Learn English on your own at home. So, where to start learning, and how to master a language without outside help?

IN Lately to improve your career growth or to continue studying abroad, learning English on your own has become popular. Of course, for many the question arises - where to find good tutorial English, audio lessons and other materials that will effectively help you master a foreign language in a certain period of time. It is worth saying that learning English on your own is a long process, but everything is in your hands and you can make this process exciting and enjoyable.
So, you decided not to hire a tutor, not to pay money for courses or book tutorials, but to choose free study English on your own with the help of online lessons. It is worth saying that at first, most people fail to achieve any positive result and, naturally, they simply give up.

Stereotypes are what hinder English learning

These are the components that most people who decide to undergo well self-study English at home and advance at least a little in your knowledge:

  • the majority are confident that learning any foreign language on your own is a very difficult task;
  • many people learn a language but do not achieve the expected results;
  • most people reach a certain level of knowledge, say advanced, but it takes them years to learn;
  • many people think that they are simply not capable of learning a second language;

All of the above can be transformed into one single whole and conclude that learning English from scratch is a long and thorny path. However, there is also quick courses training, that is English language, you can master it in just two months. Just give up traditional learning methods that are based on textbooks, cramming dictionaries, basic grammar, as well as boring and monotonous dialogues.
This approach to mastering foreign language We are all familiar with it from school – if you are not going to read Shakespeare in the original, why “gnaw” the stone of grammar. User reviews indicate that the technique paid services remained school, only the learning process takes place in an accelerated mode, that is, you study English not two hours a week, but seven hours a day.

Correct methods are the key to success

Do you want to start learning English online? Leave books and lessons for later. First you need to decide on important aspects your teaching method. That is, you must become your own teacher. The main thing is to move grammar to Kamchatka; you won’t need it if you just want to communicate with native speakers, listen to radio and television programs, of course, if you are not going to take the test international exam to receive a certificate. But this is not the main thing - no matter what method you use when mastering a language learning course at home, what is important is your positive mood during classes, and then a positive result will not be long in coming.
So, 3 main principles self-learning English from scratch:

  • motivation – you must really want to learn a foreign language;
  • the right method – try several teaching methods and choose the best one for yourself;
  • learning process - decide why you need knowledge of English - for everyday communication or for subsequent studies at prestigious foreign universities.

And most importantly, don’t “stand” in one place – constantly develop and improve your knowledge. Use the lessons posted on our website for this, because they are offered to you completely free of charge!

Do you need to quickly learn English before traveling or an interview, business negotiations or exams? In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to quickly learn English and how best to do it: on your own or with a teacher. Let's say right away: we won't reveal the secret of learning a language in three days, but you will learn how to effectively learn English at an accelerated pace.

Our articles help improve your English. But a good teacher can handle this even better. At the Inglex online school, we combine strong teachers and the comfort of online classes. Try English via Skype on .

Is it possible to learn English quickly?

First, let's answer main question, which our readers often ask us: “Is it possible to learn English quickly?” Yes, this is possible and reasonable in cases where you urgently need to prepare for one of the following events:

  • passing an exam for admission to a Russian or foreign university;
  • passing the interview in English;
  • travel abroad;
  • moving abroad;
  • certain work situations (negotiations, presentations, promotions, etc.).

If you are preparing for one of the above events, we recommend learning English with a teacher. This method will be the most effective and fastest for several reasons:

  1. Well-structured program- the teacher himself will find the optimal materials for classes and provide them to you. When studying on your own, you risk finding hundreds of useful links and you won’t know what to grab onto.
  2. Complete understanding of materials- the teacher will present information in a logical order so that you understand everything and do not get stuck on one topic for a long time.
  3. Control and motivation- the teacher will monitor your learning process, monitor your progress and motivate you for further studies.
  4. Expertise- the teacher knows all the nuances concerning your event, for example, he has experience in preparing students to successfully pass an interview in English. Teacher from own experience understands what you need to know and what to pay attention to.

