Year of the Dragon, what year of birth. Year of the Dragon according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign

Date of publication: 08/16/2011

The dragon, according to the Chinese, who “awarded” one of the years of the 12-year cycle with its name, is a very strong and powerful creature. He can be a reliable patron and protector, but under a different set of circumstances he will incinerate him with his fire-breathing mouth or beat him with a powerful tail before his opponent has time to group or say anything in his own defense.

They are all different. But they are united by the Dragon

What is he talking about? horoscope of those born in the year of the Dragon? A person born in the year of the Dragon can bring positive or negative to the world, but in no case will he become a mediocre inhabitant of the planet, lost in the crowd.

Dates of those born in the year of the Dragon

The Year of the Dragon is: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and next year 2012.

The Dragon will come into force on January 23, 2012 and will hand over the “reins of power” to the Snake following it on February 9, 2013.

Character traits of those born in the year of the Dragon

So, those born in the year of the Dragon are honest people, alien to hypocrisy, flattery and deceit. Thanks to this, they are noble, decent, and even, with proper upbringing, intelligent. However, they are characterized by intemperance associated with an unwillingness to put up with injustice, mental uncleanliness (and physical, by the way, too). Therefore, the Dragon can unwittingly offend with a word when, under the influence of emotions, he says something without thinking.

Dragons are very independent. Moreover, in everything - in the company, in work, in hobbies. You can often hear the prefix “himself” from them. They love to engage in self-medication, self-improvement... but they also often “sin” by self-flagellation.

Whatever the Dragons undertake is certainly brought to its logical conclusion. They are very demanding both of themselves and of those who, by the will of fate, had to be “in harness” with them. But the Dragon will never shift his share of the responsibilities due to them onto the shoulders of others. Although he will not tolerate other people’s negligence and carelessness and will torture such a person with nagging and criticism. Yes, something, but you won’t find patience and tolerance with the Dragon.

Spheres of success for those born in the year of the Dragon

The Dragon is an extraordinary and strong leader. He is able to organize, it seems, anything and anyone. Business, politics, art, science, military affairs - all this may be in the area of ​​his competence. Such a person knows how to plan, keep both the thoughts in his head and the surrounding space in order.

However, life can force the Dragon to take a dubious path. You shouldn’t be surprised if you find out that some criminal “celebrity” is a Dragon by year of birth. The Dragon is capable of succeeding in this “position” no less than in any other. And the most interesting thing is that such “pranks” in most cases go unpunished for him and get away with it.

In any case, the Dragon is not threatened by one thing - poverty.

Dragon and love. Horoscope of those born in the year of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon are usually popular with the opposite sex and have a lot of fans. Dragon Woman can be briefly described as a socialite.

Dragon Men are not so desperately in need of universal worship. Some of them prefer to remain single, wanting their freedom not to be limited by anything. But, regardless of the gender of the Dragon, their life partners should always remember that these people need solitude from time to time.

Being in love, the Dragon surrenders to the feeling with all his inherent ardor, until the existing relationship at one moment seems to him like a habit and routine. Dragons are not at all sentimental and break off bored relationships mercilessly. And they can immediately start searching new love and impressions, fortunately, they always have someone to choose from. The main mistake made by their partners, perhaps, should be considered attempts to comprehensively control the Dragon and subordinate them to their influence.

According to eastern horoscope, The Rat, Monkey and Rooster are most suitable for the Dragon as life partners. Each of these signs will complement and help the Dragon in different ways: Rat - with devotion and ability to plan family budget, Monkey - patience with all the dragon's difficulties of character, Rooster - the ability to be content with little and live unpretentiously in the shadow of the glory of the Dragon.

But it is better for the Dragon not to connect his life with the Tiger and the Dog. The Tiger will hourly bring disharmony into the Dragon's life with his own charisma, while the Dog has too much realism and pessimism for him.

Dragon and Zodiac. Combination of horoscopes

Dragons born under different signs The zodiacs, of course, differ from each other to some extent. Stars strengthen some qualities in them and weaken others.

