Interesting questions about animals. Class hour. Quiz "In the world of animals"

Quiz with answers on ecology “In the animal world”


1) What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

2) Favorite treat storks. (Frogs.)

3) What bird bears the name of a famous Russian writer? (Gogol.)

4) What bird is called a “forest cat”? (Owl. For its ability to hunt at night.)

5) Do birds hibernate in a birdhouse in winter? (No.)

6) Bird fortune teller. (Cuckoo.)

7) Does a penguin belong to the order of birds or mammals? (Birdish.)

8) Where is the ear of a grasshopper? (On the foot.)

9) Tadpoles hatch from it. (Caviar.)

10) People call this flower “the flower of the sun.” (Sunflower.)

11) Which one bird of prey Can you call it a "orderly"? (Black kite. It feeds not only on rodents, but also eats carrion.)

12) Who often changes clothes without undressing? (Chameleon.)

13) What kind of fish builds a nest? (Catfish, stickleback.)

14) Who will be born three times before becoming an adult? (Butterfly.)

15) What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing. The toad is forced to go on a “diet”, since usually at this time of year she sleeps soundly.)

16) What berry is white, black, red? (Currant.)

17) Which one forest bird considered the most talkative? (Magpie.)

18) Who is rightfully called the “forest doctor” by the people?

19) Which birds fly south first? (Rooks.)

20) What is meant by the term “ silent hunt"? (Collecting mushrooms.)

21) Which bird “collects” shiny objects? (Magpie.)

22) What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen.)

24) Which tree is rightfully considered a symbol of Russia?

25) Which bird does not want to “fulfill its parental

duty” towards your future offspring by throwing eggs into other people’s nests? (Cuckoo.)

26) A herb that you can recognize even with your eyes closed? (Nettle.)

27) What bird all year round wears a tailcoat? (Penguin.)

28) This bird ranks first in flight speed among all birds. (Swift.)

29) The smallest bird on the planet? (Hummingbird. Its size does not exceed one and a half to two centimeters.)

30) Animal Science. (Zoology.)

31) Which forest animal changes its “wardrobe” twice a year? (Hare, squirrel, fox.)

32) The cleanest animal? (Badger.)

33) What kind of fish is called “river orderly”? (Pike. She eats weakened and sick fish first.)

34) Construction engineer of a house on the river? (Beaver.)

35) Which animal is rightfully considered the fastest? (Cheetah.)

36) An animal of our forests, similar to a cat in an enlarged form. (Lynx.)

37) Which animal puts its hind legs forward when running? (Hare.)

38) What animal picks apples with its back? (Hedgehog.)

39) When do hedgehogs not prick? (Barely born.)

40) What animal is popularly nicknamed “oblique”? Why? (Hare. For its unusual slanting eye shape.)

41) Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile.)

42) Which cow do the ants milk? (Aphid.)

43) Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back? (All the legs of a giraffe are the same size.)

44) What insect is popularly called the “big-eyed hunter”? (Dragonfly.)

45) What fish is named after a person? (Carp.)

46) What animal’s cubs feed on the milk of someone else’s mother? (Hares.)

47) How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

48) How many legs does a beetle have? (Six.)

49) Which animal loses its “headdress” every winter? (Elk. Once a year, in winter, it sheds its antlers.)

50) Which animal likes to sleep upside down? (Bat.)

51) Which animal is called the “orderly” of the forest? (Wolf.)

52) Which animal is considered the smallest? (Shrew. Her height is -3.5 cm.)

53) Which insect are we forced to clap our hands not at all as a sign of our admiration and approval? (Pray when we want to kill her.)

54) Which forest bird is considered long-lived? (Forest crow. Life expectancy is 120 years or more.)

55) What well-known and terribly annoying insect can move upside down and taste food with its paws? (Fly.)

