Zodiac signs compatibility in love and marriage. Combination of zodiac signs in marriage, love and friendship: astrological compatibility

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in love and marriage will help you understand your relationship with your loved one, determine the most more important than the point contact between two partners in order to create a strong and harmonious relationship. Zodiac sign compatibility contains many important and interesting information about the interaction of two partners in various spheres of life - love, marriage, everyday life, intimate life.

Quite often there are cases when the compatibility of zodiac signs is practically absent, but representatives of these zodiac signs meet, get married, start a family and live in marriage for a long and long time. happy life, full of love and mutual understanding. Does this mean that the horoscope that determines the compatibility of zodiac signs is unreliable? No, this means that people born under zodiac signs incompatible with each other showed in themselves best qualities, learned to love, give in, forgive and trust, and this is much more important than any information that the horoscope gives. In general, the information about the relationship between two partners in love and marriage, which the zodiac sign compatibility horoscope contains, should in no case be taken as a forecast of living together in love, but only as advice, recommendations for representatives of each zodiac sign, what their character traits are needs to be developed so that relationships develop harmoniously in love, marriage, and everyday life. In the same way, you cannot fall into a state of euphoria when the horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage speaks of one hundred percent compatibility of lovers. Even when people are completely compatible according to their zodiac sign, each has their own character traits, their own worldview, which sometimes has nothing in common with the characteristics of the Sun sign. Compatibility of zodiac signs, compiled according to the dates of birth of lovers, gives general information about their relationships in love and marriage, so such information should be taken as a recommendation only. Zodiac sign compatibility, compiled taking into account the exact time and place of birth of both partners, provides more complete and accurate information about the relationship between two people in love and marriage. Compatibility of signs will help you find out how representatives of different zodiac signs relate to each other, how they perceive themselves in these relationships, what feelings and emotions they experience towards each other.

Check your compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Aries compatibility → Taurus compatibility →
Gemini compatibility → Cancer compatibility →
Leo compatibility → Virgo compatibility →
Libra compatibility → Scorpio compatibility →
Sagittarius compatibility → Capricorn compatibility →
Aquarius compatibility → Pisces compatibility →

However, we should not forget that not a single horoscope of compatibility of Zodiac signs will answer the question of the right to exist love relationship, because for a strong, trusting and harmonious relationship, each partner must be able to love, interact with their other half, merging into a single whole. Creating a strong love union is not an easy job, and first of all, it is work on yourself, and the compatibility horoscope in love and marriage will help each of the partners pay attention to their advantages and disadvantages, develop their best qualities in order to so that life together in marriage is full of love, harmony, trust and mutual understanding.

Everyone has encountered astrology, at least they have seen or even read their horoscope for a month, week or day. In addition to forecasts, there is also a compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs. Here astrology can tell you who you should stay away from, and with whom you should make close acquaintances, and maybe more.
When we meet a new person, we quickly form our opinion about him; we form, or rather simply get, a first impression. We are drawn to some people, want to communicate, see each other and spend time with them, while others we ignore and even avoid. We feel the so-called kinship of souls, it seems to us that we are understood perfectly and we even think alike. Others can irritate us immensely, it is impossible to agree on anything with them, and common plans turn out to be failures. I would like to somehow explain the nature of such relationships; it could make life much easier. Perhaps it's all about celestial bodies? Maybe you should listen to astrologers and their advice. Perhaps life will become easier if you let in people with whom you are compatible; it will be easier to understand your business partner, find reliable and understanding friends, and connect your life with a faithful partner with similar values ​​and views on the future.

Compatibility horoscopes for each zodiac sign

The influence of astrological elements on relationships

The four elements are air, earth, fire and water, and each zodiac sign belongs to one of them. The element affects a person’s character and his compatibility with others.


Fiery Leo, Sagittarius and Aries are similar in temperament, any two of them can create a union whose happiness can only be envied. So if you and your chosen one are representatives of these signs, feel free to run to the registry office. But everything is not so simple, fire can only burn thanks to air, and the signs of this element will find understanding, support and peace next to Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. With them it will be possible to create a strong, friendly family; it will be a quiet haven where you can relax and gain strength. Water and fire elements are incompatible and Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio will create many problems for their soul mate, a representative of the fire element.

This does not mean that communication with them is contraindicated; it all depends on what kind of marriage you need. If you like to feel adrenaline in your blood, you are not afraid of difficulties, but are attracted by Italian passions, then Scorpio is your ideal companion. But it is better to leave earth signs for cooperation and business. The earth can extinguish the fire, its impulses and rash actions. A sober look at the problem of Taurus or Virgo will protect you from adventures and save your finances.


Lovers of space and freedom, representatives of the air element: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius get along well with each other. Their marriages are happy, their cooperation is fruitful, and their friendship is strong. Lightweight Geminis should be wary of Taurus; communicating with them means frayed nerves and a sea of ​​impressions, both negative and positive. But if you are looking for support and peace in marriage, then you are definitely not on the right path. For air signs, representatives of the element of water will be excellent friends. The only advice is that you should not blindly trust astrology when choosing a friend, listen to your intuition, it will help you with the right decision.


Reliable, thoughtful, practical and these are all signs of the earth. Exactly these positive traits attract representatives of other signs to them. And in principle, they can get along with all of them, if desired. Of course, earth signs are perfectly compatible with each other, but there is one thing. Capricorn and Taurus are very stubborn and any alliances between them will be conflicting. They love to argue and do not like to give in or admit mistakes.


