What is physical development? Sports and physical development

Physical development

Assessing physical development in the US Army: Height measurement and weighing.

Physical development- the dynamic process of growth (increase in body length and weight, development of organs and body systems, and so on) and biological maturation of a child in a certain period of childhood. The process of development of a set of morphological and functional properties of the body (growth rate, body weight gain, a certain sequence of increase in various parts of the body and their proportions, as well as the maturation of various organs and systems at a certain stage of development), mainly programmed by hereditary mechanisms and implemented according to a certain plan when optimal living conditions.

General information

Physical development reflects the processes of growth and development of the organism at individual stages of postnatal ontogenesis ( individual development), when the transformation of genotypic potential into phenotypic manifestations occurs most clearly. The characteristics of a person’s physical development and physique largely depend on his constitution.

Physical development, along with fertility, morbidity and mortality, is one of the indicators of the level of population health. The processes of physical and sexual development are interconnected and reflect general patterns of growth and development, but at the same time significantly depend on social, economic, sanitary, hygienic and other conditions, the influence of which is largely determined by a person’s age.

Physical development refers to continuously occurring biological processes. At each age stage, they are characterized by a certain complex of morphological, functional, biochemical, mental and other properties of the body associated with each other and with the external environment and the reserves determined by this uniqueness physical strength. Good level physical development is combined with high levels of physical fitness, muscular and mental performance.

Adverse factors affecting the prenatal period and early childhood, can disrupt the sequence of development of the body, sometimes causing irreversible changes. So the factors external environment(nutritional conditions, upbringing, social conditions, presence of diseases and others) during the period of intensive growth and development of a child can have a greater impact on growth than genetic or other biological factors.

Main settings

The assessment of physical development is based on the parameters of height, body weight, proportions of development of individual parts of the body, as well as the degree of development of the functional abilities of his body (vital capacity of the lungs, muscle strength of the hands, etc.; development of muscles and muscle tone, state of posture, musculoskeletal system, development of the subcutaneous fat layer, tissue turgor), which depend on the differentiation and maturity of the cellular elements of organs and tissues, the functional abilities of the nervous system and endocrine apparatus. Historically, physical development has been judged primarily by external morphological characteristics. However, the value of such data increases immeasurably in combination with data on the functional parameters of the body. That is why, for an objective assessment of physical development, morphological parameters should be considered together with indicators of the functional state

  1. Aerobic endurance is the ability to perform work of average power for a long time and resist fatigue. The aerobic system uses oxygen to convert carbohydrates into energy sources. With long-term exercise, fats and, partially, proteins are also involved in this process, which makes aerobic training almost ideal for fat loss.
  2. Speed ​​endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue at submaximal speed loads.
  3. Strength endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue during sufficiently long-term strength loads. Strength endurance measures how much a muscle can produce repeated forces and how long such activity can be maintained.
  4. Speed-strength endurance is the ability to perform sufficiently long-term strength exercises at maximum speed.
  5. Flexibility is a person’s ability to perform movements with a large amplitude due to the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Good flexibility reduces the risk of injury during exercise.
  6. Speed ​​is the ability to alternate between muscle contraction and relaxation as quickly as possible.
  7. Dynamic muscle strength is the ability to exert effort as quickly (explosively) as possible with heavy weights or your own body weight. In this case, a short-term release of energy occurs that does not require oxygen as such. An increase in muscle strength is often accompanied by an increase in muscle volume and density—the “building” of muscle. Besides aesthetic value enlarged muscles are less susceptible to damage and promote weight control, since muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue, even during rest.
  8. Dexterity is the ability to perform coordinated and complex motor actions.
  9. Body composition is the ratio of fat, bone and muscle tissue in the body. This ratio, in part, shows the state of health and fitness depending on weight and age. Excess body fat increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
  10. Height-weight characteristics and body proportions - these parameters characterize the size, weight of the body, distribution of the centers of mass of the body, physique. These parameters determine the effectiveness of certain motor actions and the “suitability” of using the athlete’s body for certain sporting achievements.
  11. An important indicator of a person’s physical development is posture - a complex morpho-functional characteristic musculoskeletal system, as well as his health, the objective indicator of which is positive trends in the above indicators.

