Who led the song of the year with Angelina Vovk. Evgeny Menshov died: the personal life of a people's artist, the step to fame, what the artist hid, the cause of death

Thunder among clear skies there was news that he had died famous TV presenter and actor Evgeny MENSHOV. How a real man, he did not like to talk about his sores and weaknesses. No one could have imagined that the host of the “Song of the Year” festival, always stylish, fit and very young-looking for his 68 years, had long been battling a terrible diagnosis. The damn cancer turned out to be stronger.

Co-host Menshova - Angelina Vovk shared that her last meeting with her colleague on “Song of the Year” (they ran the program from 1988 to 2006) discouraged her:
- It happened about a year ago. Zhenya already had a dull look. His illness broke him. Current spouse Olga isolated all her friends from him from past life. In 2008, they didn’t invite me to their wedding - probably because I was friends with my previous wife Larisa. Zhenya was diagnosed when she was still alive.

Menshov himself told Express Gazeta about his love affairs a little over three years ago, on the eve of his 65th birthday. True, then not all of Evgeniy Alexandrovich’s revelations were included in the publication.
- With an actress Larisa Borushko“, the second wife and mother of my only son, over 18 years of marriage we have experienced a lot of adversity,” the TV reporter sighed. - I left my first wife for her Natalia Seliverstova, my classmate at the Moscow Art Theater School. The student marriage lasted for the same 18 years, and only in 1988 did she appear in my life new love- Lara, with whom he played at the Gogol Theater.
When I left Natasha, I left everything, and Larisa and I huddled in a tiny room in a communal apartment with no furniture. Therefore, we slept on newspapers, spreading them on the creaking parquet floor. Moreover, at that time the whole country already knew me! Only then did our friends give us a separate apartment.
According to Menshov, at a certain point his wife’s career also took off. On the one hand, she was glad that she began to act in films often, but on the other hand, she started the disease, which just a couple of years later became the cause of her death.

It seemed to Larisa that when there is a lot of work, there is no need to be distracted by doctors,” Menshov said. “She was a very convincing, talented, organic actress with purebred beauty. And suddenly a terrible diagnosis: cervical cancer. The doctors threw up their hands. At the first stage, such an illness can be cured almost one hundred percent, but with her everything was much worse. But we fought to the last. I sent tests to Israel, but they replied: “We would treat her the same way as in Russia.” But until the last moment I hoped for a miracle. Even when Larisa could no longer do without drugs.
My wife, who died a week after her 43rd birthday, constantly prayed and asked: “Why me? After all, I’m still so young, I haven’t done anything bad to anyone.” But she reassured herself that God takes the best. I remember that shortly before her death she went to the dacha. I come next and see my dear one with a stony face and faded, distant eyes. She was holding a cigarette in her hands and, when I asked how she was doing, she quietly whispered: “Zhenya, that’s it.” She passed away on May 1st. Since then, this day has ceased to be a holiday for me. At the Mitinsky cemetery, where she was buried, I erected a white marble monument to Lara with her profile. My son and I go there regularly.

Don't be sad

Another blow of fate for the TV presenter was that after the death of his mother, Sasha practically stopped talking.
“Sasha was finishing school then, passing exams,” Evgeniy Aleksandrovich shook his head. - Entered Moscow State University. As I later found out, some teachers behaved tactlessly. Hearing that Sasha stutters a little (after a clown scared him at the age of four by unexpectedly piercing a balloon), they mockingly asked: “How did you even get here?!” Everything fell on him... The guy closed himself off, quite by accident I discovered that he had not been going to classes for months. Then, fortunately, everything turned out well. Studied at the Medical and Dental University. I bought him an apartment, where my son moved in with his girlfriend.
In 2006, when Larisa passed away, Menshov, together with Angelina Vovk, left “Song of the Year”.

