Where to pick mushrooms in Los. Mushroom season

Information on where to go for mushrooms in August 2018 in Leningrad region.

Do you know what the forest smells like? It smells like air! The one you won’t find in the city during the day. It also smells like mushrooms. In season. Which is now, in fact, gaining momentum with might and main. Unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to go mushroom picking every day, although we know where (this means not only the Leningrad region, but also Karelia, and the Pskov region, and even). Since childhood, I remember how early in the morning (more likely late at night) I, half asleep, was put into a car, baskets and food were loaded into the trunk and taken somewhere far away. All day. So I know all the places where to go for mushrooms in the Leningrad region at the end of summer and autumn. And without regret we will now burn these places.

(The photo of the mushrooms was stolen from the Internet, because we collect mushrooms and forget to take pictures))))). If the owner is found, we will indicate his full name)

Mushroom places of the Kirov region

Otradnoe. Boletus mushrooms have just started growing there. They'll be out completely by next weekend. The information has been verified by friends.

Voitolovo and Sologubovka(approximately 50 km from the ring road). There is more than excellent forest there. It is also good because it has swamps where cranberries grow in the fall.

Sinyavino. A good mushroom place in the Leningrad region, but too popular. People travel here by train and by car. And there are plenty of local summer residents. So, if you are thinking about where to go for mushrooms and decide to go to this part of the Leningrad region, get up early.

In the opinion of our friends, the best mushroom place in the Kirov district of the Leningrad region is Lavrovo. A little further is Sinyavino, but there are no gardens here and, as a result, some mushroom pickers are swept aside.

Mushroom places in Priozersky district

The very first thing that comes to mind when thinking about mushroom places in the Priozersk region is Sosnovo. This mushroom place comes to mind not only to us, but to everyone who goes mushroom hunting in the Leningrad region. There are a lot of mushrooms here, but very few of them have time to grow. They are cut in their infancy.

Mushroom places of the Vyborg region

AHTUNG! August 2018 - boletus and boletus in large numbers in Kamenka at the training ground! Let's all go there! Well, chanterelles also climb there in large numbers.

The Vyborg region is rich in mushroom places. Kesha has a gardening dacha in the forest there, and sometimes as soon as you step outside the gate, you can find several “noble ones.” Therefore, often the question “where to go for mushrooms in the Leningrad region” is not at all - we just go to the dacha. And we have a dacha in Yappilya.

5 km from Yappil there is another famous mushroom place in the Vyborg region - Lake Mirror. That’s for sure, if you decide where to go for mushrooms in the Leningrad region so that you can return with a full basket, Zerkalnoe will be a win-win option.

Tank training ground Kamenka. There are a lot of mushrooms, but they shoot. Although they warn about shootings in advance.

Pervomayskoe.. Our favorite mushroom place in the Leningrad region. The day before yesterday we collected a whole bucket of moss mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, despite walking slowly and with the child. The child himself found the white ones and was terribly happy. And there are surprisingly a lot of blueberries and lingonberries.

Mushroom places of Vsevolozhsk region

Agalatovo. True, according to reviews, this season there are more mushroom pickers than mushrooms. In the sense that there are a lot of mushrooms, but there are even more of those who found the wrong answer to the question “where to go for mushrooms in the Leningrad region”. So think a hundred times. It's not far to go, but is it worth constantly greeting your opponents?

IN Berngardovka there is also something to profit from. And, surprisingly, there are fewer people than in Agalatovo.

Peri and Mill Creek. It's also not bad and close.

P.S. And leave early to avoid the traffic jam. There are a lot of people who want to go to mushroom places in the Leningrad region!

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Of course, this review of mushroom places does not include addresses of stores with a guaranteed assortment, and the presence of mushrooms at a specific point in space and time is a thing in itself. There are many influencing factors - weather, seasonality - the moment of the proverbial layer, situations like today, you've already collected everything, you're just sleeping, where you're going, look at your feet, my dear friends left for an overnight stay behind mushrooms, and so on... And of course, the site's preference is given to the Sosnovsky direction.

In the center of Sosnovo there is a small market (it is free for sellers; local grebniks display their catch), where you can buy forest trophies. almost to the market and shows.

You can get to Sosnovo from or from, by bus from the Devyatkino metro station, or by car along Priozerskoye Highway.

