Double mushroom poisonous name. The most insidious mushrooms are doubles

Mushrooms are similar to their prized edible counterparts. In some cases this similarity is relatively superficial, in others it is strong.

Such mushrooms are called twin mushrooms. They can be confused not only by an inexperienced mushroom picker, but also by an experienced mushroom picker, which often leads to sad and even fatal mistakes. In this regard, we will briefly describe the most important twin mushrooms.

The most dangerous mushrooms

The most dangerous poisonous mushroom of forests, found in large quantities in beech, oak and mixed forests, is, or green fly agaric. This is a beautiful mushroom with an olive, greenish-olive, darker cap towards the center without the remains of a cover. The plates and spore powder are white. The leg is white, with pale greenish stripes (moire), with a wide hanging ring, at the base with a bag-like wide free white volva. The venom of the toadstool is deadly poisonous.

By the nature of the toxins produced and the symptoms of poisoning, two other deadly poisonous ones are close to the pale grebe fly agaric- fly agaric and spring fly agaric. The stinking fly agaric has a white cap up to 7 cm in diameter and an unpleasant odor. Grows in coniferous forests, less often - deciduous. The spring fly agaric is also white in color and is found in deciduous and mixed forests.

These three deadly poisonous fly agarics have many edible look-alikes :

Fly agaric is the most dangerous double of champignon

Due to ignorance or carelessness, deadly poisonous fly agarics are often confused with green or olive ones. Some champignons are similar to fly agarics in the color of the cap and the presence of a ring on the stem, but are clearly distinguished by the absence of a volva and the color of the plates. The plates of only young champignons are pinkish; later they darken to brown or black-brown.

It is very important to pick champignons with the stem to make sure there is no valva. The similarity of poisonous fly agarics with green or olive russula is based on the similarity of the color of the cap and plates. The plates of russula, like those of fly agarics, are white. Main hallmark good edible russula– green, greenish and some others – absence of a ring and a volva on the leg. Therefore, when collecting russula, it is necessary to pay attention to the details of the structure of the stem.

The dangerous double of the porcini mushroom is the gall mushroom.

People even call it false boletus. Grows in spruce and pine forests from July to September, at the same time when intensive growth of porcini mushrooms is observed. Externally, it is very similar to a porcini mushroom. But the subtle pattern on its leg is dark in color (in porcini mushroom - white drawing), in the form of a mesh and the lower surface of the cap is pink. And its flesh quickly turns red at the break.

Looks like a pale toadstool edible row- greenfinch. However, the greenfinch has neither a ring nor a volva on its leg, and the color of the plates is yellowish-greenish. The most dangerous is the similarity of some forms and varieties of the polymorphic fungus gray floater. The gray float, like poisonous fly agarics, has a volva at the base of the leg, but there is no ring. The color of the cap and the color of the plates are similar. Therefore, we draw the attention of mushroom pickers to the need to carefully examine the leg for the presence or absence of a ring when collecting floats.

A conventionally edible mushroom - fly agaric - can be confused with a poisonous one
fly agaric, however they clearly differ in the color of the flesh. U poisonous fly agaric In the panther, it is white and does not change when broken, but in the edible fly agaric, the reddened flesh turns pink when broken. But it is better, of course, not to eat fly agarics. None.

Deadly poisonous cobweblittle-known mushroom, has similarities with some edible spider webs. Spider webs are generally not popular among the population of the Carpathians, so the danger of collecting orange-red spider webs instead of any of the edible spider webs is low.

To familiarize a wide range of mushroom pickers with the deadly poisonous orange-red spider web, we present its most important signs.

The cap is 3–9 cm in diameter, orange or brown-red, orange-orange, dry, matte. Leg 4 – 9 × 0.5 – 1.5 cm, rusty yellow, smooth, dry. The pulp is yellowish, with a faint rare odor. The plates are orange-ocher or orange-rusty. The spore powder is brownish. Young fruiting bodies have a cobwebby covering (cortina).

Honey mushrooms. Particular attention should be paid to doubles of valuable edible again(true autumn, summer mushrooms), poisonous falseagain- And . False honey mushrooms differ from edible ones by the grey, brownish-greenish, light brownish color of the plates, the color of the spore powder and the light reddish-brown, sulfur-yellow color of the cap.