Quiz for schoolchildren with answers on the topic Animals

1. What large herbivore sleeps during the day and feeds at night, without fear of predators? Its stomach is one and a half meters long and seventy-five centimeters wide, its skin is thick, and it is also “armed and very dangerous.” What animal? we're talking about? (About the rhinoceros)

2. What animal lives in water in the summer and in the ground in winter? (Water rat)

3. Which animal has its paws turned palms out? (A mole has its paws adapted for digging the ground)

4. What small animal does neither the fox nor the ferret eat? (The shrew, because for the subtle sense of smell of predatory animals the smell of musk emanating from the shrew is unbearable)

5. The track of which predatory animal is similar to a human one? (Bear)

6. Which animals did the conqueror raise a toast to? South Pole Roald Amundsen? (For the dogs. It was with their help that he reached the goal of his journey)

7. Which animal has favorite calluses on its feet and mouth? (This is a camel. Thick calluses on the feet are needed to walk on hot sand, and in the mouth - to chew thorns and not get hurt)

8. This animal has no teeth. It tears apart the nests of its prey with its paws, then takes out ants or termites with its tongue up to sixty centimeters long, after which it grinds the insects with its muscular stomach. What is this amazing animal? (Ant-eater)

9. What animal has a black tongue forty-five centimeters long, a huge heart so that it supplies blood to greater height in the head, and very developed upper lip to pick off the most tender leaves of plants? (Giraffe)

10. This animal lives in pitch darkness. Hunts worms and insects. Having found more such worms than it can eat, it neutralizes them with a bite, but leaves them alive. Stores his supplies in an underground storage room. And he is also able to eat as much as he weighs in a day. Who is this? (Mole)

11. These animals hunt at night using hearing and smell, without relying on vision. They attack large animals in flocks of up to thirty individuals. Together they can even recapture prey from lions. In a few minutes, not even a trace of a large antelope will remain. Their jaws are so strong that they can bite through the tibia of a buffalo. What kind of animals are these? (Hyenas)

12. Sailors often see how dolphins save drowning swimmers by pushing them to the surface. What explains such nobility? (Dolphins breathe air. The mother dolphin pushes a baby born in the water with its nose to the surface so that the baby takes its first breath. In addition, the pod pushes a sick fellow into the air. This maternal and brotherly instinct forces dolphins to save drowning people)

13. Which animal played in Krylov’s “Quartet” and in an ensemble of musicians from the city of Bremen? (Donkey)

14. When Europeans brought this animal to Tahiti, the islanders, who had not seen it before, gave it the name “pig with teeth on its head.” What do we call this animal? (Cow)

15. What animal day do Americans celebrate annually on February 2? (Groundhog Day. He leaves the hole after a long hibernation, which means spring has come)

16. What animals did the Arabs consider cursed by Allah, and the Hindus built temples in their honor? (Monkey)

17. What animal do Australians believe never drinks? (Koala)

18. What animal promises good luck to an Englishman and a Frenchman, but God forbid a Russian to meet it? (Black cat)

19. If a cat is aggressive, it arches its back, flattens its ears, and nervously moves its tail. If a dog is aggressive, it bares its teeth, bristles and growls. And what animal in this situation bares its teeth, flattens its ears and tries to turn its back? (Horse)

20. Name the largest animal that builds nests. (African gorilla. The male reaches 1.7-1.8 meters in height and weighs 136-227 kilograms. Every day they build new round ground nests with a diameter of 1 meter)

21. What animal can open its mouth 180 degrees? (African hippopotamus)

22. Name two primates that can turn their heads 180 degrees. ( Philippine tarsier and galago)

23. Which animal builds the tallest structures from mud, stones and trees? (Beaver. The tallest beaver lodge was 4.8 meters, and the longest dam stretched for one and a half kilometers)

24. Which mammal has the fastest pulse? (A shrew's heart beats at 1,200 beats per minute)

25. What animal in different languages has the most a large number of different names? (Puma. Only in English language it has more than forty names, including: cougar, Mountain lion, red tiger and Florida panther)

26. Which animal maintained a speed of fifty-six kilometers per hour over a distance of six kilometers? (Pronghorn antelope. Lives in the western United States, southwestern Canada and Mexico)

27. Which herbivore has constantly growing fangs? average length which are 71 centimeters? (At the hippopotamus)

28. Which mammal has the largest eyes in diameter relative to its body? (Philippine tarsier. Its body length is 8.5-10 centimeters, and the diameter of its eyes is 1.6 centimeters. If such proportions were maintained, human eyes would be the size of grapefruits)

29. Which domestic animal is the oldest in Europe? (Dog. Was domesticated more than nine thousand years ago. Then come the goat and pig - more than five thousand years ago)

30. Who said: “Animals are my friends. But I don’t eat my friends? (English writer Bernard Shaw)

31. Name the most primitive multicellular animal. (Sponge. It has no sensory organs, but can respond to stimuli. Sponges form large settlements in the sea)

32. What representatives of the fauna live on the highest mountain peaks? (Spiders. The winds carry enough live flies, mosquitoes, and small plants to such heights)

