Rules for making a fire in the forest obzh. Presentation on the topic "making a fire"

When entering the forest, you must remember that making fires is not always permitted and not everywhere.

How to properly light a fire:

Bonfire: It’s hard to imagine any trip without it. First of all, they are necessary for a novice traveler. Sometimes even a person’s life depends on the ability to make a fire. First you need to know how to choose a place for a fire, how to prepare the site, how to prepare firewood and kindling, and, most importantly, how to light a fire in any situation. weather conditions and at any time of the year

Selecting a location: Before making a fire, you need to choose a place for it (preferably sheltered from wind and rain by some natural shelter, for example, a rock). It is advisable that this place be close to water. The main condition is compliance with the rules against fire safety.

Do not light a fire under the canopy or between large exposed roots. You should also not make fires among dead coniferous wood and young growth, as well as in areas with dry grass or on scattered stones, between which a lot of hot forest debris accumulates.

Site preparation: Clear an area about a meter and a half in diameter from forest debris: grass, dry leaves. It’s even better to remove the top layer of turf, exposing the bud in an area larger than the fire itself will occupy, and, if possible, cover this area with stones. This is done in order to avoid accidental spread of fire to dry vegetation, leading to a forest fire. It is very dangerous to make a fire in close proximity to dry grass and in dry coniferous forest, where flames can spread quickly even with a slight breeze. A fire lit on peat soil easily ignites the layer of peat under the turf and it is very difficult to extinguish such a fire, since the flame can appear from under the ground only after a few days.
What if there is shallow snow on the ground? Clear the area down to the ground. Pack deep snow tightly, make a flooring from damp logs and branches.

Fuel: his correct selection very important for a fire. Dry firewood from deciduous trees does not produce smoke, while damp or rotten wood produces little heat but produces a lot of smoke. Live birch wood is too wet. Small dry brushwood gives off a strong flame, completely burning out in a few minutes. Firewood from deciduous trees with heavy dense wood (oak)

Kindling : These are flammable materials used to quickly start a fire. For this, birch bark, dry wood chips, rotten wood from hollows, and resinous pieces of bark are used. coniferous trees and the so-called “incendiary sticks”, which are made from resinous slivers of coniferous tree stumps.

The kindling is folded in the form of a small pyramid, at the base of which a small hole is left, into which an incendiary stick lit from a rod is brought in.

After the pyramid flares up, thicker and thicker pieces of wood are placed on it - dry branches, dry dead wood. To keep the fire from going out strong wind or rain, it is kindled under some kind of shelter: an overhanging stone, a rock.

Wet firewood should be stacked around the fire to help it dry out faster.

Making fire: the matches must remain dry; for this purpose, the match head up to a quarter of the length is dipped in molten wax and packaged together with a piece of the “grater” in a sealed bag or pencil case. You can also make fire using a magnifying glass, glasses lenses and other pieces of glass. With the help of the sun, prepared moss, bird fluff, resinous bark, and crushed leaves are set on fire.

Due to the start of the fire season, we pay attention to fire safety measures.

In the forest it is unacceptable:

- use open fire;

- burn grass under trees, in forest clearings, clearings, as well as stubble in fields, in the forest;

- make fires in young coniferous forests, on peat bogs, cutting areas, in places with dry grass, under tree crowns, as well as in areas of damaged forest;

- use wads made of flammable or smoldering materials when hunting;

- leave cleaning material that is oily or soaked in flammable substances;

- fill engine tanks with fuel, use faulty vehicles, smoke or use open fire near vehicles being refueled;

- leave bottles or glass shards behind, as they can act as incendiary lenses.

Those found guilty of violating these rules are subject to disciplinary

administrative or

criminal liability.

Rules of conduct in case of forest fire

Actions of the population in the forest fire zone:

- take a dip in the nearest body of water or cover yourself with wet clothes;

- to overcome the lack of oxygen, breathe through a wet handkerchief or dampened clothing, bend down to the ground;

- determine the direction of the wind and the spread of fire;

- choosing a route out of the forest without dangerous place, go out only to the windward side and along the front of the fire;

- Having decided to put out a small fire, send for help to locality;

- in case of a small fire, fill the fire with water from the nearest body of water, sweep away the flames with a 1.5-2 m bunch of branches of deciduous trees, wet clothes, thick fabric;

- trample down a small fire on the ground, do not let it spread to the trees, do not leave until you are sure that the fire has been extinguished.

Emergency phone numbers: 01, 112 (cellular communications).

