What are the little mushrooms called? Edible mushrooms - photos and names for the mushroom picker

Cap mushrooms, like almost all mushrooms, reproduce by spores, as well as pieces of mycelium. From the spores, a mycelium develops in the form of a plexus of thin branching threads, and from the mycelium - fruiting bodies. They are commonly called mushrooms. Spores form and ripen on the fruiting bodies. According to the shape of the spore-bearing layer, they are divided into tubular (for example, boletus, boletus, etc.), lamellar (champignons, honey mushrooms, etc.) and marsupial (morels, truffles). In tubular and lamellar mushrooms, the spore-bearing layer is located on the underside of the cap, and in marsupials - on the upper side (morels, strings) or inside the underground fruiting bodies (truffle). The fruiting bodies of all mushrooms are formed underground. The mushrooms come to the surface almost fully formed; The terrestrial life of mushrooms (fruiting body) is very short - 2-3 days. The spores ripen, fall out, and the mushroom itself becomes decrepit and dies. The mycelium is very tenacious. Its age in some mushrooms reaches 15-25 years; she is not afraid of drought and severe frosts.

Mushrooms grow mainly in forests, less often in fields and meadows. It is known that certain types of mushrooms can only grow together with certain types of trees, and such cohabitation is sometimes beneficial for the tree.

Some mushroom pickers prefer to engage in quiet hunting exclusively in supermarkets. Their heart is warmed by the fact that only edible mushrooms are sold in stores. True lovers of forest walks can hardly be satisfied with Champignons or Oyster mushrooms, grown under an artificial sun, never bathed in morning dew, and not saturated with the smell of pine needles. Anyone who has ever participated in a mushroom hunt will definitely want to go into the forest not only for culinary purposes - to collect and eat. Every mushroom picker knows the unforgettable feeling when an inconspicuous mound, completely covered with last year's leaves, turns out to be a family of strong butterflies with brown caps. A quiet hunt does not involve loud chases with shooting, but it brings no less exciting pleasure from the finds.

“Plant-based meat” for your table

List of edibles and not edible mushrooms, growing in our forests, is not so large and quite accessible to study. To learn how to distinguish edible from poisonous mushrooms, check out our encyclopedia. Supplement theoretical studies with entertaining practice in the forest - and all the experience of previous generations will be learned. Edible mushrooms photos and names are presented on the website and described in as much detail as possible. We have collected a wealth of information designed to teach anyone correct behavior In the woods. With a little patience, a wonderful high-protein food product, the so-called “plant-based meat,” will be on your table.

All edible mushrooms are assigned separate classes. The best mushrooms are traditionally considered to be those belonging to the first category: Porcini, Milk Mushrooms and Rizhiki. They are the most delicious, suitable for any type of culinary processing. Fried, boiled, pickled, salted, dried, they are the pride of a mushroom picker and a real table decoration. The second class includes Champignons, Boletus, Volnushki, Birch Boletus, Butterfly, Dubovik. Many mushroom pickers love them no less than first-class ones. The third category is less known, but also tasty and beloved Mokhoviki, Valui, Russula, Honey mushrooms, Morels, Chanterelles. Fourth – Violins, Oyster mushrooms, Umbrellas, Rows, Raincoats.

Important rule for beginners

Everyone, even an inexperienced mushroom picker, knows that a single Pale Toadstool can ruin all the mushrooms in a basket. There is an indisputable rule: if detected among collected mushrooms at least one all poisonous the harvest goes into the trash bin. This is an axiom, confirmed by numerous experiences of collectors who regretted throwing away the fruits of their labors and ended up in a hospital bed with severe intoxication. Don’t risk your health, much less the health of your loved ones, especially children. They tolerate mushroom poisoning very hard.

For mushrooms - confidently and without fear

The virtual pages of our website contain all types of edible mushrooms that can be found in your area. Useful information about them will be useful:

  • for experienced mushroom pickers, to refresh their memory of already known knowledge and gain new ones;
  • for those who are going mushroom hunting for the first time and have no idea what edible mushrooms are;
  • for lovers who have not been in the forest for a long time and have forgotten the differences between edible and unsuitable mushrooms.

The section includes edible mushrooms photo and name, as well as detailed description each type, indicating the individual varieties and the differences between them. Even one type of mushroom can be eaten without restrictions, but can only be consumed after repeated boiling or soaking.