Dragon-Aries should be called the Dragon Squared. The Aries sign is closest to the eastern Dragon in spirit. Thanks to this, such a person will not only go towards his goal, but fly towards it as if on wings. However, Aries's stubbornness and straightforwardness often serve him badly: having collected a bunch of bruises and bumps along the way to success, he loses a considerable share of the joy from it. Therefore, it would be nice for the Aries Dragon to acquire a reliable partner who could stop him in time and protect him from breaking through walls with his forehead. Suitable activities for Aries-Dragons are trade and construction.

Taurus significantly softens the Dragon, making him more of an esthete and connoisseur of beauty than a formidable ruler. As a rule, they are good family men. In addition, they are very particular about their appearance, they love accessories, etc. The best activity for the Dragon-Taurus is something in the area applied arts– interior design, sculpture, painting, etc.

Duality Gemini leads to the fact that such a Dragon can in the most unexpected way move from extreme peacefulness and good nature to extreme anger. The Gemini Dragon loves showiness and tries to be so even to the detriment of himself and his loved ones.

Constellation Cancer makes the Dragon a wonderful builder of castles in the air. He really knows how what he has planned should look like, but he doesn’t bother to think through the little things... or rather, what seems like little things to him. This is truly: “the gasoline is yours, the ideas are ours.” If next to the Dragon-Cancer there is a smart and practical companion, then you can count on a truly durable and beautiful castle.

Dragon-Lion– this is continuous suspiciousness and doubt. “Am I good enough in this light?”, “Was I adequately respectable and impressive in that situation?” It would seem that all you have to do is find yourself a quiet place away from everyone, and all the problems will disappear by themselves. But it was not there! This Dragon cannot do without spectators. That's why good way out for him - radio, organization of celebrations, etc.

Realism and practicality Virgo combined with the Dragon's imagination gives an interesting effect. Such a Dragon can convince of anything, because his conclusions are logical and seem to be completely justified. It’s only later that it may turn out that he was “carried away.” So it would be good for the Virgo-Dragon to find some area where he could allow his fantasies to be turned into hard cash. For example, a stylist, cosmetologist or marketer selling something, well, not entirely material (perfumes, or what?) - just right!

U Dragon-Libra the eternal problem is spleen. He seemed bored and tired of everything. IN opposite field he is disappointed, the work seems routine and does not promise anything. If only there was something like that, with risk, adrenaline, new impressions! Such a Dragon is good at traveling, conquering peaks (literally), becoming a test pilot...

Dragon-Scorpio be sure to deliver something big. If business, then oil, if management, then the whole country. He will not run a network of stalls selling cigarettes and Pepsi-Cola. He would also have made a great Generalissimo. Only the Almighty would take him away from big crime, because the dragon-like Scorpio also has no fear of this sphere of “activity”.

Sagittarius-Dragon- probably the calmest and most reasonable among all the signs born in the Year of the Dragon. He values ​​friendship and has great integrity. And he doesn’t particularly need to be in the spotlight and fame. Such Sagittarians make excellent “gray” cardinals, but they are absolutely selfless and devoted to the work they are doing.

Born in the Year of the Dragon Capricorns, like Sagittarius, do not need excessive pomp and veneration from the crowd. They would like more income and stability... But the “dragon” essence still takes its toll, so Capricorn Dragons can be recognized by what exactly they decided to do. They are inevitably drawn to something extraordinary, say, breeding crocodiles or selling Voodoo masks.

Dragon-Aquarius does not accept imperfection, especially in himself. Any failure that a representative of another sign would “step over” with a shrug of his shoulders will cause him a feeling of discomfort for weeks and will not allow him to forget about himself. The Aquarius-Dragon will spend a lot of useful energy on this and may lose a lot in success.

Dragon-Fish prudent, intelligent, has a sense of beauty. He would probably make a great science fiction writer. But the trouble is that the Dragon Fish has low self-esteem. It would hardly even occur to him to think about it. Now, if only someone would give him some advice... As for the more “mundane” spheres of life, the best option for him is finance.

Famous Dragons

The dragon is an intellectual, a charismatic personality, an esthete. Therefore, you will find famous Dragons in various areas human activity. For example, writers born in the year of the Dragon are E. Poe, O. Wilde, Omar Khayyam, M. Sholokhov, C. Perrault, L. Carroll, J. R. Tolkien, I. Brodsky, M. Gorky. Dragon Actors - M. Dietrich, Al Pacino.

