Why you can't drink from a broken cup. Why does a mug break: the meaning and interpretation of folk signs

Each of us has that very favorite tea cup or mug, without which we cannot imagine a cozy start (or end) of our day. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the destruction of this household item has a depressing effect: you have to get used to other dishes, which at first even causes some discomfort. This fact is one of the fundamental signs: the mug broke. In most interpretations folk beliefs it is believed that a tea cup or any mug inevitably breaks happy events and fortunate circumstances. Is it really? Why the mug breaks and what events it may portend - we’ll find out right now.

Various circumstances

Before choosing an interpretation of this folk sign that is closer to your current situation, pay attention to some of the nuances of the incident. Every little detail is important. Did the empty dish slip out and break on the floor, or was the cup filled with contents? Under what conditions did the unpleasant incident occur: during a celebration or under other circumstances? Even whether the lady was married when she dropped the object (or whether it spontaneously cracked) - all this is of no small importance when you want to understand why the mug breaks. Or maybe the culprit of the devastation was a male representative?

Who is responsible for the incident?

  • The young lady accidentally let go of the object from her hands, and it broke into fragments? One can only be happy for the girl: a sign about broken dishes in this situation, it promises the acquisition of a second half. The girl will become a bride and will soon tie the knot.
  • The young gentleman's favorite mug broke, what's the point? This case can be interpreted like the previous one: the guy gets married after a while.
  • Breaking dishes given by a boyfriend means you are in danger of breaking up with this person. In any case, unpleasant moments cannot be avoided in the near future.
  • An indecent lady approaches your husband. She has serious plans for the man and is about to take decisive action. This is why a mug is broken at home, for a married lady.
  • Our ancestors panicked greatly if a child broke a vessel. It was believed that the child had been damaged or was simply jinxed.

Why does a mug break?

It is important to understand what preceded the destruction of the dishes, whether its destruction was intentional or a completely unexpected action.

  • Deliberate damage to property in an attempt to attract at least some good luck to the house is considered a futile exercise. Therefore, when you deliberately throw a mug at the wall, you should not expect favorable changes.
  • Why does a mug break, for example, thrown into a wall in anger? If you did this, definitely don't expect luck. It was believed (and old people still think so) that an object damaged in this way is a conductor negative energy to your home. Diseases and scandals will soon arrive.
  • Your cute pet got so excited that he got to the dishes and inadvertently knocked the mug off the stable surface. Naturally, the item was damaged or completely cracked. Don't even be nervous about this: such a case does not have unpleasant consequences and means nothing except that it’s time to visit the china department and stock up on new glasses, cups and mugs. A new dishes- it's always beautiful and pleasant.

My mug... I miss you...

What to prepare for when the dishes have shattered into small crumbs and now you don’t have your favorite mug? Or maybe, on the contrary, it cracked but did not shatter?

  • The glass mug shattered almost to pieces. What is this for? It turns out that the Universe is smiling at you and hinting that great times are just around the corner: good luck, joyful events, love and other desirable situations will occur in the life of someone who accidentally breaks a glass vessel. The sign is effective for someone who breaks his mug.
  • It’s bad when, while visiting, you inadvertently let go of a porcelain, glass or earthenware mug from your hands. You don't need to expect any mercy from this incident. Luck signals that it has turned its back on you the best side. Get ready for troubles of various kinds. How smaller fragments, the more serious problems await you.
  • A vessel cracked into several large fragments hints at the destruction of plans. Nothing will come true. The efforts will be useless. If this is how the mug cracked (broken) in your hands, according to the sign, you need to stop actions related to far-reaching dreams. Wait a little and show the Universe your disinterest in this. After a while, you can try again to take small steps towards making your dreams come true.

Was the mug full or empty?

Didn’t have time to finish your tea or milk from the “damaged” mug? Expect unpleasant events soon. They will be unimportant, but yet so debilitating. Petty squabbles take away a lot of mental strength.

A representative of the stronger sex accidentally broke a mug in which there was a drink - large financial funds will come into his wallet.

The coffee cup breaks to petty intrigues and disputes. There may be misunderstandings between family members.

An expensive porcelain product breaks exclusively for good events.

