"Festival of the Water Sorceress." Reporting event on the project “Secrets of Water

Municipal government educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care " Orphanage No. 1" Belogorodka village

(Event for Water Day)

Compiled by: Elena Viktorovna Altergot, teacher.


M event for Water Day.

"Blue water"

Target: Formation of environmental knowledge about the importance of water.

Tasks: 1. show the need for water for all life on Earth.

2. Develop children's creative abilities and observation skills.

3. Foster a love of nature, instill the skills of economical use of water.

Equipment: multimedia projector.

Progress of the event

Song "Blue Water"

Blue water,
Sea without a trace without end and edge

Blue water, where are you in a hurry?

Where are you in a hurry?

To the blue sea, where the waves are strong,
Where strong waves always hide

Carry me quickly to the blue sea,

Blue water,
Herds of clouds float by

Blue water, where are you in a hurry?

Where are you in a hurry?

The willows are bending, bending to the waist,
And the song of the wind sounds in a low voice

Carry me quickly to the blue sea

Carry me quickly, blue water.

Leading: March 22 is declared International Water Day. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it increasingly requires protection.

Leading: People have long noticed that there is much more water on planet Earth than land. It would be fair to call our planet – planet Water! Is all water suitable for our needs? After all, most of it consists of seas and oceans - this salty water. If you imaginethat all the water on our planet fits in a three-liter jar, then fresh water takes only half a glass .

Leading: Water, you have no taste, no smell, no color; you cannot be described; they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings... You are the greatest wealth in the world.

Leading: Really, water is the greatest wealth, without which no person can live more than 3 to 5 days. But sometimes people forget about this wealth and waste it on trifles.

Have you heard about water?
They say she is everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap.

Like an icicle freezes
Fog creeps into our house,
It's boiling on the stove,

The steam of the kettle hisses,
Dissolves sugar in tea

We don't notice her
We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without it.
Don't eat, don't get drunk!
I dare to report to you -
We cannot live without water.

Water. Hello! I am a water sorceress.
You can't wash your face without me.
I dare to report to you -
You can't live without me.

Queen Voditsa:

I am the Queen, I am the Water!
I am the most important in the world
I'm the most beautiful thing in the world
I am the cutest in the world!

I give life to all people
I give energy.
Day after day, every day
I sing them every day!

I help them with everything
Both in cleaning and in food.
They don't have a problem with me
I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere.

Girl (holds a flower pot in his hands):

Hello, Water! We need your help. I wanted to grow a flower and
I planted a seed in a pot. But it doesn't germinate. Earth advised
Fertilize the soil in the pot. What can you say! Will you help us?

Water. I’ll help, but first tell me where you can find me in nature?

(addresses the children standing nearby)

1: Water travels in nature.
It never disappears:
Then the snow will turn into ice.
It melts and goes on a hike again.

2: Along the mountain peaks,
wide valleys,
Suddenly it soars into the sky,
It will turn into rain.

3: Look around
Take a look at nature:
We are surrounded everywhere and always
This sorceress is our water.

Water. Yes, that's right! I’m like this: me and the snow, me and the river, me and the rain...

Where are my magic drops? I send you droplets to the ground.
Shed some clean rain, water the earth, trees and flowers, and take a walk! Yes
look, don't play around. Don’t get into the collar of passers-by, don’t splash yourself!

4: Life on Earth is impossible without you,
And we will act carefully
To preserve your purity -
Our irreplaceable water.

5: A raindrop drives
Stream after stream,
They run without despair
The rivers are fast. After…
And then the blue of the sea!
And behind it is the ocean!
Without wasting water,
Close the tap tight!

March 22 is announced on Earth International Day water. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it most often requires protection.

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""Water Day" holiday script"

Municipal state-financed organization additional education

Center for extracurricular activities "Leisure" Proletarsky district of Rostov-on-Don

Scenario ecological holiday

Compiled by:

ON THE. Babeshkina


Participants: school leaders in the Proletarsky district

Design: environmental drawings

Presenters: Abajan L.A., guys from the “Small Theater Forms” group

Goal: Developing interest in studying nature, animals and flora.

