Where does the expression Indian summer come from? Where does the name Indian summer come from?

The start time of Indian summer and its duration vary. It usually occurs in mid-September and lasts 1-2 weeks, until the beginning of October. In Central Russia, such fine days begin around September 14th. IN North America and in Europe this period begins a little later, at the end of September or in the first half of October.

In the south of the Far East, the beginning of Indian summer usually occurs in the first weeks of October, and in the south of Siberia - in late September - early October.

What does the dictionary say about Indian summer?

The Brockhaus and Efron dictionary says that the common expression “Indian summer” means a clear, dry autumn, when there is cobwebs in the air.

According to Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, this period begins on September 14, on the day of Simeon the Flyer, and ends on September 21 (on Aspos Day) or September 28 (on the Day of Exaltation). Dahl also mentions the young Indian summer, which takes place from the Feast of the Assumption (August 28) to September 11.

What is the name of Indian summer among different peoples?

In Macedonia and Bulgaria this period is called the gypsy summer, in Serbia - Michaelmas/Martin's summer, in North America - Indian summer, in Sweden - Brigid's summer, in Switzerland - widow's summer, in Italy - St. Martin's summer, in France - St. Denis's summer .

This period Indian summer among Westerners, Eastern Slavs and y (Altweibersommer). However, in the latter case, this expression can also be translated as the summer of old women, and literally as the summer of old women.

In this regard, one can mention interesting story, which occurred in 1989. A 77-year-old from the city of Darmstadt in Germany appealed to the regional court. She complained that the word Altweibersommer insulted her honor and dignity, not only as a woman, but also as an elderly person.

In her lawsuit, the plaintiff demanded a ban on this word. However, the court rejected her complaint. After all, the first part of this word - alte Weiber, used to mean simply “old”, in contrast to the current combination altes Weib, which today is translated as “old woman, old woman, old witch, old hag.”

However, in Russia, the attitude towards this common name is ambiguous, depending on how the word “baba” is perceived - as disparaging or as native Russian.

Where does the name “Indian summer” come from?

According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the phrase “Indian summer” means the time when old women can bask in the autumn sun. This expression is also associated with a period in the life of peasants when their field work ended, and women took on household chores: they processed and wove flax, and did handicrafts. The peasants called this kind of work woman's work.

Interestingly, in Germany the name “Indian summer” was also associated with yarn. On warm autumn days, leaf spiders work while sitting on plants: they weave the finest web, which in ancient times was attributed Magic power. In German the word for weaving is weben, in old German weaving was called weiben. This word is very similar to the German Weib - woman, woman. And since this web is very thin and translucent, it looked like the gray hair of elderly women.

According to another version, the expression “Indian summer” in the old days had a meaning that was based on the belief that women have the mystical power to return the seasons back and influence the weather. In addition, many associate this name with Russian popular saying: “45 - Baba Berry again.” That is, at the age of 40-50 years, a woman “blooms” again. And nature bears fruit during the Indian summer, showing its feminine.

Indian summer is a period of up to three weeks of warm weather that occurs in the fall in Central Europe and America. At this time of year the weather is dry with high temperature air. Indian summer usually comes after a cold period and lasts 1-2 weeks.

IN ancient Rus' in the calendars of that time, “Indian summer” was divided into 2 parts. The young fell during the period from August 28 to September 11. And also the old one, which begins on September 14 and ends on September 24. People have noticed that if the weather remains warm in the young, then in the old Indian summer it will deteriorate and vice versa. Later, the name Indian summer remained and became attached to the warm autumn time.

Reasons for the return of summer

The fact is that the warm air mass, which accumulates in the anticyclone at the beginning of autumn, begins its direction over the Atlantic Ocean to the center of the continent. Anticyclone weather is aimed at counteracting the movement of warm masses to the continents with high humidity and cold winds (for example, the Atlantic).

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The temperature at night during Indian summer can be cool, but during the day it warms up to 20 - 25 degrees. There is a fact proven by scientists that falling leaves from trees, in the process of a chemical reaction, release heat during the decomposition of chlorophyll, thus the heat enters the atmospheric air and prolongs the effect of the anticyclone.

What is Indian summer called in other countries?

Indian Summer - this name is used mainly by Eastern and Western Slavs. Southern Slavs - Bulgarians - use the name “Gypsy summer” and expect it by September 15th. In countries with German language They call these days “the summer of old ladies”; the Dutch Indian summer are used to calling this time “after summer”.

Residents of France call it “the summer of Saint Denis”; in Italy it is called “the summer of Saint Martin”. Indian summer in the Russian Federation lasts from 4-5 days to 3 weeks, most often occurring in mid-September. In the USA and European countries The Indian summer period comes later. It occurs at the end of September - beginning and mid-October and also lasts about 2 weeks.

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Why is it called “Indian Summer”?

Different sources give different information about the origin of the name of the warm period of early autumn. But no one has any doubt that this term is of folk origin. There is one version - in the old days, women prepared food and other supplies for winter time.

This period of autumn was not called because warm weather. It’s just that these days women’s worries began: women crumpled and weaved hemp. Summer months were the most difficult for Russian women. They worked both in the field and at home. And when preparations for winter were completed and the harvest was harvested, they allowed themselves to rest at the beginning of autumn. Quite a few days were allocated for rest, as was the duration of the Indian summer itself. This was followed by women's work again - handicrafts, laying flax, spinning on a spindle.

In Rus', a cobweb fluttering through meadows and forests meant autumn without rain, also called Indian summer. She was compared to the shiny silver hair of a relatively young maiden, and the sultry summer days with her years, in which girlish attractiveness has already fully matured. Indian summer was also called female age from 40 to 45 years, as well as warm, almost summer weather early autumn.

For those who just can’t say goodbye to summer and get enough of its warmth, autumn is ready to bring a pleasant surprise. And give a piece of summer for a few days, warm memories of bright days, give “Indian summer”. But how does she manage to return warm, sunny weather to people after a cold snap? And why is it common to call this time “Indian summer”?

Meteorologists explain these weather phenomena due to the action of a stable anticyclone: ​​at night the ground does not freeze sufficiently, and during the day it does not heat up to a high limit. There is an opinion that wilted leaves are capable of releasing a large amount of heat, which, rising upward, increases Atmosphere pressure and disperses the clouds. Therefore, we can enjoy warm and dry weather at the beginning of autumn, and also witness the wonderful flights of the web of the side-walking spider. And sometimes even witness the re-blooming of some plants.

