The best love spell for a person. Interpretation by days of the week

Often in love affairs it is not possible to achieve reciprocity, which leads to great disappointments, stress, mental disorders And serious illnesses. If all the ways to get your lover’s attention turn out to be a failure, you can use a love spell, but you need to choose a suitable ritual with caution. In this article, we introduce you to the most powerful and effective love spells, the results of which will not have to wait long.

Powerful rituals not only quickly and efficiently fulfill their purpose, but are also associated with a high risk of getting the opposite effect, also known as a kickback. If you unconditionally decide to use a love spell and other ways to attract a loved one, carefully study the rules for conducting such rituals and each one in particular.

It is important not to miss the slightest detail and not make mistakes. Inaccuracies can result not only in the absence of the desired result, but also in physical harm to health, even the death of the one who performed this ritual.

What is a love spell and can you do it at home?

Main purpose love divination consists of binding the right person on a spiritual and physical level, resulting in the victim experiencing passion and tender longing. A person who has been subjected to a magical attack thinks about a new object for her every minute and dreams only of being with her beloved girl - more often, closer, closer, with complete reciprocity.

Bewitched men are like children. They rejoice in relationships and do not allow the possibility of parting with the object of desire. Men especially like the desire of women to possess them completely and forever. If a love spell is done for the sake of revenge, a person may suffer morally or physiologically and even dare to commit suicide. You understand that without reciprocity he does not see the meaning of life.

  • Should we believe that a love spell cast on a man at home will definitely work? At correct execution ritual, its effect manifests itself quickly.
  • Love magic is rich, because it is in demand, and magicians are inventive. For thousands of years, people have been using fortune telling to achieve their cherished goal - to win the heart of their sweetheart.
  • So that you do not spend money on the services of charlatans who promise to bewitch your lover for a considerable sum, we will teach you accessible witchcraft techniques.

Black and white love spell: differences, consequences

If you think that a love spell is just saying certain words out loud, then you are wrong. Love spells are different, both in content and strength, and in consequences. And these consequences always take place, no matter what love spell you choose - white or black.

Distinguish between black and white magic easy enough. To do this, just read the text of the spell. In black love spells there are always phrases that the object should dry up, suffer, not see the white light and other joys of life.

This is not the case in white love spells; they are aimed at inducing sympathy and love, as a result of which the negative consequences for both parties are minimal. In turn, black love spells suppress a person’s will, destroy him from the inside, which leads to alcoholism, depression, and aggression.

  • Love often has an expiration date.
  • So, having bewitched one guy, after a while you can meet another, who is your destiny.
  • What to do? Of course, surrender to love, because there is nothing more beautiful.
  • But while you enjoy kisses and walks under the moon, the other person will suffer.

A love spell, even a very strong one, is only a chance for the birth of a relationship, but not a panacea. And if the Higher Powers are against your union or there are some karmic obstacles, nothing will work out for you. Perhaps this is for the best, it means it is not fate, since it is waiting for you around another corner, holding the hand of another person whom you will soon meet.

Reading rules

There are 7 rules, the observance of which ensures a high result of love magic.

  1. Performing witchcraft in its purest form. The woman must be completely washed, without makeup, jewelry or nail polish. Those with colored hair need to wash their hair three times. At the time of reading the plot, your hair should be loose and your feet should be bare. To attract good energy, we recommend wearing light clothes.
  2. Absence of menstruation and any pathological conditions. Even a common cold is a contraindication to the perfection of magical manipulations. Women in this position should not practice witchcraft at all, because... the pregnancy will proceed with abnormalities, and the baby will be born sick or crippled. Any period of time is prohibited.
  3. Performing the ritual strictly according to the time prescribed by magic. Perform white rituals during daylight hours, black rituals in the dead of night. However, nighttime actions should not always be perceived as dark divination. It is possible that for the ritual to be effective, the sorceress will need the power of the moonlight or stars.
  4. Keeping the result secret. Secrecy and non-disclosure are the key to the fact that the chosen one will become attached to you with soul and heart. Read love spells completely alone.
  5. The ability to cast magic on the street. In some cases ritual magic carried out outside the home. You should move at least 100 km away from your home. The most powerful love spells require large quantity energy, so you should leave the house. Neglecting this condition threatens the girl who is bewitching with unpredictable consequences. Think about whether it would be dangerous for you to go such a distance alone.
  6. Fearlessness. The place where love spells are performed is left briskly and without looking back. They don’t approach random passers-by, no matter how scary it may be. It is prohibited to talk with fellow travelers.
  7. Having a serious goal. Never practice witchcraft out of curiosity. A love spell breaks the line of fate and the future of two people - the creator of the magical love program and his object. A bewitched man quickly becomes attached to the lady who was enthusiastically engaged in the love spell. He is annoying, and it is very difficult to get rid of an unnecessary admirer. Think about whether such a “groom” will become an obstacle on your life path.

Types of love spells for a man's love

Love magic is distinguished by a variety of love spells. They are read above
all kinds of attributes.

Never use accessories intended for one ritual to perform other witchcraft manipulations. Always follow the instructions provided by the creators of the love spells.

Items that are most often involved in magical rituals for love:

  • Photos, hair and random items belonging to your loved one. Love spells with their participation grab the victim firmly, since things and photographs contain the energy of the person being bewitched. You won't be able to remove them.
  • Food, drinks, lining. These are the usual attributes of white magic, over which conspiracy speeches are pronounced. They are subsequently given to the right person. The lining is an arbitrary object, contact with which brings a man longing for love. Often women say gifts and give them for a reason or just because.
  • Cosmetics. If you use your own cosmetics in a special way and start using them, the object of your adoration will admire you and literally not take your eyes off you. The disadvantage of fortune telling on cosmetics is that the effects of love spells are short-lived. It turns out that if a girl doesn’t put on makeup, her lover won’t look in her direction at all.
  • Mascot. Once you speak to the right person with something convenient for everyday wear, you will attract your loved one to you. The downside of working with a talisman is the need for regular charming (at least once a week). This will maintain the power of the magic item.

Powerful love spell using water

The fact that this method belongs to white magic makes it safe for both parties to the sacrament. A love spell using water is popular among novice witches who are just mastering the skill of divination.

The essence of the ritual is that a girl in love immerses her hands in a bathtub filled with water and whispers the spell words three times:

“Voditsa, drink my energy and turn me for (so-and-so) into the most charming and desirable woman in the world. Hear you too, heaven, the prayer of your servant (your name). Release this grace into the water and bestow it with attractive power. From now on, let my beloved (boyfriend’s name) see only me and no one else. Amen".

  • Pronounce words by heart with eyes closed and imagine the man of your dreams next to you.
  • Then immerse your whole body in the bath and submerge your head.
  • The first signs of attention from young man you will notice the very next day after the water ritual.

Love spell on the doorstep

  • Such rituals are quite simple. For example, take a broom (necessarily the one you use) and remove two twigs from it.
  • Take the twigs in your hands and, looking at them, think about your loved one, about what feelings you want to awaken in him.
  • The main thing in this love spell is your thoughts. They should be kind, bright, clean. When you have drawn as accurately as possible in your imagination the image of a young man in love with you, begin to read any prayer that involves using the name of your loved one.

At midnight, place the charmed twigs crosswise at the threshold of the object of your sighs so that he will step over them when he leaves the house.


Another sign of a white love spell is an appeal to good forces. Devils, demons and other fiends of hell only help in dirty deeds!

  • One of the harmless ways to make a young man fall in love with you is considered to be a drinking spell.
  • In the evening, offer your loved one a warm drink, ideally it should be milk, in extreme cases - any non-alcoholic drink.
  • But before you give the drink to your lover, say the following words to him:

“Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, help the servant of God (name). Grant, Lord, the power to inspire the servant of God (name) with love. Just as a baby needs mother's milk, so that the servant of God (name) needs the servant of God (name). So that he couldn’t sleep, drink, or eat when I’m not around. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

While reading the plot, mentally transfer your love energy to the drink. When finished, pour it into beautiful glass and give the guy a drink.

