What is the life of a cadet like? What is a daily outfit in the army? What does an outfit mean in a military school.

Dress in the armyis one of the job responsibilities of military personnel, regardless of rank and position. Orders in the army, contrary to popular belief, are not always punishments for guilty soldiers - in addition to kitchen, cleaning and agricultural work, orders involve ensuring the safety of military equipment and strategic facilities, and most importantly - the safety of personnel.

Dress in the army: what is it?

Decree of the President of Russia “On approval of general military regulations of the armed forces of the Russian Federation” No. 1495 of November 10, 2007 imposes on all military personnel - conscript soldiers, cadets of military universities, contract soldiers, including officers, certain job responsibilities, which includes wearing outfits.

Dress in the army is nothing more than the performance of these duties in accordance with the order. General provisions The charter contains several types of outfits:

  • work order;
  • garrison outfit;
  • daily outfit;
  • combat duty;
  • object guard.

Important: out of turn, that is, as punishment for any offense (most often expressed in violation of the Charter), a serviceman may be subject to work duty or daily allowance.

Features of each type of outfit in the army

Work order

Military personnel are involved in carrying out various works in a military unit, including utility, kitchen, agricultural, cleaning, etc. The duration of such duty cannot exceed 4 hours a day.

Important: execution of a work order is permitted only during free time from training and combat activities.

Don't know your rights?

Garrison outfit

A more common name is patrol. That is, the involvement of military personnel in the protection of public order outside the territory of the military unit, but within the garrison (that is, the region in which the unit is located).

Daily outfit

Similar to garrison, but without going beyond the boundaries of the military unit. The task of the daily duty is to ensure the safety of personnel, protect equipment, weapons, etc.

The duration of the assignment is 1 day, while on the next day the military personnel are released from training or service.

Combat duty

Second name - combat service. It is performed in order to solve specific combat missions, usually at training grounds, when transporting military personnel or under martial law.

Object guard

Security, and, if necessary, defense of warehouses with weapons and ammunition, battle flags, and equipment. Another type of guard is the protection of military personnel held in disciplinary military units.

Most often, the duration of guard duty is 12 hours - night and day shifts.

Kate(03/17/2015 at 10:36:51)

Good afternoon,

According to the provisions, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2007 N 1495 (as amended on July 1, 2014) “On approval of general military regulations of the Armed Forces Russian Federation"

(together with the “Charter of Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, “Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, “Charter of Garrison and Guard Services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”)

Disciplinary responsibility of a soldier contract service provided for by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

When a serviceman commits a disciplinary offense, the commander (superior) may limit himself to reminding the serviceman of his duties and military duty, apply to him measures to ensure proceedings based on materials about the disciplinary offense, and, if necessary, subject him to disciplinary liability. At the same time, he must take into account that the penalty applied as a measure of strengthening military discipline and education of military personnel must correspond to the severity of the offense committed and the degree of guilt established by the commander (chief) as a result of the proceedings.

Remarks, censure, criticism of behavior or indications of omissions in service expressed by a commander (superior) to a subordinate orally or in writing are not disciplinary sanctions.

Disciplinary sanctions applied to soldiers

The following types of disciplinary sanctions may be applied to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen:

a) reprimand;

b) severe reprimand;

c) deprivation of the next dismissal from a military unit or from a ship to shore;

d) deprivation of the badge of excellence;

e) warning about incomplete official compliance;

i) early dismissal from military service due to failure to comply with the terms of the contract;

j) disciplinary arrest.

Rights of commanders (chiefs) for use

disciplinary sanctions against the soldiers subordinate to them,

sailors, sergeants and foremen

56. The squad commander, deputy platoon commander, company (team) foreman and platoon (group) commander have the right:

b) deprive soldiers and sailors of their next discharge from the location of a military unit or from a ship to shore.

57. The commander of a company (combat boat, ship of 4th rank) has the right:

a) issue a reprimand and severe reprimand;

c) warn about incomplete performance of soldiers and sailors.

58. The battalion commander has the right:

a) issue a reprimand and severe reprimand;

b) deprive soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of their next discharge from a military unit or from a ship to shore;

c) warn about incomplete service compliance of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen.

The commander of a separate battalion (ship of the 2nd and 3rd rank), as well as the commander of a separate military unit, enjoying the disciplinary power of the battalion commander, in addition, have the right to apply disciplinary sanctions provided for in Article 59 of this Charter.