Career according to the sign about circles

What should you prepare for when your mug gets damaged while drinking tea at work? The sign that a mug broke at work also exists!

  • The omen says that an empty container is broken to indicate a change of place of work. You may be downsized or fired for other reasons. Or maybe you will leave this place of work on your own.
  • At your workplace, your favorite mug has lost its handle or acquired a slightly noticeable chip? It is worth paying attention to the colleagues around you. You will probably have to break up with some of these people; they are not very friendly towards you.
  • Did the filled dishes crack or even burst (from boiling water), scattering into fragments? Rejoice: there is a high probability of your promotion and further successful ascent along your career path.

Dishes often break at home

Our wise ancestors believed: constantly breaking dishes in the home - a clear sign accumulation of bad energy. To balance home energy, ancestors left gifts on the table or under the stove for the owner of their hut - the brownie. The present could be any delicacy. But the brownies of old times especially liked milk and all sorts of sweet things (gingerbreads, candies). However, a piece of good white bread the house owner did not disdain. If your mugs keep cracking or splintering due to unexpected (and illogical) circumstances, try leaving your pet a treat.

Fateful incident

For more accurate interpretation folk sign an important condition The event during which the incident occurred is considered.

  • A mug broken during wedding feast, promises good luck and joy not only to the young, but also to the one who caused the incident.
  • It was considered (and is still considered to this day) a very bad omen to break a mug at a funeral dinner. During funerals and wakes evil people They often “take off” their own sorrows and health problems on others. Therefore, when the mug in your hands cracks or even turns into separate fragments, take measures aimed at removing the damage. Anyone who breaks a mug at a funeral will be very sick.

Sign for the whole week

As you can see, there are many nuances that help you get closer to more correct interpretation signs. However, that's not all. The day on which the described event occurred is also important.

  • Breaking an object on the first day of the week is good luck for seven days.
  • The second day is an unexpected, but very welcome meeting.
  • Wednesday promises an influx of wealth to someone who accidentally breaks a mug or glass.
  • Fourth day of the week - get ready for guests to visit your home.
  • Breaking a mug on Friday means someone of the opposite sex will soon become interested in you. Perhaps the matter will not be limited to one person. There will be many fans (fans).
  • Sixth day of the week - events promise praise towards you.
  • Seventh - the worry about the broken mug will soon dissipate: someone decided to please you with a present.

Most people associate a cup with comfort and warmth; you can drink your favorite tea from it, feeling the homely atmosphere. This kitchen item can break, which has always upset the owners and therefore gave rise to many superstitions. Breaking a cup is a sign both happy and not so happy, and there can be a great many interpretations of this.

Interpretation of signs

The most common interpretation is that the dishes beat for good luck. If a mug flies out of your hands, this can promise good luck, prosperity and changes in life.

It depends on who broke the product.

  1. If it slips out of the hands of an unmarried man, you can be sure that he will soon get married.
  2. If an unmarried woman drops this dish, she will definitely soon get married or meet her betrothed.
  3. If the bride breaks a cup given by the groom, then this promises a break.
  4. For a woman in marriage, it can serve as a signal that she needs to take a closer look at her husband. Another woman is courting him. It is especially dangerous if the broken mug belongs to the husband.
  5. If a child accidentally dropped a mug and it shattered into fragments, there is a possibility that the child was jinxed or damaged.

Accidentally or intentionally broken product

There are many questions surrounding how the cup was broken. Many people, wanting to bring happiness into the house, break dishes on purpose. Such an attempt will not attract either success or good luck, so you should not deliberately break the dishes.

  1. A mug thrown in a fit of anger will also not bring joy to the house. At best, nothing will happen, and at worst, family members will be left with an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. If your a pet swept the mug off the table, this also does not promise any changes in life, so there is no need to be upset, but it is best to collect the fragments and go to the store for a new mug.
  3. If it breaks by accident, slipping out of your hands while washing, falling to the floor from the table due to your awkward movement, then this is the same case that can be safely considered a sign of fate. Many further events depend on how the mug was broken.

