Topic: Logical and mathematical games in working with older preschoolers as a means of developing logical thinking. Summary of logical and mathematical games for children of senior preschool age

Abstract “Logical-mathematical games in educational activities preschoolers"

Compiled by: Tatyana Aleksandrovna Safronova, teacher of the senior group of the MADOU No. 90 in Tyumen.

Goal: to develop logical thinking in children through logical and mathematical games.


Cognitive development:

  • develop basic mathematical skills in counting to 10, counting sticks according to a given number in the game "Puzzle"
  • develop children's geometric vigilance, consolidate the idea of ​​a quadrilateral, give an idea of ​​a polygon through play "Arrange the figures"
  • improve the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper (right-left, top-bottom, corner), through the game "The ant is coming to visit" , "The pencil got lost"
  • develop your eye through play

Speech development:

  • teach to use the expression when explaining the solution to game exercises
  • improve dialogic speech.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • develop drawing skills with a simple pencil with light pressure, enrich sensory experience
  • consolidate knowledge about the basic shapes of objects.

Social and communicative development:

cultivate emotional responsiveness and desire to communicate.

Physical development:

formulate the needs for physical activity through physical education.

Preliminary work: solving mathematical riddles, puzzles, exercises in transforming shapes (games with counting sticks), tasks for the development of logical thinking, attention, games for the development of ingenuity.

Inventory: handout set of geometric shapes for each child, a set of counting sticks for each child, sheets with puzzles for each child, sheets with labyrinths, simple and colored pencils for each child.

Progress of activities:

Introductory part:

There is a knock from the group’s front door and Postman Pechkin enters.

Hello! A package for you from Uncle Fyodor!

Hello! - the children answer.

Hello, Postman Pechkin! Come visit us! - says the teacher.

No no! There is very little time left until the New Year, and I still have a lot of letters and parcels for the guys. I'm in hurry! Goodbye everyone!

Goodbye, Postman Pechkin!

Guys, let's see what Uncle Fyodor sent us? - says the teacher.

Yes! - the children answer.

The teacher opens the parcel and takes out a letter from Uncle Fyodor.

- Guys, here is the letter:

"Dear Guys! Winter holidays are coming! And I haven't completed my math assignments! If I don’t have time to solve them, my mother won’t let me go on vacation to the village of Prostokvashino! And in the village Matroskin the Cat and Sharik the Dog are already waiting for me. Help me please!"

Guys, let's help Uncle Fyodor! - asks the teacher.

Yes! - the children answer.

Then let's not waste time, let's start completing the tasks. And here is the first task.

The teacher one by one takes out tasks from the package to complete.

Main part: (independent activity of children in solving entertaining game problems)

The teacher reads out the tasks for game No. 1

Game 1. "Arrange the figures"

Goal: development of attention and thinking.


Find and show triangles, quadrilaterals, circles in the picture.

Find a figure that has 6 corners - this is a hexagon.

Lay out the shapes as shown in the example.

Material: handout set of geometric shapes for each child. And a sample implementation on a magnetic board.

The teacher reads out the tasks for game No. 2

Game 2 "Puzzle"

Goal: development of logical thinking


Teach children to form triangles from a certain number of counting sticks, using the technique of attaching to one figure taken as a basis. See and show at the same time a new figure obtained as a result of composition, using the expression “attached one figure to another” , think about practical actions.

Materials: sets of counting sticks for each child, blackboard, chalk.

1. The teacher invites the children to count 5 sticks, check and place them in front of them. Then he says: “Tell me, how many sticks will it take to make a triangle, each side of which will be equal to one stick? How many sticks are needed to make 2 such triangles? You only have 5 sticks, but you need to make 2 equal triangles from them. Think about how this can be done and make it up.”

After most of the children complete the task, the teacher asks the children to tell them how to make 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks. Draws the children's attention to the fact that it is possible to complete the task differently. Methods of implementation must be sketched. When explaining, use the expression “attached another triangle to one triangle” (left, etc.)

Questions to consider “How did you make 3 equal triangles? Which triangle did you make first? What shapes did you get as a result?

  1. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks.
  2. Make 3 equal triangles from 7 sticks.

The teacher reads out the tasks for game No. 3

Game No. 3 "The pencil got lost"

Goal: development of logic through solving the maze.

Task: Help the pencil find the path to the picture he drew

Material: pictures with a labyrinth for each child

Physical education minute:

One day a mouse climbed up to see what time it was
Suddenly the clock said: boom.
The mouse fell head over heels.
The mouse climbed up a second time, see what time it is,
Suddenly the clock said: boom-bom.
The mouse fell head over heels.
The mouse climbed up for the third time, see what time it is,
Suddenly the clock said: bom-bom-bom.
The mouse fell head over heels.

The teacher reads out the tasks for game No. 4

Game No. 4 “How many animals are behind the fence”

Task: How many animals are hiding behind the fence.

Material: pictures for each child

The teacher reads out the tasks for game No. 5

Game No. 5 "The ant is coming to visit"

Goal: development of logical thinking.

Assignment: Guess which mushroom house the ant goes to visit, if it is known that this house has no more than three floors, but no less than two, it has no more than five windows and has no outbuildings.

Material: pictures with a puzzle for each child

The teacher reads out the tasks for game No. 6

Game No. 6 "Who's Missing"

Goal: ability to find patterns.

Task: Continue the series. What kind of face should be in an empty cage. Draw it.

The teacher reads out the tasks for game No. 7

Game No. 7 "Puzzles"

1. May beetles lived under the bushes by the river.

Board, son, father and mother,

2. Mom put it in the oven to bake pies with cabbage.

The pies are already ready for Natasha, Kolya, and Vova.

Yes, one more pie

The cat was dragged under the bench...

How many pies did mom bake? (4)

3. Marinka entered the house,

Behind her is Irinka,

Then Ignat came in.

How many guys are there? (3)

The final part is reflection

The teacher addresses the children

You guys are so great! You coped well with all the difficult tasks and helped Uncle Fyodor a lot! Give yourself a round of applause! And today I’ll go to the post office and send a parcel with your leaflets - solutions for Uncle Fyodor and he will go on winter holidays to Prostokvashino.

) I became interested for a reason. Perhaps some of the regular readers remember my synopsis. In it I wrote that already in the Middle Ages, the activity of laying out drawings and patterns was considered very useful for the development of children's creativity. The material for laying out can be very different: ordinary cubes, buttons, splinters, mosaics, etc. Nikitin cubes, in my opinion, have advantages over other laying materials. When playing with them, you not only need to place the cube, but also select a suitable face for the drawing, which complicates the task.

Set contains 16 identical cubes, and a brochure with diagrams. The game consists of laying out drawings and symmetrical patterns.

Each face of the cube has its own color:

Thus, from this set you can create an incredible number of designs and patterns. We are currently practicing on the simplest ones:

The cubes come with an informative brochure. It has a lot of scheme options. Laying out drawings based on samples is just an intermediate stage of practicing with these cubes. The main goal is, of course, to put your imagination to work and start coming up with your own drawings.

In addition to the set, I purchased an album with tasks (My-shop):

The cubes are made of plastic. It can be seen that they were originally blue. Red, yellow and white colors are glued on top.

We began our acquaintance with cubes by laying out simple drawings and practicing in an album. I can’t say that we had a stir with the advent of Nikitin’s cubes. At this stage, Yana prefers to play story games, including with these cubes. They play the role of mushrooms for her 😀 .

Cuisinaire sticks

This is a multifunctional counting material (My-shop). The set includes 10 types of sticks. Each size of sticks is highlighted in its own color. The larger the sticks, the smaller their number. The smallest sticks are the most (white - 25 pieces), the largest sticks are the least (orange - 4 pieces).

In addition to learning to count, these sticks can be used to create various patterns and designs. It should be noted that ordinary counting sticks have little in common with Cuisinaire sticks. The latter are quite large. They have a square shape in cross section, so you can even lay out three-dimensional figures from them.

