Do vampires exist? Literary representations and film images

There are a considerable number of myths and theories about what it looks like real vampire. Some say that the creature must be tall and skinny, but this is just a legend. There are many tales that witches and vampires were extremely light in weight and were tall. It is possible that such a description was suitable for the evil spirits that lived in ancient times. Nowadays, their build can be completely different.

If you decide to become a part of this evil community yourself or find one of them, then you should definitely know all the features that distinguish this evil spirits from ordinary people.

In fact, there are both tall and short, thin and plump creatures. They can be plump, stocky and completely squat. Regarding the myth about the paleness of their skin, so opinions differ here. On the one hand, yes, a vampire can be identified by their deathly pale skin, but they don’t always have it like that. Certain eyewitnesses say that after the vampire finishes “feeding,” his cheeks turn sharply pink and his lips become scarlet, although before that they were almost bluish.

As for the obvious protruding fangs, it is also impossible to give any definite answer. Some say that their fangs always protrude, even when their mouth is closed. However, there is a theory that they stretch only as the feeding process approaches and during it. That is, when a creature sees its victim, feels its pulsating veins, the blood seething in them, and it is ready to attack. In this case, the teeth increase in size due to thirst.

There is another common myth - Vampires have a fear of light. It is widely believed that a vampire simply needs to be exposed to sunlight and his body begins to collapse, his skin literally explodes with a hiss and the creature turns to ash. Maybe something similar happened with the ancient ancestors of modern evil spirits. However, modern offspring have long been adapted to light and do not experience such reactions. Still, they don’t like to appear under the scorching rays of the sun, but there will be no hissing and special effects with burning in the sun’s rays, as in films.

How do modern descendants of Dracula live?

Is it possible to turn into a vampire in our time? These creatures have always attracted people with their mystery and charm. dark forces and yours enormous power, with which comes enormous opportunity. Attitudes towards these creatures have always been very different: for some they aroused only adoration, while others ran away in fear. The former were always looking for a way to summon them and join the ranks of these incredible creatures. Some people despised them for this, some simply laughed, and some generally believed that such people belonged in psychiatric hospitals. However, there were those who had incredible knowledge and shed some light on this question of “How to become a vampire?”

At this moment, a person looking for an answer to a question and already doubting the reality of all this, lost all doubts about this truth hiding in the darkness of the night. But where does such a desire come from? Unanswered love, suffering, incredible loneliness. Many of those who have thought about such a transformation cannot fully explain their cherished desire and, moreover, they do not fully understand the improbability of the process, as well as the complexity of their future survival. They naively believe that vampires are the rulers of the human race and can do absolutely anything. In fact, this is not true at all.

From today's elite there are very few such representatives of darkness. In fact, they hide because of their lifestyle and stay away from public life and socialization.

They stay away from crowds because they fear for their existence, and some of them are simply trying to cope with the incredible madness that is inextricably linked with their “life.” If you have thoughts like “How to become a vampire’s girlfriend?” simply because you are bewitched by this " eternal love”, the spirit of which is imbued in science fiction books and films, then you need to know that this is just a myth. These creatures are ghouls who mainly care only about ensuring that fresh blood does not stop regularly flowing into their body. Blood is their most basic need. They will do absolutely anything for her.

Often dreams of becoming a creature of the night come to those who extremely dissatisfied with my life and simply wants some changes. These people naively believe that replacing their humanity with something else is exactly what they need, and only after that they will be able to experience incredible, all-encompassing happiness. However, this is just another myth, since a creature that is dependent on human blood as if on drugs cannot be happy by definition.

All that awaits a good person who sets foot on this path after he converts is eternal torment, suffering, sorrow and loneliness. And, of course, boredom, from which there will simply be no escape, no matter where the transformed person goes.

What awaits those who decide to become a ghoul?

However, there is also something that desire to join the small “army” of darkness appears out of nowhere and only grows every day. If you actually start to feel the urge to go somewhere and look for someone, then it is likely that you have fallen under vampire "call". This call, which the people around you cannot feel, will be the beginning of something new for you. Here you don’t need to look for any opportunities, since fate has already decided everything for you. And “life” awaits you ahead, filled with incredible strength and abilities, growing with every active day, as well as an incredible thirst for blood and longing for your old life.

