Mineral resources of the Perm region.

Full list There are more than 500 types of minerals in the Perm Region. These include gypsum, marble, dolomites, anhydrite, lime, marl, sands, expanded clay, mineral paints, strontium, chrome ores and many others. However, among them there are those that are of paramount importance for the Perm Region.

First of all, these are oil and salts.

Oil was discovered in the Perm Territory relatively recently, not even a hundred years have passed since that day. At the end of 1928, under the leadership of Professor P.I. Preobrazhensky, drilling of a well began on the outskirts of the village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodki near the town of Chusovaya. And on April 16, 1929, the first oil appeared from the well.

Later, oil was discovered near Dobryanka, Polazna, Krasnokamsk, as well as in the territories from Solikamsk to Krasnovishersk. However, the most powerful oil deposits are located in the Chernushka, Kueda, and Osa areas. The Tanypskoye and Batyrbayskoye deposits are still being developed. The oil in these places is thick, dark brown in color, formed during the Devonian period, lies very deep and for this reason is expensive, but this oil is very good quality, its processed products are especially required in the aviation industry.

In addition, about 200 hydrocarbon deposits have been explored in the Perm Territory, and this includes not only oil, but also associated gas.

But the history of salt mining goes back to the distant past, and no one remembers exact date the beginning of the fishery, nor the name of the person who guessed to boil the salt from the brine. It is only known that at the beginning of the 15th century, merchants Kalinnikovs appeared in the Perm region and began to develop underground brines. So in 1530 the settlement of Sol Kamskaya appeared (on the Usolka River, not far from the confluence with the Kama), which later and forever became known as Solikamsk. Afterwards, salt extraction was carried out by the Stroganovs, who from the 16th century increased the number of saltworks, and Perm salt, or Permyanka, ousted its main competitors from the salt market: the salt of Vychegda and Balashikha. In addition to table salt, potassium salts are also mined in the Perm Territory in the Verkhnekamsk deposit, which stretches from Lake Nyukhti in the Krasnovishersky district to the Yayva River basin in the south (the cities of Berezniki and Solikamsk are located “at the deposit”). It produces potash fertilizers, food and industrial salt, and raw materials for the titanium-magnesium plant.

No less important for Perm region is also the only deposit of chromite ores in Russia near settlement Sarans. There are also a lot of mineral paints in the region. The Servinskoye field is promising in this regard.

Coal and iron ores have been mined in the Perm region for more than 200 years. Even under Peter the Great, more than a million pounds of iron were mined in the mountains and foothills of the Urals, which was used to smelt cannons, rifles, cannonballs and other strategically important goods.

But what there is more than enough in the Perm Territory is peat! The Krasnokamskoye field in Shabunichi alone could provide fuel for all 234 largest enterprises Perm Territory for 70 years. An equally large accumulation of peat is located south of the city of Krasnovishersk. In addition, there is peat in Kochevo, Gainy, Nyrob, in the Chastinsky district and other places. Moreover, these reserves are almost undeveloped; they represent a strategic reserve of the fuel industry.

But there are minerals in the Perm Territory that give the region an unusual, original appearance.

For example, diamonds. Diamond production in the Perm Territory does not exceed 0.1 - 0.2% of the all-Russian total, however, the cost of Perm diamonds is 20% of all diamond production in Russia. This is due to their high quality: 80% of diamonds are used for the production of jewelry; in addition, diamonds from the Perm Region have no tint, they are transparent, crystal clear, and have rounded edges. In 2004, a 35-carat diamond measuring 20 by 17 mm was discovered. The very first diamond in the Perm region was found by a nine-year-old peasant boy, Pavel Popov, who received his freedom as a reward for his discovery. Many years have passed since then, now in the Perm Territory diamonds are mined industrially in the Krasnovishersky and Gornozavodsky districts (Kusye-Aleksandrovsk), and Cherdyn, Krasnokamsk, and Aleksandrovsk are also famous for their diamond placers. In addition to diamonds, gold is also mined in the Perm Territory.

Another, no less interesting mineral of the Perm Region is volkonskoite. Its deposits (on an industrial scale) are not found anywhere else in Russia, and in the world - volkonskoite can only be found in South Africa. It is not for nothing that Volkonskoite is so valued in the world. From this mineral they get an amazing paint of fresh, juicy Green colour. In 1927, the Higher Art Institute released a paint based on volkonskoite “Green Earth”, and such high-quality paint did not fade in the sun, did not turn yellow, was not dissolved by organic solvents, did not deteriorate even under the influence of acids and alkalis, and was able to retain its color for centuries. It is known that Pablo Picasso himself was very fond of this paint and even turned to geologists of the USSR with a request to restore industrial production volkonskoita. In addition, volkonskoite, this clay mineral, can be used to soften water, for purifying and refining oils, in the manufacture of enamels, glazes, in ceramics and pottery production.

