Numerology by name online. Numerology of first and last names

When a child is first born, parents immediately give him a name. But few of them think about the fact that they are programming him for a certain fate.

These unexpected discoveries were made by the ancient Greeks. The creator of this theory is Pythagoras. He was a widely educated man interested in occult knowledge.

The philosopher became famous for his learning not only in his homeland, but also in other countries. Moreover, a scientific community was even created, where people promoted his ideas related to the use of numbers to know the future.

Each name has certain number, which turns out to be decisive in a person’s future life path. Numbers are very precise data, so they have a huge impact on people, making their moves predictable in advance.

Numerology can even predict personality traits based on name. It makes it possible to determine the main characterological traits of a person, understand what his inner core is, and also suggest the most suitable area for applying his efforts.

This is due to the fact that when each name is pronounced, the laws of acoustics come into play, resulting in a wave of the corresponding length, which has its own amplitude and direction.

Such physical data have an effect on a person and others, as a result of which their biochemical reactions and mental processes change. Therefore, some people have more pronounced certain character traits, while others have the exact opposite.

Science allows people to identify their weaknesses or strengths, thereby making it possible to prepare in advance for certain difficulties, as well as select the most good options application of your talents. Such knowledge allows you to save a large number of strength and emotions without wasting them on unnecessary tasks.

It must be remembered that when making calculations, you should never use the diminutive option.

  • It is unacceptable to reduce the name Yuri to Yura, Olga to Olya, and Boris to Bora. Moreover, one should not use colloquialisms and nicknames.
  • Vladimir should not become Vova, and Stanislav should not become Stas.
  • It is strictly forbidden to give Lyudmila the name Lyusya or Mila, Svetlana - Lana, Ksenia - Ksyusha, and Elena - Alena.

Such distortions can completely change the meaning, which means its influence on fate.

Leading esotericism experts have noticed that the more often an adult person calls himself by his childhood name, the more unfavorable his development is. future life. He deprives himself of the future, closing many opportunities for himself.

Name Number Meaning

Another important requirement is that the resulting number must be unambiguous. That is, if the calculation turns out to be 23 or 35, then the numbers should be added together again. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to calculate the required number. In principle, the calculations are not difficult at all.

You should write down all the letters of the Russian alphabet, and then assign them a serial number. Those numbers on which certain sounds fall must be summed until a single-digit number is obtained.


If the result of addition is the number “one,” then the person has great inner strength.

He is not afraid of life's difficulties and is able to overcome any problems. He is very confident in himself and, indeed, can achieve high results where the vast majority of people fail.

Such people are distinguished by their generosity and care for others. However, they have a very closed character, so they are in no hurry to make friends or family.


Two has a sensitive, vulnerable nature. At the same time, her temper is very changeable, and it can be difficult for people to adapt to it.

However, a person with such a name number is capable of getting used to anyone very well, since he has kind soul. He is prone to subordination and lacks leadership qualities. The main disadvantage of people is selfishness, as well as the predominance of reason over feelings.


Number 3 means that the owner of the name has numerous abilities. In addition, he is still endowed with the strength desired for their development. Therefore, such people quickly and relatively easily achieve success in their chosen field.

But they have an overly open soul, which is why they often become victims of deception or intrigue. However, their pronounced intellectual abilities usually allow them to maneuver between enemies.


If the number of the name is accompanied by a four, then it is impossible to keep a person in his pursuit of the goal. When conducting business, he is distinguished by enviable diligence, accuracy, and understanding. At the same time, he is prone to depression, and also does not like to indulge in activities that do not promise immediate benefits. Therefore, people with the number 4 do not seek the favor of others, but prefer to act alone.


The number five, obtained by adding all the letters of the name, symbolizes a person who has a spirit of freedom. The craving for travel and various adventures prevents him from fully expressing his bright abilities.

People have an adventurous character and can get away with any trouble. Indeed, fate allows them to avoid many difficulties that would stop others.

Fives are very smart, they can understand and appreciate the opportunities that life provides them. But there is an undercurrent here. Such people are bored by everyday life, they look for adventures that are not always to the liking of their loved ones.


When receiving a number 6 , it is necessary to take into account that a person has been favored by the stars since childhood. Therefore, he often achieves heights that are difficult for people with other names to reach.

