Zinaida is a Jewish name. Interests and hobbies

Names: origin and forms

Zinaida- (from Greek) from the genus of Zeus, god-like.

Derivatives: Zinaida, Zina, Zinakha, Zinasha, Zinuha, Zinusha, Zinulya, Zinusya, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida.

Directory of Russian names

Divine(from Greek).

Original, self-affirming, with a constant desire for primacy: as they say, with character. In the company - "empress". With extraordinary and refined taste. The mind is intoxicated: the rumor is that it was Zinaida who suffered the most among men.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Zinaida- born of Zeus (ancient Greek).
Zeus - supreme deity ancient mythology, ruler of gods and people, god of the sky and heavenly powers.
Now the name is rare, but fifty years ago it was more common.
Zodiac name: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: green.
Talisman stone: emerald.
Auspicious plant: pine, chrysanthemum.
Patron name: scorpion.
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Zinya, Zinasha, Zinulya, Zinusha, Zinya, Winter, Ina, Ida.
Main features: exactingness, concentration.


Zinaida of Tarsia, martyr. October 24 (11). Sister of the Apostle Paul. In the name of Christ she healed the sick, thereby converting many pagans to Christ. She was stoned for her faith in Christ.


If on Zinaidin's day the mud spreads across the ground and the horse's hoof is filled with water, then the snow that falls will immediately establish a winter path.


Zinochka is capricious and impatient, does not like refusals, she will be able to win and get what she wants. It is necessary to educate with great patience, to instill respect for the authority of elders, and the ability to forgive insults. Not a single one will escape Zinochka’s sharp gaze. family secret. As a teenager, she loves her parents very much and is devoted to them to the point of oblivion. She is very inquisitive, loves history, theater, cinema, music, and ancient painting.

At school, Zina is the teacher's right hand, loves to be set as an example for others, is a little arrogant, and strives to be a leader among her friends. She is faithful to her friends, often they remain so even in adult life.

At Zinaida's strong will combined with high morality. She has a practical mind, capable of adapting to any life circumstances. It hurts to experience disappointments and failures, remembers grievances. He has an amazing memory. Restores any event from many years ago, from a month and a year down to the smallest detail. Zinaida always knows what to do and what to say in each specific case. She will never sacrifice her interests, but she is also incapable of meanness. Zinaida knows and appreciates her work; she can work as an accountant, salesperson, secretary, pharmacist, or teacher.

Most often, Zinaida is beautiful, and she also knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. She has no end to suitors, but she marries a “mama’s boy” with whom it is difficult to family life, and in material terms there is no sense - everything that Zinaida has, she earned herself, working like a convict for two rates. It happens that Zinaida gets tired of her childish husband and she is left alone.

Zinaida is quite self-centered, convinced that everyone around her should live exactly as she sees fit. Zinaida knows everyone’s responsibilities to society, to themselves and, of course, to her personally.

Zinaida is very practical, thrifty, and a little stingy. But if he sees a beautiful and high-quality thing, then he will not regret the money. She perfectly prepares various homemade tinctures and won’t refuse to drink them herself.

If everything goes well in Zinaida’s marriage, she is absorbed in it: she is busy improving the apartment, sewing, knitting, cooking, and becomes less sociable. Zinaida may have the most calm and stable marriage with Vladimir, Zakhar, Pavel, Stepan, Yuri.


Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova (1884-1967) - a wonderful Russian artist, came from a family talented architects, painters and sculptors. Everyone in the family lived by art; it was so commonplace that the girl’s special talent and desire to become an artist did not surprise anyone.

Zinaida Serebryakova entered great art with her self-portrait painting “Behind the Toilet” (1908). She pictured herself standing in front of a mirror, combing her hair. Her eyes and lips are touched by a kind smile. The graceful movement of naked hands, a slight turn are vividly conveyed slim figure. And with what persuasiveness, materiality, and subtle understanding of the beauty of simple objects, toilet boxes, bottles, and pins were painted! All this; permeated with light, plays and shimmers like jewels. The artist and art historian A. Benois wrote about the painting: “Here... is the true artistic temperament, something ringing, young, laughing, sunny and clear, something absolutely artistic.” The work was acquired by the Tretyakov Gallery.

