How many children must there be to receive the status of “heroine mother” in Russia: what does the title give when it was awarded in the USSR. Who is entitled to the “Parental Glory” medal and the “Mother Heroine” award in Russia For how many children are given a heroine mother?

Russia, becoming the legal successor Soviet Union, for some reason I immediately forgot about mothers of many children and really remembered it relatively recently, when faced with a demographic crisis called “Women don’t want to give birth,” caused, first of all, by the difficult economic situation. Replaced the "Mother Heroine" order " Parental glory", awarded, unlike its Soviet counterpart, to both parents. Another difference between “Slava” is that it is awarded to families with not ten, but four children. And, most importantly, it is complemented by not the most serious, according to experts, benefits and allowances.

Thus, when supporting several children, their parents have the right to pay 50% of the amount utilities and, for the extraordinary installation of the latter, for reducing the amount of taxation of income, for earlier retirement (albeit, subject to the development of a certain length of service), for saving for mothers length of service. For children there is a 50% discount on payment kindergarten, free travel on municipal public transport, free treatment and examination in government medical institutions, free summer rest in children's camps and some privileges when entering universities. Which, given modern realities, often remains on paper. True, regions have their own assistance programs. For example, in the Altai Territory, parents do not have to pay to purchase medications intended for use in pharmacies. Children from such families also have priority rights to admission to a country holiday camp.

Will “Mother Heroine” be brought back?

A bill providing for the restoration of the title and order of “Mother Heroine” in Russia began to be considered in 2013 The State Duma RF. The document, in particular, stipulates that the main basis for their delivery will be the presence in the family of at least five children aged from one to five years. And the benefits will have to become, according to one of the authors of the bill, Mikhail Serdyuk, no less significant than those in the Soviet Union.

Started with the letter "A"

The heroic title and the order attached to it appeared in the USSR on July 8, 1944, almost a year before the end of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Having irretrievably lost millions of men, most of whom were young, the country then also found itself on the edge of a demographic abyss. A way out of this could be to encourage Soviet women to give birth as often as possible, including providing them with serious social benefits. And in the fall of 1944, the first 14 mothers who gave birth and raised at least ten children were awarded in Moscow.

It is symbolic that order number 1 was awarded to a woman whose first and last name began with the letter “A” - Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region, the mother of 12 children. Eight sons of Anna Savelyevna became participants in the Great Patriotic War, half of them did not return home. Subsequently, Aleksakhina’s order was transferred to the State Historical Museum by her children. By the way, at the same time with the Order of “Mother Heroine”, two more awards appeared for Soviet women with many children - the Medal of Motherhood (for the birth of five or six children) and the Order of Maternal Glory (from seven to nine).

"Seven Simeons"

In addition to their own children, including those killed or missing during hostilities, service in the army or police, when saving a person’s life, or those who died due to occupational illness and work injury, the state also took into account those whom their mothers adopted. The Soviet government should be given its due; it strictly fulfilled its material obligations. All women awarded the title “Mother Heroine” were allocated separate multi-room apartments in cities or houses in rural areas, and were paid monthly cash benefits. And their children had the opportunity to receive a good education and profession for free.

At one time she was not deprived of state attention, for example, musical family Irkutsk Ovechkins. The heroine mother, Ninel Sergeevna, who headed it, single-handedly raised 11 children who created the family ensemble “Seven Simeons,” famous almost throughout the Union. That, however, did not prevent them, almost in full force, from committing a particularly dangerous crime and trying to hijack a civilian plane abroad.

Historians claim that the latest awards Soviet mothers in November 1991, it was presented by the president of the fading USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev. However, in Russian media From time to time, materials are published that provide a completely unique and not very plausible-looking fact that in the early 90s, another person was rewarded with the Order of Mother Heroine. Moreover, a man named Veniamin Makarov, who raised in his Yekaterinburg four-room apartment, received in the form of a state benefit, several dozen adopted boys from the street and from orphanages. By the way, Makarov is now suing one of them over this apartment.

Mom is the best and tender word. Mom is the closest and dear person. For every mother this is already a great reward. There are women who have five or six children, and some have even more. And these mothers of many children receive rewards not only from their children, but also from the state.

