake were not so lazy, it could achieve a lot from life.

The entire life of snakes passes in close contact with the earth, therefore a typical person - a Snake - is a purely material, conservative, cold, elusive person. The Snake Man is only interested in money, material values ​​and physical pleasures.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake is stingy, selfish and vain; she does not know how to bestow the warmth of her heart and generosity of soul on others. Therefore, the Snake always has problems in the area of ​​love relationships.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Snakes are usually loners. They keep people at a distance. They are unsociable and have few or no friends. The snake is not inclined to open up when communicating and no one knows what she is really thinking about.

In nature, snakes are large (in warm countries) and smaller. Likewise, people born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope are of 2 types:

1. Wise, calm, prone to philosophy, able to logically calculate the situation several moves ahead. These are people with strong, unshakable principles. If you find yourself in difficult situation, ask the wise Snake for advice and you will receive it.

2. "Slippery", dangerous, insidious and "poisonous". It is almost impossible to come to an agreement with them - they will sting anyway. Such Snakes intuitively find weakness enemy and strike with lightning speed.

All people are Snakes according to the Chinese horoscope, they are careful, it is difficult to catch them by the hand, they always slip away. You don’t see such people in open spaces: they try to stay somewhere to the side, behind. The Snake man is not interested in a fortress that needs to be stormed. Snakes skillfully take care not to make enemies and envious people. They trust others little, relying only on their own mind and intuition.

When taking on a new business, Snakes think about their every step. They don't like to take risks. Work too. Since it is difficult to earn big money without risk, Snakes prefer to accumulate money gradually, throughout their lives, through austerity and stinginess.

Snakes according to the Chinese horoscope are complex, ambiguous people. From childhood they are convinced that they were born for great goal. And if they find their purpose in life, they can achieve success and make a dizzying career. It must be remembered that all Snakes are brilliant manipulators.

They easily find the “weak points” of those around them and, by pressing the right buttons, quickly achieve their goals. Often, to get what they want, Snakes create a scandal - in the end they get what they want. According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake is the master of scandal, and this is something to take note of.

Snake according to the Chinese horoscope: business qualities

Most Snakes according to the Chinese horoscope prefer to point and command. Therefore they strive to occupy" warm place“a leader in some organization where you don’t need to work hard. Almost all Snakes are excellent leaders. They love and know how to plan, look at things soberly, and have excellent intuition and observation.

Unfortunately, excessive caution prevents them from acting. To implement their ambitious plans, Snakes need conscientious, energetic performers - both at home and at work. Usually this is a strictly limited circle of people that does not change over the years. Snakes don't like change. They, as a rule, rarely change work and family on their own initiative.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Snakes who could not find their place in life are very difficult people. They are constantly dissatisfied with themselves and those around them, criticize everyone and everything, and provoke quarrels out of the blue.

Before they even get out of bed in the morning, they begin to harass their loved ones with reproaches and lectures. They torture themselves and others, turning life into hell. Most Snakes have a hot temperament, they explode over little things, and it is very difficult to be around them. Ultimately, the Snake is its own enemy.

In order for the life of the Snake to turn out happily according to the Chinese horoscope, she needs to find something she likes and devote her life to it. Then those around you will not suffer so much from its bites.

Snake according to the Chinese horoscope in relationships

When marrying a Snake, do not expect that she will bring a lot of money to the family. She does not like to take risks; it is difficult for her to run an independent business. Most likely, she will squeeze you into a ring (take complete control) and force you to work with redoubled force, squeezing all the vital juices out of you. And she herself will rest in the shade.

Due to its frugality, the Snake, according to the Chinese horoscope, can accumulate a tidy sum in old age and live on interest. After all, it is known that the best moneylenders and bankers are Snakes.

As we said above, Snakes do not like to work, they are white-handed, all their lives they look for a warm place to bask in the sun, and languish over the “gold” (accumulated material assets). Surely you know from children's fairy tales that in places where treasures are hidden, snakes always live - they guard them. Therefore, the Snake needs to organize its life so that others work for it.

