When is the best time to go on vacation to Crete: weather and temperature by month and season. When is the best time to go to Crete? Climate summary

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Greece is one of the three countries where Russians go on vacation with great pleasure. There are explanations for this. Firstly, a beach holiday does not take place on mainland Greece, but on the islands, which immediately gives a hundred points. Secondly, hotels, beaches and resorts are made so that tourists feel comfortable, and they don’t think about anything else, just about relaxation. And thirdly, prices for holidays here are much lower than, for example, in Spain or Italy, and the weather is better, and even better than in distant Portugal. Yes, the weather is one of the factors that you should pay attention to when choosing a vacation spot. and when going to the Greek island of Crete, look at what the weather is like on Crete by month at different times of the year, and what the water temperature is in the seas. Reviews from tourists, photos and video materials will also help you understand when is the best time to go to Crete to enjoy the sea and the beach. So, let's get started.

Crete is the largest island in Greece. The coast of the island is sandy, but in some places there are stones and even rocks. Most of the hotels are located right on the seashore, and this is very convenient for everyone. Tourists have no difficulty getting to the sea, and hotel rooms offer beautiful views of the endless waters. And local residents can live peacefully further in the interior of the island without “enjoying” the night noise of vacationers and without listening to their nightly conversations. So, what is the weather like in Crete? different time of the year.

January and February are similar months.
The first two months of the year in Crete the weather is disgusting. It's cold and rainy here. The wind is blowing, driving strong waves onto the shores. These days it is better not to go near water. Otherwise, you risk getting caught in the ice sea ​​water. The daytime temperature during these months does not rise above +15, and only if the sun is shining. At night it’s even cooler here, and almost always +7. It rains quite often, with more than 80 millimeters of precipitation falling each month. At the same time, the rains are weak and lingering. Sometimes they can go for 3-4 days without a break. There are just small droplets falling from the sky and dampness everywhere.

March is the beginning of spring.
Unlike Cyprus, in March on Crete spring is just beginning. Sunny days are getting longer, the sun is shining longer. At the same time, the wind blows even stronger, because the weather begins to change in positive side. But it is not changing so quickly. Unlike winter, it becomes warmer here by 3-4 degrees, no more. But the rains practically stop, the clouds walk across the sky “empty”, occasionally spilling rain on the island.

April is full spring.
Full spring arrives in Crete in April. It is in the second month of spring that the weather changes dramatically in better side. During the day it becomes warm, sometimes hot. average temperature the air is not lower than +20 degrees, and sometimes at lunchtime you can find it as high as +25. But the sea is in no hurry to warm up as quickly as the air. The sea temperature is no higher than +18 degrees, and it is too early to swim. Although the first tourists appear on the beach every now and then. And on a hot day you can see the first swimmers. Rain in April is very rare. Forecasters record 2-3 days when it may rain. Now the rain is not prolonged, but rather fast and ends within five to seven hours.

May is the beginning of the beach season.
Beach season officially opens in May. The weather is sunny during the day, the thermometer reaches +23 degrees every day. During lunch hours you can see +27 on them. At the same time, the sea is already warm by local standards, and tourists are happy to swim. The water has warmed up to +20, and seems warm enough for May. The winds have completely ended and the next ones will begin to blow only in the hot summer.

June – the heat is approaching.
The first month of summer is the last opportunity to relax on the island in more acceptable conditions. The heat of the day has not yet set in, the air is warmed up to +30. But sometimes the weather brings surprises and thermometers show +35, reminding us that summer is in full swing. The sea is getting warmer, tourists swim in it and do not notice the coolness, because its temperature is above +23 degrees. Sometimes it can rain, but it ends very quickly. But in the distance at sea, clouds are constantly visible and there are even thunderstorms. From far away storm clouds There is a slight breeze blowing on the coast, which is a little refreshing.