Horoscopes are horoscopes, but no one has canceled intuition, and it is well developed in Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers. They are given the opportunity to feel their person, even if they cannot explain why they choose him. Although astrologers have recommendations for water signs, they will not be superfluous to help you understand yourself and make the right decision.

Of course, this information is not enough; it is too generalized and abbreviated. To choose a life partner based on astrology, you need more information. There are many nuances in astrology, and only an astrologer who is professionally involved in this can draw a conclusion about the compatibility of a couple. Now it is more accessible than ever; many specialists will be happy to perform accurate calculations just for you. Sometimes, a person who does not suit your zodiac sign can make the best match for you; let an experienced astrologer determine compatibility, and you will make the most important decision of your life yourself.

Do you want to be sure of making the right choice life partner? Accurate astrology, which studies compatibility by zodiac sign, will help you with this. Some believe in this, others do not, but many have already noticed that such a dependence does exist, as proven by sociological surveys and research. We offer you the most verified compatibility tables as accurate (the results of which are shown in percentage), and conditional ones, which are quite enough for quick analysis.

Conditional compatibility table:

Exact compatibility table in percentage terms:

This compatibility table for zodiac signs will allow you to find out your compatibility in love with your partner in %. The number and color of your cell is your compatibility. Most compatible signs zodiac will be with a large percentage and painted red.

RED COLOR – Very favorable compatibility of Zodiac Signs
GREEN COLOR – Favorable compatibility of Zodiac Signs
BLUE COLOR – Unfavorable compatibility of Zodiac Signs

Mark compatibility assessment:

Additional Information:

Characteristic differences for each zodiac sign:

Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

If your choice fell on a man born under the sign of Aries, you have already experienced his violent character. He is quick-tempered, but easy-going, warlike, but not angry, and very courageous. He boldly rushes into battle and wins love, but fears that the bonds of Hymen will bind him hand and foot. The degree of seriousness of his intentions can be determined by the following signs.
If an Aries in love begins to seriously pursue his career, is interested in apartment prices, or is trying to expand his living space, know that in the near future he is going to start a family.
If, instead of labor feats, he performs “feats” with a group of friends and devotes the lady of his heart to them, creating a family is not part of his plans.

Taurus (21.04 – 21.05)

If your chosen one is Taurus, you have already appreciated this broad nature. Usually, from the first minutes of meeting, Taurus knows whether his wife is suitable for him. new girlfriend. Taurus - very family sign and will not waste a lot of time on unpromising connections.
If you have a long-standing affair, most likely your candidacy for the role of wife is approved. However, he may not yet be completely sure that you are his woman. If he makes an appointment for you at in public places, does not come to visit you often, is shy when you are active in bed, Taurus is in the stage of indecision.
Confident in his choice and ready for marriage, Taurus does not forget about big and small gifts, meets his beloved woman at home, asks and even demands that she stay with him for a day, two, a week, buys a luxurious robe for her and house slippers, but most importantly, trustingly surrenders to her hands in bed and is delighted with her active actions. During this period, Taurus is painfully jealous. Don’t wave a red rag in front of his loving gaze, try to show him more attention and not notice other men, otherwise he will either raise you up on his horns, or wander off to another pasture in anguish.

Gemini (22.05 – 21.06)

This flighty, multi-faceted and risk-loving man treats marriage as an inevitable evil, and is in no hurry to bring the inevitable closer.
If your many virtues have convinced Gemini that his time has come, he becomes very attentive and caring. Noticing that the faucet is leaking in the bathroom, he offers his help and gets down to business with enthusiasm.
If he is not ready for marriage, the Gemini man praises your autonomy and independence, and in response to your complaints that the faucet is leaking in the bathroom, he advises you to call a plumber.

Cancer (22.06 – 22.07)

Family is one of the main values ​​for Cancer. If he is not ready for marriage, he associates the family only with his parents, and the ideal woman is his mother.
If during the discussion family problems He constantly refers to mutual acquaintances to her opinion, gives her as an example, you are not included in his concept of family.
If he asks your newlywed friends how much the wedding cost them, rest assured that in the near future he will walk you down the aisle (of course, if you manage to make friends with his mother).

Leo (23.07 – 23.08)

A lion ripe for family relations, may refuse an invitation to a social reception in order to be alone with his chosen one.
If you meet him only in public places, attend various fashion exhibitions and presentations, Leo considers you a worthy candidate for the role of a life partner, but is not yet ready to become a husband.
If he hangs on the phone for half a day, arranging with friends about going to the bathhouse, fishing or hunting, about a game of poker or billiards (or about any other traditionally male entertainment), it means that his immediate plans do not include starting a family.

Virgo (24.08 – 22.09)

A sign that a man born under the sign of Virgo is ready for marriage is sudden attacks of romanticism. If from a calm, reasonable homebody and pedant, your chosen one turns into an enthusiastic youth, unusually sociable, and sometimes even violent, it means that the mating season has arrived for Virgo.
If your chosen one is quiet and serious, he makes an appointment with you early so as not to stay late, because he has to work tomorrow, know that he is not yet ready for marriage. And don’t let his thoughts about the future deceive you. family life. Virgo can talk and make plans for years, but never get married.

Libra (23.09 – 23.10)

The Libra man is not a very reliable partner; you cannot rely on him. Today he thinks one way, tomorrow differently, today he proposes to you, and tomorrow he tells you that he has changed his mind about getting married. It is very difficult to understand whether he is ready for marriage, but based on some indirect signs it is possible.
If a man born under the sign of Libra persistently argues that your apartment needs to be rearranged, do not argue with him. At this time, his rational mind is calculating whether his computer or his collection of butterflies will fit in your living room. This is how he plans his future family life. If you want him to become your husband, immediately move the closet, hang the pictures, change the wallpaper before he changes his mind.

