Gypsy magic conspiracies and spells. Magic and fortune telling - a way to earn money

Throughout the history of civilization, the gypsies have accumulated centuries-old folk wisdom and mysterious occult knowledge, carefully protecting them and passing them on from generation to generation. Even now, in an era of triumph scientific discoveries And modern technologies, their mystical abilities amaze the imagination. Gypsies can bewitch even skeptics who do not believe in the existence of Gypsy magic. We will try to let you in on a small fraction of their secrets related to love relationships. Their methods do not have to be applied in life, but they allow a deeper understanding of the nature of love magic.

Practical magic, magical rituals and rites of the gypsies

The image of gypsies in the generally accepted understanding is the image of wandering wizards, whose witchcraft abilities amaze many of us. Existing in the same space with other people, gypsies to this day remain a mystery to many.
The information presented in this section will be useful both to those who are just taking their first steps in love, who have recently gotten married, and to those who have been living with their loved one for a long time. Gypsy practical magic, her love rituals and rituals that allow you to win love, return love to a disintegrating family, or arouse amorous interest in a certain person, will reveal its secrets to you.

Magic knot of love

This ritual is intended to ensure the fidelity of the spouses and the safety of the marriage. You will need a red silk ribbon. The size of the tape should match the size of your partner's erect penis. We are sure that you will find a way to find out this size. During lovemaking, the ribbon should be under the pillow, then, after your partner falls asleep, you need to take out the ribbon, tie seven knots on it and keep it for yourself. The loyalty of your loved one will be ensured as long as you keep the tape and nothing happens to the nodes on it.

How to recognize your loved one from a dream

Here's advice on how to find out about your future betrothed. You will need a clay bowl, spring water or stream water, a flat stick, the length of which should not be greater than the diameter of the bowl.
Fill the bowl at least halfway with water. Then place a stick in the bowl, which will symbolize a bridge across the river. A piece of wood can also be used as a bridge.
You should place a bowl with a stick under your bed on the night of the full moon. When falling asleep, try to imagine what a real bridge across the river looks like, concentrate on this thought. And also imagine yourself on this bridge, how you walk along it, reach the middle and suddenly find yourself in streams of water. Just don’t give in to fear, because that person will definitely appear who will become your savior.
It will be easier for you to imagine the picture before going to bed if throughout the day you tune yourself to these events, in which case you will definitely see them in your dreams. The main thing is to remember who will become your savior, since it is this person who should become the betrothed.

If your love affection is not limited to one person, and you would like to decide who among them will become your (your) beloved (beloved), you can also resort to the following method.
You will need: a piece of black fabric, a glass glass of water, white candle, as well as incense (incense, jasmine or sandalwood).
The ritual must be performed on a full moon. First of all, you need to achieve absolute silence in the room, that is, neither the sounds of a working TV nor the noise of traffic coming from the street should interfere. The fabric should be spread in front of you on the table, and the glass should be placed on it. Then light a candle and place it on the left side of the glass. There should be no other light sources besides a candle. The incense should also be lit and placed on the right side of the glass.

Now take two or three deep breaths with your eyes closed. Mentally reconstructing before your eyes images of people for whom you have such tender feelings. Without opening your eyes, you must say three times:

"Magic water glass,
Let me see him
Whose fate is predetermined
Become my (my) husband (wife).

After saying these words, try to get rid of any thoughts. This is necessary so that nothing will prevent you from understanding everything that is happening when you carefully peer into the water. After you manage to clear your mind, you can open your eyes. Having opened them, peer into the surface of the water in the glass - this way you can see the face of the person destined for you by fate.

Love pendulum

There are many cases where you can use a pendulum. This includes searching for treasures, missing items, and underground sources. Also, with the help of a pendulum, diseases are detected, treated, communicated with the other world, etc. Very often you can see that gypsies use a pendulum to determine compatibility in love.
Making a pendulum is quite simple. You will need a red silk ribbon or thread approximately 18 cm long, a ring (most often used wedding ring mother). A ribbon or thread is threaded through the ring - and now, your pendulum is ready. You also need to get some kind of thing that will become a symbol of connection with the person about whom you would like to ask fate, for example, a handkerchief, a ring, a watch, some jewelry or his photograph, the main thing is that this thing should be directly related to person of interest.

Place the obtained item or thing in front of you. Hold the pendulum over it so that there is about 3 cm between the pendulum ring and the thing. Now you need to try to resurrect in your memory all the qualities of your loved one, both good and bad. Think about him or her, is he the one or the only one? Then you need to say the following words:

“Come, my friend, from beyond the hills.
Tell me, will you be with me?

The phrase must be said three times, after which you will see that the pendulum will begin to swing. A positive answer is considered when the pendulum moves either back and forth or clockwise. This means that the person you are interested in is really suitable for you. Accordingly, the movement of the pendulum to the right and left means a negative answer, as well as the movement of the pendulum counterclockwise. In this case, it is considered that the person you are interested in is not suitable for you.

Gypsy love potions

Gypsy philosophy presupposes a very respectful attitude towards all living things, that is, plants, animals, and people. They are faithful to this principle in relation to roots and herbs, which they collect no more than they really need. And when it comes to easy intervention in love affairs, you can always get from the gypsies a small bottle of liquid or a bag of herbs, which, according to their assurances, evokes a passionate feeling of love.

Magic dish

This love spell is perfect for cases when a woman is preparing food for a man in whom she wants to awaken desire.
Make sure your dish contains parsnips, carrots, celery and cucumbers. Just don’t even think about cutting them into slices; all these vegetables can only be cut lengthwise. You need to focus on your beloved man while preparing or cleaning vegetables. In this case, you need to pronounce the following spell:

“Here is strength, here is joy,
Here is joy, here is strength.
Get pleasure
Give pleasure,
Give pleasure!

The spell must be repeated seven times, and, in addition, while preparing the dish, do not stop thinking all the time about your beloved man, about how you make love to him. There is an opinion that even such a simple spell may be enough to make a man, without finishing his meal, passionately want intimacy with the woman who prepared this dish.

Mandrake amulet

Thanks to external resemblance forms of mandrake root and human body, this plant has been considered for many centuries to be endowed with magic. A piece of mandrake root can be found among many gypsies. It can be stored in a wagon or simply worn on the body. Despite the fact that this amulet is primarily endowed with protective powers, it is also used as a love talisman.
Light a fire from juniper or alder branches and hold a piece of mandrake in its smoke. While rolling the root in the smoke, you must recite the following spell:

"One two Three. One two Three.
Good luck come, protect and protect me.
Let love find me
Let my heart sing.
I see, I hear, I remember.”

The mandrake should then be placed in a green silk bag, and the bag itself should be worn around the neck.

Gypsy amulets and talismans

Gypsies believe that their wealth will be best preserved either in jewelry or gold coins. Sometimes, among their coins you can see some strange object. As a rule, it is a talisman. It looks like a plate in the shape of a triangle or square, on which certain symbols are engraved and worn around the neck. Talismans are made to order or personally, the purpose of wearing talismans is to attract love, wealth and health, and protect against troubles.

Talismans for good luck and love

To attract good luck, gypsies prefer to wear cinquefoil as a talisman. However, you will be lucky in love if you have some of this weed in your pocket.
Bay leaves also have properties similar to cinquefoil. They say that you will have good luck if you have a bay leaf with you. It is recommended to place a bay leaf in an envelope addressed to a loved one; this approach promises increased feelings.
Luck in everything related to passion or sex is ensured by acorns. To achieve a desire from your loved one, try to discreetly put an acorn in his pocket, and a quick result will be guaranteed.
Love also attracts magnetic iron ore. Its use is similar to the use of acorns. Take two pieces of iron ore. Keep one in your pocket and slip the other discreetly into your loved one's pocket. Gypsies are sure that the force with which you will be attracted to each other will simply be impossible to overcome.

Special magical power According to the gypsies, any stone that has a hole of natural origin has it. Such stones are called “female stones.” The functions of such a stone are to attract good luck and provide protection, and it is also believed that it is very effective in increasing or restoring potency.
Of particular value for a positive effect on potency are long phallus-shaped stones with a round cross-section. Similar amulets can often be found on the beach. The only condition: the stone must be found “by chance” and by you personally, only in this case can it become a real magical amulet.

Love beads

Beads that can be made from sunflower seeds or acorns and worn around the neck have the properties of attracting love.
As a material for beads, you can choose clean and dry sunflower seeds, dry corn grains in yellow or red shades, as well as melon seeds. This way, you will make not only effective, but also elegant beads. First, all these seeds and grains need to be kept in warm water for about an hour, then, using a paper towel, properly wiped and dried. You need to string the beads on a strong thread, folded in half, piercing them with a sharp needle. First of all, you can take an awl and make holes in the acorns; seeds are usually pierced from the sharp end, and corn grains, on the contrary, from the thick end. To better preserve the seeds, you can coat them with colorless varnish.
However, you should be careful, since it is believed that in addition to success in love, such beads made from seeds and acorns also affect faster and easy conception, so don't let your guard down.

Love amulet

Have you ever found a flat stone? white And round shape? Just don’t look for it intentionally; the effect will only come when you come across it completely by accident. Such a stone must be washed in spring water and then dried. Then take red paint and write your initials on one side and your loved one's initials on the other. To never be separated, give the stone to your loved one. The pebble can be carried in a wallet or put in a pocket.
Such “magic” can be enhanced if you give such a talisman to each other. Thus, each of you will have an amulet that keeps your love.

Spells ( love spells)

There is a misconception that love spells influence the will of the person they are aimed at. In the magic practiced by gypsies, love spells are designed to help the person at whom the spell is directed to sort out their feelings and gain courage. It should be remembered that spells will be effective only if the person they are aimed at really loves you, otherwise you simply will not see any results.

Spell for love

You will need: a wine glass, a ring (usually the mother's wedding ring) and a red silk ribbon.
The ritual is performed by the one who is looking for love. A wine glass is placed on the table. The ring is hung on a ribbon, which is clamped with the index and thumb to create a kind of pendulum. In this case, you need to touch the table with the little finger of your other hand. Then lower the ribbon so that the ring is suspended inside the glass. At first the ring should not move.
Now you need to say loudly and clearly given name. Then say the name of your loved one and repeat it twice more, that is, in total the name of your loved one is pronounced three times. Concentrate your thoughts on this person, allowing the ring to swing. It is necessary that the ring touches the walls of the glass a number of times corresponding to the number of letters in the name of your loved one. Then the ribbon is tied around the neck, and the ring should be at the level of the heart. The band with the ring must be worn for three weeks. As they say, if you are destined to be together, then your loved one will certainly be reunited with you.