My particular interest in these sticks is caused by the study of time-tested development methods. In the 19th century, innovative educators developed a range of materials for children's development. One of the elements of the development of creativity was laying out images from splinters. When I first saw Cuisiner's sticks, Nikitin's cubes and albums with diagrams for them, I was incredibly happy that at present there are analogues of Froebel's gifts. It should be noted that modern version developmental materials are more pleasant and multifunctional than medieval ones. Using Cuisinaire's rods you can study colors, sizes, counting, comparisons, and simple arithmetic operations.

In addition, a number of albums and kits with diagrams have been developed specifically for sticks, which further increase interest. We purchased the “On the Zloty Porch...” set. The kit is wonderful, but in my opinion there are few patterns for the little ones. Below are some photos of the spreads:

With sticks, as with Dienesh blocks, there are many options for free games. Since we have just begun our acquaintance with them, we play the simplest options:

We'll probably eventually have a piggy bank full of stick games. Today I’ll give you an example of how I taught Yana how to lay out a house. The usual step-by-step repetition turned out to be not interesting, and in this case it cannot even be said that Yana’s house did not work out. She didn’t want to build it at all, because all our sticks are “jelly that babies (plush toys) need to eat”:oops:. I had to impose my own plot. For this I used a fairy tale about a hare and a fox. Yana was given the following props: a hare sticker, 4 blue sticks, 2 red sticks and an A4 sheet. I took for myself: 4 sticks orange color, 2 red colors, a sticker with a fox and an A4 sheet.

  1. Stickers were placed on the center of the sheets. I did it first, Yana followed me.
  2. We made a floor - everyone put their stick under the sticker.
  3. We made a ceiling - we placed a stick over the sticker.
  4. They built walls and put sticks on the sides.
  5. Then they built a lid - two sticks on top. At this moment, Yana’s face lit up from the result.

Posted on the Internet a large number of games with Cuisinaire sticks designed for different ages. They can be found by entering the phrase “summaries of classes with Cuisiner sticks junior/senior group” into a search engine.

Math tablet

Another of our “developments” from the category of “everything ingenious is simple” is a mathematical tablet (My-shop). It is intended for studying elementary concepts of geometry (symmetry, etc.) and speech development.

Hammer construction game

This game interested me because of its ability to hammer in nails for real and because of its creative component.
When ordering, I didn’t think that such “carnations” could be dangerous for babies, since I didn’t see what they were. When I saw that the “studs” were power buttons with a round head, I was disappointed. However, it can be rightly noted that the existence of safe studs, with the ability to really hammer, defies the laws of physics.

At first the game aroused great interest. The opportunity to hammer in nails was received with a bang. But a number of restrictions made for security reasons quickly cooled the enthusiasm for the game. I think this game is more suitable for middle or high preschool age.

In conclusion

Reading posts about our abundant “developmental items”, I often get asked questions about their necessity for babies. I would like to note that Yana and I have a special feature - an abundance of books and educational programs. Our number is growing because I see in it a greater return on our educational games. It gives me great pleasure to offer Yana another task and watch her interest and progress. At the same time, we must realize that for the harmonious development of the baby the content of all the “developers” is a secondary matter. Primary is emotional, cognitive and varied communication with mother. You can play a variety of story games with your baby every day or take various walks with big amount quality conversations and early age. Such development at an early age will be no less effective than a large set of “developmental” ones. Very detailed with numerous examples about the organization correct interaction writes to mothers and children.

At the same time, when it comes to development preschooler of middle and older kindergarten age, then familiarization with the basics of mathematics and the development of creativity through laying out drawings and patterns is important points. To become familiar with many concepts, you will need visual examples. The materials described above are an excellent option for these purposes.

Have a pleasant and effective development process everyone!

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Natalia Shulzhenko
Card index of gaming technologies, games, exercises, tasks for the development of logical and mathematical thinking in older preschoolers

Card index of gaming technologies, games, exercises, tasks

By development of logical and mathematical thinking.

Educator Shulzhenko N.V.

Gaming technology"Cuisenaire's Sticks"

Belgian primary school teacher George Cuisenaire (1891-1976) developed universal didactic material for development children's mathematical abilities. In 1952 he published a book "Numbers and Colors" dedicated to his benefit.

"Cuisenaire's Sticks"- these are counting sticks, which are also called "numbers in color", colored sticks, colored numbers, colored rulers.


1. Form the concept of a numerical sequence, the composition of a number.

2. Bring to awareness of relationships "more less", "right left", "between", "longer", "higher" and many more etc.

3. Teach to divide a whole into parts and measure objects using conventional standards, to master in the process of this practical activity some of the simplest types of functional dependence.

4. Get close to adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing numbers.

5. Develop mental processes: perception, thinking(analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, logical actions, encoding and decoding, visual and auditory memory, attention, imagination, speech.

6. Contribute development of children's creativity, development fantasy and imagination, cognitive activity.

7. Develop ability to work in a team.

The set consists of plastic prisms in 10 different colors and shapes. The smallest prism has a length of 10 mm and is a cube.

The kit includes:

white - number 1 - 25 pieces,

pink - number 2 - 20 pieces,

blue – number 3 - 16 pieces,

red – number 4 - 12 pieces,

yellow – number 5 - 10 pieces,

purple – number 6 - 9 pieces,

black – number 7 - 8 pieces,

burgundy – number 8 - 7 pieces,

blue – number 9 - 5 pieces,

orange – number 10 - 4 pieces.

Cuisenaire rods are a multifunctional mathematical tool that allows "through hands" lead to an understanding of various abstract concepts. From a mathematical point of view, sticks are a set on which correspondence and order relations are easily detected numbers: 1, 2, 3... Numerous mathematical situations are hidden in this set. The color and size of the sticks, simulating a number, lead children to understand various abstract concepts that naturally arise in child's thinking. In addition, children master spatial relationships (left, right, left, along, higher than, etc., concepts "between", "every", "one of.", "some", "to be the same color" etc. Sticks, like didactic tool, are fully consistent with the specifics and features of mathematical concepts preschoolers, level development of children's thinking. As children gain experience gaming actions with chopsticks, the role of the adult in development they have numerical concepts. Children master the ability to correlate color and number, and vice versa, number and color

The choice of color is intended to make the kit easier to use. Sticks 2, 4, 8 form the “red family”; 3,6,9 "blue family". The "yellow family" are 5 and 10.

Selection of sticks into one “family” (Class) does not occur by chance, but is associated with a certain ratio of their magnitude. For example, the “red family” includes numbers that are multiples of two, the “blue family” consists of numbers that are multiples of three; numbers that are multiples of five are indicated by shades yellow color. White cube ("white family") an integer, times laid along the length of any stick, and the number 7 is indicated in black, forming a separate “family”.

Each set includes rule: the longer the stick, the greater the value of the number it expresses. The colors in which the sticks are painted depend on the numerical ratios determined prime numbers the first ten of the natural number series.

Each stick is a number expressed in color and size.

Stages of training

At the first stage, the sticks are used simply as game material. Children play with them as with ordinary cubes and sticks and create various configurations. They are attracted to specific images, as well as the quality characteristics of the material - color, size, shape

At the second stage, the sticks already act as a tool for little mathematicians. And here children learn to comprehend the laws mysterious world numbers and other mathematical concepts.

Gaming technology Dienesha blocks.

“Dyenesha blocks are a universal didactic material that allows you to successfully implement tasks of cognitive development of children. The didactic material is based on the method of replacing an object with symbols and signs (the modeling method, the material is of course difficult to begin with, but very interesting and necessary, because when working with blocks you need to think, compare, analyze, draw conclusions - develop thinking skills, logical thinking.

Zoltan Dienes - Hungarian psychologist and mathematician, theorist and practitioner, creator of a progressive author's methodology - "new mathematics" developed « Logic blocks» .

