Tom - Tomsk Encyclopedia of Life. The Tom River is a large water artery of Western Siberia


Tom is a tributary of the Ob. It originates in the Khakassian Autonomous Region on the western slope of the Abakan ridge. Flows through Kemerovo region and in the Tomsk region it flows into the Ob. The river's feeding is mixed with a predominance of snow. Average consumption water 580 km from the mouth is 650m 3 /sec, and at the mouth 1110m 3 /sec., maximum – 3960m 3 /sec. The length of the Tom River is 827 km, with a catchment area of ​​000 km 2. The river freezes at the end of October – beginning of November. It opens in the second half of April - the first half of May. In its upper course - mountain river, below flows within the Kuznetsk Basin, and then along West Siberian Plain. The river has many rapids, the width of the floodplain reaches three kilometers. On the Tom River there are cities - Novokuznetsk, Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo, Tomsk. The largest tributaries of the Tom: Mars-Su, Kondoma, Unga - on the left: Usa, Upper Ters, Middle Ters, Lower Ters, Taydon - on the right. The river is raftable. Navigable to Tomsk, in high water - to Novokuznetsk.

Hydrological sketch of the Tom River - Mezhdurechensk,

F= 5880 km 2.

1. Brief physical-geographical and climatic characteristics.

The Tom River is a transit river, originating in a mountainous region. It flows through mid-mountain, low-mountain regions, rugged plains and ends at the mouth in the taiga region of Western Siberia, flowing into the Ob. The mid-mountain region occupies an altitude of over 1000 meters Mountain Altai, Kuznetsk Alatau and Abakan ridge. The relief is highly dissected. There are individual mountain peaks up to 2000 meters high. However, their contours are softer. Alpine surfaces, kurumniks, significant screes and alluvial fans are developed. There is a system of carts occupied by snowfields and lakes. The mountains are covered with grass and woody vegetation. The saddles of the mountains are swampy.

The longitudinal profile of the river has a stepped character. There are many waterfalls, rapids and rapids. Atmospheric precipitation falls over 1000 mm per year, as a result of which the mid-mountain region is very high modules drain. The presence of large falls in the terrain causes intense snow and rain floods. Maximum water levels and flow rates are usually of rain origin and occur in July. The river receives mixed nutrition: snow, rain and groundwater. Slush transit predominates on the river, after which congestion occurs, and the water level remains elevated throughout the winter, sometimes rising by three meters. Costs fall sharply due to depletion of reserves groundwater, and as a result of losses due to ice formation. Water belongs to the carbonate class. Total mineralization increases to 100 mg/l.

Although the relief of the low-mountain region is mountainous, the height is 100 - 500 meters, the steepness of the slopes and slopes of the river valleys are less than the previous region. Flush rocks exceeds the intensity of weathering, flows cut into bedrock stable rocks. The channel therefore has the greatest stability. They are also composed of coarse material. Thresholds are formed at the intersection of various geological structures.

The slopes of the mountains and river valleys are covered with woody vegetation and heavily turfed, as a result of which the destructive activity of temporary flows is weakened. In this area, alpine surfaces are also developed, consisting of fractured rocks, as a result of frost weathering and almost do not provide surface runoff. Atmospheric precipitation and melt water are almost completely absorbed by chars and screes, resulting in the formation of thick ground and The groundwater, leading to the formation of karst and increased mineralization of the Vaucluses and the river.

Atmospheric precipitation falls 600 - 700 mm, and the river flow is lower than the previous region, but the share of winter flow is slightly higher. Maximum levels and flow rates of water are of both snow and rain origin. In autumn, ice jams occur on the rivers. Levels are therefore elevated throughout the winter. Congestion breaks up during the spring ice drift. Annual maximum levels are often jammed.

The rugged plain, whose height is below 500 meters, is a complex geological structure. Its base is of tectonic origin, covered on top by clays, heavy loams, sands and pebbles of Quaternary age. The river valley is tectonically adapted, formed through the evolution of ravines. The entire territory is cut up by a very dense network of ravine-beam systems, overgrown with trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation. As a result of deforestation and plowing of the slopes of the river valley, gully activity has again intensified. The river is winding, there is a large contrast of speeds on the reaches and rifts.