July and August are the peak of heat.
These months are similar to each other, like twins. During the day it is hot, in the evening after sunset it becomes a little cooler. During the daytime the temperature is always above +33, and often at lunchtime it becomes really hot at +37 in the shade. After sunset, when the last ray goes beyond the horizon, tourists can breathe a sigh of relief, because it becomes only +29. At midnight under starry sky the air cools down a little more - +23. The sea in July and August is the warmest, it reaches +27 +30 degrees. These two hot months are characterized by northerly winds, which raise waves on the sea. This happens every year, and tourists are already accustomed to the waves at sea.

September is reminiscent of May.
First autumn month very reminiscent of May. The sunny day becomes noticeably less, the temperature during the day is +25, and the sea is in no hurry to cool down. The warm sea attracts tourists here and their flow does not decrease at all compared to summer. The only inconveniences are associated with the evenings, when after sunset it becomes no higher than +19. At this temperature, walks along the sea are only possible in warm clothes.

October – the season is almost over.
After a fairly warm and sometimes hot September, October becomes sharply cool. And if during the day you can still walk around in a T-shirt and shorts, since the weather is sunny and up to +24, then the sea is rapidly cooling down, becoming only +20 +22 degrees. In the second half of the month, rains begin, which remind tourists that it is time to return home and leave their favorite vacation spots.

November – almost no tourists.
In November, only lovers of walks in the drizzling rain and lovers of historical treasures remain in Crete. In the last autumn month, excursions are popular here, but not the beach. During the day it is about +21, the nights are cold and up to +12. The sea these days is warmer than the daytime weather, showing a temperature of +21 degrees, but you can no longer swim in it. Strong waves and wind are doing their job and it seems very cold.

December - winter has come.
Of course, there is no full winter here with snow and frost, but by local standards +16 during the day and +8 at night is real winter. Although snow falls on high mountains and locals like to go there, setting up impromptu skiing hills. There are very few tourists here in December. Mostly those who have housing here come to Crete in order to wait out the cold Russian winter in more comfortable conditions.

The best time to vacation in Crete depends on the purpose for which you are coming here. If you have chosen the island of Crete purely for beach holiday- this is one thing, if combining it with an excursion or party vacation is a little different.

The island of Crete has a pleasant, mild subtropical climate with humidity within 50%, which allows you to tolerate summer heat without any problems. At least 300 days a year in Crete are sunny, and the beach season begins in May and ends only in November. A unique combination of mild climate, sunlight, mountain air and sea breeze makes a holiday here a real gift for an organism tired of the climate of central Russia Russian tourist. And the best time for a holiday in Crete in terms of the combination of weather and sea temperature is considered to be the very end of spring and the beginning of summer, as well as the first two months of autumn.

Late May-early June

The end of May and the beginning of June are good because the air temperature already reaches +20 degrees and above, but summer has not yet gained momentum and is not too hot yet. However, there is also a negative point - the water in the sea may not be too warm yet, although as a rule it already reaches +21..+23 degrees.

September October

Many rightfully consider September and October the best months for a holiday in Crete there are several advantages. Firstly, it’s not as hot as in summer, although at the beginning of September it can still be really hot summer weather. Secondly, the water, warmed up over the summer, allows you to literally not get out of the sea.

Thirdly, the outflow of tourists gradually begins, and the island, which is already not too crowded with vacationers, is immersed in an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility. Fourthly, in autumn in Crete the season for collecting fruits and vegetables begins, which will certainly end up on your table!

Fifthly, the first half of autumn is best suited for excursions and trips around the island in order to get acquainted with the nature and culture of the region. And last but not least, the cost of travel packages, although a little, is gradually starting to fall. True, there are a couple of negative points - in the fall the weather becomes more capricious and good days may alternate with cloudy or windy ones, and air travel is becoming less and less frequent, which is especially inconvenient when traveling independently.

In addition, autumn in Crete may not be suitable for those who are looking for a fun, carefree life with trips to discos and nightclubs. For such tourists, the best time will be from June-July to the end of August-beginning of September.