But autumn cannot delight us with such warm days for long: from several days to 2-3 weeks.

How did the expression “Indian summer” come about?

There are several versions:

With the end of hard field work, peasant women could finally find time for household chores. Most often they processed and wove flax and made pickles. It was customary at this time to improve relationships with loved ones and make peace with enemies. In Rus', these warm autumn days were considered a holiday, so the people had fun: they organized gatherings, sang songs.
-Women in the old days were credited with the ability to influence natural phenomena. As if the fair sex knows how to return the seasons, send the right weather.
-This name was explained by the fact that this is the time that allows old women to relax and bask in the sun. Or only a woman is able to provide warmth when warmth is out of the question.
-A light, thin web, flowing in the air and foreshadowing warm days, was associated with strands gray hair for women, and fine weather - with wonderful mature age, the heyday of women.
-Nature during this period shows its feminine principle: it bears fruit. And this is her time - “Indian summer”.

It is interesting that such a wonderful time is called “Indian summer” among the Western and Eastern Slavs. Bulgarians and Macedonians call it “Gypsy summer”, Serbs call it “Mikhail’s summer”, “Martin’s summer”, the Germans call it “old woman’s summer”, the Dutch call it “post-summer”, Americans call it “Indian summer”, Italians call it “summer of St. Martin”, The French mean “the summer of St. Denis.”

Whatever this time is called, this is a great opportunity to bask in the sun, enjoy the warmth of its rays on the eve of rains and cold weather, and admire the wonderful colorful autumn landscapes...

Indian summer was first mentioned in the 18th century in America. In the United States, this period was called “Indian summer,” either because of the last raids of Indians before autumn, or in honor of their war paint, similar to the color of autumn foliage. The British adopted this name, although they used to call it warm days"St. Martin's Summer.

The Slavs adopted the name Indian summer. There are several versions of its origin.

Supporters astronomical theory It is believed that Indian summer got its name because of the Pleiades constellation, which appears in the sky in September. In Rus' it was called “Duck’s Nest” or “Baba”.

Another version is that Indian summer was the period when all field work ended and women could finally take a break from worries. In fact, the end of the agricultural season only meant a transition from one job to another - in the fall, women began to weave and sew for winter.

Among the attempts to explain the name “Indian summer” there are openly mystical ones. There is a myth that women used to be able to use witchcraft to influence the weather and return the seasons back.

One of the most plausible versions is associated with women's “second youth”. When a woman's hair begins to show the first gray, like autumn cobwebs, she is entering the prime of life that precedes old age. In the same way, Indian summer precedes frosts and the beginning of winter. This version is supported by the German name “Altweibersommer” or “summer of old women”. In the old days the name was different autumn summer called "Weibensommer" from "Spinnweben" - to weave a web.

When there is already a lot of noise outside the windows Golden autumn, but there is still hope for the last warm days; it is worth remembering what our grandmothers said. They believed that every year, after bright leaves began to fall from the trees, there would definitely come short period warming. Since ancient times, such a time has been called Indian summer - this is when the temperature rises above twenty degrees, a thin cobweb is carried in the air by the wind, and the sun shines in the clear sky, reminiscent of just last summer. Let's figure out what kind of time it is, why it bears this particular name and where the name came from.

The essence of the phenomenon of Indian summer: the maples painted the city with some kind of witchcraft color

A short period when the temperature drops short term recedes, and the summer warmth seems to return to say goodbye and remind, usually arriving at the end of September or beginning of October. At this time, not only people rejoice at the brief return of warmth, but nature itself seems to rejoice, and some plants even open their buds. Meteorologists consider this phenomenon a common process, and many romantic people consider it a magical time when dreams and hopes can come true.

U different nations There are many traditions, legends and omens associated with the Indian summer period. The Slavs believed that if on the first day of the period it's raining, then he will go to the last one. But this meant that the autumn would be warm and dry, and a rich harvest of mushrooms could be harvested in the forest.

origin of name

There is no clear opinion about why Indian summer is called that way. But there are several quite interesting theories, legends and traditions that would not hurt to study in more detail. Truth and fiction, the reality of historical explanations and the territory of myths and legends here oscillate on a fine line, almost indistinguishable and unsteady. First of all, the Slavs believed that even after the end of summer, the gods always give older women the opportunity to warm themselves under the last rays of the September sun. That’s why the period was called that way and there’s nothing mystical about it.

Another legend is also as close as possible to village life. At the end of September, when all the work in the fields, gardens and vegetable gardens is completed, it is time for women (women) to spend time with their family, children, go for a walk, pick mushrooms or berries, go to the forest or to the river . Adherents of astronomical theory believe that the name comes from the constellation Pleiades, which the Slavs simply called Baba. It becomes visible in the night sky just in the second half of September.

About cobwebs and spiders

In some regions of Russia, almost no one knows what Indian summer is, because it has a completely different name. For example, there is the name Maryina, or Marfina yarn, Spider Web Summer. The fact is that at this time the leaves fall from the trees, and the “canvas” woven by tiny spiders becomes visible. On branches, fences, dried stems - everywhere there are these thin silvery threads, on which early morning dew and raindrops shimmer beautifully under the rays of the autumn sun.

It is noteworthy that some species of spiders, sidewalkers, managed to use the Indian summer for their own purposes. They do not use nets to get food for themselves (they attack flies directly), but weave them for completely different purposes. Everyone has seen thin threads flying through the air - this is the work of travel spiders. They wrap their eggs in bags made of cobwebs, and then attach the structure to a significant elevation, for example, to a tree branch. At strong impulse faith, the web comes off and carries the “tramp” along with his future offspring to a new place of “dislocation”.

Autumn warmth in other cultures

However, there is such a period not only in Rus'. As early as the eighteenth century, one can find in literature the name Indian Summer, which was widespread throughout North America. This meant that in recent days, when the weather had “settled down,” the indigenous people of the prairies were completing preparations for the cold: they were drying and drying meat, fruits, vegetables, and airing their skins. Bulgarians call this time Gypsy, and Serbs call it Michaelmas (after the church holiday).

The Germans also have a beautiful legend that in ancient times elderly ladies knew how to cast magic and temporarily regain former youth and beauty, and the most fruitful time for such metamorphoses was autumn. That’s why the warming period was called Altweibersommer, which literally means “summer of old women.” However, even in some areas, no one believes in mysticism and witchcraft for a long time, and the names of this time are much simpler - Altweibersommer or Spinnweben. It means “Summer of the Weavers” or millet “Weave a web”. When all the work in the field was completed, the women had time to start weaving, sewing and needlework.