Splinters or just cracks

If the product turns out to be broken, it is very important to pay attention to how it looks. Sometimes only shards remain of the mug, and sometimes the product turns out to be intact, and only a small crack reminds of an unpleasant situation.

  • If the handle of a cup breaks off after a fall or a small chip appears, then it’s time to analyze your communication with other people: you have problems with friends, and social sphere and personal life leaves much to be desired;
  • if a fallen mug is cracked, then this promises unrealized plans and collapsed projects: signs of fate warn you against any serious undertakings and recommend waiting until better times come;
  • the mug was broken by its owner, and it crumbled into small fragments, this speaks of a streak of good fortune and luck: during this period, a person will succeed in everything he undertakes - if the pieces are very small, then the events will be significant and memorable.

A slightly different interpretation is proposed if the cup is not broken by its owner. In this situation, the sign says that trouble awaits the person, and it all depends on what is left after the cup. Large shards promise minor problems, and if the cup shatters into many small fragments, then a streak of bad luck awaits the person.

Full or empty mug

Many superstitions are also related to whether there was something in the dish when it was broken. If you break a cup with its contents, the sign says that there will be grief in the family, but the person who dropped the product will suffer the most. If a man breaks the dishes, then profit awaits him.

A broken empty cup symbolizes small losses and predicament. These could be minor quarrels that quickly end in reconciliation, or small disappointments.

If the broken cup was made of porcelain, then this is fortunate, so you can only be glad that the product was broken. If a glass mug breaks, then there are likely to be quarrels in the family and a series of troubles that the culprit will have to deal with.

Fateful circumstances

Very often, a broken mug can signal some events that will prove fateful.

This usually has to do with where the cup was broken.

  1. If you break a product at a wedding, it will only bring joy. In many cases, cups are struck on the wedding day to bring happiness to the couple in their personal lives.
  2. If a cup falls at a wake, it means that you should expect losses and illnesses, so you need to be careful about your health.
  3. If dishes break in the office, the owner or close colleagues who have become friends will face dismissal. If the cup was full, then a promotion or job change awaits.
  4. If cups are broken regularly in the house, then there is a negative source that creates unpleasant situations. In this case, the best way to make friends with the brownie is to pour some milk into his saucer.

Interpretation by days of the week

In addition to the location, the day of the week also matters:

  1. on Monday - expect good luck;
  2. on Tuesday - an unexpected meeting;
  3. on Wednesday - good deal or profitable business;
  4. on Thursday - the unexpected appearance of guests;
  5. on Friday - attention from the opposite sex;
  6. on Saturday or Sunday - success in some business.

Dream about a broken cup

If you saw a broken mug in a dream, this may mean trouble and family quarrels. Signs say that a streak of bad luck will begin at home, which you will have to endure while remaining calm. If a girl breaks a mug in a dream, this foreshadows a separation from her lover or a major quarrel, after which it will not be easy to make peace. If a man dreams of a broken cup, this indicates that he needs to pay attention to his personal life. His lover will be angry with him for something, so it is best to prevent conflicts.

For a lonely man to see a broken cup - a sign that he needs to look at his attitude towards others from a different angle. You should be more tactful and show more patience and understanding towards people. Another interpretation says that a guy who dreamed of a broken cup will be very disappointed in one of his friends or relatives.

The material of the product also matters:

  • if in a dream the broken thing was made of porcelain, then this indicates the need for a person to rethink his actions and find time for mental and physical rest;
  • if the cup was glass, then you will meet a respectable person who will treat the dreamer with disdain;
  • if a clay cup breaks in a dream, then the person who sees it will have more time for creativity, and the routine will go aside for some period;
  • a broken ceramic cup symbolizes missed opportunities, both financial and personal.


If you saw a broken product in a dream, then you can only hope that bad dream won't come true. If you break a mug in real life, then you should get rid of such a thing as soon as possible. You should not drink from a cracked cup, even if a small piece has broken off. Broken things always accumulate negativity, so the easiest way is to throw away the dishes and buy new ones. Let your cups bring you only joy and, if they break, then only at random.

The sign is to break a plate, this is clearly not a simple coincidence! People often attach mystical meaning to this or that incident. Therefore, breaking any element kitchen utensils, people are waiting for some kind of misfortune or change in life.

