Edible morel mushroom (real). Morel mushroom - medicinal properties and contraindications, use for diseases

The edible black morel mushroom has fragile fruiting bodies 5-12 cm high, 4-7 cm wide. Cellular conical, ovoid or pear-shaped cap, occupying 2/3 of the mushroom in height, dark brown or black with light brown cells. The leg is hollow, fragile, white with a granular surface. The pulp is fragile, not bitter and not pungent. There is no milky juice.

Look at the edible morel mushrooms in the photo and remember what they look like in order to distinguish them from poisonous species:

Morel mushroom growing in a mixed forest
Edible black morel mushroom

Grows in coniferous and mixed forests. Prefers limestone soil.
Black morel occurs in early spring. IN middle lane In Russia, its fruiting occurs on May 10-20, immediately after the wave of fruiting lines. Black morel is quickly damaged by fungus gnats (“worms”), so you need to have time to collect it immediately after the start of fruiting. Fruits abundantly in pine forests after their fires. It grows on or near fire pits.
Black morel poisonous doubles does not have.
No pre-boiling required. It tastes best after cooking for 10 minutes.

Common stitch mushroom (with photo)

The common string mushroom is conditionally edible, its fragile fruiting bodies are 4-12 cm high and wide, hollow with a brown, chestnut or yellow-chestnut cap. The cap is brain-folded, like the inside walnut, irregular in shape with internal cavities in fairly thick pulp. The pulp is light, without bitterness and odorless. The leg is white, sometimes pink, also with cavities.

It grows in deciduous and mixed forests, most often in small ravines and roadside holes.

Look at the photos of line mushrooms of this type - they show appearance at different periods of development:

Common stitch in mixed forest
Common stitch mushroom

Found from late April to mid-May.

There are no poisonous doubles.

In Russia they eat it. After pre-boiling for 15 minutes and draining, it is boiled in salt water or fried. The smell of boiled lines is mushroom. The taste of the boiled mushroom is good, the consistency is pleasant. In France and Germany, the common moth is considered a poisonous mushroom.

Autumn stitch mushroom: photo and description

If you read the description, the autumn stitch mushroom is considered inedible. Fragile fruiting bodies are 6-15 cm high and 4-8 cm wide, hollow with a light brown, dark brown or purple-brown cap. Irregular shape the cap consists of blades and cavities. The pulp is thin, fragile, light, without bitterness and odorless. The leg is light brown with a finely fleecy surface, also with cavities. The autumn stitching is not damaged by insects.

Look at this mushroom line in the photo and in the description, you should remember it and not try to eat it:

The autumn stitch mushroom grows on stumps overgrown with moss
String mushroom grows in deciduous and mixed forest

The morel is classified as marsupial species mushrooms with a beautiful round or oval shaped cap. The hat is colored yellow-brown and has small cells, similar to a honeycomb. The stem of morels is hollow, cylindrical, and slightly lighter in color than the cap. The mushroom has white flesh, which has a pleasant aroma and incomparable taste.

Morel can be found in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, as well as on lime-rich soils. Mushrooms are widespread in Europe, Australia, North America. To collect a morel you need to try a little; the mushroom usually hides under fallen leaves, in the grass, under bushes and even under fallen trees. In rare cases, it grows along paths and in burnt-out areas of the forest.

The growth period of the mushroom is very short, two months: May and June. But in the case of an early and hot spring, it may appear as early as April. The color of the stem will indicate the age of the pod. The young mushroom has a white or beige stem. A middle-aged mushroom has a slightly yellowish stem, while a very old one has a brown tint.

There are groups of morel mushrooms:

  • cellular (esculenta);
  • mitered (mitrophora);
  • conical (conica).

All three groups have slight differences in the size of the legs and the size of the hat.

Preparation and storage

It is not customary to salt or pickle morels. They are prepared for future use by drying. The procedure must be carried out in a ventilated room, directly above heat sources with a temperature of no more than 600C. You cannot dry mushrooms in the oven, as there is no ventilation. A living room is also not the most suitable place for drying, because the spores and smell of mushrooms can cause allergies in people suffering from this disease.