Keep in mind that due to an unusual situation in August 2010, a hurricane unprecedented for these places swept through the Igora-Sosnovo area and windbreaks formed. During the 2010 mushroom season, going to these places to pick mushrooms and berries was quite inconvenient and often dangerous. By the beginning of 2012, the forests had been noticeably cleared, but be...

Forests east of the station, the village of Kommunary. The area bounded by the villages of Solnechnoye, Motornoye and, 10-15 km southeast, the Brusnichnoe tract. Good woods, one of the most productive places according to many, but as elsewhere the result is not guaranteed. By the way, the names speak for themselves, for example, Lingonberry Stream, which connects the Meadow River and Bolshoye Berezhnoe Lake. What's wrong with our weather?

On the islands in the area chanterelles are collected. Although getting there is certainly not easy, you also need a car and water transport. And of course you need a good day, but we have it

Forest near the village of Novoye Devyatkino, Vsevolozhsk district. Although the forest here is quite damp and there is a lot of windfall, it is practically the closest to St. Petersburg - you can walk in 10-15 minutes from the Devyatkino metro station. From August to October, during the season, you can even find porcini mushrooms near New Devyatkino. It’s a pity that high-rise buildings have begun to be actively built in the Devyatkino area.

A short trip from Finlyandsky Station to Vsevolozhskaya Berngardovka brings good mushroom trophies. Near Berngardovka during the season you can pick up a basket of chanterelles, aspen and birch boletuses, and on a good day porcini mushrooms are often found.

Forest near Vyborg, respectively, in the Vyborg region. Here are dry pine and spruce forests and in August - October the real “dominance” of boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms begins. You can get there by car, by train from Finlyandsky Station, or by bus from the Grazhdansky Prospekt metro station.

Forest near the village of Sinyavino in the Kirovsky district. You can find any mushrooms here - from boletus and russula to porcini mushrooms. But take care of your legs and arms, you may stumble upon craters and dugouts overgrown with grass, during the Great Patriotic War In the 20th century there were fierce battles here. You can get there without a car, by bus from the Dybenko metro station.

If you are not busy making a choice, then let's go back to the mushroom business.

Kira Stoletova

Mushroom clearings located near highways and factory trash bins are unsuitable for collecting mushrooms. Mushrooms of the Leningrad region appear in large quantities in forests located near St. Petersburg.

Mushroom places

It is now dangerous to collect mushrooms in the Leningrad region due to large quantity roads and many factories that dump their waste into rivers. Under the influence of toxins, mushrooms accumulate hallucinogenic substances that have a bad effect on nervous system Therefore, collection sites are selected with special care.

Mushroom location coordinates:

  1. Sosnovy Bor - Priozersky district in the direction of Vyborg highway.
  2. Sosnovy massif - Sosnovo village. An electric train from St. Petersburg runs from the Finnish station to the village.
  3. In Scandinavia, turning to the village of Kirillovskoye, you will find excellent forested areas, full of mushrooms. The train is going there.
  4. After passing the Vsevolozhsk district, you will find Sosnovy Bor. The distance between settlements is 118 km. An atlas with the names of villages will help determine a more accurate location.
  5. To the south of the lake in the Luga region there is a forest. It's easy to find on the map.
  6. There is a train to the settlement of Zakhodskoye. This place is ideal for collecting edible mushrooms.

Mushroom places The Leningrad region is represented by pine and mixed forests. The soil is peaty-sandy. Many mushrooms appear in the Leningrad region in the fall; in September, there are fewer of them in spring and summer. Near Lake Zerkalnoe there are the cleanest pine forests. More detailed descriptions You can find out the coordinates of mushroom places in the Leningrad region by visiting the St. Petersburg mushroom pickers club.

If mushrooms have grown in the Leningrad region, you should be especially careful not to mistake their poisonous counterparts for edible representatives.

Description of the region's mushrooms

Mushroom pickers in the Leningrad region collect the following types of edible mushrooms: Morel, White, Truffles, Oyster mushrooms, Veselka, Chanterelles, Boletus, Boletus, Honey mushrooms.

Inedible hallucogenic species: Psilocybin varieties, Toadstools, False honey mushrooms, Fly agaric, Yellow champignon, String.


First spring edible mushrooms- Morels. Settle in the forests mixed type in April-May. The mushroom cap is conical, wrinkled.

Leg length up to 10 cm. Color white. In terms of taste, it is second only to porcini mushrooms and boletus. The mushroom is used to prepare various culinary delights.