Spell to become loved

It is believed that May 1st is the ideal day for love spells. Spellcasters in in this case Both women and men can perform. However, as in many other rituals.
On a hawthorn bush you need to break some top branch. Its length should be approximately 30 cm. Then you need to go down to the ground along with the branch and stand near the bush on the eastern side. Next, you need to draw a circle on the ground with the broken end, the diameter of which is approximately 1 m. Then they raise the branch above their head, stand in a circle and say the following:

“On the tree, a dove with a dove.
Under a tree, two lovers."

Having said this, you need to stick the rod into the center of the circle, and then, under no circumstances looking back, leave this place.

Pages of love magic


Today I want to write a few expressions in the gypsy language, which, for example, help me in life. Perhaps they will help others too.


These gypsy magic words help gypsies open any doors in the sense that before going anywhere to any meeting, much less a business meeting, the gypsy says these words to himself and the meeting is a success. That is, what the gypsy wanted to get from this meeting, he gets. The conspiracy works for all people except the so-called whiners or complainers. That is, those people who are always whining that their life has not been successful, that everything in this wonderful world for God is bad. God does not give such people good luck as a punishment for sinful thoughts about themselves.


How to make sure that you are not robbed by gypsies or other wizards? Very simple. There is a gypsy spell in Russian: “Fish with a head, everything that happened is all with me.” It is necessary to pronounce the spell with passion and faith, out loud or silently, in every corner of your rooms in the house and when going out into the street. The conspiracy is only suitable for those people who have never stolen in their lives. Whoever stole is sinful and the conspiracy will not help him, God will punish him for theft with theft. A gypsy conspiracy cannot be stronger than God's will.


To prevent people you don’t know from damaging or putting the evil eye on you, before meeting them or before making a phone call, you must angrily say “Kyzyl Byzma” out loud or silently to yourself. And you must believe in the power of these words, and then you will not be afraid of any damage or evil eye. The black cat is a symbol of the Devil. When a black cat crosses your path, it means great luck; the Devil himself wants to protect you.

JHA LACHI DROM - Say these words three times before an important task, before you start doing something, and everything will work out for you and be successful. And if there are obstacles that need to be resolved, say this to yourself too. Very strong kind magic words


These magic words are needed in order not to anger God. “Sir juwese?” - the gypsies ask each other. Mando saro shukar - the second gypsy always answers. Always and constantly say in response to a question about how you are doing, “mando saro shukar” to yourself and out loud the same thing in Russian, and everything will really get better in your life.


I won't give you a translation, you don't need it. These magic words must be spoken to yourself with rage and force in the company of those people who annoy you and get on your nerves with moralizing or whining. Say “Jah datsir” three times in a row and you will see how this person will fuck off from you and will not bother you at all.

Gypsies have always been considered the most mysterious and incomprehensible nation, possessing secret occult knowledge passed on from generation to generation. Of course, not all representatives of this nationality who call themselves magicians are actually such, but still, among this nationality there are much more people with magical abilities than among other nationalities, but it is worth remembering that the magic of the gypsies is black, and the consequences cannot be avoided by resorting to gypsy divination for help. A gypsy love spell is one of the most powerful elements that exist in magic, and it is better not to perform it unless absolutely necessary - the rollback will also be very powerful, however, the choice is yours.

Gypsy magic in action

The mere mention of gypsies and gypsy magic drives many people into superstitious fear, and this is not without reason - many representatives of this nationality have superpowers, such as hypnosis, etc. And, unfortunately, these abilities are not always used for good - how many people have become victims of gypsy magic? "craftsmen". But now we will not talk about this.

Gypsy magic, in particular the gypsy love spell, if performed correctly, differs from other magical rituals in such power that it will be almost impossible to remove it. All gypsy rituals are accompanied by an appeal to dark forces, which can have dire consequences both for the victim of the love spell and for the performer and his loved ones, since the action of such forces will be impossible to stop, at least with one’s own strength. The gypsies themselves know the means of protection against magical consequences, but an ignorant person, carelessly penetrating the holy of holies of gypsy witchcraft, can bring upon himself such troubles as they never dreamed of. It is clear that believers are unlikely to resort to gypsy rituals to solve their problems. But, undoubtedly, there will be brave souls who will risk performing a black gypsy love spell. If you have decided, then go ahead!

Gypsy sucker

Sugaring is the path of witches and sorcerers, which has dire consequences. They act on the victim in such a way that the person can neither eat nor sleep. He loses interest in life, protracted depression and apathy appear - he gradually dries up, and no doctor can find the reason for this.

If you made a love drying, then the victim of the ritual will begin to dry for the one who made the drying until he is together with the performer of the ritual.

All drying agents are divided into two types:

  • damage;
  • love dryness.

And love ones, in turn, are divided into:

  • simple dryness;
  • strong drying.

As a result love sugar, a person loses his mind from longing for the one who cast the love spell. The psyche of the victim of the ritual completely changes - he becomes nervous and unbalanced. Aggression appears towards the one who performed the drying, even to the point of hatred, however, the dried one cannot live without the performer of the ritual, but being with him also becomes problematic for the bewitched one - his life turns into hell. For the performer of the ritual, living with such a person will also soon become unbearable, so think before you incur such problems on yourself - is this game worth the candle?

The gypsy version of dryness is the most powerful. With its help you can even take away married man from the family, eliminating his wife as a rival.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • bulb;
  • container with earth;
  • three candles bought in the church;
  • piece of white paper.

During the full or waxing moon, you need to draw on the onion the name of the one who will be dried. Then, the onion is placed on paper, and candles are placed around it in the form of a triangle. Having carried out all these manipulations, begin to read the plot:

« Let him come, let him come, my dear, (name of lover) to the threshold, let him desire me, let him be exhausted without me. Let it be so!«

Ancient gypsy ritual

This ritual is based on turning to the Silver Gaena, the Gypsy goddess of the Moon, for help. This gypsy love spell is performed using a “bottle eternal love" For the ritual you need to prepare:

  • glass wine bottle with natural cork;
  • a piece of red cloth;
  • a little salt;
  • knife;
  • glass of water;
  • one red candle;
  • three white candles;
  • a personal thing of the person being bewitched and the same thing - yours, for example, a man’s hair and yours;
  • red rose petals;
  • a little honey;
  • several red berries (currants, strawberries, etc.), such that you can squeeze juice out of them.

Before performing the ritual, on a moonlit night, you need to take the “farm” to a deserted intersection, bury it there, or throw it into the river. A sealed bottle of alcohol or high-quality food is suitable as a payoff. You need to say the following words:

« O silver Gaena, accept my payment and protect me from all evil

In the place where you planned to perform the ritual, spread a piece of prepared material and lay out all the attributes of a love spell on it, and around this place with a knife, in a clockwise direction, draw a circle in which you should also be. Mark the contours of this circle with salt. Carry out the same manipulations with water. Create a triangle of white candles and light them from a match one at a time, and place the red one in front of you and light it too. Now start putting all the things in the bottle, one by one. First, yours and your lover’s personal items with the words:

“Under the light of the Silver Gaena, I attach the heart of (man’s name) to mine forever

« Gaena, let (name)’s heart bleed without me, like these berries bleed juice!«

« Gaena, let (name) be sweet with me, as sweet as this honey!«

“Beautiful Gaena, make our love as beautiful, and make life together easycothlike these color s ! «

« In the name of the most beautiful Silver Gaena, I seal this vessel of love. May this love be eternal

Love spell on a knot

Strong gypsy love spells, as mentioned above, are almost impossible to remove, so they should only be done on those men with whom the performers intend to live their entire lives. Also, such manipulations are suitable for calming unfaithful husbands.

To perform the ritual, you will need a red ribbon, which should lie under your pillow while you have sex with your loved one. Immediately after sexual intercourse, you need to take out this ribbon and tie 7 knots on it, representing your strong family without betrayal, betrayal, lies and other negativity. This tape should be stored so that no one ever touches it.

Ritual for finding love

This gypsy love spell is done forever and cannot be removed. For the ritual you need:

  • a photograph of your beloved man (or a photocopy of it);
  • 2 wax candles from the church.

The candles are twisted together and lit with a match. When they get hot enough, left hand take a photo of the chosen one and, lighting it from candles, say the words:

« Our souls can be together and their strong love cannot be broken by anyone. Amen

Strong love spell

If you are not afraid of evil spirits, then you can use this ritual - buy for your loved one the gift he desires, for which read the plot 6 times:

« I will stand in the light of the Silver Gaena - its light is with me, and its strength is in my love. When I go out, (name) into a clear field, I meet three demons there, and having met them, I ask for their help: “Oh, you demons, steal the heart of my beloved (name), incinerate his soul, dry up his heart - let me only become his light and joy! Oh, Gaena, hear my request and do not refuse your help! I seal this conspiracy with your name!”«

Love spell from photo

On the waxing moon, take a photo of your loved one, 13 wax candles and a knife. Place candles around you and light them with a match. Thinking about your loved one, imagining his image, say the spell:

« The sun set behind the sky, the wagon stopped, (name) got out of it, (name) came to me, knelt before me, washed my hem with tears, filled the area with sobs, scared away the roosters, drove the cats into fear. He didn’t touch me, my heart is a stone, the hot tear that (name) sheds doesn’t hurt me, and his love keeps intensifying, everything grows, as soon as the sun appears in the sky, so (name) wants to die without me!”

« My gypsy soul, my witch’s will, (name) is my faithful one, it won’t go anywhere, it will be attracted to me.”

Gypsies are a very ancient mysterious people with its own unique traditions. Their life experience and knowledge are passed on through generations. There are a huge number of legends around gypsy magic. The rules of rituals are inherited, so they are all rooted in the deep past, but at the same time they have reached the modern world in their original form.

