Own business: selling ice cream on the street. How to organize an “ice cream on wheels”: necessary equipment and SES requirements

Summer! There is so much positivity and sunshine in this word! Three hot months are the favorite time of many residents of our not very warm country.

But, starting in June, it warms up, delighting everyone with warmth and sunshine. For some, summer is a long-awaited vacation with trips to the sea and to the countryside, vacations and walks with friends from dawn to dusk.

And those who are deprived of rest during this wonderful period do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the delights of hot and solar time. But that's not all the warm months have to offer. Some enterprising businessmen begin their active work during this season. There are many ideas for profitable summer activities. The most obvious and at the same time the most positive business is selling ice cream on the street.

Even the most serious adult will not refuse a portion of such a cooling delicacy, especially if it is hot and sunny outside. For an entrepreneur, such weather can only be beneficial. Building an effective ice cream business is not that difficult, but it’s worth taking care of organizing the business in advance. Let's see what issues need to be resolved in order to launch your successful project at the beginning of summer.

Options for organizing an "ice cream business"

It’s immediately worth considering at least two options for how to build this business. Ice cream can be sold:

  • stationary - from the refrigerator compartment hidden under a wide-brimmed umbrella;
  • “dynamically” - from a van driving around the city in search of those willing to taste the icy delicacy.

In addition to the actual trading method, there are various options for the offer itself. What kind of ice cream to sell - packaged or soft. However, some do not want to make a choice and combine both options, which is quite justified - the offer is wider, there are more buyers. Each method has nuances. Let's put the pros and cons of all options in order. Let's start with the classics.

Stationary point under the umbrella

What is attractive about this type of business? Selling ice cream on the street from your refrigerator is the least expensive choice of all the above ideas. The main expenses come down to purchasing the refrigerator itself and the goods. At the same time, many entrepreneurs manage to save money here too by not buying equipment, but by taking it for free use from the manufacturer. But!

Firstly, in this case you will have to trade only the products of this particular supplier. Secondly, many of them do not miss the opportunity to increase prices for their range by 10-15% (several times per season). On the other hand, buying a brand new refrigerator will cost $450-500. And if you choose a used model, the cost will be halved.

But there will be room to “roam”, providing your customers with ice cream from different manufacturers, and possibly soft drinks (which will have a positive effect on demand and profits). "Danger" this method lies in a poorly chosen location, which can directly affect sales and revenue.

Ice cream van

In countries Western Europe and the so-called ice cream on wheels has long appeared in America. A small bright van drives around the city and offers passers-by a taste of the cold delicacy. The advantages of this method are mobility. There is no need to rack your brains over choosing a suitable location that will be successful in terms of demand. You can stand “here”, then go “there”, and then somewhere else.

There are no people interested in a residential area; there will be people in an amusement park or near a large shopping center, bus stop or metro station. After several days of traveling, you can try to make your own plan with a schedule of visits, then people will get used to the fact that by a certain time you will find yourself in a specific place and will themselves “pull up” there in anticipation of the ice cream van.

Naturally, this business option is more expensive, because you will have to buy transport and convert it into a stall. However, it is capable of bringing much greater profits and attracting more buyers not only due to permanent shift places, but also due to the “exotic” delivery - from the wheels. In order to have a visual impact on your potential audience, you need to take care of the design of the van. If possible, order an ice cream figurine for the roof, and paint the car itself in bright colors and paste it in the appropriate theme.

Packaged or soft serve ice cream: what to choose

If you sell hard ice cream (in packages), you will need to find suppliers, or better yet, several. Then you simply enter into an agreement, receive product certificates and trade. This is quite simple to do, but there are plenty of such points all over the city, and every store has a refrigerator with packaged ice cream.

If you want to stand out, you should pay attention to the independent production of soft delicacies. However, in this case you will need an ice cream making machine called a freezer. It costs about 45-60 thousand rubles. In addition to equipment, you will need special raw materials.

The base is dry ice cream mixes that are mixed with water or milk and loaded into a freezer to create a soft treat. They come in different flavors and, accordingly, colors. For a good assortment, you need to stock up on at least 15 varieties. You will also need waffle cones (usually purchased separately), cups of different sizes and ice cream spoons.

Additional questions

In addition to the equipment itself, it is necessary to consider such issues as electricity, storage at night, etc. If you plan to install a stationary refrigerator, then you can negotiate with neighboring stores and install an extension cord, or get a small portable electric generator.

Leaving your refrigerator locked overnight is not a good idea. Special “enthusiasts” can easily steal it. It is advisable to negotiate with the nearest store, shopping center and leave your equipment along with the products there.

With a van, things are more complicated, because it will have to be completely converted into a mobile stall. Inside you need to install refrigerators, as well as a freezer (if you plan to produce soft ice cream), and fit additional accessories (dishes, raw materials). Also, for overnight parking you will need a special place, ideally your own garage.

Registration and obtaining permits

Selling ice cream is a business, as a rule, small and not very expensive. To organize it, it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. As for the required documentation, it varies depending on the chosen type of trade. If you install a refrigerator with packaged products (in original packaging), then permission from the SES is not required.

You just need to get the go-ahead from the district authorities to trade in a specific place. They have a list of seasonal retail locations that you should hit. In addition, you need a medical book for the seller - this is standard. If you decide to start producing ice cream yourself, you will have to interact with the SES authorities.

So, it is necessary to have documents on the purchase and sale of the freezer, certificates of conformity of the device itself, mixtures, cones and water. Raw materials must be stored in appropriate conditions - in refrigerated cabinets. The finished ice cream must be produced immediately before it is released. There are also requirements for disposable tableware and its use. You can find out more about them in chap. 11 SP dated February 1, 2002

Is it profitable?

It’s not for nothing that many entrepreneurs are attracted to this summer business. Selling ice cream on the street is a very profitable business, especially if there are several points. On the hottest days, the markup can reach 200%, which allows you to recoup the initial investment in just a few truly fruitful summer days. To organize one stationary point you will need an average of 30-40 thousand rubles, which includes:

  • rent of a place - 12-15 thousand rubles;
  • buying a used refrigerator - about 8-10 thousand rubles;
  • The initial purchase of products is about 10 thousand rubles.