A year before, the artistic director and actual hostess of the program became Alla Pugacheva“, the TV presenter explained. - Lina and I felt some kind of conspiracy against us: I don’t want to explain in detail what and how, but Alla Borisovna was given the command to pay us a meager amount of money. Perhaps the TV channel decided to change the presenters to young ones. And Vovk and I got up and left, without waiting for clear explanations or a decent send-off. Then we were invited to the 40th anniversary of “Song...”, but we refused to participate. Although we had a good idea, in my opinion. At the beginning of the program, the call signs sound and we go out for about five minutes. We announce a couple of numbers and pass the baton to the young ones. I wanted to sing: “Don’t be sad, don’t be sad about the meeting, I’ll return to the city of our love...” But no one appreciated this creativity. I wasn’t offended, I have a philosophical attitude towards everything, realizing that, in spite of everything, Lina and I did our job and left a good memory of ourselves in this program.

No doubles

Menshova was pulled out of a terrible state due to all the adversities last wife - Olga Groznaya(Evgeniy married her a year and a half after Larisa left). It was Olya who forced her husband not to give up, not to waste away and not to reflect, but to do something. And after a break of almost thirty years he returned to cinema - he shone in the popular TV series Alexey Pimanov"Alexander Garden". Moreover, he starred closely in all three seasons. True, due to problems with my kidneys, I didn’t always feel comfortable on the court.
“Once it was so pressing that I rushed to the hospital,” Menshov confessed. “I had an operation, and already on the third day, when I just started to get up, I received a call from the film group: “Evgeniy, we urgently need to film a scene.” And although I felt very bad and could barely move, I could not let people down. The scene of action turned out to be steep stairs in an old Moscow house. Lesha Pimanov comes up to me and explains: “You are rapidly rising up. There is your son, who was captured by bandits. You need to save him!” - “What kind of swiftness is there? - I begged. “Three days ago I was cut up by a surgeon under anesthesia.” “Okay,” the director immediately came to meet me, “you slowly approach the entrance, look back: is anyone watching? Quietly, like a cat, you climb the stairs so that the bandits don’t hear the steps from below.” While filming, I had the opportunity to jump into the Moscow River. I took a sip of water, picked up some kind of bacteria and became terribly poisoned. But I couldn’t trust the understudy with my work.

Evgeny Menshov died: the biography and personal life of the TV presenter, the cause of death, what the People’s Artist of Russia was hiding, everyone wants to know. Evgeny Menshov died: biography and personal life of the TV presenter, the cause of death, what the People's Artist of Russia was hiding - People's Artist of Russia Evgeny Menshov, whom the vast majority of fans remembered as the host of the "Song of the Year" program, died. The cause of the actor's death is a long-term illness - cancer, which was treatable for ten years, but Lately The artist’s well-being deteriorated sharply and the doctors just shrugged.

Evgeny Menshov died: causes of death, personal life of the artist - Evgeny Menshov died: biography and personal life of the TV presenter, cause of death, what the People's Artist of Russia was hiding

The famous Soviet and Russian TV presenter and actor Yevgeny Menshov died at the age of 69. Many fans remember him in tandem with Angelina Vovk, when they wonderfully hosted the “Song of the Year” program. The cause of death of the famous people's artist Russia has become infected with a cancerous disease that first made itself felt ten years ago. And if at that time the disease progressed slowly, then in recent weeks it began to progress and the doctors were unable to save Menshov.

Evgeniy Alexandrovich preferred not to talk about his personal life. Nevertheless, the most attentive fans of his work followed the artist’s biography, learning unknown details. It is known that Evgeny Menshov was married three times during his life. From the first Serious relationships with Natalya Siliverstova, with whom he was married for 18 years, no children were born. After this relationship, the actor met Larisa Borushko, who became his second wife. He also lived with her for eighteen years, and in marriage he was born The only son Alexander. Unfortunately, the second wife died from incurable disease, so at 43, Menshov was left alone. The actor’s third wife was the young TV presenter Olga Groznaya.

Evgeny Menshov was a popular TV presenter who managed to act in theater and cinema. Few people know that besides their brilliant creative career, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich was also fond of football and was even a promising goalkeeper in the Volga team from Nizhny Novgorod.

There is an episode in Menshov’s biography when he entered the Moscow Art Theater studio and was an ardent fan of Efremov. Everything that this guy said at the time famous artist, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich remembered and admired his work. After graduating from university, Menshov had to prove his worth as an actor for a long time.