Zoltan Dienes created a simple, but at the same time unique toy. Working with Dienesh Blocks is based on the principle - from simple to complex.

brain teaser blocks is a set of 48 logical blocks, differing in four properties:

Shape - round, square, triangular, rectangular

Color - red, yellow, blue

Size - large and small

Thickness - thick and thin.

Target: Development of cognitive, mental and creative abilities in preschoolers


- Develop thinking skills: comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, abstraction, encoding and decoding of information (decipher)

Introducing children to geometric shapes, shapes and sizes

- Develop spatial representations.

Introduce the shape, color, size, thickness of objects.

- Develop cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, thinking

- Develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design abilities.

Forms of working with blocks:

Organized educational activities, additional educational program "Fun Math")

Independent activities of children in the math center ( educational games, logic-mathematical games, didactic games, logic exercises)

Joint and independent children's play activities: Role-playing games, outdoor games, board and printed games;

IN outdoor games : (subject landmarks, designations of houses, paths, labyrinths);

In role-playing games: “Shop” – money; “Mail” is the address on the house; “Train” - tickets, seats;

Methods and techniques for working with blocks:


Explanations, clarifications, instructions


Children's verbal reports on performance tasks

Control, assessment

Working conditions

Encourage children's best efforts and desire to learn new things

Avoid negative performance evaluations

Compare the child’s work results only with his own achievements

Children playing with Dienesha blocks study:

1. Perform thought processes (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization)

2. Identify various properties in objects, name them, and use words to indicate their absence

3. Abstract and retain in memory one, two or three properties at the same time

4. Generalize objects according to one, two or three properties, taking into account the presence or absence of each.

Conclusion: Games and exercises with blocks allow you to model important concepts not only in mathematics, but also in computer science.

Work on cards:

On cards properties are conventionally designated blocks:

Color - spot

Shape – geometric figure

Size – silhouette of the house (big small)

Thickness - contours of figures (round, square, rectangular, triangular)

Picking up cards children who “tell” about the color, shape, size or thickness of blocks exercise in property substitution and encoding.

In the process of searching for blocks with the properties specified on cards, children master the ability to decode information about them. Laying out cards, which “tell” about all the properties of the block, the kids create its unique model.

Conclusion: Cards- properties help children move from visual - figurative thinking to visually schematic, and cards with denial of properties bridge - to verbal - logical thinking.

Stage 1 of work "Introduction to Blocks":

Age: 34 years


Introduce children to geometric shapes, shapes of objects, size, thickness

Children play with blocks, construct various buildings, create images in albums, superimposing figures on models

Stage 2 of working with blocks "Identification and abstraction of properties":

Age: 45 years

Tasks: - Develop the ability to identify from one to four different properties in objects (color, shape, size, thickness) and abstract one of them from the others

-Develop a stable connection between the image of properties and the word that denotes it

Create an algorithm for simple actions yourself (linear algorithm)


"Find the same figure"

“Find a figure that is not the same”

"Get things in order"

"Who can collect the blocks faster"

"Magic bag"

"Collect the beads"


Stage 3 of work "Comparison, classification, generalization"

Age 5 – 6 years


- Develop comparison skills, classify and generalize objects according to one, two and three properties

- Develop ability to compare objects given properties


"Second row"

"Build a path"

"What changed"

“Which figure is the odd one out?”

"Hoop Games"

Stage 4 of work « Logical actions and operations»

Age: 6 – 7 years


-Develop the ability to perform logical operations"Not", "And", "or"

- Develop ability to decipher (decode) information about the presence and absence of certain properties, about objects according to their symbolic designations

- Develop logical thinking, the ability to encode information about the properties of objects using symbols and decode it

- Develop ability to analyze, compare, generalize

- Develop the ability to split sets based on one property into two subsets to produce logical operation"Not"



« Logical train»

"Mosaic of numbers"

Work results:

Children are able to use entertaining material both in educational activities and in independent games

Sensory standards have been formed; orientation in space

Formed logical thinking: ability to analyze, draw conclusions, generalize, compare, classify

These two gaming technology are perceived by children as a separate activity and complement each other well. Therefore, it is recommended to use them in combination.

Gaming technology B. Voskobovich "Geocont"

People call it "plate with carnations". Indeed, on plywood gaming Studs are attached to the field, multi-colored elastic bands - cobwebs - are pulled onto the studs and the contours of geometric shapes and object silhouettes are obtained. Kids create silhouettes based on an adult’s demonstration, their own design, older preschoolers– according to the sample diagram and verbal model. As a result of games with "Geocontom" in children develops motor skills of the hands and fingers, sensory abilities (mastering color, shape, size, mental processes (designing according to a verbal model, constructing symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching for establishing patterns, creativity.

At the first stages of the game, in the first junior group, the children and I learned to simply pull rubber bands onto nails, I invited the children to walk with their fingers along the red, blue, etc. paths. Then we built long and short paths, wide and narrow, stretched large and small squares, and built houses. In the second younger group, I offered the children the simplest diagrams, which depicted paths, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a house, etc. The children were asked to come up with a pattern themselves. Required condition When playing, you need to name the shape and size of the objects being created.

Gaming technology B. P. Nikitina "Fold the pattern"

The game consists of 16 identical cubes, all 6 faces of each cube are colored differently in 4 colors. This allows you to create patterns in a huge number of options. These patterns resemble the contours of various objects, paintings, which children love to give names to. Children first learn from patterns - tasks fold exactly the same pattern of cubes. Then they put the reverse task: Looking at the cubes, draw the pattern they form. And finally, the third thing is to come up with new patterns from cubes. Using different number cubes and different not only in color, but also in shape (squares and triangles) the color of the cubes, you can change the difficulty tasks over an unusually wide range. This game is good develops children's ability to analyze and synthesize, these important mental operations used in almost all intellectual activities.

In the first junior group, I brought multi-colored cubes to the children, the children and I looked at them, named the color of each side, then I invited them to build a long road, a tower, a gate, but with sides of a certain color. The children and I also built furniture with patterns for dolls, houses with windows, etc. Next, I offer the children the simplest patterns for constructing patterns, and the children also come up with and create patterns on their own.

A training game with lacing – for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: development in children sensorimotor coordination, spatial imagination, eye, attention, memory, visual-figurative thinking, perseverance, fine motor skills, as well as replenishment and enrichment of vocabulary.

Material: the game includes developmental framework, lacing, ropes, ribbons of different colors, lengths and thicknesses.

Game content (brief summary): the child chooses the one he likes developmental framework. Using ropes, laces, and ribbons of different colors and thicknesses, he ties them, unleashes, threading the lace into the eye of the ring. Senior preschoolers can not only thread laces through rings sequentially, but also perform more complex types of lacing (crosswise, in a pigtail, learn to tie bows (for example, game exercise“Collect a butterfly for the holiday”). Additionally, you can make objects or parts that the baby will tie (for example, apples for a hedgehog). As the game progresses, you can fix the score.

Funny colorful characters decorated with applique (snail, spider, ladybug, butterfly, hedgehog) Easily make your child's learning fun and enjoyable.

During the game try to ask ask the child as many questions as possible to stimulate his speech activity. Can be accompanied by artistic words (riddles, poems).

Riddles about a ladybug for young children begin with the first acquaintance with her. rhyme: “Ladybug fly to heaven, where your children eat sweets.” Sometimes also add: “One for everyone, but not one for you.” A for older preschoolers you can ask a riddle or learn a poem.

Games that encourage the child to manipulate thin strings and laces: tie, untie, tying actively train fine motor skills of the hands, which is the most important component of his physical and intellectual development.

Developmental multifunctional game "Magic Circle".

For children from 3 to 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: Reinforcing math and sensory concepts (size, shape, color, quantity) and sound-letter analysis. Development of attention, visual perception, intelligence, mental operation, fine motor skills of the hands.