Progress of the event

Leading: March 22 is declared International Water Day on Earth. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it most often requires protection. So how much water is there on our planet? Will there be enough for everyone?

Now let's welcome our guest, who is she? Droplet comes out Do not know? Then I'll give you a hint:

They can't wait for her

And when they see it, they will run away (Droplet, rain)

droplet(is reading):

1. If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't live without

No cooking, no washing?

Without what, we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For the ships to sail,

So that the jelly can be cooked,

So that there is no trouble -

We cannot live without... (water)!

Leading: Even though a drop only lives for a moment, people say that “a drop chisels a stone.” Many drops merge into such a powerful and strong current that they can not only hollow out a stone, but also carry it far, far away from its native places in a stormy spring stream.

Droplet and I invite you guys to take a journey along the rivers and seas and overcome all the obstacles along the way.

Leading: So what should we take with us on our journey?

Game "Necessary things"

The guys select cards with the necessary things during the trip.

  • Warm clothes

  • Scuba

  • Sunglasses

    Suntan cream

  • Camera


Leading: we got to desert island, which means that no one lives on it. I propose to populate this island with your friends, so that you don’t get bored alone.

Game "Friends"

On a piece of whatman paper, the teams draw little people; whichever team has the most people wins.

Leading: The amazing substance water! She not only gives life. This is another source of beauty on Earth. Phenomena in nature such as rain, snow, fog, hail, frost, ice - all this is... water. Only in different states.

Game “Water is not water”

A game of attentiveness. The presenter calls out the words. If the named word means something that contains water (cloud, puddle), then the children must stand up. If an object or phenomenon is indirectly related to water (ship, fish), children raise their hands. If an object or phenomenon is named that has no connection with water (wind, stone), children clap their hands.


  • Seaweed

Leading: Now guess a few riddles.

Island of Mysteries

1. There is a sea, but you can’t swim.

There are roads - you can't drive.

There is land, but you can’t plow it. ( Geographic map.)

2. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Salty sea.)

3. He doesn’t hide from the wind,

And, with his chest exposed, he backs away. (Sail.)

4. It is not the swimmer, but the swimmer who helps to swim, not the cunning one,

And it blinks, blinks, blinks. (Lighthouse.)

5. We say: “it flows”

We say: “plays.”

She always runs forward

But he doesn't run away. (river)

6. When needed, they are abandoned,

If they are not needed, they are raised.

Can't guess? Well, it's in vain.

After all, this is... (Anchors)

Leading: Guys, how do people get to the other side of the river? Right on the bridge!

Relay "Let's build a bridge"

The guys place the planks under their feet and thus get to the other “shore”, run back, taking the planks in their hands, and then pass them on to the next relay participant.

Leading: Guys, who will answer the question: why is it raining? (Students’ answers.) Listen to this tale about rain.

One day, on a warm day, a drop of water, along with its sisters, the same droplets, was in the lake. The sun has warmed up. The water heated up and became light steam. The wind carried steam across the sky and collected it into large clouds. There were a lot of them - they began to push, crowd and offend each other. At the same time, their tears flowed. People called these tears rain.

Game "Bring a Drop"

The guys stand in a circle and pass each other to the music. balloon blue color- “drop”, the participant who still has the ball in his hands when the music is turned off is eliminated from the game.

Leading: and now, guys, let's imagine ourselves as the sisters and brothers of our Droplet and play the next game.

Game "Streams and Lakes"

The guys are divided into 5 - 6 teams, with the same number of participants. Every child is a trickle. At the signal “The streams ran!” everyone is running in different directions. When the signal “Lake” or the music stops, the players find each other and join hands, forming lakes.


Well done boys. Our holiday dedicated to Water Day is coming to an end. For this holiday, many children wrote fairy tales, drew pictures, electronic presentations and photographed the rivers and lakes of Rostov and Rostov region. And now we will sum it up creative works. The floor is given to the methodologist of the environmental center at the Vodokanal enterprise, Natalya Viktorovna Asaulova.