Only after the release of the film “Melody for Two Voices” on silver screens did Evgeny Menshov receive national recognition, and women from all over the country began to send him letters with declarations of love. The actor even managed to work abroad for several years. In 1998, he completely accidentally ended up auditioning for the “Song of the Year” program, when Angelina Vovk have already been confirmed as one of the leading ones. For 18 years, Vovk and Menshov were the main presenters of the popular program, which attracted a multimillion-dollar audience on TV screens.

People who were familiar with Evgeny Menshov spoke and continue to speak about him exclusively positively and with the deepest respect. He had a special, unique charm and was a very talented and sophisticated artist.

Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk, Evgeniy’s fellow presenter on stage of the Russian television program “Song of the Year,” having worked with him side by side for 18 years, speaks of him as a person who was self-confident, cheerful, full of plans and ideas. Definitely one of the most charming actors on Russian television is Evgeny Menshov. The artist’s biography will leave few people indifferent.

He was a cheerful and witty man who overcame any difficulties with a smile. life path and never gave up under any circumstances. This is how his relatives and numerous friends continue to see him after his death, and this is how his viewers remember him.


Almost everyone knows Evgeniy Menshov. This outstanding actor was awarded such a high title as he has. But most of all, he was remembered by television viewers as the host of the popular music program “Song of the Year.”

Evgeny Menshov was born on February 19, 1947 in Gorky (today Nizhny Novgorod). Before you take the path of acting and go rapidly up the career ladder, he was seriously involved in sports: he played for Gorky football team"Volga" as a goalkeeper.

Student years

A few years later, in the same place, in Gorky, he graduated from the theater school with excellent marks and went to try his luck in Moscow. And I didn’t make a mistake at all. In the capital, Evgeniy entered and successfully graduated from higher education. educational institution at the Moscow Art Theater - the well-known Moscow Art Theater School. It is interesting that he did not act only through his own efforts.

Evgeniy took a letter from his friend Yuri Krupin, which was written by the respected director of the theater school, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Lebsky. It was addressed to the university admissions committee. Since Vitaly Lebsky’s opinion was taken into account in Moscow, the director decided to help the actor, who, in his opinion, showed promise, get admitted. However, Evgeny Menshov took advantage of the recommendation (the artist’s photo is presented later in the article).

Work in the theater

Since 1971, after graduating from high school, the future favorite of the public worked at the famous Moscow Drama Theater named after Gogol, where he received only 75 rubles a month. The actor didn't think about money. The only thing that worried him at that moment was whether he got the role and whether his name was on the list.

Leading roles did not come to the film artist right away. Only in 1980, after the film “Melody for Two Voices” was released on silver screens, did Evgeniy Alexandrovich become popular. Kirill Vorobyov, played by thirty-three-year-old Menshov, won the hearts of all women at first sight.

Personal life

Next to him were those women who idolized the artist and believed in him. The actor was married three times, and all his heartfelt companions were exceptionally talented artists.

With his first love, Natalya Seliverstova, Evgeny Menshov studied together at the Moscow Art Theater School. They lived together for almost 18 years and were happy. The union of Evgeny and Natalya was severed because the actress could not forget and forgive her husband’s betrayal. She left not only Eugene, but also the profession. Until now, there is practically no news about Natalya Seliverstova.

Drama in the life of an actor

His second wife was also an actress (she played Amalia Kazimirovna Bezhetskaya in the film “Azazel”). Evgeniy left his first wife Natalya for her in 1988. Their romance began when they played together

Soon it was Larisa who made Menshov happy with her son Alexander. His only child. Larisa was always beautiful, convincing on screen, charming and infinitely talented actress, distinguished by the so-called thoroughbred beauty. During their 18 years of marriage, they experienced many adversities. At the beginning of their relationship, Evgeny Menshov was already a popular presenter and actor, but he still did not receive much money. Since the actor left everything to his first wife Natalya, the newlyweds had to live in a small room in a communal apartment, where there was nothing, not even furniture.

