How to protect yourself from bad people. How to get rid of people who truly poison your life

From bad people need to defend ourselves. I presented the very essence of the article in the form useful tips. Using them, you will be protected from bad people.

Many will not agree with me, but you have to defend yourself at work and among your family.

It’s just the way of the Russian man to always share something, envying him out of anger.

The flow of negative energy you take in leaves you feeling crappy and debilitatingly exhausted.

To protect yourself from bad people, Artem Sergeevich built a scheme that I bring to your attention.

1). Don't blab about your successes.

No one except the mother.

2). Don't invite envious people into your home.
After their visit, things often feel bad.

3). Never be rude in response to outrage.

This is the most best protection from bad people.

When you snap back in a verbal altercation, the instigator is usually glad that he pissed you off.

Don't give him such pleasure.

4). Try not to lend even small change.

You may not believe in the powers of the occult, but you simply must play it safe for your own protection.

For any item, especially money, you can whisper magic lines that will pierce your vital chakras.

5). Don't accept literally anything as a gift.

I understand that this is really very difficult.

If they literally shove a trinket at you, leaving you no choice (and that’s exactly what bad people do), take it, muttering to yourself:

The gift is for me, and the dirty trick is for you. Amen.

6). Protect yourself by blocking internal protest and irritation.

Learn not to be offended, and also not to take harsh criticism to heart.

Bad people revel in your helplessness and inhibition in the face of “blind” remarks.

7). Periodically complain about being sick.

Of course, slandering yourself is bad, but with this technique you will block the negative thoughts of the instigator for some time.

A nasty person will think that “today” you can “relax” - it’s already not easy for you.

Such protection will certainly work.

8). When working in a large team, do not show increased interest in anyone.

By doing this you will provoke anger in the form of monstrous malice and envy.

9). Some people purposefully expose you to their own problems in order to speak out and heal from the accumulation of information.

Protect yourself from a dirty avalanche by listening to your interlocutor with “emotions turned off.”

Sympathetically absorbing “information slop,” you become someone’s “pillow for tears,” without hearing your own “cry.”

10). Bad people are silent people who at any moment “can throw a stone in the back.”

Never slander someone or condemn bad people.

You may be involved in a provocation, which will then have a bad effect on your reputation as a whole.

I express my deep gratitude to the independent expert on sociological issues, psychologist and historian Artem Sergeevich for his invaluable contribution in correcting the publication.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been looking for methods of protection from negativity and bad influence. Their knowledge, accumulated over centuries, has survived to this day. IN modern world protection against the evil eye and negativity becomes relevant again.

Every person has a so-called sixth sense. Intuitively, we are aware of the approaching danger, but we do not always attach importance to it. Our ancestors said: “as if something is pinching.” Indeed, an inexplicable feeling of excitement and insecurity sometimes arises in everyone. In moments of danger, the body reacts and gives signals that you should pay attention to.

Protective words-amulets

Everyone is outside at least once. The human biofield is designed in such a way as to protect against encroachment and protect against the outflow of vital energy. In moments of illness or weakness, gaps appear in the energy field, and therefore a person becomes vulnerable to ill-wishers and may well be subject to damage or the evil eye. Words-amulets are designed to protect and secure precisely at the moment when a feeling of anxiety suggests deliberate influence:

“I believe in our God, the Almighty. He will protect me from misfortune and anger, illness and damage."

Every morning you should say protective words that will protect you from negative influences:

“I cross myself three times in the morning, I will receive righteous protection, not subject to evil forces. The Guardian Angel will stand behind you and spread its wings. Will protect me from intrigues, from illness and anger. Amen"

The feeling of danger can be so strong that it hinders movement and develops into panic. For such cases, our great-grandfathers used words that created a kind of cocoon that sheltered them from troubles. They made the sign of the cross three times and said:

“The power of the cross is on me, my faith is strong. Lord, save, Lord, help, Lord, save"

It is important to imagine how energy flows form a closed sphere and protect you from all manifestations of negative influence. A feeling of security will give you strength and restore mental clarity.

Another ritual associated with amulets words is intended for meeting unwanted people and helps to avoid negative influences, as well as protect against energy vampirism. To do this, you need to take a clean handkerchief, bring it to your face and say:

“I tie a knot, I lock up the negative. Neither enemy, nor foe, nor friend will have power over me."

A knot is tied on the fabric, moistened with holy water and put into a pocket. Our ancestors believed that such a ritual helps in resolving disputes and conflicts, and also prevents sorcerers and witches from committing their dirty deed and depriving them of vital energy.

Those who are forced to constantly be among crowds of people should take care of their safety. Business trips, work with strangers, movement in crowded transport - all this affects the biofield, which constantly reflects the consequences of negative impacts. It also happens that after communicating with a generally good person, a feeling of fatigue, irritability and even anger arises, and signs of an incipient illness appear. In such cases, it is worth using a talisman and speaking with special protective words:

“I take a hardened iron nail. Just as evil spirits are afraid of cold metal, so let them avoid me, who is healthy. Just as iron is not afraid of fire and water, so I will not be afraid of evil intentions.”