The mystical meaning of a broken object


What is what

A plate breaks - expect changes in your home and personal life. Moreover, what is noteworthy is that only good changes. Broken plate in the house - this is good luck. In a particular case, it is known that if a bride breaks a plate at a wedding, then her marriage is likely to crack soon.

Breaking glass is a symbol of a worsening situation. Glass (any) symbolizes transparency and purity. If you break the glass in a window, your relationships with others will worsen. If you break glass in the house (for example, a glass door in a closet), then there will be problems with loved ones in the family. If you break any glass, it will be a harbinger of upcoming misfortunes.
Breaking a glass means ruining your relationship with your husband or your loved one.

Breaking a mug is a sign of good luck. It is believed that a full or empty broken mug will bring happiness to the home and personally to the person who broke it. If the handle of a mug has fallen off, then such utensils cannot be used, based on practical and mystical considerations.

Breaking a cup means that the person who loves you is thinking about you. In the old days, it was believed that a broken cup meant deception or some kind of intrigue associated with this person.
Break an egg. Breaking an egg means getting closer to happiness. The egg has always been considered a symbol of new life or its origin. But breaking 3 eggs at once means a big loss. If an egg breaks and there is a yolk in it, then it is unfortunate that there will be losses.

Breaking a glass means ending a relationship with a loved one. It is also known that breaking a full glass (most often about red wine) means taking on someone’s sin or guilt.


Believe it or not - your choice

Of course, you can attach importance to the fact that the dishes break. Psychologists say that through all these superstitions, people simply program themselves for success or failure, which is formed in advance in the subconscious.

You just have to remember that spouses sometimes break dishes in a quarrel, just to let off steam and there is no particular point in it.

They say that dishes beat for good luck. This statement is not always true. Attentive and superstitious people have noticed: the circumstances under which the dishes were damaged matter. Thanks to this, you can find out the near future of the person who broke a household item. There are a number of signs about a broken mug.

Is it fortunate that dishes break?

Our cups and mugs break frequently. A broken empty mug predicts the onset of a new favorable stage and a series of good events.

For a young woman, breaking glassware means trouble and a close quarrel with her family. The sign also indicates that a rival may appear in your life.

A broken porcelain, ceramic or earthenware mug for a single person means finding a soul mate.

What matters is how the mug broke, who damaged it, on what day and under what circumstances.

Fragment size

A wedding sign says that the smaller the fragments of the dishes broken by the newlyweds at the wedding, the happier and richer they will be. living together. And when the dishes break in Everyday life, this is already interpreted differently.

If the mug shatters in the owner’s hands small pieces- to pleasant chores and positive events. The smaller the fragments, the more joy awaits the owner of the mug.

If your guest breaks a mug, it means an inevitable quarrel. It is important how the item broke:

  • If a broken mug shatters into several large fragments, minor but significant conflicts with this person await you.
  • If the cup shatters into many small fragments, it means the end of friendly relations.


The place where the mug breaks also has a certain meaning for prediction. It is considered a good omen if a cup breaks during a wedding. This promises the newlyweds abundance and prosperity, material security and mutual understanding.

It’s bad when a vessel breaks at a funeral. It can indicate future failures or even illness, so you should be sure to quickly and carefully collect all the fragments, wash yourself and change clothes.

With a drink

The sign of breaking a cup filled with water is favorable for a man and promises him quick and unexpected profit. If a woman drops and breaks a full mug, it means quarrels and insults in which not only she, but also the witnesses to the incident will suffer.

At work

Tea drinking at the workplace often ends with one of the employees breaking a cup. This omen is not good, and threatens the culprit of the event with a quarrel and conflict situations with the authorities. In this case, it is recommended to be more careful in your statements and less arrogant.

Fell but survived

Often a dropped mug remains intact and does not lose its functional purpose. This incident can be attributed to ordinary accident and negligence of the owner of the vessel. But especially superstitious individuals, even in this case, have many signs and predictions in their arsenal.

A cup that is intact after falling does not foretell anything. In the near future, your life will be familiar and measured, without diverse events.