Ryadovki, which are found everywhere in our forests, belong to different categories; they are both edible and conditionally edible. Accordingly, their taste qualities are different. Not all mushroom pickers take their colored varieties, for example, Red and Violet, because of the specific floury smell and rather average taste. To help amateurs distinguish between Ryadovok, photos and names of these mushrooms have been collected. Pepper butter dish, unlike other delicious types of butter, fully lives up to its name and is suitable for food only as a seasoning.

The best qualities of a mushroom picker are attentiveness and caution.

What mushrooms do absolutely everyone like to collect - adults and children? Cute long-legged Honey mushrooms! They grow in large colonies in the same clearly visible places for many years in a row. Before you rush with a knife towards another friendly family crowded tightly together on a stump or fallen tree, remember some of their features. Almost every species of honey mushroom has a poisonous counterpart. You can distinguish them only by having a photo and description of each. Also, the completely edible Ryadovka fused is very similar to the poisonous Govorushka. Even seasoned experts make mistakes when collecting.

Before you put your find in the basket, check its name and description, and be sure to compare your mushroom with its double in the photo. These simple steps will reliably protect you from mistakes. Don't try to carry home anything you find in the forest, it can be dangerous. Some foragers rely on folk beliefs and put all the mushrooms they find in a basket in the hope of sorting them out at home.

To this day, there are erroneous statements among mushroom pickers that poisonous mushrooms are not eaten by slugs and insects. People sometimes try to determine which mushrooms are caught in a basket by changing the color of an onion, a clove of garlic, or silverware. Dipped into a boiling broth with inedible mushrooms, they should supposedly darken. All these statements have no basis. Confidence in the quality of forest products can only be given by the names of edible mushrooms presented on the website with descriptions and photographs.

Poisonous mushrooms They contain deadly toxins and that is why eating them is strictly prohibited! Even after long and thorough processing (drying, soaking, salting, etc.) poisonous mushrooms may not lose harmful substances. Before you go into the forest to pick mushrooms, you need to know, at least in theory, what some of them look like kinds poisonous mushrooms , which can be found in our forests. Every person who likes to go mushroom picking should clearly remember that it is not worth putting unknown mushrooms in the basket. After all, even the smallest poisonous mushroom, processed together with other mushrooms, can lead to serious consequences.

Poisonous mushrooms- these are mushrooms that, when consumed in normal doses, cause severe poisoning. According to the nature of the action of toxins Poisonous mushrooms are divided into three groups:

  • mushrooms with local irritant effects (food intoxication);
  • fungi that cause disruption of activity in the central nervous system;
  • mushrooms that cause poisoning leading to death.

The first signs of mushroom poisoning - what to do in case of mushroom poisoning

The first signs of mushroom poisoning are similar to many other pathologies:

  • vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, high fever.
This may be the end of the matter, but sometimes, after the first symptoms, severe damage to the liver, pancreas, and kidneys develops. Death may occur. This is why you should never self-medicate! If you eat mushrooms and feel unwell, consult a doctor immediately. While the ambulance is driving, drink 4-5 glasses of boiled water at room temperature (a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda solution) in small sips. This is done to induce vomiting and flush out your stomach. The mortality rate from mushroom poisoning is very high - from 50 to 90% in the regions of Russia. There are tragic cases when entire families died.
In general, mushrooms are a very difficult product to digest. Mushrooms are not recommended for children, the elderly, or those who suffer from illnesses. gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, even healthy people Mushrooms should not be consumed with alcohol or starchy foods, in particular potatoes..

Poisonous mushrooms in Russian forests

The mortality rate from poisoning with poisonous mushrooms reaches 90% in some cases! Poisonous mushrooms are especially dangerous for children. Main hallmark poisonous mushrooms is the presence of them is lethal hazardous substances, but not external resemblance or the absence of any "normal" fungal sign. Therefore, when going on a mushroom hunt, it is important to become thoroughly familiar with the representatives of poisonous mushrooms.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - Pale toadstool

Death cap- perhaps the most poisonous mushroom! It is better to avoid poisoning with toadstool! Appearance This mushroom is practically not much different from other mushrooms growing in forests, so it can easily be confused with an edible mushroom.
The color of the cap of this toadstool is yellowish-brown, pale greenish or greenish-olive. Usually the center of the cap is darker in color than its edges. The structure of this type of mushroom is quite fleshy, with cylindrical stripes of pale green color. On top of the leg there is a ring of striped-pale or white.
Pale grebe (photo) forms mycorrhiza on deciduous trees, growing in mixed and deciduous forests. It begins to bear fruit at the end of summer to the end of September. Toadstool (pictures) is highly toxic.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - False mushroom