Instead of a nail, you can take any iron object (for example, a pin, a needle or a bell) and speak to it. Carry the amulet with you in your bag or pocket and, in case of a bad feeling, mentally pronounce protective words.

Another ritual is associated with the unwanted presence of a guest in the house. Some people have heavy energy, and after visiting them, the atmosphere in the house changes for the worse. If such a person visited you, after he leaves, throw a handful of salt after him, cross himself and say:

“Take the evil with you, don’t leave it for me. I’ve never taken someone else’s, and I won’t take it now.”

Go around the corners of the house and repeat these words, scattering a few grains of salt in the places where the guest passed.

It also happens that on the street you notice a stranger’s gaze and unkind gaze. Sometimes you may notice him whispering something and then abruptly walking away without turning around. At such moments, it is worth resorting to protection in order to protect yourself from such manifestations of negativity. Twist a cookie in your pocket or cross your fingers and say:

“Mind me, mind me. Take back everything you sent to me. Your evil will not harm anyone but you."

Can be different types, but any Negative influence has a detrimental effect on mood and health. The stronger the influence, the easier for a person under its influence, get sick and begin to lose vitality. You can also protect yourself with the help of amulets. They are selected individually and charmed by the owner so that the protection works in a targeted manner. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. We wish you good health and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Any person, even the kindest one, has ill-wishers, envious people, and enemies. You may not be aware of their existence, but in the meantime they will weave intrigues and build intrigues. A good conspiracy from enemies and troubles will help you get rid of negativity and protect yourself in advance. You don't need to have supernatural powers, but you do need to know how to use spells correctly.

Rules for slander against enemies

Having even recognized a couple effective methods protection from enemies, you can protect yourself, your loved ones, your home. There are various conspiracies - from a specific person or bad people in principle. Choose the option that suits you specifically, act, the result will not keep you waiting. This will help clear your life for a long time. negative impacts.

Actions are powerful if a person is well prepared and in the right mood. An important fact is the day chosen for the ceremony. Wednesday and Friday are considered favorable for conspiracies. Enemies are weakened these days, and the spell will work most effectively.

Why not other days?

Wednesday is the peak of worries, important matters, a period when a person is completely absorbed in his affairs and worries. Therefore, your enemies are least likely to be busy plotting against you. The second day is Friday - the day before the weekend. Everyone is trying to finish things off in time and prepare for vacation; there is no time for enemies.

Another point to consider is the time of day. If the enemy works all day and rests at night, then at this time he will be most weakened. Therefore, the night hours are our time, the spell will have more power.

Many will probably decide to carry out the conspiracy at home - this will a grave mistake. Any impact of this kind leaves a mark, which means it’s the least worthwhile to do it in your home. Choose neutral territory, or better yet, one that in some way concerns your enemy.

Last but not least is who you will be performing the ritual with. If the conspiracy against one person is not particularly strong, then it can be carried out alone. But if your enemies are a group of people, you should not take this burden solely on your shoulders.

Use the services of professionals, they will not only help you carry out everything correctly, but will also nourish you with their strong energy.

Conspiracy from enemies at work

Unfortunately, we can never be sure of the people around us. If you feel some kind of negativity from your colleagues, then you should take care of yourself and perform a small ritual. It will protect you, help you develop and work calmly, without the risk of being subject to bad influence.

You can carry out the ritual in a church; for it you will need an icon of St. George the Victorious. If you have your own image, you can read at work or at home. It is necessary to bow before him 40 times and recite the text of the conspiracy:

“George the Great, Victorious, you have defeated all your enemies, help me with mine. I worship you, I appeal to you, I want to defeat the enemy (name), I will dedicate my prayer to you. Now and tomorrow and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy to make the enemy quit his job

It's not uncommon for a colleague at work to become jealous of your success. better salary or good attitude to your bosses, colleagues, personal life. Enemies always have reasons to be jealous and they do not always remain aloof with their hatred.

Therefore, you should not silently tolerate their machinations, especially if they significantly spoil your position at work, or even can deprive you of it altogether.

The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. Prepare in advance, because the ritual with poppy seeds and salt is carried out only on the night when the waning moon is shining in the sky;
  2. Buy a pack of poppy seeds and salt. When you get home, open them;
  3. Take three zhmeni from each bag one by one;
  4. Take a deep bowl and pour the ingredients into it, carefully mix everything with the tip of a knife to the side reverse motion hours;
  5. While stirring, lean over the bowl so that the air from your mouth lightly touches the ingredients and read the following text seven times in a row:

“I pass everything on my way, windows and doors in the guise of a dark snake. I bring to the slave (name of the enemy) misfortunes, troubles and troubles. I command the poppy tree to become tears, and the salt to become adversity. I mix grief into them and pass it on to the slave (name). I won’t say anything more, I’ll shut my mouth and throw the key into the bottomless water. This action cannot be undone and this plan cannot be broken. It will remain like this, only stronger three more times.”

When you prepare the mixture and read the spell, bring everything to work and pour it on workplace your enemy, in the corners of the room. Drop a grain at a time into your enemy’s workplace, into his things, and onto himself. Scatter the remaining grains around the workspace.

Plot from an accident

You can make your own amulet, which will always be there and protect you from evil misfortunes. The main rule is not to pass it on to other people. If you want to do the same to a loved one, make another one. They are universal, but protect exclusively those whom they are spellbound against.