Cracked or split

A cup that bursts or cracks when dropped warns its owner that he should postpone the implementation of his plans. Their implementation should be postponed until a later time.

The handle has broken off or a piece has broken off

If, after the cup fell, small chips, cracks formed on it, or the handle fell off, this is an omen that the close surroundings you are unhappy. Relatives and friends do not agree with some of your actions or are offended by you and try to cope with this negative feeling on their own. You should definitely find out the reason for their resentment or dissatisfaction and try to eliminate it.

Day of the week

The day on which the cup broke is of great significance for superstitious people. By comparing predictions by day of the week with other signs, you can accurately determine the near future for yourself.

  1. According to signs, breaking a cup on Monday is a sign of long-awaited guests and meetings with friends.
  2. On Tuesday - good news from your family awaits you in the near future.
  3. On Wednesday - a close friend or dear person is in a hurry to have tea with you.
  4. On Thursday - promises a useful and pleasant acquaintance.
  5. On Friday - a large number of positive emotions And happy events will be waiting for you.
  6. On Saturday - to praise or a bonus at work.
  7. On Sunday - promises gifts that friends and acquaintances will give you.

Why you shouldn't drink from damaged glassware

The belief that damaged cups should not be used is rather of a hygienic and preventive nature. Drinking tea from chipped and cracked cups can result in cuts.

Our forefathers also tried not to keep broken cups and mugs in their house. It was believed that they were possessed evil spirits, and if after some time the mug still broke, then this promised its owner illness and physical illness.

Superstitious people believe that a damaged cup attracts loneliness, so it should not be used. Even a slightly bruised vessel should be immediately taken away from the house and disposed of.

Why do you dream about a broken mug?

A dream in which you see a broken mug or break it yourself is not good, foreshadowing upcoming life problems and troubles. For young people, such a dream promises cooling in relationships, conflicts and quarrels out of nowhere.

Having seen a dream with a broken mug, try to behave more carefully not only at home, but also at work. By carefully analyzing your actions and actions, you can avoid unpleasant consequences or keep them minimal.

Beliefs associated with broken cups are ambiguous and contradictory, so if a mug accidentally breaks, you should not predict the inevitable bad events waiting for you in the near future. We need to look at this incident from all sides.

What will you do if, during a tea party, one of the guests or family drops a mug on the floor and it shatters into pieces? Most likely, you will automatically say “for good luck,” give the bungler a new cup and peacefully continue the conversation. Maybe grumble a little if the untimely ruined vessel was dear to you as a memory, but nothing more. However, the signs are sure: if you approach the interpretation thoughtfully, this event will tell you a lot of interesting things about your future. Depending on the circumstances, it predicts success and loss, dating and betrayal, and even acts as a kind of matchmaker! So why, according to signs, break a cup accidentally or on purpose?

Why do cups and mugs break?

The main rule of all lovers of omens is that only those dishes that shatter into pieces as if on their own, without obvious intervention from the owners, can make guesses about the future. If there are fewer cups in the kitchen after your little cooks have worked in it or a pet has rushed through like a whirlwind, the hand of fate has nothing to do with it, blame the incident on an ordinary accident. Moreover, a cup thrown at a wall in anger is not considered a worthy prediction - it will not predict good luck for you, but it will provide a powerful release of aggressive energy. Which, by the way, will settle in the apartment to spoil the nerves and health of the household. Do you need this? Surely not.

Sometimes it’s not the hand of fate that’s to blame, but someone’s furry paw

Breaking mugs with good intentions, hoping that the sound of glass flying across the floor will one day bring happiness into the house, is also useless. But if the dishes burst under a stream of boiling water, accidentally slipped out of your hand, or fell off the table in a completely inexplicable way, you can begin to tell fortunes...

In half or in crumbs?

There is an old wedding omen: the smaller the fragments of the plate broken by the newlyweds, the happier the life of the spouses will be. This rule also applies to cups and mugs, but, alas, not always. For example, if the owner himself is to blame for destroying the dishes, beliefs promise him joy, good news And mutual love. And the smaller the fragments splashed to the sides, the greater the likelihood that what lies ahead is not some pleasant little things, but truly serious luck.

