How to play football well. UEFA coach: the most useful football training in Spanish football

The popularity of football in the world over the past half century has remained unchanged. high level. Each football championship (Mundial) turns into a worldwide holiday, gathering billions of viewers around the globe. Our country is no exception – football is loved and appreciated in Russia.

Preschoolers, teenagers, young people and adults want to learn how to play football - some with the dream of sporting achievements, others - for health and fitness purposes. This article will introduce you to the history and features of this popular game and will tell you how to learn to play football.

Football is the No. 1 sport in the world. Tens of millions of people play football (30% of them are women). According to the official definition, football is a team sports discipline in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal with the feet or other parts of the body other than the hands. Hundreds of books have been written about football, many films and films have been filmed. documentaries; in some countries (for example, South America) this sport is a religion for millions of people.

The history of football goes back to ancient times - a similar game was played in Ancient China, Roman Empire, in Sparta. Football as played today originated in England in the 19th century, played primarily by college students. In the mid-19th century they adopted uniform rules football, and standard field and goal sizes were introduced.

In 1871, the first official football tournament on the planet took place. Currently, football tournaments are held in almost all countries of the world - from Australia to Canada. There are more than 2 million teams (clubs) in the world. There is a progressive increase in the popularity of football among women. People love not only to play themselves, but also to watch how football is played: the 2014 World Cup in Brazil was watched by more than 3 billion people - half the planet.

The benefits of playing football and possible harm

Before you figure out how to learn to play football well, you should say a few words about the benefits of playing this sport and the possible harm. We will not be talking about a professional game, but about an amateur one: the “pros” have a completely different approach to training and gameplay, including increased risks of injury and damage.

Let's list point by point how football is useful from a health point of view:

  • During the game, almost all muscle groups are involved, which keeps the body in constant tone;
  • Long training and games help develop endurance;
  • Energy consumption in football is much higher than when performing static exercises, which helps stabilize weight and eliminate fat deposits;
  • Football develops coordination and balance;
  • The game promotes creative thinking, since winning in football is impossible without tactics and strategy;
  • Strengthening the myocardium reduces the risk of heart disease;
  • During training and games, blood supply to organs and tissues improves, and “harmful” cholesterol is eliminated from blood vessels.

In addition to the above, football causes positive emotions and also expands your social circle. You can play this game at any time of the year (in winter you can practice indoors). The health benefits of football also lie in the formation of positive character traits - will, endurance, joy from achieving results.

One cannot help but mention the traumatic nature of this sport. Football is not as dangerous as hockey or boxing, but the likelihood of injury is higher than in individual sports. Football players should take care of their joints and legs in general: both training and games have increased danger injuries, therefore all football players (especially beginners) should take full protective measures.

Who is contraindicated from playing football?

Medical contraindications for playing football can be divided into absolute and relative. Absolute – those in which playing football is categorically contraindicated. With relative contraindications, it all depends on the stage of the disease and the degree of symptoms.

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Serious problems with the spine;
  • Myopia;
  • Serious heart problems;
  • Diagnosed mental illness.

Chronic diseases are considered relative contraindications. internal organs. Football training should begin no earlier than 6 years of age - up to this age, general physical training of a child can be carried out from 3-4 years of age.

Features of the training process

A beginner player will need football paraphernalia - socks, boots and a football uniform. All these things can be purchased at any sports store - the most economical and simple options. In addition to uniforms, you will need soccer ball– You can also buy it at a sporting goods store.

The main thing in the training process is to develop a sense of the ball in football: the player’s ability to subtly feel the movements of the main football projectile and skillfully control it. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time on individual exercises with the ball.

We list other skills and abilities of a football player:

  • Dribbling is the ability to control the ball while running. The main thing in this skill is to touch the ball not too hard so as not to let it go too far, but not too lightly - otherwise it will not roll at the required speed. Running fast with the ball is one of the main qualities of a good football player.
  • Passing ability. Passing is the basis of football as a team sports discipline. First you need to learn how to make a pass inside feet - this makes it softer and more accurate. Having mastered the low pass, you can move on to the technique of “hanging” on your partner. Learn to give a pass “on the move” - pass the pass not to where the player is now, but to where he will be in a few seconds.
  • Ability to shoot on goal. The main thing in football is goals, without which there is no result. From close range it is better to shoot softly and lightly with the inside of the foot, but more often you have to shoot from a distance with the central part of the foot (the area of ​​the laces on the boots) - strongly and accurately, taking into account the position of the goalkeeper.
  • Movement without the ball. During 90 minutes of a match, a player runs an average of 10 km - most of the time he moves without a ball. The ability to open up to a pass and defend are qualities without which you cannot become a good football player.
  • Defensive game. If you play defense, learn to take the correct position: in case of attack, you should position yourself between the ball and your own goal.
  • Ball receiving ability: a football player must be able to receive and handle a ball that hits him at any height. This skill can be practiced with a partner or against a wall.
  • Ability to play with your head. No need to hit with the top of your head: learn to hit the ball with your hairline. To receive the overhead ball, move your body, not your head, to the side.
  • Ability to meet standards: Experienced players can turn even an ordinary free kick or corner into a formidable weapon. From a corner, you need to serve the ball so that your team's players can head it into the opponent's goal.