Duration of Indian summer

Since ancient times in Rus' this time came in two stages. Thanks to this, they received their own names. The first period - young summer - came at the end of August, approximately the twenty-fifth or twenty-eighth, and ended in the tenth of September. Nowadays, it practically does not differ from the usual calendar, and global warming has made the border between the usual and the young Indian summer completely indistinguishable.

There is a second, considered the main, Indian summer. It is usually called old. It starts around the tenth of September and ends last days month. It happens that the timing shifts slightly, warming occurs a little later - from the beginning of October to its middle. This is relevant, for example, for remote areas of Siberia and the Far East. The length of the period can vary significantly, depending on the country (its geographical location), as well as on the specific year. Basically we should talk about two or three weeks, but it happens that it ends earlier or even later.

If we talk about the etymology of the name itself, then in the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl Marfino (Maryino, Indian, Babino) summer begins exactly on the fourteenth of September. Then the Orthodox Slavs celebrate the commemoration of Simeon the Summer Guide (Semyonov Day). It ends by the twenty-first, when Oseniny (Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God) is celebrated.

The Azores anticyclone is the root cause of Indian summer: what science says

Many people think that in the first days of autumn, summer allows a person to enjoy the warmth and prepare for the thought of the coming winter. However, such thoughts bear little resemblance to a rational point of view, and all natural phenomena usually have simple and understandable explanations based solely on scientific data. There is a similar thing regarding why and when Indian summer comes.

Should know

There is such a thing as enough large area high pressure in the North Atlantic. In the scientific community, the “spot” is usually called the Azores anticyclone. In the United States there is another name - the Bermuda High. This area has colossal size, but is located precisely in horse latitudes (between 30-35 degrees north and south latitude), and the same effect on climatic conditions all over the world, including Russia.

The mechanism of action of the Azores anticyclone is quite simple and, if desired, even those who have not previously dealt with meteorology can figure it out. Each time, after the occurrence of certain conditions, a vortex air masses is moving significantly to the left, and the weather in many regions is becoming much more changeable and unstable. In September, huge layers that did not have time to cool warm air rush towards Europe and America, causing changes in temperature conditions. Therefore, Indian summer is possible only during a certain period, cyclically repeating in the annual cycle. At any other time, warming will no longer bear that name.

All the rest of the “work” remains with the leaves. If you think that this is a joke and they cannot influence the climate in any way, then you are mistaken. In autumn, a large number of plants shed their foliage, but first the chlorophyll in it begins to decompose, causing it to change color from green to yellow, orange and red. During the chemical reaction, heat is released, which also affects the weather around.

Inspired by the golden state of nature

When Indian summer comes into its own, nature seems to bloom, but not in the same way as in spring, but in a completely different way. Everything around is transformed and painted in bright reddish-golden shades, so pleasing to the eye. Therefore, people of art, who subtly sense moods and see beauty in everything, could not help but pay attention to this blessed time.

Paintings pierced with gold threads

Many artists used Indian summer and golden autumn scenes to create their outstanding masterpieces.

  • Nikita Fomin wrote a beautiful canvas, full of anticipation and a light pre-dawn haze, called “Autumn Flowers”.
  • Czech painter, graphic artist and publicist Jozsa Uprka created the painting “Indian Summer”.
  • Many paintings by the famous painter Isaac Levitan are devoted to the theme of golden autumn and Indian summer. They literally seem to be filled with light yellowish light and fresh, clean air.
  • Boris Kustodiev included in his canvases not only nature itself, incomprehensible and beautiful, but also people and animals, with their special needs and moods.

This is just the tip of a huge iceberg of pictures about the time of year when the foliage takes on bright colors and the finest cobwebs fly through the air.

Song creativity and literary works

Not only artists see beauty in the world around them. Numerous composers and poets also dedicated their creations to Indian summer. The famous Russian lyricist and bard of the second half of the twentieth century, Vladimir Vysotsky, wrote a song of the same name based on poems by Igor Kokhanovsky.

There is also a famous hit from the nineties of the last century called “Indian Summer”, which contains the lines “You will deceive this evil autumn as always.” In the song of the famous director, actor, composer and director Alexander Nikolaevich Lobanovsky, it is sung: “We, oh, don’t like Indian summer - we are waiting for spring with you.”

It’s also hard not to remember the song “Snowfall” performed by the famous Nani Bregvadze based on the verses of Alla Rustaikis, where there are the words: “Snowfall, snowfall, if a woman asks, don’t rush Indian summer.”

The famous Russian poet Fyodor Mikhailovich Tyutchev wrote poems in honor of this amazing period. For him, “the whole day is as if it were crystal, and the evenings are radiant...”. Such feelings are quite accessible to everyone who loves the last warm days. Leonid Vasyukovich describes the period as follows: “Indian summer feeds us with dope, evoking fabulous dreams. We succumb to his deceptions, but this is no one’s fault.” The lines reveal slight regret about the past and hope for future happiness.

What to do on the last sunny days

Whatever this period is called, everyone should spend it usefully, strengthen their own cheerful mood in order to easily and simply survive the winter period, with short cold days and long nights. To do this, you can and should have a lot of fun, just as our ancestors did. Of course, the world around has changed, and work in the field, which is crowned by the Indian summer, is not a pleasure for everyone, but why not get a lot of money the old fashioned way? positive emotions from the last warm and gentle rays of sunshine.

  • It makes sense to go to the field, to the river or take a walk in the nearest grove to warm up and enjoy the splendor and beauty of nature. It is during this period that you can see the finest cobwebs flying in the air with tiny side-walking spiders in them. This is how they move from place to place, expanding their habitat. The spectacle is truly very beautiful, especially at dawn or at the end of the day.
  • On the fourteenth of September, when Indian summer begins, the feast of Simeon the Stylite is celebrated. For the celebration, it is customary to prepare a delicious treat and ask for forgiveness from everyone who comes to dinner. It was then that housewarming parties were held, and the day before in new house A red rooster was allowed, as well as a cat. All this was and is an excellent reason to reconcile with each other and forgive old grievances accumulated over the year.
  • Indian summer opens the period of conservation and preparations for the winter. By this time, apples and late varieties of pears are just ripening. It's time to finish digging up potatoes, harvesting corn, sunflowers and other useful crops. In addition, it already makes sense to go to the forest to collect honey mushrooms. In the old days, women processed this all together, taking turns moving from one hut to another, singing songs, laughing, and also flirting with unmarried guys.
  • Modern people are more pragmatic and have a somewhat lenient attitude towards ancient traditions. Therefore, Indian summer is a perfect time for notorious skeptics to create unique photo sessions. Pictures taken at this time will definitely remind you of the last warm days, and your soul will be more cheerful even in the most severe cold.