Philosophers who were born under this sign are also known to the world. Among them are F. Nietzsche, F. Engels, O. Spengler, J.-J. Rousseau, I. Kant. And, of course, among the Dragons there are many politicians: J. d'Arc, Nicholas II Romanov, Martin L. King, A. Lincoln, Che Guevara, V. Putin, F. Mitterrand, E. Shevardnadze.

The compilers of horoscopes are convinced that a person’s personal qualities and even his fate are determined by the time of his birth, or more precisely, by the signs of the Western and Eastern zodiacs that were active at that time. One of the most controversial and prominent representatives Chinese zodiac is the Dragon, and therefore it is not surprising that people born during his reign are also extraordinary.

Years of birth: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

The Dragon is the fifth of the twelve zodiac signs according to Chinese calendar.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Aries.

Talisman stones:

  • green peridot,
  • iridescent opal,
  • chalcedony,
  • sapphire,
  • amber,
  • all synthetic stones.


  • lotus,
  • sage,
  • mandrake.

Time of year: spring.

Best month: April.


  • gold,
  • yellow,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • black.

Lucky numbers: 1, 6 and 7.

Best days in Chinese lunar calendar: 1st and 16th day of every month.

Direction: North, West, East.

What are Dragons like?

According to the Chinese calendar, each year corresponds not only to a certain sign eastern zodiac, but also one of the five elements. In addition, each element has its own color, which is acquired by the Dragon ruling that year.

Metallic or White

Years: 1940, 2000.

People born in these years are distinguished by their brightness, as well as strong will. In addition, they are energetic and vain, but sometimes overly harsh. Representatives of this Dragon sign always say what they think, without taking into account the feelings of others and without trying to be objective in relationships with other people. If others do not support their ideas, then Metal Dragons are not very upset. They continue to go their own way, even alone. Usually these are tall people moral principles, who are respected by both friends and colleagues.

Water or Black

Year: 1952, 2012.

The Water Dragon is easy to communicate with and is also friendly. These character traits make him easy and pleasant to deal with. Natural wit and the ability to feel all the nuances of a situation, as well as the moods of the people around him, make this person an excellent conversationalist and the soul of any company. The main drawback of people born under the sign of the Water Dragon is their tendency to jump from one idea to another, that is, the inability to concentrate on one goal.

Wooden or Blue-green

Years: 1904, 1964.

People born in the year of the Wood Dragon are natural businessmen. They know how to build theories and put them into practice. The inquisitive mind of these people delves into all the details of any business. In addition, Wooden Dragons always have plenty of interesting ideas which they strive to implement in reality. The unconditional advantages of their character are generosity and generosity.

Fiery or Red

Years: 1916, 1976.

Dragon People related to fire element, amaze everyone with their ability to work. They usually try to achieve success in any business they take on. Colleagues respect them for their directness and honesty. In addition, those born in the year of the Fire Dragon have innate leadership qualities and a strong will. They tend to rely only on their own perception of the situation and only on their judgments. These people often do not take the considerations and interests of those around them into account at all. The isolation characteristic of representatives of this sign prevents them from living life to the fullest. However, they are big fans of music and art.

Positive and negative qualities

Every person has their own positive and negative traits character, which partly depend on the sign of the Chinese zodiac that reigned in the year of his birth.

The positive traits of the Dragon are:

Negative character traits Representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope are the following:

Character of men and women

According to astrologers, all people are one zodiac sign have certain common features character, but the influence of the ruler of the year of birth on men and women varies. This statement is also true for those born in the year of the Dragon.

Characteristics of a man

Dragon Man- a bright and extraordinary personality. He is either self-centered and eccentric, or always demanding of attention and sometimes unreasonable. In addition, a man of this sign is characterized by pride, aristocracy, self-confidence, vanity, irritability and stubbornness. All this is balanced by high intelligence, intelligence, generosity and a complete lack of inclination towards pettiness and hypocrisy.

Such a man is often loved by ladies, although he rarely loves himself. He is an individualist and thinker, distinguished by excellent health, incredible vitality and enormous energy, characteristic of all those born in the year of the Dragon.