Now you know when is the best time to go on vacation to Crete! However, if for some reason you are going to the island at another time and have doubts, doubts aside, because of the mild climate and the unique charm of the island, a holiday on Crete is wonderful at almost any time!

Crete is the most big island Greece, which separates two seas: the Mediterranean and the Aegean, which represents a kind of border between three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa.

Almost all the coasts of the island of Crete are indented with many small coves and bays. Also here you will be greeted by picturesque natural gorges, high mountain ranges, beautiful flowering plains and clean pebble and sandy beaches.

Climate and season on the island of Crete

The climate in Crete is one of the mildest and healthiest in all of Europe, and the hot sun shines about 340 days a year. Each season in Crete is considered special, since even in winter you can have a great rest here on the eve of New Year's holidays. Every tourist can appreciate the mildness of the subtropical climate, where the air temperature does not drop below 0°C even in winter. The most suitable period for a beach holiday is from April to November, when the air is warmed up from +20 to +30°C.

Lake Voulismeni in Agios Nikolaos, according to legend, has no bottom, so it is inaccessible for swimming by mere mortals.

In the north of the island are the most populous and comfortable resorts Greece, and in its southern part you will find untouched wildlife with secluded beaches and huge opportunities for ecotourism.

Weather and prices by month

Crete in winter

Weather in December. The average daily air temperature even in winter reaches +17°C. It gets cold at night and the thermometer shows +10°C. And the water temperature in the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea rises to +20°C.

The price of tours in winter is quite affordable and a seven-day trip for two can cost 19,000–30,000 rubles. On the eve of the New Year, the cost of tours increases slightly to 10-15%.

Weather in January. The average daytime air temperature in the second winter month is +15°C. At night it drops to +9°C. The water temperature in the two seas rises to +16°C.

The price of the tours is quite reasonable and a trip for two with accommodation in a comfortable hotel or inn will cost from 19,000 to 35,000 rubles (for seven days).

Weather in February. The air temperature in the last winter month in Crete rises to +15°C during the day and drops to +9°C at night.

The water temperature in the seas is about +16°C.

This month, the price of tours is also not high and a vacation for two will cost you 19,000–35,000 rubles with accommodation in a cozy, spacious hotel room or inn.

Crete island in spring

Weather in March. The air temperature in the first spring month rises by 1°C and is +16°C during the day, and at night it drops slightly to +9°C.

The Mediterranean and Aegean Seas are warm and the water temperature is +18°C.

Spring begins, and the price of tours rises a little. A seven-day vacation package for two will cost approximately 20,000–35,000 rubles and more, depending on the category of the hotel.

Weather in April. It is starting to warm up rapidly and the average daily air temperature is about +20°C. At night the thermometer shows +12°C. And the Mediterranean and Aegean sea quite warm and the water temperature reaches +18°C.

The price of tours increases slightly and a seven-day vacation for two can cost you from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles with accommodation in a hotel or high-class hotel.

Weather in May. It’s the end of spring and the daytime air temperature in Crete is already quite high +23°C. And at night it’s no longer so cold +14°C. The water temperature in the seas is becoming higher and higher +22°C. The price of tours is no longer so low and it is better to book tours in advance. A seven-day vacation for two can cost from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles, depending on the place of residence and hotel category.

Crete in summer

Weather in June. Summer begins and the long-awaited holiday season. On average, the air temperature during the day rises to +27…+28°С. And even at night you don’t have to dress warmly, since the thermometer shows +19°C. The swimming season has already begun a long time ago and the water temperature is +22…+23°C.

Weather in July. Summer is in full swing and the air temperature can rise during the day from +28 to +30°C. At night it is very warm +21°C and you can walk along the sea promenade.

The water temperature is already high +25°C and children enjoy swimming in the Mediterranean or Aegean Sea. Tours must be booked in advance, since the price of tours is quite high, from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles for two.