For the amulet, you can use a regular sewing pin. It holds the spell well; when you close it, it closes the spelled energy and preserves it for a long time. The pin should not be refastened frequently, as this will weaken it.

Stand near the church and say:

“I bow before the church and repeat the words of prayer. The cross on the church is a sign of a martyr, and for those seeking salvation. I will fall on my knees and bow before the saints. Protect me from enemies and enemies, from evil thoughts and deeds. Send me, my Lord Jesus, a blessing and so that I may become as strong as a stone from enemy attacks. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracies against enemies in the house

One of the most effective spells for protecting a home. Many people know it from famous predictions, but as a legacy to people, the great blind woman left a number of spells and rituals with which you can protect your life from negativity.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual with a calm heart, without thinking about the bad, without negativity in your thoughts. Buy pins in advance, as many as there are corners in the house. Go to church, bring four candles and holy water from there. The candles must be placed so that the flame burns as one. To do this, place them side by side, you can even tie them with a rope. Hold each of the four pins in turn in the candle flame. After this, dip into the water blessed in the church and keep there for a couple of minutes.

Once all the pins are ready, start sticking them into the corners one at a time. At the same time, read the plot:

“I erect a steel fence, consecrated in fire, in holy water. This fence will be stronger than walls, an insurmountable obstacle to enemies. I will lock the doors to the bad, and open the doors to the good. Amen".

As long as the pins remain stuck, you can sleep peacefully - not a single ill-wisher will be able to cross the threshold of your house, their evil thoughts will remain outside.

Now you can know for sure that in your home you are protected from evil machinations.

Conspiracy from unexpected guests

With the help of this ritual, you will not only protect yourself and your loved ones, but you will be able to determine who your ill-wisher is.

You need to do the following:

  1. Take a poppy seed;
  2. Place them in any clay container;
  3. Cross it all three times;
  4. Read the words of the conspiracy;
  5. Discreetly throw poppy seeds to guests who come to your home.

You can put a pinch of poppy seeds in your pocket outerwear, in the pocket of the bag. The essence of this conspiracy is that nothing will happen to the friend, but the enemy will have trouble. This way, you can easily understand who should not be allowed into the house, who comes with evil.

Words of the spell that need to be read on the poppy:

“I will cross the poppy trees, I will not let my enemies into my native hearth. Whoever had a bad thought in their head immediately left it. Even if there are unfortunate enemies, they will not encroach on my wealth and health. If the enemy sets his sights on anything, let the unclean one take it.”

Conspiracies from evil tongues

If you find out that they are discussing you behind your back, spreading evil rumors, telling your secrets. Then there are active conspiracies that will help you stop gossiping.

We often make mistakes in people, we trust them with our secrets, in the hope that the person will understand, help, support. And he pretends to sympathize with you and immediately, turning around, retells all the most secret things to strangers. Often ridiculing, judging you. It is necessary to expel such people from your life, not to give them fuel for gossip, intrigues, and intrigues.

Ritual with water

Our grandmothers used this method; they cast a spell against gossips on the charmed water. It's simple but effective way will help you protect yourself from all slander and nip unholy gossip in the bud. You just need to speak water and wash your face with it every morning.

There are a few important points in this ritual, which should be strictly observed no matter what:

  • It is best to take water from natural sources, she will have more power;
  • The water preparation ritual itself is best done at night;
  • It is best to pour water into a glass container;
  • You should wash your face every day, not skip a day;
  • Before washing, cross the water three times;
  • Be positive, your energy will reveal your protective forces and form a protective cocoon around you.
Conspiracy words:

“Holy Diva, give me your blessing, protect me from unkind tongues and oblique glances. Let him who speaks evil bite his tongue. You are strong, and my words are stone.”

When the water is ready, hide it in a secret place so that none of your family will find it. Every morning, after completing the ritual, cross yourself three times. When the water disappears, the gossip will stop.

Powerful protection

It's much easier when you know exactly who they are and who is spreading the rumors. The power of the conspiracy will be powerful and have a purposeful effect. After such a ritual, he will no longer say a word of nasty things about you.

In order to punish the enemy, you will need his photo, in any quality. You can even take a general photo, just cut out the image of the gossiper and separate it from other people. On Friday afternoon, buy three wax candles. Now everything is ready.

At midnight, when the moon rises in the sky, open the windows of the room and let in Moonlight. It should shine over the entire area where the ritual will be performed. Sit in the center of the room, close to the window if possible. Place the photo in front of your gaze and place candles in a circle, light them. You can cast the spell:

“Burn a candle, your light is my helper, I can reach the enemy, attack his evil lies, catch his tongue. I will trample this tongue, I will no longer tolerate gossip. The candle flame protect me, enclose me in a protective circle. Don’t let the enemy come to me, cut off his lies. Lock his mouth, don't open it to me again. He is not free to spread gossip; he will not be able to slander me. Amen".

When all the words have been spoken, do not extinguish the candles. Let them burn and go out on their own. After that, bury their remains and the photo of the enemy in the ground. This ritual has great power, and your ill-wisher will no longer speak bad words and lies about you.