Fire prevention is the basis of our safety.


for making a fire

rules of behavior in case of forest fires.

Completed by: life safety teacher Koval A.P.


Information hour

Topic: “Rules for making fires”

Purpose of the lesson: create conditions for students to familiarize themselves with the rules of making fires, promote understanding of the dangers of fires.


To familiarize students with the purposes of making fires and the different types of fires;

Build skills the right choice places for safe making of fires;

To develop students’ skills in observing fire safety rules and preventing various injuries;

Help prevent fires in forests.

Form of conduct: information hour.

During the classes

The teacher welcomes the students and encourages them to be focused and attentive in order to successfully learn new material. Wishes students interesting and fruitful work, provides a positive emotional attitude and psychological readiness for upcoming communication.

Updating knowledge

1. What natural complexes are the “lungs” of our planet?

A) mountains; B) forest; B) swamp; D) desert.

2. List the causes of forest fires.

A) abandoned cigarette butts, matches;

B) abandoned glass bottles, fragments;

B) lightning strike;

D) unextinguished fires;

D) burning dry grass;

E) malfunction of the exhaust system of vehicles.

3. Forest fires, depending on which layers of the forest the fire spreads, are divided into:

A) grassroots; B) riding; B) underground.

4. The speed of spread of a forest fire depends on:

A) the area of ​​the forest that caught fire;

B) humidity environment;

B) wind.

5. List your actions when you discover a forest fire.

A) call the Ministry of Emergency Situations on duty at 101;

B) if the fire is small, try to put it out on your own;

C) quickly leave the dangerous place and do not report the fire to anyone;

D) leave the fire zone in the windward direction, perpendicular to the edge of the fire;

D) when leaving the fire zone, use the terrain (clearings, rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands).


Now guess the riddle

Tourists will come to their camp,

They will divorce him in the evening,

It will burn for a long time,

Warm them with your warmth (bonfire)

Why is there a fire in the forest? (children's answers)

Communicating the topic and setting objectives

That's right, without it it is impossible to solve the problem of heating and drying clothes, cooking and lighting during autonomous existence in natural conditions. But there is a difference between fire and fire. One type of fire is good for drying clothes, the other is good for cooking. How do they differ? What types and types of fires are there? This is what we will talk about today. The topic of our lesson today is “Rules for making fires.”


1. selection and preparation of a place for a fire, rules for making a fire, preparing firewood.

2.types of fires

3.actions in case of fire.

The first point of our lesson is choosing and preparing a place for a fire? Why is it so important to know how to choose a place for a fire? (children's answers).

Because in the worst case, if the location is chosen incorrectly, a fire may start.

Where can you make a fire? How do you think?

What do you think, where should you not make fires? (children's answers).

To maintain the fire, you should take care of the firewood. They can be prepared before dark not only for cooking, lighting and heating the camp.

Bonfires can be lit for various purposes: to send a distress signal, cook food, dry clothes, perform any ritual actions (Maslenitsa, Kupala holidays), but most often they are lit during a short-term outdoor recreation. The last option is the most dangerous.

Bonfire "hut" aka “pioneer”, “pyramid”.

Such a fire is lit when it is necessary to obtain a lot of heat in a short time- quickly warm up and dry things. The fire is very hot and voracious, requiring a lot of wood. Gives a lot of light, very good when you need to illuminate the camp.

Bonfire "Zvezda" ("Star").

Economical, long-burning fire. Convenient for cooking and sleeping for several people. People line up around the fire and periodically move “their” logs towards the center.

“Well” fire (logs are stacked in a log house). Gives a low and wide flame. It burns for a long time. It gives a lot of heat, is suitable for cooking and heating, the consumption of firewood is lower than that of a “hut”, but also high. Produces a lot of coals quickly. The kindling is placed in a “hut” and a “well” is built around it.

“Taiga” fire form several logs 2-3 meters long, it burns for a long time, and does not require frequent addition of firewood. You can cook food on it, dry things and spend the night nearby without a tent. It burns with an even flame for several hours, then smolders and gives off intense heat.

Nodya bonfire. Gives a strong, wide flame. It warms from all sides. It burns for a long time.

Physical education minute

Now let's imagine that we are walking through the forest.

I'm going and you're going - one, two, three. (We walk in place.)

I sing and you sing - one, two, three. (Clap our hands.)

We walk and we sing - one, two, three. (Jumping in place.)

We live very friendly - one, two, three. (We walk in place.)