Each work by Serebryakova is a hymn to the beauty of man and nature. It may seem that she was not affected by the turbulent events of the time, that there were no adversities in her personal life, that she saw only a world of sun, beauty, joy, happiness. But she was also connected with her difficult era and she had great sorrow- she buried her beloved husband early, and the insurmountable difficulties of life - she has four children in her arms! Nevertheless, her art is bright and life-affirming. All her life, the artist was attracted to working people, the atmosphere in which they live, and the nature that surrounds them. She painted Kursk peasant women, artisans, Italian winegrowers, and French fishermen. Looking at the faces captured on Serebryakova’s canvases, you involuntarily distinguish them characteristic feature, people seem to be caught by the artist at a happy moment peace of mind. Among such paintings are “Sitting Peasant Woman”, “Peasants”, “Harvest”. The most significant is "Whitening the Canvas" (1917). The figures of peasant women depicted against the sky seem especially majestic and powerful. The color, in a combination of large planes of red, green, and brown, gives the small painting the character of a monumental canvas and looks like part of a wall painting. This work sounds like a song of glory to peasant labor.

The theme of children occupies a special place in Zinaida Serebryakova’s paintings. The painting "At Lunch" (1914) depicts three children sitting at a table. Each person has a unique facial expression, gaze, posture, and gesture. With a subtle understanding of the peculiarities of child psychology, the artist conveyed individual character each, and together they embody a surprisingly touching image of childhood. WITH great love, like the old Dutch masters, they painted a tightly starched tablecloth, earthenware, transparent glass, rosy buns...

This painting contains the poetry of the everyday, the earthly. Few people can compete with Serebryakova in her deep knowledge of the child’s soul and in the number of works dedicated to children. Apparently, only motherhood can so spiritualize art and fully reveal the artist’s nature - tender, subtle, loving.

The admission of Tatyana’s daughter to ballet school became the reason for working on the theme of ballet, which captivated Serebryakova for years. She spent a lot of time behind the scenes Mariinsky Theater, creating a series of portraits of famous ballerinas, sketching in pastels dancers preparing to go on stage. The artist perceived ballet as an amazing, semi-fairy-tale world. Pearlescent pink, silver gray, blue tones pastels create an elevated mood.

Serebryakova's landscape is a beautiful world, dear and close to a person. It is no coincidence that she painted many portraits against the backdrop of nature, consonant with the state of the model.

IN last years life, when Serebryakova found it difficult to leave the studio, she concentrated on painting still lifes. One of them is "Sea Shells". By placing seafood in the foreground, the artist invites us to marvel with her at the grace of pearlescent-pink, silver-lilac and golden shells that seem to glow from within, the richness of color nuances, and the play of light.

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova was a person of high spirituality and exceptional talent.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Meaning of the name Zinaida: this name for a girl means “belonging to Zeus,” “divine daughter.”

Origin of the name Zinaida: Greek

Diminutive form of name: Zina, Zinasha, Zinulya, Zinusha, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida.

What does the name Zinaida mean? Stubbornness and a penchant for perfectionism help her in her work. Girls prefer professions related to finance and documentation. She will marry a calm man hardworking man and will establish his own rules in the family.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Zinaida celebrates her name day once a year: October 24 (11) – The Holy Martyr Zinaida was the sister of St. Apostle Paul; In the name of Christ she healed the sick, thereby converting many pagans to Christ; She was stoned for her faith in Christ.

Signs: If on Zinaidin's day the mud spreads across the ground and the horse's hoof is filled with water, then the snow that falls will immediately establish a winter path.