33. Which animal, besides birds, builds nests? (Fish. In our area, every spring smelts build nests. The male constantly guards it, trying to scare away all uninvited guests)

34. Name the only animal from the cat family whose claws do not retract (do not retract into the pads of their paws). (Cheetah)

35. What animal head did the mythological Minotaur have? (Bull's head)

36. What animal head did the Egyptian goddess Bastet have? (Cat head)

37. What animal is Pumbaa from Disney's The Lion King? (Warthog)

38. Which modern rodents are the largest in the world? (Capybara or capybara)

39. Name the only marsupial animal that does not come from Australia or its environs, but from America. (Opossum)

40. Give another name big panda. (Bamboo Bear)

41. What animal of the crocodile family lives in the swamps of Florida? (Alligator)

42. What is the name of an animal whose father is a stallion and whose mother is a donkey? (Horse)

43. What is the name of an animal whose father is a donkey and whose mother is a mare? (Mule)

44. What is the name of the American prairie wolf? (Coyote)

45. Guanaco and vicuna are two types of which animal? (Llamas)

46. ​​What is it called large dolphin nicknamed "killer whale"? (Orca)

47. What is the name of the Black Sea shark? (Katran)

48. Who is called " sea ​​cucumber"? (Trepanga)

49. Many Africans living in the same area with him avoid calling his name and call him: “He who kills while smiling.” What animal are we talking about? (About the crocodile)

50. How can a sperm whale, walrus and narwhal replace an elephant? (Their teeth replace ivory)

51. The baby of which artiodactyl animal can withstand a fall from a height of two to three meters during birth? (Giraffe)

52. Inhabitants East Africa When they first saw the tank, they shouted joyfully: “Faru! Faro!”, because the tank reminded them of a well-known animal. What animal means "faro" in their language? (Rhinoceros)

53. Not a single carnivore will touch the carcass of an animal that died from... From what? (From lightning)

54. Name two Australian mammals that lay eggs. (Platypus and echidna)

55. What is the name of a young sheep that has not yet lambed? (Yarka)

56. What was the name of the primitive bull? (Tour)

57. How many animals form a multi-year cycle eastern calendar? (Twelve)

58. How many animals are in the Zodiac? (Seven: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo)

59. Name the bamboo eater, which became a symbol of the International environmental organization? (Panda)

60. The Hindu god of wisdom, Ganesha, was depicted with the head of which animal? (With an elephant's head)

61. Which animals are more effective than dogs in finding truffles? (Pigs)

62. What is another name for musk ox? (Muskox)

63. What is the name of a calf? reindeer under one month of age? (Fawn)

64. When Jesus Christ was in the desert among the mountains for forty days, according to legend, he created these animals so that they would tell him when the sun rose and when it set. What kind of animals are these? ( The bats)

65. Name the largest predatory animal on earth, the weight of which can reach a ton. (Polar bear)

66. What is the name of the creature with the head of a fox in Russian mythology? (Kikimora)

67. Which of the great apes has more common features with a person? (Chimpanzees. Gorillas have fewer of them, and orangutans have even fewer)

68. How are giraffes delivered to the zoo if their height is six to seven meters and not a single giraffe can fit on a train or plane? (It is not adult giraffes that are delivered to zoos, but young animals no more than one and a half meters tall)

69. How does a chameleon change color? (The skin of a chameleon is transparent, and underneath there are cells of red, yellow and black colors. When one or another of them expands or contracts, it appears that the lizard changes color)

70. How does a crocodile differ from an alligator? (Alligators live in North America, crocodiles - in Africa, Asia, Australia. The only exception is the Chinese alligator, the rarest of all. Alligators smaller in size. A crocodile, even when its mouth is closed, has two fangs visible. Alligators do not)

71. They ate bison meat, made ropes from their wool, made moccasins from their skins, glue and baby rattles from their hooves, cups and spoons from their horns, and weapons from their bones. What was made from tough buffalo tongues? (Combs)

Intellectual quiz “These Amazing Animals” for primary schoolchildren

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
Description: intellectual quiz is intended for educators and teachers primary classes for organizing summer leisure younger schoolchildren in the form of a cognitive test environmental education, broadens children's horizons about interesting facts from the life of animals. Students must answer the test questions on this topic, selecting one correct answer for each question.

