What is Pandora's Box? Secret knowledge about man.

***Warning! The information contains many energy stamps that can activate the core of human dissonance. Before getting to know her, balance your inner world, calm down and do not participate in what you hear. ***

The deep source of all human diseases is the core of dissonance. It was compiled over the course of all earthly incarnations of the immortal Soul. With each new earthly life, the core of dissonance grows, like a snowball, with new negative energy stamps of a person. The formation of the core of dissonance began with subatomic particles at the moment they overcame the gravitational thresholds between the levels of consciousness of the Implicit and Explicit order, from which the cells of a human being were created. At the moment “now” the core of dissonance in each person has already been formed and with each new earthly life it only increases its strength. The core of dissonance includes all negative energy stamps acquired through all earthly incarnations of the immortal Soul. Energy stamps are emotional addictions a person who is stuck in the swirling energy flows of life experience. Energy stamps are a special form of energy created and sealed in energy body a person as a result of certain experiences during earthly life. People should know that their immortal Soul, leaving earthly life, chooses which negative energy stamps to forever include in the core of the personality. All negative energy stamps present in the core of the personality are components of the core of dissonance. The core of dissonance is Pandora's box, which a person fills up throughout his earthly life. By replenishing it, a person increases in size, like a snowball, the core of dissonance. A person carelessly distributes the contents of “Pandora’s Box” to other people, endowing the entire Universe with “generous gifts.” The Universe accepts these gifts with love and, strengthening their energy flows, returns them back to the person.

Despite the fact that energy stamps can be healed and released, a person does not particularly bother himself with this. For what? After all, “There is no one on earth more intelligent than man!”

You have just become acquainted with one energy stamp of the core of dissonance. From the point of view of a person’s logical mind, this statement is positive.

A person’s EGO, together with the energies of power, significance and comparison, makes up negative energy stamps:

- “Who are they, and who am I!”

- “You have to crawl and crawl before me!”

- “I pay money, that means I order the music!”

- “Money is everything!”

- "Wash your hand!"

- “If you don’t apply it, you won’t go!”

- "A raven will not peck out a crow's eye!"

With the same energy of power and energies of greed, despotism, a person creates negative energy stamps:

-"I am the owner! And you are biomass!"

- "You are all rednecks!"

- "Your place is in the trash heap!"

- “I can do this, but you can’t!”

-"Only I can resist injustice"

- "I am the people! I am the country!"

From the energies of false promises, selfishness, cunning and meanness, promising others to do the impossible, while saying to yourself:

You are a herd! YOU are lazy and disgusting! I wouldn’t give a penny for your Soul! All of you are just waiting for handouts and manna from heaven!

From the energies of fear, guilt, obligations, sin and justice, discussion and condemnation, negative energy stamps are created:

- “It was NOT with milk, it won’t be with jelly either!”

- “I was born a beggar, I will die a beggar!” -

- "Nobody needs me!"

- "Life is a complete mess!"

- "Tired of life!"

- “Why live like this?”

- "There are only swindlers around!"

- “I won’t give mine to anyone!”

- "What will people say?"

- “I don’t care about everything!”

We could continue ad infinitum. Each negative energy stamp throughout life adheres to the core of dissonance, which comes into this earthly incarnation with the core of the personality of a newborn person on earth. The snowball of the core of dissonance increases due to the core of dissonance present in the genetic histories of the two genera (mother and father) of the DNA molecule of human cells. Mixed special forms of dissonance core energy are capable of attacking the consciousness of subatomic particles of the cells of a human being and subjugating them to their will (zombifying). It must be remembered that the subatomic particles of human cells take on the image that the owner of the Temple of God, which they created, created for them: - man. The continuous attack of the consciousness of subatomic particles by the energies of the core of dissonance leads to the destruction of the collective consciousness of one or more human organs and the occurrence of diseases of these organs.

Man is given the most powerful processor - the human brain. Its possibilities are endless. With the help of the brain, all processes in the human body are launched. It is the brain that is able to heal, neutralize and release a person’s negative energy stamps and destroy the core of dissonance already in this earthly life. For this you need: - this knowledge, willpower, intention and faith. You are all free to make your own choices. You can continue to fill your Pandora's box, and the Pandora's box of your home, villages, towns, cities, countries and planets.