The title of "mother heroine" in the USSR

In the USSR, the title of mother-heroine was awarded to women who raised ten or more children. This was also the name of the order, which was awarded to mothers of many children. The title of mother-heroine was awarded if a woman gave birth to and raised ten or more children; moreover, at the time of assignment of the title, the youngest child must be one year old and all other children of this woman must be alive. They also paid attention to the presence of adopted children and children who died or went missing for various reasons.

Most main goal When creating this order, it was to celebrate the mother’s merits in the birth, and especially in raising children. So, we figured out how they received the title of mother-heroine in the USSR, and now let’s pay attention to modern times.

Mother heroine in Russia

Today, the Order of “Mother Heroine” in Russia has been replaced by the Order of “Parental Glory”. Four or more - that’s how many children a modern “heroine mother” has. Only now the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to two parents. Unlike the USSR, a certificate of honor and a monetary award were added to the order. Parents who raise seven or more children also receive a badge of the order and a miniature copy of it, which can be worn at special events.

Of course, the order in the USSR was given more possibilities and benefits. The main advantage was receiving apartments and child benefits in large size. It is impossible to say what benefits a mother-heroine has in Russia, because there are none. True, there are regions where mothers of many children luckier, they offer benefits for utility bills, provide trips to the resort for parents or children, and can allocate a place in kindergarten without waiting in line.

Today in Russia is coming decision on the entry into force of a new law that provides benefits for large families. The law stipulates the following points:

  • depending on the number of children, payments range from one subsistence minimum to seven times the minimum;
  • benefits for utilities;
  • benefits for admission to universities;
  • provision of minibuses;
  • provision of land;
  • assistance in obtaining loans for the purchase of housing.

The conditions for these privileges are that the youngest child must be one year old, parents and all children must be citizens of Russia.

Mother heroine in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the title of mother-heroine is awarded if a woman gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of eight; adopted children are also taken into account. At the same time, attention is paid to personal contribution to the upbringing of children, the creation of favorable living conditions, the education of children, the development of their creative potential, and the formation of spiritual and moral values.

In Ukraine, mothers of many children are paid one-time assistance ten times the subsistence minimum. The heroine mother, who due to her short work experience or lack of it at all, is not entitled to a pension, receives social assistance at one hundred percent of the subsistence level. In addition to all this, a heroine mother or a woman who gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of six, receive a pension for services to the homeland. It is paid as a supplement to the basic pension amount, in the amount of one-fourth of the subsistence minimum.

Large families and heroine mothers who have unfavorable living conditions have the right to priority order for obtaining housing. Even if the children in the family are eighteen years old, the woman is not removed from the waiting list until she receives housing.

Having and raising many children is a very big and hard labour, but at the same time, there is nothing more important and necessary than children.

Current legislation provides sufficient a large number of social support options for people who need it most.

Normative acts establish not only various ways material support for citizens, but also a strict list of conditions that a person must meet in order to qualify for assistance from the state budget.

In this regard, it will be useful for many to find out how many children the heroine mother has in Russia, and how the provision of assistance to this category of persons is generally regulated.

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History of the title

We remembered the mothers at the end of the Great Patriotic War. Taking into account the huge losses, the authorities quickly realized that they needed to take some measures that would help to positively influence the demographic situation within the state.

Authorized government officials were looking for candidates who could receive this title throughout the USSR, and the award ceremony was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the revolution.

Ultimately, the corresponding orders were granted to mothers who not only gave birth to and raised more than ten children, but also lost their own children during the Second World War. Thus, the first woman to receive this order has twelve children, eight of whom took direct part in hostilities, and four gave their lives.

This order was subsequently presented to the State Historical Museum by the children of the heroine.

If desired, in the museum's collections it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the first award that was issued on Russian territory. It is worth noting the fact that the award ceremony was carried out directly in the Kremlin with various honors, but the most great joy The end result for the family was that their living space was increased.

What were the benefits

In case if youngest child reached the age of one year, and at the same time all older children remained alive at the time of assignment of this status, the woman was given the corresponding honorary title. During the Soviet Union, women with many children received quite significant help, and this applied not only to those who had the title of “heroine mother.”