Weather in August. In Crete, this month is one of the hottest and the air temperature at lunchtime can rise from +28 to +35°C. At night, the thermometer also does not drop below +21°C.

Water temperature in warm seas reaches +25…+26°С.

Travel agencies have almost all tickets sold out and tours booked. The price of tours is quite high, from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles for two, and there are practically no last-minute tours.

Crete island in autumn

Weather in September. Summer has ended and summer has begun the Velvet season, which tourists love so much. The air temperature during the day is already quite comfortable +26°C and even at night it becomes a little fresher +19°C. But the seas are still warm and the water temperature in them reaches +24…+25°С.

The weather is beautiful and the prices for tours are not decreasing. A trip for two will cost approximately from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles for seven days with accommodation in the best hotels in Crete.

Weather in October. In autumn it is still quite warm and the daytime air temperature is about +26°C. At night the thermometer shows +16°C.

The Mediterranean and Aegean Seas are still warm and the water temperature in them does not drop below +24°C.

It's still warm, but there are fewer and fewer tourists. The price of tours is slightly reduced and a trip for two can be purchased for 35,000–50,000 rubles.

Weather in November. The air temperature begins to drop to +20°C during the day and at night it does not rise above +13°C. The water temperature in the seas is also already cool +20°C.

The price of tours is quite affordable and a seven-day tour for two can be purchased for 19,000–30,000 rubles.

Weather and prices Crete by month for 2018

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
December+17 +10 +20 from 19,000 rub.
January+15 +9 +16 from 19,000 rub.
February+15 +9 +16 from 19,000 rub.
March+16 +9 +18 from 20,000 rub.
April+20 +12 +18 from 20,000 rub.
May+23 +14 +22 from 30,000 rub.
June+27 +19 +22 from 35,000 rub.
July+30 +21 +25 from 40,000 rub.
August+32 +21 +26 from 40,000 rub.
September+26 +19 +24 from 40,000 rub.
October+26 +16 +24 from 35,000 rub.
November+20 +12 +20 from 19,000 rub.

IN high season the air is heated to +30°C, and the sea is +24.9°C. Low - air +16.4°C, water +16.2°C, precipitation 67.5 mm, 6 rainy days, 16 in total sunny days. This is a city in Greece. The weather in Crete by month, winter, spring, summer and autumn is presented in the graph below. The beach season here lasts at least 5 months.

The best months to travel

July, June, August are the best time to relax. The price is good warm weather from +28.6°C to +31.8°C. At this time of year there is little rain, no more than 0 days per month, with precipitation ranging from 0.0 to 26.2 mm. Also in Crete there is a warm sea with water temperatures from +22.6°C to +26.6°C and swimming is a pleasure. There are maximum sunny days for the whole year - from 26 to 30 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Crete are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Crete by month

The difference in daily air temperature throughout the year is 15.4°C, but due to the presence of the sea, the weather in Crete and the monthly climate in Greece are quite mild. Most cold month- January, when the air warms up to +16.4°C, and the warmest is August with +31.8°C.

Water temperature in Crete

The beach season here lasts 5 months: June, October, September, July, August. The sea temperature at this time of year ranges from +22.6°C to +26.6°C, conducive to pleasant swimming. Worst weather in Crete and the water temperature was recorded in March +16.2°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

A bad month for travel is February, it rains on average 6 days. Maximum monthly norm precipitation is 67.5 mm.