They slept on newspapers spread on the cold and creaking floor. But everyday problems and troubles did not stop them family life. They were happy together until everything was interrupted by Larisa's death. The reason for the death of Evgeniy’s wife was a long and very serious illness - uterine cancer. At the initial stage, this disease could have been cured almost 100%, but Larisa’s situation was much worse: she pushed the disease to its last, extreme state, constantly being distracted by work and forgetting about her health.

The actress died on May 1, 2006, passing away at the age of 43. Evgeniy tirelessly fought for his wife’s life, changing the best Russian clinics and hospitals abroad, but he was never able to rewrite her fate.

The next drama in life famous actor there was news that son Alexander had stopped talking. But fortunately, everything turned out as well as possible; the disease subsided after long-term treatment. Alexander was educated at medical university and lives in an apartment given to him by his father.

New love in Menshov's life

But to bring Eugene himself out of a difficult state after the loss of his beloved wife for a long time no one succeeded. Nothing brought the actor joy. They said that Evgeniy Menshov himself died along with his second wife Larisa. The actor’s personal life gradually began to improve over the years, and only new love helped him cope with grief.

A year and a half later, she became the young and beautiful TV presenter Olga Groznaya. She is famous for hosting such television programs as “Data” and “Vremechko”. The actors knew each other long before they started bright novel. It was Olga who managed to breathe life into Evgeniy again: after a thirty-year break, the actor finally returned to cinema - and with new enthusiasm he shone on the screen in the popular TV series “Alexandrovsky Garden”.

The artists who were in love with each other were not even embarrassed by the age difference, and they married in 2008. At the time of the conclusion of family ties, Menshov was 60 years old, and Olga was 42. All eight years of their happy marriage the actress never stopped admiring her husband for a second, calling him not only a real man, but also an excellent person, the number of whom can be counted on one hand. According to Olga herself, Evgeniy did not commit a single bad or incorrect act, not to mention vile.


Evgeny Aleksandrovich Menshov has roles in 26 films. The most famous of them are in the films “Chief Designer” and “Combat”. The very first film in which the actor starred was released in 1972 under the title “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”; he played a tourist.

An actor who gave himself completely in every role, without reserve, is Evgeny Menshov. varied: from films to theater roles. For example, the actor had the opportunity to star in 1973 in the film-play “Guys from our yard” (Alexey).

In 1976 he starred in such films. “Everyday Business” - in the role of ordinary radio operator Mitya Solnyshkov. In the film “While the Mountains Stand,” he played a climber. In 1980, he starred in films such as “Where Are You, Love?”, as Andrei, and in the film “Chief Designer,” where he played adjutant Ragozin.

But one sunny morning in 1980, he woke up famous. This happened after the release of the film “Melody for Two Voices”. And from 1988 to 2006, together with Angelina Vovk, Evgeniy hosted the annual musical TV show “Song of the Year” on Russian television, for which he received fame, love and recognition from the entire Soviet Union.

A last film with the participation of Evgeniy - “ Natural selection", in which Menshov played the role of Shvedov, was released in 2009. This picture was a success.

Evgeny Menshov: cause of death of the artist

The news of the death of everyone's favorite charismatic presenter shocked the entire Russian Federation. Newspapers and news trumpeted with one voice: on May 19, 2015, the beloved theater and film actor Evgeny Menshov died. The cause of the artist's death was a long illness. For the last ten years of his life, he fought tirelessly against cancer. Despite this, in the fall of 2014 his health deteriorated significantly; he was hospitalized in one of the capital’s clinics. The theater and film actor, presenter and public favorite died at 68.

Larisa Borushko was one of those actresses, having looked at whom only once, it is almost impossible to forget. She had a surprisingly attractive gaze of beautiful, wide-open eyes that framed long eyelashes. And her talent was undeniable. Unfortunately, fate decided to give her only 43 years of life...

Becoming a "star"

Larisa Borushko, whose biography was not always lined with rose petals, was born in April 1963 in Brest (Belarusian SSR). WITH early age she had obvious acting chops. The girl decided what to become while still a teenager, therefore, having received a school certificate, she became a student at the Minsk Theater and Art Institute. After graduating, she realizes that she doesn’t know everything in her profession and decides to apply to GITIS.