After the third child was born into the family, she could count on financial support from the state.

In addition to fairly significant benefits for children, as well as increasing the duration of leave in connection with childbirth and pregnancy, the possibility of registering a child in kindergarten out of turn, the need for reduced kindergarten fees, and the possibility of receiving free meals at school were additionally provided for.

Women who received the appropriate status were given the opportunity to retire five years earlier, they were also given the opportunity to use public transport free of charge after retirement, as well as significant benefits in the process of paying utility bills.

The key privilege that was provided for heroine mothers during the Soviet Union was the provision of a separate living space, and one could apply for it even if one of the children had already reached adulthood.

No one had the right to remove such citizens from the queue for housing, and therefore the heroine was guaranteed to receive the apartments provided to her by the state in accordance with the law.

Order of "Parental Glory"

During the Soviet Union, in addition to the Order of the Mother Heroine, it was decided to establish several new awards. Thus, the “Motherhood Medal” of the first and second degrees appeared, provided for raising six and five children, respectively, and, in addition to this, the Order of “Maternal Glory” also appeared, which had three degrees and was provided for raising from seven to nine children.

For half a century, mothers were rewarded at the highest level and encouraged with all kinds of preferences, which disappeared after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as a result of which they were not used for more than 15 years.

The situation changed after Presidential Decree No. 775 was officially adopted and published, according to which the new Order of Parental Glory was introduced, which happened in 2008. Today, in accordance with current legislation, this award is given to women who give birth and raise children in Russia. In 2010, after the publication of Decree No. 1099, a new award was established - the medal of the Order of Parental Glory.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that, unlike the previously existing legislative act, in accordance with which mothers were provided with various awards, the current regulatory document provides for material gratitude not only to mothers, but also to fathers, taking into account the fact that the birth and upbringing of children is carried out by both parents , and not exclusively by the mother.

Another fairly important innovation was the extremely strict selection of families who, in accordance with the current legislation, have the opportunity to qualify for the stipulated gratitude, since previously no specific conditions, with the exception of a certain number of children, were not provided for by the current legislation, although now they are mandatory.

In particular, the norms prescribed in Presidential Decree No. 1099 establish that parents have the legal right to receive honorary titles and orders only if they meet the following conditions:

  • are in an officially registered marriage relationship;
  • created for their children favorable conditions, in which they can lead fully healthy image life, develop both physically and spiritually, and also receive the appropriate level of care and attention for any needs, and this applies to both their own children and adopted ones;
  • the youngest child must be at least three years old;
  • adopted children must be raised for at least five years.

Another important difference from the previously existing award in this case is the total number of families that can be nominated for the award.

Previously, during the Soviet Union, this title was granted to more than 10,000 women throughout the year, while today it is possible to issue this title to only two families in a certain region, and even this can only be done after a thorough check living conditions, maintenance and satisfaction various needs children, starting from providing them with food and clothing that meets the established rules, and ending with cultural development.

Conditions of receipt

Receiving the title of mother-heroine is provided for if parents have raised from four to seven children. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that we are talking specifically about born children, that is, adopted ones will also be taken into account.

In order for a family to qualify for this state award, interested parties will have to go through the following procedure:

  1. Submit an appropriate appeal to the territorial division of the authority social protection citizens located at their place of residence.
  2. Authorized employees of government agencies review the submitted list of documents, and then compare the information provided with the requirements established by current legislation.
  3. If the parents submitting the application fully meet the criteria provided for by current legislation, their candidacies are submitted for subsequent consideration to the highest official of the subject in question. According to statistics, in the vast majority of cases in a certain region, no more than two families are selected.
  4. Cases about families are transferred directly to the Presidential Administration, after which they independently make a decision on the possibility of providing the appropriate award to a specific citizen.

Thus, not everyone who wishes can ultimately receive the Order of Parental Glory.

What benefits and additional rights does the title provide?

Mothers who have decided to take on the difficult work of raising and providing for themselves large family 24-hour care, enjoy a number of benefits, which are not provided in every region.