In addition to all of the above, it is in autumn period most often a mass is performed most interesting events: festivals, gatherings, farmers' fairs, creative plein airs and literary readings. For example, at the end of September, a grape harvest festival is held in Baden pod Vienna, which anyone can attend. The Munich beer festival Oktoberfest, which was originally held in honor of the wedding of Louis of Bavaria and Theresa of Saxony, usually lasts several weeks. For the most advanced, European Bike Week is suitable, which takes place in the Austrian Faak am See under the auspices of Harley-Davidson and is a gathering of bikers from different countries. Since the early sixties of the last century, Wales has also held musical festival Number 6, which can be visited from the sixth to the ninth of September.

Signs accompanying Indian summer

People say that if you hunt at the height of this period, your health will be good all year. Moreover, this applies not only to the hunters themselves, but also to their families, dogs and horses.

It's summer in Marfino and late love is in full swing. If you want to catch it, go to the river and watch how the willow drops its leaves into the water. You can see your betrothed in the cold water.

Bury a fly and the spirit will be gone. In the old days, it was believed that before the onset of Indian summer it was under no circumstances possible to destroy flies, otherwise they would multiply very much. With the beginning of this period, everything became the opposite. This seems like a superstition, but autumn “biting” flies are really much less pitiful.

On Semyon to make peace - the second Honeymoon will last. At this time, it was worth putting up with quarreling spouses.

If a rainbow appears in the sky during the young Indian summer, this means that autumn promises to be long and quite warm.

If it rains at this time, then autumn will be very dry. If it’s dry outside the window, then the weather will be rainy and humid until winter.

If there are a lot of webs flying in the air (webs with side-walkers), then the autumn will be extremely warm and clear, and the winter will be frosty and snowy, which is very good for the harvest.

The best time for a housewarming is Indian summer. If you move to a new house at this time, then future life she will become happy and rich in it.

If at this time the foliage on the trees still retains its green color, then autumn will be long.

If the wedding took place at this time, then it was very good sign for newlyweds. This meant that their honeymoon would last a lifetime.

“In the original autumn there is a short, but wonderful time...” - this is exactly that autumn, when there is still no dampness and slush, beautiful autumn, which everyone likes, and poets too, including Tyutchev, since he wrote like that. This short period pampers you with beautiful weather and a rich palette of colors! To have time to enjoy it, you should use it every day. So yeah When does Indian summer start?

The last warm days

Indian summer is popularly called the last burst of warmth - the weather is dry and clear, the birds have not yet had time to fly away, the trees have not lost their leaves, but are literally blazing with all shades of gold and red. As a rule, this time comes after a short cold period and lasts literally a couple of weeks. For example, in 2018, Indian summer in Russia is predicted to begin on September 14. In the USA and Europe - a little later, where they promise warmth closer to October.

When does Indian summer begin?, the air temperature is steadily rising. This is due to the fact that the air masses of the anticyclone begin to move towards the center of the continent. Another version put forward by scientists says: when chlorophyll decomposes from leaves lying on the ground, chemical reaction, due to which heat is released.

Why "Indian summer"?

“Indian Summer” is an exclusively popular name for this elegant period of the year. Historically true, because this is the time when women could at least rest a little: the harvest has been harvested, but winter worries have not yet begun, I don’t want to go for a walk! Then the time of suffering for women will come. Another option: this name was formed due to the popular name for the constellation Pleiades - “Baba”. During this period, it stands out especially clearly in the sky.

By the way, the name “Indian summer” is used only by Eastern and Western Slavs. In Bulgaria, a “Gypsy summer” is expected by September 15. The Germans delicately call it “the summer of old ladies”, for the French it is “the summer of St. Denis”, for the Italians it is “the summer of St. Martin”. In America and Canada it is called “Indian summer”.

Signs and customs

In Rus', the beginning of autumn was divided into two parts: the young one began on August 28 and ended on September 11, and the old one fell on the period from September 14 to 24. According to the signs of that time, the warm weather of the young Indian summer was supposed to deteriorate to the old one, and vice versa: if at first there was bad weather, then everything got better. Also, our ancestors looked hopefully at the sky in search of a rainbow: who didn’t want to extend the clear days? And the colored celestial rocker just gave hope for a long Indian summer and a wet autumn, which cannot but please avid mushroom pickers. They also noted that if it rains on September 14, then autumn will be dry - you don’t have to look for mushrooms in the forest.

Our ancestors especially highlighted Semenov's day - September 14, which included the veneration of Simeon the Stylite, famous for his hermit exploits. It was believed that it was necessary to spend this day in the air so that “health would not deteriorate.” Usually we tried to go hunting - the dogs and horses also had to be walked.

The magic of Semenov's day also extended to couples in love. They began to get married and play marriages, agricultural work ended - it was time to have fun. It is interesting that not only young people created families, but also more mature single people looked closely at each other, hence the second name of Indian summer - “Marfino Summer” (Simeon’s mother was called Martha).

Another funny custom for us on Semenov’s day is killing flies. In normal times, it is useless to kill annoying insects - they will multiply exponentially. But tapping the winged September 14th is a nice thing, a good tradition. They say that it is in this case that you can get rid of their seasonal invasion.

Let's enjoy the warm days for future use, every day of Indian summer is valuable!

Gastronomic fair in the ethnopark

ETHNOMIR, Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

On September 22-23, 2018, we invite everyone on an exciting culinary journey to the ethnographic park! The September weekend at ETNOMIR is dedicated to

The main part of the program will be a variety of culinary master classes. What do you know about how to prepare fondue, which do you prefer - cheese or chocolate? Taste and decide! Learn how to properly decorate loaves and muffins, prepare Indian okroshka, take a fresh look at borscht! You will learn how to cook Georgian khachapuri or Ukrainian dumplings, Italian pesto sauce or dishes with couscous, something from Mexican or Peruvian cuisine... For dessert - the secrets of oriental sweets!

We are solemnly renaming Peace Street for these two days to Pir Street!

Every year at the beginning of autumn, nature gives a pleasant surprise when the cold weather for several days gives way to almost summer heat. These bright days When the sun gently warms, and the clouds do not cover the sky, they are called Indian summer. Why did this period get such a name?