The mushroom has a convex cap up to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the cap is predominantly yellowish with a red or orange tint or more dark color in the center. The mushroom has a thin, smooth, hollow, fibrous stem. The flesh of the mushroom is light yellow, has a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor.
The false honey fungus lives from June to October.
Most often it can be found in fairly large groups on rotting wood.
The mushroom is poisonous and causes digestive upset. After 1-6 hours, signs of poisoning immediately appear: vomiting, loss of consciousness, nausea, excessive sweating.
False foam is similar in external signs with autumn, winter, summer and gray-plate honey fungus.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - False chanterelle (orange talker)

This poisonous mushroom has a cap bright color from orange-red to copper-red. The shape of the false chanterelle's cap resembles a funnel with a smooth edge. The plates of the mushroom are bright red, sinuous. The stalk is approximately 10 cm long and 10 mm wide, often narrowed towards the base. False chanterelles mainly grow in the warm season from July to October, near real chanterelles. Also, this type of mushroom often grows in families, in rare cases alone.
The false chanterelle can be easily distinguished from edible chanterelle: A real chanterelle has a bright yellow color, a concave cap that is smooth on top and wavy at the edges. The leg is dense and elastic, slightly darker than the cap. A characteristic feature of chanterelles is their pleasant fruity aroma. False relatives of the chanterelle are brighter in appearance, yellow-orange in color, with a hollow and thin leg. The edges of her hat are smooth, unlike real fox. And most importantly: the pulp false chanterelle has a very unpleasant smell.

How to distinguish a poisonous mushroom - How to distinguish edible mushrooms

It is no secret that many poisonous mushrooms are disguised as edible ones. So, let's figure out how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. It is worth remembering that even an edible mushroom can cause poisoning.

Overripe mushrooms with a cap open like an umbrella have no nutritional value. It is better to hang such a mushroom on a branch - let the spores spread throughout the area. But if the hat is curved like a dome, it means the mushroom has already released spores and a poison similar to that of a corpse is formed in it. It is dangerous and is the main cause of poisoning.

Differences between poisonous and edible mushrooms

Let's figure out what differences between poisonous and edible mushrooms novice mushroom pickers need to know. What you should pay attention to when picking mushrooms, what mushroom lovers should be wary of, and how to avoid becoming a victim of poisonous mushrooms.
Porcini Description: The porcini mushroom is distinguished by a thick and dense stem, a brown cap, white flesh, a pleasant taste and smell. Porcini mushrooms are quite easy to distinguish from poisonous ones.
Danger: discoloration at break, bitter taste. Don't get confused White mushroom with poisonous yellow - when cut, its flesh turns pink.
Boletus Description: The boletus is distinguished by a dense, brown-red cap, the flesh turns blue at the break. This is how you can distinguish the edible boletus mushroom from other mushrooms.
boletus Description: The boletus is distinguished by a white leg with bright scales, the cap is brownish on top, the cap is white below, and the flesh at the break is white. These are the main differences between an edible mushroom and how edible boletus mushrooms are distinguished from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: The mushroom does not grow under its own tree.
Butter Description: The butterdish (butterfly) has a yellow stem and the same cap with white marks on the edges and a sticky, as if oiled, skin on top, which is easily removed with a knife. Learn to identify poisonous mushrooms.
Danger: discoloration at the break, reddish spongy layer, bitter taste.
Mokhoviki Description: Moss mushrooms have a dark green or reddish velvety cap, a yellow stem and a spongy layer. These are the main signs by which you can distinguish the edible flywheel mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: lack of velvety, reddish color of the spongy layer, bitter taste.
Chanterelle Description: Chanterelle - dense, apricot or light orange in color, the plates from under the cap smoothly turn into a dense and durable stem. A way to distinguish the edible chanterelle mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: red- Orange color, empty leg.
Ryzhik Description: Camelina is a lamellar mushroom of the corresponding color, secreting a milky juice - orange and not bitter in taste. This is how to distinguish the edible saffron mushroom from its look-alike mushrooms.
Danger: white, bitter, acrid milky juice.
Honey mushrooms Description: Honey mushrooms are pecked by families on stumps, roots, and trunks of dead trees. The cap of the honey fungus is ocher-colored and covered with small black scales directed from the middle, underneath there are whitish plates, and on the stem there is a white ring or film.
Danger: grows on the ground, yellow or reddish cap, without scales, black, green or brown plates, no film or ring on the stem, earthy smell.
Gruzd Description: Milk mushroom is a lamellar mushroom, white, with fluffy edges, white and acrid milky juice, grows in flocks next to birch trees. This way you can distinguish milk mushrooms from poisonous and inedible mushrooms.
Danger: sparse blades, sharp blueness and stone hardness at the fracture, absence of birch trees nearby.
Volnushka Description: Volnushka is a lamellar mushroom with a shaggy pink cap, curved at the edges, white and acrid milky juice. This distinctive features waves.
Danger: “wrong” hat - not pink, unfurled, without hairiness.
Russula Description: Russula - lamellar mushrooms, easily break, caps different color- pink, brownish, greenish, the skin is easily removed from them. This way you can distinguish edible russula mushrooms from inedible ones.
Danger: red or brown-black cap, pink leg, reddened or darkened soft film on the leg, coarse and tough flesh, unpleasant and bitter taste.