Passing along a rugged plain, the level atmospheric precipitation is reduced to 500 - 600 millimeters per year. The river also has a mixed supply: snow, rain and ground. Moreover, the main food is snow. The maximum water flow occurs during the spring flood and in a friendly spring, and the maximum level, as a rule, is of jam origin. The river's winter feeding is stable. There are numerous groundwater outlets that cause landslides along the river banks.

In the upper reaches, before the Mras-su tributary flows into it, the Tom behaves like a typical mountain river. There are often rapids and mountain rifts. The banks of the river here are rocky and covered with taiga forest. Passing through the Kuznetsk Basin, the river calms down a little, and access to the banks becomes more accessible. In its lower reaches, the Tom turns into a typically flat river, and slowly carrying its waters flows into the Ob.

River length: 827 km

Drainage basin area: 62,030 km. sq.

Average water flow at the mouth: 1110 m3/s. The annual flow is 35.0 km3/year

Tom originates on the western slopes of the Abakan ridge, in the Khakassian Autonomous Region Krasnoyarsk Territory. It flows mainly through the territory of the Kemerovo region. It flows into the Ob in the Tomsk region.


River mode

Nutrition: the river has mixed nutrition. 25-40% comes from non-precipitation, 35-55% from melted snow and 25-35% from ground nutrition.

Freezing: Freeze-up on the river lasts from the beginning of November until the end of April.

The river regime is characterized spring flood(from April to June). Fluctuations in water level during flood periods can reach 8 meters. The minimum water level in the river is observed from December to March. The speed of the river in flat areas is on average 0.4 m/sec; on riffles it increases to 1.75 m/sec.

Main tributaries: About 115 tributaries flow into the Tom. The main ones are: Mras-Su, Usa, Kondoma, Lower Ters, Middle Ters, Upper Ters, Taydon, Unga.

The following cities are located on the Tom River: Mezhdurechensk, Novokuznetsk, Krapivinsky, Kemerovo, Yurga, Tomsk, Seversk.

Interesting Facts:

1) Various projects for the economic use of the river were proposed, but many of them remained on paper or unfinished. For example, at the end of the 1960s they wanted to connect Tom and Ob with a shipping canal. You may ask: “Why, the Tom flows into the Ob anyway?” According to the plans of the project creators, the construction of the canal was supposed to shorten the distance between the cities of Tomsk and Novosibirsk by several tens of kilometers. In addition, Tomsk was able to receive water with a purer composition from the Ob. In 1975, construction began on a less extravagant structure - the Krapivinskaya hydroelectric power station near the village of Zelenogorsky. But in 1989 construction was frozen.

2) 45 km. from Kemerovo there is a museum-reserve “Tomsk Pisanitsa”. Its main attraction is its huge sheer cliff with ancient drawings of primitive people. The age of the petroglyphs, or “pisanits” as they are called here, is approximately six thousand years. There are about 300 such petroglyphs on the rock.

Photo: sheer cliff on the river bank.

Video, rafting on the Tom River:

Video slideshow, journey from Novokuznetsk to Zelenogorsk along the river.

And finally. Amateur video: “Tom has started moving, spring ice is drifting.”

The Tom River is a river in Western Siberia, the right tributary of the Ob. flows through the territory of three subjects Russian Federation- Khakassia, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions. The length of the river is 827 km (according to some sources 798 km). The height difference from the source to the mouth is 1185 m. The source of the Tom is located on the territory of Khakassia, on the western slopes of the Abakan ridge. Most of the Tom River flows through the Kemerovo region, being its main water artery. The mouth of the Tom is located in the Tomsk region, 45 km from the city of Tomsk. At the mouth, the river spills into several channels, forming Pushkarev Island with the Ob.