Target: organization of summer leisure in a playful way for primary school students in the form of testing on the topic: “Animals”.
- test students’ knowledge on this topic;
- expand children’s horizons about the diverse world of animals, about interesting facts from the life of animals;
- instill in junior students an interest and love for animals;
- bring up careful attitude to animals;
- develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory in primary schoolchildren.

Intellectual quiz “These amazing animals” (for primary school students)

1. What branch of science studies animals?
A) ichthyology;
B) entomology;
B) biology;
G) zoology.

2. When is World Animal Day celebrated?
A) November 30;
B) December 10;
IN) The 4th of October;
D) August 16.

3. What is another name for International Pet Day?
A) Dog Day;
B) Cat Day;
B) Pet Day;
D) Rabbit Day.

4. In what year was a monument to a stray dog ​​opened at the Mendeleevskaya metro station in Moscow?
A) in 2010;
B) in 2015;
B) in 2005;
G) in 2007.

5. Which animal has 18 more bones than humans?
A) at the horse;
B) at the bear;
B) at the lion;
D) in an antelope.

6. What animals were considered in ancient Egypt the main pests of fields?
A) jackals;
B) antelopes;

IN) hippos;
D) crocodiles.

7. Which animal received a medal during the First World War and military rank Corporal?
A) monkey;
B) horse;
B) dog;
D) cat.

8. Which animal is considered the fastest in the world, running at speeds of up to 120 km/h?
A) tiger;
B) cheetah;
B) panther;
D) camel.

9. How fast does he run? polar bear?
A) 60 km/h;
B) 10 km/h;
IN) 40 km/h;
D) 15 km/h.

10. Which animal not only has striped fur, but also striped skin?
A) at the tiger;
B) in a zebra;
B) in a raccoon;
D) in a squirrel.

11. Which animal has the highest blood pressure?
A) in a zebra;
B) in a monkey;
B) in a cat;
G) at the giraffe.

12. Which animal is the largest in the world?
A) elephant;
B) blue whale;
B) hippopotamus;
D) rhinoceros.

13. Which animal recognizes itself in the mirror?
A) lion;
B) cat;
IN) chimpanzee;
D) possum.

14. Which animal can go without water the longest?
A) rat;
B) panda;
B) camel;
D) skunk.

15. How long does it take to hard-boil an ostrich egg?
A) 30 minutes;
B) 15 minutes;
B) 1 hour;
G) 40 minutes.

16. Why do crocodiles swallow stones?
A) from hunger;
B) to dive deeper;
B) to brush your teeth;
D) out of anger.

Interesting questions about animals with answers for primary school students can be used as preparation for the Olympiad on the environment and ecology. And also how additional material in class, quiz questions or publishing an educational newspaper with the children.

Interesting questions about animals

1. What are the names of mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects that bother animals and humans? (Gnus)

2. What do bees make honey from? (From flower nectar)

3. Where do crayfish spend the winter? (In underwater burrows of fresh water bodies)

4. Who will be born four times before becoming an adult? (Many insects have 4 stages of development - egg, larva, pupa, adult insect)

5. How do ants get across streams and ditches? (They make a living bridge, clinging to each other with their legs and jaws, the rest of the ants pass along this bridge)

6. What happens to a bee when it bites a person? (The bee will die because the sting gets stuck in the elastic skin; when the bee pulls out the sting, it tears it off along with the end of the abdomen)

7. How does a grasshopper chirp? (The cracking sound comes from the friction of one elytra from the other)

8. Which beetles are named after the month in which they appear? Chafer)

9. Whose “wife” is a bloodsucker? (In a mosquito, horsefly, because only the female bites, and the male feeds on plant nectar)

10. Who is called the forest “lantern”? (Firefly)

11. What do you call a small deer that can buzz? (Bug)

12. Insects that work for humans? (Mulberry bee)

13. Who is called the bee wolf and who is the bee tiger? (Wasp philanthus, hornet)

14. What is the name of the worm-shaped butterfly larva? (Caterpillar)

15. What is the name of the male in bee family? (Drone)

16. Why does a mosquito squeak? (Sounds are made when his wings move)

17. How many legs do beetles have? (Six)

18. How many legs do spiders have? (Eight)

19. How does a spider sitting in ambush know that prey has fallen into its web? (By signal threads that sway when prey moves)