There are no reliable methods for distinguishing edible and poisonous mushrooms by eye.
, so the only way out is to know each of the mushrooms. If the species identity of mushrooms is in doubt, you should under no circumstances eat them. Fortunately, among the hundreds of species found in nature, many have such clearly defined characteristics that it is difficult to confuse them with others. However, it is better to always have a mushroom identification tool on hand to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible mushroom.

How to identify poisonous mushrooms

Poisonous mushroom, know: there are two ways to remove the poison:

  1. Boil the mushrooms for 15-30 minutes, then drain the broth and rinse the forest fruits in running water. To be sure, the procedure can be repeated twice. Only then can mushrooms be fried, marinated, or added to soups.
  2. Dry the mushrooms. By the way, this should be done in a warm but well-ventilated room, strung on a thread and hung, and not placed on a radiator or stove. In the first case, the toxin goes into a decoction, in the second it evaporates.

Both of these methods do not work on only one mushroom - toadstool.

We wish you a pleasant quiet hunt. And remember that brought home mushrooms need to be processed on the same day. The exception is lamellar mushrooms - they can be soaked overnight.

There are quite a few of them, and even fewer that are tasty and satisfying. However, it would be useful to learn more about them. This is what we propose to do after reading this article. In it you will find photos and names of mushrooms on a tree, and at the same time the answer to the question: are they edible or not.

Is it possible to eat?

As we wrote above, among the mushrooms growing on trees and stumps, there are those that can be eaten. Although it should be noted that there are much fewer of them than among those that grow in The most famous among the mushrooms found on trunks are This is the popular name for a group of edible mushrooms that belong to various morphological groups. That's what the mushroom was called - honey fungus, because most often it grows on living or dead wood, on stumps.

Did you know? Honey mushroom is an important product for human health. Thus, it contains microelements involved in hematopoiesis. By consuming 100 g of these mushrooms per day, a person will satisfy his daily requirement such important elements like copper and zinc.

There are quite a lot of honey mushrooms included in the category various mushrooms. They can also disguise inedible specimens, which are called Therefore, it is very important to know the characteristic differences between dangerous and non-dangerous mushrooms. Below we provide photos and descriptions of mushrooms that grow on trees and are most common.

How not to make a mistake in choosing?

Among the mushrooms on wood, there are not only honey mushrooms, but also polypores and scales. They can be edible, poisonous and medicinal. Let's get to know them better.


Not all of the mushrooms listed below are tasty and nutritious, however, they do not cause harm to health. Some of them are well known and popular among experienced mushroom pickers. Here is a list of edible mushrooms growing on trees, with photos and descriptions:

  1. . It has a cap in the shape of a horn or funnel. It is light, slightly gray in color. It has a diameter of 3-12 cm. The leg of the oyster mushroom is located in the center, strewn with descending plates, 2-6 cm long. The pulp of the oyster mushroom is white, fleshy, elastic. The mushroom has a slightly pronounced, almost imperceptible aroma and taste. Inhabits deciduous crops from May to September.
  2. . It also has other names: ram mushroom, dancing mushroom. The specimen is easily recognized by its pseudocap joint and light-colored stem. Its flesh is white and fibrous. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. Fruits from June to October. It is most common at the base and can weigh up to 10 kg.
  3. . It has a convex brown cap and stem. The center of the fruiting body is darker. The leg is covered with villi. Its diameter is from 2 to 10 cm. The leg is brown, about 7 cm long. The pulp is white, tasty and fragrant. It is most often found on damaged deciduous trees that have dried out and grows in groups from autumn to spring, and can even be found under snow.
  4. . Inhabitant of deciduous forests. Fruits from April to November. It has a small cap - its average diameter is 6 cm. Like all honey mushrooms, it is convex in youth, and in old age it levels out and becomes flat. Color: brown or yellow. The leg of this honey mushroom is smooth, 7 cm high. The flesh is yellowish in color, refined, with a mild taste.
  5. . The hat has a diameter of 17 cm. It is painted in different shades of green and brown. The legs of autumn honey mushrooms are 10 cm long, light brown in color, and covered with scales. The pulp is dense, white. The mushroom is tasty and has a pleasant aroma. Most often they can be seen on the stumps of such trees:

    Important! Many of the mushrooms have dangerous doubles. The main difference by which honey mushrooms can be distinguished from false honey mushrooms is the presence of a ring on the stem under the cap on edible mushrooms.

  6. . The specimen is named because in cross-section it resembles a piece of liver. It has a semicircular brown, slightly red or brown cap 10-30 cm in circumference. Grows on a short lateral stalk. The pulp has a reddish tint and is fleshy. The fruit body is sour in taste and fruity in smell. Prefers to grow on living trees. It usually settles on oak trees. It can rarely be seen on deciduous plants. The mushroom can be found from late summer to autumn.
  7. The cap of this specimen grows up to 4-8 cm. It is painted in light shades - it can be white, yellowish, or walnut. Covered with dark brown or black scales. The leg is curved, 3-8 cm in length. The pulp is hard and has no special smell or taste. Characterized by high protein content. The collection period is from mid-summer to autumn. Grows on deciduous trees.
  8. . His hat is oval or semicircular. It has a yellow color with a reddish tint. Covered with small scales. Reaches a diameter of 2-8 cm. The leg is white, short (about 10 mm), located on the side. Some specimens grow without a stem at all. The pulp is hard and white. Its smell and taste are inexpressive. Fruits on deciduous crops from April to August.
  9. is one of the popular mushrooms growing on trees - you can see it in the photo and description. This specimen grows with a yellow leathery cap dotted with brown scales. Its dimensions are about 30 cm. The leg is also covered with scales and is brown. Reaches a length of 10 cm. The pulp is characterized by density and juiciness, with a rich, pleasant mushroom aroma. The tinder fungus is edible only when young; if it is too old, it will already have hard flesh. Its fruiting period falls in spring and summer. Usually grows in parks and deciduous forests. Likes to live on elms.
  10. . Popularly nicknamed chicken mushroom. It grows with a yellowish cap in the form of a drop, 10-40 cm in diameter. Its leg is poorly defined, just like its cap, it has a yellowish color. The pulp is elastic and juicy. Grows on a variety of deciduous trees and can attack fruit trees. Fruits from late spring to early autumn.

Important! Since mushrooms are a heavy food for the human digestive tract, they should not be eaten at night. They also do not need to be fed to children under five years of age. Before eating, any mushrooms must be boiled for at least 20 minutes.


  1. . The cap of this specimen is flat and very large – up to 40 cm in diameter and up to 13 cm in thickness. It has brownish, gray, brown shades. Almost no legs. The pulp of the fruiting body is soft, brown or reddish in color. Likes to settle on poplars, oaks and
  2. . The fruiting body of this mushroom can be up to 20 cm in diameter. It has a bronze, brown, reddish color. When the ishnoderma is actively growing, drops of red liquid are released on the cap. The flesh of the mushroom is juicy and white. Ischnoderma is found from August to October in deciduous forests (most often on beech, birch, linden). Calls u
  3. . It is characterized by a large oval or fan-shaped fruiting body 10-15 cm in diameter with a velvety surface. The color can be white, brown, yellowish. It grows on living plants, most often on oak trees.
  4. . This specimen is very common and can be recognized by its white fruiting body of various shapes. Young mushrooms are covered with drops of liquid. They have juicy and fleshy pulp with a bitter taste. They mainly grow on conifers.
  5. . The caps grow 10 cm in circumference. Their surface is gray with various shades. The pulp is white, leathery. Most often found on stumps and dead wood. Likes to settle on birch and coniferous trees.

