Tectonic movements continue in the mountains of southern Siberia. Altai - mountains in Siberia

Along the southern borders of Russia, from the Irtysh to the Amur region, one of the largest mountain belts in the world stretches for 4.5 thousand km. It consists of the Altai Mountains, the Western and Eastern Sayans, the Baikal region, the Transbaikalia highlands, the Stanovoy Range and the Aldan Highlands. The mountains formed within a giant geosynclinal zone. It arose as a result of the interaction of large blocks of the earth's crust - Chinese and Siberian platforms. These platforms are part of the Eurasian lithospheric plate and experience significant horizontal movements, which in the zone of their contact are accompanied by folding of sedimentary rocks and the formation of mountains, faults of the earth's crust and the introduction of granite intrusions, earthquakes, and the formation of various (ore and non-metallic) mineral deposits. The mountains were formed during the Baikal, Caledonian and Hercynian folding eras. During the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, mountain structures were destroyed and leveled. The clastic material was carried into intermountain basins, where thick layers of hard and brown coals simultaneously accumulated. In Neogene-Quaternary times, as a result of intense movements of the earth's crust, large deep faults were formed. Large intermountain basins arose in the subsided areas - Minusinsk, Kuznetsk, Baikal, Tuva, on the elevated ones there are medium-high and partially high mountains. Highest Altai mountains, where the highest point in all of Siberia is Mount Belukha (4506 m). So all the mountains Southern Siberia epiplatform folded-block revived. Vertical and horizontal movements of the earth's crust continue, so this entire belt belongs to the seismic regions of Russia, where the strength of earthquakes can reach 5-7 points. Particularly strong earthquakes occur in the area lake Baikal.

Tectonic movements of the earth's crust were accompanied by processes of magmatism and metamorphism, which led to the formation of large deposits of various ores - iron and base metals in Altai, copper and gold in Transbaikalia.

The entire mountain system is located inland, so its climate is continental. Continentality increases to the east, as well as along the southern slopes of the mountains. Heavy rainfall occurs on the windward slopes. There are especially many of them on the western slopes of Altai (about 2000 mm per year). Therefore, its peaks are covered with snow and glaciers, the largest in Siberia. On the eastern slopes of the mountains, as well as in the mountains of Transbaikalia, the amount of precipitation decreases to 300-500 mm per year. There is even less precipitation in the intermountain basins.

In winter, almost all mountains Southern Siberia are influenced by the Asian maximum atmospheric pressure. The weather is cloudless, sunny, with low temperatures. It is especially cold in intermountain basins, in which heavy air flowing from the mountains stagnates. The winter temperature in the basins drops to -50...-60 ° C. Altai especially stands out against this background. Cyclones often penetrate here from the west, accompanied by significant cloudiness and snowfall. Clouds protect the surface from cooling. As a result, Altai winters differ from other areas of Siberia in their great softness and abundance of precipitation. Summer in most of the mountains is short and cool. However, in the basins it is usually dry and hot with an average July temperature of +20 ° C.

In general, the mountains of Southern Siberia are an accumulator within the arid continental plains of Eurasia. Therefore, the largest rivers of Siberia - the Irtysh, Biya and Katun - the sources of the Ob; originate in them; Yenisei, Lena, Vitim, Shilka and Argun are the sources of the Amur.

The rivers flowing from the mountains are rich in hydropower. Mountain rivers fill lakes located in deep basins with water, and above all the largest and most beautiful lakes in Siberia - Baikal and Teletskoye.

54 rivers flow into Baikal, and one river flows out - the Angara. Its deepest lake basin in the world contains gigantic reserves of fresh water. The volume of its waters is equal to all Baltic Sea and accounts for 20% of global and 80% of domestic volumes fresh water. The water of Lake Baikal is very clean and transparent. It can be used for drinking without any cleaning or treatment. The lake is home to about 800 species of animals and plants, including such valuable commercial fish as omul and grayling. Seals also live in Baikal. Currently, a number of large industrial enterprises and cities have been built on the banks of Lake Baikal and the rivers flowing into it. As a result, the unique qualities of its waters began to deteriorate. In accordance with government decisions, a number of measures are being taken to protect nature in the lake basin to maintain the cleanliness of the reservoir.