The Indian summer is short, usually dry weather lasts only a couple of days or two to three weeks. The timing of this season also varies, but summer usually returns in mid-September - early October.

“Indian Summer”: why is it called that?

Origin of the expression "Indian summer"

There are several opinions about the origin of the term “Indian summer”. And the most common of them appeared in ancient times. According to this version, village women could be freed from field work and devote time to children and household chores only when autumn had already arrived. But the fair sex chose fine days for making pickles, spinning yarn, and processing flax. During the Indian summer in Rus', it was customary to have feasts and meet with relatives.

In European countries you can hear expressions similar to the Russian “Indian summer” - “gypsy” in Bulgaria, among the Serbs - “Mikhailovoe”, and among the Germans - “old woman’s”. And in the USA it’s “Indian summer”.

One of the signs of Indian summer is spider webs flying in the air. And according to another version, silver threads were compared with the strands of gray-haired women. And the Indian summer itself - with its heyday female beauty. A woman’s short piece of summer can also be called in honor of women’s charms, because every woman is a bit of a sorceress, capable of even controlling the weather.

Finally, it cannot be denied that it is in mid-September that nature gives man as many gifts as possible and bears fruit. That's why this time is called Indian summer.

Why is it warm in Indian summer?
Meteorologists say that during the Indian summer season there is a stable anticyclone. The ground does not freeze very much, and during the day it can no longer warm up. Also, when leaves wither, they release a little heat into the atmosphere, which contributes to an increase in temperature. In Indian summer, some summer plants may re-bloom.

The occurrence of Indian summer is directly related to the withering of leaves, therefore, when trees and shrubs are still green, warming cannot be considered Indian summer.

In Rus', Indian summer was associated with church holidays without forgetting about folk signs Oh. And indeed, most often dry weather returned on September 14, the day of Simeon. And on September 21 or 28 (Aspos Day and the Feast of the Exaltation), the sun stopped delighting with warm rays.

However, today these signs are no longer valid due to climate change. By the way, if it rains in the final chord of summer, the weather will be dry until winter. And when a rainbow appeared in the sky, they said that autumn would be exceptionally warm.

When the golden autumn is already noisy outside the windows, but there is still hope for the last warm days, it is worth remembering what our grandmothers said. They believed that every year, after the bright leaves began to fall from the trees, a short period of warming would definitely occur. Since ancient times, such a time has been called Indian summer - this is when the temperature rises above twenty degrees, a thin cobweb is carried in the air by the wind, and the sun shines in the clear sky, reminiscent of the just past summer. Let's figure out what kind of time it is, why it bears this particular name and where the name came from.

The essence of the phenomenon of Indian summer: the maples painted the city with some kind of witchcraft color

A short period when the cold weather abates for a short period of time, and the summer warmth seems to return to say goodbye and remind us, usually occurs at the end of September or beginning of October. At this time, not only people rejoice at the brief return of warmth, but nature itself seems to rejoice, and some plants even open their buds. Meteorologists consider this phenomenon a common process, and many romantic people consider it a magical time when dreams and hopes can come true.

Different peoples have many traditions, legends and omens associated with the Indian summer period. The Slavs believed that if it rains on the first day of a period, it will also rain on the last. But this meant that the autumn would be warm and dry, and a rich harvest of mushrooms could be harvested in the forest.

origin of name

There is no clear opinion about why Indian summer is called that way. But there are several quite interesting theories, legends and traditions that would not hurt to study in more detail. Truth and fiction, the reality of historical explanations and the territory of myths and legends here oscillate on a fine line, almost indistinguishable and unsteady. First of all, the Slavs believed that even after the end of summer, the gods always give older women the opportunity to warm themselves under the last rays of the September sun. That’s why the period was called that way and there’s nothing mystical about it.

Another legend is also as close as possible to village life. At the end of September, when all the work in the fields, gardens and vegetable gardens is completed, it is time for women (women) to spend time with their family, children, go for a walk, pick mushrooms or berries, go to the forest or to the river . Adherents of astronomical theory believe that the name comes from the constellation Pleiades, which the Slavs simply called Baba. It becomes visible in the night sky just in the second half of September.

About cobwebs and spiders

In some regions of Russia, almost no one knows what Indian summer is, because it has a completely different name. For example, there is the name Maryina, or Marfina yarn, Spider Web Summer. The fact is that at this time the leaves fall from the trees, and the “canvas” woven by tiny spiders becomes visible. On branches, fences, dried stems - everywhere there are these thin silvery threads, on which early morning dew and raindrops shimmer beautifully under the rays of the autumn sun.

It is noteworthy that some species of spiders, sidewalkers, managed to use the Indian summer for their own purposes. They do not use nets to get food for themselves (they attack flies directly), but weave them for completely different purposes. Everyone has seen thin threads flying through the air - this is the work of travel spiders. They wrap their eggs in bags made of cobwebs, and then attach the structure to a significant elevation, for example, to a tree branch. With a strong impulse of faith, the web breaks off and carries the “tramp” along with his future offspring to a new place of “dislocation”.

Autumn warmth in other cultures

However, there is such a period not only in Rus'. As early as the eighteenth century, one can find in literature the name Indian Summer, which was widespread throughout North America. This meant that in recent days, when the weather had “settled down,” the indigenous people of the prairies were completing preparations for the cold: they were drying and drying meat, fruits, vegetables, and airing their skins. Bulgarians call this time Gypsy, and Serbs call it Michaelmas (after the church holiday).

The Germans also have a beautiful legend that in ancient times elderly ladies knew how to cast magic and temporarily regain their former youth and beauty, and the most fruitful time for such metamorphoses was autumn. That’s why the warming period was called Altweibersommer, which literally means “summer of old women.” However, even in some areas, no one believes in mysticism and witchcraft for a long time, and the names of this time are much simpler - Altweibersommer or Spinnweben. It means “Summer of the Weavers” or millet “Weave a web”. When all the work in the field was completed, the women had time to start weaving, sewing and needlework.

Duration of Indian summer

Since ancient times in Rus' this time came in two stages. Thanks to this, they received their own names. The first period - young summer - came at the end of August, approximately the twenty-fifth or twenty-eighth, and ended in the tenth of September. Nowadays, it practically does not differ from the usual calendar, and global warming has made the border between the usual and the young Indian summer completely indistinguishable.