Conspiracy against negativity

Quite simple, but no less effective ways getting rid of slander and gossip. This spell is cast while cleaning the house. This is very symbolic, because along with the rubbish, you sweep away all the negativity.

You cleanse the house, the energy space around you, removing the slander of enemies from it.

Here are the words of such a conspiracy against negativity:

“I clean the house, sweep out the trash, drive out the negativity. All the specks and bad words fly away, forever.”

But you can come up with your own words, the most important thing at this moment is to feel the connection between the energy message and the cleaning process. Your faith in getting rid of bad things creates a kind of mental shield that removes all slander in its path.

Conspiracies to return bad things to the enemy

If the enemy decides to do evil to you, he fully deserves to have it returned to him. After all, a bad person must be punished for his actions, and we are only helping justice to prevail. There are many conspiracies for these matters. All you have to do is choose how much you want to take revenge. Don't be a defenseless victim, fight back your ill-wisher.

Ritual with salt

If done correctly. Wait for the full moon, it enhances magical actions and helps them acquire the necessary strength. The ritual will lead to clean water offenders, will make sure that the bad wish directed at you is returned to your enemies.

To carry out the ceremony you should prepare the following components:

  1. Small saucepan;
  2. Wooden spoon or spatula;
  3. Coarse salt is very important, fine salt will not work, so buy it in advance.

For the ritual you will need an open fire. This can be either a fire or a home stove. Pour half of the salt into the pan and put it on the fire. Stir with a wooden spoon and pronounce the spell:

“From whom it came, return to him, go around the fields, the mountains, return his words to the offender.”

Then pour the hot salt out onto the street, preferably right from your doorstep. Not a day will pass before the offender reveals himself, and over the next week he will receive all his evil back. This ritual is good because it can be repeated periodically. It does not cause any harm to you, but it will make the offender regret what he did.

Conspiracy to make the enemy weaker

There are different enemies, some are plotting petty intrigues, others can cause serious problems. If you can't protect yourself, who knows how far he can go. In any case, there is a ritual aimed at sickening the enemy. It won’t drive him to the grave, but it will make him forget about you, because he won’t have time for you. The ceremony should be performed on Friday.

Prepare in advance, take equipment:

  1. A piece of coal;
  2. A piece of blossomed bread;
  3. Photo of an enemy;
  4. Ritual sharp knife.

Draw a circle on the floor, put inside a photograph of the enemy against whom you will read the plot. Place a piece of stale bread on the image and pierce it with a knife. It is very important to pierce the bread along with the image. Read the plot thirteen times:

“They eat bread from young to old, but (name) spoils with bread, someone gets enough, (name) spoils, wastes away, is eaten by illness. As bread dries, so (name) will become rotten; inside it will be alive, but to everyone outside it will seem dead. So I said, so I spoke, and the demon confirmed and confirmed the word. Amen".

This ceremony is quite serious and therefore requires confidentiality. And you need to repeat this action three days in a row, and speak thirteen times every day. The bread, photo and knife cannot be moved for three days. And on the fourth, collect it and take it to the forest, find a rotting stump and bury it well in the ground next to it.

The result depends only on you.

Do you really wish harm on this person and how much do you hate him? It is also worth taking into account the level of your magical abilities. All this will bring harm to the enemy to the extent that he deserves it.

Nuances of conspiracies from the enemy

Any conspiracy read against the enemy is as effective as your desire and mood. If you really want what you are asking for, then the enemy will be punished and will receive back all the bad things he wished for. You should only think about what you are doing and not be distracted by other things.

If you buy any additional things for rituals, under no circumstances use them for other purposes and do not let other people use them.

Things carry energy and if you performed rituals with them, then leave them for such things or throw them away altogether.

Effective conspiracies to help eliminate the enemy and punish him

Unfortunately, no one is immune from clashes with ill-wishers. However, resist their influence, neutralize negative energy and it is quite possible to take revenge on such people. Moreover, there are a lot of proven methods that our ancestors used. Among them are powerful magic spells and special prayers, which are accompanied by rituals and help people protect themselves from enemies (protection spell, amulet spells). You can find the most popular conspiracies against enemies in this article.

Magic texts that act in two directions at once - protect the performer and help punish the scoundrel, bad person, are considered the most popular. In addition, such conspiracies protect the author from troubles of various kinds and even damage.

If you want to punish an offender, take revenge, harm your enemy or get rid of him, magic will be the most effective of possible methods. However, even strong conspiracy unable to change the enemy's attitude towards you. This should be taken into account when carrying out any conspiracy against the enemy. Even after a special ceremony is performed, the ill-wisher will still think and speak poorly of you. In fact, spells and prayers will help create an energy biofield. This protection will be a barrier to the negative influences and bad thoughts of a person.

We talk a pin away from our enemies

This spell helps limit the influence of bad people. To protect yourself and block the path of the enemy’s evil thoughts in your direction, perform a ritual with a pin.

Once you buy a new pin, go home with it. To make it a talisman against enemies, whisper the words of prayer over the hairpin three times:

“I stab, I burn, I drive away the enemy.”

After this, say “Amen” and pin the pin to the clothing. It is advisable to always carry this protective amulet with you.