Geographical location of Tom

Source of Tom

The source of the Tom River is located on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia. The river originates on the western slopes of the Abakan ridge (a mountain range consisting of mountain system Western Sayan) in its northern part, almost at the junction with Kuznetsk Alatau.
The Tom River has two sources. The source of the Left Tom is formed on Mount Karlygan ( maximum height– 1747 meters). Many streams flow into a small clear ravine on the southwestern slope of Karlygan, here they merge into a single stream called the Left Tom.
The source of the Right Tom is the main and longest source of the Tom River. It is formed on Mount Kaskylakh (maximum height - 1440 meters). On the southern slope of Kaskylakha, at an altitude of 1200 meters, there is a swamp. From this swamp in a spruce-birch grove a stream comes to the surface, and thus the source of the Right Tom is born.
Flowing down the slopes of the Abakan ridge, the Right and Left Toms merge into the Tom River at approximately an altitude of 903 meters. Also, many small rivers and streams flow into the Tom, in the area of ​​its sources, increasing its flow.

Tom in the lower reaches

In the area of ​​the city of Novokuznetsk, one of its left tributaries, the Kondoma River (427 km), flows into the Tom. The upper reaches of the Tom are the distance from the source to the mouth of the Kondoma. In this section, the length of the river is 267 kilometers.
In the upper reaches of the Tom, for 213 kilometers, it passes through the mountainous regions of the Republic of Khakassia and the south of the Alatau-Shorsky highlands of the Kemerovo region. In this section the river flow has a mountainous character. The river valley is narrow and deeply incised, the height of the sides reaches 150-200 meters. The current speed is fast - up to 2.1 meters per second. The riverbed is replete with rapids and rocky rifts. The depth of the river at the riffles does not exceed 35 centimeters.
When crossing the border of the Republic of Khakassia and the Kemerovo region and further to the mouth of the Teba River, the width of the Tom is 50-100 meters, the depth is from 1 to 1.7 meters. The river valley remains narrow with steep sides reaching a height of up to 1000 meters; there is no floodplain. The current speed is 2.8 meters per second.
From the mouth of the Teba to Novokuznetsk, the width of the channel increases to 120-300 meters, the width of the river valley reaches 1.5-2 kilometers. The current speed decreases to 1.5-2 meters per second.
After Tomi merged with her two large tributaries, the rivers Usa (179 km) - area of ​​​​the city of Mezhdurechensk and Mrassu (350 km) - area of ​​\u200b\u200bMyski, the river becomes wider and full-flowing. The width of the channel is 200-400 meters, the flow speed is 1 m/s. The right bank of the river remains steep, the left becomes flat.
From the mouth of the Mrassu River, the Tom crosses the border of mountain ranges with the Kuznetsk Basin and acquires a flatter flow pattern, islands appear in the river bed, and on the reaches the flow speed decreases to -0.1 - 0.3 m/s. Further, the Tom absorbs about a dozen smaller tributaries; after the confluence of the Kondoma River, it finally acquires the character of a lowland river. From the mouth of the Kondoma to the city of Yurga - the middle reaches of the Tom.

Tom River in the middle reaches

From the city of Novokuznetsk to the city of Tomsk - Tom, a typical flat river with a slow and leisurely flow. Flowing through the Kemerovo region, the river collects the bulk of the region's watershed.

Tom River in the upper reaches

Starting from Tomsk, the river becomes wide-flooded, in some places its depth can reach 10 meters. After Tomsk, the river is often divided into branches and channels.

Mouth of the Tom. Where does the Tom River flow?

The mouth of the Tom River is located 45 kilometers from the city of Tomsk. Here the Tom River flows into the Ob River, being one of its main tributaries.

Tom River basin

The Tom River basin is part of the Republic of Khakassia, part Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, a small part of the Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions, as well as most of the Kemerovo region. Basic drainage basin The Tom River is the south of the Kemerovo region, namely the Mountain Shoria mountains.

Scheme of the Tom River. Tom River basin on the map:

Fauna and flora of the Tom River.