Rest comfort rating

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
Rainy days
January +16.4°C +16.9°C 16 4 days (49.5mm)
February +16.6°C +16.4°C 16 6 days (67.5mm)
March +18°C +16.2°C 17 5 days (41.7mm)
April +21.3°C +17.2°C 24 2 days (19.2mm)
May +23.8°C +19.6°C 29 3 days (17.0mm)
June +28.6°C +22.6°C 26 3 days (15.2mm)
July +29.7°C +25.6°C 30 1 day (0.0mm)
August +31.8°C +26.6°C 28 0 days (26.2mm)
September +27.2°C +25.4°C 27 2 days (23.2mm)
October +25°C +23.1°C 25 4 days (33.4mm)
November +19.5°C +20.4°C 19 1 day (26.6mm)
December +18°C +18.5°C 17 4 days (51.2mm)

Number of sunny days

Beautiful sunny weather will delight tourists in July - as many as 30 sunny days per month. Great time for a holiday in Crete.

Wind speed

The wind reaches its maximum strength in January up to 5.2 m/s with gusts up to 7.2 m/s.

Climate of the island of Crete. general information

Defined as moderate subtropical climate. Therefore, it rains on the island only in winter, and in summer the weather is hot and dry. This climate is considered one of the most beneficial for human health. It would not be amiss to say that the sun shines on the island 300 days a year, and the average humidity is 50-60%. Summer in Crete remains virtually unchanged Atmosphere pressure, thanks to which weather-dependent people experience absolutely no inconvenience. Well, summer in Crete is a special time when the weather is ideal on the island, the water in the sea warms up to comfortable temperatures and everything around is literally imbued with an atmosphere of carefree and relaxation!..

And yet, when you can already swim and sunbathe on the island of Crete, where you can find out the exact weather forecast for many days in advance, is it possible to ever see snow in the Homeland of Zeus? Answers to these and others interesting questions You will find it in this article.

The ideal time for a holiday in Crete is considered to be from April to October. It is at this time that rains become extremely rare on the island, and the air temperature becomes comfortable. At the end of March - beginning of April, the weather begins to noticeably change for the better, the nature of Crete comes to life, everything around is covered with bright carpets of flowers, mimosas begin to bloom everywhere, painting the island even more with the brightest colors! During this period of time, the sun hides behind the clouds much less often, warming the air to 20-23ºC during the day. And the water in the sea is already beginning to gradually warm up, but still remains not very comfortable for opening swimming season. And, although in April you can already meet the first daredevils in the sea, the water temperature is still unlikely to rise above 17-19ºC. Well, from mid-May - early June, the water in the sea warms up to 21-23ºC, the air temperature can already reach truly summer levels of 25-27ºC. This time is considered the beginning of the present tourist season, which lasts until about mid-October.

The period from late October to April, on the contrary, is not the most favorable for spending time on the beach. At this time, the likelihood of rain increases, the air and water temperatures drop, the wind often increases, and the sea often becomes choppy. At this time, the weather becomes not the most comfortable, however, this does not mean that the sun in Crete is hidden behind clouds and clouds until April.

Well, I would especially like to note that late fall, winter and early spring in Crete are the ideal time for hiking, visiting attractions, villages, and getting to know the island of Crete, its flavor and traditions more closely. Yes, swimming at this time is no longer comfortable, but traveling around the island in the off-season is truly a unique chance to see Crete from a completely different side, not touristy, so touching and peaceful, and sometimes, on the contrary, proud and rebellious!..

East Crete

Interestingly, the climate of Crete varies slightly in different parts of it. For example, the western part of the island is more susceptible to rain than the eastern, which explains the denser vegetation of the Chania and Rethymnon regions compared to the Heraklion and Lassithi regions.

Western Crete

The climate in the south and north of Crete differs even more noticeably. Air temperature at south coast more often 2-5 degrees higher than the temperature of the northern part of the island. All these climatic differences are associated with the relief features in one or another part of the island. Also, the weather on the coast of Crete is significantly different from the weather in the mountains. This contrast is especially noticeable in winter, when it snows quite often in the mountains, causing roads to be blocked. Surprisingly, snowdrifts in the mountains of Crete in winter can sometimes reach several meters!

Omalos plateau in winter

The temperature here drops to sub-zero levels, and snow remains on the peaks of the White Mountains and the Ida Mountains until the end of spring.