(summarizing creative competitions, Winner's reward ceremony)

Vacuum cleaner


Suntan cream

First aid kit










Warm clothes




Objective: to show the need for water for all life on Earth.
Goals: strengthening students’ beliefs about diversity
states and properties of water, its significance in nature and human life; development
observation, creativity children; nurturing love for
nature, instilling skills in economical use of water at home
The progress of the holiday
Presenter 1: Guess what substance we are talking about. This substance is very
widespread in nature, but practically never found in its pure form. Without
life is impossible for this substance. Among ancient peoples it was considered a symbol
immortality and fertility. In general, this is the most extraordinary liquid on
If our hands are stained with polish, if there are blots on our nose,
Who then is our first friend, who will remove the dirt from our faces and hands?
Without which mother cannot cook or wash,
What, let's face it, should a person die without?
So that the rain pours from the sky, so that the ears of bread grow,
For ships to sail, we cannot live without... (Water.)
2 presenter: March 22 has been declared International Water Day. And this day
celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it is increasingly
requires protection.
Is all water suitable for our needs? After all, most of it
Seas and oceans are made up of salt water. If you imagine that all
The water of our planet fits in a three-liter jar, then it is fresh
It only takes half a glass. Using a pipette, take three drops from this
glasses, you will get water from rivers and lakes.
Bread, air, water - simple things. But let's think about how much
we know about the air we breathe or the water we drink every day
Are we drinking? Did you know that the composition and properties of ordinary tap water
no less mysterious than the origin of the Martian canals? World
everyday things are fraught with many mysteries. And every person
strives to unravel them.
1 presenter: Interesting Facts about water: Water is the only substance on
earth, found in three natural states - solid, liquid and
gaseous If all people ate and used for food

livestock vegetation of the seas and oceans, then there would be enough food for 290
billion people. Water makes up 80% of a child's body weight and 70% of
the body of an adult.
Due to the World Ocean, up to 50% of oxygen and 82% of
moisture. The lakes contain more than 26 thousand cubic meters of fresh water.
water The full cycle of the water cycle in the atmosphere lasts 10 days,
rivers - 20 days, lakes and reservoirs - 7 years, ocean - 3000 years.
View presentation: “About water”
questions about water. Be careful!
2 presenter: Today we will try to reveal many secrets
underwater world and learn a lot of interesting things about water. You will
travel like streams, carrying precious water in cups. IN
Questions, tasks, riddles about water await you in quiet backwaters. For every
the correct answer or completed task will receive a reward of 1
cap of clean water. According to the quantity collected and stored (take care
Every drop!) of water will determine the outcome of the game. Backwaters await you:
“Experienced”, “Mysterious”, “Water and Man”, etc. So, let’s go “rivulets”!
Quick water for you!
1 presenter: We choose two teams. Team "Rodnik" and team
"Icicles." One water carrier from each team.
Backwater “Experienced”
Water is an amazing substance and you will see this now. So, first
questions about water. Be careful! (teams take turns)
1. Can water move up? (maybe under pressure, in plants from
roots to leaves.
2. On the surface of planet Earth, water occupies:

1. 50 % 2. 29% 3. 71%
1.Do you know: 1. What does water taste like? 2 water without taste;
2. What does the water smell like? (look, smell) odorless water;
3. Will a spoon be visible in a glass of milk but not in water? the water is clear;
4. What happens to sugar if you stir it in water? water solvent;
5.What happens if you boil water? steam;
6. What happens if you take water out into the cold? ice.