If time is running out and you need to learn English very quickly, contact our school. Over the next 24 hours, you will begin to improve your knowledge. You can meet our teachers at.

If you want to learn English quickly and independently, refer to the resources from the third part of our article. In addition, the following materials will help you: "", "", "", "".

How to speed up learning English with a teacher

Learning English with a teacher is the best quick way achieving the set goal. We want to tell you what you should pay attention to in order to achieve maximum results.

1. Find “your” teacher

Even in a rush, try to find a teacher with whom it will be pleasant and interesting for you to study. Decide whether a strict and demanding teacher is right for you or someone who jokes a lot and presents even serious topics with humor. In addition, the teacher must be a true professional and have experience in the issue with which you are asking him (passing an exam, passing an interview, etc.). If the teacher meets all these requirements, then you will definitely not quit lessons after a week, but will happily continue studying until you achieve your goal.

2. Determine the scope of work

At your first lesson with your teacher, explain in detail why you are studying English so that the teacher can determine what topics you need to study and what exactly you need to know. Check and the exact date events so that the teacher knows how long it will take you to learn all the material.

3. Exercise 3-5 times a week

Preparing for an interview or exam is not the time to relax. You need to gain as much knowledge as possible in a short time, so be prepared to work hard. It is optimal to study with a teacher 3-5 days a week for 1-2 hours a day and devote the same amount of time to independent work: doing homework, repeating material, etc.

4. Do extensive homework

Be sure to ask your teacher to assign you extensive homework. This way you will repeat the material you learned in class, consolidate it in your memory, and at the same time find out how well you have learned the information. The teacher will check your work, identify errors and help you get rid of them, so be sure to take the opportunity to test your knowledge.

5. Don't neglect writing

The ability to do written work in English will be useful for almost any language learning goal. As you write, you find and use new words and phrases and expand your lexicon, your mechanical memory turns on and you better remember the words you use.

6. Try studying with a native speaker

What to do on your own to quickly learn English

Have you decided to prepare for the event yourself? Well, the work ahead is not easy, but interesting. In this part of the article, we have collected for you only working techniques for quickly learning English.

But even if you study English with a teacher, no one has canceled independent work. The more time you devote to English, the faster you will learn it and the more material you will learn. So the materials below can be used in your free time outside of class.

1. Choose a good authentic textbook

This point is important for those who study without the help of a teacher: the textbook will help you structure your knowledge and “dosage” it correctly. Choose good guide can be found in the review article "". We recommend taking 1 unit lesson every 2-3 days if you want to quickly master the material.

2. Learn phrases by heart, not individual words.

Many polyglots practice this technique in order to quickly learn English: they cram not individual words, but entire phrases on topics that interest them. Read more about people who speak several languages ​​in the article "". You need to do the same: if you are going on a trip, study our phrase books for tourists (start with “”), if you are taking an exam, learn examples of phrases from “” or “”.

3. Retell thematic texts

This technique will help you learn the necessary vocabulary in context and remember frequently used phrases. For example, you are preparing for an interview at oil company. Search texts on oil production to familiarize yourself with the technical terminology. Retell the text after reading, using new useful words and phrases.

4. Repeat what you have learned

No matter how much you are in a hurry to quickly “swallow” a layer of the English language, take time to repeat previously studied material, otherwise it will very quickly fly out of your head. Read the articles “” and “”, with their help you will teach your memory to work “perfectly”.

5. Immerse yourself in the language environment

To learn English faster, you need to try to create a suitable language environment around yourself. This can be done as follows:

  • Listen to audio materials

    With the help of podcasts you will develop perception English speech aurally. First of all, of course, you need to listen to the audio recordings for the textbook and take the attached tests in order to immediately assess your achievements in English. You can also train using websites from ours or the LearnEnglish Podcasts by British Council (for Android) and LearnEnglish Audio & Video by British Council (for iOS) apps.