Yes, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake loves treasures. But don't flatter yourself! Even if the Snake is your marriage partner, you are unlikely to be able to use these treasures. The Snake is not known for its generosity and strictly keeps all expenses under control.

If you are wasteful, then life with a Snake partner will bring you nothing but headaches. You will constantly quarrel and sort things out over money. But if you have a penchant for frugality, hoarding and order, then you and your beloved Snake - sweet couple, mutual understanding and harmony are guaranteed to you.

In any case, living together with a Snake according to the Chinese horoscope will teach you to take a blow. And this is worth a lot. The snake is a wonderful teacher of life. However, in the process of mutual quarrels (training), you can waste the remaining Divine Love, as a result, illnesses will worsen, failures will follow, and planned plans will be disrupted.

If you have ever observed the behavior of a snake in nature, then you know that the snake releases its venom instantly, and the victim does not have time to defend itself, orient itself, or escape. A person born in the year of the Snake behaves in the same way. Therefore, it is dangerous to conflict with him. He will probably guess your weak points and be the first to deliver an accurate blow.

To be fair, it must be said that in most cases Snakes rarely attack themselves. Most often they are provoked to release negative emotions. We can say that the Snake is an indicator of your internal state. If you are a calm and good-natured person, then the Snake will also treat you calmly.

Of course, there are times when the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope cannot withstand a long psychological impact(pressure) and becomes extremely poisonous. She always responds to hidden aggression with overt aggression. (However, this applies to any other year of birth, the Snake is simply more sensitive than others).

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake always claims to be the head of the family. But in order to be a real master in the family, you need to be able to make decisions, be able to earn money, and you need to take responsibility.

For the Snake, this is all burdensome. She is selfish and constantly demands care and attention on a par with children. Usually this is another over-aged child in the house, and far from the best.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake’s attitude towards children is ambiguous. In most cases, the Snake is indifferent to children. (our male Snake acquaintance does not call his children anything other than jackals).

As life shows, Snakes become life partners for those who have too much pride and high subconscious aggression towards opposite sex. Let us remind you once again that the Snake is the teacher of life, so if your spouse was born in the year of the Snake, you have something to work on. In yourself, of course.

In most cases, marriage with a Snake according to the Chinese horoscope is a karmic marriage, in which the Snake’s partner will work to the fullest. The snake is a slave owner, capricious, jealous and insidious, who will entangle himself around the neck of his chosen one, leaving him no freedom of movement.

A successful marriage for a person born in the year of the Snake is possible with people born in the years of the Ox and Rooster. Snake, Ox and Rooster are energetically compatible.

Weaknesses of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake's weak point is family and home. Any Snake dreams of a large and friendly family, but does not know how to live in peace itself. She lacks warmth, optimism, sincerity and the ability to express her feelings. Sincere friendship is also given to the Snake with great difficulty.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the snake itself suffers from its “biting”, sometimes “poisonous” character, but cannot do anything. She often becomes a victim of her own mood. Her worries and experiences are so acute that she cannot resist them. As a result, it spoils relationships with other people.

The Snake is characterized by depression, uncertainty, internal instability, complexes, gloomy mood, and fatigue. Outwardly, the Snake looks energetic, but in reality it has little energy. Many Snakes have anxiety attacks.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake is a karmic sign. Many people born in the year of the Snake have a psychological crown of celibacy.

Compatibility of Snakes according to the Chinese horoscope

SNAKE - RAT. Very tense relationships, no understanding, many conflicts. In this union, the Snake is the master of the situation; she will force the Rat to obey.

SNAKE - BULL. Harmonious union. Energy compatible. The Ox works, and the Snake tastes and maximum benefit manages money. Two single people, two closed systems will understand each other.

SNAKE - TIGER. No understanding, quarrels, conflicts. A completely hopeless, energy-consuming relationship.

