Olympic Games for preschoolers. Synopsis of the physical education festival "Summer Olympic Games in Doo"

Entertaining and sports game: “Small Olympic Games in Ryabinushka.”

Target: Foster a love of sports, interest in the results and achievements of athletes. Promote cognitive development child by developing abilities to perform physical exercise and games. Promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
Equipment: flag, tape recorder, stopwatch, tape measure, mat, 2 rackets with shuttlecocks, 2 relay batons, 2 sets of throwing rings, skittles (8 pcs), 4 cubes, 2 balls of different sizes.
- "Good afternoon! Dear parents, guests, we are very glad to see you at our Olympic Games. Today we will play Olympians. You will see one of the results of our work kindergarten. We try to ensure that children who attend the kindergarten grow up strong, strong, and self-confident. For this we devote a lot of time to them physical development. Today, cheer, rejoice, worry, support our athletes and I hope that they will not let you down.”

Children, accompanied by music (march of physical education students), enter the hall and line up in one line.
1 child.
Banners are flying over the stadium,
Joyful songs sound everywhere,
Walking in step in a slender column,
We are going out to the sports parade.
2 child.
We overtake the winged wind,
We tear the first ribbons in the race,
We kick the ball right into the goal,
We jump deftly and swim quickly.
3 child.
The sun is shining in the morning,
And we prepared in advance.
Guys, it's time to start
Sport competitions.
4 child.
We are friends with the sun and water,
We are happy to go to the start...
We are holding our own sports festival
We are in honor of the Olympics!

Educator: Attention! Head to the flag! Raise the competition flag!
Flag of Russia, flutter
Arguing with the wind.
All children, like a song,
Sports unites! (The flag is raised by the team captains. The Russian anthem plays.)
At ease.

Who is the fastest, who is the catcher of all,
We are very interested!
Let the cheerful laughter be heard.
And the songs don't stop!
I announce Olympic Games, open.
The Olympic Games are open, the teams greet each other.

Team presentation.
Team "RUSSIA".

Our motto: “Children really need sports,
We are strong friends with sports!”

Our motto: “Sun, air and water -
Our best friends

Educator: And now the teams will show us their sportsmanship.
Before you compete,
We need to warm up quickly.
Do the exercises
Repeat after me together.

Children get up and perform exercises with the musical and rhythmic composition “Charges”.

Great. The warm-up was successful. I ask the teams to come out and get ready for the competition.

The presentation of the jury (teachers and parent committee, nurse) sums up the competition and announces the winner after each competition.

Team "STAR".
Stage 1. "Running with a relay baton."
On the command “March!” Children from a high start run to the flag, which is placed 2-3 meters further than the finish line. This prevents the speed from slowing down before the finish line. All children run the distance one by one and pass the baton. The team that finishes first wins, but the correctness of the task - passing the baton - is taken into account.
2 – stage “Standing long jump”.
The jump is performed on a gymnastic mat. Each child performs 1 jump. The length of the jump is measured from the take-off line to the landing point of the heel with an accuracy of 1 cm. It is recorded best result. 3 – stage. Captains competition.
The child lies down on the mat, hands behind his head, legs bent at the knees. One of the adults holds the child's legs. The child quickly sits on the floor and quickly returns to the original lying position. The task is completed in 20 seconds. Monitor not only the quantity, but also the quality of the task.
"The most accurate."

4 – stage. "Get in the basket."
Each child performs one throw - throws the ball into the basket. The time taken to complete the task of the entire team and the correctness of execution are taken into account.
5 – stage. “Don’t drop the shuttlecock.”
Running with a racket in hand, carrying a shuttlecock on the racket. The time taken to complete the task of the entire team and the correctness of execution are taken into account.
6th stage. Final relay.
Each child must run a “snake” (pins are placed) and make a throw into the basketball hoop. The time taken to complete the task by the entire team, the shot into the basket (whether there is a hit) and the correctness of the task are taken into account.

And now the jury will have to sum up the results of the Small Olympic Games.
Meanwhile, children, let’s solve riddles about sports:

Two metal brothers
How they grew together with the shoes,
Wanted to go for a ride
Top! - onto the ice and off we went.
Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy!
What are the brothers' names? …skates.

Two wooden arrows
I put it on my feet.
I wanted to go down the mountain,
Yes, he flew head over heels.
That was a laugh
From that dump:
They're on me
And sticks on top! (Skis)

Everyone there is wearing armor on the ice platform,
They fight, grapple in a sharp fight.
The fans shout: “Hit harder!”
Believe me, this is not a fight, but... hockey.

One hit with a racket -
The shuttlecock flies over the net.
Although Slava hit me hard,
The shuttlecock hit the net.
Today Artem won.
What were they playing? B... badminton.

Tell me the name of the building:
In it - the bowl of the tribune and the battlefield?

Vanechka came out onto the ice,
He hits the goal with the puck.
Is Vanyushka hitting the puck with a stick?
No! Not with a stick. This is...a stick.
Remove the snowball from the site,
Fill the skating rink with water, my friend.
And on these winter days,
Shoes, not felt boots, skates.
Hit the puck if you want to play!
Drive her! Where? At... the gate.

The field has two halves
And along the edges hang baskets.
Then the ball flies over the field,
Then it rushes at a gallop between people.
Everyone hits him and the ball is angry,
And they play... basketball with him.

Everyone kicks the ball with their feet,
Like hammering a nail into a gate,
Everyone shouts with joy: “Goal!”
The ball game is called... football.

Our little Evgeniy saw
How to play badminton.
Athletes each have a racket.
What was flying above the net?
Not an eagle or a cormorant!
It's with feathers... a shuttlecock.

Winter on the site
The floor is cold and smooth.
But the hockey players are happy
Slippery floor, smooth, clean.
He'll hit himself with a bump,
Who will suddenly plop down on... ice.

Our Olympics has come to an end.
The jury is asked to announce the results. The teams line up. The jury sums up the results of the competition and announces the closing of the Olympics. Teams are awarded medals.
The song “Goodbye, Olympic Bear” is playing. Children are given gifts prepared by the parent committee.

Municipal preschool educational institution of the Belomorsky municipal district

"Belomorsky kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation

artistic and aesthetic development of “Parus” students

Pedagogical project

on the physical development of children

senior preschool age on the topic of:

"Small Summer Olympic Games in kindergarten"


Physics instructor cult.

Bogdanova S.A.

Project type:educational and gaming (short-term)

Project participants: Senior and preparatory children groups of preschool educational institutions, educators, pre-school specialists, parents of pupils.


The development of physical culture and sports is becoming important today social factor in the life of modern Russia.

The Olympic movement is an important part of human culture. The history of the Olympic Games and familiarization with the traditions of the Olympic movement can become part of not only the physical, but also the moral education of a child. The participation of children in games, relay races, and creative performances allows not only to create conditions for strengthening children’s health and self-confidence, but also to bring preschoolers closer to the upcoming Olympic Games, to feel the spirit of the Olympics, to feel like small participants in a huge team of athletes.

Children who play sports are always active, successful, independent, talented, and sociable. Olympic education allows us to more effectively organize work to create a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers.

Project goal: To form preschoolers’ initial ideas about the Olympic Games as part of universal human culture.