The use of morels after drying is possible no earlier than two to three months, by this time all the ingredients included toxic substances are destroyed. After drying, the aroma and taste improve noticeably.

Need to pay Special attention Depending on the storage conditions of morels, the dried product tends to easily absorb moisture, so it should be stored in tightly sealed paper bags or cardboard boxes, otherwise it will deteriorate or become moldy. Dry raw materials are converted into aromatic powder, which can be used to prepare seasonings for various dishes, and act as an excellent medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Use in everyday life

Morels are considered conditionally edible mushrooms. By taste qualities in our country they are classified as third category products, while in Europe they are considered a delicacy. For example, during the annual convention of American mycologists, boiled morels are served without fail. Before use, the mushrooms must be boiled and the resulting broth drained. Only after this procedure can you begin actual preparation. They are stewed, fried, and added to soups. The taste of stewed morels or as part of sauces is especially noted. They can be served as a separate dish, for example, stewed with sour cream, or stuffed into pies.

In addition to cooking, morels occupy a worthy place in folk medicine. Since ancient times, these mushrooms have been used to combat vision problems, and have also been used for joint diseases and rheumatism.

Composition and medicinal properties

  1. This mushroom is rich in various vitamins and microelements: per 100 g of product there are 0.01 mg of vitamin B1, 0.1 mg of vitamin B2, 8 mg of vitamin C and approximately 0.5 mg of vitamin PP. Also, the uniqueness of the morel lies in the content of the polysaccharide substance FD4. The calorie content of mushroom per 100 grams is 22.7 kC.
  2. IN official medicine morel is used as a source of many biologically active substances. Capsules of the same name “Morel” are made from the conical morel (Morchella conica).
  3. Today, morels are especially often used for the treatment and prevention of many eye diseases: cataracts, myopia, glaucoma and farsightedness. The substances that make up the mushroom strengthen the eye muscles, nourish and improve metabolic processes. At long-term use There is a cleansing and brightening of the eye lens. Preparations based on morels are indicated for people whose activities are associated with increased eye strain. For example, working on a computer or with small parts. Morel medicines also fight fatigue, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, fog before the eyes and decreased vision.
  4. The mushroom is also applicable for diseases of the stomach and intestines. The use of morels helps increase appetite, improve stomach function, tidy up the intestines, remove toxins and cleanse the body. The effective properties of mushrooms are applicable for the treatment of constipation and diarrhea.
  5. Active substances, included in morels, normalize blood circulation and cleanse the blood. Mushrooms are useful in the treatment of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, that is, in those diseases where it is necessary to thin the blood and accelerate its movement in the vessels.
  6. Mushrooms help boost immunity and improve general health. At the same time, you need to combine taking morels with foods rich in iron, this can be freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, turkey and beef liver.
  7. Help increase lactation, stimulate production breast milk. At the same time, the substances that make up morels are absolutely harmless for young mothers.
  8. Preparations based on these fungi have an antibacterial and antitoxic effect on the body, so they are used for prevention viral diseases. Morels are also useful for residents of megacities, as they have antitoxic properties.
  9. Helps improve overall well-being, relieve nausea and dizziness. Useful for people who often get motion sickness and are bothered by causeless attacks of nausea. Morels are also recommended for toxicosis in pregnant women, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  10. Use in folk medicine

    The use of morels to stimulate digestion, increase appetite, tone and improve the health of the body

    To prepare a healing decoction you will need 1 glass of water and a tablespoon of morels. The resulting mixture must be put on fire and boiled for half an hour, cooled and allowed to brew for 4 hours, then strain. Take the prepared healing decoction 15 minutes before meals, 50 ml.

    Tincture for blood diseases, lymphogranulomatosis, lymphadenitis, as well as for autoimmune diseases

    You need to take 4 pcs. fresh mushrooms or 10 g dried, thoroughly washed and chopped small pieces, and then 250 ml of vodka is poured into them. The finished mixture should be placed in a cool place and left for a month. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture daily. You can drink it with juice or any other sour drink. One course requires 600 ml of tincture.

    Dried morel powder for eye diseases and good vision Fresh morels must be dried and thoroughly ground. Use the powder for food no earlier than after three months.