Characteristics of a woman

Feature of the Dragon Woman is her outer coldness, behind which is hidden kind heart. Nevertheless, she is a good family man and friend, and values ​​constant and clear relationships. Both in love and in life, this lady always strives to win, and at the same time she really likes to impress others. If he fails to do this, he becomes very upset. A woman born in the year of the Dragon can achieve great success, because she is smart and practical.

This lady is popular with men. But it is worth considering that she does not like indecisive and always hesitant people.

Combination of Western zodiac signs and the Year of the Dragon

Those born in the year of the Dragon under different signs of the Western zodiac differ from each other. Constellations strengthen some personal qualities in them and weaken others.

Aries, born in the year of the mythical animal, can be called the Dragon squared, since this sign is closest in spirit to the eastern ruler of the year. It is not easy for him to reach his goal, but he flies towards it as if he had grown wings. But due to their stubbornness and straightforwardness, Aries may face many difficulties on the path to success.

Taurus significantly softens the temperament of the eastern sign, making the formidable ruler an esthete and connoisseur of beauty. Basically, this combination of signs makes people good family men. In addition, such Taurus are very attentive to their appearance and are fans of various accessories.

Twins convey their duality to the formidable sign of the Chinese horoscope, which leads to the fact that a person can, at the most unexpected moment, move from extreme good nature to extreme anger. It should be noted that people born with this combination of signs love to be showy, even if it harms themselves or their loved ones.

Under the influence of Cancer The dragon becomes a builder of wonderful castles in the air. He clearly knows how what he has in mind should look like, but does not bother himself to think about the little things, or what he personally thinks are little things.

a lion in combination with the same majestic sign, it turns, oddly enough, into endless suspiciousness, accompanied by constant doubts about oneself and one’s strengths. It seems that the best thing for such a person is to find a quiet place away from people, letting all the uncertainty disappear, but no, the Leo cannot live without spectators. He strives to perform and be the center of attention.

Virgo, with its inherent realism and practicality, under the influence of the dreamy Dragon becomes very interesting person. Such a Virgo will be able to convince anyone of anything, because her reasoning seems logical and completely justified. The problem is that Virgo’s plans may subsequently turn out to be ill-conceived and unrealistic.

The eternal problem of the Dragon-Libra is the blues. It seems that he is bored and fed up with everything. He is disappointed in the opposite sex. He sees work as a hopeless routine. Libra can be saved from this condition by travel, extreme sports, or work that requires the ability to risk oneself.

Scorpio Those born in the year of the Dragon certainly need something large-scale. If he wants to have his own business, then only the oil one, but if he wants to lead, then only the country. It is better for those close to you to keep an eye on such a Scorpio, since even the obvious illegality of the activity in which he is engaged will not stop him.

Sagittarius, perhaps the calmest and most reasonable of all the signs of the Western zodiac born in the year of the reign Chinese Dragon. He always values ​​sincere friendship, and he himself is very decent. He is not particularly interested in fame and does not have a strong need to be the center of attention. Having chosen a business to his liking, such a person engages in it absolutely unselfishly and devotedly.

Capricorn similar to Sagittarius in that he does not feel the need for excessive pomp and veneration of the crowd. He prefers a decent income and stability. Nevertheless, the irrepressible essence of the Dragon takes its toll and, succumbing to it, Capricorn often chooses an extraordinary field of activity, for example, breeding crocodiles.

Aquarius-Dragon cannot accept imperfection either in himself or in others. Any failure that representatives of other signs would not pay attention to special attention, will make him feel uncomfortable for weeks. Aquarius will spend a lot of useful energy on these experiences, and may also lose some of their future success.

Fish under the influence of the Dragon they are always prudent, intelligent and also have a sense of beauty. Such a person will make an excellent science fiction writer, but, unfortunately, the combination of signs gives him low self-esteem. Because of this, it would hardly even occur to him to think about literary creativity.

Every person at birth falls under the influence of the Western and Eastern zodiac signs. It is so great that once you know what signs a person was born under, you can say a lot about his character, tastes and even interests. The dragon is truly one of the most brilliant signs of the Chinese zodiac, which simply cannot but be reflected in people born in its year.