Rituals of gypsy love magic are especially popular. According to professional magicians, some of the gypsy love spells are so strong that they cannot be removed. Therefore, you need to use gypsy spells with great caution.

Ancient gypsy rituals

It is not recommended to use gypsy magic if you are a believer. This is due to the fact that this type of influence refers to black magic, so you can incur the wrath of higher powers by being a true Christian.

Once the decision has been made to perform a ritual of gypsy magic, you should carefully study the rules of the ritual. Before using gypsy spells, you need to clearly understand your desire and the goal you want to achieve. If you cannot do this, and your mental formulations are vague, then it is better to postpone the ritual for a while.

Ritual with pins

If you want to bewitch a man you like, you can use a ritual that uses the following attributes:

Namely these:

Seven new pins;

Red candle;

Photo of a loved one.

After sunset, you need to retire to a separate room and do the following:

Stick pins into the candle;

Place and light the candle;

Place a photograph behind the candle.

After this, you need to sit in front of such an installation and concentrate on the purpose of the ritual, peering into the flame of the candle. You need to watch how the wax melts and remember your loved one, you need to visualize your love and imagine how good you feel together.

The wax will gradually melt, and therefore the pins will fall out of the candle.

You should take the last dropped pin in your hand and say the following words:

“My vardo is carried by three obstinate and beautiful horses: white, gray, red. They will gallop along the sandy sea coast, rush through a razdolnoe field, and walk at a pace through a dense coniferous forest. On the way they will meet a dark river stream, which they will wade through the loose sand and head straight to the rich mansion. 33 sisters live peacefully in it, but they are unhappy, they endlessly grieve and yearn, bitter tears constantly flow from their eyes and they suffer in soul and body. Likewise, my chosen one (name of a loved one) will not find a place in life without me and will always yearn and grieve without me. I seal my word with the power of magic, I close what was said with the keys, I give those keys to Gaena forever.”

The pin that was enchanted magic words, should be inserted into an inconspicuous place in your loved one’s clothing. It is advisable that your chosen one wears this item of clothing or accessory as often as possible.

Everyone knows that after living together for a long time, a husband’s feelings may cool down, and he will begin to look elsewhere. There is a strong gypsy ritual that will preserve the love of your spouse, that is, prevent possible betrayal. This ritual will also fill the relationship with passion, which is an important condition happy union two people.

This ritual can only be performed from July 7 to July 12; at any other time it will not be effective. Important condition the effectiveness of the impact is the preservation of the sacrament of the ritual. No one should know that you are going to use magic to renew the feelings of your spouse.

Away from the roads you need to pick two long blades of grass. They should be tied in a knot.

Then you need to do the following early in the morning:

Take the tied blades of grass with your lips:

Turn east;

Get on your knees and say these words:

“The earth itself gives strong love when the sun rises.”

After this, you need to turn towards the west and perform the same actions, but say different words:

"The earth preserves and protects strong love when the sun goes down."

After this, you need to go home and chop the blades of grass, after which you add them to any food prepared for yourself and your husband. From this moment, your relationship will begin to strengthen and be filled with stronger love feelings.

Rules for conducting rituals

Gypsies are an ancient nomadic people who managed to preserve their own spirit, national culture and language. If you decide to use the power of their magic, then it is worth focusing on some features in order to understand what you have to contact.

  • Since the traditions of the gypsies originate from a nomadic way of life, the fundamental force in their rituals is the power of natural spirits.
  • Gypsies always integrate into their culture the faith and religion of the area in which they settled. Therefore, many rituals are intertwined with the rituals of the local religion.
  • Gypsy rituals and witchcraft for wealth and money always end with a ritual of paying off helping spirits.
  • When starting rituals, you should respect not only witchcraft, but also the gypsy spirit. Showing disrespect brings a heavy curse.
  • It is imperative to follow the recipes for magical rituals exactly. They contain enormous potential to command otherworldly forces.

Ritual to enrich the family for children's milk teeth

If you want to achieve wealth for your family, attract money and carefree existence, then gypsy magic it will come in handy. After all, everyone knows that work is not popular among gypsies, but rare gypsies do not have a huge amount of gold and jewelry. And gypsy dwellings are often decorated with magnificent luxury, distinguished by visible evidence that they have wealth.

To perform the ritual, a child’s fallen milk tooth is taken. It is best if you make such a spell on the first tooth of your first-born. Then the parents will have wealth, and the child will have a long, comfortable life. You need to prepare a large bill for the tooth. Previously, they took a gold or silver coin.

On the next full moon, as soon as the Moon appears in the sky, light a candle. And, looking at the Moon, they hold money in one hand, and in the other a lost milk tooth, and a conspiracy is uttered over them.

When they talk about money in a conspiracy, they show that good bill that you have prepared. Therefore, do not skimp, prepare the best.

After the first part is read, the tooth is tossed as if given to the Moon. Let him fly away from you. After this, the second plot is read.

Then you need to extinguish the candle by pressing the flame with a banknote. Having said the third part of the ritual words.

After this, it is better to always keep the money for which the plot was read with you. Hide them in a box with gold jewelry or in a safe; you can even carry them in your wallet, like an irredeemable ruble. But try not to lose.

The most powerful gypsy ritual for wealth

This ritual not only requires effort, but also has its own time frame. If you want to never need anything, then do not miss the upcoming holiday of the Resurrection of the Lord. The conspiracy for wealth is read in church when Easter cakes are blessed.

If there are Roma families living in your area, you may have noticed Is it possible that they usually come to the consecration with surprisingly high Easter cakes. This unusual form is not without reason. Every holiday where there is the power of God is used by the gypsies to the maximum.

So! Be sure to bake a tall cake on Friday, before Easter Sunday. You need to achieve the greatest height. Twelve eggs are painted in a set. Taking these prepared ritual products, they go to the festive service. And having stood through the entire Easter service, they try to stand in the first rows to be sprinkled with holy water.

As soon as the priest swings at you, splashing water, you need to have time to pronounce the conspiracy. At the same time, try to get holy water in your face and on the cake with eggs.

Then they take all the food home and try to ensure that all family members taste the treats. But such a ritual cake is never allowed to be eaten by strangers. The gypsies have large families, so they ate everything at once. Nowadays, an ordinary family cannot boast big amount household members, so it is impossible to eat everything at once. There is nothing wrong with this; it can be divided into several techniques.

Gypsy ritual of attracting wealth in the rain

This ritual is apparently a very ancient witchcraft, because it attracts the natural elements. Ordinary modern gypsy magic is often associated with a religious component. And those recipes that contain appeals to different natural phenomena, - echoes of those times when the gypsies led a nomadic lifestyle.

You need to prepare a horseshoe and a large metal coin. When rain pours from the sky, you need to go out under its streams and carry out the ritual of carving money.

They put a coin on any stone and hit it with a horseshoe as hard as they can. At the same time they read the plot. Try to read as loudly as possible so that the natural spirits hear your words. In this case, you need to try to get wet to the skin.

  • The longer it rains, the more prosperity it promises you.
  • It is a bad omen if the rain stops during the ritual. This means that you have angered the natural elements and they do not want to help you.

Lucky nickel - a talisman for money

To ensure good luck, every gypsy has a charmed nickel placed under his heel. This tradition is not accidental. After all, it is known that gypsies do not particularly want to work, but they love to engage in all kinds of fraud and deception. These are the talismans that contribute to enrichment and attract material luck to them.

To make money stick to you in all sorts of things, even without bothering with hard work, you can also cast a magic coin under your heel. Then, in any situation, every step you take will bring you good luck in acquiring material wealth.

They take any coin, but only one with the number five on it. Five in all beliefs promises success in money. Therefore, since ancient times, it has been customary to use nickels for witchcraft talismans of wealth.

The ceremony is carried out when there are many stars and a young moon in the sky. Opening the window wide and turning to starry sky, read the plot. But it is important that no one distracts you. It happens that devilry tries to interfere and sends demon mockingbirds. Don’t pay attention to them and don’t talk, otherwise they will captivate you with conversation and cloud your mind, preventing you from accomplishing your plans.

Now you have money talisman. They always put it in their shoes when they go on important errands. The enchanted coin will help ensure that money constantly flows into your life, preventing you from experiencing need and hunger.

  • Try not to lose it and be sure to keep the attraction of magical powers a secret.

What you need to know about money conspiracies

Before you carry out a conspiracy, sit down and think about yourself and your life. Is it really that bad?

Very often people exaggerate their failures or focus too much attention on them without noticing the positive aspects. Take a piece of paper and write down happy events, you will notice how difficult it will be to do at first, but gradually event after event will be remembered, and it will be difficult to call your life so unhappy.

Moral preparation for rituals with money

Therefore, before carrying out a gypsy conspiracy for good luck and money, adjust your thinking, start paying attention to the positive moments in your life, otherwise even after carrying out the conspiracy, you simply will not notice the result. This may seem stupid to some, but using special words really helps to attract good luck and money, since thoughts are material.

A conspiracy is a small text-program into which a certain energy is invested, so you should not treat it with disdain and ignore some rules that seem ridiculous and unnecessary. To get results, you need to choose the right time and be focused on the desire, discarding all negative thoughts.

When and where are gypsy rituals for money and wealth performed?

The ritual can be performed at home. There is no need to look for sorcerers, fortune tellers, hereditary healers and gypsies. Today it is quite difficult to find a person who is truly endowed with inexplicable strength and skill.

Now this is one of the most common types of fraud, so you shouldn’t waste your time and money, which are already scarce, on searching. In addition, you must understand that a conspiracy that is made independently will have the same power as if it were made by a professional.

Rules for getting maximum results

Even if you have weighed all the pros and cons of your life situation, you must understand that no amount of magic will change everything around you in an unexpected way if you think negatively. Once you are truly ready to change your life, ready to accept the blessings of life that you ask for, the most unexpected things will begin to happen to you.