    The use of morels for autoimmune thyroiditis

    Used as an additional treatment. 150 grams fresh or 50 g dried mushrooms pour 500 ml of vodka and infuse for a month, and then filter. Take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach.

    The use of morels in recovery from tuberculosis

    For cooking you will need a clay pot. Rinse the mushrooms well, dry on a towel and cover with butter. Prepare grated cheese at the rate of 300 grams per 1 kilogram of mushrooms and stale crusts of bread rubbed with garlic. First grease the pot with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out all the ingredients one by one, pour sour cream over them, and seal the neck of the pot with dough. Cook in the oven for 4 hours at 120 degrees. Afterwards the pot is pulled out and wrapped in a towel. The cooled mixture is used 2 times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

    Contraindications for use

    Before eating, morels must be boiled or dried. If you use mushrooms correctly, there will be no harm from them.

Morels are marsupial mushrooms with a porous, wrinkled cap, belonging to the Morschella family. The plant has a beneficial effect on the human body due to the content of bioactive substances: ash compounds, dietary fiber, vitamins, polysaccharides, micro- and macroelements. However, despite the high nutritional value, morels belong to the category conditionally edible mushrooms(due to the content of toxic helwellic acid). To neutralize the harmful compound, the plant is subjected to heat treatment or drying. In addition to cooking, morels are used in folk medicine. Based on this type of mushroom, decoctions, infusions and extracts are prepared, which are used to treat joint, ophthalmological and gynecological problems.

Botanical description

Morels are one of the most ancient representatives of the mushroom kingdom. The first mention of them is found in the works of the ancient botanist Theophrastus, who lived in the 4th century BC. In addition, the product was very popular in Ancient Rome. It was considered an exquisite delicacy and was served to the royal table in the most expensive and elegant dishes.

Morels belong to the “early” category spring mushrooms, appearing immediately after thawing of the soil. They are distributed almost throughout Europe, America and Australia. The period of mass fruiting occurs in May-June. If spring is early, then mushrooms appear in the forest already in mid-April.

Morels are easily recognized by their fleshy cone-shaped caps, colored light brown. Their diameter varies between 3-6 cm, and height - 3-7 cm. Moreover, the outer surface of the fruiting bodies is dotted with many oval cells, reminiscent of a honeycomb. Obviously, because of this “wrinkling”, the crop received its name “morel”. The cap of a young plant is “planted” on a hollow cylindrical stem of a white or pale beige shade. As the mushroom matures, it changes its color to yellow and then brownish-brown. The height of the leg varies from 3 to 9 cm, and the diameter from 1 to 3 cm. In addition, representatives of this family are characterized by fragile waxy-white flesh with a pleasant mushroom taste.

Morels prefer marshy, sandy and calcareous soils. They can be found in forest thickets, near mossy ditches, at the foot of mountains, near the edges of fields, in areas of old fires, where they sprout in small colonies. However, in order to find edible mushrooms you need to try hard, since they grow in grassy thickets, under dense bushes or last year's foliage.

Chemical composition

Table No. 2 " Chemical composition morels"
NameConcentration of the substance in 100 g of fresh mushroom, milligram

Remember, only young fruiting bodies can be eaten, since with age they begin to accumulate harmful toxic components that cause intoxication of the body.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

The benefits of morels are due to the presence of rare polysaccharide substances (galactomannans, rhamnose, n-acetyl-glucosamines) in their structure. These compounds improve metabolic processes in the visual apparatus, strengthen the eye muscle, and prevent “clouding” of the lens. In view of this, morel extract is used to combat cataracts, glaucoma, myopia and farsightedness. In addition, drugs based on them are indicated for people whose work is related to increased load to the visual apparatus.

Useful properties of morels:

  1. They increase the secretion of gastric juice and speed up metabolism.
  2. Activate insulin production.
  3. Stabilize blood pressure.
  4. Improves metabolic processes in cells and tissues.
  5. They increase blood circulation, remove toxins and waste, and increase the production of red blood cells.
  6. Prevents the development of varicose veins.
  7. Increases breast milk production.
  8. Restore the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  9. Normalize water-salt balance.
  10. Reduce the manifestation of toxicosis in pregnant women.
  11. Improves the functional state of the brain.
  12. Reduce inflammatory process in muscle and cartilage tissue (after sprains).
  13. Increases sputum production.