This action should not be repeated, once is enough, but if in doubt, repeat the ritual three evenings in a row. But! Will the young man suspect something is wrong? And will he be within walking distance three evenings in a row? If he is around so often, maybe you don’t need a love spell?


The following words help to evoke longing for love, which must be said at night, looking out the window, nine times in a row:

“Servant of God (name), go to my porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my steps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen."


Another love spell that you can do at home, which is also fortune telling. Take a ball of thick thread and, winding it around your finger, say:

“As a thread spins and twists, so you, servant of God (name), languish and spin around me, reach out to my body. Just as a man of God prays to an icon, so pray to me, yearn for me, miss me, know no peace without me. My words are strong. From now on and forever. Amen."

  • When you finish speaking words onto the thread, carefully remove it from your finger and try to wind it back onto the ball.
  • If the thread does not get tangled, everything will work out for you, and you will be together with your lover.
  • If the thread begins to get tangled, it means that problems, quarrels, and scandals will prevail in your relationship. But that's not the worst thing.
  • If the thread breaks, this only means that the person on whom the love spell was cast is not intended for you and it is better to leave him alone.
  • Continuing your attempts to magically induce love, you will only bring misfortune and sorrow to your loved one and to yourself.


The most effective love spells are those that use photography. It is the image that provides the most comprehensive information about a person, necessary for carrying out a ritual, as a result of which a strong effect can be obtained.

  • The photograph must be fresh, since the older it is, the weaker the impact on the will of a person.
  • But you should know that this love spell is not durable, because, like any other, it is violence against the human will.
  • And if the will of your beloved is strong enough, then very soon he will be able to escape from the tenacious hands of magic, and when the veil of love falls, the person may hate you as much as you made him love.

For the love spell you will need:

  • Photo of your loved one;
  • Pen;
  • Needle;
  • Red thread;
  • Church candle;
  • Red fabric.

Take a photo of your loved one in full height or waist-deep. The main thing is the presence of the chest in the image, and therefore the heart, which will be subject to total processing. You need to cast a love spell on the waxing moon so that the feeling grows and becomes stronger.

  • On the back of the photo write your name, and below it - the name of your loved one.
  • Turn the photo towards you and use red thread to sew around the sweetie’s chest area.
  • Start sewing on your own, saying:

“As a thread follows a needle, so does the servant of God (name) follow me (name).”

The last stitch should be in place of the first. When completing the “firmware”, the needle should be turned in your direction. Do not cut the thread, leave the tip hanging from the back of the photo. Tie a triple knot on it, fill the candles with wax, and say:

"Let it be so!"

When the candle burns out, wrap the photo in red cloth and hide it from prying eyes.


In conclusion, I would like to give a couple of tips so that any of the above love spells turns out to be successful and effective.

  • Firstly, it is better to cast love spells on the waxing moon.
  • Secondly, during the ritual, let your hair down, remove hairpins, bobby pins and braids that can interfere with the movement of energy.
  • And thirdly, a love spell will be effective if you at least somehow maintain a connection with the object of your love.
  • If you have not communicated for more than a year, then no love spell will help you.

Love spell that will definitely work

This love spell cannot be removed. It provides a strong bond through the interaction of red knitting threads, two thick candles and three locks of hair - his own and his beloved man's. It is recommended to buy candles at midnight, so you should find a nearby 24-hour supermarket in advance.

  • Next, you should come home and warm them up so that they soften like plasticine.
  • IN different candles they stick strands of hair in and make dolls.
  • Finished crafts are tied with red thread and pronounced:

“Just as I don’t live or breathe without you (name), so now you won’t know life without me.”

The phrase is pronounced 7 times in a row and makes sure that the pupae are closely related to each other. They hide them as far as possible so that no one finds them. The love spell lasts forever.

Remember that the ritual binds the man to you forever. Therefore, do not make it for every guy you like, but resort to magic when natural ways attracting the attention of the opposite sex does not bring the desired results.

  • Be patient with your betrothed, because... magical intervention changes the human psyche.
  • It is possible that at first the chosen one will withdraw into himself and unconsciously begin to adapt to the new situation.
  • The task of the love spell witch at this time is to be closer, kinder, more attractive. This is the only way to achieve reciprocity.

Love spell on blood from a finger

First, prepare a sterile needle that will be needed for the puncture. Treat it with alcohol or an alcohol-containing solution. Any antibacterial agent will also work.

And so, we begin to make a love spell using blood from a finger:

  • Pour red wine;
  • Pierce the ring finger of your right hand with a needle;
  • Place an odd number of drops of blood into the wine. At the same time saying:

“As soon as you drink this wine, (man’s name), the fire of passion will immediately burn in you. All thoughts will now be only about me, day and night and in my dreams.”

  • Give this wine to your lover to drink.

The number of drops of blood does not matter, the main thing is that it is an odd number.

Love prayers

Love spell prayer is a high-quality and safe way to exert a magical influence on a loved one. Such a ritual does not require the purchase of special elements of magical paraphernalia. To carry it out you need:

  • A sincere desire to be with your loved one;
  • Absence of envy, malice or hatred in the soul;
  • Repeated reading of love spells of white magic;
  • Reluctance to cause any harm or damage to a loved one;
  • Do not use black magic;
  • 15-20 minutes a day to read a prayer.

Love spell on a man on the full moon

A love spell for a man's love on a full moon is considered very strong. Because it is at this moment that the Moon reaches the peak of its power.

  • To perform the ceremony you will need a clear photo of your loved one. This is necessary because it contains a strong charge of a person’s energy, it is a grain of his soul.
  • In addition, you will need two candles. It is important that one is white and the other is red.
  • We are waiting for the full moon. We sit opposite the window. We arrange ourselves in such a way that Moonlight entered the room. We light the candles and take the photograph of our betrothed in our hands. We look carefully into his eyes and read the plot:

“On this wonderful night, when the full moon has finally arrived, I wish to bewitch the servant of God (name). From now on, he (name) will yearn for me, the servant of God (yours), go crazy, his heart will become mine forever, his soul will want to merge with mine. Without me from now on, he will no longer be able to enjoy life, he will love me more than anyone, he will never look at others. I will be the only chosen one, wife, lover. And on that night, when the full moon rises again in the sky, our mutual love will be born forever. Let it be so! Amen!".


  • This white love spell will definitely work and it cannot be removed because it is harmless and does not have any bad effect either on your beloved guy or on the one who reads the love spell at home, because this is white magic!
  • You can make a love spell at any time of the day or in the evening, except for big ones. church holidays which can be found out from the church calendar.
  • In order to cast a love spell on the guy you love, you need to know his name, but you don’t need a photo - this love spell is without a photo.
  • There should be no one at home at the time of reading the love spell; the love spell is read in a full voice (as you usually say, there is no need to shout).

If all the conditions for a love spell are met, sit on the bed you sleep on and imagine the image of your loved one 3 times say the love spell words out loud:

Adam and Eve loved each other and were together.

God allowed love, let people come to earth.

I found a sweetheart and came to the white grandmother.

Grandma knows everything and reads love spells for love.

My dear servant of God (name) will always love me,

You can’t live or eat or drink at a distance from me, so be it.

I read the quick love spell myself, and it kindled the guy’s love for me.

No one can remove the eternal love spell, take my dear one away from me.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

A love spell for a guy’s love needs to be read at home for 7 days without a break, but the reading time can be changed by choosing a more convenient moment and if everything is done correctly, and it’s very difficult to break something here, then the love spell will definitely work and after a week your loved one will begin to show strong feelings towards you feelings and provide different signs attention.

This white love spell without consequences for both of you is considered fast because it does not require any preparation. If you are looking for something you can read at home, at a distance from your loved one, this is the right way bewitch him to yourself.


This love spell unites the feminine and masculine, making it very effective. Blood is a powerful source of energy. A substance containing human genetic memory. This ritual affects the victim at the level of the gene code. The blood of the woman who bewitched him changes the man’s life programs, his priorities and behavior, and ties him to this bewitcher for a long time. The moral side is important if a woman takes away from the family and does it consciously, knowing the consequences.