SNAKE - HARE. The relationship is calm and neutral. Living together boring for both. The hare is the master of the situation, and he will have to take on everyday problems.

SNAKE - DRAGON. Average, neutral relations. The dragon will have to work for two and take full responsibility upon himself.

SNAKE - SNAKE. Full mutual understanding, energy compatibility. But the union is problematic: who will work for them? But friendship is good, they will find something to talk about.

SNAKE - HORSE. Very different people, there will be no understanding. The Snake will try to use the energetic Horse to implement its plans.

SNAKE - GOAT. Completely different people, no understanding. The Snake needs stability, but the Goat bucks all the time. As a result of endless quarrels and showdowns, the Snake will have to submit. But it’s better for them to separate - this is a difficult marriage for both. In this union, the Snake will not only lose health, but will also miss everything lucky chances realizing your potential. For the Snake, this is the worst option.

SNAKE - MONKEY. Relationships are superficial, there are many conflicts. The Snake will hypnotize the Monkey and force him to submit to his will. The marriage is not successful.

SNAKE - ROOSTER. Harmonious union. Energy compatibility. They understand each other.

SNAKE - DOG. The marriage is not successful. Understanding is difficult to find, but the Snake will be able to subjugate the Dog to itself.

SNAKE - BOAR. Conflict relationships. The union has no prospects. The Snake is inventive and will be able to psychologically strangle the good Pig.

Relationships for the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope

Ideal relationships - Ox, Rooster, Snake. Comfortable relationships - Rat, Monkey, Boar. Dangerous relationship- Goat, Tiger

Man - Snake according to the Chinese horoscope

The Snake man according to the Chinese horoscope is sensitive, emotional, ambitious, strong-willed and quite sexy man. He values ​​his personality. For him, family is the place where it is easiest to isolate himself from society.

He is difficult to communicate with. Can undeservedly offend, flare up. His character is nervous and irritable. Knows how to escalate the situation.

IN family life he is demanding and extremely jealous. He respects “smart” women, but does not love them. He likes ladies who are elegant, thrifty, thrifty, and who are ready to give up everything for him. own career. Often he does not allow his wife to get a good education. He needs a housewife in the house, not a modern business woman.

He usually looks at his wife as his property. For a happy family life, he needs to find an optimistic woman who would look condescendingly at him; antics and taught him to laugh at his own fears and complexes.

He himself strives to achieve success in professional activity. And he gets what he wants. Loves respect, fame and compliments.

For the most part, Snake men according to the Chinese horoscope are indecisive and dependent. Some are embarrassed to even open the refrigerator and put food on the table. They often don't know whether there is food in the refrigerator at all. At home, Snake men do not show initiative. They are not picky about food and are prone to asceticism.

Without special effort may go hungry for several days. From a young age, they think about how to make their old age secure. By old age, people usually gain wisdom, become calmer, and accumulate capital. They can pass on invaluable experience to the younger generation.

Woman - Snake according to the Chinese horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake Woman has disruptive qualities. Gives importance to every little thing. She often overestimates herself and has no idea what others think about her. As a rule, she is touchy. Any failures drive her crazy. Often these are mentally unstable individuals (hysterics).

It is better for her not to make comments - she does not perceive criticism addressed to her at all and reacts with an explosion of aggression. She needs to learn to monitor her thoughts, words, actions, and reactions.

A man who is going to marry a Snake woman must have a lot of money, be firm and strong-willed. Before you take her as your wife, you need to “train” her, give her the opportunity to suffer and only then condescend to her. Otherwise, in his family life he will face complete terror from his wife.

In old age, the Snake woman, according to the Chinese horoscope, gains experience and becomes softer. She makes a good grandmother who knows how to tell fortunes, bewitch and tell fairy tales.

Girls and women born in the year of the Snake often turn to us for advice. And everyone has one problem: why does the man they love run away from them shortly before the wedding, without explaining the reasons? Why can't they arrange their personal lives?

