Library events. Scenario of the event “small wonders of great nature” The song “On the Road of Good” is performed by Arthur

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of nature. On modern stage issues of its traditional interaction with humans have grown into a global environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature in the near future, they will destroy themselves. And for this we need to cultivate environmental culture and responsibility.

The rapidly developing environmental crisis has put humanity in a very difficult situation. One of the serious manifestations of this crisis is its Negative influence on human health. Attempts to force people to comply with environmental requirements are not always effective precisely because consciousness and culture have not reached the level where a person perceives these requirements as an internal need, and not as a duty. And we must reorient this task of protecting nature: protecting it not from humans, but for humans.

This can be done through environmental education, awareness and education. This is a large, lengthy and labor-intensive work, in which educational and cultural institutions, environmental structures, public organizations. Libraries play one of the leading roles in this process.

Environmental education activities will always be relevant; it may include, depending on the status and specifics of the library’s work, the following areas:

  1. Implementation of environmental education of the population, especially young people, through organizing mass and group events;
  2. Improving information work;
  3. Actively promoting conservation activities environment authorities state power region, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals;
  4. Establishing new contacts and improving interaction with other institutions conducting professional activities in the field of environmental protection, scientific and educational institutions, cultural institutions, the media, participants in the public environmental movement;
  5. Systematic participation in specific practical actions for nature conservation;
  6. Production of printed and advertising products;
  7. Identification of potentially significant traditional and electronic environmental resources, including local databases maintained in specialized institutions and organizations, as well as similar databases accessed via the Internet;
  8. Coverage of work in the media;
  9. Creation of information products on ecology and environmental protection:

o thematic collections of materials identified from periodicals on ecology and environmental protection;

o environmental digests - fragments of texts from many environmental documents, selected on certain environmental topics and current environmental problems of the region, not covered by generalizing publications, in the logic and sphere of interests of real or potential users;

o factual databases on long-term environmental programs in which the region participates, maintain files of organizations, institutions, and public environmental organizations.

Fostering a love for nature and the beauty of the surrounding world in the library begins with registration her interior. An effectively decorated space with original plants in beautiful pots and vases, walls, window sills, shop windows decorated with floral arrangements, comfortably organized “green corners” - all this evokes a feeling of familiarity with the wonderful world of living nature. The stand “Nature is our common home” is appropriate, which contains detailed information about the environmental activities of the library.

The attention of library visitors will be attracted by the “Living in harmony with nature” corner, where a collage of books, photographs, and illustrations will be presented. Arranged flower arrangements with a caring hand will add a special charm to the corner. By all means, organize exhibitions of books and magazines, the names of which speak for themselves: “The Road to the Reserve”, “Russia: Health of Nature and People”, “Clean Water for Rivers and People!”

Working with reference and bibliographic apparatus on ecology remains one of the most important links in librarianship: a systematic card index of articles with sections on environmental topics with special sections “Man and Environmental Protection”, “Nature and Natural Resources”, “Nature Conservation”.

Readers should be informed about the availability of new literature in the collection through information days held at the library.

· “The world around us is beautiful”

· "We are your friends, nature"

· "In the arms of native nature"

Public events play special role in environmental work of the library:

¾ Environmental actions are becoming a tradition for libraries, where library methods are moving on to action. Shares make a real contribution to improving the environmental situation.

¾ Evening of questions and answers “Ecological and economic crisis: do you have a future?”

¾ Round table “Ecology of modern life: are we living correctly? And is it possible to live differently? (it is advisable to invite environmental specialists, university and school teachers, department employees, etc. to such events; they can outline an objective environmental situation in the region, locality etc.)

¾ musical living room" "The beautiful captivates forever" (use both visual and sound images, as well as moral, aesthetic, psychological aspects of influencing the readership)

¾ “Crow Porridge” holiday, including an ecological marathon in nature, a theatrical game, hanging feeders, and an eco-walk.

¾ contest creative works“Beads and bracelets from the summer box” (the purpose of the competition: education of a socially active, creative personality; crafts made from natural materials can be very diverse: fairy-tale characters, various animals, and even entire plot compositions).

Environmental education in libraries, it takes on new forms that enhance the emotional impact, since they combine environmental issues, art and books. For example, a drawing competition “We are for a world without chemical weapons”, a wall newspaper competition, photo competitions and photo exhibitions: “In the world of flowers”, “In our native land”, “The purity and beauty of our village (city)”, a competition of flower growers “Man-made beauty” , multimedia lessons “Save our planet”, herbal bar, etc.

Many Russian and foreign writers, such as V. V. Bianchi, K. G. Paustovsky, I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov, N. I. Sladkov, M. M. Prishvin, E. E. Seton-Thompson, D. M. Darrell and others , dedicated their creativity to nature. These writers in their works were able to describe it in all its diversity and uniqueness, so the books of these writers help conduct various environmental lessons, conversations, book reviews, quizzes, and organize book exhibitions.

Work on environmental education, as a rule, intensifies during the period of Days of protection from environmental hazards. The beginning of the action can be indicated by a discussion or round table.

In continuation of the action, initiate environmental landings, actions, raids and environmental patrols:

¾ “Clean Street”,

¾ “Clean Coast”,

¾ “Clean yard”,

¾ "The best defense is care"

¾ "Clean land - clean yard"

¾ “Clean Village”,

¾ “The best front garden”, etc.

Promotions and raids will be more successful the more social partners join in. This year, cleaning and landscaping should also be timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

practical meaning for readers, for example:

¾ digest “Ecology-2015”,

¾ list of scenarios "Ecology-2015",

¾ bibliographic list of articles published in the local press over the past 5 years,

¾ environmental guides, etc.

More and more libraries are creating electronic resources on ecology, web projects and web pages; for example, the Ecoculture website ( has compiled a list environmental projects and environmental pages of libraries.

The effectiveness of any environmental protection measures largely depends on the environmental literacy and environmental culture of the population, including the younger generation.

Environmental education should, first of all, instill in a person the knowledge and skills of intelligent communication with nature, improve methods and means of constructive participation in nature conservation and rational use of natural resources. “We must cultivate our garden,” said the great French philosopher and writer Voltaire in his work “Candide,” this phrase could become the motto of environmental education and upbringing. It should be noted, of course, that he meant the intellectual, spiritual garden that every person must cultivate within himself in order to become an individual and realize all his potential. It is environmental education and enlightenment that should play a role main role in the formation of today's Man.


- “Reserved paths”,

- "Nature's wise advice"

- “Feathered inhabitants of the earth”,

- “Healing Forest”

— “Living Planet”

- “Water in our lives”,

— “Life-giving spring” (for World Water Day)

— “Russian “Columbus” (about travelers)

- “Live, Earth!”

— “How to save the blue planet” (to International Day Earth)

- “And the eternal beauty of nature”

¾ “Book Watch” (for World Environment Day)

— “Let’s throw a lifeline to nature”

- “Nature is not the only thing waiting for you to visit!”

— “They bloom, warming hearts” (about flowers)

— “Seasons of my village”

¾ Cycle about the seasons (4): “Beautiful Winter”, “Elegant Spring Has Come”, “Oh, Red Summer I Would Love You...”, “Autumn Kaleidoscope”

- “Clean ecology - healthy life…»

— “Our Mother Earth” (for World Earth Day)

— “Our cute pets” (for World Pet Day)

- “The beautiful spring has come”

— “Mother of all animal babies” (105th anniversary of birth V.V. Chaplina),

- “Nature, how mysterious you are!”

- “My little Motherland”,

- “My country is immense and bottomless”

- "Seasons"

- “Discover amazing world birds",

— “Swift and incomprehensible” (for International Bird Day)

— “Nature conservation is the call of the times” (for International Environment Day)

- "Protect the environment!" (for the Year of Ecology)

- “Queen Voditsa”,

¾ “People always and everywhere need water” (for World Water Day)

— “Nightingale Festival” (for International Bird Day)

- “Take care of the nature of your region”,

— “Journey to a green pharmacy” (for International Environment Day)

— “Sun, air, water – this is our life” (for the International Year of Water Cooperation)

— “About our little brothers”: (for World Animal Day)

— “Commandments of Nature”

— “Let's save nature for posterity”

— “What do you know about environmental protection”

— “Let's clean the planet of garbage”

— “Our furry friends” (for World Cat Day)

— “Our feathered friends” (for World Bird Day)

— “Learn the rules of behavior in the forest” (for World Earth Day)

— “Favorite corners of nature” (for World Ecologist Day)

— “Environmental disaster zones”

- “She is your long-time good doctor”

— “Let's look into the world of living nature”

— “Our mutual friend is nature”

— “For those who love nature”

— “My planet is EARTH”

¾ “Nature conservation is the call of the times”

— “Let's save nature” (for International Earth Day)

- “Have you heard about water? They say it’s everywhere!...” (on World Water Day)

— “Our feathered friends” (for International Bird Day)

— “Save the world today” (for World Environment Day)

- “We are responsible for this world!”