Physical fitness and fitness

Since the concepts of “physical development” and “physical readiness” are often confused, it should be noted that physical fitness- this is the result of physical training achieved when performing motor actions necessary for a person to master or perform professional or sports activities.

Optimal physical fitness is called physical fitness.

Physical fitness is characterized by the level of functionality of various body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular) and the development of basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, agility, flexibility). The level of physical fitness is assessed based on the results shown in special control exercises (tests) for strength, endurance, etc. To assess the level of physical fitness, it must be measured. General physical fitness is measured using tests. The set and content of tests should be different for age, gender, professional affiliation, and also depending on the physical education program used and its purpose.

Physical performance

Human performance is a person’s ability to perform a given function with varying efficiency.

see also

  • Bone age
  • Dental age



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  • Physical development. Planning work on mastering the educational field by children 2-4 years old. Federal State Educational Standard, Suchkova Irina Mikhailovna, Martynova Elena Anatolyevna. Physical development. Planning work on mastering the educational field by children 2-4 years old according to the “Childhood” program. Federal State Educational Standard of Education The presented planning reflects the content of the work on...

Physical development- the dynamic process of growth (increase in body length and weight, development of organs and body systems, and so on) and biological maturation of a child in a certain period of childhood. The process of development of a set of morphological and functional properties of the body (growth rate, body weight gain, a certain sequence of increase in various parts of the body and their proportions, as well as the maturation of various organs and systems at a certain stage of development), mainly programmed by hereditary mechanisms and implemented according to a certain plan when optimal living conditions

.Assessment of physical development

Physical development is one of the important indicators of a child’s health. The study of physical development is carried out simultaneously with the study of health status during medical examinations conducted in children's and adolescent institutions. At the same time, the relationship between the chronological and somatic ages of children and the degree of harmonious development of various physical signs are determined, which gives the doctor the opportunity to predict the development of diseases and promptly correct identified deviations. Today, there are two methods for collecting anthropometric material.

1. Individualizing method - examination of a particular child, one-time or over several years, with subsequent assessment of the biological level of his development and the harmony of his morphofunctional state using appropriate assessment tables.

2. Generalizing method - a one-time examination of large groups of children in order to obtain regional age-sex standards and assessment tables used both for individual assessment of physical development and for environmental and hygienic assessment of the territory. The method allows you to monitor dynamic changes in the physical development of children of this region due to health conditions, activities physical culture, food, living conditions, etc.

Anthropometric data collected by the generalizing method are used for the purpose of hygienic standardization in the development of standards for furniture for children, equipment for workshops, gyms, for hygienic justification of the sizes of children's instruments, clothing, shoes and other children's household items. When conducting anthropometric studies, methodological impeccability and thoroughness are required in the collection and processing of anthropometric material, the use of standardized methods, which makes the results of individual observations obtained by different authors comparable to each other and allows the data obtained to be widely used. In studies of physical development, indicators of somatometry, somatoscopy and physiometry are used. When studying physical development, the following requirements must be observed:

1. Health status and physical development of children and adolescents

– measurements are carried out on an undressed child who stands at attention;

– the health care worker is located to the right or in front of the child

– all measurements are taken between anthropometric points

– research is carried out in the first half of the day in a warm, bright room;

– anthropometric and medical instruments must be standardized, metrologically tested, and easily treated with disinfectants.

To measure, use a stadiometer or anthropometer, medical scales, rubberized measuring tape, dynamometer, spirometer, plantograph, caliper.

Indicators and methods for assessing physical development.

One of the most important indicators of the health of a growing organism is physical development. Under physical development child is understood as the degree of development of morpho-functional characteristics, which, on the one hand, determine the reserve of his physical strength, and on the other hand, are a criterion for the normality of the process of growth and formation of the child’s body at each specific age. Physical development is subject to general biological laws, as well as the action of socio-economic, medical-biological and environmental factors.