Volkonskoite was discovered in 1830, in the Chastinsky district, near the village of Efimyata. However, who discovered volkonskoite and who it was named after still remains unclear. There are several versions, according to one of them the mineral is named after the wife of the Decembrist Sergei Volkonsky - Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, who twice passed through the Perm Province.

The Perm Region has such a wide variety of mineral resources due to the combination various forms relief: flat western part, located on the eastern edge of the Russian platform, and the Ural mountain system. In addition, a large amount of sedimentary minerals in the Perm region (including salts) is associated with the presence in these places about 300 million years ago of the ancient Permian Sea, which, due to mountain-building processes, was separated from the main body of water and subsequently dried up. The water has evaporated, and the dissolved in it minerals remained and gave rise to many industries in the Perm Region.

Mineral resource base of the Perm region

Large reserves are concentrated in the bowels of the Perm region natural resources. On the territory of the Kama region there is a unique Verkhnekamskoye deposit of chloride salts of potassium, magnesium and sodium. Together with potassium salts, reserves are concentrated in the deposit rock salt(about half of Russian reserves). The region also has resources of chrome, iron, copper ores, gold, platinum, and diamonds. Oil and gas production and processing are carried out.

Mineral resource base of solid minerals of the Perm region

The mineral resource base of solid minerals of the region is rich in ore and non-metallic minerals:

  • placer diamonds - 15 deposits, including 12 within the Vishera diamond-bearing region: Bolshe-Shchugorskoye (Volynka site), Left Bank terraces of the Bolshe-Shchugorskoye deposit, Vogul depression, Ilya-Vozhskaya depression, placer river. Storozhevoy, Bolshe-Kolchimskoye (areas: Placer channel, floodplains, 1-5 terraces of the upper reaches of the Bolshaya Kolchim river and Placer channel, floodplains, 1-5 terraces of the Churochnaya river), Rassolninskaya depression (areas: South part deposits and the Northern part of the deposit), Severo-Kolchimskoye (site Placer bed, floodplain, 1-2 terraces of the Poludenny Kolchim river; Sputnik 1 site, placer 1-2 terraces of the Northern Kolchim river; Sputnik 2 site, placer 1-5 terraces of the river Ilya-Vozh; section Placer bed, floodplain, 1-2 terraces of the Northern Kolchim river), Efimovskoye (section Detailny 1; section Rassolnaya Yuzhnaya), Western flank of the Volynka deposit, Ishkovsky section, Sukhaya Volynka; 3 within the Yaivinsky diamond-bearing region: Rybyakovskoye, Tsenvinskoye, placer river. Chickman. In addition, the state balance takes into account the reserves of 4 technogenic deposits (SOF-6, dredge No. 119, dredge No. 141, placer of the Bolshoy Shchugor River);
  • platinum group metals – 1 placer deposit (Koyvinskoye);
  • chrome ores – 2 deposits (Glavnoye Saranovskoye and Yuzhno-Saranovskoye), and, in addition, the Saranovskaya group of boulder ore placers (placers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, as well as placers 1, 7, 8);
  • placer gold – 16 deposits, including: Kazan Surya river; Koivinskoe; Blessed scattering; Bolshe-Imennovskoe; Verkhne-Velsovskoye (Zabludyashchaya, Talaya rivers, Popovsky Klyuch stream, Shirokorechenskaya depression); Vilva r. (upstream); Border river, tributary of the river Right Rassokh; Kyrma district; Poludenka river, left. pr.r. Koiva; Sredne-Velsovskoe; Middle Northern Rassokha river; Surya Bol. R.; Shaldinka Bol. R.; Shaldinka Mal. R.; Samenskaya placer, Northern Tiscos River;
  • strontium ores – 1 deposit (Mazuevskoye, Blizhny Log site);
  • potassium-magnesium salts – Verkhnekamsk deposit (sections Solikamsky, Novo-Solikamsky, Polovodovsky, Bereznikovsky, Bygelsko-Troitsky, Durymansky, Talitsky, Ust-Yaivinsky, Balakhontsevsky, Palashersky, Borovsky, Yuzhno-Yurchuksky, Remaining area);
  • table salt – 2 deposits: Verkhnekamskoye (sections Durymansky, Bygelsko-Troitsky, Novo-Solikamsky, Bereznikovsky) and Shumkovskoye;
  • rubidium oxide – Verkhnekamskoye deposit (Ust-Yaivinsky, Remaining area areas);
  • bromine in potassium-magnesium salts – Verkhnekamskoe deposit (areas C Olikamsky, Novo-Solikamsky, Bereznikovsky, Durymansky, Bygelsko-Troitsky, Ust-Yaivinsky, Palashersky, Balakhontsevsky and Talitsky);
  • iodine and bromine in iodine-bromine waters – Krasnokamskoye deposit (Overyatsky and Grigorievsky areas);
  • hard coal - 11 sites for mines, namely: in the Kizelovsky coal-bearing region, the sites “Kospash No. 48”, “Kospash No. 46”, “Kospash No. 27” (reserve site of the Kospashskaya mine), “Kospash No. 45” (reserve site of the mine) are taken into account named after the 40th anniversary of the Komsomol), “Reserve section of the mine named after. Lenin" (below the horizon VI ), “Site No. 15” (reserve section of the Severnaya mine); in the Gubakhinsky coal-bearing region, the Kosvinsky Gluboky and Reserve site of the Klyuchevskoy mine are taken into account; in Gremyachinsky – sections “Yuzhno-Skalninsky”, “Obmankovsky No. 1-2”, “Kosorechenskoye “1-2”;
  • pyrite sulfur - 1 site (in hard coals at the reserve site “Kospash No. 27”);
  • limestones for chemical industry– 4 fields (Kostanoksky area of ​​the Chanvinskoye field; South and North areas of the Sysoevskoye field; Severny and Gora Belaya areas of the Gubakhinskoye field; Pashiysky Grebeshok);
  • fluxing limestones – 2 deposits (Bely Kamen, Pashiysky Grebeshok);
  • limestones for the pulp and paper industry – 1 deposit (Chikalinskoye, Prikarierny and Semaforny Log areas);
  • limestones for mineral feeding of farm animals and birds – 1 deposit (Sharashinskoye);
  • limestones and clayey shales for cement production - 2 deposits (Novo-Pashiyskoye, Kishertskoye deposits);
  • anhydrite and gypsum for cement production – 1 deposit (Sokolino-Sarkaevskoye, Sarkaevsky and Gora Sokolinaya areas);
  • dolomite for metallurgy – 1 deposit (White Stone);
  • molding sands – 3 deposits (Verkhne-Mullinskoye, Belokamenskoye and Gubdorskoye);
  • volkonskoite (mineral paints) – 6 deposits (Selinskoye, Lapshinskoye, Bozhyakovskoye, Efimyatskoye, Krutolozhskoye, Samosadkinskoye);
  • ornamental gypsum (pink selenite, white, brown, gray and colored) – 6 deposits (Egorshina Yamy, Fedorovskoye, Odinovskoye, Denisovskoye, Na Shumu, Yakovlevskoye);
  • therapeutic mud – 1 deposit (Suksun pond).
Solid minerals of federal significance
№№ Minerals Unit Balance reserves

Production in 2013

(mineral resource)

Total incl. in the distributed fund
Number of deposits A+B+C 1 +C 2 Number of deposits A+B+C 1 +C 2
Metal minerals
1 Gold kg 16 10791 4 4681
2 Platinum kg 1 465 1 465
3 Rubidium T 1 2453 1
4 Strontium ores thousand tons
1 270,2
5 Chrome ores thousand tons 8 7863 7 7063 139
Non-metallic minerals
1 Diamonds thousand carats 15 1154,5 8 572,1 15,7
2 Bromine in potassium-magnesium salts thousand tons 1 256,4 1 3
3 Bromine in iodine-bromine waters thousand cubic meters/day 1 51,6
4 Dolomite for metallurgy thousand tons 1 24955 1 24955 122
5 Iodine thousand cubic meters/day 1 51,6
6 Flux limestones thousand tons 2 32506 1 28642 156
7 Carbonate rocks for mineral feeding of agricultural animals and birds thousand tons 1 6091
8 Carbonate rocks for the chemical industry thousand tons 4 454080 3 374257 1529
9 Carbonate rocks for the pulp and paper industry thousand tons 1 7866
10 Mineral paints thousand tons 6 0,24
11 Mineral healing mud thousand m 3 1 1984,26 1 21,9 0,35
12 Pyrite sulfur thousand tons 1 111
13 Potassium salts thousand tons 1 107641994 1 13266150 35440
14 Rock salt thousand tons 2 1277055 1 1117555
15 Magnesium salts thousand tons 1 62110406 1 2421188 488
16 Coal thousand tons 11 222,6
17 Molding sands thousand tons 3 15843 1 200
18 Colored stones, including
18.1 ornamental plaster T 6 255305 2 26820 1110
19 Cement raw materials, including thousand tons 3 350603 2 160321 2061
19.1 limestone thousand tons 1 229591 1 83907 1701
19.2 clay thousand tons 2 22373 1 3647 160
19.3 slates thousand tons 1 51432 1 51432 200
19.4 gypsum and anhydride thousand tons 1 47207 1 21335 956