— “People are responsible for the cleanliness of lakes and rivers” (2005-2015 – International

decade of action "Water for Life")

— “Travkina wisdom” (about medicinal plants)

— “Let’s save nature - that means we’ll save the Motherland” (for All Day of Protection

surrounding environment)

— “Seven pages about animals and birds”

— “Through a book – love for nature”

— “The world is reflected in a drop of water” (To the International Year of Water Cooperation and the International Decade of Action “Water for Life”)

- “The Earth is a teardrop on the cheek of the Universe!” (for Earth Day)

— “Living in harmony with nature”

— “The world of animals and birds leaves the pages”

— “Living planet - living soul”

- “To the descendants - a flourishing Earth!” (year of ecological culture)

- “We study native nature»

— “Walking in the Woods”

— “Through the pages of the Red Book”

— “Our little brothers” (for Animal Protection Day)

— “Water is the source of life” (for World Water Day)

— “The Red Book and its inhabitants” (for Environment Day)

— “Housewarming of Birds”

— “We only have one Earth” (for World Earth Day)

— “The world around us is beautiful” (for Environment Day)

— “Ecological assortment”

— “Books by naturalist writers”

— “The Earth is our home” (for Environment Day)

- “How can we not love this Earth!”

¾ "A Word about Native Nature"

¾ "My favorite cat"

¾ “All about cats”

¾ “My family loves nature”

¾ "In the animal world"

¾ "Nature and Fantasy"

¾ "Quirks of Nature"

¾ "The amazing world of nature"

¾ "Let's save our world"

¾ “Nature needs to be loved”

¾ “Man – harmony – nature”

¾ "Environmental problems of the 21st century"

¾ "Colors of the autumn forest"

¾ “Where do our birds spend the winter?”

Extracurricular activity for 7th grade

"Wonders of nature"

Target: Instilling interest in the subject


    Reveal new interesting information about amazing nature planet earth

    To form and consolidate general educational skills of students.

    Broaden the horizons of students

Equipment: ICT, geographical atlases, pens, rulers, pencils, sheets of paper, task cards.

Good afternoon, dear guys and guests of our extracurricular activity"Wonders of nature". Today we will talk about something that we simply don’t have enough time to talk about in class. I hope that You learn a lot about our amazing planet, I I will hear competent answers from you, and our guests will receive only positive emotions.

Now our intellectual competition will begin, and before you name your team, I want you to consult and decide what can truly be considered natural wonders?

(team responses)

Call your teams one of nature's wonders.

(command view)

Our game consists of six rounds. For winning each round you will receive sandbags. In each bag of sand for exactly 20 seconds. The more sandbags you collect, the more time you will have to complete the final task. So here we go.

Round 1: Warm-up.

There are several riddles on our slide. I give you 1 minute of time to solve them.

    Run, run - you won’t reach, fly, fly - you won’t reach. (horizon)

    Countries without people, cities without houses. (political map)

    Not earth, not water. No walking or running on it. (globe)

    There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (sea)

    Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (ostrich can't talk)

    Born from water, but afraid of water. (salt).

(The team that gave large quantity a bag of sand gets the correct answers)

Round 2 "Bermuda Triangle"

Bermuda Triangle- area in , in which supposedly occur mysterious disappearances sea ​​and air . The area is bounded by lines from To , then to and back to Florida via .

Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain these disappearances, ranging from unusual phenomena before the abductions . Skeptics argue, however, that ship disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle occur no more often than in other areas of the world's oceans and are explained by natural causes.

Proponents of the theory mention the disappearance of approximately 100 large ships and aircraft over the past hundred years. In addition to disappearances, there are reports of serviceable ships abandoned by the crew, and other unusual phenomena.

Their opponents claim that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft are lost in other areas globe, sometimes without a trace. A radio malfunction or the suddenness of the disaster may prevent the crew from transmitting a distress signal. Finding debris at sea is not an easy task, especially during a storm or when the exact location of the disaster is unknown. Considering the very busy traffic in the area Bermuda Triangle, frequent and , a large number of shallows, the number of disasters that have occurred here that have never been explained is not unusually large.

Methane emissions

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the sudden death of ships and aircraft by gas emissions - for example, as a result of decay at the bottom of the sea. According to one of these hypotheses, large bubbles saturated with methane form in the water, which are so low that ships cannot float and instantly sink. Some suggest that methane rising into the air can also cause plane crashes - for example, due to a decrease in air density.

Rogue waves

It has been suggested that the cause of the death of some ships, including in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called. , which are thought to reach a height of 30 m.


It is assumed that under certain conditions at sea it can be generated, which affects the crew members, causing panic, as a result of which they abandon the ship.

Find the boundaries of the “Bermuda Triangle” in your atlases. You need to determine the geographic location of the triangle using atlas maps. Execution time – 5 minutes.

(team responses)

The team that gives the most complete answer receives a bag of sand.

Round 3 “Scientific Explanation”

Rain of animals- relatively rare a phenomenon seen in many countries in different time. Most often, such rain consists of fish or frogs, although cases of rain from . In some cases, the rain becomes so intense that animals fall to the ground in fragments. Sometimes animals (most often fish, but some sources also note cases with frogs) survive after falling, leading to the assumption that quite a short time passed between the “takeoff” and “fall” of the animal. In some cases, animals fall frostbitten or frozen in pieces .

Think and explain the reason for this mysterious phenomenon. Time for discussion – 3 minutes.

(team responses)

The team that gives the most complete explanation receives a bag of sand.

Physical education minute

Round 4 "Unique lakes"

"Lake of Ink" - Residents of Algeria's Lake Sidibel Abbes do not need to buy ink at the store. Next to them is a whole lake of ink. Where did it come from? It was formed by two small rivers. One of them is saturated with iron salts, and the other flows through peat bogs and contains in its water the same substances as in the juice of ink nuts. When these waters mix, ink is formed.

"Lake with Giant Bubbles" - There is an interesting hot lake on the island of Java. The vapors and gases that rise from its surface blow bubbles up to 3 meters in diameter. Rising upward, the bubbles burst noisily.

"Lake of Death"- The most “dead” is not the Dead Sea, but the “lake of death” in Sicily. There is no vegetation on its banks, and every living creature in the water suffers instant death. There are two sources of highly concentrated sulfuric acid gushing from the bottom of the lake, which poisons the water.

We also have a unique lake in Russia . It can truly be considered a miracle of nature. Find it by geographic coordinates: 53° N. w. 107° east d.

What makes it unique? Time - 3 minutes"

(Lake Baikal the deepest in the world - 1637 meters. The water of this lake is very transparent, the white disk is visible at a depth of 40 meters. The lake contains 20% of all fresh water on the planet."

(team responses)

The team that finds the lake faster receives a bag of sand.

Guys, it currently exists ECHO SOUNDER– depth measuring device water body using a sound signal. (slide No. 9)

Solve the problem: How long will it take for a signal sent by an echo sounder to the bottom of Lake Baikal to return to the device, if it is known that the depth of the lake is 1637 meters and the speed of sound in water is 1440 meters (2.2 seconds)

Round 5 “Unusual trees”.

Teams need to match the picture of a tree with its name.

Baobab trees reaching a height of 25 meters. The baobab trunk is very thick with a girth of up to 45 meters. Baobab fruits are similar to cucumbers - they contain edible pulp. During the dry season, the leaves fall and only fruits hang on the branches. During rains, the tree is covered with large white flowers with a strong scent.

It turns out that on the lands of India one tree forms an entire forest!
Banyan , or, as it is also called,tree-forest , has not one, but thousands of trunks. In its center is the main trunk, thick shoots grow from it, from these shoots branches stretch down, which, having reached the soil, take root. After this, they begin to grow in thickness, and subsequently the secondary trunks become similar to the main trunk, and new shoots emerge from them... This continues ad infinitum

M Olive tree
Grows in the countries of Central and South America. These are low trees with shiny and thick leaves with inedible fruits. Local residents drink the juice of this plant as milk. But it flows out of the tree quite slowly: 1 liter of juice flows out of one cut in 1 hour. In addition, this drink must be consumed immediately, as it spoils quickly.
When the juice is boiled, wax is released on its surface, which is used for making candles and chewing gum. In addition, the wood from these trees is excellent as a building material.


Grows on the Florida peninsula. If you grind its ripe fruits, a foam is formed, which locals use instead of soap.

bottle tree

Grows in Australia. It was given its name because of its trunk, which is shaped like a bottle. During rains, a lot of moisture collects in the trunk, which it uses during dry times.

(Team responses)

The team that establishes the match faster and more correctly receives a bag of sand.

Round 6 "Puzzles"

Teams count bags of magic sand and calculate the time to complete the final task.

