Grinds. Mass killing of black dolphins in Denmark Black pilot dolphins

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Common pilot whale, northern pilot whale, black pilot whale, black Dolphin, ball-headed dolphin, or round-headed whale(lat. Globicephala melas) - a marine mammal from the genus pilot whale ( Globicephala) dolphin family ( Delphinidae).


Most characteristic feature The common pilot whale is big head shaped like a melon. This form does not appear immediately after birth, but only after puberty. The color is mainly black, with a gray saddle-shaped spot behind the dorsal fin. The body length of males can reach 8.5 m, with an average of 6 m; weight up to 3,800 kg. Females are smaller in size: maximum length body 6 m, average - 4.8 m, weight - up to 1,800 kg.


Common pilot whales are social animals that live in flocks. Such packs include from 10 to 50 animals, sometimes more than 1,000. There are usually more females, since males have a high mortality rate, and leave the pack as soon as they reach sexual maturity.

Pilot whales are nomadic animals, moving on large areas during the whole year. These movements play different roles, for example, for obtaining food.

To communicate with each other, common pilot whales use various sound whistles. These whistles are quite simple when resting, but when danger or prey approaches, the sounds become more complex. They [Who?] also used [by whom?] in echolocation, which allows whales to navigate in space.


Common pilot whales are carnivores. They feed mainly on shellfish and fish, and eat about 34 kg of food per day. Favorite food is squid, as well as different kinds fish - cod, mackerel, herring.


Mating can occur at any time of the year, but the peak mating season occurs between April and June. Females are able to reproduce from the age of 6 years. Males reach sexual maturity much later - at 12 years. Pregnancy lasts 16 months, 1 kitten is born [Who?] . The weight of a newborn is about 100 kg, body length is about 1.8 m. Weaning occurs at the age of 23-27 months. After this, the female is able to give birth only after 4 years.

The maximum life expectancy for females is 59 years, for males - 46 years.


Common pilot whales are distributed in temperate and subpolar zones. They meet on great depth or in coastal waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean and North Sea. Previously found in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, where they are now probably absent. Around Antarctica, pilot whales reach far south, sometimes as far as 68° south latitude.

Security status

Research conducted in 1989 showed that there are about 750,000 pilot whales in the central and northeastern Atlantic, and about 200,000 in the northeastern Atlantic. Around Antarctica, the pilot whale population is estimated at approximately 31,000 individuals. Any evidence of global change There are no numbers of this species.

The fishery for common pilot whales takes place in the Faroe Islands and Greenland. And although fishing has been carried out since the 9th century, it has not caused a decline in the number of animals, as happened in Newfoundland. The average annual catch in the Faroe Islands is estimated at approximately 850 fish.

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  • : information on the website “Encyclopedia of Life” ( EOL) (English) (Retrieved December 19, 2010)