Scorpio (24.10 – 22.11)

Before you marry a Scorpio, think carefully and weigh your strengths and capabilities. Are you capable of spending your whole life in a struggle from which your husband will always emerge victorious? Would you object to the fact that your life partner will make all important decisions (and not important ones too) without consulting you? Are you ready to remain faithful to him, daily watching how fans hang around his neck? If this doesn’t scare you, save up your strength and carefully observe Scorpio’s behavior.
If he ardently swears to you eternal love, don't believe it. Your romance will end soon. A Scorpio who decides to tie the knot will do it coldly, calculatingly and without emotion. Scorpio proposes after he has cried to his heart's content over his single life, goes over in his mind (and sometimes out loud) all the horrors of the forced life ahead of him, and talks about tragic endings (sometimes with fatal consequences) family stories your friends.

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

Sagittarians are very flighty and amorous. They do not show interest in family values ​​and are in no hurry to put on wedding ring on your beloved's finger. Only a very independent woman who values ​​her freedom no less than he does can become the wife of a Sagittarius.
It is impossible to determine his readiness for marriage, since Sagittarians remain boys until old age. Perhaps an unexpected interest in other people's children may indicate that Sagittarius himself is not averse to having a baby.
The trouble is that men born under the sign of Sagittarius would like their children to be born as adults (or at least teenagers), so that they can immediately discuss some interesting events with them and go to sports matches.

Capricorn (22.12 – 20.01)

A sign of Capricorn's readiness for marriage is ardor, impulsiveness and recklessness, unprecedented for this reserved conservative. If in your presence Capricorn, whose indispensable qualities are consistency, constancy and some isolation, becomes the life of the party, sociable, changeable and ready for stupid antics, know that he will soon propose to you according to all the rules and solemnly lead you down the aisle.

Aquarius (21.01 – 18.02)

If your loved one is busy searching for a remedy that will make all of humanity happy, or at least the inhabitants of the Far North or the aborigines of Australia, you will not hear Mendelssohn’s march soon.
But if this unpredictable, impulsive intellectual, returning from his friend's wedding anniversary party, discusses at length and in detail positive sides family life, urgently look for a veil and a white dress, otherwise you will have to go to the registry office in an inappropriate outfit. After all, Aquarius makes decisions very quickly and also quickly implements them.

Pisces (19.02 – 20.03)

Having decided to connect your life with this emotional and secretive sign, learn to sensitively capture its mood. If, having emerged from the depths of Zen Buddhism, palmistry or astrology, your loved one suddenly amazes you with unprecedented practicality and gives you a meat grinder, coffee maker or mixer on March 8, rest assured that his absent-minded gaze is directed into the depths of family life.

Horoscopes sexual compatibility have been compiled since ancient times, when astrology confidently ascended to the podium. Both noble gentlemen and commoners sought to draw up a horoscope and follow its recommendations. To obtain an excellent result, in order to avoid failures, people checked their intentions with information from the starry sky.

The influence of astrology did not escape the sphere of personal relationships. Choosing a suitable partner, learning about his erotic preferences, determining his sexual capabilities, and avoiding negative contacts has become the purpose of astrologers. A horoscope of sexual compatibility is not mysticism and magic, it is age-old knowledge about the stars and their cosmic influence on each individual. Is it knowing your desires and purposes and comparing them with the personality of your sexual partner?

How are sexual horoscopes compiled?

Interpreting the specific image that the planets formed in the client’s initial horoscope, astrologers compare it with features characteristic of other signs. Thus, one can clearly trace the likely scenario for the development of personal relationships and assume the likely consequences of acquaintance and communication. However, the general direction in the sexual sphere is the same for all representatives of the signs of “star families”.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)


Fierce passion, assertiveness, and unquenchable energy distinguish Aries on the love front. Despite the fact that his selfish traits appear in the bed of love, he will make every effort to please his partner. Aries men, as a rule, do not have problems with their manhood; any other sign can envy their potency. Women of this sign are characterized by high sexual activity, passion and desire that does not fade even with age.

What to please?

  • offer sex always, everywhere and more;
  • do not skimp on praise and compliments;
  • provide variety: wild imagination and innovation in sex are the best “horse” for maintaining it;
  • take into account that all actions that go beyond the bounds of decent in his understanding will turn away Aries as a lover once and for all.

Ideal partners

Up to 30 years old best partners Aries will be representatives of the signs Leo and Sagittarius. All these three are signs of the fire element; they are united by restlessness and excitement in sex.

Having passed the 30-year mark, Aries appears new traits - practicality and sexual maturity. Self-centered feelings leave him, he concentrates on the quality of sex and the expression of his love. Swift and passionate sex turns into a long, intense process. At this age Aries is compatible with earth signs- Taurus and Virgo, who by their example teach them practicality.

After 40 years they are clearly exposed negative trait- inability to complete what started. During this period, they are compatible with the wise and sensual Libra and the intellectual Gemini.

Fidelity in marriage

In their youth, Aries want a lot of pleasure, entertainment, and adventure. Marriage in young years will be successful if both partners are passionate about the same goal - more variety. After 30 years, Aries calm down and become settled family men. Although the sexual side of marriage is of paramount importance for them.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)


Taurus is a lover and connoisseur of any carnal pleasures, be it culinary masterpieces, sweet dreams of sleep or quality sex. On the bed he will show his inherent thoroughness: he is an expert in the secret of how to deliver and receive unearthly pleasure. Although Taurus is not a temperamental lover, his caresses are not a swift attack, but a systematic long-term siege, guaranteed to lead to the “capture of the enemy.” He is a leisurely, but persistent and attentive lover.