Fauna of Tom. Fish Tomi

See also: Natural zones of the West Siberian Plain

The fauna of the Tom River is represented by a fairly large variety of fish. There were once up to 29 species of fish here, but due to climate change and economic activity man, the river bed became significantly shallower. Another colossal problem was the pollution of the Tom River. All this together contributed to a reduction in the river's fish stocks. However, in Lately there is a significant improvement environmental situation. Waste dumping has virtually ceased, gravel mining has been reduced and shipping has been virtually suspended. Polluted by sewage industrial enterprises, the Tom River is gradually being cleared and fish species such as grayling, lenok, taimen, sturgeon, peled, sterlet are returning to its waters, some of which are in the Red Book.

However, it is worth noting that many of them have not restored their former population, and therefore are under protection. But do not despair, as perch, pike, crucian carp, pike perch, ide, chebak, minnow, burbot, loach, whitefish, and dace are also found here. Fishing in the waters of the Tom River will never be boring for spinning anglers, fly fishers and float fishermen. No one will leave without a catch. You just need to find the right place to fish. Experienced fishermen say that the most suitable places are where tributaries flow into the river.

Flora on the coastal territory of Tom
Along the bed of the Tom River you can find many unique and incredibly beautiful places: here there is taiga, rocky shores, confluences with smaller rivers. Due to the diversity of topography and climate, the banks of the Tom River are distinguished by variegated soil cover. In turn, this could not but affect the diversity flora this area. On the mountain peaks near Tom grow plants characteristic of such natural areas, like tundra and alpine meadow, and the lowlands and midlands are filled with fir and aspen forests. The foothills and intermontane basins are represented by the vegetation of steppes and forest-steppes. All forests where the Tom River flows can be divided into two types: coniferous and deciduous. Main forest-forming species coniferous forest- pine, spruce, cedar, fir. Dark coniferous forests It is usually called black taiga because of the dark color of the needles that the trees have. As for deciduous trees, willow, linden, rowan, aspen and birch predominate here. The southern forest-steppe is characterized by grasses: wormwood, fescue, feather grass, sainfoin, tonkonog, wormwood. As a rule, they grow in ravines and wastelands. In addition, in forest-steppes and forests near the coastal territory of Tom, it grows a large number of fruit and berry bushes and mushrooms.

Hydroposts on the Tom River.

Hydroposts on the Tom River are located in the cities of Tomsk, Yurga, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Mezhdurechensk, and the town of Krapivino.

The speed of the Tom River current.

The speed of the Tom's current varies from 0.3 m/s to 3 m/s. In the upper reaches of the Tom, the current speed can reach 3 m/s, in the Novokuznetsk area 0.5 ms, in the Tomsk area 0.3 m/s. average speed current is considered equal to 0.33 m/s.

Bridge crossings on the Tom River

Railway bridges

Two railway bridges on the Trans-Siberian Railway near the city of Yurga.

Railway bridge in Kemerovo

Polosukhinsky Bridge - bypassing the city of Novokuznetsk

Railway bridge near Novokuznetsk-Severny station

Chebolsinsky Bridge in Mezhdurechensk

Tomusinsky Bridge in Novokuznetsk

Road bridges

Seversky Bridge. Located on the border of the cities of Seversk and Tomsk.
Communal Bridge. Located in the Kirovsky district of Tomsk.

Kuznetsky Bridge in Kemerovo.
Kuzbass Bridge in Kemerovo.

An unfinished bridge over the dam of the unfinished Krapivinskaya hydroelectric power station near the village of Zelenogorsky

Ilyinsky Bridge - connects the Ilyinsky and Zavodskoy districts of Novokuznetsk.

Kuznetsky Bridge - connects the Central and Kuznetsky districts of Novokuznetsk

Baidaevsky Bridge is the southern entrance to Novokuznetsk. Connects Novokuznetsk with the cities of Myski and Mezhdurechensk.

Zapsibovsky Bridge - connects the Central and Zavodskoy districts of Novokuznetsk

Ferry crossings

Ferry near the village of Zelenogorsky.

Ferry in the village of Saltymakovo.

Ferry between the city of Yurga and the village of Polomoshnoye.

Pontoon bridge

The pontoon bridge in Yurga is the longest pontoon bridge in Russia. Length 720 meters.

Sights on the Tom River

Anikin stone.