Then do not pray to God, crossing yourself with one hand, and with the other, raking in all the energetic dirt and filling it with the Temple of God - your being. By doing so, you are turning the temple of God into a garbage dump. Before it begins to turn into fertile soil for harvest, more than one earthly incarnation is necessary.

When a person looks at another person, he sees God before him, and not what “the logical mind sees.”

Quite often we hear the phrase “open Pandora’s box.” What does this mean? In what cases is this expression used? And what is Pandora? Let's look into these subtleties. After James Cameron's acclaimed film Avatar, many believe that Pandora is a fictional planet inhabited by cat-like blue creatures. But the planet did not have a box, and it could not have existed. Zeus, the king of the divine Olympus, owned the casket. What was inside? Why is phraseology used in a negative sense? To do this, we need to remember the myth of Prometheus. It was from the act of this titan, who disobeyed Zeus and gave people fire, that the story of Pandora began. How did it happen? We'll find out now.

Pandora's Box is an object from the ancient Greek myth of Pandora that contained disasters, misfortunes and hope.

The Legend of Pandora's Box

Titan Prometheus, in order to make life easier for people, stole divine fire for them, taught them crafts and arts, and shared knowledge. The thunder god Zeus was angry at this act, punished Prometheus and decided to send evil to people on earth.

To do this, he ordered Hephaestus (the blacksmith god) to mix water and earth, and from the resulting mixture create beautiful maiden, which would be similar to people in everything, possess a gentle voice and incomparable beauty. The daughter of Zeus, the goddess of wisdom and war, Pallas Athena, wove beautiful clothes for this girl, the goddess of love Aphrodite endowed the girl with irresistible charm, and the god of cunning Hermes gave her resourcefulness and intelligence. This maiden was named Pandora, which means “gifted with all gifts.” It was she who was supposed to bring evil and misfortune to people.

Hermes led Pandora to the titan Epimetheus, who was the brother of Prometheus. If Prometheus was smart and perspicacious, then his brother was unreasonable and stubborn. Having seen Pandora, Epimetheus forgot all the advice of Prometheus, who adjured him not to accept gifts from the Olympian gods, since he suspected that these gifts would only bring grief and misfortune. Captivated by Pandora's beauty, Epimetheus took her as his wife.

There are two versions of what happened next. One by one, the gods presented Pandora with a richly decorated casket, among other gifts, but strongly ordered her not to open it. According to another version, such a casket or vessel stood in the house of Epimetheus, and no one knew what was contained there, and no one wanted to open it, since it was known that this could bring trouble to people.

Pandora, overcome by curiosity, removed the lid from this casket or vessel, and from there they scattered across the ground evil spirits and the disasters that were once contained in it. Frightened Pandora quickly slammed the lid, not having time to release Hope from the casket, which was at its very bottom. The Thunderer Zeus did not want to give people this feeling.

Before Pandora's act, people lived happily, did not know destructive diseases and hard work. The misfortunes and troubles that flew out of the casket very quickly spread among the human race, filling both the sea and the earth with evil. Misfortunes and illnesses came silently into people's homes, because Zeus made them mute so that they could not warn of their arrival.

It was the daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora named Pyrrha and the son of Prometheus named Deucalion who survived the flood sent by the gods, became spouses and brought the human race back to life.

Pandora's Box - myth or reality?

Scientists have been arguing for decades whether Pandora's box really exists. If we take as a basis the theory that before Pandora appeared on Earth with harmful baggage, humanity did not know diseases, we can assume that we're talking about about the development of the race. There are versions that Pandora's mysterious box is:

  1. An environmental disaster that changed human genetics.
  2. A gift from alien civilizations who conducted an experiment on the Earth's population.
  3. An object that destroyed the more developed civilizations of our planet, leaving one that survived, but lost the makings of health and the ability to control energies through mutations.