But a mug broken by a guest in someone else’s house threatens to break relations with the owners. And the dependence here is the opposite: two or three large fragments promise a minor conflict, many small ones promise a friendship that has crumbled into rubbish.

If a container with boiling water or other contents breaks

Signs often contradict themselves, and here is just such a case:

  • Some believe that broken empty cups and mugs bring with them minor troubles and losses, such as a travel card falling out of your pocket at the end of the month or a button flying off your coat at the most inopportune moment.
  • Others predict a lucky person who drops an empty vessel on the floor will have a new successful stage in life and changes for the better.
  • A full cup that has “died” along with its contents is considered to be a sign of a major quarrel, during which both its instigators and bystanders will suffer. However, the forecast does not apply to cases where a man drops a container of water on the floor. It is not known why, but superstitions predict an unexpected and significant profit for the owner of the destroyed vessel.

How to understand which of the signs applies to you? Experts advise you to remember what you were thinking about at the moment when you heard the sound of glass. Were these thoughts joyful or anxious? Did the suddenly heard sound frighten you, or did the memory immediately pop up in your head that the dishes were still beating fortunately? Based on this data, build your forecast.

Doesn't what happened warn of someone's intrigues against you?

One of the superstitions calls any broken cup, be it empty or full, a sign: “The one you have liked for a long time is thinking about you now.” And at the same time, it warns of possible betrayal on the part of the object of your passion. Or it may happen that your loved one will remain faithful to you, but someone else will begin to weave intrigues around the two of you. Is it a rejected admirer?

Glass or porcelain?

Not all signs take into account in their interpretations the material from which the mug is made, but there are those who consider this fact the most important criterion. Moreover, the “indications” of simple glassware are fundamentally at odds with the predictions of elegant coffee cups. For example, porcelain, despite its high cost, almost always produces happiness. And if a mug made of transparent glass is “decided to live for a long time”, a difficult period will begin in the life of the owners, because the glass symbolizes trust, which, alas, was broken to pieces.

Fortune telling by the place of the “incident”

Many people know that young people after the registry office are supposed to have plates and glasses. But few people know anything else old sign: if one of the guests is lucky enough to accidentally drop his cup from the wedding table, his personal life will soon work out in the best possible way.

But there is no sign worse than breaking a mug at a wake. In order not to become a victim of illness, failure or - in the most extreme cases - death, the fragments of the ill-fated vessel must be immediately swept up with a broom into a paper bag, taken to a remote corner in the cemetery, and upon returning home, take a bath and wash your clothes.

Dishes that break within the house most often promise changes in the personal life of the owner of crooked hands. What to expect if the office cup from which you drank tea during your “smoke breaks” was destroyed? Unfortunately, there is nothing to rejoice at, since this event threatens the dismissal of either the person responsible for the incident or one of his colleagues. Quickly throw the fragments into the trash bin and get to work, demonstrating your zeal to your superiors!

Other signs (by day of the week and gender of the person who broke the vessel)

If you're going to break dishes, do it on weekends

  • If discrepancies are still possible on weekdays, then dishes broken on Saturday always symbolize great luck awaiting the owner in the near future.
  • For those who like to watch lunar calendar It’s worth checking the readings of the night luminary to see if the dishes were damaged during unfavorable periods. lunar day? If you get an affirmative answer, sit down and analyze what is in Lately you did the wrong thing and by what actions you violated the harmony in your life.
  • If a woman breaks her husband’s favorite cup, it means that her rival has her eye on her husband. Hire a private detective and take your darlings to clean water early, because the faithful himself may not be aware of the attention to his person. But it won’t hurt to reflect on your relationship with your loved one and strengthen your family nest.
  • A mug broken by a single man or woman hints at the ringing of wedding bells. Your soul mate is very close, don’t miss your happiness!
  • For married people, the same sign indicates a pleasant and useful acquaintance.
  • If dishes keep flying onto the floor in your home, perhaps an unhealthy atmosphere has already established in your home, and over time, conflicts will only increase. Think about how to improve relationships with your family.
  • A broken baby cup is considered to be a warning about someone’s evil attempt to put the evil eye on the baby. However, if we think logically, there is nothing supernatural in this incident. Children are still poorly developed fine motor skills hands, so broken dishes are a common occurrence for them. If one, and the other, and the third cup are damaged, it’s time to make an appointment with a specialist. But not to a psychic magician, but to a pediatrician, let him check the baby’s reflexes just in case.
  • When dishes in the house began to fly like a fan onto the floor and break - mugs, plates, glasses, every day there was damage - the ancestors tried to appease the brownie, leaving him a saucer of milk and a piece of baked goods for the night. Maybe try an ancient recipe?