Morels have antibacterial, diuretic, and antiviral effects on the body.

Contraindications for use:

  • pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, cyst);
  • acute pathologies of the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis);
  • kidney diseases (hepatitis, renal failure);
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • children's age (up to 5 years);
  • individual intolerance.

Use in folk medicine

Recipes for medicinal infusions based on morels:

  1. Eye tincture. To create the mixture you will need 200 ml and 150 g of morels, dried in the sun (at least 3 months). After sublimation, the mushrooms are ground into powder and placed in an alcohol solution for 15 days. Take morel tincture in the morning and evening, 5 ml after meals, with sour juice. The healing mixture is used to “lighten” the lens, strengthen the eye muscles, and eliminate pain and pain in the visual apparatus.
  2. A decoction to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Soak fresh morels in salted water, then boil in three times the volume of liquid (20 minutes). After this, combine 20 g of crushed raw materials with 250 ml of water and boil for 30 minutes over low heat. The broth is infused on a cooled stove for at least 5 hours. The healing liquid is taken four times a day, 50 ml (before meals). The aqueous composition is effective for poor appetite, indigestion, intestinal disorders and weak lactation.
  3. External remedy for reducing joint pain. Active ingredients: 100 g of fresh morels, 80 g, 70 g of lungwort and 70 g of willow flowers. Soak the mushrooms for 30 minutes in salted water, then grind in a blender. After this, mix all the ingredients and pour 600 ml. Place the mixture in a dark place for at least 14 days. Rub the tincture at least 5 times a day into the area of ​​inflammation (for arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis and sprains).
  4. Infusion for cleansing blood and lymph. The composition is prepared from 300 g of fresh or 30 g of dried morels that have undergone pre-treatment. The purified crushed raw materials are dipped into a half-liter container with vodka and shaken thoroughly. After this, the composition is placed in a cool place for 30 days. The tincture is taken after filtering, 5 ml twice a day, washed down with an sour drink (fruit drink or juice). The composition is indicated for people suffering from anemia, lymphadenitis and lymphogranulomatosis.

Growing at home

The best place for cultivating morels is Apple orchard. In addition, they grow well in prepared areas. broadleaf forest where there is natural shade from trees.

Principle of growing morels:

  1. Preparing the soil for sowing mycelium. Considering that morels do not tolerate stagnant water, a drainage system should be built on the selected plot of land and the top layer of soil should be replaced with a specially prepared substrate. The “correct” soil mixture is prepared according to the following scheme: every 6 portions of garden soil are combined with one part of ash and half the volume of wood shavings. The finished substrate is mixed and then laid out in a ten-centimeter layer on equipped beds. The laid soil is watered abundantly with water (10 liters per 1 sq. m of land).
  2. Inoculation of mycelium. For getting good harvest It is better to purchase spores from trusted suppliers rather than using overripe morels collected independently from the forest. The mushroom mycelium is distributed over the surface of the prepared substrate and then crushed with a small layer of earth (5 cm). After this, the soil is watered and covered with natural “insulation” (straw, leaves, small branches, apple pomace).
  3. Cultivation and harvesting. After sowing the mycelium, it is important to monitor the level of moisture in the substrate. As it dries, a special nutrient concentrate is added to the soil to promote intensive germination of spores (for example, “Baikal EM-1”). In addition, to stimulate fruiting, the beds can be sprinkled with a thin layer of ash.

The harvest is harvested 12 months after sowing. Interestingly, in one place the mycelium can bear fruit for 3 to 5 years. Caring for germinating spores comes down to timely moistening of the soil and feeding the plant wood ash. In autumn, the area is additionally covered with leaves, straw or grass. In the spring, after the snow melts, the protective cover is removed, leaving a thin layer of plant material.

In most cases, after 2-3 weeks, morels begin to bear fruit. Considering that young mushrooms have delicate flesh, it is better to use a sharp knife and a spacious container to collect them.

Remember, due to their fragility, morels quickly lose their presentation, so they should be transported as carefully as possible and in a short time.