Ritual with candles

To block the way negative energy enemy, to get rid of his messages and, in general, to destroy everything he said and planned earlier, this conspiracy will help. It only “works” if you know the enemy’s name. This spell is very powerful, so after using it you will not have to resort to more radical ways take revenge (cause death, punish).

You can get rid of the enemy in this way if you purchase three candles from the church in advance. You also need to determine when the full moon will occur. Then, in the evening, take candles. Place them on the table in front of you and light them. Looking at the fire of the candle standing in the center, say the words of the prayer nine times in a row to get rid of the negative “load” and the enemy himself:

“Just as the devils scatter at the sight of God, as a burning flame goes out at the sight of water, as an arrow wounds the body, so let the servant of God (name of the enemy) not plot against me. So that I, the servant of God (his name), would not see him up close or hear his voice. Let him not scold me, discuss me, bother me, interfere, or remember me. Just as the dead lie silently before singing, so let the servant of God (his name) not curse me or use an evil word to remember me. Amen".

Then wait silently for all the candles to burn out. When only cinders remain, remove them from the table and hide them in secret place. The effect of the conspiracy will be noticeable in the coming days. A specific person who is weaving intrigues behind your back (at work) will stop unceremoniously invading your life.

Ritual if the name of the enemy is not known

It happens that a streak of failures follows for quite a long time and neither the beginning nor the end is visible. In such cases, it is not clear where the source of evil comes from, how to get rid of it and who should be punished.

To neutralize the negative impact, destroy its consequences and eliminate the “invisible” ill-wisher, use this conspiracy. You will be able to punish the enemy if you perform the following ritual.

On the evening of the full moon, take and light several candles. Looking at the blazing flame, read the magic words of the conspiracy:

“Lord Almighty, please protect me, my family, relatives and friends, my home. Save the fruits of my labors from the enemy, do not let the secret enemy destroy my work. Protect me from those I know and those I don’t know. Amen".

This conspiracy from enemies at work or among neighbors is very strong. However, the result may not be noticeable in the near future. In such situations, it is better to repeat the ritual against a secret enemy.

Powerful text from a constantly damaging enemy

There are also more serious magical measures that are included in the section of black magic. Such spells are not recommended. They are used when serious methods of confronting the enemy are needed. As a rule, they help:
  • eliminate the negative object;
  • take revenge on a person;
  • destroy spells sent in your direction.

Such protection is effective, but can also affect the fate of the performer himself.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • scissors
  • two ordinary candles
  • a few hairs from the enemy's head.

In the dead of night, start implementing your plans. First, place candles on the table and light them. Then take the hair and use scissors to cut the bun in half. At the same time you should say the following words:

“I cut with sharp scissors, cut the hair of the servant of God (name of the owner of the hair), I punish him. Let all the evil and dashing that I wished for go away from me, and return to him. All my troubles will turn into severe grief for him, which will not end for a long time. Let all his sins return to him.”

After the words have been spoken, burn the enemy’s hair, saying the following spell during the procedure:

“Let everything burn, because my word is strong.”

By performing such a ritual, you will be able to not only get rid of a harmful enemy, but also return to him “a hundredfold” what was sent in your direction. You've learned how to take revenge and hurt bad people at work or in your neighborhood by paying them back in kind.

A stronger conspiracy against an evil enemy in the form of casting a spell on death or imminent punishment is a different type of magic. Such magical texts are called damage and can cause not only the expected effect, but also a variety of consequences. Usually, they are reflected in the author of the conspiracy. Therefore, before using magic and powerful conspiracies(for example, to death), it’s better to think it over carefully.

Prayer from bad people to Nicholas the Wonderworker: powerful protection

To protect yourself from bad people, read from time to time Orthodox prayer, addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Of course, my dears, you have the right to object, arguing that there are no absolutely bad and “crystal pure” people.

Quite often, a person may not realize that his energy has a very harmful effect on strangers.

Agree that when communicating with some people, you experience an incomprehensible discomfort, not to mention a specially sent damage or an evil message.

When you feel that you are noticeably exhausted or one of your work colleagues is trying to annoy you, say a special word secretly or at home. prayer of protection, which appeals to Nikolai Ugodnik.

While at home, light a few candles. Place Orthodox icons nearby.

Again, do not dare to curse anyone, even if you are firmly convinced of a specific ill-wisher.

Mentally send him vibrations of goodness, wishing to see the instigator in good Health.

Start praying repeatedly, which will protect you from bad people.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Help me on a slippery road, protect me from bad people. Let your legs not ache from walking, and let the Lord not punish you more. Protect my life from the bad, so that the evil does not disappear into greed. Lead the dashing adversary away so as not to fall from his machinations. Thy will be done. Amen.

Now you don't have to worry if you meet a bad person.

Nikolai Ugodnik will not leave you in trouble. Just don’t renounce holy Orthodoxy.

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I’ll try, but, unfortunately, I don’t know such a prayer, and this is the first time I’ve heard about it, I understand that it cannot be copied from a computer. Where can this prayer be found, that is, in which Prayer Book?

Where can this prayer be found, that is, in which Prayer Book?

Nowhere, Nadezhda, will you find this prayer. It is simply not in the Holy Book of Prayer.