A small cliff on the Tom River, located in the Tomsk region, 6 kilometers from the border with the Kemerovo region. It is a natural monument of regional significance. It is an outcrop of bedrock to the surface. Read more about Anikin's stone here.

Stone Fighter.

A protruding stone cape on the Tom River. Located in the Tomsk region near the village of Yarskoye, Tomsk district. Natural monument of regional significance. It is a stone cape protruding 3 meters above the water. You can read more about the Fighter Stone here.

Sadat Stone.

A large rock formation on the bank of the Tom River in the Tisulsky district of the Kemerovo region. You can read more about the Sadat Stone here.

Blue Cliff.

Blue rock formation on the bank of the Tom River. Located in the Tomsk region near the village of Kolarovo. Natural monument of regional significance. It is an outcrop of bedrock with a length of 3 km. If you look at it from a distance, the cliff appears bluish-blue.

See also: Lake Karachi in the Novosibirsk region: characteristics, climate, nature, healing properties

Camp Garden

A park in the city of Tomsk on the steep high bank of the Tom River. The park offers stunning panoramic views of the Tom River floodplain.

Ob-Tom interfluve.

Region in Siberia, located between Tom and Ob. It lies on the territory of the Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions. There are three natural reserves located in the interfluve.

Tutal rocks.

A picturesque outcrop of rocks on the bank of the Tom River in the Yashkinsky district of the Kemerovo region. On some rocks you can see ancient writings. Read more about Tutal Rocks here.

Tomsk writing.

A museum-reserve on the banks of the Tom River, which includes ancient drawings carved on rock formations on the very bank of the river. Located in the Yashkinsky district of the Kemerovo region.

Cities and towns on the Tom River

Cities on the Tom River

Mezhdurechensk, Myski, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Yurga, Tomsk, Seversk.

Villages and towns on the Tom River

Teba, Mayzas, Borodino, Atamanovo, Osinovoye Pleso, Saltymakovo, Zelenogorsky, Krapivinsky, Sheveli, Berezovo, Kolmogorovo, Pacha, Novoromanovo, Mokhovo, Zeledeevo, Kurlek, Moryakovsky Zaton, Samus, Orlovka

Large tributaries of the Tom

Kondoma, Mrassu, Usa, Lower Ters, Middle Ters, Upper Ters. Taydon, Terensug, Strelina, Iskitim, Belsu, Lebyazhya, Basandaika, Ushaika, Tutuyas, Aba.

Rest on the Tom River in sanatoriums and recreation centers

Along the Tom River there are a large number of camp sites and holiday homes.

Tourist complex "Vostok". Located near the city of Mezhdurechensk, on the banks of the Tom River. Accommodation in comfortable rooms with private amenities. Offers vacationers an active holiday; there are tennis courts, volleyball and football courts on site. There is a SPA salon and restaurant on site.

Recreation center "Pritomye". Located near the city of Kemerovo, on the banks of the Tom River. Offers guests rooms with amenities located in the main building, as well as accommodation in comfortable all-season houses. On the territory there are sports grounds, a bathhouse, a sauna, and a restaurant. Sports equipment rental is available.

Recreation center "Elykaevskaya Sloboda". Located near the city of Kemerovo in pine forest, on the bank of the Tom River. Offers guests accommodation in cottages with all amenities. There is a mini-zoo, a bathhouse, a children's playground, and sports equipment rental on site.

Center active rest"Space". Located near Kemerovo, on the banks of the Tom River. Guests are offered rooms of varying degrees of comfort. On the territory there is a bathhouse, a paintball court, and a sports ground.

Eco-camping “Round House”. Located 30 kilometers from Kemerovo, next to the Tomsk Pisanitsa museum-reserve, on the banks of the Tom. Vacationers are offered accommodation in real yurts. On the territory there is a bathhouse, gazebos, a summer kitchen, and a playground.

Cottage complex "Shirli-myrli". Located near the city of Tomsk in a pine forest, on the banks of the Tom River. Accommodation in wooden cottages with all amenities. On the territory there are gazebos with barbecues, a sauna, a swimming pool, billiards, and table tennis.