Use in cooking

Thanks to their strong aroma and exquisite taste, morels have gained wide popularity among connoisseurs of mushroom dishes. In cooking they are used fresh, frozen and dried. Morels are served as an independent appetizer, as well as as part of various multi-ingredient dishes (sauces, gravy, meat side dishes, pie fillings, vegetable stew, puree soups). This product goes well with cheese and. Along with this, an aromatic seasoning is prepared from the dried fruits, which gives the food a pronounced mushroom taste. The main condition is to prepare the product correctly.

Algorithm for pre-processing of raw materials:

  1. Place the mushrooms in a large container with the stems up (to rid the fruiting bodies of sand and insects).
  2. Pour over morels cold water, add, leave in liquid for 20 minutes. When using dried mushrooms, the duration of soaking increases to 4-5 hours.
  3. Change the water.
  4. Heat treat the product (for 10 minutes). Before boiling, the liquid is salted.
  5. Remove the semi-finished morels from the hot broth and rinse under running water.
  6. Boil the raw materials again for 15 minutes.
  7. Place the prepared morels in a colander and rinse several times with clean liquid.

After a double heat treatment cycle, harmful compounds completely disappear.

Remember, only young fruiting bodies (with a white stem) should be collected, since with age the plant accumulates many toxins that cannot be removed by boiling.

Morels are ideal for stewing, baking, stuffing and frying. However, it is not customary to pickle and salt them. You can extend the shelf life of raw materials by drying them in the sun, in a ventilated area or in an oven.

How to properly dry morels?

Only young fruiting bodies of medium size are suitable for harvesting. Before drying, wipe the mushroom caps with a damp cloth (do not wash). And sand and insects are removed from the folds. It is best to dry morels in natural conditions in the sun. To do this, 2 holes are made in the fruiting bodies (at the root and the base of the cap), after which they are strung on strong threads and covered with two layers of gauze. To avoid mold, the minimum distance between mushroom caps should be 1 cm. When cloudy weather sets in, morels can be dried over a hot stove or in the oven (under constant supervision). The full cycle of raw material procurement is 3 months.

The method of natural drying of mushrooms allows you to preserve the nutritional value and high taste properties product for three years. Freeze-dried mushrooms High Quality resilient and elastic. If their fruiting bodies are squeezed in the hand, they quickly restore their structure.

Along with this, during the drying process of raw materials, harmful toxins “come out” from their tissues. Interestingly, from 10 kg of fresh fruits only 1 kg of freeze-dried product is obtained.

Ready morels are stored in a dry, well-ventilated place in paper or cardboard bags. The storage period is 3 years. However, it is better not to store them near products containing a large number of moisture (around vegetables, fish, meat).


“Stewed morels with vegetables”


  • morels – 400 g;
  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • carrots – 250 g;
  • tomatoes – 200 g;
  • – 180 g;
  • bell pepper – 150 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • olive oil– 30 ml;
  • – 25 g;
  • dill, onion tops, basil, parsley;
  • salt, pepper, mushroom seasoning.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Boil the morels in two changes of water, cut the boiled raw material into strips.
  2. Peel fresh vegetables. Chop the potatoes into cubes, the eggplant into slices, the onion into half rings, the peppers and tomatoes into small slices. Squeeze the garlic through a press, chop the greens.
  3. Fry the onions and then combine them with garlic and mushrooms. Simmer the mixture for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Place fresh and sautéed vegetables in a ceramic frying pan or slow cooker (“Stew” mode). Add 150 ml of water, herbs, salt and spices to the mixture.
  5. Simmer the vegetables for 50 minutes with the lid closed. After turning off, leave the food on the stove for 10 minutes.

The dish goes well with tomato juice and mustard sauce.

"Mushroom cutlets"


  • morels – 300 g;
  • (dried) – 250 g;
  • – 100 ml;
  • onion (shallot or onion) – 100 g;
  • sour cream (20%) – 50 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 30 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.