I got it in the manuscripts of an eternally departed healer.

If you are “gnawed by doubt,” it is best to turn to the Holy Scriptures, and not what is contained on our website.

Good and faithful friends to you!

Thank you for your prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from evil people.

The most important thing is to believe in the power of prayer, and in yourself first of all, and everything will be fine!

Where this prayer comes from doesn’t matter.

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  • Svetlana - Plot for strong love in blood
  • Ekaterina - Spell on a mirror for love and beauty, 3 spells
  • Site administrator - Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in business, 3 prayers

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A conspiracy to get rid of an unnecessary person

In our lives we sometimes encounter unnecessary, annoying people, from whom it is sometimes difficult to get rid of. Our ignoring and attempts to break off all relationships end in failure. And the unnecessary person again intrusively and unceremoniously interferes with our lives. To get rid of such communication once and for all, only Magic force conspiracy. After reading the plot, you will no longer be needed or interesting to this person. When he meets you, he won’t even say hello!

Make a conspiracy to get rid of unnecessary person you can do it yourself. To do this you will need 3 church candles, with one candle being higher. Spread a black cloth on the table and place candles. Place a tall one in the center of the table, and 2 lower ones on the sides. Light them up. Clasp your hands in front of you. Look at the flame of a tall church candle and read the words of the conspiracy. It is advisable not to blink or hesitate while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

And here is a conspiracy that will help you get rid of an unnecessary person.

“Just as Satan cannot bear the sight of God,

Fire-water, body-bullets,

Just as a blind person does not see, and a deaf person does not hear,

The dead don't eat or breathe

So would I, servant of God (name)

The servant of God (name) could neither see nor hear,

He didn’t come close to me, he was afraid to look,

He did not do evil against me,

He didn’t talk about me, didn’t keep me in his thoughts,

I didn’t mention it in a fuss.

Like the dead lying in the damp ground in a cemetery,

They don't see the sun and moon,

They don't hear the birds singing,

They don’t remember loved ones

They are not visiting

So is the servant of God (name)

(name) didn’t remember me,

I didn’t remember, I didn’t know.

Be my words strong

Be done with my modeling.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

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Conspiracies from enemies

Protect yourself from ill-wishers

What can we say about strangers who do not hide their envy, anger and are ready to do nasty things at any convenient moment. Conspiracies against enemies are among those intangible tools with which you can forever get rid of both obvious enemies and those who simply know how to carefully hide their negative feelings behind a hypocritical smile.

Where do the enemies come from?

Using a spell against enemies, you acquire a talisman

In ancient times, they knew the enemy by sight, they knew what he was capable of, and therefore they always met him fully armed. The first secret enemies appeared when human society inequality arose.

Moreover, secret enemies were more dangerous than their like-minded people who did not hide anything. Thanks to their skillful manipulations and cunningly woven intrigues, murders, palace coups, betrayals and betrayals were committed. Therefore, a conspiracy against enemies was a very effective way to get rid of attackers. At the same time, it was also a kind of amulet for the one who carried it out.

The cause of open or hidden hostility between people was a variety of feelings. But mostly those that the Bible did not welcome: resentment, anger, greed and envy. It was they who gave rise to unhealthy rivalry between people, aroused hatred, and sowed blood feuds. Conspiracy against the enemy was used not only among ordinary people; representatives of higher classes often resorted to the help of sorcerers and sorcerers in order to get rid of enemies.

The face of the modern enemy

Don't waste your energy on guessing, use a conspiracy

Modern people have become more cunning, resourceful and dexterous, so the concept of open hostility has practically become obsolete. Now the enemy is very difficult to calculate logically; one can only guess what the person actually hides behind the smile. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of enemies forever does not lose its relevance. Too much energy is spent on identifying the true enemy and too much good people falls into doubt.

Despite high technology and the almost limitless possibilities of modern man, he does not shy away from asking for help higher powers. Because this is the fastest effective way to get rid of the enemy. And it's not surprising that ancient conspiracies, amulets and prayers are found in the modern world new life. The line between truth and lies, enemy and friend is too thin.

Who else can poison life

Conspiracies are carried out on the waning moon

In addition to people who are capable of meanness and betrayal for the sake of their own selfish goals, there is also a category of people with whom communication is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. These are energy vampires. They simply suck out all vitality, and any contact with them ends painful conditions, despondency and poor health. In such a situation, conspiracies and prayers from enemies, carried out on the waning moon, will help.

For one of the spells you will need a transparent bottle with clean water, which is spoken as follows:

“Water, let me wash my face, don’t let others get by with my power. Deliver me from the ugly relative, drive the dark rogue away from me. Amen".

After this, you need to wash your face three times with the charmed water. Such conspiracies against enemies at work, from envious relatives, from those who take advantage of other people's energy help. You can use water until it runs out not only for washing, you can spray it on your clothes, car, workplace.

When not to resort to conspiracies

Conspiracies are used for good purposes

Conspiracies from enemies and unpleasant people should not be used when the desire to take revenge on the enemy is great. This is due to the fact that in such a situation all actions are performed out of resentment.

A conspiracy is effective only when you need to protect yourself from the influence of others, unexpected meanness or betrayal. You should not use magical power to punish an enemy, because if you make a mistake, the conspiracy can turn against the person who used it.