  1. If you are satisfied with your life and you decide to perform rituals out of curiosity, then nothing will work out. You don't expect to get results. Rituals should be done only in a hopeless situation, when you really hope for help from higher powers.
  2. Spells for luck and money need to be read word for word. Words cannot be replaced. If it is difficult for you to read out loud right away and you stumble, read the plot several times in your mind before speaking it.
  3. Prayers cannot be said by women who are pregnant.
  4. Follow all instructions that are prescribed before each spell. Do not perform a ritual in the morning if you are told to perform it at night.
  5. If the spells are cast by another person (with the help of a healer), you should definitely give her something. It can be anything except money and alcohol.
  6. It is advisable to perform spiritual cleansing before performing rituals.
  7. Fast for three days. Don’t complain about problems these days, accumulate and radiate only positive energy.
  8. Do not tell anyone about what you are going to do or have already done gypsy rituals, otherwise they will stop working.

Strong gypsy spell for money on the crescent

Gypsy rituals are the most powerful, but all rules for their conduct must be strictly observed. Please note that you need to read the plot on the crescent moon. If it is carried out at another time, you will waste your energy and will not get the desired result.

How the ritual is performed

Take the same number of bills and coins of any denomination. The plot is read only in the dark. Take the money and say the following words:

“Magnificent moon, you are growing as fast as my capital. Unite your light with my money so that every day I will walk towards it. No matter how full the moon is, so full of blessings my house will be.”

Place the money on the windowsill so that the moon's rays fall on it. At this time, there should be no light on in the room. Wait a few hours, then go into the room and take the money. Place these bills and coins in the bag you carry every day. Do not mix them with the rest of your money, because they can only be used after 30 days. These bills and coins have positive energy, so they will attract good luck and even more money. When the moon becomes full, you can safely spend this money. If desired, you can repeat the ritual.

After this conspiracy, you will attract a variety of events related to big money. Gypsy charms will attract successful men, so an unmarried girl can expect a sudden marriage, her husband will be guaranteed to be successful and love will never fade.

Powerful gypsy spell for money, luck and love

Gypsy rituals of this type will help not only attract wealth, but also good luck, which will accompany you at work, at home, buying or selling something. If you are unlucky enough to be born an unlucky person, this can be easily corrected with the help of a spell for money, luck and love.

How the ritual is performed

Step one: Spell money

Seriously prepare yourself for the ritual. Take three candles: white, brown and green. Each color has its own meaning:

  • green color corresponds to the money that we will attract;
  • white color symbolizes the spiritual purity and simplicity of the person who will carry out the conspiracy;
  • brown color means work that will now be carried out.

For the ceremony you must choose any convenient place. During the ritual, no one should disturb you or be present nearby. Sit down and place three candles on the table so that they form a triangle. Light them by saying the following words:

“My soul burns like fire. Let the power of money and force be subordinated to me.”

Step two: Consolidate the results

After the spell, watch the candles burn for a few minutes without taking your eyes off, then in one deft movement combine the candles to make one large one. Watch it burn until it goes out completely. It will not burn completely in one go, so collect the leftovers and wear them as a talisman.

The gypsies promise that after this conspiracy, an easy life awaits you, in which luck, love and prosperity are your faithful companion. The girl will meet her beloved, her husband will be caring, faithful and successful.

Gypsy spell for money using a glass glass, a candle and salt

Gypsy magic will help a person cope with poverty.

How the ritual is performed

Step One: Preparation and Ritual Actions

To activate the spell, it is enough to take a glass glass, a new one that no one has used, white candles and a handful of salt. On the first Sunday of any month, you should do the following: Find a place in the house where you feel comfortable. Light white candles with wooden matches and place them on the table. Fill a glass with water, add a handful of salt and let it brew for two to three hours.

Step two: Consolidate the result

After the time has passed, wash your hands with infused water and say the following words:

“Money is my friend, it comes to me to create harmony and abundance.”

Do not wipe your hands with anything, let them dry on their own, and also do not touch the candle, it should go out on its own. You will quickly feel that gypsy magic will begin to act; it gives spiritual strength and magnetism.

Gypsy spell for good luck

There are a considerable number of objects, and even plants, that can bring good luck. Many gypsy women attach great importance to such amulets, taking them out at the right time.

Gypsy spells over such an amulet allow you to attract positive energy. Such amulets will bring you the happiness destined for you:

  • the girl will have success in finding a groom;
  • the husband will become more attentive;
  • the person who wears the amulet will experience the most positive emotions.

As an amulet Any will do an item that evokes the most positive emotions in you, for example, a ring from a loved one or an item that was purchased or gifted on a memorable day.

How the ritual is performed

To perform the ceremony you need to take:

  • the item you have chosen;
  • a pinch of pepper;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • a box of incense;
  • two green candles;
  • jojoba oil;
  • small bowl.

The gypsy spell for good luck must be carried out during the full moon. Place one green candle on the right edge of the table and the other on the left. Lubricate the candles with jojoba oil and light the incense. Let the aroma of incense fill your home. Now pour the nutmeg into the bowl. Slowly move your hands through the smoke in a circular motion, saying the following words:

"Moon, bless the man on good luck and success.

With the new moon, may a new, happy life await him.”

Having made a couple circular movements, scatter the pepper, and then again pass 7 times over the smoke and repeat the spell. Once the incense and candles are extinguished, the magic will begin to work. Strong words will fill you with positive energy, your body will be slightly tense.

Gypsy ritual to attract good luck in love

Gypsy women prefer to wear large gemstones. This is no accident. It is with the help of jewelry that various the most powerful conspiracies. One of these rituals is a conspiracy to attract love.

How the ritual is performed

For this ritual you will need:

  • red gemstone decoration;
  • rose petals;
  • sparkling wine (specially purchased for this ritual);
  • eucalyptus (or lemon) essential oil;
  • wine glass.

This simple ritual will help improve intimate life and improve family relationships. This ritual must be performed on a sunny day; the sun gives enormous energy to precious stones.

Place the decoration in the glass. Add rose petals. Say:

“Red heart, holy heart, give this stone power.”

Add three drops of essential oil. Say:

“The owner of this stone is endowed with fortune and magnetism.”

Pour wine into a glass. Say:

“The shining light of love attracts the stone.”

Place the glass in a place where the sun's rays fall. Say:

“Golden sun, imbue this stone with power.”

Place the glass out of reach of others. After 24 hours, pour out the wine, saying:

“I thank the Universe for the gift of love.”

Carry this amulet on yourself or in your bag. Soon the magic will work, and you will meet your love or your husband will again begin to have strong feelings for you.

Gypsy spell against curses, evil eye and damage

In the life of every person there is such a person, whose presence brings only troubles and failures. It is not always possible to calmly talk or exclude such a person from your life. Therefore, gypsy rituals will be useful, which, like a shield, will help protect you from such people.

How the ritual is performed

Materials required for the ritual:

  • black or white candle;
  • salt;
  • a photograph of the person you want to protect yourself from or his name written on paper;
  • vinegar.

Light the candle while saying the following words:

“Let me not let your evil touch me anymore. I don’t hate you, but I order you not to harm me anymore.”

Take a photograph and soak it in vinegar. Add a pinch of salt to the photo. Leave it to dry in the sun for three days. Then throw the photo into the river, saying the following words:

“Just as a river carries a photograph away from me, so all negative energy moves away from me.”

Never perform this ritual on a new or waxing moon. It is best to do this during the full moon. It is important to remember how powerful the words are that they carry, so try to conduct the ceremony without hatred, maintaining a neutral, or better yet, a serene mood. After this conspiracy, a powerful removal of all negative energy, sent to you. In addition, the ritual will help to return your loved one if he left for his mistress, and the girl will no longer be disturbed by annoying fans.

Gypsy ritual to attract good luck throughout the year

This is a ritual after which good luck will accompany you throughout the year. He will make all your dreams come true and will contribute to the prosperity of your life.

How the ritual is performed

To carry out the ritual, gypsies take the following materials:

  • three bay leaves;
  • some of your hair;
  • sugar;
  • cinnamon;
  • envelope;
  • white candle;
  • two sheets of paper;
  • small saucer.

Write down on a piece of paper all the troubles that have happened to you over the past year. After this, the leaf is set on fire on the flame of a white candle, and the ashes are placed in a saucer. Sprinkle salt on everything and pour it into the toilet to cleanse yourself of all evil.

Then take a second piece of paper and write down what you would like this year. You must indicate a maximum of 7 wishes and they must be written in order of importance. Fold a piece of paper and place it in an envelope, along with the bay leaf, sugar and cinnamon.

Keep the envelope under your mattress for a year, then open it to see your wishes come true.

Gypsy ritual to find a good job

If your husband can't find Good work, the ritual performed will solve this problem. The ritual is also suitable for attracting good luck in trading. Before performing a ritual, a conspiracy, prepare yourself emotionally in order to correctly convey the desired energy. The ritual must be performed on a new moon.

How the ritual is performed

To perform the ceremony you need:

  • sandalwood essential oil;
  • blue candle;
  • incense;
  • a container in which the incense will burn;
  • small coal;
  • saucer;
  • box.

Take an incense holder, put charcoal and incense in it and light it. Take a blue candle and oil it essential oil. While the incense is burning, write down on a piece of paper what kind of job you would like, in what field, with what salary. Write down all the details that come to mind. After you have written everything, sit quietly and re-read everything you wrote again. Take the candle and place it on a flat saucer. Burn the leaf and place the ashes in any box. After the ritual, you will find your dream job.

Parting words from practicing magicians

Dear women, strong conspiracies do exist, and they really work. After them, your life will turn into one continuous white stripe, consisting of luck, wealth and happiness. A lonely girl is waiting to meet her beloved. But don't forget what your life was like before the spell. Don't forget the people who supported you in difficult times. Help others, even if they need financial assistance. Give love to people, the one who gives receives more. It is important to remember that you need to protect your luck from curses, damage, and the evil eye.

Magic and fortune telling - a way to earn money

Gypsies earned money (and in some camps continue to earn money) by telling fortunes “on request” and by telling fortunes on cards (photos or using a mirror), predicting the future by hand. Such gypsy magic, as well as gypsy spells, were the main way to support the family. In camps, this was the traditional task of women.