What to do if dry grass or branches catch fire

Small fires should be extinguished by throwing sand, earth, water, or trampling underfoot. If there are indirect signs of a fire, look around the area from an elevated point, locate the source, etc. direction of fire spread;

When you smell the smoke, come closer and determine: what is burning, which direction the wind is blowing, what is the danger of the fire spreading, the presence of children in the fire movement zone. Decide right away whether you will try to put out the fire or rush for help, because by overestimating your capabilities, you risk wasting time and allowing the fire to gain strength. Report the incident to the nearest telephone or via a messenger to the fire department.

Fill the fire with water from the nearest body of water and cover it with earth. To extinguish, use bunches of branches from deciduous trees or trees 1.5-2 meters long, wet clothes, thick fabric. Apply sliding blows along the edge of the fire from the side towards the fire, as if sweeping away the flame; press the branches at the next blow in the same place and, turning, cool them in this way. Trample a small fire with your feet, do not let it spread to the trunks and crowns of trees. When fire spreads through the tree crowns, cut down the trees that were not touched by the fire in its path (with the crown away from the fire site).

Familiarization with articles 15.29, 15.57, 15.58 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on administrative offenses:

1.Article 15.29. Violation of fire safety requirements in forests or peatlands.

Violation of fire safety requirements in forests or peatlands or a ban on visiting them, which does not cause damage, entails a warning or a fine of up to twenty-five basic units.

Violation of fire safety requirements in forests or peatlands, resulting in the destruction or damage of forests or peatlands, if these actions do not constitute a crime, entails a fine in the amount of twenty-five to fifty basic units.

2.Article 15.57. Illegal burning of dry vegetation, standing grass, as well as stubble and crop residues in fields or failure to take measures to eliminate fires.

Illegal burning of dry vegetation, standing grass, as well as stubble and crop residues in fields, or failure to take measures to eliminate fires on land plots, entails a fine of ten to forty basic units.

3.Article 15.58. Making fires in prohibited places.

Making fires in prohibited places, with the exception of violations of fire safety requirements, liability for which is provided for in other articles of the Special Part of this Code, entails a warning or a fine of up to twelve basic units.

Consolidation of new knowledge

Solution problem situations(work on options).

Situation 1. You need to dry your clothes. Will you hang it closer or further from the fire?

Situation 2. By chance your hat fell into the fire or is lying near the fire. What should you do to prevent it from burning: pull it out with your hand or with a stick?

Situation 3. A coal fell from the fire. What should you do: fill it with water to cool it and throw it back into the fire or leave it to burn out by the fire?

Check of knowledge

1. The last match was used to make a fire. What needs to be done to maintain the produced fire long time:

a) constantly maintain the fire, organizing a watch;

b) make a broom from dry plants and set it on fire;

c) fill a bucket with burnt coals and keep them smoldering;

d) set fire to a dry rotten stump;

e) fill the bucket with spruce or pine cones and set it on fire?

2. What should be the place for making a fire:

b) in inclement weather, it is necessary to make a fire under a tree, the crown of which must exceed the base of the fire by 6 m;

c) should the place for making a fire be cleared of grass, leaves, and shallow snow?

3. What are the main safety considerations you will take into account when making a fire:

a) the fire must be protected from strong winds by branches, a tent, a wall of stones, etc.;

b) a fire lit in a shelter emits carbon monoxide;

c) is a wide fire made for heating, and a cone-shaped one for cooking?

4. There are eleven of you and you need not only to prepare food, but also to dry wet things and keep warm. What type of fire will you choose for this?

A) Bonfire “Zvezda” (“Star”). B) Bonfire "hut".

B) “Taiga” fire. D) Bonfire "well".

D) Bonfire “hut”, also known as “pioneer”, “pyramid”.


Understanding, loving and protecting nature, caring for it, increasing its priceless riches is everyone’s duty. After all, love for nature is a piece of love for the Motherland. True friend and the vacationer is called upon to be a protector of nature. He is obliged not only to protect it himself, but also to teach others to do so. Treat the forest with care. Do not cut down trees and bushes for poles and stakes for tents, do not break branches to make huts, bedding, etc. Use only dead wood to make fires. Burn waste and garbage or bury it in the ground.

The teacher leads students to realize the achievement of their goals. Students formulate rules safe behavior In the woods.


In conclusion, the teacher asks to continue the sentences (optional)

In class I learned that...

I was especially surprised...

I understood why...

I would like to find out...

I studied (studied)...

I can tell, teach...