The child's body is the most sensitive to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors, which manifests itself in the form of disturbances in the physiological course of the processes of growth and development. It has been established that deviations in the timing of age-related development and disharmony of the morpho-functional state, as a rule, are combined with changes in the health status of children, and the more significant the disturbances in physical development, the greater the likelihood of disease. In this regard, assessment of the physical development of children is included as an important indicator in any program for studying health status, from mass preventive examinations of children and adolescents to the analysis of individual pathological conditions. There is a score for children's health, which takes into account their health group and physical development.

The study of physical development is carried out comprehensively using summary data: somatometric, somatoscopic and physiometric.

Assessment of physical development can be carried out using the sigma deviation method with a graphical representation of the physical development profile; on regression scales; centile method; using screening tests.

In recent years, the method of comprehensive assessment of physical development has become widespread in practice, which involves not only determining the morpho-functional status (degree and harmony of development), but also establishing the level of biological development of children.

Indicators of the biological development of children of preschool and primary school age are: body length, increase in body length over Last year, the number of permanent teeth (“dental maturity”), etc. At high school age (puberty), in addition to those indicated, the degree of expression of secondary sexual characteristics and the timing of the first menstruation in girls are determined.

It has been reliably established that children and adolescents who have harmonious, age-appropriate physical development are the most prosperous in terms of health, since the child’s adaptive capabilities, his resistance to various stresses (physical and mental) in in this case are optimal. Slowing or accelerating maturation, on the contrary, is considered as a risk factor for the occurrence of various diseases - in extreme variants of development, significant differences are usually revealed in a number of nosological forms.

With an accelerated pace of development, children often experience a decrease in physical performance, a tendency to allergic diseases, hypertrophy of the tonsils, and hypertensive reactions.

A delay in biological age in children is usually combined with reduced anthropometric indicators and frequent abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The morpho-functional state is determined by indicators of the body, circumference chest during a pause, muscle strength of the hands and vital capacity of the lungs. As an additional criterion for differentiating excess body weight and chest circumference due to fat deposition or muscle development, indicators of skin-fat folds are used. By comparing the obtained data with standard ones (regression scales for body length, age-sex standards of functional indicators, tables of average thickness of skin-fat folds, etc.), the morpho-functional state is determined as harmonious, disharmonious or sharply disharmonious. Thus, when assessing physical development according to a comprehensive scheme, the conclusion should contain a conclusion about the correspondence of physical development to age and its harmony.

A scheme for individual assessment of physical development is proposed, which makes it possible to identify the so-called “risk groups” for the occurrence of diseases based on identified violations of the pace of development and the harmony of morpho-functional status.

Children whose biological age corresponds to the calendar age and whose physical development is harmonious are the most prosperous in terms of health.

Children who are ahead or behind in biological age while maintaining a harmonious morpho-functional state, as well as children who develop in accordance with their age, but have a deficiency of body weight, constitute the first-degree risk group for diseases.

Children with advanced or delayed biological age, combined with any disharmony of the morpho-functional state, as well as children developing in accordance with their age, but having excess body weight, constitute a group of the second degree of risk.

All children who have a sharp disharmony in physical development, both in violation of the timing of age-related development, and who develop according to their age, constitute a third-degree risk group.

Selected groups require various therapeutic and diagnostic measures:

1st group - in-depth examination;

2nd group - in-depth examination and clinical observation;

Group 3 - examination, clinical observation and outpatient or inpatient treatment.

24. Main deviations in the physical development of children:

Physical development is a complex of morpho-functional indicators that are closely related to physical performance and the level of biological state of an individual at a given specific point in time.