Dangerous poisonous talkers (species of the genus Clitocybe - C. dealbata, etc.) can be mistaken for edible species of this genus - for example, the funnel talker (C. qibba (Pers ~ Fr.) Kumm.) or the valuable edible cherry mushroom (Clitopilus prunulus ( Scop.: Fr.) Kumm.).

It should be remembered that poisonous talkers are characterized by a white or whitish color of the entire fruiting body, and edible ones are whitish-yellowish, yellowish-brown, gray, ash-gray.

Kira Stoletova

Champignons are a popular type of mushroom that is quite easy to grow at home, you just need to strictly comply with all the requirements. There are not only edible species, but also false champignons. They pose a danger to humans and should not be eaten.

  • Description of the appearance of the mushroom

    Fake, or as we say - false, champignons vary depending on the age and place where they grow. Most often, mushroom pickers encounter mushrooms of a reddish hue, which belong to the species yellow-skinned champignon. Also for fans of " quiet hunt"We are familiar with the type of false champignons called flat-headed champignon. It has a sharp, unpleasant odor, reminiscent of ink.

    • Yellow-skinned champignon: The color of the cap of this dangerous double of the edible champignon may vary. If the mushroom grows in a well-lit clearing, it will have a grayish tint. Specimens growing in forests are distinguished by their beige color with an orange tint. A young false champignon has white plates under the cap, which darken with age and become almost black. They are easy to distinguish because real mushrooms have a rough cap, sometimes covered with scales, while the look-alike has a smooth skin that sometimes cracks along the edges.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Perhaps in the characteristics of false champignons remarkable fact represents the “aroma” of pulp, which almost immediately “hands over” the double with its giblets - sniff it, and you will never send it to the basket:

    1. pulp w. yellow-skinned has a characteristic “pharmaceutical” or, to be more precise, a phenolic odor, which, even if it is very weak in fresh mushroom, will increase significantly during cooking;
    2. pulp w. flat-capped characterized by a pungent odor that is usually compared to the smell of creosote, ink or phenol.
    • Flat-headed champignon: representatives of this species have a leg up to 10 cm high with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm. It is cylindrical in shape, slightly thickened at the bottom. There is a double ring in the middle white. The surface of the cap is covered with gray or gray scales. Brown. Under the cap there are thin, frequent white plates with a pinkish tint. In older mushrooms they become dark brown in color.

    Differences between false and edible champignon

    False (poisonous) and real champignons are often confused (especially by beginners or not attentive mushroom pickers), and this is deadly. We can say that the poisonous counterpart of the champignon may have a gray-brown (brown) spot in the center of the cap, when pressed on it, yellowish spots appear. However, this verification method does not provide an exact guarantee, so it should be combined with other methods. Therefore, it is important to consider the following factors:

    • the cut of the mushroom quickly acquires a bright yellow tint;
    • at the base of the leg there may be characteristic yellow spots in pulp;
    • there is a sharp “chemical” smell (disinfectant, phenol, ink, gouache);
    • When boiling, the water and the fruiting bodies themselves turn yellow, but only for a short time. By the way. This method is considered the most accurate.

    This insidious mushrooms, even after long cooking toxic substances they do not disintegrate.

    Champignon can also be confused with toadstool: but this option is only possible for young specimens. Outwardly, it really resembles a champignon and at the same time has no smell, from which one could draw a conclusion about its “unsuitability”. False champignons most often appear in July in mixed and deciduous forests; they can also be found in clearings in city parks.

    Real champignons look different. The cut area has a pinkish tint. Also, the edible mushroom begins to grow in May, while the false mushroom begins to grow only in mid-summer.


    The inedible champignon actively absorbs toxic substances from the soil. Consumption of such mushrooms leads to a certain level of intoxication. According to the degree of danger, double champignons edible species classified as moderately toxic, capable of causing stomach upset, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. A large portion of mushrooms eaten can be fatal.

    Poisonous champignons also contain substances that negatively affect proteins. This causes disruption of the contraction of the heart muscle.

    Symptoms of poisoning

    The first sign of poisoning is vomiting and stomach upset. These symptoms appear within 2-3 hours. Stomach colic appears later. Causes similar symptoms death cap and poisonous meadow mushrooms.

    There are several stages of champignon poisoning. Their description:

    • Spasmodic pain appears in the abdomen, body temperature rises. Later, diarrhea begins.
    • The person feels a slight improvement in health, but toxic substances continue to affect the liver and kidneys. Analyzes confirm this. Remission lasts 1-2 days.
    • At this stage defeat internal organs reaches its peak. Liver and kidney failure begins.