Presenter 2: Guessing riddles.
Backwater Backwater “Experienced”
1. What kind of stars are there on the coat and on the scarf?
Everything is through, cut out, and if you take it, there is water in your hand? (Snowflakes)
2. The sun ordered: stop, the seven-color bridge is steep!
A cloud hid the light of the sun - the bridge collapsed, and there were no chips. (Rainbow)
3. Not prickly, light blue, hung on bushes and wires? (Frost)
4. Transparent, like glass, and you can’t put it in a window... (Ice)
5. The children sat on the ledge and grew down all the time. (Icicles)
6. In calm weather, we are nowhere to be found,
And the wind blows - we run on the water. (Waves)
7. She screams day and night, but her voice doesn’t get tired? (Waterfall)
8. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea)
1 presenter: 9. I’m running like a ladder, jingling over pebbles,
From afar, by the song, you will recognize me. (Stream)
10. In the morning the beads sparkled, all the grass was covered with them
And we went to look for them during the day, we searched, but we couldn’t find them. (Dew)
11. It makes noise in the field and in the garden, but does not get into the house.
And I don’t go anywhere while he goes. (Rain)
12.In a new wall, in a round window
The glass was broken during the day and replaced during the night. (Ice hole)
13. The rain passed, but I stayed on the path in the yard.
The sparrows bathed in me for the amusement of the children.
But until tomorrow the sun will dry me out. (Puddle)
14. Not water and not land - you can’t sail away on a boat, and you can’t walk with your feet. (Swamp)
15. Fluffy cotton wool, floating somewhere, the lower the cotton wool, the more rain
closer. (Clouds)
16. Across the sky, sacks with holes are wandering like a horde. And it happens - sometimes, from bags
water flows. Let's hide better, from the holey...(cloud)
2 presenter: Oceans, seas and rivers regulate the circulation of life on Earth.
They occupy a huge area of ​​the planet's surface and play a decisive role
role in the functioning of its systems: climate regulation and conservation
flora and fauna.
View presentation: “The Beauty of the Ocean”
1 presenter: Answer the questions:

Backwater “Water and Man”.
1.The human body consists of water on:
20% 2. 50% 3. 70%
2.Name folk rituals related to water? (Neptune Day, baptism)
3.What are the methods of treatment with water? (stuttering, hardening)
4. Name the main reasons for the lack of fresh water on earth:
1.its absence; 2.its pollution;
2 presenter: There is nothing more precious than the wonderful, most
ordinary pure water. “Water is more valuable than gold,” the Bedouins asserted throughout
life wandered in the sands.
“Water! Water, you have no taste, no smell, no color; you are impossible
describe; they enjoy you without knowing what you are! You can't say that you
necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy
which cannot be explained by our feelings...You are the greatest wealth in
light,” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote about water. Indeed, water is the most
great wealth, without which no person can live more than 3 years
– 5 days. But sometimes people forget about this wealth and squander it
1 presenter: With the arrival of water, life appears, the water disappears - and life
becomes impossible. But there is a threat hanging over the water - pollution. Factories,
factories and cities are often poisoned wastewater rivers, lakes. If not
take urgent measures, the reservoir will die, the whole world of creatures living
in him and near him. And we need to protect not only river water, but also that which
running from the water tap.
Presentation: "Ocean Pollution"
2 presenter: Backwater “Security”
This morning we received a letter from the once large, seething and
full-flowing river: “Hello, man! All that was left in me was silt. Heavenly heat
cruel. Streams dried up to the bottom and stopped flowing. Live fast trout, in
rapid flight, doomed to run aground, flounder in the swamp. Alas, I am nothing
I can help my trout. She lies on the shore and can barely breathe. How long have I been with the terrible
rocks, seethed and roared, and my waterfall raged, boiling with white foam. I ask, falling to
to your feet, in the name of former glory. Plant bushes, trees, and herbs along the banks. When
You will come under the shade of the branches, the playing fish will splash, and the noble nightingale will sing thanks to you.
Let the alder beckon the passerby with its coolness, and let the oak shelter the shepherd from the rain and from
hail. Let the fir trees reach out to me, with their jagged shadow, and see in the clear depths