Gypsy cards

No one fully knows the history of the origin of the cards; no one has been able to solve the mystery. The origin is shrouded in the darkness of mystery. Tarot or gypsy cards migrated to Europe along with gypsy caravans and spread around the world, predicting the future for people. The rules of fortune telling and divination by cards are an ancient pastime of gypsies and require knowledge of many rules. According to tradition, the mother passed on the secrets of the profession to her daughter. Gypsy women pass on the art of divination from generation to generation, fortune telling and predictions play important role in their lives. They contain great magic of words. In order to predict the future, gypsies use Tarot cards, which appeared in Europe at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Initially they served to play, but gradually became fortune-telling. The first mention of the decision to use cards as fortune-telling comes from 1886 in Florence. There is an opinion that fortune telling was part of the gypsy traditions. The deck of gypsy cards consists of 36 cards and one white, their secret is unknown, like the secret of the Lenormand cards.

The interesting thing is that the cards are not numbered or marked with other relative symbols. You can store it in any order. Each gypsy card has a name.

The interpretation of fortune telling using Tarot depends on the context of all the cards, their orientation and their location, they have specific interpretation features. Everything is important here:

  • card image details;
  • symbolic meaning;
  • elements visible on the map;
  • colors;
  • setting the form;
  • use of space - important element in knowing these cards.

Traditional playing cards are used to create a solitaire game that answers specific questions. Gypsy magic and the effectiveness of fortune telling depend on the success and professionalism of the gypsy woman, and on the suggestibility of the person to whom the prophecy relates.

Gypsy women should not have many decks of cards, early ones are classic cards, in later times - hand-painted cards, which Gypsy fortune tellers still use today. The images on the gypsy cards are not difficult to read; it is worth looking closely at the scenes depicted on them. Gypsy cards speak for themselves.

Highly skilled fortune tellers use their observations, psychological knowledge, as well as the abilities of borderline telepathy and hypnosis in their work.


Gypsy fortune tellers know the art of preparing aphrodisiacs, the so-called love potion. Herbal decoctions act on the placebo principle; those who believe in them will be helped. Sometimes herbs have an effective effect on the entire body. The work is based on well-known medicinal properties plants used in folk medicine.

The most famous love potion is the root of grandma's grass. Gypsies prepare it as follows:

  1. Clears the earth.
  2. The roots are washed and cut into pieces.
  3. Only a small bud is left from the above-ground green part.

Various gypsy spells helped to lift the spell and expel the disease from the body. For this purpose they used magical methods of treatment. Lizard droppings were used to heal wounds, and milk from nine mares was used as a cure for snake venom.

Gypsy superstitions - what brings misfortune?

Roma superstitions represent a code of rules for undesirable behavior.

  1. When leaving the house early in the morning, it was necessary to carefully look at the shoes so as not to put the shoe on the wrong foot. Otherwise, you will not be lucky, the day will not be successful and you may end up in an unpleasant situation.
  2. If a gypsy meets a red-haired man traveling on a horse on his way, he can be sure that great happiness will soon meet him.
  3. After sunset you cannot whistle or look in the mirror.
  4. Do not bring an empty bucket through the front door of your tent or house in the morning. If such a need urgently arises, then bring it in from the back of the tent.
  5. Gypsy children are given three names, one of which is known only by one mother. This is protection from demons. Since, having learned the name of a person, demons can bring him madness or misfortune.
  6. All family members of the deceased come to say goodbye to the dead. They tell him goodbye and apologize for any conflicts. If this is not done, the spirit of the dead will return and take revenge.
  7. It is important to place wax in the nose of the deceased. If this is not done, the demon may enter the body of the deceased and cause harm to the living.

Gypsy camps full of color and music roam the length and breadth of the country many times. The oriental beauty of the gypsies and their way of life have always aroused curiosity and fear among the Slavs. No one knew the magic of fortune telling as well as the gypsy fairies dressed in colorful skirts. Where there was mystery, the accuracy of their predictions was unusual. We still don't know all the secrets of this beautiful nation, but it's worth paying attention to their manners and listening to what they tell us. Many researchers of Roma cultural heritage say that numerous superstitions operated and continue to operate there.


Animals are perceived by gypsies as precursors of happiness or unhappiness. Gypsy love magic interprets the appearance bat, as a help and means for revenge (revenge). Adding some mouse particles to soup can cause blindness.

The Romals attach great importance to animals - they believe that they have a soul. Many of them bring happiness. One of them is a lizard that must wake up a sleeping gypsy if approached poisonous snake. Killing lizards will bring bad luck and bad luck in business. Likewise, killing birds leads to the death of the children of the person who committed this act. A major natural disaster can be caused by killing frogs - heavy rains and thunderstorms.

It is a bad sign for gypsies to hear the hoot of an owl - a symbol of the dead. They believe it is a harbinger of death. The howling of a dog, a crow sitting on the roof of a house, or a horse neighing has a similar meaning. For a change, finding the dry body of a dead bat means bringing happiness into the house and it is a symbol that there will soon be success and wealth. The dry body was kept in a bag near the house so that the wealth would not leave them.

Seeing a horse wallowing in the grass means admission big money, to profit.

Gypsy amulets

They are very popular. Their creation is associated with old traditions and the gypsy belief in the power of objects, as well as the magical power of numbers. They help in magical rituals; gypsy spells have great power if there is an amulet. These are small simple figures or other objects. Amulets protect against:

  • natural Disasters;
  • false accusations;
  • diseases;
  • love failures.

In some regions of Europe they are called little devils (little devils, imps). They are made from wax, but there are wooden and rag amulets. Often the hair of the person for whom the amulet is intended is added. Sometimes amulets have tails made from chicken feathers. The gypsies themselves rarely use such amulets, do not associate them with any faith and do not consider them as some kind of magical props: they are created for profit.

If a gypsy feels that a house or family has been jinxed, she asks the hostess to bring eggs and breaks them. This gypsy magic should ward off the evil eye from the house and ensure health and success for the home and family in it.

To ensure the safety and health of children, small linen bags were sewn into which herbs and a piece of iron were sewn. The amulet was hung around the children's necks. Another valuable amulet among the gypsies was a scarf used to tie the beards of the dead. This scarf was supposed to guarantee safety and protect its owner from false accusations and persecution.

How to fight the evil eye?

Gypsy magic determines that the first symptom of the evil eye is a headache. To help such a person, you need to lick her forehead three times, and then throw a charred piece of wood into a bucket of water. If it swims out, then this is the first sign that the pain was provoked by the evil eye.

  1. In this case, you need to take three needles and fold them into a triangle so that the beginning of one enters the ear of the other.
  2. Then pour the water from the bucket into another vessel over the triangle of needles.
  3. Pour water at a road intersection.

Gypsy magic recommends another way to cleanse and get rid of magic and the evil eye - to carry a piece of red cloth with you. To this day, very often, not only gypsies, but also other nationalities, tie a red ribbon to a baby stroller to protect the child from the “evil eye.”

Gypsy fortune telling with stones

Gypsies have always believed in the supernatural significance of crystals, precious and semi-precious stones. They carried them with them and used them to predict the future. Anyone can tell fortunes for themselves just like the gypsies. Simply draw a circle on the table or ground and follow the instructions.

IN Lately It is becoming increasingly popular to use precious and semi-precious stones to enhance mood, to reduce pain, to “conjure up reality.” There is a lot of literature on the market that describes in detail, step by step, how and which minerals to use according to your desires and needs.

For many years, our image of gypsies has been associated with gold and silver, with bracelets and necklaces, gold coins (especially as decorative jewelry) and a large number of silver and gold rings on the fingers. This is a correct picture, especially if we are talking about gypsies in a past life, they wanted to show other people their wealth and tried to impress. Even today, when gypsies are less conspicuous and look like a jewelry store window, they keep all their gold and money to themselves. The reason is simple - they don't trust banks. After all, anyone who is not a gypsy will never earn the trust of a gypsy... That is why for many years they carry all their property with them. But we must not forget that this is a nation of wanderers. Their constant nomadic life even today makes it impossible to predict where and nearby which ATM they will stop at. Therefore, they feel more confident and secure if all their assets are with them. And it doesn’t matter in what form: banknotes, coins, jewelry.

Stones and crystals

In practice, the gypsies used 12 types of stones. Because the prices for some were too high, they used substitutes, such as quartz instead of diamond, amber instead of topaz.

  • A circle with a diameter of about forty-five centimeters is drawn on the ground or table.
  • In addition, you need to find a simple stone and place it between twelve others, which will serve you for fortune telling. It will function as a significator (Latin pointer).
  • The client or you yourself must pick up all thirteen stones, shake them and throw them onto the surface of the drawn circle.
  • If the significator stone flies out of the circle, you must throw the stones again.
  • If the significator stone falls outside the circle for the second time, you must refrain from divination for the next twenty-four hours.

Stones are interpreted according to their relative position and their position relative to the significator. How the stones are interpreted depends on the person reading the message. If the significator fell side by side with a ruby ​​and close to topaz, then the person reading the stones can say that precautions should be taken (topaz) when influenced stranger(ruby). You should also be careful when dealing with a person born under the sign of Cancer.

The stones should be read according to their position relative to each other and according to the influence they have on each other. The place that the stones occupy on the surface of the circle gives us a count, but also determines the time of the onset of the action. The closer to the middle of the circle, the closer the expiration date. Near the very edge of the circle - the more distant future the prediction has.

The pace of life of the gypsies is different from ours. Therefore, events occurring in the near future (stones in the center of the circle) can occur within a year. We, who live fast, demand that events happen immediately. It must be remembered that gypsy fortune-telling is their climate, their way of life, and their hour of accomplishment.

Brief characteristics of stones necessary for gypsy fortune telling


It is a pure form of carbon, crystal clear with a beautiful shine. Brings happiness if worn on the left side of the body. The stone is associated with the zodiac sign - Aries. Diamond symbolizes strength, courage, bravery, as well as intuition and foresight. If a pregnant woman wears it around her neck, she will provide happy birth child. Gypsies believe that a diamond loses its shine and purity if it is touched by the hands of a traitor. In fortune telling, it predicts success in business and well-being.


A noble stone, a variety of beryllium, but different from it beautiful green. Closely associated with Taurus. Emerald is good for vision and memory. According to the wisdom of the gypsies, a stone given to a loved one turns pale and cloudy when love passes. In fortune telling, it is a symbol of mystery and secrets.


It is sometimes called Scottish crystal. This semi gem, covered with brown or dark red stripes, and sometimes green and blue. Closely associated with people born under the astrological sign of Gemini. Agate brings good luck to farmers, foresters, gardeners and all people connected with the earth. Gives strength to the heart and cures snake bites.