Important! Be careful - poisonous mushrooms can be just as attractive in appearance and very fragrant as edible ones.


Some mushrooms, merging with a tree, form fruiting bodies that have medicinal properties. Traditional healers use them to make medicines. These, for example, include mushrooms growing on trees, the photos and names of which you can find below.

Using stumps to grow mushrooms

Stumps can be used for growing oyster mushrooms. This is easy to do, for example, on To do this, you will need a shady area or room and several stumps from deciduous trees (birch, aspen, poplar). Coniferous crops are not suitable for these purposes.

The stumps should not be old, ideally if they are freshly cut. Dry ones will need to be soaked in water for several days. Their sizes do not make a fundamental difference. Convenient sections with a diameter of 15 to 40 cm and a height of 40 to 50 cm.

Oyster mushrooms can be grown either on open areas, and in enclosed spaces. If you plan to place stumps outside, the place should be in the shade and well ventilated. At temperatures below +20°C, agrofibre cover will be required. Optimal time for planting - April-May and August-September. The mycelium germinates within three months.

Exists several ways of laying logs. In each of them you will need to dig a ditch at least 30 cm deep and wide, corresponding to the diameter of the wooden blanks. If you have supports for the logs, you don’t have to dig the ground, but place the stumps on its surface.

There are also several ways to introduce mycelium into a stump - for example, by drilling holes, by sawing off the top part, by building a pyramid of logs with several layers of mycelium, etc.

In winter, the stumps will need to be brought indoors or covered with agrofibre.

When growing oyster mushrooms indoors, you need it disinfect. For example, you can use a 4% lime solution. After disinfection, the room will need to be closed for 48 hours and then well ventilated until there is no odor in it. The room must have ventilation, lighting, and maintain the required temperature (+15°C).

It is most convenient to lay the logs horizontally, on top of each other, after seeding them with mycelium in the basement or barn. On top they are covered with burlap or perforated film.

When installing logs vertically, they are made into columns and covered with straw. The sides of the columns are covered with film or burlap.

The air in the room should be constantly humid. Frequent ventilation is mandatory.

In May, the stumps can be transplanted outdoors.

The effect of fungi on tree bark

Fungi have a destructive effect on trees. It concerns both the bark and its roots. Typically, fruiting bodies are formed on old, diseased, damaged, infected trunks. They can affect both forest plants and fruit crops. They often provoke the development of various rots, others. As a result, the tree can completely die.

But some of the tree fungi, such as tinder fungi, are called forest health workers, since they contribute to the decomposition of old and diseased wood and enrich the soil with nutrients.

Mushroom pickers, while conducting a “silent hunt,” most often look intently at their feet, looking for the desired prey among them. However, some of the fungi prefer to grow on tree trunks and roots. And among such mushrooms you can find quite tasty and aromatic specimens, suitable for preparing various dishes. If you don’t have a forest overflowing with mushrooms nearby, then you can grow them for yourself using recently cut down stumps.

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Not all varieties of mushrooms are edible. Therefore, when going to the forest, you need to know how edible mushrooms differ from inedible ones.

  • Photos and names of mushrooms


    Sometimes poisoning occurs due to one piece of toadstool or red fly agaric. In order not to confuse edible and inedible mushrooms, it is necessary to study which specimens are common in the area and what they look like. Only organisms that are well known are placed in the basket.

    These are the main differences between edibles and inedible mushrooms. Of the poisonous varieties in Russia, the most common are the pale toadstool (green fly agaric), the red fly agaric, thin pig And satanic mushroom. The pale grebe is deadly.

    If the above signs are absent, but there is no certainty that the found specimen does not contain toxic substances, it's not worth taking it.

    Types of Edible Mushrooms

    There are different classifications of mushrooms. They are divided into categories depending on the area of ​​​​growth (forest, steppe), fruiting time (spring, summer, autumn, winter), structure (tubular, lamellar), etc. To recognize whether a mushroom is edible or not, it is not necessary to know about the existence of these categories, a description is sufficient.

    The list of edible mushrooms is huge. On the territory of Russia, boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms, saffron milk caps, boletus mushrooms, boletus boletuses, boletuses, chanterelles, russula, boletus mushrooms and milk mushrooms are most often found.