Territorial local governments in various areas provided:

  • discount on utility bills, the amount of which is at least 30%;
  • the possibility of free use of public transport;
  • possibility of placing a child in preschool without queue;
  • complete tax exemption if you want to create your own business (provided only for a certain period of time);
  • all kinds of benefits and subsidies in the case of independent construction of residential real estate.

The most famous was the one who killed her own children

Forty-fourth year. Victory over the Nazis is already close, but how hard it is for the country to take every step towards it! Many soldiers died on the battlefield, the Soviet Union desperately needs young healthy men and women - it is necessary to restore the destroyed power.

On July 8, 1944, a Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued, according to which awards were given to women-mothers: those who give life, who, despite the difficulties of wartime, raise their children and bring them into the world.

A woman who raised five or more children now received the “Motherhood Medal.” In addition, the Order of “Maternal Glory” was established - for raising 7, 8 and 9 children. The highest award - the title and order "Mother Heroine" - was awarded to those truly heroic women who gave the country ten or more new citizens.

The same Decree established measures to provide various assistance and support for expectant and current mothers. State benefits, allowances, and payments appeared. And after the publication of the Decree, children's institutions - nurseries and kindergartens - began to open in the country.

The Order of the Mother Heroine was awarded in the Soviet Union until 1991. The stories of some mothers with many children cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Anna Aleksakhina - order No. 1

On one of the chilly autumn evenings of 1944, there was a knock on a barracks near Moscow: “Who’s Anna Aleksakhina here?” The neighbors escorted the stranger to the kitchen, where a woman was in charge among the boiling pots. Here they gave her stamp paper, which reported on the Kremlin’s high award. She received the award itself a little later from the hands of the “all-Union elder” Mikhail Kalinin.

This woman raised ten sons and two daughters in the most difficult years. Six boys were taken away by the war - four did not return from the front, two died from their wounds after the Victory.

The remaining sons and daughters did not let their parents down - they worked honestly all their lives, and there was no reason to blush for them. Only there were no large families among them.

The youngest children of the Aleksakhins always remembered how hard life was for the family, how they ate stew made from nettles and quinoa, how strictly their father raised them and how sorry their mother was. But at that time almost all peasants lived like this. And they gave birth to children without hesitation - the more workers there are in the family, the easier it is to feed themselves.

The government spent several months searching throughout the country mother of many children, worthy of being the first to receive an honorary award. Aleksakhina’s lack of a party card almost became an obstacle to the officials’ decision. However, there was no other choice - mothers with many children were in no hurry to join the party. Apparently they had no time...

Anna Aleksakhina’s Order “Mother Heroine” number one is today kept in Moscow, among the exhibits of the Historical Museum.

Forty-eight children of Shura Derevskaya

This amazing woman was called mom by not even forty-eight - sixty-five people! But only forty-eight of them managed to become adults - Alexandra Avraamovna Derevskaya, “Romenskaya Madonna”, passed away when the rest of the boys and girls she warmed to were still very young...

And it all started shortly after the end of the First World War. Shurochka, a young sister of mercy who fell in love with Emelyan Derevsky, readily becomes a mother for his son - weak, rickety Mitya, dear mother which she died from incurable disease. Further more. Shura sheltered an orphan Pannu, then a little one appeared in the family Timofey, behind him - Valya: almost blind two-year-old orphan from orphanage, which Shura simply could not leave in the care of the state...

It’s amazing: how did this girl have enough strength and energy to keep everyone warm, fed, and educated? The weakest, sickest and most neglected children found love and affection in her family, straightened out, became cheerful and strong.

If it weren’t for the war... World War II took away the son of Alexandra and Emelyan, Timofey. And how many orphans this war left! Shura could not ignore the human tragedy - more and more children appeared in her house... Runaways from an orphanage, lost during the evacuation, blockade children, foundlings... There was a place for everyone both in the house and in the heart.

Victory has come. The Derevskys with 29 children moved to Ukraine - to the Sumy region, the village of Romny. More and more children, less and less strength and health... Emelyan broke down - unable to bear such a life, he left his family, although he continued to help financially. And Shura began to get sick. Taking advantage of the difficult situation, all kinds of commissions frequented Alexandra Derevskaya’s house - the state decided to take the children away from the lonely sick mother. Some were taken away - it is unknown to which boarding schools and orphanages. Despite everything, Alexandra died happy - surrounded by loving grown children. And she bequeathed to them to always take care of each other.