Samaria Gorge in winter

Meanwhile, on the coast of Crete, winter, on the contrary, is moderate, with above-zero temperatures rarely falling below 10°C. Everything around is covered with green carpets, often decorated with flowers even in winter; the next harvest of oranges is ripening. And when the sun shines, everything around plays with unusually bright colors!..

Even in winter, snow on the coast is an extremely rare phenomenon, occurring once every few years. And, if snow does fall on the coast of Crete, it melts almost immediately. Most often, when the weather turns bad in winter and it starts to snow in the mountains, it rains regularly on the coast. Sometimes the period from November to March is called nothing less than the “rainy season in Crete,” but in fairness it is worth noting that it does not rain here every day. It often happens that in the morning the sky is overcast with clouds, it will rain, the sea can be very stormy, and by the afternoon the sun comes out from behind the clouds and the storm begins to subside. Although, of course, in winter it often happens that It is raining several days in a row. Therefore, winter in Crete is considered the most unpredictable time of the year.

And yet, despite the fact that the climate in Crete in winter is far from ideal, every year winter holidays It's becoming more and more popular here. And it’s not surprising, because it’s good time, when you can get to know the island better, its unique sights, thoroughly steeped in history, with picturesque villages and traditions. And the snow-capped mountains of Psilorita have become a center of attraction for lovers in winter for several years now. active rest. Since 2014, the Pierra Creta alpine skiing competition has been held on the Psilorit mountain range.

But how can you get to Crete in winter, and what hotel to stay in? It's actually quite simple! You can easily fly to Crete in off-season with a transfer in Athens. From major Russian cities to Athens all year round There are regular flights. And from Athens to everything Crete airports There are several local flights every day. You can search for tickets for these planes using a convenient search engine. A v i a s a l e s ◄. Naturally, in Crete there are hotels and apartments that are open all year round, including in winter. You can search for them using a hotel search engine H o t e l l o o k ◄

Weather in Crete by month (click on the month):

January and February

At the beginning of the year, Crete has perhaps the most uncomfortable and unpredictable weather. In January and February, the air temperature on the coast drops to an average of +12°C, and the sea water cools to about +15°C. At this time it rains more often, turning rivers into seething streams of water, blowing strong wind, snowfalls and negative temperatures are not uncommon in the mountains. However, you should not think that it rains constantly in January and February in Crete. Even in these winter months gloomy days quite often give way to sunny ones. And sometimes, the weather can present a real surprise in the form of several summer-like warm sunny days, when daytime temperatures can reach an average of +20°C. A little earlier we already talked about this amazing phenomenon, which is even legendary: Kingfisher Days in Crete.

And yet, despite all the unpredictability and all the vagaries winter weather, despite the fact that swimming in the sea at this time of year is not at all comfortable, this is a good time to explore the island, to get to know a completely different, non-tourist Crete.

By the way, what the island can be like in winter, what the weather is like in February, you can read in our review: Crete in February!.. Winter, carnival and new adventures.


In March in Crete, real spring comes into its own., but the air and water temperatures are still low and fluctuate around +15°C. Night air temperatures are even lower. But the sun is already peeking out from behind the clouds much more often and, let cloudy days in March – this is still not uncommon; the amount of precipitation is already noticeably decreasing. But most importantly, at this time the nature of Crete wakes up, everything around begins to bloom, filling the air with extraordinary aromas. The plateaus are covered with bright carpets of flowers, playing colors in the sun.

We talked about this wonderful time and our March adventures in the review: Crete in March or... from winter to summer!


In April, the weather on the island of Crete begins to change noticeably. The air and water temperatures in the sea are gradually increasing, already reaching 17-20°C. Flowering continues everywhere. By the way, it was in April in Crete that we were lucky enough to find amazingly beautiful wild tulips. Yes, the water temperature in the sea is still not very comfortable, but in April you can already see the first daredevils swimming. Although, of course, we ourselves are not swimming in Crete in April. By the way, already in April the first charter flights begin to arrive in Crete with tourists who want to see a slightly different Crete, very bright, blooming and almost summer. And this means nothing more than the unspoken beginning of a new tourist season!


