Traditional recipes for the preparation and use of fly agarics. Fly agaric: medicinal properties and uses of the mushroom

Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, so named because flies that land on its cap and drink water from it after rain quickly die. Contrary to popular belief, this does not happen from poisoning: simply the entheogens present in the composition lull them to sleep, and they drown in the water. Animals eat these mushrooms to get rid of parasites. With proper processing, the use of fly agarics can also be beneficial for humans.

Description and composition of the mushroom

The cap is bright red, sometimes pinkish or orangeish. White flakes often form on its surface. Diameter varies from 6 to 25 cm. The flesh and stem of the mushroom are white, the ring is yellowish, with barely noticeable stripes. The fly agaric belongs to the saprophytes of the genus Amanita muscaria. Grows in coniferous and mixed forests. It has several varieties, all of them are suitable for making medicines.

The fly agaric contains a large amount chemical elements . Many of them are used in official medicine. Here are some of them:

  • Choline. Used as part of medications to treat kidney failure. Contained in almost all living organisms.
  • Bufotenin. It is a hallucinogenic alkaloid.
  • Muscarine is also a very strong alkaloid. It is not used in official medicine; it is used exclusively for experimental purposes in some studies.
  • Fallin. This substance is found naturally only in fly agarics. Its use can cause death or put the body into a coma.
  • Muscimol. It has a psychotropic effect and is used in the creation of drugs to treat mentally ill people.
  • Hyoscyamine. In medicine it is used to treat colic, cystitis, cholecystitis, spasms of the urinary tract, ulcers and colitis.
  • Cyclic hydroxamic acid. It has been scientifically proven that it enhances the effect of anticancer drugs.
  • Mycoatropine. Another strong alkaloid that causes narcotic intoxication.
  • Ibotenic acid. Leads to hallucinations, and in case of overdose - to vomiting and increased salivation.

To prepare a remedy for ulcers, you will need a kilogram of fly agarics and half a liter of alcohol. The mushrooms need to be cleaned, placed in a glass container and filled with alcohol. Then put the mixture in a cool, dark place for a week to let it brew. After 7 days, strain and take according to the following scheme:

  • Regardless of the disease and symptoms, you need to start with one drop. It's better to use a pipette. Be sure to drink a glass of water.
  • Gradually increase to 20 drops, taking 1 more every day. This amount is kept for 5 days.
  • The number of drops goes to reverse order. So, on the 26th day of treatment you need to drink 19 drops, on the 27th - 18, and so on.

If you feel worse after taking 5 drops, then you should stop and not increase the dose for 2 days. Then continue according to the indicated scheme. After the appointment you need rest.

Observation by a doctor is essential! Any use of red fly agarics without supervision by a certified specialist is strictly prohibited!

For joint and muscle diseases

You will need 10 caps and 100 grams of vodka. Wash the caps well and cut into thin slices. Place the mushrooms in an opaque glass container, pour vodka over them and leave for a week. Rub the mixture into sore spots. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after use, because the product is highly concentrated.

In order to get rid of muscle pain, you need to make a tincture of 4 caps and 200 g of vodka. Infuse in an opaque bottle with a tightly closed lid for 7 days. Then rub into painful areas.

Preparation of ointment

To prepare an ointment from fly agarics, you must first dry them. You can do this in the oven: place the mushrooms on a baking sheet lined with paper and dry over low heat. Then they need to be ground into powder. To make the ointment you need:

  • 30 g mushroom powder;
  • 50 g of lard;
  • 10 g wholemeal rye flour;
  • 10 g of coniferous resin.

Mix the ingredients and heat in a water bath. You should get a homogeneous viscous mass. Before applying, massage the sore joints and leave the ointment overnight.

Professional and alternative medicine is often used to prepare medicines not quite traditional components. If you pay attention to a mushroom like fly agaric, it has remarkable healing power. People have long wondered how to get maximum benefit without the risk of poisoning. The main thing is to keep a fine line between benefit and mortal danger.


Method of preparation: all components are thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. As a result of heating, the consistency will become viscous and homogeneous.