You can hire a salesperson, providing him with a small salary and a percentage of the proceeds, or you can involve one of your friends, relatives (high school students, students) who are on vacation during the summer months.

Organizing a mobile business will require more investments, which is associated with the need to purchase vehicle and its refurbishment. In addition, if you plan to produce your own ice cream, then you need to buy a freezer - about 45-60 thousand, dry mixes, cones and dishes (from 30 thousand rubles). But the profit will be higher.

One ball (100 grams) costs about 50 rubles. From a kilogram of mixture costing 300-400 rubles, approximately 50 balls are obtained. As a result, the profit will be about 2000 per package. On hot days, you can sell 200 or 300 servings of soft ice cream, so you won’t end up at a loss.


If you plan not only to relax in the summer, but also to earn money, you should think now about how to organize a business. Selling ice cream on the street is a common but good choice. It is this delicacy that we most associate with the sun and relaxation, and both children and adults are not averse to trying it. Take note of the ideas suggested in the article and think about becoming a summer “wizard” yourself, giving people joy on a stick or in a cone.

Ice cream... A delicacy for which there is no favorite time of year, it always evokes delight and anticipation. What could be better than ice-cold fruit sorbet served with hot summer evening? Is it really possible to imagine a frosty winter day without a cup of coffee with a scoop of ice cream? Do you still think that making ice cream at home is difficult? Some homemade ice cream recipes require a little time and patience, but there is no doubt that it will be delicious. How to make ice cream at home so that the delicate dessert becomes your signature dish? The main thing is to use fresh, high-quality products and follow the simple cooking technology as accurately as possible. And then everyone, especially children, will appreciate healthy dessert, which is also incredibly tasty.

Is an ice cream maker really necessary?

You can prepare an icy treat at home without an ice cream maker, but this simple kitchen unit will significantly reduce the preparation time and turn the time spent in the kitchen into a small holiday. If you load the chilled ingredients into the ice cream maker before starting lunch, then within forty minutes you can put delicious balls of delicacy into a bowl.

The operating principle of the ice cream maker is easy and simple: the container into which the ingredients are poured cools the sweet mass, and the whisk, immersed in the container, whips. That's all! If it is not difficult for you to take out a container of ice cream from the freezer every 10-15 minutes for an hour and a half and mix everything thoroughly, then you can safely refuse to buy an ice cream maker. If you are not capable of such feats, immediately run to the store.

Secrets of delicious ice cream

A real ice cream made with your own hands is a culinary miracle that cannot be compared with a store-bought substitute. If you want to cook something special, then homemade ice cream is what you need. What do we need to make real ice cream?

  • Natural cream – 300 g. It is advisable to use the thickest cream, but if you are worried about your wasp waist, then this dessert, alas, is not for you. It is strictly prohibited to replace cream with skim milk. Agree, this will no longer be the same ice cream that, slightly melted, drips deliciously down a waffle cup.
  • Condensed milk – 0.5 tbsp. Tasty, real, without added vegetable fats.
  • Sugar – 100 g. If you don’t like sugary ice cream, add a little less sugar.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.

Whip the cream until it forms peaks. Don't be lazy, give it some cream Special attention. Do you want ice cream with a velvety texture? Lightly heat the condensed milk and carefully add the beaten yolks. Add sugar. Stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Combine the egg-milk mixture with whipped cream. Gently mix and place in the ice cream maker (or freezer). Ready!

You see, there is nothing complicated. Now you know how to make ice cream at home. Ice cream made with love from good products– this is not just a banal dessert. Homemade ice cream is a miracle.

Everyone loves him - both adults and children. Ice cream is a product that will probably never cease to be in demand. But the question arises: is it possible to cook favorite treat at home? Let's figure it out.

History of ice cream

This delicious delicacy, beloved by almost everyone, is already more than 5 thousand years old. Yes, back in 3000 BC, the Chinese elite treated themselves to a dessert made from a mixture of snow, ice, lemon, orange and pomegranate seeds. And the recipe for this delicacy and another, simpler one, made from milk and ice was kept secret for several millennia, and was revealed only in the 11th century AD.

In ancient times, there are also many references to ice cream - both in Greece and Rome. Hippocrates spoke about its benefits. And during the reign of Alexander the Great, people loved to feast on frozen berries and fruits.

Slaves were sent to the mountains to get snow, and they even trained specifically to be able to run fast. After all, it was necessary to fly from the mountains before the snow melted.

And at the very end of the 13th century, Marco Polo brought from his travels to Europe new recipe delicacies for which saltpeter was used to freeze. From that moment on, not a single aristocratic or royal dinner was complete without ice cream.

The recipes were kept in the strictest confidence. And ice cream makers were the subject of envy and cruel intrigue among the nobility; they were even taken away from each other, lured by some tempting promises. And then more - the ice cream recipe, in general, became a state secret.

It’s strange to learn about this now, when dessert can be purchased at any grocery store, and, of course, cook it yourself. And it’s easy to make ice cream at home, even without an ice cream maker. The secret has come true.

Types of ice cream

Let's go back to our time. Modern delicacies can be classified according to composition, taste, consistency. For example, ice cream is divided according to its composition as follows:

  • A delicacy based on animal fat (sealing, milk and butter).
  • Ice cream made from vegetable fat (coke or palm oil).
  • Fruit ice. A solid dessert made from juice, puree, yogurt, etc.
  • Sorbet or sorbet. Soft ice cream. Cream, fats and eggs are very rarely added to the composition. Sometimes the recipe contains weak alcohol. Prepared from fruit and berry juices and purees.

There are a wide variety of tastes. Cold sweetness can be chocolate, vanilla, coffee, berry, fruit, etc. In general, there are more than seven hundred dessert flavors in the world. Of course, we are all accustomed to the fact that ice cream is a sweet product.

But in fact, it comes in all sorts of ways: with pork cracklings, garlic, tomato, and fish. The variety of your favorite dessert is simply amazing.

The division by consistency implies the division of ice cream into hardened (production), soft (catering) and homemade. We will look at how to prepare the latter in this article.