The meaning of phraseology

The expression “Open Pandora's Box” is a warning. It is used when they want to protect a person from impulsive actions. “Don’t wake up the trouble while it’s quiet,” is the Russian equivalent of this phraseological unit. One thoughtless action can lead to dire consequences. This is exactly what is said in the myth about the beautiful Pandora and the mysterious box.

Although a lot has already been written about the pocket computer (or portable console, as you like) Pandora, I decided to add my impressions of this very interesting device to the collection. In addition, on Habré “Pandora” has so far been mentioned only in passing. Therefore, it would be nice to correct the omission. A review is not my genre, so I’ll go straight to the things that, in my opinion, are the most significant.

Some political information

The Pandora Pocket PC is marketed as “made by geeks for geeks” or “by gamers for gamers,” which is generally true. The project has been developing with varying success since 2008. Even then we decided on the design of the system, so that the manufactured devices were essentially assembled on the element base of five years ago. The only major upgrade since then has been the installation of a faster processor (1 GHz) and expansion of the random access memory up to 512 megabytes.

The console is being developed by a small group of enthusiasts who raised money through pre-orders. Soon after entering the market, manufacturers managed to ruin a large batch of devices (they say that the plant was to blame, but we will not go into details), after which an ethically controversial, but probably the only possible (other than bankruptcy) decision was made: to sell the newly released devices new customers, and satisfy pre-orders “in the background”, that is, if there is free money.

I say this because the choice between “buy now” and “wait for the next version” is not worth it: the next version, if there is one, will not be soon. On the other hand, a fairly wide range of experimenters have settled on the current Pandora, and the ideological leaders themselves don’t seem to be abandoning the project, so I don’t expect the console to die soon. Apparently, there won’t be any cosmetic updates (like the already occurring increase in processor clock speed) in the near future.

Brick outside

On the outside - yes, it’s brick. Immediately after the relatively steep price ($600), size and weight are on the list of reasons “why not buy it.” I’ll immediately mention the third reason: “Pandora” is not suitable for those who just want to turn on the power and enjoy: without filing it you won’t be able to enjoy it.

Pandora weighs quite a lot - 325 g, and the body thickness of 3 cm clearly takes it out of the category of pocket devices. It is quite suitable for a bag or backpack, but to carry it in a pocket you will need a Wasserman vest. It must be said that there is quite a lot of things located on the case, but still, a richer office would have found a way to reduce the dimensions. But, again, we are dealing with the product of the creativity of enthusiasts, so we can’t count on the cutting edge of technology here.

But you can’t blame the authors for the irrational use of the case: since it’s a “brick”, then let it come with all the decorations due: a power switch with separate “off” and “sleep” positions, a headphone jack, two slots for SD cards, an “iron” "Volume control, left and right triggers on the edges (like on a gamepad), various LED indicators, USB and Mini USB connectors, a proprietary UART connector, a socket for an external power supply, a hole for a stylus and even a through hole for a wrist cord ( a rather useless thing for a device of this size, unless it is snatched out of your hands by irresponsible citizens).

Brick from the inside

Looking at pictures on the Internet, the first thing you ask yourself is: why are these wide panels for speakers? It would be better if they made a bigger screen. It turns out that everything is not so obvious. The Pandora screen resolution is 800*480 pixels (the resulting aspect ratio is between 16:9 and 16:10), and there is no point in expanding the screen horizontally: anyway, most full-screen applications are not designed for such an ultra-wide display. And not all screen sizes are available for free sale. Perhaps I would make a knight's move and, in principle, would install a larger screen than the current 4.3 "", even at the expense of increasing the longitudinal size of the console. All the same, given the overall dimensions of the case, an extra centimeter or two does not change the picture. But different opinions are already possible here. What could be placed is a webcam. There are speakers, there is a built-in microphone, why not stick a camera in, since there is free space next to the screen? I also saw how one craftsman soldered an LED into the upper corners above the screen to illuminate the keyboard. It turned out quite funny, but I don’t have a clear opinion about the usefulness of such modernization.