How to use: pre-warm up the joints with a light massage. The ointment is applied to painful areas at night.

Mushroom juice

In order to obtain juice, you can use any number of mushrooms. The caps are crushed and compacted into glass jar, covered with a lid. The jar should be stored in a dry, dark place for 30 days. When the month has expired, the juice is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. It is ready to eat.

The juice helps fight any disease for which fly agaric is used.

As you can see, the preparation of fly agarics obeys very specific principles. In order to benefit from a juice, ointment or tincture, it is important to observe more than just the ratio of ingredients. An equally significant stage is the selection of the mushrooms themselves.

How to choose fly agarics?

Regardless of whether you collect mushrooms in the forest yourself or buy them from other mushroom pickers, you need to make sure that they are whole and not affected by insects. The hat is of particular value - it contains concentrated maximum amount active components. The leg is not used.

Taking into account all the presented recipes, it is necessary to adequately treat the treatment process. The question of how to prepare an infusion of fly agaric is not as simple as it might seem. Such drugs should not be given to children, pregnant and lactating women, or people with psychological disorders. Exact adherence to dosage and attentiveness are the key to the success of treatment with this poisonous mushroom. Health to you and your family!

There are several rules when collecting and preparing fly agarics:

Collect only mushrooms of the Amanita Muscaria species, having previously familiarized yourself with them appearance and a description of poisonous fly agarics.

You need to collect small mushrooms with a large number of white dots - they contain a higher content of psychoactive substances. The active substances are concentrated in the cap, so it is not necessary to take the stems of the mushrooms. You can dry fly agarics in the sun or indoors, stringing them on a string. Drying in a stove or oven is not recommended. Drying is necessary - in this case, toxic ibotenic acid is converted into less toxic muscimol, which mainly explains the action of the mushroom. After the mushrooms are completely dry, they are stored in a dry place at room temperature. Dosage for oral use. Boil a small amount of water, as much as you can drink at a time, as the taste is quite unpleasant. Add a few crushed vitamin C tablets or lemon juice, this will increase the acidity of the water, but it is not certain that this is necessary. (I think this is a good trick, since I read that active substances fly agarics are leached by water, and an acidic environment minimizes this - approx. Doctor Muhomoroff) Add chopped mushrooms. (No more than 1-2 pieces the first time! Note by Doctor Muhomoroff) Let simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. During the last three minutes of boiling, add a tea bag to cover up the taste of the mushrooms. Strain, discard the mushrooms, reserving the liquid. Cool and add sugar. (I would not add - sweets are more nauseating - approx. Doctor Muhomoroff) Fly agaric tea is ready.