List of sources used:

1. Fundamentals of life safety. 7th grade. Vangorodsky S.N., Latchuk V.N.

2. Fundamentals of life safety. 7th grade. Smirnov A.T., Khrennikov B.O. (2011, 207 pp.).

3. Fundamentals of life safety. 7th grade. Frolov M.P., Yuryeva M.V. et al. (2012, 144 pp.).

Every person who has had the opportunity to go hunting, fishing or a regular hiking trip has had to deal with making a fire. Of course, it is better to know the basics and rules of its breeding, because there are different kinds fires depending on its purpose, as well as the method of laying logs and branches. If you find yourself in the forest in winter, you need to keep in mind that you need to make a fire different from the one that was kindled in the summer, because the conditions were different. What types of fires there are and their purpose will be discussed further.

Let's consider known species bonfires and the differences between them:

The most common type of fire on hiking trips is when the logs are stacked at an angle towards the center, while the logs burn quite quickly in the middle in the upper part, collecting the main coals in the center. This look is good for instant cooking food in camping conditions, warming up the kettle. It is not suitable for keeping warm at night, since the main heat is concentrated in the middle in one place.

It differs from the “hut” in that it allows you to cook food in several containers at the same time. Its design consists of two long logs located at a short distance parallel to each other, across which two more logs are placed on top. In this way, the structure is laid out until the required height is reached. Cooking several dishes at the same time is possible due to the fact that the necessary access of oxygen and uniform spread of fire along the length of the firewood are ensured. It should be borne in mind that it is better to light this type in calm weather, since otherwise the fire will spread unevenly.

If you need to make a fire that will burn all night, giving off a large amount of heat, a taiga fire would be a suitable option. To construct it, you will need two rows of thick long logs, each of which must contain 2 or 3 logs. These rows should intersect at a slight angle directly above the coals. Moreover, the first row must be laid with logs tightly spaced next to each other on the coals, and the second row above it at an angle. The logs burn along their entire length, but the bulk of the heat occurs at their intersection.

The purpose of a “candle” fire is to heat water for tea or cooking while hunting, fishing or hiking during a short rest. Such a fire is not capable of heating large area around itself, since the heat is concentrated in its very center. For its construction, a log is used, the top of which is cut into 6-8 parts depending on its thickness. Tinder with logs is placed inside the split and lit. The candle can burn for about eight hours, releasing uniform, comfortable heat around itself to a small area. This species is suitable for lighting in warm, dry weather because the group does not require much heating and the fire is environmentally friendly.

Nodya is capable of heating a group of people during a hike throughout the night without adding firewood, even in winter with low temperatures. It consists of three thick and long logs at least two or three meters long. To ignite the nodya, coals obtained during the ignition of a regular fire, which is lit nearby, are used. They are poured over the entire length of one laid log, which is covered with brushwood or spruce branches. When they flare up, two more are placed on both sides of the first log. To make them start the fire faster, you need to make notches with an ax and roll this side into the fire. When they light up, another log is placed on top, notched towards the fire. Logs with a diameter of more than 40 cm can burn throughout the night.

The "fireplace" is also used to heat the camp at night. It ensures long-term burning of logs, since its design is such that as the lower logs burn, the upper ones roll off and begin to burn. The “fireplace” design consists of four short logs, which are laid in the form of a well, and on one of its sides there is a wall two logs high. To hold them, two pegs are driven in with an outward slope. As the logs in the “well” burn, those in the “wall” roll off. The fire itself is lit inside the “well”.

The Polynesian fire is most often used during rain, when the weather is damp and chilly. To build the structure, you need to make a cone-shaped pit, tapering downward, up to one meter deep. The walls of the pit are lined with logs, and a fire is built at the bottom. The Polynesian type of fire produces a lot of coals, which maintain heat for a long time, and are convenient not only during rain, but also during strong winds.

When there is very little wood, you can make a so-called star fire. It is very economical in fuel consumption, but it cannot be left unattended, for example, at night, since it is necessary to move the logs as they burn from the outskirts to the center. The star is laid out in such a way that the logs are laid out lengthwise along the radius of the fire, on the coals, starting from the very center. If you need to keep the fire burning slowly, periodically moving new wood towards the old, then this type is the most suitable.

The “gun” burns for a long time, maintaining a fairly large amount of heat. To start it, first prepare the coals, then place a thick log next to them. Several logs are laid out on it with one end, so the coals are directly under them. They flare up and give for a long time good warmth. As they burn out, they can be replaced with new ones.