Types of love spell:

  • from a finger,
  • for period blood


Any spells involving blood are usually done during the waxing phase of the moon. After a love spell, a woman will receive a strong self-love spell and her attraction to a man will increase many times over. Blood is quietly added to food, cigarettes, and drinks (wine, juice). It is better not to add cognac, brandy, whiskey - the blood will become noticeable and it will coagulate.


Women use it to return their husbands, to keep a man. During menstruation, a woman should collect a few drops of blood and add it to her husband's food or drink.

The ideal option is red wine, pomegranate, cherry juice. Hot tea and coffee are not suitable for this ritual, as boiling water erases the information contained.

Do not use strong ones for love spells alcoholic drinks, the blood coagulates there.


Technically no different from the first method. The goal is achieved - reciprocity from the man you love. To bind your chosen one to you, prepare a love potion:

  1. Place a piece of sugar on a saucer.
  2. Disinfect the knife.
  3. Im on ring finger make an incision.
  4. Squeeze 1, 3 or 5 drops of blood onto the sugar. Odd number only!
  5. Dissolve this processed sugar in red wine and cast a spell on a man’s love. repeatedly:

“As this sugar is sweet, so I will be sweet to you, just as you get drunk from drinking wine, so from me you will become drunk. White body, scarlet blood, eternal love. Amen! "

Say it quietly, the main thing is to concentrate on the desire. Your loved one should drink the wine to the bottom.


The love spell is performed in 2 options:

  • whoever casts the love spell smokes a cigarette himself,
  • the object of the love spell smokes a charmed cigarette

A slander is made about a cigarette, smoking tobacco or cigar. A charmed cigarette will implement information like a program. The effect of the ritual occurs very quickly due to the presence of smoke, which has a strong magical effect. Even ancient shamans used fire smoke and herbs. Blood, smoke and fire, as 3 components, are a powerful magical mixture.

Ritual process:

  1. Open a new pack of cigarettes.
  2. Take one cigarette.
  3. Be in silence and complete solitude during the ceremony.
  4. Write the name of your loved one on it with your finger blood.
  5. When the blood dries, smoke the cigarette in person. At the same time, mentally be close to your loved one.
  6. Shake the ashes into the left palm of your hand.
  7. When the cigarette is smoked completely, blow the ash off your palm three times and say 3 times :

“Like ashes on your hand, bewitch yourself to me.”


Necessary for the ritual:

  • photo of a loved one,
  • 7 candles,
  • basin,
  • silver spoon,
  • salt (7 teaspoons),
  • 7 drops of your blood
  • your picture,
  • book

Boil water, add salt, stir with a silver spoon for 7 minutes. Pour water into a basin and let it cool. Drop 7 drops of blood into it. Place a photograph of your loved one face up into the basin.

Place your hands in the basin and say with love, peering at the photo:

“You will be with me forever and you will never think about others, you will only desire me, and you will always miss me. My image is always with you, and your heart is always with me. It will be so!”

Imagine the image of your loved one and your relationship with him. Take the photo of the man out of the basin. Attach with your photo. Put it in a book with good ending love story Leave until the magic takes effect.

There are many love spells based on blood. And it’s easy to make them yourself at home.


A love spell for a loved one at a distance has become one of the most popular in our turbulent age. For magic there are no borders of states, language barrier, distances. Strength does not depend on this, but on the desire of the customer, the correctness of the ritual.

Types of love rituals at a distance:

  • love spell from a photo,
  • for personal belongings

Performing love spells from photos is available to men and women. The main thing is to have more recent photo, made no more than a year ago. There should be no strangers or animals in the photo. The person's face (eyes) must be clearly visible.

The best time is when the moon is in the 1st-2nd quarter. A week in magic is divided into days:

  • men's: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday,
  • women's: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Rituals that affect a man are best performed on his days. Magic aimed at women works better in women's days.


Place 2 mirrors (small) opposite each other, like a mirror corridor.

  • Conduct with open window. Sit opposite the window sill on a wooden chair.
  • Sit barefoot, with your hair down.
  • Hold a lit candle in front of you. You can't look in the mirror!
  • Watch the candle flame.
  • Place wax on your left palm.
  • While it’s dripping, think about your loved one.
  • When all the wax has collected on your palm, smear it on the mirror. with words:

“I will wash the naughty one. No need for soap, eat my tears. No need for a towel, there's my hair. My love is not needed, there is another. The other one will go on four sides. You will be left alone by the window. Just as silently the candle dripped, so silently love will return. Once you arrive, you will stay. When you leave, you will return. The eyes of strangers do not see, the lips of strangers do not speak. Only you listen to me, only you want to come to me!<имя мужчины>hears<имя>knows<имя>will remember. I sentence you to love, I sentence you to myself. You'll be back soon and you'll call me. You will keep my name in your heart, you will hide my image in your blood! This may happen<такого-то числа, такого-то времени>».

  • Fold 2 mirrors front side together.
  • Wrap in a nightgown.
  • Place the bundle on the floor and stand with your bare feet on it.
  • Say: “I conjure without blood, I indicate without words.<имя>will come back to me or will he be left alone.”.
  • Use a chair to break the mirrors into many pieces without unwrapping them.
  • Place it on the windowsill until the morning.
  • Go to bed.
  • In the morning, take the package to the forest. Bury it under a pine tree.
  • You cannot turn around and talk while walking out of the forest.


The oldest species love spell using personal items of your loved one. Reading a spell that charges an object with energy. The thing is arbitrary:

  • comb,
  • lighter,
  • handkerchief

Only 3 ways strong love spell for things (to choose from):

  1. Buying new item, a ritual is performed with him, the enchanted thing is then given or thrown to the person being bewitched. At the same time, it is important that this item is not thrown away and is constantly used.
  2. The necessary thing is chosen so that your loved one will use it more often. After the love spell is cast, the item is returned to the owner (openly or hidden).
  3. An item that belongs to a loved one is not returned to him after the ceremony; it is stored in a special place.

Features: has a short validity period - up to 3 months. The ritual must be repeated periodically. The ritual remained a secret. Perform without errors, with utmost precision. Perform on the night from Thursday to Friday.
Apply a name to the new candle with a sharp tool. Place the candle opposite the mirror. You face the mirror and light a candle. Read three times:

“Fire of fate, hear me. Let ... (the name of the bewitched) become mine. Fire, my friend, do no harm. Secure your union with your beloved forever.”

Turn your back to the candle and repeat three times:

“If there is an enemy, take him away. Turn your soul... (name of the one being bewitched) to me.”

Turn your face to the candle again and say three times:

“Fire, I make a sacrifice to you. Grant your wish, I’m leaving.”

A personal item of a loved one is burned on fire.

For another way to read a candle ritual on your own to attract a man, watch this video:


It acts quickly, almost instantly. Perform 7 times in absolute silence until sunset. Biting our tongue, we read the plot:

“Just as I bite my tongue, I call my betrothed (name) to me and attach it to me. So that he would not know rest, he (his name) would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that everyone thinks about me, both in the sun and in the moon. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In order to bewitch a man with the greatest probability, the text of the plot must be recited within one day.

Bewitch your loved one using a photo

A long-standing and proven love spell for a man’s love is considered to be a spell based on a photograph. The magical action occurs with the help of the energy that his photo carries. The picture also shows a person’s aura, which can open the way to male feelings and emotions.

  • If the photo is of high quality with clearly defined eyes and face, then the guy will be very bewitched.
  • Take the correct photo, candle and holy water.
  • The photo is laid out in front of you, a candle is lit, and the words for the ritual are spoken exactly at midnight.
  • When the plot is read, the edges of the photograph are scorched with candles, sprinkled with holy water and placed at the head of the bed.
  • The basic rule is.

How to make a period love spell

This love spell is considered the easiest to perform. Some of your menstrual blood from the third day is taken, the desired spell is pronounced, the name must be indicated, and it is carefully mixed into the food or drink of the one you like.

For an enhanced effect, it is necessary to carry out the ritual for two days in a row. However, it is worth considering that this ritual improves intimate relationships in bed, and the feelings and behavior of the loved one become unpredictable and inexplicable.

