Beautiful proposals on the theme of autumn. Essays about autumn

An essay about "Autumn has come"

Autumn has come. The sun still warms almost like summer, trying to give away the last unspent heat. There are still almost no clouds in the blue and clear sky. Only the wind became colder and harsher, reminding us that it was already September. Among the bright greenery, the first harbingers of autumn are noticeable: yellow and red leaves. Soon they will fall from the trees and cover all roads and paths.

Essay on the theme “Autumn”

Autumn is the time of farewell to warmth and the arrival of cold weather. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and this is becoming more noticeable with each new day. The sun appears on the horizon later and later, and sets earlier, and day after day it warms less and less. The temperature on the thermometer outside the window slowly drops, and in the evenings it becomes noticeably colder.

It's here Golden autumn. The most beautiful and picturesque time of the year. Autumn loves yellow, red, orange colors, and how she loves to sprinkle everything with gold. You come to a birch grove and you can’t take your eyes off, everything is in gold. There are gold coins hanging on the birch trees instead of leaves, and it seems that with just one breath of wind they will immediately begin to ring.

Essay on the topic “Autumn time”

Autumn- the most beautiful time of the year. No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin had autumn as his favorite time of the year. We cannot help but admire the beauty that it gives us. autumn nature. How beautiful it is in the forest in autumn! Sometimes words are simply not enough to describe all this splendor; only an artist can convey the autumn landscape.

Essay on the theme “Golden Autumn”

The fun summer is over. September became the rightful owner. It becomes unusually cold in the morning and at night. Only during the day the sun is still warm, trying to remind us of summer. After exhausting long labor, the fields are resting. The golden gardens have already given their owners their harvest. The cool breeze of autumn can be felt everywhere. Low clouds began to appear more and more often in the gray sky. It's raining lightly.

An essay about "Why I like autumn"

Autumn, autumn is coming...Wonderful and wonderful time. The sun no longer burns mercilessly from morning to evening, as in summer, and does not yet hide behind dense gray clouds, as it will in winter. It generously and gently warms, caressing every cell, it seems to ring in the sky with a million bells and scatters its tenderness and warmth. Go, people and animals, blades of grass and flowers, birds and trees, catch its lovely rays, bathe in them, rejoice, smile.

An essay about "Autumn" for grades 2, 3, 4

Option 1. Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow. Soon they will begin to fall to the ground.
Yesterday my mother and I walked through the autumn park. It's sunny and quiet there. The birds don't sing anymore. They are preparing to fly to warmer climes.

Option 2. On the first day of autumn we went to school. The days are fine. Every day I return from school and enjoy the autumn sun.
The autumn rains will come soon. It will get cold. Now the foliage on the trees is golden. But soon it will wither and fall off.

An essay about "Autumn in Odessa"

I live in Odessa. This is a very cozy and nice city. Here it has reached us autumn. The trees gradually began to dress in yellow, orange and red clothes.

Our autumn is very warm, but this year it is even warmer than before. You can still swim in the sea. The sun shines not so intensely, but still quite often. I was always surprised that in the fall we sometimes don’t even need to wear jackets and coats, while in all other cities to the north everyone bundles up, feeling winter is approaching. It’s very nice to walk among the trees now, when everything around is so colorful and bright. I love my city, for me it is like a whole world in which I can enjoy life. Autumn gives Odessa even greater grace and beauty. We can say that autumn is coming to my city.

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Autumn is coming. The city turns yellow-orange. Schoolchildren put on their schoolbags and go to school. For adults, vacation time is coming to an end. The leaves on the trees change their green color to bright red and yellow colors. Fruits and vegetables ripen in the gardens. Autumn is a time of magical changes.

This is the time when everything turns upside down. This is the time of rebirth. Isn't it a miracle that the bunny will change his gray fur coat to a new white one? And the bear will hibernate for the whole winter. But in my city, autumn is completely different. This is a parade of bright colorful trees. This migratory birds, which fly away to warm countries. These are first-graders who run around the school corridors. Some will say that this is a completely ordinary autumn, like this for everyone. But I will say that this is very much mine, because it is in the city where I was born.

Essay No. 2 Autumn in my city.