20. How can you find out about the approaching rain by watching an anthill? (The ants hide and close the passages)

21. What is the name of the “musician” behind the stove? (Cricket)

22. What is the name of the fastest flying insect? (Dragonfly)

23. How do spiders fly? (Attached to the web)

24. About whom can we say that he “goes out of his way”? (Cancer, crab, many insects, snake)

25. Who do they say “red as a lobster” about? What color is it really? (Crayfish, brown in color, but turns red when cooked)

26. What are the “scissors” that walk along the bottom of the river called? (Cancer)

27. Who has teeth in his stomach? (The crab has 3 teeth in its stomach)

28. Who has a skeleton on the outside? (In all arthropods, crayfish are insects, spiders, etc. The chitinous cover replaces the skeleton for them)

29. Who has ears on their feet? (The grasshopper has hearing organs on the shins of its front legs)

30. Where do butterflies winter? (In crevices, cracks under the bark, and some fly south to warm countries)

31. Who are called “live flowers”? (Butterflies)

32. Is there an animal with one eye? (Crayfish - Cyclops)

33. Who builds a house underwater out of thin air? (Silver water beetle)

34. Who in the forest, without axes, builds a hut without corners? (Ants)

35. Which butterfly is called the bird's eye? (Peacock eye)

36. Take away one letter from an arachnid and will a fish appear? (Flash - bream)

37. How many wings does a beetle have? (4, two elytra and two wings)

38. What does a toad eat in winter? (A toad doesn't eat in winter, it sleeps)

39. Which legs grow first in a tadpole - front or back? (Rear)

40. What will happen to the frog if you dig it out from under the snow and bring it close to the fire? (She will die from a rapid change in temperature)

41. Where in Russia do frogs and snakes not live? (On the Kamchatka Peninsula)

42. Why don’t birds and animals touch toads? (Toads secrete toxic substances)

43. What animals are called “sea nettles”? (Jellyfish)

44. What do tadpoles eat? (Parts aquatic plants, simplest animals)

45. Which animal’s eyes can look in different directions independently of each other? (Chameleon)

46. ​​What kind of fish builds nests? (Stickleback, the male builds a nest of algae and guards the laid eggs)

47. Which fish is flat and lies on the bottom? (Flounder)

48. What is the name of a sea animal that lives on the ocean floor; spherical body, covered with spines (Sea urchin)

49. What kind of fish catch prey:

Jet of water (Squirter from Southeast Asia)

Fishing rod ( Angler from the Atlantic Ocean)

Electricity ( Electric Stingray, electric eel, stargazer)

50. What is the name of the sea animal, according to appearance resembling a chess piece? (Sea Horse)

51. What do surgeons do at sea? (They live. Surgeon is the name of an order of tropical fish)

52. Which animal lives the longest? (Turtle - up to 300 years , raven - up to 300 years)

53. As a predator that inhabits the seabed is called, it attacks prey several times larger than itself; has 8 tentacles? (Octopus)

54. What benefits do they bring to nature? earthworms? (They loosen the soil, increasing soil fertility)

55. How can you recognize a hedgehog? (By yellow spots and by the yellow shields on the head)

56. What is the name of the desert dweller who carries his house on his back? (Turtle)

57. What is it called legless lizard? (Spindle)

58. Who, having one leg, also carries a house on himself? (Snail)

59. What is the name of a desert lizard up to 1.5 meters long? (Varan)

60. Which fish spend most of their time on land? (Spiny jumpers living in the tropics)

61. Who rides on the sea - ocean on a shark? (Pisces - stuck)

62. Which dog doesn't bark? (Fish - dog)

63. What acorn does not grow on an oak tree? (The sea acorn is one of the barnacles)

64. Who swims tail first? (Pink salmon fry)

65. What are the inhabitants of the sea called who carry tools with them? (Fish saw, fish - hammer, fish - knife, etc.)

66. Where are pearls “born”? (In mollusk shells)

67. Why do crocodiles cry? (When they see food, they begin to produce a huge amount of secretory fluid, which is released through the lacrimal ducts of the eyes)