An excerpt characterizing the Common pilot whale

“Be healthy,” said Balaga, also drinking his glass and wiping himself with a handkerchief. Makarin hugged Anatole with tears in his eyes. “Eh, prince, how sad I am to part with you,” he said.
- Go, go! - Anatole shouted.
Balaga was about to leave the room.
“No, stop,” said Anatole. - Close the doors, I need to sit down. Like this. “They closed the doors and everyone sat down.
- Well, now march, guys! - Anatole said standing up.
The footman Joseph handed Anatoly a bag and a saber, and everyone went out into the hall.
-Where is the fur coat? - said Dolokhov. - Hey, Ignatka! Go to Matryona Matveevna, ask for a fur coat, a sable cloak. “I heard how they were taking away,” Dolokhov said with a wink. - After all, she will jump out neither alive nor dead, in what she was sitting at home; you hesitate a little, there are tears, and dad, and mom, and now she’s cold and back - and you immediately take him into a fur coat and carry him into the sleigh.
The footman brought a woman's fox cloak.
- Fool, I told you sable. Hey, Matryoshka, sable! – he shouted so that his voice was heard far across the rooms.
A beautiful, thin and pale gypsy woman, with shiny black eyes and black, curly, bluish-tinged hair, in a red shawl, ran out with a sable cloak on her arm.
“Well, I’m not sorry, you take it,” she said, apparently timid in front of her master and regretting the cloak.
Dolokhov, without answering her, took the fur coat, threw it on Matryosha and wrapped her up.
“That’s it,” said Dolokhov. “And then like this,” he said, and lifted the collar near her head, leaving it only slightly open in front of her face. - Then like this, see? - and he moved Anatole’s head to the hole left by the collar, from which Matryosha’s brilliant smile could be seen.
“Well, goodbye, Matryosha,” said Anatole, kissing her. - Eh, my revelry is over here! Bow to Steshka. Well, goodbye! Goodbye, Matryosha; wish me happiness.
“Well, God grant you, prince, great happiness,” said Matryosha, with her gypsy accent.
There were two troikas standing at the porch, two young coachmen were holding them. Balaga sat down on the front three, and, raising his elbows high, slowly took apart the reins. Anatol and Dolokhov sat down with him. Makarin, Khvostikov and the footman sat in the other three.
- Are you ready, or what? – asked Balaga.
- Let go! - he shouted, wrapping the reins around his hands, and the troika rushed down Nikitsky Boulevard.
- Whoa! Come on, hey!... Whoa, - you could only hear the cry of Balaga and the young man sitting on the box. On Arbat Square, the troika hit a carriage, something crackled, a scream was heard, and the troika flew down Arbat.
Having given two ends along Podnovinsky, Balaga began to hold back and, returning back, stopped the horses at the intersection of Staraya Konyushennaya.
The good fellow jumped down to hold the horses' bridles, Anatol and Dolokhov walked along the sidewalk. Approaching the gate, Dolokhov whistled. The whistle responded to him and after that the maid ran out.
“Go into the yard, otherwise it’s obvious he’ll come out now,” she said.
Dolokhov remained at the gate. Anatole followed the maid into the yard, turned the corner and ran onto the porch.
Gavrilo, Marya Dmitrievna’s huge traveling footman, met Anatoly.
“Please see the lady,” the footman said in a deep voice, blocking the way from the door.
- Which lady? Who are you? – Anatole asked in a breathless whisper.
- Please, I've been ordered to bring him.
- Kuragin! back,” Dolokhov shouted. - Treason! Back!
Dolokhov, at the gate where he stopped, was struggling with the janitor, who was trying to lock the gate behind Anatoly as he entered. Dolokhov, with his last effort, pushed the janitor away and, grabbing the hand of Anatoly as he ran out, pulled him out the gate and ran with him back to the troika.

Marya Dmitrievna, finding a tearful Sonya in the corridor, forced her to confess everything. Having intercepted Natasha’s note and read it, Marya Dmitrievna, with the note in her hand, went up to Natasha.
“Bastard, shameless,” she told her. - I don’t want to hear anything! - Pushing away Natasha, who was looking at her with surprised but dry eyes, she locked it and ordered the janitor to let through the gate those people who would come that evening, but not to let them out, and ordered the footman to bring these people to her, sat down in the living room, waiting kidnappers.
When Gavrilo came to report to Marya Dmitrievna that the people who had come had run away, she stood up with a frown and folded her hands back, walked around the rooms for a long time, thinking about what she should do. At 12 o'clock at night, feeling the key in her pocket, she went to Natasha's room. Sonya sat in the corridor, sobbing.

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Pilot whales (lat. Globicephala) are a genus of mammals from the dolphin family.

There are 2 species of these animals: the common pilot whale (Globicephala melas) and the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus). Each of them has its own habitats: the short-finned pilot whale prefers tropical and subtropical seas ( South Africa, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand etc.), and the common pilot whale chooses temperate waters (from the North Atlantic to Mediterranean Sea). Both species differ from each other in the length of their fins, as well as in the number of teeth: short-finned pilot whales have from fourteen to eighteen, and the common pilot whale has from sixteen to twenty-six.

Pilot whales can reach a length of 8.5 meters and weigh up to 3 tons. A real small submarine. With the exception of a white spot shaped like an anchor under the chin, pilot whales are completely black.