Cooking principle:

  1. Heat treat the mushrooms.
  2. Sauté the chopped onion over medium heat (5 minutes).
  3. Pass the boiled morels through a meat grinder.
  4. Combine the mushroom mixture with one egg, bread soaked in milk, salt and fried onions. Form cutlets.
  5. Prepare 2 containers with breading: place a beaten egg in the first, pour crackers into the second.
  6. Dip the cutlet into the egg and then into the breadcrumbs.
  7. Fry the product until cooked.

Serve cutlets with sour cream dressing.

  • Fill the morels with the prepared minced meat.
  • Place the mushrooms in a refractory dish, pour cream, sprinkle with cheese.
  • Bake the stuffed morels in the oven for 40 minutes.
  • “Moral soup puree”


    • water – 1000 ml;
    • morels – 300 g;
    • potatoes – 200 g;
    • cream – 200 ml;
    • – 150 g;
    • carrots – 70 g;
    • olive oil – 60 ml;
    • parsley (fresh) – 1 bunch;
    • garlic – 15 g
    • salt – 10 g.

    Cooking technology:

    1. Boil the mushrooms in salted water (20 minutes).
    2. Fry garlic, onion and carrots until golden brown.
    3. Add morels to the sauté and simmer the mixture for 7 minutes.
    4. Transfer the mushroom mixture into a saucepan and fill it with clean water.
    5. Pour chopped potatoes and salt into the broth (after boiling), boil the vegetables until tender.
    6. Puree the contents of the pan with a blender.
    7. Combine the mushroom mixture with the cream and boil again.
    8. Prepare aromatic dressing. To do this, mix olive oil with chopped parsley and garlic (passed through a press).

    Before serving, the puree soup is combined with aromatic dressing.

    “Morsels in sour cream sauce”


    • mushrooms – 500 g;
    • meat broth – 250 g;
    • sour cream (preferably thermostatic) – 200 g;
    • olive fat (can be replaced with corn or sunflower) – 50 g;
    • ghee (or butter) – 30 ml;
    • flour – 25 g;
    • lemon juice – 10 ml;
    • egg – 1 piece;
    • salt, seasonings, mustard.

    Cooking principle:

    1. Boil the mushrooms in two changes of water.
    2. Grind the product in a blender or meat grinder (to obtain a homogeneous mass). If desired, morels can be cut into small slices.
    3. Place the mushroom sauté in a saucepan with melted butter. Simmer the mixture for 20 minutes with the lid closed.
    4. Mix flour with vegetable fat and bring to a boil.
    5. Pour the raw materials into the oil mixture, and then fry until cooked (15 minutes).
    6. Combine the mushroom mass with sour cream, egg, salt, seasonings and meat broth. Boil the sauce for another 3-5 minutes. If desired, you can add cheese to the appetizer.

    Morel sauce goes well with mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables and boiled.


    Morels are a type of early edible mushroom that appears shortly after the soil thaws. They are easily recognized by their cone-shaped fleshy cap, on the outer side of which there are many oval cells. Morels are beneficial for the human body because they contain valuable nutrients: polysaccharides (galactomannan, rhamnose, glucose, n-acetyl-glucosamine), micro- and macroelements (potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc). These compounds improve the functional condition of the eyes, strengthen the immune system, stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, accelerate the removal of toxins and waste, reduce inflammation in cartilage tissue, and enhance lactation. In view of this, morels were found wide application in folk medicine. Aqueous extracts are prepared on their basis, alcohol tinctures and multicomponent decoctions.

    In addition to pharmacological properties, morels have a pronounced mushroom taste. They are great for baking, frying, stewing and drying. However, to obtain nutritional and delicious dish, mushrooms should be pre-prepared (to neutralize toxic substances). To do this, fresh raw materials are soaked in salt water and then subjected to double heat treatment (for 20 minutes) in two changes of water. In addition, poisonous helvelic acid can be destroyed by drying the fruiting bodies in the sun for three months.

    Remember, for culinary and medicinal purposes it is better to collect young fruiting bodies (with a white “leg”) of medium size before they have time to accumulate toxic compounds.

    The common morel is a conditionally edible mushroom of the Morel family. In another way, the common morel is called edible morel. Of the morel family, this is the only representative that is suitable for consumption.

    On Latin name sounds like Morchella esculenta.