The “Pyramid” can be used to heat the camp at night. For this, two thick logs are used, located parallel to each other. Across them you need to put several more similar logs, this will be the basis of the entire fire. Then you need to find smaller logs and place them in the same sequence on top of the first ones, then even smaller logs are placed on top until the top is covered in twigs and small brushwood. When a fire breaks out, you can safely leave it overnight.

Types of life safety fires

To send distress signals, other types of fires are used than those described above:


The purpose of such a fire is to send a distress signal with strong smoke, which will be visible from an airplane. For this purpose, the construction of a fire-hut is used, which is covered big amount fresh spruce, pine and other evergreen branches. Failing this, you can use dense leafy branches or long grass.


This is a signal fire, giving a distress signal with its bright flame, which can be seen from afar. It flares up at high levels, open areas terrain, is made of three thick branches, installed vertically in the form of a triangle or tripod. The rest of the branches blocking the sides of the fire rest on them. In addition to producing a high flame, you can add branches, leaves and grass to create a large amount of smoke.

Types of fires and what they are used for

Study questions:

  1. Choosing a place and rules for making a fire.
  2. Types and types of fires.
  3. Methods of making and maintaining fire.

Target: Upon completion of studying the topic, students should have the skills to make a fire.

Main lesson content:

1. Functions of a fire.Slide 2.Application .

Sometimes it is very important to light a fire on time. Not alone human life in an autonomous existence the fire saved me.

The functions of a fire are multifaceted:

  • cooking food;
  • drying clothes;
  • lighting;
  • heating;
  • repelling insects and animals;
  • giving a signal.

2. Fireplace. Slide 3.

So, you are going to light a fire:

  • determine the location;
  • choose a clearing protected from the wind (if that fails, build a barrier);
  • clear the fireplace of dry grass and leaves;
  • cover the fire with stones (be careful, some stones, when heated, burst with a bang);
  • Place several branches on the damp soil and kindling on them.

3. How to make a fire correctly.

To make a fire, you need matches and firewood. But you can’t light large logs with a match. Therefore, before you get matches, collect small dry twigs and dry grass for kindling. Suitable for this purpose birch bark(just don’t pick it off living trees). The best kindling is thin, dry twigs, which you will see on the bottom of the trunk of a young Christmas tree or at the ends of the dried lower branches of an adult one. No wonder tourists these twigs called gunpowder. They flare up instantly and are dry even with light rain.

After preparing the kindling, prepare thicker branches. After all, as soon as the kindling flares up, you need to lay thicker and thicker branches. And then lay down thick logs.

It is more difficult to light a fire in bad weather, when it is raining or snowing. Then try to cover the kindling with something. Various artificial flammable materials - plexiglass, paper, rubber - are also useful in these cases.

The fire lit up and you felt good. But now you must monitor the fire, because it must be constantly “fed” with firewood. Firewood must be prepared in advance large quantities so that you don’t have to walk through the forest at night and collect dry wood.

To prepare firewood, it is not necessary to have a saw and an ax. There is always enough dead wood and fallen wood in the forest.

A big request to you: do not use live trees for fires unnecessarily. Plus they don't burn well.

4. Making a fire. Slide 4.

5. What not to do when making a fire.Slide 5.

6. Types and types of fires. Slides 6–11.

You need to choose the type of fire according to the circumstances. General rule: You need to stock up on more firewood in advance, so that, for example, you don’t spend the whole night searching for fuel instead of resting. We must not forget, however, that with any amount of firewood you need to constantly monitor the fire: the fire lives and changes all the time.

It is also important to know that not only direct fire heats, but also reflected fire.

You can even freeze by the fire. That is why it is necessary to combine a fire with a temporary shelter or canopy - a heat reflector. It can be both summer and winter.

In winter, a canopy is especially important, even for a short rest. And it's not difficult to do. You can use sticks or branches stuck in a snowdrift to shovel snow. It will melt and form a visor. Or you can stick strong sticks into the snow and hang a piece of polyethylene or fabric on them.

There are three main types of fires:

  • fiery;
  • heat;
  • smoke

Fiery bonfires used for cooking, lighting the bivouac, heat– for cooking, heating, drying things. Both of them can become smoke, if you throw it at them green grass or branches. They are used to repel mosquitoes, midges and to send signals.

fires much safer than flame ones, since their flame is low.

The simplest fire - “hut”. The firewood is placed over the kindling in a circle so that their upper ends touch. With this design, the flame is narrow and powerful. You can quickly boil water on such a fire.