Do not deceive yourself into thinking that you can become a being of darkness for only a few days or hours, and then you will simply return back to your former life. There is no turning back from this path. This new “life” is filled with a wide variety of dangers. Present in it:

  • Simple hunting.
  • Fight against opponents equal in strength or even superior to you.
  • In order to survive, you will have to learn to exist among people, constantly hide in plain sight and keep your secret with incredible caution.

When the strongest loneliness overwhelms your soul and you want someone to be nearby. Someone who will share your experiences and torments. This someone will be the so-called neophyte - this is a person who wants to become a ghoul.

How to become a vampire in real life

The most banal option for turning into a creature of the night is the bite of another vampire. There is no way you can summon or attract this vampire; he will find you at night. The process itself is very complex and painful; it involves a complete restructuring of the body. The process can last from several days to several weeks. Throughout the entire period of treatment, a more “mature” vampire should be nearby.

If a person has any serious health problems, then he can simply die, unable to withstand the extreme agony. No painkillers will help here, since the transformation occurs at the cellular level in the area of ​​the brain and spinal cord.

Such attacks of agony can be survived, and the power of a nearby vampire can help you with this:

  • He will constantly nourish the strength of his ward with the help of his own blood in order to support the changes that his body undergoes.
  • He will make sure that in an attack of incredible pain the ward does not harm himself.
  • He will protect his convert during metamorphosis, since at this time the ward is incredibly vulnerable.

The process itself can only be carried out by a vampire with a huge reserve of strength, since this process requires incredible efforts of will not only from the convert, but also from him and from this same vampire the outcome of the entire transformation directly depends. It is for this reason that a strong vampire will not make just anyone his ward.

Therefore, if you decide to do this, then be prepared for the fact that something will be required of you in return. For example, in return, you can offer an experienced vampire to introduce him to a girl who only dreams of becoming a vampire's girlfriend. Of course, in most cases nothing good awaits this girl.

However, You should never, under any circumstances, do the following:

It is important to remember that the most important reason for appealing to children of the night is for their personal gain in the process. If you have the qualities that he needs, then he will very simply agree to this process, otherwise you might just get hurt (this is the best case scenario).

Now you can find many advertisements on the Internet that offer to become one of the vampires. However, if you follow this ad, you are very likely to fall for ordinary fraud or some psychopath who thinks she is a vampire. Vampires have long since stopped using the Internet as a means of finding neophytes, as they have already encountered problems with the law and various authorities. Now they act much more carefully and secretly.

Therefore, if your desire cannot be quenched by the usual method of a bite, since a real vampire simply does not communicate with you, then you can very well use other methods, right at home.

How to go to the side of darkness using a spell

There is a certain “Ritual of Initiation”, which can be mentioned quite often. They say that after it, you will become a real vampire. And such a proposal is very interesting, since its conditions are much simpler and more accessible compared to metamorphoses after a bite. However, the truth of this ritual is rather doubtful.

The point here is not even that real vampire magic is wielded exclusively by selected vampire magicians, who are extremely problematic to find, because even their own people consider them hermits and unsociable. This category of vampire magicians belongs to the highest elite, of which very few can become a part.

They choose their students so carefully, as far as possible, while the students will have to undergo all sorts of tests and extremely difficult tests. This is how sifting occurs. These checks last for years and even centuries. Only after these checks does the initiation ritual become available to the adept, the secret of which is known only to dark magicians who are not accustomed to divulge their secrets in any way, therefore it is very unlikely that rituals that are in the public domain have at least something in common with the truth and will provide an opportunity become a real vampire.

At the same time, you should understand that after such a ritual, gigantic opportunities will open up for you and after training with ghoul magicians, you will be far from an ordinary vampire, but part of a special elite, which everyone fears as much as they respect. In addition, you will have access to such powers and knowledge that others can only dream of. A small feature of this caste of vampires is that they not only drink the blood of their victims, but use the victim’s entire body to satisfy certain needs, if you know what I mean... Perhaps that is why they are disliked and feared.

Vampirism by nature

There are people in this world who, from birth, have a certain inclination. They are usually called "natural vampires". They are quite rare. However, it should be understood that having a tendency towards vampirism and being a vampire are two completely different things. Since innate skills still need to be developed.