During the day, these animals mostly sleep, and at night they go out hunting. Their favorite “dish” is cephalopods– squid, octopus, cuttlefish. Fish is eaten less often. In pursuit of prey, they can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. With such powerful dimensions, this is a very decent speed of movement. They can dive for mollusks to depths of up to 600 m, holding their breath for up to 10 minutes. One adult pilot whale consumes up to 30 kg per night. food.

Like many large mammals, pilot whale pregnancy lasts a long time - 15-16 months. Females give birth every 3-5 years. Newborn pilot whales can reach 1.5 meters in length and weigh about 100 kg!!! Such a “baby” has to be fed milk for more than a year and a half. The childbearing period in females can last until old age - up to 50 years. During this time they give birth up to 9 times. Puberty in females it occurs by 6-7 years, and in males by 12.

Pilot whales typically live in groups of about 20-30 individuals, although groups of more than 100 individuals have been observed. The group follows the leader social behavior inside it is developed quite highly. Only old individuals who have reached the ripe old age of 50 and pregnant females who are ready to reproduce break away from the flock. The rest of the time the family hunts, plays and relaxes together. Like all dolphins, pilot whales tend to “talk” to each other using characteristic smacks, whistles, squeaks, etc.

Pilot whales are very family-oriented. They will never abandon a relative in trouble. Sometimes this leads to sad consequences. There are known cases when a pilot whale washed ashore called for help, and the entire “family” was thrown onto land in the hope of helping the poor creature. As a result, all animals died from dehydration. Very sad.

Today, more than 1 million pilot whales live in the seas and oceans. That is, the species is not on the verge of destruction. There is practically no hunting for these animals, with the exception of northern regions Atlantic Ocean. Between Scotland and Iceland are the Faroe Islands. These are the lands of the Kingdom of Denmark. They are inhabited by people who consider themselves descendants of the formidable Vikings. Once upon a time, fierce warriors awed all of Europe. They were ruthless invaders living by the sea. Their main diet was pilot whales.

Catching these mammals is not difficult at all. It is enough for only one dolphin to be captured. He begins to scream pitifully and give signals, calling for help from his relatives. The flock, in which mutual assistance is at the highest level, rushes to the shore. Here, during the ancient times, she was met by cruel warriors. The Vikings killed animals with spears, knives and swords. The carcasses were butchered and eaten.

Countless years have passed, but tradition brutal murder poor animals remained. The current descendants of the formidable conquerors have long ago turned into law-abiding citizens. It would seem that there can no longer be any talk about any kind of bloodthirstiness. However, medieval custom is strictly observed.

A dolphin is also caught and begins to call its relatives for help. Dozens of black bodies appear near the shore. And then the bacchanalia begins. The faces of people standing waist-deep in water are transformed. Long hooks and knives appear in their hands. With these objects they begin to mercilessly stab the poor animals, causing them terrible pain. The water is stained with blood.

I would like to believe that ancient customs related to the pressing problem of food will be forgotten, and outright cruelty and bloodthirstiness will forever sink into oblivion.

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The scientific name pilot whale translates as "round-headed" and corresponds to appearance these marine mammals. Grinds - These are large dolphins.
DIMENSIONS. Length and weight: common pilot whale: male - up to 6.5 m, 3,000 kg, female - up to 5.5 m, 1,800 kg tropical pilot whale: male - up to 5.5 m, 2,500 kg, female - 4, 5 m, 1,200 kg.

Puberty: male at 12, female at 6-7 years.
Mating season: all year round.
Pregnancy: 15-16 months.
Number of cubs: 1.