  • Watch videos
  • Read books and articles

    The best texts for learning are texts from a textbook, but if you are used to reading at least a couple of pages interesting book at night, try reading it in English. In the text you will see how words and grammatical structures of the English language “work” in practice. In the article “” we have compiled a convenient table of books, dividing them by level of knowledge. If you’re short on time, read short texts on resources from our “” collection.

6. Run tests

Tests not only test your knowledge, but also help you understand a misunderstood rule if there are comments on the tasks. Be sure to take tests from the textbook you are studying from, and also visit sites with grammar and vocabulary tasks. We talked about good sites in the articles “” and “”.

7. Do translation exercises

8. Change activities

Try to alternate different types exercises every 20-30 minutes, so as not to tire your brain with monotonous tasks. This way you will better absorb knowledge and you will be interested in studying. Alternate occupation various types activities are the only correct way to quickly learn English.

9. Study other people's experiences

Read on the Internet about other people's experiences: how they passed an exam, prepared for an interview, learned English for travel. Usually they talk not only about how to quickly learn English, but also about their main mistakes, pitfalls, most frequently asked questions, useful resources for preparation, etc. For example, you can find a lot of similar information on the efl.ru forum, and also read the articles of our teachers Svetlana “How I passed the CAE. Confessions of a certificate holder" and Yulia "My experience in preparing for the oral part of the CAE exam."

10. Use proven ways to quickly learn English

Now you know how to quickly learn English if you need to prepare for an event. The work ahead will not be easy, but if you work hard, all your efforts will pay off handsomely.

It took you about 10 minutes to read this article. During the same time, you can watch a training video from engVid, put 10 “likes” on Vkontakte, or sign up for English lessons at our school. Think and choose the option that will bring greatest benefit your English. Make good use of your time!

If you have never learned English or you once studied at school, but completely forgot everything, even the alphabet, and now you have decided to start learning English from scratch, then our advice on where to start and how to move may be useful to you. The first and most important thing is to understand how much you need the language, why you need it, and whether you have enough resources to learn the language.


Motivation should be your driving force, without it you will not be able to do enough. for a long time practice the language every day. Without daily practice it is impossible to master this huge layer of knowledge. If there is no obvious motivation, but there is a burning desire to learn the language, then you should think about what knowledge of the language will give you - maybe it’s a new prestigious job or the opportunity to read specialized literature on topics that interest you, or maybe you travel a lot and want to fully communicate with people around the world or correspond with foreign friends.
Your motivation may still be in the subconscious. Try to get her out of there, she will play decisive role in your successful progress in mastering the English language.

Choosing a teaching method

Your next step should be to choose teaching methods or teachers. Now students have access to very good language materials and a large number of teachers who are ready to study via Skype with students from all over the world. Ideal, of course, is to find a good teacher who is a native speaker. But not everyone can afford such opportunities, and some simply want to study independently and for free, at a convenient time, without any stress, according to their own schedule. Then you need to choose a system that you will follow.

Learning English from scratch takes time

Plan time for studying, you need to study every day, at least 15 - 20 minutes, but it’s better to set aside an hour for studying. In our selection of articles “English from scratch” you will find materials for beginners, audio recordings and videos, exercises, a large number of examples, explanations, as well as links to resources that will help you progress faster.

When choosing your study resources, make sure you like the materials. This is important, all polyglots talk about it. Interest plays a role in language acquisition main role. It allows you to achieve more with less effort. Just imagine that you need to learn or translate a text on some boring topic for you, but you will fall asleep after the first phrase! On the contrary, if you come across an interesting book, you will definitely find time to read it. Go ahead, friends, devote your time and attention to the language, and you will raise your English from scratch to freehold. Good luck to all!