    In case of poisoning with false champignons, it is necessary to call ambulance still at the first stage of poisoning. Before her arrival, it is important to remove toxins from the body.

    Description of first aid:

    • drink at least 1.5 liters of a weak solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting to rinse the stomach;

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Gastric lavage as part of the first first aid very important, because allows you to remove pieces of mushrooms from the stomach and prevents further absorption of toxins by the intestinal walls, which enter the gastrointestinal tract together. In this case, it is advisable to save the remains of the dish so that in the laboratory medical institution was able to analyze and identify toxins in order to provide treatment.

    • take sorbents at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of patient weight (maximum 10 tablets of activated carbon);
    • a warm heating pad is placed on the stomach and legs: this helps to avoid circulatory problems;
    • drink strong tea or warm water.

    Treatment for poisoning

    After hospitalization, the patient undergoes detoxification:

    • enema;
    • gastric lavage;
    • hemodialysis.

    The choice of treatment method depends on how much of the dangerous product the patient ate.

    Later, the patient’s water-electrolyte (salt) balance is restored or a drip is placed. The victim must also adhere to a special diet:

    • Avoid eating fatty, spicy and smoked foods;
    • eat only boiled food;
    • Finely chop vegetables and fruits before eating.

    When providing first aid, you should not induce vomiting in children under 3 years of age and pregnant women. Also, enemas are not given to older people without the help of a doctor. The victim is prohibited from taking medications that strengthen the stomach. This is especially important when poisoning with such dangerous mushrooms like a pale toadstool.

    Kira Stoletova

    During the mushroom picking season, the forest is filled with lovers of “silent hunting”. To do this, a person must have a good understanding of the diversity of forest organisms and not confuse look-alike mushrooms with edible originals.

  • Main features

    According to their main characteristics, all mushrooms are divided into the following categories:

    If the conditionally edible and inedible ones are processed, soaked and boiled, then some of them (milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms and morels) can be safely eaten. Only dangerous poisonous varieties, so you need to know external differences unsuitable for food species.

    There are no signs that clearly identify false mushrooms and the degree of their toxicity. But there are a number of features that are most common:

    • presence of a Volvo;
    • lamellar structure of the spore-bearing layer (often), although there are twin species with a spongy hymenophore;
    • bitter taste;
    • change in color of the pulp at the break;
    • unpleasant aroma.

    The leg of a poisonous organism often grows from a volva (“pot” or “bag”).

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Volva is the remains of a blanket, or velum, which serves as protection for the young fruiting body (covers it entirely). As the fungus grows, the velum breaks and remains in the form of rings and a volva at the base of the stalk, which is an important systematic character. The volva is also called the vagina. It is in the form of remnants of a filmy wrapper or scraps of different sizes and shapes, located at the base of the leg. When characterizing her, be sure to indicate what she is:

    • free;
    • adherent to the leg;
    • solid;
    • looks like scraps, flaps;
    • sizes.

    Let's take a closer look at what they look like edible mushrooms and their doubles.


    All lovers of “forest meat” know the main types of edible mushrooms. In each region of Russia they are divided by season. The following are considered the most popular:

    • White;
    • Boletuses and boletuses;
    • Saffron milk caps;
    • Butter;
    • Chanterelles;
    • Russula;
    • Honey mushrooms;
    • Raincoats;
    • Champignon.

    Almost all of them have their counterparts, which can cause severe poisoning.

    White mushroom lookalikes

    Porcini mushroom is edible even without heat treatment. Gives any dish piquancy and special taste.

    Its pulp is tender and has a pleasant aroma.

    It is often confused with Gall and Satanic mushrooms, which are inedible. The false white mushroom has the following differences:

    • the color of the leg (in white it is beige, and in gall a dark mesh is visible on the leg; in satanic it is very uniquely and brightly colored);
    • the color of the cap (the white one is white or beige, and the doubles are brown or red);
    • color at the break (white never changes color, and its dangerous double– satanic, turns blue at the break).

    Twins of autumn mushrooms

    A family of autumn mushrooms will be able to feed a whole company. These mushrooms grow in large groups deep in the forest on stumps and fallen trees. Real honey mushrooms are often salted and pickled. Beautiful honey-beige hats attract attention. The aroma of honey mushrooms is pleasant. The legs are brown or brown at the base and white at the top. They are often confused with their false “brothers”: sulfur yellow and brick red.