Attention, TODAY only!

Year of the animal according to the eastern calendar: Dragon (born in 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024).

01/27/1952 - 02/13/1953 (element of the year - water, color black)
02/13/1964 - 02/01/1965 (element of the year - wood, color blue)
01/31/1976 - 02/17/1977 (element of the year - fire, color red)
02/17/1988 - 02/05/1989 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)
02/05/2000 - 01/23/2001 (element of the year - metal, color white)
01/23/2012 - 02/09/2013 (element of the year - water, color black)

Characteristics of the year Dragon.

The fifth sign in the eastern calendar.
The dragon is simply bursting with health, vitality and activity. Open and honest, he is incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy, or slander.
Even basic diplomacy is beyond his reach - he always cuts through the truth. He is not as naive as the good Pig, but still very trusting, and he can always be deceived. The dragon is overly sensitive and often worries about trifles. He is very meticulous, always strives for perfection, and therefore is very demanding of both himself and others. Requires a lot, but brings much more.
The dragon is irritable, but no matter how he expresses his opinion, it is worth listening to him, since he gives good advice. His energy is limitless. Proud, multi-talented, intelligent, strong-willed, hardy, generous - this is far from full list his qualities. Throughout his life, the Dragon does not need anything. Can succeed in any business. He will always achieve his goal.
The dragon is often loved, but he himself rarely loves. Love disappointment or grief will not befall him. He himself may well become the cause of someone’s drama and despair. Women of this sign are successful with men.
Dragons rarely marry at a young age, and often remain single. They feel happier when alone.
He can connect his life with the Rat, since she is able to withstand everything, even his indifference. The same can be said about the union of the Dragon and the Snake. The rooster finds mutual language with the Dragon, happily picking up the crumbs of his success. The Monkey will complement the Dragon - both in love and in business. She will enrich him with her cunning, and the Dragon will enrich her with her power. They need each other, but only the Monkey realizes this, and the Dragon does not. But he should be careful: the Monkey might make fun of him.
The Dragon man is attracted to the beauty of the Snake woman - she can become the subject of his pride. An alliance with the Tiger is contraindicated for the Dragon - they will be too restless together. But most of all, the Dragon should avoid the Dog. Being a pessimist and a realist, she simply will not believe in him.
In the first phase of life, the Dragon usually has slight difficulties because he demands too much from his loved ones. In the second, the cause of problems may be his artistic temperament. The Dragon has a difficult character and suffers from dissatisfaction. But in the last phase of his life he will be happy as he will get everything he wants. The Dragon sign brings good luck, wealth, harmony and longevity.
But every medal has its downside: if you get the impression that the Dragon has an easy fate, then keep in mind that this is just an illusion.

Dragon and zodiac sign.

Aries: Super-Dragon. Makes its way with eyes closed. Sure.
Calf: Sweet Dragon. He will be a calm Dragon and a family man.
Gemini: Multicolor Dragon. It will sparkle with lights.
Cancer: Head in the clouds.
Leo: Excessive Dragon. Virgo: Exact Dragon. The only one of the Dragons that is not a chimera.
Libra: Disappointing Dragon. Don't trust him, his appearance is deceiving.
Scorpio: Spiny Dragon, whoever touches it will get burned.
Sagittarius: A very calm Dragon. Count on him, he's too calm.
Capricorn: Modest Dragon, very noticeable for a Dragon.
Aquarius: Clairvoyant Dragon; like all Dragons, he is prone to self-criticism.
Pisces: Super Dragon. Great wisdom can go far.

Zodiac sign Dragon, by year of birth: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

Fire Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/03/1916 - 01/27/1917; from 01/31/1976 - 02/18/1977;
Earth Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/23/1928 - 02/20/1929; from 02/17/1988 - 02/06/1989;
Metal Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/08/1940 - 01/27/1941; from 02/05/2000 - 01/24/2001;
Water Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/27/1952 - 02/14/1953; from 01/23/2012 - 02/10/2013;
Wooden Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/13/1964 - 02/02/1965;

Metal Dragon, year of birth: 1940, 2000, 2060.