The assessment of physical development is based on parameters of height, body weight, proportions of development of individual parts of the body, as well as the degree of development of the functional abilities of his body (vital capacity of the lungs, muscle strength of the hands, etc.; muscle development and muscle tone, state of posture, musculoskeletal apparatus, development of the subcutaneous fat layer, tissue turgor), which depend on the differentiation and maturity of the cellular elements of organs and tissues, the functional abilities of the nervous system and endocrine apparatus]. Historically, physical development has been judged primarily by external morphological characteristics. However, the value of such data increases immeasurably in combination with data on the functional parameters of the body. That is why, for an objective assessment of physical development, morphological parameters should be considered together with indicators of the functional state.

Aerobic endurance is the ability to perform work of average power for a long time and resist fatigue. The aerobic system uses oxygen to convert carbohydrates into energy sources. With long-term exercise, fats and, partially, proteins are also involved in this process, which makes aerobic training almost ideal for fat loss.

Speed ​​endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue at submaximal speed loads.

Strength endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue during sufficiently long-term strength loads. Strength endurance measures how much a muscle can produce repeated forces and how long such activity can be maintained.

Speed-strength endurance is the ability to perform sufficiently long-term strength exercises at maximum speed.

Flexibility is a person’s ability to perform movements with a large amplitude due to the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Good flexibility reduces the risk of injury during exercise.

Speed ​​is the ability to alternate between muscle contraction and relaxation as quickly as possible.

Dynamic muscle strength is the ability to exert force as quickly (explosively) as possible with heavy weights or your own body weight. In this case, a short-term release of energy occurs that does not require oxygen as such. An increase in muscle strength is often accompanied by an increase in muscle volume and density—the “building” of muscle. In addition to aesthetic value, enlarged muscles are less susceptible to damage and promote weight control, since muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue, even during rest.

Dexterity is the ability to perform coordinated and complex motor actions.

Body composition is the ratio of fat, bone and muscle tissue in the body. This ratio, in part, shows the state of health and fitness depending on weight and age. Excess body fat increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

Height-weight characteristics and body proportions - these parameters characterize the size, weight of the body, distribution of the centers of mass of the body, physique. These parameters determine the effectiveness of certain motor actions and the “suitability” of using the athlete’s body for certain sporting achievements.

An important indicator of a person’s physical development is posture - a complex morpho-functional characteristic of the musculoskeletal system, as well as his health, an objective indicator of which is positive trends in the above indicators.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators.

Physique indicators (body length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, amount of fat deposits, etc.), which primarily characterize biological forms, or morphology, of a person. physical development organism ontogenesis

  • 2. Indicators (criteria) of health, reflecting morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. The functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc. is of decisive importance for human health.
  • 3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, etc.).

Until approximately 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological indicators increase in size and body functions improve. Then, until the age of 45-50, physical development seems to be stabilized at a certain level. In the future, as we age, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and deteriorates; body length may decrease, muscle mass and so on.

The nature of physical development as a process of changes in these indicators throughout life depends on many reasons and is determined by a number of patterns. Successfully managing physical development is only possible if these patterns are known and they are taken into account when constructing the process of physical education.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of unity of the organism and the environment and, therefore, significantly depends on the living conditions of man. Living conditions primarily include social conditions. Living conditions, work, education and material support significantly influence the physical condition of a person and determine the development and change in the forms and functions of the body. The geographic environment also has a known influence on physical development.

Of great importance for managing physical development in the process of physical education are the biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of the forms and functions of the body in its activity. These laws are the starting point for choosing means and methods of physical education in each specific case.

By choosing physical exercises and determining the magnitude of their loads, according to the law of exercise, one can count on the necessary adaptive changes in the body of those involved. This takes into account that the body functions as a single whole. Therefore, when selecting exercises and loads, mainly selective ones, it is necessary to clearly understand all aspects of their influence on the body.

The physical health of children is currently one of the most current problems all over the world, which is primarily due to significant deterioration of the environmental situation.

Maternal and child health 2016: main indicators

A fragile organism in the process of development is most susceptible to the influence of negative factors, and therefore reacts quickly and sharply to each of them. Of course, we cannot say that physical health is influenced solely by the environment in which a person is located. However, the environmental situation largely affects its quality.