Material for the game: circle and liners with set cards(V in this case numbers and geometric shapes).

Recommendations: Sets cards can be used for games "Find the odd one out", "Match the letter with picture» , “Match quantity with number”, “What object has the same color?”, “Find an object of the same shape”.

Depending on the purpose of the game and the age of the children, the set cards may change.

Didactic game "Mathematical Flowers".

The game is intended for children senior preschool age.

Purpose of the game: Improving quantitative and ordinal counting skills; fixing the composition of the number within 10; development of intelligence, logical thinking; fixing the colors of the spectrum.

Materials for the game: Many multi-colored petals with numbers from 1 to 10 pasted on them, flower centers with numbers, colored circles with numbers from 0 to 10 to be added to the petals to get the desired amount.

Game actions:

You need to make a flower from individual petals so that their number corresponds to the number written on the circle (middle) future flower. Place the petals around the center in order, starting with number 1.

The color of the center and the numbers on the petals are painted in the same color so that children can cope with tasks faster and more correctly. task. Then you need to add the missing number to each petal so that the sum on the petal equals the number written in the middle of the flower.

During the game, children strengthen their counting skills within 10, learn to name numbers in forward and reverse order, determine the missing number, and decompose the number into two smaller ones.

A game "Mathematical Fishing".

The game is intended for children in the preparatory group.

Purpose of the game:

1. Strengthen in children the ability to perform simple arithmetic operations for addition and subtraction. Develop attention and concentration.

2. Vocabulary work: learn to answer the presenter’s questions with an accurate answer, using personal pronouns.

Progress of the game:

Children are given mock-ups of buckets with numbers. The presenter takes out of the box a fish with an arithmetic operation written on its side and asking questions. Answers should be structured accordingly to the question asked.

For example:

Question: Whose fish is this?

Answer: This is my fish.

Question: Who will get this fish?

Answer: This fish will go to me.

Question: Whose bucket will this fish go into?

Answer: This fish will end up in my bucket.

Question: Whose bucket is this fish from?

Answer: This fish is from my bucket.

Children must mentally formulate the answer to the arithmetic operation on the side of the fish with the number on the bucket. The one who has the most fish at the end of the game wins. You can make a game in the same way"Collect apples in a basket" or “One, fungus, two, fungus, get into the box.”.

Didactic game "Number series"

Target: consolidate knowledge of the sequence of numbers in the natural series.

Progress of the game: two children sitting at the same table lay out face down in front of them cards with numbers up to 10. Some of them appear twice in the set. Each player in order takes card with a number, opens it and places it in front of him. Then, the first player opens another card. If the number indicated on it is less than the number opened by him, then he returns it to its place, and transfers the right to move to his neighbor. The first person to post their number line wins.

Didactic game "Sweet Tea Party"

Target: learning to count to 10.

The teacher prepares from colored cardboard tea cups of different colors, shapes and sizes, on which numbers are glued, as well as "sugar lumps" size 1x1 cm made of white cardboard, lying on small doll plates.

The child chooses a cup for himself without seeing the number, names the number and puts the corresponding amount into it "sugar lumps".

Every time in this game we change plot: give tea to the dolls, tea party in a forest clearing, birthday in kindergarten etc.


...What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)

A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken weigh standing on two legs? (2 kg)

One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How many minutes should you boil 6 eggs? (4 min)

There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples)

Merry problems in verse,

1. A puppy is sitting on the porch, warming his fluffy side.

Another one came running and sat down next to him.

(How many puppies are there)

2. A squirrel sits on a cart, fingers clenched into fists, hitting fist against fist.

She sells nuts: To the fox-sister, Extending the thumb

Sparrow, titmouse, Extend the index and middle fingers

For the fat-fifted bear, we straighten the ring finger

And the mustachioed bunny. We bend the little finger.

Complete the phrase:

If the sand is wet, then...

The boy washes his hands because...

If it rains…

Today is Saturday, which means...

Sets educational cards"Smart cards» "Learning to compare", “studying geometric shapes”

How to work with your child cards

Set contains 32 cards: 10 cards contain images of objects with opposite characteristics and questions on the characteristic being studied, 20 cards with images of items for comparison and 2 instruction cards. Featured in cards the opposite characteristics of objects are understandable to children and can be transferred to real objects.

To make the assimilation of opposite signs more effective, draw the child’s attention in everyday life to the properties of objects. For example, tell him So: "This house is high, and that one is low", "It's light in the morning and dark at night" etc.

A game "Compare"

Take card, which depicts two objects with opposite properties. Ask your child to compare these items: find how objects are similar and how they differ. If the child is having difficulty, help him questions: “What kind of ball is this?”, "What happened to this machine" etc. State the opposing properties clearly.

Then flip it over card and ask suggested questions.

Ask your child to find others cards exactly the same items as on yours card, and tell, looking at them, where each object is and how these objects differ.

At the next stage, offer to find cards with other objects, but with the same opposite property.

A game "Pick a Pair"

Put everything in front of the child cards with one item on each side. Take card, ask what the child sees on it. Read the inscription on card. Ask to choose a pair based on the opposite characteristic, looking at cards on both sides.

Pay attention to your child's speech. In case of difficulty, help with your own wording: "This is a big ball and this is a small ball", “Here is a thin brush, and here is a thick one”.

At the next stage, invite the child to make pairs himself and name the opposite signs.

Try so that the child’s speech contains not only "big" And "small" objects, but teach him to compare on different bases - thickness, length, height, etc.

Lego mosaic by V. P. Novikov. L. I. Tikhonova games based on geometric mosaics

Using geometric mosaic preschoolers can lay out various items, combining them into a plot picture. Methods of laying out objects can be very diverse, as they depend on the mental child development, his creative activity and, accordingly, interest in activity.

Children explain what shape they have, what it looks like, and what shapes it is made of. For example, the result is a white diamond. It may be: "cookie", "piece of pie", "flashlight", "Christmas tree toy" (if you turn the figure over). Senior preschoolers can count triangles (6 pcs., identify large and small triangles; can count the number of polygons (9 pcs.) and quadrangles.

There are different options for attracting juniors preschoolers to a game with geometric mosaics. The figure itself is a finished image of the object. You just have to strain your imagination and see an object or part of an object in a square or circle of a certain color. For example, for older preschoolers the triangle is the cat's ear, the bird's nose or part of it, and for kids the red triangle is the tongue, roof, skirt.

Course work

Topic: Logical and mathematical games in working with older preschoolers as a means of developing logical thinking

Table of contents


1.1 Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age



Relevance. Logical thinking is formed on the basis of figurative thinking and is the highest stage of thinking development. Achieving this stage is a long and complex process, since the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words. You should not wait until the child turns 14 years old and reaches the stage of formal logical operations, when his thinking acquires features characteristic of the mental activity of adults. The development of logical thinking should begin in preschool childhood.

But why logic? small child, preschooler? The fact is that at each age stage, a certain “floor” is created, on which mental functions, important for the transition to the next stage. Thus, the skills and abilities acquired in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to “act in the mind.” A child who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking will find it more difficult to study - solving problems and doing exercises will require a lot of time and effort. As a result, the child’s health may suffer and interest in learning may weaken or even disappear altogether.

In order to develop logical thinking, it is necessary to invite the older preschooler to independently carry out analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization, and build inductive and deductive conclusions.

Having mastered logical operations, an older preschooler will become more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, be able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right moment, and convince others that he is right. It will become easier to study, which means both the learning process and school life itself will bring joy and satisfaction.

The purpose of the study is to consider logical and mathematical games in working with older preschoolers.

Research objectives:

    Concretize ideas about the age characteristics of children of senior preschool age.

    To study the formation and development of the logical sphere of children of senior preschool age.

    Consider logical-mathematical games as a means of enhancing mathematics learning.

