How do hamsters live in the wild? A complete description of all types of hamsters and their lifestyle in the wild

A small, fluffy cutie who lives in your home and pleases the whole family is a familiar image of an animal. But few people think about what it looks like, what it eats, and where a hamster lives in the wild. After all, for many centuries this animal existed next to humans, fleeing from predators, driving away uninvited guests from its territory and digging branched tunnels to store supplies, many of which were borrowed from our gardens.

In which zone does a hamster most often live?

Looking at the map, looking for the area where hamsters live, it turns out that it is easier to find a place where none of their species lives. The animals became most widespread in the middle part of Eurasia, but they “captured” the central part of America, Syria, Iran, the northern tip of China and the neighboring countries of Asia Minor, Siberia and many other territories, to the point that rodents are found on the Galapagos Islands. The animal is unpretentious and lives in semi-deserts and steppes, forests and the lower part of mountains (up to a height of 3-4 km), fields and similar terrain.

The most common types of hamsters in nature

This family of rodents includes 19 species, which are divided into 7 genera. However, three are most widespread.

Common hamster

Despite the unpresentable name, these are real giants among hamsters living in nature. The size of an adult male reaches 35 cm in length, excluding the five-centimeter tail, and the weight of the hero ranges from 500-700 g. The bright, black-red color, shaded by light beige spots, allows him to remain invisible on the ground, merging with the surrounding vegetation. Big size corresponds to a rather warlike character; when encountering a “border violator” of its territory, the animal will attack him until he drives him away. Habitats are limited to the lower part of Russia, with the capture of China and the countries of Central Asia, as well as eastern and central Europe, up to Belgium.

Syrian hamster

The body is medium-sized (13-18 cm), which ends in a tail one and a half centimeters long, colored golden or light brown on the back and white or beige on the belly. Their weight reaches 100-120 g, and their life expectancy is up to four years. In accordance with the name, hamsters of this breed are often found in Syria and some adjacent areas of Turkey.

Limited habitat, considerable number natural enemies, and a life expectancy in nature of 1-1.5 years led to the inclusion of the animal in the Red Book.

The Syrian breed has gained considerable popularity as a pet and has become the basis for selective breeding of short-haired and long-haired (Angora) varieties. In addition to the length of the fur, the variability of color has expanded. Now you can find:

  • completely white;
  • absolutely black;
  • peach;
  • spotted, combining the colors of the listed species.

Djungarian hamster

The second most widespread inhabitant of cages and aquariums. It belongs to the genus of hairy-footed animals and causes constant affection among others. Small body (10 cm), light weight (40-60 g) and almost invisible tail. Fur color varies depending on where you live and the season.

  • Brownish-brown.
  • Pale redhead.
  • Light cream.
  • Gray, with a bluish tint.

Additionally, on the sides the fur is colored with splashes of gray or brown, helping to blend into the landscape, which disappear into winter time, and the animal becomes almost white. The exception is distinguishing feature appearance - a dark stripe running along the back.

In nature Djungarian hamsters prefer to settle in dry steppes and semi-deserts, therefore they are firmly established in Western Siberia, southern regions of the Dzhungar Alatau and Khakassia.

Nutrition and lifestyle of a hamster in nature

The hamster is a solitary animal; with the exception of some species, the vast majority of rodents live independently and come together only during the mating season. They live in burrows that have an extensive system, several exits, separate “rooms” for storing supplies and a nest. Although some species build dwellings on the surface, using the branches of bushes, natural shelters near fallen trees or stones. Animals emerge from their shelters at dusk or early in the morning, preferring to sleep the rest of the time.

The food is varied. The basis of the diet consists of products that hamsters are able to obtain in the regions where they live. Usually this:

  • Plant seeds and ripened grains.
  • Young shoots of bushes.
  • Vegetables, fruits and plant roots.
  • Adult insects, larvae and worms.
  • In some cases, they may feast on the remains of predators' meals or carrion.

Hymen-toed hamsters, inhabitants of near-water areas, eat mollusks and crustaceans.

The complex life of a hamster in nature

With the exception of small teeth and not scary claws, real opportunity The animal does not have the ability to harm an enemy. Therefore, hamsters live in the wild for an average of one and a half to two years. Their enemies are limited in number but deadly:

  • Small and medium-sized terrestrial predators, from foxes and hungry wolves, to ferrets and weasels.
  • Birds, including representatives of the hawk family, crows, herons and owls.
  • Disease and physical damage from skirmishes with members of their own species.

However, strong paws, agility, reasonable caution, burrowing and thriftiness significantly improve the life of the animal.

External features of a wild hamster and photos

The appearance of a wild hamster has a number of similarities with domestic representatives of the species, but the sizes differ radically.

An adult male can reach 34 cm(without tail, which is 5 cm), weight up to 700 g. The female is slightly smaller.

The body of a wild hamster is round, the transition between the head and body is almost imperceptible. The coat is very dense and has an undercoat.

Ears are small paws are short and strong, with hard claws, adapted for digging holes and holes. The teeth are strong and sharp and are renewed throughout life.

On the face there are stiff mustaches and shiny black eyes. Various colors, but brown and yellow are more common. Less commonly spotted, black, white.

If you want to know what a wild hamster looks like, this photo gallery will help you with this:

Distribution and reproduction

Wild hamster – very unpretentious animal, he is not afraid of arid steppes, mountains, forests, or proximity to humans. Distributed almost everywhere, from Europe to China.

The pest is not afraid of the harsh climate. He takes refuge safely in his hole. The main thing for rodents is to have something to eat, so they usually settle near fields and gardens.

They get close to dachas and villages to make supplies from the harvest in their gardens. Farmers are suffering from these pests everywhere, inventing new ways to combat them.

One male usually creates families with several females. Cubs are born blind and hairless, however grow very quickly and soon they themselves become involved in the process of replenishing the population.

A female wild hamster gives birth in the spring, and can sometimes give birth several times a year, under favorable conditions. Reproduce exponentially in litters usually 6 – 18 cubs.


Most these animals are active at dusk, during the day they hide in a hole. In winter, it hibernates, but not deeply, and periodically wakes up to eat from its reserves.

Comes out in March - April. Males are friendly only to females during the breeding season, the rest of the time aggressive towards everyone, including humans.

The size of the enemy is not important for a hamster. They have a solitary lifestyle and protect their territory. They attack “unwanted guests.”

Main differences from other rodents

They have several significant differences from other rodents, which is important to consider when fighting and exterminating them so as not to endanger yourself.

  • Presence of cheek pouches. These are special elastic folds of skin with inside cheeks that inflate several times and hold up to 50 grams. In them he carries food and construction material for a hole;
  • The stomach of this animal is divided into the proventriculus (in which food is broken down by enzymes and acids) and the stomach itself (digestion occurs with the help of gastric juice);
  • Large size and manifestations of aggression are the main differences that pose a danger to humans and animals.

Harm to a person - a farmer

It's not hard to imagine what cause great harm wild hamsters for agriculture, farmers, gardeners and gardeners!

The huge number of pests and the ability to adapt to any conditions allow them to infest all rich territories, and the ability to build complex burrows makes them difficult to catch and destroy.