  • Zodiac – Scorpio
  • Planet – Pluto
  • Zinaida's color is green
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Treasured plant - chrysanthemum
  • Patron – Scorpio
  • Talisman stone – emerald

Characteristics of the name Zinaida

Positive features: The name Zinaida gives activity, generosity, ability to great feeling. As a rule, despite her fragile appearance, Zina is distinguished by her particular strength of character. She knows what she needs in life, does not doubt the correctness of her choice and follows her goal. The little girl is a cheerful singer, a joker, and her father's favorite. IN school age she can become seriously interested in philosophy, capable of studying foreign languages. She openly expresses her opinion and is not afraid to enter into discussions. With age, a girl hides her straightforwardness and firmness, knows how to look elegant and impressive, but her strength of character is manifested in everything.

Negative traits: The name Zinaida brings selfishness, straightforwardness, assertiveness, arrogance, impatience, and masculine firmness. A woman named Zinaida strives to be first, does not tolerate encroachment on her independence, but can consciously give her life to service to a strong man or a high idea.

Personality of the name Zinaida: What character traits does the meaning of the name Zinaida determine? This " The Iron Lady". Endowed with will, perseverance and remarkable talents, she has been making her way to the heights of success since school. She is always well dressed, fast, decisive, she is irresistible to infantile, poetically minded men, or even simply " mama's boys"Having married such a person, who is certainly already known, if not famous, Zinaida either completely subjugates him to her will, or after a few years (or even months) leaves the obstinate man.

The girl is capricious and impatient, does not like refusals, she will be able to win and get what she wants. It is necessary to educate with great patience, to instill respect for the authority of elders, and the ability to forgive insults. Not a single family secret will escape a keen eye. As a teenager, she loves her parents very much and is devoted to them to the point of oblivion. She is very inquisitive, loves history, theater, cinema, music, and ancient painting.

At school, Zinochka is the teacher’s right hand, loves when she is set as an example for others, is a little arrogant, and strives to be a leader among her friends. She is faithful to her friends, and often remains so in adulthood.

Zinaida has a strong will and attaches great importance to high morality. She has a practical mind, capable of adapting to any life circumstances. It hurts to experience disappointments and failures, remembers grievances. The meaning of the name Zinaida has an amazing memory. This girl will reconstruct any event that happened many years ago, from a month and a year down to the smallest detail. Zina always knows what to do and what to say in each specific case. She will never sacrifice her interests, but she is also incapable of meanness. The person with the name knows and appreciates her work; she can work as an accountant, salesperson, secretary, pharmacist, teacher.

Most often, the girl is beautiful, and also knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. Zinaida has no end to suitors, but she is marrying a “mama’s boy”, with whom family life is difficult, and in material terms there is no sense - everything that Zina has, she earned herself, working as a convict for two rates. It happens that Zinaida gets tired of her childish husband and she is left alone.

Zina is quite self-centered, convinced that everyone around her should live exactly as she sees fit. The girl knows everyone’s responsibilities to society, to themselves and, of course, to her personally.

Zina is very practical, thrifty, and a little stingy. But if he sees a beautiful and high-quality thing, then he will not regret the money. She perfectly prepares various homemade tinctures and won’t refuse to drink them herself.

If everything is going well in her marriage, she is absorbed in it: she is busy improving the apartment, sewing, knitting, cooking, and becomes less sociable.

Zinaida and her personal life

Compatible with male names: A successful marriage of a name with Bogdan, Vladimir, Voislav, can happen with Alexander, Anton, Afanasy, Bazan, Budimir, Vadim, Danila, Denis, Dobrynya, Ignat, Roman. The name Zinaida is also combined with Seraphim, Yaroslav.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Zinaida promise happiness in love? Zina is attracted to strong and powerful men. She becomes their ally, but sometimes she can learn a bitter life lesson. At the very beginning of their acquaintance, Zinaida hides strong character traits from a man, but in marriage she will show herself firmly, on a par with a powerful man. Because of this, constant clashes and even brawls are likely, but a girl with this name does not give up her position and becomes even more closely attached to her husband. The bearer of this name is a good mother, “she watches over her daughter and protects her son.”