Metal Dragons are bright, extraordinary personalities with a strong, iron will and frantic energy. They are vain, often suffer from bias and harshness of judgment, which they are not going to soften in any way. If someone stops cooperating with him or does not agree with his opinion, this does not bother the Dragon of this type of sign at all. Even when left in splendid isolation, he purposefully continues to move towards his goal. As a rule, friends and colleagues treat people who appeared during these years with respect, since they have high moral qualities.
It would be good if the Metal Dragon were more objective and tried to at least sometimes pacify his ardent temper.

Water Dragon, year of birth: 1952, 2012, 2072.

Water Dragons are distinguished by their wit and ability to hold the bird of luck in their hands. These people are easy to talk to and do business with as they are friendly and approachable. Badly developed sense humor does not prevent them from becoming brilliant speakers. Unlike other varieties of this sign, Water Dragons have a large reserve of patience. They may well, without immediately demanding results, wait a little. These people have bad habit jump from one activity to another, which often hinders them greatly in life. They are always ready to share their thoughts with loved ones and understand human weaknesses.
To make his life significantly easier, the Water Dragon must learn to fully concentrate on a single goal.

Wooden Dragon, year of birth: 1904, 1964, 2024.

Wooden Dragons are characterized by practicality, an inquisitive mind, attentive to details. They often act as generators of interesting ideas, and the matter is not limited to theorizing. People born during these years are also practitioners who can turn many of their dreams into reality. They are distinguished from other Dragons by greater delicacy and a more developed sense of humor. This type of sign is characterized by generous and generous actions; its representatives are born entrepreneurs.
Wood Dragons are generally quite nice and look the most attractive compared to all the other types of this sign.

Fire Dragon, year of birth: 1916, 1976, 2036.

The Fire Dragon is distinguished by the accuracy of all actions, developed ambition and the desire to succeed in literally everything. They are hardworking, responsible workers who are respected by others due to their honesty and integrity. At the same time, they are quite secretive and reserved. People born in these years have the makings of a leader, strong will, a tendency to trust primarily one’s own judgments and periodically neglect other people’s thoughts and feelings.
They have a special interest in art and music.
A serious obstacle to the life path of Fire Dragons is isolation. They will make their existence more pleasant and easier if they trust their loved ones with their plans and take their opinions into account.

Earth Dragon, year of birth: 1928, 1988, 2048.

The Earth Dragon differs from its fellows in having a slightly more balanced, calm character. His interests are distinguished by their diversity, and his mind is lively and inquisitive: this Dragon is always aware of what is happening both in his immediate environment and far beyond its borders. His goals are clear and precise. Earth Dragons can be excellent financiers and businessmen and in many cases make a very prosperous life for themselves. However, it is not difficult for people born during these years to receive external material or psychological support.
Earth Dragons can easily find a common language with any person and become smart organizers. They are usually surrounded by many friends.

People born in the year of the Dragon - what years belong to this sign? These are 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. They leave a legacy of rich and long life individuals born under this mysterious symbol.

The sign of this animal has an extraordinary astronomical influence on the fate of this year’s representative. However, one should not think that a person born in the year of the Dragon may not make special efforts to achieve success in life. Many representatives of this sign are gifted with high intelligence from birth. The most important thing is not to be lazy and be able to show it in a timely and useful manner.

Positive and negative traits

A person born in the year of the Dragon involuntarily finds himself in the center of attention in any company. He is very original in his judgments, so he feels genuine interest in himself from those around him. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by an inexhaustible supply of vitality and amazing performance. People born in the year of the Dragon are sometimes capable of committing impulsive, rash acts. But this is the exception rather than the norm.

Representatives of this sign have a fairly wide range of hobbies. They give particular preference to sports hobbies. Dragons are known as avid travelers and lovers of novelty. IN production sector they are able to achieve success in many fields: in medicine, acting, in military affairs and pedagogy. This is not the entire list of professions available to a brilliant representative of this sign.

Year of the Dragon - which years are suitable for love relationships?