68. Who is heaviest: the most big shark or an elephant? (Whale shark)

69. Do fish see colors? (Yes, but differently than a person)

70. Do fish close their eyes when they sleep? (No, they don't have eyelids)

71. Which lizard hunts deer and wild boars? (Giant monitor lizard)

72. Which snake has horns? (In a horned viper)

73. Which animal has a tongue longer than body? (At the chameleon)

74. Which animal can change its color depending on environment? (Chameleon, octopus, flounder, tree frog, etc.)

75. Which fish are considered “fake” because they lack a swim bladder? (Sharks, rays, etc.)

76. Which mollusk swims the fastest? (Squid)

78. What animals lead an underground lifestyle? (Mole, shrew, some insects, worms, etc.)

79. Which animal is afraid of water, but loves to wash itself? (Cat)

80. Which animal is wearing a vest? (Zebra)

81. Which animal is the most large mammal? (Whale, blue whale - up to 150 t/)

82. What kind of fish does a whale eat? (He does not eat fish, but filters small crustaceans through whalebone)

83. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run from the mountain or to the mountain? (Up the mountain, because the hare’s front legs are shorter than his hind legs)

84. Why do they say that the wolf’s legs feed him? (He runs after prey)

85. Who else will have babies during leaf fall? (In the case of a hare, hares are called “deciduous creatures”)

86. What animals are called “connecting rods”? (Bears that don't sleep in winter)

87. Which cow lives better, the tailed one or the tailless one? (Tailed, it is easier for her to drive away flies that bother her)

88. Who gives birth to babies in the Siberian forest in winter? (At the squirrel)

90. Which pet is the hardiest? (camel, deer)

91. What saves a camel from the heat? (Thick and dense fur, subcutaneous fat)

92. Who gets taller when he sits down? (Dog, cat, wolf, etc.)

93. Which animal carries all its money with it? (Pig with a heel)

94. Why the pig is not afraid snake bite? (Layer subcutaneous fat the pig is poor blood vessels, the poison does not penetrate into the blood)

95. What animal can stay under water for 20 minutes? (Hippopotamus)

96. Ships of the Desert (Camel)

97. Sled dog (Laika, etc.)

98. One of Thumbelina’s suitors in a velvet fur coat? (Mole)

99. Dam Builder (Beaver)

100. How to connect fingers together hind legs beaver? (Using membranes)

101. What does a hare eat in winter? (Tree bark, bush branches)

102. White as snow, fluffy and small. The tail got dirty with soot. (Ermine)

103. What are the teeth that stick out very strongly from the mouth called - incisors or fangs? (Tusks of elephants and walruses)

104. What is the name of a fenced area for keeping animals? (Aviary)

105. What is the name of a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk? (Koumiss)

106. What animals fly? (Bats, flying squirrels, etc.)

107. Why are old moose called “elks”? (Their horns look like plows)

108. Who has a horn on his nose? (At the rhinoceros)

109. What animal builds a nest on the grass and low bushes? (Little mouse)

110. When does a squirrel grow tufts on its ears? (Winter)

111. Which animal is an excellent digger? (Mole, shrew)

112. Who collects pine nuts in the forest together with a person? (Chipmunk, nutcracker, etc.)

113. Do animals eat fly agarics? (Yes, they are treated with them)

114. What animal is called a dog with a cat's head? (Cheetah)

115. Are rabbits born blind or sighted? (Sighted, able to move, 5-10 days after birth they begin independent life)

116. Why don’t they hunt fur-bearing animals in the spring? (They molt and hatch their young)

117. What is the name of the long-haired Asian bull? (Yak, sarlyk)

118. What is the largest mammal called:

a) predatory (Polar bear - up to 1 t)

b) herbivore (elephant - up to 7.5 tons)

c) domestic (bull - up to 1.2 tons)

119. Can a horse distinguish colors? (Yes, some)

120. Do lions climb trees? (Occasionally they sleep in trees)

121. Which animal was the first to be domesticated by humans? (Dog)

122. How to write a mousetrap in five letters? (Cat)

123. What ungulate animal has a note in its name "la"? ( Roe)

124. African animal with the world's largest ears (Elephant)

125. The main beast of burden in the Andes (Lama)

126. What shaggy animal with a pained expression on its face hangs upside down on a tree for hours on end? (Sloth)

127. Which animal is the champion among animals in long jump? (Kangaroo)

128. The fur of a hare becomes white, that of a squirrel becomes gray, and that of an arctic fox becomes white or gray-blue. What is this? (Molt)

129. Which animal is the tallest? (Giraffe)

130. What animals are considered sacred in India? (Cows, some monkeys)

131. Which animal breathes through one nostril? (Sperm whale)

132. Which animal plows the bottom with its fangs? (Walrus)

133. Can a newborn dolphin or baby whale drown? (Yes, he has no air in his lungs, so his mother immediately pushes him to the surface of the water)