If the cup is damaged but remains intact

Damaged dishes have no place in the kitchen

Dishes are not always hopelessly damaged by a fall. Some mugs persistently emerge from the test intact and almost unharmed.

Fell but didn't break

It seems that no drastic changes are expected in your life, because the fall of the cup, in fact, did not change anything. Live calmly without expecting anything great good, no harm.

Cracked or burst into equal halves

Dishes that crack or are about to burst warn of the failure of the intended task. Important clarification! If you take up the implementation of your plans a little later, at a more appropriate time, you can easily achieve success, but now it is better to hold off on taking active action.

A piece has broken off or the handle has broken off

A broken handle or a small chip on a mug means troubles in your personal life. Your significant other or close relative They are very dissatisfied with some of your actions or are trying to secretly cope with the offense that was inadvertently inflicted on them. Try to find the reason for the cooling in the relationship before the situation becomes critical.

Why you should not drink from damaged glassware

Whatever fate prophesies, the fate of small “predictors” with dangerous sharp edges is always the same: in any case, the fragments must be raked onto a sheet of newspaper or into a bag and taken out of the house. Do not cut yourself during this dangerous procedure! In the old days, any contact with fragments of broken dishes was considered dangerous, and a wound, even a small one, foreshadowed serious illness. By and large, you can’t even call it superstition. Just imagine how many microbes nested at that time in the kitchens of even the cleanest housewives who did not know either “Mr. Muscle” or “Pemolux”!

Dishes that survived, but were covered with small cracks and gouges, were also supposed to be thrown away immediately and mercilessly. The now fashionable “craquelures” were not held in high esteem by our ancestors - they believed that malicious entities liked to live in them, which in itself did not bring anything good to the house. And if such a vessel, which has accumulated a lot of “tenants” in itself, one day bursts, something nasty will certainly happen, from serious illness one of the residents before the failed wedding.

Do you snort and raise an eyebrow mockingly? And you try to replace the vague word “evil spirits” with more understandable “bacteria” and everything will fall into place. So the ancestors were right when they got rid of “damaged” dishes, oh, they were right.

A wonderful gift for lovers

And one final note. When you decide to please your friend or loved one with a new cup, weigh your decision twice. Superstitions call such a gift, presented to one of the lovers, a symbol of breakup, and the gift given unmarried woman or a bachelor - a wish to remain in this status in the future. They do not like superstitions and sets given to elderly people. For some reason, blue glass cups especially received a lot of negative attention! To ensure that the omen does not come true:

  • Give only paired mugs to spouses and acquaintances who simply live together. It’s great if your gift is also decorated with a thematic inscription, for example, two halves of a heart.
  • If you are given a “lonely” cup, and it’s awkward to refuse (for example, it was a birthday present), use a universal remedy against all unwanted gifts - buy it from the donor for a ruble or even a penny. The sign will be neutralized.
  • The brand new set should be immediately unpacked and guests should be offered a cup of tea or coffee. As soon as everyone, including the one who brought the gift, takes the first sip, the belief will be immediately neutralized.

Not every broken cup predicts changes in life. Anything can happen. You stomped in one corner of the room, and in the other, a mini-concussion caused a mug to fall off the table. They poured boiling water into a new cup with a defect invisible to the naked eye, and the tiny crack immediately burst. The fastenings of the shelf in the sideboard have become loose and a whole pile of dishes lies in a heap on the kitchen floor... Well, the sign about cups as a gift, to be honest, does not stand up to criticism: in our time this is one of the most popular souvenirs that are given all the time. So take a look at the beliefs, but treat them without unnecessary trepidation. Not all of them come true.
