Manufacturing industry. Manufacturing industries in Russia

Industrial geography is a branch of economic geography that studies the location of industrial production, its factors and patterns, conditions and features of the development and location of industry in various countries and areas.

For industrial geography, the following important features of industrial production are most significant:

  • a clear and far-reaching division into industries, the number of which is constantly increasing, especially during the period of the modern scientific and technological revolution;
  • the exceptional complexity of production, technological and economic relations, due to the versatility of types of industrial enterprises;
  • variety of forms public organization production (combination, specialization, cooperation);
  • the formation of local and regional production-territorial combinations (in socialist conditions, systematically, mainly in the form of complexes);
  • high degree of production and territorial concentration (of all types of material production, industry is the least evenly distributed across the earth's territory), associated with the need for certain conditions for this type of production (availability of raw materials, energy, personnel, need for products, favorable economic and geographical location, provision of infrastructure etc.).

Industry (from Russian promyshlyat, trade) is a set of enterprises engaged in the production of tools, extraction of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy production and further processing of products. In geography it is considered as a branch of the economy.

Industry consists of two large groups of industries:

  1. Mining.
  2. Processing.

Since the 19th century, industry has been the basis for the development of society. And although today only about one in six workers works in industry, this is still a lot - approximately 17%. Industry is the most important part of the world economy, and at the level of the country’s economy it is the sector on which the achievements of everything depend. National economy any state.

Depending on the time of their origin, all industries are usually divided into three groups: old, new and new industries.

Old industries: coal, iron ore, metallurgical, textile, shipbuilding.

New industries: automotive industry, aluminum industry, plastics production.

Latest industries(emerged in the era of scientific and technological revolution): microelectronics, nuclear and aerospace production, chemistry of organic synthesis, microbiological industry, robotics.

Currently, the role of new and innovative branches of industrial production is increasing. Leading countries in terms of total industrial production: USA, China, India, Germany, Brazil, Russia, Japan, France, Indonesia, Australia, Italy, etc.

Natural Gas Industry

By 1990, the production leader was Eastern Europe with the leading role of the USSR. Significant gas production emerged in Western Europe and Asia. The result was a change in the geography of the world gas industry. The USA lost its monopoly position, and its share decreased to 1/4, and the USSR became the leader (now Russia has retained its leadership). Russia and the USA concentrate half of the world's production natural gas. Russia remains stable and the world's most important gas exporter.

Coal industry

Coal is mined in more than 60 countries of the world, but over 10 million tons of them. 11 countries produce annually - China (Fu-Shun deposit), USA, Russia (Kuzbass), Germany (Ruhr), Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan (Karaganda).

Coal exporters are the USA, Australia, South Africa.

Importers - Japan, Western Europe.

Oil industry

Oil is produced in 75 countries of the world, leading Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA, Mexico, UAE, Iran, Iraq, China.

Electric power industry of the world

The role of the electric power industry is to provide electricity to other sectors of the economy. And its significance in the era of scientific and technological revolution, especially as electronization and complex automation especially large.

Over 100 billion kilowatts per hour are generated in 13 countries - the USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Canada, Italy, Poland, Norway and India.

In terms of electricity generation per capita, the leaders are: Norway (29 thousand kWh), Canada (20), Sweden (17), USA (13), Finland (11 thousand kWh), with a world average of 2 thousand kW h.

Metallurgical industry of the world

Metallurgy is one of the main basic industries, providing other industries with structural materials (ferrous and non-ferrous metals).

For quite a long time, the size of metal smelting almost primarily determined the economic power of any country. And all over the world they were growing rapidly. But in the 70s of the 20th century, the growth rate of metallurgy slowed down. But steel remains the main structural material in the global economy.

Forestry and wood processing industry of the world

The timber and wood processing industry is one of the oldest industries. For a long time, it has provided other industries with construction materials and raw materials. The main importers of wood are Japan, countries Western Europe, partly USA.

Includes: logging, primary forest processing, pulp and paper industry and furniture manufacturing

Light industry of the world

Light industry meets the population's needs for fabrics, clothing, footwear, as well as other industries with specialized materials.