    This mushroom is also known as white mushroom. It owes its name to snow-white color pulp. Because of taste qualities and rich aroma, boletus mushrooms are considered a delicacy.

    Boletus has a tubular structure. The size of the cap varies from 10 to 30 cm. In small mushrooms, the shape of the cap resembles a hemisphere. As they grow older, it straightens a little and becomes flat and round. The cap is covered with a matte sandpaper of medium thickness, colored light brown or brown, less often dark orange. The edges of the cap are always slightly lighter than its center. After rain it acquires a slight shine. The fleshy pulp has a rich mushroom aroma and a dense structure.

    The height of the leg varies from 10 to 25 cm. It is painted in a light brown color, sometimes there is a slight reddish tint. At the base the leg is slightly wider than at the junction with the cap. It is shaped like a barrel or cylinder. The tubular layer is painted white or olive.

    This species is easy to find in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Collection time is summer. Boletus is unpretentious to the climate and grows well even in the north.

    Honey mushrooms

    This type of mushroom is most often found near stumps and trees. Honey mushrooms are growing numerous groups what is theirs characteristic feature. They have a lamellar structure. The diameter of the cap varies between 5-10 cm. It is painted beige, honey or brown. Young specimens have a more saturated color of the cap than older specimens. Its shape also changes with age. From hemispherical it turns into umbrella-shaped. The structure of the skin on the cap at a young age covered with a small amount of scales, and later becomes smooth.

    The height of the thin cylindrical leg varies between 5-13 cm. The color of the flexible leg matches the color of the cap. At the base of the leg it is more saturated than in other areas. Many representatives of the variety have a skirt on the leg. The time for collecting honey mushrooms is autumn.

    Saffron milk caps

    These edible mushrooms prefer coniferous forests. The structure of the mushroom is lamellar. The diameter of the cap varies from 3 to 9 cm. It is painted in a dull orange color. The color of the cap corresponds to the dense flesh. It is hemispherical in shape in young specimens, and funnel-shaped in old specimens; the smooth edges are slightly curved inward. The smooth skin covering the cap becomes sticky after rain and when high humidity air.

    The saffron milk caps rise from the ground at a distance of 3-8 cm. The brittle leg is colored in a color that matches the color of the cap, and becomes hollow inside with age. Sometimes there are spots of a lighter or darker shade on the leg. The first saffron milk caps appear at the beginning of summer. They can be found in coniferous forests.


    Forest boletus has a tubular cap, as if covered with oil, which is their characteristic feature. That's why this name arose. At a young age, the cap has a hemispherical shape, then becomes flat-rounded. The diameter of the cap varies from 7 to 15 cm. The color of the thin skin, more like a film, varies from light beige, reddish, chocolate or ocher shades with spots. It can be sticky or velvety to the touch. It depends on the type of butter and the weather.

    The dense, low leg (4-10 cm) has a barrel-shaped or straight shape. It is decorated with a white skirt and has a cream or light yellow color. Oilseeds are harvested already in mid-spring.


    The boletus is popularly called aspen or redhead. And it owes its name to what grows next to aspen trees. The color of the skin covering the cap and the color of autumn aspen are almost identical.

    The hemispherical fleshy cap with a tubular structure has a bright red-orange color. Its diameter varies from 5 to 30 cm. In young specimens, the shape of the cap resembles a thimble. It is difficult to remove the skin from the cap. It can be dry or velvety to the touch. The pulp is milky or cream colored.

    The height of the stem varies from 15 to 20 cm, which is why the boletus is clearly visible above the ground. The characteristic shape of the boletus leg is club-shaped. It is painted white. Present on the surface a large number of small scales, colored brown or black. Boletuses are collected in mid-summer and early autumn. They grow both in the south and in the northwest. They feel comfortable in any climatic conditions.


    Volnushki attract not only with their unusual color, but also with the pattern of their caps. They prefer to grow near birch trees on sandy soils. The lamellar cap at a young age is hemispherical, at an old age it is funnel-shaped with edges curved inward. Its diameter varies from 4 to 12 cm. The skin covering the cap is colored pinkish or pink-orange, but there are also white specimens. The cap has rings of various shades. They have different widths and uneven edges. The fleshy pulp has a pungent taste. The bottom of the cap is painted light pink. Even the white moth has a pinkish tint to the bottom of its cap.