They simply enchant those around them with the strength of their character. There are no unattainable goals for them. They are scrupulous and do not accept roundabout ways.

Their main disadvantage is their excessive concentration on promotion career ladder, because of which the family remains away from their attention.


Seven is somewhat absent-minded. She thinks and reflects all the time, not noticing anything around her.

Such people often become scientists or artists. But these same qualities block the path to entrepreneurship for them, since it requires significant concentration of effort, which they are not capable of. They often take wishful thinking, after which they suffer greatly.


The number “eight” means that a person is simply doomed to luck in absolutely any business. Therefore, he often takes on completely hopeless enterprises, unexpectedly achieving the most amazing results.

But such a character trait conceals reverse side medals. If something doesn’t work out for him the first time, he quickly loses interest in the problem, finding another way to apply his efforts.

Such people need to move all the time and find it difficult to sit still. Moreover, they can captivate others with their ideas. However, they are very demanding and do not forgive mistakes.


Nine has numerous talents, as well as rare charisma. She has been given a great sense of purpose, thanks to which she has no unrealistic goals. She achieves her greatest success in the field of culture or knowledge.

The influence of surname and patronymic on people's lives

Therefore, knowing the number of the name, it is worth preparing in advance for what life can do. No less important is the person’s last name, which he does not choose. Moreover, even his parents do not choose her. The patronymic also has a significant influence on fate.

When calculating this number, it is also advisable to take into account the date of birth.

Such knowledge is very important because:

  • In the case when the sum of the Birthday numbers is greater than the number of the name, then the person will follow his natural inclinations.
  • If total amount the number of the name turned out to be higher, then the professional skills they acquired during training will become more important in the fate of people.
  • If the data completely coincides, then the individual will be able to realize all his talents and capabilities.

Numerology allows you to predict the main features of a person’s destiny by his first and last name, since they are a reflection of the karma and actions of all his ancestors. In a similar way, a certain code is inherited, which corresponds to his family, as well as character traits that pass from generation to generation almost unchanged.

The influence of passport data on fate

By summing up the numerology data by full name, we get a number that predetermines the entire life path a person, as well as the past and future of his family. Therefore, parents, when choosing a name for their baby, must calculate in advance what significance it acquires in combination with the patronymic and surname on his future fate.

You can plan in advance:

  • Basic character traits of a person;
  • main inclinations;
  • possible directions of his professional activity;
  • ability to find mutual language with others;
  • the approximate course of his life;
  • directions of personal development.

Based on his name, as well as taking into account the meaning of his surname and patronymic, a person is able to understand what his life was destined for. From childhood he learns to find his way or avoid undercurrents.

It becomes clear why calculating the future of people by their first name, patronymic and last name is so important.

During the calculations, the Number of Destiny is determined, which completely depends on data independent of the person. It completely subjugates his life path, allows him to find himself and achieve the greatest success.

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The number of interaction with the world is the result of the “natural addition” of the numerical equivalents of both vowels and consonants of the letters of the first and last name. You should not approach this procedure formally: remember that the name you are used to using and calling yourself is more important than what is written in your passport. Some names have variations (Ekaterina-Katerina, Natalya - Natalia, etc.) - in this case, each of them should be calculated, but Special attention turn to the form that is most often “in use.”

The number of interactions with the world influences not only a person’s character traits, his talents and abilities, but also how his relationships with others are built; In addition, it can indicate areas of life that need special attention or areas in which you can the best way realize yourself.

Number spiritual aspirations, obtained as a result of the “natural addition” of numbers corresponding to all the vowels of the name, reveals to a numerology expert such properties of a person’s character that are sometimes hidden from his loved ones. In some cases, calculating the number of aspirations of the soul can help a person understand what he really is, to see the true properties of his character and desires.

Knowing the number of a person’s spiritual aspirations means having unique information about him; this is an extremely important key not only to mutual understanding, but also to constructive interaction. Of course, someone may try to use this information for manipulation, but we hope that among those interested in numerology there will be many more of those whose goals are noble and whose thoughts are sublime.

Applying the “natural addition method” is not difficult. For example, if our task is to establish the number of aspirations of the soul of a person whose name is Dmitry Egorov, we need to do the following calculations: 1 (the number of the letter I) + 1 (again the number of the letter I, there are two of them in the name) + 6 (the number of the letter E) + 7 (the number of the letter O) + 7 (the number of the letter O, there are two of them in the surname) = 22. After this, we add 2 and 2 and get 4. All that remains is to find out what character traits the vibrations of the four endowed Dmitry Egorov with.

