Indian summer: why is it called that? What is Indian summer and when does it start?

"Indian summer"- a period of summer-like warm (up to 25...27 degrees) and dry weather on the eve of autumn. Associated with a stable anticyclone. “Indian summer” occurs after a significant cold snap, and may be accompanied by secondary flowering of some plants that usually bloom only once a year.

According to the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary, “Indian summer” is dry, clear weather in late August and early September, when the web of a side-walking spider flies in the air.

From a meteorological point of view, “Indian summer” is a period of stable anticyclonic weather observed at the beginning of autumn, when the nighttime cooling of the soil and air is not yet too strong, and the daytime heating, although significant, does not reach the limit that would be perceived as heat. Caused by the wilting of leaves, the release of a large amount of heat, which rises, disperses clouds and increases Atmosphere pressure. Thus, Golden autumn causes this anticyclone.

This period of autumn is called " Indian summer"among the Eastern and Western Slavs. Among the southern Slavs (in Bulgaria, Serbia and Macedonia) it is called “gypsy summer”, in German-speaking countries - “old woman’s summer” (more precisely, “summer of elderly women” - Altweibersommer), in Holland - “after summer”, in North America- “Indian summer”, in Italy - “Summer of St. Martin”. In France, this time of year was traditionally called the “summer of Saint Denis,” but in recent decades, due to the widespread popularity of the song of the same name by Joe Dassin, the literal translation of the North American name - Été indien - is more often used.

Timing and duration

Duration of fine days " Indian summer» varies, as does its start time. Usually this is one to two weeks (two to three natural synoptic periods), falling in mid-September until early October. In Central Russia, the beginning of “Indian summer” is September 14. In Europe and North America, this period begins later, at the end of September or in the 1st half of October. On South Far East Indian summer begins in early October. In southern Siberia, sharp warming often occurs in late September - early October. In the European part of Russia, as well as in Belarus and northern Ukraine, in mid-October, warming often occurs to +15...20 degrees (for 3-7 days). This period is often mistakenly called “Indian summer”.

According to Explanatory dictionary Dahl, “Indian summer” (Marfino’s summer) begins on Semyon-day, or the day of Simeon the summer guide (September 14), and ends on Asposov’s day (September 21); or on the day of Exaltation (September 28). Here, at Dahl’s, there is a young “Indian summer”, which takes place from August 28 (the Feast of the Assumption) to September 11. There is, however, another version of the “Indian summer” phenomenon, which explains the autumn warming by the release of a gigantic amount of heat during chemical reaction decomposition of chlorophyll during a period of rapid simultaneous yellowing of foliage. If you follow this version, the start and end of the “Indian summer” will shift in Central Russia to the end of September - beginning of October, almost until the leaves fall.

The history of the term “Indian summer”

According to the Big Soviet encyclopedia, the original meaning of the phrase “Indian summer” is “the time when old women can still bask in the autumn sun.” The expression is also associated with that period in the life of peasants when field work ended and women began to do household chores: they soaked flax, ruffled it, and weaved it. In the old days, during the days of the young “Indian summer,” they began to pickle cucumbers and followed the custom of making peace and resolving all conflicts with the beginning of the young “Indian summer.” In Rus', these days were celebrated as rural holidays. In the evenings they spun, sang, and had gatherings. After the “Indian summer”, women tinkered with canvases, took up spindles, and handicrafts.

According to another version, the combinations “Indian summer”, “ Indian days", "Women's cold" in the old days had a meaning based on superstition: women have the power to return the seasons and generally influence the weather.

People say that “only a woman can warm you up like that when almost everything is lost.”

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Other names

This period of autumn is called “Indian summer” among the Eastern and Western Slavs. Among the southern Slavs (in Bulgaria, Macedonia) it is called “Gypsy summer”, in Serbia - “Michael summer” (“Mihoљsko љeto”), in Croatia - also called Indian summer (Bablje ljeto), also “Michael summer” (“Miholjsko ljeto") according to St. Michael and "Martin's summer" ("Martinjsko ljeto") according to St. Martin, in German-speaking countries - "old woman's summer" (more precisely, "summer of old women" - Altweibersommer, literal translation "summer of old women") , in Holland - “after summer”, in North America - “Indian summer”, in Italy - “summer of St. Martin”. In France, this time of year was traditionally called the “summer of Saint Denis,” but in recent decades, due to the widespread popularity of the song of the same name by Joe Dassin, the literal translation of the North American name - Été indien - is more often used. In Portuguese-speaking countries, the term "Summer of St. Martinho" or "Veránicu" (Letochko) is used. In Spanish-speaking countries, the term is used depending on the month when Indian summer occurs, so August/September is “Summer of St. Miguel”; in October/November - “Summer of St. Martin”, as well as “Summer of St. John” or “Summer of St. John Baptiste”.