Effects of fly agarics
It has been noted more than once that rumors about the hallucinogenic properties of the fly agaric, as well as its toxicity, are greatly exaggerated. I repeat - in order to have “hallucinations” you need a very, very high dose, which even if desired is not always possible to achieve (time of collection, place, soil, nature of the forest, youth and old age of mushrooms, plus many other “introductory” factors, which are quite difficult to establish and take into account ). However, the characteristic and “best” properties of this mushroom appear already at small and medium doses: 1-2-3 small caps. I mean the already described surge of energy, which can be directed anywhere, because it is under the control of will and mind, the appearance of additional physical strength(which is not illusory and does not deceive a person about his capabilities, as happens - according to evidence - from LSD, i.e. there is no desire to fly, jumping out of high-story windows, stop trains with your finger, etc.), smooth euphoria with the aggravation and “ennoblement” of smell, hearing and taste, an increase in the acceptability of the world order at the same time - and this is paradoxical - with an increase in the positive assessment of one’s own personality, the appearance in “oneself and in the world” of features of beauty, features of the beautiful, a state of deep inner peace - as from contemplation beauty-order around, and from the consciousness of one’s own beauty-strength. No opium "escapism", cocaine "cocking" or hashish-induced rapid change of modes of perception - from bliss to fear. And all this can last from 4 to 24 hours from the small dose described above, depending on the subjective susceptibility of the recipient. The effect, as indicated, can be prolonged if a person drinks his own urine (or, in cases of high “advancement”, exceptional closeness-confidence, the urine of other participants in the “ceremony”, which in itself charges with new brotherly-sisterly-tribal meanings). Coordination in moderate doses is not impaired, so you can engage in almost any activity.
Here we need to clarify one more issue - with the Viking berserkers. Fly agaric mushrooms do not cause any aggressiveness or belligerence - like "vodka". They simply provide an opportunity to direct increased energy - and if it’s a dance, then to a dance, if for a long hike, then to a hike, if to tidy up an apartment - then to licking the farthest and most neglected corners and sorting out “hundred-year-old” rubble, and if sex - then "tantric". If there is food - then a la Gargantua, and if, as a last resort, a fight - then with the fearlessness, courage and rage that characterized, according to historical evidence, berserkers. Those who dare to try the fly agaric in order to get out of the "vicious circle", you should know that the fly agaric is not only a prominent mushroom, but also an honest one: if you eat one or two mushrooms raw (which is still better not to do), it can simply begin to make you feel sick and will either end in vomiting or safely pass without a trace (the whole “picture of poisoning” given earlier in the footnote, according to the book “Drugs and Poisons” is a blatant discrepancy with reality or, at least, a huge exaggeration, apparently being a consequence of elementary ignorance, behind which, again, is the fear of stepping over the taboo slander about fly agaric) and after this, after two hours, there will be a rise in energy, a slight euphoria (vaguely similar to alcohol intoxication, but without dope and all the unpleasant accompanying, side effects and the consequences of alcohol drinking), which can last from 4 to 12 hours, and in particularly susceptible people - up to 24 hours. For some, with drooping eyelids, “images” may come to life and dreams will be a little brighter, deeper and stronger than usual. In addition, the receptors are sharpened - especially taste, olfactory and auditory, in that order - any food will seem incredibly tasty, “heavenly”, and you can eat it more than usual, enjoying every bite, every portion. Additional strength will appear throughout the body with light superficial anesthesia... Coordination of movements in doses that are not extremely high (10-12 mushrooms or more) is not impaired. The next day, after waking up from sleep, which looks no different from usual, there is no hangover and increased energy can persist for the whole day. There is no desire to immediately repeat the “experience”. Attention! Use only Amanita muscaria (red fly agaric) mushrooms. Remember that this type of mushroom has a red cap with white dots and yellow flesh just under the skin of the cap. Never take mushrooms with white, pink, brown, greenish or grayish caps - these fly agaric mushrooms are deadly poisonous! Never consume more than three raw medium-sized fly agarics or more than six dried ones. Remember that incorrect identification of the fly agaric species can cost you your life.
Kamlania with Fly Agaric