Porcini mushrooms in the Leningrad region are collected from July to September. They grow in a pine forest, on sandstones. The shape of the cap is round. The color is gray, the leg is dense and thick.

The edibility of a mushroom can be determined by its pleasant aroma. At the false porcini mushroom or toadstools - sulfuric acid smell. Porcini mushrooms can be used to prepare any culinary dishes, pickling, pickling, but are especially good when dried.


The Leningrad region is one of the few regions where white truffle grows. To collect it, you will need a pig or a dog.

Truffle collection is complicated by their underground origin. They grow at a depth of 15 cm, so it is difficult to find them. Always remember the place where the Truffles were dug up, next year they will grow there again. The distribution areas of this species are kept secret, because a bag of underground mushrooms can bring income equal to the average monthly salary.

In appearance, the Truffle resembles a wrinkled apple or quince. white. The ball has a dense structure.

Oyster mushrooms

The oyster mushroom harvest season begins in September and continues until frost. Edible mushrooms have been praised for being low in calories. The cap is curved at the edges, shaped like a shell, the diameter of an adult specimen reaches 25 cm. The color ranges from milky to purple. The leg is thin, 2-3 cm high.

The pulp is juicy, dense structure. Grows on dead trees and stumps. Suitable for preparing appetizers, first courses and side dishes.


Grows solitarily in mixed and coniferous forests. Peak fruiting occurs in August. The mycelium does not form in one place for several years.

Used for making medicines from a variety of diseases. They find it by its putrid smell. The cap and leg are covered with mucus. The most valuable mushroom is the one filled with a jelly-like liquid from the inside.


Delicious edible mushrooms. The surface of the cap is convex, along the edges of the wave, wrapped towards the stem. The older the specimen, the more shape The cap begins to resemble a funnel. The pulp has a compact structure, not brittle. Has a pleasant aroma and high taste qualities.

They love pine forests. Mycelia form in early summer and grow until mid-October. It's worth looking for them open areas, under the grass and leaves. Used for making pickles and various culinary dishes. The main advantage that mushroom pickers value in chanterelles is that they do not become wormy.


Mushrooms are common in mixed and coniferous forests. If you find one, it means there is a whole group nearby. The mushroom cap is semi-conical, about 15 cm in diameter. Covered with an oily brown skin.

The leg is dense, about 8 cm. Painted white. The pulp has a dense structure, sponge-like. Has a pleasant aroma of pine needles. The product is used for frying, boiling, salting and drying. The fruiting season begins in May-June and ends in September-October.


The name refers to the habitat of the mushroom. The cap is hemispherical, bright orange-brown. In adult specimens, the diameter of the cap reaches 30 cm. In Sosnovo, you can collect 10-20 kg of boletuses.

The leg is dense, large, covered with small brown scales. The pulp has a fibrous structure. Refers to universal products in terms of use. When fried, it tastes like meat.

Honey mushrooms

They have a pleasant taste and aroma. They settle on stumps. The cap is convex, with age the edge becomes wavy. The average size 12 cm.

The leg has a fibrous structure. Thin, long - 10 cm, widened at the top. The pulp is white, fibrous. Autumn boletus actively bears fruit throughout September.

The color of the cap depends on the type of wood on which the mushroom has settled. Acacia or poplar produce honey-yellow tones. The oak is red, and the pine deadwood is brown-red.

Poisonous mushrooms

There are about 150 species of Psilocybe. Poisonous mushrooms that have a hallucinogenic effect. When used for the first time, there are no obvious consequences. Long-term systematic consumption of these mushrooms causes persistent mental disorders.

They grow on stumps and next to them. The cap is cone-shaped, the stem is thin. Painted grey. The toadstools are the very first to appear. If you want to collect a lot of mushrooms, focus on their location, they will definitely grow nearby edible species. The toadstool's cap is cone-shaped and pink.

Fly agarics live in forests of any type and are poisonous. They cannot be confused with anything. White dots clearly appear on the red heads. The leg is tall and white. The habitat of poisonous mushrooms is similar to their edible counterparts. Legs thin, hollow, caps bright color. The peel is smooth.

Yellowing champignons - poisonous mushrooms. The cap is white, turning bright yellow when squeezed. Consumption of this variety leads to serious poisoning. If you experience dizziness, vomiting, or loss of consciousness, consult a doctor immediately.

Lines – poisonous doubles morels. Their cap is shapeless, wrinkled, attached to the stem along its entire length. The pulp is light, fragile, without a pronounced odor. The season of increased fruit production begins in parallel with morels.