134. Which scary beast does the forest like raspberries? (Bear)

135. How long can one swim? polar bear? (600 km from the coast)

136. If you deprive a predator of a letter, you get a pet. (Wolf - ox)

137. Which predator has the smallest heart? (at the lion)

138. Which animal has a body covered with a shell of horny scutes? (Armadillo)

139. Which animal is the thickest-skinned? (Hippopotamus)

140. Which rodent has a tail longer than its body? (Jerboa)

141. Which dog has a tongue of blue color? (Chow-chow)

142. Which Australian animal has a duck's nose? (Platypus)

143. What is the name of one of the most beautiful predatory cats that has the longest thick fur and lives in the mountains? (Irbis or snow leopard)

143. What is the name of the wild Australian dog? (Dingo)

144. What is the name of an extinct mammal that looks like an elephant? (Mammoth)

143. What animal wears a bush on its head? (Deer)

144. Which animal in V. Bianchi’s stories is called the “forest bun”? (Hedgehog)

145. Which animal is the smallest beast of prey? (Weasel, weight no more than 100 g, body length no more than 15 cm)

146. How does a male lion differ from a lioness? (Thick mane of long hair)

147. Does a bear go to his den skinny or fat? (Bold)

148. Who runs with their hind legs forward? (Hare)

149. Whose teeth grow every day? (In rodents)

150. Which animal is our smallest beast? (Baby shrew, 3.5 cm long)

151. What is the name of a large and dangerous forest cat? (Lynx)

152. What is the name of a rodent that lives in steppes and semi-deserts? (Gopher)

153. What is the name of an animal that walks on its own? (Cat)

154. What is the name of the mammal egg laying? (Platypus, echidna)

155. Why does a dog, when it is hot, stick out its tongue, but a horse does not? (A dog does not have sweat glands on its body like a horse. It sticks out its tongue to cool its body)

156. What animal does neither the fox nor the ferret eat? (Shrew, it emits a strong smell)

157. What forest animal dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

158. Which mountain animal puts up hay bales? (Haymaker or pika)

160. When is the white hare most noticeable? (When it sheds before the snow melts or falls)

161. Where do bats go for the winter? (They sleep in hollows, in attics in caves)

162. Are all hares white in winter? (Only hares turn white - hare hare remains gray)

163. What do newborn bats eat? (Mother's milk)

164. Who appears earlier in the spring: bats or insects? (Bats appear after the insects they feed on)

165. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

166. What small animal sleeps with its head down? (Bat)

167. What animal in old Russia called "cows of the poor"? (Goat)

Vagina Lyudmila Gennadievna, Municipal Budget Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 92”, primary school teacher, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

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Guess the animal

1. Which animal works without opening its eyes and tirelessly? (Mole).

2. Name the smallest horned animal. (Snail)

3. Which animal has a skeleton not inside, but outside? (Armadillo).

4. Which birds are faithful to each other all their lives? (Not swans, not doves, but jackdaws).

5. Which animal has tears rolling out of its eyes that do not at all mean that it is crying? (Crocodile).

6. Which animals have eight legs? (Spiders, ticks, scorpions, etc.).

7. Why, why does a woodpecker knock on a tree? (Informs others that this is his territory).

9. Name animals whose names consist of only two letters. (Already, hedgehog, yak).

Riddles about animals:

1. I’m a hunchbacked beast, but the guys like me. (Camel.)

2. Small, light, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Lizard.)

3. Guess who is wearing the bone coat. (Turtle.)

4. What kind of horses are they all wearing vests? (Zebra.)

5. Who has horns longer than the tail? (At the goat.)

6. There is a nickel, but it won’t buy anything. (Pig.)

Our character and that of our little brothers (Finish the sentence)

1. Brave as... (lion).

2. Insidious, like... (snake).

3. Cowardly, like... (hare).

4. Sly as... (fox).

5. Angry as... (dog).

6. Hungry like... (a wolf).

7. Hardworking, like... (ant).

8. Faithful as... (dog).

9. Stubborn as... (donkey).

10. Clueless as... (ram).

11. Quiet, like... (mouse).

12. Free, like... (Bird).

Ask, even in the middle of the night! The players line up in front of the leader. He, pointing at them in order of priority, says: “Fish, bird, insect, animal, plant.” At a certain moment, he suddenly points to an out-of-turn player and calls out an out-of-turn word. For example, an insect. The player must, without hesitation, name any insect (fly, mosquito, etc.). If he thinks for more than three seconds, he is out of the game. The winner is the one who lasts longer than others.