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She is smart and calculating. In his actions he relies on logic. She can realize herself in politics, research work, and journalism. Zina with a low intellectual level can become a leader in production or Agriculture, realizing his vanity and amazing performance.

Business and career: She Zinaida attaches great importance to prosperity and abundance. At the same time, she is generous and patronizes those in need. She is a good housewife, she knows how to spend money rationally, accumulate it and increase it.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Zinaida: The girl is predisposed to diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems, arthritis and rheumatism.

The fate of Zinaida in history

What does the name Zinaida mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya (1792–1862) was one of the most beautiful and intelligent women of her time. Having married Prince Nikita Grigorievich Volkonsky, she first lived in St. Petersburg, where, both in rank and wealth of her husband, and in her intelligence and beauty, she occupied a high position at court. When, after 1812, she left Russia, she occupied the same brilliant position abroad, especially in Teplitz and Prague, where Emperor Alexander, who was in Germany at that time, loved to be in her company, just as then, when she lived in Paris, Vienna and Verona.
  2. Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova (1884-1967) - a wonderful Russian artist, came from a family of talented architects, painters and sculptors. Everyone in the family lived by art; it was so commonplace that the girl’s special talent and desire to become an artist did not surprise anyone. Zinaida Serebryakova entered great art with her self-portrait painting “Behind the Toilet” (1908). The most significant is Whitening the Canvas (1917). Serebryakova was a person of high spirituality and exceptional talent.
  3. Zinaida Slavina (born 1941) - Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986).
  4. Zinaida Khostikoeva (1937 - 1995) - Soviet Ossetian poetess. In North Ossetia, Khostikoeva’s works are included in school curriculum on Ossetian literature for grade 11.
  5. Zinaida Palvanova (born 1944) is a Russian poet.
  6. Zinaida Sharko (born 1929) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist RSFSR (1980).
  7. Zinaida Tudvaseva (born 1947) - Russian linguist and philologist, researcher of the Komi-Permyak language, leading methodologist on the Komi-Permyak language.
  8. Zinaida Bitarova (born 1950) - poetess, prose writer, playwright.
  9. Zinaida Zhuchenko-Gerngross is a staunch monarchist and opponent of revolutionary parties, a provocateur.
  10. Zinaida Tulub (1890 - 1964) - Soviet writer.
  11. Zinaida Donets - doctor biological sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Ecology, Yaroslavl State University.
  12. Zinaida Sidelnikova (1920 - 1996) - editor of the book editorial office of the Orlovskaya Pravda publishing house, Oryol and Prioksky book publishing houses, journalist, in 1944-1946. editor of works by J.V. Stalin.
  13. Zinaida Udaltsova (1918 - 1987) - famous Soviet scientist-historian, teacher, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976), director of the Institute general history Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Zinaida in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On Spanish translated as Zenaida, in French:Zenaide.

The origin of the name Zinaida goes back to ancient Greece, where it means " from the family of Zeus», « born of Zeus» « divine" In Orthodoxy two names appear - Zinaida and Zina.

Characteristics and fate

The patron saint of the name is the martyr Zinaida, who devoted her entire life to faith in God. She renounced marriage and maintained the integrity of body and spirit, preaching the word of God until her old age. For her views, she was subjected to terrible torture, she was stoned and flogged, but thanks to her fortitude and faith, Zinaida endured all the trials and departed to the other world without resentment towards her executioners, without reproaching God and people.

The name Zinaida determines the character and fate of its owner; its energy is very strong. From childhood, girls show self-will and steadfastness; they know what they want and know how to achieve it. Zinaida's parents must pay attention to these qualities of their child and properly structure his upbringing, otherwise Zinaida may grow up to be a self-centered person with the established opinion that everything should be as she wishes. In the future, this may fully manifest itself in relationships with loved ones in the family and with colleagues at work.

