Find out past incarnations by date of birth. Test: how to find out a person’s past life by date of birth

You can find out what your past life was like by date of birth using simple numerological calculations. This will help you find out whether you have it, as well as in what earthly incarnations your soul lived before.

How to find out who I was in a past life

If you believe in reincarnation, you might be interested in knowing who you were in past life. This will help you understand why in your current incarnation you are living this particular life, and what mistakes you are paying for.

The calculation is very simple: add up all the numbers of your date of birth to begin with. If, for example, you were born on October 16, 1991: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28. Then look for the corresponding value in the list:

  • 4 - you were engaged in magic or science, studied esoteric teachings
  • 5 - everything related to chemicals and their interaction. Were a chemist or perfumer, pharmacist or created poisons
  • 6 - activity related to the musical field
  • 7 - built or designed buildings
  • 8 - studied astrology or astronomy. Perhaps they traveled a lot, guided by the stars, helping to create a map of the globe
  • 9 - were engaged in creativity, were a prominent figure in the field of art
  • 10 - had to do with working with animals
  • 11 - we made a big mistake. They broke the law: they stole, killed, cheated
  • 12 - negative karma. Committed evil on a grand scale: engaged in terrorism, were a political criminal or an enemy spy
  • 13 were under strict subordination or imprisonment. Karma of a prisoner or slave
  • 14 - heroic man With tragic fate. Military
  • 15 - neutral karma ordinary person, unremarkable
  • 16 - were a representative of an aristocratic, noble and wealthy family
  • 17 - sick person, exhausted, with financial problems and unsettled personal life
  • 18 - medicine man or priest
  • 19 - a man who traveled half the world for scientific purposes
  • 20 - a very rich person who has achieved success hard work, not from the nobility
  • 21 - a man engaged in heavy physical labor
  • 22 - swindler and adventurer
  • 23 - a woman who made a living from needlework
  • 23 - a person close to God, a minister of the church
  • 24 - hermit or monk, person leading ascetic image life
  • 25 - powerful ruler, head of state
  • 26 - an altruistic person who gave his life to serving people
  • 27 - discoverer
  • 28 - committed suicide
  • 29 - were engaged in trade
  • 30 - creative person, poet or artist
  • 31 - actor
  • 32 - traveled a lot, but died tragically all alone, there were no close people in life
  • 33 - close to the ruler of the state, a gray cardinal
  • 34 - a warrior who died in an unequal battle with the enemy
  • 35 - singer
  • 36 - a killer with a personality disorder, either a mad scientist who experimented on people, or a sadist who tortured his wife
  • 37 - a person who sought solace in God - a monk or hermit
  • 38 - sold the body for money: gigolo or prostitute
  • 39 - professional money player
  • 40 - contributed to history or science
  • 41 - popular bestseller or writer
  • 42 - famous cook
  • 43 were executed for the crime
  • 44 - a historical villain who killed a huge number of people (example: Hitler)
  • 45 - a doctor who later became a scientist and made a grand discovery in medicine, which humanity has been using to this day
  • 46 - man, busy military service, patriot and hero
  • 47 - lived as a hermit, led an almost primitive lifestyle
  • 48 - sold or produced weapons

Finding out who you were in a previous incarnation is quite interesting. But this fact may also be the answer to the question - what sins are you paying for? present life. For example, if in a past life you became a suicide, then now you are constantly under the yoke of difficult circumstances, killing your desire to live with your own hands.

It is important to understand what karmic lessons you need to go through in order to heal your soul and save it from suffering.

Watch a video about determining past lives by date of birth:

The task of the current incarnation

During your earthly life, your soul must work out and fulfill its purpose. You can also identify tasks in your current life using.

The calculation method is as follows:

  • Write down your date of birth. 10/16/1991. - the last digit, in our example - one
  • Let's look at how many times the unit appears in the date: in our example - 4 times. This means that in past lives you have already tried 4 times to fulfill your destiny, but were unable to do so.
  • Next, write down the numbers that are missing from your date of birth: 234578. The fewer there are, the further your soul has advanced in development. It is also advisable to work on tasks corresponding to these numbers.

The meaning of the resulting numbers:

  • 9 - develop your physical body. Sports, medicine, any physical work are suitable professions
  • 8 is yours the main task- realize yourself in the family. Raise children and build relationships with relatives. Professions: teacher, Social worker, teacher at orphanage And so on
  • 7 - the best option for you - own business. You must learn how to make money and increase capital. Develop emotional control and logic
  • 6 - you need to develop mercy and compassion. Suitable professions: psychologist, narcologist, coach
  • 5 - engage in self-development and creativity. Your goal is to decorate the world and harmonize the space around you
  • 4- develop psychic abilities and intuition
  • 3 - you need to engage in spiritual development. You strive to gain knowledge and bring it to the masses
  • 2 - you have a strong thirst for knowledge, you strive to constantly learn and look for new sources of information. Your task is to study the laws of energy and engage in spiritual practices
  • 1 - you are endowed with Divine wisdom and love. It is important for you to become a source of love, strength and wisdom that you will share with others. Don't lie to anyone and try not to have illusions
  • 0 - your soul needs constant cleansing of negativity and faith in God

Knowledge of karmic tasks will help you figure out which direction to move in life in order to benefit others and yourself.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

To get an answer to the question: “Who was I in a past life?” you need to take a short test. With its help, you will find out what you did in your previous reincarnation and understand what you are working on now.

The easiest way to find out who you were in a past life is a quick numerology calculation based on your date of birth. You need to know the day, month and year in which the person was born.

  • sum all the digits of the date of birth: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28;
  • add up the numbers of the resulting value: 2+8=10;
  • continue adding until you get a prime number: 1+0=1.

After this, look at the value of the resulting number:

  1. Unit. Your activities were related to creativity and art. In a past life, you could have been either an unrecognized artist or famous writer. But the likelihood that you lived in material abundance is highest. However, creative activities were more of a hobby, and you made your living by doing something related to applied work - construction, for example.
  2. Two. The number of politicians or influential people with a broad soul. In a past life you sought to make life large quantity better, happier and safer people. The second interpretation is the activity of an actor or dancer. The scene attracted you, but it could only be a hobby.
  3. Troika. Your past life was connected with public speaking or with participation in hostilities. These are either the professions of a writer, speaker, or military positions. It is possible that you were attracted to everything magical, you sought to learn esoteric knowledge.
  4. Four. In a past life, your purpose and meaning in life were activities exact sciences. High intelligence coupled with excellent intuition guaranteed success in the field of science or invention. It is quite possible that you were one of the great scientists. But they never learned how to make money - this is the task of the current incarnation.
  5. Five. Your activities in your previous incarnation were closely related to the law. You defended the rights and interests of people in court. But they could also be a merchant, quite wealthy.
  6. Six. In your past life, you spent most of your time giving spiritual development and serving people, engaged in charity work and selflessly helped those in need. It is possible that they were a church minister or a doctor. They received good money, most of which was given to donations.
  7. Seven - the number of scientists passionate about science is limitless. You hardly had a family, because you devoted all your time to intellectual development and inventions. At the same time, they loved a luxurious life and strived for it in every possible way.
  8. An Eight indicates that in a past life you were obsessed with your career. They were ready to achieve their goals by any means, even illegal and immoral. Therefore, in the current incarnation you will have to work off many karmic debts.
  9. Nine. Most likely, in a past life you were a woman close to strong of the world this. It is possible that they were engaged in art, creativity, or were a fashion designer. They loved beauty in all its forms, strived to improve and decorate everything around them, and could do it for free.

This calculation method is quite approximate. A more accurate answer can be obtained with the help of special esoteric practices carried out by specialists in the relevant field.

How to find out gender and country of residence

This method of calculation is more complex. With its help, you can determine your gender and place of residence in your previous earthly incarnation. Prepare a piece of paper, a pen and start calculating.

In this table, find your letter: in the left column the first three digits of the year of birth, in the top line - the last.

Then write down the resulting data and find your birth number in the following table - remember the planet to which it corresponds.

And in the last table, find your value in accordance with those obtained in the previous calculations:

Here you will find your country where you lived in your past life:

Definition of profession

There is no need to calculate anything else - use the previous calculations. You will need to find your profession letter and number in the table. For example, if you have BIV, then in a past life you were a postman, messenger, navigator, caravan guide, charioteer, or traveling merchant.

It is very interesting to analyze your occupation now and compare it with the profession of the past. You can come to unexpected conclusions and find similarities.

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Past lives by date of birth - Who were you in a past life?

Past lives are reflected in the present. And based on some signs, you can guess who you were in a past life. Numerology is one way to find out.First, calculate your birth number. This is done simply: add together each digit in the number of the year and each digit in the number of the day and month.

For example, a person’s date of birth, 05.28.75, will add up like this: 2+8+0+5+1+9+7+5=37. Next, you need to bring this number to a single digit. The resulting 3 and 7 are added up to get 10.

1 - if you are creative,then it is likely that you were involved in the arts, for example, you were the owner of an extensive library or collection of works of art. You could also be someone who works in construction management or mechanics.

2 - it is likely that with your current qualitiesyou were on public service or were a member of any charitable organization. Another option for your past life is a stage person, most likely involved in dance or theater.

3 - in a past life you could have been a teacher or a speaker and also a military man. Be sure that your premonitions and accurate forecasts, if they are often justified, it is not without reason. They may indicate employment in religion or esoteric practices.

4 - one of the options for destination in your past life- this is the work of a mechanic who assembled and created new devices, experimenting with them.

The second area in which you could be involved is related to money turnover. People with this number of luck today can find themselves in the sphere of leisurely work on material issues.

5 - your previous reincarnation could have found its purpose in the field of legislative power, be a judge or lawyer. In your past life, you were also quite likely to be a member of a traveling circus or a salesman.

6 - it is likely that in a past life you served in a church or were a doctor. At the same time, your work benefited not only the people around you, but also you, which means you were a completely wealthy person who could help people and did so.

7 - curiosity manifested today, most likely an echo of your past life, in which you could secretly practice alchemy or be a teacher.

Also, professions that you could have chosen during your previous reincarnation are a cook or a jeweler.

8 - in a past life, judging by your date of birth, you could have been involved in real estate sales and land or be a judge. Your activities could also be related to politics. Most likely, you have had quite noticeable and successful career growth.

9 - your past reincarnation almost certainly collected some artifacts or Jewelry kind. The profession you were most likely involved in was related to the world of art and fashion.

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Repeated birth of a person in different bodies is called reincarnation.
This phenomenon means that some part of a person - namely his immortal Spirit and soul, after death can move into another body. There are many hypotheses about how many reincarnations the human Spirit and soul have. There is no need to list them. I will give you my point of view on this matter.
Reincarnations of the Spirit and soul of a person are not endless and have a limit.
They consist of twelve circles with twelve reincarnations in each circle. Collectively, the Spirit incarnates in different human bodies of different nationalities, in the male or female gender, in different geographical locations 144 times. During the incarnation of which, the human Spirit gains positive or negative life experience, fulfills the assigned karmic tasks or not, has the opportunity to be liberated from karma and enter the Divine Plan and not be born again on Earth. If the Spirit of a person, after passing through twelve circles, does not solve karmic problems, then, as is known from esoteric sources of knowledge, the prototypes of these Spirits are destroyed on the Divine plane.
Reincarnations can only be interrupted for two reasons.
A person himself can interrupt the course of reincarnation and remain indefinitely at the level of the Subtle Worlds (the Kingdom of Heaven), but this only happens if the person has solved all his problems on Earth and fully meets all the requirements Higher powers. A person must atone for karma, possess absolute wisdom (knowledge), master spiritual discipline and make efforts to achieve this goal.
The second condition for the impossibility of the Spirit’s incarnation on Earth is the unnatural or violent death of a person. Having studied for many years the Holy Scripture - the BIBLE and, concentrating Special attention in the chapter of Revelation, I came to this conclusion. Paying attention to chapter 6: verse 8 -11.
Quote: “And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and on it was a rider whose name was death, and hell followed him, and power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth - to kill with the sword and with hunger and with pestilence and with the beasts of the earth.” There is no point in explaining the scale of unnatural violent death in our civilization - wars, alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, epidemics, death from difficult to treat diseases, natural disasters, accidents, suicides, a huge part of the world's population is dying of hunger, etc. Quote: “And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they had.” The spirit, heading for the next reincarnation, has a life purpose.
Quote: “And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” These souls are not in heaven, not in hell, but in an intermediate state of lack of demand, eternal waiting and not in comfortable conditions.
Quote: “And white clothes were given to each of them, (this means that all the accumulated life experience acquired in previous reincarnations was erased from these Spirits) and they were told to calm down for a short time (as it seems to me, these Spirits are being prepared for a certain mission in future incarnations on Earth. Lately The world of science is discussing the so-called “INDIGO CHILDREN”, in whom violet-blue color predominates in their aura. Distinctive feature these children are averse to lies, injustice and other negative aspects modern life. I have my own comments on this matter, which I will provide later.) Until their co-workers and their brothers who will be killed, just as they will complete the number.” (The number here means that the Creator created a certain number of Spirits, that is, a specific number. After the Apostle John was shown in vision one group consisting of 144,000 “marked ones,” he was shown another group. John describes the second group, as “a great multitude of people, which no one could count from all nations, tribes, peoples and languages.” This is the great multitude that will live in the 1000-year Earthly Paradise of Christ’s heavenly reign.
For many years, studying the Bible, studying esoteric and astrology, and creating my own concept in these directions, I came to the conclusion that reincarnation consists of twelve circles. Each circle consists of 12 incarnations. In total, the human Spirit incarnates on earth 144 times, with intervals ranging from a year to a hundred and millennia. The greater the merit created by the Spirit during life in moderation, before the Creator in relation to people and earth, the longer the Spirit can remain in the subtle worlds and, accordingly, the opposite, the less merit, the less rest. This is based on the fact that the eastern horoscope consists of twelve annual cycles, the cosmic energy of each year is determined by the animal and corresponds to the characteristic quality of energy - the year of the rat - aggressiveness, the year of the bull - perseverance, the year of the tiger - energy, the year of the cat - calm, the year of the dragon - power, the year of the snake - wisdom, the year of the horse - endurance, the year of the goat - critics, year of the monkey - ingenuity, year of the rooster - idleness, year of the dog - justice, year of the boar - goodness - wealth. Every year eastern horoscope passes through the 12 constellations of the zodiac - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. You can calculate your reincarnation in this circle (in this life) by performing the following arithmetic operation.

Example No. 1. A person’s date of birth is 08/22/74.
22.08. - a person was born under the constellation Leo - No. 5 in the horizontal row of the table.
74 - under the auspices of the year of the Tiger - No. 3 in the vertical row of the table.


In this incarnation, the astrological indicators correspond to the year of the Tiger and the constellation Leo. This suggests that this person (i.e. his Spirit) is undergoing a test - the energy of the year of the Tiger (energy). This means that in his last birth he was also born in the year of the Tiger under the constellation Cancer, and in the future he will be born under the constellation Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces also in the year of the Tiger. After passing through the energy of the Tiger, the Spirit incarnates to the level of energy of the patron of the year, Cat (calm). If, for the two reasons stated above, the circle of reincarnation does not open. In astrology there are no bad or good signs of the Zodiac - they are all individual and endow a person with certain qualities. From the above it follows that people should be united and tolerant of each other, because we were born or will be born under the auspices of all years and constellations of the Zodiac.

Example No. 2.
Date of birth: 03/12/1971. Means the twelfth circle - the year of the Boar (good) under the constellation Pisces - 12th incarnation
12 x 12 = 144 reincarnation. The human soul lives its last incarnation on Earth in the human body.
The presence of circles and reincarnations does not affect the development of personality and does not give superiority over other people. What matters is only the amount of positive or negative experience accumulated and worked out by the Spirit in past incarnations, the Spirit is sent to the next reincarnation.

Special numbers that are mentioned in the Bible, in Astrology, Esotericism and in our time calculation:
These are the numbers -12 -24 -144
Bible: The Apostle John in revelation speaks of the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Quote: “And the twenty-four elders, sitting on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God.”
Revelation verse 14.
“And I looked, and behold, a Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with Him an hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.” Or in the same place in the Revelation about the Great City of Jerusalem: “And he measured its wall to be one hundred and forty-four cubits, with the measure of a man, which is the measure of an angel.”

Now let's look at the parallels in astrology.
12 years of the eastern horoscope.
12 constellations of the zodiac
12 + 12 = 24 - astrological indicators.
12 x 12 = 144 - combined astrological archetypes.
144,000 ******* - an infinite number of incarnations of Spirits through 144 astrological archetypes, which are essentially the gateways for the passage of Spirits into our Earthly space.

Now let's look at the parallels in esotericism.
Seven energy centers person.
When adding up all the petals of the chakras, mini-flows of energy, the following is obtained:
4+6+10+12+16+96=144 multiplied by 1000 = 144000. This means that a person is a LOTUS. consisting of ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND PETALS. (consists of 144,000 streams of cosmic energy) The harmonious functions of the six lower chakras, which together make up 144 petals, provide a person with access to 1000-dimensional space, receive information from it and tranquilize their positive energy into it.

Let's consider parallels with the units of our time calculation.
60 are seconds in one minute.
60 minutes in one hour.
24 hours in a day.
By adding the time units we get 60 + 60 + 24 = 144 time units.
The above is explained as follows. Every second, minute, hour, day new Spirits (Souls of life) come into the next reincarnation. Is born new person- the future personality, and also at every moment the Spirits are sent back from where they came. If you imagine Our Planet from the side, looking at it as if from Space, and the Spirits coming to us and leaving us in the form of points of flickering light, then this picture would resemble a shower of stars. And this Cosmic rain is continuous for the Universe, but not for the human Spirit.

Knowing what you did in your past life can help you understand the meaning of your current life. That is why many today are interested in questions related to past incarnations of the soul. Every person is spiritual being who here and now are experiencing their unique earthly experience.

Answers to questions that sometimes torment a person all his life can be given by information about who he was in a previous incarnation.

Reincarnation of souls or reincarnation

The belief that death is not the end of existence runs like a red thread through all teachings and religions. Someone believes in afterlife, someone in constant rebirth of souls.

It is impossible for a person to prove either one or the other, but still the doctrine of reincarnation has multiple confirmations.

Reincarnation refers to the fact that after the death of one human body, the soul after some time is reborn in a new one.

It is believed that if in one human life the soul was unable to achieve the goal of its incarnation, the next one will have the same goals as the previous one. But when we are reborn, we forget everything that happened to us in a past life, and this makes it much more difficult to achieve goals and pass the lessons of incarnation.

Live human life You can be as comfortable and harmonious as possible only by moving in a certain direction.

To find it, many use various techniques: hypnosis, breathing exercises, meditation.

It happens that a person who has never had experience in any field suddenly knows how to do the right thing, this means that memories of past incarnations have surfaced in his subconscious. You should not pass by such events; perhaps this is a sign of where you need to strive and what to do.

There are a lot of examples described in literature and the Internet, knowing which, it is simply stupid to deny the obvious facts of the existence of reincarnation. Now, in the era of Aquarius, everything secret becomes clear, thanks to which mystical knowledge attracts everyone large quantity of people.

Date of birth has important role in a person’s destiny, it is clear that you were born on a certain day and time for a reason, because nothing happens by chance. This is a kind of key for us, a guide to action.

Numerology has been known since ancient times; many tables have come down to us that can provide information about previous lives. By numbers you can not only find out your destiny, but also gain knowledge about past life experiences.

Previous incarnation by birth date

Birth number or date life path helps you learn a lot about your destiny, character, predispositions. You can also find out about your past life by making simple calculations.

How to correctly calculate your life path number:

  • Write on paper for clarity, full date your birth;
  • Add up all the numbers;
  • Reduce the resulting two-digit number to a single-digit number.

For example, your date of birth is 05/23/1984, we calculate: 2+3+5+1+9+8+4=32; 3+2=5. The life path number is five.

Having calculated your number, you can find out its characteristics, as well as information about the past incarnation:

Past incarnation according to ancient tables

Ancient Eastern teachings have left us a lot of information about reincarnation. Tables have survived to this day that can be used to fairly accurately determine the profession, gender, and even place of birth of the previous incarnation. Such information can help you understand much of what is happening to you.

First, you need to determine the gender. It often happens that masculine qualities predominate in a woman and vice versa - this is an imprint of past incarnations preserved in memory.

To calculate your gender, write your date of birth in front of you. For example, date of birth: 01/01/2001, write the year of birth as follows: 200-1, then look at the plate. We find the number 200 vertically and compare it with the horizontal number, in in this example this is a unit, we get the letter of the year of birth - “T”.

Now using the letter of birth, begin to search for it in two tablets to determine the gender of the previous incarnation. To do this, find the month of birth vertically and see if your letter is in this line; if not, go to the second plate.

In the example, the date of birth is considered - the first of January, the letter “T” - the previous incarnation was male.

It's time to define a professional activity.

In the example being analyzed, the past incarnation was an ataman, gunsmith, etc., type S-2.

If you continue the calculation you started, you can establish the place of birth of the previous incarnation. In the table you need to find your type, in the example we have type No. 2. In the column corresponding to the type, find your birth number, correlate it with the gender of your previous life, and you will get the place number. In the example being analyzed, we get number 26.

You can also gain valuable knowledge about your purpose. To do this, in the same table, in the vertical column above your birth number, find the planet. In the example under consideration, this is the Sun.

Planets have a huge impact on human life, proof of this is astrology. Now you can find out the intended purpose of your incarnation opposite the corresponding planet.