The object of the study is the thinking of children of senior preschool age.

The subject of the study is logical and mathematical games as a means of developing logical thinking in preschoolers.

The theoretical basis of this work was the work of such authors as: Sycheva G.E., Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L. and others.

Research methods: literature analysis.

Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter 1 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of senior preschool age

    1. Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age

In older preschool age, intensive development of the intellectual, moral-volitional and emotional spheres of the personality occurs. The development of personality and activity is characterized by the emergence of new qualities and needs: knowledge about objects and phenomena that the child did not directly observe is expanding. Children are interested in the connections that exist between objects and phenomena. The child’s penetration into these connections largely determines his development. The transition to the older group is associated with a change in the psychological position of children: for the first time they begin to feel like the oldest among other children in kindergarten. The teacher helps preschoolers understand this new situation. It supports a sense of “adulthood” in children and, on its basis, causes them to strive to solve new, more complex problems of cognition, communication, and activity.

Based on the characteristic need for older preschoolers for self-affirmation and recognition of their capabilities by adults, the teacher provides conditions for the development of children's independence, initiative, and creativity. He constantly creates situations that encourage children to actively apply their knowledge and skills, sets more and more complex tasks for them, develops their will, supports the desire to overcome difficulties, bring the work they have started to the end, and aims to find new, creative solutions. It is important to provide children with the opportunity to independently solve assigned problems, to direct them to search for several options for solving one problem, to support children’s initiative and creativity, to show children the growth of their achievements, to instill in them a feeling of joy and pride from successful independent actions.

The development of independence is facilitated by children mastering the ability to set a goal (or accept it from a teacher), think about the path to achieving it, implement their plan, and evaluate the result from the position of the goal. The task of developing these skills is set broadly by the educator and creates the basis for children’s active mastery of all types of activities.

The highest form of independence for children is creativity. The teacher’s task is to awaken interest in creativity. This is facilitated by the creation of creative situations in gaming, theater, artistic and visual activities, manual labor, and verbal creativity. All of these are mandatory elements of the lifestyle of older preschoolers in kindergarten. It is in a fascinating creative activity The preschooler faces the problem of independently determining the plan, methods and forms of its implementation. The teacher supports children's creative initiatives and creates an atmosphere of collective creative activity in the group based on their interests.

The teacher pays serious attention to the development of cognitive activity and interests of older preschoolers. The whole atmosphere of children's lives should contribute to this. An obligatory element of the lifestyle of older preschoolers is participation in solving problem situations, in conducting basic experiments (with water, snow, air, magnets, magnifying glasses, etc.), in educational games, puzzles, in making homemade toys, simple mechanisms and models . The teacher, by his example, encourages children to independently search for answers to emerging questions: he pays attention to new, unusual features of the object, makes guesses, turns to children for help, and focuses on experimentation, reasoning, and assumptions.

Older preschoolers are beginning to show interest in future schooling. The prospect of schooling creates a special mood in a group of older preschoolers. Interest in school develops naturally in communication with the teacher, through meetings with the teacher, joint activities with schoolchildren, visiting school, role-playing games at school theme. The main thing is to connect children’s developing interest in a new social position (“I want to become a schoolchild”) with a feeling of growth in their achievements, with the need to learn and master new things. The teacher strives to develop children’s attention and memory, forms basic self-control, and the ability to self-regulate their actions. This is helped various games, requiring children to compare objects according to several characteristics, search for errors, memorize, apply general rule, performing actions with conditions. Such games are played daily with a child or with a subgroup of older preschoolers.

Organized learning is carried out for older preschoolers mainly in the form of subgroup classes and includes cognitive cycle classes in mathematics, preparation for mastering literacy, familiarization with the outside world, development of artistic and productive activities and musical and rhythmic abilities. In independent activities, in the teacher’s communication with children, opportunities are created for children to expand, deepen and widely variably apply the content mastered in the classroom.

Condition full development older preschoolers need meaningful communication with peers and adults.

The teacher tries to diversify the practice of communication with each child. By entering into communication and cooperation, he shows trust, love and respect for the preschooler. At the same time, he uses several models of interaction: by the type of direct transfer of experience, when the teacher teaches the child new skills and methods of action; according to the type of equal partnership, when the teacher is an equal participant in children’s activities, and according to the “guarded adult” type, when the teacher specifically turns to children for help in solving problems, when children correct mistakes “made” by adults, give advice, etc.

An important indicator of the self-awareness of children aged 5–6 years is their evaluative attitude towards themselves and others. For the first time, a positive idea of ​​his possible future appearance allows the child to think critically about some of his shortcomings and, with the help of an adult, try to overcome them. The behavior of a preschooler in one way or another correlates with his ideas about himself and what he should or would like to be. A child’s positive perception of his own self directly affects the success of activities, the ability to make friends, and the ability to see their positive qualities in interaction situations. In the process of interacting with the outside world, the preschooler, acting as an active person, gets to know it, and at the same time gets to know himself. Through self-knowledge, the child comes to a certain knowledge about himself and the world around him. The experience of self-knowledge creates the prerequisites for the development in preschoolers of the ability to overcome negative relationships with peers and conflict situations. Knowing your capabilities and characteristics helps you come to an understanding of the value of the people around you.

The development of thinking is characterized by the following provisions. An older preschooler can already rely on past experience - mountains in the distance do not seem flat to him; in order to understand that a large stone is heavy, he does not have to pick it up - his brain has accumulated a lot of information from various channels of perception. Children gradually move from acting with the objects themselves to acting in their images. In play, the child no longer has to use a substitute object; he can imagine “game material” - for example, “eat” from an imaginary plate with an imaginary spoon. Unlike the previous stage, when in order to think, the child needed to pick up an object and interact with it, now it is enough to imagine it.

During this period, the child actively operates with images - not only imaginary in the game, when a car is imagined instead of a cube, and a spoon “appears” in an empty hand, but also in creativity. It is very important at this age not to accustom the child to the use of ready-made schemes, not to implant one’s own ideas. At this age, the development of imagination and the ability to generate one’s own, new images serve as the key to the development of intellectual abilities - after all, thinking is imaginative than better baby comes up with his own images, the better his brain develops. Many people think that fantasy is a waste of time. However, its work at the next, logical stage also depends on how fully imaginative thinking develops. Therefore, you should not worry if a child of 5 years old does not know how to count and write. It’s much worse if he doesn’t know how to play without toys (with sand, sticks, pebbles, etc.) and doesn’t like to be creative! In creative activity, the child tries to depict his own invented images, looking for associations with known objects. It is very dangerous during this period to “teach” a child given images - for example, drawing according to a model, coloring, etc. This prevents him from creating his own images, that is, from thinking.

1.2 Formation and development of the logical sphere of children of senior preschool age

The formation of logical techniques is an important factor that directly contributes to the development of the thinking process of an older preschooler. Almost all psychological studies devoted to the analysis of the methods and conditions for the development of a child’s thinking are unanimous that methodological guidance of this process is not only possible, but also highly effective, i.e., when organizing special work on the formation and development of logical thinking techniques, there is a significant increase the effectiveness of this process regardless of the initial level of development of the child.

Let us consider the possibilities of actively including various techniques of mental actions using mathematical material in the process of mathematical development of a child of senior preschool age.

Seriation - the construction of ordered increasing or decreasing series. A classic example of seriation: nesting dolls, pyramids, insert bowls, etc.

Series can be organized by size: by length, by height, by width - if the objects are of the same type (dolls, sticks, ribbons, pebbles, etc.) and simply “by size” (with an indication of what is considered “size”) - if objects are of different types (seat toys according to height). Series can be organized by color: by degree of color intensity.

Analysis - highlighting the properties of an object, selecting an object from a group, or selecting a group of objects based on a certain criterion.

For example, the attribute is given: sour. First, each object in the set is checked for the presence or absence of this attribute, and then they are isolated and combined into a group based on the “sour” attribute.