In the course of my long journey, which is still too short, I have met quite a few spirits and quite a few interesting topics. Now I would like to talk about a very controversial topic, about Fly Agaric. This topic is surrounded by a lot of rumors and stupid trips, first of all, because nothing is really known. That is, of course, there is a lot of material written by researchers of northern traditions and something from psychonauts, but I have not seen normal shamanic practice regarding this spirit. Therefore, remembering everything that once was, or will yet be, I and compiled this description with detailed comments and footnotes. I hope that it will be clear and that the reader will remember that all data is taken from a deeply subjective experience of communication with this spirit.
The species of our common Red Amanita is called Amanita Muscaria. It grows in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, especially often in birch forests, often and abundantly, singly and in large groups, from June to autumn frosts. A characteristic mushroom with a red cap and white dots. Finding one like this in the fall is no problem. And so, having familiarized myself with all the material available to me on this topic and having consulted with the spirits of the forest, I went mushroom hunting. From the materials of the Internet universe, I found out that the caps are eaten dried and also smoked. You can also boil the mushroom juice and use it to prepare a kind of elixir called “Soma.” Having collected a substantial basket of fly agarics, I prepared them in all three ways, tested and refined the technology, in accordance with the desire of the mushroom spirit and my thoughts on this topic.
1) Dried caps
The caps of freshly picked mushrooms are separated from the stems. Then they should be divided into 3-5 parts so that you get slices. On one side there is a skin on the other side of the plate. These same plates must be separated, but so as not to damage either the skin or the yellowed layer of pulp underneath. This layer has the most power. Then dry the resulting slices. You cannot mix slices from different caps, neither when drying nor during storage. The caps are taken on an empty stomach after a daily fast and washed down with water or sour juice in a small amount. The dosage is 5-7 whole caps for an adult man. But for the first time, just getting acquainted with this mushroom, you should eat 3. It's about about whole caps and not about slices. The effect begins as a slight defocus of the eyes and stimulation of the body, approximately 30-40 minutes after use. Then the visual effects and “Floating Reality”, there is no particular intensification of the brightness of colors, but when the effect gains strength, you see everything absolutely clearly and distinctly, not like at the beginning. The clarity of what is happening is amazing. Ease and strength of any action, be it movement or thought. At the same time, the speed increases and becomes noticeable more and more. I didn't have full care. I just talked to the spirit for a long time and in an endlessly interesting way. He sang his Songs, beat the tambourine and tormented the Jew's harp. In general, Amanita is the most shamanistic of mushroom themes. It is dense as the winter north and just as merciless and clear. I advise you to use it only during rituals in nature. And it would be good with throat singing. It is surprisingly easy to sing with fly agaric. 2) Smoking mixture
The caps of freshly picked mushrooms are separated from the stems. Then they should be divided into 5-7 or more parts so that you get thin slices. It is necessary to separate not only the plates, but also the pulp of the mushroom down to the yellow layer. As a result, you should be left with thin strips of skin and yellowed pulp underneath. These strips are dried over the fire, but so that they are not touched by the flame, but only blown with hot air. To do this, they are hung on a thick thread over an almost burnt-out fire. The coals, while glowing, dry the mushrooms. They should not be fried, they should be dried. Then the caps should be dried at room temperature for at least 2-3 weeks. You can store everything together in one bag, but you should chop it right before use. Before use, having crushed the caps as thoroughly as possible, mix them with mint or other fragrant herb that does not have a psychoactive effect, in the proportion of 3 parts mushrooms to 1 part mint. It is better to smoke through a special long pipe, but another smoking device will do. If you smoke through a pipe, it is better to use charcoal. Not a big coal, it is thrown into a cup and warms up the mushrooms. If this is not possible, use a lighter more often, mushrooms burn reluctantly. The smoke is very strong with a sharp, specific smell. The effect is generally the same as that of eaten caps, but sharper and, I would say, more thoughtful. There is no such depth, but in order to consult with the spirit about an important decision or look with clarity at old problem just right.
3) Mushroom elixir "Soma"
With the elixir, everything is a little more complicated. The fact is that it is prepared only from fresh and always young mushrooms. For a trip, one person will need 5-7 caps that have not fully opened. They can be round or bell-shaped. Separating the legs from them (the cap should remain intact and not crack as carefully as possible) wrap them in food foil. In this case, the caps should face the skin down, and the place where the leg was facing up. The foil is also folded on top, so you won’t spill the juice that the mushrooms release during the cooking process. If you're in the woods, just bury them in the coals, making sure they don't tip over. If you are at home, then lower it into boiling water (Not completely, but 2/3 of the cap and so that water does not get inside). The mushrooms are baked in the coals for about 10 minutes, cook for the same amount of time. Carefully removing the finished, baked caps, unwrap the foil. The pulp should be loose and oily, baked. Inside the cap there will be a little oily yellowish liquid in its cup. It must be poured into a separate glass, cooled and strained through 3 layers of gauze. Then add 1/3 of its volume of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mushroom juice. Mix well and drink immediately, preferably in one gulp. The taste of mushroom juice is specific, but not unpleasant, but lemon juice and it’s almost not felt at all. Do not interfere with it or drink it with alcohol! I guarantee big problems up to death. It takes effect almost immediately for 10-15 minutes and the spirit is already a testament to you. The action is also slightly different. I was experiencing more visuals and for some reason I felt terrible laziness. The whole trip did not sing or play, but simply lay by the fire with closed eyes... The shamans of the past knew what they were doing. Fly agarics are great for ritual, voice and instrumental practices. They don’t like the city very much, they load, they are lazy, they yawn. Sometimes they throw you into outright trouble. I didn’t see anything like that in the forest, only the power and whisper of spirits in the foliage. That’s probably all that is needed to get acquainted with the spirit of Fly Agaric, but then everyone has their own journey...