What to please?

  • Convince of the seriousness of your relationship;
  • Don’t rush yourself and don’t push;
  • Let him fully enjoy the love foreplay.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, on the love front, Capricorns and Virgos are suitable for him. These three earth signs are supporters of passive movements in bed, but emotionally sensual connections.

After 30, Taurus grows spiritually, and his aspirations during this period will be satisfied by Gemini and Aries. Gemini will expand his horizons, and Aries will increase his vitality, giving him energy.

Having passed the 40-year threshold, Taurus is committed to deep, spiritual and strong relationships. He is guaranteed ideal sex with Scorpio.

Fidelity in marriage

Taurus, as a candidate for a spouse, is not just “good”, but “excellent”. He is the guarantor of family well-being, stable and smooth relationships. He doesn’t like change, he’s not interested and doesn’t need to change sexual partners. You shouldn’t expect a trick or an insidious “surprise” from Taurus. In his wife, he values ​​thriftiness and the desire for self-improvement. He is faithful and devoted to his loved ones and friends. And the best host for pet can not found.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)


Geminis are haters of routine and monotony. Their behavior in the intimate sphere is driven by the desire to try as many new things as possible: places, situations, positions and... partners. They are capable of long-term sexual relationships only with someone who can constantly surprise and intrigue them. Moreover, for Gemini it is a completely normal situation when two or even three love affairs occur in parallel. They do not have outstanding sexual capabilities, but you won’t be bored with them in bed: they are eternal experimenters. They crave new knowledge, often drawing it from glossy magazines and the Kama Sutra. And they will be captivated by this until they try all the options in practice.

What to please?

  • Touch frequently, demonstrating incredible affection;
  • Prove that you are always ready for new experiments;
  • To be intrigued by some super new and fantastic technology.

Ideal partners

Geminis are people with increased sensuality and emotionality. They can get along with all the "star" representatives. Moreover, they are often interested in trying out all the bedding options. Under 30 years old, they are extremely fickle and superficial in relationships; they prefer non-binding sex with “air” signs: Libra and Aquarius.

After 30, Gemini slowly gains calm and stability. Communication with a Taurus will provide not only sex, but also companionship. And Aries attracts him with his character and eroticism.

After 40 years, Geminis gain self-control and relative calm. In this period, his ideal partner is the intellectual Sagittarius.

Fidelity in marriage

In youth, fidelity for Gemini is an incomprehensible and alien feeling. In marriage, they do not abandon their qualities: they are eternal coquettes and Don Juans.

After 40 years, they can be kept in marriage by the “unattainability” of a partner, the ability to listen and be loyal to their stories about numerous adventures in the field of love.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)


Cancer cannot be classified as an inventive and temperamental lover. However, this sign is given the ability to predict and feel the desires of their partner. In bed he is sensitive, gentle, tactful, affectionate. He makes every effort to bring the highest pleasure to his partner. Cancer strives to surround himself with comfort and convenience, since by nature he is an esthete. Therefore, not only the quality of sex is important to him, but also the accompanying surroundings - exquisite furnishings, stylish furniture, romantic music. He will tastefully arrange a cozy romantic nest for your loved one.

What to please?

  • Do everything to make them feel young and sexy.
  • Emphasize his perfect taste by giving him compliments.
  • Consult with him on the choice of erotic lingerie, decorative elements and style solutions for the interior.

Ideal partners

Up to 30 years old best lovers and friends for Cancers are representatives of the water element: Pisces and Scorpio. They all have passionate, intimate, emotional connections.

After 30 years, Cancers reveal the fullness of their harmonious personality, become liberals and ideal lovers. They will find satisfaction of their desires with practical Virgo and energetic Geminis.

After 40 years, Cancers need a partner who has common goals with them, has exceptional strength and spiritual beauty. A highly organized and wise Capricorn can offer him this.

Fidelity in marriage

In their younger years, fidelity in marriage is not for Cancers. In marriage, he can be curbed by a strong and authoritarian personal who will take control over him and will be connected with him by a common cause.

Having passed adolescence, Cancer becomes an experienced lover and strives for fidelity in relationships. They are not prone to cheating if they are surrounded by comfort, luxury and coziness. Regarding their chosen ones, they are quite demanding of the appearance and moral qualities of their partner.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)


Leo - a lover - is a dream for those who need a strong and powerful patron. Leo always has several tricks prepared that will stun his partner. On the love front, he, as in all other areas, amazes with his assertiveness, power and thoughtfulness. Although he cannot be called a temperamental and loving partner.

What to please?

  • Caress, kiss and speak gentle flattery;
  • Emphasize his masculinity or, for the Lionesses ladies, femininity;
  • Do not give the slightest hint about the presence of possible rivals.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, they are close in spirit to the fire signs - Aries and Sagittarius. All three of them are independent and proud.

Having passed the thirty-year mark, Leos are characterized by patience and practicality. They can allow the friendly and cultured Capricorn to sit on the throne. They are often fascinated by Gemini's intelligence.

After 40 years, Leos are spiritually mature, less vain, but proud and powerful. Famous astrological unions are duets with highly developed Scorpios and shy, modest Libra.