Differences in temperatures and the degree of moisture on mountain slopes are directly reflected in the nature of the soil and vegetation cover of the mountains, in the manifestation of altitudinal zonation. Steppes rise along the slopes of Altai to a height of 500 m in the north and 1500 m in the south. In the past, feather grass and mixed-grass steppes were also located along the bottom of intermountain basins. Nowadays, the fertile black soils of the steppe basins are almost completely plowed. Above the steppe belt, on the damp western slopes of Altai, there are spruce-fir forests with an admixture of cedar. In drier climates Sayan Mountains, Baikal Mountains and Transbaikalia pine-larch forests dominate. Mountain taiga permafrost soils formed under the forests. Top part The forest belt is occupied by dwarf cedar. In Transbaikalia and Aldan Highlands The forest zone consists almost entirely of dwarf pine shrub thickets. Above the forests in Altai there are subalpine and alpine meadows. In the Sayan Mountains, on the Baikal and Aldan highlands, where it is much colder, the upper sections of the mountains are occupied by mountain tundra with dwarf birch.

The article talks about the mountain ranges of southern Siberia and explains what determines the specifics of the mountain climate. Indicates the factors that formed the basis for the formation of mountain peaks. Supplements acquired knowledge of geography (8th grade).

The movement of tectonic plates was the main factor that influenced the formation of the mountain range.

The result of this movement has characteristics characteristic of folded-block formations dating back to the Mesozoic period, which took their current form.

Rice. 1. Mountains of Southern Siberia.

The mountains of Southern Siberia have attracted the attention of Russian researchers since the beginning of the 17th century. It was then that Cossack explorers founded the first cities here.

In the first half of the 18th century, manufactories and factories focused on the mining industry and non-ferrous metallurgy were founded here.

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The mountain belt of southern Siberia stretches up to 4500 km.

The most typical are mountain taiga larch and dark coniferous forests, which occupy about 3/4 of the entire territory. They dominate in the mountains natural areas characteristic of the taiga, and above 2000-2500 m already - for the mountain tundra.

A significant elevation above sea level is the main factor that indicates a pronounced altitudinal zonation in the separation of reliefs. The most common are mountain taiga landscapes, which cover over 60% of the entire territory.

Extremely rugged terrain and significant altitudinal amplitudes outline the diversity and contrast of natural conditions.

The largest mountain systems in Russia that are part of the South Siberian ridge are:

  • Baikal region;
  • Transbaikalia;
  • Eastern and Western Sayans;
  • Altai.

The Altai mountain Belukha is considered the highest peak.

Rice. 2. Mount Belukha.

The mountain range is located on moving plateaus. This is a natural cause of fairly frequent seismological tremors that lead to earthquakes.

A natural wall of pinnacles is located in the interior of the mainland area. This explains the continental nature of the local climate.

It is worth noting that these areas are characterized by the presence of mountain steppes. In mountainous areas they rise to varying heights and occupy small areas.

The peaks do not allow air flows from the west and north to penetrate into Central Asia. They serve as a natural and reliable barrier to the spread of flora and fauna of Siberia to Mongolia.

Only in Altai the climate is slightly milder due to the characteristic high cloudiness. It protects the array from freezing. Summer period is fleeting here.

Rice. 3. Russia’s borders with other states in the region of the mountains of southern Siberia.

Geographical position

The mountain peaks of Southern Siberia are “sandwiched” between the river basin of the Arctic Ocean, an internal drainage region Central Asia and the Amur basin. The peaks have clear natural limits to the north and west. Here they separate the territory from neighboring states. The southern border is Russia's neighborhood with Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. In the eastern part, the boundaries of the massifs go north.

The mountain system of southern Siberia is located in the very center of the Eurasian continent and is mountains of tectonic origin. They owe their formation to the movements of the lithospheric plates of the earth's crust.