59. The commander of a regiment (ship of 1st rank) has the right:

a) issue a reprimand and severe reprimand;

b) deprive soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of their next discharge from a military unit or from a ship to shore;

c) warn about incomplete service compliance of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen;

d) deprive an excellent student of the badge;

g) early dismissal from military service due to failure to fulfill the terms of the contract of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen.

60. The division commander, corps (squadron) commander, army (flotilla) commander and commander of the military district, front, fleet and their equals in relation to the soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen subordinate to them have the right to apply disciplinary sanctions to the full extent of this Charter.

Procedure for applying disciplinary sanctions

80. Only those disciplinary sanctions that are determined by this Charter, correspond to the military rank of the serviceman and the disciplinary authority of the commander (chief) who makes the decision to bring the offender to disciplinary liability can be applied to a military personnel who has committed a disciplinary offense.

81. The decision by the commander (chief) to apply a disciplinary sanction to a subordinate serviceman is preceded by a trial.

The proceedings are carried out in order to identify the perpetrators, identify the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of a disciplinary offense.

The proceedings, as a rule, are conducted by the immediate commander (superior) of the serviceman who committed the disciplinary offense, or by another person appointed by one of the direct commanders (superiors). In this case, the military personnel appointed to conduct the proceedings must have a military rank and military position not lower than military rank and military position of the serviceman who committed a disciplinary offense.

The proceedings, as a rule, are conducted without the preparation of written materials, except for cases where the commander (chief) has demanded that the materials of the proceedings be submitted in writing.

The materials of the proceedings regarding gross disciplinary offenses are documented only in writing.

During the proceedings it must be established:

event of a disciplinary offense (time, place, method and other circumstances of its commission);

the person who committed the disciplinary offense;

the serviceman’s guilt in committing a disciplinary offense, the form of guilt and the motives for committing a disciplinary offense;

data characterizing the personality of the serviceman who committed a disciplinary offense;

presence and character harmful consequences disciplinary offense;

circumstances excluding disciplinary liability of a serviceman;

circumstances mitigating disciplinary liability and circumstances aggravating disciplinary liability;

the nature and degree of participation of each of the military personnel in the commission of a disciplinary offense by several persons;

reasons and conditions that contributed to the commission of a disciplinary offense;

other circumstances relevant to the right decision the issue of bringing a serviceman to disciplinary liability.

The commander (chief) has the right to decide to punish a serviceman who has committed a disciplinary offense using his own authority or, within up to 10 days, to submit to a superior commander (chief) the materials of the proceedings on the commission of a disciplinary offense by the serviceman for a decision to be made.

When a serviceman commits a gross disciplinary offense or upon receiving information about its commission, the immediate commander (superior) of the serviceman is obliged to immediately report this in the prescribed manner to the commander of the military unit.

The commander of a military unit decides to conduct an investigation into the commission of a gross disciplinary offense and appoints someone responsible for its conduct.

The investigation into the fact that a serviceman has committed a gross disciplinary offense ends with the drawing up of a protocol. When conducting proceedings regarding the commission of a gross disciplinary offense by a group of military personnel, a protocol is drawn up in relation to each of these military personnel.

The protocol, along with the materials of the proceedings, is provided for review to the serviceman who has committed a gross disciplinary offense, after which it is sent to the commander of the military unit for consideration. The commander (chief) or the person who conducted the proceedings sends a proposal to the commander of the military unit regarding the period of disciplinary arrest that would be appropriate to assign to the serviceman, or to apply another type of disciplinary sanction to him.

The commander of a military unit is obliged, within up to two days, to review the protocol and materials on the commission of a gross disciplinary offense and make a decision either to send them to the garrison military court, or to apply another disciplinary sanction to the serviceman as provided for in this Charter.

In the event that the circumstances of a serviceman committing a gross disciplinary offense are established by previous investigations this fact audit, inspection or administrative investigation or materials about, the investigation by the commander of the military unit may not be appointed. If a trial is not scheduled, the commander of the military unit appoints an officer to draw up a protocol and determines the period for its preparation, which should not exceed three days.