Timing and duration

The duration of the fine days of “Indian summer” varies, as does the time of its beginning. Usually this is one to two weeks (two to three natural synoptic periods), falling in mid-September until early October. IN Central region In the European part of Russia, the beginning of “Indian summer” is September 14. In Europe and North America, this period begins later, at the end of September or in the 1st half of October. In the south of the Far East, Indian summer begins in early October. In southern Siberia, sharp warming often occurs in late September - early October. In the European part of Russia, as well as in Belarus and northern Ukraine, in mid-October, warming often occurs to +15...20 degrees (for 3-7 days). This period is often mistakenly called Indian summer.

According to Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, “Indian summer” (Marfino’s summer) begins on Semyon-day, or the day of Simeon the summer guide, September 1 (14), and ends on Asposov day, September 8 (21); or on the day of Exaltation on September 14 (27). Here, at Dahl's, it is found young Indian summer, taking place from August 15 (28) - the feast of the Assumption to August 29 (September 11) - Golovosek.

There is, however, another version of the “Indian summer” phenomenon, which explains the autumn warming by the release of a gigantic amount of heat during the chemical reaction of chlorophyll decomposition during a period of rapid simultaneous yellowing of foliage. If you follow this version, the start and end of the “Indian summer” will shift in Central Russia to the end of September-beginning of October, almost until the leaves fall.


Autumn is rolling, autumn is rolling, it’s rolling at your feet. The leaves are tossing, the leaves are tossing in the rain. We don't like Indian summer, we don't like Indian summer - We're with you for spring, we'll wait for spring with you. further

Song "Indian Summer". Vysotsky Vladimir Semyonovich (lyrics by Igor Kokhanovsky).

The maples painted the city with some kind of Witchcraft color, This means very soon Indian summer, Indian summer. This means very soon Indian summer, Indian summer. further


see also

In more southern latitudes Where the subtropics and, in particular, the Mediterranean climate dominate, the analogue of Indian summer is the velvet season.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Babushkino (apple variety)
  • Babya (mountain)

See what “Indian Summer” is in other dictionaries:

    Indian summer- autumn Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Indian summer noun, number of synonyms: 5 letiga (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    INDIAN SUMMER- period of dry solar and warm weather in Europe and North America (where it is called Indian summer) in September October. Usually associated with a stable anticyclone, lasts 2-3 weeks... Modern encyclopedia

    INDIAN SUMMER- a period of dry, sunny and warm weather in Europe and the North. America (where it is called the Indian summer) in September October. Usually associated with a stable anticyclone, lasts 2-3 weeks... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

“In the original autumn there is a short, but wonderful time...” - this is exactly that autumn, when there is still no dampness and slush, beautiful autumn, which everyone likes, and poets too, including Tyutchev, since he wrote like that. This short period pampers you with beautiful weather and a rich palette of colors! To have time to enjoy it, you should use it every day. So yeah When does Indian summer start?

The last warm days

Indian summer is popularly called the last burst of warmth - the weather is dry and clear, the birds have not yet had time to fly away, the trees have not lost their leaves, but are literally blazing with all shades of gold and red. As a rule, this time comes after a short cold period and lasts literally a couple of weeks. For example, in 2018, Indian summer in Russia is predicted to begin on September 14. In the USA and Europe - a little later, where they promise warmth closer to October.

When does Indian summer begin?, the air temperature is steadily rising. This is due to the fact that air masses the anticyclone begins to move towards the center of the continent. Another version put forward by scientists says: when chlorophyll decomposes from leaves lying on the ground, a chemical reaction begins, due to which heat is released.

Why "Indian summer"?

“Indian Summer” is an exclusively popular name for this elegant period of the year. Historically true, because this is the time when women could at least rest a little: the harvest has been harvested, but winter worries have not yet begun, I don’t want to go for a walk! Then the time of suffering for women will come. Another option: this name was formed due to the popular name for the constellation Pleiades - “Baba”. During this period, it stands out especially clearly in the sky.