My home is my abode! A very popular phrase. Indeed, everyone tries to create a cozy, warm and inviting atmosphere in their home for their family and friends. But unfortunately, there are many bad and very evil people - envious people who want to disrupt this idyll with the help of various rituals of black magic. Therefore, the question of how to protect a house from the evil eye and damage is very relevant for many. This is what our article will be devoted to.

Determining the presence of negativity

Before you take on home protection yourself, you need to determine whether there is a negative impact on your home. The first and most common signs of damage or the evil eye in your home can be determined by your own behavior:

  • this is alienation from home, the desire to be in any other place;
  • constant swearing and misunderstanding in the family;
  • health problems that you have not previously encountered;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • loss of your personal clothing, which can be used to induce negativity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • You may also notice how strangely your pets have begun to behave, becoming more aggressive and uncontrollable.

You can also determine the presence of the evil eye and damage in your home by a lit church candle, which will crackle and smoke with black smoke. Salt is another indicator of the presence of black forces at home. If salt heated in a frying pan constantly crackles, it means sure sign negative impact on your home. Effective, cleansing rituals will help put an end to these spells.

Protective ritual against any magic

How to protect a house from the evil eye and damage? This effective ritual will help. If you feel that your condition is worsening every day, there are only discords in household affairs, scandals in the family, then your monastery has been subjected to magical influence.

Concentrate all your thoughts on cleaning your home, clench your hands into a fist. Imagine how your own home is completely saturated with silver threads. After all, it is silver that can cleanse everything around. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“Let all the misfortune that lives in my house leave forever from its walls and everyone living in it. Silver, drive away all bad things from my abode. Deliver me from evil spirits, their misfortune, envy and hatred. May your protection always be with me. And my words will be strong and will immediately come true. Amen".

How to protect a threshold from damage and the evil eye

In every home the threshold plays vital role. Therefore, many believe that it is necessary to create protection for the home, starting with it.

On the threshold you can find various things, objects or liquid substances endowed with black magic. Therefore, if you accidentally touch them and then enter the house. All the negative charge instantly enters your home atmosphere.

So, in order to secure the threshold at the front door of each house or remove negativity, you need to carry out a fairly simple but effective ritual.

Fill a glass with holy water, add a couple of pinches of salt and ground black pepper. Stir everything well and say the words:

“I sprinkle salt and pepper on my threshold, and pour holy water on it. Neither salt nor pepper will rot forever, nor will spoilage stick to my home. May this weapon always be with me. Amen".

Wash the threshold, doors, and windows with the prepared mixture. The remaining water with salt and pepper should be taken to the intersection and poured out. Then return home silently, without turning around.

But that's not all! When you return home you need to sweep the threshold in front of front door with a broom. After this, say the following text:

“With this broom I will sweep away all the sores, all the negativity, damage and the evil eye from my home. Lord God bless my threshold, windows and doors. Let no one come close to him who wants harm to me and my house. I (my name) am smart, healthy and happy, my loved ones are in love and prosperity, and my home is cozy and warm. Amen".

This excellent magical protection with salt and pepper will work constantly if it is periodically renewed. You can repeat the ritual several times a year. This ritual is suitable for protecting not only your old but also your new home. To enhance the effect, after the ritual, pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, ask her for protection for your entire family.


How to protect your home from the evil eye and damage with the help of a talisman. Experienced magicians and sorcerers believe that talismans have powerful energy if they are made and spoken correctly.

Amulet of a cross and a pentagram

To protect your premises, be it a home or an office, you need to make a talisman against haters, thieves, curses and witchcraft. Make protective talisman can be done as follows. To do this you will need several items:

  • red thread with needle:
  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a piece of leather;
  • ink;
  • any aroma oil;
  • scissors.

Cut out three even squares from paper, the length and width of which should be exactly five centimeters. Each square must bear a pentagram with a triple cross. Pink colour. It is better to use ink to depict these things. Add wormwood and salt to it - 1 pinch each. Once the drawing is dry, brush the features of the drawing with oil. Fold all three parts evenly and sew the squares along the seams with red thread. Next you need to make a leather bag. You only need to stitch it with leather thread. Place the paper object in the bag and read the plot:

“May I and my home be under such strong protection as this paper object, sewn with threads, sewn under the skin. I will be protected by the cross three times. My prayer is strong and effective and will always work. Amen".

Such protection of the house from evil people with a cross and a pentagram will work if the manufactured talisman is constantly present in your home. Ideally, if you have two such defense systems - one for you, the second for your home.

Seven-shot icon

This church image helps everyone get rid of negativity. The whole power of the seven-arrow icon of the Mother of God lies in the ability to protect any home from damage, the evil eye and bad people. Everyone should have this amulet.

If you feel that there is damage to your home or you, there is an evil eye or a curse, always turn your prayers to this image. Read the appeal from the bottom of your heart and in your own words, only in this way mother of God will help you.