Ice cream calories

The calorie content of a product depends on its type. For example, 100 grams:

  • ice cream - 225 kcal;
  • cream ice cream - 185 kcal;
  • milk delicacy - 130 kcal;
  • popsicle - 270 kcal.

And energy value varies due to additives. The chocolate ice cream will already be 231 kcal. And if milk ice cream is prepared with chocolate, then it will have a higher nutritional value - 138 kcal. But still, even if you are on a diet, you can choose the least high-calorie dessert for yourself.

By the way, it is confirmed that ice cream is excellent prevention a disease such as tonsillitis. And there is one recipe recommended by doctors as a cure for colds. For it you need to take 20 pine needles and raspberry syrup.

  • Thoroughly crush the needles in a mortar, pour them into a bowl with syrup, mix well and strain into an ice cream container.
  • Pour half a cup over the mixture natural juice from an orange, and put a sweet ball on top of it all.

The dessert contains a huge amount of vitamin C. This means that it is an excellent remedy to prevent colds.

How to make ice cream at home in an ice cream maker

With a wonderful device called an ice cream maker, you can easily and quickly make delicious ice cream at home. For your attention - 2 simple recipes for a device with a volume of 1.2 liters.

Needed: a glass (250 ml) fat milk and cream and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Before loading into the ice cream maker, all components are thoroughly mixed; it is better to use a mixer for this. Place the mixture in a container and then cook according to the instructions.

Important! The bowl of the device should not be filled more than halfway.

To prepare ice cream you need: 350 ml of heavy cream, a glass of milk, 5 tablespoons of sugar and 3 yolks. Mix milk and cream, pour into a thick-bottomed saucepan and place on the stove (medium heat). The mixture must be heated to 80 °C, stirring constantly.

Important! Under no circumstances should you bring it to a boil!

Separately, you need to prepare the yolks beaten with sugar. Now you need to equalize the temperature of the creamy milk mixture and the yolks. To do this, first add a little hot cream (stirring continuously) to the yolks, and then pour the yolks into the cream.

The mass must be put back on the fire and continue to cook until it thickens. In advance, you need to place a bowl under this mixture to cool in the refrigerator. Then pour the thick mixture into it. Stir vigorously until cool. And only when the mixture reaches room temperature pour it into the ice cream maker.

These ice cream recipes are basic. They can be supplemented with any flavoring components.

Ice cream at home - step by step photo recipe

Do you know about such a special ice cream as premium ice cream? It is beyond the means of the average buyer and is very expensive. After all, it is made from natural ingredients.

But with a little work, you can create real ice cream with berries at home, without special ice cream makers, no worse than the one you were staring at without being able to enjoy it.

Which berry would be best in this ice cream? Any, choose according to your taste - cherries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries. You can maneuver with flavor nuances, highlighting those that you like. For example, 50 g of your favorite chocolate or the same amount lemon juice will help you with this.

This ice cream recipe can be tweaked slightly to add some adultness to it. To do this, just pour a little liqueur into the cooled mass.

Cooking time: 5 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 5 servings


  • Heavy cream: 2 tbsp.
  • Sweet cherries (any other year): 2.5 tbsp.
  • Milk: 0.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar: 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt: a pinch

Cooking instructions

How to make homemade milk ice cream

In order to make delicious homemade milk ice cream at home, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • liter of milk;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • a small spoon of starch.


  1. Place the butter in a saucepan, pour in the milk, put it on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. And immediately remove the container from the heat.
  2. Whisk the yolks, sugar and starch until smooth.
  3. Add just a little milk to the yolk mixture. You need so much liquid that it (the mixture) has the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  4. Place the bowl with milk and butter back on the stove, pour in the yolks and sugar. The entire composition must be continuously stirred with a spoon.
  5. When the resulting mass boils, it must be removed from the stove and the pan must be placed in a pre-prepared container with cold water to cool. The main thing is not to forget to stir the ice cream tirelessly.
  6. After cooling, the cream should be poured into molds or placed directly in the pan in the freezer. However, if you put the future ice cream in a pan, you need to remove it every 3 hours and mix the mixture thoroughly. This is necessary to prevent ice from forming inside the ice cream.

This delicacy will please everyone in the family, without exception.

How to make homemade ice cream from cream

With the addition of cream to homemade ice cream, it will become even richer and tastier than ordinary milk ice cream. Here you need to prepare the following components:

  • heavy cream (from 30%) - a glass;
  • milk - a glass;
  • yolks - from 4 to 6 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.


  1. Boil the milk, then remove it from the stove and cool. It should be warm. If you have a special thermometer, you can control the temperature. You need 36–37 °C.
  2. Beat the yolks and regular sugar plus vanilla.
  3. Continuously whisking, pour the yolk mixture into the milk in a thin stream.
  4. Place everything on the stove over low heat, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes thick.
  5. Place the cooling container in a cool place.
  6. In a separate bowl, beat the cream until scallops form and add them to the cooled mixture. Mix.
  7. Transfer the resulting ice cream into a plastic container, close it and put it in the freezer for 1 hour.
  8. As soon as frost sets in the composition (in an hour or 40 minutes), you need to take it out and beat it. After another hour, repeat the procedure again. Place the ice cream in the freezer for 2 hours.

Before serving the ice cream, you need to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Your imagination will tell you how to decorate it in cups (cream bowls).

How to make ice cream at home

There are many recipes for making ice cream. We'll consider two of them.

This ice cream combines only three ingredients: half a liter of 30% cream, 100 grams of powder (you can take fine-crystalline sugar), a little vanillin. The cream must first be cooled. By the way, the fatter they are, the fewer pieces of ice you get in the ice cream.

All components are whipped for 5 minutes until a stable foam forms. Transfer the resulting mass into a plastic container, cover tightly with a lid or film and place in the freezer overnight. And in the morning, take it out, let the deliciousness thaw a little and enjoy!

For the second recipe you need:

  • 6 proteins;
  • milk or cream (low-fat only) - a glass;
  • heavy cream (necessary for whipping) from 30% - 300 ml;
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar;
  • vanillin - optional, quantity - to taste.

