Advertising communication. Thesis: Marketing communications in advertising

Implementation of the promotion structure in a coordinated manner is integral marketing communication. The basic components of the promotion structure are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing and packaging. All of them are present in most marketing plans.

Advertising communications link all advertising management activities into a single whole, while ensuring the effective use of the elements themselves. The influence on the consumer is carried out purposefully, systematically, comprehensively, with maximum use of the information received about him and taking into account the capabilities of the entire marketing complex.

Advertising is the most effective tool in an enterprise’s attempts to modify customer behavior, attract their attention to its products, and create positive image the enterprise itself, to show its social significance and usefulness.

Issues of advertising development are given importance great importance. Advertising is a persuasive means of information about a product or company, propaganda consumer properties product and the merits of the company’s activities, preparing an active and potential buyer for purchase.

Prestige advertising, or branded advertising, is an advertisement of the company's advantages that distinguish it from its competitors. The purpose of such advertising is to create among the public, and, above all, among its active and potential buyers, an attractive image, a winning image of the company, which would inspire confidence in the company itself and in its products.

The basis of advertising activity is the advertising company. These are several advertising events united by one goal, covering a certain period of time and distributed in time so that one advertising event follows directly after another component of the company. Advertising activities in the marketing system acquire the features of an integral logical process. It identifies a number of interconnected stages.

An advertising agency is a specialized company engaged in the development, preparation and placement of advertising. Most often, advertising agencies offer comprehensive marketing market research (consulting services) as part of their range of services, as a result of which it becomes possible to develop and create the most effective advertising campaign or all marketing strategy.

An advertising message is the embodiment of an advertising idea. This is one of the most significant elements advertising communications, since the success of advertising depends, perhaps, to the greatest extent on it. At this stage of development advertising program it is also necessary to use knowledge of the theory of information perception, taking into account the specific market situation.

An important role in conducting an advertising campaign belongs to the choice of means of distributing the advertising message. It should be said that when choosing advertising media with almost identical advantages, it is necessary to be guided by their advantages and limitations, as well as the cost of advertising media at the current time. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the main means of advertising in the following table: Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the main means of advertising distribution



Flexibility, timeliness, large local market coverage, wide recognition and adoption, high reliability

Short duration of existence, low quality of reproduction, small audience of “secondary readers”

A television

The combination of image, sound and movement, sensory impact, high degree attracting attention, breadth of coverage

High absolute cost, overloaded with advertising, fleeting advertising contact, less selectivity of the audience

Audience selectivity, widespread use, high geographic and demographic selectivity, affordable prices

Presentation only by means of sound, the degree of attracting attention is lower than that of television, the fleeting nature of advertising contact

High geographic and demographic selectivity, reliability, prestige, high quality reproduction, duration of existence, significant number"secondary readers"

A long time gap between the purchase of space and the appearance of advertising, the presence of useless circulation, no guarantee of placement of the ad in the preferred location

Flexibility, high repeat contact rate, low cost, low competition

Lack of audience selectivity, creative limitations

In addition to the above, the following types of information dissemination media also include:

Billboards are advertising that helps create and remember the image of a product or company. It can be designed for both passers-by and passengers traveling in transport. As one of the subtypes of this advertising, we can consider electronic displays, illuminated advertising such as a creeping line, placed in in public places, on the streets.

Direct mail advertising (mailing) - due to the lack of lists of addresses of citizens by profession, interests, etc., advertising of consumer goods is possible only in the form of mass delivery to mailboxes in areas as close as possible to the distribution zone of goods and services. For goods industrial purposes mailing is sometimes the most effective means influence on potential buyers.

The choice of the form of rational advertising mainly depends on the objectives you are pursuing with your advertisement, the product you are advertising and the size Money, which you have, as well as the characteristics of the region in which you work.

All previous steps are aimed at achieving one main goal - influencing the consumer. Modern advertising is developed taking into account a whole range of social and psychological factors perception. Advertising specialists today are becoming specialists in the field of psychology. For impact purposes, audio is used - visual effects(a certain set of colors and shapes, combinations of sounds), linguistic structures and other techniques.

To most effectively influence consumers and ensure sustainable operation of the enterprise, an appropriate advertising communication strategy is developed as part of the overall marketing strategy. It is implemented through the use of individual elements. In Fig. Table 1.3 shows the stages of developing a communication strategy.

Rice. 1.3 Stages of developing a communication strategy

The overall goal of a communication strategy is to stimulate demand, that is, to increase or maintain demand at the same level if it falls.