Within a certain time, you need to collect puzzles and name another miracle of nature.

(Corals and one of the wonders of nature Great Barrier Reef of Australia)

Summing up the event.


One of the wonders of nature is the rainbow. The phenomenon is extraordinarily beautiful. I want you to rate our event today based on the extent to which you gained new knowledge. You all got emoticons. Label them in the color of the rainbow that matches your level of knowledge.

With love for nature

Experience of municipal libraries

Veselovsky district

by uhecologicallyeducation of the population

We live on the beautiful Manych land, covered with legends. Gray mounds, endless wheat fields, green gardens, the blue mirror of the Veselovsky reservoir - this is the modern landscape of the Veselovsky district. But, unfortunately, the so-called anthropogenic factor has changed and continues to change the nature of our steppes, soil cover and water bodies beyond recognition. Unwise human management is putting many species of animals and plants on the brink of extinction.
Various aspects of our lives indicate to us the unhappiness of the modern way of life. The state of the environment has long dictated to us the need to change our attitude towards the world around us. The human desire to live in a clean and prosperous world is natural, so the topic of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources has long ceased to be the province of only environmental activists. These issues reached the level of government bodies and became part of the activities of a wide range of specialists, who were faced with the task of developing among the population ecological worldview, fostering respect for natural resources and the environment.
At the beginning of the third millennium, it is time for all of us to finally proceed from the simple truth that we must live not in struggle with the surrounding nature, but in harmony and complete agreement with it. We must respect the laws of nature - the basic laws of existence of all life on Earth.

2013 has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection. In this regard, the libraries of the Veselovsky district have intensified their work on environmental education of the population.

The peculiarity of environmental education in the activities of libraries is that this work is carried out indirectly, i.e. through familiarization with reading books on this issue, developing the depth of their perception, understanding the essence of the problem.

Libraries of the Veselovsky district annually take an active part in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the All-Russian Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards.
In total, from March 22 to June 5, 2013, the district libraries held 90 environmental events; they were attended by 1,550 people. During the events, 354 copies were presented. literature, 1670 copies issued.
As part of the All-Russian Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards, a regional event “Read a book about nature” was held.

529 people took part in it, 1172 copies of literature were issued. Thus, in the Manych-Balabinskaya SB, 11 schoolchildren took part in the action, and they read 101 books. The results of the action were summed up on June 5 in a solemn atmosphere. The winner was Silik E., a 4th grade student who read 41 books about nature. The children were awarded prizes. In Krasnooktyabrskaya SB, 92 people took part in the action, 187 copies were issued. documents.
The most popular form of holding environmental events for all user groups are information days, information hours, conversations, ecology hours, and exhibitions.
Malo-Zapadenskaya SB hosted an Information Day “Call of the Earth, of which you are a part.” The library hosted an exhibition-dialogue “The Living Face of My Land,” which presented not only natural science literature, but also children’s drawings based on the books they had read. An environmental hour was held for students in grades 6-8 " Living Planet– a living soul,” during which schoolchildren made presentations on the topic. The Information Day ended with a frank conversation - a topical dialogue “What can you do for your land?”
As part of the All-Russian event “Library Night 2013”, the “Ecological Assortment” competition and the “Flowers in Songs” musical quiz were held at the ICB.
In the Kirov SB, also during the “Library Night 2013” ​​event, an exhibition-viewing “Planet in Danger” was organized, a conversation “This Fragile Planet” and a video lesson “Sochi-2013” ​​were held.

An Information Day “Save the Earth - Save Life” was held in Sadkovskaya SB. Its program includes: an exhibition-viewing “How wonderful this world is,” a literature review “Think again, man,” a quiz “In the world of flora and fauna.”

Information Day “Nature is an eternal source of beauty” was held at the Kirov Rural Library. For all user groups, an exhibition “Living Planet” was organized, a conversation “Take care of nature, man” was held, and a bibliographic list of literature “Nature Heals” was compiled.
The Lenin SB compiled a bibliographic list of literature “Let’s open the door to nature.”

The Department of Inter-Settlement Services held a day of environmental periodicals “Library Subscribes” and a day of periodicals “About everything in the world in a magazine and newspaper.” 34 people visited, 216 copies were issued. literature.

Information Day "Planet Earth: Familiar and Unknown", Information Hour " Healing power plants" (Kazachinskaya SB)
Conversation “Planet Earth is ours” common Home» (Svobodinskaya SB) - for older people.
Conversation “Forest is a priceless gift” (Svobodinskaya SB) - for all groups
Literature review “Come to your senses, man!” (Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank)
Review of the exhibition “Live, Earth – a planet of goodness and beauty” (OMO ICB)

Librarians paid special attention to exhibition work:
« Water resources Earth", "Our motley planet" (Kazachinskaya SB)
“To protect nature means to protect the Motherland”, “A wonderful world is nature” (Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank)
“Spring in the works of the classics”, “Reserves of Russia”, “Our feathered friends”, “We listen to the song of birds with excitement” (DO ICB)
“Live, Earth!” (Novinskaya SB)

“Water is life, life is water”, “Live, Earth is a planet of goodness and beauty”, “Nature of the Don region”, “Oh, Manych, a fast river”, “Autumn will fall with rain, sweep with leaves...” ( OMO MCB)
“Ecology is the science of life on Earth”, “Trees are the decoration of the Earth” (Krasnooktyabrskaya SB)
"Hello forest, full of fairy tales and miracles”, “The Land, which is not more beautiful” (Manych-Balabinskaya SB)
“Earth is a planet of people” (Krasnoznamenskaya SB)
“The Earth is a teardrop on the cheek of the Universe”, “The wonderful world of nature” (Malo-Zapadenskaya SB)
“We must live on this earth”, “Earth is a planet of people”, “Flowers in your home” (Spornenskaya SB)
« Mysterious world nature", "In the world of animals" (Bagaevskaya SB)
In total, during the year, 35 exhibitions on environmental topics were organized in libraries, which became a place for constant conversations with all groups of readers with recommendations for the literature presented at the exhibitions.

Every year, the district’s libraries host events dedicated to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In 2013 the following were carried out:
Presentation “Chernobyl today” and conversation “Chernobyl - a zone of memory” (Leninskaya SB) - 10th grade.
Thematic evening “Chernobyl - memory zone” (Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank)
History hour “Pripyat - a ghost town”, book exhibition “Chernobyl - memory zone” (Kirov SB)
Book exhibition “Chernobyl – our pain” (OMO MCB)
Digest “Chernobyl. Duty and courage" (OMO ICB)
Exhibition-viewing “Chernobyl: a look through the years” (Nizhnesolenovskaya SB)
Exhibition “Echoes of Chernobyl” (Pozdneevskaya Central Bank, Manych-Balabinskaya SB)
Exhibition-viewing “Glow over Pripyat” (Krasnooktyabrskaya Central Bank)
Exhibition “Ashes of Chernobyl” (Krasnoznamenskaya SB)
Exhibition and digest “Chernobyl: 27 years later” (Malo-Zapadenskaya SB)
Book exhibition “Chernobyl: it must not happen again” (Svobodinskaya SB)
Book exhibition “Chernobyl: pain, memory, lessons” (Krasnook-Tyabrskaya SB)

Environmental issues today are moral issues. You can work with mature people, but the main thing is to educate the younger generation, which will become in power, at the helm of industrial and agricultural enterprises, with the conviction that solving the problem of environmental pollution is a priority.

Each library approaches environmental education in its own way, introducing active forms and methods of work, especially with children: poetry and drawing competitions, quizzes, environmental clock and lessons, environmental lotto, games, etc.

As part of the All-Russian Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards (March 22 – June 5, 2013), 43 events for children were held in the district’s libraries (11 more than in 2012), including:
Quiz “Water is a wonderful gift of nature” (Spornenskaya SB) - 4-6 grades.
Hour of ecology “Those whose home is the sky”, round table “The world of people in the natural world” (Novinskaya SB) – 2-4 grades.
Multimedia presentation “Travel to the Rostov Zoo” (Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank) – grades 2-4.
Biology lesson “Hello, squirrel!”, ecology hour “Children and the Environment” (Krasnooktyabrskaya Central Bank)
Ecological game “I love you, nature, at any time of the year” (Krasnooktyabrskaya SB) – 4-5 grades.
Competition program “Green School”, drawing competition “Our Little Brothers”, drawing competition “Nature around me”, excursion “Take care of nature” (Bagaevskaya SB)
Information Day “We are friends of nature”, ecology lesson “I will become a friend of nature” (Kirov SB)
Information Day “Flower Paradise in My Garden” (Krasnoznamenskaya SB)
and etc.
Work on environmental education was especially intensified on World Earth Day, World Water Day, International Bird Day, and World Animal Day.