Love spell on the waxing moon

A very effective love spell, one that is performed on the waxing moon (during this period you can cast any thing), as well as during church celebrations, for example, at Christmas. The towel spell is easy to perform and has good reviews on the Internet.

A new towel is prepared, then necessary conditions, so that the man you are interested in wipes his hands with it. Then the towel is tied into a knot and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced 9 times. The knot remains tightly tied, and the towel is put away in a secluded place.

How does a bewitched person behave (signs)

There are distinctive factors, the presence of which can help a bewitched man recognize the rituals performed on him. Here are some of them:
The emergence of bad habits.
Depression and lethargy.
Increased gullibility.
Having constant failures.
Lack of any emotions, indifference.
Vocabulary blocking.
Intense thoughtfulness.

How long will it take to teach a woman how to perform spells herself and what to do with magic words? To do this, you need to know the details of the story, understand the horoscope signs (from Leo to Scorpio), and most importantly, want to get your loved one forever.

White magic rituals

You can try to change your fate using white witchcraft. It is most effective to read a love spell for a girl’s love using various objects, choosing special days. Then, quite possibly, you will achieve your goal: your beloved will begin to experience reciprocal feelings.

  • Read carefully and remember all the details in order to act correctly and as efficiently as possible.
  • You can almost always cast a white love spell on a girl. The method does not change its effectiveness regardless of the phases of the moon, time, or day of the week.
  • If your girl is pure, she herself is the personification of light, goodness, innocence and naivety, a white love spell is ideal for her.

Ritual with 12 candles

Below we will talk about a simple and safe, but at the same time strong love spell on a girl, which almost everyone can read.

This love spell works when your love with this girl is possible from the very beginning. That is, she at least likes you. You won’t be able to change your fate with this technique, but you won’t provoke any unwanted effects.

If your situation meets the above requirements, you can proceed. You will need: 12 candles, a piece of paper, a pencil, a mirror. It is best to use natural wax candles. A table or a cleanly washed floor is suitable as a place for a love spell.

  • Candles should be placed in a circle with a diameter of 60-70 cm;
  • Place a mirror in the center and sit opposite it, facing it;
  • In front of it, place a piece of paper on which you first write in pencil the name of your beloved and under it your name.

Now read the following plot:

I ask the forces of good, the gods of love, cosmic energy, the light of the entire universe to help me.

I love true love this girl and I want our names to be united forever.

We will do good together, help each other and others.

I promise to love only (girl’s name), I will never offend her.

I swear to be faithful, caring, responsible.

I give up my vices for true love.

I have become a better person because of my love for (girl’s name), and I will continue to become better.

Universe, universe and universal cosmos, help me be together with my beloved forever!

Connect the names (say your name, the girl’s name) in the universe, space, universe forever and ever!”

After this, close your eyes, sit in front of the photographs for a while, imagining something together, for example, how you will meet next time. Then extinguish the candles, wrap them in paper with names and hide them away. After about 3-4 months, you can bury or burn this bundle.

If this love spell seemed complicated to you, then in another article you can read about three simple love spells on a girl to use at home.

Ritual with a photo

Almost any spell for feelings uses photography, hair and candles.

Now let's look at more complex method divination, in which a photograph of your beloved will be used. You can take a photo at any time, but the best option is to wait until late evening or Friday night. It’s great if a full moon is expected soon.

So, let's make a love spell on a girl's hair that cannot be removed, you will need: a photo of the girl, several of her hair (ideally a whole strand), 8 wax candles, a round mirror, a piece of white fabric. Then proceed like this:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash your hands and close the curtains. No one should know about the action taking place.
  2. Spread the white cloth on an empty table;
  3. Place candles around;
  4. Now take matches, light the candles;
  5. Place a mirror in the center of the circle of fire, and sit opposite it. The mirror should reflect the candle closest to you;
  6. “Wash” your hands in the candle flame by moving them clockwise 3 times;
  7. Take the girl's hair, burn it on the candle closest to you;
  8. During the burning process, repeat the following spell:

    This girl should be mine.I will take care of her, love her, not a single hair will fall from her head through my fault.I will always be a support, a protection for her.

  9. Then take a photo. It must be placed directly in front of the mirror so that in the mirror you see the face of your beloved correct location. That is, the photograph should lie with its head facing you.
  10. Look not at the photo, but at its reflection. And say this:

    I love you, I will forever love you alone.Now the bright forces of the universe will help me so that you will always be mine.Be mine forever. I’m already yours, we’ll always be together.”

  11. Now you need to press the photo to the mirror, and then pass it over all the candles in a circle clockwise 3 times.

Place the enchanted photo in an envelope. Keep at home, preferably in the bedroom. That's it, the love spell is finished, expect the effect within a week, or at most two.

Strong white ritual

White love spells are less effective than black ones, however, they do not harm anyone and can also bring the desired effect.

You will need: green fabric, preferably shiny, three pink and two white candles, a photo of a girl, a bag, golden or pink, a shiny ribbon.

  • Lay out the fabric and place the photo in the center;
  • Place candles around and light them;
  • Imagine that the candles are at the ends of a large five-pointed star;
  • Look at the photo without stopping, while imagining that you are together with your beloved girl, gently hugging her, kissing her;

Say this:

I call on all the gods, the energy of light, the energy of the sun, the energy of all the loving hearts of our universe for help.

Let all the forces merge into a single swift stream and burst into the heart of my beloved girl (name). I m

I pray to the all-powerful gods that they will chain the heart of my beloved to mine.

May our love live forever, under the stars and the sun, under the moon, under the snow and rain.

I promise to love, protect, appreciate, protect my beloved, I will never harm her and I will sacrifice everything for her. Just unite us into a single whole, into one vessel.

Let it be so forever and ever!”

  • Turn the photo over;
  • Drip wax from each candle along its edges three times. You should get 15 drops;
  • Wait for the wax to dry and place the photograph in the bag;
  • Don't forget to tie it with a ribbon;

The first night after performing a love spell, keep your magic bag under your pillow and think about your beloved. If you also dream of a girl on this significant night, it will be absolutely wonderful. Then hide the bag in your home, preferably in the bedroom. Keep it and don’t tell anyone about the fortune telling.

Appeal to dark forces

Now we will look at the most powerful way to bewitch your beloved. You can read a girl’s love spell from a distance, without any restrictions on the kilometers that separate you, for example, if she and you are in different cities.

Try using it when absolutely nothing else helps you. It is likely that in order to reunite with this woman you need to turn to the dark forces.


Do you want to give a magical ritual colossal power? Do it 2-3 days before the full moon!

  • This love spell needs to be done only on the waxing moon; this is a standard principle, since it is the waxing moon that programs the future.
  • If you want your actions to have a good future, perform them when the moon is waxing. It’s great if the first phase has already passed.
  • The closer to the full moon, the better.

The day of the week also plays a role. The most energetically active days are located in the middle of the week: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. It is better to do a black love spell on Friday. If you can choose the moment on Friday the thirteenth, then there is an excellent chance to use a huge energy charge.

True, it is quite difficult to guess that the date, day of the week and phase of the moon will match. However, if such a day is foreseen in the near future, do not miss the moment! This will simply be your finest hour.

Even the best love spells on a person are dangerous. Magic long ago, many millennia ago, became an integral part of people's lives. Magic is constantly present in many words used by people in everyday life. colloquial speech. However, the words of a spell have much greater power, since by casting a spell, a person enters certain state consciousness, reinforcing the spoken words with an energy impulse and visualization. It is the last two aspects that give the words of conspiracies the power that can change the situations and circumstances that led to one or another development of events. To put it simply, this is a sinful thing.

Strong love spells on a guy otherworldly forces, which a person without initiation is practically unable to cope with. Therefore, if you can achieve the love of a man without making a strong love spell on your loved one, then it is better for you to avoid a fatal decision.

Yes, but what to do if your loved one is not destined for fate, if he must pass by? What to do if it is impossible to live without him, if you feel that you only truly live next to him, and without him you feel half-hearted, incapable of existing? In this case, love magic will help, but be prepared, having received what you want, to give something in return.