There is a second, considered the main, Indian summer. It is usually called old. It begins approximately on the tenth day of September and ends on the last days of the month. It happens that the timing shifts slightly, warming occurs a little later - from the beginning of October to its middle. This is relevant, for example, for remote areas of Siberia and the Far East. The length of the period can vary significantly, depending on the country (its geographical location), as well as on the specific year. Basically we should talk about two or three weeks, but it happens that it ends earlier or even later.

If we talk about the etymology of the name itself, then in the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl Marfino (Maryino, Indian, Babino) summer begins exactly on the fourteenth of September. Then the Orthodox Slavs celebrate the commemoration of Simeon the Summer Guide (Semyonov Day). It ends by the twenty-first, when Oseniny (Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God) is celebrated.

The Azores anticyclone is the root cause of Indian summer: what science says

Many people think that in the first days of autumn, summer allows a person to enjoy the warmth and prepare for the thought of the coming winter. However, such thoughts bear little resemblance to a rational point of view, and all natural phenomena usually have simple and understandable explanations based solely on scientific data. There is a similar thing regarding why and when Indian summer comes.

Should know

There is such a thing as a fairly large area of ​​high pressure in the north Atlantic. In the scientific community, the “spot” is usually called the Azores anticyclone. In the United States there is another name - the Bermuda High. This area is colossal in size, and is located precisely in the horse latitudes (between 30-35 degrees north and south latitude), and has the same influence on climatic conditions throughout the world, including Russia.

The mechanism of action of the Azores anticyclone is quite simple and, if desired, even those who have not previously dealt with meteorology can figure it out. Each time, after certain conditions occur, the turbulence of air masses shifts significantly to the left, and the weather in many regions becomes much more changeable and unstable. In September, huge layers of warm air that have not had time to cool rush towards Europe and America, causing changes in temperature conditions. Therefore, Indian summer is possible only during a certain period, cyclically repeating in the annual cycle. At any other time, warming will no longer bear that name.

All the rest of the “work” remains with the leaves. If you think that this is a joke and they cannot influence the climate in any way, then you are mistaken. In autumn, a large number of plants shed their foliage, but first the chlorophyll in it begins to decompose, causing it to change color from green to yellow, orange and red. During the chemical reaction, heat is released, which also affects the weather around.

Inspired by the golden state of nature

When Indian summer comes into its own, nature seems to bloom, but not in the same way as in spring, but in a completely different way. Everything around is transformed and painted in bright reddish-golden shades, so pleasing to the eye. Therefore, people of art, who subtly sense moods and see beauty in everything, could not help but pay attention to this blessed time.

Paintings pierced with gold threads

Many artists used Indian summer and golden autumn scenes to create their outstanding masterpieces.

  • Nikita Fomin wrote a beautiful canvas, full of anticipation and a light pre-dawn haze, called “Autumn Flowers”.
  • Czech painter, graphic artist and publicist Jozsa Uprka created the painting “Indian Summer”.
  • Many paintings by the famous painter Isaac Levitan are devoted to the theme of golden autumn and Indian summer. They literally seem to be filled with light yellowish light and fresh, clean air.
  • Boris Kustodiev included in his canvases not only nature itself, incomprehensible and beautiful, but also people and animals, with their special needs and moods.

This is just the tip of a huge iceberg of pictures about the time of year when the foliage takes on bright colors and the finest cobwebs fly through the air.

Song creativity and literary works

Not only artists see beauty in the world around them. Numerous composers and poets also dedicated their creations to Indian summer. The famous Russian lyricist and bard of the second half of the twentieth century, Vladimir Vysotsky, wrote a song of the same name based on poems by Igor Kokhanovsky.

There is also a famous hit from the nineties of the last century called “Indian Summer”, which contains the lines “You will deceive this evil autumn as always.” In the song of the famous director, actor, composer and director Alexander Nikolaevich Lobanovsky, it is sung: “We, oh, don’t like Indian summer - we are waiting for spring with you.”

It’s also hard not to remember the song “Snowfall” performed by the famous Nani Bregvadze based on the verses of Alla Rustaikis, where there are the words: “Snowfall, snowfall, if a woman asks, don’t rush Indian summer.”

The famous Russian poet Fyodor Mikhailovich Tyutchev wrote poems in honor of this amazing period. For him, “the whole day is as if it were crystal, and the evenings are radiant...”. Such feelings are quite accessible to everyone who loves the last warm days. Leonid Vasyukovich describes the period as follows: “Indian summer feeds us with dope, evoking fabulous dreams. We succumb to his deceptions, but this is no one’s fault.” The lines reveal slight regret about the past and hope for future happiness.

What to do on the last sunny days

Whatever this period is called, everyone should spend it usefully, strengthen their own cheerful mood in order to easily and simply survive the winter period, with short cold days and long nights. To do this, you can and should have a lot of fun, just as our ancestors did. Of course, the world around has changed, and working in the fields, which is crowned by Indian summer, is not a pleasure for everyone, but why not get a lot of positive emotions from the last warm and gentle rays of sunshine the old fashioned way.

  • It makes sense to go to the field, to the river or take a walk in the nearest grove to warm up and enjoy the splendor and beauty of nature. It is during this period that you can see the finest cobwebs flying in the air with tiny side-walking spiders in them. This is how they move from place to place, expanding their habitat. The spectacle is truly very beautiful, especially at dawn or at the end of the day.
  • On the fourteenth of September, when Indian summer begins, the feast of Simeon the Stylite is celebrated. For the celebration, it is customary to prepare a delicious treat and ask for forgiveness from everyone who comes to dinner. It was then that housewarming parties were held, and the day before that a red rooster, as well as a cat, were allowed into the new house. All this was and is an excellent reason to reconcile with each other and forgive old grievances accumulated over the year.
  • Indian summer opens the period of conservation and preparations for the winter. By this time, apples and late varieties of pears are just ripening. It's time to finish digging up potatoes, harvesting corn, sunflowers and other useful crops. In addition, it already makes sense to go to the forest to collect honey mushrooms. In the old days, women processed this all together, taking turns moving from one hut to another, singing songs, laughing, and also flirting with unmarried guys.
  • Modern people are more pragmatic and have a somewhat lenient attitude towards ancient traditions. Therefore, Indian summer is a perfect time for notorious skeptics to create unique photo sessions. Pictures taken at this time will definitely remind you of the last warm days, and your soul will be more cheerful even in the most severe cold.