Project objectives:


· to form children’s understanding of the Olympic movement;

· introduce the history of the Olympic Games;

· symbols and emblem of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi;

· activate children's vocabulary: symbol, continent, motto, torch, emblem, pedestal.


· improve skills in performing basic types of movements (jumping, running, throwing, skiing);

· in a playful way, determine the level of physical qualities (speed, endurance, strength, coordination of movements).


· promote the formation of determination and perseverance;

· ensure the active inclusion of children; V various types activities;

· cultivate patriotic feelings;

· contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for all participants educational process: children, teachers, parents of students;

· cultivate a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, and responsibility for one’s obligations.

Expected result:

· activity of at least 80% of participants in the educational process in the preparation and holding of the Small Olympic Games in preschool educational institutions,

· the level of physical qualities is determined,

· preschoolers’ knowledge about the history, traditions, and symbols of the Olympic Games was systematized,

· Children of senior preschool age are familiar with Olympic sports.

· pupils and their parents have increased interest in physical education and healthy image life,

· a developing subject-spatial environment corresponding to the Olympic theme has been created.

Project implementation:

Preparatory stage 1:

Developing a plan project activities on the topic “Small Summer Olympic Games in kindergarten.”

Instructor job:

· development of regulations, scenarios for the opening and closing of the Small Olympic Games in kindergarten, competition protocols, appointment of those responsible.

· selection of games, relay races; selection of sports equipment.

· Selection musical accompaniment for the Small Summer Olympic Games.

Teachers' work:

· Creation of a developmental environment in accordance with the physical culture and Olympic theme in groups, production of emblems and symbols of the Olympics, production of attributes for fans.

Stage 2 practical:

· holding the opening ceremony of the “Small Summer Olympic Games” at the preschool educational institution.

· holding competitions according to plan.

Music director's job: learning songs and dances.

Teachers' work:

· conducting thematic discussions: “The Emergence of the Olympic Games”, “The Olympic Movement of Our Time”.

· reading fiction, looking at illustrations for different sports.

· learning poems and speeches on sports topics.

· usage didactic games and fun exercises.

· organization of joint and individual creative activity children. Exhibition of children's works;

Work of a physical education instructor with children:

· repetition of basic types of movements and games in physical education classes;

· introducing children in a playful way to the Olympic Games (history of origin, procedure, symbolism, etc.);

· participation in sporting events.

Interaction between teachers and parents:

· joint creativity with children “Olympic Games” (design of thematic albums, wall newspapers;

· production of attributes for fans;

· consultations for parents: “What kind of sport to choose for a child”, “At what age to start playing sports” (for placement on information group stands;

Stage 3 final:

Work of a physical education instructor:

· holding the closing ceremony of the Small Olympic Games in the preschool educational institution;

· summing up the results of the competition, awarding the winners;

· organization of a photo exhibition “Olympic Games in kindergarten”;

· preparation and posting of a photo report about the Small Olympic Games on the website.


Scenario for the opening of the “Small Summer Olympic Games in kindergarten.”

Leading: Hello, dear participants and guests. We are very glad to see you today at our Olympic Games. Today we gathered for sports festival dedicated to this holiday of sports. Last year, in which Russian city did the Winter Olympics take place? Athletes different countries came to visit us in Russia to compete for medals. Today our competitions are dedicated to the Olympics and are called “Small Summer Olympic Games”, and the young athletes present in this hall will also compete for medals. We welcome the members of the jury, who will judge the competition strictly but fairly today (introduction of the jury members). We also welcome our fans, who will help their teams with their attitude. What is the Olympics?

Girl:This is a fair sports fight!

Participating in it is a reward!

Anyone can win!

The symbol of the Olympics is five intertwined rings - denoting friendship between people of all continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. These rings are the basis of the Olympic flag. I ask you to bring the Olympic flag and the Olympic flame into the hall.

Leading: And now, in honor of the opening of our small Olympiad, we will raise Russian flag and bring in the Olympic flame.

And the right to raise the flag is given to the best athlete in our garden... (the anthem sounds, the flag is raised).

Boy:Russian flag – Fatherland and brotherhood.
The Russian flag is the flag of the sacred faith.
The Russian flag is our symbol and wealth.
The Russian flag is a bold step towards victories!!!

And the Olympic flame is carried by the most athletic girl in our kindergarten (the Olympic anthem sounds, the girl with a torch makes a circle).

Girl: That fire in a huge bowl -
There is nothing more beautiful for athletes!
Everyone is happy to see him -
The Olympics have begun.


To start the Olympic Games,

The guys must take an oath: (The children, together with the leader, pronounce the words of the oath)

Leading: Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children : we are Olympians!!

Leading: Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children: we are Olympians!!

Leading: Who is proud of the sports of their beloved homeland?

Children: we are Olympians!!

Leading: We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

High records,

We swear to achieve!!

Children: We swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading: Consider the Small Summer Olympic Games open!

Before you compete,

We need to warm up quickly.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me together. (General warm-up “Fun exercise”)

Leading: Our Olympians face interesting challenges. And we are sure that they will pass them with dignity, with joy and a smile.

Well, the teams are brave,

Friendly, skillful,

Come out onto the platform

Show your strength and agility!

Teams line up at the starting line, exchange greetings (team name, motto, emblem), and introduce team captains.

Leading: The competition will be held in the form of relay races.

So, the first relay:

The first participant runs with a baton in his hands from the starting line, runs around the turning object, returns to his team, passes the baton (baton) to another participant.

2. “Hoops” relay race.

There are two hoops from the start line to the finish line. Each team member runs, threading hoops through themselves one at a time. Then he runs around the turning object, returns to his team and passes the baton to another participant.

3. Relay "Kolobok"

Teams line up behind the starting line. From the starting line, the participant rolls a medicine ball along the floor to the finish line, then takes the ball in his hands and runs back to the starting line, passing the ball to another team member.

4. Relay race “Carry it, don’t drop it.”

The first team member walks, holding a spoon with a cone in his hand, walks around the rotating object, passing the spoon to another participant.

5. Kangaroo relay race.

The first participant jumps from the start line to the finish line with the ball sandwiched between his knees, returns running, carrying the ball in his hands, passes it to another participant.

6. Poetic pause: Two metal brothers,
How they grew together with the shoes,
Wanted to go for a ride
Top! - onto the ice and off we went.
Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy! What are the brothers' names? ... skates

Two wooden arrows
I put it on my feet.
I wanted to go down the mountain
Yes, he flew head over heels.
That was a laugh
From that landfill: They are on me and the sticks are on top! (skis)

Everyone there is wearing armor on the ice platform
They fight, grapple in a sharp fight.
The fans shout: “Hit harder!”
Believe me, this is not a fight, but... hockey

One hit with a racket -
The shuttlecock flies over the net.

Although Seryozha hit him hard,

The shuttlecock hit the net.
Anton won today.
What were they playing? IN... badminton

This game has its own attributes:
T-shirts, shorts, people wearing boots.
The goalkeeper stands alone at the gate,
A crowd of people rushes across the field,
From the stands the word “Goal!” is heard like an explosion.
What are the two teams playing? IN... football

Vanechka came out onto the ice,

He hits the goal with the puck.
Is Vanyushka hitting the puck with a stick?

No! Not with a stick. This - … hockey stick

7 . Bowling captains competition

Leading: This captain's competition

Leaders and atamans.

stepped on them finest hour,

So let's support them now!