Preparation ice cream at home:

  1. In a thick-bottomed bowl, mix cream with milk (or low-fat cream) and sugar (not all, 150 grams). Place the pan over low heat and stir constantly until the mixture is homogeneous. Then remove the dishes from the stove, cool and place in the freezer.
  2. Next, you need to carefully separate the whites. Pour the remaining sugar into a dry deep cup, pour in the whites and beat with a mixer with gradual acceleration. The foam should be such that even when the bowl is turned upside down, the mass remains motionless.
  3. Then you need to get well-chilled cream with sugar and pour the whites into it little by little, mixing everything carefully. A homogeneous mass should eventually form. After transferring it into the mold, put it in the freezer for one hour. After this time, take out the ice cream, stir and return it to the chamber. Repeat the steps after an hour and a half. And just 2 hours after that, the ice cream is ready!

A great video recipe for homemade ice cream - watch and cook!

Homemade Popsicle Recipe

You can make apple ice cream.

For cold apple sweetness you need:

  • 1 medium apple;
  • half a teaspoon of gelatin;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 4 teaspoons granulated sugar;
  • lemon juice - added to taste.

Preparation homemade popsicles:

  1. First, soak the gelatin for 30 minutes in 2 tablespoons of chilled boiled water.
  2. Dissolve sugar in boiling water. Mix the swollen gelatin with syrup and cool.
  3. Prepare applesauce.
  4. Mix the cooled syrup with gelatin and puree, add a little lemon juice.
  5. Pour the mixture into special molds, which only need to be filled 2/3 full. It should be taken into account that when frozen, the ice cream will become larger in size. Now you can put the ice cream in the freezer.

That's it, apple ice cream is ready!

How to make popsicles at home

In the summer heat, you always want to eat something cold and always very tasty. Popsicles would serve as such a delicacy. This is the name of ice cream covered with chocolate glaze. Or you can get double the pleasure and make a chocolate popsicle.

First we make ice cream. To prepare it you will need:

  • half a liter of milk,
  • half a glass of water,
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder,
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar,
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.


  1. Mix milk and water in a bowl. By the way, water can be replaced with cream.
  2. Add dry ingredients and vanilla and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into popsicle molds or an ice tray, or some other tall and narrow device.
  4. Insert a stick into the center of each mold.
  5. Leave the mixture in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

And now the icing:

  1. Take 200 grams of chocolate and butter. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and mix with melted butter. You need to let the glaze cool a little, but it should still be warm.
  2. Pre-spread parchment paper in the freezer. We take out the frozen ice cream, dip it in the glaze, let it cool a little time and put it on parchment.

Such ice cream, especially if you make it yourself, will allow you to easily and happily survive hot weather.

Easy Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

Ice cream with vanilla according to this recipe is simply finger-licking good!


  • vanillin - 2 teaspoons;
  • cream 20% - glass;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • 2 eggs.

Preparation homemade vanilla ice cream:

  1. Beat eggs in a bowl. Add sugar and work with a mixer until thick foam. Add salt and stir gently.
  2. Boil the milk. Carefully, little by little, pour it into the egg mixture, which is still whisking. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan where the milk was and put it on the stove again, turning the heat to minimum. You need to cook until the mixture becomes thick enough. This takes approximately 7 to 10 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add cream and vanillin to the pan.
  3. Once the mixture is ready, pour it into molds and cool. It is better to cool the ice cream completely in the refrigerator. And only then move the molds into the freezer.

There is hardly a person who can refuse such sweetness.

Banana ice cream - a very tasty recipe

Bananas are delicious on their own. And if you make such a delicacy as banana ice cream from them, you will get such a delicious treat - “you won’t be able to pull it away by the ears”!

For the dish you need:

  • 2 ripe (you can even take overripe) bananas,
  • half a glass of cream,
  • a tablespoon of powder and lemon juice.


  1. Cut into large pieces Place bananas in the freezer for 4 hours.
  2. Then grind them in a blender until smooth.
  3. Add cream, lemon juice and powder to bananas. Beat well again.
  4. Place everything in the freezer for 2 hours.
  5. During this time, be sure to take out the mixture and stir at least twice.
  6. Ready. Place the ice cream in a bowl and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Bon appetit!

How to make chocolate ice cream at home

No store-bought ice cream on its own taste qualities cannot be compared to a delicacy prepared independently. And even more so for chocolate deliciousness made at home. There are many ways to make this ice cream.

Here you can take bitter or milk chocolate, as well as just cocoa powder. Or combine cocoa and chocolate in one recipe. We'll look at how to make ice cream using milk chocolate.

So, Components:

  • milk chocolate - 100 gr.;
  • fine crystalline sugar - 150 gr.;
  • 4 eggs;
  • cream (can be replaced with full-fat sour cream).

Cooking process homemade chocolate ice cream:

  1. We first take the eggs and separate the whites and yolks. Melt the chocolate. The yolks need to be beaten thoroughly. While whipping, add slightly cooled chocolate.
  2. Now you need to work on the proteins combined with sugar until you get a fluffy foam. At the same time, whip the cream (sour cream).
  3. Combine both egg mixtures into one uniform mass. Add cream while stirring continuously. Just not all at once, but gradually. Make the composition homogeneous and pour into containers prepared for ice cream. We put it in the freezer, taking the mixture out every hour (2-3 times in total) to mix. After the last mixing, put the ice cream in the freezer for another 3 hours. That’s it, the “amazingly delicious” delicacy is ready!

Important! The more chocolate is added to ice cream, the less sugar you need to use. Otherwise the product will turn out cloying!

A very simple recipe for homemade ice cream in 5 minutes

It turns out that ice cream can be made in just 5 minutes. And you don't need any special ingredients for this.

Only 300 grams of frozen (required) berries, chilled cream, half or a little more than a third of a glass and 100 grams of granulated sugar. You can use any berries, but strawberries, raspberries or blueberries (or all together) are ideal.

So, put everything in a blender and mix vigorously for 3-5 minutes. You can add a little vanilla to the mixture. That's all!

It is not forbidden to serve this ice cream immediately after preparation. And if you freeze it for half an hour, it will only get better.