Where to find:
Of course in the forest, where else? Moreover, Fly Agaric is found in the most different forests: birch, pine, spruce. It is better to look where there is less grass. And it’s easier to search, and there are more mushrooms in places where the grass is not tall. The best thing to do is to find a mushroom place. That is, if you just walk through the forest, you will find a little bit at a time (of course, it also depends on the weather, on the quality of the forest, but basically, it always seems that there are not enough mushrooms). If you find a mushroom place, you will simply go crazy with joy. A lot of mushrooms can grow at once in a small area. I once came across a spruce forest inside a birch forest (dimensions approximately 30 by 30 meters), inside which I found about 50 Fly Agarics. Before that, I wandered through the forest for 2 hours and collected a little more than a dozen mushrooms. ABOUT mushroom places you need to remember and visit them. It is not necessary that there will always be a lot of mushrooms on them, but still. I think everyone knows what fly agarics look like. If any asshole doesn't know, let him look at the pictures on the left. They are difficult to confuse with other mushrooms, so you can collect them without fear of picking the wrong thing by mistake. That is, russula can be confused with toadstool, but fly agaric cannot. The color of the cap can be red, orange, brown. With white pimples. If the cap is brown, then the mushroom is not called Amanita Red, but Amanita Panther. The Panther Amanita is 4 times more powerful than the Red Amanita. So be careful with them.
How much to use:
The weight of an average dried Red Fly Agaric is almost 2.5 grams (almost 2 grams is the weight of the cap, and the stem weighs about 0.5 grams). Panther Amanitas are usually smaller in size. Their average weight is 1.5 grams (the cap weighs about a gram, and the stem weighs almost 0.5 grams). These calculations were made after several trips to pick mushrooms and measurements taken. The content of necessary substances in the mushroom stem is several times lower than in the cap (tested experimentally). Therefore, taking into account the fact that the mass of the stem is several times less than the mass of the cap, it makes sense to collect only the caps (of course, if there is an abundance of mushrooms). And further numbers refer to caps.
For Amanita Red:
small dose - 4-5 grams (2 medium caps)
average (standard for me) dose - 5-7 grams (3 medium caps)
large dose - 7-10 grams (4-5 medium caps)
very large dose - over 10 grams (more than 10 average caps)
For Amanita Panthera:
small dose - 1-1.5 grams (1 medium cap)
average dose - 1.5-2 grams (2 medium caps)
large dose - 2-3 grams (3 medium caps)
very large dose - over 3 grams (more than 3 medium caps)
It is possible that fly agarics growing in other places may differ in strength. So it’s better to eat carefully the first time.
How to use:
Dry and eat - in a nutshell. Fly agaric contains several active substances, which can be divided into two groups: those that cause poisoning (the main thing is muscimol) and those that cause poisoning (the main thing is ibotenic acid). If you grab several raw mushrooms, then nothing good will come of it. Muscimol will work, but so will the acid, which will cause poisoning, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. This sucks. Of course, you won’t die, but it won’t be pleasant. What to do? You need to get rid of ibotenic acid. It is known to disintegrate if subjected to slight heat treatment. Mushrooms need to be dried. This can be done either in the sun or in the oven. If drying is done in the oven, the temperature should not exceed 80-90 degrees. The fact is that muskimol also disintegrates, but at more high temperature. Therefore, if fly agarics are dried for a long time at high temperatures or, for example, fried, then they will lose their magic. Therefore, the mushrooms need to be thoroughly dried, but at a low temperature. I just read about proper drying: I’m collecting a box from one forest, a second from another, a third from a third, etc. I come home, lay it out on clean paper, sort it out, and LIKE THIS I TAKE IT BLUTTLY AND DRY IT. I KEEP IT FOR HALF A YEAR - SO THAT ALL ENZYME REACTIONS END AND THE MUSHROOMS GAIN STRENGTH. ALL. Before this, I walked for about 8-9 years. To the usual proper collection and drying. The rotting of the caps during drying reflects the degree of contamination of the consumer’s body, and in order to dry the caps calmly for several days, you need a little of this purity (not to mention knowledge). In order to protect the liver, I recommend during a trip Take capsules with Milk Thistle extract. This plant has been known since the times of the Roman Empire, but now scientists are increasingly paying attention to it as a powerful antioxidant and hepatoprotector. What is he doing? Protects the liver from particularly aggressive molecules, breaking them down and preventing them from killing liver cells. Stimulates the growth of new liver cells. Helps in the treatment of Hepatitis B. MT works very well when drinking alcohol, as well as for the treatment of liver cirrhosis. (This means how much of them to eat, if you have already decided.) Firstly, in 2-3 days it is better to put yourself on a diet of light food. You need to take mushrooms on an empty stomach to avoid nausea. For the first time, do not take more than 1 medium-sized mushroom! This is necessary to avoid overdose and determine individual tolerance. For the first time, there should be a person next to the person taking the mushroom who will “keep an eye” on the progress of the process, since it is impossible to accurately predict the effect of the mushroom on the psyche and the body as a whole.