Zinaida's husband must agree with his wife's leadership in the family, at least show it, otherwise quarrels and protracted showdowns cannot be avoided. She gives orders family budget and knows better than anyone what to do and what to do for her husband and children, she meticulously arranges her home. To be happy in family life, Zinaida needs to respect and listen to the opinions of others more. This way you can avoid many mistakes, which means you can become happy.

Zinaida's distinctive qualities are her prudence, hard work, and diligence. Zinaida is smart. Over the years, she begins to understand when to push it and when to settle down a little. She is successful in business and over time, fate surrounds her with abundance. Zinaida's energy can cause surprise, while she still has energy left for household chores.

Scandals with Zinaida are best resolved by making a compromise with her, and it is advisable to give in to her on something, making it more indicative if you want to stay with her a good relationship further.

Frankly speaking, beauties are rare among Zinaidas, but despite this, all Zinaidas without exception are charming and know how to present themselves effectively. And if we also take into account the fact that they are passionate people, then they are guaranteed the attention of men. Respect for Zinaids is ensured by such character traits as leadership and intelligence. She is calculating, and can demonstrate her submission to a man before the wedding, showing her true perseverance and inflexibility after weaving marriage ties with him.

In such cases, family tragedies occur when the husband is a person of character, and also did not fully show this before the marriage. This relationship can safely be called a dead end, because even if Zinaida manages to push her husband under his heavy heel, it will not bring her any pleasure or relief.

IN family matters Zinaidas are often in charge of finances, they are adamant in their understanding of how they should behave, what to do and what to enjoy for their children and husband, they are pedantic in the improvement of the apartment, sometimes they can be stingy, but if they see a beautiful thing for which they have money - Zinaida will not pass by.

Born in summer months Zinaidas are distinguished by their mild character, while those bearing the patronymic names Aleksandrovna, Olegovna, Karlovna, Stanislavovna and Semyonovna have a complex character.

Astrology says:

Characteristics of Zinaida from the point of view of the stars:
  • Zodiac sign of name and character: Taurus.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Character traits: purposefulness, assertiveness, confidence.
  • Colors: Light green, orange, red, brown.
  • Patron Saint: Zinaida of Tarsus (name day October 24).
  • Talisman stone: amber, carnelian.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Daughter of Zeus” (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: In its energy, the name has significant sharpness and assertiveness. Perhaps one can catch some hint of dreaminess and romanticism in it, but if it exists, it is thoroughly drowned out by the sonority of the word. One could even say that the name Zinaida sounds like a victorious marching song, or rather, like the beginning of its melody. Of course, one way or another all this should be reflected in the character of Zina herself.

Another aspect is the apparent simplicity of the name, its commonness, while many girls, especially in adolescence, dream of beautiful and mysterious names. It is possible that in her youth Zina will strive to join some semi-elite companies, but usually this goes away with age, and sober calculation rather than ambitious thoughts takes over.

Usually a girl with this name knows from childhood what she wants and knows how to very persistently achieve what she wants. It probably doesn’t hurt for parents to pay attention to this, since such a quality can develop over the years to the point of egocentrism, to the point that Zina may be convinced that everyone around her should live exactly as she sees fit. However, life usually significantly corrects such ideas, sometimes quite painfully, and therefore, most likely, Zinaida will learn to hide this quality of hers from others, and then it will fully manifest itself on her loved ones in the family and on her subordinates at work. If Zina’s husband also turns out to be a man of character, then trouble and family tragedy cannot be avoided. This can hardly be called a normal relationship, because even if Zina manages to drive her husband “under his thumb,” it is unlikely that she herself will feel even a little better. Unless another reason for dissatisfaction appears, this time with the results of one’s own efforts. If Zinaida wants to live in a full-fledged family, she should be guided not only by her own mind, but also by respecting the opinions of others. And there will be fewer errors this way.