A love spell on a loved one makes it possible to turn the man you like to your side.

What we offer works quickly and reliably. Doesn't carry any negativity. You need to do this in complete silence, before sunset, and read the spell seven times.

“Just as I bite my tongue, so I call my betrothed, (the man’s name), to me, I cleave to me. So that he would not know rest, he would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that all his thoughts were about me, both in the sun and in the moon! Amen".

Love spell for a loved one using a photo and water

This effective love spell using a photo, giving real opportunity tie a person to yourself with strong love bonds. Many women have bewitched their husbands this way. You can do it yourself, without telling anyone about it. Buy a large candle from the church and take holy water. Wait until it gets dark, sprinkle holy water on the candle and wait until it dries. Then place it in front of you and light it using matches. Place the used match in front of the candle. Pour water from the church into a glass. With your left hand, take a photo of your loved one. While looking at the photo, remember all the good things associated with this person, think about him with love, with the desire to be close to him. Then roll the photo into a tube, take a glass of church water in your right hand and, having lowered the photo into the glass, read the words of the spell to cast a love spell on a guy:

“You are the one who will come, You are the one who is waiting for me, Happiness will find you and me, The love spell will be eternal!”

Now cross the glass from right to left. Light a used match from a candle. When it is completely burned, throw it into the glass and say: “Help me, help me, help me.” Extinguish the burning candle by dipping it into a glass of holy water. Cover the top of the glass with a sheet of white paper and hide it in a secluded place. The image in the photo will change, and the attitude of your beloved man towards you will change.

Watch the video on how to make a black love spell on a man yourself at home

Love magic includes many spells, love spells, conspiracies, and rituals related to white and black magic. Various situations are resolved different ways impact. Our grandmothers themselves did not go to fortune tellers, but read love spells on men at home. We'll look at how they did it in this article.

For magical energy, there is only a small difference in whether a woman bewitches a single man or a married man. What to do if you fall in love with a married man, he no longer loves his wife, but does not dare to leave her? Before, first weaken his connection with another woman (if there is one). The word “I want” is not enough in magic - you need to read, which will definitely work.

This love spell combines the feminine and masculine principles, making it very effective. Blood is a powerful source of energy. A substance containing human genetic memory. This ritual affects the victim at the level of the gene code. The blood of the woman who bewitched him changes the man’s life programs, his priorities and behavior, and ties him to this bewitcher for a long time. The moral side is important if a woman takes away from the family and does it consciously, knowing the consequences.

  1. Place a piece of sugar on a saucer.
  2. Disinfect the knife.
  3. Make an incision on the ring finger.
  4. Squeeze 1, 3 or 5 drops of blood onto the sugar. Odd number only!
  5. Dissolve this processed sugar in red wine and cast a spell on a man’s love. repeatedly:

“As this sugar is sweet, so I will be sweet to you, just as you get drunk from drinking wine, so from me you will become drunk. White body, scarlet blood, eternal love. Amen! "

Say it quietly, the main thing is to concentrate on the desire. Your loved one should drink the wine to the bottom.

On a man with a cigarette and blood

The love spell is performed in 2 options:

  • whoever casts the love spell smokes a cigarette himself,
  • the object of the love spell smokes a charmed cigarette

Smoking tobacco or a cigar is a slander. A charmed cigarette will implement information like a program. The effect of the ritual occurs very quickly due to the presence of smoke, which has a strong magical effect. Even ancient shamans used fire smoke and herbs. Blood, smoke and fire, as 3 components, are a powerful magical mixture.

Ritual process:

  1. Open a new pack of cigarettes.
  2. Take one cigarette.
  3. Be in silence and complete solitude during the ceremony.
  4. Write the name of your loved one on it with your finger blood.
  5. When the blood dries, smoke the cigarette in person. At the same time, mentally be close to your loved one.
  6. Shake the ashes into the left palm of your hand.
  7. When the cigarette is smoked completely, blow the ash off your palm three times and say 3 times :

“Like ashes on your hand, bewitch yourself to me.”

On blood from a photo at home

Necessary for the ritual:

  • photo of a loved one,
  • 7 candles,
  • basin,
  • silver spoon,
  • salt (7 teaspoons),
  • 7 drops of your blood
  • your picture,
  • book

Boil water, add salt, stir with a silver spoon for 7 minutes. Pour water into a basin and let it cool. Drop 7 drops of blood into it. Place a photograph of your loved one face up into the basin.

Place your hands in the basin and say with love, peering at the photo:

“You will be with me forever and you will never think about others, you will only desire me, and you will always miss me. My image is always with you, and your heart is always with me. It will be so!”

Imagine the image of your loved one and your relationship with him. Take the photo of the man out of the basin. Attach with your photo. Put it in a book with a good ending to a romance novel. Leave until the magic takes effect.

There are many love spells based on blood. And it’s easy to make them yourself at home.

A man's powerful way to distance

In our turbulent age it has become one of the popular. For magic there are no state borders, language barriers, or distances. Strength does not depend on this, but on the desire of the customer, the correctness of the ritual.

Types of love rituals at a distance:

  • love spell from a photo,
  • for personal belongings

Performing love spells from photos is available to men and women. The main thing is to have a more recent photo, taken no more than a year ago. There should be no strangers or animals in the photo. The person's face (eyes) must be clearly visible.

The best time is when the moon is in the 1st-2nd quarter. A week in magic is divided into days:

  • men's: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday,
  • women's: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Rituals that affect a man are best performed on his days. Magic aimed at women works better on women's days.

Love spell using mirrors

Place 2 mirrors (small) opposite each other, like a mirror corridor.

  • Carry out with an open window. Sit opposite the window sill on a wooden chair.
  • Sit barefoot, with your hair down.
  • Hold a lit candle in front of you. You can't look in the mirror!
  • Watch the candle flame.
  • Place wax on your left palm.
  • While it’s dripping, think about your loved one.
  • When all the wax has collected on your palm, smear it on the mirror. with words:

“I will wash the naughty one. No need for soap, eat my tears. No need for a towel, there's my hair. My love is not needed, there is another. The other one will go on four sides. You will be left alone by the window. Just as silently the candle dripped, so silently love will return. Once you arrive, you will stay. When you leave, you will return. The eyes of strangers do not see, the lips of strangers do not speak. Only you listen to me, only you want to come to me!<имя мужчины>hears<имя>knows<имя>will remember. I sentence you to love, I sentence you to myself. You'll be back soon and you'll call me. You will keep my name in your heart, you will hide my image in your blood! This may happen<такого-то числа, такого-то времени>».

  • Place 2 mirrors right sides together.
  • Wrap in a nightgown.
  • Place the bundle on the floor and stand with your bare feet on it.
  • Say: “I conjure without blood, I indicate without words.<имя>will come back to me or will he be left alone.”.
  • Use a chair to break the mirrors into many pieces without unwrapping them.
  • Place it on the windowsill until the morning.
  • Go to bed.
  • In the morning, take the package to the forest. Bury it under a pine tree.
  • You cannot turn around and talk while walking out of the forest.

Love spell on a man's personal belongings

The oldest type of love spell using personal items of a loved one. Reading a spell that charges an object with energy. The thing is arbitrary:

  • comb,
  • lighter,
  • handkerchief

There are only 3 ways to cast a strong love spell on things (your choice):

  1. A new item is bought, a ritual is performed with it, the enchanted item is then given or thrown to the person being bewitched. At the same time, it is important that this item is not thrown away and is constantly used.
  2. The necessary thing is chosen so that your loved one will use it more often. After the love spell is cast, the item is returned to the owner (openly or hidden).
  3. An item that belongs to a loved one is not returned to him after the ceremony; it is stored in a special place.

Features: has a short validity period - up to 3 months. The ritual must be repeated periodically. The ritual remained a secret. Perform without errors, with utmost precision. Perform on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Apply a name to the new candle with a sharp tool. Place the candle opposite the mirror. You face the mirror and light a candle. Read three times:

“Fire of fate, hear me. Let ... (the name of the bewitched) become mine. Fire, my friend, do no harm. Secure your union with your beloved forever.”