Fidelity in marriage

Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Leo is the most devoted and faithful spouse. But this is only possible if the condition is strictly fulfilled that their partner goes behind the “king” and does not claim leadership.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)


Virgo does not welcome fleeting and casual romances, waiting for her time true love. The offer to end up in her bed comes only to those who have been proven, worthy and chosen. Virgo is desired by many fans thanks to her powerful and reliable weapon - chastity. She is characterized by sensuality, external fragility and ideal spiritual perfection, although on the bed of love Virgo is a gentle and passionate nature.

What to please?

  • Only super-smart and strong individuals can win her favor;
  • It is necessary to reduce her internal anxiety by creating an atmosphere of comfort;
  • Convince them that Virgo is the desired ideal that has been sought for all eternity;
  • Prove the seriousness of feelings;
  • Virgo does not like trivial caresses; she likes to decide for herself what and how to do.

Ideal partners

Despite the abundance of outstanding character traits for marriage, they are not always excellent lovers.

Until the age of 30, there is a prospect in relationships with Taurus and Capricorn. These three earth signs are characterized by sensitivity and stability. Taurus will help cope with Virgo’s nervousness and irritability, and disciplined Capricorns “fit” into Virgo’s practical way of life.

After 30 years, Virgos gradually weaken their demandingness and severity. They will find mutual language with Scorpios and Leos, who will make the busy life of Virgos easier.

After their 40th birthday, Virgos are ready for marriage with their mental sign - Taurus.

Fidelity in marriage

There can be no doubt about Virgo’s fidelity, because her marriage is carefully thought out, studied and analyzed. Usually the Virgo family lives happily ever after, without wasting time on fleeting passions.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Libras are the eternal romantic, and their manners in bed are mysterious and enigmatic. They are capable of exquisite manifestations of feelings and intriguing courtship. Although Libras do not have a stormy temperament, you can expect a fantastic surprise from them at any time.

What to please?

  • Treat with tenderness;
  • Avoid vulgarity and rudeness;
  • Emphasize that their surprises are valuable and pleasant;
  • Sincerely love!

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, Libra, as representatives of air signs, “has their head in the clouds,” is dreamy and fickle. Therefore, the best love union occurs with Gemini and Aquarius.

After 30 years, gentleness, pliability and calmness come to the fore. During this period, connections with slightly rude and ambitious Scorpios and Aries are possible.

After 40 years, Libra is compatible with Pisces and Sagittarius, who are united by the desire for idealism and romanticism.

Fidelity in marriage

In marriage, Libras are ideal partners if sex does not become the main factor in the relationship. They require personal space, relative freedom and respect for aesthetic values.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


Scorpio is a passionate, tireless, inventive, ardent and tender lover. He is a connoisseur and connoisseur of all carnal pleasures. One can envy and sympathize with his partner for such an abundance of sex.

What to please?

  • Admire its capabilities;
  • Intrigue appearance and tempting offers;
  • Be lenient and patient with the peculiarities of his character;
  • Cleanliness, very neat important aspects for Scorpio.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, Scorpios get maximum pleasure with emotional Cancers and Pisces. Their manner of behavior in bed will suit Virgos and Capricorns.

After 30 years, his character is dominated by aggression and authority, which patient Taurus and Libra are able to withstand.

After 40 years, Scorpio knows how to control outbursts of rage, compatible with Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Fidelity in marriage

In marriage he is an excellent partner. He is the true master of the house, who protects and strengthens it with all his might. But if he doesn’t have enough sex in marriage, then he will find satisfaction elsewhere.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


Sagittarius is inimitable in bed: he is strong, energetic, tireless. Spending time with him means immersing yourself in exciting and unpredictable experiments. Sagittarius is a surprisingly easy-going, relaxed and relaxed person.

What to please?

  • Propose and organize sexual adventures.

Ideal partners

Up to the age of 30, it is possible to connect with signs that, like Sagittarius, value independence. His partners are Leo and Aries.

After 30 years, Sagittarius gives preference to people with high intelligence - Virgo and Gemini.

After 40 years, Sagittarius is already a mature person, but with domineering and aggressive traits. Taurus and Libra can get along with him.

Fidelity in marriage

In their youth, almost all Sagittarius are not distinguished by sincere devotion. After 30 years, knowing his need to be an active member of society, you can “curb” and “tame” Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)


Capricorn is the type that combines an imperturbable appearance and a sentimental character. He does not have a hot temperament, but his perseverance, self-confidence and tenderness can bring his partner unforgettable bliss.

What to please?

  • Realize that frequent and high-quality sex is a necessity for them;
  • Give the opportunity to overcome obstacles and difficulties yourself;
  • Believe, because Capricorns are farsighted and know how to organize the future in the best possible way.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, Capricorns are interested in relationships with earth signs - Taurus and Virgo.

After 30 years they - the best choice for prudent Aquarius and cunning Scorpio.

After the age of 40, Capricorns who have achieved their goals prefer relationships with spiritual Pisces.

Fidelity in marriage

In their young years, they devote themselves entirely to caring for home and family. After 40 years, they begin to think about trying the “forbidden fruit”, but not all Capricorns succumb to temptation.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)


Aquarius is a peculiar nature, endowed with a non-standard view of the world. He has extensive knowledge of sex, vivid erotic fantasies and various love adventures. Sex with him is an unpredictable and fantastic event.

What to please?

  • Don't question his mental abilities;
  • Satisfy his curiosity.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, Aquarius chooses air signs as partners: Libra and Gemini.

After 30 years they are interested in practicality and intellectual development. During this period, they are compatible with wise Virgos and ambitious Aries.

After 40 years, Aquarius, who has learned diplomacy, is ready to join the high society of Leo.