An example of primary tectonic formations is the Himalayas. The mountain ranges of the South Siberian mountains were formed as a result of tectonic processes occurring in the old mountainous countries; repeated movements and uplifts led to the formation of folded block mountains.

All mountains of Southern and Eastern Siberia belong to this type.

Geographical position

This is one of the largest mountain systems on the territory of Russia, and even the former Soviet Union. Geographically, the system is formed by two mountainous countries, Altai-Sayan and Baikal. They include the Altai, Eastern and Western Sayan mountains, the Tonnu-Ola ridge, the Kuznetsk Alatau, the Yablonevy ridge of Transbaikalia and the Stanovoye Highlands, which borders the Khabar-Daban ridges. Geographically, this Eastern Siberia- Tyva, Buryatia, Altai Republic, Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk region and Kemerovo region.

Relief features

(Picturesque mountains, clear river Altai Territory )

The features of the relief, natural landscape, and forest zones are very diverse; the main thing that unites all these mountains is the taiga zone. Foothills from the side Western Siberia and the Altai Territory are represented by taiga and boreal forests, which pass into the southern taiga zone and, above 2000 meters above sea level, into the mountain taiga. If Kuznetsk Alatau represents low-mountain and mid-mountain relief, then the Sayans and Altai are mountains with alpine high-mountain relief.

The mountain taiga in the upper tiers gives way to alpine and subalpine meadows, char are common, and in the intermountain basins there are small glaciers. The Khabar-Daban and Tonnu-Ola ridges are a typical mountain taiga with all its diversity of flora and fauna, bear and wapiti, an abundance of the most ancient bird of our forests - wood grouse, blueberry and blueberry glades.

In the Western Sayan Mountains, areas of high-mountain tundra are common. Here you can meet reindeer and cranberries. The main wealth of the taiga South Siberian Mountains- Siberian cedar pine. It is the mountains that are the main habitat of this coniferous species, which is considered sacred for all the peoples of Siberia.

The mountain system of the South Siberian Mountains influences the climate of the entire region. The most noticeable places in Siberia in this regard are the wide mountain basins - Minusinsk, Tuva, Kurai, Chui. On them, as nowhere else, a special favorable microclimate is clearly expressed for the life of indigenous peoples and Agriculture. The height of the mountains of Siberia reaches 2500-2600 meters above sea level.

All the rivers of Siberia and Far East originate in the mountains. Glaciers and mountain springs are the sources of all the mighty Siberian rivers. Additionally, we can add that the climate features of the Siberian mountain system also contribute to the replenishment water resources. The sharply continental climate of southern Siberia with cold winters and hot summers in the mountains is abundantly flavored with precipitation. The mountainous regions of Siberia are among the wettest in terms of precipitation. In everything historical eras this led to the formation of raised swamps, and at higher levels - glaciers.

(Lake Akkem at the foot of Mount Belukha, Altai Territory)

Most of the most famous mountain peaks of Russia are located in this region - Mount Belukha in Altai, the highest point in Siberia, 4506 m. Kodar Range in the Stanovoye Highlands, height 3072 m. Peaks of the Western Sayan - Aradansky (famous Ergaki) height 2456 m, Zvezdny height 2265 m. Kyzyl-taiga, height 3121 m. Ridges of the Eastern Sayan with the highest point Munku-Sarlyk height 3491 m and Grandiose peak (the node of this mountainous country) 2982 m. This is not only an attractive place for pioneers and climbers, the mountains of southern Siberia are a storehouse of minerals, precious metals and uranium ores. Such researchers and writers as Vyacheslav Shishkov, Grigory Fedoseev, Vladimir Arsenyev, Nikolai Ustinovich were fans of this mountain system and described it in their books.

The mountain system of Southern Siberia includes:

Altai Mountains
- Salair
- Kuznetsk Alatau

Mountains of Tuva
- Mountains of the Baikal region
- Mountains of Transbaikalia
- Aldan Highlands
- Stanovoy Ridge

The mountain belt of Southern Siberia is located in the center of Asia. It separates the West Siberian Plain and the Central Siberian Plateau from the internal semi-desert and desert plateaus of Central Asia.