Defining the objectives of the communication strategy is aimed at developing specific ways to achieve the goals. They suggest the need to take into account two factors when developing:

stages life cycle goods;

consumer readiness to perceive the product and promotion elements.

Based on this, the main tasks and incentive package must correspond to these factors.

At the stage of introducing a product to the market, it is little known to consumers (or not known). Therefore, the main objective of the communication strategy will be consumer information (advertising). The emphasis will be on the ability to verify the quality of a product by matching its characteristics to the needs of the consumer (small packaging, “free sale” (buy one + one free); competitions where the prize is extremely attractive, which attracts users of competing products). The sale will also focus on the buyer's awareness (sample demonstration, sampling, etc.).

At this stage, the buyer’s level of readiness is taken into account:

  • a) innovators are stimulated;
  • b) ordinary consumers are informed + stimulated.

It gives you the opportunity to obtain information and compare it in order to make a decision. Of course, the product itself is often crucial as an incentive; if the product is bad at this stage, the incentive system will not provide the desired result.

At the growth stage, the main task is to ensure that the consumer is able to distinguish the product from similar ones available on the market. It is necessary to achieve their preference for this product. Therefore, the communication strategy places emphasis on persuading customers to choose the product.

The main attention is paid to methods of sales promotion, which may include financial (discounts, benefits), tangible (gifts), and intangible.

Pricing policy is of particular importance. Price can be the main incentive for making a decision on choosing a product. Information (advertising) must be comparative in nature, showing:

what needs the product satisfies - the selected segment and those that are significant to the buyer;

what advantages the product has and gives to the user.

The sale should provide the consumer with the convenience of purchasing the product.

At the maturity stage, the product is quite well known, there is a segment of consumers who are ready and buying the product. The emphasis in the communication strategy is shifting to consolidating the image of the product brand, attracting repeat purchases, and maintaining the existing level of demand.

The emphasis of sales promotion is shifted to stimulating intermediaries and sellers.

At the recession stage, a company has several options:

  • - displacement of goods from the market;
  • - product modification. In this case, advertising comes to the fore in order to inform about the “new” consumption of the product.

“Degree of consumer readiness” also has several levels and corresponding objectives of the communication strategy.

ignorance of consumers about the product - it is advisable to inform the buyer; fairly frequent and simple contacts with the buyer are necessary. The consumer is informed what, where, for what (name of the product, name of the company, where it is possible to purchase, what it gives);

the consumer has heard about the product, but does not know it. In this case, promotion forms knowledge about the product similar to the “product introduction stage” (characteristics, purpose, advantages, satisfaction of needs);

the consumer knows the product - finding out his assessment of the product and using it in full accordance with the needs of the buyer;

the consumer evaluates the product positively, but opts for competitors' products. The task of advertising communication is to find out the true motives of behavior and focus on the correspondence of the marketing mix to the needs of the buyer, using product positioning;

the consumer is in no hurry to make a choice.

  • a) push to action through advertising messages;
  • b) demonstrating the benefits of buying now, without putting it off until later;
  • c) information about additional benefits of the product.

Based on the established goals and objectives, one or another strategy is determined. To do this, it is important to determine the target audience to which the communication strategy will be directed.

Based on a specific target audience, an enterprise can choose one of the communication strategy options (Fig. 1.4):

Rice. 1.4 Communication strategy options

  • 1. Coercion strategy. The (final) consumer is stimulated in the expectation that demand will force intermediaries to purchase goods.
  • 2. Push strategy. The intermediary is incentivized in the expectation that he himself will promote the product.

However, in any case, only comprehensive stimulation of the intermediary and the consumer gives the expected result, i.e., advantages over competitors.

The communication strategy developed by the enterprise will not achieve its goals if a system for analyzing results and monitoring is not created. It should provide an assessment of the demand generation and sales promotion response. This element of the “communication strategy” system will allow you to timely and adequately respond to the mood of the target audience and make amendments to any element and communication system.

From everything said in this paragraph, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • 1. Advertising communications link all activities related to the management of advertising activities into a single whole, while ensuring the effective use of the elements themselves.
  • 2. The influence on the consumer is carried out purposefully, systematically, comprehensively, with maximum use of the information received about him and taking into account the capabilities of the entire marketing complex.
  • 3. To most effectively influence consumers and ensure sustainable operation of the enterprise, an appropriate advertising communication strategy is developed as part of the overall marketing strategy.