If during the proceedings it turns out that the disciplinary offense contains signs of a crime, the commander of the military unit, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, initiates a criminal case and notifies the military prosecutor and the head of the military investigative body of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

82. When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the nature of the disciplinary offense, the circumstances and consequences of its commission, the form of guilt, the personality of the serviceman who committed the disciplinary offense, and circumstances mitigating and aggravating disciplinary liability are taken into account.

The severity of the disciplinary sanction increases if the disciplinary offense was committed while on combat duty (combat service) or while performing other official or special duties, while intoxicated, or if its consequence was a significant violation of internal order.

83. The application of a disciplinary sanction to a serviceman who has committed a disciplinary offense is carried out within 10 days from the day when the commander (superior) became aware of the disciplinary offense committed (not counting the time for conducting proceedings, proceedings in a criminal case or in a case of administrative offense, the time of illness of the serviceman, his stay on a business trip or leave, as well as the time he performed a combat mission), but before the expiration of bringing the serviceman to disciplinary liability.

A serviceman who considers himself innocent has the right to file a complaint within 10 days from the date of application of the disciplinary sanction.

84. The application of a disciplinary sanction to a serviceman who is part of a daily detachment (on combat duty), for a disciplinary offense committed by him during service, is carried out after a change from the detachment (combat duty) or after replacing him with another military personnel.

85. The application of a disciplinary sanction to a serviceman who is in a state of intoxication, as well as obtaining any explanations from him, are carried out after he has sobered up. In this case, detention may be applied to the serviceman, after which a decision is made to bring him to disciplinary liability.

86. It is prohibited to apply several disciplinary sanctions for the same disciplinary offense, or to combine one punishment with another, or to apply a punishment to the entire personnel of the unit instead of punishing the direct culprits.

87. If a commander (chief), due to the gravity of a disciplinary offense committed by a subordinate, considers the disciplinary power granted to him to be insufficient, he initiates a petition to apply a disciplinary sanction to the perpetrator by the authority of a superior commander (chief).

The petition is drawn up in the form of a report and submitted to a higher commander (chief) within 10 days from the day it became known about the disciplinary offense committed.

A commander (chief) who has exceeded the disciplinary authority granted to him bears responsibility for this.

88. A superior commander (chief) does not have the right to cancel or reduce a disciplinary sanction applied by a subordinate commander (chief) due to the severity of the penalty, unless the latter exceeded the authority granted to him.

A superior commander (chief) has the right to cancel a disciplinary sanction applied by a subordinate commander (chief) if he considers that this sanction does not correspond to the gravity of the disciplinary offense committed, and to apply a more severe disciplinary sanction.

89. A military serviceman to whom a disciplinary sanction has been applied for an offense committed is not exempt from criminal charges.

Procedure for execution of disciplinary sanctions

90. A disciplinary sanction is carried out, as a rule, immediately, and in exceptional cases - no later than the expiration of the statute of limitations for bringing a military serviceman to disciplinary liability. After the statute of limitations has expired, the collection is not executed, but a record of it is retained in the service card. In the latter case, the person through whose fault the applied penalty was not executed bears disciplinary liability.

The Garrison Military Court ordering disciplinary arrest is carried out immediately.

The execution of a disciplinary sanction when filing a complaint is not suspended unless there is an order from a higher commander (chief) to cancel it, and in the case of a disciplinary arrest - a decision of a higher judicial body.

Early termination of the execution of a disciplinary sanction is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

91. The disciplinary sanctions applied are announced:

soldiers and sailors - in person or in front of the ranks;

In addition, disciplinary sanctions may be announced in an order.

It is prohibited to announce disciplinary sanctions to commanders (superiors) in the presence of their subordinates.

When a disciplinary sanction is announced to a serviceman, the reason for the punishment and the essence of the disciplinary offense are indicated.

92. Disciplinary sanctions - reprimand, severe reprimand - are announced to a military personnel in the manner specified in Article 91 of this Charter.

Thus, the company sergeant-major does not have the right to assign the company to a squad out of turn or leave him on the squad for the second day for any minor violations during service.

“Ivanov, the outfit is out of order!”

Have you often heard this phrase on TV? Last names, of course, may change, but the frequency of pronouncing this phrase from the screens remains unchanged. Personally, from my youth I remembered it thanks not only to popular Soviet army films, but also to TV series known at that time like “Soldiers”, “Kremlin Cadets” and the like.

Let's figure it out true essence this expression and the very concept of “outfit in the army.” What is this? And most importantly, does it carry a positive or negative connotation?