By the way, the name “Indian summer” is used only by Eastern and Western Slavs. In Bulgaria, a “Gypsy summer” is expected by September 15. The Germans delicately call it “the summer of old ladies”, for the French it is “the summer of St. Denis”, for the Italians it is “the summer of St. Martin”. In America and Canada it is called “Indian summer”.

Signs and customs

In Rus', the beginning of autumn was divided into two parts: the young one began on August 28 and ended on September 11, and the old one fell on the period from September 14 to 24. According to the signs of that time, the warm weather of the young Indian summer was supposed to deteriorate to the old one, and vice versa: if at first there was bad weather, then everything got better. Also, our ancestors looked hopefully at the sky in search of a rainbow: who didn’t want to extend the clear days? And the colored celestial rocker just gave hope for a long Indian summer and a wet autumn, which cannot but please avid mushroom pickers. They also noted that if it rains on September 14, then autumn will be dry - you don’t have to look for mushrooms in the forest.

Our ancestors especially highlighted Semenov's day - September 14, which included the veneration of Simeon the Stylite, famous for his hermit exploits. It was believed that it was necessary to spend this day in the air so that “health would not deteriorate.” Usually we tried to go hunting - the dogs and horses also had to be walked.

The magic of Semenov's day also extended to couples in love. They began to get married and play marriages, agricultural work ended - it was time to have fun. It is interesting that not only young people created families, but also more mature single people looked closely at each other, hence the second name of Indian summer - “Marfino Summer” (Simeon’s mother was called Martha).

Another funny custom for us on Semenov’s day is killing flies. In normal times, it is useless to kill annoying insects - they will multiply exponentially. But tapping the winged September 14th is a nice thing, a good tradition. They say that it is in this case that you can get rid of their seasonal invasion.

Let's enjoy the warm days for future use, every day of Indian summer is valuable!

Gastronomic fair in the ethnopark

ETHNOMIR, Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

On September 22-23, 2018, we invite everyone on an exciting culinary journey to the ethnographic park! The September weekend at ETNOMIR is dedicated to

The main part of the program will be a variety of culinary master classes. What do you know about how to prepare fondue, which do you prefer - cheese or chocolate? Taste and decide! Learn how to properly decorate loaves and muffins, prepare Indian okroshka, take a fresh look at borscht! You will learn how to cook Georgian khachapuri or Ukrainian dumplings, Italian pesto sauce or dishes with couscous, something from Mexican or Peruvian cuisine... For dessert - the secrets of oriental sweets!

We are solemnly renaming Peace Street for these two days to Pir Street!

Other names

This period of autumn is called “Indian summer” among the Eastern and Western Slavs. Among the southern Slavs (in Bulgaria, Macedonia) it is called “Gypsy summer”, in Serbia - “Michael summer” (“Mihoљsko љeto”), in Croatia - also called Indian summer (Bablje ljeto), also “Michael summer” (“Miholjsko ljeto") according to St. Michael and "Martin's summer" ("Martinjsko ljeto") according to St. Martin, in German-speaking countries - "old woman's summer" (more precisely, "summer of old women" - Altweibersommer, literal translation "summer of old women") , in Holland - “after summer”, in North America - “Indian summer”, in Italy - “summer of St. Martin”. In France, this time of year was traditionally called the “summer of Saint Denis,” but in recent decades, due to the widespread popularity of the song of the same name by Joe Dassin, the literal translation of the North American name - Été indien - is more often used. In Portuguese-speaking countries, the term "Summer of St. Martinho" or "Veránicu" (Letochko) is used. In Spanish-speaking countries, the term is used depending on the month when Indian summer occurs, so August/September is “Summer of St. Miguel”; in October/November - “Summer of St. Martin”, as well as “Summer of St. John” or “Summer of St. John Baptiste”.

Timing and duration

The duration of the fine days of “Indian summer” varies, as does the time of its beginning. Usually this is one to two weeks (two to three natural synoptic periods), falling in mid-September until early October. In the Central region of the European part of Russia, the beginning of “Indian summer” is September 14. In Europe and North America, this period begins later, at the end of September or in the 1st half of October. In the south of the Far East, Indian summer begins in early October. In southern Siberia, sharp warming often occurs in late September - early October. In the European part of Russia, as well as in Belarus and northern Ukraine, in mid-October, warming often occurs to +15...20 degrees (for 3-7 days). This period is often mistakenly called Indian summer.