Fidelity in marriage

Aquarius is the most sure sign in all areas of human relations, who sincerely values ​​consistency. He is a devoted husband, but first try to force him into marriage.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)


Pisces are individuals with a special erotic charisma. They are touching, attractive, sensual and tender. The act of love with them is the height of bliss. A Pisces man is able to love his partner for who he is, regardless of his shortcomings. At the same time, people born under this sign may seem overly modest and suspicious, especially at the initial stage of a relationship.

What to please?

  • Play pretend and let them choose when and how sex will happen;
  • Be lenient towards their manifestations of jealousy.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, close, emotional and passionate connections arise with water representatives - Cancer and Scorpio.

After 30 years, they are attracted by the calmness and grace of Libra and the poise of Aquarius.

After 40, Pisces are compatible with cold Virgos.

However, of all the “star” representatives, it is more difficult for Pisces to find a partner.

Fidelity in marriage

Pisces are usually loyal to their loved ones if they support their modest and shy character.

Incredible facts

Do you want to know which zodiac couple is considered the happiest in love and friendship?

In this list you will find all possible combinations of couples by zodiac sign, and find out what your relationship will be like.

However, remember that this is only general description, and the compatibility of a particular couple can only be determined from a personal horoscope.

Clue: use the keys Ctrl+F to find your match.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in love

The happiest couples

1. Cancer + Scorpio

Many believe that this couple is the best in the entire Zodiac. These signs perfectly understand and complement each other, although from the outside they seem completely different. IN in this case Each partner in a relationship is strong where the other is weak. They are both interested in a strong relationship, and they both have similar goals in life that they want to work towards.

2. Pisces + Pisces

The combination of two Pisces can be very strong and compatible. Each of them finds in each other your soul mate or the missing link they are looking for in a partner. Such relationships begin instantly, which can initially frighten and push them away from each other. This happens when you find ideal partner, but you are afraid to ask yourself the question: how ready am I for this?

3. Aries + Sagittarius

Both of these zodiac signs love to have fun and can make each other laugh. The couple is full of jokes that only both of them understand, and their life together should be easy and joyful. They have a large circle of friends and are always up to something interesting.

4. Sagittarius + Pisces

Emotionally, such a couple will balance each other well. Both are quite romantic, do not hide their feelings and respect each other. They know how to empathize and capture each other's feelings, trying to be the partner that each of them needs in a relationship. The only problem they will have to face is powerful emotions, which will sometimes go off scale.

5. Virgo + Capricorn

This is a truly strong couple who know how to set goals for themselves and work hard. They may be a little conservative in their personal lives and will take some time before opening up to each other. However, their interests coincide so much that once this happens, they will become a perfect union.

6. Leo + Libra

Leo and Libra both love to be the center of attention, but they are great at not competing with each other. They would rather share their success with each other (which is quite rare for both) and allow each other to become happier.

7. Taurus + Cancer

This couple has every chance to become the best couple in the Zodiac. Taurus and Cancer are very similar in many ways, and their values ​​complement each other. They will enjoy building a happy life together and create home comfort with the support of a devoted and caring partner. In addition, both will pamper each other with tender touches, delicious food and other signs of love.

8. Capricorn + Capricorn

This perfect couple, since Capricorn's values ​​are so important to them that a partner who fully supports their ideals will simply be their dream.

They will perfectly understand each other's needs and work as a team to achieve common goals. Additionally, both are unconditionally loyal and will protect their relationship.

9. Gemini + Pisces

In this pair, the partners also balance each other well. While Pisces is emotional and deep by nature, Gemini is sympathetic and quickly understands Pisces' needs. Pisces tends to follow their heart, while Gemini will play the role of the one who makes the logical choice. In this case, if the partners find a common language, they can give each other what the other lacks.

10. Sagittarius + Sagittarius

Sagittarius gets along well with a representative of his own zodiac sign. Of course, in such a couple no one will take care of them so that they do not get into trouble, but it is not so important for both of them that everything is perfect. Both will have a lot of fun and fight a little. This will be a union of relaxed partners who always do what they want.

11. Aries + Gemini

Aries and Gemini make a delightful couple who are rarely at home and always find ways to have fun. These are not lovers of a calm home environment. Their feed in in social networks may be a little boring for others, but they like it active image life filled with adventures and new experiences.

12. Libra + Scorpio

This pair balances each other out, as Scorpio is emotional and strongly feeling, while Libra is easy-going and carefree. Although they both attract attention in their own way in society, they are independent of each other. Both are wonderful on their own, but together they can achieve so much more.

13. Taurus + Pisces

This is a wonderful union of a dreamer (Pisces) and a realist (Taurus). Both prefer a carefree lifestyle and understand that their partner needs support and love. They will have a happy married life and an unshakable bond.

14. Gemini + Libra

Both zodiac signs will make great friends and happy lovers. They have a natural compatibility and both prefer to spend time in the same way, in the company of people, or having fun. They are an outgoing couple that many others look up to.

15. Aries + Virgo

This union can also be called complementary. Aries will choose where to travel, and Virgo will plan everything. They will challenge and balance each other, making other people's lives better.

16. Scorpio + Capricorn

These relationships are made for family life. Scorpio is usually ready for marriage at a later age, when he has had enough time and wants something serious, and Capricorn is always ready for this. Scorpio may have high demands, but Capricorn is always ready to understand and give Scorpio personal space when needed. Scorpio's personality can change, but Capricorn will be the stable partner that Scorpio needs. This will make the couple feel satisfied and happy.

