Compatibility of Taurus and Sagittarius. On the verge of the incredible: compatibility between a Sagittarius man and a Taurus woman

One day two truth tellers met. One is used to saying whatever comes into his head, without thinking about the consequences. The second does not consider it necessary to hide or veil its intentions. And the following dialogue took place between them:
“I like you,” said Sagittarius, smiling in his sincerely charming manner.
“Then marry me,” the Taurus woman suggested, firmly and stubbornly.

Looks like he'll have to submit. Otherwise, one day he risks being taken to the registry office bound and gagged. Because Taurus also liked Sagittarius - and this woman is also an owner, and is used to keeping everything under control. In addition, such a turn of events seems completely natural to her: she will never agree to be Sagittarius’s girlfriend, one of many. And Taurus also wants to instruct this reveler to be true, surround him with comfort and help him settle down. Help?.. It would be more correct to say – force. However, is there any need to find fault with words if the essence does not change...

He still smiles at her, but a little tensely. He is delighted with this strong, reliable woman. People like her stop galloping horses, enter burning huts and create impeccable living conditions for their partners. When he returns home from work, Sagittarius will find the apartment tidy, the laundry washed, and hot pies will be waiting for him in the kitchen. Just a dream, not a wife! Why does my soul become so anxious at the thought that this “dream” might one day come true? It’s just that our free shooter is not used to the collar and leash, and does not want to get used to it.

It is very difficult for people who consider freedom to be theirs to understand those who are trying to limit it. The very fact that the partner has a need to control his every move causes amazement and protest in Sagittarius. And then Taurus can show him a frying pan and offer him a choice of what he wants to receive - homemade cutlets or toothaches. Now do you understand how little chance this couple has of living in love and harmony until old age? If Sagittarius defends his right to a bachelor lifestyle, Taurus will have to forgive him everything for which he wants to be stupefied by gently hitting his stupid head with something heavy. If Taurus prevails, poor Sagittarius will have no choice but to settle at home, revel in boredom and soul-searching, in order to become embittered, flabby and old ahead of schedule for thirty years. That this option will not make anyone happy. So is it worth torturing each other? It would be better if Taurus and Sagittarius remained friends.

But before you say “not fate” and part ways, remember where it all began. What attracted you to your partner? What about it made your heart beat faster?
“He was so charmingly fearless, so sociable, open and sincere,” the woman will say, “and I thought... you won’t get bored with him.”
“I felt colossal power - it’s simply amazing where so much power comes from in an ordinary woman,” Sagittarius recalls, “At the same time, she is surprisingly calm and circumspect. And I thought... you won’t be lost with her.”

So, love each other the way you met them - and don’t try to change them or remake them in your own way. Taurus should just trust their partner more, and Sagittarius should learn to treat their beloved more carefully and not give her reasons to worry. Because a duel between an angry bull and an angry centaur cannot end bloodlessly: both of you will be licking your wounds for a long time if you do not find a compromise. So look for him quickly!

Psychological compatibility of Taurus woman and Sagittarius man

There will be few quiet moments in your relationship when you can at least take a breath. And all due to the fact that the vectors of your movement are directed towards opposite sides. With the same passion with which Sagittarius will strive for unknown distances, you will strive for your cozy home. In this eternal dispute, none of you will win a final victory, but you are guaranteed constant mutual dissatisfaction and irritation.

A short-term romance is more suitable for you, where he will be able to ignite the fire of your feelings brighter than ever. With him you will experience previously unknown facets, perhaps taste forbidden pleasures. But when you want to return home to rest and rethink your impressions, you will find that you are left alone. For Sagittarius, home is just a transit base where you can spend the night and have a quick snack, and then rush headlong into a new adventure. Of course, such an attitude towards your cherished nest will seem completely unacceptable to you. And, nevertheless, it is impossible to “domesticate” Sagittarius - this is a fact. He will forever remain a free bird.

If you manage to pacify your pride and jealousy, your constant need to know who your loved one is spending time with and when he will return, if you can wait for him alone at home for a long time and accept him without reproach - your union will be able to survive for a long time. But will it be happy for you? You will have to sacrifice too much for the short-term happiness of contemplating your treasure. You will never be sure that he will return, just as you will never be sure that he was faithful to you in his wanderings. Consider carefully whether you can maintain your peace of mind in such circumstances.