It is worth considering that the physical indicators of a child’s health depend on a whole range of environmental, social and biological factors. These include living conditions, hygiene, and balanced diet, and adequate sleep, and a properly structured daily routine, and sufficient daily physical activity. Compliance with all of these factors contributes to the formation of a physically developed, healthy personality, while neglect of at least one of them entails a deviation from normal indicators and a deterioration in the child’s well-being.

Basic indicators of maternal and child health should increase in 2016 - this task is a priority among the main objectives of state policy.

Adaptive capabilities of children as an indicator of health level

What is health? From a scientific point of view, this is the most important component, without which human prosperity is unthinkable, including physical, psychological and social well-being, the absence of any discomfort, illness or disease.

Normal health indicators of children and adolescents allow not only the emerging personality to successfully grow and develop, but also to demonstrate social activity and perform all assigned functions and assignments. It follows from this that the success and prosperity of society and the state, as well as National security countries.

According to statistics, the main indicators of children's health have decreased several times over the past decade. So, today, about 30% of students primary schools have certain health problems. Approximately 12% of schoolchildren are myopic, 17% have posture problems, and 40% have impaired visual acuity.

On this moment Doctors distinguish three main components of health: physical, psychological, behavioral.

Physical component implies the development of organs and systems of the body, their condition, functioning, as well as the level of growth.

Psychological component – psycho-emotional state, mental activity, social needs of a person, adequacy of behavior in society.

Behavioral component – manifestation of one’s condition, the ability to communicate, express emotions, mood, the presence of a life position and the desire to benefit society.

The adaptive capabilities of children as an indicator of the level of health are also considered by pediatricians at each stage of child development. That is why in various children's institutions the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children, their susceptibility to certain factors, decreased or increased body resistance at certain age periods are taken into account.

The research program depends on the age of the subjects. Thus, when examining children of early and preschool age The development of speech motor skills is taken into account.

What are the main indicators of the physical health of children and adolescents

One of the most important indicators of health is the physical development of children and adolescents. How developed a child is is determined by medical examinations periodically conducted in medical institutions or schools. Almost from birth, every child’s height, body weight, and chest circumference are measured. The results obtained provide an opportunity to see the overall picture of the development of the child’s body. In addition, the main indicators of the physical health of children are the conditions of: teeth, mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity, condition of the skin, correspondence of the degree of puberty with the age of the subject, the presence/absence of fat deposits.

Functional indicators are also important during the examination. For this purpose, the vital capacity of the lungs, muscle strength of the arms, and backbone are measured.

The indicators for assessing the health of children and adolescents are influenced by the following factors: the presence or absence of pronounced constitutional features of the physique; measurement and weighing results; biological age; neuropsychic development.

In accordance with the results obtained, the health group is determined: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1 group– healthy children with normal development.

2nd group– healthy children, but with some functional abnormalities, as well as reduced resistance to acute and chronic diseases.

3 group– children with chronic diseases, but with preserved functionality body.

4 group– children with chronic diseases, with reduced functional capabilities of the body.

5 group– children with chronic diseases, with significantly reduced functional capabilities of the body. Those who belong to this group do not attend child care institutions and are exempt from mass regular examinations.

Indicators of a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children and adolescents

Indicators for a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children depend on criteria such as the presence or absence of chronic diseases at the time of examination; condition of the main organs and systems (circulatory, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, etc.); degree of harmony of physical and neuropsychic development.

Indicators of the physical health of children and adolescents are recorded by pediatricians, local doctors, or health workers of preschool and school institutions during routine examinations. In other words, now during an examination it is not enough for a doctor to identify the presence or absence of any diseases in a child. It is important to expand as much as possible the range of indicators responsible for the development of biological and social functions growing organism, timely detect the initial stages of deviations and chronic diseases.

Indicators of child psychological health and its disorders

The physical state of children's health and its indicators are unthinkable without knowledge of how it functions nervous system the child, what is the state of vision, hearing, development of memory, attention, speech and thinking. Physical development as an indicator of children’s health should be supplemented with information about their psychological state. Early detection of abnormalities and referral of the child to specialists is an important task for the pediatrician.