Known fact that the most popular language in the world is English. Knowing it, you can communicate with a resident of almost any country. All this is possible due to the fact that English is an international language and is spoken in 106 countries around the world. It's not hard to guess to be successful person it is necessary to expand your linguistic boundaries. Learning English from scratch is not that difficult if you know where to get information from and how to use it. This article will help you learn everything you need to learn English on your own absolutely free.

Once you recognize the need to learn English, it's time to take action. Modern technologies The 21st century allows you to learn on your own new language without teachers. Thanks to the Internet, you can learn a language quickly and efficiently. To do this, just find websites and video lessons in English, sign up for online courses or pass online lessons. In addition, you can find a lot of material that clearly explains English for beginners.

Before you start learning a language, you need to understand where to start learning.

If you have at least some long-forgotten English skills, then mastering the language on your own will be easier. After all, if you once learned grammar and words, then you already have some basics of the English language and everything you need will emerge in your subconscious, as soon as you start going through the program.

If you have never touched English or foreign languages, it doesn't matter. Find an English tutorial that makes sense to you. In such books, as a rule, basic rules and words are written, which are enough for a foreigner to understand your speech and you can conduct a basic dialogue.

If you are interested in deeper and more effective language learning, then you will have to look for specialized literature or find a site on the Internet that tells you how to learn English from scratch, for free. Such sources exist in large quantities, so learning an entire foreign language on the Internet will not be difficult and you can rest assured that your knowledge will be up to par.

So, if you decide to learn English from scratch, this article will help you figure out step by step how to organize your training without the involvement of expensive specialists and at the same time get up-to-date information about language.

if desired, available to everyone at home

How to organize independent learning of English?

How long do you plan to study English?

Learning English on your own is easier than it seems. First, determine how long you plan to study and over what period of time you plan to learn the language. Honestly decide for yourself, if superficial knowledge is enough for you, then learning basic words and basic grammar in 3 months is quite possible. If you want to master an intermediate level of English, prepare to devote 3 days a week to this for at least a year. And, of course, if your goal is to know English perfectly, then when you start learning English, get ready to practice the language every day, learn something new and improve your knowledge every year.

What do you need to learn a language?

Depending on your needs, you need to stock up on materials and tools. To learn the basics of English for tourism purposes, a tutorial and a dictionary with basic words and phrases will be enough. If your goal is more global, you need a good and high-quality dictionary, a grammar textbook and various audio and video lessons in English. It is a well-known fact that communicating with a native speaker is The best way acquire speech skills. If you have the opportunity to communicate with a native English speaker, take advantage of it. As an alternative, watching English films without translation (subtitles are acceptable) or reading English fiction in original. Be sure to keep a notebook in which you will write down new words and always have it with you so that you can repeat the words while in a traffic jam, on the way to visit or at any other time.

Set yourself a goal

As soon as you decide what level of English you need and how much time you are ready to learn new words and rules, set yourself goals. By achieving each new small goal, you overcome the path of learning English from scratch, step by step. Each new step is new level for you. It will be relevant if you set yourself approximate deadlines:

  1. Learn the entire alphabet in 2 weeks;
  2. Learn correct pronunciation in 3 weeks;
  3. Learn the basic tenses (present, past and future) in 1 month;
  4. Learn a minimum vocabulary of 300 words or more in 50 days;
  5. Learn to compose complete sentences in 1.5 - 2 months.

Create a class schedule

Once you have decided on all the main points, it's time to organize your work. Decide which day you study grammar by watching educational videos, solving tests, or reading. At a minimum, you need to spend an hour studying, learning about 5 new words every day. On Saturday evening, watch episode 1 of your favorite English series without translation, believe me, this will greatly help you in learning the language. Over time, you can move from TV series to films, and from there you can start reading books in English.