Knowledge of football theory and rules of the game is required, but it is not necessary to initial stage go too deep into the details. The situation is quite difficult for beginners to understand "offside" or "offside": To understand exactly the meaning of this term, it is better to watch the corresponding video materials.

Football is a contact sport: it consists of collisions, tackling and tackling the ball. Both on the professional field and indoors, falls, blows to the legs, and hard contacts occur. Avoiding injuries is difficult, but you can be well prepared for them.

Learn to group yourself when falling, avoid direct collisions, expose your body and remove your legs. However, you cannot do without bruises, abrasions and contusions in football: such injuries should not distract you from the game or interfere with training. However, if pain does not go away after training, it is better to visit a doctor in a timely manner: serious injuries are best treated at the onset.

Football is a courageous and at the same time intellectual game. This sport is sometimes called “contact chess”: to win, you need to run, think and make decisions equally quickly and efficiently.

Millions of people around the world are ardent followers of a game like football. This sport not only develops the ability to play in a team and adds excitement and interest to sports activities, but also helps a person become stronger, more resilient, and also develops intelligence. In order to start the game, you need to prepare your body before loading, just like professional football players train before starting. Exactly good workout players is the key to success in this sport.

Football is a very dynamic sport; during the game, athletes are in constant motion. The aerobic load on the body during training is extremely high. Therefore, the main directions for the development of athletes are as follows:

  • Endurance for long distance running;
  • Lower body muscle strength for punching;
  • Constant coordination of breathing and movement;
  • Work with the core to avoid unnecessary tension in the back.

All football players begin the lesson with a warm-up. Experienced trainers advise constantly using the ball in training to develop the body’s habit of interacting with it. The total duration of training, including the game itself and loading, should not exceed one and a half to two hours a day, so as not to cause exhaustion of the body.

It is advisable to do long-distance running on days off from training and be sure to stretch your muscles afterwards. It is important to ensure that your legs do not become clogged from constant stress. All unilateral exercises must be done alternately in order to successfully control both the right and left sides of the body.

Cross-country should be alternated with training days and loading. One day a week you need to rest from physical activity. Weight training and loading exercises in the gym should be done with caution - not all of them actually develop the strength and speed necessary for a football player.


The training itself is built from several parts. It starts with a warm-up, during which you need to warm up all muscle groups and prepare cardiovascular system to loads. Perform the following exercises:

  • Running with a ball in a “square” or from wall to wall;
  • Dribbling the ball with one foot, then alternately;
  • Running exercises: shin sweep, running with hips high, side step.

Options for aerobic warm-up in training can be very different. Loading of muscles should occur gradually. It is necessary to include work with the ball in training already at these stages. You should allocate ten to fifteen minutes for this part. Next, you can stretch the muscles of the back and front of the thigh. Grab the toe of one leg, bend it at the knee joint and press it to the other knee. correct execution You will feel tension along the front surface. Then place your straight leg and pull your toes towards you, slowly lower yourself to your straight leg, bending the second at the knee joint. The stretch should be felt along the back surface. This stretching exercise should be done for at least two minutes on each leg. Loading ensures optimal preparation. After this, you can move on to flexibility and agility exercises:

  • Exercise “mill” (with the body lowered to the feet);
  • Exercise “bicycle”;
  • Jumping with obstacles;
  • Stand on one leg for a minute;
  • Push ups.

The range of such exercises to load varies depending on the preferences of the players. Do this part of the warm-up for no more than ten minutes.

Exercise system

To develop professional skills, many training systems have been developed for football players. Spanish UEFA coach Gratakos offers his own version of preparing players for loading. The first important exercise in his system is the traditional square. Several players in a square area pass the ball to each other. While another participant or several are trying to take it away. The number of players may vary, depending on the development of interaction combinations. The training area should be limited. This drill helps create contact among players and develop agility with the ball.