From the strat line, at a distance of five meters, the pins are arranged in three rows: the first row - three pins, the second row - two pins, the third row - one pin. Each captain has three attempts: one knocked down pin – one point.

Leading: The first day of our Olympics is coming to an end.

Well, how did you guys like it? Children: Yes.

Leading: Now we ask the kind and fair jury to announce the results of the competition.

For participation in the Small Summer Olympic Games, children are awarded commemorative medals.

All participants and fans perform a dance to the music.

TABLE OF RESULTS “Small Summer Olympic Games in kindergarten.

Name of relay races


Team names

1. Relay race "Baton"

2. Relay “Hoops”

3. “Kolobok” relay race

4. Relay race “Carry it, don’t drop it”

5. Kangaroo relay

6. Poetic pause

7. Captains competition

8. Summary

Scenario of the holiday “Small Olympic Games in kindergarten” in the preparatory group.

Children's sports festival

Preparatory group.

Topic: “Small Olympic Games in kindergarten”

1. Foster a love of sports, interest in the results and achievements of athletes.

2. Promote the child’s cognitive development by developing abilities in performing physical exercises and games.

3. Promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: flag, tape recorder, stopwatch, tape measure, mats, basketball backboard and ball.

Opening remarks by the physical education instructor:

– « Good morning! Dear parents, guests, we are very glad to see you at our Olympic Games. Today you will see one of the results of our work, in which children and kindergarten teachers will take part. We try to ensure that children grow up strong, strong, and self-confident. To do this, we devote a lot of time to their physical development. Today, cheer for them, rejoice, worry, support our athletes and I hope that they will not let you down.”

Children enter the hall to the music and line up in one line.

1 child.

Sports holiday proudly,

Comes into its own

The sun, a kind smile,

He is greeted by his children.

2 child.

Health, strength, agility -

Here is a fiery testament to sports,

Let's show our friendship, courage

Hello Olympics helmet!

3 child.

To us brave and strong and dexterous

Sports are always on the way

The guys are not afraid of training -

Let your heart beat in your chest.

To us brave and strong and dexterous

You must always be ahead!

4 child.

Sport - is life. It's ease of movement

Sports excite everyone

Sport moves everyone upward and forward,

He betrays vivacity and health to everyone.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy,

They can easily make friends with sports!

Children sing E. Alexandrova's song

"On charge"

1. We lined up according to height, it was not easy for us.

Everyone wanted to be the first, to lead the guys.

Finally we came to the hall, bright and spacious.

The march sounded cheerful, cheerful and cheerful.

Left - one and right - two, the head is looking straight.

The arms don't dangle, it turns out well.

2. We quickly stood up in three ranks and lined us up by flowers.

Hands up and hands down, turn left to right.

Now everyone needs to lie down diagonally.

Take care of your heads so that they don’t get trampled.

Hands - one and legs - two, head looks up.

The whole body is swaying, it turns out great!

3. And now we run in a circle, that there are forces behind each other.

You just need to press your hands and keep your distance.

Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, a complex science.

We take our last breath and shout in our ears:

“Health is good, thanks to exercise! »

In the name of future victories,

For the glory of Russian sports,

Long live the Children's Olympics,

Leading to new records!

Leading. Our guys are not only strong and brave, but also friendly, cheerful, skillful, and will cope with any difficulties. We hope that one of our children will one day climb onto the Olympic podium and become Olympic champion!

What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Anyone can win!

The symbol of the Olympics - five intertwined colored rings - symbolizes friendship between people of all continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. There is also an Olympic flag. Bring in the Olympic flag.

Solemn music sounds and the Olympic flag is brought in. A girl runs out, holding a bowl with a symbolic Olympic flame in her hand, and stands next to the flag.

Leading. To start the Olympic Games,

The guys must take an oath:

(Children, together with the leader, pronounce the words of the oath).

Host: Who can compare with the agile wind?

Children: We are Olympians!


Children: We are Olympians!

Host: Who is proud of the sports of their beloved homeland?

Children: We are Olympians!

Leading. We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

High records,

We swear to achieve it!

Leading. Raise the flag of the Small Olympic Games!

The Olympic flag is raised to the sound of music.

Leading. Our Olympians face interesting challenges. And we are sure that they will pass them with dignity, with joy and a smile.

Instructor. And now the teams will show us their sportsmanship.

Before you compete,

We need to warm up quickly.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me together.

Children stand in a circle and perform exercises of a musical and rhythmic composition

to the music of V. Shainsky “It’s fun to walk together.”

Instructor. Great. The warm-up was successful. I ask the teams to come out to the stadium and get ready for the competition.

The jury (educators) sums up the competition and announces the winner after each competition.

Leading. Well, the teams are brave,

Friendly, skillful,

Come out onto the platform

Show your strength and agility!

Teams line up at the starting line, exchange greetings (team name, motto, emblem, introduce team captains.

Team "Athletes"

Our motto: “Children really need sports,

We are strong friends with sports! "

Team "Tempered".

Our motto: “Sun, air and water -

Our best friends! »

Leading. The competition will be held in the form of relay races.

So, the first relay race.

Stage 1. "20 meter run."

At the command “March! “Children start from a high start and run to the flag, which is placed 2-3 meters further than the finish line. This prevents the speed from slowing down before the finish line. The time to cover the distance is recorded. All children run the distance one by one. The child who shows best time at a distance

2 – stage “Standing long jump”.

The jump is performed on a gymnastic mat. Each child performs three jumps. The length of the jump is measured from the take-off line to the heel landing with an accuracy of 1 cm. The best result is recorded.

3 – stage. "Press"

The child lies down on a gymnastic mat, hands behind his head, legs bent at the knees. One of the adults holds the child's legs. The child quickly sits on the floor and quickly returns to the original lying position. The task is completed in 20 seconds. Monitor not only the quantity, but also the quality of the task.

4 – stage. "Throwing a ball into a basketball hoop."

The child makes three throws. The best result is recorded.

Instructor: While the jury is summing up the results of the Small Olympic Games, the guys will perform for you the song “I love all sports.”

"I love all sports"

I love all sports, what should I choose forever?

I would definitely choose football, mom – no, but dad – yes!

I need it - I said yesterday, A high-speed bicycle

To this they answered me, mom – yes, but dad – no!

And to dive headfirst, that’s how the water awaits the boys.

Everyone runs to the river in a crowd, mom - no, but dad - yes!

That boys love to fight is clearly no secret.

I would like to take up boxing, mom - yes, but dad - no!

How can I not doubt, and when will I, when.

I’ll go in for sports, mom – no, but dad – yes!

I don’t always even understand where I agree and where the ban is.

Because if he says, mom - yes, but dad - no!

I love all kinds of sports, I would definitely choose football.

That boys love to fight, I would take up boxing.

Talk to mom and dad, together no and together yes!

Instructor. Our Olympics has come to an end. The jury is asked to announce the results. The teams line up. The jury sums up the results of the competition and announces the closing of the Olympics. Teams are awarded medals and certificates.

The song “Goodbye, Olympic Bear” is playing. Children leave the playground in formation.

Scenario of the sports festival “Small Olympic Games” for children of senior preschool age

    Create an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being.

    To instill in children a love of sports and physical education, an interest in the upcoming Olympic Games in Sochi, and in sports competitions.

    Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes.

    Develop in children Creative skills, imagination; encourage children to show initiative.

    Foster a sense of camaraderie, collectivism, and the ability to control one’s actions.

The phonogram “Sports March” plays.

Host: Hello, dear guests! We are starting the opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games.

The Zvezdochki team enters the central Olympic stadium. There are great guys on the team - future masters of sports. They are ready for a serious fight. We wish you guys happy starts!

To the central path olympic stadium Team “Snowflakes” comes out. The team is strong in friendship and the desire to win. There are many sports stars here who will definitely shine at the Olympic stadium today.

Let's salute all the guys who did everything to perform great today at the Small Olympic Games.

What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participating in it is a reward

Anyone can win!

We are opening the Olympic Games

We invite everyone to this holiday!

We wish you health, happiness, joy,

May Olympic success come to you!

The holiday is joyful, beautiful,

It couldn't have been better,

And from all the children happy

Olympics - ours:

Children: hello!

Host: Today we are holding the Small Olympic Games.

(addressing the chairman of the organizing committee)

Dear Chairman of the Olympic Committee! Competitors of the Small Olympic Games are lined up. Allow me to raise the Olympic flag and light the Olympic flame!

Chairman of the organizing committee: I allow it!

Presenter: The honorary right to raise the flag of the Olympic Games is granted to the head of the kindergarten.

Teams line up for the ceremonial raising of the Olympic flag. Athletes stand at attention! Head to the flag!

(The Russian anthem sounds, the Olympic flag is raised).

There are no words written on the flags, but all people know that five multi-colored intertwined rings are a symbol of peace and friendship among athletes from five continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, America.

Five rings on a white flag

Intertwined with each other,

As if all the athletes in the world

They held hands tightly.

(Include presentation of the lighting of the Olympic flame.)

Leading. The Olympic flame travels a long way. It is lit by Greek girls near the ruins of Ancient Hellas. Many times, passing from hand to hand, the torch hurries across the world to reach the Olympic stadium. Today we also light the Olympic flame - a symbol of peace and friendship of the peoples of the planet.

Holy Olympic flame,

Burn over the planet of the century!

And the torch, lit today,

Let the flame of friendship burn.

And the slogan: “Peace to all peoples!”

Sounds at our holiday!

Leading. The Olympic Games are declared open. Today two teams are taking part in the Olympic Games. Before the competition, all participants take an oath, let us also swear today to be honest, to follow the rules of the competition, to respect the victory of the opponent.

1st presenter. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd presenter. Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

1st presenter. Who is proud of the sports of their beloved Fatherland?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd presenter.

We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

We swear to achieve high records!

Children. We swear, we swear, we swear!

There are teams - they are ready!

Ensure the fairness of the game

There will be judges

Allow me to introduce the members of the panel of judges. (Performance)

Leading. We wish all participants good luck, health, happiness, sunlight and victories!

You are invited to try your hand at five types of winter sports - according to the number of rings on the Olympic flag:


Figure skating

The teams greet each other.

A child from the Snowflakes team:

Today we wish you:

Success and victories.

Team Stars

Hello to our physical education team!

A child from the “Stars” team:

Sports enthusiasm

We wish you well,

Team Snowflakes

In honor of our friendship

Let's shout a resounding "Hurray!"

Host: Now we can safely begin our competition. All athletes warm up before the start. Let's do some exercise and warm-up.

Warm up.

Presenter: Today a support group came to the Small Olympic Games. We invite you!!! (Girls' performances)

Another support group is rushing towards us. Meet!!!(Baba Yaga runs out).

Baba Yaga: Hello, good gentlemen.

What is the reason for the noise - hubbub - clamor?

Presenter: We are having the Olympic Games.

Baba Yaga: Ah, games! That means they were invited (nods towards the children and the jury), but I wasn’t!

I also want to go to the games.

Presenter: Here we have sport games.

Are you, Yaga, an athlete?

Baba Yaga: No, but my friend maybe yes.

I’ll call him now and tell him everything, everything. (calls, Kuzya runs out)

Kuzya: Oh, hello my friend. Why did you call me?

Baba Yaga:

We weren't invited to the games

We need to teach them a lesson.

We'll take everything for the games,

And we'll take everything home.

Everything will come in handy on the farm.

Wait, Baba Yaga and Kuzya, sports equipment, toys, we will give you anyway, if you show us how you will use them?
(They show: they put skis on their hands and play with each other, they fencing with clubs - they fight, they lie down on a sled and imitate swimming).

Presenter: You see, everyone was made fun of, you don’t know how to play sports games, that’s why you got everything mixed up.

Baba Yaga: (grabbing her sides)

Oh my goodness!

Like in a field of cornflowers:

We've flown by and can't catch up,

And I don’t recognize myself.

If only you could give me a massage,

I'd like to put on makeup.

I wish I could braid my hair,

Yes, lose two hundred years,

Then I would have shown “Wow”!

You, Yagusya, don’t be sad.

Turn to medicine!

I advise you

Sour cream mask

Then you will become again

Young, rosy!

No, dear Yaga.

I need to do physical exercises

Do not track the sides.

We need to play sports.

Baba Yaga and Kuzya together:

We don't know how to do anything, teach us.

We also want to be - Nasty!


Presenter: Get in line quickly!

And our first competition - luge.

The team that completes the task faster will be the winner.

Wow! Kneaded my sides!

This work is not easy!

Well now I'm better

I'll sit on a stump.

I am my own health

For now, I appreciate it.

Baba Yaga:

Well, you're disgusting!

How unsportsmanlike!

To live a hundred years in the world,

We need to be friends with sports.

Don't you understand?

Come on, go join your team!

Addresses to the presenter: Continue the competition.

Presenter: Yes, our children are persistent in their studies, familiar with different types sports, as well as songs they know about sports and now they will sing it.

Song " Sport family»

From all sports life

I love hockey.

I would like a stick and a goal

So eager to score the puck!

Baba Yaga and Kuzya: Hockey - what is it - Sparrow, or from the fairy tale of Barmaley?

Presenter: Hockey is creative game cohesive team. Each of you must move the puck around the posts with a stick and score a goal into the symbolic goal ( assistants show). Run back to the team with a stick in your hands and pass the baton to the next participant.

Are the teams ready? Then “Ready, attention, MARCH!!” (relay race to music)

Presenter: We give the floor to our judges (the results of the first relay are announced)

Pay attention a minute!

We continue the big competitions.

The next sport is Biathlon!

Biathlon is an Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle marksmanship.

Host: Let's take a little rest

and we’ll sing ditties on a sports theme.


Presenter: The next sport is curling.

Host: Well, the last competitions are the most beautiful in the Winter Olympic Games. This is, of course, figure skating. Figure skating is the highlight of the Winter Olympics, an amazing combination of beauty and strength.

Demonstration pair performances of figure skaters.

And it has come to us now

The most awaited hour.

If everything is already ready

Let the jury have a say!

Main judge:

We've been wondering for a long time

The best were chosen.

But we didn't know what to do

How should we reward the guys?

You were all great

And brave and honest,

This one is brave, and that one is daring,

This one showed strength.

For the athletes in this room

Who spoke today

Olympic medals,

Olympic podium!

(Olympic Games participants are awarded, music sounds.)