    The mushroom is hollow inside, so its weight is light. hat round shape, resembling an egg, sometimes there are common morels with spherical or flattened caps.

    The color of the cap varies greatly depending on different external factors, for example, the age of the mushrooms or where they grow. The longer edible morels grow, the darker they become.

    The cap of the common morel has a rather specific structure: the surface is uneven, wrinkled, with dimples. The pits can be of different sizes; they are lined by the hymenium. The cells are irregular, slightly round in shape. In addition to the cells, the mushroom has light ribs, which are quite narrow in shape.

    The leg is shaped like a cylinder; there is a thickening at its base. The leg breaks easily. The pulp of the mushroom is very fragile, tender and crumbles easily. The color of the pulp is light, close to ocher. Over time, the leg becomes darker. The pulp does not have a pronounced mushroom smell, but it tastes pleasant.

    Places where common morels grow

    Edible morels prefer warm and bright places. These mushrooms grow in soils saturated with lime. Alder, birch, ash and oak forests are excellent for them; in addition, they grow in forests mixed with pine needles.

    It is not easy to notice the common morel among the fallen leaves, since its camouflage colors allow it to remain invisible. Most often, these mushrooms grow alone.

    Where and when are edible morels collected?

    Common morels - quite rare mushrooms, although among other morels they are the most common. They are collected on lawns and forest edges with grass cover. In the south of Russia they can be found directly in the garden or vegetable garden.

    You can go looking for morels as early as the end of April, but early morels are more watery and have an indefinite smell. In May they become stronger and acquire a real mushroom aroma with a light fruity note. In the middle zone, there are much fewer April morels than May ones. Individual specimens can be found even at the beginning of June.

    As a rule, edible morels grow in groups. They are found on the slopes of ravines, in clearings, in dense forests, among clearings and thickets of bushes. Often these mushrooms appear at forest fire sites.

    Edible morels also appear in parks and gardens of large cities. These mushrooms even grow in Australia. In the USA they are expensive, there is even a Morel Lovers Society, whose representatives call morels “the king of mushrooms.”

    How dangerous can morels be?

    Morels, like lines, contain dangerous substance, called gyromitrin. But there is much more of this substance in the lines than in morels or morel caps. Some researchers believe that many areas grow morels that do not contain the toxin.

    Dangerous similarity, or how to distinguish an edible morel from a stitch?

    Some mushroom pickers are confused common morels with their poisonous cousins. Really, related species are very similar, but they can be distinguished due to their shape; it is worth paying attention to the fact that the cap of the edible morel is round, in addition, its size is larger than that of poisonous species.

    In the morel, the length of the cap and stem are almost the same, but in the morel, the stem is often shortened, sometimes it is completely invisible.

    Morels have both a cap and a stem that are hollow inside, and the lines are filled with twisted pulp. On the surface of the morel there are sinuous cells.

    Edibility of common morels

    In our country, these mushrooms are allowed for harvesting. These are conditionally edible mushrooms; they must first be boiled. Morels can also be dried. We treat these mushrooms with caution, since from time to time information appears about cases of morel poisoning. But this is due to improper preparation of mushrooms or the fact that poisonous strings are often sold in markets instead of morels.

    Morels are fried, boiled and dried. Before use, they are boiled, the broth is drained, and the mushrooms are then washed with cold water. After this procedure, morels can be fried without fear. When dried, toxins are completely neutralized. Morels can be stewed in butter, sour cream or milk.

    Looking at these mushrooms, unpresentable in appearance, I somehow can’t believe that they can heal various diseases and strengthen the body.

    Morel mushrooms, the treatment of which is actually still possible, have healing properties, which have long been used in folk medicine. Let's find out which medicinal properties inherent in these unusual representatives of the mushroom kingdom, and how to cure certain diseases with them.

    Useful properties of morels

    The beneficial properties of morels are due to the following substances they contain:

    • Calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals;
    • Vitamins of group B, A, D and C.;
    • Natural sugars and flavors;
    • Nitrogenous components.

    All these healing components and compounds give morels medicinal properties.