Larisa passes the exams and enrolls in A. Goncharov’s course. Her acting career began to be difficult: being the teacher’s favorite student, the girl was unable to get a job with him in the theater. But she did not intend to give up her dream, so she worked at the theater for two years. Ostrovsky, then - to them. Gogol, where Larisa Borushko stayed for a whole decade.

“Thank you” from Arthur Miller himself

It was in this theater that the famous American playwright Arthur Miller saw her. One fine evening he was sitting in auditorium, watching the progress of the script “After the Fall,” written by him. Not expecting anything special from the action, he was simply fascinated by the performance of the actress representing main character. This was Larisa Borushko. It just so happened that Miller had to leave the hall during intermission (he already had a plane ticket), but he decided to stay in order to fully enjoy the talent of an unfamiliar actress. After the performance, she heard many warm words from the playwright about her performance.

Despite the fact that it was cinema that made her famous, she loved theater more. She felt very comfortable within these walls. And the cinema was exhausting for her technological process.

Life in cinema

Her film career began in 1986, when Larisa Borushko, an aspiring actress at that time, played in the film “Airport from the Service Entrance.” It was a film about an airport where flights were stopped due to heavy snowfall. The waiting room could already accommodate thousands of waiting passengers. It was quite a difficult period for the two shift supervisors. And if previously they were in conflict, then on this day each of them will change their positions - both professional and moral.

Then the actress had small roles in the films “Smoke”, “Flight 222”, “Tram”, “Annushka”.

And in the nineties a period of stagnation began. Times were hard, unemployment was nipping at our heels. And yet, cheerfulness and faith that everything will be fine, independent character and perseverance helped Borushko survive these years. She never asked anyone for anything. I just went back to the theater stage.

Her swan song

A flurry of popularity swept over her in 2005, when television viewers saw the series “Doomed to Become a Star.” The plot was simple.

The main character of this story was Zhenya Azarina, who was left an orphan at the age of two. Her mother died, she did not know her father. From this moment on, the girl is raised by her mother’s sister, Aunt Galya. At Zhenya's good voice, so she works part-time on the promenade by the sea, performing various songs at karaoke. Here she meets her first love - the sailor Nikita. They are fine. But after some time, the singer Cleopatra comes to the same city - Chernomorsk - with her husband, producer Oleg Nikolsky. It just so happens that Zhenya and Oleg fell in love with each other.

Unable to survive all this, Cleopatra leaves Nikolsky and returns to her first husband, Leonid Salin. And Zhenya’s life’s ups and downs are just beginning...

Larisa Borushko played singer Cleopatra in this series. True, she was only able to appear in 63 episodes. And then, due to illness, I no longer had the strength.

Terrible disease

Only in the actress’s career did everything improve, she began to receive letters from fans in bags with warm words, when the terrible diagnosis was announced. And despite the fact that both the actress’s husband Evgeny Menshov and Larisa Borushko herself knew about him, the cause of her death, so early, turned out to be terrible. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer a long time ago. But the actress kept putting it off - she just had a lot of work, and she seemed to be making up for everything that she had not played in the nineties. The cancer was in a very advanced state. And then the doctors couldn’t do anything. At the first stage, this disease is almost completely curable, but...

The time came when it was very difficult for Larisa to live without drugs; they relieved the pain. She didn’t want to die, but the only thing she consoled herself with was that the best die early. Death took her just a week after her 43rd birthday...

She is survived by her husband Evgeny Menshov (the same permanent presenter of “Song of the Year”), with whom they lived for eighteen years, and her son Sasha. Evgeniy, by a strange whim of fate, also passed away from cancer, and also in May, but nine years later.

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Menshov. Born on November 19, 1947 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) - died on May 19, 2015 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1993). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2005).

Evgeny Menshov was born on November 19, 1947 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) into a working-class family.

Parents worked for automobile plant GAS.

The family lived in their wooden house. Evgeny s early years He sang well, studied at a music school, and took part in amateur performances.

In high school, he began attending a drama club, where he decided on his choice of future profession. At the age of 15 he entered the Gorky Theater School.