In gypsy fortune telling, agate means a pleasant surprise, a surprise.


Considered by some to be the most valuable of all gemstones. The corundum variety, like sapphire, is different in color but just as gorgeous. Rubies are commonly believed to be blood red in color, but the color can range from pink to deep purple. This stone is for Cancer. Rubies are useful in case of poisoning (used after the event). They help get rid of bad thoughts and depression. They bring happiness and friendship. In gypsy fortune telling, ruby ​​means the influence of strangers on a person.


A variety of chalcedony with dark red and white or white and dark brown strokes arranged in stripes. Closely associated with people born under the sign of Leo. Protects against snake bites and also brings good luck to married couples. IN gypsy fortune telling means a wedding in the near future, although not necessarily of the person to whom the fortune is told.


A noble stone of pure cornflower blue color. A stone for those born under the sign of Virgo. Brings peace, optimism and happiness to lovers. Helps well with inflammation of the eyes, attracts success and good luck. In gypsy fortune telling, it means that the evil done by a person in the past comes back to him.


The stone is milky in color, but under the light it turns into all the colors of the rainbow. Stone for Libra. For other zodiac signs, the stone is unlucky, especially if it is in a wedding ring. Gypsies say that in this case the marriage will never be made in heaven. For people born under the sign of Libra, the stone bestows the power of clairvoyance. The surface of the stone will become cloudy if the stone falls into the hands of an unfaithful lover. In fortune telling, a gypsy means death - not necessarily of a person who has come to find out his fate, but of one of his closest relatives.


A more or less transparent gemstone that is yellow or yellowish-white, blue or even pink. Stone for Scorpio. Gypsies believe that the stone protects against lung diseases, rheumatism and asthma, and ensures fidelity in love and friendship. In gypsy magic it means that unnecessary precautions will not interfere.


Transparent or matte stone of blue or blue-green color. Its color and brightness changes depending on the emotions and feelings of the person who wears it. Associated with the sign of Sagittarius. This stone protects against danger and misfortune. When the owner of the stone approaches the end of his earthly existence, the stone fades and takes on a very light shade. In gypsy magic, fortune telling means an upcoming trip.


A semi-precious stone of red or red-brown color, sometimes yellow, black or green. It brings health and provides a pleasant disposition. Associated with Capricorn. Provides protection against inflammatory diseases. In gypsy fortune telling - the arrival of news (letters, calls, conversations).


A variety of violet, purple or lilac color. Closely associated with Aquarius. The stone is especially popular among people who abuse alcohol. If amethyst is placed in a glass of water and left for some time (6 hours), it can cure a hangover. Lovers of fidelity in love wear the stone with pleasure. It protects against anger and envy. In addition, magic spells do not work on a person who has an amethyst. In fortune telling, amethyst means the loss of something valuable and important.


Semiprecious stone dark green interspersed with red dots reminiscent of drops of blood - hence the name. It has hemostatic properties (pulse and blood pressure indicators). Associated with people born under the sign of Pisces. For centuries it has served as a protective amulet. When soldiers went to war, they took it with them. It adds courage to the owner. In fortune telling, gypsies mean the arrival of unpleasant news.

Regardless of whether you believe in superstitions or not, it is worth getting to know the Roma culture. And draw conclusions from the folk wisdom of this ancient people. Maybe this will help you avoid trouble.

Basics of Gypsy Magic

Naturally, gypsy magic is not accessible to everyone. These gypsy spells and prayers are passed down from generation to generation only among their own. But we also know something. Gypsies use only natural objects in their spells, trying to avoid factory-made things. The only exceptions are knives and other irreplaceable things.

They are confident that everything produced at the plant, especially synthetics, cannot be influenced by the forces of nature. Gypsy magic uses the help of spirits of the three elements.

  1. Spirits of the air. They love independence and act according to their mood. They can harm people or help them. They really like to confuse people.
  2. Spirits of the earth. Very noble and also friendly. They often advise people something good.
  3. Spirits of water. They can be anything, depending on the mood. They help people if they want, but they can also be unfriendly, harmful and vindictive.

Ways to attract wealth

Gypsies cannot be called rich, wealthy people, but they love money. They are nomads, wanderers who do not have the opportunity to save money in a bank. But this does not mean that they have nothing. These people invest all their savings in jewelry - bracelets, earrings, gold coins on clothes. This is not just to stand out from the crowd.

Gold jewelry, especially earrings, attract good luck, wealth, and money. Gypsies do not have mansions or large bank accounts; there is gypsy magic that can attract wealth.

Signs of gypsies about money

This people, like many others, have their own signs that promise wealth. You can test them for yourself.

  1. If a red ant crawls to you, then this year you can get rich.
  2. If a bird with red feathers in its plumage flies over your head from left to right, then soon there will be profit and money. If it flies from right to left, then there will be expenses.
  3. If a girl has grown hair in the chest area, this portends wealth.
  4. If a guy has visible red hairs in his beard, he won't feel the need.

How to attract money using gypsy magic

Gypsy magic has always been very effective. It also has rituals that attract wealth and money. Many spells are kept in the strictest confidence, although many have heard about the ritual itself.

A representative of one wealthy tribe said that their ancestor took one gold coin from everyone and made an ingot. He hid it in the cemetery in a secret place. Every year, passing nearby, he says a secret spell. Their tribe has never lacked for anything, magic works.

If such spells and prayers are not available to those who are not related by blood ties to this people, there are more simple ways get money.

  1. Looking at the new moon, turn a coin in your pocket. This will bring wealth. But after this you should turn away from the luminary; you can no longer look at the moon.
  2. If you take a wisdom tooth and bury it in a cemetery, then in six months unexpected wealth will fall on you.
  3. Anyone who buries a fox's jaw under an oak tree or nails the skin of a hedgehog to a willow tree can count on good luck.

A ritual for those who urgently need money

Wealth attracts many. But there are situations when money is needed urgently. Then you can use strong rituals. It is not so easy to perform them, but this magic guarantees results.

When the moon is growing, you need to go into the forest and find 7 acorns and 3 white pebbles there. There you need to find a stone or tree covered with moss. It is necessary to tear off a large piece of moss. This is done carefully, because you need a single piece, like fabric. Acorns and stones are placed on the surface of the moss, its green side, and wrapped. Then all this needs to be tied with a rope or wrapped in white cloth.

At sunset you need to go to bed, placing all this under your pillow. As soon as midnight comes, you need to get up and go outside with the moss. Find a bush with thorns there, under the moon, dig a hole at least 8 cm, bury the bundle there.

Then you need to go around this place three times (clockwise) and repeat three times:

“Mi Dovvel opral, dik tule opre mande” (“My God is above, look down at me”). You should have money before the next full moon.

Ritual with burning a banknote

Some spells resemble prayers. True, the gypsies do not turn to God, but to the spirits, asking them for wealth. Someone can get rich by using this magic. But you have to make a sacrifice. For this ritual you will need a large bill. You can take a five-thousandth piece of paper.

It is necessary to light a fire using dry branches. The bill is sent into the fire, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. When the fire burns out, you need to collect all the ashes in a black bag. After that, go to the cursed grave (the grave of the person who was killed) and bury the bag there. If wealth does not come to you within a month, you need to repeat the ritual.

“Fire demon, fire demon, accept this sacrifice in exchange for wealth. Send me money and prosperity. Damn, take away my poverty, scarcity and evil inferiority. Demon, take away the failure, I won’t pay for poverty. Amen!"

Love gypsy magic

Gypsies have never been a calm and balanced people. Love, passion, jealousy, a storm of feelings - without this it is impossible to imagine the life of these nomads. They also have their own love magic.

How to get another person's attention

Sometimes someone you really like may not be aware of your existence. In order to interest him and arouse love in his heart, you can use a special ritual that the old Shuvano told about.

For the ritual you will need 13 white stones. You can collect them anywhere, but it’s best to look for them on the road. If you can’t find everything at once, don’t worry, put it aside later.

As soon as the first Friday after the new moon arrives, you need to make a heart out of these stones. You need to lie on it so that your heart is directly above the stones. Lying on the ground with your eyes closed, it is important to imagine your loved one: what he is interested in, where he works, etc.

Then you need to stand up and put the initials of this person out of the stones. Again you need to lie down on the ground. The heart should be next to the stones. After this, you should think about yourself, your appearance, your feelings, interests, etc. Then you need to collect the pebbles and hide them in a bundle. He should be by your side until the full moon. Around this time, your crush should notice you.

Conspiracy to preserve your husband's love

Over the years, for many couples, feelings disappear, life turns into a routine. To prevent this from happening, you need to use this ritual. It will not only keep the love alive, but will also make the relationship more passionate than before.

It can only be held from July 7 to July 12. You can't tell anyone about him. You need to take two blades of grass and tie them in a knot in the middle. It is better to take grass that grows far from noisy streets.

Then you need to take these blades of grass with your lips, turn to where the sun rises, kneel down and say:

“When the sun rises, then the Earth itself gives the power of love.”

Then turn to the west, kneel again, touch the blades of grass with your right hand and say:

“When the sun sets, then the Earth itself holds the power of love.”

After this, the blades of grass should be chopped and added to food for your husband and yourself. Love will return to your family.

Healing gypsy magic

Gypsies never trusted doctors and visited them very rarely. No wonder they were popularly called “mullomengro”, which means “a person who makes a ghost”. The gypsies were helped by the Shuvanis, who treated them with herbs. But often special prayers and incantations were also used at the same time.

Spell for treating headaches

Need to take some apple cider vinegar, dilute it warm water and rub into the scalp, repeating:

“Oh, pain in my head, Father of all evil, Look at me! You hurt me a lot. Don't stay inside me! Go away, go home, go to the devil. Go, go Away! Whoever crosses my shadow may have pain."


Toothache can cause many unpleasant moments. A sick tooth needs to be treated. But if the pain appeared at night or on Sunday, gypsy magic will help.

To make the pain go away, you need to say:

“Peter was sitting on a marble stone, and Jesus was passing by. Peter said: “My Lord, my God, how my teeth hurt!” Jesus said: “Peter, be healed!” And whoever repeats these words for My sake will never have toothache.”