Surround yourself with English

In addition to the dedicated time for learning the language, it is necessary to fill the space around you with English speech and words. For example, hang up leaflets with new words in your apartment, listen to the news in English (again, everything is available on the Internet). Find a foreign friend with whom you can communicate every day on Skype or correspond. There are special sites where oral and written practice of a foreign language is possible. If you have the opportunity to go abroad, where English is spoken, for 1-2 months, this will be the most educational and interesting trip for you, since you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself entirely in the English atmosphere, without creating it artificially.

will pass quickly and successfully if you learn to read English text, master vocabulary and grammar, listen to speech, learn to write and practice pronunciation

Free sites and online programs for learning English from scratch

So, the Internet can become your main assistant in learning English. The main thing is to find useful sites and video courses and look at them every day, looking for new words, interesting videos and rules of grammar. Program to study English home may be based on ready-made online courses or you can combine viewing useful videos, read books and even use chat rooms to communicate with native speakers. You can learn English easily and quickly if you choose the method and method that you like. Below you will find various resources for learning English from scratch, from which you can choose what you like best.

Learn to read correctly and quickly in English

  1. Reading English Consonants - Alphabet and Sounds
  2. Alphabet and basic reading in English- video, part 1, basic knowledge;
  3. "A" in a closed syllable, sh pronunciation and much more- video, part 2, pronunciation of the article and some sounds;
  4. Reading rules and pronunciation ar, are, air, y, e, ch- video, part 3, rules for reading complex sounds.

It is also good to read magazines (britishcouncil.org) in English aloud or silently. You can find any material that interests you.

Memorizing new vocabulary

To prevent new vocabulary from being hard labor for you, the best way is to download and install special applications for your phone so that you can learn vocabulary even outside the home, when you can just take out your phone and not waste time in a traffic jam/subway/queue, but learn the language.

The channel will be useful for business negotiations Business English Pod.

Another good way learn new words - solve crossword puzzles from English words:

Listening to English speech

To understand English, it is important to listen to foreign speech as often as possible. These can be songs (lyrics.com), audio recordings and audio books (librophile.com). To constantly expand your vocabulary, it is useful to watch news in English (newsinlevels.com), foreign TV programs, films and series in English. But first, you should take a short online course on understanding English speech. YouTube will help you with this.

  1. English with Jennifer. The page has a special section “understanding fast English speech”, where in 20 lessons you can acquire good skills.
  2. The channel link may also help you Real English, where you can find many videos in which real people They speak English, each video has subtitles.
  3. Another useful channel British Council, where you can find a selection of educational cartoons with different situations, in which people communicate in English.
  4. It will be no less useful comprehensive study of English with the BBC on YouTube channel.

Learning and improving grammar

The main thing you need to learn is grammar. Tenses, verb forms, pronouns and much more can be studied using the grammar guide " English Grammar in Use" by Raymond Murphy, which describes tenses, English verbs and sentence construction in a very accessible way. This textbook can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded for free. Any free grammar books that you can download that you understand are also suitable.

But you can learn grammar using any resource for adults and children. One of the most interesting ways for beginners - subscribe to one of the channels on YouTube:

You can also start learning English grammar on the following web resources:

And don’t forget to take English tests, some can be found here - englishteststore.net, begin-english.ru, english-lessons-online.ru.

Reading adapted texts in English

Adapted texts are very useful when learning English, especially in entry level. You can download them. So, we learn to read and immediately understand the meaning of the text, avoiding cumbersome sentences and unnecessary constructions. On this site envoc.ru you can find both easy texts and more complex ones to improve your reading technique. Here, in each work, simple phrases are used and translations are given. Also simple texts can be found . In addition to the texts themselves, on the site you can repeat the reading rules and some words. Remember, to read even adapted literature, you need basic knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and knowledge of reading rules.

Improving speech skills

Perhaps the most a big problem for a person who wants to master English - find English interlocutors for speaking practice. Communication is a very important component of learning, as communication helps you learn the right timbre, pronunciation and learn new words. To find English speaking interlocutors, you can use one of the sites below. All you have to do is register and the doors to the world of English speech will open before you.