However, Zinaida's most important qualities are her sober mind and penetrating abilities. With age, she begins to understand perfectly well when to remain silent and when to shout. You can be sure that she will do everything not to miss her profit, and will gradually turn the house into a full bowl. Her energy at work can cause surprise and even envy, but she usually still has the strength to run the household. It’s just a pity that happiness requires not only abundance, on the contrary, more often than not, complete mutual understanding and true love much more important to him.

Secrets of communication: You shouldn’t cross Zinaida’s path once again, but if something like this happens, then the dispute can only be resolved through a compromise. In the end, having infringed on her, even unwittingly, in one thing, try to give in on something else. And don't forget to emphasize this if you want to maintain your relationship with her.

The name's trace in history:

Zinaida Volkonskaya

One of the most beautiful, educated, active women of her time was Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya (1792–1862), and this was recognized by everyone who saw her at least once. A passionate and enthusiastic nature, unable to do anything halfway, the princess spent her entire life moving from one subject of study to another, putting her soul into everything she took on.

For some time after her marriage, she lived in St. Petersburg, but soon she became bored with court life, and, having traveled abroad, the princess moved to live in Moscow, where she seriously began studying Russian folk songs, fairy tales and customs. Thanks to her easy disposition, fatal appearance and extraordinary mind, Zinaida Volkonskaya soon became the center of a circle visited by the most outstanding people her time.

Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Baratynsky, Zhukovsky and many others enjoyed long conversations with the extraordinary beauty, and many of their poems were inspired by her vivid image. However, Zinaida Volkonskaya did not fascinate the flower of Moscow youth for long - just five years after her arrival in Moscow, after five years of troubles about constructing monuments of folk antiquity and studying Russian literature, she again became bored. The Russian flavor lost the charm of novelty for her, and her changeable nature began to be drawn to something new. So, at the age of thirty-eight, the beauty moved to Rome, where she remained forever, replacing the study of the customs of the Russian hinterland with a fierce defense of the positions of Catholicism.

According to Mendelev

Bright, light, cheerful and strong name. Noteworthy is the presence of two seemingly contradictory characteristics: “strong”, in contrast to “weak”, and “frail”, in contrast to “mighty”. Obviously, this is nature with strong will, but she sets unimportant and mundane goals for herself (the sign of “base” in a diminutive name).

In the sea of ​​life, Zinaida is like a fish in water. She is decisive and even reckless, she will not sacrifice her interests, but she does not wish harm to anyone and will not, flattering her eyes, discredit him in the absence of her interlocutor. She is not capable of vile acts, and if she makes a scandal, it is over trifles and quickly cools down. She knows and appreciates her work, but if she gets bored, she quits without hesitation. Her character is both prickly and affectionate: sometimes it’s not at all easy to get rid of her goodwill.

Zina is somewhat more feminine, but her character is more complex. At school she succeeds in many subjects at first, and then only in those that seem interesting to her and, most importantly, not boring. Can get involved in any dubious but unusual undertaking,

not commensurate with her capabilities and strengths with what has to be done, and is often punished for this.

In marriage she is restless and unstable, especially in early youth. Then the family absorbs all her interests, she becomes less sociable, her circle of interests gradually narrows, although at any age the originality of her nature remains and is well felt by those around her.

Zinaida's colors are dark blue and deep red.

According to Popov

She knows everyone’s responsibility to society, to themselves and, of course, to her personally. And no matter how much the unfortunate person tries to consign his debts to oblivion, Zinaida will find an opportunity to remind them of them.

According to Higir

Ancient Greek origin, means: born of Zeus, from the family of Zeus.

A somewhat arrogant, coldish girl. She often quarrels with her friends and loves to be the first in everything. He tyrannizes parents, especially grandparents, and does not tolerate refusals in anything. At school he strives to be right hand teachers, somewhat curries favor with elders, respects strength. Don't mind gossiping. She studies well and cannot hide her joy when she is cited as an example to other students.