For gypsies there is nothing more important than love,
after all, love and passion have been their destiny from time immemorial.
And if love at times flouts tradition,
then it is truly easy to forgive her.

John-Paul Clebert, "Gypsies"

Gypsy magic

The gypsies have a very interesting image lives, customs, beliefs and traditions. Gypsies have long been famous for their knowledge of love magic. In this topic I want to post various conspiracies, spells and rituals of gypsy magic. They are taken from the book by Raymond Buckland. This man is from gypsy family Buckland, founder of Saxon Wicca, writer and magician. As a teenager, he began studying gypsy magic, and later wrote a book about it. He also wrote books on practical magic. Raymond Buckland is considered an authority on witchcraft, voodoo and the supernatural. He died quite recently, in September 2017.

Maybe this information will be useful to you, and if you do not believe in gypsy magic, then perhaps this topic will be of interest to you in order to familiarize yourself with Buckland and his books.

Gypsy love magic

Wandering all the time, the Vyatli gypsies would be able to conduct exotic ceremonies with luxurious decoration and practice complex ritual magic. No, it was much more reasonable for them to collect herbs in the fields, make crude dolls from scraps of rags, or adapt ordinary candles and other household items for their magical needs.

Preparing for Magic

Gypsies say that all magical power lies in four simple components.

    1. Desire (intention, will)
    2. Concentration
    3. Patience
    4. Mystery

The more you want something to happen, the more you need it, the more energy you direct towards achieving your goal. Thus, we can conclude that the first component that is really necessary for successful witchcraft is - will.

In addition to the will, in order for something to happen, a certain concentration. This will be the second component. Any business, and especially magic, should not be approached with indifference. You must focus on what you are doing in order to properly direct the power of your desire.

There are no magic wands that are written about in fairy tales. It will never happen that you wave a wand or say Magic word and you're done! No. Even magic does not provide instant results. Some spells can take effect within 24 hours, but most take effect much later.

Sometimes it may take a week, 1-2 months, or even possibly longer. Therefore, the third component will be patience. Concentrately do everything necessary, put the power of your intention into the magic, and then let go of what you have done and calmly wait for the magic to work.....and it will definitely work.

The last component is secret. Gypsies do not tell everyone when they practice magic, or exactly how they cast magic. They do all the rituals in silence, inside their vardos. Likewise, you keep what you do a secret. By talking about this, you only weaken the power of the ritual.

Where are the rituals performed?

Many of the rituals of gypsy magic should be performed not in the house, but in the forest or field, in unity with nature. Some of them require parts of certain trees or plants.

How to recognize your betrothed

There are several people - one or two (or maybe three or even more) to whom you are not indifferent, and each of whom may turn out to be your future spouse. But which one? Here's one way to find out.
This ritual must be performed only on the night of the full moon. The room should be absolutely quiet.

Place a piece of black fabric, preferably natural, on the table in front of you. Place a glass glass filled to the top with water on the fabric. To the left of the glass of water, light a white candle. It should be the only source of light in the room. To the right of the glass, light some incense - sandalwood, incense or jasmine is best.

Close your eyes and take two or three deep breaths. Mentally imagine the faces of your possible spouses, while your eyes remain closed. Say the following words three times:

Water magic glass,
Let me see the one
Who is destined for
Become my husband

Then try to clear your mind of all thoughts so that when you open your eyes and look closely at the surface of the water, you will be able to understand everything that appears on the surface. When you succeed, open your eyes and look into the water - you will see the face of the one who will become your spouse.

How to become desired (desired)

The best time to cast love spells is on the first of May, the morning after Beltane. Like most rituals, this one can be performed by both men and women.
Break the top branch, about 30 cm long, on a hawthorn bush. Then climb down from the tree with it to the ground. On the eastern side of the bush, use the broken end of a twig to draw a circle about a meter in diameter. Stand in the center of the circle, facing east, lift the branch above your head and say the spell:

Oprah te rooker, adre te vesh,
Si chiriklo ta chirikli;
Tele te ruk adre te vesh
Si piramno ta piramni.

Literally, this conspiracy is translated as follows: “On a tree, in the middle of the forest, a dove with a dove. Under a tree, in the middle of the forest, a man and a woman are in love.”
Having said these words, stick the rod into the very center of the circle and quickly walk away without looking back.

So that the spouse remains faithful

If you suspect that your wife or husband is cheating on you, use this old gypsy witchcraft. They say it never fails.

You need to take two large potatoes and wash them so that they are clean. Then cut them lengthwise into two halves. You will only need one half of each root vegetable, so the other two can be discarded or used in cooking. Using the tip of a knife, you need to carefully cut out your name on one of the halves, and the name of your spouse on the other.

Place the two halves, cut sides facing each other, so that they resemble a whole potato. Drive a new three-inch nail into them, with the head on your half and the point coming out through your half. Tie it all with red silk thread.

In the light of the moon (on a waxing moon), you need to go to the garden or simply bury a potato on a piece of land to a depth of at least 20 cm.
As long as no one finds your buried potato, your spouse will remain faithful to you.

Gypsy lapel

Here is another effective ritual for those who want to get rid of an overly intrusive boyfriend or admirer. Take a small square of paper and write the person's name on it in black ink. Many gypsies believe that the best way to do this is to use old fountain pens that need to be dipped in ink, but you can experiment with ballpoint pens. Let the ink dry to avoid smudging. Then light a white candle and burn paper on it (by the way, this can be done in an ashtray), imagining how your annoying boyfriend runs away from you. Collect the ashes (in a small plastic box, for example) and head to the side of a hill or mountain. There, pour it onto the back of your right hand and say:

The wind is north and south,
West wind, east wind,
Take all his (her) passion with you,
take it to someone who is waiting.
Let him (she) be free (free)
in feelings,
Let him love the one who wants it.

Then, blow on the ashes and let the wind carry them away.

How to fan a flame from a spark

Lay out a circle of stones, each of which should be the size of a potato. The diameter of the circle is half a meter. Light a fire in the center.

Take a piece of wood, 5-7 cm thick and about 30 cm long. You should carve your loved one's name on it. When the fire burns out and begins to fade, place this log in the center of the fire so that one end points to the east and the other to the west. Let the fire engulf the tree and it will burn, and all the time while it is burning, look at the flame and imagine how love and passion for you flares up and flares up in your loved one.

There is no need to stir the coals at all, just place your ritual log on top of the fire. When it burns at least halfway, sprinkle a little sugar along its entire length and say the name of the one you love. Once the sugar hits the tree, it will flare up again. You need to pour sugar into the fire seven times, each time calling the name of your loved one. Be patient: it will take quite a long time for the log to burn.

When the tree finally burns out and there is nothing left of it but hot ashes - not before - fill the fire pit clean water so that the fire goes to sleep completely.

The customs, beliefs and traditions of the Roma have long carried a colorful connotation of lightness and freedom. The Gypsy people have been famous for their knowledge of magic since the time when the first Romuli migrated from India. Modern sorcerers and healers often turn to gypsy magic, both white and black. Their spells are especially popular among older witches.

What are the types of gypsy conspiracies?

Gypsy conspiracies come in two types: black and white. Black ones are mainly lapels, white ones are exclusively love spells, whisperings and good wishes, backed by magical power.

Gypsies divide the principles of their magic into four postulates:

  • Intention;
  • Concentration;
  • Patience;
  • Secret.

The first component necessary for the successful completion of a conspiracy, the gypsies consider will. The stronger your desire, the more clearly it should be stated. A strong and precisely formulated desire is fulfilled faster.

Besides will, the next important component is concentration. It’s not enough to know what you want, you need to tune in to it accordingly. Magic does not tolerate indifference, but encourages sincerity and completeness of invested feelings.

The third component necessary for the magician to have a successful outcome of the ritual is patience. Nothing happens right away, by magic. The more we wait and the more we worry whether the business will succeed, the higher the likelihood of failure. Having completed a conspiracy, be patient.

And finally - secret. Like any other, gypsy magic does not tolerate publicity. Any conspiracy must be kept secret, especially from the object of the conspiracy or in the case of a love spell.

Gypsy spells for love

Gypsy magic, although quite strong, prefers to enhance the effect rather than reproduce it from scratch. With the help of gypsy love spells, it is difficult to call your betrothed from your dreams, but it is easy to strengthen the love that already exists. Also, with the help of gypsy magic, a fortuneteller can open the way to his beloved heart, find new love and see the invisible. With its help, you can find out whether the person who seems to be showing affection is really in love with you.

If you have a young man whose love you are not as sure of as your own, turn to gypsy spells for help.

To do this you will need:

  • wineglass;
  • ring (traditionally gypsies use their mother's wedding ring);
  • scarlet silk ribbon.

Place a wine glass in front of you. Hang the ring on a silk ribbon like a pendulum; the thread should not vibrate. Squeeze it between the large and index fingers, touch the table with the little finger of your other hand. Try to keep the ring hanging inside the glass and not moving until the ceremony begins.

In an even, clear voice, say your name and the name of the person you love or whose feelings you want to confirm. Repeat his/her name three times. Then, without ceasing to think about the object of sympathy and holding his image before your eyes, allow the ring to rotate and sway. Wait: it is necessary that the ring with a characteristic ringing touches the glass as many times as there are letters in the name of your lover.

Tie a ribbon with a ring around your neck so that it touches your chest in the area of ​​your heart. After three weeks of continuous wear, if destined by heaven, the object of your affection will come to you, and you will know the truth about his feelings.


The Roma people have never trusted medicine. You rarely see gypsies in queues at the clinic. The steppe people call them "mullomengro", translated meaning "a person who makes ghosts." The gypsies had local shuvans who healed sick nomads with the help of herbs, prayers and incantations.

For example, headache The gypsies treated with vinegar diluted with warm water, rubbing it into the scalp and saying:

“The pain in my head, the mother of all evil - look into my eyes. You are alien to me, I don’t need you, go away, go home, don’t stay for a moment, run to the devil, your creator. Go away, go away, and whoever crosses my shadow will take away my pain.”

Toothache was treated with similar methods. Gypsy magic is especially effective against aching pain in the teeth that occurs at night or on Sunday. For pain, the following plot was used:

“Peter was sitting on a block of marble, the Son of God passed by, and Peter complained that his teeth hurt unbearably. Jesus said to Peter, “Be healed, my son,” and Peter was healed. So whoever repeats these words and my name will never experience toothache.”