Since 1971 - actor of the Moscow Drama Theater named after N.V. Gogol.

In the same 1971, he began acting in films, making his debut in the film “The Musician’s Sister.”

The first notable work on the screen was the role of Mitya in the film story “Clouds”, which tells about a guy who dreamed of aviation, but did not pass the medical examination.

Evgeny Menshov in the film "Clouds"

He played his first leading role in 1980 in the melodrama "Melody for two voices". His hero is Kirill Vorobyov. He graduated from school and served in the army, works at a factory as a mechanic. But one day he meets Alena Borisoglebskaya, a student at one of the Moscow universities, with whom he falls in love for the first time in his life. She played the main female role in the film.

The main roles played by the actor in war films became noticeable - Zhora Nesterenko in the film “The One Hundred and First” and Major Oleg Sedov in the drama “Combats”.

Evgeny Menshov in the film "One Hundred and First"

In 1985, a war drama was released "The Alarms of the First Birds". His hero is Sergeant Vasily Kalina, who after the hospital returns to his native village, where everyone thought he was dead. I thought that Vasily was killed, and his beloved girl Claudia. She married someone else. A dramatic love triangle is formed.

Evgeny Menshov in the film "Alarms of the First Birds"

In 1988, Evgeny Menshov found his second calling - presenter. At that moment for the annual televised music festival "Song of the year" They were looking for a man to pair with - a dramatic actor. We decided to try Menshov, who had recently recorded a program on the radio from the popular series “Theater and Film Actors Sing.” And he was approved.

For 18 years, Evgeny Menshov and Angelina Vovk were the permanent presenters of “Song of the Year” - at that time perhaps the most popular music program on Central Television. After monthly issues, Ostankino received bags of letters addressed to them. The program’s popularity ratings were crazy: the “Time” program was in first place among viewers, and “Song of the Year” was in second place.

For 18 years collaboration Menshov and Vovk became very good friends. Rumor attributed them to marriage, but in reality there was not even an affair between them. They traveled all over Russia with “Song of the Year”. We also visited many countries of the world, incl. in Germany, Israel, USA. Worked for the best sites: in New York - at Radio City Music Hall, in Los Angeles - in the hall where the Oscars used to be presented.

In 1993 he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist Russian Federation", and in 2005 - the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" - for great achievements in the field of art.

In the 2000s, Evgeny Menshov returned to the screen and played several roles in television series. Incl. main role- deputy garage manager special purpose Vladimir Kazarin in the popular historical film “Alexandrovsky Garden” by Alexey Pimanov.

Evgeny Menshov in the series "Alexandrovsky Garden"

IN last years Evgeny Menshov was the artistic director of the Izarus Film film company, headed by Alijan Ibragimov and created on the basis of the Mentor Cinema film company.

Illness and death of Evgeny Menshov

Back in the early 2000s, Evgeny Menshov was diagnosed with prostate cancer. But then the artist managed to overcome the illness. However, a few years later there was a relapse.

The fight against cancer was complicated by kidney disease. Due to problems with the latter, on October 31, 2014, he was urgently hospitalized in a Moscow clinic.

Last months He spent his life, which doctors stated was incurable, in a hospice near the Novodevichy Convent. A few hours before Yevgeny Menshov’s death, his friend, People’s Artist of the USSR, visited him, who recalled: “I visited Zhenya Menshov in the hospice... We joked with Zhenya literally a few hours before his death. I told him jokes, he tried to smile.”

Evgeny Menshov's height: 182 centimeters.

Personal life of Evgeny Menshov:

Was married three times.

First wife-, actress (known for her role as Lisa in the TV series “Eternal Call”). She was his classmate at the Moscow Art Theater School. We got married back in student years and lived together for 18 years. They separated when Menshov met Larisa Borushko, who became his second wife. When he left, he left all of Seliverstova’s property.

Second wife- (04/24/1963 - 05/01/2006), actress. He played with her at the Theater. Gogol. They also lived together with Borushko for 18 years. “When I left Natasha, I left everything, and Larisa and I huddled in a tiny room in a communal apartment, where there was no furniture. Therefore, we slept on newspapers, spreading them on the creaking parquet floor. And at that time the whole country already knew me! Only then did my friends do we have a separate apartment,” recalled Menshov.