The next exercise expands on the previous one and is called ball possession. Three teams of six people are formed from the players. Two teams receive the ball, and the third must take it back. The training area is also limited to a rectangle of twenty by thirty meters. This exercise develops team game. You need to change roles in teams, each set takes six to ten minutes, after which there is a short break in loading.

How do football players train?

Position play is also based on team principles. But here the roles of the players appear, who are placed in their positions:

  • Central defender;
  • Central midfielders;
  • Laterals;
  • “Number ten.”

This team is opposed by five forwards. The goal is possession of the ball and team loading.

The number of players can be varied. Limiting the number of participants to two or three per set allows for improved passing and ball handling. Each team is built from small pairs or trios that take the ball from each other. A free yellow player also enters the field and joins the team that won the ball. You can increase the number of free participants if mini-teams consist of more Human.

Finish training the right game football with standard teams. The game is played in two halves of nine minutes. The goal of the game is not to win, but to improve your skills. This element of the training is educational and should consist of a large number of passes, which will improve team communication.

Advice from trainers on organizing training comes down to: general recommendations development of team thinking and constant connection to what is happening on the field. The playing partner must understand his team and be able to quickly react to the movements of other team members.


Football... This word has been making the hearts of hundreds of millions of people all over the planet tremble with excitement for many decades. Like a powerful magnet, football attracts fans, captivating them forever with its unique beauty, entertainment and, of course, performance.

Not a single phenomenon in modern world is not capable of exerting the same influence on the masses as football. People may react weakly to factors such as tax increases, price increases, delays wages, shortage of goods, etc. They may remain indifferent to the weather, parliamentary elections, scientific discoveries or another novel by a famous movie star. However, the departure of your favorite team from the Champions League, the defeat of your home team in the World Cup match, or the loss of the ball into your own goal last minutes the decisive battle for many is such a soul-tearing drama that no one can convey soap opera. No one is surprised anymore when, after such events, televisions are thrown out of windows in despair or heart attacks occur: for many, football is no longer just a game. That's life!

It is not surprising that many modern boys with early childhood want to learn to play football. Fascinated by the unsurpassed technique of the great masters of the leather ball, captivated by their feints and forever captivated by this magnificent game, millions of children dream of going out onto the emerald lawn and playing, playing, playing, thoroughly enjoying the art called “His Majesty Football”.

This book will help you master the wisdom of the most popular game in the world. After reading it and studying the attached video course, you will not only learn how to perform basic technical techniques (hitting the ball, heading, performing standard positions, etc.), but also learn what football tactics are, what the specifics of players of different roles are, how you need to prepare to go on the field, what the basic football terms mean, and much more. Of course, you won’t be able to become the new Zinedine Zidane, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lev Yashin or Steven Gerrard immediately after reading the book - for this you will need to put in a lot of effort and effort. However, the information received will be quite enough to begin your triumphant ascent to the football Olympus.

The book comes with a CD with a video course, which is an organic addition to it. It will give you the opportunity to understand how to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Welcome to the amazing, unique and fascinating world of football!

Chapter 1
History of football and basic football terms

We will start mastering the most popular game in the world with a short excursion into history. However, you must first learn the basic football terms and concepts. This is what will be discussed in this chapter.

Glossary of football terms

In this section you will become familiar with some of the terms and concepts used in football. Moreover, I will give not only the official definitions enshrined in football rules or other documents, but also those that have received the right to life already on the football field or in the immediate vicinity of it. These terms were not invented by office workers, but by the players and coaches themselves and are used in everyday football life, both in a calm environment (for example, when a coach conducts a theoretical lesson with players or explains tactics for an upcoming match during a pre-game setup), and in a heated battle on football field.

Arbitrator – a referee officiating at football matches (as, indeed, any other competitions). Sometimes football referees are called by the “boxing” term - referee. Arguing with the referee is strictly prohibited: for this you can receive not only a verbal warning, but also a yellow or even a red card.

Attack. This term has two interpretations. The first and main one: team actions aimed at moving the ball closer to the opponent’s goal with the goal of scoring a goal. Consequently, any shots at the opponent’s goal or towards his goal, passes, dribbling the ball, dribbling the opponent in the direction of his goal - all of this is considered attacking (sometimes also called offensive) actions of football players. Another interpretation of the term “attack” is an attack on an opponent in order to take the ball. For example, if a defender rushes towards the opposing attacker in possession of the ball in order to take the ball, this is also called an attack.