You will definitely have heated debates in which the idealistic Sagittarius will defend his ethical theories, and you will try to open his eyes at least a little to the surrounding reality. Don't try too hard to bring him down to the ground, you will only upset him, but will never convince him. On the other hand, his stupid enthusiasm can inspire you to implement long-postponed plans and give a new impetus to your personal growth. He will be a source of new ideas for you, a fresh breeze that sometimes bursts into your established life in order to thoroughly ventilate it and bring in the seeds of new thoughts.

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A Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man are a difficult union. It is difficult for representatives of these zodiac signs to understand each other. The partner is a homely and reliable lady. She needs to feel stability and confidence in the future. The partner, on the contrary, needs constant change. His soul strives for freedom. He is too frivolous for a Taurus woman. In addition, he is in no hurry to bind himself with responsibility: marriage, financial obligations.

Compatibility in love and marriage

A successful marriage between a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man is rare. In this married couple There are constant quarrels, disagreements and misunderstandings. Both partners - bright personalities. But their worldviews are radically different.

The Sagittarius man is used to setting ambitious goals for himself. He tends to idealize. He can be cynical, rude and sarcastic. It is difficult for him to sit in one place. The Taurus woman thinks more practically. Her goals are more realistic and achievable. She was not used to dreaming in vain. She happily devotes herself to everyday cares of the home. She is a hardworking, thrifty and thrifty housewife. For her, home is a “fortress.” The Sagittarius man does not appreciate his wife’s housekeeping and, under any pretext, runs away from home to friends or to work.

The lady has a desire to change her flighty gentleman, to make him more “homey”. Such attempts are unsuccessful. They cause indignation and aggression in men. For a union between representatives of these zodiac signs to be successful, partners should discuss the responsibilities and rights of each in advance.

Sexual compatibility

The stars promise the conservative Taurus woman and the passionate Sagittarius man high sexual compatibility. These people are attracted to each other. Sex is important to both. Over time, a barrier of misunderstanding arises between them due to differences in temperaments. Sagittarius is a straightforward person. He likes to experiment. His companion should become more open. Then partners will learn to understand what they lack to achieve absolute harmony in bed.

Business compatibility (in work and business)

Working in pairs, a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man rarely achieve good results. They have different styles work. Their joint activities become successful when a representative of the stronger sex takes the position of leader. He is capable of competently solving organizational issues. He is sociable and easily makes contacts. The Taurus woman can take on the responsibilities of a financial director and executive. She plans well, calculates well and is not afraid of routine work. The main thing is that the lady should not be embarrassed by the excessive straightforwardness and rudeness of such a boss.

Compatibility in friendship

Sincere and selfless friendship between representatives of these zodiac signs is rare. They have different interests and worldview. Often such relationships resemble mutually beneficial cooperation. A sociable Sagittarius man becomes a good adviser and mentor for a reserved Taurus woman. But from time to time she is annoyed by his frivolity and irrepressible optimism. If these people learn to turn a blind eye to each other's shortcomings, friendly relations can begin between them.

Taurus and Sagittarius

An alliance between these two individuals can be quite complex, because each partner will play their own role in it, deal with their own affairs, and rarely will their common interests coincide. The Sagittarius woman is the keeper of home comfort, she is capable of self-sacrifice, but Taurus men approach this differently.

Harmony and mutual understanding between these individuals is only possible if each of them tries to make every effort to create comfort in their home.

The Sagittarius woman may seem suspicious and soft-bodied only in appearance. It's actually pretty inside strong personality who always knows what she wants. However, such women are not inclined to lead and manage their partner.

The Taurus man in this union will show his activity in every possible way; every time he will want to create the impression of a caring and loving person, however, in reality, he will often pursue not the best goals.

For such men, the most important thing in life is stability, growth, self-development, financial well-being and independence. And therefore, they will try in every possible way to select a so-called victim for their partners, who can be controlled. Because of this, problems in relationships are possible, because the Sagittarius woman will not allow her partner to manage her personal time and get involved in her affairs.

Advantages of the union: Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

Often in an alliance such people can achieve high altitudes than previously expected. Each of them individually is quite a strong personality, prone to self-development, understanding and helping the world around them. In addition, in the union of such people, astrologers often note the following advantages:

Despite a large number of advantages, it is worth noting several disadvantages of such unions, which often lead to the termination of all relationships. As they say, whoever owns the information owns the world. In this case, it is better to know all the disadvantages of such an alliance, and only then try to do something.