I have a cup of hot tea in my hands, and my mother’s warm jacket is thrown over my shoulders. My soul is sad, nature dies in the fall. But this is a bright sadness, because soon everything will be transformed and will bloom again. I look out the window and remember Alexander Pushkin’s poems “Sad time! charm of the eyes!

There are almost no leaves left on the trees, so the gray sky looks gloomily out the window. It blows its gray clouds and hides the last Sun rays. It will rain soon, large, menacing drops will fall on the last yellow leaves and knock them off the branches. And the leaf will fly on its last journey. He will spin, and a gust of strong wind will grab him in its cold embrace and carry him into unknown distances, perhaps to where the birds fly.

But not all birds leave their home; some of them bask next to city pipes or on warm car trunks. Birds sit on the branches of the still red rowan and begin to greedily pick ripe red berries. Afterwards they chirp merrily and fly off to find a new haven.

Not only birds try to keep warm in the fall, but also people. The whole street becomes gray due to the abundance of black and gray warm clothes. Everyone wraps themselves in scarves and puts on fluffy hats. Young people walk around with warm coffee in plastic glasses.

The first snow falls at this time of year. Snowflakes cheerfully fall from the sky in a merry round dance, they warn of the coming of winter. Children run around happily, open their mouths and try to catch snowflakes. But the white pranksters manage to sneak away. And when there is more snow, the children begin to organize their first snow fights.
I look at this picture from the window of my house and think that this is a wonderful time.

Autumn teaches us to appreciate small joys and overcome gray everyday life. I again repeat lines from the poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And I begin to understand why the great poet loved this time of year.

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Autumn- the time of farewell to the warmth and the arrival of cold weather. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and this is becoming more noticeable with each new day. The sun appears on the horizon later and later, and sets earlier, and day after day it warms less and less. The temperature on the thermometer outside the window slowly drops, and in the evenings it becomes noticeably colder. Rains in autumn go more often and longer, sunny days less and less, cold winds are blowing. It seemed like the sun had just come out and started to warm up a little, when suddenly it blew out strong wind, the sky was covered with gloomy clouds, and a light drizzle began to drizzle.

Essay about “Autumn”

Autumn is a sad, but incredibly beautiful time of year. I'm talking about the time when all nature around changes its green outfit to yellow, crimson, scarlet and orange.

I love autumn, it’s a pity that I have to go to school after the holidays. But on the other hand, I meet friends, we share our impressions of the past summer and funny stories.

An essay about "Gold autumn"

Autumn is often called golden, and it's easy to see why: the foliage on the trees changes color from green to various shades of yellow, which is associated with gold. It is impossible to cover all the variety of these colors: red copper, yellow ocher, brownish bronze, pale and orangish gold. These colors always remind you of autumn. If you are lucky enough to find yourself in a forest painted with such shades, the thought of a golden age will immediately arise.

An essay about "Gold autumn"

Autumn - positive mood, but at the same time a slight sadness. Even melancholy sometimes. The most colorful dreams, the most honest conversations, the easiest memories. Rains. A lot of rain, the best interlocutors and friends in the world. Fogs. In the head and on the street. And the air temperature is just right. Autumn is in a hurry, in a hurry, it finds more and more new colors for its painting.

Mini-essays on the theme “Autumn”

Autumn 3-4th grade Summer is gone. The birds will soon fly away to warmer regions. Golden autumn is coming. The sun is no longer so warm, gray clouds cover the sky. Autumn paints the trees with bright colors. The oaks and birches turned golden, and the beautiful maple turned crimson. But this beauty will be short-lived. Evil winds will blow, it will rain and the trees will shed their beautiful attire.
Animals have a lot to do in the fall. The squirrel stores up on mushrooms and nuts so as not to starve in winter. Bears prepare their dens for winter to keep them warm and cozy in winter.
And the trees will wait for winter to come and wrap them in fluffy white blankets.

Autumn 2nd grade At this time of year the sun hardly warms up, like in summer. It got colder. It rains more often. The days are getting shorter. Leaves are falling from the trees. Many birds leave their native lands and fly to warmer places because there is less food. After all, in the fall, insects hide and plants wither. The colder one is late fall, it is the rainiest. Sometimes it even snows. At this time, you can feel the approach of winter in everything.