People often say that they really need to learn a language, but they don’t have the ability. Remember: there are no people who are incapable of languages. It’s just that most often people take the wrong approach when learning a foreign language.

How to start learning English yourself?

Emotional and psychological preparation

Doubts away

First, decide whether you need a language at all. If you need it, then stop doubting, otherwise there will be no success.

Setting a goal

Set a goal: I want to know and speak English! Imagine the benefits you will get from speaking fluent English. Maybe it’s exciting communication abroad, maybe it’s watching interesting film without transfer or even salary increase.


Learn to have fun while learning a language. It's much more effective if you learn the language through fun, such as by listening to a good song or just chatting with a friend. Your motto: “Everything I do while learning English is with pleasure.”

Secrets of methods for successful language acquisition

When learning a language, the question of choosing a method inevitably arises. Modern methods can be divided into 2 large groups: communicative ( oral speech) and classical (sequential study of grammar through reading and translations).

These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages: adherents of communication speak fluently, but make many mistakes in grammar, while classic method makes oral communication difficult due to fear of grammatical errors. There is only one recipe: talk and talk, even mentally.

The goal is to think in English.

Here are 5 cornerstones of successful English mastery:

  • Grammar
  • Letter
  • Reading
  • Speech
  • Speech perception


Remember - it is strictly not recommended to absorb more than 2 pages of rules per day. Try to feel happy that you understood the rule. Then, for 2 days, use it wherever possible. Hang the table so that it catches your eye more often.


Correspond with friends, communicate with them in English on ICQ, Twitter and Skype. It is very useful to write essays, especially for those wishing to pass a special international exam in English (TOEFL, IELTS). Yes, and one more thing - write SMS to your friends in English.


Read only what you like. Avoid boring textbook stories! Learn to use a dictionary - take into account all the uses of a given word, all its phraseological units. To quickly expand your vocabulary, create thematic groups of words (shopping, weather, food) by writing them on cards.


The main thing when teaching speech skills is the pleasure of communication. Visit an English club where people just gather to chat in English over a cup of tea. Another option is communication via Skype or ICQ. It helps a lot - verified.

Speech perception

Do you like movies? Watch them in the original! Listen to your favorite songs and try to understand their meaning. It is very useful to watch the news (BBC, CNN), where the speech is accompanied by a picture, which makes it easier to understand. As practice proves, after a couple of months you can easily understand 80% of the news. In addition, there are wonderful radio programs and just lectures on different topics; They are all posted on the Internet - choose according to your interest.

Useful rules

Do you want to learn English quickly and effectively? Follow simple rules:

  1. Down with fear
  2. Use all possible sources
  3. Immerse yourself in the language atmosphere
  4. Practice live communication
  5. Do exercises with tests
  6. Sign up for a voice recorder

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. The main problem of people learning English is their fear of saying something wrong, making mistakes in grammar and looking stupid. They prefer to remain silent. Don't do this! English requires constant practice - don't let fear hinder your success.
  2. Use different sources (reading, watching movies) - this will make it possible to learn English much faster.
  3. Speak English with friends or relatives, write in English, listen to English-language radio stations and TV channels (BBC, Russia Today). This approach will help you improve your pronunciation and get used to the language. Yes, and one more thing - don’t forget to read interesting books anywhere!
  4. Use Skype - look for foreign friends to communicate in English live. It’s an indescribable feeling when you suddenly realize that you easily understand each other. In addition, you will learn many colloquial expressions.
  5. Complete assignments - they will help you quickly master grammar and expand your vocabulary. Take the difficult test 2 times, 6 months apart. This will help you check and consolidate your achievements.
  6. Recording your speech and thoughts on a voice recorder is a very useful technique. If you notice grammatical errors while listening, speak more slowly and then increase your pace.

We are all tired, but when you come home from work in the evening, try to carve out half an hour to study the language. Try different memorization methods, invent your own, and enjoy your success. And then learning English will turn into an exciting leisure activity, and the result will simply amaze you.