The overwhelming majority of solid mineral deposits are common minerals. Common minerals include 860 deposits, including.

Topic: Minerals (lesson - research)

The purpose of the lesson: Reveal the role of minerals in human activity and show the need for their careful use.

Lesson objectives:


    Familiarize yourself with the variety of minerals and some of their properties, methods of their extraction;

    Organize schoolchildren’s research into the basic properties of minerals;

    Show their important role in the country's economy.

Developmental task:

    Development of the ability to analyze and build hypotheses, conclusions, and evidence based on analysis.

    Develop skills in drawing up diagrams and tables.


    Show the need to protect mineral resources;

    Maintain awareness of the involvement of each student in the result of joint learning activities.

    Foster tolerance.

Lesson type: subject

Lesson format: lesson-research.

Form of organization of educational activities: individual - group, frontal.

Methods: partially search, research.

Terms and concepts: minerals, geologists, deposits, quarry, mine.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, fossil collection, glass of water, White paper, magnifying glasses.

Didactic materials : teacher presentation, rocks, instruction card for studying the properties of minerals.

During the classes

Stage 1. Organizing time. Psychological mood.

Look at each other, with your eyes, wish your friend a good working mood for the entire lesson. Now look at me. I also wish you all an interesting lesson.

Stage 2. Motivation and goal setting.

Look at our Earth. The nature of our Earth is rich and diverse. Some riches are on the surface of the Earth, others are hidden deep in the Earth.

What cunning secrets
Common items melt:
Minerals sparkle in the salt shaker!
Snowflakes are crystals!
The foil that hid the candy -
The metal is the same as in rockets.
Simple clay conceals it,
Sister of sapphire and ruby!
And if you trip over a stone,
Don't think that the cobblestone is to blame,
And here is omnipotent nature
They gave you a breed!

What kind of riches and secrets do you think we will talk about today?

Read the topic of the lesson. "Minerals"

What problems do we need to uncover on this topic? What questions should we ask ourselves?

(What minerals do we know? Where are they located? How do people use them in their lives? How should minerals be protected? How are they mined?)

What problem do we pose in class? (Why do minerals play a big role in human life?)

Why do we need to know this?

How will we find out the unknown about minerals? How will we work? (working in groups).

Stage 3. Planning to find a solution.

You are placed in groups of 5 people.

What is the first step for coordinated work in groups to be taken in order to find answers to all the questions posed? (distribute roles in the group: organizer, time keeper, informants).

Stage 4. Implementation of the plan.

Frontal work.

Study. What are “minerals” and “fossils”

Now work in a group and try to define “Minerals”.

(“Minerals” are natural resources that people extract from the depths of the earth and its surface and use).

- If we know what minerals are, then in order to know how to use them, where to apply them, what else do you think we should know about them? (properties).

Each mineral has some property. Now we will identify and explore these properties.

Properties of minerals.

Salt. Study. Demonstration of experiments by the teacher. (Research plan in the appendix)









dissolves in water

does not dissolve in water


Explore according to plan. (Research plan in appendix)











AND follow the plan.(Research plan in appendix)

Working with a table. Find the odd one out. Conclusion








settles in water


Explore according to plan.

Plan for studying the properties of coal.

1. Examine a sample of coal. Determine its color. Does it have shine?

2. Place the piece in water. Does he float on its surface or sink?

3. Run your fingernail over the rock.

4. Coal is hard, but suppose it is brittle. Prove it! Find a way to prove it.

5. Where is it used and based on what properties?

Working with a table. Find the odd one out. Conclusion









Explore according to plan. (Research plan in appendix)

Working with a table. Find the odd one out. Conclusion.









Fizminutka (slide 13).