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    Advertising is one of the main elements of the marketing mix, and this is due to its fairly close connection with the development and production of a product, the study of demand for it, pricing and sales. As part of a unified marketing strategy, advertising actively influences production, which produces and sells only what will certainly find sales, and when entering the market, it leads to the achievement of commercial results taking into account demand. Under these circumstances, advertising should be considered as a kind of communication that tries to translate the quality of goods and services, as well as ideas, into the language of consumer needs and demands. A distinctive feature of modern advertising as a logical element of the marketing system is not just the formation of demand, but its management within a select group of consumers. This became possible because, firstly, the market is a set of segments that reflect the specific tastes and demands of consumers. For firms, the goal is to maximize penetration into selected segments rather than spreading efforts across the entire market. Secondly, it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy variations in demand, which can be the basis for product differentiation and, accordingly, its advertising. Product differentiation increases the effectiveness of advertising and facilitates advertising activities. By studying the needs of consumers, purchasing motives, and client income, advertising introduces the consumer motive into the heads of the largest number of people. The process of advertising influence on consumers is carried out using a set of symbols, which are the “images” of goods. Image construction (image building) is one of the most effective methods of modern advertising.

    Advertising plays a significant role in the life of human society, being a constant companion of a person, constantly and massively influencing him. The importance of advertising is especially great in areas of economic life. Economic role advertising is manifested in the fact that it contributes to the growth of capital investments and the number of jobs, supports competition, expands sales markets, helps to accelerate the turnover of funds, which increases the efficiency of social production as a whole.

    It is also of great importance public role advertising. Advertising influences billions of potential buyers every day and contributes to the formation of certain standards of thinking and behavior of various segments of the population. Advertising creates needs for a higher standard of living, sets goals for a person to work better, to better provide for himself and his family. It stimulates a person’s diligence and makes his work more productive.

    Advertising also plays a significant educational role. In the process of introducing new progressive products and technologies, it contributes to the dissemination of knowledge from various fields human activity, instills in consumers certain practical skills.

    Advertising also plays a large aesthetic role. The best examples of advertising messages from antiquity to the present day can rightfully be considered works applied arts. For example, billboards painted by the French artist A. Toulouse-Lautrec, dukhan signs painted by the Georgian master N. Pirosmanashvili, advertising posters and texts by V. Mayakovsky, advertising videos by C. Lellouche, D. Lynch, N. Mikhalkov, etc. All These and other works were performed at a high professional level, forming a sense of beauty in the audience, and cultivating good taste.

    At the same time, you should pay attention to the specifics of advertising communication. The specificity of advertising communication is manifested in the enormous impact of advertising on a person, in the psychology of advertising, that is, in the socio-psychological foundations of advertising. Therefore, as specific features of advertising communication, we can consider its socio-psychological foundations. But first of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the process of human behavior in the advertising environment is influenced by both external factors, and internal. External factors are what happens around us in this moment time (people nearby, weather conditions, etc.). Internal factors are what is happening inside us at the same moment (socio-psychological attitude of consciousness, state of health, beliefs, past experience, etc.). Knowledge and analysis of such factors and their manifestations are very important in advertising and information activities. This knowledge makes it possible to influence the human psyche in the process of advertising communication. These internal and external factors cause a certain psychological attitude which ultimately manifests itself in a certain behavioral action.

    At the same time, advertising information acts on a person through a variety of stimuli, such stimuli include colors, graphic forms, contrast, volume and intensity, the degree of novelty of the advertising message, etc. Moreover, the stronger the advertising stimulus, the greater the excitement it causes and, consequently, the advertising the action is enhanced, advertising communication becomes more effective. By creating an environment of motivation for a certain consumption, advertising makes it clear that a person who is at a certain level of the social ladder must reinforce his position with consumption characteristics and use things that confirm his achieved social position. Advertising communication becomes more effective when a particular product is advertised by popular actors, good famous people, whose advice becomes an effective means of suggestion.

    The content of an advertising message is the main problem of advertising communication, because in the process of its influence it influences a person’s opinion and behavior and is accordingly accepted or rejected by him. At the same time, the effectiveness of advertising largely depends on the extent to which it takes into account the characteristics of mental processes in the human mind. It's about on the use of suggestion and persuasion methods in advertising communications.

    Advertising uses such a method of influence as suggestion, given that suggestion is mainly designed for uncritical perception of messages. Suggestion involves people's ability to accept information based not on evidence, but on the prestige of sources. A distinction is made between primary (psychomotor) suggestibility, the essence of which boils down to the willingness to agree with information based on uncritical perception, and prestigious suggestibility - a change of opinion under the influence of information received from a highly authoritative source.