It is worth keeping in mind, however, that we do not always use the names recorded in the documents, and variations are not excluded. In this case, calculations should be made based on the version of the name that the person himself prefers to use.

The modern world is based on interaction between people, and interaction is impossible without compromises both in solving issues and in behavior. Often we give up our habits or acquire new ones under the influence of our environment. Sometimes this happens consciously, sometimes not, but the result is the same - unfortunately, it becomes more and more difficult to judge a person’s character by their behavior.

He who is serious in the company of serious people does not necessarily remain so when alone; in the same way, not everyone who bursts into laughter and jokes among merry people will show a sense of humor surrounded by silent and strict people. Add to this the fact that many are inclined to be disingenuous, or even simply lie, in order to produce good impression on others, and you will understand why it is so important to be able to calculate the number of true personality traits.

The number of true features is the sum of the numbers corresponding to the consonants of the first and last names. In order to calculate it, you need to resort to the “natural addition” method. For example, if we are interested in Natalya Zaitseva, we need to make the following calculations: 6 (the number corresponding to the letter H) + 2 (the number corresponding to the letter T), + 4 (the number corresponding to the letter L) + 9 (the number corresponding to the letter Z) + 2 (the number corresponding to the letter Y) + 6 (the number corresponding to the letter C) + 3 (the number corresponding to the letter B) = 31. Now you should add 3 and 1, and you can begin to get acquainted with a person whose number of true characteristics is 4.

People have long known that sound vibrations affect their lives, especially if we're talking about about the name. Special attention was paid to his choice; naming him was a whole ritual...

In numerology, you can learn a lot from your name, including the direction of your development and how to interpret your life experiences.

How to calculate the number of a name

To determine the number of your name, you need to add up all the numbers corresponding to the letters of your full name (according to the conversion table for letters and numbers) and reduce them to one number (except 11 and 22). It is important to remember: the name that is written on the birth certificate is calculated, in the same language, letter by letter.

Letter and number correspondence table

For example, the name Olga is 5+2+4+1 = 12. We continue adding until we get a single digit (1+2 = 3). If your name number ends up being 11 or 22, don't roll it up any further. These are control numbers, or, as they are also called, master numbers, and people with such numbers will have enormous opportunities in life. By the way, when choosing a name for a child, it is recommended not to calculate it in advance, but to trust your intuition. And only after you have decided and written down the baby’s name in the appropriate documents, you can make calculations.

Number 1 speaks of individuality, self-sufficiency and a penchant for leadership. Allows you to achieve your goals, relying only on your own strength.

For number 2, the most important thing is the ability to establish and maintain relationships with other people. The deuce takes into account the interests of the partner and knows how to cooperate, promoting progress.

The key principle of number 3 is self-expression and optimism. It promotes luck in money and opportunities.

The number 4 tests a person with limitations and difficulties. She encourages him to concentrate, establish order in his soul and life, and thereby turn limitations, if not into advantages, then into a fulcrum.

5 is provided with a lot of different opportunities, and everywhere it manifests itself in one way or another. The main thing is not to lose yourself, not to waste your potential.

Name number calculation

The main principle of number 6 is maintaining harmony in relationships with others. It is important for her to both give and take. “Take” and “give” refer to everything: things, support, love, information, sympathy.

7 is characterized by the desire to get to the bottom of the truth. She analyzes, penetrates to the very essence, reveals secrets, accumulates understanding. She is characterized by detachment and a tendency to solitude.

Task 8 - mastery of the material world. It is important for her to put everything into practice and get a real tangible material result. It is necessary to manage money and property wisely.

For 9, the most important thing is service to other people. It is important for her to learn to give to others what she has, and at the same time not expect anything in return.

11 is characterized by heightened intuition and the ability to find hidden reserves in oneself that are incomprehensible and inaccessible to ordinary people.

22 has extraordinary capabilities when it comes to large-scale projects in the material world. She has high organizational skills, charisma, and is able to lead large masses of people.