Turn your back to the candle and repeat three times:

“If there is an enemy, take him away. Turn your soul... (name of the one being bewitched) to me.”

Turn your face to the candle again and say three times:

“Fire, I make a sacrifice to you. Grant your wish, I’m leaving.”

A personal item of a loved one is burned on fire.

For another way to read a candle ritual on your own to attract a man, watch this video:

Bewitch an unmarried man (or to return a loved one)

It acts quickly, almost instantly. Perform 7 times in absolute silence until sunset. Biting our tongue, we read the plot:

“Just as I bite my tongue, I call my betrothed (name) to me and attach it to me. So that he would not know rest, he (his name) would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that everyone thinks about me, both in the sun and in the moon. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In order to bewitch a man with the greatest probability, the text of the plot must be recited within one day.

Let us consider in detail the plot to make a man bored to read at a distance and bite his tongue - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

If you want to attract the attention of your chosen one, then you can use a conspiracy to make the guy bored. Such rituals belong to the means of white magic, therefore they are harmless both for the target of the directed influence and for the performer.

Popular rituals

Conventionally, rituals that cause melancholy can be divided according to their time component. There are short-term effects and long-term rituals.

The first type of rituals is considered safer. They usually stop working right after the guy decides to meet you. Further relationships depend entirely on the partners. Most often, such influences are used after an accidental quarrel or disagreement with a loved one.

Long-term effects are used, as a rule, in cases where it is necessary to eliminate a rival. After magical influence your chosen one begins to constantly yearn for you and, naturally, moves away from your rival. Most rituals of this type are performed either during the waxing phase of the moon or during the full moon.

Using silver

This ritual will increase a man’s attention to himself at the very beginning of dating. This will allow you to build a more stable relationship with your chosen one.

The ritual uses:

  • Small silver spoon;
  • Holy water, but it can be replaced with melt or spring water;
  • Glass glass.

It is necessary to read the plot so that the guy gets bored, secluded in a separate room after sunset. You need to pour water into a glass and place a silver spoon in it. All this needs to be placed on the table in front of you. Next, you should sit down and, looking at the spoon, completely concentrate on thoughts about your loved one.

When you feel like you have disappeared into space, you need to read the following plot:

The attributes used in the magical ritual should be left untouched until the morning. And the next day you need to hide it in a secluded place so that it does not catch the eye of a stranger. It is advisable to pour the water from the glass in such a place that the person on whom the magical effect was directed will walk across it.

Distance ritual

Can be carried out strong ritual, which will affect the chosen one remotely. But for this it is important to have naturally strong energy.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you need to focus on your chosen one and visualize his image next to you. It is imperative to create mental contact. To do this, you need to imagine that an energy rope is stretched between your foreheads, which unites all your thoughts. If you are not sure that you will succeed, then you can try using an additional photo of your loved one. But if you feel that even with the photo it was not possible to establish a mental connection with your chosen one, then you should refuse to perform this ritual.

After establishing a mental connection, you need to bite your tongue and say (mumble) the following spell:

This ritual must be repeated three days in a row. It is important to communicate with your chosen one between rituals, but after the end of the magical action, you must disappear from his field of vision for three days. If the ritual was successful, then soon your loved one will begin to seek a meeting with you.

Charming food

The fastest-acting rituals are those involving food. In this case, a dish or drink is charmed with special words, which should subsequently be treated to your chosen one. Of course, to perform such a ritual you need to be able to communicate with the guy you like. For this type of ritual, it is not necessary to prepare the dish yourself; you can buy something tasty in the store.

The magic words used to enchant a treat may sound like this:

The treat should be presented as quickly as possible, otherwise it will lose its magical properties.

An effective plot to make a guy very bored - read at home without any consequences in your life

Love spells of various directions are one of the most popular magical trends. And this is not surprising, because cases when the object of adoration does not reciprocate the girl in love or does not pay enough attention to her are not uncommon.

In what ways can you make yourself sad?

In order for this conspiracy to work as quickly and clearly as possible, it should be pronounce at noon, wearing loose clothes without ties or straps, with her hair down.

The text is spoken clearly and clearly, a number of times a multiple of seven (7, 14, 21):

“I’ll go out early. All people look at me, admire me, admire me - there is no one more beautiful than me (name) in the whole world. I’ll go to the gate, then to the pole-field, and walk around in the open space.

I will find in the field 77 stoves made of stones, folding and elegant. On the stones, in the ovens there is languor, and longing for the beloved (name), sighs of love, and sighs lie, waiting for the slave (name of the guy).

Get up, sigh, groan, take off. Dig into the heart and body of the slave (name). Torture him, twist him, tell him about me. Let him suffers without me, does not know rest and rest. Let him run and hurry, think about me and always talk.

Let him exist, but he doesn’t miss me, he drinks, but he doesn’t wash down his love, he spins, he suffers. Let (name) cry, be bored, lament, but when (name) meets me, he (name) never lets go. Amen".

When speaking, you should imagine your loved one. You need to read for at least a week in a row while the moon is waxing.

How to read a plot to make a man miss?

The ritual is carried out without props, but to carry it out you'll need a great imagination. So, you should make yourself comfortable, your legs and arms should not be crossed.

Then you need bite your tongue and say out loud 33 times:

“I bite myself - (guy’s name) I tie myself.

As my tongue hurts, so you feel bad without me.

Feel my sadness

Feel the flame of fire love.

Know no peace from melancholy even in daylight,

Not in the darkness of the night,

How does a child suffer without milk?

So you too are bound by melancholy

How true I said the words,

So she gave strength to the conspiracy.

So be it. Amen".

Witchcraft on playing cards

If you have it on hand deck playing cards , you can make your loved one miss you at a specific moment in time. To do this you should:

  • retire;
  • imagine the object of enchantment;
  • take the deck and shuffle;
  • “remove” the cards with your left little finger towards you, saying loudly enough, chanting: “36 cards, 36 devils, four suits, help bring melancholy to (name)”;
  • Now in absolute silence lay out the cards in a row, and if two cards of the same suit are next to each other, remove the second one to the side, if after one, remove the first one;
  • the procedure for “removing” cards and the layout is repeated a total of 3 times;
  • The ritual is considered successful if there are only 4 cards left in front of the magician;
  • in this case, you need to remain silent for the time that you want your loved one to think about you - when the silence is broken, the built connection will be interrupted.

Is it possible to quickly make a guy feel sad?

On Saturday You can create a spell like this:

“I, slave (name), will get up early.

From my hut I will go through the doors,

From the courtyard to the street,

I’ll go out into a purely huge pole,

Yes, towards the sun, eastern.

There is an old hut here,

There lies a creaky board,

An old woman sits under her, melancholy.

Roars, longing, cries, waits for light,

And the light is the bright sun, have fun and greet it.

So (name) would be waiting for me,

As soon as he sees, he had fun, admired and rejoiced,

And without me you will be bored and suffer.

Let (name) yearn for me at dawn,

Let sad about me and dreams.

Let him not be able to live without me

not under frequent stars,

Not with the blowing winds,

Neither by light nor by moon.

Eat up, evil melancholy,

In the sternum, in the stomach of slave (name),

grow and be born along each of its veins,

for each dry bone, one for me.

Conducting a candle ceremony

An effective spell for melancholy is spoken 9 days in a row when the moon is waxing. Reading is required every morning and every evening, three times each time.

Lights up before starting candle from church, you need to look at her without taking your eyes off and imagining your loved one:

“Fly, my words, with candle smoke, at the dawn of the morning, into the foggy distance, at the dawn of the evening, into the dark distance.

Hurry, little one, into the field, find an old hut there, and in it - a heavy cast-iron board.

Fires are burning under that cast iron, the flames are not extinguished. Whirlwinds and brawling winds, drag my longing for (boyfriend’s name), Light it up with fire, give him dryness for me. Place melancholy and dryness in his veins and his heart.

So that he eats, but does not overeat, so that if he drinks, he does not drink, so that he does not forget me for a moment. My words are stronger than cast iron, sharper than damask knives. In my opinion it always will be! (boyfriend’s name) won’t forget about me!”