Light industry includes 30 large industries, which are combined into groups:

  • primary processing of raw materials;
  • textile industry;
  • clothing industry;
  • shoe industry.

The main exporters are Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Brazil.

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest industries. But in terms of the number of employees and the value of products, it still ranks first among all sectors of world industry. Mechanical engineering determines the sectoral and territorial structure of industry and provides machinery and equipment to all sectors of the economy.

North America. Produces about 30% of all engineering products. Almost all types of products are present, but especially worth mentioning is the production of rocket and space technology and computers.

Foreign Europe. The volume of production is approximately the same as in North America. Produces mass production, machine tool and automotive products.

Eastern and Southeast Asia. It stands out for its precision engineering products and precision technology products.

CIS. 10% of the total volume is allocated to heavy engineering.

Chemical industry of the world

The chemical industry is one of the vanguard industries that ensures economic development in the era of scientific and technological revolution.

Stands out 4 large regions chemical industry:

  1. Foreign Europe (Germany leads);
  2. North America (USA);
  3. East and Southeast Asia (Japan, China, Newly Industrialized Countries);
  4. CIS (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).

The chemical industry has a significant impact on nature. On the one side, chemical industry has a wide raw material base that allows recycling waste and actively using secondary raw materials, which contributes to more economical consumption natural resources. In addition, it creates substances that are used for chemical cleaning water, air, plant protection, soil restoration.

On the other hand, it itself is one of the most “dirty” industries, affecting all components natural environment, which requires regular environmental protection measures.

Having originated in the depths of a subsistence household, the industry has gone through several stages in its development. Gradually, separate production groups emerged, the focus of which began to be determined by local conditions and largely depended on the availability of appropriate raw materials.

The separation of individual industries occurred along with the development of science, technology and division of labor.

Within the framework of the modern world economy, all industry is usually divided into two large groups: mining and processing. The first type is aimed at extracting from a wide variety of raw materials: minerals, wood, fish, animals, and so on.

In the current one, focused on burned fuel, special role allocated to hydrocarbon production. In the most developed countries, enterprises in the extractive industries are the property of the state and bring considerable income to the budget.

Manufacturing industries deal with the processing of extracted raw materials. Within the manufacturing industry, semi-finished products are produced, which then themselves become the starting materials for the manufacture of machines, mechanisms, building structures and other types of industrial products, including those required in the field of high technology.

Conventionally, all industry is also divided into heavy and light. The first type includes most extractive industries and mechanical engineering. Light industry is represented by factories producing consumer goods, textile factories, and shoe factories.

Modern industries

Actually, industries are called individual parts production sector, whose enterprises are aimed at manufacturing specific products. Each industry has its own technologies and features, as well as a different range of consumers. There are several dozen industries today.

According to economists' forecasts, some types of production will disappear over time, and others will take their place.

The most developed and promising industries in the world economy are considered to be the electric power industry, the fuel industry, and metallurgy, industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking. All divisions of the light and food industries, as well as the medical industry, have good development prospects. The importance of the space industry is increasing every year.

A new direction in production is the so-called information industry. Its tasks include the production of information and computing equipment, communications equipment and electronic equipment. Development is often classified as a separate industry software. Rapid and rapid development information technologies brought these types of industries into a number of sectors that are most in demand in the global economy.

Mechanical engineering is rightly considered to be the main branch of industrial production, which influences the development of other areas economic activity person.

In developed countries, the share of mechanical engineering in gross national product quite high - up to 30-35%. The peculiarity of modern mechanical engineering is high quality, competitiveness, and diversity. Therefore, the share of products produced at mechanical engineering enterprises and then exported to the USA, Sweden, Germany reaches 48%, and Japan – up to 65%. Mechanical engineering has a generally accepted structure, which includes several main branches.

General mechanical engineering

This includes the production of machine tools and means of production. Germany, Japan, the United States, England, and Switzerland are recognized as generally recognized leaders in heavy engineering, which includes the manufacture of equipment for mines and metallurgy. Developing countries(India, Brazil, Taiwan, South Korea) produce no more than 10% of all products. Machine tool industry is developed in Italy, Japan, USA, and Russia. Almost all companies related to heavy engineering are located closer to ferrous metallurgy enterprises; for example, in Russia it is the Urals, in Poland it is Silesia, in the USA it is the northeast of the country.