How to calculate the number of a surname

If the name is associated with personality, the surname for many of us is family name, which conceals the history and connections of family characteristics. This is what you inherited. We adopt the family vibrations inherent in the surname.

The surname is part of your integral name received at birth, and, accordingly, part of your true “cosmic code” and plane of existence. Whether you currently use your last name or have changed it, its energy will be with you throughout your life.

To determine the number of your last name, you need to add up the numbers of the letters of your last name. For example, the surname Ivanov. 9 + 3+1+4 + 5 + 3 = 25 = 7. This is the number of the surname. If, when adding, you get the numbers 11, 22, 33, leave them in this form, since these numbers are very important and have a separate meaning.

Last name meaning

  1. You have an independent spirit, a strong nature, strong will and the ability to come up with original ideas.
  2. You have a peaceful nature, a desire to avoid conflict, sensitivity, and a loving nature.
  3. You have inherited friendliness, optimism, a sense of humor and a creative spirit.
  1. Do you believe that hard work is the only Right way. You have developed caution, thoroughness and self-discipline.
  2. You are full of the spirit of freedom. Obstacles, restrictions, routine irritate you. But travel and change are not a problem for you, since you are naturally curious and like to take risks.
  3. You are convinced that you need to help your neighbors. You are an excellent adviser on all issues and... Of course they are family oriented. You may also have hereditary stubbornness.
  4. You strive for knowledge, value learning, and respect quality, facts and theories, and spirituality. Your family traits are observation, analysis and protection of private space.
  5. You are good at counting money, which will make you seek recognition in business and financial fields. Your last name gives you the qualities of a leader and organizer.
  6. You have inherited a deep understanding of others, emotionality, a need to serve others, compassion and sympathy.
  7. You have the ability to uplift, encourage and inspire those around you. Your last name gives you sensitivity to others and a desire for spirituality. You will learn from life through many trials.
  8. You have the ability to create things that benefit everyone. Your last name gives you the talent of a leader, a manager, the right work ethic and the ability to achieve material well-being. You have endurance and the ability to cope with any difficulties.
  9. You have inherited the ability to masterfully teach others something. Your last name gives you a sense of responsibility and love for loved ones. You know how to overcome many obstacles on your life path.

Thus, our name is a physical and mental influence. The surname is the influence of the family on our lives, the heritage of the family, energy support.

Do I need to change my last name?

Changing your last name or first name. It is very important to take into account your initial numerological indicators. The fact is that, whatever one may say, throughout our lives we will be influenced by the last name, first name and patronymic that were given to us at birth. Any new surname will simply be additional energy of our life experience, but it will not change our essence. And the changes that have already occurred throughout life are only an additional energetic influence that can strengthen or weaken our innate qualities, complement them. It is important to know: the full impact of new data occurs within the next three years after the changes.

But! There are numbers that are incompatible. For example, if the surname from birth adds up to the number 4, then it is undesirable to take a new surname with the number 5 - they may enter into dissonance. Also, when you change your last name or first name (and even patronymic), changes occur in very important numerological indicators: the mission of life, the energy of the soul, the energy of maturity. This issue must be taken seriously. When registering a marriage, some women do not want to change their last name, but cannot explain why.

Most often this happens to those who have high sensitivity and well-developed intuition, which indicates that the woman feels incompatible with her natural surname and her husband’s surname. But it also happens: a person’s first or last name does not give him the strength to develop in one area or another, then he wants to change them. But in this case, it is worth choosing a last name or first name such that new indicators can strengthen or weaken your innate data.

Suggested reading.

Today, many parents already know in advance who is growing in their mother’s tummy, so they choose the name of the unborn child in advance, turning to literature that tells about the meaning of the name and the character of the person. Also, mothers and fathers are guided by the consonance of the name, surname and patronymic, because maybe their baby will become famous person, which means everything in his life should be perfect.

Our ancestors did not know about the gender of the unborn child, but only guessed, but they also took care in choosing a name, because a person has to live with it. It’s not for nothing that they say, “whatever you name a ship, so it will sail,” which is why advanced great-grandfathers turned to the science of numbers for help, because the numerology of first and last names has never failed, giving a clear description of what a person will be like.

And in modern world numerology has not lost its relevance. Anyone can find the numerical value of a name by referring to this table.

We count: 1 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 35 = 8. So, the number of the first and last name is 8.