Everything that is grown in the garden is a delicacy for them, and hamsters will not give up so easily. Farmers face a serious struggle for their harvest!

Besides, wild hamsters can bite humans or domestic animals and livestock, which is most likely will lead to infection with various infections(up to 30 species), and possibly death.

The fleas that live on them and suck blood are no less dangerous. Rodents pose a serious threat, but the fight is all the more important!

Ways to fight and protect

Nowadays, both modern methods of combating and protecting against these rodents, as well as proven old ones, are used. Here are the main ones:

  • Flooding holes. You need to find all the exits, barricade them and pour water into the hole until the animal crawls out of the only hole. There you can catch him. Minus: be careful that you have found all the emergency exits from the hole, otherwise the hamster will hide.
  • Digging holes and fishing by hand. Disadvantage: very labor-intensive and dangerous.
  • Pets, cats and dogs, hunt rodents. Minus: hamsters are very large, not every cat can handle it. And a dog can trample the entire garden. In addition, the hamster can bite them and infect them.
  • Various traps, live traps. Cons: It can be difficult to keep track of where it can get out and where to place them.
  • Spreading poisoned baits. You can use rat and mouse poison. Minus: it is not a fact that the majority of individuals will eat it, especially since the number of pests is quickly restored.
  • The use of noise and ultrasonic repellers. Disadvantage: it is difficult to place them over a large area and quite expensive.

The big problem is that hamsters are very active and cunning animals, and also fearless. Catching or scaring away a hamster in the countryside is not so easy.

Dear gardeners and gardeners! You must definitely try all the ways of fighting and destroying until you achieve success!

Otherwise, you risk not only being left without a harvest on your farming, but also your own health and life, as well as your loved ones!

Description of wild hamsters

Hamsters belong to the class mammals, order rodents and family hamsters.

Of the 19 existing species of these animals, 12 live in our country, belonging to six genera:

  • real;
  • average;
  • gray;
  • hairy legs;
  • rat-like;
  • Eversmannov.


Behind this dry textbook list are cute, nimble creatures with beady eyes, sharp teeth and soft thick fur. Depending on the species, wild hamsters are the size of a small mouse or a good rat. – The body length of the smallest hamster is five, and the largest is 34 centimeters. The tails also vary in length: from 0.7 to 10 centimeters.

What do adults look like? individual species, you can find out from this table:

Species (genus)/
Exterior parameters of an adult

(sort of real)

Roborovsky's hamster
(genus of hairy legs)

Rat hamster
(rat-like genus)

Body length 20–34 cm 5 cm 18–25 cm
Tail length 6–7 cm The tail protrudes a few millimeters Up to 10 cm
Weight 0.5 kg 0.01 – 0.03 kg Up to 0.24 kg
Color Yellowish-brown with black, with white markings on the sides Sandy with a golden tint, the fur above the eyes and on the belly is white On the back it is brown and grey-brown, softly turning into white in the belly area.
Peculiarities The ears are small, the muzzle is blunt, the front legs resemble human hands The ears are large, vertical, and there is a white “mask” on the muzzle. The tail resembles a rat's only in length: in individuals of this species it is pubescent, often with a white tip

Sexual dimorphism in some species of wild hamsters is unusually expressed: males are smaller than females. All types of hamsters have very strong, sharp teeth and developed cheek pouches.

Interesting facts about hamster teeth:

  • Hamsters have only four teeth;
  • hamster teeth have no roots;
  • Hamsters' teeth never stop growing;
  • Hamsters wear down their teeth on a stone.


Geography of hamster habitat – Central European and Eastern European regions, Syria, Iran, South Korea, China, Mongolia, Siberia. Animals can be found in deserts, mountains, and forests, but wild hamsters most readily inhabit the steppe and forest-steppe zones.

However, to meet a hamster, you don’t have to go deep into the forest, climb the mountains or look for feather grass steppes. – These wild rodents happily settle in cultural landscapes near human buildings. Their raids on agricultural lands cause significant damage to farmers.

A video from the TERRA television and radio company will tell about the battle for the harvest waged by summer residents from the suburbs of Samara with wild hamsters. Details of this battle are in this video.

Steppe hamster

The steppe hamster (common) bears little resemblance to its domesticated relatives. This is one of the most warlike species of the hamster family: it can attack both a large dog and a person. Cases have been recorded of common hamsters eating rabbits.

The aggression of steppe hamsters is often directed at their own brothers: rival candidates for a menstruating female are simply torn to pieces by the strongest male.

The animal leads night image life, during the daytime hiding in a dungeon at a depth of up to one and a half meters. Its hole is a complex structure: a real labyrinth up to 8 meters long, where light and sounds do not penetrate.

It is impossible to count how many different rooms there are in this home. However, among them there is one in which the common hamster sleeps, and a pantry, and even a toilet.

A thrifty owner, the common hamster stores up to 90 kilograms of food in its hole. Of course: in the wild, the animal constantly lives in its hole during the 5 coldest months of the year.

Like any member of the hamster family, the common hamster is a territorial animal. He protects the area in which he lives and which he considers his own. The zone of male common hamsters covers an area of ​​up to 12 hectares! Females also have their own territory. It is smaller and is protected by its nearest neighbor. As a rule, males take several females under their wing at once.

forest hamster

Despite their name, forest hamsters do not only live among trees. Their predominant habitat is North American forests, deserts and prairies. The forest hamster can be found near human buildings, in gardens and vegetable gardens.

There is no single way of life among forest hamsters. They live together and alone, and sleep both day and night.

The forest hamster, which lives not far from people, sleeps during the day. And at night, people will be reminded of his presence by the sounds of brushwood that the animals collect for their hut nests. Rodents build their structures on rocks, at the base of trees, and on the trees themselves. It happens that the forest hamster climbs to a height of six meters!

The forest hamster does not sleep in winter, but can fall into torpor. Like other hamsters of the hamster family, baby forest hamsters are born blind, but with teeth!

The field hamster, like the forest hamster, is a “foreigner”. After all, he lives in Ecuador, Colombia and Canada. These animals very rarely encroach on agricultural land, preferring to settle in tropical forests: mangroves are just right for them. You can find field hamsters both on the prairies and in the swamps.

In appearance, field hamsters resemble house mice of black, gray, orange and brown colors. What makes the field hamster's appearance unusual is its scaly tail. True, it is not easy to see the white scales, since they cover the inner (lower) part of the tail. The outer (top) is covered with fur, painted in dark colors.

Adults of field hamsters vary greatly in size: their body length can be 5 or 20 centimeters!

Living conditions in nature

One way or another, even the largest individuals are just small animals among the huge number of predators surrounding them. What is it like for a hamster in the wild? What helps him survive?


Hamsters cannot get enough of food of plant origin only. Although in the spring they eat the first shoots and young greens, their main food is tubers, seeds, berries, carrion and insects.

These thrifty animals store tens of kilograms of seeds, legumes, grains and potatoes in their underground storerooms.

Being crepuscular animals, wild hamsters begin to hunt after dark.


The love language of female hamsters is their smell. It is by smell that the male finds his girlfriends (as a rule, there are several of them). The season during which wild hamsters breed begins in April and ends at the end of October, when the animals do not sleep.