Habits: social animals. They live in groups of 40 to several hundred individuals.
Food: fish and shellfish.
Sounds: varied.
Life expectancy: up to 50 years.
Pilot whales live in all seas of the northern and temperate zones of the World Ocean. They mate in warm seas. There are three known species of pilot whales: common, black, or Pacific, and tropical. Sometimes these animals are called round-headed or black dolphins. The animals are easy to train, so they often take part in dolphinarium programs.
REPRODUCTION. In winter, greenies from permanent places accommodations are sent to warm waters to give birth to a new generation. Cubs are born in next year after returning to cooler areas.
The pilot whale's mating period is unlimited, but most cubs are born in late summer. Before mating, male pilot whales fight fiercely for the right to take possession of the female. Even courtship is not complete without minor injuries, although the animals try to behave very delicately: they stroke each other with their fins and swim side by side, clinging to each other. 15-16 months after mating, the female gives birth to one calf. The baby eats high-calorie milk and quickly gains weight. Lactation duration is 20-21 months. However, already at the age of 9 months, the pilot whale calf hunts cephalopods. The one-year-old pilot whale is not yet ready for independent life. The fertility of pilot whales is very low, females give birth to cubs once every 3 years, despite the fact that they reach puberty quite late: females begin to reproduce at 6, and males at about 12 years. Pilot whales are considered adults from 18-20 years of age.
LIFESTYLE. Pilot whales are the second largest fish in the dolphin family after killer whales. The male pilot whale reaches a length of 6.5 m. Pilot whales live in flocks, sometimes numbering several hundred animals. All members of the pack follow the leader. From time to time, cases of suicide of pilot whales, which are thrown ashore in whole flocks, are repeated. Some researchers believe that the navigation system of pilot whales, which hunt very close to the shore, may not function correctly, as a result of which the animals may not be able to navigate well. Other pilot whales usually come to the aid of an animal that finds itself out of water, so the entire flock dies.
Adult pilot whales swim at a speed of 4-6 km/h, and the leader of the pack swims at 8 km/h. Common and tropical pilot whales can often be observed with other species of dolphins.
Like other dolphins, the pilot whale can make vertical leaps above the water and turn on its side to examine an object that interests it. Pilot whales make many sounds, including smacking, high-frequency whistles, and squeaks.
FOOD. Pilot whales feed primarily on fish. On the upper jaw of a common pilot whale there are 8-11 pairs of teeth, and on the lower jaw - 9-12 pairs (tropical ones have fewer), with which the animal holds slippery prey: squid and fish, among which flounder and cod predominate. An adult pilot whale requires about 30 kg of food daily.
Grinds swim close to the surface of the water, emerging from time to time to take air into their lungs. When hunting, pilot whales dive to depths of up to 60 m and can remain underwater for up to 10 minutes. When chasing squids, the animals often swim close to the shore. Pilot whales hunt in packs, searching for prey using echo location, that is, emission, reflection and reception of high-frequency sound signals. The signals are usually tuned to a specific type of prey, so pilot whales receive all the information about the prey by the type of reflected high-frequency sounds: location, size and speed of its movement.
Did you know?? Pilot whales do not leave their wounded comrade, helping him stay afloat and keep up with the pack. Sometimes common pilot whales are also called "singing whales" because they make a wide variety of sounds.
The defensive tactics of some octopuses, based on disappearing into an ink cloud, are ineffective against pilot whales, since black dolphins search for prey using echo location.
Pilot whales feed their young with very high-calorie milk containing 40-50% fat (the average fat content of cow's milk is 4%). When in danger, pilot whales can reach speeds of up to 40 km/hour.

CHARACTERISTICS. Breathing hole: the only opening through which the air enters the lungs as animals rise to the surface. atmospheric air. The "geyser" on the pilot whale's head consists mainly of water vapor and fat droplets, which are secreted by glands located around the blowholes.
Skin: The only adornment of the pilot whale's black, shiny skin is white drawing in the form of an anchor on the belly and a spot on the chest.
Dorsal fin: short, wide at the base, sickle-shaped.
Chairman: Under the noticeably convex forehead there is an echolocator (sonar), with the help of which the pilot whale determines the location of its prey.
Pectoral fins: long, narrow, sickle-shaped.
Calf: born in water, tail first. The mother immediately brings him to the surface so that he can breathe air.
LIVING PLACE. The northern population of pilot whales living in temperate zone the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean from Canada to the Scandinavian Peninsula; southern - in cold waters Pacific Ocean; tropical pilot whale - in the warm zones of the oceans.
Preservation. The population of the common pilot whale is rapidly declining. In some areas, pilot whales are still the object of constant fishing.