The meaning of the number of first and last names in numerology

A person having given number first and last name, leader in life. He has an explosive character and is a frequent instigator of conflicts and discord both in the family and in the team. Only a few children are very whiny and capricious; as they grow up, they become intolerant of other people’s mistakes, which is why they are disliked but feared in the class. Adults achieve a lot in business and in their careers because they are used to going recklessly.

Very kind and sympathetic people. They never criticize anyone, as they always see only positive qualities in others. They have excellent relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Children are very obedient, at school they are teachers' favorites, and as adults, they achieve a lot thanks to their complaisance and sociability. It's easy and simple with them!

This person has such qualities as sociability, flexibility and mastery of words. They make good speakers. In childhood they are loved in the team for their ability to tell and show, at school - for their intelligence, and in adult life- for the ability to listen and advise correct solution. They make good leaders as well as teachers.

Very serious and ambitious. They will never tolerate breaking the rules, which is why it is so difficult for them to come to terms with the deception that is so common in life. As children, they have a hard time with lies, and at school they are not liked: they report to teachers about the mistakes of others. Adults are depressed and inactive, they have few friends and loved ones.

These people are fickle in life, they rush from one extreme to another. As children, they cannot understand what interests them, and when they become schoolchildren, they can change a lot of clubs and sections without ever identifying their passion. Having reached adulthood, A's suffer from the fact that they cannot find a profession they like, so throughout their lives they master many specialties, which has a positive effect on their professionalism.

These people are perfect in everything, at least it seems so from the outside. In childhood they should have the best toys, in adolescence - excellent grades, and in adulthood - an expensive car, European-quality renovation in the apartment and excellent family relationships. It’s hard to achieve all this, but these people are not used to idleness.

They are known as eccentrics in life, but this does not bother them; on the contrary, it makes them happy. As children, they have few friends, as they are used to playing their games alone, early years they find weirdos like them, and create their own groups, societies, where they feel good together. Adults usually find creative activities, which, by the way, feeds them, and quite well.

Such people are used to carrying everyone on themselves - they take on the job and do it perfectly, they carry their family, sick relatives, children and grandchildren. But the most unpleasant thing is that no one asks them for this, which means they don’t appreciate their help. In childhood they are helpers - they collect toys for the whole child, at school they are eternally on duty. Adult 8s burn at work, at home, until their strength leaves them, so these people must sometimes at least do something wrong so that they get off the slackers.

These people are fair and ambitious, so sometimes it is not easy to work with them. But those who work honestly never see them as enemies. The childhood of these people is difficult, since their friends do not like them, because children love to fantasize, in their youth they usually occupy the posts of class prefects, but, again, this is the reason for the dislike of their classmates. As for adult life, it’s not easy here either, only if the nines don’t occupy leadership positions. Then order and honesty will reign in the team under the leadership of such a person.

The number and meaning of the surname contains a huge amount of information that concerns almost every character trait of a person, his innate abilities, as well as opportunities that depend on what his family is like. A surname in numerology is a kind of program with the help of which one connects to eternity.

Like a change of name, a change of surname does not leave its mark on a person’s life. This action leads to changes in fate, which are explained by changes in the numerical and energy vibrations of the full name. And this has the greatest impact on a person’s life and destiny.

The numeric code of a surname in numerology is calculated using the same table as the name code. If the surname has changed during life, then the numerological code of the surname that the person currently bears is calculated.

The numerological code of a surname is calculated in the following way: using each letter of the surname, it is translated into the corresponding number. Then all the numbers are summed up and reduced to the base number using the numerological addition (collapse) method, which is numeric code surnames.

In order to find out the Number and numerological meaning of a surname online, enter the surname in the form, receive the numeric code of the surname and read the meaning.

Enter your last name:

Surname code meanings:

The numerological code of the surname is 1. This means that a person must find a congenial partner in order to find integrity in life. If such a person is left alone, then many life opportunities will remain unavailable to him. For a person with such a surname, family and family relationships are of great importance. His life can turn into a tragedy if the family and marriage are based only on calculation or passion. In this case, everything will not end with only one family union, each subsequent marriage will be more disappointing than the previous ones. Therefore, the main thing for people with a unit in the numerological code of the surname is to draw conclusions from failed relationships in a timely and correct manner. If they understand on what principles they need to base their personal life, they will become quite happy people.