Exactly how long the pregnancy of hamsters lasts depends on their type (from 15 to 22 days). The first litter of the season appears by May. The number of cubs in one litter ranges from several to a dozen (rarely - up to eighteen individuals).

Having impregnated his girlfriend, the male does not stay with her. His mission is over; he does not take part in raising the cubs.

All babies are born with their eyes closed, and only on about the tenth day do small hamsters begin to see clearly. Two-week-old animals are already completely covered with fur. At the same time, along with mother's milk, the cubs eat greens.

Female hamsters are caring parents. But only before their children reach “adulthood,” which occurs in hamsters at 21 days. From this day on, the young animals are able to take care of themselves, so everyone is looking for their own territory. Hamsters can become parents at the age of 42–56 days.


How many years does a hamster live? Depending on the type – from 2 to 6 years. But life expectancy is also affected by its conditions. Domesticated hamsters, with good care, live the years measured by nature.

But in the wild, this scenario is often violated by predators: badger, owl, ermine, weasel, fox, lesser spotted eagle, buzzard, kites.

Because of so many enemies, not every hamster in the wild dies own death. Baby hamsters can become prey for rooks, carrion crows, gray herons or kestrels.

How do these rodents manage to survive in the changing and difficult conditions of the wild?

Due to the high fertility of hamsters, these animals manage to survive, even despite this a large number of enemies.

However, two species of hamsters - the Syrian and Newton's hamsters - are already endangered. Therefore, the life of each individual of these species is protected by law: they are listed in the International Red Book.

Animals are often saved from attacks by enemies by their remarkable ability to respond to sounds. Hearing an unfamiliar sound, hamsters become wary. –

  1. A barely audible distant sound forces rodents to seek refuge in a hole.
  2. If the sound is sudden and distinct, the hamsters freeze in place: there is no time to hide, so as not to get caught rushing about in the enemy’s eyes!

Failed to remain unnoticed? – Brave animals standing on their hind legs scare small offenders with a threatening pose. The hamster often uses its teeth to attack the enemy.

The sounds that the hamsters themselves, inhabiting the Panama highlands, can make are also life-saving. These sounds are similar to singing.

Therefore, these hamsters were nicknamed singing:

  1. With these sounds they notify other hamsters of their rights to the territory where their rivals accidentally wandered.
  2. With these same sounds, in their “hamster” language, the animals ask each other for help.

Nature itself protects wild hamsters from enemies. She gives some species of hamsters a white coat for the winter instead of the usual one, which blends into the background created by the habitat. By becoming invisible in the snow to a larger predator, the hamster is almost invulnerable to its teeth and claws!

Those who are not entitled to such a “dowry” have to sleep in their mink for almost five months a year!

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Where does a hamster live?

In which natural zone a hamster lives depends on its belonging to a particular species. They can be found in most areas Russian Federation, China, in the majority European countries and even in countries with a desert climate - Syria and Iran. An attentive traveler can easily find them in the suburbs, squares and fields.


They are also called ordinary. They are noticeably different from their closest relatives that can be found in pet stores. Peculiarities:

  • males demonstrate aggressive behavior towards their own kind, and they often attack larger animals;
  • nocturnal lifestyle. Burrows can go underground to a depth of 8 meters; at night they leave them in search of food, avoiding the attention of most predators;
  • cleanliness. Hamster burrows are divided into several chambers - for sleeping, storing food, and relieving themselves.

Males live with several females; sometimes rodents settle in small colonies, creating large burrows.


They are found in forest belts, but are rare. Representatives of this group prefer well-protected areas in the forests of both Americas, Europe and Asia. Such hamsters do not have a clear way of life - males and females can live both separately and together. If they settle close to human habitation, they go out to “hunt” at night, making their way into storerooms. Such hamsters live in trees, hiding their homes with dried twigs.

Video: forest hamster


The natural habitat is marshy areas. Such hamsters carefully avoid such places. They have a scaly tail and appearance that can make them mistaken for common voles. The maximum length is 20 centimeters; they make their home in reed thickets or fasten plant stems.

Wild representatives

Modern science knows 19 species representing the hamster family. Only on the territory of the Russian Federation there are 12 species, divided into six genera:

  • Real;
  • Average;
  • Gray;
  • Hairy Legs;
  • Rat-like;
  • Eversmannaceae.

Each of them has unique external signs, thanks to which they can be classified. The largest of them reach a length of 34 centimeters. Some of them are found in Russia:

  • Real ones. Weight is about 500 grams, yellow-brown in color, pronounced white markings are visible on the sides, small ears, paws shaped like human hands;
  • Hairy-footed. They weigh no more than 30 g and have a sandy-golden color. Small white spots can be found on the face near the eyes and on the abdomen. The ears are large and stand upright;
  • Rat-like. Medium size, weight up to 240 g, gray-brown color, turning white towards the belly. The tail resembles a rat's in appearance.

Almost all males are smaller than females. Rodents have four teeth, sharp enough to chew hard objects. Teeth do not have roots, and their growth does not stop throughout life.

Nutrition of hamsters in nature

Hamsters are omnivores, but they prefer food of plant origin. In summer they eat roots, greens, seeds, and, if possible, hunt insects. The largest individuals can feed on smaller mice, lizards or amphibians. Given the way of life of hamsters, in winter they eat what they managed to stock up in their pantries:

  • cereals;
  • seeds;
  • vegetable tubers.

One individual can accumulate up to 20 kilograms, and in rare cases, the mass of food products stored for the winter period reaches 90 kg.


The official classification of representatives of the animal world appeared relatively recently, and for a long time hamsters, due to their small size, did not attract the attention of people. The first ancestors of hamsters were discovered in the Syrian desert by the scientist Waterhouse in 1839, who made a scientific description. Therefore, Syria can be considered the homeland of hamsters.

In 1930, a zoologist from Israel, Professor Aharoni, caught a wild hamster, and over time a whole group was identified, to which many species around the world were assigned. They began to be considered as pets in the second half of the 20th century.

Enemies of the hamster in nature

Wild nature - dangerous place, especially for small animals that are unable to protect themselves from attacks by large predators. But, the natural enemies of the hamster only keep the number of rodents in acceptable numbers, but cannot destroy them as a species. Who eats hamsters:

  • predator birds. During the day, representatives of the hawk family pose a threat; at night, owls hunt hamsters;
  • terrestrial predators. Wolves, lynxes, foxes, etc. While waiting or chasing game, these animals are able to satisfy their hunger by catching several rodents;
  • Pets. In suburban areas, hamsters can be attacked by cats and some breeds of hunting or service dogs.

Cats and dogs also pose a threat to pet hamsters, so the cage must be kept out of the reach of dogs or cats, otherwise they may attack and eat the smaller pet.

Where does a hamster live in the wild and what types of this funny animal are there? You may need to know the answers to these questions if your children ask to have a furry animal at home. Knowing how many years hamsters live and what kind of care they need, you can make the best decision as to whether you need such a pet. First, let's look at the features of the species.

Where does a hamster live?