It’s September 2017, and the mushrooms in the Leningrad region have just started...

Mushroom pickers (Mushrooms of the Leningrad Region 2017, Priozersky district) 1 episode

Mushrooms in northern Karelia. silent hunting


Mushroom picking in the Leningrad region begins in the spring. To make your trip for mushrooms successful, get a reference book with the names of edible and inedible species, and also consider all the tips written above.

At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, avid mushroom pickers simply cannot sit still. Many specialists have their own secret places...

As soon as the first mushrooms appear, lovers of “silent hunting” rush into the forest. Mushroom places for a mushroom picker are like the secret of a magic trick for an illusionist. But we will go against the rules and reveal a little secret places that are located in close proximity to St. Petersburg.

Where to collect chanterelles?

Everyone's favorite chanterelles can be found as early as June, but the bulk of red beauties grow in July-August. Mushroom pickers respect chanterelles not only for their beautiful appearance and taste, but also for its unpretentiousness. Unlike many other mushrooms, they do not rot in the rain and do not dry out in the heat.

It is better to look for chanterelles in birch and mixed forests. In the Leningrad region, you can go to the Priozersky district for chanterelles. In the forests between the villages of Borisov and Michurinskoye there are many chanterelles and black milk mushrooms. You can also find white boletus, boletus and aspen boletus. You can get to this place by bus from Sosnovo.

Besides big amount The islands near the village of Kuznechnoye are famous for chanterelles. It is difficult to get there, but real mushroom pickers will appreciate the beauty of these places. You can also hunt red little ones near the village of Losevo, not far from the Vuoksa River.

Where to collect porcini mushrooms, boletuses and boletus mushrooms?

The most respected and expensive among Russian forest gifts are porcini mushrooms, their second name is boletus mushrooms. They can be found in pine forests in bright clearings and forest edges. There are a lot of porcini mushrooms in young pine forests. Forest kings are famous for their size - the caps of porcini mushrooms can reach 50 centimeters in diameter, and their legs grow up to 25 centimeters.

From August to September you can go to places near Vyborg. At this time, the forests become dry, and white boletus, boletus, and boletus begin to appear with a vengeance. You can collect white ones in a variety of directions in the Leningrad region, for example, near the village of Sinyavino or near Gavrilovo.

The end of August and the beginning of September is the ideal time to collect porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms. If the rains have already started, it is better to look for these mushrooms on the hills. You can go in the direction of Priozersk, look for your favorite places near Sosnovo and Losevo. According to experts, ideal noble mushrooms grow in the vicinity of the village of Yagodnoye - after turning to Kamenka from the Vyborg highway, you can safely go to the forest.

Beware of fakes!

A particular danger, both for beginners and for experienced mushroom pickers, is false mushrooms. Visually they look like their edible brothers, but sometimes they can cost the mushroom picker his life. Before you go on a “silent hunt”, you should study the main differences between real forest gifts and fake ones.

False chanterelles are always easy to identify by their bright orange color. In addition, the edges of the “wrong” mushrooms are smoother, they also differ in size - the caps of the “fake” mushrooms are much larger in diameter. Records false chanterelle very thin, located more often and never extending to the legs.

False honey mushrooms can be distinguished from real ones by looking under the cap. If there is a membranous skirt there, then it is better to leave such a fungus in the forest. There is even a poem that will help you distinguish a “fake” honey mushroom:

At the edible honey fungus
On the leg there is a ring made of film.
And the false ones all have honey mushrooms
Legs bare to toe.

Sometimes even avid mushroom pickers can inadvertently put a “fake” in their basket. The main thing is to remember the constant rule that you need to use when going into the forest: “If you’re not sure, don’t take it.” Otherwise, happy hunting!

Many people are looking forward to the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Some particularly impatient people are already wondering if there are mushrooms in the Leningrad region now... But, as you know, silent hunt starts at the end of August. And every lover of this activity tries to guess in advance where it is better to look for the best best harvest, and when exactly to start searching. But beginners may find themselves in difficulty, because not every experienced mushroom picker is in a hurry to share their proven places. Today we will try to answer the question: when will the mushrooms begin to grow and where in the Leningrad region...

When will it start in the Leningrad region? good collection mushrooms?

The end of August - beginning of September is the time to pick mushrooms. Somewhere a few days after the second good rain... Well, that's approximately. Let's talk more precisely about some popular mushrooms.