They walked and walked along the path,
We found a lot of stones.
We sat down, collected ourselves and moved on.
Along the path, along the path
Jump on the left leg
And along the same path
We jump on the right leg.
We'll run along the path and reach the lawn.
On the lawn, on the lawn
We'll jump like bunnies.
Stop! Let's rest a little!
And we’ll go to work again!”

We continue to work. We still have a lot to learn.

So, knowing the properties of minerals, what can we now learn? (where is it used and how is it mined)

Stage 5. Working with text and maps.

Who do you think geologists are?

Now each group will be geologists - scouts. You go on reconnaissance and in a few minutes tell us where on the map mining operations are taking place in the Perm region..

Each geological group has its own task. You will begin your story with the words:“We are geologists just returned from an expedition...” There is more to help your text Additional Information. Use it.

Before the stories, let's work with the concepts:

Geologists – people engaged in the study and search of minerals.

Place of Birth - places where minerals lie in the depths of the earth and on its surface.

Quarry – This is an open pit.

Mines – These are deep wells.

Now, based on your stories, we will draw up a small diagram - a “spider” - conclusion.

Why do people need minerals and where do they use them?

Guys, two ovals have not been studied. We will study them in the next lessons.

Stage 6 . Careful use.

- Can our economy manage without natural resources?

- Minerals are the source of our life.

Tell me, what will happen if minerals disappear from our Earth?

What should a person do to make good use of the wealth of underground storehouses?

Stage 7. Conclusion .

Minerals are the treasure of our Earth. Therefore, like any other treasure, they need to be protected and protected. The mineral reserves on Earth are not endless. It is necessary to properly and carefully treat underground wealth that cannot be restored. How will you and I carefully use these riches?

Stage 8. Reflection

- What tasks were set at the beginning of the lesson?

Do you think we coped with the task in class?

What helped us in our work?

What discoveries did you make for yourself?

Let's check. Game "Clap if you hear a mineral."

Coal, table, sun, salt, paper, lime, road, oil, gas, water, sand.

Stage 9 Job evaluation.

Group assessment.

Stage 10. Homework

Raise your hand if you wanted to learn more about minerals after the lesson and prepare a report.

There are many more minerals on earth. So I suggest you prepare a message about any mineral.


Salt research.

If a trace remains, then the rock is soft;

If you can scratch it with a nail, then it is hard;

If there is no nail mark, then it is very hard.

3. Pour water. Do crystals float on the surface of water? (Yes - it means lighter than water, no - it means heavier than water)

4.Is it soluble in water? This means that the solubility in water is good.

Sand exploration plan.

1. Examine the samples. Determine its color.

2. Run your fingernail over the rock.

If a trace remains, then the rock is soft;

If you can scratch it with a nail, then it is hard;

If there is no nail mark, then it is very hard.

3. Pour water. Do grains of sand float on the surface of water? (Yes - it means lighter than water, no - it means heavier than water)

4.Dissolves in water or settles to the bottom?

Plan for studying the properties of limestone

1. Examine the samples. Determine its color.

2. Run your fingernail over the rock.

If a trace remains, then the rock is soft;

If you can scratch it with a nail, then it is hard;

If there is no nail mark, then it is very hard.

3. Pour water. Do the pieces float on the surface of the water? (Yes - it means lighter than water, no - it means heavier than water)

4.Does it dissolve in water or does it soften?

Today we will talk about minerals in the Perm region. What is mined there, what value are the minerals, how does the region live? All these and other questions will be answered in the article below.

A little about the territory

Perm region is geographically located in the eastern part European Russia and on the western slopes of the Urals. Only 0.2% of its area is located in Asia, the rest of the territory is in Europe. The boundaries are uneven and winding, their length is more than 2200 km. Local residents live according to Yekaterinburg time, which is 2 hours ahead Moscow time and at 5 o'clock - world.

As for the climate, it is moderate here. Winter is long and snowy. For minerals in the Perm region big influence education has had Ural mountains which happened many millions of years ago. The subsequent accumulation of sedimentary rocks on the basement, which has a crystalline structure, also contributed to the diversity of fossils.

Perm region: mineral resources

To begin with, it is worth saying that in total you can find more than 500 types of fossils, which this region is rich in. These include dolomites, lime, mineral paints, chrome ores, marl, sands, etc. However, among all this diversity there are rocks that are given paramount importance, because they ensure the economic prosperity of the region. As mentioned above, the presence large quantity rocks provide mountainous and flat terrain. The greatest importance among all fossils is given to oil and salt.