  • IN extreme situations They can shift all responsibility onto their partner. They believe that this makes it much easier to avoid stressful situations;
  • Often Taurus men try to lead their partner, which leads to conflict situations, because Sagittarians are quite vulnerable individuals;
  • Each of them in the union desires financial enrichment. And it doesn’t matter whether these desires affect the whole family or just one person. Such a pursuit sooner or later leads to a conflict of interests between them;
  • Sagittarius women are public personalities, they love noisy parties, they love to be in the center of the company. The Taurus man is more homely, he loves comfort and tranquility;
  • These people have different temperaments by nature. Taurus are in most cases sanguine, and Sagittarius are melancholic and sometimes phlegmatic;
  • Taurus are loners by nature, they like to do everything on their own. Sagittarius are family men, they want to create comfort for themselves and their loved ones, they cannot stand loneliness;
  • In conflict situations, each of them can fight for their place in the sun, and sometimes problems may arise. conflict situations and misunderstanding due to the fact that one of the partners does not accept the opinion of the other;
  • Each of them has different goals in life;
  • Each of them will always feel that their partner is not doing enough for their well-being;
  • They do not know how to give in to each other on important issues.

How to find a common language in a couple: Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

Finding a common language with Sagittarius women is quite difficult. Each time, the Taurus man will have to adapt to her, wait for the right moment for conversation, and devote his personal time. However, such women really love it when they are shown as much attentiveness and care as possible. Needless to say, they will not consider any holiday without flowers to be a holiday. They are playful, cheerful and inventive and will be very flattered by a partner who shows the same interest in her favorite activities as she does.

Taurus men are often pragmatic, she is always results-oriented. They often spend their whole lives in pursuit of wealth. They do not tolerate deception and omissions. They love it when people are tactful towards them, punctual, can reciprocate and do not skimp on praise. Since Taurus are sociable people, they spend a lot of time with colleagues and friends. It’s worth trying to share their interests at least a little, and then find mutual language it will be much easier with them.

Compatibility of a couple in bed: Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

In bed, these signs are very compatible. Each of them has the goal of bringing pleasure to their partner. None of them will be embarrassed to ask their loved one any emerging and troubling questions or seek advice.

However, Taurus men should under no circumstances neglect the desires of a Sagittarius woman, otherwise she may withdraw into herself and not make contact for a long time.

Partners need to try to study the characteristics of Taurus men, try to discuss problems with them intimate life, learn more about their preferences. You should not assume that liberated Taurus men are capable of taking adventures in intimate matters. In terms of intimacy, they are not fans of Sagittarius' inventive tricks.

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

It is rare that complete harmony in marriage can be achieved between these partners. Only years of marriage can pacify Taurus men and calm their temper. They, as true fans of any entertainment, parties and noisy companies, are unlikely to immediately understand the seemingly reserved, domestic Sagittarius women.

It is worth finding a compromise in such an alliance, correctly distributing roles in the family, and trying to look for common hobbies.

It is not advisable for such couples to have children in the first years of life; they can worsen their relationship and become the cause of already numerous conflicts and quarrels. The couple should try to establish their relationship first. life together, get a home, improve your financial situation, and only then think about expanding your family.

Surely at least once every family Sagittarius thought about cheating on their partner. However, Taurus men are rather selfish individuals; in addition to attention to themselves, they require immense devotion and respect.

Compatibility of a couple in friendship: Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

In friendship, these signs are quite compatible, since each of them is trying to establish harmony with themselves and the world around them. Often such friendships can develop into something more. Although Taurus men are very selfish, they should not sort things out if the Sagittarius woman finds several more of the same friends. She does this, most likely, because of her eternal need for self-affirmation, because she is often sentimental and insecure.

However, it is Taurus men who will help them overcome such uncertainty, who free time will focus on friendship issues.

The friendship between these two individuals ends either in an engagement or a very high-profile separation. In the future, such people will stop communicating. However, it also happens that Taurus and Sagittarius have been friends for many years, but they are always attracted to each other, like a magnet.

Quite often, Taurus men and Sagittarius women have too different temperaments. Their characters simply do not allow them to find a common language and solve problems together. Often, each of them will try to look more flawed compared to their comrade, asking for advice and help, support and attention. However, in some cases, Sagittarius women care very much about their friends, selflessly help them, go to meetings and even help solve pressing problems.

Compatibility of a couple in business: Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

These partners both enjoy working as a team. In the initial stages of a working relationship, they will get to know each other as best as possible, even going so far as to learn their habits and time for morning walks. They do this in order to adapt to the pace and methods of work of their partner.

If such people have been working for a long time, then they know very well what quarrels are. They often conflict over any work troubles without trying to find ways to resolve such conflicts. As a rule, they exhaust themselves after some time, and the partners continue to work as before.

If it happens that one of these individuals occupies a higher position, then you should be prepared for competition and misunderstandings, because each of them believes that he can take the place of the first and cope with his responsibilities much better. You should not prove your superiority and compete, because such impulses are unlikely to be appreciated, and the angry glances of your colleagues will be noticed more and more often.

Therefore, it is quite rare to find a tandem of these individuals at work, because each of them will try to reach their heights. They don't get along in the same team.

What does a Sagittarius Woman need to know about a Taurus Man?

A Taurus man can have many complexes. You shouldn’t point them out to him in any case, and you shouldn’t try to rid him of them either. Taurus by nature are very stubborn individuals; if you force them to do something, they will never agree to such a trick. It is better to talk to them several times and explain why it is worth doing one way or another.

Very often, quarrels occur over money. Under no circumstances should Sagittarius sort things out at every opportunity, demand that Taurus pay back debts or pay for something. You should be able to negotiate correctly with such men.

Near fragile and hospitable Sagittarius women, Taurus men feel like real breadwinners. Whenever possible, they try to bring profit to their home and need praise from a loved one.

What does a Taurus Man need to know about a Sagittarius Woman?

Taurus men should come to terms with the fact that mysterious and often mysterious Sagittarius women can have their own personal lives. This doesn't depend on the state of your relationship. Sagittarians are secretive by nature, with a subtle mental organization of personality. Often they will want to spend time alone, go shopping with friends, or even secretly make some important decisions.

The Sagittarius woman will perceive coercion adequately. She is not inclined to submit, but she can make some concessions to her partner. It must be remembered that often such people agree to something in search of benefit, first of all, for themselves.

Practical Sagittarius women think most about the future; they worry not only about themselves, but also about their close friends, relatives, distant relatives and those you met yesterday. This is their nature, they will come to the rescue at the first opportunity, but they do not always do it selflessly.

Compatibility of Sagittarius Woman with other signs

Compatibility of a Taurus man with other signs

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A Taurus man falls in love with a Sagittarius woman at first sight. He dreams of her in reality and in his sleep, comes up with all sorts of ways to conquer her. He is admired by her irrepressible thirst for life, spontaneity and lightness. She does not immediately accept his advances. In her youth, a Sagittarius woman has many affairs, since she is very amorous, but serious relationship For her - an infrequent occurrence. Most likely, she is simply afraid of disappointment. As she grows up, she will become a good stay-at-home mom and start a household.

Sagittarius women often notice psychic abilities in themselves; they have dreams, the meaning of which they know how to interpret. This woman is naive, endowed with intuition, believes in love and miracles. She loves to argue, unlike the reserved Taurus.

Taurus is very noble and is ready to provide her with support at any moment. But he is vindictive, he can harbor a grudge and someday remember it. Sometimes a Taurus man may be a little suspicious about whether a Sagittarius woman is faithful to him, but his worries are in vain.

The union "Sagittarius-woman - Taurus-man" is more like the attraction of two opposites. These partners can teach each other a lot. The main thing that Sagittarius lacks is logic, practicality and consistency. This is what her reliable partner will teach her.

Sagittarius woman and Taurus man have mutual sexual attraction. The Sagittarius woman, who does not have any complexes, is exactly the partner that the passionate Taurus needs most.

The relationship between these signs cannot be called cloudless. It is very difficult for Taurus to come to terms with Sagittarius' desire to try everything that appears in her life.

The union “Sagittarius woman and Taurus man” is possible if the partners pursue the same goal and engage in the same activity. Each spouse must clearly fulfill their assigned role, know what is within their competence and not intrude on the territory of their partner.

If the Sagittarius woman can satisfy her thirst for more and more new experiences at work, then when she comes home, she will calmly fulfill the duties of a housewife. Taurus must moderate his dictatorial habits and accept his chosen one with all her oddities, trying to pay attention to the most best qualities beloved.

Partners Sagittarius-woman, Taurus-man can become a hindrance in spiritual development each other. The relationship of these signs is reminiscent of Sagittarius who does not want to take on any obligations, is free from attachments and lives as he sees fit, allowing others to do the same. The owner of Taurus, who is reserved by nature, does not like long explanations and has masculine endurance, sooner or later this begins to stress him out.

Sagittarius woman and Taurus man can be together for a long time if Taurus takes control of the situation and tries to reason with Sagittarius. He must teach the representative fire element at least some consistency and stability.

A Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man can be happy together, and over the years their love fervor will not cool down if one of them does not look for entertainment on the side.