This complex system of mountain ranges and massifs consists of the Altai, Western and Eastern Sayan, Tuva, Baikal and Transbaikalia mountains, the Stanovoy Range and the Aldan Highlands and stretches along the southern borders of Russia from the Irtysh to the Amur region for 4,500 km. Several characteristic features can be identified for this territory:
1. dominance of medium-high and high folded-block mountains, which are separated by large and small basins;
2. year-round action of continental air masses;
3. altitudinal zonation (mountain-taiga forests and mountain tundra on the slopes of ridges are combined with forest-steppe and steppe areas in intermountain basins).

Relief of the mountains of Southern Siberia

The mountains were formed as a result of powerful tectonic movements back in the eras of the Baikal, Caledonian and Hercynian folding at the junction of large blocks of the earth's crust - the Chinese and Siberian platforms. During the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, almost all mountain structures were destroyed and leveled. Thus, the modern relief of the mountains of Southern Siberia was formed not so long ago in Quaternary times under the influence of recent tectonic movements and processes of intense river erosion. All the mountains of Southern Siberia belong to the fold-block revivals.

The relief of the mountains of Southern Siberia is characterized by contrast and a large amplitude of relative heights. The Main Region is dominated by strongly dissected mid-mountain ridges with heights from 800 to 2000 m. On the slopes of high alpine ridges with narrow ridges and peaks up to 3000-4000 m there are glaciers and eternal snow. The Altai Mountains are the highest, where the highest point in all of Siberia is located - Mount Belukha (4506 m).
In the past, mountain building was accompanied by earthquakes, faults of the earth's crust and the introduction of intrusions with the formation of various ore deposits of minerals; in some areas these processes are still ongoing. This mountain belt belongs to the seismic regions of Russia; the strength of individual earthquakes can reach 5-7 points.

Mineral deposits: ore, copper, coal

Large deposits of iron ores were formed here in Mountain Shoria and Khakassia, polymetallic ores in the Salair Ridge and Altai, copper (Udokan deposit) and gold in Transbaikalia, tin (Sherlovaya Mountain in the Chita region), aluminum ores, mercury, molybdenum and tungsten. This region is also rich in reserves of mica, graphite, asbestos and building materials.
Large intermountain basins (Kuznetsk, Minusinsk, Tuva, etc.) are composed of loose clastic deposits carried down from the ridges, which are associated with a thick thickness of hard and brown coals. In terms of reserves, the Kuznetsk basin ranks third in the country, second only to the Tunguska and Lena basins. More than half of Russia's total industrial reserves of coking coal are concentrated in the basin. In terms of accessibility for industrial development (advantageous geographical location, many seams lie close to the surface, etc.) and high quality of coal, this basin has no equal in Russia. A number of brown coal deposits have been discovered in the basins of Transbaikalia (Gusinoozersk, Chernovskie mines).

The entire mountain system of Southern Siberia is located in the interior of the continent, so its climate is continental. Continentality increases to the east, as well as along the southern slopes of the mountains. Heavy rainfall occurs on the windward slopes. There are especially many of them on the western slopes of Altai (about 2000 mm per year). Therefore, its peaks are covered with snow and glaciers, the largest in Siberia. On the eastern slopes of the mountains, as well as in the mountains of Transbaikalia, the amount of precipitation decreases to 300-500 mm per year. There is even less precipitation in the intermountain basins.

In winter, almost all the mountains of Southern Siberia are under the influence of the Asian maximum atmospheric pressure. The weather is cloudless, sunny, with low temperatures. It is especially cold in intermountain basins, in which heavy air flowing from the mountains stagnates. The temperature in winter in the basins drops to -50...-60°C. Against this background, Altai especially stands out. Cyclones often penetrate here from the west, accompanied by significant cloudiness and snowfall. Clouds protect the surface from cooling. As a result, Altai winters differ from other areas of Siberia in their great softness and abundance of precipitation. Summer in most of the mountains is short and cool. However, in the basins it is usually dry and hot with an average July temperature of +20°C.