The numerological code of the surname is 2. This suggests that fate makes a person completely independent and free in his choice. This places enormous responsibility on the owners of surnames with numeric code 2: almost everything in their lives is determined by their own actions. Therefore, the main difficulties and obstacles in life for such people are indecision, self-doubt, hesitation, and also falling under the influence of others. Any decision accepted by man with such a surname, it must be independently thought out, weighed, and even to some extent suffered through suffering. If a person with the numerological number of the surname is 2, he gives the right to choose to someone else, then thereby he ruins his life and destiny.

The numerological code of the surname is 3. The owner of this numerological code of the surname should not expect anything to fall from heaven. All benefits obtained are the result of a difficult and severe struggle, and the path of life is not without trials. Main meaning the life of such a person is resistance to all sorts of unfavorable circumstances. Even if he gets something easily and without a struggle, it seems uninteresting to him and does not give pleasure. People with such a numerological surname code need to set the right goals for themselves and find no less the right means their achievements to make their lives more harmonious.

The numerological code of the surname is 4. The influence of this code on a person’s life can be positive, but it can also be negative, depending on the correctness of the decisions made by such a person and his actions. If the owner of such a surname does the right thing, makes the right decisions, then the numerological code of the surname gives him all the opportunities so that his personality can be fully realized. In the event that a person constantly makes mistakes, makes the wrong choice, makes the wrong decisions, then 4 in the numerological code of the surname will constantly stop him, not let him go forward, constantly return him to the moment when he was admitted main mistake. As soon as a person understands what it was and eventually corrects it, the restriction immediately turns into protection.

The numerological code of the surname is 5. “Five” gives its owner unlimited possibilities, absolute freedom and the ability to act only at his own discretion. In the future, everything depends on what path a person chooses in his life. With positive development, the “five” in the numerological code of a surname guides the spiritual evolution of a person, giving him the opportunity to deeply understand the essence of all things and events. If a person chooses negative path, imagines too much about himself, begins to revel in his pride and exclusivity, then as a result he will be punished. If by this time a person has already achieved some high positions, then he will be thrown down from there. Undoubtedly, he will have the opportunity to reach these heights again, but each time this path will become more and more difficult, and this will continue until the person understands what his mistake is and corrects it.

The numerological code of the surname is 6. Such a person becomes the owner of protection earned by someone from his clan or family. He will constantly be lucky in life for no obvious reason. His wishes can come true, as if by magic, he succeeds in everything without special effort. But no matter how tempting such a fate may look, it is quite dangerous. A person becomes weaned from any work, even from working on himself and his development, having become accustomed to the fact that there is no need to work for a long time to obtain benefits. In this case, events begin to develop according to the scenario of collapse and degradation of the individual, and not according to the scenario of its prosperity.

The numerological code of the surname is 7. The owner of the surname with this numerological code follows the path of development, knowledge of the world and self-improvement. This road is not easy, because a person has to go through a struggle of ideas, minds, views, a battle of intellects. A person can be convinced more than once during his life that the expression “woe from mind” is not just a phrase, but a reflection and characteristic of reality. The most positive and optimal scenario for the life of a person with a seven in the numerological code of the surname is the acquisition of faith with the help of reason, because it is thanks to faith that a person puts his intellect and knowledge in the service of good and renounces the service of evil.

The numerological code of a surname is 8. The owner of a surname with a numerological code of 8 is subject to enormous responsibility, since the lives of other people depend on his actions and decisions. Therefore, every step he takes must be carefully thought out and weighed, and any decision is made very carefully. The right to make mistakes is not taken away from him, but a person is obliged to correct the consequences of his mistakes in order to positively influence the lives of people who depend on him. All attempts by such people to avoid responsibility will be unsuccessful, since fate will constantly and cruelly punish them for this, as if hinting that they are following the wrong path.

The numerological code of the surname is 9. The owner of the numerological code of the surname 9 is forced to change as a person throughout his life. Such a person faces many trials and tribulations. And the main task of a person is to cope with them with dignity, to go through purification, self-development and self-improvement. The owner of such a numerological surname code can commit various unseemly acts in order to avoid trials, including deception, treachery and betrayal, wishing for himself better life. However, by doing this he causes great harm not only to himself, but also to his descendants.