    Main differences:

    • the cap of the doubles is yellow or red;
    • the plates are sulfur-yellow, greenish or gray;
    • there is no ring on the leg.

    Before cooking, it is better to remove the ring from autumn honey mushrooms or leave only the caps. They are the most delicious and healthy, and the legs contain a lot of chitin, so they are tougher and less digestible.

    Sometimes honey mushrooms are confused with fiber grass, which grows in deciduous and coniferous forests from the beginning of summer until the end of November.

    The main differences of the Fiberglass:

    • unpleasant aroma;
    • white flesh;
    • thin leg;
    • leg height up to 5 cm;
    • The shape of the cap is cone-shaped.

    Fiber fiber (also called cone-shaped whip) never changes color when cut. Eating it causes serious intestinal poisoning. Only timely medical assistance can save a person.

    Champignon look-alikes

    Champignon is confused with white fly agaric.

    The description of forest champignon has its own characteristics. Its cap is rounded at the bottom. In a young species, it is attached to the leg with a thin film, and turns yellow after touching. The plates have a pinkish tint and become brown with age. The leg is dense and has a cylindrical shape. The aroma of the pulp is pleasant, not strong.

    Real champignons differ from white fly agarics in their caps. They are round only at the top; below they become flat. The aroma is sharp and unpleasant, which is immediately alarming. The white plates are loosely spaced and are pink, just like the original. The stem is thin and has a striped ring, which is never found in edible champignons. The base of the leg is widened.

    Sometimes Champignons are confused with toadstool, one of the most dangerous and poisonous mushrooms.

    Description of the toadstool:

    • the color of the cap is pale whitish or pale beige;
    • spore-bearing layer lamellar;
    • the leg is cylindrical, narrowed towards the cap;
    • there is a characteristic “skirt” on the leg
    • the leg below has a tuberous thickening, immersed in a kind of pouch.

    These mushrooms are so toxic that with one touch they can spoil the real ones in the basket. edible mushrooms. The poisonous double affects all organs, often causing death, because poisoning appears at a time when it is almost impossible to help.

    The pale grebe is often confused with the green toadstool. But upon careful examination, you will be able to notice the difference: on the doubles of edible greenfinch mushrooms there is neither a volva nor a ring on the stem.

    Duplicates of the blushing fly agaric

    The blushing fly agaric is considered conditionally edible. It is sometimes confused with champignon. It does not cause such severe poisoning as the poisonous toadstool. Some people prepare this type and it is served in expensive restaurants. There is some danger external resemblance species of blushing and panther fly agaric.

    In order not to confuse it with the panther, it is worth understanding the differences.

    Description of the panther fly agaric species:

    • the cap is greenish-beige;
    • spots on the cap are pale, beige;
    • cylindrical leg;
    • there is a thin “skirt” on the leg;
    • pulp color is white;
    • at the break the color does not change.

    In the reddened fly agaric, the flesh turns pink after contact with oxygen. The cap is red with white spots or slightly sticky.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    The gray-pink or blushing fly agaric belongs to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms, which are collected mainly only by advanced mushroom pickers. Before cooking, it must be boiled well for 15 minutes in salted water. According to those who have tasted it, the taste is reminiscent of chicken. It grows in any forest on a variety of soils, but prefers lighter areas. The mycelium begins to bear fruit in mid-June and ends around mid-October.

    In addition to the panther fly agaric, it can also be confused with the fat one. However, this species, unlike the panther, is very safe. Their flesh never changes color when exposed to air.

    The panther fly agaric is toxic and, when ingested, causes attacks of anger, visual and auditory hallucinations. If action is not taken, lethargy, coma and death will occur.

    Mossy mushrooms and Maslyata

    Butterflies and Moss mushrooms are tasty and healthy varieties. They grow in almost all regions of Russia. But they are often confused with pepper mushroom, which is not poisonous, but is not considered edible. They have a similar appearance (the same color and shape of the cap, the same size and shape of the stem), but the taste and aroma are very different.

    The main feature of the pepper mushroom is its bitter taste, similar to the taste of pepper, hence the name of the species. It is often dried, ground, and used as a seasoning for main dishes, side dishes and salads. This mushroom seasoning can be stored for a long time in a dry and dark place.