Baba Yaga:

Well, thank you guys

For teaching us

Sports wisdom.

Let's play sports

And douse yourself with water.

And in his native forest

We will open the stadium.

And now it's time to say goodbye

And we can return home.

Even before the Olympics

The road is long for us.

And may sweet medals

We have received it so far.

But we will hope

That a few years will pass

Real medals

We'll finally get it!


Admire, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Now they go to kindergarten.


Time flies like a bird

And probably in good time

In the proud form of an Olympian

One of us will come out.


And in a completely ordinary tone

His peers will say about him:

With the Olympic champion

We live in the same yard.

Congratulations to the Olympians.

Leading. Teams, stand at attention. The right to lower the Olympic flag is granted to the head of the kindergarten. Look at the flag, stand at attention. Lower the flag. The Winter Olympics are considered closed!


That's all!

And the holiday ended

It rang, played, made noise...

Helped us find out

This meeting is about the Olympics

You managed to find out.

Let it seem a little to someone,

And the scope is not that huge.

In every business, the beginning is important.

First year, first time, first step.

Children in good mood, cheerful and cheerful, they leave the hall to the music.

Scenario of the Olympic Games in kindergarten and school

The Winter Olympics in Sochi are about to begin and most of us will be watching it on TV and worrying about our athletes. But while there is time before this event, we offer you a scenario for holding the Olympic Games in kindergarten or at your school. Our original script is suitable for the opening of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi or as a separate event in honor of the 22 Winter Olympic Games.
And as is customary on our website vcegdaprazdnik.ru, we attach a bunch of all sorts of tricks to the finished script, in the form of holiday decorations and others. And today we have also prepared for you registration, certificates and diplomas, and much more. And what exactly will you find out when you reach the end.

Presenter 1:
We are very happy to welcome you all,
And let the world be proud of us -
We will host the Olympics!
And we will start a tournament similar to her!

Presenter 2:
But first you must find out
History of the Olympics,
And now I’ll tell you
We will be glad to see her.

Presenter 1:
And since we have the Winter Olympics in Sochi,
Our story will be about the Winter Olympics.

Either several children come out, each of whom reads their own passage from the history of the Winter Olympics, or the presenters themselves read out a short story.
We also offer you a travel folder about the Winter Olympic Games to help you.

Presenter 2:
They told you about the Winter Olympics,
We hope that you all learned a lot of new things.
And to find out a little more,
We invite you to solve the crossword puzzle.

A crossword puzzle on the theme of winter Olympic sports.

Presenter 1:
Well, the history of the Olympics has been cemented with you,
It's time for us to think about the tournament.

Presenter 2:
And let our mini Olympics begin,
For us, victory is the best reward!

Presenter 1:
Our Mini Olympics features the following sports.
(then each of the presenters names in turn)

Presenter 2:
And the award ceremony for the winners - everything is as always -
At the end of the competition day.

Presenter 1:
Participants! Get ready for the test!
Slalom - the first competition!
Of course, we don’t see any mountains,
But we will cope with this task in no time!

Presenter 2:
The floor will be a mountain for us,
And the route will be in a straight line.
And there is only one winner here,
Whoever finishes first will win.

Then two participants are given “skis”. If you don’t want to spoil your equipment (real skis), then make improvised skis from thick cardboard. You can take real sticks or make them yourself from available materials.

Mark the course with pins or chairs that participants must “go around.” The one who reaches the finish line first wins. By the way, the finish line can also be indicated with a colorful inscription with this word.

If there are many people willing, then you can make an equal number of pairs. The winner from one pair will compete with the winner from the other. And so on until there is only one pair left, from which the winner will be determined.

Presenter 1:
And we congratulate the winner!
When all the tests pass, we will reward him.
And while we continue,
And let’s see who is invincible in biathlon.

For the biathlon competition you will need:
1) 5 “targets” - rings of the same diameter or black circles. Make bigger targets, but don’t overdo it.
Targets are hung on the wall. Just like on a real biathlon setup.
2) Balls - these will be bullets. The balls can be placed on a chair next to the targets. The distance to targets is 2-5 meters.
3) The same improvised skis as in the first competition.
Goal: run on “skis” to the targets (the route is at your discretion), “shoot” - hit all the balls into the rings (black circles) and return back. For each miss, 30 seconds are added. The winner is the one who covers the given distance the fastest. Or the one who gets everything. But if there is more than one, then the travel time along the highway is compared.

Presenter 2:
Let's take a little rest now
And let's start winning again!

Presenter 1:
In the meantime, hurry up and go to the exhibition
And look at the drawings on the theme of the Olympics!

The exhibition of drawings must be prepared in advance. A week before the sports festival, conduct a drawing lesson on the theme of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Display the drawings on a large stand.

Presenter 2:
Guys! Hey, don't be shy!
Hockey begins!
You are divided into teams,
Distribute by numbers.
We will play special hockey,
We will score shootouts.
And whoever shoots will score ahead,
You lead the team forward!

Participants are divided into two teams. The main thing is that each team has the same number of people. For this competition you need to make two gates large sizes, for example, 30-50 cm in height and 70-100 cm in width. Participants stand three meters from the goal and are given real clubs. And instead of pucks there will be air balloons. At the command of the leader, the participants must move the balloons with their sticks and score them into their own goal. Whoever scores first earns his team one point. Then the second participants compete and so on. Whichever team scores more points wins. If in one of the duels the balloon bursts, then this is a clear loss, but if in this duel the second participant also bursts, then neither team is given a point. If, at the end of the competition, each team scores the same number of points, then one more “throw” is assigned. If he scores first, he brings his team the winning point.

Presenter 1:
Congratulations to the winners in hockey
And we invite you to speed skating.
Who can skate
Please take part!

Those who decide to take part in the competition are given roller skates.

Presenter 2:
Don't be so surprised, because we didn't specify
That these will be roller skates.

This type of competition can be held the same way as in short track speed skating. That is, you need to build a circle or oval along which the participants will compete. If you have little space or cannot build a circle, then make a straight track, but with obstacles that you will need to go around. And we'll tell you how to compete if you've made a circle. If there are many people willing, then you cannot place more than three people in one race, otherwise you may get injured. When everyone has taken their place at the start, the leader gives the command. If your circle is large, then you need to go through it three times, if it’s small, then five or more times. And who crossed first finish line After completing all the laps, he wins the race. And the winners of the races advance to the finals. In the final, everyone also starts together, and the one who crosses the finish line first wins.

Presenter 1:
Now all the competitions have come to an end,
Let's reward the winners now.

Presenter 2:
We present certificates to all competition participants,
And we reward the winners with diplomas!

Next, the presenters call those who participated in the first competition and present them with certificates of participation.
And then the winners of the first competition are called and they are awarded diplomas of winners. Everything is also done with the second, third and fourth competition. We have prepared for you these templates of certificates and diplomas that you can award to all those who have distinguished themselves.

If you have your own ideas about the prizes, then you can do it your way.

Now attention!
We invite you to buy all the necessary templates to have a great sports event!
Our kit includes the following templates:
1. Folder movingwith the history of all the Olympic Games. (200 rubles)

2. Crosswordon the topic winter views sports (100 rubles)

3. Certificates and diplomasfor awards, 6 templates in total. (200 rubles)

Small Olympic Games

Children's sports festival

Preparatory group.