We'll talk about this in this article.

The first thing I like to start with in such explanatory articles is a definition. Let's look at the theoretical part. Namely, in the meaning of the word “outfit”.

Dress in the army - subdivision, a group of military personnel in a military unit, on a ship and in a garrison, assigned to perform internal, guard and garrison services, as well as to perform economic and other work; these works themselves.

I would like to draw your attention to the following: there are two meanings of this word. The first is group of military personnel, and the second is work, for which these same servicemen were assigned to the squad.

It turns out to be some kind of tautology. The outfit was assigned to the outfit. But for the army this is absolutely normal, friends. In the army, in general, what is abnormal in civilian life is normal.

Therefore, just remember that the word outfit in the army is used both to designate a group of military personnel (for example, when the commander utters the phrase: “Daily outfit, get out of order”), and to denote work (for example, when uttering the phrase: “Tomorrow in the outfit is assigned...")

What, do you think this article will end here? That I don't have anything else to tell you? No, my friends, this is not true at all! The fun is just beginning.

IN adolescence my grandmother, mother and uncle (who served at one time and took part in hostilities in both Chechen campaigns) told me: “Learn to peel potatoes, Vlad, you will feel comfortable in your army uniform.”

For the life of me, I still remember these phrases from each of them. And thanks to this, I really got the impression that a dress in the army is a dress in a canteen, during which you need to prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner for your unit.

And that there are no other outfits at all!

However, in reality everything turned out to be completely different. I learned through the army that there are a huge number of types of outfits. For example, a company outfit is one type of outfit. By the way, considered the main one. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Company outfit

It consists in the fact that a company duty officer is appointed from among the old-timers. It is allowed to appoint someone from the sergeant corps and well-trained privates to be on duty in the company. In 90% of cases, duty officers (in our country, for example) are appointed from among three junior conscript sergeants. And only on weekends do contract sergeants take over on duty. But more on that later.

Let's get back to the topic. What does the company duty officer do and why is he needed at all?

In order to most accurately answer this question, we will need to turn to the Charter and read the article about the responsibilities of the company duty officer. And it sounds like this:

Thanks for reading, friends. This motivates me to write further.

Fewer outfits at work,

It is necessary for every conscript to know what an outfit in the army is, since this is one of the main job responsibilities of soldiers, which they perform regardless of position and rank. And we are not necessarily talking about punishment, because in addition to harvesting, agricultural and kitchen work, orders are possible to ensure the safety of strategic objects and equipment. The main purpose of the outfits is to ensure the safety of personnel.

Each military personnel, regardless of rank and characteristics of service, must perform certain job responsibilities. This includes wearing outfits. In modern Russian Army similar actions are committed by the following categories of military personnel:

  • conscript soldiers;
  • cadets studying at military universities;
  • soldiers serving on a contract basis;
  • officers.

A job is the performance of certain duties in accordance with an order. Regarding the Charter, the following types of outfits are distinguished:

  • daily;
  • garrison;
  • work order;
  • object guard;
  • carrying out combat duty.

Exemption from military service is possible only for health reasons and is issued exclusively by a doctor.

Daily work order and work order are special categories of duties. They can be assigned to military personnel as punishment for any serious offense. In most cases, we are talking about a violation of the Charter.

Due to the fact that each of the above types of outfits has its own characteristics, these categories should be considered in more detail.

Types of outfits

Each type of outfit provided for in the Russian Army involves actions necessary to ensure the normal existence of military formations in peacetime and wartime.

Work order

Working in the kitchen along the way

For the proper functioning of a military unit, soldiers need to perform a number of mandatory jobs. Therefore, in this case, military personnel are involved in the following duties:

  • auxiliary;
  • kitchen;
  • cleaning;
  • agricultural work, etc.

For all outfits of this type there is one condition - the daily duration of work should not exceed 4 hours.

The work order can only be carried out when the soldier is completely free from combat and training activities. Therefore, before performing these duties, the soldier must complete all priority matters.

Daily outfit

Involves standing guard on the territory of a military unit. The main tasks of military personnel in this case are:

  • protection of equipment and weapons;
  • perimeter surveillance;
  • preventing unauthorized entry into the territory of a military unit;
  • ensuring the safety of personnel.

The duration of this outfit, as is clear from the name, is a day. After serving, the soldier receives one day of rest and is exempt from any activities.