    The thin solid leg becomes hollow with age and has a length of 2 to 6 cm. It is painted light or pale pink. Volnushki are collected in mixed forests or birch groves from late summer to mid-autumn.


    This type of edible mushroom is distinguished by its cap. It is lamellar, funnel-shaped, with wavy and slightly curved edges. The diameter of the cap varies from 6 to 13 cm. The skin covering the cap is yellow-orange. The flesh is fleshy and dense in structure and is cream or light yellow.

    The length of the straight leg varies from 4 to 7 cm. It is painted in a color that matches the color of the cap. Rarely does the leg and cap of a chanterelle differ in color. Chanterelles are collected in coniferous forests from late spring to late autumn.


    A special feature of russula is the variety of colors in which the cap is painted. There are red-yellow or reddish, light purple, crimson, white, cream and greenish, which makes russula difficult to recognize. The diameter of the lamellar cap varies from 5 to 17 cm. The hemispherical top becomes funnel-shaped with age. The skin is thick. It is difficult to separate it from the pulp. Often the cap is covered with shallow cracks. These colorful mushrooms have a rich flavor.

    The height of the light leg varies from 4 to 11 cm. It has a cylindrical shape. Sometimes at the base it is 3-4 mm thicker than at the junction with the cap. Russula collection time begins in July and ends in September. In nature, they are found in deciduous or mixed forests.


    The boletus grows in birch groves. The diameter of its gray, brown or dark brown cap varies from 5 to 12 cm. Its shape in young mushrooms is spherical, in adults it resembles a hemisphere. Boletus mushrooms belong to the tubular mushrooms and have high taste qualities. The fleshy pulp has a dense structure. Adult mushrooms do not have a rich aroma.

    The white leg, on which there is a large number of brown and black scales, tapers slightly towards the top. The first boletus mushrooms appear in May. They are collected until September.

    Milk mushrooms

    It is easy to recognize a milk mushroom by its size. The diameter of the yellow, light gray or brown cap is sometimes 25-30 cm. There are small scales on its surface. The flat-round shape turns into a funnel-shaped shape with age. The edges are slightly curved inward.

    The height of the stem, the color of which matches the color of the cap, varies from 5 to 14 cm. It is hollow, but strong. There are notches on the leg. It feels sticky to the touch. It is better to look for milk mushrooms in spruce forests or next to aspen trees. myceliums form mushrooms from the beginning of spring until late autumn. They decided to choose mixed forests as a habitat.

    This list of common edible mushrooms can be expanded by the following types: kolchak, smoke mushroom (grandfather's tobacco), bear's ears, raincoat or rain mushroom, galerina bordered, cyanosis, ringed cap (they are sometimes called Turks). But they are much less common in Russia, which is why their description is not presented.

    Rules for collecting mushrooms

    Observing simple rules, you will be able to avoid poisoning. Unknown mushrooms should not be taken, even if they have a pleasant smell and have a velvety skin. It is advisable for novice mushroom pickers to have a handout with them that contains descriptions and photographs of non-hazardous varieties. This may be a table in which dangerous varieties are presented. It would also be a good idea to look at the atlas mushroom places or services whose task is to determine the type of mushroom from a photo.

    At first, it is better to go into the forest with people who understand mushrooms. They will help you find mushroom glades and identify varieties, help you understand them and teach you how to distinguish edible specimens from harmful ones. It is better to check each mushroom by breaking it and looking for a change in color.

    To protect themselves from poisoning, people grow some categories of mushrooms at home. Mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are the most popular cultivated varieties. Oyster mushrooms, whose cap is covered with a gray skin, are easier to grow.

    If after eating a mushroom dish there are signs characteristic of food poisoning, you should immediately seek medical help.

    Mushroom - ram (or curly griffola, Grifola frondosa): rare, tasty, large

    Ram mushroom - rare, red-listed and delicious www.grib.tv

    The “ram” mushroom is a delicacy of our forests!


    To avoid becoming a victim of poisoning, you should go to the forest after familiarizing yourself with the name and description of edible mushrooms that are most often found in the region. Take only those specimens that have all the signs of edible mushrooms (pleasant mushroom aroma, muted color, dim color at the break).

    There are little-known varieties that grow on trees (poplar, hazel, oak). Among them there are a large number of poisonous ones, so you should not put such a find in the basket. They are not classified as delicacies due to their mediocre taste. The only exception is chicken mushroom, which resembles poultry meat in taste and smell.

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