The marriage produced a son, Alexander Menshov. Alexander graduated medical school, works as a dentist, got married and became a father.

Larisa Borushko passed away on May 1, 2006 in Moscow at the age of 43 - she had cervical cancer. Because of her career, Borushko developed an illness. Menshov recalled: “It seemed to Larisa that when there is a lot of work, there is no need to be distracted by doctors. She was a very convincing, talented, organic actress with thoroughbred beauty. And suddenly a terrible diagnosis: cervical cancer. The doctors threw up their hands. This is at the first stage of such the disease is cured almost one hundred percent, but with her everything was much worse. But we fought to the last. I sent tests to Israel, but from there they answered: “We would treat her the same way as in Russia.” But I hoped until the last for a miracle. Even when Larisa could no longer cope without drugs. Her wife, and she died a week after her 43rd birthday, constantly prayed and asked: “Why me? After all, I’m still so young, I haven’t done anything bad to anyone.” But she reassured ourselves by the fact that God takes the best."

The death of his mother was a strong blow for his son. The artist said: “Sasha then graduated from school, passed exams. He entered Moscow State University. As I later found out, some teachers behaved tactlessly. Hearing that Sasha stutters a little (after a clown scared him at the age of four, unexpectedly piercing a balloon), with they mockingly asked: “How did you even get here?!" Everything fell on him... The guy closed himself off, quite by accident I discovered that he had not been going to classes for months. Then, fortunately, everything turned out well. I studied at the Medical School. Dental University. I bought him an apartment where my son moved in with his girlfriend."

Third wife- , TV presenter. They had known each other since the 1990s. After the death of his second wife, Olga helped Menshov get out of depression. We got married in 2007.

After the death of Yevgeny Menshov, his widow Olga Groznaya left Russia and stopped communicating with former colleagues on TV.

Son Alexander told journalists that he and Grozny divided their property without going to court - the widow took the house for herself, and left her husband’s son a one-room apartment in Moscow.

Filmography of Evgeny Menshov:

1971 - Musician's Sister
1973 - Guys from our yard (film-play) - Alexey
1973 - Clouds - Mitya
1976 - While the mountains stand... - Alexander Seleznev, climber
1976 - Until the cart overturned (film-play) - Bukhuti
1976 - Everyday Affairs (film almanac) - Mitya Solnyshkov, private
1980 - Melody for two voices - Kirill Vorobyov
1980 - A Day to Reflect - episode
1980 - Chief designer - Ragozin's adjutant
1980 - Where are you, love? (Unde esti, iubire?) - Andrey
1981 - Third Dimension - Sergei Vladimirovich Volodin, navigator, captain of the 3rd rank
1981 - Warm place(film-play) - Vladimir Batyaykin
1981 - Theft of the Century - Polukarpov
1982 - One Hundred and First - Zhora Nesterenko, military
1982 - The old Cossack way (film-play) - Ivan Erofeev
1982 - State border- Melnikov, consul in Harbin
1983 - Battalion commanders - Oleg Sedov, major, tankman, commander of the 1st battalion
1983 - High standard- Kostya Koptyugov, foundry worker, foreman
1985 - Alarms of the first birds - Vasily Kalina
1985 - Housewarming (film-play) - Manin
1986 - Try to stay alive - Fomichev
1986 - Peter the Great the Great) - Apraksin, admiral (uncredited)
1987 - Saber without scabbard
1987 - I don’t need protection
1988 - Red color of fern - Karol, Polish communist
1992 - Tram "Annushka" (film-play) - Clark
1994 - After the Fall (film-play) - Mickey
1995 - Adventure - Andrey Stepanov, ship captain
2005 - Alexander Garden - Vladimir Konstantinovich Kazarin
2007 - Servant of the Sovereign - master of ceremonies
2007 - Alexander Garden-2 - Vladimir Kazarin
2008 - Alexander Garden-3 - Vladimir Kazarin, deputy head of the special purpose garage
2015 - back side Moons 2 - announcer