This development occurs through intensive training and meditation. At some point, certain tendencies will begin to manifest themselves more and more strongly.

Attention, TODAY only!

There are many sites on the Internet dedicated to vampires. It was on one of them that I found Alice. She is the only one who agreed to answer the questions, as they say, live.

Alice is a pretty girl of about 25 with a pale face, bright scarlet lips and ashen hair - nothing unusual. But as soon as she smiled, her slightly enlarged upper fang teeth were revealed. I was even overcome with anxiety: lest the interview end in bloodshed.

- Alice, is it true that you drink human blood? – I asked the first question head-on.

- Yes it is. But why is everyone interested in this and not our other abilities and problems? After all, if you are not like everyone else, you have to pay for it. The more sensitive you are, the more irritated you are by sounds and smells. The better your night vision, the more acutely you react to sunlight. I can't stand garlic and can always sense if other people have eaten it, even when it was a few days ago. I constantly have to smudge sunscreen, otherwise the skin peels off...And that’s not all.

– How did you become a vampire?

– My journey has been long. I am a skeptic by nature, I like to get to the bottom of everything, which is why, by the way, I work as a lawyer. If at the very beginning someone had told me that I was a vampire, I would have decided that this person was a complete idiot. Changes began at age 17. I stopped going to the beach because the sun was causing skin burns and later I developed eye problems. I was hungry all the time, my weight fluctuated plus or minus two or three kilograms every month. There was a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. I went to the doctors, they examined me, but they could not help. And I had the same dreams. It’s as if some creatures are explaining something to me, but I don’t understand them. And it’s also like I’m running away from someone. Years later, I realized: I was running away from myself. And there was also an unbearable melancholy that did not go away.

I lived like this for 9 years, until I tasted blood. I made an agreement with my neighbor in the apartment we rented together. I then took only 5 grams of blood from him. Instantly the world became brighter, sadness disappeared, hunger disappeared. I was absolutely happy.

– Can this state be compared to a drug high?

– The body suffers damage from drugs, and when a person wakes up, he understands this and regrets the mistake. And then you get up in the morning and your body sings. This is true happiness.

– Where do you get blood and how often should you drink it?

– I drink once every six days, about 6 liters a year. We take blood from people who give it voluntarily. I call them givers. The vampire and the donor must like each other. After some time, you understand the giver without words, he becomes part of your “I”, and you feel him, being hundreds of kilometers away.

– How does the process itself take place?

– Some people use cuts. Live contact is attractive. But I use a disposable syringe and take blood through a vein. Everything must be sterile and safe. Before this, the donor takes a blood test, and I can be sure that I will not become infected with anything from him. True, I once did this with a stranger. He pestered me in the park, and I stunned him: I admitted that I was a vampire and invited him to try. I am ashamed of that action.

– Why do donors agree to this?

– People by nature love to sacrifice and give. Some people are just curious. But for everyone who gives away their energy with their blood, something good happens in their lives.

– They say they still take blood at transfusion stations?

– Frozen blood may be an alternative. But something is not right about her. When you drink such blood, it seems to evaporate in the esophagus. I rarely resort to this; I have plenty of donors. I don't drink animal blood. But I eat raw meat, which also gives me strength.

– What happens if you are stuck for a long time?

“My hands are shaking, cramps begin, and I feel hungry. I look at exposed body parts strangers. Then apathy sets in, emotions fade, as if you are a living corpse.

– Can a hungry vampire attack a person?

- Never. We value people too much, like any manifestation of life in general.

– In Bram Stoker’s novel “Dracula” everything is wrong...

– A novel is a writer’s invention. Although, perhaps, such a commander lived, and his wounds quickly healed. It is likely that he drank the blood of his enemies - the morals were terrible then. But he did not have immortality and could not turn into bat.

– Do you have supernatural powers?

– Animals, plants and children are drawn to me. I can relieve pain with my hands. Once I ran for eight hours without a break, and once I swam two kilometers in an hour, although I hadn’t swum for seven years. Many of us look younger than their years. There are only four real vampires in Moscow, although many call themselves such. We know each other, meet, share experiences. But it’s hard for us to be around all the time. Vampires don't know how to love like humans. There is something missing in us, and we take it from people.