In the mid-nineteenth century, a small furry animal was caught in the Syrian desert. Zoologist Waterhouse had never seen such a creature before. Having been brought to Europe, the animals began to breed in captivity. They were called Syrian golden hamsters. It turned out that they can become one of the most unpretentious pets. Where does the Syrian hamster live in the wild? Its habitat is the foothills, meadows and steppes of the Balkans, Turkey and Iran. Another variety of these animals - Djungarian hamsters - lives in Central Asia And Southern Siberia. They adapt well to the most various features climate. The mouse-like hamster lives in the mountains; it prefers semi-desert areas with rocky areas. He's not very large sizes. It is often confused with the field mouse. In the voids among the stones where the hamster lives, it makes burrows and can easily climb up embankments and cracks. For these small animals, winter is not an easy test; they prepare for it in advance. By autumn, the hamster's weight increases. Moreover, if the winter promises to be harsh, more fat appears around the neck and in the front of the body. This not only protects the animal from the cold, but also provides a source of nutrition during the cold months. In addition to subcutaneous reserves, the hamster also makes preparations in its underground pantry.

Some species of these animals can store up to ten kilograms of seeds and grains in their burrows. After the first frost sets in, small animals close the entrance to their home from the inside. But they do not hibernate, but continue to behave less active image life. Sometimes they come to the surface. Hamsters living in the northern regions change color in the winter - their fur coat turns white to provide good camouflage in the snow.

Should I have a furry animal at home?

Hamsters live (the years during which they will stay with you are enough to become attached to them) do not last long - one and a half or two years. So immediately think about the stress your family members (especially children) will experience when your pet dies. If you are ready to survive this shock in the future, and can also devote some time every day to caring for the animal, then feel free to get a hamster. The tiny rodent requires very little space for itself. Setting up a cage is not difficult - the hamster loves to climb tunnels and rocks. It will have to be cleaned regularly, as well as the water changed and the feeder refilled daily. Even children as young as eight or nine years old can perform these manipulations. Hamsters also have negative traits. The constant need to chew something can pose a threat to your apartment. However, if you carefully monitor the rodent, it will not be able to cause significant harm.

Karbysh lifestyle

The activity of an ordinary rodent manifests itself in the evening and at night. During the day, these animals prefer to hide in a hole. The peculiarity of the burrow is that the field hamster never actually digs the burrow itself. Most often, he will take away housing from either a gopher or another rodent, or use small natural caves or abandoned burrows.

The field rodent will only try to slightly add some elements to its new home: it will add several entrances and exits, equip an impressively sized storage room, a chamber for resting, sleeping and a toilet. The field hamster's burrow is a real labyrinth, the length of which is up to 8 meters. Neither sound nor light penetrates into such a hole.

Like many breeds of domestic hamsters, our field rodent will defend its territory very aggressively.

Why do field hamsters bite?

By nature, all hamsters are loners and will respond with aggression to “uninvited guests.” Our field hamster will not be an exception in such cases. Very often, field hamsters fight to the death for territory (even over 10 hectares). This suggests that a meeting with a field hamster does not bode well for his opponent.

The size of the enemy does not matter at all for the furry field animal. There are known cases of rodents attacking large breed dogs and even humans.

Hamsters' teeth grow throughout their lives. The bites of field rodents are very painful and dangerous. Thin, long teeth at the moment of a hamster bite, they barely noticeably move apart in different directions, but this factor allows the rodent to inflict deep, lacerated wounds.

The field hamster attacks only when world tactics do not help. Before attacking, the hamster will stand on its hind legs, stretching out full height, can growl, gnashing its teeth, and if these actions do not intimidate the enemy, then it will launch an open attack and bite.

General characteristics of the field rodent

The field hamster can be of different sizes:

  • small;
  • big.

Small ones reach only 5-7 cm in length, large ones can grow up to 37 centimeters (excluding the tail). The tail of a large hamster reaches up to 5 cm in length. The weight of small hamsters is up to 45 grams, and large ones reach 700 grams.

A distinctive feature of field hamsters is their very large round ears. The ears are covered with very short hair, their color is the same as the rest of the rodent's fur. Most often it is brown or light yellow, less often spotted, black or white.

Hamsters' feet are white. The fur of a field hamster includes 2 elements: the base, that is, the wool itself and the undercoat. The undercoat helps hamsters survive harsh winters.

Survival Secrets

To the question, how long does a field hamster live? There is only one answer - not for long. Unlike its domesticated counterparts, it is very difficult for the field furry to maintain its life in the wild.

Rooks, kites, foxes, ferrets - this is not a complete list of our hero’s mortal enemies. Farmers and owners of gardens and vegetable gardens are also actively fighting against animals, since the latter turn, one might say, the whole people against themselves, as they cause trouble for gardens and vegetable gardens, destroying or causing significant damage to fields of grain and vegetable crops.

In nature, field hamsters live no longer than 3-4 years. At home, considering good care and content, duration will almost double.

Hibernation season

Under natural conditions, the field hamster hibernates in the winter, from late October to February. A slow metabolism allows the animal to endure harsh weather conditions without harm to its health.

The rodent wakes up from hibernation when the ground warms up, most often in February and March. After waking up, the animal does not immediately open its entrances and exits. For some time he will sit and eat up his winter supplies, and only after a month has passed the hamster will open his passages. Female field hamsters leave their burrows later than their male relatives, namely closer to mating.

Field hamster care and maintenance in the wild

The self-care of a field hamster is not much different from that of domestic hamsters, except that field hamsters have to find food and water themselves. He also cleans his burrow on his own. In the wild, field rodents are excellent swimmers.

Nutrition of hamsters in the wild

What do field hamsters eat in the field? Field hamsters are omnivores, but preference is given to plant foods. IN summer time Rodents mainly feed on roots, green grass, plant seeds, often catch and eat insects, and sometimes small mice, amphibians, and lizards.

In the autumn and spring, they completely switch to food stored in the pantry:

  • cereals,
  • seeds,
  • vegetable tubers.

A hamster's reserves are 16-20 kg. They found pantries where stocks of grain and potatoes amounted to up to 90 kg.

Field hamster, what to feed at home?

If you decide to place a field hamster at home, you should take into account that you will have to feed the rodent all year round, since at home the field hamster does not hibernate.

The diet should include peas and rice, buckwheat and lentils, lupine and corn, potatoes and greens, as well as insects. Also, field animals should not be fed sweet and salty, citrus and exotic fruits and many other products that a hamster does not receive in the wild.

Reproduction of field hamsters

Field animals in nature reproduce due to the fact that the male has several families, and each female gives birth 2-3 times a year. At home, reproduction occurs all year round.

Pregnancy of a female field rodent lasts from 20 to 26 days, after which 4-8, and sometimes 12 cubs are born. Largest quantity The rodents that scientists observed amounted to 20 hamsters. A mother feeds her babies for 10-30 days. They reach sexual maturity at 2 months. Females of the first litter are capable of reproduction after 43 days of life.

If you still decide to make a good pet from a field hamster, bring a very small hamster (one and a half weeks old) into the house. Such an individual will not know how his relatives live, and will grow up the way you raise him.

Where do Djungarian hamsters live?

In the wild, representatives of this species live in steppe and semi-desert zones.

Dzungarian habitats:

  • Western Siberia;
  • Central and Central Asia;
  • Northeast Kazakhstan.

These hamsters were also seen in Altai, their place of life was at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level.