Of course, the main killer feature of Pandora is its keyboard. The authors themselves were so inspired by their invention that now, having collected a fair amount of money on Kickstarter, they are preparing to release the iControlPad2 Bluetooth controller, which clearly shows kinship with Pandora:

If you look at devices of a similar class that have been forced out of the market, for example, the Viliv N5, you can see that cramming a full-fledged keyboard into a small case is not an easy task:

And no matter how hard you try, reviews will still complain: the keys are small, it’s easy to miss, the location is inconvenient... In this sense, the authors of Pandora decided to approach the problem radically. The keys themselves are small, but strongly convex, and there is a decent gap between them. Therefore, it is impossible to miss. There are no cursor keys and the PageUp / PageDown / Home / End block - gamepad keys are used instead. And the place of the touchpad was taken by “nubs” - round analog controllers directly above the main keyboard. There are also, as you remember, triggers that can also be used as additional keys.

Using these tricks and completely eliminating some keys, the authors reduced the total number of main keys (excluding game controls) to 46. More than in the ZX Spectrum, but less than in the ZX Spectrum+. But taking into account the gaming keys, the ZX Spectrum+ comes out just right.

The keys are a bit stiff for my taste, but other than that I have no complaints. Touch typing is still not possible, and entering individual characters via the “Fn + Shift + key” chord is painful, but it is unlikely that a better solution could have been developed in the proposed package. I would say that a couple more keys could be added to the top row (Q...P), but they would be affected by the fingers resting on the game controls.

The nubs joysticks are similar to the well-known manipulator of the ThinkPad series laptops:

In principle, this system suits me (I use ThinkPad with great pleasure), but the actual implementation is not so convenient yet. Firstly, joysticks need to be calibrated, and for some reason the calibration often fails. It seems to me that sometimes a simple reboot is enough for a failure, not to mention turning off the device. Secondly, the Pandora joysticks have a fairly wide stroke, that is, to move it to the extreme position, you have to move your finger quite a lot, which is not very convenient. Controlling the ThinkPad is definitely easier for me. Perhaps this is all a matter of habit, but for now I prefer to take out the stylus and point at the screen rather than move the cursor with the joysticks (the movements of the second joystick are used instead of mouse buttons).

Basic software

Other complaints were made about computers like the Viliv N5: yes, Windows 7 in your pocket is cool, but working in Windows on such a small screen is unrealistic, and the battery is completely consumed in two to three hours.

The battery problem was solved by choosing a more energy-efficient ARM architecture processor. It's hard to believe, but even Windows handhelds use active cooling. It is not surprising that the battery does not last long: first the processor spends energy on heating the apartment, and then the fan starts. However, ARM naturally cuts off Windows (well, except for Windows RT).

As a result, a rather limited Angstrom Linux distribution with the XFCE graphical shell was installed on Pandora. The authors claim that the battery charge in real conditions is enough for ten hours of operation. Although I have not yet managed to discharge the battery to zero, in general the figure looks plausible. It's disappointing that in standby mode the battery drains faster than we would like. I think it will last no longer than a few days, but you can live with it.

Since the DOSBox environment and the QEMU processor emulator are ported to Pandora, you can run both DOS and Windows, but, of course, you should not expect high performance from the emulation mode.

Android Gingerbread is also ported. In my opinion, this is a very big plus, since the mentioned problem with full-fledged work on a small screen is solved. It so happens that I have never held a smartphone with a real mobile operating system in my hands, so I look at things quite open-mindedly.

Linux on Pandora is not very convenient: after all, the screen is too small. Any toolbars, window borders and titles, scroll bars and menus eat up precious screen space; the text is too small - not very comfortable to read; The buttons in the windows and other controls are also too small, making it difficult to aim. Android is much friendlier in this sense. When using full-screen applications, you stop noticing the modest screen sizes.

Yes, in fairness it should be noted that in addition to the XFCE shell for Linux, there is a MiniMenu environment - something like a colorful full-screen main menu. It is quite enough if you do not bother with settings and adjustments, but simply run installed programs:

Dancing with a tambourine

Pandora's capabilities are wide, but taking advantage of these opportunities is not always easy. Difficulties lurk in the most unexpected places. Surprisingly, it is very easy to install DOSBox, QEMU, Windows and Android. It is much more difficult to connect a Bluetooth headset or organize the XFCE start menu at your discretion. Without going into detail, I'll just list some of the issues to give you an idea.