The legendary Soviet ice cream is a taste of childhood for those born in the USSR. And with our recipe it is very easy to feel it again.


  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 100 gr. fine sugar;
  • 4 yolks;
  • a glass of the fattest milk;
  • cream 38% - 350 ml.

Cooking Ice cream according to GOST from the USSR is like this:

  1. Grind 4 yolks and 100 grams of fine sugar thoroughly until white.
  2. Carefully remove the seeds from the vanilla.
  3. In a saucepan, boil milk with vanilla added to it.
  4. Pour milk in a thin stream into the beaten yolks with sugar.
  5. We put the mixture back on the fire and heat it, stirring constantly, to 80 °C. It is important not to let the composition boil! After this, remove the saucepan from the stove and cool. First, until room temperature is reached, then place the mixture in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  6. The cream, previously cooled for 12 hours, is whipped fluffy.
  7. Combine the yolk mixture and cream and beat for a couple of minutes. Place the resulting mass in the freezer for 60 minutes. Then we take it out, mix or beat it, and back into the chamber. So 4 times.
  8. The last time you take out the mixture will be hard. That's how it should be. Break it apart with a spoon, stir vigorously, and put it back in the freezer.
  9. After half an hour, we take it out, mix it again and now put the ice cream in the chamber until it hardens completely.

Soviet ice cream is ready! You can enjoy it, remembering your happy childhood.

Making ice cream at home means surprising your family with your favorite delicacy and at the same time taking care of the health of your loved ones. Because in this case you will always be sure of the naturalness of the product.

To make ice cream correctly, you need not only to follow the recipes, but also to put into practice some recommendations and tips:

  1. Sugar in ice cream can be replaced with honey.
  2. Instead of store-bought milk, use homemade milk. Just like cream. Then the ice cream will turn out much tastier.
  3. Chocolate, jam, nuts, coffee and many other products go well as an addition and decoration to the delicacy. There are no limits to your imagination. Sometimes all you need to do is look in the refrigerator and check out the kitchen shelves.
  4. Dessert cannot be kept in the freezer for a long time. It is made entirely from natural products, so the shelf life is low. It must be consumed within a maximum of 3 days. Although it is unlikely that he will stay that long.
  5. It is not recommended to refreeze melted ice cream!
  6. Before serving the dessert, leave it out of the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then its taste and aroma will appear much brighter.
  7. When preparing a treat without an ice cream maker, it must be constantly stirred while freezing. During the entire cycle - from 3 to 5 times, approximately every half hour or hour.
  8. The appearance of ice crystals during storage can be avoided by adding a little liqueur or alcohol to the ice cream. But this dish is not suitable for children. For these, you should use gelatin, honey or corn syrup. These components will prevent the dessert from freezing completely.

The idea to prepare a sweet cold dessert belongs to the Chinese - back in the 3rd millennium BC. They learned to mix ice, snow and fruit juice, resulting in a delicacy somewhat reminiscent of modern sherbet. Then European confectioners made milk ice cream, added nuts, caramel and other goodies to it... However, today in the West one can see new fashion- the ice dessert ceases to be only sweet and acquires sour, salty and bitter notes. The Italians already make ice cream flavored with Gorgonzola (48% fat cheese) and mold cheeses, the Spaniards - with tomato gazpacho soup, garlic, pickled anchovies, mushrooms and olive oil. The Japanese have released fish, seaweed, potato, cactus, spinach and horse (horse meat) desserts. Today in different parts of the world you can even try “drunk” ice cream - you won’t get drunk from it, but the aroma will alcoholic drink feels great. For example, in Italy there are desserts with the flavors of wine and herbal bitters, in Germany - beer, in France - champagne. When a vodka treat was released in Australia, parents of little ice cream lovers began to protest, saying that this dessert would accustom their children to the smell of alcohol and turn them into young alcoholics. However, the manufacturers did not abandon the original new product and only indicated on the label that their products were “intended for adults.”

Ice cream is healthy and “empty”

Perhaps the fashion for “drunk” or bitter ice cream will soon reach our country, but for now in Russia they sell delicacies with traditional flavors - fruit, chocolate, vanilla. Only some desserts turn out to be natural and healthy, while others are artificial and, at best, “empty”.

Cure for stress

“You should eat frozen (meaning ice cream. - Author), because it improves well-being, strengthens health, revitalizes juices and lifts your spirits,” wrote the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. Modern doctors agree with their colleague from the past and also call ice cream useful product. For example, if a child does not drink milk, a portion of a dessert made from it can partially cover the need for calcium - this element is needed for healthy teeth, strong bones and beautiful hair. In addition, milk ice cream is a source of B vitamins and amino acids for the structure of our cells and the formation of elastic muscles. One of these protein particles, L-tryptophan, not only participates in metabolic processes and “makes” muscles, but also stimulates the production of serotonin, which is called the “happiness hormone.” Thanks to its presence in the body, a person’s mood improves. This is why people who regularly consume ice cream are less likely to suffer from stress, depression and insomnia.

Read first, swallow later!

All of the above benefits apply to ice cream made from real milk or cream. However, on the market today there are many desserts made from vegetable fats, in which coconut oil is used instead of boreal fat. It is impossible to understand what kind of ice cream is in front of you - their “appearance” and consistency are absolutely the same, so the only way to find out what you really want to eat is to read the information on the label. You need to pay attention to one main thing: if there is a GOST sign, it means that you have a dairy delicacy in front of you, if it says “TU” - a dairy-vegetable or purely vegetable dessert. The new GOST was released in 2004, and according to it, ice cream is divided into three types.

Dairy. This is the easiest natural treat. It can be low-fat (1-2%), classic (2.5-4%) and fatty (4.5-6%). Naturally, the lower the percentage, the fewer calories you will eat along with a serving of dessert. On average, a 100-gram glass contains 133 kcal.

Creamy. This ice cream is fattier than milk ice cream - from 8 to 10%, it comes only in classic ice cream. On average, the calorie content of one serving of “pure” dessert is 185-200 kcal.