A lot of work was carried out by the head of the Lenin SB Vorontsova L.A. In March, the viewing exhibition “Mother Spring is Coming, Open the Gates” was organized. In April, for children in grades 3-4, there was a loud reading based on the works of V. Bianki “The Owl”, K. Paustovsky “The Caring Flower” and “The Thief Cat” (with 25 people). On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the birth of M. Prishvin, a loud reading of “The World Begins from Childhood” (based on the stories “The Golden Meadow”, “What the Crayfish Whisper”, “The Hedgehog”, “Fox Bread”) was held.

In May, for students in grades 5-6, together with SDK, an oral magazine “Noise, noise, green forest” was held:
Page 1 - “Who and what grows in the forest?”;
Page 2 – “Oh, rowan, rowan” (poetic page about rowan and birch);
Page 3 – “Sounds of the forest (riddles about the forest).
30 people attended the event.

On June 5, Environmental Protection Day, the library hosted an environmental competition “We are friends of nature” for children in grades 1-5 visiting the summer recreation area. Children took part in the competitions “Plants”, “Mammals”, “Insects”, “Birds”, “Mushrooms”, “Music of Nature” (29 people). In September, an ecology hour “To Earthlings – a Clean Planet” was held for schoolchildren.

Interesting and educational events took place at the Krasnooktyabrsk Rural Library.

Head of Security Service N.M. Panikarovskaya conducted an environmental game “I love you, nature, at any time of the year” for students in grades 4-5. The motto of the game was the words: “The fate of nature is our fate, your fate.” In a fun way, children were told about the protection of forests, rivers and lakes, about careful attitude to animals and plants. Fun game“If I come to the woods” was dedicated to the rules of behavior in the forest. The children were treated to a series of environmental riddles and a quiz about plants and animals. In addition, students learned about the profession of “ecologist,” what this specialist does, and where one can obtain this profession.

For World Cat Day, a multimedia presentation “All About Cats” was prepared in the library for primary school students. After watching the presentation, the children drew pictures of their pets and talked about them.
The holiday “Without a forest there is no life” was held with students of grades 2-4. The children read poems, guessed riddles, answered quiz questions about the inhabitants of the forest, and in conclusion, the children were given reminders on “How to behave in the forest.”
For students in grades 1-4 environmental game"In the footsteps of the Red Book." An hour of information “The world is reflected in a drop of water” was held for 5th grade students. An educational hour “Nature is the house in which we live” was held for 6th grade students.

The work of the librarians of the Children’s Department of the MBUK VR “Intersettlement Central Library” is distinguished by its diversity. For students in grades 5-7, a loud reading was held “Spring is coming - the way for spring” (spring in the works of Russian classics), during which the children read poems by M. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, S. Yesenin and other Russian poets . In conclusion, the children listened to the story of I.S. Turgenev "Forest and steppe".

In April, a multimedia presentation “We listen to the song of birds with excitement” was held twice for students in grades 1 and 3. VOSSH No. 2, visiting the CDT.
The children's club "Semitsvetik" held a literary hour "Vera Chaplina's Favorite Pets" (using multimedia technologies).
A multimedia presentation “Earth Day” was held for members of the “Cynologist” association at the CDT.
During the spring holidays, a game was held for children in grades 5-7 visiting the recreation area at Secondary School No. 1 - “Field of Miracles” “Birds” (52 people). The winner of the game was Vladislava Maslova, a student from grade 6 B.
An environmental quiz “Forest Paths” was held for students in grades 3-4 of Secondary School No. 2.

The holiday “About Barsiks and Murks”, dedicated to World Cat Day, was held on March 1 for 1st grade students of Secondary School No. 2 attending the “Grow and Develop Healthy” association at the Central Children’s Center. Librarian Korneva O.M. introduced the children to the history of the holiday; children talked about their favorite pets. Then the children got acquainted with literature about cats and listened to the story of A.N. Tolstoy "Vaska the Cat". In conclusion, the children gladly took part in the “Cat Experts” quiz and watched fragments of cartoons about Leopold the cat. The literary hour “Cat Kaleidoscope” (using multimedia technologies) was held for students of grade 2 “B” of Higher Secondary School No. 2.

For children visiting summer recreation areas, a multimedia presentation “Flying Petals” (about butterflies) (four times, 124 people), an ecological trip “Contemplation of a Miracle” (2 times, 63 people) and multimedia were held -presentation “My pets. We are responsible for those we have tamed” (note 47 people).
In September, an eco-logical hour was held for children in grades 2-3 attending the CDT “ The amazing is nearby" And the book and illustrative exhibition “The Sky Was Breathing in Autumn” was presented to the attention of all children visiting the library.

In the Department of Intersettlement Services of the MBUK VR “Intersettlement Central Library” in April for 6th grade students. VSOSH No. 2 held an hour of ecology “Man in the world around us. “What is truth?” (based on the fairy tale by M. Prishvin “The Pantry of the Sun”). During the event, the children remembered the animals and birds that accompanied the main characters, read excerpts from the work, analyzed the parable about the trees and, summing up, answered the questions: “What is the truth, what is he like, where does he live and how to find it?” In conclusion, the guys noted that man and nature are one, that nature must be loved and protected.

In January, an ecology hour “Let’s Preserve the Wealth of Russia,” dedicated to the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks, was held for 7th grade students of Higher Secondary School No. 2.
On May 28, students of grades 6-8 of secondary secondary school No. 2 became participants educational game"Ecological assortment."

On June 5, for children visiting the summer recreation area at Secondary School No. 1, librarians held a holiday “We are friends, nature!”, during which the children were given an intellectual game “Virtual trip along forest paths” and an educational virtual game “Ecological assortment” "(attached to 24 people).

On June 21, children visiting the summer recreation area at Secondary School No. 1 took a virtual tour “Around the Rostov Zoo” (46 people).

Librarian of the Manych-Balabinskaya SB Trembova E.V. with students of grades 5, 7 and 8 held a reading conference “Take care of all the animals inside nature, kill only the animals inside yourself” (based on the story of Yu. Koval) and a holiday “Let’s open the door to nature” for students in grades 2-4.
In the Nizhnesolenovskaya SB, librarian V.N. Fedorenko. conducted an hour of ecology “The pain of nature is our pain” and an oral journal “The most important thing in the nature of the Earth”:
Page 1 – “We need air, water and forests”;
Page 2 – “Did you know?”;
Page 3 – biology quiz.

Head of the Krasnoznamensk Security Service M.P. Starodubtseva conducted a loud reading for preschoolers dedicated to World Cat Day. The children met these amazing neighbors on the planet and our smaller brothers - cats. In their honor, poems by B. Zakhoder “Viewing Cat” and Y. Moritz “Fresh Cats” (“Bouquet of Cats”) were sung. An acquaintance took place with the Lodyryami and S. Marshak’s cat. Children shared interesting stories from the lives of their pets.

In September, the intellectual game “EcoKolobok” was held for preschoolers.

In Sadkovskaya SB, librarian Shaposhnikova L.P. conducted a loud reading of V. Bianchi’s story “The First Hunt” (“Stories about Animals”) for students in grades 1 and 3. For students in grades 1-6 there was a presentation of the book “Secrets of Living Nature” and an hour of beauty “Nature in Russian Painting”. For 4-5 grades. There was a loud reading of “Forest Riddles”.

Librarian of the Kazachinskaya SB Barmina T.V. conducted a loud reading “We read to children about nature” (based on the works of E. Charushin).
In addition, the libraries held:
Multimedia presentations
“Fluffy and feathered” (Nizhnesolenovskaya SB, Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank)
“Lessons of living nature with Auntie Owl: We are from Africa” (Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank)
“A dog is a man’s friend”, “Surprises of a forest path”, “April 22 – World Earth Day” (Bagaevskaya SB)

Reviews, conversations
“We are friends of nature”, “Whom does the wind love?”, “Commandments of nature” (Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank) – 3-5 grades, 5-6 grades.
“Healers around us” (Krasnoznamenskaya SB)
“Bonfires are dangerous for nature” (Kazachinskaya SB)
“In the kingdom of flora and fauna”, “The world of feathered friends is waiting for support from friends” (Pozdneevskaya Central Bank) - 3rd grade.
“Enter the forest as a friend” (Spornenskaya SB) - 1-5 grades.
“Who trills the best” (Svobodinskaya SB) – 4-6 grades.
“Fishes, birds, animals”, “Let’s save this planet, we don’t have another in the world” (Svobodinskaya SB)
“Flowers are a priceless gift of nature” (Krasnoznamenskaya SB) – using multimedia technologies
“Animal riddles” (Manych-Balabinskaya SB) - 3-4 grades.
“The World of Nature” (Leninskaya SB) – grades 1-5.
“We are responsible for those we have tamed” (Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank, Nizhnesolenovskaya SB).