If you need to hang two or three buckets or pots over the fire, then build a fire whose flame is wide and low. This "well", or "lattice". In order for wood to burn well, it needs oxygen. That's why Do not place firewood close to each other. If loosely stacked firewood does not burn well, fan the fire by blowing on it or waving a cap, a piece of bark, or a thick branch. In this case, the air flow should be directed not towards the flame, but under the base of the fire.

Fire pits tend to burn for a long time and produce a lot of heat. Large logs are used for them, and dry branches are used for kindling. Among them we will name “star”, “taiga” And “nodu”. In order for the logs to flare up faster, they must be hewn with an ax, that is, notches must be made on the log.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the fire “Nodya” (another name is “three logs”). Its main advantage is strong and long-lasting heat. A dead log with a diameter of more than 40 centimeters, cut into three parts 2–3 meters long, will burn in such a fire for several hours. This will allow you not to worry about firewood and practically not deal with the fire for a long time (you just need to clean the logs from time to time from ash and ashes, tapping the butt of an ax or turning them). It's easy to understand these benefits if you want to get a good night's sleep.

When laying a knot, gaps must be left between the logs; if the logs lie too tightly, wedge branches should be inserted between them. The thickest log should be on top (like the bottom of the trunk) because the top log burns faster. You need to ignite the node from the middle. It usually takes at least half an hour for such a fire to flare up.

If you are spending the night under a canopy, it is advisable to direct as much heat from the fire towards yourself as possible. To do this, you can set up a screen behind a fire built in front of the canopy. Such a fire must be monitored at night, by appointing guards for this purpose.

7. Methods of making fire. Slide 12–13.Application .

To light a fire you need matches. What if they don't exist?

You probably know that in the Stone Age fire was produced using flint, flint and tinder. The role of flint can be played by a hard stone, flint (or steel) - an ax, knife or some other object made of hard steel. Any dry, flammable material is suitable as tinder: moss, cotton wool, rotten wood, fluffy pieces of rope, finely crushed bark, bird nests, wood dust, which is formed by insects under the bark of dried trees.

Hitting the flint with a flint, strikes sparks. Position the tinder so that sparks fall on it. Once the tinder begins to smolder, gently fan it until a fire appears.

Do you know that, using a magnifying glass, magnifying glass, in sunny weather not difficult; ignite tinder. The convex glass collects the sun's rays on the small surface of the tinder, causing the temperature there to rise significantly, becoming sufficient for combustion. To do this, you can use lenses from optical devices: cameras, binoculars, and other devices.

You can use another method that came to us from ancient times. Insert a pointed stick into the recess of a piece of wood or bark and patiently swirl until smoke appears. Then fan the smoldering tinder, which must first be placed in the recess and near it. Some tribes at a low stage of development still use this method of making fire.

This method can be improved.

Rotation can be done using a bow. Use a rope, belt, shoelace as a bowstring...

8. Preservation of fire. Slide 14.

If there are no matches, another problem arises - how to keep the fire going. You can constantly burn a fire. Then you should have someone on duty at night. Possibly coals from a burnt fire cover with a layer of ash, blow them out in the morning and put dry kindling on them. And the fire will break out with new strength. Just try to use firewood in the evening that produces good coals, because some tree species burn out, leaving only ash.

But what if you go to a populated area and need to move after spending the night? Then you can do portable fire storage" – torch. To do this, you need to prepare bark, dry moss, and thin long splinters. Laying moss between the splinters, tightly wrap the resulting structure with bark. A torch up to 15 cm thick and 70 cm long will keep the fire for about 6 hours.

9. Tricks for campfire.Slide 15.

  • If there are no small dry branches for kindling, it is good to use “noodles” made of rubber cut from the heels of shoes;
  • It is best to dry damp matches on your head: there is the least humidity;
  • There is no need to try to light a fire with one match; it is safer to light the kindling with two matches put together, and sometimes even three.

10. Quiz. Slide 16.Application

  1. Essential item for starting a fire? (Matches.)
  2. Small dry twigs, dry grass, birch bark for a fire, what is it? (Kindling.)
  3. What is used when making a fire in deep snow, swamp, damp earth? (Flooring.)
  4. Are smoke fires used for cooking? (No.)
  5. Are fires used to signal? (No.)
  6. Are flaming fires used to dry things? (No.)
  7. What fire can you use to quickly boil water? (Hut.)
  8. Portable fire storage? (Torch.)

11. Lesson summary.