The psychological health of children has always been given attention, starting from an early age, since it is a necessary condition for the development of a full-fledged personality. Psychological health is inextricably linked with physical health.

What is psychological health and what are its indicators? This will be discussed below.

A person’s psychological health is considered to be inner harmony body, feelings, thoughts with external harmony - the connection between the person himself and the surrounding world, society.

The main indicators of psychological health in children are expressed in the following criteria: the ability to understand themselves and the people around them; realizing their potential in various types activities; the ability to make informed and correct choices; in a state of mental comfort; normal social behavior.

The psychological state is divided into three levels:

1. Creative. This includes children with a stable psyche, normal adaptation to environment, ability to cope stressful situations, find a way out in difficult life moments, the ability and desire to creatively relate to reality.

2. Adaptive. Children adapted to the social environment, but characterized by increased anxiety.

3. Maladaptive. Children who try to adapt to certain conditions or circumstances, sacrificing their desires and capabilities.

Psychological health can be negatively affected by factors such as a dysfunctional family or unfavourable conditions in kindergarten/school, for example, difficult relationships with the teacher or peers.

In many cases, the indicators of violation of the child’s psychological health are influenced by environment, difficult relationships between family members, difficult relationships with peers, non-perception of him as an individual in the team. However, there are also unfavorable hereditary factors, as well as acquired psychological diseases that appear against the background of severe stress.

Only a physically and psychologically healthy person can become a full-fledged, capable member of society.

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One can make a lot of statements in defense of what should be accepted unquestioningly. However, it will be much more clear to present examples of violations in this development. Perhaps it is the awareness of the seriousness of the consequences that will force parents to be more attentive to the health of the baby, and adults to take care of themselves in a timely manner.

Of course, many factors influence physical development, but about half of these factors can be changed by everyone - lifestyle, sports activity, proper sleep and nutrition, and proper food.

  • If there are no systematic activities in the child’s life physical exercise, most often he begins to lag behind in development. If there is a slight lack of physical activity, it can lead to a decrease in the capacity and growth of the body. If the deficit of movements is great, muscles may gradually atrophy, obesity may develop, and other unpleasant consequences will appear that will lead to more significant diseases. Physical development as an indicator of health This can be especially clearly observed in the example of children and adolescents, comparing the state of their body with more active peers.
  • Lack of physical activity can lead to such unpleasant consequences, such as flat feet, poor posture. They develop especially often in schoolchildren, so the task of parents is to provide the child with conditions for full sports training.
  • The habit of sitting incorrectly can lead to difficulties in straightening the muscles of the neck, lower leg, and back. Physical development as an indicator of health in this case, it is very clear: the habit of taking incorrect poses, lingering in it for hours, will certainly bring with it consequences in the form of pain, impaired flexibility, and decreased motor capabilities.
  • With insufficient and unsystematic developmental physical activity a person is not able to withstand prolonged loads, even in everyday conditions. Simply climbing stairs without the help of an elevator causes shortness of breath, pain in the legs and back. There are many such examples. But if we consider physical development as an indicator of health, then it becomes clear that regular and systematic classes according to a properly selected program will help correct these shortcomings, restoring the joy and ease of life.

Physical development and sports are inseparable, and in this article we will try to understand this issue in as much detail as possible.


Sports activities stimulate the metabolic process in the body, namely, metabolism is a source of energy for the normal functioning of all functions and vital processes of the body without exception. Sports activities support the functioning of the mechanisms that carry out the exchange of energy and substances in the body, and without this it is impossible physical development and sports– the best tool for maintaining the health of all vital systems of the body.

Circulatory system

Of course, the heart is the main center of the human circulatory system; its work directly affects physical development – ​​and sports helps increase the performance and power of the heart muscle. The mechanism of the effect of sports on the heart is simple: during exercise, the mass and size of the heart increase, as the walls of the heart muscle thicken, and the heart begins to work more actively and with more endurance.