Rest on Tom as a savage

On the Tom River you can find a large number good places for a savage's holiday. The left bank of the Tom from Mezhdurechensk to Novokuznetsk is especially popular among vacationing residents of the South of Kuzbass. IN summer period there are a lot of vacationers here. Those who like to spend several days in a tent on the river bank are located from the village of Atamanovo to Myski. Those who like to come to the river for one day have chosen the banks of the Tom near Novokuznetsk and Mezhdurechensk.

Beaches on Tom

Beaches on the Tom are mainly located in cities located on this river.

Beaches of Tomsk

In the area of ​​the city of Tomsk and its environs on Tom you can visit the following beaches: city beach Semeykin Island, beach in Lagerny Garden, Blue Cliff beach, Surovsky beach, Second Surovsky beach

Beaches of Kemerovo

Within the city of Kemerovo and its surroundings on the coastline of Tom there are several beaches: the beach at the boat station, the beach in the village of Zhuravlevo, the Chaika beach, the Pritomskaya recreation area, and the Berendey beach.

Beaches of Novokuznetsk

There are two beaches in Novokuznetsk on Tom: Levoberezhny beach and Studencheskiy beach.

Economic use of the Tom River.

The Tom, as a tributary of the Ob, plays an important economic role in its regions. The river is used as a drinking, fishing and sanitary reservoir.
If we consider the first point of the economic use of Tom, then we can safely say that the composition of the water in its biological and chemical properties extremely close to the most unique sources fresh water. River water has no foreign tastes, odors, or colors. Thus, Tom is a large, and most importantly clean source of water supply in several regions of Russia.
The Dragoon water intake of the Tom River also has an important economic importance. Located near the village of Atamanovo, it is actively used by the Novokuznetsk water utility.
Regarding fisheries, the river is also the breadwinner of the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions. Large-sized bream, carp, pike, perch, and pike perch are found in Tom and its water intakes.
Over the past five-year period, the level of processing of fish products has increased by 2.5 times, the volume of fish caught by 7.5 times, and the number of fish farms by 10 times, which indicates the intensive development of this industry.
In addition, Tom has prospects for fishing and hunting tourism, which entails the construction of appropriate infrastructure. This will ultimately also bring considerable profit to the regions.
In the middle of the 20th century, it was proposed to combine the channels of two rivers: the Ob and Tom, to create a shipping canal. This canal was supposed to become a short transport route for ships traveling along the Novosibirsk-Tomsk route. By the way, navigation on the river also plays an important role in the economic life of the Tomsk region. Previously, navigation on the river was open from the mouth to Novokuznetsk, and now to Tomsk.
The mining industry also reached Tom. A sand and gravel mixture is being extracted from a riverbed near the regional center of the Tomsk region, even though this has reduced the water level by more than 2 meters and exposed a rocky threshold in the riverbed.
A huge number of enterprises located in the Tom basin use the river’s energy resources for personal purposes, often dumping production waste into the reservoir. For example, industrial Kuzbass.
The Tom River was supposed to become one of the suppliers of electricity in the Kemerovo region, hosting the Krapivinskaya hydroelectric power station on its bank, but this project was frozen in 1989, with no prospects for resuming construction.

Tom originates on the western slope of the Abakan ridge at the foot of Mount Sak-Toiga. The length of the river is 798 km, the basin area is 61.03 thousand km 2 - the 7th largest tributary of the Ob in terms of basin area and the 9th longest tributary of the Ob. Main tributaries: Usa, Lower Ters, Middle Ters, Upper Ters, Taydon (right), Mras-Su, Kondoma, Unga (left).

Upper part of the pool – Mountain country. Near the city of Mezhdurechensk, the river enters the Kuznetsk Basin, crosses the Kolyvan folded region, and in its lower reaches flows within the Kolpashevo depression, which occupies the southeastern edge of the West Siberian Lowland. In the area of ​​Tomsk there is a well-defined boundary between the geological structures of the Kolyvan-Tomsk zone and the West Siberian lithospheric plate.