    IN advertising process The method of persuasion is also actively used as an appeal to rational aspects in a person’s thinking in order to change his views, relationships or form new ones. Persuasion is a form of direct communication of thought, designed for logical perception, supported by facts and evidence. In the process of forming a belief, one inevitably overcomes a critical attitude towards the proposed arguments and conclusions.

    In the process of advertising communication, the form in which the message is conveyed is also important; this also indicates the specificity of this communication. The form of addressing a potential consumer should not be imperative. Most people don't like being ordered around. It is especially important to take this circumstance into account in relation to the so-called indecisive buyers who hesitate for a long time before making a purchase decision. Advertising must take into account the subjective properties of people; organizers of advertising communications must study the psychology of addressees (buyers).

    The effectiveness of advertising communication depends on such a factor as repetition; this is also one of the features of this communication. To achieve the effect of suggestion, it is not enough to provide information once. One should strive to ensure that the suggested message is repeated several times, and each time new information is introduced into it, and the methods and forms of its presentation are changed. The intensity of the impact of an advertising message is closely related to the so-called “forgetfulness of information.” Human memory has developed specific ways of encoding, processing and storing information. Of the large amount of information processed, only a very limited part remains in memory. A significant part is remembered for a short period of time - to solve problems of current activities. This is the so-called RAM. Most often, the message of an advertisement is forgotten immediately after it is perceived. Therefore, in the initial period of advertising it is necessary to transmit per unit of time a large number of information in an emotional form. Subsequently, the intensity of advertising can be reduced to a certain optimal level. By studying the memorability of information, researchers have found that those messages that meet the interests and needs of a person are most firmly remembered. The rest of the information partially remains in the subconscious and can be stored in memory for some time.

    As we have already emphasized, information that shows the connection between the needs and interests of a person and the properties of the advertised product is easily remembered. The more of these semantic connections there are in the advertising text, the easier it is for a person to remember its content.

    A feature of advertising communication is also the differentiation of the elements of the mechanism. psychological impact advertising to the addressee. The established scheme of the mechanism of advertising’s influence on consumers can be presented as follows:

    • 1. Attracting attention;
    • 2. Maintaining interest;
    • 3. Manifestation of emotions;
    • 4. Persuasion;
    • 5. Decision making;
    • 6. Action (making a purchase).

    Each element of the psychological impact of advertising on the consumer’s consciousness requires application certain methods and methods of advertising influence that can provide the greatest communication effect.

    Along with the external impact that advertising has on a person, the communication process also takes into account internal factors that influence his behavior. In psychology they are called needs and motives. Motive is the immediate reason for action. Cognition of motives has important in advertising practice, since they explain what this or that action is, what meaning it has for a person. However, knowledge of motives alone is not enough, since the motives of behavior are based on specific needs that motivate a person to certain actions. Needs are always targeted and specific. Human needs are more or less conscious. The way they are satisfied depends on the habits, skills, or behaviors borrowed from others. The development of needs, and therefore motives, is most directly influenced by the individual’s belonging to a certain social group, as well as the specific conditions of people's economic life. The motives of the individual in all their diversity act as a manifestation of the needs of the individual. In view of this, when choosing a product, a consumer, as a rule, makes a decision under the influence of not one, but several motives. In their content, consumer motives are based on such fundamental needs as food, rest, spiritual enrichment, working conditions, living conditions, etc. Since motives are the most powerful internal determinants of human behavior, they are sometimes called driving forces, impulses, requests, volitional aspirations. And people, constantly striving to satisfy these internal, sometimes contradictory impulses, enter into communication.

    Some researchers argue that advertising appeals based on primary desires or motives are more effective because these motives are largely biogenic in nature and, therefore, are closely related to the body's needs for goods and services. However, shopping motivation does not always follow this logic - it is more complex and multifaceted. There is rarely one reason behind a particular action. Motives change over time, as a person’s value systems change as circumstances change. When analyzing advertising communications, the study of consumer motives is very important. Consumer motives, in addition to conscious and unconscious (hidden), are divided into strong and weak, permanent and temporary, positive (facilitating purchase) and negative (preventing purchase), rational and emotional.

    Consequently, it is possible to consider the motives of purchases and decision-making only in the aspect of the social and everyday content of life modern people, their social circle, participation in social, industrial, and corporate activities. This is the environment in which a person’s personality is formed and advertising as a communicative process plays a certain role in this environment.