Such different autumn… 4th grade It gets cooler in autumn. The days are already shorter because it gets dark early. Trees are shedding leaves. They are very beautiful, they have rich colors: red, yellow, orange. Increasingly, a strong wind blows, spins the leaves and easily lowers them to the ground. At times the sky becomes cloudy and it rains. I love this time of year, you can walk through the park and admire the golden autumn nature.

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Essay about Late Autumn (4th, 5th, 6th grade)

For many, late autumn is not the most pleasant time: rain, gloomy weather, and the sun rarely appears. Very rare bird songs barely make their way through the incessant raindrops

My year starts on September 1st, not January 1st, as it actually happens for everyone. No, I don't mean the school year. The thing is, when I say last year, I mean all the time up until September 1st.

Essay about Golden Autumn

Golden autumn is a chic, velvety time of year, whose picturesque landscapes will not leave anyone indifferent. It is this beautiful time of year that we will talk about today.

Essay about September

September is the first month of autumn, many Russian poets sang it in their poems, it was depicted by artists, it is a month filled with the magic of nature, a month that, like a cocktail, has absorbed all kinds of colors.

The hot season of vacations and sea adventures is over. The sky is increasingly overcast with leaden clouds, the evenings have become cold and long, but during the day you can still bask in the rays of the warm sun.

Essay Autumn holidays and how I spend them 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grade

All people spend their personal time differently, spending it on certain things that they like. But since I go to school, I don’t have as much free time as I would like.

Essay Velvet Autumn

Velvet autumn sounds very poetic. If I didn’t know the meaning of this expression, I would still understand that we're talking about about a pleasant season, about a mild climate, warm air... associations with something very gentle

Essay What the Autumn Leaves Whispered About

Brown-red and brown oak leaves rustled, and their brooms are loved by many who like to take a steam bath, and acorns were collected by gourmets to make coffee

Autumn in paintings by Russian artists

Autumn in the paintings of Russian artists is a “sad time”, but at the same time it is also a “charm of the eyes”. Warm yellow-golden colors, here and there crimson-red splashes, touching calm landscapes in all the simplicity and splendor of Russian nature.

There is a lot growing in the park different trees. In autumn all the leaves turn red, yellow and brown. Some are still green. All trees are bright and colorful. It is so beautiful! Some leaves fall to the ground.

Autumn is coming. The city turns yellow-orange. Schoolchildren put on their schoolbags and go to school. For adults, vacation time is coming to an end.

The rustle of leaves and coolness are signs of an autumn morning. On the street, a street cleaner sweeps leaves into large piles that are hauled out of town by trucks. The leaves are so colorful.

Essay What autumn leaves will tell you about, grade 3

Autumn is the most beautiful time. Autumn means warm days, rain and the first frosts. Autumn means fallen leaves that constantly tell us that cold weather is approaching.

I really like autumn, because the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall, the earth no longer becomes so gray, but takes on bright colors. It’s very nice to walk on such colorful leaves and imagine that you are in a fairy tale.

I love looking out the window in autumn. You wake up in the morning, and nature has already changed its nature overnight appearance. The leaves gradually turn yellow or turn red. The road is strewn with leaves

Why do I love autumn? For the gentle warmth that flows from the sky, caressing your face. Here's to the Indian summer, which gives you the opportunity to feel carefree once again

Autumn is a wonderful and very amazing time of year! There are trees around with yellowed and half-fallen leaves, and a huge carpet lies under your feet.

Autumn is known to everyone as a very rainy time. Not everyone likes to come home after a short walk with their clothes soaking wet.

The ability to see and distinguish colors is one of the most unique in the world; only the human eye has similar characteristics. In order to see the beauty of nature, you just need to open your eyes and look around.

Essay Autumn

Autumn is a time that enchants the eye. It’s not for nothing that poets love to sing about this time of year. There is something in her bins that you can admire and admire!

Yes, there are gloomy and stormy days. But they happen both in summer and spring. Yes, it’s a little sad that the fun summer is over. But, it will come again. And why not enjoy the golden autumn season in the meantime?

Especially beautiful and interesting early autumn. At this time, nature is just beginning to prepare for the future. winter holidays. Yes, she is tired and it’s time for her to rest! Everything around speaks of this: the rarer rays of the sun, the smaller amount of its warmth, and the fading flowers that delighted the eye and soul during the summer.