Synthesis is the combination of various elements (signs, properties) into a single whole. In psychology, analysis and synthesis are considered as mutually complementary processes (analysis is carried out through synthesis, and synthesis is carried out through analysis).

Tasks to develop the ability to identify the elements of a particular object (features), as well as to combine them into a single whole, can be offered from the very first steps of the child’s mathematical development.

For example:

A. Assignment to select an item from a group based on any criterion (2-4 years):

Take the red ball. Take the red one, but not the ball. Take the ball, but not the red one.

B. Task to select several objects based on a specified characteristic (2-4 years): Select all the balls. Choose round balls, but not balls.

B. Assignment to choose one or more subjects based on several specified criteria (2-4 years):

Choose a small blue ball. Choose a big red ball.

The last type of task involves combining two characteristics of an object into a single whole.

To develop productive analytical-synthetic mental activity in a child of senior preschool age, the methodology recommends tasks in which the child needs to consider the same object from different points of view. A way to organize such a comprehensive (or at least multi-aspect) consideration is the method of setting different tasks for the same mathematical object.

Comparison is a logical technique that requires identifying similarities and differences between the characteristics of an object (object, phenomenon, group of objects).

Comparison requires the ability to isolate some features of an object and abstract from others. To highlight various signs object, you can use the game “Find it”:

    Which of these items are big yellow? (Ball and bear.)

    What's the big yellow round one? (Ball), etc.

An older preschooler should use the role of leader as often as the answerer; this will prepare him for the next stage - the ability to answer questions:

    What can you tell us about this subject? (The watermelon is large, round, green. The sun is round, yellow, hot.)

Option. Who will tell you more about this? (The ribbon is long, blue, shiny, silk.)

Option. “What is this: white, cold, crumbly?” etc.

Tasks on dividing objects into groups according to some criteria (large and small, red and blue, etc.) require comparison.

All games of the “Find the same” type are aimed at developing the ability to compare. For children of older preschool age, the number and nature of similarity features can vary widely.

Classification is the division of a set into groups according to some criterion, which is called the basis of classification. The basis for classification may or may not be specified (this option is more often used with older children, as it requires the ability to analyze, compare and generalize). It should be taken into account that when classifying a set, the resulting subsets should not intersect in pairs and the union of all subsets should form this set. In other words, each object must be included in one and only one subset.

Classification with children of senior preschool age can be carried out:

    by the name of objects (cups and plates, shells and pebbles, skittles and balls, etc.);

    by size (large balls in one group, small balls in another; long pencils in one box, short pencils in another, etc.);

    by color (this box has red buttons, this one has green buttons);

    in shape (this box contains squares, and this box contains circles; this box contains cubes, this box contains bricks, etc.);

    according to other characteristics (edible and inedible, swimming and flying animals, forest and garden plants, wild and domestic animals, etc.)[ 4, p.48] .

All of the examples listed above are classifications based on a given basis: the teacher himself communicates it to the children. In another case, older preschoolers determine the base independently. The teacher sets only the number of groups into which many subjects (objects) should be divided. In this case, the basis can be determined in more than one way.

When selecting material for an assignment, the teacher must ensure that the result is not a set that orients children to unimportant features of objects, which will push them to incorrect generalizations. It should be remembered that when making empirical generalizations, children rely on external, visible signs of objects, which does not always help to correctly reveal their essence and define the concept.

Forming in older preschoolers the ability to independently make generalizations is extremely important from a general developmental point of view. Due to changes in the content and methods of teaching mathematics in primary school, which set as their goal to develop in students the ability for empirical, and in the future, theoretical generalization, it is important already in kindergarten to teach children various techniques of modeling activities with the help of material, schematic and symbolic clarity (V.V. Davydov), to teach the child to compare, classify, analyze and summarize the results of their activities.

Chapter 2 Development of logical thinking in preschoolers by means of logical math games

2.1 Teaching mathematics in the senior group of kindergarten

The "Kindergarten Education Program" in the senior group provides for a significant expansion, deepening and generalization of children's elementary mathematical concepts, and the further development of counting activities. Children learn to count to 10, not only visually perceived objects, but also sounds, objects perceived by touch, movements. The children's understanding is clarified that the number of objects does not depend on their size, spatial arrangement and the direction of counting. In addition, they make sure that sets containing the same number of elements correspond to one single natural number (5 squirrels, 5 Christmas trees, 5 ends of a star, etc.).

Using examples of composing sets from different objects, they become familiar with the quantitative composition of units of numbers up to 5. By comparing adjacent numbers within 10 based on visual material, children learn which of two adjacent numbers is larger and which is smaller, they get elementary representation about the numerical sequence - about the natural series.

In the older group, they begin to form the concept that some objects can be divided into several equal parts. Children divide models of geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle) into 2 and 4 parts, as well as other objects, compare the whole and parts.

Much attention is paid to the formation of spatial and temporal concepts. Thus, children learn to see the change in size of objects, to evaluate the size of objects in terms of 3 dimensions: length, width, height; their understanding of the properties of quantities deepens.

Children are taught to distinguish between geometric shapes that are similar in shape: a circle and an oval shape, and to consistently analyze and describe the shape of objects.

Children are taught the ability to determine in words the position of an object in relation to themselves (“there is a window to my left, a closet in front of me”), in relation to another object (“a hare is sitting to the right of the doll, a horse is standing to the left of the doll”).

Develop the ability to navigate in space: change the direction of movement while walking, running, gymnastic exercises. They are taught to determine the child’s position among surrounding objects (for example, “I’m standing behind the chair,” “near the chair,” etc.). Children remember the names and sequence of days of the week.

Visual, verbal and practical methods and teaching methods in mathematics classes in the senior group are mainly used in combination. Five-year-old children are able to understand the cognitive task set by the teacher and act in accordance with his instructions. Setting a task allows you to stimulate their cognitive activity. Situations arise when existing knowledge is not enough to find the answer to the question posed, and a need arises to learn something new, to learn something new. For example, a teacher asks: “How can you find out how much the length of a table is greater than its width?” The application technique known to children cannot be used. The teacher shows them a new way to compare lengths using a measure.

The incentive to search is suggestions to solve some kind of game or practical problem (pick a pair, make a rectangle equal to a given one, find out which objects are more, etc.).

Organizing independent work of children with handouts, the teacher also sets tasks for them (to test, learn, learn new things, etc.).

Consolidation and clarification of knowledge and methods of action in a number of cases is carried out by offering children tasks, the content of which reflects situations that are close and understandable to them. So, they find out how long the laces of boots and low shoes are, select a watch strap, etc. Children’s interest in solving such problems ensures the active work of thought and the solid assimilation of knowledge. Mathematical concepts “equal”, “not equal”, “more - less”, “whole and part”, etc. are formed on the basis of comparison. Children 5 years old can already, under the guidance of a teacher, sequentially examine objects, identify and compare their homogeneous features. Based on comparison, they identify significant relations, for example, relations of equality and inequality, sequence, whole and part, etc., and make simple conclusions.

The development of mental activity operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) in the senior group is given great attention. Children perform all these operations based on clarity.

If in the younger groups, during the initial identification of one or another property, objects were compared that differed only in one given property (the stripes differed only in length, when understanding the concepts “longer - shorter”), now objects are presented that already have 2-3 signs of difference (for example, take strips not only of different lengths and widths, but also different colors etc.).

Children are first taught to compare objects in pairs, and then to compare several objects at once. They arrange the same objects in a row or group them according to one or another attribute. Finally, they make comparisons in a conflict situation, when essential features for solving a given problem are masked by others, outwardly more pronounced. For example, it turns out which items are more (less) provided that fewer items occupy large area. The comparison is made on the basis of direct and indirect methods of comparison and contrast (overlay, application, calculation, “measurement modeling”). As a result of these actions, children equalize the quantities of objects or violate their equality, that is, they perform elementary actions of a mathematical nature.