White mushrooms

Such mushrooms are especially loved not only by mushroom pickers, but also by chefs. And the easiest way to find them is in pine forest. Typically, such mushrooms will begin to grow in the Leningrad region somewhere around last numbers August, and their season does not last very long - for a week and a half, two at most. After this, tasty and healthy porcini mushrooms can also be found, but not in such quantities.

Where in the region can you collect more of these mushrooms??

Concerning best places to search for such a harvest in the Leningrad region, then this is:

- Gavrilovo;
- Kirillovskoe;
- Yappilya;
- Tarasovskoe;
- Mesterjarvi;
- Alekhovshchina;
- training ground near Luga (near the Serebryanka railway station).

When boletus mushrooms will delight you with rapid growth?

These mushrooms also have a wonderful taste and are suitable for storing for the winter. You can meet them in various mixed forests or among pine trees. Boletuses actively begin to emerge from the ground around the first of September. These mushrooms can be found a lot in the area:

Mshinskaya village;
- Roshchino;
- Gorkovsky (in the Vyborg direction);
- Kanneljärvi;
- Sosnovo;
- Priozersk;
- Kuznechny;
- Losev (in the Priozersk direction);
- Vyritsy (in the Gatchina region).

When boletus mushrooms appear in the area?

Such mushrooms prefer to grow in swampy areas and, of course, where there are a lot of birch trees. But in addition, readers of Popular About Health can also find them in the coniferous forest, in which birch trees are occasionally found. Basically, boletus mushrooms begin to actively grow in the first month of summer, and they can be collected until the end of the mushroom season.

As for the best places to look for such mushrooms, they are presented:

Kirillovsky (in the Vyborg direction);

In the vicinity of the village of Yagodnoye (in the area of ​​the turn from the Scandinavia highway);

The road to Kamenka (near the turn from the Vyborg highway - you need to drive about a kilometer and turn right into the forest).

A little about other places for picking mushrooms in the Leningrad region

A little higher we already talked about the village of Sosnovo. As the name implies, it is practically surrounded by fir trees and pine trees. And in the forest you can find not only boletuses, but also a wide variety of other mushrooms. Thus, these places are also known for black milk mushrooms, yellow and red russula, chanterelles and bitter mushrooms.

Getting to such a village is quite simple, from the Finlyandsky Station on a regular train.

Many mushroom pickers also happily go towards Lake Ladoga and Nevskaya Dubrovka, where the railway station called Berngardovka is located. If you walk from the station about half an hour to the forest, you can collect a good mushroom harvest.

Not so far from the above-mentioned village of Sosnovo there is another small locality Snegirevka. He is surrounded coniferous forest, where you can find quite a lot various mushrooms. Experienced searchers go here for chanterelles, moss mushrooms, mushrooms and russula. If you're lucky, you can also find porcini or aspen mushrooms. If you want to get to Snegirevka, first get to Sosnovo and then take the bus.

Not so far from the Vouksa River there is a village called Losevo, near which there is a wonderful forest. You can get to the village from the Finland Station by regular train. And you can find butterflies and boletus mushrooms, as well as chanterelles, in the forest. If you're lucky, you can also find porcini mushrooms.

The village of Stekolnoye, which is located in the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region, also enjoys great fame among mushroom pickers. You can get here by car, but if you wish, you can also go by bus from the city of Tosno (about an hour’s drive from St. Petersburg).

Between the villages of Borisovo and Michurinskoye there are amazing forests, rich in a variety of chanterelles, as well as black milk mushrooms. In principle, you can find porcini mushrooms here, as well as boletus and aspen mushrooms, but you will have to try hard for this (or the year must be especially successful). You can get to the place by bus from the aforementioned Sosnovo.

True mushroom hunting fans are happy to head east from the Myllüpelto railway station, which in turn is located southeast of Priozersk. Not many people come here, because you can only get to these forests by private car.

The islands located near the village of Kuznechnoye can be an excellent place to find chanterelles. But, of course, getting to them will not be easy. You will have to worry not only about the car, but also to negotiate about water transport.

If you want to find a good place closer, it might be worth getting to the village of Novoye Devyatkino, which is very close to the metro station called Devyatkino. True, it is worth noting that although this place is pleasing a variety of mushrooms, but everyone who is not too lazy goes to him.

In fact, true mushroom lovers will always find a place to harvest in the Leningrad region. But at the same time, you need to remember about safety, and collect only those mushrooms that you are confident are edible.