In nature, rodents inhabit semi-desert areas with rocky patches, wormwood and cinquefoil steppes without the presence of shrubs. Hamsters are found in semi-fixed sands and gravelly steppes. Very rarely they can be found on cultivated land.

Living conditions in nature

The length of the hole can be a meter deep. The instinct to dig holes has also been preserved among domestic animals; they love to move their paws through the litter, thus imitating digging.

Hamsters adapt well to winter conditions. By the autumn, they gain weight and become overgrown with fat.

It not only protects them from cold climates, but also serves as nutrition during difficult days. If the winter is harsh, then the dzhungarikas become overgrown with fat in the neck and front part of the body.

To avoid being noticed by predators in winter, hamsters change their color to white.

After snowy days and with an increase in temperature, the animal’s fur coat turns into the usual coloring for existence in the wild in the summer.

There is no hibernation period in the life of dzhungariks. They are active both in winter and summer.

These are nocturnal animals; they prefer to carry out food gathering activities at dusk. In addition, in the dark it is easier for them to become invisible to most predators.

Eating in a natural environment

Hamsters in the wild store food in their burrows, and they carry food in their developed cheek pouches.

What constitutes the basis of the diet of dzhungariks in natural conditions?

  1. Seeds.
  2. Green plants.

This set is considered the main part of a hamster's food supplies. But dungarians feed not only on plant food; rodents also feed on some insects. These are mainly caterpillars and larvae - the main source of protein for hamsters.

In winter, Djungarian hamsters will not survive without reserves, so the approach of winter is characterized by active seed procurement.

Reproduction of Djungarian hamsters in nature

In winter, the activity of rodents is reduced; the seasonal time for reproduction begins in females in March and lasts until the onset of cold weather.

During the season, a female Djungarian hamster gives birth three or four times. One female can have from six to twelve cubs. The period of maturation in the offspring is rapid. After ten days, little Djungarians gain sight, and twenty days after birth they become independent.

Average duration The lifespan of Djungarian hamsters in the wild is one and a half years; at home they live longer. Many of the habits of pets are similar to the behavior of their counterparts from wild environment. For example, night activity or making a nest.

Natural areas and climatic conditions

Hamsters are most common in dry climates steppe and forest-steppe zones. They also exist in deserts, semi-deserts, and penetrate forests. Some species live quite high, up to 3.5 thousand m above sea level. Very often they choose places near agricultural fields and gardens.

These animals are adapted to live in the rather harsh and cold climate of Siberia, Far East, northern China, and in the arid and hot conditions of the deserts and semi-deserts of southern Africa.

Long, deep burrows allow these animals to survive both extreme cold and unbearable heat.

Why do hamsters bite?


The color is varied, but brown and yellow are more common.

All hamsters have a fairly dense body, ranging from 5 to 30 cm in length. The head is proportional to the body, the ears are small, round, covered with sparse hair, the eyes are medium-sized, protruding, shiny.

All species of these animals have tails, only in some their length is no more than 5-7 mm, while in others it exceeds 7-8 cm. The body is covered with hair, its color and length depend on the species of the rodent.

In some species, sexual dimorphism is well expressed and female individuals are somewhat larger than representatives of the opposite sex.

Hamsters have muscle cavities on the sides of their heads. which open from the inside of the cheeks. These are called cheek or buccal pouches.

These bags are designed for temporary storage or transportation of feed.

How to train hamsters?



Despite the ability to swim well, Hamsters lead a terrestrial lifestyle. They live alone, building rather deep burrows. The male and female spend very little time together during the mating period.

Rodents are adapted to stockpile food, which help to survive the cold season and adverse weather conditions. In winter, hamsters fall into torpor or short-term hibernation. Full-fledged long-term hibernation is not typical for them.

Hamsters sleep during the daytime. Their period of activity begins at dusk and continues into the night hours. This lifestyle helps rodents avoid attacks from land predators and birds of prey.

Rodents eat mainly plant foods. However, they do not hesitate to eat both insects and carrion. Large species are capable of hunting small animals.

Is it possible to bathe a hamster?


Hamsters are cautious and even cowardly. The behavior of rodents is subject to the instinct of self-preservation. These rodents are characterized by the habits of loners. They do not create groups within the population. All hamsters exhibit territorial behavior and defend their homes from their relatives. Hamsters never live in families.

Males form short-term communities near the female’s home during the courtship period. At this time, they demonstrate contented behavior, which is aimed at suppressing the partner’s aggressiveness and keeping her from running away.

The secret of special glands with which the male marks the territory makes the female more tolerant of courtship.


Family on a walk.

Puberty occurs at one and a half to two months. After the female has accepted the courtship of her partner, the couple retires to a hole. They spend about 20 - 24 hours together. After 17 - 20 days, blind and completely naked cubs are born.

Usually there are 5-8 of them in a litter. Although one hamster can be born, or 18. Hamsters grow quickly. After seven days, the body is covered with fluff, which is replaced by fur on days 10-11, and on day 14 their eyes open and they begin to actively move.

During the warm season, one female under natural conditions can give birth to 2-3 litters. There are cases of winter reproduction.

Features of various types

Popular pet hamsters have relatives in the wild.

Djungarian hamsters

Djungarian hamsters.

Where live? Distribution area:

  • Western Siberia;
  • Khakassia;
  • Northern Kazakhstan.

Body dimensions from 8 to 10 cm, tail length 15 - 18 ml. The coat color is brown, gray in different shades. The further you go to the east, the smaller and lighter these animals are.

A dark brown or black stripe runs along the ridge. Lives in burrows with two to three winter chambers. It feeds on plant foods, insects and their larvae. Accumulates a significant amount subcutaneous fat by the beginning of winter. Breeds from April to October. Can produce up to 5 litters per year.

Belongs to the genus of hairy hamsters.

rat hamster

So named because of its long tail. It makes him look like a rat. Lives in the territory:

  • Primorsky Krai;
  • in China;
  • In Korea.

The coat color is brown, with a dark awn. The tail is covered with sparse hairs and very often has a white tip. There is also a white spot on the animal’s chest. Prefers to settle along river banks and floodplain meadows.

Feed movements are typical during the ripening period of seeds and grain crops, such as oats, soybeans, sunflowers, and corn. In addition to permanent burrows, it may also have temporary ones. In winter, it hides in a hole and closes the entrance with an earthen plug. The amount of winter reserves can exceed 20 kg.

A rodent with a body length of up to 30 cm and a tail of up to 3-5 cm. The tail is thick and covered with hair. The color is bright, three-color. Light spots are separated by areas of dark fur. Found in the wild:

Rodent's home.
  • in European countries;
  • in the European part of Russia;
  • in the Urals;
  • in Siberia;
  • in the foothills of the Caucasus;
  • in Altai.

Settles near people's homes, agricultural land, penetrates into the forest zone. It digs deep burrows with many exits.

Syrian hamster

Belongs to the genus of medium-sized hamsters. IN natural nature lives in Syria and Turkey. Body length 12 - 14 cm, tail length 15 mm.

All about Syrian hamsters.

The coat color is golden or red-brown, the belly is lighter. It feeds not only on seeds and grains, but also readily eats ants and larvae wasps and flies. They live in burrows, and when the temperature drops to -4, they fall into torpor.