Head of the Pozdneyevskaya Central Bank Polukhina I.V. conducted a game for children “Visiting the Minister of Ecology” in order to generalize and deepen students’ environmental knowledge. The game was played using multimedia technologies.

The children answered the quiz questions and completed the assignments with great pleasure. environmental competitions. At the end of the event, the children concluded that every person should remember their responsibility for the fate of nature.

The themes of the events held for youth are also varied. Forms of work such as ecology lessons, ecology hours, information days, round tables, etc. are especially often used.
Thus, in the Krasnoznamenskaya SB an ecological hour “Nature is waiting for you not only for a visit”, an Information Day “Ecology and Modernity”, timed to coincide with the Day of Environmental Knowledge. As part of the Information Day, high school students got acquainted with the exhibitions “Learning to live on Earth” and “Be a friend of nature”; took part in the conversation “Me and Nature” and, during the actual dialogue, assessed the ecological situation of the farm.
A round table meeting “Environmental problems and people” was held in Krasnooktyabrskaya SB with 10th grade students.
The children's department of the ICB held a multimedia presentation “Surprises of a forest path” for the 8th grade of VSESH No. 2 (45 people).
The Department of Inter-Settlement Services of the ICB conducted an ecology hour “Let's Preserve the Wealth of Russia” for students of grade 9 “B” of Higher Secondary School No. 2, dedicated to the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks.
Reviews of the book exhibition “Live, Earth – Planets of Good and Beauty” were conducted for high school students of VSOSH No. 1.

An ecology hour “Window to Nature” was held at the Svobodinsk Rural Library.
In environmental education, the local history component is very important. That is why in every event dedicated to environmental problems, great attention was paid to the ecology of the Veselovsky district and, especially, to the problem of preserving the natural resources of Manych and the Veselovsky reservoir. Libraries have set themselves the task of raising awareness among readers about the state of our water bodies, about ways to overcome the environmental problems of our unique river.
In the Malo-Zapadenskaya rural library, high school students made an exciting trip through their native land, the Veselovskoye Reservoir.
Social hours for high school students “Rare Plants” were dedicated to the nature of their native Primanychye native land" and "Don't pick primroses", which were held in Kazachinskaya SB.

Head of the Kirov Security Service T.N. Rogacheva twice held a thematic conference “Environmental problems of the Veselovsky district”, first for students in grades 6-7, and then for students in grade 10.

An ecology lesson “This mysterious Manych” was held at the Pozdneevskaya Central Bank, during which children not only learned about the history, hydrology, flora and fauna of Manych, but also took part in exciting game"Field of Dreams". After the end of the event, a crossword puzzle on environmental and local history topics was posted on the library website. The winner was 5th grade student Anya Kondratyeva.
In the Verkhnesolenovskaya Central Bank, as part of the “Be healthy, ecology!” campaign for students of 10-11 grades. an ecology lesson “This mysterious Manych” was also held (about the history of the Manych River, the Veselovsky Reservoir, the rich flora and underwater world of the Manych ecosystem).

Thus, the main emphasis in mass environmental education work is on children and youth. This is due primarily to the fact that these readers especially need visual, active forms familiarization with environmental issues, as well as the fact that the school curriculum includes a series of subjects related in one way or another to environmental education. In addition, schoolchildren enjoy answering quiz questions and participating in competitions.

Implementation into practice library services new information technologies allowed us to carry out events at a qualitatively new level. The use of multimedia capabilities made them more informative and colorful.

Comp.: Head of IBO
MBUK VR "Intersettlement Central Library"
O.V. Degtyareva

Elena Romanko

Goals and objectives:

Increase your knowledge about nature of the native land;

Help students become more involved healthy image life;

Develop memory, curiosity, communication skills, dexterity and strength, intelligence, ability to analyze, generalize and compare.

Bring up cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game, love for one’s family nature and interest in animal life.


Leaves of two types of trees (birch and rowan); petals of a seven-flowered flower, hoops, cones, a magic wand, 2 baskets, cards of cut flowers, large and small mushrooms, apples in a basket.

Progress of the event.


Guys, today we are going to journey, to visit Nature. Nature can tell you a lot of interesting things about trees and grasses, shrubs and mosses, mushrooms and insects, birds and animals. Is our journey It will be interesting and very fun!


Now look, I have a wand in my hands, but not a simple one, but a magic one. Close your eyes and I will cast a magic spell.

I'll take the wand in my hands,

I'll lead a magic circle

I'll knock softly one, two, three,

Bring the magic to life!

I will say magic words, and you perform all the movements and immediately find yourself in the forest...

To the Kingdom Nature is easy to get to,

You don't have to go far.

Close your eyes and take a step

Now let's clap our hands So:

One clap, another clap -

And now a haystack is visible,

And now the field is heading

The wheat is noisy and agitated,

The skies are blue above her,

Open your eyes quickly.

Educator: Here we are in the kingdom Nature.

Hello forest, beautiful forest!

Full of fairy tales and wonders

What are you making noise about?

On a dark stormy night?

What do you whisper to us at dawn?

All in dew like in silver?

Who's lurking in your wilderness?

What kind of animal, what kind of bird?

Open everything, don’t hide it,

You know we are ours!

Guys! So you find yourself in the forest. A lot of interesting things await you here.

Old Lesovichok appears.

Lesovichok: Hello, friends!

Children and presenter: Hello, unprecedented guest! Who are you and where did you come from?


It's me, the gray-haired old man,

I call myself Lesovik.

I guard this forest.

I keep order here.

Lesovik: - Why did you come?

Children. We, grandfather, came to the forest for a walk, to play, to relax, to admire nature.

Forester - I know how you walk, destroy anthills, trample flowers, offend insects and animals.

Children. We know how to behave in forest: You cannot pick flowers, leaves, break branches, shout loudly, or leave trash in the forest.

Lesovichok: a hooligan was here today, he picked a magic flower and scattered all the petals, but I just can’t collect them, the wind is bothering me.

Leading: Guys! Shall we help Lesovich?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Let's look for the magic petal.

They find - Oh, look - a magic petal (red petal) Tsvetika-Semitsvetika. He fulfills every wish. Guys, there is something on the petal. Is reading. Yes, this is the same task.

Lesovichok: Now we will check how you know the rules of conduct in the forest. To do this, we will play a game with you "If I come to the woods".

I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, say "Yes", if it’s bad, then everyone shout together "No"!

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I'll make a fire,

Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much

And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash,

I love my nature,

I'm helping her! (Yes)

Leading: The forest is a big house, there are many residents in it (trees, grass, flowers, birds and animals). You must walk carefully in the forest. Listen carefully and peer to discover what is beautiful and interesting.

Look how many different trees grow here. Who can name what trees grow here? (children called: birch, poplar, rowan)

Leading: How did you recognize the birch?

Children. The trunk is white, the leaves are small, sharp, with teeth, thin branches.

Listen to the poem "Birch"

I love Russian birch,

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad

In a white sundress

With handkerchiefs in pockets.

Leading: Birch is the only tree in the world with white bark. The bark protects from the sun, frost, and wind. Does a birch tree trunk get hot in hot weather? (children put their palms and try the birch trunk)

Children: No.

Leading: If on a hot day you touch the trunk of a birch tree, then you'll notice: Even in the sun, the birch trunk remains cool. White color reflects the sun's rays. So the birch trunk remains cool.

What kind of trees are these? Tall, spreading.

Children: Poplars.

Leading: What trunk?

Children: Thick.

What a strong trunk, lush branches. Such a tree provides a lot of oxygen, the air next to it is cleaner and fresher. In the forest, trees purify the air, therefore it is necessary that there be more of them.

Children find a magic petal (orange, Lesovik reads exercise:

A game "Who will gather their leaves sooner"

(Children collect leaves from birch, poplar, etc. in a basket.)

The forester reads riddles about animals, and the children guess them.

Riddles about animals.

1. I wear a fluffy fur coat

I live in a dense forest

In the forest on an old oak tree

I'm nibbling nuts (squirrel).

2. In summer he walks without a den

Near pine and birch trees

And in winter he sleeps in a den

Hides your nose from the frost (bear).

3. Who is cold in winter,

Wandering in the forest angry and hungry? (wolf).

4. Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread (hedgehog).

A game “Who will collect more winter supplies for the squirrel?”

Teams collect cones into a hoop in two minutes. The team that collects the most cones wins.

Leading: I want to know if you know the names of the flowers. To do this, we will now play

game “Clap your hands when you hear the name of a flower.”.

A game “What’s out of place in the flower bed?” (Indoor flower)

Lesovichok finds a green petal and reads exercise:

relay game "Collect a flower"

Children assemble flowers from parts, placing them inside hoops.

Lesovichok leads the children to the tall spruce trees and makes a wish riddle:

You will always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

Stands, prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress (herringbone)

Children find a blue petal and complete the task.