In 1929, oil was first discovered in this area. More precisely, they found her in the village of Verkhnechusovskie towns. Today, more than 160 fields are known in the Perm region that are rich in hydrocarbon raw materials. Many are still being developed, but are already actively used. 89 fields are oil, 18 are gas and oil and 3 are gas. Despite the fact that everyone knows that there is enough oil in this region, the deposits here are quite modest. They are small in size, but quite rich.

Oil production is carried out mainly in the center and south. There are most oil deposits here. The most famous ones include Kuedinskoye, Krasnokamskoye, Polaznenskoye, Chernushinskoye and Osinskoye. There are some deposits in the north of the region, but they are still at the development stage. The problem is that the oil is very deep under the salt layers. great depth. This significantly slows down the development process; The question arises about the appropriateness of this activity.


The main feature of mineral deposits in the Perm region is that there are many of them, but they are small. This is the case with both oil and coal. Although it is worth saying that the latter is mined here recent years 200. For a long time vital role The Kizelovsky coal plant played a role in economic stability and prosperity, where there was uninterrupted mining of coal. The maximum occurred in 1960, when it was possible to extract 12 million tons. However, despite this success, after that the volumes only began to decrease. Various works to discover new deposits were not carried out. There are many small deposits in the territory, but they do not play a significant role in the economy of the region.


The mineral resources of the Perm region, the list of which, as mentioned above, includes about 500 items, cannot be imagined without salts. There are many of them, they are different and have a great impact on the economy. This is where the famous deposit is located potassium salts- Verkhnekamskoe, which is rightfully considered one of the largest in the world. Huge quantities of chloride salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, as well as rock salt are regularly mined here. The area of ​​the bearing territory is 1800 km2, despite the fact that the thickness of the layers along the entire length is 514 m.


The Perm region is very rich in chromites. It is here that the main Saranovskoe deposit is located - the only one in the Russian Federation where chromites are mined. Large deposits of chromium iron ore provide the region with constant economic prosperity, especially considering the complete uniqueness of the deposit. However, it is regularly developed to expand the boundaries and mine even more chromites. Copper and iron have been mined here since the 18th century. Also in the Middle Urals in the area of ​​the Koyva River and in the Northern Urals in the area of ​​two rivers - Ulus and Vels - were discovered large deposits gold. Currently, these data are in an abandoned state, development is not underway.


We have already learned what minerals are mined in the Perm region. Almost all. Here, in this cold region, people mine diamonds. The deposit is located near the known gold deposit in the Gornozavodsky district (Koiva River). In 1829, it was here that the first diamond in Russia was discovered. We all know that diamonds are in great demand in jewelry. However, only the best breeds that are of high quality are selected for industrial purposes. The Perm region is rich in such diamonds. In the same territory, active mining of citrine, marble, and quartz is carried out.


What mineral resources are there in the Perm region, in addition to those that we already know about? Minerals! And not the usual ones, but those that are used in various dyes. Ocher, minium, and volkonskoite are mined.

There are three small deposits of red lead on the territory - Shudinskoye, Solovinskoye and Paltinskoye. Ocher is extracted from 42 deposits, which are located in different areas.

Volkonskoite is a very rare clay material that is actively used in the production of enamels, pastes, protective and decorative paints. Most often it is green, but this does not matter. In total, there are 25 deposits in the region (Selinskoye, Krutolozhskoye, Samosadkinskoye, etc.).

What else?

The mineral resources of the Perm region are very diverse. It is simply impossible to list all the types. Let us dwell on those breeds that make a great contribution to the economy and are of great economic importance.

Mining in the Perm region, apart from the top three, is concentrated on limestone. It is necessary for the production of construction lime, therefore it is in great demand. In the region, 7 deposits are actively used: Sharashinskoye, Severo-Sharashinskoye, Gora Matyukovaya, Bolshe-Sarsinskoye, Chikalinskoye, Vsevolodo-Vilvenskoye.

Anhydrite and gypsum mined here are used for the production of gypsum plaster, binder mixtures, panels, plasterboard, fiber boards, etc. The highest gypsum content was found in the Uinsky and Orda regions. All deposits of anhydrite and gypsum are on the state balance. Among the most famous are Polaznenskoe, Odinovskoe, Ergachinskoe, Chumkasskoe and Selishchenskoe.

Expanded clay - minerals mined in the Perm region for many years, are used for the production of expanded clay. Clays are fusible clayey rocks, which are rich in various deposits. The two largest are Kostarevsoke and Sanatorskoe.