Cream. This is the richest ice cream made from milk and cream. Classic ice cream contains 12-15%, fat - 15.5-20%. If the latter is also “stuffed” with various sweet delicacies, one serving of it can give you 400 kcal at once (the same amount can be obtained from a full meal).

How is cranberry better than pineapple?

Ice cream made not according to GOST, but according to technical specifications, may contain a small amount of milk fat and protein, or may be made entirely from vegetable oil. There is nothing bad about this, but there is little good either - perhaps the absence of cholesterol and fewer calories (although you will still get 200 kcal per serving). In terms of usefulness, vegetable ice cream is inferior to dairy ice cream and contains significantly more food additives- they have to be used to beat coconut oil and turn it into a mass similar in consistency to an ice cream. However, today not a single dessert can do without emulsifiers, flavors and dyes. Stabilizers are considered the most popular - without them, ice cream will instantly melt, lose shape and spoil faster. The second most commonly used additives in ice desserts are flavorings and taste enhancers. If you don’t want to eat chemicals, look for the specification on the label “from natural berries and fruits” and choose ice cream from those gifts of nature that grow in our country - strawberries, currants, cranberries, cherries, cherries, apples... When in a delicacy made in Moscow region or Siberia, the taste of kiwi, mango, banana and other exotic fruits appears, it is clear that flavorings cannot be avoided here (imported ones do not count). Too much bright color ice cream - light green, cherry, red, orange, green - also indicates that a fair amount of food additives and colorings were added to the dessert. The only exception is the chocolate treat, which is created using cocoa powder. Another important indicator of the naturalness of ice cream is the price. Well, an ice cream with real fruit can’t cost 6-10 rubles! It's most likely made from cheap coconut oil and stuffed to capacity with flavors and dyes. The price of a more or less natural delicacy varies from 25 rubles. and higher.

Natural juice is not frozen

Standing apart in the ice cream aisle are desserts such as fruit sorbets and frozen ice. They contain only about 0.5% milk or vegetable fat, which is why they are so popular among those who watch their figure and count every calorie. Sherbets differ from ice in the way they are prepared. For the former, fruit or berry nectar is whipped, saturated with oxygen and frozen, while the latter is sharply cooled. Therefore, sherbets turn out airy and soft, and the ice is hard. To find out what juice the manufacturer has frozen, read the label and look at the price of the dessert. If tap water is turned into ice, artificially colored and scented with pineapple, the dessert will cost 5-8 rubles. and, apart from freshness, will not give you anything. If the list of ingredients includes puree, nectar or fruit concentrate, such sherbet ice will cost more, but along with it you will receive a small amount of vitamins. Unfortunately, 100% freshly squeezed juice is frozen and sold only abroad, and our producers say that such a product is too expensive for Russia. In addition, it quickly deteriorates, while the bulk of domestic desserts are stored from 6 months to a year. By the way, in the summer they usually sell ice cream that was made in winter and stored in factory freezers in anticipation of the hot season.

DIY ice cream

Ice cream is a ready-to-eat product. What can be made from it? “Yes, whatever! - the confectioners answer. “Including... frying!” In the end, you can make such delicious and natural ice cream yourself at home that you would never buy in a store.

Homemade dessert

When ice cream is made in a factory, milk or coconut oil is first mixed with the remaining ingredients, then the mass is pasteurized (removed from bacteria), homogenized (brought to a homogeneous state) and sent to a special device called a “freezer.” In this miracle machine, ice cream is whipped, almost doubled in size, saturated with air and cooled to -18°. And that is not all. In order for the dessert to turn out stone and be stored for a long time, it is “hardened” by subjecting it to shock freezing at -45°. If the ice cream does not pass this stage, it is called "soft".

Naturally, you don’t have a freezer or a “hardening” apparatus at home, but you can also make ice cream on your own, which will be difficult to distinguish from store-bought ones. And the fact that it will be without chemicals and dyes is for sure. The main ingredients of the dessert should be very fatty (at least 38%) cream - it must be thoroughly beaten with a mixer, egg whites - they will also have to be turned into foam - and powdered sugar. These products are mixed, nuts, cocoa or any other additives are very carefully poured into the mixture, then the dessert is placed in a mold and sent to the freezer. Ideally, the process of whipping and stirring ice cream should also take place in the cold, as is done in industrial freezers, but it is difficult to do this on your own - unless you put ice on a bowl with the mixture being prepared.

However, recently special ice cream makers have appeared on sale that perform whipping and cooling functions (small ones, for two servings, cost less than 1 thousand rubles, large ones - 3-4 thousand). True, the disadvantage of these units is that they, along with the finished dessert mass, will have to be placed in the freezer, removing all other products from there. If you wish, you can purchase a powerful autonomous mini-freezer, which will “harden” ice cream without a refrigerator, but its cost reaches 40-50 thousand rubles.

Fried ice cream

Having made homemade ice cream or bought a dessert in a store, show your imagination and serve it in a complicated version - the dairy delicacy goes perfectly with any fresh fruit and berries, jam and jam, chocolate and syrups.

You can make strawberry for cold dessert sweet sauce. To do this, beat fresh berries in a blender and combine them with cooled sugar syrup (take 100 grams of sand per 100 ml of water and bring them to a boil). Ice creamers also love spirits, especially vanilla cream liqueurs, fruit infusions, rum and vodka.

To be original, put the complicated dessert mix not in an ordinary bowl or plate, but in half a piece of fruit. Oranges and pineapples are ideal for this purpose. The fruit is cut into two parts, its contents are scraped out, cut into pieces and added to ice cream. Then the clean “shell” is filled with a tasty mixture, decorated and served to the amazed guests.

A classic of the “ice cream genre” are also hot pies with an icy treat. In Austria, you will certainly be served a scoop of vanilla dessert with your apple strudel, and in Italy it will be placed on a traditional lemon pie. The Germans have specialty of the house- a hot omelette with a cold surprise inside. The French went even further - they learned to fry ice cream. The frying pan must be very hot, pour in refined olive oil and put a ball of high-quality fatty ice cream on it. Just a few seconds on the fire - and the ice dessert will acquire a golden crust and an unusual, refined taste.