tops reflection. Let the birch leaves ring on the stone cliffs, and let my hawthorn
protects the sonorous singers."
Water must be saved! Everyone should understand and remember this! Come up with appeals to
people relaxing near the water, fishermen, tourists (issue them in the form of leaflets)
1 presenter: Backwater “Do you know?” Questions need to be answered
1. How many oceans are there on our planet? (4).
2. Which ocean is the largest and which is the smallest? (Quiet
and Arctic).
3. White, Red, Black, Yellow - what is it? (Seas).
4. Which sea is the saltiest on our planet? (Dead Sea).
5. What are the names of the beginning and end of the river? (Source and mouth).
6. Which body of water has branches? (River).
7. Which river is the longest on Earth? (Nile).
8. What bodies of water are called natural? Give examples. (Rivers, lakes, seas -
occur in nature without human intervention).
9. What kind of cereal grows under a layer of water? (rice)
10. Who caught fish with their tail in an ice hole? (Wolf).
2 presenter: Do you know who cannot live without water and inextricably with
related to her?
1. Who has both eyes on the same side? (Flounder).
2. Who breathes through one nostril? (Sperm whale).
3. Who plows the bottom with fangs? (Walrus).
4. What bird did the sea wean from flying? (Penguin).
5. Who drinks with their feet? (Frog).
6. Which tributary of the Samara River flows through the wires? (Current).
7. Which tributary of the Volga flows from the wounded birch? (Juice).
8. What bodies of water are called artificial? (Canals, ponds, stakes, reservoirs).
9. Which animal can drink 250 liters of water at once? (Camel).
10. Who has a tail only in infancy, and then falls off? (At the frog).
1 presenter: Pesennaya backwater. You need to sing a song about water and its conditions.
“At the edge of the forest...”, “Three white horses.”

(If the amount of water is the same, then offer a competition: “Whoever drinks the water faster is the one
winner". There's a catch here: the team that drank later wins, which means they had more
2 presenter: Let us take care of nature
For very pleasant meetings by the lake,
For meetings in the clearing, swimming in the river,
For relaxing at home, not away.
So that there is someone to protect nature,
We need to understand everything clearly and correctly
Nature's king is man and crown,
But still, without it, a person is finished.

Dear colleagues!
I join Olesya Kuznetsova’s comment - I would like to express my gratitude to Svetlana Aleksandrovna Chernova for the precise organization of the Internet conference. I really regretted not posting the report myself...
Svetlana Alexandrovna! Please tell me, are you planning to hold a conference on a similar topic in the near future? I really want to participate. Sincerely, Gritsay Alla Yurievna.


Thank you very much to Svetlana Aleksandrovna Chernova for organizing the “Open regional Internet conference “Water and world heritage"and, of course, to the authors of works and presentations. In my opinion, all teachers are proficient in modern methods and techniques, the stages of classes are clearly defined, which, in turn, creates comfortable conditions for active joint activities of children.

Gritsay Alla Yurievna

Dear colleagues! I got acquainted with the event scenarios. As a chemistry and biology teacher, I really liked the scenario: Elements of the lesson “Water and Food Security” in a chemistry lesson in 8th grade on the topic: “Oxides.” Author: teacher of chemistry and biology Korepanova Alevtina Arkadyevna, school 97, Izhevsk.
The author reveals the basic concepts of the topic and gives specific examples food security.
How to the class teacher I really liked the development:
Scenario of the event for the holiday "World Water Day". Author: geography teacher Maniyaeva Aminat Muzafarovna MKOU "Secondary comprehensive school named after Chechenov Sh.Sh. g.p. Kashkhatau" CBD, Chereksky district, Kashkhatau city.
Thanks to the authors, I will definitely use these developments in my work. Thanks to the authors. Sincerely, Gritsay Alla Yurievna.

Petrova Ella Alexandrovna

I got acquainted with all the lesson scenarios. Many thanks to all teachers for the presented developments that can be used in working with children of different school age to systematize knowledge, develop individual and collective creative abilities. The content of classes, the use of various forms and methods, the use of ICT, and all this is combined with the active involvement of students in work and collaboration. Interesting and educational material will help teachers translate their own new ideas into work.
In the exciting event "World Water Day" in a playful way, very interesting questions and answers.
A lot of preliminary work has been done for the lesson “Water and food security in the city of Moscow” and the logical conclusion is a memo.
In preparing the lesson “Water resources of the city of Stavropol”, preliminary work was done in groups. The lesson itself was the result of a short-term project.
During the lesson “Water is the source of life on Earth!” presentations by students and teachers, the inclusion of a quiz, clarity and expressiveness help to learn and consolidate the material.
“The game - journey “Tsarina - Voditsa” will be interesting and educational for 5th grade students using ICT, as well as some fabulousness of what is happening.
In the “Ode to Water” scenario, the teacher introduces information about the properties of water as applied to various sciences, and also uses an interesting technique to activate students, involving them in discussing the topic and drawing their own conclusions.