    We can say that the specificity of advertising communication lies in the impact of advertising on a person, in the psychology of advertising. Advertising is an integral part of the sales market and marketing, and therefore, it stimulates sales, generates demand and manages demand. Advertising communication performs socio-economic and socio-political tasks.

    One of the central places in the marketing communications system is occupied by advertising. It arose from the natural need of some people to inform others of certain information about the goods produced or services provided.

    The term "advertising" comes from Latin word advertising - shout or announce loudly(V Ancient Greece and Rome, announcements were loudly shouted or read out in squares and other crowded places).

    There are a large number of definitions of advertising, among which the following can be distinguished.

    “Advertising is a paid, unidirectional and non-personal appeal carried out through the media and other types of communication, campaigning in favor of a product, brand, company (some cause, candidate, government).”

    The Law of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 1995 “On Advertising” gives the following definition of advertising: “ Advertising – information distributed in any form, by any means, about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and initiatives (advertising information), which is intended for a certain circle of people and is intended to create or maintain interest in this individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and undertakings and promote the sale of goods, ideas and undertakings.”

    In our opinion, the following interpretation most fully reflects the essence of this concept:

    Advertising– any information, usually paid, about a product, service, idea or undertaking, legal or individual, distributed for the purpose of generating and maintaining interest in them and facilitating their promotion in the market, not personally oriented, submitted on behalf of a specific identifiable advertiser, placed through the media or other means of distributing advertising information.

    1. Non-personal character.

    3. Uncertainty in terms of measuring the effect of advertising.

    4. Social character.

    6. Partiality.

    7. Showiness and ability to persuade.

    1. Attract the attention of a potential buyer.

    2. Present to the buyer the benefits for him from purchasing a product or service.

    3. Provide the buyer with opportunities for additional study of the product.

    4. To form among consumers a certain level of knowledge about the product or service itself.

    5. Create a favorable image of the manufacturer, trade or industrial brand among consumers or business partners.

    6. Create a need for this product or service.

    7. Form a positive attitude towards the company.

    8. Encourage a potential buyer to purchase the advertised product from this company, and not from competitors.

    9. Stimulate the sale of a product or service.

    10. Contribute to the acceleration of trade turnover.

    11. Make this consumer a regular buyer of goods, regular customer of this company.

    12. Create an image of a reliable partner among other companies.

    13. Remind the consumer about the company and its products.

    3. Differentiate yourself from competitors.

    - economic (utilitarian)– advertising should help increase sales and cash flows and generate profits. In competition, commodity producers improve their products, develop new goods and services, and advertise them. The opportunities for free enterprise are expanding, which contributes to the growth of consumer demand, stimulates the growth of labor productivity, and all this is reflected in the well-being of people;

    - informational (pragmatic)– advertising is designed to provide the necessary information about certain goods, services, manufacturers, etc.;

    - marketing (commercial)– advertising helps promote a product or idea on the market;

    - communication (ideological)– advertising affects a mass audience, and also ensures the transmission of information in accessible ways, means and forms;

    - public (social)- Advertising influences mass consciousness. The media receive their main income from advertising, which creates more favorable conditions for freedom of the press, as its dependence on government support is reduced. Various advertising organizations participate in important public propaganda campaigns by advertising for free.

    - educational (educational) the function is expressed in the knowledge acquired by a person about the service or product offered and is realized in the possibilities and ways to satisfy their needs with their help. Advertising accelerates the adaptation of everything new and untested.

    Advertising is one of the ways to promote a product on the market. It exists in order to attract as many consumers to a product or service as is necessary for this product or service to be profitable to produce. Advertising makes sense only when its costs are recouped through increased sales.

    The power and role of advertising is known from world experience. First of all, it carries information, usually presented in a concise, artistically expressed form, emotionally charged and bringing to the consciousness and attention of potential buyers the most important facts and information about goods and services. It should be noted that advertising is always information, and information is not always advertising.

    Advertising, on the one hand, conveys to consumers the information necessary for the purchase and use of goods. On the other hand, combining its information with persuasiveness and suggestion, it has an emotional and mental impact on a person. From this we can conclude that advertising itself is both work and art.

    Truthfulness- a feature that obliges the organizer of a promotional event to provide information about the goods, their quality, advantages and benefits that correspond to reality.

    Specificity expressed in persuasive arguments and digital data used in advertising texts and graphics. Compliance with this principle excludes formalism and difficult-to-understand abstractions and refinements.