"Find a Pair"

The forester gives out large and small mushrooms to children. Children run around the clearing with mushrooms in their hands. The forester gives the command: “One, two, three - find a couple.” Everyone should stand next to someone who has a large or small fungus (big with big, small with small).

The forester praises the children and offers to go to the mushroom meadow, but there is an obstacle - hoops, a game is being played "From bump to bump"

The child stands in one hoop, puts another hoop in front of him, jumps into it, takes the previous hoop and moves it forward, and so on until he gets to the designated place.

The forester leads the children to a mushroom clearing, the children find a blue petal and read exercise:

Name which ones you know edible mushrooms? - saffron milk cap, russula, honey fungus, chanterelle.

Inedible - toadstool, fly agaric.

Lesovichok leads the children to the apple tree, where they find a purple petal and perform exercise:

A game “Call it in one word”

1. Wolf, fox, bear, hare are (animals)

2. Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries are (berries)

3. Spruce, pine, birch, oak, aspen are (trees)

4. Thrush, nightingale, woodpecker, cuckoo - this (birds)

5. A mosquito, a fly, a dragonfly, a butterfly are (insects).

Lesovichok: - Guys, you are real friends and experts nature. I am happy to welcome you to "Kingdom nature» and I treat you to forest apples.

Leading: Now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's hold hands, friends, and go along the forest path to our home.


1. Scenarios environmental education classes. Edited by L. G. Gorkova, A. V. Kochergina, L. A. Obukhova. M. 2005

2. Golden bird. (Poetry different countries and peoples) I. Tokmakova, E. Ivanova M. 1996

3. Reader for little ones. Comp. L. Eliseeva, M. 1987

4. Funny siskins. Reader for children M. 2006.

5. Dybina O. Child and the world. M. 2010

6. Solomennikova O. Environmental education in kindergarten.

Beautiful and trusting nature
While she is alive we will live for a long time.
She gave birth to us and warmed us.
Be merciful to nature, man!


2017 is the year of ecology in Russia.

Library ecological clearings or environmental events in the library .

"Paws, ears and tails or favorite books about animals"

15.12.17. Held in the library review of books for children "Paws, ears and tails or favorite books about animals", dedicated to the works of nature writers and naturalists. The guys got acquainted with the books of naturalist writers - K. Paustovsky, B. Zhitkov, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, G. Skrebitsky and other writers. More than one generation of readers is familiar with the stories of these writers; they teach to love and take care of nature, to see the unusual, and to be observant. With the help of the review, the children made a fascinating journey into the natural world. At such events, children learn to love and respect nature, see it as the source of human life, and receive the basics of environmental literacy.


14.11.2017. The last month of Autumn - November has come into its own. November
This is already the transition from autumn to winter; in many parts of our country there is already snow. This month is Autumnshows his character and makes it clear that the time has come for nature, getting ready for bed. And in the library there was an informational game program"Autumn". Childrenguessed riddles about natural phenomena, discussed the reasons for the change of seasons,remembered autumn signs and proverbs. At the end of the game we came to the conclusion that the golden autumn is majestic. And, despite the autumn weather, Autumn gives us wonderful autumn days.

09.20.2017. Review of books to read "Autumn Red-haired Girlfriend"

Autumn - the most amazing time of the year. It’s as if nature experiences three states at once during these months: different colorsTthe excitement of summer, spring's anticipation of something new and the first snow of winter. That's why I wanted to share share with you books about autumn for children - Y. Akim “Where do you go in the fall?”, V. Bianchi “Hiding”, I. Bunin “Leaf Fall”, M. Voloshin “In Autumn”,Seasons, G. Graubin “Why leaves fall in autumn?, Wonderful time,A. Maikov “Autumn leaves are circling in the wind”, A. Pleshcheev “In Autumn”, Signs of autumn, M. Prishvin “Fox Bread”, A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”, M. Rapov “The Hedgehog and the Squirrel”, M. Sadovsky “Autumn”, G. Skrebitsky “Autumn”, N. Sladkov “Why is November piebald”, I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Leaf Fall”, A.K. Tolstoy “Autumn, our whole poor garden is falling”, E. Trutneva “Autumn” ”, F. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn...”, Ukrainian folk tale “Spikelet”, Z. Fedorovskaya “Autumn”. Happy reading and see you at the library!


On June 15, the children of the third squad took part in the environmental quiz “In the World of Flora and Fauna.” They were able to expand their understanding of the world around them, show their knowledge

knowledge about nature and acquire new ones.

On June 5, librarians took children from the Parus summer school camp on a trip “Along the Ecological Trail.” An ecological trail is a route where a person studies nature, learns to protect animals and birds, trees and grass. The guys were divided into two teams. They had to visit different parts of the globe and answer questions tricky questions: “Guess the plant”, “The largest animal on the planet”, “Guess the tree by description”, “What grows in the flowerbed”, etc. Some questions caused difficulties, but the answer was still voiced. The ecological trail ended with solving the interactive crossword puzzle “Green Friends”. The librarians offered the children solve the crossword puzzle. Having solved all 7 words, the players learned one more word that unites all the others. This word is trees. And if there are a lot of trees, then this is already a forest, it needs to be preserved and protected.At the event, the children expanded their knowledge about the world around them, and also showed their skills and abilities in the field of knowledge of the world around them, the ability to work independently and in a team.And on this day, the children from the second squad had to remember everything they know about the life of plants, birds, insects and animals, participating in the interactive game “What do I know about nature.” I hope that with the help of the game we were able to convince the children that nature, the planet Earth, must be constantly protected and preserved.


As part of the program « Life is in the hands of living » The library hosts environmental lessons. Lessons are conducted in the form of a game. During the lesson, we introduce environmental holidays, proverbs, riddles about nature, rules of behavior in nature, and also consider some environmental problems. Each lesson ends with a practical lesson.


In February, the library launched a literary and environmental campaign “Read a book about nature.” Man and nature are an eternal theme in literature. Writers and poets dedicated many exciting, uniquely beautiful pages to her. Stories, stories about the beauty of Mother Nature, about our little brothers are comfortably located on the bookshelves. We invite all nature lovers to join the action.

Interactive ecology games

In the Bible
Once a week, interactive games are held for young readers. By participating in them, children can: expand their horizons and knowledge about the animal and plant world, including the Novosibirsk region. Librarians can show the beauty of an animal and flora. Activities promote a humane attitude towards nature and a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

11.11.2016. For the guys of the club "Eco - you. Eco - me. Eco - the world"
an exciting An interactive lesson dedicated to our favorite time of year – winter. "Away" u ma carcasses of Winter” was the name of the unusual activity. Librarians and children reminisced and told funny stories about their winter adventures, read poems about winter, enjoyed solving riddles about winter, played snowballs, etc.and the help of proverbs and sayings about winter. It was fun and interesting. Prole timethe body is invisible. At the end of the event, librarians reviewed books related to thesem amazing magical time of year - Winter.
11.11.2016. A review of books was conducted in the library. “The book will open the door to the world of plants and animals.” Review of books about nature ode - “The book will open the door to the world of plants and animals,” and let this book review carry you away into magical land called Nature. Guys, these books teach you to notice the beauty of nature at any time of the year, with love, intreat the surrounding world and all living things with care and concern. By reading books about nature, you will learn how everything works in nature. Does a bear sleep in winter? What does a hare eat, who does a fox hunt, and whose tracks in the snow are these, read and learn with pleasure!

10/20/2016. "If you don't protect them."

On October 20, the library hosted environmental lesson"If you don't protect them." Dedicated to the Red Book. The guys and I talked about how, a long time ago, there were animals, birds and fish on planet Earth that can no longer be found now. There were also plants that no longer grow on Earth. In order to stop the disappearance, people created a document called the “Red Book”.

Red Book It is published not only internationally. It can also be national and regional. For example, the Red Book of Russia and the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region. Animals and plants listed in the Red Book are strictly protected. All other species of animals and plants also need protection. They are all important and necessary, and each has its own irreplaceable purpose. during the lesson we visited the online pages of the Red Book of the Novosibirsk region you

"Endless, mysterious, alluring - the sea " World Maritime Day is celebrated at the initiative of the UN every year on the last Thursday of September.

The International Maritime Organization established this day to recall the irreparable damage to the seas and oceans caused by overfishing and pollution. marine environment, in particular, oil. On this day, the library organizes book exhibitions, talks, environmental lessons, and information hours for library readers.So today, an ecology lesson “The boundless, mysterious, alluring sea” was prepared for the children. TO

For the lesson, a presentation was prepared about the sea and its inhabitants, from which the children learned a lot about the life ofyelling The guys not only learned and saw a lot of unusual and interesting things, they metgiant squid, baleen whale, brown dolphin, whale shark, flying fish, but also showed their knowledge about marine life. The meeting ended with an introduction to the most interesting books about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

06/20/2016. "Here is a healing petal"

On June 20, an educational hour was held in the library - “Here is a healing petal.” The children got acquainted with medicinal plants of the Siberian region. We learned about how ordinary plants can help human health. Of course, we also talked about caring for nature and medicinal plants that grow in our region. The educational hour was accompanied by a presentation.