In the upper reaches, the river flows through a narrow valley, has a rapids bed, and on rocky rifts the depth does not exceed 35 cm. Within the Kuznetsk Basin, the valley expands, a floodplain 2–3 km wide appears, and the river takes on the features of a flat stream. From Novokuznetsk to Tomsk (515 km) the main banks of the river are cliffs 100 m high. The river bed is incised with deposits of pebble material. Current speeds reach 3 m/s. Closer to Tomsk, the river bed becomes wide-floodplain, with depths on the rifts of 0.4–0.6 m, and in the reaches - up to 10 m. The average slope of the riverbed is 0.24‰. The channel is divided into numerous branches and floodplain channels.

Turbidity of water in the river. Tomi: average 174 g/m 3, maximum 260 g/m 3. Sediment runoff near Tomsk: suspended – 3.4, transported – 0.43 million tons/year. According to the chemical composition, the river waters belong to the hydrocarbonate class and calcium group, and are characterized by low mineralization (100 mg/l or less). The river waters are polluted by industrial wastewater.

The Tom River used to be navigable from the mouth to the city of Novokuznetsk, now - from the mouth to the city of Tomsk. In the Tomsk region, gravel and pebbles are extracted from the riverbed. This led to a drop in water levels by almost 2.5 m, degradation of floodplain landscapes, and exposure of a rocky threshold in the river bed. Rock paintings were discovered on the banks of the river (Tomsk pisanitsa) ancient man; There are a large number of geological natural monuments.

On the banks of the river are the cities of Mezhdurechensk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Yurga, Tomsk, Seversk.

The largest river in the Kemerovo region, the Tom River, proudly and majestically flows through the Kuznetsk basin. This is not just a river, but a majestic right tributary of the mighty Siberian river called OB. The Tom originates on the swampy western slope of the Abakan ridge. There is a well-known statement by linguists about the origin of the name: the word “TOOM” translated from Ket means “river” and “dark”, i.e. dark river.

In the upper reaches of the Tom, wading over rapids and riffles, it behaves like a purely mountain river with a turbulent current. Along the banks of the river you can often find a lot of rocky cliffs overgrown with taiga. In total, about 115 tributaries flow into the Tom. The largest of them are Mras-Su, Usa, Kondoma, Ters, Taydon, Unga. After tributaries flow into it, the river becomes full-flowing, gradually calms its flow, and the banks become flatter and more accessible. The Tom turns into a typical lowland river with a majestic, calm flow and stunning natural scenery along the banks. This is how it flows into the Ob. The total length of the river is 827 km. The food is mixed, mainly snow and soil, 25-40% comes from precipitation.

Like all Siberian rivers, it freezes in early to mid-November. The freeze-up lasts until the end of April, when Tom wakes up from hibernation, is cluttered with ice hummocks, and the water level in some years can rise to 8 meters.

Along the coast there are beautiful Siberian cities - Mezhdurechensk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Yurga, Tomsk, etc.

Tom is of great economic importance. Various projects were built regarding the river. Many turned out to be unpromising and were forgotten. For example, at the end of the 1960s, work began on connecting Tom and Ob with a shipping canal. This was supposed to shorten the distance between the cities of Tomsk and Novosibirsk by several tens of kilometers. In addition, Tomsk would be provided with cleaner drinking water. In 1975, construction began on another structure - the Krapivinskaya hydroelectric power station near the village of Zelenogorsky. The project also turned out to be unprofitable and, in addition, harmful to the environment.

Now the river attracts people not only beautiful scenery, but also the opportunity to relax, enrich your inner world. Not far from the city of Kemerovo there is a unique historical corner of nature and history - “Tomsk Pisanitsa”, the main attraction of which is a steep cliff with ancient drawings of primitive people. The age of the petroglyphs, or “pisanits” as they are called here, is approximately six thousand years. There are about 300 such petroglyphs on the rock.

In the floodplain of the river there are dachas, garden plots, camps and recreation centers. You can have good fishing here, because the river is home to ide, roach, pike, perch, and pike-perch.

Tom quenches the thirst of cities and towns, industrial and agricultural enterprises, it is a transport route and a source of electricity.

#Tom #Rest in Russia #RFARUS