Many animals are also preparing for winter rest. All that remains is to get supplies. And what beauty there is in the forest at this time! The heap of gold rustles underfoot so that it touches your soul. And when you suddenly see, in this autumn blanket of the earth, a lonely flower that has not yet faded, then, involuntarily, you will become sad.

This early autumn, everything is painted in such bright and beautiful colors! Autumn is very talented in her sketches! A wide variety of colors and their various shades speak of her undoubted talent.

And this lush and beautiful withering of nature gradually passes into the later autumn season. All the leaves have already fallen off, only very rare ones still cling to the branches, not wanting to part with them. The migratory birds have already flown away - the last flock has left its mark in the clouds. Mother Nature is already falling asleep under the growing howls of the wind and the increasing rainfall. Now it really is getting sad.

But very little remains before the first snow covers the impoverished earth with its snow-white sheet. It will take a long time, mixing with the dirt and melting under the still not quite sleepy sun, to settle down more comfortably. And again it will be both a little sad and joyful to observe the beauty of nature in all its manifestations.

Essay about Autumn for grades 2, 3

There is a wonderful time - it's autumn. And in this golden time you can play until the morning. Scatter the leaves in different directions. I see a golden leaf. He fell from the maple tree first. I picked it up and put the bag down to collect the herbarium. When autumn came, all the children went to schools and kindergartens. I also went to school to study. Mom had a vacation, and every weekend we walked in the park. There were many leaves: yellow, red, gold, brown, orange. We walked for a long time and had fun. After all, autumn means falling leaves and rain. I love autumn, because during this time you can do anything!

For children school age It won’t be difficult to write a mini-essay about autumn. The younger generation perceives the changes taking place in nature especially clearly. One has only to see all the beauty of the environment!

How to write a mini-essay about autumn

Of course, to get a good grade in school, you need to spend time preparing to write. A mini-essay about autumn should be written according to plan. The task of mothers and fathers is to help the child in the order of writing thoughts so that the reasoning turns out beautiful and literate.

Such an essay plan will help the child present his thoughts in the correct order. A beautiful essay about autumn in Russian will help boys and girls get a good grade and praise from the teacher. Therefore, it is worth paying due attention to preparing your child for writing this type of work.

Essay about golden autumn for the little ones

When in elementary school they are asked to write a story about autumn, it is worth giving your son or daughter ideas from which to draw options for writing. As an example, it is worth taking the following essays:

The golden time has arrived. I really love this time of year because nature becomes magical during this period.

When I go to school, I feel like the hero of a wonderful fairy tale. Leaves rustle underfoot, creating a feeling of magic. Decorated leaves flaunt overhead. All the trees seem to have dressed up in festive attire and show themselves in their most beautiful form.

Autumn is a very beautiful time of year.

Autumn has come and brought a lot of magic. Nature, like an artist, painted the leaves of the trees in different colors. The bright and enchanting colors of autumn make you forget about everything.

The leaves rustle on the trees, falling to the ground, they cover it with a beautiful colorful carpet. Autumn forest gives a feeling of calm and lightness. Leaves swirling smoothly overhead plunge you into a mysterious mood.

I'm not surprised that many paintings by famous artists depict autumn. After all, it is during this period of the year that nature transforms and shows itself in all its glory.

Such essays are ideal for elementary school children. Concise, but at the same time saying a lot, expressions will help you express your thoughts and create a beautiful essay.

Essay about autumn for high school students

Much can be written about the golden age. Students high school they are also often tasked with describing this wonderful time. As an example, you can take the following essay options:

When autumn comes, your soul becomes light and calm. Nature, like a sorceress, envelops every corner of our country with its colors.

There is a lot of beauty in autumn. There are many poems about this time of year. And paintings depicting autumn are delightful. It’s not surprising, because this languid, dull time inspires and gives creative ideas. The rustling leaves underfoot seem alive, as if whispering about how much everything has changed around.

Autumn is an incredible time of year. I really love this time.

Such an essay will help you express your emotions and get a good grade for the assignment.

What will help you write a detailed and colorful essay?

In order for the essay to be filled with emotions, you should use the correct figures of speech. In a story about autumn, it is worth including extraordinary names of the colors that autumn colors everything around, and using literary phrases that will help infuse the colors and mood of autumn into the text.