During my long wanderings I saw many spirits and heard many stories. I would like to dwell on one interesting, but very controversial topic - Amanita. Fly Agaric is surrounded by a lot of chatter and rumors, primarily because practically nothing is known about it. There is, of course, a lot of material, but it was collected by northern explorers or psychonauts; I haven’t found a normal shamanic version of this spirit anywhere.

Fly agaric is a characteristic mushroom of almost all forests; it has a red cap with white dots, it’s hard to make a mistake. I collected all the material about fly agarics and went into the forest. Dried fly agaric caps can be eaten or smoked; you can also boil the mushroom juice and prepare the Soma drink. Having collected a full basket of fly agarics, I decided to try all three methods.

Dried fly agaric caps

The caps of freshly collected fly agarics are separated. Then the cap is cut into 4-6 equal slices. There are plates on the outside of the cap; they need to be separated. You need to separate it very carefully so as not to damage the pulp and skin. All the strength is in the yellowed layer of pulp. Then dry it, mix the slices from different fly agarics under no circumstances, either during drying or during subsequent storage.

You need to eat fly agaric on an empty stomach; before taking it you need to fast for a day. Wash down cold water or sour juice. The dose for an adult man is 5-7 caps (not to be confused with lobules), but for the first acquaintance three will be enough.

The first signs of the action of the fly agaric appear after 20-30 minutes, and are expressed in a slight defocus of the gaze and stimulation of the body. Then the “Floating Reality” visual effects appear, light perception is not particularly sharpened. But after an hour the effect gains strength, everything becomes clear and clear. Strength and ease of thought and movement appear.

Smoking mixture

The caps are separated from the legs and cut into 6-8 thin slices. Not only the plates are separated, but also the pulp itself to the yellow layer. The result is thin strips of skin and yellow pulp. The strips are dried over a fire, but in such a way that the flame does not touch the mushroom, but only blows it with a hot flame. Most the best option To dry it, hang the fly agaric on a thick thread over a practically burnt-out fire. But this must be done carefully, the caps should not be fried, they should be dried. After this, the caps are dried at room temperature for about 2-3 weeks. The caps can be wounded in a bag, crushed immediately before use.

For the mixture, you need to grind the fly agaric caps as finely as possible and mix them with a fragrant herb that does not have a psychotropic effect (mint), in the proportion of 3 parts caps and 1 part herb. For smoking it is best to use a long smoking pipe, but a hookah will also work. For smoking through a pipe, it is best to use charcoal. A small coal is placed in a cup and heats the mixture. The smoke is strong and has a sharp, specific smell.