Isolation and assimilation of mathematical properties, connections, and relationships is achieved by performing various actions. Great importance In teaching 5-year-old children, there is still active involvement of various analyzers in the work.

Consideration, analysis and comparison of objects when solving problems of the same type are carried out in a certain sequence. For example, children are taught to consistently analyze and describe a pattern made up of models of geometric shapes, etc. Gradually, they master the general method of solving problems in this category and consciously use it. Since awareness of the content of the task and how to solve it by children of this age is carried out in the course of practical actions, mistakes made by children are always corrected through actions with didactic material.

In the older group, the types of visual aids are expanded and their nature is somewhat changed. Toys and things continue to be used as illustrative material. But now a big place is occupied by working with pictures, color and silhouette images of objects, and the drawings of objects can be schematic. From the middle of the school year, the simplest schemes are introduced, for example, “numeric figures”, “number ladder”, “path diagram” (pictures on which images of objects are placed in a certain sequence).

“Substitutes” of real objects begin to serve as visual support. Missing in this moment The teacher represents objects with models of geometric shapes. For example, children guess who was more on the tram: boys or girls, if boys are indicated by large triangles and girls by small ones. Experience shows that children easily accept such abstract clarity. Visualization activates children and serves as a support for voluntary memory, therefore, in some cases, phenomena that do not have a visual form are modeled. For example, the days of the week are conventionally indicated by multi-colored chips. This helps children establish ordinal relationships between the days of the week and remember their sequence.

In working with children 5-6 years old, the role of verbal teaching methods increases. The teacher’s instructions and explanations guide and plan the children’s activities. When giving instructions, he takes into account what the children know and can do, and only shows new methods of work. The teacher’s questions during the explanation stimulate children to show independence and intelligence, encouraging them to look for different ways solutions to the same problem: “How else can I do it? Check it? Tell me?”

Children are taught to find different formulations to characterize the same mathematical connections and relationships. It is essential to practice new methods of action in speech. Therefore, while working with handouts, the teacher asks first one or the other child what, how and why he is doing; One child can do the task at the board at this time and explain his actions. Accompanying an action with speech allows children to comprehend it. After completing any task there is a survey. Children report on what and how they did and what happened as a result.

As the child accumulates the ability to perform certain actions, you can first suggest what should be done and how (build a series of objects, group them, etc.), and then perform a practical action. This is how children are taught to plan the ways and order of completing a task. The assimilation of correct figures of speech is ensured by their repeated repetition in connection with the implementation of different versions of tasks of the same type.

In the older group they begin to use word games and game exercises, which are based on presentation actions: “Say the opposite!”, “Who can name it faster?”, “Which is longer (shorter)?” and etc.

Increasing complexity and variation in work methods, changing aids and situations stimulate children to show independence and activate their thinking. To maintain interest in classes, the teacher constantly introduces elements of games (search, guessing) and competition: “Who can find (bring, name) faster?” etc.

2.2 Pedagogical possibilities of the game in the development of logical thinking

Theoretical and experimental works of A.S. Vygotsky, F.N. Leontyeva, S.L. Rubenstein indicate that none of the specific qualities - logical thinking, creative imagination, meaningful memory - can develop in a child regardless of upbringing, as a result of the spontaneous maturation of innate inclinations. They are formed throughout childhood, in the process of education, which plays, as L.S. wrote. Vygotsky “leading role in the mental development of the child.”

It is necessary to develop the child’s thinking, you need to teach him to compare, generalize, analyze, develop speech, teach the child to write. Since mechanical memorization of various information, copying adult reasoning does not provide anything for the development of children's thinking.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “...Do not bring down an avalanche of knowledge on a child... - inquisitiveness and curiosity can be buried under an avalanche of knowledge. Know how to open one thing to the child in the world around him, but open it in such a way that a piece of life will sparkle in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always reveal something unsaid so that the child wants to return again and again to what he has learned.”

Therefore, the child’s learning and development should be relaxed, carried out through age-specific activities and pedagogical means. Game is such a developmental tool for older preschoolers.

Despite the fact that play gradually ceases to act as a leading activity in older preschool age, it does not lose its developmental functions.

Ya.A. Komensky considers play as a necessary form of activity for a child.

A.S. Makarenko drew the attention of parents to the fact that “the education of a future leader should not consist in eliminating the game, but in organizing it in such a way that the game remains a game, but the qualities of the future child, citizen are brought up in the game.”

The main type of game, role-playing and creative, reflects children’s impressions of the knowledge around them, understanding of current events and phenomena. A huge number of games with rules capture a variety of knowledge, mental operations,

Actions that children need to master. This development occurs along with general mental development; at the same time, this development is carried out in the game.

The mental development of children occurs both in the process of creative games (the ability to generalize the functions of thinking is developed) and didactic play. The name didactic itself suggests that these games have their own goal of mental development of children and, therefore, can be considered as a direct means of mental education.

The combination of a teaching task with a game form in a didactic game, the presence of ready-made content and rules allows the teacher to more systematically use didactic games for the mental education of children.

It is very important that play is not only a way and means of learning, it is also joy and pleasure for the child. All children love to play, and it depends on the adult how meaningful and useful these games will be.

While playing, a child can not only consolidate previously acquired knowledge, but also acquire new skills, abilities, and develop mental capacity. For these purposes, special games for the mental development of the child, rich in logical content, are used. A.S. Makarenko understood perfectly well that one game, even the best, cannot ensure success in achieving educational goals. Therefore, he sought to create a set of games, considering this task the most important in education.

In modern pedagogy, didactic games are considered as an effective means of child development, the development of such intellectual mental processes as attention, memory, thinking, and imagination.

With the help of didactic games, children are taught to think independently and use acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task. Many games challenge children rational use existing knowledge in mental operations:

    find characteristic features in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

    compare, group, classify objects according to certain criteria, draw correct conclusions.

The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude towards acquiring solid, deep knowledge, establishing various relationships a team .

Didactic games develop children's sensory abilities. The processes of sensation and perception underlie a child’s cognition environment. It also develops children’s speech: the vocabulary is filled and activated, correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, and the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts.

Some games require children to actively use specific and generic concepts, practice finding synonyms, words that are similar in meaning, etc.

During the game, the development of thinking and speech is decided in continuous connection; When children communicate in a game, speech is activated, and the ability to argue their statements and arguments develops.

So, we found out that the developmental abilities of the game are great. Through play, you can develop and improve all aspects of a child’s personality. We are interested in games that develop the intellectual side of the game, which contribute to the development of thinking in younger schoolchildren.

Mathematical games are games in which mathematical constructions, relationships, and patterns are modeled. To find an answer (solution), as a rule, a preliminary analysis of the conditions, rules, and content of the game or task is necessary. In the process of solving, the use of mathematical methods and inferences is required.

A variety of mathematical games and tasks are logic games, tasks, and exercises. They are aimed at training thinking when performing logical operations and actions. In order to develop children's thinking, they use different kinds simple tasks and exercises. These are tasks for finding a missing figure, continuing a series of figures, searching for numbers missing in a series of figures (finding the patterns underlying the choice of this figure, etc.)

Consequently, logical-mathematical games are games in which mathematical relationships and patterns are modeled, involving the implementation of logical operations and actions.

L.A. Stolyarov identifies the following structure of an educational game, which includes the main elements characteristic of a genuine didactic game: didactic task, game actions, rules, result.

Didactic tasks:

    always developed by adults;

    they are aimed at the formation of fundamentally new knowledge and the development of logical structures of thinking;

    become more complicated at each new stage;

    closely related to game actions and rules;

    are presented through a game task and are recognized by children.

The rules are strictly fixed; they determine the method, order, and sequence of actions according to the rule.

Game actions allow you to implement a didactic task through a game one.

Game results completion of game action or winning.