– Do your loved ones know that you are a vampire?

– At work I don’t tell anyone about this and usually dress more formally. Mom, I hope, doesn’t guess either. The young man knows, but accepts me for who I am.

– Is being a vampire for life?

- I hope not. After all, this is an addiction that complicates my existence. I always think about how to satisfy my hunger.


In New York there is a scientific Vampire Research Center (vampire Research Center), in which they study vampirism. It was founded by Professor Stefan Kaplan, who through research established that among people there are those who cannot live without drinking warm blood. Moreover, this dependence is not psychological, but physiological in nature. That is, everything is in order with vampires’ heads. Kaplan compiled a questionnaire to identify “bloodsuckers” and sent it out potential candidates and thus identified one and a half thousand natural vampires around the world.

Victoria Kolodonova

IN Lately a certain aura of romanticism has matured around the images of vampires. And that's all more people wondering how to become a vampire in real life without even thinking about the consequences.
It is believed that vampires do not age, have super strength, can read people's thoughts, and are excellent hypnotists. However, all these qualities have back side. If you want to become one of the members of the people of the night, we, of course, cannot prohibit you from doing so, but in return we will tell you how things really stand with vampires today.

There are 4 ways to become a vampire.
Being born with a predisposition to vampirism
Transformation using vampire magic
Being bitten by a vampire
Seem like a vampire

But first, let's tell you about how vampires actually live in Russia and most countries, about what you will most likely have to face if you can become a real vampire.

How to find a vampire in Russia and how they live

Most often, vampires are loners

It is worth saying that Russia is not the most favorable country for vampires. Large concentration of law enforcement agencies and a large number of personal documentation you need to have to an individual(passport, identity card, inn) make the life of an immortal being who is afraid of daylight very uncomfortable. Most often, vampires choose third world countries for their lives African countries, slums in Brazil or India. Places where the police often don't even bother to investigate murders.
It is believed that most vampires live in India. This country is home to almost a billion people, which means there is no shortage of food, a tolerant attitude towards death and is full of slums. By the way, the cult of the goddess Kali-Ma was very widespread in India, and among the followers of this cult there were many vampires.
But Russia also had its own vampire order and it was called “Nine Invisibles”. Whether it has survived to this day or not is unknown.

How do modern vampires live?

There were many vampires among the Thug cult that existed in 19th century Bengal.

Now we will have to dispel the romanticism of those who believe that vampire life is beautiful pictures from the movie “Twilight” or novels about “Count Dracula”.
The life of a vampire is agony. The eternal struggle for existence and painful hunger.
Vampires do not live in packs. They are all hermits and loners. Most often, vampires have to live among gypsies or homeless people. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to erase the history of your personality and be someone who will not arouse suspicion among neighbors and others.
Vampires are usually divided into two categories. These are shepherd vampires and nomadic vampires.

Vampires often have to lead the lifestyle of people invisible to society. Homeless people or gypsies.

Vampire shepherds

Vampire shepherds lead sedentary image life. They may live in ditches, sewers, abandoned garages, or abandoned buildings. In appearance, these are ordinary homeless people, but they don’t appear on the street when daylight. The shepherds are sedentary. They can change their shelter, but only after they realize that there is nothing else to take in the area. Vampire shepherds most often settle in unfavorable areas and villages, where it is easier to hide the consequences of their hunt.

Vampire nomads

These vampires are constantly traveling. They can safely spend the night in the forests under open air and their victims most often become people they meet along the way. Mostly these are drunkards, homeless people or simply naive travelers.

Vampire shepherds and vampire nomads do not like each other. Shepherds most often dislike nomads because they sometimes wander into their territory and hunt there. And nomads do not like shepherds, considering them something like housewives.

Ways to become a vampire in real life

Born with a predisposition

Some people are born with a predisposition to vampirism. Usually these people gravitate towards everything dark, prefer to watch violent films and experience an incomprehensible inner trembling when they see shelter. Such people rarely experience emotions, both joyful and sad.
But even if there is an innate predisposition to vampirism, it is not a fact that this person will become a vampire. To completely transform, he needs some techniques. These can be tantric techniques or black magic exercises.
A person with an innate predisposition to vampirism may meet a vampire in his life who will tell him in which direction to move in order to make a transformation. However, a long friendship will not work, since vampires are always loners and after completing the transformation, the mentor will leave the student.