A reprimand of a conspiracy but a photo of a loved one

The ritual is performed in the evening, before going to bed:

  • they look at the photo of their loved one, imagine how good the couple is together;
  • They say three times: “As I see the dear image, my heart beats often and often. I will give myself to my beloved and he will respond with love. Let (the guy’s name) not sleep, let his soul languish and strive for me. Let his body suffer, and know no rest from melancholy. Amen.";
  • put the photo under your pillow and fall asleep without talking to anyone.

The ritual will gain maximum effectiveness if it held every evening. If you wish, you can light a red or church candle while reading the hex.

Will the procedure work during the waning moon?

When the moon wanes, you can perform a ritual that will make you miss you a guy having a relationship with another girl.

This method has the effect of turning on the lady with whom your beloved is now, and a slight love spell on the one who is bewitching. This conspiracy is very strong, it can turn your loved one away from everyone.

The text must be spoken three times at a pedestrian crossing three nights in a row. You cannot take anyone with you “for company” and generally talk about the magical effect performed.

So, they say, slowly turning around themselves, through all sides of the selected intersection:

“On the golden sea the oak tree stands green,

there are 12 jars on it,

they have the same number of windows.

There are a dozen devils on each window.

Hey bros, look

hurry across the sea,

you will find a field there,

where no living creatures run by,

no trace of cattle is visible.

There are no mice there, no worm crawls.

In the pole there is a board-board,

Beneath it there is a heavy melancholy and melancholy.

You are 12 devils, my glorious brothers,

Yes, lift the board.

Remove from under it:

Take the tears to slave (name),

so that he grieves and yearns,

so that he only takes me into his thoughts.

So as not to sit at the table,

I haven’t tried the food

I didn’t lie down on the bed.

So that (guy's name) doesn't go out alone,

Evil spirits, brothers, help me out,

lure slave (name).

From children, and wives, and friends,

From different girls and girlfriends,

tear it off and scrape it off, don’t give it free rein.

With words and deeds, tame, wash him,

Rip through it with sharp horns and tenacious claws.

Daily a ransom is left- raw, fresh, bloody meat, an open bottle of good alcohol and 13 gold coins.

Reviews of people who performed witchcraft

Alina: “I tried to visit yearning for the photo, after a quarrel with a guy. Not only did he show up 3 days later, but he also brought me gifts! This magical ritual works!”

Christina: “I performed a ritual for the waning moon last month, since then my beloved literally blows away specks of dust from me - he holds my hand, always tries to be close. Despite the fact that I just wanted to cause melancholy, the spell worked like a love spell - I’m happy, of course, but I don’t recommend doing it for the sake of self-indulgence.”

Love spell to make a guy miss: read 6 rituals

Love magic is diverse and multifaceted. Among the rituals there are many that are highly not recommended for home gold miners, since they awaken very powerful serious forces that can sweep the victim, along with the magician, from the face of the Earth. And there are those that are carried out easily and act like ordinary thought forms, fun and relaxed. In essence, they are clean and unpretentious, no more harmful than a mosquito bite.

Such rituals include all, combined common name“love spell to make a guy miss you.” There are many of them. Let's look at some that are simple enough to use on your own. All of the following rituals do not have strict consequences. If there are any troubles, it will only be with the “magician”, who does not know how to separate his real desires from the whims of his own “ego”.

Love spell to make a guy miss you: at a distance

To carry out the ritual, you don’t need anything other than your imagination. Focus and imagine the victim. You need to create mental contact. To do this, it is usually recommended to imagine that your foreheads (the spaces between your eyes) are connected by an energy rope. If your imagination is lacking, then take a photo.

Now bite your tongue and say (moo):

“I bite my tongue so that Slave (name) will come to me! So that Slave (name) would be sad and bored and not notice the joy! So that he could not find a place in the whole world, he wandered under my windows, shed tears, could not sleep, but knocked on my threshold! Amen!"

The love spell must be repeated three days in a row. And between rituals it is worth talking with the victim. After the third day, “disappear” from his sight. You'll see, he will start looking for you, although he won't even be able to explain to himself why he behaves this way.

Love spell to make a guy miss: contact

In order for a guy to like you and need your company, you need to catch the moment when he looks into your eyes. At this point, quickly say:

"Agadaga pra drust"

Then you need to read another spell, standing behind him:

“The servant of God (her name) went into the field, stately and beautiful, to freedom and freedom, to breathe the air, to communicate with the earth. A birch tree stands there, shedding tears. She tied the Servant of God (name) and does not allow him to breathe or move away, only to stand next to him and wipe away his tears. I'll cut the bonds and he'll break free. But I can’t run far, my little legs are turned, I can’t take my eyes off, I’ll be without shackles! Amen!"

Love spell to make a guy miss: on the tracks

If you want your image to always be in the young man’s head, you can perform a ritual in his footsteps. To do this you need to buy a new broom. Put it in the guy's photo for three days. Then tear off three branches, go where he usually walks, throw the branches and say to each one:

“I send melancholy along the Rab (name) road, I command you to catch up. So that a smile does not touch his lips, joy does not appear in his soul. So that both during the day and in dreams, only about the Slave (his name) he thought, yearned, suffered, and waited for a meeting. And on the road, and on the threshold, in the house and in a foreign land, but not during hard times! Amen!"

Love spell to make a guy miss a poppy seed

Buy a poppy, take some in your hand. Put a photo of the guy in front of you. Over it, pour poppy seeds from one palm into the other, saying the spell:

“A good fellow is galloping across the field on a horse towards me! He is handsome and rich, he is glad of my love! You Slave (name) block the road, turn away the horse, defeat the good fellow! I inspire boredom, I collect for a feat! I inspire melancholy, so that I don’t sleep or eat, I just want to meet! As I ordered, so Slave (name) gets to work! Amen!"

Now collect the grains that participated in the ritual. They must be placed one at a time on the victim of the love spell. He must touch them with his hands for seven days in a row. Just add one grain at a time. The spell can be repeated every day if you think it didn’t work right away.

Love spell to make a guy miss the snow

This, of course, is a winter love spell. It is done when snow is falling outside the window. You need to go outside, put your palms up and catch a few snowflakes. Imagine the image of your loved one and say:

“As a snowflake disappears in my hand, so your indifference will melt, turn into melancholy and boredom, and twist you into an evil blizzard! Come, I’ll warm you up, melt your heart with love! Just as snow cannot warm a hand, so the Servant of God (name) burns, glows, suffers, misses and yearns for me! Amen!"

Love spell to make a guy miss: on the toe

To strongly influence the object of the love spell, you need to purchase a pair of men's socks. It is advisable to choose ones that suit your chosen one’s taste. Place the toilet item in the “red corner”. Usually a box is used for this. Place them as the greatest jewel, with all comforts. In the evening, open the “dungeon” and read the plot:

“I call on Angels and Demons as witnesses, the entire population of this world and the other, dark and light, I bow to all sides, I undertake to listen, I make a request! I took the Servant of God (name) captive, imprisoned her, shackled her legs, and tied her to myself. He’ll sit, get bored, and answer for his actions! You Angels bring melancholy into the spirit of the Slave (name), shower with love, and fly! You will ignite the Demons of doing, give boredom, and fly! What has been said cannot be remade, cannot be corrected, out of melancholy, Slave (name) cannot be corrected! Amen!"

Place the socks back in the box. To make it work faster, “imprison” the victim’s photo with them. Release only once a day so that these love spell attributes listen to your conversation with representatives of the Higher Powers.

Love spell to make a guy miss a treat

You can prepare a special love spell dish for a young man. Basically, it can be anything you're good at. And those who are not friends with cooking can buy delicious things in the store. Before offering a treat to a guy, read three times:

“Pie in my mouth, boredom in my thoughts, I’m locking up our separation! Let the wind blow in the open air, I give you freedom! If you help me now, I thank you! Make Slave (name) feel bored so that he can quickly end the separation! Amen!"

If he is far away, then such a conspiracy is said about the “gift” on social networks. Just make sure that this surprise resembles something he wants to eat (a picture of a pastry or cake).