Experts' opinion

Valery Elkhov, CEO Union of Ice Cream Manufacturers of Russia, Academician Max

Ice cream is loved most in the USA and Australia - 10-14 kg per person per year, residents of Norway consume 8 kg, Italians and Germans - 7. Oddly enough, the Chinese eat the least frozen dessert (only 2 kg), who , in fact, they came up with this delicious delicacy. Residents of our country are in the middle in this ranking - 4 kg of ice cream per person. At the same time, small desserts are more popular in Russia, while large “family” packages are bought abroad. There is one more difference - if Russian people prefer fatty milk ice cream, then Europeans prefer less high-calorie ice cream with vegetable fat and sorbets.

Angela Agabekyan, otolaryngologist

Sometimes ice cream is prescribed as an additional treatment. For example, after removal of tonsils, it is recommended to eat it to avoid bleeding (cold constricts blood vessels). In addition, ice dessert is a good way to harden and strengthen the immune system, especially in childhood. If a child eats and drinks only lukewarm foods, his throat will hurt after the first sip. cold water. However, ice cream should be consumed in moderation - no more than 1 serving per day. True, with chronic tonsillitis in a person with weak immunity, even such an amount of ice-cold delicacy can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Frozen ice has a more aggressive effect on the mucous membrane, while soft ice cream has a less aggressive effect.


In addition to fruits and berries, today about two hundred more ingredients are added to ice cream - nuts, caramel nougat, cookies, puffed corn and rice, candied fruits, jam, chocolate, vanilla, marmalade, dried apricots, raisins. All the additional sweets make the dessert tastier, but at the same time add calories to it.

Frosting instead of chocolate

The delicious brown crust on the ice cream is not at all the chocolate you are used to. In addition to cocoa butter, manufacturers add to it vegetable oils. The glaze should be elastic and eaten at the same time as the dessert, but pure chocolate will crack and crumble. Another thing is how much coconut oil the manufacturer poured in: the minimum - the glaze will be tasty, the maximum - it will look like a tile that sticks to your teeth.

Calorie nuts

Protein for muscles, iron for healthy blood, zinc for male potency, vitamins for immunity - you will get all these substances if you choose ice cream with nuts. True, they make desserts very high in calories and can cause allergies. It is generally better for young children to avoid eating nuts because they run the risk of choking on them.

Harmful caramel

Tasty, but at the same time the most harmful and unhealthy additive. Sticky caramel does not wash off from tooth enamel for a long time, so it can cause caries.

Harmless wafer

The crispy pack is nothing more than a regular baked goods made from flour and eggs.

The most useful supplements

Marmalade, raisins and dried apricots are the healthiest additions to ice cream because they supply the dessert lover with vitamins.

Stars about ice cream

Yana Poplavskaya

As a child, I really liked regular ice cream for 7 kopecks a piece and waffle cups with a cream rose on top. My parents always bought them to calm me down or persuade me to do something. Time passed and my love for ice cream faded. Now I don't eat it at all. True, I really liked the blackcurrant sorbet that I recently tried in Paris.

Anton Privonov

I love ice cream! The most important thing in this matter is to choose real dessert made from milk and cream, and not based on coconut oil, so I advise everyone to carefully read the list of ingredients before purchasing. True, some nutritionists say that a plant-based delicacy is not so fatty... But it seems to me that if you are going to eat ice cream, you should enjoy it and not think about calories.

Olga Shelest

I am a vegetarian, so I do not eat products that are of animal origin. Unfortunately, ice cream is on my no-go list - it contains cow's milk and fat. I say “unfortunately” because I really like sweet cold desserts. Now I can only eat fruit sorbets and frozen ice, which I do regularly.

Evgeny Dyatlov

Ice cream is my passion! Especially the ice cream with the creamy taste so familiar from childhood. Even more than a “pure” dessert, I love cocktails made from it. My wife Yulia mixes whole milk and a large block of ice cream in a blender. I like it when the drink turns out thick and without additives in the form of fruits and berries. In addition to the fact that this cocktail is incredibly tasty, it also contains a lot of protein.

"Complicated" ice cream

1. Yogurt. Recently, desserts have appeared with the addition of “live” yoghurt cultures, some of which manage to survive in cold conditions.

2. With vitamins. To make ice cream even more healthy, manufacturers began to artificially “enrich” their products with vitamins.

3. For diabetics. If there is such an inscription on the label, it means that the ice cream has no sugars and can be eaten by people with diabetes.

4. Low fat. This ice cream won’t provide you with extra calories, but don’t expect much benefit (other than pleasure) from it.

5. With gold. One New York restaurant offers visitors Frozen Haute Chocolate ice cream for $25,000 per serving. It is based on a Tahitian dessert, infused with Madagascar vanilla and covered in a thin edible gold leaf. The composition also included exclusive chocolate, Exotic fruits, golden dragees, truffles and marzipan cherries. Ice cream is served in a golden bowl with a spoon studded with diamonds.

Master Class

Homemade ice cream "Casata"


  • Ice cream - 0.5 kg

For the test:

  • Margarine - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar (fine sugar) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.

For filling:

  • Green apples - 2 pcs.
  • Apple jam - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 1/2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cinnamon - 1/4 tbsp. spoons
  • Grated almonds - a pinch

Cooking method

1. Prepare shortbread dough by mixing softened margarine, powdered sugar, flour and egg. You should get a soft mass similar to plasticine.
2. Roll out the dough and place it in a pie pan lined with parchment or sprinkled with flour. Place it in an oven preheated to 180° for 10 minutes (this is necessary so that the juicy filling does not “sag” later).
3. While the dough is “rising”, prepare the filling for the pie: peel and seeds the apples and chop them into half rings 2-3 mm thick.
4. Take the half-ready, browned dough out of the oven and spread jam on it.
5. Stick apple half rings into the jam (vertically) in a checkerboard pattern. Sprinkle them on top with granulated sugar mixed with cinnamon and grated almonds (you can do without it). Place the pie in the oven for 20 minutes.
6. Cut the finished pie into portions and place a scoop of any ice cream on top of each of them (still warm).