Wealth, prosperity, luck

Gypsies are a thrifty and Old Believers people. They don’t use banks, don’t take out loans, and few people know a gypsy who doesn’t have a piece of gold with them. Gypsies know a lot about not only making money, but also preserving and increasing it. Magic helps them in many ways.

The most powerful spell for money among the gypsies is the simplest and most popular, even children know it. It is carried out on the waxing moon using a coin. Many people even specially sew a pocket onto their clothes for this occasion.

Taking a silver coin, you need to turn it over in your pocket and, looking at the young Moon, say:

“The moon is like a coin, the coin is in my pocket!”

After this, you should not touch the coin, then your well-being will increase.

Gypsies also believe in the power of the saying “money attracts money.” It is not for nothing that Gypsy women wear a huge amount of gold jewelry - it is believed that with their help they attract prosperity.

Another gypsy conspiracy sign says that if a red ant crawls up to you, it will bring you good luck. When you see an ant, you should say ahead of time:

“Ant-ant, hold the coin, bring me two in return.”

And put a small coin next to it.

From enemies and the evil eye

The power of gypsy conspiracies is great, and few people decide to get involved with the gypsy people out of bad intentions. However, gypsies also have enemies.

Not only gypsies, but also village healers know an effective conspiracy against enemies and damage. It is held on a full moon, on Thursday or Saturday on a clear moonlit night. You will need:

  • three red candles;
  • photograph of an ill-wisher;
  • sewing needle.

Use a needle to cut out the name of your ill-wisher on each candle. Place the candles on the windowsill, light them, and stick the photo on the window. Now get down on your knees, standing so that the photo obscures the moon, and say the spell. It is long enough that you can read it from a piece of paper, slowly and clearly:

“My words, be strong. Stronger than stone, damask steel, or a sharp knife. The lock is in the mouth, and the key is in the ocean. How the mother of Jesus prayed that the Son would appear to her, and she told him how she saw in a dream that he was crucified. They shed holy blood, nailed their hands to the cross, and put a crown of thorns on their bright forehead. “Don’t be sad,” Jesus answered, “there is no evil on earth that would discredit goodness.” I am eternal for the one who honors the Lord, whoever reads a prayer, the Almighty will save him from fire, from flame, from water, from damask steel, from a fierce beast, from an angry man, from a prison castle. Amen. Just as David was humble and meek, merciful and compassionate, not thinking evil, not thinking evil, not grieving, so the judges of me, the servant of God (your name), will be meek and humble, not thinking evil, not judging evil. Just as the king of the people welcomed the jester, noticed him in the courtyard and crowned him with delight, so the judges would have welcomed me, the servant of God (your name), noticed me and sent me home. I will lock the castle, I will throw the key into the blue sea, the bottomless sea, at the bottom it will become a stone, it will not float, it will not move from place to place, my words will not be revealed to anyone. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Gypsy magic has long been recognized as the most powerful. This people also have their own witches, who are called “shuvani”. They are the guardians of wisdom, as well as social rules and various rituals. These women are very respected among the gypsies; not everyone can become a Shuvani. Some of their rituals have reached us. You can use them if you wish.

Basics of Gypsy Magic

Naturally, gypsy magic is not accessible to everyone. These gypsy spells and prayers are passed down from generation to generation only among their own. But we also know something. Gypsies use only natural objects in their spells, trying to avoid factory-made things. The only exceptions are knives and other irreplaceable things.

They are confident that everything produced at the plant, especially synthetics, cannot be influenced by the forces of nature. Gypsy magic uses the help of spirits of the three elements.

  1. Spirits of the air. They love independence and act according to their mood. They can harm people or help them. They really like to confuse people.
  2. Spirits of the earth. Very noble and also friendly. They often advise people something good.
  3. Spirits of water. They can be anything, depending on the mood. They help people if they want, but they can also be unfriendly, harmful and vindictive.

Ways to attract wealth

Gypsies cannot be called rich, wealthy people, but they love money. They are nomads, wanderers who do not have the opportunity to save money in a bank. But this does not mean that they have nothing. These people invest all their savings in jewelry - bracelets, earrings, gold coins on clothes. This is not just to stand out from the crowd.

Gold jewelry, especially earrings, attract good luck, wealth, and money. Gypsies do not have mansions or large bank accounts; there is gypsy magic that can attract wealth.

Signs of gypsies about money

This people, like many others, have their own signs that promise wealth. You can test them for yourself.

  1. If a red ant crawls to you, then this year you can get rich.
  2. If a bird with red feathers in its plumage flies over your head from left to right, then soon there will be profit and money. If it flies from right to left, then there will be expenses.
  3. If a girl has grown hair in the chest area, this portends wealth.
  4. If a guy has visible red hairs in his beard, he won't feel the need.

How to attract money using gypsy magic

Gypsy magic has always been very effective. It also has rituals that attract wealth and money. Many spells are kept in the strictest confidence, although many have heard about the ritual itself.

Gypsy magic: improving financial well-being

A representative of one wealthy tribe said that their ancestor took one gold coin from everyone and made an ingot. He hid it in the cemetery in a secret place. Every year, passing nearby, he says a secret spell. Their tribe has never lacked for anything, magic works.

If such spells and prayers are not available to those who are not related by blood ties to this people, there are easier ways to get money.

  1. Looking at the new moon, turn a coin in your pocket. This will bring wealth. But after this you should turn away from the luminary; you can no longer look at the moon.
  2. If you take a wisdom tooth and bury it in a cemetery, then in six months unexpected wealth will fall on you.
  3. Anyone who buries a fox's jaw under an oak tree or nails the skin of a hedgehog to a willow tree can count on good luck.

A ritual for those who urgently need money

Wealth attracts many. But there are situations when money is needed urgently. Then you can use strong rituals. It is not so easy to perform them, but this magic guarantees results.

Acorns - a gypsy way to quickly attract money

When the moon is growing, you need to go into the forest and find 7 acorns and 3 white pebbles there. There you need to find a stone or tree covered with moss. It is necessary to tear off a large piece of moss. This is done carefully, because you need a single piece, like fabric. Acorns and stones are placed on the surface of the moss, its green side, and wrapped. Then all this needs to be tied with a rope or wrapped in white cloth.

At sunset you need to go to bed, placing all this under your pillow. As soon as midnight comes, you need to get up and go outside with the moss. Find a bush with thorns there, under the moon, dig a hole at least 8 cm, bury the bundle there.

Then you need to go around this place three times (clockwise) and repeat three times:

“Mi Dovvel opral, dik tule opre mande” (“My God is above, look down at me”). You should have money before the next full moon.

Ritual with burning a banknote

Some spells resemble prayers. True, the gypsies do not turn to God, but to the spirits, asking them for wealth. Someone can get rich by using this magic. But you have to make a sacrifice. For this ritual you will need a large bill. You can take a five-thousandth piece of paper.

It is necessary to light a fire using dry branches. The bill is sent into the fire, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. When the fire burns out, you need to collect all the ashes in a black bag. After that, go to the cursed grave (the grave of the person who was killed) and bury the bag there. If wealth does not come to you within a month, you need to repeat the ritual.

“Fire demon, fire demon, accept this sacrifice in exchange for wealth. Send me money and prosperity. Damn, take away my poverty, scarcity and evil inferiority. Demon, take away the failure, I won’t pay for poverty. Amen!"

Love gypsy magic

Gypsies have never been a calm and balanced people. Love, passion, jealousy, a storm of feelings - without this it is impossible to imagine the life of these nomads. They also have their own love magic.

How to get another person's attention

Sometimes someone you really like may not be aware of your existence. In order to interest him and arouse love in his heart, you can use a special ritual that the old Shuvano told about.

For the ritual you will need 13 white stones. You can collect them anywhere, but it’s best to look for them on the road. If you can’t find everything at once, don’t worry, put it aside later.

As soon as the first Friday after the new moon arrives, you need to make a heart out of these stones. You need to lie on it so that your heart is directly above the stones. Lying on the ground with your eyes closed, it is important to imagine your loved one: what he is interested in, where he works, etc.

Then you need to stand up and put the initials of this person out of the stones. Again you need to lie down on the ground. The heart should be next to the stones. After this, you should think about yourself, your appearance, your feelings, interests, etc. Then you need to collect the pebbles and hide them in a bundle. He should be by your side until the full moon. Around this time, your crush should notice you.

Conspiracy to preserve your husband's love

Over the years, for many couples, feelings disappear, life turns into a routine. To prevent this from happening, you need to use this ritual. It will not only keep the love alive, but will also make the relationship more passionate than before.

It can only be held from July 7 to July 12. You can't tell anyone about him. You need to take two blades of grass and tie them in a knot in the middle. It is better to take grass that grows far from noisy streets.

Then you need to take these blades of grass with your lips, turn to where the sun rises, kneel down and say:

“When the sun rises, then the Earth itself gives the power of love.”

Then turn to the west, kneel again, touch the blades of grass with your right hand and say:

“When the sun sets, then the Earth itself holds the power of love.”

After this, the blades of grass should be chopped and added to food for your husband and yourself. Love will return to your family.

Healing gypsy magic

Gypsies never trusted doctors and visited them very rarely. No wonder they were popularly called “mullomengro”, which means “a person who makes a ghost”. The gypsies were helped by the Shuvanis, who treated them with herbs. But often special prayers and incantations were also used at the same time.

Spell for treating headaches

You need to take a little apple cider vinegar, dilute it with warm water and rub it into your scalp, repeating:

“Oh, pain in my head, Father of all evil, Look at me! You hurt me a lot. Don't stay inside me! Go away, go home, go to the devil. Go, go Away! Whoever crosses my shadow may have pain."


Toothache can cause many unpleasant moments. A sick tooth needs to be treated. But if the pain appeared at night or on Sunday, gypsy magic will help.

To make the pain go away, you need to say:

“Peter was sitting on a marble stone, and Jesus was passing by. Peter said: “My Lord, my God, how my teeth hurt!” Jesus said: “Peter, be healed!” And whoever repeats these words for My sake will never have toothache.”