Vampire magic

An ordinary person can become a vampire thanks to vampire magic. But only special vampire sorcerers know it.
For a vampire sorcerer to decide to initiate you into the children of the night, he himself must be interested in this. However, the difficulty here is that vampire sorcerers, in principle, can only need one thing from people and that is human body. Vampire sorcerers are very cruel and even ordinary vampires try to avoid them. Vampire sorcerers need more than just blood from a person. Usually, having quenched his thirst, the vampire sorcerer uses the human body for his rituals, which are shocking in their cruelty. The ancient treatise “Hammer of the Witches” says that people who accidentally witnessed the rituals of vampire sorcerers went crazy after what they saw.

Vampire bite

Most known method and extremely popular in cinema and literature. A vampire bite can actually turn a person into a vampire. However, this method does not give 100% effect. A person can either transform or die. In addition, the person receiving the bite will experience 2 waves of agony. The whole body will burn, you will be very thirsty, but water will not quench your thirst, your brain will seem to be leaking out of your ears, and your back will be tied in a knot.
For this method, you will also need to find a vampire who is ready to bite you, not to drink your blood to the last drop, but to make you one of his fellow tribesmen.

Seem like a vampire

The ancient treatises of the Inquisition and witchcraft do not say anything good about being a vampire. Perhaps you just want to feel the romance of vampire life. Live in the image that is shown in the movies and join the vampire subculture. Then, for this you just need:
a) purchase false fangs or sharpen your teeth into the shape of fangs.
b) buy themed clothes. Vampire clothing can be classic or more modern.
Classic vampires dress like the lords and duchesses of the 18th and 19th centuries. Modern vampires can wear revealing outfits, with big amount cutouts Mainly black or red tones are used.
c) pale skin color. Using regular powder, you will need to make your skin pale.
d) now your favorite drink will be red wine or red juices. Of the non-alcoholic ones, you should give preference tomato juice.
d) you will need to find friends with similar interests. It is much more interesting to communicate with people with similar hobbies in life.
e) Theaters des Vampires, Lacuna Coil and Lacrimosa are a few musical groups which you should pay attention to. Find the rest to your taste yourself.

And so, your introduction to the vampire subculture is over. You are one of them.

Ritual to become a vampire

Finally, we left a description of the ritual to become a vampire. The ritual is called “Five Roses” and is distributed on foreign Internet forums. There is no exact evidence that the ritual is indeed an ancient rite of initiation of a vampire, but there are no arguments against it.
The ritual must be done on the full moon after 12 o'clock at night. It is necessary that you stay in a dark room where there is no one and no extraneous sounds will disturb you.
You will need 5 roses, wine and a candle.
Arrange 5 roses evenly in a circle, place a glass of wine in the center, light a candle and hold it to your chest. You need to be completely naked, even removing underwear. Moonlight should fall on your circle of roses and a glass of wine.
Stand next to the altar facing the moon and say “Ego sum homo velle fieri frater noctis.” You need to say this phrase 5 times while looking at the wine.
Next, you need to go around the altar 13 times, saying “Me in nocte fieri a parte me, ut fame et maledictionem.”
Next, stop at the place where you started, put out the candle and take the wine, say “Servus tuus esurit” 1 time. Servus tuus mortem. Servus tuus hic et nunc.” and drink wine.

To be honest, I am skeptical about such rituals, there are so many of them on the Internet and it is unlikely that any of them are part of vampiric magic. But who knows, the “Five Roses” ritual is one of the oldest rituals on the Internet and maybe you will succeed.

Regardless of whether you choose the path of the children of the night or the vampire subculture, try to do everything carefully. And if you understand that this is yours, then act.

During the Renaissance, the existence of vampires was thought about when there was an unexpected surge of deaths in one area. After the romanticization of the image of vampires, interest in them grew into a cult. You will be surprised, in real life they are officially recognized.