“The wonderful word “No” or how to behave in nature.” During the summer, everyone tries to relax and get as many positive, pleasant moments as possible by going out into nature. But when we relax in nature, it is very important that during the vacation there are no troubles that would be harmful to our health. That's why there is a wonderful word "NOT": Don't destroy birds' nests. Don't break tree branches.Don't destroy anthills.Don't catch butterflies for fun.Don't offend the forest dwellers.Don't pick too many flowers. Stay together in the forest.Do not make noise. Don't leave trash behind, bury it.After relaxing in nature, extinguish the fire with water.If you are lost, start screaming to be found.It was this wonderful word “No” that we discussed with the guys from summer camp"Sail" in the library.

06/17/2016. “And we saw a hedgehog.”

05/16/2016. Conversation "Blue Necklace of Siberia". Ubook exhibition dedicated to the Common Days for the Protection of Small Rivers and Reservoirs. From May 15 to June 15, a large-scale event is taking place in Russia - United Days for the Protection of Small Rivers and Reservoirs. The Novosibirsk region is rich in water. About 430 rivers flow through its territory, including one of the largest rivers in the world, the Ob, which originates in the glaciers of the Altai Mountains and flows into the Arctic Ocean. There are about 3,000 freshwater, salt and bitter-salt lakes in the region - the area of ​​the water surface of the Novosibirsk lakes is 558 thousand hectares, according to this indicator the region ranks third in the Russian Federation.The importance of rivers in water supply is great. River waters are used for irrigation. The Ob is rich in commercial fish. Picturesque river banks are recreation areas. But all this water wealth must be treatedDistilling water and reservoirs is the same as protecting and preserving life on the planet, taking care of the beauty and prosperity of the world in which not only people live, but also many other living beings.

04/26/2016. "Chernobyl wormwood" . April 26 is the Day of Participants in the Elimination of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters and the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of These Accidents and Disasters. The library event “Chernobyl Wormwood” was dedicated to this date.The students were presented with a video presentation “Chernobyl - wormwood”, prepared by librarian S.A. Bukreeva. Also, a memorial evening “Chernobyl hurts with an unhealed wound” was held for the children. The librarians told the children about this terrible accident, the courage and heroism of its liquidators, and the consequences for the population and the environment.

“We studied the calendar and found out that it’s Spring.” Winter is retreating, giving up its positions, huge icicles hang from the roofs, and drops fall down with a ringing sound. Spring is approaching not only according to the calendar, but also in reality. There is sparrow noise and din all around. And we decided to do a little research and find out whyBy signs or omens, everyone will know that spring has already come. And this is what happened:The hypothesis of our study was confirmed. Spring is really coming. In addition, we learned:- writers and poets dedicated their works to spring

Increased knowledge aboutnature;

We got acquainted with the spring folk calendar

We expanded our knowledge with proverbs and sayings about spring;

We will tell our peers and parents about our knowledge.

" Nature and animals."

Talking about nature and the animal world, we came to the conclusion that, indeed, our planet is inhabited by many different living creatures. Some of them can fly, others can swim, some live in warm countries, and some - beyond the Arctic Circle, in the snow and cold. Of course, calling them all “animals” is not entirely correct, because besides them there are also fish, birds and insects. Let's reveal a little secret: after this conversation, we are absolutely sure that penguins can fly. Well, at least a little, not far and not very high. What do you think?

Using a presentation“Save fields, forests, meadows, and the clean surface of rivers”librarians encouraged respect for nature. With the help of the presentation they voiced the ways in which humans damage the environment and the methods by which this damage can be repaired. But the best way to protect our native nature and live in a clean, safe world is not to commit all these criminal acts. The guys learned the basic rules of how to behave in the open air, so that not a single living organism natural object not injured. At the end of the event, we concluded that: To make the earth more beautiful, we need to be more thrifty.

11/21/2015. "We live in Siberia."

On November 21, the library readers and I made an exciting trip around the Novosibirsk region, learned that

Novosibirsk region distinguished by its beauty nature and the diversity of the animal world, how many interesting and unique places there are on the territory of our region, which villages it is famous for and which of them have not lost their identity despite the rapidly occurring events.

"What is autumn" . Autumn - a wonderful time of year. This is not only the time of rain and leaf fall, but also of many traditional events. At this time of year, the library has organized a book exhibition and reviewed the works of poets and writers about this amazing time of year. And autumn is also a wonderful time of year for fashionistas... A riot of colors, delight in the wonderful time of year and of course the works of writers and poets - that’s what autumn is

23.07.2015. "A miracle giant swims across the ocean"

On July 23, when the children came to the library, they learned about the holiday World Day whales and dolphins. Librarians toldfunny stories about these aquatic mammals- about their life in nature, habits and raising their offspring. The librarians' story was supplemented by books and a presentation, which the children watched with great pleasure.

"Eco backpack" - book review for children.

Book review for children. This book review took the guys and me to a magical land called Nature. We were able to enjoy the singing of birds, inhaled the fresh and fragrant smell of herbs, flowers and trees, heard the crystal chime of water in a stream, admired the multi-colored colors of the forest, felt the soft moss under our feet, touched the reflections of the sun on the rough bark of trees, weaved a wreath of wildflowers and launched an endless echo in memory of a walk in the forest.

19.05.2015. "The Science of Home"

On May 19, the library hosted a discussion swing about nature, “The Science of Home.” A wonderful writer and great lover of nature, M. Prishvin, wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, birds - air, animals - forest, steppe, mountains, and man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.” Having made an exciting journey through ecological paths. We came to the conclusion that - Ecology is the science of home and nature. After all, nature is our big common home, and we all, together, must maintain order.

01.04.2015.-20.04.2015. Eco-teremok in the library

From April 1 to April 20, the children visited the Eco-Teremok in the library. Together with the cheerful and inquisitive parrot Yashka, the children made fascinating journeys through the pages of books and magazines about nature: “Anthill”, “Pipe”. The children cheerfully and excitedly recalled interesting encounters with animals and solved riddles. At the end of the event, everyone watched a presentation about animals and the cartoon “Forest Travelers.”

02/09/2015. “Eco is I. Eco is you. Eco world!

On February 9, 2015, a conversation about ecology was held in the library. She wasis devoted to one topic: how the laws of ecology work within living nature and in the relationship between man and nature. What can and should be done, and what cannot and is dangerous to do in our big house called Earth.

10/14/2014. "Autumn is a bright country"

October 14 librarians and children shared their impressions about the time of year - Autumn.Autumn is the most expressive time of the year. I want to freeze in delight at the variety of autumn colors. Lushly decorated and elegant, it is replaced by another - gray, invisible, in rags of falling leaves, sad, with the quiet cry of fine rain, with caravans of birds flying south. Admire - you won't stop admiring it! At the end of the conversation, the children were given a literature review on the topic of autumn, conducted by writers and poets.

09.10.2014. "Fantastic country "Insectomia""

On October 9, librarians and children went to a fantastic country called "Insect". We talked about insects. During the trip, the guys learned by what main signs insects can be recognized: insects have six legs, the body consists of three parts: the head, the middle part and the abdomen. Insects also have two antennae on their heads, some have a proboscis and wings. Together with the guys we reasoned: why do insects need a proboscis and wings? They use their proboscis to feed; they need wings to move around! Many insects fly. Some fly very fast: a dragonfly, for example, can reach speeds of up to 40 km per hour. Other insects walk and jump. It turned out that the world of insects is very interesting and diverse. At the end of our trip we came to the conclusion that All insects are necessary on earth to maintain ecological balance. By protecting them, we protect nature.

06/05/2014. "The Mysteries of the Green Summer"" . On June 5, an interesting and rich game program was prepared for children. The guys divided into two teams and came up with a name for them, taking into account the time of year, “Sun” and “Luchik”. And then they took part in competitions in an art workshop on the theme “Summer”, guessed riddles about the season “Summer”, remembered proverbs and sayings, and made up charades from words. It was interesting, and most importantly, friendship won and the names of the teams merged into one “Sunshine”.
04/22/2014. "Happy Birthday Earth"

On April 22, 2014, the guys gathered in the library for an unusual birthday. Earth Day is celebrated around the world on April 22. Librarian Svetlana Aleksandrovna told the children about planet Earth, the children learned the history of this holiday, with the help of the presentation they remembered the wealth of resources that the planet has, and that all these resources must be protected... The event was held in the form of a dialogue between the librarian and children. Together with the guys, we came up with several rules that will help keep our planet clean and beautiful.