17. Taurus + Capricorn

Taurus and Capricorn are natural allies. Both love beautiful things, purposeful and stable. They are perfect for each other and can become a very happy and strong couple.

18. Libra + Pisces

This is one of the strong couples who will be faithful to each other. They know how to empathize and are always ready to support each other. The good thing about this pair is that when one is behind, the other is in front and ready to pull the partner. They do not so much complement each other as reflect their influence on each other.

19. Aquarius + Aquarius

Aquarians get along well with their own sign. As a rule, they have a fairly high opinion of themselves and a relationship with the same partner will benefit both. Both will stimulate each other mentally and their romantic connection will be long-lasting due to the constant sparkle.

20. Scorpio + Pisces

When they say that opposites attract, this can be applied to this couple to some extent. Scorpio is outwardly cold and reserved; it is difficult for him to trust and let others in. They want to be leaders in relationships. Pisces, in turn, are usually passive and show their emotions, giving Scorpio all their love. Although gaining the trust of a Scorpio is difficult, once this happens, their union will be very strong and both will be devoted to each other.

Happy and compatible couples by zodiac sign

21. Gemini + Sagittarius

This couple is capable of falling deeply in love with each other and will remember their love all their lives. At first, their relationship may be quite balanced and mutual, but over time, Sagittarius will rely too much on Gemini, and they, in turn, will become indignant and may end the relationship. Even if they break up, both will respect each other.

22. Cancer + Libra

Cancer and Libra get along well with each other, and the only stumbling block will be the issue of spending time. Libra prefers to spend time with friends, while Cancer is an avid homebody. There is no strong chemistry here, but this means a less tragic and more harmonious relationship.

23. Scorpio + Sagittarius

Both signs are quite stubborn and will never stop fighting for each other. Although both strong personalities, they can be a great team and will always support each other. Problems in this couple arise when one of them becomes too stubborn to apologize.

24. Gemini + Gemini

This couple may face problems from the outside, as both are not very practical and inattentive to details. However, their relationship can be full of happiness and joy, since both do not like to be too burdened and can be themselves with a person who will not try to subjugate them.

25. Libra + Aquarius

These partners will have a very strong psychic connection. They can make friends at yoga classes or over breakfast in a cafe. Their relationship will be light, but quite serious, and both will get along well with each other.

26. Scorpio + Aquarius

Scorpio can take a lot personally and be very picky towards other people, while Aquarius may not pay attention to some little things. He can always give Scorpio the necessary time alone so that he will return to him again. Aquarians will never tire them with excessive attention, and they themselves demand little, and Scorpio, in turn, can give them fidelity.

27. Leo + Virgo

Leo and Virgo can create a happy and harmonious relationship if both are emotionally mature and can appreciate strong and weak sides each other, and not expect that the partner will be like them. Virgo will allow Leo to shine, which will please Leo. Both will balance each other out and support everyone's dreams and hopes.

28. Leo + Sagittarius

This beautiful couple, who gets along perfectly with each other and does not like drama. They understand and appreciate each other and prefer to do rather than talk. This is an always busy couple who doesn't spend much time at home.

29. Libra + Sagittarius

This is a sociable couple who have many friends. They will try a lot of new things, do common things and generally have a positive influence on each other. In this case, the lack of intellectual and emotional connection can make Libra feel a little lonely.

30. Sagittarius + Aquarius

This good couple, since both partners are curious and love to explore the world. They will not hold each other back and will be happy implementing their ideas and exploring the world together.

31. Cancer + Pisces

Cancer and Pisces understand each other basic level, but they are so similar that sometimes it will be difficult for them to work together. Both signs are best paired with a stronger partner who has their feet firmly on the ground rather than a fellow dreamer. Otherwise, they can be very happy and create a creative union.

32. Leo + Capricorn

Such a union is unlikely, but they can become a very strong couple. Leo and Capricorn love to be respected and appreciated, and both will guard their personal space and their reputation. Neither of them have a very fiery temperament, and although Capricorn can be shy, things tend to change behind closed doors, which is all Leo needs.

33. Libra + Libra

Libra is the zodiac sign that gets along very well with people like them. Since values ​​have for them important role, a partner who has similar values ​​is already a recipe for success. Together they can create a very happy, harmonious and healthy relationship, where each will support the other emotionally, both will be devoted to each other and will help their partner develop.

34. Capricorn + Pisces

This couple will most likely be friends at first, with each waiting to make the first move. But relationships that begin with friendship, as a rule, are very strong and long-lasting. These are those relationships when each partner enters the other's life when he is tired of games and disappointments. In such a union, both will feel safe.

35. Cancer + Capricorn

For both, such a relationship will present some difficulty in the beginning, when they need to adjust their values, but they cannot be called incompatible. Capricorn will seem a little superficial to Cancer until he explains to Cancer that love for good things explained by the fact that they want to create a cozy homely atmosphere. Both will be ready to work towards such a goal. Capricorn will appreciate Cancer's devotion, and both will benefit from this relationship.

36. Taurus + Virgo

What many call boring will be ideal for this couple. These partners are on the same page about many things, from finances to where they want to be in 5 years. They will support each other and feel confident in such a relationship.

37. Virgo + Pisces

This is the combination that all parents dream of for their children. This is a practical, down to earth and productive relationship. They may not be the most passionate couple, but their love will stand the test of time. If they make their choice regarding each other, they will remain faithful to each other.

38. Gemini + Leo

Gemini and Leo will be able to get a lot out of life. They always make big plans and make each other laugh. Little things will not worry either partner, since both are essentially children in this couple. They will simply enjoy each other's presence, ignoring the insults.