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The scientific name pilot whale translates as “round-headed” and corresponds to the appearance of these marine mammals. Grinds - These are large dolphins.
DIMENSIONS. Length and weight: common pilot whale: male - up to 6.5 m, 3,000 kg, female - up to 5.5 m, 1,800 kg tropical pilot whale: male - up to 5.5 m, 2,500 kg, female - 4, 5 m, 1,200 kg.

Puberty: male at 12, female at 6-7 years.
Mating season: all year round.
Pregnancy: 15-16 months.
Number of cubs: 1.

Habits: social animals. They live in groups of 40 to several hundred individuals.
Food: fish and shellfish.
Sounds: varied.
Life expectancy: up to 50 years.

Pilot whales live in all seas of the northern and temperate zones of the World Ocean. They mate in warm seas. There are three known species of pilot whales: common, black, or Pacific, and tropical. Sometimes these animals are called round-headed or black dolphins. The animals are easy to train, so they often take part in dolphinarium programs.
REPRODUCTION. In winter, green whales move from their permanent places of residence to warm waters to give birth to a new generation. Cubs are born the following year after returning to cooler areas.
The pilot whale's mating period is unlimited, but most cubs are born in late summer. Before mating, male pilot whales fight fiercely for the right to take possession of the female. Even courtship is not complete without minor injuries, although the animals try to behave very delicately: they stroke each other with their fins and swim side by side, clinging to each other. 15-16 months after mating, the female gives birth to one calf. The baby eats high-calorie milk and quickly gains weight. Lactation duration is 20-21 months. However, already at the age of 9 months, the pilot whale calf hunts cephalopods. A one-year-old pilot whale is not yet ready for independent life. The fertility of pilot whales is very low, females give birth to cubs once every 3 years, despite the fact that they reach puberty quite late: females begin to reproduce at 6, and males at about 12 years. Pilot whales are considered adults from 18-20 years of age.
LIFESTYLE. Pilot whales are the second largest fish in the dolphin family after killer whales. The male pilot whale reaches a length of 6.5 m. Pilot whales live in flocks, sometimes numbering several hundred animals. All members of the pack follow the leader. From time to time, cases of suicide of pilot whales, which are thrown ashore in whole flocks, are repeated. Some researchers believe that the navigation system of pilot whales, which hunt very close to the shore, may not function correctly, as a result of which the animals may not be able to navigate well. Other pilot whales usually come to the aid of an animal that finds itself out of water, so the entire flock dies.
Adult pilot whales swim at a speed of 4-6 km/h, and the leader of the pack swims at 8 km/h. Common and tropical pilot whales can often be observed with other species of dolphins.
Like other dolphins, the pilot whale can make vertical leaps above the water and turn on its side to examine an object that interests it. Pilot whales make many sounds, including smacking, high-frequency whistles, and squeaks.
FOOD. Pilot whales feed primarily on fish. On the upper jaw of a common pilot whale there are 8-11 pairs of teeth, and on the lower jaw - 9-12 pairs (tropical ones have fewer), with which the animal holds slippery prey: squid and fish, among which flounder and cod predominate. An adult pilot whale requires about 30 kg of food daily.
Grinds swim close to the surface of the water, emerging from time to time to take air into their lungs. When hunting, pilot whales dive to depths of up to 60 m and can remain underwater for up to 10 minutes. When chasing squids, the animals often swim close to the shore. Pilot whales hunt in packs, searching for prey using echo location, that is, emission, reflection and reception of high-frequency sound signals. The signals are usually tuned to a specific type of prey, so pilot whales receive all the information about the prey by the type of reflected high-frequency sounds: location, size and speed of its movement.
Did you know?? Pilot whales do not leave their wounded comrade, helping him stay afloat and keep up with the pack. Sometimes common pilot whales are also called "singing whales" because they make a wide variety of sounds.
The defensive tactics of some octopuses, based on disappearing into an ink cloud, are ineffective against pilot whales, since black dolphins search for prey using echo location.
Pilot whales feed their young with very high-calorie milk containing 40-50% fat (the average fat content of cow's milk is 4%). When in danger, pilot whales can reach speeds of up to 40 km/hour.