Initially, the start menu is very cluttered (and on a small screen this leads to significant inconvenience), but it turns out that it can only be changed by manually editing a whole set of configuration files, which are rather non-obvious in location and content. The same problem arises after installing any new program, which automatically ends up in one or another menu, which is not always obvious to the user (sometimes registered under a non-obvious name!)

In general, for Pandora they have developed an extremely simplified model for installing new software: any program is distributed in the form of a single container file, which just needs to be placed in a certain subdirectory, after which the program will appear in the menu. In reality, at startup, the container is mounted as a virtual file system, the executable module is launched, and after completion of work, the file system is disabled. Program settings and other similar files are stored in a special directory of the main file system (like %AppData% in Windows).

This approach is convenient for installing/launching/uninstalling software, but it has its drawbacks if the container contains several launchable modules or you need to pass arguments when starting command line. Of course, auxiliary tools are provided for basic tasks, but, say, I still haven’t learned how to transfer files containing spaces in their names to an audio player. You can launch the player and open a file from it, but you can’t play any mp3 recording by clicking it.

Some pre-installed software crashes, while others simply refuse to work. Fortunately, there is almost always an alternative. There is a Bluetooth module in the system, but it is of little use so far: it seems that you can connect an external GPS key fob; The headphones connect without problems, but do not work in any player except Gnome MPlayer, which itself is ungodly buggy. In general, when something is buggy, it’s always easiest to look for an alternative for Android, but not in the case of Bluetooth, which Android basically doesn’t see. I will praise the built-in Wi-Fi module: it works great, although earlier there were big complaints on the forums (they even suggested giving up and buying a separate USB module).

The built-in UART connector is potentially interesting, but today there is simply nothing to plug into it. Pandora can output a video signal to it, but to connect to a TV you also need a cable, which is not commercially available today. You can, however, try to solder it yourself according to the diagram, fortunately the connectors are sold, but this is quite painstaking work. You can also try to output video via a USB->DVI adapter, but not any adapter is suitable for this, plus it costs $60, plus it’s the size and weight of half a Pandora.

On Android, by far the longest time I've spent is installing a bilingual keyboard. Almost all software either does not support physical keyboards, or assumes that since the keyboard is physical, it is full-size, and does not provide a way to enter a character that is not on the Pandora keyboard in any alternative way. In fact, only the Multiling O Keyboard works normally; the rest have certain complaints that are incompatible with actual use.

In Windows, by default, the stylus does not work well (the cursor “somehow” reacts, but jumps to the wrong place); It seems that this problem is being solved, but I have not yet had the opportunity to deal with it closely.

When using Android, another nuance arises. The pre-installed Pandora software is stored on the built-in flash memory. The total memory is 512 MB, and in the end there will be about 80 MB free. Therefore, it is recommended to use the built-in memory only in exceptional cases, and certainly not on a daily basis. Therefore, all additional software, music, etc. will be stored on the SD card. Android will also be stored on it, in this case also being an “additional sotf.” However, Android itself, of course, will consider its own partition as the system partition, and only the card from the second slot will be recognized as an external SD card. Thus, for a complete using Android you will have to occupy both SD slots. There are other jokes of humor: for example, apk files are installed without problems only if they are placed on the first SD card; Android itself also works only from the first card. All these, of course, are little things, but they add unexpected leisure with forums and wiki pages. Yes, store Google play works without any complaints.

Games with and without emulation

Although I don’t dare call Pandora game console, it is clear that among other software, games occupy a special position. When talking about games, you can simply limit yourself to keywords: Linux, Android, QEMU, DOSBox.