Garrison outfit

Most often it is called a patrol. Unlike the daily patrol, in this case the patrol is carried out outside the military unit. However, the soldiers do not go beyond the boundaries of the garrison. It's about about the region in which the unit is located.

The duration of garrison duty is most often one day, after which the soldier also receives a day of rest. The responsibilities of the serviceman are: monitoring the perimeter, timely identification of potential dangerous situations etc.

Combat duty

Escort of military equipment on combat duty

It also has another name - military service. Used when solving certain combat missions. Most often we are talking about training grounds, under martial law or when transporting military personnel. Taking into account the specifics of combat duty, its duration depends on the task at hand. Usually, average duration duty ranges from several hours to days.

Object guard

In this case we are talking about the protection of weapons depots. If the need arises, these facilities are defended in order to protect ammunition and weapons, equipment and battle flags. In addition, as part of the facility guard duty, military personnel can protect those soldiers who are kept in disciplinary military units.

In most cases, carrying out object guard duty involves two shifts: day and night. Each of them lasts 12 hours.

The guard is considered one of the most honorable outfits. This is explained high degree responsibility, which is why this type of duty is entrusted only to the most distinguished soldiers.

As a rule, only well-trained military personnel who have passed the appropriate test by the unit’s psychologist and managed to pass the corresponding test are assigned to guard duty. The soldier must know the procedure for using weapons, loading and unloading them. He should also know what an army outfit is and memorize the text large quantity articles from the Charter of Garrison and Guard Service.

Pros and cons of outfits in the army

While wearing the outfit, you can communicate on your mobile phone with your family

If we do not consider the outfit from the point of view of punishment, but consider it solely the responsibility of each of the military personnel, then even in this case, such activities have a number of disadvantages. However, many soldiers find considerable advantages in the outfits. To understand what awaits a serviceman while on duty, one should consider both the pros and cons of this type of service.

Advantages of outfits in the army:

  1. The soldier gets the opportunity to communicate with junior sergeant, who acts as the company duty officer for the duration of his stay in the outfit. Thus, the private can prove himself to his superiors, having the opportunity for further promotion.
  2. A soldier on duty has the ability to charge and use a mobile phone.
  3. Having completed all the orderly's tasks for the night, the soldier can go about his business (for example, read a book).

Now let's look at the disadvantages of outfits in the army. Most often, soldiers complain about the following shortcomings:

  1. Significant physical fatigue occurs. This is especially true for work orders.
  2. Lack of adequate sleep duration.
  3. Most often, a soldier has to deal with dirty work. We are talking about cleaning, cleaning, etc.

Preparing for the outfit

Before deployment, soldiers are required to be briefed and trained

Before being sent to a detachment, any soldier must undergo appropriate training. Let's look at it using the example of a daily outfit in the army. In this case, the preparatory stage is carried out by the company sergeant major. Moreover, it is carried out in advance.

The night before deployment, military personnel are exempt from performing any work. Each soldier receives at least 3 hours of time to prepare for future actions. If a serviceman goes on guard with a weapon, then he is given at least 4 hours to prepare.

Training involves soldiers learning their direct responsibilities. Their list directly depends on what type of outfit will be carried out.

Divorce of daily work order

The next stage is instruction, which must be carried out with personnel. First of all, soldiers are surveyed regarding their awareness of their duties in the unit. In addition, they must not only be knowledgeable in theory, but also be able to apply knowledge in practice.

A soldier may not be allowed to join the squad if he does not know all of his duties. However, use this rule for personal gain will not work, since in such cases there are usually penalties. For example, a guilty serviceman is deprived of the opportunity to receive another dismissal to the city.

Admission to higher military educational institution is radically different from entering civilian university. When entering, yesterday's schoolchildren must be aware that the next 5 years of study will be spent away from their family and friends. Thousands of school graduates who want to serve their Motherland must go through the initial stage of admission to various military institutions in the country.

Military "qualification"

“Abitura” (admission) begins at the beginning of July and continues until the end of the month. First stage includes the training of future military personnel.

Young guys become familiar with such concepts as: morning work-out, sports and mass work, marching in formation, a clear daily routine, marching and much more, which most people are used to doing without in civilian life.

Several dozen guys live in one room called a barracks. They are preparing to pass entrance exams, for professional selection, which will show who is ready to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and who is not.