The answer to this question lies in the very character of the Snake. The man intuitively feels the noose tightening around his neck. Fearing (and not unreasonably) that they want to put him in chains and deprive him of freedom forever, he jumps out of the arms of the woman in love with him and runs wherever his eyes look, away from her, forgetting in his haste to pick up his slippers.

Many Snake women make many attempts to find and return the groom. But unsuccessfully. Former suitors so frightened that they cover their tracks with extreme care.

And if someone did get hooked and listened to Mendelssohn’s march in the registry office, then she will try to tie her partner hand and foot. One reliable way to keep a partner is to have more children. And then he won’t escape her embrace.

Astromagical capabilities of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope

Look at the picture. Do you see where the main energy forces of the Snake are concentrated? Upper energy centers they speak of the strong logic of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope, and the lower energy center speaks of a close connection with the energy of the earth, that is, with the material world.

So what happens: does the Snake combine material interest with cold calculation, patience, organization, intuition and the ability to manage? Yes!

The way it is! Everyone knows that by giving alms, giving away your last shirt, you cannot create material wealth. Thus, the Snake, without having much vitality, is able to control its environment and hold on to material wealth and money.

The strong energy centers of the Snake make up two energy blocks, and depending on which chakras of the Snake have more energy concentrated, the Snake man belongs to the first or second type (sage or brawler).

According to the Chinese horoscope, snakes experience external pressure all their lives, therefore, in order to survive, they must be in highest degree harmonious. And the highest harmony is the ability to understand, feel and live according to the laws of the Universe. Only by observing the laws of the Universe can you strengthen your spirit.

Just as wolves are considered the orderlies of the forest, so Snakes can be considered the orderlies human society. They know how to find the “key” to both the strong and the weak. Don’t feed the snake bread, just give it the opportunity to test someone’s strength. And she will worry about the tests.

Perhaps that is why at all times the snake was considered a symbol of blacks magical powers. And not by chance! This is perhaps the most magical and most insidious creature on Earth. She is silent, knows how to camouflage herself, and her bite is fatal.

By the way, if you want to test the vitality of a snake, catch earthworm, a kind of harmless little snake in miniature, and cut it in half (across, not lengthwise). Observe how long the two halves will live. This indicates the strong astral energy of the worm. And the snake has a hundred times more!

The same can be said about a person born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope. Since the Snake man by nature has powerful astral energy, observation, intuition, the ability to hypnosis and the gift of suggestion, he is an ideal magician from birth.

What others will spend on long years, the Snake man can succeed in an instant. In magic he has practically no competitors. The Snake and magic have mutual love. Only the Horse and the Rat can compete with the Snake in magic.

People born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope are interested in absolutely all magic, in all its manifestations. It is in magic that the most strengths nature of the Snake man. It is magic that can give the Snake everything it wants. She is interested in fortune telling using cards and runes, and loves Christmas fortune telling.

He takes part in spiritualistic seances and magical rituals to summon a brownie with pleasure. The snake is a master of love spells. He can perfectly master palmistry (fortune telling along the lines of the hand) and make good money from it. She's doing great magical rituals for money.

If you tell the Snake how to successfully sell real estate using magic, she will be happy to do it. At the same time, she will show all her remarkable patience, endurance and ability to focus on the main goal.

All people born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope have excellent intuition. This is explained by the fact that most of the energy of the Snake person is in the head. But in family life, the Snake clearly lacks intuition. (This is her weak spot). The Snake, as a rule, does not know how to choose a suitable partner, so it is rarely happy in marriage.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake is superstitious, she has unlimited faith in omens, knows how to see distant warning signals in time and build a logical chain of events - this helps her get away from danger in time.

If for some reason you have become an enemy of the Snake, urgently mobilize all your forces. The fact is that the Snake, like no other, has deadly poison called "high magic". She knows how to concentrate all her energy to form the necessary events.

At the same time, you don’t need to do anything, everything works out by itself. Skillfully using high magic, the Snake, according to the Chinese horoscope, is capable of inflicting the evil eye, damage, and destroying the health and fate of its enemy.