The effect is practically the same as that of eating hats, but it seemed a little sharper to me. Has no effect great depth, but for advice with spirit about a serious decision or for a new look at a problem, it’s perfect.

Elixir "Soma"

Preparing the elixir is much more difficult. The thing is that to prepare the elixir you need fresh and young mushrooms. For a complete journey, you need 6-8 young mushrooms, with unopened caps. Hats can be either round or bell-shaped. We separate the cap from the stem as carefully as possible, it must remain intact, and wrap them in food foil. You need to wrap it in such a way that the folded foil is above the place where the leg was. Place with the folded foil facing up to prevent the juice from spilling. If you're in the woods, simply bury the caps in the coals, making sure they don't tip over. At home, dip 2/3 of the cap into boiling water. You need to cook the mushrooms for about 10-12 minutes, and the same amount in coals.

Unfold the foil and very carefully remove the baked caps. A little yellow oily liquid should collect in the cup. Pour it into a glass, cool and strain through several layers of gauze. Add 1/3 of natural lemon juice to the resulting liquid.

The effect comes almost immediately and you go on a journey. A large number of visual effects and pleasant weakness. There is a desire to just lie by the fire and fly in space.

In the past, sorcerers knew all the effects of fly agaric. This mushroom is ideal for instrumental and voice practices, rituals. Fly agaric does not like vanity and city noise very much. Sometimes in the city they can throw you into real delirium. In the silence of the forest, nothing like this has ever been observed; all that remains is the power of the forest and the whisper of the leaves.

Not everyone knows that there are several types of fly agarics in the world, some of which are fatally confused with edible mushrooms, and instead of fragrant champignons on the table there is a dish of toadstool or yes, yes, stinking one. In addition to the unpleasant smell, the toadstool is so poisonous that, having been in a common basket of edible mushrooms, it will poison everyone without exception. However, in the corners of the planet, completely edible fly agaric mushrooms grow and are even considered a delicacy. Egg-shaped fly agaric and Caesar mushroom are still prepared in the best restaurants in most countries.

A little history

Researchers find red fly agaric and its traces all over the world. It is known that the tribes of Africa carefully cultivated the mushroom for food. Moreover, a decoction prepared from fly agarics was equated to a sacred elixir and was called the mythical Indo-Aryan drink of the gods. People with heads in the shape of a fly agaric cap were depicted in the drawings of the ancient inhabitants of Chukotka.

But the shamans of the North made a great discovery when they discovered psychoactive substances in the mushroom. After eating the mushroom, they plunged into a deep trance state to the loud music of tambourines. Ancient tribes knew a lot about the properties of fly agaric and used it as a means of spiritual and physical recovery. True, the method was real urine therapy. But let's not go into details.

In Siberia, fly agaric for a long period was the only way to achieve drug intoxication. Fearlessness, rage and unearthly strength became visible symptoms of use. However, with the advent alcoholic drinks the northerners abandoned the fly agaric potion.

Why do you want to eat fly agaric?

Nowadays, people are afraid to eat mushrooms, and for good reason. But you can’t get rid of an irresistible interest. So what happens if you eat red fly agaric? Undoubtedly, an idle attraction to the unknown is present in every person. But why tempt fate? TO great joy, death after eating red fly agaric is a rather rare case. However, the idea of ​​trying a mushroom can seriously undermine your health. Although toxic toxic substances fly agaric when cooked and decreases, it is impossible to completely eliminate poisoning.

It happens that a person accidentally eats a fly agaric. What to do in this case? A fly agaric alone cannot cause significant harm to the body. And it is unlikely that a person will feel a change in his condition, but it is still worth playing it safe by washing, especially if the base of the fungus has gotten into the food.

How many fly agarics do you need to eat to get poisoned? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The directory informs that 15 mushroom caps can have a dangerous toxic effect, but this figure is quite controversial. Theory cannot accurately predict the reaction of the human body, especially since the perception of certain products is individual for everyone.