There is a Pandora for Linux a large number of native software distributed through the official repository and several smaller sites. The system is trivial: download the container file, put it in a certain subdirectory, launch it through the menu and enjoy. In addition to games, I note in parentheses, you can download a wide variety of software - browsers, development environments, office applications... I can’t say how simple the process of porting a program to Pandora from another Linux system is; For now I’m limiting myself to downloading the finished one. To date, 651 games have been registered in the repository. True, in reality there are fewer of them, since the category of games also includes emulators of gaming systems.

Examples of games ported to Pandora:

In general, there is nothing to tell about Android: what works under Gingerbread, works.

Everything is clear with emulators: there are many of them; if something is not available for Linux, then it is for Android. Systems up to the fifth generation inclusive are emulated well (that is, PlayStation and Nintendo 64 can still be played, but PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast will already slow down). Of course, this also includes all the classic computers of the eighties.

The situation is more complicated with DOS and Windows. Formally, you can install Windows under DOSBox/QEMU (95/98, let’s be realistic), but under Windows you can install anything. There are indeed videos floating around the Internet with quite serious games, but in reality all this is entertainment in the style of “how to make a turn-based strategy from car racing.”

My own limited experiments are inconclusive, but still. I tried running Need for Speed ​​I different ways. On DOSBox it turned out almost step-by-step strategy. You can already play on Windows 95, but you will have to cut down the graphics in the settings. On Windows 95 in full MS-DOS emulation mode (that is, essentially in MS-DOS 7.1) there is almost no slowdown even at maximum settings. At least some loss of smoothness is perceived as a lesser evil compared to graphics settings turned to minimum.

I was not satisfied with my subjective feelings and decided to run the CPR4DOS processor test I found on the Internet. I must say that it is not easy to quickly find a testing program for DOS with reference results for different computers, so I limited myself to the first utility that looked like the truth. The results surprised me a little:

The CPR4DOS documentation provides the following example data:

System Test running time (sec.)
486DX 66 298
Pentium 100 84

It turns out that Pandora emulators provide speeds comparable to the 486DX 66 processor, while hopelessly behind the Pentium 100. However, the Need for Speed ​​documentation says that the game requires a Pentium 75 or higher. In addition, the DOSBox emulator unexpectedly took the lead, although field conditions it was significantly slower than QEMU. Probably, the assessment should be carried out according to different categories - processor speed separately, video adapter separately, throughput random access memory.

I made other conclusions for myself. Firstly, it was around this time (the second half of the nineties) that games began to be massively translated into a high resolution SVGA, and playing them on a small screen is in any case uncomfortable. Even in Need for Speed, you can easily crash into something without noticing the obstacle. The same story happened with consoles. As far as I know, if most games on the PlayStation ran at a resolution of 320*240, the PlayStation 2 has already begun to widely use a resolution of 640*480. Secondly, many good games were released on several platforms at once, and before messing with the PC version, it makes sense to pay attention to the same PlayStation (this is exactly the case of Need for Speed: the PlayStation version of the game works perfectly on Pandora). For older games that came out in the eighties, you should first of all look towards the Amiga, Atari ST, and arcade machines, of course. These computers, among other things, were ahead of PCs in terms of hardware in those years, so you will have a chance to see something better graphics EGA and PC Speaker:

Sky Shark (PC) Sky Shark (Atari)
Commando (PC) Commando (Amiga)

I would especially like to mention dozens of games in the Point-and-click adventure genre, created on the basis of the SCUMM system. These are Monkey Island, Full Throttle, Leisure Suit Larry and many others. For them, there is a version of the emulator ScummVM, which works on Pandora no worse than on a PC.


I’ll probably end with where I started: “Pandora” is a very interesting device :) Essentially the only one in its niche, so if you want to have a conditionally pocket computer with a full keyboard, game controls and Linux / Android / DOS / Windows is on board, there is nothing else to choose from. Sturdy build, high-quality audio system, good (albeit small) touch screen, long-lasting battery - these are all objective advantages. Let's not forget the moderately active community - new programs appear regularly, and operating system updates are released almost monthly. Of course, as with other projects promoted by enthusiasts, efforts are sometimes focused on the wrong fronts. Honestly, porting Duke is much more interesting than fixing Bluetooth. That's why Duke exists, but there is still no human support for Bluetooth.
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