Protection with a mirror

A mirror amulet is used not only to protect your home from negative influences, such a thing will help avoid the influence of black forces on you. To do this, take a round, small mirror - in duplicate. Glue the mirrors together so that the reflective part is facing out. Then hem mirror object skin. Read the words of the spell:

“What’s under the skin no one knows and will never know. So let me also be inaccessible and indestructible to all evil and hateful people who wish me harm. Come protection to my house with this talisman and never leave it. Amen".

Such a talisman must be kept for a year, then a new one must be made. This way you will update the protection of the walls of your home.

Conspiracy with salt

If you want your home to be protected, you will need to perform this particular ritual using salt. Buy salt at the store, pour it on a saucer, bring it very close to your lips and say the spell words:

“I will pour salt in the eyes of all the malicious people, haters and sorcerers. They will not see the clear sky, the sparkling sun, the mirror water, the stars and the moon in the night sky. May I, servant of God (my name), never be spoiled, mutilated, poor and unhappy, just like my family and my home. Amen".

After you say salt three times with these words, put it in a bag, preferably made of fabric, and place it in a secluded place in the room. The main thing is that no one, not even close people, can find such a protective amulet.

Strong protection from the evil eye and damage

This black magic, which will protect your home from robbers, haters and evil people, is performed early in the morning. For the ritual you will need a knife or stake. Stand facing east. Draw a five-sided star in the air with a knife and at the same time imagine how this star burns brightly and conveys a strong force to you with the knife. energy protection from black forces.

Remember that it is visualization that has great power in confronting black forces. Your imagination of the object should be so strong that you imagine how you can touch it. After this, read the words of the conspiracy clearly and clearly:

“A bright, fiery star - the power in you is heavenly. Protect my home and me from damage and the evil eye. May calm, comfort and peace always reign in my monastery. I ask for protection from the Lord God, the mother of Jesus Christ and all the heavenly saints. Amen".

After performing such a ritual with a knife, it is very important to believe in its power. In addition, you need to periodically imagine this amulet in your imagination, thus renewing the protective energy field. And then the house will be protected from envy, anger and witchcraft.

Protection from damage and the evil eye with a pin

If you want to protect or cleanse your home and your yard from evil people, the enemy, damage and the evil eye, you will need to carry out this very strong magic ritual using a pin. To perform the ceremony you will need a new pin. Pin it on a curtain or any other item you have in the house. Every day, break off a pin and see whether its tip has changed or not. The blackened point of a pin indicates that there is magical power, and of a negative nature. What do you need to do to get rid of it?

Take a pin, go far from home, find an old tree, dig a hole and read the words above the pin:

“I pin a pin, bury it and trample it in the ground. In this way I get rid of evil, hatred and witchcraft. Amen".

After reading the plot, you need to put a pin in the ground, dig it in and tamp it down well. At the same time, you need to think that all the evil that evil people can do to you goes into the ground along with this object.

Broom spell

Do you want your home to be protected at all times? Then this effective ritual using a broom is just for you. In almost every home you can see this unique and beautiful item - a decorative broom. What is it for? This unique thing creates strong energy that “sweeps” all negative energy out of the apartment.

How to create protection with a broom for yourself and your home? Place a broom on the floor, a lit church candle next to it and take a green thread or ribbon in your hand, read the words:

“Broom - you are the strongest defense in my house. So sweep away everything unclean, evil and bad that evil people brought into our house. Aspen pegs, metal needles, dead hair, other people's things - sweep away and clean everything that has come into my house. May no one who has bad intentions towards me and my home cross our threshold. Always protect my abode. Amen".

This is very strong prayer which must be read three times. After the ceremony, tie a green thread around the handle of the broom. And place the item itself next to the front door or on the threshold, if you live not in an apartment, but in a house.

Protection from envy and the evil eye

If you notice something unusual nearby at the front door or on the threshold, perhaps your home has been damaged or there is strong evil eye. The following ritual will help protect your home from the lining at the door.

Take a regular sheet of clean paper and crumple it into a ball. In the evening, when it starts to get dark, take this lump. Light a church candle white, place it on the ground outside your home - at the front door and set the paper on fire. While it is burning, say the following words of the text to yourself:

“Together with this paper, all the evil thoughts and deeds of my enemy, foe and envious person burn. Let all misfortune move away from my house and never touch it. Amen".

Such a strong prayer helps to expel the most terrible forces of black magic from both old and new housing, the main thing that is required of you is faith in the ritual.

Trinity conspiracy

Most magicians believe that Trinity rituals have special power and energy, which is why they are performed on this day. It was not for nothing that people brought various herbs into their homes and decorated windows and walls with them. These were herbs blessed in the church that had to be kept in the house for a whole week. They were hung near the stove, above the front door and windows. According to Slavic beliefs, greenery protected the home from the penetration of evil spirits.

IN wooden houses Such a talisman protected not only from damage and the evil eye, but also from arson by enemies and ill-wishers.

Such a ritual can be performed now, after waiting for the great holiday. Go to church, consecrate the branches. You can decorate and protect your house with linden, willow, aspen or willow. Buy a church candle and return home.

Hang branches throughout all rooms. Sit at the table, light a candle and say the words of the conspiracy:

“It’s quiet in the house, it smells of grass, the candle burns calmly, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t spark. So let it always be like this. May my home be protected from bad people. There will always be peace and prosperity in it. Amen".