Philosophical reflections

If you think about it, it will be clear that everything we eat becomes part of us and affects our consciousness. The people of antiquity thought so. “For the whole is assembled in parts,” says wisdom. Every living thing on the planet has a soul, including plants. The peculiarity of nature is that when new skills and habits are acquired in the process of life, including food, the descendants of a living individual are born with such knowledge.

What happens if you eat raw fly agaric? Something personal will happen. A person who eats a fly agaric will be reunited with his soul. Such a whole can completely change life and perception of reality, surrounding a person. If the merging of substances occurs constantly, the struggle of two souls is inevitable. The power of the fly agaric is great and it will destroy the essence of a person. He will cease to be a person and will be transformed into a “fly agaric toadstool,” although from the outside he will remain a person.

It is not difficult to grasp the essence of what is written above. A person’s mind must prevail over temptations before something new and secret. After all common sense will not make you think about how many fly agarics you can eat. However, many people are still interested in this question. Then let's continue.

Important components of fly agaric

If you eat a fly agaric, what will happen to a person? Quite a controversial issue. Here it is important to know what substances this “creation of nature” consists of. in the form of ibotenic acids are the most significant components of the mushroom. When the fly agaric dries, the acids are converted into muscimol and muscarine, which, when entering the human body, cause changes in consciousness and perception of the surrounding world as a whole. An important feature of ibotenic acid is its ability to slowly destroy brain cells.

So how many fly agarics do you need to eat to destroy your body? You can find information that eating a kilogram of fly agarics can kill a person, but its reliability is unknown. Old people living near forests say that fly agaric is good when dried, and there is nothing wrong with eating five of these “chips.” In addition, muscafurin, trimethylamine and choline, which are included in it, can easily overcome cancer cells. But is it?

Children's horror story

From the early childhood children become familiar with the fly agaric as an evil character in children's fairy tales. His image is often used to sew role-playing costumes in theatrical productions. And everyone knows that fly agaric is dangerous. Its toxicity is lethal, and it is extremely reckless to use it as food. There is some truth in this, because an incorrect and careless attitude towards the mushroom leads to disastrous consequences.

If you look at the mushroom a little differently, then it may well be able to help. Fly agaric is, so to speak, a panacea for all kinds of ailments.

Healing properties of fly agaric

If you eat a fly agaric, what will happen to your body? Will there be healing? requires caution, and it must be said that not a single doctor will prescribe such a “miracle treatment.” As for herbal healers and healers, their recommendations are as follows. The mushroom in small doses can stop bleeding, relieve pain, kill bacteria, heal wounds and strengthen the immune system.

If speak about folk medicine, then here too the fly agaric in reasonable doses has proven itself with positive side. Cough, sore throat, seizures, spasms and spinal diseases are weak contenders. The fly agaric can easily cope with them. Old people used it as the best sleeping pill and remedy for fatigue and decreased mobility. The effectiveness of toadstool has been demonstrated in the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis.

How to prepare a mushroom for consumption?

You should start by collecting fly agaric caps in a remote forest. You can't pick mushrooms in industrial areas and near roads. If found, feel free to pass by. Its properties are several times stronger than the red fly agaric, which is extremely unsafe. You need to choose healthy and undamaged mushrooms. At home, the caps need to be washed, the bottom plate cut off, strung on a thread and hung to dry in a well-tested room until crisp. Dried mushroom loses all its effective properties after six months, so it is advisable not to overdry it.

What can you feel from taking it?

Five dry mushroom caps are considered an acceptable dose for humans. Only in this quantity can a mushroom add clarity of mind, energy, a surge of strength and a feeling of happiness to a person, as well as lead active struggle with illnesses. Large quantity Fly agaric for consumption is prohibited. An overdose causes vomiting, nausea, an inadequate state and even death.

What happens if you eat a fly agaric? The question has been answered. Each person has the right to decide for himself what is useful and what is worth giving up, even if the interest is unbearably painful. After all, not everything is as simple as it seems. There are simply no people cured of cancer by fly agaric therapy! Or they simply decided to remain silent about the miracle drug. Keep your mind and take care of your health!