04/01/2014. "Feathered Friends"

On April 1, in honor of feathered friends, the library held Bird Day. The guys and I talked about the fact that birds have long attracted human attention. People were delighted by their melodic singing, bright plumage, and their bold, swift flights. Birds - the clear-voiced nightingale, the brave falcon, the invisible lark - are associated with vivid poetic images in the works of many peoples. Following the bird, the man rushed into the sky to take a bird's eye view of his native land. Birds are reliable protectors of fields from harmful insects and rodents. And there are also poems, songs, stories, riddles dedicated to them - which the guys and I remembered. The book exhibition “Feathered Rainbow” helped the children get acquainted with works about birds. On this day, the children also learned that the bird of the year 2014 is the black swift. In honor of this event, the library published the booklet “Swifts - Children of the Air”. 03/20/2014 "This city is not simple, it is dense and dense!"

Today, March 20, we told the children about the forest, about the trees that grow in the forest and about the forest inhabitants. Together we tried to guess riddles about the forest, trees, a busy squirrel, about the boletus mushroom and chanterelle sisters, about sly fox and a gray wolf.And, of course, we remembered the writers and poets who dedicated their works to the dense and fabulous forest, its secluded corners...At the end of the conversation, we remembered a good wise proverb: “If there is no forest, plant it, if there is not enough forest, do not cut it down; if there is too much forest, take care of it” - and we all need to remember it when thinking about our tomorrow.

"Walking House"

. Learn a lot of new thingsand become a little smarter more curious and inquisitive, will never hurt anyone! So the guys and I found out what you think about whom? bottom, that you won’t guess about snails, in the environmental minute “Walking House”. We learned: what does a snail eat, how does it live, and even how does a snail overwinter? And also, why does a snail need horns, and how does it move. Is the snail's shell a reliable home and do snails have enemies? How are snails born? And also that snails can be kept at home, and what's inEngland grape snails serve for entertainment: they organize “snail races” there, and the pond snail turned out to bea widespread inhabitant of fresh waters... and we were also able to hold in our hands the house of a pond snail... In a word, it was interesting.

03/01/2014. “Life isn’t the same without a cat, or are they all from the cat family!” . March 1st our young readerstook part in information hour “Life is not the same without a cat or are they all from the cat family!” The children learned from the librarian that cats areone of the most mysterious animals living on Earth. The electronic presentation “They are all from the cat family” introduced the children to the breeds of mustachioed, striped and clawed friends. In turn, the guys shared stories about their pets and talked about their pets. They all looked with interest at the presented books about cats. The library hosted a book exhibition “Cats are Amazing Animals.”


In Russia, 2013 has been declared the Year of the Environment.

Within the framework of the Year of Environmental Protection, work on environmental education will be a priority. From a young age, it is necessary to teach children to have a careful and responsible attitude towards nature, and the desire to live in harmony with the world around them.
In 2013, the library will use various forms of environmental education, such as hours of environmental knowledge, information, conversation, etc., which will allow people to raise problems for discussion, discuss ways to solve them, and think about what is happening and the consequences for the future. And book exhibitions, attractively designed, revealing the beauty and richness of the natural world, calling to love and protect it, will help in the environmental work of our library.

12/26/2013. Eco-minute "Siberian cedar"

In the clearing, in the taiga small forests,

Open, inaccessible to the axe,

The mighty cedar, swaying in the sky,

Resinous pine needles whistle in the wind.

In scars, cuts, in mossy cracks,

Dressed in heavy bark armor,

On December 26, we met again with our young readers. An interesting meeting awaited them with a chipmunk, who told the children about the Siberian cedar. Cedar pine is an amazing plant with unique healing properties. Pine nuts, in addition to their nutritional value, contain many vitamins. Big healing power Siberian cedar resin also has this property, which is rightly called resin for its ability to heal wounds. Siberians used to say: “The taiga is alive with cedars.” They believed that if a child was given a handful of pine nuts every day, he would grow up to be a good young man, and no illness would overcome him... The chipmunk also told the children that the main tree Siberian taiga shrouded in many legends, since the indigenous people incredibly revered and honor cedars, often endowing them with human qualities such as compassion, understanding and mutual assistance. Our meeting with the chipmunk turned out to be so educational...

"Travel with the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region."

There is a wonderful book in our library - "Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region", it contains information about rare and endangered species of animals, plants and mushrooms... It is illustrated with color drawings and photographs... Why do we travel with a book? Yes because mWe can learn a lot of interesting things about the life of animals, birds, plants... and here we are visiting who do you think? Didn't guess small heron, which we met on Lake Menzelinskoye in our Kolyvan region, her name is Small bittern. We learned a lot of interesting things, we invite you to get to know her better... come to the library.

12/13/2013."The smallest animals of our region"

On the calendar, December 13... On this day, we invited our young visitors to go on an entertaining journey around our Siberian region. What would you like to travel with? We asked the guys: plane, train, bus... we decided to walk, it would be more interesting, and we took a mouse and a vole as our guide. And so, with the help of a vole mouse, we visited the smallest animals of our region. We were warmly greeted by: musk deer, weasel, mole, chipmunk, shrew, minnow fish, wren bird... We ended our journey at the book exhibition “I’m Walking Through the Forest” in our library, where interesting books about animals were waiting for us all.

06.12.2013. Library research “What is Winter?”

Everything is white all around, beautiful,

The willow tree shines in the frost.

Cold, frost, snowstorms

They spun and spun.

Everyone at home is wearing white hats.

This has come to us... (winter).

What is winter? Metelitsa helped answer this crafty question on December 6 at the library with the help of a virtual excursion at this wonderful time of year. And winter is truly a wonderful time of year. You can skate, sled, play snowballs, or just admire the winter nature. And in winter nature is unusually beautiful. I just want to exclaim: “It’s a good winter, winter!” And you can simply pick up and read books about this time of year in our Vyun library like this!

30.11.2013. "Master of the Taiga"

It was very easy to get into the kingdom of the bear; you just had to come to the Vyunsky rural library on November 30.

The kids learned a lot of interesting things about these cute and formidable animals in the library. The librarian told the children that the bear is the most majestic character in folklore among different nations. This largest terrestrial predator is in many respects reminiscent of humans in its habits. He can walk on his hind legs, successfully uses his front legs, swims well, fishes and climbs trees. There's also a lot in the library interesting books about the owner of the taiga, brown, clubfooted, toptygin...

26.09.2013. Message hour passed in the library “Let the sea always remain the sea.” Librarian S.A. Bukreeva told the younger generation that inOne of the days of the last week of September is usually celebrated as World Maritime Day. World Maritime Day was established at the 10th session of the Assembly of the International maritime organization(IMO), observed since 1978. Included in the UN system of world and international days.

During the message, the guys learned about wealth underwater world, about the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as what every inhabitant of planet Earth can do to preserve them. Soundedpoems about poets: N. Rubtsova, I. Bunin, A. Tolstoy about the sea. The message hour was accompanied by the book exhibition "Sea Ballad".

24.09.2013. There was a conversation at the exhibition at the library “A true follower of Bianchi, Paustovsky...Vasily Peskov.” Basil

Mikhailovich was one of the most famous and experienced journalists in Russia, a master of the feature genre. In search of photo and video materials, he traveled all over the world and opened it to millions of compatriots. Impressions from trips to Russia and foreign countries formed the basis of his main books: “Notes of a Photo Reporter” (1960), “Steps on the Dew” (1963), “White Dreams” (1965), “The End of the World” (1967), “Travel” Happy New Moon" (1969), "On the Roads of America" ​​(1973). For the book "Steps on the Dew" in 1964, trees grow in the forest, why people call the forest a protector of water bodies, and answered quiz questions about the forest and its inhabitants.

21.03.2013. Went to the library environmental lesson “Protect the forest from fire” . Together with the guys we discussed the role of the forest in people's lives. The children answered questions about the damage caused by forest fires. Fire safety rules were remembered, and the children were given booklets with rules of conduct in the forest as souvenirs.

A surprise for the guys was an excursion to fire station No. 108 Vyunsky separate post. Where the fire department employees talked about how fires are a disaster, you must always be careful when handling fire. At the fire station, the children looked at fire trucks, the signal receiving console, firefighters' overalls, special accessories for work, listened to firefighters' stories about their profession, and asked questions. The children liked the event. 12.02.2013. IN library for readers at the book exhibition was held with literature review “Discovering the natural world with a book” , where the most colorful books about nature, animals, and birds were presented, which not only attracted the attention of young readers, but also aroused the desire to read many of them.

24. 01.2013.
the library passed an environmental game "Who lives in the forest and what grows in the forest" . The children were invited to playfully go through several entertaining stations dedicated to the topic of ecology. Loaches .
Here, their knowledge about animal life was tested, geographical features region, about what types of plants and animals are included in Red Data Book of the Novosibirsk Region , and also what medicinal plants they know.