Electrical industry

Leading position in the electrical industry last years occupied by the electronics industry, the products of which are needed in almost every field of industry. The volume of annually sold products of this type reaches 1 trillion. dollars. Moreover, half of it is personal computers, electronic machines, 30% - electronic components (chips, processors, hard disks etc.), 20% - consumer electronics. The main direction of development of the latter is miniaturization, improving quality and increasing service life. The leaders in the electronics industry are Japan, the USA, and South Korea.

Transport engineering

Here, one of the most developed parts of the industry is automotive engineering. Approximately 50 million passenger cars and trucks are produced in the world every year. The usual way of locating automobile enterprises is “cluster”, when in the center there is head part companies, and specialized companies supplying plastic, metal, dyes, rubber, etc. are concentrated around. The leading positions in the industry belong to the USA, Japan, Germany, and Italy. Shipbuilding is increasingly being done by developing countries; for example, for a share South Korea, Japan today accounts for almost 50% of all sea vessels produced.

Agricultural engineering

Production enterprises are located in the world's most important agricultural regions. At the same time, countries that have reached highest degree mechanization, they are now reducing the production of equipment, concentrating on increasing the technological capabilities of existing units. Leadership gradually shifts to developing countries. But for now, Japan is ahead with 150,000 tractors per year (the first position is due to the production of mini-tractors), followed by India (100,000) and the United States in third place (about 100,000).

The chemical industry is a type of industry in which the processing of raw materials is of key importance chemical methods. The main materials used in this industry are various minerals and petroleum. The role of the chemical industry in modern world very big. Thanks to it, people can use various plastic and plastic products, as well as other petroleum products. In addition, the industry produces explosives, fertilizers for agricultural needs, medications and so on.


The beginning of the history of this industry is considered to be the industrial revolution, which occurred at the beginning of the 17th century. Until the 16th century, the “science of substances” generally developed very slowly, but as soon as people learned to apply this knowledge in industry, much changed. The very first product of the chemical industry was sulfuric acid, which today remains an extremely important substance and is used in many areas of human activity. At that time, this compound was mainly used in the processing of metal ores needed for the Industrial Revolution in large quantities. The first enterprises for the production of sulfuric acid were created in England, France and Russia.

The second stage in the development of this area was the need mass production soda ash. This substance was necessary to ensure the production of glass and textiles.

At the first stage the most huge contribution England contributed to the development of the industry. With increasing interest in organic chemistry, Germany had an increasing influence on the development of this science, whose scientists are still considered one of the best specialists in this domain. At the beginning of the 20th century, most chemical production was located in this country, which, according to some analysts, provided German leaders with confidence in victory in the First World War due to High Quality explosives and advanced research chemical weapons. By the way, it was German troops who used chemical warfare gas for the first time.

Chemical industries

Nowadays both inorganic and organic chemistry, many discoveries are made in these areas every year. The most promising developments are:

  • Oil refining.
  • Creation of medicines.
  • Creation of fertilizers.
  • Creation of polymers and plastics.
  • Study of the conductive properties of substances.

Scientists have been working on creating an ideal conductor for several decades. If successful, humanity will be able to use the planet's resources much more efficiently.

Chemical industry in Russia


Petrochemistry is a key branch of the chemical industry in Russia. This is largely due to exclusively important role oil refining industry in the country's economy. Educational establishments Every year tens of thousands of petrochemical specialists graduate. The government also allocates a lot of money to sponsor research in this area.

The annual sales volume of all petrochemical production is more than 500 billion rubles.

Ammonia production

Togliattiazot is one of the leading ammonia producers in the world. Recently, the company has been producing more than 3 million tons of gas per year, this is an exceptionally high figure. According to experts, the share of this company in global ammonia production ranges from 8 to 10%; the company also produces mineral fertilizers and occupies about 20% of the Russian market in this sector.