In general, the mountains of Southern Siberia are an accumulator within the arid continental plains of Eurasia. Therefore, the largest rivers of Siberia - the Irtysh, Biya and Katun - the sources of the Ob; originate in them; Yenisei, Lena, Vitim, Shilka and Argun are the sources of the Amur.
The rivers flowing from the mountains are rich in hydropower. Mountain rivers fill lakes located in deep basins with water, and above all the largest and most beautiful lakes in Siberia - Baikal and Teletskoye.

54 rivers flow into Baikal, and one river flows out - the Angara. Its deepest lake basin in the world contains gigantic reserves of fresh water. The volume of its waters is equal to the entire Baltic Sea and accounts for 20% of the world's and 80% of the internal volumes of fresh water. The water of Lake Baikal is very clean and transparent. It can be used for drinking without any cleaning or treatment. The lake is home to about 800 species of animals and plants, including such valuable commercial fish as omul and grayling. Seals also live in Baikal. Currently, a number of large industrial enterprises and cities have been built on the banks of Lake Baikal and the rivers flowing into it. As a result, the unique qualities of its waters began to deteriorate. In accordance with government decisions, a number of measures are being taken to protect nature in the lake basin to maintain the cleanliness of the reservoir.

Differences in temperatures and the degree of moisture on mountain slopes are directly reflected in the nature of the soil and vegetation cover of the mountains, in the manifestation of altitudinal zonation. Steppes rise along the slopes of Altai to a height of 500 m in the north and 1500 m in the south. In the past, feather grass and mixed-grass steppes were also located along the bottom of intermountain basins. Nowadays, the fertile black soils of the steppe basins are almost completely plowed. Above the steppe belt, on the damp western slopes of Altai, there are spruce-fir forests with an admixture of cedar. In the drier Sayan Mountains, the Baikal Mountains and Transbaikalia, pine-larch forests dominate. Mountain taiga permafrost soils formed under the forests. The upper part of the forest belt is occupied by dwarf cedar. In Transbaikalia and the Aldan Highlands, the forest zone almost entirely consists of shrub thickets of dwarf cedar. Above the forests in Altai there are subalpine and alpine meadows. In the Sayan Mountains, on the Baikal and Aldan highlands, where it is much colder, the upper sections of the mountains are occupied by mountain tundra with dwarf birch.

Altai Mountains, Gorny Altai:

Location: Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China
Age: 400-300 million years.

Name Length, km. Highest point
Altai 2000 Belukha 4 506
Southern Altai 180 Tavan-Bogdo-Ula 4 082
Kirey 3 790
Argamdzhi city 3 511
Central Altai 450 Belukha 4 506
Maashei-Bash 4 175
Irbistu 3 958
Eastern Altai 360 Tapdwire 3 505
Sary-Nohoit 3 502
Sarzhematy 3499
North-Eastern Altai 210 Kurkure-Bazhi 3 111
Altyn-Kalyak 2 899
Katuyarykbazhi 2 881
Northwestern Altai 400 Lineisky Belok 2 599
Belok Chemchedai 2 520
Sarlyk 2 507
Northern Altai 400 Albagan city 2 618
Peak Karasu 2 557
Akkaya 2 384


Location: Russia
Age: 400-300 million years.

Kuznetsk Alatau:

Location: Russia
Age: 400-300 million years.

Location: Russia, Mongolia
Age: 1000-450 million years.

Mountains of Tuva:

Location: Russia
Age: 1200-550 million years.

Mountains of the Baikal region:

Location: Russia
Age: 1200-550 million years.