Out. This word came to us from in English. It means the ball goes beyond the football field, namely beyond the side line. When this happens, the referee stops the match and it resumes with a throw-in. Note that the team that has the right to throw the ball in from behind the sideline can take advantage of this situation, because with your hands you can very accurately direct the ball to a player on your team, as a result of which it is easier to start an attacking combination than when throwing the ball in with your feet. Many teams have a player who specializes in throw-ins. If this is done in the opponent’s half of the field, then you can throw the ball directly into the penalty area - this results in a rather dangerous high pass (cross). Football statistics know many cases when the ball was scored into the opponent’s goal with the first touch after throwing it in from throw-in.

Blitz tournament – competition, which must be held to the maximum short time. Thus, blitz tournaments can be organized before the start of the main (calendar) competitions. Teams play matches according to shortened regulations, for example two halves of 20 minutes. This allows you to quickly play several matches and determine the winner of a blitz tournament in just one or two days.

"Take a player." This term was coined by coaches and players and is used when talking about defensive actions. The terms “hold a player”, “take a player”, “cover a player” have a similar meaning. All of them mean such a position of the player in relation to the player of the opposing team, which allows him to see the opponent all the time, control his actions, and, if necessary, quickly counteract him.

Rice. 1.1. Each of the three defenders holds his “ward”

"See the field." This is the name of one of the most important qualities of a football player, which is to be able to take a position during the match that allows you to see the ball, your teammates, and your closest opponents. Moreover, it is advisable to see your teammates not only nearby, but also in the distance. This, by the way, is one of the well-known principles preached by the famous football coach Eduard Vasilyevich Malofeev: having received the ball, the football player must see at least two recipients for further transmission - near and far. If a player knows how to “see the field,” he will always be able to quickly navigate and choose the optimal solution. Note that monitoring the situation on the field can be inconvenient - in these cases, the player’s ability to turn around in a timely manner is of great importance. The ability to “see the field” is greatly influenced by the player’s technique with the ball: the higher it is, the less time he needs to look at the ball, therefore, he can use this time to review the situation on the field. And one more important point: A good football player must be able to look around in the moment immediately preceding the reception of the ball. This allows him to see in advance how his teammates are positioned on the field and to accept the unexpected for the opponent, and therefore - spicy sequel games.

Possession of initiative. IN general case This term refers to holding the ball longer and attacking the opposing team’s goal than the opponent does. But remember: simply possessing the ball without attacking the goal cannot always be regarded as having the initiative. Sometimes this is a manifestation of a kind of powerlessness in front of the enemy’s tactics: the team has the ball in its own half, but cannot get close to the opposing team’s goal, since all approaches are properly blocked. So it turns out: the team has the ball, it needs to score a goal, but the opponent actually has the initiative, even if they play mostly without the ball, from defense (especially if the current score suits them). And the team in possession of the ball is forced to pass it across the field or even back without much sense.

"Out of the game"(other name – offside) – a position in which a player of the attacking team is without the ball behind all opponents, that is, actually one on one with the goalkeeper. If at this moment he receives a pass from a teammate, the referee must stop the game and award a free kick to the attacking team. Note that the offside position is recorded only in the opposing team’s half of the field (that is, if a player finds himself in such a situation in his own half of the field, which sometimes happens at the very beginning of an attack, the referee will not record an offside). In addition, the “offside” position (Fig. 1.2) is not recorded in the case when the ball hits an offside player from a player on the opposing team. A typical example: a defender passes the ball to the goalkeeper without noticing that a player from the opposing team is behind him. It turns out that the defender gives the opponent a great chance to hit the goal, allowing him to go one on one with the goalkeeper; There is no offside position in this case.

Rice. 1.2. One of the attacking players (in dark uniform) is offside

Aerial duel(Fig. 1.3). During the match, players fight fiercely for the ball not only on the ground, but also in the air. In this regard, the fight of football players for a high-flying ball is usually called an aerial duel. For example, if during the course of a game a defender consistently wins aerial duels against the attacker for whom he is responsible in this match, then he is considered to be the winner of the aerial duel. Currently, there is an opinion that only tall football players can win high balls. However, this is not quite true: high growth, of course, is very important, but often the winners of aerial duels are short football players with good jumping ability. A typical example is the Italian Filippo Inzaghi: in his bright career he scored many goals with his head, winning aerial duels against defenders much taller than him thanks to his good jumping ability.