Fertilizer production

An important part of the industry is the production of fertilizers. On the territory of Russia there are very large deposits raw materials for this industry. The production of resources to create chemical fertilizers is also well developed. During the Soviet era, the best scientists worked on increasing the efficiency of fertilizers, making many fundamental discoveries in this area. Thanks to this, Russia is one of the most important exporters of fertilizers.

Pharmaceutical industry

Production medicines and their components are very promising direction. Currently, this industry does not cover Russian needs, and the creation of many drugs has not even been established. Therefore, every year foreign investors, including large chemical concerns, invest in the development of this industry. Nevertheless, a significant increase in production volumes and product quality, according to analysts, will occur in ten years at best.

Chemical industry in the world

The chemical industry is most developed in Germany, Great Britain and the USA. That is, among European countries the most advanced are usually states that have made a certain contribution to the development of chemistry as a science. In the case of the USA this is due to favorable conditions for the development of chemistry and pharmacology: a good economic situation, the presence of large raw material resources and a developed transport system, luring the best specialists from other countries.

In particular, the top five concerns with the highest profits include 2 companies from Germany, 2 from the UK and one from the USA.

Industry is a branch of production that includes the processing of raw materials, the development of subsoil, the creation of means of production and consumer goods. This is the main branch of the sphere of material production. Industry produces: means of production, consumer goods, processes agricultural raw materials, ensures the operation of all sectors of the economy, determines the defense power of the country, and ensures scientific and technological progress.

An industrial sector is a set of organizations, enterprises, institutions producing homogeneous goods and services, using similar technologies, satisfying needs that are similar in nature.

Classification of industrial sectors is a list of industrial sectors approved in accordance with the established procedure, ensuring comparability of indicators for planning, accounting and analysis of industrial development.

There are several classifications:

    Division of industry into groups A and B: industry of group A (means of production), industry of group B (consumer goods).

    Division of the industry into heavy and light.

    According to the nature of the impact on the subject, industry is divided into two groups: extractive (extraction and preparation of raw materials) and manufacturing (processing of raw materials and production of finished products).

    Industry classification: electric power industry, fuel industry, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking, forest industry, industry building materials, light industry, food industry.

The sectoral structure of industry characterizes the level of industrial and technical development of the country, the degree of its economic independence and the level of productivity of social labor.

When analyzing the sectoral structure of industry, it is advisable to consider not only its individual sectors, but also groups of industries that represent inter-industry complexes.

An industrial complex is understood as a set of certain groups of industries, which are characterized by the production of similar (related) products or the performance of work (services).

Currently, industries are united into the following complexes: fuel and energy, metallurgical, chemical, timber, mechanical engineering, agro-industrial, construction complex, military-industrial (sometimes separated separately).

The fuel and energy complex (FEC) includes the fuel industry (coal, gas, oil, shale industries) and electric power (hydropower, thermal, nuclear, etc.). All these industries are united common goal– meeting the needs of the national economy for fuel, heat, and electricity.

The metallurgical complex (MC) is an integrated system of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy industries.

The mechanical engineering complex is a combination of branches of mechanical engineering, metalworking and repair production. The leading branches of the complex are general mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and radio electronics, transport engineering, as well as computer production.

The chemical complex is an integrated system of the chemical and petrochemical industries.

The timber industry complex is an integrated system of forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper and wood chemical industries.

The agro-industrial complex (AIC) can be considered as a set of technologically and economically related units of the national economy, the end result of which is the most complete satisfaction of the population's needs for food and non-food products produced from agricultural raw materials. Includes agriculture (crop growing, livestock farming), as well as light and food industries.

The construction complex includes a system of construction industries and the building materials industry.

The military-industrial complex (MIC) is represented by industries and activities (primarily R&D) aimed at meeting the needs of the Armed Forces.

OKONH distinguished the following enlarged industries:

    Electric power industry

    Fuel industry

    Ferrous metallurgy

    Non-ferrous metallurgy

    Chemical and petrochemical industry

    Mechanical engineering and metalworking

    Forestry, wood processing and pulp and paper industries

    Construction materials industry

    Glass and porcelain industry

    Light industry

    Food industry

    Microbiological industry

    Flour-grinding and feed industry

    Medical industry

    Printing industry.