To prepare vanilla sauce, mix and bring to a boil a glass of milk, a glass of cream (33%) and a vanilla bean (a pinch of essence). Then beat 6 yolks and 100 g of sugar, pour them in a thin stream into the milk mixture. Mix everything, strain, cool and pour onto a plate.

Master Class

Apple pie with ice cream


  • Candied fruits - 225 g
  • Roasted peanuts - 225 g
  • Cream (38%) - 500 g
  • Protein - from 6-7 eggs
  • Water - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Honey - 100 g
  • Sugar - 100 g

For currant syrup:

  • Blackcurrant (fresh or frozen) - 400 g
  • Water - 100 g
  • Sugar - 100 g

Cooking method

1. Prepare candied nut mass. Chop multi-colored candied fruits and mix them with chopped roasted peanuts.
2. Pour water into a saucepan, add liquid honey, sugar, bring to a boil, reduce heat and keep on the stove for another five minutes.
3. While the syrup is preparing, thoroughly beat the egg whites with a mixer or whisk. It should be a very fluffy mass. Pour hot syrup into the whipped whites in a thin stream. Do this carefully and do not turn off the mixer, continuing to thoroughly mix the mass.
4. Cool the finished mass and gradually add the candied nut mixture to it. Beat the cream thoroughly with a mixer and mix it very carefully with the rest of the mixture.
5. Place the finished ice cream in any form, after covering it with cling film. Cover the top of the mixture with plastic wrap and put it in the freezer overnight.
6. Cut the frozen ice cream into portions, place on plates and garnish with currant syrup and a sprig of mint.


To make a sweet sauce, beat the currants in a blender, mix them with syrup (boil water and sugar), strain and cool.

Many women choose not to eat ice cream, believing that it makes them look fat because it is high in saturated fat and calories. In fact, a small serving of ice cream contains only 10-15% daily norm fat, so this product should not be considered the main cause excess weight.

Beneficial features

High-quality ice cream contains only natural products.

The range of ice cream today is amazing. But not all of its varieties can be called natural. We will consider the benefits only of high-quality ice cream, which includes cream, sugar, and natural fillers (chocolate, berries).

  1. Source of calcium. Ice cream - milk product, which means it contains a lot of , which is necessary for our bones, for blood clotting processes, for the prevention of arterial hypertension and even for reducing the risk of cancer.
  2. High nutritional value. Good ice cream contains little or no saturated fat, but is high in unsaturated fat, carbohydrates and protein. Per 100 grams of ice cream without additives there are up to 150 calories, and sometimes less. Ice cream with fillings (chocolate, nuts, jam, cookies, condensed milk) weighs much more, up to 450 calories per 100 grams. If we're talking about about light ice cream with big amount berries, then the calorie content may be even less than 80. An excellent dessert, safe for your figure! However, remember that you need to observe moderation in everything, because even low-calorie dishes You can choose your entire daily caloric intake.
  3. Immunostimulant. The milk in ice cream makes it rich in cytokines and lactoferrin, which stimulate immune system and help prevent colds. However, during illness (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, etc.), you should refrain from eating ice cream so as not to aggravate the process.
  4. Source of vitamins. Good ice cream contains vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin.
  5. Natural stimulant. Ice cream not only lifts your mood, especially in hot weather, but also reduces stress levels by stimulating the production of thrombotonin and the presence of L-tryptophan, which is a natural tranquilizer. This cold delicacy also successfully fights insomnia.

Special types of ice cream

Sherbet uses less dairy products than regular ice cream.
  1. Soft ice cream. This product contains 2 times more air, as it is additionally whipped. By eating a serving of this dessert, you will get half as many calories.
  2. Dairy-free ice cream. It is much less common, made on a soy base, and contains fewer calories.
  3. Sherbet. Its production requires several times less dairy products, and gelatin or egg whites are added to add density. Although such ice cream has at least half the fat, a double portion of filler and thickener, additional sugar and additives completely eliminate this difference. And sherbet is not recommended for people allergic to chicken protein.
  4. Ice cream from. This dish is not real ice cream, but rather whipped and frozen fruit puree. The most popular option is banana ice cream.

Why is ice cream harmful?

The recipe for most varieties includes a lot of fat and sugar, in addition, the ice cream may be coated with chocolate or with nuts, which significantly increases the number of calories. In the heat it is very difficult to resist a second or even a third helping of a cooling dessert, and if you overeat regularly, you can gain overweight, increase risk and .

In cases of uncontrolled consumption of any product, all beneficial features fade into the background, so be moderate in your food. Enjoy small portions of ice cream and get the benefits from it.

How to cook?

The most delicious and healthy ice cream is the one you make yourself. IN homemade product there will be no dyes, stabilizers, etc., but only what you choose.


The easiest way to prepare dessert is using a special device. All you need to do is pawn all the products and be patient. The ice cream maker itself will mix, cool and churn the treat according to your favorite recipe.

Manual method

After mixing all the ingredients, the resulting cream should be poured into a resealable container and placed in the freezer. For the first 2 hours, you need to take out the mixture every 20-30 minutes and beat thoroughly (preferably with a mixer to break all the ice crystals). If you do not do this, the ice cream will not be homogeneous, but watery, and you will feel the ice. Surely you have come across such low-quality ice cream at least once. You need to keep the dessert in the freezer for at least 4-6 hours to get soft ice cream, and at least 10-12 hours to get thick ice cream.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

  1. Cream. For 4 servings you will need: milk 400 ml, cream 200 ml, sugar 150 g and vanilla sugar 15 g, milk powder 50 g and corn starch 15 g. Dilute the starch in 50 ml of milk and set aside. Mix all the dry ingredients in a saucepan, then add milk and cream, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour diluted starch into the boiled mixture and cook a little until slightly thickened, then pour into a container for freezing, let cool completely and only then put in the freezer.
  2. With filler. Chocolate, coffee, strawberry and any other ice cream is prepared according to the same principle as ice cream. You only need to add the selected component: chocolate chips, fruit or berry puree, a cup of espresso, etc.
  3. Fruit ice. One of the ice cream options, which is also suitable for vegetarians and people with milk allergies. Mix fruit or berry puree with a small amount of sugar, add a little water, pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer for 6-8 hours.