    Chanterelle and false mushroom

    It is better to collect chanterelles for cooking or pickling. They grow from summer to mid-autumn. Prefer deciduous or mixed forests. Real chanterelles correspond to the following characteristics:

    • the cap of the fruiting body fuses with the stem;
    • the shape of the cap is funnel-shaped;
    • color red;
    • releases orange milky juice on the cut;
    • the plates are thick.

    Raincoat and false raincoat

    In spring, puffballs appear after morels and stitches. They are often found in park areas, pastures and forest edges after warm spring rains. There are many varieties of puffballs, but their actual fruiting bodies have the following common features:

    • height – 7 cm;
    • diameter – 6-8 cm;
    • the body shell is double;
    • White color;
    • there are scales up to 2 mm on the surface;
    • the pulp has a faint aroma.

    When harvesting the first spring harvest, ordinary raincoats are confused with false raincoats. Their growth and development begin underground, at first the mushroom looks like a tuber, which reaches 10 cm in diameter. In the lower part, at the base, a bundle of root-like fibers is noticeable. In the false puffball, the shell of the fruiting body is single-layered, dense, with small scales on the surface. As it ages, its color changes to yellowish or gray-white. Coffee-colored cracks gradually appear.

    Signs of poisoning and first aid

    To prevent poisoning, before going into the deep forest it is better to refresh your memory of all the main signs of poisonous and edible species. If an accident occurs, knowing the signs of poisoning and first aid steps will help.

    Symptoms of poisoning:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • dizziness;
    • increased body temperature;
    • abdominal pain;
    • blue lips;
    • cold hands and feet;
    • diarrhea.

    If fly agarics are ingested, sound and auditory hallucinations may occur. The condition resembles a sharp insanity. In case of poisoning false mushrooms the stomach is immediately washed. To do this, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of boiled water (or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate) and then induce vomiting. This procedure will have to be repeated several times. Then you need to lie down and drink plenty of fluids to restore water balance in the body. There is no time to waste; it is important to see a doctor immediately. When going to the forest, it is worth remembering the basic rule of the forester: do not put a mushroom in the basket unless you are sure that it is edible.

    Is it possible to distinguish inedible mushroom from edible?

    Experts believe that it is impossible to derive a universal rule. The only guarantee against poisoning is knowing the signs individual species, differences between them.

    Among wild mushrooms there are poisonous ones. Some of them, at first glance, are very similar to edible ones; such doubles should be especially wary. So, in pine and spruce forests Poisonous mushrooms grow: gall, pepper, satanic. The pepper mushroom is very similar to the butter mushroom and the boletus mushroom, the satanic one looks like a “double” of the boletus mushroom, and a very skillful one at that, gall mushroom From a distance it also looks like a porcini mushroom.

    The difference between the White mushroom and the false ones: Gall mushroom and Satanic mushroom

    The gall mushroom is a mildly poisonous mushroom; it is often confused with white mushroom. It is impossible to get poisoned by it, but its bitter taste can ruin the entire dish. The main differences are: a dark mesh pattern on the stem (in the porcini mushroom it is white), a dirty pinkish bottom of the cap (in the porcini mushroom the tubular layer is always white or cream, turns yellow or green with age), bitter pulp (it is enough to lick the bottom of the cap to feel bitterness) – that’s why the gall mushroom is also called bitterness. At the break, the flesh turns pink (in boletus it is always white).

    The porcini mushroom is very similar in appearance into satanic. But if you press on the inside (“moss”), it will turn pink. This means that this is not a white mushroom, but a poisonous one.

    Differences between Chanterelle and False Chanterelle

    In fact, distinguishing a real chanterelle from a fake is not so difficult. To begin with, you should pay attention to the color. In false chanterelles, unlike real ones, it is especially bright orange in the transition to copper-red. And the ordinary ones are just exactly yellow.

    Hat. If you notice very smooth edges, you should be wary. A real chanterelle has a wavy decoration on this part of it.

    legs real fox thick and not hollow. The spores are yellowish. But her false sister has the opposite: the leg is thin, and the spores are white.

    Take a sniff. It was already said earlier that the difference between a true mistress of the forest is her fruity or woody smell. But you are unlikely to want to put the talkers in the basket after such a check.

    Mushrooms do not like to grow alone. Usually this is a whole family united by a common mycelium. But false chanterelles have just such a feature. They are often found in a single copy. For this reason alone, you should be wary.

    Look at the color of the pulp. The real one is yellowish and white in the middle. The fake one is distinguished by a solid orange or yellow color.