39. Aries + Aquarius

Both partners in this union can talk to each other for hours, staying up until the morning. They are on the same level, and both have many common interests that make them excited. They will be able to create a solid foundation of friendship on which to build a relationship.

40. Virgo + Aquarius

Virgo may find Aquarius a little crazy at first, but they may find that they are not so incompatible. Aquarius, for example, despite all the crazy ideas, is not as messy as Gemini, and can take care of itself. There will be a spark in this couple, since both partners are a kind of exotic for each other.

41. Taurus + Taurus

Values ​​are more important to Taurus than anyone else. A partner with the same values ​​(loyalty, constancy, comfort) helps start this relationship off on the right note. Both know how to take care of each other, and they have a strong foundation - knowing that you can trust your partner completely.

42. Aries + Aries

Two Aries have a good base for friendship and for fun. They will challenge their partner and be able to interest each other. But such a couple will lack the balance and depth that would appear with someone who complements them, and is not similar to them.

43. Leo + Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius get along well in the bedroom, where they are attracted to exciting and passionate relationships. Outside the bedroom, however, they have little in common, but if they make the effort to get to know each other better, they can form a strong union.

44. Virgo + Sagittarius

It's an opposites-attract relationship where strengths and weaknesses complement each other, but they're not so different that they drive each other crazy. Sagittarius will make Virgo relax and have fun, and Virgo will make sure Sagittarius doesn't do anything stupid.

45. Aries + Leo

Aries and Leo are natural allies and wonderful friends. Both love to try new things, go on adventures, have fun and challenge each other. This couple will be the envy of all Instagram followers.

46. ​​Gemini + Aquarius

Both of these partners get along better as friends than as lovers, but their relationship should be undisturbed. Both are interesting personalities, passionate about new ideas. They can talk to each other non-stop and keep each other interested, making their relationship more passionate.

47. Virgo + Scorpio

This is not the best combination, but not the worst either. Strength of such an alliance is that both will support each other. Both are hardworking, dedicated and goal-oriented. Relationships will not come first for them, but both partners will respect each other. After all, a healthy relationship is not always one where you are constantly crazy about each other.

48. Cancer + Cancer

Cancer and Cancer are a tough combination. They can get along very well and have a very deep relationship because they understand each other so well. But there will be times in this couple when both will be so caught up in emotions that there will be no person who can soften the situation and look at everything with ease. Both will want to get out and breathe some fresh air.

49. Aries + Libra

This is a relationship between two interesting personalities, where each partner will become a challenge for the other. However, if they find their footing, they will become a force to be reckoned with. This will be a very strong couple, with a large circle of friends whom they will adore.

50. Cancer + Virgo

There is potential for harmony in this couple, as both avoid conflict and try to make their partner happy by lending a shoulder to each other. Even if they lack chemistry somewhere, they will be able to make efforts to create a good union. These active and sociable partners can put the relationship first.

51. Virgo + Libra

Virgo and Libra can be a stable couple, where partners will make each other happy. There may not be a strong spark or constant travel between them, but they will support each other and will not be annoyed with their partner. They value harmony and do not like conflict for the sake of conflict. They will also be able to communicate well, making sure their partner is happy.

52. Taurus + Libra

There may be a reason for jealousy in this couple, but the union can work out if Libra pampers Taurus and assures him that he comes first for them. At first, Taurus may think that Libra is too showy, but once they get to know their gentle nature, they will win the heart of Taurus. Libra, in turn, will love the solid foundation that Taurus provides.

53. Leo + Pisces

In this pair, Leo will be a strong and stable partner, while Pisces will be more dependent. Since a lot of Pisces' lives depend on how they feel, they need a partner who understands and is willing to take care of them. Where Pisces lacks confidence, Leo will be the rock next to which they will feel support. When Pisces stumbles, Leo will be strong. This relationship can be good if both partners accept their role. However, problems will arise when Leo gets tired of being strong.

54. Cancer + Leo

Cancer may not enjoy playing second fiddle to Leo, not because they want to be the center of attention, but because they may view Leo's vanity as unnatural and superficial. However, this is not such a big problem in a relationship after the partners have gotten to know each other better. There is potential for balance here, as the signs are different enough to complement each other.

55. Cancer + Sagittarius

It's hard to see how these zodiac signs could get together, as they have different values ​​and personalities, but both are quite laid-back and avoid conflict, so they won't fight as often. If they can find common ground, it will be an easy relationship, where Cancer will open up the lighter side of their character and Sagittarius will become deeper.

56. Virgo + Virgo

Virgo gets along well with another Virgo, but they are better off finding a partner who will complement them. With a fellow Virgo, they will lead a rather conservative lifestyle, rather than exploring the world or trying something new. However, they can settle very firmly together.

57. Gemini + Capricorn

Such a couple can work out even if they do not have natural compatibility. Gemini will be able to bring Capricorn out of his shell, and Capricorn will be able to restore order to Gemini so that they can show the best in themselves. If both are patient with each other and can accept their partner's differences, they will make a great couple.

58. Leo + Scorpio

In a relationship, Leo wants to be the center of attention, which Scorpio is unlikely to agree to. Although Scorpio knows how to defend their interests, both partners will have a power struggle in this relationship.

Difficult and incompatible couples by zodiac sign

59. Scorpio + Scorpio

Scorpio is that zodiac sign that, like no other, needs someone who will complement it, and not copy it. There's a reason you'll never hear a Scorpio say, "I married my best friend." Scorpio will always keep the other on the defensive, and both of them will not be very comfortable opening up to each other in order to create a loving relationship.