Respiratory system

Thanks to physical training, the body adapts to hypoxia (lack of oxygen), cells acquire the ability to work intensively even with a lack of oxygen.

Musculoskeletal system

Not only heredity determines physical usefulness. On physical development and sports It has big influence, even when we're talking about about the musculoskeletal system.

During sports training, the blood supply to the muscles increases, the nervous system better controls their activity, and muscle fibers grow.

It is as a result of training muscular system endurance and the ability to perform physical work are formed, with increased activity in childhood and adolescence, the skeletal system changes, and more active growth begins. Bones acquire high strength and become very resistant to both injury and prolonged stress. The performance of the body as a whole increases, and energy costs for its implementation are reduced. Thanks to proper breathing during training, the normal activity of all organs located in the abdominal cavity is normalized; the correct system of exercises helps to get rid of postural disorders.

From the first second of life, a person’s physical development begins (the set of functional and morphological properties of the body that determine endurance, capacity, and reserve of strength), and by about 25 years it reaches its maximum.

The person as a whole is inseparable: one of the most important indicators of health is physical development.

Accordingly, it is influenced by many factors. To be able to influence the course of development, you need to know as much as possible about these factors - this information will help strengthen the health of the body and make development more complete.

Physical development and health. What does it depend on?

External factors

  • Unfavorable development of the fetus inside the womb (prematurity, intrauterine effects, congenital defects).
  • Environmentally unsafe situation.
  • Poor nutrition, improper diet.
  • Incorrect rest and work schedule (excessive fatigue, insufficient activity).
  • Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical education.
  • Bad habits.

Internal factors

  • Presence of diseases.
  • Heredity (it is at the genetic level that the characteristics of physical development are formed; this program is passed on from one generation to another and may not change or be improved). Physical development and health are largely determined by heredity.

To improve physical development and health person, an integrated approach is required. It is difficult to talk about full development if the child’s family has not been taught to basic rules hygiene, ignore the need for physical education and practice eating monotonous food. Therefore, in order physical development and health was as complete as possible, it is necessary:

  • Establish a rest and activity regime, sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Review your diet and eat more healthy products and exclude the frankly harmful ones.
  • Go in for sports and train regularly; a non-systematic approach will be ineffective.
  • Regularly undergo medical examinations to be able to objectively assess the condition of the body.
  • Get rid of bad habits, improve the psychological climate in the environment (stress and irritability do not contribute to normal development).

They are interconnected: properly organized physical exercises and health-improving procedures directly affect both the level of a person’s physical fitness and his state of health.

To objectively assess physical development, parameters such as body weight, height, development of functional characteristics of the whole organism (muscle strength of the arms, muscle tone, muscle development, posture, etc.) are used. Accordingly, for full physical development, an integrated approach is required, in which physical education is of no small importance.

Physical development and health status physical

Competent physical education contributes to the development of motor abilities, increases defensive reactions the body, improves vital processes in general. At making the right choice an exercise system, its regular use, hardening procedures, changing the diet and nature of nutrition can significantly improve the condition of not only those people who do not have serious health problems. These remedies are effective in the presence of abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, in case of deviations in physical development (flat feet, spinal deformities, postural defects).

Physical development and health status mental

Physical exercise requires constant mental development: regularly arising cognitive situations, improving old techniques for performing exercises and mastering new ones, the ability to correctly distribute forces, both during the entire lesson and during competitions - all this does not pass without a trace. Also, during training, situations constantly occur in which a person must make quick and rational decisions and overcome difficulties. All these skills and abilities can be successfully used in Everyday life, bringing new life experiences.

Physical development and health status moral

If physical education classes are properly organized, they have a positive effect on the formation of moral qualities. The ability to finish what you start, discipline, strong will, perseverance, the ability to regard initial failures as experience on the way to the goal - all this develops in a person the ability to overcome difficulties, set a goal and go towards it. These qualities are indispensable in everyday life; they contribute to human and personality development.