Syrian, Djungarian and some other types of hamsters are popular indoors.

Facts from the life of hamsters

Cheek pouches help hamsters overcome water obstacles. Filled with air, they increase the buoyancy of the animal.

During lean years, Chinese peasants try to find hamster storehouses and get up to 10 - 20 kg of grain from them.

Wild hamsters are carriers of dangerous infectious and viral diseases such as rabies and plague.

An amazing animal lives in Africa - the shaggy hamster. From a zoological point of view, the rodent is closer to mice, and in appearance, especially in times of danger, it resembles a porcupine. Can live in trees. It has a special gland with poisonous contents, which it shoots at attacking enemies. Despite the name, it has little in common with common hamsters.

Based wild species Many decorative species and varieties have been obtained. Most of them are successfully bred in captivity. Nice appearance, ease of maintenance has made these rodents popular pets.

These small, furry rodents are one of the most popular pets.

Hamsters have won a strong place in the homes and hearts of caring owners thanks to their unpretentiousness, friendliness and intelligence. But despite all their advantages and popularity, the decision to place a new furry pet in your home must be approached with all responsibility.

To buy or not to buy?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that family members are not allergic to animal hair or bedding fillers. Second, but no less important, is the choice of location for the cage of the future pet. Hamsters equally do not like drafts, too warm or cold air, and dampness. They do not belong in a smoky room, on the floor or windowsill. It is important to remember that these are living beings and they have the right to demand that they be treated with dignity.

Other undeniable advantages of keeping hamsters include their low cost and ease of care, which does not require special skills. The small amount of food a hamster needs for a full life will not affect the family budget in any way, and its cage will not take up much space in the apartment.

What age is optimal to buy?

Unlike other pets, hamsters do not live long - on average from one and a half to three and a half years. If you decide to get a new pet, it is better to purchase it when it is no older than two months. Young hamsters quickly get used to a new environment, are easier to train, and are easier to train to a tray.

Who to choose - male or female?

The choice of the sex of a hamster depends entirely on the preferences of its future owners, however, if only one hamster plans to live in your house, then experts recommend purchasing a male. The procedure for determining the sex of a hamster is quite simple - you need to carefully place it in the palm of your hand or take it by the scruff of the neck and look at the distance between the genital organ and the anus. In females this distance is very small - no more than three millimeters, and in males - up to one and a half centimeters.

Cell selection

A cage with vertical or horizontal bars is the most suitable and comfortable home for a hamster. Its size depends on the breed of hamster. For dwarf hamsters - Djungarian and Roborovsky - the height and width are approximately 30 cm, length - 50 cm. For golden or Syrian hamsters, it is better to choose a larger cage - 40 cm wide and high, about 60 cm long.

Unlike Syrian hamsters, Djungarian and Roborovian hamsters are indifferent to climbing rods and other acrobatic tricks, so plastic cages (dunes) are quite suitable for them. Under no circumstances should hamsters be placed in tall and narrow aquariums - bacteria multiply very quickly here, there is high humidity and there is almost no access to fresh air.

Cage interior

To make your pet feel happy and healthy, he needs to not only be fed, but also entertained. Golden hamsters cannot do without climbing devices - various decorative branches, tubes, labyrinths, obstacles that create several tiers in the cage at once. Here, it is necessary to have a wheel with cross bars; it can be attached to the wall or installed on the floor of the cage.

Sawdust is most often used as bedding. average size, compressed or mixed with shavings, as well as fine sifted sand for dwarf rocks. All types of textile or paper bedding, including newspapers, cotton wool, and rags, are strictly excluded.

An important place in a hamster’s home is a house for sleeping and resting; here he can store valuable things. The house should be quite spacious and comfortable, preferably attached to the wall. Its design should provide easy access for washing and ventilation.

Having bought a cage and placed a hamster in it, immediately install a toilet in it with a special filler that absorbs odor and moisture. You need to train your hamster to go to the litter box with early age, otherwise it will be very difficult and often impossible to retrain him. The filler must be replaced once a week.

You can purchase a feeder in a store or make it yourself, taking into account the size of your pet. On average, the size of the feeder varies from three to ten centimeters, with a height of about one and a half centimeters.

You can use a small container - about 50 milliliters - as a drinking bowl. This volume will fully satisfy the hamster’s daily need for water. The water in the drinking bowl should be changed daily, and it is also very important to ensure that there is no wet sawdust around the container.

We buy only healthy hamsters

When choosing a hamster, it is very important to make sure that your future pet is healthy. A visual inspection and observation of his behavior will be enough to make sure that everything is fine with him. So, a hamster is healthy if:

  • He has a shiny, thick coat with no signs of hair loss. Scars spoil the appearance of the animal, but do not indicate its poor health.
  • his eyes are clear, clean around and shiny.
  • There is no nasal discharge, the nose itself is healthy and clean.
  • the fur around the anus is clean, without signs of diarrhea or inflammation.

A hamster that has just been woken up should not show excessive anxiety or, conversely, apathy. Both options indicate a stressful state of the animal, which can subsequently result in high vulnerability and disease. Only Roborovsky's hamsters are characterized by increased fussiness in any circumstances.

Do you need neighbors?

Your hamster will be very sensitive if someone else lives in his cage. Therefore, there should be as many cages as you plan to have hamsters.

Getting used to the new home

In order for your new guest to quickly get used to his new conditions, give him a few days to leisurely explore his home. Once the initial stress has passed, innate curiosity will take over and the hamster will begin to explore its cage with interest, feeling increasingly confident.

If there is a need to take the animal, for example, to the veterinarian, it is not at all necessary to take the entire cage with you - it is enough to purchase a small carrier for rodents. It will come in handy later on spring cleaning cells. Alternatively, a well-ventilated cardboard box can be used.

How to handle a hamster?

Gaining your hamster's trust will take patience and some time. However, all the efforts spent on this will pay off in full - communication with your pet will bring you only joy. What are the do's and don'ts when handling hamsters?

It is forbidden:

  • make sudden movements or wave your arms near the hamster;
  • pick up a hamster that has just woken up or is sleeping;
  • drive into a corner or cover with palms;
  • scream loudly near the cage;
  • leave it on high surfaces - it does not distinguish distances and will definitely fall down;
  • grab by the scruff of the neck with a rough movement.


  • talk to the animal in a soft, calm voice;
  • when picking him up, do it slowly and carefully, clasping him under the front paws;
  • touch the hamster only with clean hands and give him the opportunity to sniff your hand first - this way he will quickly get used to your smell;
  • Give him a chance to calm down if he is scared.

What to do if bitten by a hamster?

Hamsters are harmless, but very sensitive and timid creatures. Therefore, sometimes there is a risk of being bitten, but not out of malice, but for the purpose of self-defense. Additionally, if your hand smells like food, your hamster may simply mistake it for a tasty treat. What to do if you are bitten?

Firstly, remain calm and not punish the animal - he did not do it out of malice. Carefully place it in the cage and treat the bite site with brilliant green, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, and apply a band-aid. If your hamster is healthy, then there will be no dangerous consequences from the bite.

What and how to feed hamsters?