Name Length, km. Highest point Altitude above sea level, m.
Baikal region 2230 Peak Baikal 2 841
Baikal ridge 300 Chersky 2 588
Primorsky Ridge 350 Three-headed Loach 1 728
Khamar-Daban 350 Khan-Ula 2 371
Ulan-Burgasy 200 Hurhag 2 049
Barguzinsky ridge 280 Peak Baikal 2 841
Ikat ridge 200 Top 2573 2 573
Verkhneangarsky ridge 200 Top 2641 2 641
Dzhidinsky ridge 350 Sardag-Uil 2 027

Mountains of Transbaikalia:

Location: Russia, Mongolia, China
Age: 1600-1000 million years.

Name Length, km. Highest point Altitude above sea level, m.
Transbaikalia 4370 Pike BAM 3 081
Stanovoye Highlands 700 Pike BAM 3 081
Patomskoye Highlands 300 Summit 1924 1 924
Vitim Plateau 500 Summit 1753 1 753
Apple Ridge 650 Golets Kantalaksky 1 706
OlekminskyStanovik 500 Golets Kropotkina 1 908
Borschovochny ridge 450 Sakhanda 2 499
Khentei-Daur Plateau 350 Bystrinsky Golets 2 519
Chersky Ridge 650 Chingikan city
Name Length, km. Highest point Altitude above sea level, m.
Stanovoy Ridge 750 Top 2321 2 321
Top 2258 2 258
Ayumkan city 2 255

One of the largest mountain systems on the continent, stretching for 4,500 kilometers, with a total area of ​​more than one and a half million square kilometers, is the mountains of Southern Siberia. Hidden in the depths of Asia, starting from the plains of the west and extending to the coast, these chains form the watershed between the great Siberian rivers flowing into the Northern Arctic Ocean, and no less famous reservoirs of the Far East, giving their waters to the Pacific.

The mountain belt of Southern Siberia has a significant height above sea level and is clearly divided into landscape zones. More than 60% is occupied by mountain surfaces along the entire length of highest degree rugged, with huge amplitudes of heights, this is what causes the wide variety of terrain and contrasts of natural and climatic conditions.


The mountains of Southern Siberia were not formed overnight. First, tectonic uplifts occurred in the Baikal region and on Eastern Sayan Mountains, this is evidenced by Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic rocks. In the Paleozoic, the Altai, Western Sayan and Salair ranges were formed. Later than everyone else, already in the Mesozoic, the Eastern Transbaikalia rose. Mountain formation continues to this day, as evidenced by annual earthquakes and movements of the earth's crust in the form of slow subsidence or uplift. The mountains of Southern Siberia were also formed under the influence of the Quaternary glaciation. Glaciers covered not only all the massifs in a thick layer, but also extended far out onto the plains of the southwest. It was the glaciers that dissected the ridges and formed rocky niches, due to which the ridges became narrow and sharp, the slopes became steep, and the gorges became deep.

Climate and relief types

Throughout the entire length of the territory, the mountains of Southern Siberia have negative average annual temperatures, that is long winters with very deep frosts. On the western slopes, summer is rainy, the snow cover is very thick - up to three meters. For this reason, the mountains of Southern Siberia in these places are covered with damp taiga (fir, cedar), there are many swamps and magnificent meadows. On the eastern slopes and in the basins there is much less precipitation, summers are hot and very dry, and the landscapes are most often steppe. Among all of Southern Siberia, only the Altai, the Eastern Sayan Mountains and the glaciers lie beyond the snow boundaries. There are especially many of them in Altai - 900 square kilometers of glaciation.

Home of the great rivers

It is there that all the great Siberian rivers originate: Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Lena, Amur. At first they flow in narrow picturesque valleys between steep inaccessible cliffs. The current is incredibly fast - the slopes of the riverbed reach several tens of meters per kilometer of movement. At the bottom of almost all rivers, glaciers left traces in the form of curly rocks, crossbars and moraines. The mountains of Southern Siberia, the map of which is studied even in school, have formed lakes of exceptional beauty in their basins and circuses. There are many of them, and some are more beautiful than others. For example, cascade Multinskie in Altai, Teletskoye there - a local pearl, and amazing Aya. Grandiose and magnificent - Baikal. Markakol, Ulug-Khol, Todzha are beautiful.