Thanks to all the teachers for the materials provided. Happy children are those teachers who work creatively. Games on the theme of water are useful for class hour"It's all about water." Teachers themselves sometimes don’t have time to develop the material, but here we work together to help each other.


Good evening dear colleagues!
I got acquainted with the lesson scenarios on the topic “Water and Food Security”.
The content of the classes corresponds individual characteristics children, all parts of the material are logically connected with each other. The use of various forms stimulates children in the possibility of self-realization, systematizes children’s knowledge about the importance of water in everyone’s life. There is a connection with life. Thanks for the wonderful developments. The acquired knowledge must be put into practice and then we will raise the younger generation with new environmental thinking.

Comments by Elena Vladimirovna Bolotskikh

Scenario of the lesson "Water resources of the city of Stavropol" 6th grade.
I came across this work. Clear goal setting, definition of work stages. I agree with Nikitashina N.V. is that the main condition careful attitude water resources - first of all, knowledge of the problems, the operating principle of the city's water supply. I was surprised and pleased that the 6th grade children are well versed in creating clusters and use the Internet in their work in class. I honestly admit that our school does not have a market board with a copying device. I would like to read the results of this work in more detail. I liked the work, well done.

I got acquainted with the work" Water source life on Earth." The goals and objectives of the work are clearly described. The results are summed up. During the lesson, a film about water, a presentation, and experiments are used. We did this kind of work with children in the lessons of the surrounding world in 2nd grade. I believe that this work is necessary, important, but for children of 4th grade... it's a little simple. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks so. Please don't be offended. Thank you very much.

Comments on the holiday "World Water Day".
I came across this work. I liked that the teacher clearly formulated the goal, tasks, stages of work, and results. reflection. I consider it appropriate for students to make presentations in sections and draw up rules for caring about water. I liked the work. But I just can’t imagine this work as a holiday.

Comments on the lesson "Water - World Heritage" Demina E.V.
I got to know the work. Tasks, goals, stages of work, results, detailed description work - everything is there. I liked that 5th grade children can use interactive voting in their work and can make a diagram based on the data they just received. I’m not sure that the 5th graders at our school could cope with such a task on their own. Well done, great job.

Comments on the work “Water is our wealth” by Vartanova S.A.
I came across this work. All stages of work have been followed. The results have been summed up. Conclusions have been drawn. I liked that at the end of the lesson this topic the guys decided to make a booklet with their works. It’s true that it’s not clear what will be printed in them. Thank you for your work.

Comments on the work “Water in Human Life” by G.I. Atnishin
The goal, tasks, stages of work - everything is described in detail and accessible. At the end the results are summed up. Everything is logical, I liked it. The purpose of watching the video is not clear. I would like to read some questions from the hydro quiz. I'm not familiar with this game. I think that the teacher successfully used this type of work in the lesson. Thank you. I liked the work.

Chernova Svetlana Alexandrovna

Comments from Elena Vladimirovna Bolotskikh:

I got acquainted with the work "Game-travel" Queen - Voditsa". Interesting, entertaining material. I probably missed something. The script is more suitable for students primary school. Our school did not know that such a group took part in the competition. and there would be a lot of people willing. Thanks for the work.