The main food of hamsters is solid grains such as wheat, oats, and millet. They also love to nibble on seeds and nuts, but these delicacies cannot be their main food; it is better to leave them as dessert. Hamsters satisfy their need for fluids and vitamins by juicy vegetables and fruits - apples, carrots, pears, celery, cucumbers, beets, corn. Garlic, onions, citrus fruits and cabbage should be excluded from their diet. Sometimes you can pamper your hamster with sweet berries in small quantities - strawberries, raspberries, grapes.

Feeding occurs twice a day - morning and evening. To determine the portion size and taste preferences of your pet, just watch him for a while. And don’t forget to give him a drinking bowl with clean water every day.

Water treatments and nail trimming

Hamsters do not like to bathe, so water procedures should be used only when necessary. For bathing, a special shampoo for rodents is best, after which the fur should be blotted with a soft towel. If the room is cool and you are worried that it will freeze, you can lightly dry it with a hairdryer using a gentle stream of warm air.

Overgrown claws are cut off with great care using a special nail clipper or nail clippers.

Reproduction of hamsters

Hamsters are allowed to mate after both partners reach three months of age.

On average, the duration of pregnancy in hamsters is from two and a half to three weeks.

For about three more weeks, the babies born will feed on their mother’s milk. During this period, it is advisable to add a small amount of protein to the female’s diet - a hard-boiled egg, a piece of cheese or boiled chicken. Before birth, a cage with expectant mother It is better to move it to a quiet place with low lighting.

If the female is young and has become a mother for the first time, she may abandon her cubs and even eat them. Unfortunately, if this happened before the babies reached at least ten days of age, then it will not be possible to save them. After 3.5 - 4 weeks, the cubs are separated, being housed in separate cages. They should not be allowed to stay with their mother for more than five weeks.

Newborn hamsters are hairless, deaf and blind. For the first few days, their main food is mother's milk, then they gradually switch to small grains. At the end of the first week, their fur begins to grow, and at the end of the second, their eyes open. Within a month, they will be completely accustomed to the world around them.

After the offspring are born, the male should not be in the same cage with the female - he will not harm the babies and even help in caring for them, but it is very likely that the female will become pregnant again, and this can be dangerous for her health.

Signs of illness in hamsters

You can determine if your pet is sick by the following signs:

  • wet fur and heavy breathing;
  • increased aggressiveness or apathy;
  • hair loss or skin sores;
  • chills, frequent stools (loose or dry);
  • the presence of blood-sucking insects - lice, fleas.

Not many rodent owners know where hamsters live in the wild. These cute rodents are able to survive in harsh climates and poor conditions.

Data on wild representatives

There are 19 varieties of hamsters. There are as many as 12 species of the hamster family in the country, which are divided into 6 genera:

  • Real;
  • Average;
  • Gray;
  • Rat-like;
  • Hairy Legs;
  • Eversmannaceae.

They can be distinguished by external data. has a body length of 34 cm. It surprises with its size and is significantly different from ordinary pets.

The life of a hamster in the wild is significantly different from life at home. They have certain skills that ordinary hamsters do not have. It is not so easy for them to survive outside our homes.

There are three clans in the country that differ in appearance:

  • Real ones. Their average weight is 500 grams. Color – yellow with brown, possible markings of black or white. They are easy to identify by their small ears and paws.
  • Hairy-footed. They are very small in size and weigh only 30 grams. The color is sandy, there are white spots on the body in different places.
  • Rat-like. Their weight ranges from 250 grams. The color is brown, there are white spots on the belly. The tail is very thin and long, lightly covered with hair.

The homeland of Djungarian hamsters is Asia, Siberia or Kazakhstan. They most often live in the mountains. Djungarians can live in cold places because at temperatures below 10 degrees they hibernate. The body size is 10 cm. They overwinter in the voids between stones. To avoid freezing, they gain weight and store fat. The average life expectancy is 1–2 years, because hunger, illness and much more often occur. At home they live much longer because there is no hazardous factors which may threaten their lives.

Males that live in nature are almost always larger in size than females. They have four teeth that help them get food. Rodents wear them down because they always grow and have no roots.

Survival Features

Hamsters can hunt. In the wild, they do this at night. It is a mistake to assume that they only eat grass. Wild rodents eat insects, as well as seeds and tubers.

Hamsters live in a hole alone. They build themselves a large dwelling with big amount tunnels and passages. There are specially designated areas for food supplies and toilets. One rodent can store up to 90 kg of food in its hole. Some domestic hamsters also try to build a dwelling of this type. Only during the mating period can a male and female be together normally.

Females that are ready to mate emit an unusual odor and this is how males find them. The mating season is from April to October. Pregnancy lasts only 2-3 weeks, after which up to 18 babies can be born. After fertilization, the male leaves the female.

Children of wild rodents are not covered with hair and cannot see anything. The first food is mother's milk. After 2 weeks, they begin to try the greens that are found in the hole. After 3 weeks, babies can already leave their mother and exist independently in this world. They are looking for a convenient place for their home.

Lifespan in nature

The average lifespan of wild hamsters is 2–6 years. Some individuals live longer, but this does not happen so often. Wild hamsters may be exposed to predators or may not have enough food on hand. All this affects life expectancy. Many individuals do not live to see a year.

There are several species that are on the verge of extinction. These include Syrian and Newton. They are listed in the Red Book and live under supervision. They are not released into the wild.

An unusual difference between wild individuals and domestic ones is their good hearing and the ability to produce an unusual sound. This is how they protect themselves from predatory animals. They also have very sharp teeth, which often have to be used. The main thing for them is to protect their territory.

Cute rodents live almost all over the world. They have learned to survive in almost any climate. There are a number of features that only wild hamsters have that help them stay alive.

Wild hamsters can cause enormous damage to crops. The field hamster is omnivorous, so summer cottage he will try everything to the best of his ability. In addition, these rodents are carriers of various infections. These cute animals have nothing in common with domestic hamsters, which is why farmers are fighting a real fight with them.

Rodents prefer steppe zones and forest-steppe. They settle in fields, in areas near ponds and meadows. One of the decisive factors in choosing their habitat is the presence of a nearby food source. If the found initial source of food after a while ceases to satisfy the needs of hamsters, then in search of food they are able to cover a distance of 2-3 km.

One of the decisive factors in choosing a habitat is the presence of a nearby food source.

They do not eat all the food they get. Some are stored as reserves in underground passages and storerooms. Their long labyrinths have many passages and branches. Some burrows reach a length of 10 m. Here you can hide a huge amount of various food.

Why do hamsters appear in the garden?

Very often, rodents dig their burrows near grain fields and fields where various crops are grown. In summer and early autumn, the main harvest of the entire crop takes place, which is why hamsters have to move to neighboring summer cottages and vegetable gardens, where they can still find something to eat. Therefore, the reason for their appearance in gardens is quite simple. Rodents come here in search of food and new supplies. If no action is taken, they can quickly ruin most of the crop, and sometimes the entire crop.