Conspiracy for melancholy. A strong plot to quickly catch up with love's melancholy read on your own

This is the most powerful and instant love spell to quickly make any person love-sick. You need to do it yourself so that your loved one gets bored, yearns and constantly thinks only about you, remembering the best moments of your meetings, read the plot that makes your loved one sad. An old conspiracy to make a loved one feel sad is the only and sure way that works and will quickly make a guy or a man feel sad and think only about you, forgetting about everything in the world. To quickly induce a strong melancholy on your loved one with a spell at home, open the window and create a draft 2 times (downwind and against the wind) say text of the love-sickness spell to the wind :

On the island of Buyans strong wind walking. Both day and night he sharpens stones,

Let the wind go to my beloved, sharpen his heart and make him sad,

Let the heart of God's servant (name) cry, sob,

His longing for me (name), a meeting with me, waited and waited,

My beloved could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat without me.

Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk,

So would he (the name of a loved one), without me (my own name).

Could not live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, nor in the morning dawn,

Neither in the evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds,

Neither on a day with the sun, nor on a night with the moon.

You can quickly and effectively bewitch a man by reading a strong spell for a man’s love at the window with a lit candle. Immediately after reading, the man you love will begin to experience strong melancholy and a desire to see you as soon as possible - these are all the consequences of the love plot that you read on your own at home for a man’s love. The best time to read a love plot is during the waxing moon or the full moon, but this is not a rule and you can make a person fall in love with you with this plot at any phase of the moon. In the evening after 8 o'clock at home, go to the window and light a candle. Looking at the candle fire and freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts, say seven times quickly but very

If you read this love spell for Christmastide, then the person on whom the Yuletide love spell is made will never stop loving you and will not cheat on you; this particular plot among magicians is called an eternal love spell that forever binds two souls together. It is almost impossible to remove a love spell made during the holiday week! If you decide to do this particular Christmas rite for love, carefully consider your love feelings to the bewitched guy or man. By the way, this love plot can also be read for the love of a girl or woman whom you love and want her to love only you all her life, replace male words in the text of the conspiracy with female ones and vice versa. For Christmas

You can read conspiracies on your own during the Christmastide week from January 7 to 18 for a variety of reasons, and most often on Christmastide they read fortunes and read love conspiracies. Conspiracies on. Today they will tell you the oldest and 100% working Christmas ritual for love, which is done at home during the week of Christmastide from January 7 to January 19. By using magical ritual love on any day of the Christmas week will very quickly attract a husband who, during the coming New Year, will love you very much and will definitely marry you. This love plot also works on an existing husband or a man who has cooled down with his feelings or, even worse, has begun to walk to the left - if the plot is read on him

This strong plot for the husband’s love should be read by the wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life itself, always wants only her and never cheats on his wife. After the wife reads the spell for her husband’s love and respect for a glass of water and gives her husband a drink, the beloved man will “take his head” and stop drinking and going out with friends, and will always rush to his wife. As a result of this love spell cast on his husband, he will be strongly drawn home to his family, every day more and more respecting and loving only his wife. Pour into a glass drinking water and say over him the words of the conspiracy for love and respect

A love spell on a husband for food is the easiest way to make sure that the husband does not go out and loves only his wife. In order to quickly and strongly bewitch your husband, you need to read a salt spell which you should subsequently salt food for your husband. What kind of conspiracy is this that you need to read on your own about the love of a husband for his wife? Read on. It is best if the plot is read on a full moon, in which case the plot will have an effect on the husband in the morning. Have a festive dinner and salt the food with the charmed salt, do not be afraid to try the charmed food yourself, it will only affect your husband. The spell for salt must be read after 6 pm - not a minute earlier, better a little later! When you wake up

Witches very often cast the strongest love spell for melancholy in bad weather. If you read a strong witch's love spell in the rain, snow or strong wind, then with the help of magic you can bring black melancholy and love to a person. Immediately from the moment the witch's magical ritual is performed, the person being bewitched will have an obsessive desire to see each other as soon as possible and be together more often. You will see the consequences of a “witch’s love spell” immediately; a person bewitched in this way begins to call more often and show his love feelings more vividly, and, being at a distance from you, greatly misses you. This one is very common among people and quite quick plot allowing one to let loose

The love spell ritual and conspiracy for fidelity and prevention of betrayal which will be discussed is a very powerful and independent love spell that is done only once on a beloved husband and boyfriend or man so that he does not go to the left and cannot cheat. The “burden of fidelity” spell of fidelity will protect your loved one from the temptation to cheat and he will not stand on others. If you are worried about the safety of your loved one’s fidelity to you, perform a fidelity ritual and live in peace. Read only once love spell on the loyalty of your beloved husband or boyfriend with whom you live in a civil marriage. A quick and powerful plot to ensure fidelity and prevent betrayal is a must read

A love spell against a husband's infidelity will help stop and prevent the infidelity of the husband and the man he loves and the guy he likes with the help of the magic of prayer. If you independently read the prayer for a good life against your husband’s infidelity and perform a simple ritual on poppy seeds, a strong conspiracy can make sure that the husband does not go out on the side, does not drink or go out with friends, and he is always drawn to his wife’s family. White conspiracy– prayer will stop the husband’s infidelities and restore peace and love to the family. For a long time, conspiracies and prayers against the betrayal of a beloved husband have helped wives save their families during mutual love and deliver harmony from betrayal and jealousy, providing the family with a good life. Poppy in the old days

How to bewitch with the help of a photo and how to make a love spell on your own from a photo, the conspiracies for today will tell you. To perform a magical ritual for love, you need to prepare and collect the attributes necessary for a love spell. To perform a love spell ritual, even a photograph taken on a phone is suitable, but the photo must be single (where the man is alone), and the photograph from the phone must be printed on paper. In addition to the photo, for a love spell you will need a church candle, holy water, a new unsewn needle and red thread, a piece of cloth and a coin. A love spell is performed right at home at any time of the day or night; the lunar cycle for a love spell also does not matter.

Magic on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28, according to the tradition of our ancestors, helped to maintain the fading love between husband and wife or kindle ardent love in a young man (guy) whom the girl wanted to bewitch and fall in love with herself forever. Conspiracies for the Assumption for love continue to be read independently in our time with the goal of creating a strong family that remains faithful between spouses. When is Assumption this year? Holy Mother of God and the ever-Virgin Mary, you can remember the signs and customs of our ancestors and, resorting to white love magic, read a conspiracy - a prayer for love, fidelity and marriage, after performing a simple ritual in the church on church candles. What a conspiracy -

After reading a spell on salt, you can quickly eliminate your rival without the name of your rival and without her photograph using magic and conspiracy. Do a magical ritual yourself and after reading the spell on your rival for salt, your rival in love or mistress will quarrel with the person you love and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet on forums you can read many positive reviews of those who made a conspiracy to cool off from a rival. This conspiracy will very quickly eliminate your rival forever and bring your loved one back to you. A very simple ritual to perform, if necessary, can be performed by any unprepared person whose love has been encroached upon by another woman and everything that is needed for this,

A conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife after a quarrel will make sure that the beloved husband himself apologizes and also forgives the offense against his wife. Reconciliation magic is a very common magical ritual with which you can reconcile spouses in a very short period of time. This old conspiracy After a quarrel, the wife should read it to her husband herself and not tell anyone about the ritual she performed on her own to reconcile with her loved one. Only under this condition, even if you have had a big quarrel, can a conspiracy to reconcile the warring parties, influencing the kindness and love of the husband, be able to force him to be the first to reconcile and ask for forgiveness from his wife. A strong plot to reconcile with a loved one

You need to read a strong conspiracy on your saliva yourself if you need to make your loved one love you deeply and, when apart, yearn only for you. The magical power of saliva will make your loved one want to be and communicate only with you and all other women and girls will be indifferent to him. This very old love spell with saliva was often used by girls in Rus' when their beloved boyfriends or husbands left to work in another city. A love spell - a love spell on saliva helped save a marriage and protect a loved one from betrayal. The magic of saliva has helped me more than once to bring a strong feeling to my loved one.