Ghouls in history

Vampires have become one of the popular types of evil spirits in the plots of films, songs, poems and paintings. Horrible deeds are attributed to these creatures, and in legends it is very difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.

Anyone who decides to commit suicide or goes against church canons can become a bloodsucker.

There is a belief that if at a funeral a black cat jumps over the coffin, or the deceased’s eyes open slightly, then the deceased will turn into a vampire. Having noticed something strange, they put garlic or hawthorn branches in the grave.

In the 21st century, at the beginning of the 2000s african republic An epidemic of vampirism has hit Malawi. Local residents threw stones at several dozen people who were suspected of blood drinking. And the authorities were accused of colluding with vampires.
In 2004, Tom Pere's parents, fearing that their son would become a bloodsucker, dug up the grave and burned his heart.

The first publication about the existence of vampires was in 1975. It said that death from a bite occurs due to poisoning with cadaveric venom. And the visits of the dead to their relatives are caused by hallucinations of impressionable people. Nowadays in every country there is a belief in vampires, they just call them differently.

List of common castes of our time:

  • In America they are called Tlahuelpuchi, during the day they are people, at night they are blood-sucking bats.
  • The Australian creatures Yara-mo-yaha-hoo have long limbs with suction cups that they use to drink blood.
  • In Romania, Vorkalak, a vampire dog.
  • The Chinese believe in a vampire fox; girls who die from beatings and violence become it.
  • Japan is home to Kappas, drowned children who feed on the blood of bathers.
  • India is inhabited by immortal Rakshasas, who take on any form.

Scientific research is based on two opposing views on blood-drinking creatures.

First– vampires are unreal, and legends are based on frightening folk tales. Based on biology and medicine, the symptoms are refuted. The “incorruptibility” of the body can be caused by the specific composition of the soil; the unnatural postures of the dead are explained by the punishment of ancient times - burial alive.

Second– the myth about the existence of vampires is based on a genetic disease – Porphyria. Blood cells do not form in the patient's body, which leads to a lack of iron, due to which the skin becomes pale and susceptible to sunburn. People with porphyria do not perceive the smell of garlic; the acid contained in it has a negative effect on a weak body. More often, the disease is a consequence of consanguineous marriages. Incest was recorded to a greater extent in the territory of Transylvania, where the legends about Dracula originated.

There is Renfield syndrome. This is a mental disorder when the patient drinks the blood of animals and even people. Some serial killers suffer from this disease.

The science of vampires confirms their existence in real world, but does not determine who they are. Some researchers believe that these are dead people who have suffered gene mutations or were bitten by an animal vampire. Features are inherited.

Other vampirologists claim that followers of the “blood-eating” ritual became vampires. For example, the ancient Aztecs believed that by eating human blood, you become immortal.

It is believed that vampires are people who have made a deal with the devil to eternal life which needs to be fed with blood.

Scientist Stefan Kaplan began searching for evidence of the existence of vampires in 1974. He created a center for the study of blood-drinking creatures in New York. According to the researcher, he found a large number of living vampires who appeared to be ordinary people.

What conclusions did Kaplan make:

  • They really exist in our world.
  • Fear of the sun can be overcome with the help of protective glasses and cream.
  • Nails and fangs are not suspicious.
  • The thirst for blood is not strong; one glass several times a week is enough.
  • They are not aggressive and can create happy families. Friends, understanding, supply them with blood.
  • Bloodsuckers can drink animal blood, but it has a different taste.

Those around them consider them mentally ill, but the scientist claims that thirst is physiological, not mental problem. You should not treat them as wild, aggressive creatures.

Stories about vampires are very old and have become part of folklore. It is the mystery that surrounds them that increasingly sparks interest. Whether or not there are certain creatures that feed on blood is up to everyone to choose.

No matter how ridiculous superstitions may seem to modern man legends about vampires and ghouls - such a phenomenon exists in reality! And its basis is still the same multidimensionality of the human being. For example, a too hasty funeral can lead to the fact that a person who is supposedly dead, but in reality has fallen into a cataleptic state, wakes up already being. As Helena Petrovna Blavatsky wrote about this in “Isis Unveiled,” “As long as it is not completely freed from the physical, there is a possibility that it can be returned to the physical body again by the force of magnetic attraction. Sometimes the astral body may only be half out, while the physical body appears completely dead and is being buried.