Topic: “Small Olympic Games in kindergarten.”

The Olympic Games are the largest sport competitions our time. The Olympic Games are held every four years. They bring together Olympic athletes from all countries in fair and equal competitions.

One of the main tasks of the teaching staff of the kindergarten is to improve the health-preserving environment, strengthen the physical, mental health, emotional well-being of children. To solve this problem in educational institution Various forms of organizing work with children are used. Teachers are constantly looking for new forms of work to organize physical education and health activities. One such form is the Olympic Games.

Target holding the Olympic Games - increasing interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle for children and adults. Identify children's abilities and interests. Nurture strong-willed qualities, develop the desire to win and self-confidence. Learn not only to receive joy from your results, but also to worry about your comrades.


1. Improve the level of physical fitness of children of all ages at the educational institution.

2. Instill interest in active image life for all participants in the educational process.

3. Form strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, agility, cultivate the desire to win and empathize.

Equipment: flag, tape recorder, sandbags, skittles, hoops, balls, spoons and tennis balls, Balloons, medals, certificates, prizes.

The progress of the holiday

Leading. Good morning! Dear parents, guests, we are very glad to see you at our Olympic Games. Today you will see one of the results of our work, in which children and kindergarten teachers will take part. We try to ensure that children who attend the kindergarten grow up strong, strong, and self-confident. To do this, we devote a lot of time to their physical development. Today, cheer, rejoice, worry, support our athletes and I hope that they will not let you down.

Children enter the hall to the music and line up in one line.

1 child In the name of future victories,

For the glory of Russian sports,

Long live the Children's Olympics,

Leading to new records!

Leading. Our guys are not only strong and brave, but also friendly, cheerful, skillful, and will cope with any difficulties. We hope that one of our children will someday climb onto the Olympic podium and become an Olympic champion!

2 child What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participating in it is a reward!

Anyone can win!!!

Leading. Attention! We welcome participants, guests and judges of our competitions! The symbol of the Olympics - five intertwined colored rings - symbolizes friendship between people of all continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. There is also an Olympic flag. Bring in the Olympic flag.

There is solemn music, the flag and the Olympic flame.

Leading. To start the Olympic Games,

The guys must take an oath:

(Children, together with the leader, pronounce the words of the oath).

Leading: Who can compare with the agile wind?

Children: We are Olympians!

Leading: Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children: We are Olympians!

Leading: Who is proud of the sports of their beloved homeland?

Children: We are Olympians!

Leading. We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

High records,

We swear to achieve it!

Before you compete,

We need to warm up quickly.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me together.

Children warm up to rhythmic music.

Leading. Our Olympians face interesting challenges. And we are sure that they will pass them with dignity, with joy and a smile.

Well, the teams are brave,

Friendly, skillful,

Come out onto the platform

Show your strength and agility!

Teams line up at the starting line, exchange greetings (team name, motto, emblem), and introduce team captains.

Leading. The competition will be held in the form of relay races.

So, the first relay race.

1. Relay “Running”

The first participant runs with a pin in his hands from the starting line, runs around the turning object, returns to his team, passes the baton (to the pin) to another participant.

2. “Hoops” relay race.

There are two hoops from the start line to the finish line. Each team member runs, threading hoops through themselves one at a time. Then he runs around the turning object, returns to his team and passes the baton to another participant.

Musical break “Dance of Sorceresses” Preschool Educational Institution No. 28

Child 3. Let him become a champion

Forged by struggle,

The task is not at all easy,

But become simply dexterous,

Gain skill

Become healthy and strong. Beauty!

3. Relay "Kolobok"

Teams line up behind the starting line. From the starting line, the participant rolls a medicine ball along the floor to the finish line, then takes the ball in his hands and runs back to the starting line, passing the ball to another team member.

The first team member walks, holding a spoon with a tennis ball in his hand, walks around the rotating object, passing the spoon to another participant.

Musical break - sports dance preschool №15

From the starting line, the first team member runs to the rope lying across the gym, takes a bag of sand and throws it into a hoop lying three meters from the rope. Then he returns to the team and passes the baton to another participant.

6. Relay race with jumps.

The first participant jumps from the start line to the finish line with the ball sandwiched between his knees, returns running, carrying the ball in his hands, passes it to another participant.

Poetic pause Preschool educational institution No. 15

To warm up, I suggest the captains solve riddles:

Tell me the name of the building:
In it - the bowl of the tribune and the battlefield?

Two metal brothers
How they grew together with the shoes,
Wanted to go for a ride
Top! - onto the ice and off we went.
Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy!
What are the brothers' names? ... skates

Two wooden arrows
I put it on my feet.
I wanted to go down the mountain
Yes, he flew head over heels.
That was a laugh
From that dump:
They're on me
And sticks on top! (skis)

Everyone there is wearing armor on the ice platform
They fight, grapple in a sharp fight.
The fans shout: “Hit harder!”
Believe me, this is not a fight, but... hockey

One hit with a racket -
The shuttlecock flies over the net.
Although Seryozha hit him hard,
The shuttlecock hit the net.
Anton won today.
What were they playing? IN... badminton

This game has its own attributes:
T-shirts, shorts, people wearing boots.
The goalkeeper stands alone at the gate,
A crowd of people rushes across the field,
From the stands the word “Goal!” is heard like an explosion.
What are the two teams playing? IN... football

Vanechka came out onto the ice,
He hits the goal with the puck.
Is Vanyushka hitting the puck with a stick?
No! Not with a stick. This - … hockey stick

Remove the snowball from the site,
Fill the skating rink with water, my friend.
And on these winter days
Shoes, not felt boots, skates.
Hit the puck if you want to play!
Drive her! Where? IN … gates

The field has two halves
And along the edges hang baskets.
Then the ball flies over the field,
Then it gallops between people.
Everyone hits him and the ball is angry,
And they play with him... basketball

Winter on the site
The floor is cold and smooth.
But the hockey players are happy
Slippery floor, smooth, clean.
He'll hit himself with a bump,
Who will suddenly plop down on... ice

Leading. This captain's competition

Leaders and atamans.

Their finest hour has come,

So let's support them now!

From the strat line, at a distance of five meters, the pins are arranged in three rows: the first row - three pins, the second row - two pins, the third row - one pin. Each captain has three attempts: one knocked down pin – one point.

To the sounds of solemn music, the teams participating in the Olympiad enter the final formation.

Leading. Our Olympics is coming to an end.

How did you guys like the Olympics?

Children. Yes.

Leading. Now we ask the kind and fair jury to announce the results of the competition.

For participation in the Small Olympic Games, all children are awarded memorable diplomas, medals, and sweet prizes.

Leading.“At this point, I ask you to consider the Small Olympic Games closed.”

Leading. Our holiday is over, let's applaud our champions once again.

The winners take a lap of honor to the music.

TABLE OF RESULTS “Small Olympic Games in kindergarten”

Name of actions, relay races

    1. Relay “Running”

2. “Hoops” relay race.

3. Relay "Kolobok"

4. Relay race “Carry it, don’t drop it.”

5. Relay race “throwing bags through a hoop”

6. Relay race with jumps.

7. Bowling Captains Competition



Create an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being.

- Instill in children a love of sports and physical education, an interest in the Olympic Games and competitions.

- Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes.