    Focus means that the starting point is the advertised goods and market conditions, and the object of advertising is the consumer. Compliance with the principle of purposefulness in advertising prevents irrational spending of funds, makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of using one or another method of influence, including emotional, and its impact on increasing the turnover of a trading enterprise.

    Main functions social communication are:

    Informational (transmission of information);

    Expressive (the ability to express not only semantic, but also evaluative information);

    Pragmatic (the ability to convey a communication attitude that prescribes a certain impact on the recipient)

    Thus, advertisingcan be considered as a specific area of ​​social mass communications between advertisers and various audiences of advertising messages with the aim of actively influencing these audiences, which should help solve certain marketing problems of the advertiser.

    Let us briefly consider the main elements of the advertising communication scheme.

    Sender(addresser, communicator, source of communication) – the party on whose behalf an advertising message is sent to the addressee.

    The main tool and carrier of information, emotional impact, psychological attitude of the communicator on the target audience is appeal(message, message, English message).

    A communication message always has two sides (two plans): an ideal, intelligible plan content and the material plane perceived by the senses expressions. Unity of content and expression is achieved through sign. From signs are formed texts. Sign, thus, it represents a basic unit of code that ensures that one value corresponds to one form.

    A sign or object endowed with additional meanings, sometimes very far from their original meanings, is defined as symbol(for example, a coat of arms as a symbol of power)

    Coding(English encoding) in advertising communication is understood as the process of presenting the idea of ​​communication, information transmitted to the addressee in the form of texts, symbols and images. When forming messages, the communicator must assume that the code used is well known to the recipient.

    When forming advertising communications, it is necessary to take into account the presence of the so-called filters(barriers, English barrier). This term defines various kinds of restrictions in the transmission of messages. Barriers may be certain moral attitudes, material and financial capabilities of the communicator. External environment can form filters such as censorship, features of legislation regulating advertising activities. For example, the ban on advertising of alcohol and tobacco products on Russian television in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising” from January 1, 1996.

    Communication channel(English media) unites all participants in the communication process and information carriers from the moment the sent signal is encoded until the moment it is received by the addressee. The characteristic of a communication channel is its accessibility and relevance to the selected target audience.

    The effectiveness of advertising communication largely depends on who represents the communicator into whose mouth the advertising message is placed. Such a person (or some other character) can be defined as intermediary(communicator) in this communication The technique of using a popular personality as an intermediary is called testimonium. Among the qualities that a mediator should have, the main ones are: integrity, attractiveness and professionalism.

    Decoding system provides “decoding” of the communicator’s message by the recipient, it is determined by individual and social characteristics addressee (belonging to a certain culture, knowledge of “codes”, level of intelligence and a sense of humor)”

    Responsiveness is a set of recipient responses that arise as a result of contact with the message. Naturally, the communicator ideally expects the recipient of the advertising message to purchase the advertised product.

    Feedback represents that part of the response that the recipient brings to the attention of the sender (the recipients’ appeal to the communicator for additional information, testing the advertised product, its recognition among the mass of similar brands, its memorability, etc.)

    In the total mass of interference, three large groups are distinguished:

    1. Physical interference can be called layering of one information on top of another, damage to advertising communication media (breakage of a billboard; typos in advertising in the press and print advertising) and so on.

    2. Psychological interference arise as a result of differences in the perception of the surrounding reality by people taking part in the communication process. The same signals can evoke different emotions in different people.

    3. Semantic interference arise due to ambiguity individual concepts, which are quite freely interpreted by the recipient. For example, small - big, strong - weak, many - few, etc. Thus, the volume of production of components, small for one company (for example, AvtoVAZ), is huge for another company (local repair shop). The communicator must avoid uncertainty and multiple interpretations of his message.

    Semantic interference can include “unexpectedly” dissonant names of advertised brands of foreign communicators in other countries. For example: "Blue Water" (brand mineral water“Blue Water”), “Kaloderma” (skin cream), “Rikala” (brand of tea “Pukala”), “Wash & Go” (Wash & Go shampoo), “Dolby” (Dolby video playback equipment) - in Russian-speaking countries.

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      Mass communication as a socially determined phenomenon. Advertising as a special form of communication. Impact on the audience through the content of transmitted information. Economic efficiency of advertising. Social and marketing functions of advertising.

      course work, added 12/15/2008

      Methods and means of mass communication. Communicative forms of information transfer. Types and functions of communication. The influence of mass information on society. The process of forming an information field. Organized information leaks. Distortions of facts in the media.

      course work, added 12/03/2011