After 2 weeks, future cadets undergo a thorough medical examination, as a result of which persons with health problems will be identified.

Exams are taken in accordance with the faculty in which the applicant wishes to study, and in the future he will serve in this specialty. Based on the results of the delivery entrance examinations the applicant is enrolled in a university, puts on military uniform, has his hair cut short in accordance with the regulations and receives cadet shoulder straps.

CMS or Young Fighter Course

Starts from the end of July and lasts until the end of August. At this stage, the future soldier undergoes initial training. It includes: outfits, “sacred” military rituals (getting up, morning inspection, evening roll check, lights out), studying the articles of the charter, learning to march, throwing a march, performing according to the standards of putting on a gas mask and OZKA.

Fire and physical training is an integral part of the training of any military personnel.

Order in the barracks is ensured by cleaners, who are appointed every morning before the start of exercise.

The responsibilities of the cleaner include: sweeping away dust from under beds and bedside tables, sweeping between rows of beds, wiping the floor with a damp cloth if necessary, taking out trash, wiping dust from all flat surfaces.

Each cadet has his own bedside table where he can store washing supplies, brushes for cleaning shoes and clothes, handkerchiefs, collar pads (stitching material), small personal items, notebooks, educational books, statutes.

Many guys, former schoolchildren, accustomed to sneakers and other civilian footwear, quickly develop calluses on their feet. Behind medical care they can go to the medical center - infirmary.

Upon completion of the CMB course, all personnel are redeployed to places of further training (academy, university). Upon arrival at the academy (university), cadets receive dress uniform clothes. You need to prepare it for use yourself: the guys themselves sew on shoulder straps, sleeve chevrons, and insert emblems into the lapel of the collar. They also polish shoes until they shine and smooth creases on trousers.

Three days later, the main event takes place in a solemn atmosphere. military ritual- oath. The oath is one of the most important and significant events in the life of every soldier, which makes him personally responsible for the defense of his country.

Cadet everyday life

The daily life of a 1st year cadet, as well as subsequent ones, follows the same daily routine: getting up, morning formation, exercises, where future military personnel improve their physical training, morning toilet, formation for the morning inspection, where it is checked appearance, breakfast, divorce for classes. It is mandatory to go through a ceremonial march, where the cadets show their drill skills and the coherence of the unit as a whole. Classes according to the curriculum, lunch, self-study, during which cadets prepare homework and repeat the regulations, dinner.

In the evening, you are given personal time when you can chat with your family and girlfriends, write a letter home, and prepare your form for the next day.

The day ends with a formation for the evening verification, during which the course personnel and the list of persons forever included in the lists who died a brave death are read out. Lights out.


All military personnel, without exception, wear uniforms. The outfit is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, ammunition, military equipment, and premises. And also to monitor the state of affairs in the department and timely take measures to prevent crime.

At the beginning of each month, a list of outfits is created, which indicates the dates on which a particular serviceman goes to the outfit.

Outfits can be external and internal. Internal patrol - according to the course, external - patrolling.

Military partnership

According to the cadet of the Military Academy named after Mozhaisky, thanks to whom I was able to write this material, the military team is a family! “Practically all of my service takes place in this family,” said the third-year student. - Everyone helps each other in studies, sports and other activities. Today you helped him, and tomorrow he will help you. This is one big team, different from study groups in an institution that lives, breathes, interacts. "One for all and all for one!" - this is the motto of military brotherhood.”


At universities, dismissal is not such a common occurrence. But if you have no complaints about your service, violation of dress code, debts and unsatisfactory grades in subjects, then you have the right to receive dismissal for a day. You can spend this time with your family, friends, and your girlfriend. When leaving for the city and putting on civilian uniform, the cadet should not forget about the status of a military man, the rules of behavior in the city and military politeness.

To summarize, the young man, who is also a cadet of the Mozhaisky Military Academy (as written above), said the following:

The life of a cadet is very diverse and full bright events, which are radically different from ordinary student life. The years of service at the Academy cannot be described on paper; you cannot tell it; you have to feel it and feel it yourself. Military men are never ex-military - this goes on throughout our lives. In the army, a guy becomes a man. A man, a defender of his Motherland, a defender of his relatives, his family, his future children.

Anna KOPYLOVA, IT&D student
photo by the author