In May in Crete you can already feel the approach of summer. After all, this time can already boast of an almost complete absence of rain, daytime air temperatures can reach 25-27°C, and the water in the sea warms up to 19-22°C. But do not forget that the evenings may still be cool, and high in the mountains there may still be snow even at the end of May. Interestingly, many local residents do not swim in the sea until the snow has melted in the mountains.

But in general, weather in Crete in May considered almost ideal. Firstly, the water in the sea most often warms up to more or less comfortable temperatures, thanks to which, in May, especially in the second half of May, you can already swim in Crete. Secondly, at this time the northern and northwestern winds, characteristic of summer time and causing frequent surf on the northern coast of Crete in the summer, are not yet blowing. And finally, at this time in Crete it is still not so hot, which means that May is a good holiday for people who cannot tolerate heat.


In June, truly summer and sunny weather sets in on Crete! The air temperature in the shade in the first month of summer reaches 25-29°C, the sea water warms up to a comfortable temperature of 21-23°C. The likelihood of rain in June almost completely disappears, and the northern and north-western winds are not yet as frequent as in July and August and, as a result, the sea on the northern coast is often calm.

In fact, if we talk briefly about this time of year, then, in our personal opinion, in June the climate in Crete is simply ideal! Well, in more detail, we talked about this month in detail in one of our reviews: Crete in June... New chapter...

July and August

Weather in July and August somewhat different from the weather in June and, even more so, in May. July and August are the hottest months of the year. During these months in Crete there is not only no rain, but also virtually no clouds in the sky. This is the real classic Mediterranean hot summer! The air in the shade warms up to +32°C, and the water up to +27°C. At this time, the north or north-west wind increasingly blows from the sea, noticeably softening the heat, although often disturbing the sea on the northern coast. But don’t be upset, because Crete is an island and if, for example, on some day the sea is rough on the northern coast, you can always go to the southern coast, where at that time, on the contrary, it will most likely be calm. But the northern winds, often blowing from the sea at this time of year, bring life-giving coolness to the shore in the form of a pleasant breeze, noticeably softening the heat of the day. Thanks to this, the heat in Crete is much easier to bear. However, we should not forget that the sun is the sun and in daytime it’s still better to refrain from physical activity and long periods of exposure to open sun. It is best to stay in the shade more often, swim in the sea, drink plenty of fluids and be sure to use sun protection!


Weather in September deserves special attention! In Crete, this is a unique time when daytime temperatures return to comfortable and almost ideal levels around +27°C, and the water in the sea still continues to retain the warmth of previous months, often not falling below truly summer levels of 25-27°C . It is still sunny, but less windy than July and August. In general, if you don’t think about the fact that, according to the calendar, calendar autumn seems to begin in September, then you might think that real summer continues in Crete. Well, perhaps, with the only exception that the evenings in September can already be cool, so it’s worth taking care of warm clothes that you can throw on in evening hours. In general, the September weather is already setting one in a special, romantic mood... After all, at this time the real velvet season begins in Crete, which will continue until the middle of next month

One of the most striking illustrations of a holiday in Crete in September is the author’s amazingly beautiful review Boryaspec: Crete in September


Surprisingly, even in October the climate of the island of Crete is still conducive to a good holiday. The air temperature still fluctuates around 20-25°C, the water in the sea begins to gradually cool, but its temperature in October is still kept at fairly comfortable values ​​for autumn at 21-23°C. Therefore, many continue to swim in Crete until mid-October. And yet, in the second half of October, the touch of autumn begins to be felt; clouds begin to appear in the sky more often, and sometimes rain clouds. The evenings are generally already becoming cool, so it is better to take slightly warmer clothes with you for evening walks. In fact, October - last month when the weather is favorable for relaxing on the beach.