It is interesting that almost every administrative district of the region has clay deposits. The demand for this material is explained by the fact that clay and sand are two materials that are basic in the production of brick and tile products.

Deposits of waste sands are distributed evenly throughout the entire territory. The most famous: Bukorskoye, Nichkovskoye and Everzikovskoye.

The territory is also rich in sand and gravel mixtures - a loose accumulation of fragments of minerals and rocks. The value of this material is that it serves as a filler in the production of asphalt concrete. There are 30 such fields actively operating in the Perm region.

The minerals of the Perm region are a wide variety of rocks that are in great demand on the market. The economy of the region largely relies on the ability to extract profitable rocks. Do not forget that processing and mining of minerals provides additional jobs. The peculiarity of the deposits of the Perm region is that all the fossils are quite simple and practical. They are needed constantly and in different sectors of life, so the economy of the Perm region is not yet in danger of a crisis.

Minerals are required for industrial development, Agriculture, construction. The life and development of any region depends on them. There are many of them in our region: salts, oil, natural gas, coal, peat, various ores, gold, diamonds, etc.

Finding minerals is not an easy job. In earlier times, people who searched for ore were called ore miners. Currently, geologists are engaged in the exploration of underground resources.

World famous name " Permian period"is also a geological concept. Permian period opened in 1841 English scientist Roderick Murchison, who, during an expedition on the banks of the Yegoshikha River, discovered previously unexplored deposits of centuries-old rocks. This is how Perm appeared in the name of one of the geological periods.

What is our Perm land rich in?

In the area of ​​the cities of Solikamsk and Berezniki, the world's second largest deposit of salts, Verkhnekamskoye, is located: rock, potassium, potassium-magnesium. From a depth of approximately 90 - 200 m and up to 600 m they lie in thick layers. First comes rock salt, then potassium-magnesium salt, and even lower - potassium salt in combination with rock salt. The underlying layer is again rock salt. Geologists jokingly call this deposit a layer cake.

The Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit was formed in a distant geological era. About 200 million years ago there was a sea in our region. Under the influence sun rays the water heated up and evaporated. From the bitter-salty sea ​​water salts were deposited and gradually accumulated, especially at the bottom of shallow bays. The sea retreated several times, became shallow, and then filled with water again. Finally, the sea receded and disappeared. Over millions of years, a huge deposit of stone, potassium, potassium-magnesium salts, snow-white, blue-gray, orange, red, was formed.

More often rock salt painted pink or yellow.

Pure rock salt (halite) is colorless, transparent and easily soluble in water.

The use of rock salt began several centuries ago. In many places of the Upper Kama, where The groundwater They come close to the rock salt layers, so-called brines and salt springs have formed.

Brine well

Having learned about this natural wealth, in the 15th century, Novgorod merchants, the Kalinnikov brothers, arrived here. On the banks of the Borovitsa and Usolka rivers they organized salt production and built several saltworks and residential buildings. This marked the beginning of the construction of the Sol Kamskaya settlement, from where the city of Solikamsk originated. Here they began to pump out brines and boil salt from them. Salt at that time it was worth its weight in gold, it was sold for a lot of money. In the middle of the 16th century (in 1558), merchants and industrialists the Stroganovs came here, having secured a charter from Tsar Ivan the Terrible for the right to own these lands. From now on it began economic development Prikamye. The Stroganovs significantly expanded salt extraction and salt production. Permian salt was exported for sale to various cities in our country and abroad.

Many people worked at the Stroganovs' salt mines. Salt making brought untold wealth to merchants. And the saltworks workers have retained from those times the nickname “Permyak - salty ears”, reminiscent of how they had to carry heavy bags of salt on their backs, causing salty dust to fall on their faces, ears and hands, corroding the skin. This caused the ears to become inflamed and stick out to the sides.

In the center of Perm there is a monument

"Permyak - salty ears."

Permian salt was in demand, and for a long time Verkhnekamye was the “main salt shaker” of Russia.

With the discovery of cheaper self-planted salt in the Volga lakes Elton and Baskunchak, salt production on the Upper Kama decreased sharply.

Rock salt is used in the food and chemical industries.

Potassium and potassium-magnesium salts were discovered in the twentieth century. Within the city of Solikamsk there is the Lyudmilinskaya well, during the drilling of which (1906) N.P. Ryazantsev discovered the first Russian Empire potassium. This well was named after Ryazantsev’s wife Lyudmila Vasilievna. In 1925, near the Lyudmilinskaya well, at a depth of 92 meters, deposits of pinkish potassium salts - sylvinite - were discovered.