In addition to all of the above, it is during the autumn period that a lot of interesting events are most often held: festivals, rallies, farmers' fairs, creative plein airs and literary readings. For example, at the end of September, a grape harvest festival is held in Baden pod Vienna, which anyone can attend. The Munich beer festival Oktoberfest, which was originally held in honor of the wedding of Louis of Bavaria and Theresa of Saxony, usually lasts several weeks. For the most advanced, European Bike Week is suitable, which takes place in Faak am See, Austria, under the auspices of Harley-Davidson and is a gathering of bikers from different countries. Since the early sixties of the last century, Wales has also hosted the Number 6 music festival, which can be visited from the sixth to the ninth of September.

Signs accompanying Indian summer

People say that if you hunt at the height of this period, your health will be good all year. Moreover, this applies not only to the hunters themselves, but also to their families, dogs and horses.

It's summer in Marfino and late love is in full swing. If you want to catch it, go to the river and watch how the willow drops its leaves into the water. You can see your betrothed in the cold water.

Bury a fly and the spirit will be gone. In the old days, it was believed that before the onset of Indian summer it was under no circumstances possible to destroy flies, otherwise they would multiply very much. With the beginning of this period, everything became the opposite. This seems like a superstition, but autumn “biting” flies are really much less pitiful.

Semyon will make peace - the second honeymoon will last. At this time, it was worth putting up with quarreling spouses.

If a rainbow appears in the sky during the young Indian summer, this means that autumn promises to be long and quite warm.

If it rains at this time, then autumn will be very dry. If it’s dry outside the window, then the weather will be rainy and humid until winter.

If there are a lot of webs flying in the air (webs with side-walkers), then the autumn will be extremely warm and clear, and the winter will be frosty and snowy, which is very good for the harvest.

The best time for a housewarming is Indian summer. If you move to a new house at this time, your future life in it will become happy and rich.

If at this time the foliage on the trees still retains its green color, then autumn will be long.

If the wedding took place at this time, then this was a very good sign for the newlyweds. This meant that their honeymoon would last a lifetime.

Other names

Timing and duration

young Indian summer



see also


  • Babushkino (apple variety)
  • Babya (mountain)

    Indian summer- autumn Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Indian summer noun, number of synonyms: 5 letiga (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    INDIAN SUMMER- a period of dry, sunny and warm weather in Europe and North America (where it is called the Indian summer) in September October. Usually associated with a stable anticyclone, lasts 2-3 weeks... Modern encyclopedia

    INDIAN SUMMER- a period of dry, sunny and warm weather in Europe and the North. America (where it is called the Indian summer) in September October. Usually associated with a stable anticyclone, lasts 2-3 weeks...

Other names

This period of autumn is called “Indian summer” among the Eastern and Western Slavs. Among the southern Slavs (in Bulgaria, Macedonia) it is called “Gypsy summer”, in Serbia - “Michael summer” (“Mihoљsko љeto”), in Croatia - also called Indian summer (Bablje ljeto), also “Michael summer” (“Miholjsko ljeto") according to St. Michael and "Martin's summer" ("Martinjsko ljeto") according to St. Martin, in German-speaking countries - "old woman's summer" (more precisely, "summer of old women" - Altweibersommer, literal translation "summer of old women") , in Holland - “after summer”, in North America - “Indian summer”, in Italy - “summer of St. Martin”. In France, this time of year was traditionally called the “summer of Saint Denis,” but in recent decades, due to the widespread popularity of the song of the same name by Joe Dassin, the literal translation of the North American name - Été indien - is more often used. In Portuguese-speaking countries, the term "Summer of St. Martinho" or "Veránicu" (Letochko) is used. In Spanish-speaking countries, the term is used depending on the month when Indian summer occurs, so August/September is “Summer of St. Miguel”; in October/November - “Summer of St. Martin”, as well as “Summer of St. John” or “Summer of St. John Baptiste”.

Timing and duration

The duration of the fine days of “Indian summer” varies, as does the time of its beginning. Usually this is one to two weeks (two to three natural synoptic periods), falling in mid-September until early October. IN Central region In the European part of Russia, the beginning of “Indian summer” is September 14. In Europe and North America, this period begins later, at the end of September or in the 1st half of October. In the south of the Far East, Indian summer begins in early October. In southern Siberia, sharp warming often occurs in late September - early October. In the European part of Russia, as well as in Belarus and northern Ukraine, in mid-October, warming often occurs to +15...20 degrees (for 3-7 days). This period is often mistakenly called Indian summer.

According to Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, “Indian summer” (Marfino’s summer) begins on Semyon-day, or the day of Simeon the summer guide, September 1 (14), and ends on Asposov day, September 8 (21); or on the day of Exaltation on September 14 (27). Here, at Dahl's, it is found young Indian summer, taking place from August 15 (28) - the feast of the Assumption to August 29 (September 11) - Golovosek.

There is, however, another version of the “Indian summer” phenomenon, which explains the autumn warming by the release of a gigantic amount of heat during the chemical reaction of chlorophyll decomposition during a period of rapid simultaneous yellowing of foliage. If you follow this version, the start and end of the “Indian summer” will shift in Central Russia to the end of September-beginning of October, almost until the leaves fall.


Autumn is rolling, autumn is rolling, it’s rolling at your feet. The leaves are tossing, the leaves are tossing in the rain. We don't like Indian summer, we don't like Indian summer - We're with you for spring, we'll wait for spring with you. further

Song "Indian Summer". Vysotsky Vladimir Semyonovich (lyrics by Igor Kokhanovsky).

The maples painted the city with some kind of Witchcraft color, This means very soon Indian summer, Indian summer. This means very soon Indian summer, Indian summer. further


see also

In more southern latitudes, where the subtropics and, in particular, the Mediterranean climate dominate, the velvet season is an analogue of Indian summer.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Indian Summer” is in other dictionaries:

    Autumn Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Indian summer noun, number of synonyms: 5 letiga (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    A period of dry, sunny and warm weather in Europe and North America (called Indian summer) in September–October. Usually associated with a stable anticyclone, lasts 2-3 weeks... Modern encyclopedia

    A period of dry, sunny and warm weather in Europe and the North. America (where it is called the Indian summer) in September October. Usually associated with a stable anticyclone, lasts 2-3 weeks... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

INDIAN SUMMER – history, traditions, folk signs.

"Indian Summer" It is customary to call the last warm sunny days of September. Of particular value this period time has in regions with fairly short and unpredictable summers. Let's try to figure out why this is an “Indian” summer and not a “peasant” one.

By definition, Indian summer occurs around the same time every year.

It's mid-September. Starts September 13-14 and ends September 23-27. In general, you will only be able to bask in the sun for 1-2 weeks.