I got acquainted with the work of Perevozchikova N.V., Pozdnyakova O.S. “Water and food security in Moscow.” I am pleasantly surprised that the work is from the Eastern Administrative District, since I work in Reutov. The problems of the authors of the work are clear and relatable. Forms of work used: special experimental studies, opinion polls, questionnaires, debates are proof for me that this problem will not pass by the younger generation. I consider the work successful, goals and objectives. goals set for the authors have been achieved. The stages of work are described clearly and accessible. I especially liked the reminder about food ecology. I think it can be posted on some environmental website. Search, there are many such sites. Well done. Bolotskikh E.V. MBOU "Secondary School No. 6", Reutov, Moscow Region


I carefully looked through all the scenarios and I would like to immediately note how creatively all the teachers approached writing the scenarios, showing the variety of forms and methods of teaching, and examining the problem of fresh water from different angles. In each of the scenarios you can find a lot of useful, interesting, and sometimes surprising information. I would especially like to note the following scenarios:
1. “Water and World Heritage” - all stages of the lesson are clearly described with a description final result; a bright, interesting presentation is used, containing a lot useful information; the beginning is accompanied by monitoring, and ends with testing, as a result of which students see their progress.
2. “Water and food security in the city of Moscow” - before the lesson, a lot of preliminary work was carried out (monitoring the quality of water and snow, germinating bean seeds, a sociological survey, questioning residents of dacha villages about water quality); the importance of water, its properties, methods of water pollution are described in detail, a study was conducted; The result of the entire event is a reminder for the population about food ecology.
3. “Water resources of the city of Stavropol” - preliminary work was carried out by students in groups, the result of which was presentations about water resources Stavropol. I really liked the use of critical thinking techniques during the lesson - at the beginning clusters are created about inland waters and water resources of Stavropol, as discussions progress, clusters are supplemented with information; at the end of the lesson, the “insert” technique is used, as a result of which a range of issues for further research is clarified.
4. “Ode on Water” - I like the beginning, when the teacher arouses the students’ interest without naming the topic, thereby encouraging them to action; the scenario contains a lot of diverse information about water - historical moments, properties of water from the point of view of chemistry, physics, biology, ecology; The teacher himself directs the students to draw the right conclusions.
Thanks to all teachers for providing materials. On next year I plan to hold not a separate event, but to devote a whole week to this topic as part of the subject week of natural sciences.


I looked at the lesson script


Presenter: Hello guys! We have gathered here for a very significant

event. And what kind of event you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Very good-natured

Soft, obedient,

But when I want,

I'll wear out even a stone

That's right, it's water. So our event is called “Queen - Voditsa”

March 22 is World Water Day. It was first announced in 1992 at the suggestion of International Association water users. Since then, mass protests have been held on this day to protect water bodies, excursions, conferences, seminars, forums, exhibitions dedicated to the most extraordinary substance on our planet.

Great French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, turning to water: “You are life itself, you are the most important wealth in the world..” The most ordinary water, which you and I use every day, and extraordinary, without it we simply could not live.

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean.

And in the water tap.

We are used to the fact that water

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without it,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you -

We can't live without water!

Guys, Her Majesty water came to us today. (recording: sound of the sea)

Water: I, my friends, tried

I came from afar,

I was in a hurry to get here to you

Are you happy to see me, kids?

I wanted to see

How are you friends with water?

Aren't you threatening me with trouble?

How do you respect me?

How do you know my domain?

Guess my riddles, don’t speak in unison, raise your hand, I’ll give you a drop for the correct answer. Whoever has the most drops will win a prize.

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem (sea)

It flows, it flows, it won’t flow,

Runs, runs, but won’t run out (river)

Not the sea, not the land,

Ships don't float

But you can’t walk. . (swamp)

Boats are sailing along it,

When the cold goes away,

It's a pity that moms let you go

It’s not always possible to run there (puddle)

Falling from a great height,

He roars menacingly and, oh stone

Breaking, it rises with foam (waterfall)

Not gem, but it glows. (ice)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror,

The glass is blue and the frame is green (lake)

It pours into it, pours out of it, and itself weaves along the ground.. (river)

Yes, my possessions are oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and even small puddles. You know me well, smart guys!

Guys, tell me, what are these words? What do they have in common... How do you understand this word: “KIND”? Why do they say our homeland?

The beginning - the beginning..., the place where it all began...

Presenter: - These are words with the same root. The root genus means the beginning, the beginning of life.