Rice. 1.3. The striker won the aerial duel and scored a header

"Enter the game." This term, as a rule, refers to football players coming on as a substitute, and means achieving a state in which the player is capable of the most active and useful actions, not only individually, but also when interacting with teammates. I would like to note that it is not very easy to come out from the bench onto the field and, having plunged into the atmosphere of a hot battle, immediately find your place and confidently fit into the game. This problem is faced not only by beginners, but also by players with many years of experience. Here are a few typical mistakes of football players who failed to “get into the game”: useless runs, inaccurate passes, lack of mutual understanding with teammates, being caught offside (and for a defender - a mistake when performing an artificial offside), etc. As practice shows, it is effective “ An energetic warm-up helps a football player get into the game from the bench.

Position selection – the ability of a football player to find the best for further actions place on the field. This is an extremely important quality, because the ability to effectively conduct both offensive and defensive actions depends on it. If a football player does not know how to choose a position, he will constantly “fall out” of the game, make unnecessary runs, will not be able to respond to passes from partners, etc. One of the manifestations of the ability to choose a position is the so-called “goal sense”, which is characteristic of good strikers: such a player always ends up in right time in the right place, when one hit or even a slight touch of the ball is enough to successfully complete the attack. At the same time, no one, as a rule, expects that this football player will be right here and right now. Let us note that the ability to choose a position is one of the components of a football player’s tactical skill.

Lure your opponent towards you - force a player from the opposing team to leave his position in order to free it for himself or his teammates. As a rule, attackers use this technique. Here is a typical example: the center forward goes deep into the field, hoping that the defender from this zone will follow him. Therefore, in the place where the defensive player was, you can safely make a pass so that another player on the attacking team receives the ball. One of the famous masters of luring the opposing team's defenders towards himself was the Dutchman Ruud Gullit. He became famous not only for his famous hairstyle and ability to score goals from almost any position, but also for the fact that he never shied away from “rough” work, constantly moving around the opponent’s half of the field, diverting the attention of defenders to himself and giving his teammates the opportunity to penetrate into vacated areas for further aggravation and development of the attack.

One-on-one exit - a situation when a player of the attacking team is left alone with the goalkeeper of the opposing team, leaving behind him or somewhere far to the side all the other players. This situation has always been considered an almost 100% opportunity to hit the opponent’s goal. In such cases, either the high skill of the goalkeeper or the sluggishness of the attacking football player can prevent a goal. Among the recognized masters of winning one-on-one duels with attackers, one can recall such goalkeepers as the Dutchman Edwin van der Sar, the Italian Dino Zoff, the Spaniard Iker Casillas, the Russian Rinat Dasaev and others.

Scoring chance – a situation during a game in which one of the teams has good opportunity hit the opponent's goal. In such “extreme” cases, the true skill of both attackers and defenders often emerges.

"Nine" - place in the upper corner of the gate. When they say the ball hit the top nine, it means the goal was scored in one of the top corners. This name appeared because football players practice the accuracy of their shots on a board with drawn goals, divided into numbered squares, and both upper corners of the goal are marked with the number 9. The ability to hit the “nine” is one of the signs of a high skill of a football player: firstly, such balls They are very difficult for goalkeepers to tackle, and secondly, goals scored at the top nine are always very beautiful.

"Dispatcher" - a football player who coordinates the team’s offensive actions and from whom, in fact, if not all attacks, then most of them begin. As a rule, the functions of the “dispatcher” are assigned to the midfielder, in most cases this is the central defensive midfielder. One of the best “dispatchers” in Soviet football was the famous player of Dynamo Minsk and Juventus Turin, as well as the USSR national team Sergei Aleinikov.

Dribbling– the art of a football player to dribble past opponents well. In scientific terms, we can give the following definition: dribbling is one of the individual means of overcoming enemy resistance. Good dribbling skills indicate a high individual skill of a football player. Currently, one of the recognized dribbling masters is the Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Cristiano Ronaldo can beat several opponents at once

Game discipline. This concept means not only compliance with the rules of the game of football. Game discipline is, first of all, strict implementation of the pre-game instructions given by the coach on the eve of the match. During the pre-game setup, each football player receives an individual task: someone is assigned the opposing players who need to be “kept”, someone is given strict instructions to “play a zone” (that is, defend according to the principle of zone guarding), etc. If the player did not comply with the coaching instructions (for example, he decided to leave his designated place in defense and recklessly rushed into the attack), it is customary to say that he violated game discipline. I would like to note that sometimes deviations from the established plan are justified, because football is a creative game. However, in any case, the risk must be reasonable. Remember that even a single violation of game discipline by one player can completely ruin the efforts of the entire team throughout the match.