Develop children's creative abilities and imagination; encourage children to show initiative.

Foster a sense of friendship, collectivism, and the ability to control one’s actions.

Progress of a sports festival in kindergarten

The phonogram “Sports March” plays.

Host: Hello, dear guests! We are starting the opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games.

The “Zvezdochki” team enters the Olympic stadium of the kindergarten _________. There are great guys on the team - future masters of sports. They are ready for a serious fight. We wish you kids a happy start!

Presenter: The “Bells” team enters the track of the Olympic stadium of the kindergarten __________. The team is strong with friendship and the desire to win. There are many sports stars here who will definitely shine at the Olympic stadium today.

Congratulations to all the kids who did everything to perform well today at the Small Olympic Games.


What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participation in it is a reward

Anyone can win!

We are opening the Olympic Games

We invite everyone to the holiday!

We wish you health, happiness, joy,

May Olympic success come to everyone!


The holiday is joyful, beautiful,

It couldn't have been better,

And from all the children happy

Our Olympics:

Children: Hello! Hello! Hello!

Host: Today we are holding the Small Olympic Games.

(Addressing the jury)

Presenter: The honorable right to bring in flags: state flag Russia, the flag of the city _______, the flag of the kindergarten _________, as well as the main flag today, the flag of the Olympic Games is provided to the best kindergarten students _________________

Dear members of the jury! Competitors of the Small Olympic Games are lined up. Let us bring in the flags of our country, our city and the Olympic flag and light the Olympic flame!

Jury: Allowed!

Presenter: Teams line up for the ceremonial introduction of flags. Athletes stand at attention! Aim for the banners!

(The Russian anthem is played and flags are brought in.)


There are no words written on the flags, but all people know that five multi-colored intertwined rings are a symbol of peace and friendship among athletes from five continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, America.


Five rings on a white flag

Intertwined with each other,

As if all the athletes in the world

They held hands tightly.

Leading. The Olympic flame travels a long way. It is lit by Greek girls near the ruins of Ancient Hellas. Changing hands many times, the torch hurries across the world to reach the Olympic stadium. Today we light the Olympic flame - a symbol of peace and friendship of the peoples of the planet.

(The instructor lights the Olympic flame)


Holy Olympic flame,

Burns over the planet of the century!

And the torch, lit today,

Let the flame of friendship burn.

And the slogan: “Peace to all peoples!”

Sounds at our holiday!

Instructor: The Olympic Games are declared open.

Today, two teams compete in the Olympic Games.

Before the competition, all participants take an oath, let us also swear today to be honest, to follow the rules of the competition, to respect the victory of the opponent.

Olympian Oath

“On behalf of all competitors, I promise that we will participate in the Olympic Games respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held, in a true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams.”

1st presenter. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd presenter. Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

1st presenter. Who is proud of the sport of their beloved Russia?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd presenter.

We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

We vow to achieve high records!

Children. We swear, we swear, we swear!


There are teams - they are ready! The referees will ensure the fairness of the game. Let me introduce the members of the panel of judges.

Head of kindergarten ___________

Teacher - ________

Psychologist - _____________

Guest of honor at our small Olympic Games ______________


We wish all participants good luck, health, happiness, sunshine and victories!

You are invited to try your hand at five sports - according to the number of rings on the Olympic flag:





Fishing sport

The teams greet each other.

A child from the "Bells" team:

Today we wish you:

Success and victories.

"Stars" team

Our physical education team - hello!

Child from the “Stars” team:

Sports frenzy

We wish you well,

Team Bells

In honor of our friendship

Let's shout a resounding "Hurray!"

Host: Now we can safely begin our competition. All athletes warm up before the start. Let's do some exercise and warm-up.

Warm-up “Heel-toe”

Presenter: Today a support group is rushing to join us at the Small Olympic Games. We invite you! Meet! (Baba Yaga runs out).

Baba Yaga: Good gentlemen. What is the reason for the noise - hubbub - clamor?

Presenter: We are having the Olympic Games.

Baba Yaga: Oh, games! That means they were invited (nods towards the children and the jury), but I wasn’t!

I also want to go to the games.

Presenter: Here we have sports games. Are you, Yaga, an athlete?

Baba Yaga: No, but my dear it may be so. I’ll call him now and tell him everything, everything. (Kuzya calls, runs out)

Kuzya: Oh, hello my friend. Why did you call me?

Baba Yaga:

We weren't invited to the games

We need to teach them a lesson.

We'll take everything for the games,

And we'll take it home

Everything will be useful on the farm.


Wait, Baba Yaga and Kuzya will give you the sports equipment if you show us how you will use it?

(They show: they are fencing with each other with clubs - they are fighting).

Presenter: You see, everyone was made fun of, you don’t know how to play sports games, that’s why you got everything mixed up.

Baba Yaga: (grabbing her sides)

Oh my goodness!

Like in a field of cornflowers:

We've flown by and can't catch up,

And I don’t recognize myself.

If only you could give me a massage,

I'd like to put on makeup.

I wish I could braid my brown hair,

Yes, two hundred years would be lost,

I would then show “Wow!”


You, Yagusya, don’t be sad.

Turn to medicine!

I recommend you

Sour cream mask

You will be there again then

Young, rosy!


No, dear Yaga.

I need to do physical exercises

Do not track the sides.

We need to play sports.

Baba Yaga and Kuzya together:

We don't know how to do anything, teach us.

We want to be nasty too!

OH! No - sports.

Presenter: Get in line quickly!

And our first competition - Athletics - is an Olympic sport that includes running, walking, jumping and throwing.

Whose team completes the task faster will be the winner.


Wow! Kneaded the sides!

This work is not easy!

Well, now I'm better

I'll sit on a stump.

I am with my health

For now, I appreciate it.

Baba Yaga:

Well, you're disgusting!

How unsportsmanlike!

To live in the world for a hundred years,

We need to be friends with sports.

Don't you understand?

Come on, go join your team!

(Addresses the presenter): Continue the competition

Presenter: Yes, our children are persistent in knowledge, familiar with various types sports


In sports life

I love hockey.

I would like a stick and a goal

I'm so eager to score the puck!

Baba Yaga and Kuzya: What is hockey - Sparrow, or from the fairy tale of Barmaley?

Presenter: Hockey is a creative game of a close-knit team. Each of you must move the puck around the posts with a stick and score a goal into the symbolic goal (assistants show). Run back to the team with a stick in your hands and pass the baton to the next participant.

Are the teams ready? Then “At the start, attention, MARCH!!!” (relay race to music)

Presenter: Just a moment! We continue major competitions. The next sport, Biathlon, is an Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle marksmanship. But since it’s autumn, we’ll be running without skis, and since we’re having the Small Olympic Games, we’ll end up in Koltsebros.


Presenter: Let's take a little rest. Pantomime is a type of stage art in which artistic image is created using facial expressions, gestures, body plasticity, and the like.


Presenter: The next sport - Cycling - is moving on the ground using Vehicle bicycles), driven by human muscular power.


Host: Well, and the last competitions at our Olympic Games. This, of course, is Sports Fishing - fishing with sports gear (rods, spinning rods, etc.), but our little Olympians will not be fishing quite normally!

"Fishing with math"


And it has come to us now

The most awaited time.

If everything is already ready

Let the jury have their say!