Heroine with a bomb

Truly worthy women did not always receive high awards. Story Nineli Ovechkina and her 11 children will excite minds and hearts for a long time.

Passengers of the Tu-154, flying on March 8, 1988 from Irkutsk to Leningrad, had no idea that they would become victims of a criminal family. Yes, it would never even occur to anyone to think badly of such an exemplary family! Children - gifted musicians playing in the family ensemble "Seven Simeons" - have long become the heroes of many articles and television programs.

But they really wanted more... The difficult decision was spurred by a tour in Japan, where the talented family was offered a lucrative contract. The Ovechkins, led by their mother, began to develop a plan to escape from the Soviet Union. It was decided to hijack the plane. The musicians took with them several homemade bombs and sawn-off shotguns.

The hijacking attempt initially went like clockwork: holding the passengers at gunpoint, the criminals forced the pilots to fly to Finland. But when they realized that special forces had gotten on board during refueling, the Ovechkins detonated a bomb. The plane caught fire... The criminal mother made a decision: she ordered her eldest son to shoot her and the rest of the brothers, and then shoot himself. The plan was partially carried out: most of the Ovechkins died.

A flight attendant was also killed Tamara Zharkaya and three passengers. The rest were rescued by the military.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Order of the Mother Heroine was not awarded. In total, from 1944 to 1991, about half a million women received the honorary title in the Soviet Union.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 8, 1944, it was established that a mother who gave birth and raised ten children was awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title "Mother Heroine". The regulations on the honorary title “Mother Heroine” and the Order “Mother Heroine” were approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 18, 1944.

The title "Mother Heroine" was awarded upon reaching last child age of one year and if there are other living children of this mother.

When assigning the title "Mother Heroine" the following children were also taken into account:

- adopted by a mother in accordance with the procedure established by law;

- killed or missing in action while defending the USSR or while performing other duties military service, or when fulfilling the duty of a citizen of the USSR to save human life, for the protection of socialist property and socialist legal order, as well as those who died as a result of injury, concussion, injury or illness received under the specified circumstances, or as a result of a work injury or occupational disease.

Mothers who were awarded the title "Mother Heroine" were awarded the Order "Mother Heroine" and the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The Order "Mother Heroine" was worn by the recipients on the left side of the chest and, if the recipient had other orders and medals, was placed above them.

The badge of the Order "Mother Heroine" is a golden convex five-pointed star against a background of silver rays diverging in the form five-pointed star, the ends of which are placed between the ends of the golden star.

The size of the order between the opposite ends of the silver star is 28 mm. The height of the order including the block is 46 mm.

As of September 18, 1975, the gold content in the order was 4.5±0.4402 g, the silver content was 11.525±0.974 g. The gold purity was 583. The total weight of the order was 17.5573±1.75 g.

The badge of the order is connected by means of an eye and a link to a figured metal plate covered with red enamel. On the plate there is a raised inscription “Mother is a heroine”. The edges of the plate and the inscription are gilded. The plate has a pin on the reverse side for attaching the order to clothing.

For the first time, the title “Mother Heroine” was awarded to 14 women on October 27, 1944. Order No. 1 was received by a resident of the Moscow region, Anna Savelyevna Aleksakhina, a mother of 12 children. Eight of her sons fought with the enemy, four of them were killed, and two more died of wounds after the war.

Currently, the Order "Mother Heroine" No. 1 is kept in the Historical Museum in Moscow.

In the 40 years since the title “Mother Heroine” was approved, more than 750 thousand women have received it. Since 1991, the honorary title “Mother Heroine” has not been awarded.

In February 2013, a bill on the title “Mother Heroine” was submitted to the State Duma Russian Federation". The honorary title "Mother Heroine of the Russian Federation" is proposed to be established as highest degree social difference a woman who gave birth and raised five children under the age of 8, including those adopted by a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources
