Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday: truth or fiction? The meaning of prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday.

In the possibility of predicting future events reflected in dreams, while prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday, in their deep conviction, come true with maximum probability. There are several reasons for this confidence:

  • Friday in ancient beliefs and prejudices was dedicated to the goddess Venus– patroness creativity and love desires;
  • it happened on Friday crucifixion of jesus christ, so if this day of the week falls on Christian holidays or is included in the first weeks Great Lent or Palm Week, you can expect a guaranteed translation of dreams into reality;
  • night dreams from Thursday to Friday have mystical power and special exotericism, the origins of which can be found in totemic and pagan dogmas.

Are dreams prophetic from Thursday to Friday?

In order for dreams to come true, you need to “help” the human psyche and physiology a little in this. First, you need to find out for yourself what a prophetic dream is - is it really a prediction of fate and a final verdict or just one of the options for future reality? According to psychologists and psychotherapists, in order to answer whether prophetic dreams occur from Thursday to Friday, it is necessary to take into account some nuances and comply with certain conditions:

  • In order for a dream to come true, it is necessary in the morning, upon waking up, remember it in great detail, up to color range, sound and olfactory sensations;
  • if the events predicted in the dream from Thursday to Friday didn't start to come true right away, you should be patient and wait for it to be completed - in some cases this period can be several years;
  • about the essence of dreams don't tell strangers, otherwise intervention by third forces cannot be ruled out;
  • not all events that occur in dreams should be taken literally, in some cases you should use a dream book or resort to the services of a dream interpreter;
  • about the fact that the dream is prophetic, man, not endowed psychic abilities , will be able to understand only after the events have begun to come true.

When prophetic dreams come true

There are several theories (both exoteric and pseudoscientific) about the nature of the appearance prophetic dreams ideas. According to one of the healers and dream interpreters M.S. Fedorovskaya, who adheres to Old Believer direction Orthodox religion , there are several prerequisites for prophetic dreams:

  • during sleep the soul leaves the body shell, but there remains an invisible connection between the spiritual substance and its material carrier - the body;
  • if the soul is near the body during sleep, then dreams are “bodily” in nature: a person in a dream “sees” what worries him (ailments, psycho-emotional disorder, experienced stress);
  • if the soul, without losing its invisible connection with the body, travels through the other world, then dreams are usually prophetic, and their realization can happen at any time.

However, dream interpreter Maria Semenovna emphasizes that recognizing predictions received through prophetic dreams is far from easy, since the situation in real life and in the other world are far from identical and ambiguous. To understand them, you should use certain symbols, formed over dozens of centuries, which are the key to deciphering (translating) night visions into images familiar in everyday life.

The fact that a dream is prophetic can be evidenced by P the drawn image of Christ, the Mother of God , holy martyrs or deceased loved ones . At the same time, it is not at all necessary that these images visit the sleeping person; quite often in a dream the dreamer himself finds them, the initiative for the meeting comes from him.

When analyzing dream images, you should understand that there are dreams-visions , which may not come true and dreams are predictions that, to one degree or another, reflect future events. Fortune telling dreams , inspired by any real problem that a person is thinking about solving, can come true both in the direct and opposite sense. Here a lot depends on the dreamer’s free will. Dreams-signs do not always come true literally - they only outline guidelines, the deciphering of which can be helped by dream books and dream interpreters.

At the same time, prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday are especially influenced by the planetary energy of Venus, which sharpens intuition. in essence, predictions or warnings that were reproduced during dreams.

Our ancestors took dreams very seriously, especially when they were seen on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Such pictures of the subconscious often became prophetic. Astrologers explain this phenomenon by the fact that these days humanity is under the power of Venus, the patroness of love, feelings and emotions.

It is believed that dreams open a small crack in the door leading into our consciousness. If you correctly decipher the signs in the plot of your dreams, you can even clearly identify problems and goals in real life. You begin to understand what you really want and what pitfalls are expected along the way.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday in which deceased relatives are present are especially important. The otherworldly reality, through them, warns of danger, warns against mistakes or approves of your actions. You cannot brush aside such dreams, because next time the spirits may not descend and not give you a chance to avoid trouble.

Often, Friday's dream is associated with love side the dreamer's life. The plot carries knowledge about the future or present married life and romantic events.

But the night picture in the head does not always fall under the concept - good dream. Nightmarish events only indicate that you are tense and overly worried in love. Try to calm down and start moving in the right direction on the path to happiness.

The meaning of sleep from Thursday to Friday

Our aspirations and anxieties are transferred to dreams. Everything that is experienced in reality is transformed into blurred or, conversely, clear contours in the subconscious.

To understand expected events in life (love, career, friendship), it is important to understand what a dream from Thursday to Friday means.

Naturally, story line Such dreams are recognized individually depending on small but important details. But, nevertheless, astrology describes the most important strokes and their general interpretations.

Love dream

It happens that along the path of life you meet a person who immediately or a little later arouses your sympathy. Communication with him occurs on a superficial level, but the glances we meet seem to be something more.

If you saw this acquaintance on Friday night and in a dream you united in a fever of love, then, most likely, after some time, the union of two hearts will happen in real life.

But there is no need to rush - space communications may not be set up instantly.

Dream about a wedding

Seeing your own wedding means that in the near future you will really go down the aisle with your loved one.

If you are already married, then Venus makes it clear that the union is fixed in heaven and your feelings are strong.

The opposite situation awaits the dreamer when they did not go down the aisle with him. In this case, you will face separation and a break in the relationship.

You may try to improve the situation, but it is better to understand your mistakes and not transfer them into life with another person. Otherwise, the relationship will be repeated regardless of the name of the lover/beloved. The result is the same - a love drama.

Dream about work

A successful career and financial stability follows after a dream in which the dreamer is given a high position and an excellent salary.

But a dream about dismissal, a quarrel with colleagues or superiors indicates that the working atmosphere is tense and unpleasant changes are expected.

In this case, it is better to fulfill your duties conscientiously and avoid confrontation with superior colleagues.

Death of loved ones

The meaning of sleep about dead people and their funeral does not bode well.

Death is a sign that you will soon have to part with a loved one. He will pass away due to a serious illness, tragic accident or by force.

But you shouldn’t treat sleep as a death sentence. Fate, through him, gives a chance to correct life path and exclude a tragic event.

Gender of the dreamer

The interpretation of sleep from Thursday to Friday depends on the gender of the person. This is due to the fact that Venus favors women to a greater extent.

The events in their dreams are given love characterization. Higher powers, through a dream, warn the girl about upcoming difficulties in her personal life or indicate very good changes.

Dreams also send news about wedding troubles and imminent pregnancy that occur during this period of life.

The love patroness does not miss the opportunity to warn the male sex. Intrigues, deception and difficult life situations await them.

If in life you have met the wrong woman, then the dream will give you the opportunity to consider her dark sides. And, on the contrary, in a girl who is invisible to your attention, there are a lot of pleasant qualities.

In addition, by Friday a man’s subconscious may reveal the right decision complex issues. The main thing is to remember the details of the dream and act decisively and without regard to difficulties.

Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday?

We remember our grandmother's stories that dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. After waking up, we try to remember all the details of the night vision and decipher the message. And we do it right.

After all, the mysterious cosmos, precisely on this night, directs the flow of its energy so that a person will at least have a little contact with otherworldly realities.

But you should not expect that absolutely all Friday dreams will come true, and even in the smallest detail. We simply cannot fully understand all the intricacies of ghostly vision. And the events that have taken place in life may simply not be connected by us with the dream.

There is an opinion among predictors that on special days the chance of events happening in a dream increases:

  • 3rd day of any month;
  • Yuletide week;
  • Nativity;
  • Epiphany - January 19;
  • Day of Elijah the Prophet - August 1-2.

If these dates fall on Friday, then dreams come true. But the deadline for its implementation may come in a year or decades. Therefore, it is worth remembering your night visions that happened a month ago and later.

We decide for ourselves how to treat dreams from Thursday to Friday. Many simply ignore Venus's prompts and continue their lives in the chosen direction.

But if there is a chance to change something in better side, then it’s stupid to brush it off.

Sleep is a wonderful phenomenon that has not yet been fully studied by scientists. It is known that it is divided into two phases. It is during the REM sleep phase that dreams occur. Many claim that they know how to control them (such dreams are called “lucid” dreams) and even go to the astral plane. That's why many people are so interested in whether it comes true

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders such as insomnia or daytime sleepiness are also known. Some psychiatrists are also inclined to attribute sleep paralysis to them, which esotericists consider an involuntary astral exit. It is characterized by fear, panic, inability to move or call for help, and is sometimes accompanied by unpleasant visions. But this state lasts no more than two minutes, although it may seem like an eternity has passed.

Prophetic dreams

There are also prophetic dreams that come true. But you need to be able to interpret them correctly. Remember, for example, the biblical Joseph, who became a close adviser to Pharaoh. Nowadays, many dream books have been published that are designed to help us with the interpretation of dreams. There are also many signs associated with what we see when we sleep. For example, many claim that a dream from Thursday to Friday comes true.

Where did this statement come from?

Often we wake up in a cold sweat, having seen a nightmare, and frantically try to remember what day is it today? Isn't it Friday? Superstitious people are sure that a dream from Thursday to Friday can come true.
Sometimes a person experiences disappointment that everything beautiful that he has dreamed is just a dream that has melted away like fog. And then he hopes that this is a dream from Thursday to Friday, and what he saw will still come true. Where did this assumption come from?
Apparently, the belief that dreams will certainly come true from Thursday to Friday is due to the fact that Friday is ruled by Venus, which patronizes everything beautiful. Therefore, dreams related to personal life, beauty, money and art can come true. Why? Because such a dream - about what we most want and crave with all our souls - has a greater chance of coming true. Black and white prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday can warn us about hard work.

What dreams come true?

However, in reality they do and do not come true absolutely. different dreams, regardless of what day they were seen. As a rule, vivid and unusual dreams come true. It’s worth taking a closer look at that image that you saw at night and now can’t get out of your head.
Another important condition: prophetic dreams are usually seen by people endowed with unusual abilities. Unfortunately, this is not given to mere mortals. Either a person is endowed with an extraordinary gift from above, or he himself has greatly advanced in spiritual work in order to see prophetic dreams, regardless of the day of the week. Although sometimes (but very rarely) they can be seen by an ordinary mortal who is looking for clues from his subconscious. But favorable conditions for prophetic dreams cannot occur according to schedule. They are difficult, although possible, to predict. Therefore, you should not place strong hopes that a dream seen on any day of the week will necessarily turn out to be prophetic.

Dream Interpretation dreams from Thursday to Friday

According to ancient beliefs, dreams seen from Thu to Fri reflect our future. Our mothers and grandmothers often mentioned this when they talked about the interpretation of night dreams. Indeed, why is it that on some days the visions are more vivid, while on others it is impossible to remember anything?

To understand whether dreams come true from Thursday to Friday, you need to pay attention to which planet is patronizing that night. And also analyze in detail what you saw - a bright, emotional, colorful dream has every chance of becoming a reality.

Nobody knows why some people see . Until old age, almost every person has seen at least one prophetic dream. But fate does not often present such a gift. And it is often possible to interpret what is seen after all the events that have happened. What special do dreams bring from Thurs to Fri?

Why is the night from Thursday to Friday important?

If you had a dream from Thursday to Friday

This night is ruled by sensual Venus. Therefore, dreams are very vivid and emotional. Most prophetic dreams that relate to the sphere of relationships and feelings between people come at this time. main feature visions are that they are clear, accurate and almost completely replicate the realities of life. It’s rare to dream of fantastic animals or unreal worlds from Thu to Fri.

It is also important to pay attention to the central object from the dream. It is from this that it is important to start in order to obtain an important primary interpretation. This is the moment when it is important to use the dream book and accept its interpretation as literal. It will be accurate and truthful.

If the dream is like a film that has a plot, then you should start from its main line and continue the interpretation character by character using the dream book. Then it will be clear life situation dreamer in this moment, and it will be easy to get advice for the near future.

Prophetic or prophetic dream

It is important to be able to recognize a prophetic and prophetic dream in time. The day of the week is also important to obtain important information. It is from Thu to Fri that prophetic dreams most often occur. But for the prophetic an ordinary day a week is not enough. It is important that several points coincide: the night should be from Thursday to Friday before a major holiday (Easter, Christmas, Annunciation).

Sleep in hand

Prophetic dreams are symbolic. They need to be interpreted, and if you dream of them from Thu to Fri, then a dream book will be indispensable in this matter. All the symbols that came in this dream can be explained unambiguously, and without talking about additional or borderline meanings.

Having received the advice of a dream book, you need to take action immediately. If it is recommended to cancel the trip, but tickets have already been purchased, it is better to return them. If, on the contrary, the dream book predicts a successful signing of a contract, and the meeting is scheduled for the morning, it is important to get ready quickly so as not to spoil your impression of yourself in front of a serious partner.

Prophetic Visions

When a dream can be prophetic

They also belong to an important group of dreams that often occur from Thu to Fri. But here it is important to obtain additional egregor energy, which accumulates before major patronal feasts. Even if on such a night you have a vivid, memorable dream, you cannot always say that it is prophetic.

The main difference between it and a prophetic dream is that the dream is real. It will be repeated exactly in the future - all down to the smallest detail. What details should you pay attention to:

  • if you have a prophetic dream, it is like a flash, it is remembered by heart - the situation, sensations, clothes, details;
  • the main thing is clearly highlighted - words, situation, action;
  • it is important if in a dream a sacred animal or bird speaks about your life situation;
  • a man in white or black who clearly, precisely says what needs to be done and these things are real and must happen in the near future;
  • I dream about long-dead relatives asking for something, or telling me what to do in a difficult situation.

If a person dreams from Thursday to Friday

On this night, sensual Venus sends images in night dreams that can awaken deep emotions. Only through this sphere can the Universe reach active consciousness in order to give advice or correct the dreamer’s main life path.

A person is a multifaceted image, but since the day is unique, it must be interpreted from the position of emotions. As a rule, you dream of a person who is dear. This could be an authoritative man from the family (grandfather, father) or a loved one.

A boy can symbolize a son or a small business that has been started, which will be very troublesome at first, but will give you significant authority. If you dream about your ex, you are fixated on the past, when you need to look to the future with confidence.

Stranger man

If a person dreams this night

Often such an image is seen in dreams from Thursday to Friday in order to warn about difficult work. If you dreamed about him on the eve of marriage, then you can say that the marriage will be successful, but you won’t have to sit idly by, he says family dream book. A lot of things await you, total busyness, and your spouse will completely take on truly masculine responsibilities.

If a man had a dream on the eve of the opening of an important project, he will be very successful, but for this he will have to make every effort. If this is your loved one, then this job is your calling.

I dreamed about my ex

Being in dreams, ruled by Venus, means dissatisfaction, regret about the past. This is precisely the moment when Freud's interpretation is relevant.

Don’t be afraid that your ex will burst into your calm (perhaps routine) life and your life will be filled again strong emotions(even if it’s indignation). This is the dream that says that it is difficult to satisfy you not because the current man shows little activity, but because you do not want to be satisfied. Therefore, when you dream about your ex, it is a clue to past emotions, says the modern dream book.

Life does not end, even if a certain stage has been passed. In a dream ex-man or the husband may indicate that this part has already been completed, you just need to learn the lesson and put it aside in your distant memory as an invaluable experience.

Anxious sleep - what to do?

On the night patronized by Venus, signs often come that can help make correct solution, or choose an easier way. But what to do if you dreamed bad dream? The first and most important thing is not to worry.

There are a few simple ways, which will help you calm down and not expect trouble. As soon as you open your eyes after sleep, you need to look out the window and say: “Where night goes, sleep goes.” Or talk about the flowing water you saw - it will take away the negativity.

By doing such a simple exercise, you will not only release heavy dark energy, but you will also be able to think clearly that the bad dream did not come to scare you, but so that you can prevent the situation. And it’s easiest to do this with a cool head.

A dream book wouldn't hurt - perhaps what you saw doesn't mean anything bad. In the case when the dream book gave a bad prediction, you need to gather your strength and give yourself a positive attitude. One good deed can cover two evil ones, so contact someone you promised to help long ago - and bad things will definitely pass you by.

Your mark:

Dreams from Thursday to Friday are attributed a special, truly mystical meaning. It is believed, and not without reason, that it is on this night that you can see prophetic dream. For a long time, young girls had special hopes for Friday, in particular, they asked higher power so that they show the betrothed.

General description of dreams from Thursday to Friday

In principle, such an attitude towards Friday dreams is not surprising. After all, this day is patronized by the most feminine of planets - Venus. The goddess of beauty, love and harmony talks in detail about her personal life, reflects feelings and heartfelt emotions. In addition, she gives clues regarding the material sphere. You just need to be able to correctly read the dreams that come on Friday night.

Again, Venus activates abilities invisible to the eye, such as intuition and clairvoyance. After all, the planet that patronizes this day has enormous, unearthly energy. It is not surprising that dreams from Thursday to Friday are the most colorful and vivid with an abundance of minor details and nuances. However, most often it is not so much the plot of the dream that matters, but its atmosphere and the emotions that the dreamer experiences while traveling through other worlds.

You can have a prophetic dream on almost any Friday, especially if you are in dire need of a prediction and have taken care in advance to order a prophetic answer from heaven. However, some days of the year are magical in themselves and give ordinary people most meaningful visions. In particular, these are Fridays, which fall on the eve of the largest holidays: palm and Easter week, before the Annunciation, Trinity, Elijah, John the Baptist, Dormition, Christmas, Ascension, as well as in the first week of Lent, etc.

Features of a dream for Friday

Most often, on the night from Thursday to Friday, you dream of romantic scenes in which close people are present. Moreover, they characterize amorous relationships, possible meetings with the betrothed, and highlight other issues related to love. If, for example, a lover gives a gift, then in reality expect a surprise from him. Moreover, if the picture was bright and light, then the event will be good, but if it was dark or black and white, then troubles will definitely happen.

Often on Friday nights, loved ones who have already left this world come to visit. Calm home meetings indicate that the deceased are thinking and caring about you. If the vision is associated with anxiety or the deceased behaved unnaturally rudely and aggressively, then something bad will clearly happen. Maybe you own behavior capable of causing trouble. It is especially important to remember everything that the deceased said and did. Later, deciphering the vision will help create an action plan.

Often, visions from Thursday to Friday personify the dreamer’s secret desires and dreams, help to understand oneself and determine priorities. For example, you can see a person about whom you have been sighing hopelessly for a long time, and the plot will tell you the likely development of the relationship. Moreover, for a long time, young unmarried girls ordered a prophetic dream for Friday and often actually saw their future husband.

On the night from Thursday to Friday you can see how kind pleasant dream, and a terrible nightmare. You shouldn’t be afraid of the latter; in fact, a negative prophecy can appear in a bright vision, if certain signs indicate this. Friday nightmares are a reflection of internal negative emotions, tension and worries, but nothing more. If you are afraid that the nightmare you saw may come true, it is enough, after waking up, to try to fall asleep again, having first changed the plot in a positive direction.

By the way, Friday dreams reveal creative potential better than others. If in a dream you were an artist, poet or writer, then probably unprecedented talents are hidden in the depths of your soul. All that remains is to give them free rein and open up to the fullest.

When will the vision from Thursday to Friday come true?

Despite the fact that dreams from Thursday to Friday are often called prophetic, this does not mean that they come true exactly. IN in this case everything is much more complicated, because as already mentioned, the coloring of the picture and personal emotions matter rather than its exact content.

If we talk about the time of execution of such visions, then most often it happens according to the following scheme:

  1. I had a dream before midnight on Thursday - it will come true within about a year.
  2. You saw it in the middle of the night (before 3 am) - the next 2-3 months can be allocated for execution.
  3. A dream that comes in the morning will come true literally in the next few days.

On average, you can wait for fulfillment from several days to three years; later the vision becomes irrelevant. But the most interesting thing is that this will most likely happen on Monday.

If Friday night falls on the 7th, 13th, 15th and 27th, then dreams will tell about relationships with a loved one and in the family, as well as material stability and probable profit. If you are interested in this particular side of life, then you should look for specific monetary symbols in the plots.

By the way, Friday visions, especially those that occurred in March, are filled with special mystical content. They help in spiritual development, show other worlds, reveal magical secrets.

Even a person not associated with magic can feel like a real wizard on these nights. This suggests that each of us has a certain psychic potential. And it depends only on the person whether he can and will want to develop it.

How to interpret a dream from Friday night

The interpretation of Friday visions must be approached with special attention. There are no direct indications of this or that event; everything is encrypted in symbols, images, emotions and interactions of characters.

To grasp the secret meaning of the night message, you will have to really try, try on a lot of different interpretations and meanings. Moreover, your own subconscious will provide the greatest service in this.

It is on Fridays that people most often dream of so-called shapeshifting visions. What does this mean? What you saw must be interpreted exactly the opposite. That is: tears - joy, kiss - quarrel, gift - loss, etc. It is quite simple to distinguish a shapeshifter for those who regularly analyze their visions. Again, you just need to listen to yourself.

If you had a black and white dream, then get ready for difficult work. You will have to try a lot to complete it, but it will help you get closer to your goal. Colorful but gloomy dreams, twilight, sudden darkness and other similar signs indicate unfavorable circumstances. it's the same a clear sign that you cannot understand yourself.

If, on the contrary, the dreams were bright, sunny, pre-dawn, then they can be interpreted as a positive development of the situation. Bright Sunbeam, breaking through the clouds, a lit light bulb, a rainbow, a colorful butterfly - all this indicates the awakening of hope, good luck and luck.

It’s bad to lose something, fall, get sick, go to prison. This is always an omen of bad events. But finding, climbing, flying is much better. Fate definitely had a good surprise in store.

What to pay attention to

In general, the interpretation of dreams, especially Friday ones, is not an easy task, but truly challenging. In order not to get confused in the symbolism of the night, you should follow simple tips:

  • Remember whether the dream was in color or black and white. Just by the atmosphere alone you can guess whether it is for good or for evil. Any darkening, gloominess, or suddenly extinguished light bulbs indicate difficulties and obstacles.
  • If the dream book indicates a positive interpretation, but the vision was dark, then you should not hope for something good. Bright picture even with negative interpretation has the opposite effect
  • If in a night adventure you find something, be it an object or a way out, then in reality everything will turn out well. Wait for a gift of fate, good luck and the fulfillment of your desired dream.
  • If you lost it, it’s important to remember what exactly it was. Some transcripts indicate getting rid of negativity, while others actually promise losses. The main thing is that what you lost is not something very valuable to you.

If you dreamed something absolutely terrible on the night from Thursday to Friday, do not be alarmed. Even prophetic dreams are just hints, following which you can change your destiny for the better. But you shouldn’t ignore Friday dreams at all. Otherwise, next time you may not even hope that higher powers will help you.

Why do you have dreams on Friday?

Friday dreams always carry some kind of meaning, even a minor one. Specific interpretations of the dream book will help you unravel the secret message of heaven, but Special attention pay attention to deciphering emotions. It is they who play a decisive role in this case.


In a Friday dream you can fully feel any emotion, which, by the way, is almost impossible on any other day. You can fully experience tenderness, care, and feel touch. And all this is so real, as if in reality.

It was already mentioned earlier that dreams from Thursday to Friday are filled with romantic plots and, therefore, love emotions. It is best to experience pleasant sensations and feelings in these dreams. Joy and even euphoria promise positive changes, or indicate that everything will continue to go as well as possible.

Negative emotions are a bad sign. Anger, jealousy, envy, fear - all these are signs of conflicts, deterioration of affairs and relationships. If you dreamed of a lover in the company of a rival, this does not mean that this is the case in reality. However, his feelings are not as strong and sincere as he would like.

An unusual aspect in Friday visions acquires attachment to a specific character. If you happen to keep an eye on your loved one at night, then you are probably very dependent on him in real life. If, on the contrary, someone was pursuing you, then you risk becoming a victim and submitting to someone else’s will. Independence, some coldness and even aloofness between partners is an ideal situation indicating a harmonious relationship.


The tradition has reached our times of ordering dreams about love and your betrothed on Thursday night. Today you can find a lot of rituals that allow you to see such a vision. And the most surprising thing is that Venus treats such requests favorably, although the ordered dream does not always come on the same night. Sometimes this takes some time. It is important not to deviate from the goal and choose best days(for example, the eve of the above holidays).

In addition, if you dreamed full moon, then you will soon fall in love. If you happen to see white flowers - there will be a wedding, red - passionate romance without marriage. It's good if in your dreams there were mountains covered green forest, or full-flowing rivers with clean clear water. All these are signs of great feeling.

If you dreamed of your own wedding, then do not rush to the store to buy a dress. Most often on Friday this vision has the opposite meaning. It’s even worse to see your chosen one marry someone else. This is a clear sign of an imminent breakup.


This night you may well have a prophetic dream characterizing career and financial situation. Similar visions They rarely come on Friday, but that’s apt.

However, dreams cannot be perceived with absolute accuracy. Often these are only symbolic hints of future events. Thus, reproaches from the boss or quarrels with colleagues may not have the slightest relation to the desired area.

It's good to fly, rise up, sail along calm sea, ride the bus, etc. These images promise positive changes. Falling, drowning, getting lost, wandering in the forest - all these are bad signs. But any hints about profit and receiving money can be perceived as a specific prediction of enrichment.


From Thursday to Friday, even rest and entertainment most often take place in the company of a loved one. In fact, in Friday dreams there is no place for work, troubles, etc. everyday problems. Venus made sure that you had a good rest. Unfortunately, a night's rest most often does not guarantee such joy in reality.

Deceased people

The dead most often appear from Thursday to Friday, especially if the dream is prophetic, strictly negative. Their presence confirms that some kind of misfortune may happen or that you yourself will do something indecent.

If after waking up you are left with a depressing, melancholy feeling, then in the next 3-5 months try to think through your every action. And also exercise maximum caution in everything, be it crossing the road or using small household appliances.

The dead can also look into a dream with very good intentions. It’s not for nothing that dreams on Friday are characterized as mystical and magical. Perhaps today you will see the other world, where your deceased loved ones will become reliable guides.