Their reserves turned out to be very large. This salt is the raw material for the production of potash fertilizers, glass, etc., necessary for plants.

In 1927, under a layer of rock salt, geologists discovered deposits of potassium-magnesium salts of dark red and orange color. From magnesium salts, a very valuable light metal, magnesium, is obtained, which is used to produce durable alloys. This is what airplane and ship parts are made from!

One day, geologists drilled a well in the area of ​​the village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodki to determine the boundaries of the ancient salt sea. This was in 1928. The work was supervised by one of the most famous geologists of the Urals Pavel Ivanovich Preobrazhensky. He did not even imagine the possibility of discovering oil in the Kama region. There was no salt at the drilling site. They wanted to liquidate the well, but P.I. Preobrazhensky insisted on deepening it. Already in 1929 year, from a depth of 328 m, they raised a rock that was filled with oil. And even deeper they discovered a film of oil. This was the first Permian oil!

Since then, this well has been considered the ancestor of Permian oil; it is respectfully called “Granny”.

The first fountain of oil was obtained fromwell No. 101, named


"To the Grandmother Tower"

And from it, from this small tower
The “Second Baku” began!
She had heroic prowess,
time ran out - she retired,
and now her "grandmother" people
in everyday life they call each other.
And so that everyone in our region remembers
that distant great moment
raised her up like a hero,
on a white stone pedestal.
And stand for the glory of the area,
where creative work is in full swing,
and rocking chairs, like a faithful friend,
they bow to her day and night.

Madril Gafurov

When they were drilling a well for an artesian well in Krasnokamsk in 1934, they again came across oil. Thus, the second oil field was discovered in the Perm region - Krasnokamskoye. Later, oil fields were discovered in the central and southern regions (Chernushinskoye, Osinskoye, Ordinskoye, Kuedinskoye, etc.)

Oil is a combustible mineral: it catches fire easily and cannot be extinguished with water. Perm oil is of high quality. It is made from necessary for people petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, lubricating oils, etc.). Permian oil does not freeze even in very coldy. It is often called "black gold".

Our region not only provides its own economy with oil, but also helps other regions.

Combustible minerals include coal.

For more than two centuries it was mined in the areas of Kizel and Gubakha. For a long time, the Kizelovsky coal basin supplied most of Russia with this valuable fuel. Coal was used mainly as fuel for industrial enterprises and thermal stations and had great importance in the development of industry in the Kama region. Currently, coal reserves in the region have decreased significantly; it is necessary to look for new deposits.

The Perm region is also rich peat. Its reserves are large. According to geologists, they amount to about two billion tons. Peat is fuel and an excellent fertilizer for plants.

In our region, in the Gornozovodsk region, there is one of the largest chromite deposits in Russia, the Saranovskoye deposit - chromium iron ore.

This is an ore containing chromium and iron. Chromium iron ore is a raw material for the chemical and ceramic industries; it is added to smelting to produce high-quality steel.

In the Krasnovishersky district they mine gems diamonds. They are found in placers of river valleys and in rock inclusions.

Interestingly, the first Permian diamond was found in 1829 by a 14-year-old serf boy, Pavel Popov. For this he received his freedom.

Diamonds are the hardest minerals of all. known to man. Most of the diamonds found are colorless, but there are also colored ones: blue, yellow.

Processed, faceted diamonds are called diamonds and are used as decorations in jewelry: bracelets, earrings, pendants. They have no equal in their beauty.

Diamonds can also be used for various technical purposes. They are used when drilling in hard rocks, for cutting and grinding glass, processing metal and stones.

Mining has been going on for over 100 years gold in the Vishera River basin. The largest deposits are Chuvalskoye, discovered back in 1898, and Popovskaya Sopka.

There are a lot of minerals in the depths of our region, which are used as construction material: limestones, plaster, clay, sand and etc.



The raw materials from the region's gypsum deposits are suitable for the production of any products. Gypsum storage room - the bank of the Ireni River in the Kungur region. Of particular value is gypsum of golden and light pink hue with a silky sheen. This is selenite. Its name comes from the word “selena” (moon), which is why selenite is also called moon gypsum. Products made from this amazingly colored stone are known far beyond the borders of the Perm region and Russia.

In the areas of Ust-Kachki and the village of Klyuchi are open mineral water- iodine-bromine and hydrogen sulfide, which are used for medicinal purposes.

The Perm region is rich in minerals!