CHARACTERISTICS. Breath hole: the only hole through which atmospheric air enters the lungs when animals rise to the surface. The "geyser" on the pilot whale's head consists mainly of water vapor and fat droplets, which are secreted by glands located around the blowholes.
Skin: The only adornment of the pilot whale's black, shiny skin is a white anchor-like pattern on its belly and a spot on its chest.
Dorsal fin: short, wide at the base, sickle-shaped.
Chairman: Under the noticeably convex forehead there is an echolocator (sonar), with the help of which the pilot whale determines the location of its prey.
Pectoral fins: long, narrow, sickle-shaped.
Calf: born in water, tail first. The mother immediately brings him to the surface so that he can breathe air.
LIVING PLACE. The northern population of pilot whales lives in the temperate zone of the North Atlantic Ocean from Canada to the Scandinavian Peninsula; southern - in the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean; tropical pilot whale - in the warm zones of the oceans.
Preservation. The population of the common pilot whale is rapidly declining. In some areas, pilot whales are still the object of constant fishing.

Hello, today I will introduce you to the pilot whale - a marine animal of the dolphin family. They can be found throughout the world's oceans. Pilot whales are friendly in nature and have highly developed social behavior, which can sometimes lead to dire consequences.

There are 2 species of these animals: the common pilot whale (Globicephala melas) and the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus). Each of them has its own habitats: the short-finned pilot whale prefers tropical and subtropical seas (South Africa, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, etc.), and the common pilot whale prefers temperate waters (from the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea).

Common pilot whale (lat. Globicephala melas)

Short-finned pilot whale (lat. Globicephala macrorhynchus)

These species also differ from each other in the length of their fins and the number of teeth. The common pilot whale has from 16 to 26, and the short-finned pilot whale has from 14 to 18.

Pilot whales can reach a length of 8.5 meters and weigh up to 3 tons. A real small submarine.

Unlike dolphins, which have an elongated muzzle, pilot whales have a rounded head shape with a short muzzle. Almost all animals are jet black and have a small area under the chin. White spot, shaped like an anchor.

White spot

During the day, these animals mostly sleep, and at night they begin to hunt. Their favorite “dish” are cephalopods - squid, octopus, cuttlefish. Fish is eaten less often. In pursuit of prey, they can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. With such powerful dimensions, this is a very decent speed of movement.

In search of food, they can descend to a depth of 600 meters and at the same time hold their breath for 10 minutes.

Female with cub

Like many large mammals, pilot whale pregnancy lasts a long time - 15-16 months. Females give birth every 3-5 years. Newborn pilot whales can reach 1.5 meters in length and weigh about 100 kg!!! Such a “baby” has to be fed milk for more than a year and a half. The childbearing period in females can last until old age - up to 50 years. During this time they give birth up to 9 times. Puberty in females occurs at 6-7 years of age, and in males at 12.

Pilot whales have highly developed social behavior. They live in small groups of about 20 individuals. Each group has a leader, whose commands are carried out unquestioningly. Old individuals, pregnant females and females with cubs form separate groups. Pilot whales communicate using various signals - whistles, squeaks, smacking, whimpering, etc.

In addition, they have a highly developed instinct for preserving the species. They will never abandon a relative in trouble. Sometimes this leads to sad consequences. There are known cases when a pilot whale washed ashore called for help, and the entire “family” was thrown onto land in the hope of helping the poor creature. As a result, all animals died from dehydration. Very sad.

Beached Pilot Whale

The main enemy of the pilot whale is man. This animal has been hunted at all times and in all parts of the world. A wide variety of hunting methods were used, including sometimes wild ones - animals were driven onto the shore with stones and finished off there. Indeed, man has no equal in cruelty.

So far, pilot whales are not an endangered species, but this is only for now. They are hunted constantly, and every year several tens of thousands of pilot whales are destroyed. In Spain, for example, a convention has already been adopted to protect these animals.