Having matured, she discovers good taste, she develops coquetry, and her mental lability allows her to hide the sharp edges of her character. At this age, Zinaida is a regular at dance evenings and discos. She is rarely a beauty. But she is charming and knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. If we add to this that Zinaidas are almost always passionate people, then we can understand why they do not complain about the lack of attention from men. Zinaida is smart. A leader in mentality, she skillfully hides this, demonstrating, on the contrary, subordination to a man; later, when she is already connected to him by marriage, the despot hiding inside her breaks out. The husband must agree with this, otherwise the family will face protracted quarrels and unstoppable scandals, or, on the contrary, immediately resolutely insist on his own. In the family, she is in charge of finances and always knows better than anyone what to do for her husband and children, how they should act and what to say.

Zinaida meticulously takes care of the improvement of the apartment, she is somewhat stingy, but when she sees a beautiful thing, she will not regret the money. He perfectly prepares all sorts of homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines; on occasion he will not refuse to drink, and sometimes displays a noticeable penchant for drinking.

Zinaida makes good accountants and pharmacists. Zinaida's teachers stand out for their pickiness.

“Summer” Zinaidas have a softer character, and Zinaidas with patronymics Olegovna, Aleksandrovna, Stanislavovna, Karlovna and Semyonovna are those with a complex character.

There are great chances for a successful marriage with Stepan, Yuri, Vladimir, Pavel, Efim. Less favorable are marriages with Ivan, Stanislav, Dmitry, Denis, Peter, Taras.

The name is Zinaida, from Greek - “divine daughter”, “daughter of Zeus”. As a rule, Zina grows up to be a slightly arrogant and coldish girl who wants to be first in everything, so she often quarrels with her friends. She is not used to being denied something and is not averse to gossip. He studies well at school and tries to become the teacher’s right hand. Having matured, Zinaida becomes reckless and decisive, often not giving in to her interests, but also does not wish harm to others. She will never flatter the eyes or defame a person if he is not around. Zina is not at all capable of meanness. She also has good taste and often likes to visit discos.

Zina also loves beautiful things and never spares money on them. The owner of this name also perfectly prepares all kinds of homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines and often likes to treat her acquaintances and friends with them. She herself is also not averse to drinking, so she often shows a penchant for alcohol. But despite this, she is very conscientious about her work, but if she gets bored with it, she quits without regret. Zina is treated with respect in the team because she manages to run the household, do home improvement, and professional activity. Zinaida is recommended to choose a profession in the field of pharmaceuticals, accounting, finance, trade, industrial production.

Zinaida loves to go to clubs

It is worth remembering that those Zinaidas who go to work as teachers or teachers are picky. Zinaida, who was born in the summer, is more energetic than her namesakes. She always tries to be in the center of attention, and also knows how to present herself. In the family and in the team, she is always a leader. “Winter” Zinaida, on the contrary, is more flexible, soft, and compliant. Zinaida, who was born in the fall, is very practical and stingy. Of all the professions, he gives preference to accounting, warehouse management, and can often be a mid-level manager at an enterprise or a research institute. “Spring” Zina is not only extravagant, but also very selfish. Maybe an actress, a musician, a pharmacist.

The totem plant is the chrysanthemum, the totem animal is the scorpion, the talisman stone is the emerald. Although Zinaida is rarely a beauty, thanks to her charm and ability to present herself favorably, she enjoys success with men. Zina is also a very passionate person, so she never complains about the lack of attention to her person from men. She is always able to demonstrate to a man her subordination and only after marriage does her despotism break out. And if the husband does not agree with this, then the family can expect protracted quarrels and ongoing scandals. As a rule, Zinaida herself manages the finances in the family, she is better than anyone, she always knows what both her husband and children need to do in certain situations.

Zinaida's name day

  • Name Zinaida according to zodiac sign: suitable for Scorpios.
  • Zinaida's talismans: emerald.
  • Patron saints of Zinaida: Zinaida of Tarsia Native sister Apostle Paul.
  • Compatibility Zinaida's estate: relations with the names Vladimir, Efim Pavel, Stepan, Yuri are favorable.