    Infusions and others medicines of these mushrooms are used in the following cases:

    • To improve blood composition. The beneficial components of the mushroom strengthen blood vessels, increase hemoglobin content and thin the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots.

    That is why morels are used as a medicine to cope with thrombosis, fragility of blood vessels and varicose veins.

    • For the treatment of eye diseases.
    • For recovery after tuberculosis.
    • To relieve problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
    • To get rid of toxins, especially in case of poisoning. Morel supplements help remove toxins and waste, which is especially important for residents of megacities and those who work in hazardous industries or have undergone radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

    Often, morel tincture helps with toxicosis in pregnant women; the main thing is to ask your doctor for advice before taking it.

    • For healthy joints.
    • To enhance immunity.
    • To improve milk production during breastfeeding.
    • To get rid of dizziness and nausea.

    Let's find out exactly how morels are used to treat various ailments.

    How to improve appetite and stomach function

    If there are interruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, if you or your children have a poor appetite, morel tincture will help, which is prepared as follows:

    • Pour 1 tbsp. chopped morels with a glass of boiling water and put on fire.
    • Cook the morels for half an hour, remove from the stove and leave for 5 hours.

    Every day we take 50 ml of tincture before meals. You will forget about poor appetite, intestinal disorders and colic: your gastrointestinal tract It will work like clockwork!

    How to improve your eye condition

    Morel tincture was first used to treat eye diseases during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. The recipes developed then are still used today to strengthen the eye muscles and get rid of glaucoma and cataracts.

    The components of the mushroom nourish the eyeballs, make the thinnest capillaries stronger and brighten the lens, which helps older people have excellent vision without glasses and surgeries.

    Morel tincture is also useful for those who work a lot at the computer: it relieves tension, pain in the eyes and general fatigue.

    How to make an eye tincture

    • Dry 150 g of fresh morels for 3 months.
    • Grind dry mushrooms into powder.
    • Fill it with 200 ml of vodka and put it in a cool, dark place to infuse for a couple of weeks.

    We take morel tincture in the mornings and evenings, a teaspoon, washed down with sour morsica (juice). Depending on the problem, you need to take the tincture for 1 month or more.

    As an effective cure for joint diseases, morel tincture is recognized even by experienced traditional medicine doctors. Rubbing the tincture into the area of ​​inflammation helps get rid of arthrosis, arthritis and rheumatism. It will also help with sprains.

    How to make morel tincture for joints

    • Mix lungwort, wild rosemary and dried willow flowers by the full handful.
    • Add 100 g of fresh morels, crushed in a blender, and pour in 0.6 liters of vodka.
    • Let the mixture sit in the dark for a couple of weeks.

    We use the finished tincture for rubbing into inflamed areas.

    How to recover from tuberculosis

    To quickly restore strength after suffering from tuberculosis, we make a healing potion:

    • Boil 200 g of morels, wash and dry.
    • Cut the mushrooms into pieces and pour in butter, after melting it.
    • Grease a clay pot with butter, add mushrooms, crushed garlic (a head), 100 g of rye crackers, and fill with real country sour cream.
    • Simmer the contents of the pot in the oven over low heat for three hours. Turn off the oven and leave the pot in it for another hour.

    We take the restorative medicine, 1 tbsp. twice a day.

    How to cure autoimmune thyroiditis (chronic thyroid disease)

    As an addition to complex treatment, morels help get rid of this serious disease. First we make the tincture:

    • Pour 50 g of dried or 150 g of fresh morels with 0.5 liters of good vodka.
    • Let the composition sit for a month and filter.

    Take 1 tsp. tinctures on an empty stomach every day.

    Morel for lymphadenitis, blood diseases and lymphogranulomatosis

    To quickly cope with such diseases, we take morel tincture:

    • Cut 12 fresh morels into pieces or take 30 g of dried ones.
    • Fill the morels with 0.6 liters of vodka and put them in the refrigerator for a month.

    Take 1 tsp once a day. tinctures, washed down with something sour - juice or fruit drink. You need to complete the entire course, drinking the entire tincture.

    Now you know that morel mushrooms, the treatment of which has been known for a long time, help cope with many ailments. Try their healing qualities for yourself, after consulting with your doctor, and be healthy!