Main judge:

(Olympic Games participants are awarded, music sounds.)

Baba Yaga:

Well thank you guys

For teaching us

Sports wisdom.


Let's play sports

And douse yourself with water.

And in his native forest

We will open the stadium.

And now it's time to say goodbye,

And we should return home.


Look, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Now they go to kindergarten.


Time flies like a bird

And probably in good time

Soon in Olympian uniform

One of us will succeed.

Greeting the Olympians.

Team Leader, stand at attention. The right to carry the Olympic flag is granted to kindergarten students. Look at the flag, stand at attention. Take out the flag. The Olympics are considered closed!


That's all! Thus ended the holiday.

This meeting gave us inspiration

Everyone now knows what the Olympics are

Victory is given to us all!!!

Let it seem a little to someone,

And not such a huge scale.

In every business, the beginning is important.

First year, first time, first step.

The children are in a good mood, cheerful and cheerful, walking from the playground to the music.

Description of material: I offer you the outline directly educational activities « Physical Culture"for children of different age groups from 3 to 7 years old on the topic: "Small Olympic Games." This material will be useful for educators and music directors.

This summary of an educational lesson promotes the physical development and strengthening of the health of preschool children, arouses interest in self-development, self-improvement, and contributes to the unity of the child different ages and brings parents and children closer together. Complex lesson in a mixed-age group on the topic: “SMALL OLYMPIC GAMES” Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Communication”, “Music”, “Artistic creativity”, “Physical culture” Goal: to form and develop interest in sports, the history of the creation of the Olympic Games. Objectives: Speech: Enrich and activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Olympics, sports.” Develop coherent speech, answer questions correctly and clearly. Developmental: Develop creativity, imagination, manual skill, fine motor skills children. Educational: To develop interest in sports and the Olympic Games. Educational: Create an emotional mood to develop interest and desire to play sports, curiosity, cultivate love, respect not only for sports, but also for Olympism as cultural heritage humanity. Demonstration material: presentation “The history of the creation of the Olympiad”
Handouts: colored paper, scissors, glue, cardboard, ribbon. Aids and equipment: projector, laptop, sports equipment. Methodological techniques: conversation-dialogue, game situation, viewing a presentation, talking about it, singing sports songs, physical education, sports competition, analysis, summing up.
Progress of the lesson:
Children enter the hall with multi-colored flags accompanied by a sports march.
Ved: I am glad to welcome children and guests.
The holiday is joyful, beautiful,
It couldn't have been better and still isn't.
And from all the children happy
Our Olympic...
Children: “Hello!”
Children march to the music “Sunny Circle”, change formations and perform exercises with flags.
Children sit on chairs.
Ved: Guys, you all know that the Olympic Games will soon open in our country. What are the Olympic Games? What do you know about them?
Children: This is a competition of the best athletes, this is a big sports festival where athletes from different countries gather to compete in sports to show their skills.
Ved: Yes, that's true. And who knows how it all began, where the Olympic Games came from?
If you don't know, then I'll tell you.
The Olympic Games were invented a long time ago. The first Olympic Games began in Ancient Greece in Olympia. Olympia is the largest sanctuary in Ancient Greece. The name of the games comes from Olympia.
People liked to compete with each other in sports, and then everyone decided that the Olympic Games would be held in all countries every 4 years. From then to the present day, athletes from all countries come to the Olympic Games to compare their sporting achievements - this unites all countries.
During the Olympic Games, a sacred truce was declared everywhere and wars stopped. No one could fight, no one had the right to enter Olympia with weapons in their hands.
Ved: And that’s why the Olympic flag looks like this (show on the screen).
Children, tell us about the flag.
Children: He white- this means friendship of all peoples.
It depicts 5 colored rings, the rings are intertwined.
Ved: Why rings different color and why are they intertwined?
Children: These are five continents: black - Africa, red - America, blue - Europe, yellow - Asia, green - Australia.
Ved: Children, let's read poems about these continents.
1 child Sun from overseas
Rises to the zenith
In the east it's early - early
The sun turns the windows golden.
2 children From Europe friendship trails
They are in a hurry to come to us, there are no obstacles.
What is the color of Europe?
European blue color.
3 child There are quite a few friends in Africa -
Olympians all over the world
They know - black color
This is Africa hello!
4reb. Grass color – green
Hello from Australia!
5reb. America has it too
Olympic greetings
Mary, John, Juan and Ruth
The red ring is being brought.
6reb. We all believe in friendship sacredly
Everyone is good at friendship
And all the guys draw
Good sign of five rings.
Ved: Children, let us assemble this good sign of five rings from hoops.
What continent does our Motherland, Russia, belong to?
Children: To Europe.
Ved: What color is Europe?
Children: Blue
Ved: Guys, you know that our Motherland, Russia, also participates in the Olympic Games. In our country, in our capital Moscow, the 22nd Summer Olympic Games were held several years ago. Then they took place in other countries, in other cities. And this year, 2014, the Olympic Games will again be held in our country in the city of Sochi. Now it will be the Winter Olympic Games and also the 22nd.
Children, what types of winter sports do you know? (Children list).
Now guess the riddles.
My question is not an easy one, as they call it,
When athletes are on a sleigh
They slide down the gutter. (Bobsled)
There is such a sport in the world,
It is popular in winter.
You're running on runners
You rush after your opponent. (Ski race)
It's very difficult to be, don't argue,
The most accurate in this sport.
Just rush along the ski track,
Even I can do it.
Try running for a day yourself
And then hit the target.
Lying supine, with a rifle.
You can't do this without training!
And your target is not an elephant
The sport is called... (Biathlon)
Ved: At the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the Olympic flame is lit before the opening. This fire does long haul from Greece through seas, oceans, forests and mountains. It is delivered to the country where the Olympic Games will be held.
Let's hold the Olympic flame relay. (The last 4th child runs up to the bowl and “lights the fire”
Show on screen.
Children, let's repeat the symbolism of the Olympic Games.
Children: Flag, Olympic flame.
Ved: And there is also the mascot of the Olympic Games. This year it's... guess:
When he is in a cage, he is pleasant,
There are many black spots on the skin.
He beast of prey, although a little,
Like a lion and a tiger, similar to a cat. (Leopard – shown on screen)
Loves to eat vegetables
At least he’s shaking all over at times.
He is always very cowardly
And he squints his eye slightly (Hare – show on screen)
Has a white fur coat
And he lives in the north,
He knows how to catch fish
He will swim up to her on an ice floe ( Polar bear- show)
These animals are the mascot of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.
Athletes have been preparing for the Olympic Games for a long time, some from childhood, like you. Young Olympians, let's show our sports achivments. (Children stand up).
Ved: Who can compare with the agile wind?
Children: “We are Olympians!”
Ved: Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?
Children: “We are Olympians!”
Ved: Who is proud of the sports of their beloved homeland?
Children: “We are Olympians!”
Ved: We swear to be honest, strive for victory, we swear to achieve high records.
Children: “We swear, we swear, we swear!”
Ved: And here are our Olympic reserves. Meet….
(Performance by children who participate in sports clubs. They show their skills).
Ved: Children, let's say the motto of the Olympic Games.
Children: “Faster, higher, stronger.”
The most important thing is not victory, but participation.
Give children “medals” (chocolate ones).
Children leave the hall to the sound of a sports march.