In these cases, the horrified astral body forcibly returns to its physical shell, and then one of two things happens - either the unfortunate victim will begin to writhe in mortal pain from suffocation, or, if she was deep-material (i.e., spiritless), she becomes a vampire. Two-bodied life begins; and these unfortunate buried cataleptics maintain their miserable lives by the fact that their astral bodies rob the life-blood of a living person. The ethereal form can move wherever it pleases; and until she breaks the thread that binds her to the physical body, she is free to wander, to wander around, visible or invisible, and feed on human victims.”

In her book, Blavatsky cites the opinions of other people on vampirism, in particular Dr. Pierart, who, arguing with his contemporaries regarding the reality of the existence of vampires, wrote: “You say - blind prejudices? After such a huge number of facts, so often verified, should we say that they no longer exist and that they were always unfounded? Nothing comes from nothing. Every belief, every custom arises from the facts and reasons that gave rise to them.

If no one had ever seen how in some families creatures appeared that took the form of an acquaintance of the deceased and came to suck the blood of one or more people, and if their victims had not subsequently died from exhaustion, no one would ever have gone to the cemetery to dig up corpses; and we would never witness that incredible fact that corpses that have been buried for several years are discovered, and their eyes are open, pink color the skin of the face, the flexible body, the mouth and nose are full of blood, and during decapitation blood pours out of them in streams.”

In a French cemetery

The facts of the existence of vampires, not so distant from us in time, were cited in his book “Rainbow of Miracles” by A. Haydock. The incident described in this book occurred in Shanghai around 1937. A Russian emigrant in China, due to unemployment and need, took a job as a policeman in the Russian company under the police department of the French Concession. During the service, he witnessed an incident, which he described as follows: “... I was not on duty and was resting in the barracks at the Jorf post, which was located next to the French cemetery on Jorf Street,” said the policeman. “Suddenly, we were alerted and sent to cordon off the cemetery and not let anyone in there. And for some reason there were many people who wanted to go to the cemetery. We soon learned the reason.

But we should first explain what kind of order reigns in the French cemetery. The deceased was only a temporary resident on it. As we know, Shanghai was built in a swampy area. The ground in the cemetery is damp, half a meter from the surface - water is already seeping through. Therefore, a waterproof concrete box is first lowered into the hole and then a coffin with the deceased is placed in it. The climate in Shanghai is hot and damp - the dead there decompose very quickly. And the land here is expensive, so after 16 years the graves are torn off, the bones of the deceased are thrown away (I don’t know what they do with them, they probably burn them) and the place is sold for a new resident.

As it turned out, on the day when we were cordoned off, a grave was opened in which a corpse after 16 summer stay in the damp and hot soil of Shanghai he turned out to not only not decompose, but he had grown long nails and hair. The news of this quickly reached the population of the nearest streets, and the curious, in groups and individually, rushed to the cemetery. That's why we were called to the cordon.

I made my way through the crowd of curious people to the grave and saw what I had already spoken about. The coffin was pulled out of the grave and placed next to her. The face of the woman in it looked like it was alive, sleeping. This woman's hair grew and reached such a length that it spread over her legs. The long fingernails curled and looked like a corkscrew. She could have been about 45 years old. Her long, grown nails made a terrible impression on me.

In general, I hate looking at the dead, they disgust me, so I didn’t look at her for long, and a crowd of onlookers crowded me. Having walked away, I started talking with those around me and through them I found out what was going on with the deceased. They said that they had brought a stake; aspen or not - I don’t know. This stake was used to hit the deceased in the chest. They said that the deceased at the same time let out a heavy sigh. Afterwards, she and the coffin were loaded onto a camion (that’s what the small truck that served us was called) and taken somewhere.”

Vampirism - how it happens

Of course, the fact of the existence of vampires raises many questions. Some of them are asked by the clergyman Kalmet, quoted in Blavatsky’s “Isis Unveiled”: “The main difficulty is to find out how these vampires can leave their graves and return there again, without the slightest disturbance of the layers of the grave soil? How can it be that they are seen in their usual clothes; how can they appear, walk and eat?