2nd c o n k u r s. Find out by the description.

1. This is a forest animal. It sleeps during the day and comes out to feed at night. In winter it feeds on tree bark. In winter it moves easily through deep snow. He runs fast, but is saved from his enemies by a fur coat that is the color of snow. (Hare.)

2. The fur is reddish in color, and resembles pine bark. The nest is built near the top of a spruce or fir. They feed on nuts, seeds, mushrooms, and berries. Main food – seeds coniferous trees. (Squirrel.)

3. This is a predator. Look like big dog. They are called forest orderlies, since they primarily attack sick and weakened animals... (Wolf.)

4. These are the furry heavyweights of predators. A thick layer of fat saves him from the cold. The muzzles of these animals are elongated, like those of dogs. The eyes and ears are very small, but the claws are huge. They eat roots, berries, nuts. There are black, dark, beige, and even bright red ones. But their favorite delicacy is honey. (Bear.)

5. Good at catching mice. They can be kept instead of a cat. The main food is insects. Hunts at night. He has short legs. Sensing danger, it curls up into a ball and exposes sharp, hard needles. (Hedgehog.)

6. Lives in lakes, swamps, swamps and bogs. Spends the day in a sweet slumber. When an insect flies by, it throws out a sticky tongue and, having caught its prey, quickly swallows it. These amphibians greet the evening dawn in large groups with an obligatory concert... (Frog.)

Topic No. 1: Forest is our wealth

2) How can you tell how old it is by looking at the stump of a felled tree? (Annual rings are clearly visible on the log house. How many rings - so many years.)

3) What is the herb that the blind recognize? (nettle)

4) Which trees in our school plot remain green in winter? (fur tree, pine tree)

5) Is a tree a symbol of our Motherland? (birch)

6) What medicinal herbs treat a cold? (coltsfoot, plantain, oregano, mint, etc.).

7) What medicinal flowers in our corner of nature do you know? How can you apply them? (aloe, kalanchoe)

8) The sweetest tree in our school plot? (Linden)

9) What kind of berries are there: black, red, white? (currant)

10) Name it poisonous berries that grow in the forest. (wolf's bast, raven's eye)

Topic No. 2: Birds of our region

1) Before what weather do birds stop singing? (Before the rainy one)

2) Is a penguin a bird? (Yes)

3) Which bird throws its eggs into other nests? (Cuckoo)

4) Do birds winter in birdhouses? (No)

5) Why was the bullfinch called that? (They arrive with the first snow)

6) Where do crows sleep in winter and autumn? (In gardens, groves)

7) The arrival of which birds is considered the beginning of spring? (With the arrival of rooks)

10) What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)

Topic No. 3: Animals of our region

1) What animals live in our forests?

3) Who changes their fur coat twice a year? (Fox, squirrel, hare)

4) What does moose lose every winter? (Horns)

5) Name an animal that looks like a cat with tufts on its ears. (Lynx)

6) What happens to the bee after it stings? (Dies)

7) What predatory animal loves raspberries very much? (Bear)

8) Which hares are called deciduous hares? (Who will be born in the fall, during leaf fall)

9) What animals sleep in winter? (Bear, hedgehog)

10) Where is it more convenient for a hare to run: downhill or uphill? (The hare’s front legs are short and his hind legs are long, so it’s more convenient for him to run uphill; he rolls head over heels down the mountain)

Topic No. 4: Insects of our region

1) How can you tell when rain is coming by watching an anthill? (Before the rain, the ants hide in the anthill and close all the passages)

2) Where do butterflies go in the fall? (Most die with cold weather. Some hide in cracks, under the bark and spend the winter there)

3) Why are insects called that? (From the word “notch” - they have notches on their abdomen)

4) What benefits do worms bring? (They loosen the ground)

5) Who guards forest clearing from harmful flies? (Dragonflies)

6) Not a bird, but flies,

Not an elephant, but with a trunk,

Nobody tame

And it sits on the nose. (Fly)

7) Who has ears on their feet? (At the grasshopper)

8) Hairy, green,

She hides in the leaves.

Although there are many legs,

Still can't run. (Caterpillar)

9) Not a beast, not a bird,

The toe is like a knitting needle.

Flies - screams,

He sits down and is silent. (Mosquito)

10) Two horns, not a bull,

Six legs without hooves.

It flies howling like that

He sits down and digs the ground. (Bug)