For people born in the year of the Dragon, chinese horoscope advises you to turn your attention to partners born under the signs of the Rooster, Monkey and Rat. Representatives of these signs will each perfectly complement the Dragon in their own way. It will not be difficult for the Rooster to live in the shadow of his partner’s glory. If necessary, he will easily survive a period of lack of money, which will please the practical Dragon. The Monkey, with its characteristic flexibility, will easily adapt to the difficult character of the Dragon man. The Rat will conquer his partner with his devotion and ability to manage the family budget. Undesirable partners for family relations with the Dragon are the Tiger and the Dog. Tiger people are quite charismatic and tend to create imbalance in the Dragon's life. Such a relationship is more likely to resemble a fight club than a harmonious relationship of a loving couple. For the Dragon, Dog People are overly tense, wary and pessimistic. These qualities can irritate the self-confident Dragon, and he will quickly get tired of supporting the spirit of his dreary partner.

Year of the Dragon: zodiac horoscope

Dragon-Aries is distinguished by great stubbornness and perseverance. This will partly help him achieve his goal. But if he had more flexibility, he would have hit fewer bumps on the path to his success. For such a person, it is especially valuable to have a reliable friend who could help him with advice at a crucial moment. Dragon-Aries is a born specialist in the field of trade, construction and public utilities. The Taurus Dragon has a delicate taste and love for everything elegant. He is more of a poet and romantic at heart. He can perfectly realize himself in art as a designer, fashion designer, artist. These Dragons are excellent family men.

Gemini-Dragon is a rather contradictory nature. His mood can change dramatically from the greatest good nature to terrible anger. These people need to find a middle ground so that they life path was more balanced. gives the Dragon dreaminess. Often the plans of such a person are far from reality. They are encouraged to create solid ground under their feet. The Leo Dragon is known to love to shine. He will feel natural if he is in the center of attention. The constellation Virgo gives its owner ideal practicality and eloquence. Such a Dragon has the gift of persuasion and can safely carry the most original ideas to the people.

The Libra Dragon does not like routine. He may often say that he is tired of everything: the food is tasteless, the opposite sex is uninteresting. It is advisable for him to change his surroundings more often and be enriched with new impressions. Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, is always focused on global affairs. This is a perfectionist person. Either everything or nothing! He is fearless and often likes to get involved in adventurous things. The Sagittarius Dragon is the most reasonable and flexible among his brothers. He does not gravitate towards worldwide fame, but has all the makings of " eminence grise" This is a responsible colleague and trusted friend with a pleasant disposition.

The personal qualities of the Dragon-Capricorn are based on stability. However, the representative of this sign is not without originality. If he chooses entrepreneurial activity, then this will not be the sale of flowers, but the sale of exotic animals. Dragon-Aquarius has a demanding character towards himself and the people around him. He experiences failures acutely and easily becomes depressed. This attitude inevitably affects the activities in which he is engaged. Dragon-Pisces is unusually sensitive. He is a connoisseur of everything beautiful. Unfortunately, for many representatives of this sign, Astrologers advise such Dragons to devote most of their time to meditation and other practices.

Metal Dragon ( 1940, 2000)

Representatives of the Metal Dragon are distinguished by their originality, vividness of thought and unshakable willpower. Such people can be called revolutionaries. They are not afraid of loneliness and are called upon to translate bold ideas into reality. For people of the Dragon sign whose birth years fell on the above, it is important to pacify their excessive temper.

Water Dragon (1952, 2012)

Such a Dragon is unusually lucky. He is dynamic and friendly. The only thing is that he may suffer from a lack of a sense of humor. But his ability to empathize with people and forgive them their weaknesses smooths out this feature.

Wooden Dragon (1904, 1964)

Representatives of this year are characterized by detail of current events and practicality. They often become generators of various interesting ideas and always try to translate them into real life. These Dragons are distinguished by their special generosity, humor and generosity of actions.

(1916, 1976)

What personalities were born in this year of the Dragon? Years of metal have endowed them with a stable inner core. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and responsible specialists in any field. Despite their emotional closeness, Fire Dragons are popular due to their leadership abilities.

Earth Dragon (1928, 1988)

This is the most balanced Dragon of all its brothers. He has a lively and inquisitive mind. This person always knows what he wants and persistently achieves his goal. The Earth Dragon has all the prerequisites to become a successful entrepreneur or financier. People born in the year of the Earth Dragon are excellent diplomats and very popular in all circles.