According to Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, “Indian summer” (Marfino’s summer) begins on Semyon-day, or the day of Simeon the summer guide, September 1 (14), and ends on Asposov day, September 8 (21); or on the day of Exaltation on September 14 (27). Here, at Dahl's, it is found young Indian summer, taking place from August 15 (28) - the feast of the Assumption to August 29 (September 11) - Golovosek.

There is, however, another version of the “Indian summer” phenomenon, which explains the autumn warming by the release of a gigantic amount of heat during the chemical reaction of chlorophyll decomposition during a period of rapid simultaneous yellowing of foliage. If you follow this version, the start and end of the “Indian summer” will shift in Central Russia to the end of September-beginning of October, almost until the leaves fall.


Autumn is rolling, autumn is rolling, it’s rolling at your feet. The leaves are tossing, the leaves are tossing in the rain. We don't like Indian summer, we don't like Indian summer - We're with you for spring, we'll wait for spring with you. further

Song "Indian Summer". Vysotsky Vladimir Semyonovich (lyrics by Igor Kokhanovsky).

The maples painted the city with some kind of Witchcraft color, This means very soon Indian summer, Indian summer. This means very soon Indian summer, Indian summer. further


see also

In more southern latitudes, where the subtropics and, in particular, the Mediterranean climate dominate, the analogue of Indian summer is the velvet season.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Indian Summer” is in other dictionaries:

    Autumn Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Indian summer noun, number of synonyms: 5 letiga (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    A period of dry, sunny and warm weather in Europe and North America (called Indian summer) in September–October. Usually associated with a stable anticyclone, lasts 2-3 weeks... Modern encyclopedia

    A period of dry, sunny and warm weather in Europe and the North. America (where it is called the Indian summer) in September October. Usually associated with a stable anticyclone, lasts 2-3 weeks... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

For those who just can’t say goodbye to summer and get enough of its warmth, autumn is ready to bring a pleasant surprise. And give a piece of summer for a few days, warm memories of bright days, give “Indian summer”. But how does she manage to return warm, sunny weather to people after a cold snap? And why is it common to call this time “Indian summer”?

Meteorologists explain these weather conditions the action of a stable anticyclone: ​​at night the ground does not freeze sufficiently, and during the day it does not heat up to a high limit. There is an opinion that wilted leaves are capable of secreting a large number of heat, which, rising upward, increases atmospheric pressure and disperses clouds. Therefore, we can enjoy warm and dry weather at the beginning of autumn, and also witness the wonderful flights of the web of the side-walking spider. And sometimes even witness the re-blooming of some plants.

But autumn cannot delight us with such warm days for long: from several days to 2-3 weeks.

How did the expression “Indian summer” come about?

There are several versions:

With the end of hard field work, peasant women could finally find time for household chores. Most often they processed and wove flax and made pickles. It was customary at this time to improve relationships with loved ones and make peace with enemies. In Rus', these warm autumn days were considered a holiday, so the people had fun: they organized gatherings, sang songs.
-Women in the old days were credited with the ability to influence natural phenomena. As if the fair sex knows how to return the seasons, send the right weather.
-This name was explained by the fact that this is the time that allows old women to relax and bask in the sun. Or only a woman is able to provide warmth when warmth is out of the question.
-A light, thin web, flowing in the air and foreshadowing warm days, was associated with strands gray hair for women, and fine weather - with wonderful mature age, the heyday of women.
-Nature during this period shows its feminine: She bears fruit. And this is her time - “Indian summer”.

It is interesting that such a wonderful time is called “Indian summer” among the Western and Eastern Slavs. Bulgarians and Macedonians call it “Gypsy summer”, Serbs call it “Mikhail’s summer”, “Martin’s summer”, the Germans call it “old woman’s summer”, the Dutch call it “post-summer”, Americans call it “Indian summer”, Italians call it “summer of St. Martin”, The French mean “the summer of St. Denis.”

Whatever this time is called, this is a great opportunity to bask in the sun, enjoy the warmth of its rays on the eve of rains and cold weather, and admire the wonderful colorful autumn landscapes...