In this case, distance does not matter. In addition, the Snake can work from photographs, drawings, handwriting, phantoms, and any personal belongings of a person. Casting a powerful love spell on a loved one is a trivial matter for the Snake.

Many Snakes are able to influence their prey from a distance during sleep. They are excellent at transmitting information over a distance.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake is an unsurpassed master psychological game. She skillfully makes the victim economically dependent on herself and takes full advantage of this. Real life shows that few people know how to break out of the psychological traps set by the Snake man. When communicating with the Snake, you must remember that the Snake is an excellent manipulator.

People born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope can be conditionally classified as energy vampires. (For harmony in the world, there must be not only energy donors, but also vampires who absorb excess energy from donors).

If the Snake is trained magic tricks energy vampirism (energy management), then she will become a professional. This is probably why among sorcerers and owners of magic salons there are so many people born in the year of the Snake.

Snakes can charge talismans, amulets, products and things, but they rarely do this. Energy cleansing premises are also not for them. Snakes do not like to waste energy on trifles.

Snakes do not practice sexual magic at all, although they are interested in sex. For sex magic, it is important not only to form a goal, but also to radiate powerful sexual energy.

And Snakes are accustomed not to emit energy, but to absorb it. During sex, the Snake completely absorbs the sexual energy of its partner; it emits almost no energy (as a carrier of information). Therefore, the formed event remains within itself.


A person born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope has congenital magical abilities, has excellent command of energies. Of all types of magic, higher magic is closer to him, love magic(the art of love spells), working with the elements and any types of fortune telling.

How to influence the Snake using psychology and magic

It is almost impossible to agree on anything with the Snake without harming yourself. No matter what you do, the Snake will still “stick to its line” - that’s how it’s designed.

If your team “accidentally” has not a wise, philosophically minded Snake, but a “underwater snake” that is poisoning everyone’s life (this happens), we, above the genitals, recommend that you urgently close ranks and create the most difficult conditions for it in the form of constant pressure.

And it’s even better to saddle the Snake with low-paying physical work - not a single Snake can stand such an attitude towards itself and will run away from you.

In the psychological war with the Snake, according to the Chinese horoscope, you can use another win-win move: constantly express your dissatisfaction with it and try to teach it how to live. In other words, completely “mirror” the behavior of the Snake itself, only in an exaggerated form.

Fight fire with fire! A little time will pass (the main thing is that you have enough patience), and any, even the most feisty Snake will become like silk (or crawl away from you).

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake respects rich people or people who have achieved a high position in society. Therefore, if you want to win the favor of the Snake, become wealthy or famous person. Your beloved Snake will be able to appreciate your achievements and look favorably in your direction.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake is allergic to poor people. Achieving mutual love from the Snake, you need to remember this. If you want to give the Snake a gift, do not spare money, give an expensive fashion item or gold decoration. The snake is material and the size (magnitude) of your feelings will be judged by the size (price) of the gift.

Since the Snake believes in signs that are harbingers of trouble, some ill-wishers deliberately point them out to the Snake. For example, they slip a book on magic under her nose, which describes the symptoms of a magical attack, and after a day or two, just to be sure, they tell the Snake: “How bad you look! Dark circles under your eyes and something haggard! Maybe they’ve cast a spell on you ?!"

Without knowing the enemy by sight, the Snake will freak out, get nervous and eventually poison himself with his own poison. After all, there is no target! Whom to bite? Who should I take revenge on? Since such techniques usually work, we recommend that Snakes learn to monitor such provocations and not give in to panic. It must be said that Snakes panic very easily.

By nature, Snakes according to the Chinese horoscope are pessimists. And if fear is added... Fear paralyzes the will even of strong people plunging them into depression. Wanting to get out of depression, a person starts drinking. In this way, ill-wishers achieve their goal.

But, knowing about their vulnerable places, the Snake person will always be able to show restraint and find an antidote. It is not for nothing that he has a clear, insightful mind.