Clean, ringing fontanel -

Like a sip of the Fatherland,

Like the beginning of all beginnings,

Like the beginning of life.

Guess the riddle:

He lives in the ground

And he runs and he hits

Clean and fresh -

And no one will stop him. (spring)

Meet my assistant.

A spring runs in:

I'm running like up a flight of stairs,

Ringing over the pebbles

And you according to this song

You will recognize me.

Hello guys! I'm glad you recognized me. Do you know that water can be “dead”?

Presenter: Rodnichok, have you decided to tell us a fairy tale?

Rodnik: No, not a fairy tale, but a true story. Listen here:

Slide 7 Photos of the Kura River.
The river Kura came to me, so exhausted, so tired - not alive, not dead. What happened to you?
Oh, fontanel, I don’t know what to do. It became unbearable to live. Cars are washed right on the shore, dirt mixed with gasoline is poured into me, garbage, old things are thrown into the water, just yesterday an old refrigerator and a sofa were thrown out. My “living” water is becoming “dead”. Soon no one will be able to drink my water, all the fish will be gone. Very soon people may destroy me. What will happen to me and my inhabitants?

Presenter: Guys, we urgently need to save the river - the Kura and the spring. Let's come up with prohibitive rules that will help save our springs and rivers

1 answers guys.

Queen-Water: Every year the quality of the water becomes worse and worse because of our people, because of their carelessness. Therefore, I have prepared a decree that everyone must follow.

Slide 8 (expands the decree)

In the glorious city of Novopavlovsk the Kura river flows. It was majestic and beautiful until the ignoramuses and villains littered it and destroyed all its inhabitants. Therefore I command:

1. Do not throw into rivers or their banks broken glass and garbage.

Clean the springs that feed the rivers from debris, silt, and snags.
To strengthen the banks, plant trees and shrubs on them.
In winter, cut holes in the ice to make it easier for the fish to breathe.

Queen-Water: Post the order in a visible place and strictly follow it.

Rodnichok: Guys, look at these words: Motherland, clan, spring, parents. What do they have in common?

Presenter: - These are words with the same root. The root genus means the beginning, the beginning of life. Fontana: Pure, ringing fontanel - Like a sip of the Fatherland,

Like the beginning of all beginnings, Like the beginning of life.

Presenter: - Indeed, to love a spring means to love the Motherland. Protecting a spring means protecting nature. And nature is a part of you and me. There is a wonderful tradition in Bulgaria: using your own funds to develop roadside springs, and then everyone from grandfather to grandson takes care of the preservation of this spring. We also have our own tradition at the Ecological and Biological Center: Every year in the spring, our guys hold the “LIVE SPRING” campaign. There are many springs near our city, and we take care of them and clean them of garbage. May the Springs not die on Earth, May misfortune pass them by, May the icy and tasty water remain pure in them forever. Rodnichok: And you see good guys, you have kind souls. Come to me, I will treat you with my water.

Queen-Water: And I have prepared a task for you, remember the proverbs and sayings about water: Water does not flow under a lying stone (stone)

The truth does not burn in fire and (does not drown in water)
April with water, and May with (grass)
Spring rain, autumn rots (grows)
IN calm water deep (pools)
Wet is not afraid (of rain)
Fish in the river - not in (hand)
A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then
To learn, you need to get into the water (swim)
Where there was no water, there. (dry)

Presenter: - Guys, do you know:

River, underground, lake, glacial -fresh water, constitute only 1% of the water shell.

The human body consists of 80% water and 80% of its diseases a person acquires due to poor quality of drinking water.

Water consumption for household needs averages 150 liters per day per person.

Queen-Water: A lot of water is wasted. What can you and I do to save water? Close the tap so that the water does not run in vain. -Good girls, I hope you will make sure that the taps are well closed.
Slide 13

Presenter: - Today, we learned a lot and remembered. To summarize, I would like to appeal to you: SAVE WATER! TREAT IT WITH CARE! After all, without water there will be no Life on the planet.

Queen-Water, Rodnichok: Goodbye, see you our Friends!