If all this is just imagination on the part of those who think that vampires are bothering them, then how can one explain that when the graves of accused ghosts are opened, they find that the corpses have no sign of decomposition, they are fresh, full of blood and juices? How can one explain the reason why their feet are dirty and dirty the day after the night when they appeared and frightened their neighbors, when nothing similar can be found in other corpses buried in the same cemetery? And why does it happen that once they are burned, they never return? And why are these phenomena so frequent in this country that it is no longer possible to dissuade people, because, instead of dissuading them, experience makes them believe in them.” (H.P. Blavatsky. “Isis Unveiled”)

Although, all the incomprehensible facts related to vampires can be easily explained if we remember the multidimensional nature of the human being and characteristic properties astral and etheric bodies of man. Dense objects of the material world are not obstacles to ethereal, much less astral forms of matter. The subtle body is able to freely pass through the lid of the coffin and the layers of earth in the cemetery. Another thing is the trace of dirt on the feet of the dead after their nightly adventures. Is this real? It turns out yes. There is a process of so-called disintegration of matter, or, in other words, dematerialization.

The astral body of a vampire is in a disembodied (separated from the physical body) state, but is capable of acquiring a condensed form, visible to a living person. He needs such a compacted state in order to feed on the blood of living people - if we talk about vampirism by absorbing the blood of living beings (apparently, more often there is so-called energy vampirism, in which not blood is stolen from people, but vital energy, and for which the vampire does not be sure to take a compacted form).

Having done its terrible work, the condensed astral of the vampire must dematerialize in order to merge again with the physical body lying in the coffin in a state of catalepsy. At the same time, the particles of earth remaining on the legs are capable of dematerializing along with his densified astral, passing through the earth and the lid of the coffin, just like the blood stolen from people. In the coffin physical substances, brought by the vampire’s astral body to its abode, materialize again, since the physical body needs blood in a physical and not a dematerialized state.

A. Haydock, in the book “Rainbow of Miracles” mentioned by us, wrote on this subject: “... a certain object can be turned into a scattered cloud of atoms, which, with the tension of thought and will, is directed anywhere by the operator. Such a cloud easily passes through walls and other obstacles, and as soon as the operator stops volitional tension, the cloud of atoms takes on the previous appearance of the object.

This explains the materialization of objects, since some possess to a significant extent the ability of disintegration. There is a known case when, in a tightly closed room where a spiritualistic seance was taking place, freshly picked flowers and twigs from trees with raindrops on them suddenly appeared.”

Of course, the phenomenon of vampirism, having become the subject of folk legends and beliefs, was largely embellished by folk imagination and overgrown with many non-existent and soul-chilling “artistic details.” So, in folk legends it is said that if a vampire sucks the blood of someone, his victim will also turn into a vampire - in reality this is not at all the case. A vampire's victim may die of exhaustion if the vampire begins to visit her regularly - this is true. But even a person attacked by a vampire does not necessarily have to turn into a vampire himself.

How to destroy a vampire?

It is believed that it is possible to destroy a vampire by driving an aspen stake into his chest - in reality, this is not always effective. main reason vampirism - maintaining a magnetic connection between the astral body and the physical shell. In some cases, it is possible to break such a connection by causing significant damage to the physical body, in others this is not enough.

The true panacea for vampires is the cremation of a corpse, since in this case the astral body is freed willy-nilly from the physical and it no longer faces the task of maintaining the existence of the latter in such a terrible way, terrifying on people. In the end, it is also necessary to note the fact that bloodsucking vampires were much less common than. In most cases, vampirism consisted of the astral bodies of vampires stealing vital energy, rather than blood, from living people. To the physical body of the vampire lying in the coffin in a state of catalepsy, the stolen energy was transferred through the same magnetic connection that exists between the biological and astral body.

In custody

Be that as it may, as a consolation to contemporaries, it is only possible to say that with the current state of medicine, the phenomenon of blood-sucking vampires has most likely already sunk into oblivion or is so. Cases of premature death are quite rare in our time; the bodies of the deceased are embalmed before death and quite often cremated (which, by the way, is in the best possible way destruction of the discarded biological membrane). So even low-spiritual people who fell into catalepsy before moving into another world are not in danger of the terrible fate of becoming a vampire in our time.