Of course, this is all very conditional and depends on geography. For example, in the European part of Russia, warm days begin on September 13. In Central Siberia it’s already a couple of days later.

And on Far East warm days arrive at the end of September or even at the beginning of October.

And this year, according to numerous weather forecasts, it is expected that the Indian summer will be divided into 2 parts. Between them there will be colder temperatures and precipitation in the form of rain.

Essence and traditions

The main idea is clear - warm, dry, sunny weather. Why does it occur? The whole reason is a stable anticyclone. Thanks to him, we can throw off our raincoats and enjoy the warmth to the fullest. In general, no miracles...

By the way, it should also be noted that Indian summer begins immediately after the first significant cold snap. At the beginning of September there are several rainy and unusually cold days. And at the end of this depressing period, the long-awaited (and for some unexpected) warmth comes.

If for some reason you don’t like the name of “this” summer, feel free to call it “Indian Summer”! This is the common name in North America.

In the traditions of the Eastern Slavs, this short period of sunny weather is inextricably linked with harvesting. This also includes rituals associated with seeing off summer and welcoming autumn. In general, people have fun after the harvest.

Of course, one cannot do without influence Orthodox culture. For example, September 14 is the day of Simeon the Chronicler, and September 21 is Osenina (harvest festival in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

Folk signs

The most famous sign- this flying web (“netnetnik”). If you get a spider web in your face, or if you notice one in large quantities on various plants, in meadows, on tree branches, which means there will be a good start autumn: warm and without rain.

If it so happens that the entire Indian summer is stormy, then the subsequent autumn will be drier. And vice versa. “Riding on Semyon Day makes horses bolder, dogs become kinder and don’t get sick.”

The more flying cobwebs, the warmer and brighter the autumn will be.

Why is it called that (and what are the names in other countries)

There are different versions of the origin of the name “this” summer. And almost all of them came from the people.

In the old days, women had a very hard time. There is work in the field, harvesting, preparing food for the winter, and also family chores. Let's not mention the terrible serfdom period...

So, these warm September days were short time relaxation for all women. Then they started laying flax, doing handicrafts, in general, new work was going on.

*Another version concerns that very cobweb flying in the fields. The web is somewhat similar to a woman's long gray hair.

*At this time, you can see the Pleiades constellation in the sky. People called him briefly - Baba.

As for names in other countries, parallels are also drawn with women.

In German-speaking countries it is the “summer of old ladies.” In France - “Summer of Saint Denis”, in Italy - “Summer of Saint Martin”. In the USA and Canada, as mentioned earlier, “Indian summer” is coming. And finally, in Bulgaria - “Gypsy Summer”.

Now you know when Indian summer is expected, what kind of summer it is, and where the “Indian” name comes from. I wish you to nourish yourself with warmth and positive emotions these days!

Indian summer has always stood out in folk traditions.

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There is a time of nature's special light,

dim sun, gentle heat.

It's called

Indian summer

and in delight argues with spring itself.

Olga Bergolts

Maples painted the city

some kind of witchcraft color -
It's coming soon, it's coming soon
Indian summer, Indian summer.

Why are the leaves melting so quickly?
I don't understand anything
And I catch like these leaves
our dates, our dates.

Vladimir Vysotsky

The period of autumn, which we call Indian summer, has other names among other peoples. For example, in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Macedonia it is the gypsy summer, in Serbia it is the Michaelmas summer, in German-speaking countries it is the summer of old women, in Holland it is the aftersummer, in North America it is the Indian summer, in Italy it is the summer of St. Martin, and in France it is Summer of Saint Denis. Depending on the climate and year, Indian summer can shift in time: from late August to early September (the so-called young Indian summer) and even at the very end of September - early October (in Europe and southern Siberia).

From the point of view of weather forecasters who are not prone to lyricism, this is the time of arrival of the Azores anticyclone, which carries the warmth of the Mediterranean. After a short-term cold snap in early September, the weather in middle lane for a week or two it becomes dry, sunny and unusually warm, and the air these days is especially clear and quiet. Forests and fields put on a golden outfit. I don’t want to think that this unspeakable grace is explained by the chemical reaction of the decomposition of chlorophyll in the leaves, as a result of which a gigantic amount of heat is released, rising upward and dispersing the clouds.

Indian summer has always stood out in folk traditions and beliefs. By this time, the hard, male field work in peasant farm and women's, women's, began. Women made preparations for the winter, pickled cucumbers, ruffled hemp and soaked flax, wove canvas and did handicrafts. They wove and looked: if the thread lay straight, then it would be good husband, if it’s uneven, then the husband will be unfit. Young men flocked to the women's troubles to help, and at the same time to look after the bride. The gatherings dragged on until the first roosters. They treated us to various dishes and beer.

It is believed that Indian summer begins on September 14, Semenov Day. Semyon, otherwise Simeon the Summer Guide, marked the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. On this day, as a rule, in the old days a housewarming party was celebrated. Go to new hut, or “vlazins,” is not an easy matter. The cat was the first to be let into the house, because there was a belief that whoever enters the house first will be the first to leave it, that is, die. And the lifespan of pets is already short, so... After the cat, the oldest member of the family came in.

Before a housewarming party, a rooster was often locked in the house for the night so that with his crowing he would drive out all the evil spirits. It was very important to solemnly settle the brownie in the new housing: he was transferred from the old to the new hut in a pot of coals, being aware of the significance and responsibility of the event. And of course, there was a housewarming party as we know it today, with guests, food and gifts. The first were the father-in-law, the matchmakers, and the godfathers. The father-in-law sent a horse as a gift to his beloved son-in-law, and the mother-in-law sent a cow for her grandchildren. The feast began at lunchtime and ended late at night.

On Semenov's Day, it was necessary to put the boy (after he was three years old) on a horse and give him a short ride, marking the transition from childhood to adolescence. In the old days, people went out to hunt hares on this day. It was believed that on this day horses became bolder, dogs became kinder and did not get sick. The first bait on Semyon Day promised hunters big prey in winter.

There are a lot of folk signs associated with Indian summer. If a rainbow appears these days, autumn will be warm. By the way, even bad weather during Indian summer is not a death sentence for the whole autumn, rather, on the contrary: “Indian summer is stormy - autumn is dry.” But clear days did not seem to please: “Indian summer is good - autumn is bad.”

To end on a happy note, let me remind you that the time from Semyon Day (September 14) to Guria (November 15) was called wedding weeks and was considered the best time for bridesmaids and weddings. Do not miss your chance!

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