Artificial offside position(also called artificial offside). One of the common techniques used by defenders to disrupt an opponent's attack. The essence of the technique is that, having seized the right moment, all the defenders of the defending team suddenly step forward, leaving one or more enemy players behind them without the ball. To perform this technique, good teamwork between the defenders and their mutual understanding is necessary. For example, in the final of the 1988 European Championship, the USSR national team missed the first goal precisely because of an error when creating an artificial offside position: the defenders rushed forward, but one player did not have time to do this and remained behind. If he had gone out with everyone else, then the Dutch take the goal of the Soviet team would not have been counted, since the goal would have been scored from an offside position.

Counterattack – a tactical action consisting of a quick transition from defense to attack. Counterattack has always been one of the most acute and dangerous techniques. After all, often the attacking team gets too carried away with offensive actions, and its players move far from their goal. As long as this team has the ball, everything is fine, but as soon as they lose it, the opponent gains operational space in the opposing half of the field: sometimes it is enough to make one accurate pass to the striker so that he leaves all the enemy defenders behind him and goes one on one with the goalkeeper . Often, when meeting with a obviously stronger opponent, a team chooses the following game tactics: the initiative is deliberately given to the other team, and the entire calculation is made for a swift, devastating counterattack. At the same time, counterattacks are also successfully used by teams that preach attacking football: as soon as the opponent makes a mistake in the center of the field or in the opponent’s half, the spring of the counterattack straightens out almost instantly, as a result of which the ball can end up in the opponent’s goal before he has time to do anything undertake. Among the teams that know how to play on counterattacks, one can note Dynamo Minsk, the 1982 championship team. Today, remarkable counterattacks, which are an exquisite spectacle for football gourmets, are often demonstrated by the English Manchester United: sometimes the players of this team delivered the ball from their penalty area to the opponent’s net in literally 5-7 seconds. Despite the fact that this club preaches attacking football and likes to “carry” the enemy for a long time in the opponent’s half of the field, its counter-attacks are also worthy of taking a place in football textbooks.

Linesman – assistant chief referee acting along the edge of the field (Fig. 1.5). The refereeing team consists of three referees: one is the main referee and two linesmen, each of whom works in his own half of the field. True, in Lately There are calls to increase the number of linesmen to four, so that there is a linesman on each side of each half of the field. But at the time of this writing, this proposal is still under consideration.

Rice. 1.5. Linesman flagged offside

"Dead ball" Sometimes players hit the goal so accurately and hard that the ball almost breaks the goal net. Even the most famous goalkeepers often find themselves powerless in such situations. As noted earlier, it is especially difficult for goalkeepers to deflect balls aimed at the top corner of the goal - at the “nine” (that is, approximately at the place where the crossbar and goal post intersect). Such almost uncatchable balls are usually called “dead balls.” Hence the expressions: scored a “dead ball” (when an uncatchable ball is scored) or took a “dead ball” (when the goalkeeper still manages to parry or catch the ball in an almost hopeless situation).

Penalty – a penalty kick at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters, which is awarded for any violation of the rules within the own penalty area by players of the defending team. The kick is taken in a one-on-one format, meaning that only the opposing team's goalkeeper is in front of the player taking the penalty. I note that before the kick is taken, the goalkeeper must be on the goal line, and the field players (except for the player taking the kick) must be outside the penalty area (Fig. 1.6). Such a free kick is considered an almost 100% chance of scoring a goal, since at such a short distance the goalkeeper does not have time to assess in which direction the ball is flying, and therefore, as a rule, relies only on his intuition or on a lucky chance. I note that experienced goalkeepers can guess the direction of the upcoming flight of the ball by the way a player on the opposing team prepares to take a shot (for example, often before a penalty kick, a football player looks exactly in the direction in which he wants to direct the ball).

Rice. 1.6. Penalty

Fielder– this is the name given to all players on a football team, with the exception of the goalkeeper. Strictly speaking, the goalkeeper is also a field player, since he is in the field, but due to the fact that he workplace- near his own goal, it was decided not to classify him as a field player. However, some goalkeepers also like to act as field players (Figure 1.7).

Rice. 1.7. Goalkeeper plays outside the penalty area

Shooting strike(or lumbago) – This is a pass, pass or shot when the ball is directed with great force low above the ground or even along the ground. Typically, such shots are used by flank players, for example, to direct the ball into the center of the penalty area. Often, the oncoming attacking player only needs to put his foot under a cross pass so that the ball flies with great force towards the goal. I note that it is extremely difficult for goalkeepers to react to shots taken on the ball received as a result of a cross pass. Moreover, often after a cross the ball flies into the goal from its own defender. In Soviet football, one of the recognized masters of cross passes from the flank was the Yerevan Ararat player Levon Ishtoyan.