The first signs of a wild hamster appearing in the garden

Rodents are absolutely not bothered by close proximity to people. On the contrary, often settling close to summer cottages and garden plots, hamsters constantly make forays in search of food. The fact that uninvited guests have appeared on the site can be judged by the following signs:

  • tracks from small paws. They can be difficult to distinguish on the ground, but sometimes it is still possible to see exactly where the hamster passed;
  • minks. Rodents dig a huge number of holes and passages, which farmers will sooner or later stumble upon;
  • damaged vegetables and fruits. A sure sign of a pest in the garden is the appearance of bites and damage to the crops being grown;
  • Undermining. The presence of numerous tunnels to plants;
  • bark damage. Traces of rodents in the form of missing bark are often found on the lower parts of bushes and trees.

The presence of numerous tunnels indicates the appearance of hamsters in the garden

Sometimes farmers and gardeners blame moles and voles for crop loss. You can determine the culprit by the size of the minks. For example, in mice they have a significantly smaller diameter than in hamsters (about 5 cm).

A wild hamster in the country can cause significant damage to the crop. That is why many gardeners, after the first signs of pests appearing, take active measures to combat them. First of all, the soil of the site suffers. Hamsters dig numerous passages and holes. One hole can reach 10 m, and its depth - up to 2 m. All these voids make it difficult to grow various crops.

Other reasons for fighting field hamsters include the following:

  1. Being in constant search for food, hamsters greatly damage trees, bushes and vegetable crops. They peel off the bark and damage the lower branches of shrubs.
  2. Despite the fact that hamsters prefer to live alone, they willingly bring their relatives to the fertile area they find.
  3. Rodent fertility poses a particular risk to farmers. lasts only 16 days. During one pregnancy, she gives birth to from 5 to 18-20 cubs. Not all of them, of course, survive, but in any case, from spring to October, the female gives birth to about 100 individuals. After just 2 months, newly hatched females can produce their own offspring. Such a threatening ability to produce offspring is dangerous for the crop, since the grown young animals begin to sharpen their teeth on the bark of trees and plants and look for food for themselves.
  4. Hamsters have many methods of self-defense. They try not to enter dangerous areas, ignore baits placed by humans, and also create a large number of false passages to unused holes.

Fighting hamsters in the garden can take some time, as they are quite cunning

Fighting hamsters in the garden can take some time, as rodents actively defend their territory and can even attack humans. dangerous. There are about 30 known infections that are transmitted through a hamster bite.

The problem of rodent infestations in summer cottages is not new, so resourceful gardeners and farmers have plenty of effective ways, how to protect your harvest and crops.

Ultrasonic rodent repellers

The use of ultrasonic repellers is considered the most modern way to combat rodents. This method requires financial costs, but the device saves a person’s time and effort. The operation of all devices is based on the use of ultrasound of certain frequencies that only hamsters can detect. These waves emanating from the repellers cause the rodents to flee.

Ultrasonic repeller Tornado-400

The table shows the most popular device models

Device name Positive sides Flaws
Tornado 400 The advantage of the device is the automatic switching of different frequencies, due to which rodents cannot adapt to ultrasound waves of a certain frequency. The use of the device does not harm humans.

The device operates silently and has an impressive range. It is also important that there is no interference with the operation of other household appliances.

Among the shortcomings, many users note the inability to operate the device on battery power.
Chiston-2 PRO This device is very popular as it has a range of about 500 square meters. m. The emitted signal from the device is absolutely safe for humans and pets, except for rats, guinea pigs and hamsters.

The model works from the network. This device is perfect for protecting farm plantings, warehouses and cellars.

The disadvantage of the device is not too high quality assembly, and hence the fragility of service, provided that it is not used carefully.
Typhoon OG.01 Thanks to its reasonable price, the device is accessible to many farmers and summer residents. In addition, many consumers are attracted by the low electricity consumption and compactness of the device. An undoubted advantage is the ability of the device to operate at boundary conditions. temperature values. The device provides reliable protection against rodents within a radius of 400 square meters. m. Among the disadvantages, it was noted that the radiation of the device does not have any effect on some species of rodents.

Repellers are actively used to protect warehouses, summer cottages, and cellars from rodents. Ultrasonic waves are safe for humans and do not have any negative effects on people's health or well-being. Rodents will be forced to leave the hotspot for them and go in search of another source of food.

Various measures to combat hamsters

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to rodent control is catching pests with the help of pets. Cats and dogs hunt hamsters with great zeal. However, there are several nuances here. Firstly, wild hamsters are quite large in size, so not every cat can cope with such prey. Secondly, by fighting off its pursuers, the hamster can infect the pet with an infection.

Other most common methods of pest control are:

  • filling hamster passages and holes with water;
  • placement of traps and traps;
  • digging and destroying holes;
  • filling holes and passages with gas.

Filling holes with water and gas will be successful if most of the exits are filled in and traps or traps are placed near the remaining exits.

The table shows the comparison in various ways, with the help of which summer residents and gardeners fight rodents.

You need to fight pests in your garden using all available means, otherwise there is a risk of being left without good harvest. Getting rid of rodents in a summer cottage can be guaranteed only if a whole range of measures are taken to expel them from the summer cottage.

Where does a hamster live in the wild and what varieties are there? You may need to know the answers to these questions if your children ask to have a furry animal at home. Knowing how many years hamsters live and what kind of care they need, you can make the best decision as to whether you need such a pet. First, let's look at the features of the species.

Where does a hamster live?

In the mid-nineteenth century, a small furry animal was captured. Zoologist Waterhouse had never seen such a creature before. Having been brought to Europe, the animals began to breed in captivity. They were called Syrian golden hamsters. It turned out that they can become one of the most unpretentious pets. Where does it live in nature? Its habitat is the foothills, meadows and steppes of the Balkans, Turkey and Iran.

Another variety of these animals - Djungarian hamsters - lives in Central Asia and Southern Siberia. They adapt well to a wide variety of climate conditions. The mouse-like hamster lives in the mountains; it prefers semi-desert areas with rocky areas. It is very small in size. It is often confused with In the voids among the stones where the hamster lives, it makes burrows and can easily climb up embankments and cracks. For these small animals, winter is not an easy test; they prepare for it in advance. By autumn, the hamster's weight increases. Moreover, if the winter promises to be harsh, more fat appears around the neck and in the front of the body. This not only protects the animal from the cold, but also provides a source of nutrition during the cold months. In addition to subcutaneous reserves, the hamster also makes preparations in its underground pantry.

Some species of these animals can store up to ten kilograms of seeds and grains in their burrows. After the first frost sets in, small animals close the entrance to their home from the inside. But they do not hibernate, but continue to lead a less active lifestyle. Sometimes they come to the surface. Hamsters living in the northern regions change color in the winter - their fur coat turns white to provide good camouflage in the snow.

Should I have a furry animal at home?

Hamsters live (the years during which they will stay with you are enough to become attached to them) do not last long - one and a half or two years. So immediately think about the stress your family members (especially children) will experience when your pet dies. If you are ready to survive this shock in the future, and can also devote some time every day to caring for the animal, then feel free to get a hamster. The tiny rodent requires very little space for itself. Setting up a cage is not difficult - the hamster loves to climb tunnels and rocks. It will have to be cleaned regularly, as well as the water changed and the feeder refilled daily. Even children as young as eight or nine years old can perform these manipulations. Hamsters also have negative traits. The constant need to chew something can pose a threat to your apartment. However, if you carefully monitor the rodent, it will not be able to cause significant harm.