In November the weather becomes more unpredictable. The air temperature begins to drop noticeably to average levels of 16-19°C, the water cools down to 18-20°C. In the mountains, the trees are already beginning to shed their leaves and the approach of winter is more clearly felt. But, despite the fact that, in fact, November is the last month of autumn, in Crete at this time the sun quite often continues to shine, still warming and giving great mood! It’s hard to believe, but here, for example, is how we saw November in 2013: Crete in October-November! Or is this a dream?.. But there is no change from year to year and, according to long-term statistics, in November the probability of rain increases significantly, and the weather can change several times a day. Most often, around the end of November, the so-called rainy season already begins in Crete...


December air and sea temperatures drop even lower, to +13°C and +17°C, respectively. But even in December, some daredevils can swim in the waters Libyan Sea, the temperature of which can be around 17-19 degrees. Still, December in Crete is not the most pleasant month, but one of the most romantic. In December, you can feel the approach of bright holidays, the mountains dress up in white outfits, and the weather can demonstrate all four seasons in one day!..

Do not think that the climate of Crete makes only the period from April to October ideal for holidays. It is comfortable to relax on the island at any time of the year. It’s not for nothing that Europeans visit the island not only in summer, but also in winter. During the winter months, sea water temperatures in the south of the island are more comfortable than in the north. There are days when the air and water temperatures allow swimming in the Libyan Sea even in December. It happens that the weather on the island of Crete brings surprises, although extremely rarely. So, in March 2001, weather forecasters recorded thirty-degree heat on the island. And the end of June 2010 turned out to be unusually cool. For three days a strong cold wind blew, the sky was overcast, and it rained during the day. In January 2016, on the contrary, residents and guests of the island of Crete enjoyed truly summer days with daytime temperatures reaching above 25°C! But the examples given are still more an exception than a pattern. But, in any case, the climate of the island of Crete is indeed one of the most favorable for recreation and very beneficial for human health, and, we repeat, absolutely at any time of the year. After all perfect combination hot sun, sea breezes, comfortable humidity and mountain air make Crete an ideal holiday destination for people of any age and at any time of the year!

Where in Crete is the sea water warmer?

There is one in Crete interesting feature- on many beaches on the southern coast the sea water is colder than on the northern coast. This is explained by the fact that in the southern part of the island cold underwater springs flow into the sea, located quite close to the shore, and sometimes on the beach itself, as, for example, on the Glika Nera beach, where a shallow hole dug by hand is gradually filled fresh water. Often the water in the sea on the south coast near the shore can be like a layer cake, consisting of a cold layer, followed by a warm layer, and then cold again. The reason is still the same - springs flowing in the Libyan Sea near the coast. But this feature does not scare anyone and, especially, does not stop anyone from swimming in the azure waters of the amazingly beautiful Libyan Sea.

Where can I find out what the weather will be like in Crete in the next 14 days?

We often come across the question of what the weather will be like in Crete in the coming days, where can you find the most accurate and reliable weather forecast for two weeks. Personally, we, as it has been for years, learn about the current weather in Crete and the weather forecast for the coming days on the Gismeteo website. Actually, below we will post links to the weather forecast from Gismeteo for two weeks in different cities of the island of Crete:

Weather forecast for 14 days in Agios Nikolaos: Link >>
Weather forecast for 14 days in Heraklion: Link >>
Weather forecast for 14 days in Rethymno: Link >>
Weather forecast for 14 days in Chania: Link >>

Water temperature and wave height in the waters of the island of Crete

Currently, there are convenient weather services that allow you to find out what the current sea water temperature is and even what the wave height is in the waters of the island of Crete.

The sea water temperature in the waters of the island of Crete can be viewed online on the website: Weather Online
Information about the height of the waves, their direction now, as well as the forecast for 5 days is presented on the website: Poseidon System