Game analysis – an event that occurs after a match for the purpose of analysis and discussion. The debriefing can take place immediately after the match, the next day, or even a few days later. As a rule, when analyzing a game, it becomes clear to what extent the game plan was implemented, whether game discipline was observed, coaching instructions were implemented, etc. The reasons that prevented the plan from being realized are also analyzed, and the positive aspects of the match are noted.

Standard position(Fig. 1.8) – the moment when the match, previously stopped by the referee, is resumed with a penalty kick, free kick or corner kick, or by throwing the ball from behind the side line. In modern football, the ability to capitalize on set pieces is emphasized special meaning, since when teams of approximately equal strength compete, the ability of one of them to implement “standards” often plays a role decisive role in successfully completing the confrontation. That is why many teams have so-called home preparations for playing set pieces, which allows them to make the most of the opportunity to manage the ball.

Rice. 1.8. Standard position – free kick

"Wall". In modern football, this concept can take on two meanings. Firstly, a “wall” is a screen of players near their own goal for the purpose of additional protection for them when taking penalty kicks. Simply put, before the opposing team takes a penalty kick, several players form a tight line along the path of the ball (Fig. 1.9), thereby blocking part of the goal (by the way, in accordance with the rules of the game, the “wall” must be at a distance of no closer than 9 m 15 cm from the ball). Secondly, a “wall” is a tactical combination during which a player passes a pass to a partner in the hope of instantly (with one touch) getting the ball back. This technique allows you to successfully penetrate the opponent’s powerful layered defense. I note that the game of "wall" for a long time was the “calling card” of the famous Moscow “Spartak”.

Rice. 1.9. One of the players standing in the “wall” keeps his legs apart, which makes it unreliable

Territorial advantage – This is a situation where one team operates in a larger area of ​​the field than the opponent. For example, one team constantly attacks across the entire width of the field, while the other thinks only about defense, with almost its entire team “dug in” in front of its penalty area (this kind of football is preached by weak teams - like the teams of Andorra, Luxembourg or the Faroe Islands). In such cases, it is customary to say that the attacking team has territorial advantage. Typically, territorial advantage allows for more time on the ball.

Heavy field - a football field in poor condition (fields with an uneven surface, hard soil, and a lot of trampled grass). In addition, the field can be difficult good quality, but in bad weather(rain or snow). On such a field, it is more difficult for football players to control the ball: it has an unusual bounce and becomes extremely unruly.

Play for time. This means a deliberate refusal of active offensive play, as well as any artificial slowing down of it in order to prevent the opponent from carrying out attacking actions and to quickly wait for the end of the match. Time stalling is one of the football tricks that is rightfully considered “unsportsmanlike”, but which, in the presence of appropriate circumstances (for example, leading with a difference of one goal), no team in the world shies away from. In a number of cases, players from both teams are stalling for time: when the current result suits each of them and neither team wants to take risks by getting carried away with attacking actions. When delaying time, players endlessly pass the ball across the field or backwards, bring it into play for an unreasonably long time after the match is stopped, kick it far out of bounds, throw the ball away after the game is stopped, etc. Note that the referee can punish for obvious delaying of the match time players with a yellow card.

Installation for the game (pre-game installation) – an event on the eve of a match, in which the coach determines the tactics of the game and distributes individual tasks to the players. As a rule, a key place in any setup for a match is familiarization with the peculiarities of the opposing team’s actions. In particular, the players' attention is focused on weak and strong places opponent, which ultimately feeds into the entire team’s game plan.

Football is called the game of millions because there are a huge number of fans on the planet. Some call football their hobby, some simply cannot miss the games of their favorite team, and some even call football their calling and make money from it. This sport unites and makes the heart beat faster. Like any game, soccer has its clear certain rules, which may vary depending on the type (futsal, big or beach). The rules of soccer are not complicated, so even children play this game. Below are rules of the game of football briefly for beginners.

Basic rules of football for beginners

The game involves two teams whose goal is to score more goals than concede. A goal is counted when the ball crosses the goal line. The main idea of ​​football is to play with your feet; you can also touch the ball with other parts of your body, with the exception of touching the ball with your hands. The only player who has the right to play with his hands is the goalkeeper. An integral part of the game is the field, which consists of the following elements:

  • side lines (crossing them the ball leaves the field, after which the opposing team throws the ball onto the field using two hands from behind the head. This process is called out);
  • goal lines (crossing this line the ball also leaves the field, after which the opposing team kicks in the ball from the corner zone. This is called angular);
  • the center line with the central circle (in this place the “kick-off” takes place, the start of the game, the ball is kicked out by the team that missed the goal or the one on which the lot fell);
  • goalkeeper area (area of ​​the field where the goalkeeper can play with his hands);
  • penalty area and 11-meter mark (from this point the goal is kicked during a penalty kick).