    Lightly press the flesh with your finger. Common fox will blush modestly, but the false one will remain calmly monochromatic.

    Real chanterelles are rarely worm-bearing, since they secrete chitinmannose and the larvae die under its influence. But orange talkers do not have chitinmannose, so the larvae can infect them.

    Differences between Moss mushrooms and Butter mushrooms from the poisonous Pepper mushroom

    The pepper mushroom has a reddish-cherry tint to the pores of the tubes and legs. The flywheel has a tubular layer of olive or brown shades. The poisonous pepper mushroom turns red (the similar edible mushroom mushroom turns blue, but the butterdish does not change color). Unlike boletus, the pepper mushroom does not have a ring on the stem. In the pepper mushroom, the lower spore-bearing layer of the cap approaches red, in the oiler it approaches yellow.

    The difference between real honey mushrooms and false honey mushrooms

    Of the mildly poisonous mushrooms, false honey mushrooms are often found - they can be distinguished by their olive tint. Edible honey mushrooms are always brown. Double honey mushrooms cause gastric upset only if they are poorly cooked or fried.

    Remember: real mushrooms, especially young ones, have a “skirt” on their legs, like a ballerina’s. The false ones do not.

    The difference between champignon and toadstool

    The champignon, unlike the toadstool, does not have a tuberous thickening at the base of the stem. In addition, the champignon has pale pink or dark plates, while the pale toadstool has white and frequent plates.

    White milk mushrooms are good for pickles. But they can also be confused with milk mushrooms, which are popularly called “creaks.” The difference is that a real milk mushroom has a wet film, is slimy and hides in the grass, while a “squeaky” mushroom is absolutely dry.

    The pale grebe is very dangerous. She looks like a russula. The cap is green, sometimes almost white. On the stem, closer to the cap, there is a noticeable ring. So as not to

    mixed up, learn a simple selection rule: all mushrooms for pickling have a hole in the stem. This is a sign that the mushroom is edible.

    The main principle of mushroom picking

    Everyone collects only those mushrooms that they know and can distinguish in any conditions, they know what young and old fruiting bodies look like, what they look like in dry weather, what they look like in rain, etc.

    The cap is 3-15 cm, from light beige to yellow or honey-brown with a yellow tint, with disappearing scales. The pulp is white. The plates are white to yellow, often with brown spots. Leg with flocculent scales, with a white membranous felt ring. Honey mushrooms grow on stumps, trees, and dead wood. They are dried, salted and pickled, after boiling them.

    Where to look: stumps, trees.

    Photo: From personal archive / Mikhail Vishnevsky

    Yellow-skinned champignon

    They are easily distinguishable from their edible counterparts by the fact that they turn yellow when cut and have a rather strong and unpleasant “pharmacy” smell.

    Photo: From personal archive / Mikhail Vishnevsky

    Amanita stinking

    It grows in the forest, not in the field. The champignon differs from it in having pinkish plates and the absence of a sac at the base of the stem.

    Photo: From personal archive / Mikhail Vishnevsky


    Unassuming mushroom with caps different colors(depending on the species), found throughout the temperate forest zone. Suitable for all types culinary processing and types of workpieces, except drying.

    Where to look: spruce, pine, birch, oak.

    Photo: From personal archive / Mikhail Vishnevsky

    Death cap

    Extremely dangerous poisonous mushroom, which to a novice mushroom picker may seem similar to greenish russula. Always pay attention to the stem and never cut the russula under the cap: the white toadstool always has a muff-type pouch at the bottom of the stem, and a ring at the top under the cap. Russula has nothing like that on its stem.

    Photo: From personal archive / Mikhail Vishnevsky

    Yellow chanterelle

    The cap is egg- or light yellow, the same color as the stem and plates. The pulp is first yellowish, then white, dense, rubbery-elastic, the taste and smell are pleasant, reminiscent of the aroma of dried fruits. The plates from the cap extend onto the stem.

    Where to look: spruce, pine, birch, oak.

    Photo: From personal archive / Mikhail Vishnevsky

    False chanterelle

    The toxicity of this mushroom has long been refuted. However, recent studies have shown that false chanterelle contains substances, an excess of which can cause mild gastrointestinal disorders. False fox brighter and red-orange compared to the real one, which is closer to yellow color. Its leg is a little thinner, and the smell is not fruity, but mushroom.

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