And now football rules briefly. In football, it is prohibited to make intentional physical contact with a player, this means that you cannot punch or kick a player's body. The exception is body play and tackles. Body play is the imposition of physical contact while holding or tackling the ball, performed without the use of hands. A tackle is knocking the ball out from under the opponent’s foot with one foot while lying down; the impact should primarily fall on the ball and not on the opponent’s foot.

Football rules for the referee

The judge or referee ensures that the rules of the game are followed. For violations of the rules, the referee stops the game and gives a so-called penalty kick, that is, the opponent throws the ball at the place where the violation was committed. If the violation occurred in the penalty area, the referee gives a penalty. For gross violations, the referee may show a yellow card, which is a warning; if a repeat violation is committed, the player receives and is sent off the field. Disputes with the judge are prohibited.

How do the rules of football differ from futsal? Mini football is very similar to big football. The main differences are:

  • smaller size of the field and, accordingly, the goal;
  • different number of players in the team, not 11, but 5;
  • introducing the ball from out using the foot rather than the hands;
  • absence of the concept of “tackle”.

Thus the rules of football were introduced for beginners. Remember, by following the rules you show your respect for the opposing team. Play football with pleasure!

The game of millions, the game that unites, the game accessible to everyone - this is football. You love this game with all your heart, when you watch it on TV, when you play ball in the yard and sincerely don’t understand how professional players miss the goal, thinking you can do better.
The question increasingly arises in your head: “How to learn football?” Is it necessary to learn football skills from an early age? Is it possible in more mature age at least something to learn in football?
Football simple game, but playing simple football is difficult. combines a large number of various types physical activity. A football player must run well, jump high, stand confidently on his feet, and be coordinated. There are many methods for training football players, a huge variety of exercises for the development of certain skills, adapted for different ages. After a certain amount of time, you can achieve results in mastering any football skills, with due persistence and the right approach together with the coaches of our project.

How to learn basic football techniques?

Teaching football techniques probably takes up the largest part of the training process.. As a rule, the player who has a rich technical arsenal turns out to be one step ahead the rest.
The technique of dribbling the ball, receiving the ball, passing the ball, hitting - all this requires constant improvement and development. Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but the question arises: how to learn basic football techniques? Definitely, start with the simplest and gradually complicate and improve the quality of a certain technical element. Lots of repetitions and effort are the key to a positive result.
Remember that football training always begins with getting to know the ball. And almost all exercises are performed with it in order to improve the feel of the ball. When the ball is near you, you control it. This means that you control the course of the game. Football technique develops through constant contact with the ball..

Football exercises to develop technique

Teaching football is a long and responsible process.. After all, if a coach teaches you how to hit the ball once without indicating that you need to pull your toe forward, then it will be extremely difficult to retrain. It’s the same with any other type of exercise for football. If you want to master basic technical elements, you should start gradually:
Step 1. Dribbling the ball with the outside of the foot;
Step 2. Dribbling the ball with the inside of the foot;
Step 3. Repeat with the other leg;
Step 4. We complicate it and add driving with two legs;
Step 5. Dribble the ball only with the outside or inside of the foot with both legs.
In football, learning basic technique will help exactly these 5 steps. They can also be called basic in mastering any football exercise. It is worth remembering that the answer to the question “How to learn to play football” largely depends on the determination of the athlete and the knowledge of the coach. Try to choose a competent trainer, who will build an individual development program from simple exercise to the complex.
During game and training sessions, you can always seek advice from our coaches, who will suggest exercises to develop your sense of the ball and teach you how to play football from scratch:
1. Kick the ball in the air with your right foot;
2. Kick the ball in the air with your left foot;
3. Kick the ball in the air with both feet in turn;
4. Kick the ball in the air while increasing the height of the ball.
One of the exercises to develop the feeling of the ball:
In a limited area of ​​2x2 meters, for example, dribble the ball in different parts feet changing direction without leaving the designated area. Gradually complicating the exercises, adding restrictions:
1. Dribble with your right foot only;
2. Dribble with your left foot only;
3. Lead only with the outside of the foot;
4. Lead only with the inside of the foot.

Detailed exercises on technical training You can find training in playing football in our relevant articles. Develop with us and come to training to practice your playing skills.