Logical-mathematical games and exercises use special structured material that allows you to visually represent abstract concepts and the relationships between them.

Specially structured material:

    geometric shapes (hoops, geometric blocks);


    rule diagrams (chains of figures);

    function diagrams (computers);

    operation diagrams (chessboard).

So, the pedagogical possibilities of the didactic game are very great. The game develops all aspects of the child’s personality and activates the hidden intellectual capabilities of children.

2.3 Logical-mathematical games as a means of enhancing mathematics learning

Interest in mathematics among older preschoolers is supported by the entertaining nature of the problems, questions, and assignments themselves. When we talk about entertainment, we do not mean entertaining children with empty fun, but the entertaining content of mathematical tasks. Pedagogically justified entertainment aims to attract children's attention, strengthen it, and activate their mental activity. Entertaining in this sense always carries elements of wit, playfulness, and festivity. Entertaining serves as the basis for penetrating into the minds of children a sense of beauty in mathematics itself. Entertaining is characterized by the presence of light and intelligent humor in the content of mathematical tasks, in their design, and in an unexpected outcome when completing these tasks. Humor should be understandable to children. Therefore, educators seek from the children themselves an intelligible explanation of the essence of easy joke tasks, funny positions in which students sometimes find themselves during games, i.e. achieve an understanding of the essence of humor itself and its harmlessness. A sense of humor usually manifests itself when individual funny features are found in different situations. A sense of humor, if a person has it, softens the perception of individual failures in the current situation. Light humor should be kind and create a cheerful, upbeat mood.

An atmosphere of light humor is created by including story problems, tasks from heroes of funny children's fairy tales, including joke problems, creating game situations and fun competitions.

a) Didactic game as a means of teaching mathematics.

Games occupy a large place in mathematics lessons. These are mainly didactic games, i.e. games, the content of which contributes either to the development of individual mental operations, or to the development of computational techniques and numeracy skills. Purposeful inclusion of games increases children's interest in classes and enhances the effect of learning itself. Creating a gaming situation leads to the fact that children, captivated by the game, unnoticed and without special labor and stress acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities. In older preschool age, children have a strong need for play, so kindergarten teachers include it in mathematics lessons. The game makes lessons emotionally rich, brings a cheerful mood to the children's group, and helps to aesthetically perceive the situation related to mathematics.

A didactic game is a valuable means of cultivating the mental activity of children; it activates mental processes and arouses in students a keen interest in the process of cognition. In it, children willingly overcome significant difficulties, train their strength, develop abilities and skills. It helps to make any educational material exciting, causes deep satisfaction in children, creates a joyful working mood, and facilitates the process of assimilation of knowledge.

In didactic games, the child observes, compares, juxtaposes, classifies objects according to certain criteria, performs analysis and synthesis available to him, and makes generalizations.

Didactic games provide an opportunity to develop in children the arbitrariness of such mental processes as attention and memory. Game tasks develop children's ingenuity, resourcefulness, and intelligence. Many of them require the ability to construct a statement, judgment, and inference; require not only mental, but also volitional efforts - organization, endurance, the ability to follow the rules of the game, and subordinate one’s interests to the interests of the team.

However, not every game has significant educational and educational significance, but only those that acquire the character of cognitive activity. A didactic educational game brings the child’s new cognitive activity closer to what is already familiar to him, facilitating the transition from play to serious mental work.

Didactic games are especially necessary in the teaching and upbringing of six-year-old children. They manage to concentrate the attention of even the most inert children. At first, children show interest only in playing, and then in both educational material, without which the game is impossible. In order to preserve the very nature of the game and at the same time successfully teach children mathematics, games of a special kind are needed. They must be organized so that: firstly, as a way of performing game actions, there is an objective need for the practical use of counting; secondly, the content of the game and practical activities would be interesting and provide an opportunity for children to demonstrate independence and initiative.

b) Logical exercises in mathematics classes.

Logic exercises are one of the means by which children develop correct thinking. When they talk about logical thinking, they mean thinking whose content is in full accordance with objective reality.

Logic exercises allow you to build correct judgments on mathematical material accessible to children, based on life experience, without prior theoretical mastery of the laws and rules of logic themselves.

In the process of logical exercises, children practically learn to compare mathematical objects, perform the simplest types of analysis and synthesis, and establish connections between generic and specific concepts.

Most often, the logical exercises offered to children do not require calculations, but only force children to make correct judgments and provide simple proofs. The exercises themselves are entertaining in nature, so they contribute to the emergence of children’s interest in the process of mental activity. And this is one of the cardinal tasks of the educational process of older preschoolers.

Due to the fact that logical exercises are exercises in mental activity, and the thinking of older preschoolers is mainly concrete, figurative, I use visualization in the lessons. Depending on the characteristics of the exercises, drawings, drawings, brief conditions of tasks, and records of terms and concepts are used for clarity.

Folk riddles have always served and continue to serve as fascinating material for thought. Riddles usually indicate certain characteristics of an object, which are used to guess the object itself. Riddles are unique logical tasks to identify an object based on some of its characteristics. Signs may vary. They characterize both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the subject. For mathematics lessons, riddles are selected in which the subject itself, along with others, is mainly based on quantitative characteristics. Isolating the quantitative side of an object (abstraction), as well as finding an object based on quantitative characteristics are useful and interesting logical-mathematical exercises.

c) The role of role-playing games in the process of teaching mathematics.

Among the mathematical games for children there are also role-playing games. Role-playing games can be described as creative. Their main difference from other games is the independence of creating the plot and rules of the game and their implementation. The most attractive power for older preschoolers are those roles that give them the opportunity to demonstrate high moral qualities of the individual: honesty, courage, camaraderie, resourcefulness, wit, ingenuity. Therefore, such games contribute not only to the development of individual mathematical skills, but also to the sharpness and logic of thought. In particular, the game contributes to the development of discipline, because any game is played according to the appropriate rules. When joining the game, the child performs certain rules; at the same time, he obeys the rules themselves not under duress, but completely voluntarily, otherwise there will be no game. And following the rules can be associated with overcoming difficulties and with perseverance.

However, despite the importance and significance of the game during the lesson, it is not an end in itself, but a means for developing interest in mathematics. The mathematical side of the game content should always be clearly brought to the fore. Only then will it fulfill its role in the mathematical development of children and in nurturing their interest in mathematics.

Didactics has a variety of educational materials. The most effective aid is logical blocks, developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Dienes, for the development of early logical thinking and for preparing children for mastering mathematics. Dienesh blocks are a set of geometric shapes, which consists of 48 volumetric shapes, varying in shape (circles, squares, rectangles, triangles), color (yellow, blue, red), size (large and small) and thickness (thick and thin) ). That is, each figure is characterized by four properties: color, shape, size, thickness. There are not even two figures in the set that are identical in all properties. In their practice, kindergarten teachers use mainly flat geometric shapes. The entire complex of games and exercises with Dienesh blocks is a long intellectual ladder, and the games and exercises themselves are its steps. The child must stand on each of these steps. Logical blocks help the child master mental operations and actions, these include: identifying properties, comparing them, classification, generalization, encoding and decoding, as well as logical operations.

In addition, blocks can lay in the minds of children the beginning of an algorithmic culture of thinking, develop in children the ability to act in the mind, master ideas about numbers and geometric shapes, and spatial orientation.

In the process of various actions with blocks, children first master the ability to identify and abstract one property in objects (color, shape, size, thickness), compare, classify and generalize objects according to one of these properties. Then they master the skills to analyze, compare, classify and generalize objects according to two properties at once (color and shape, shape and size, size and thickness, etc.), and a little later according to three (color, shape, size; shape, size, thickness etc.) and according to four properties (color, shape, size, thickness), while developing the logical thinking of children.

In the same exercise, you can vary the rules for completing the task, taking into account the capabilities of the children. For example, several children are building paths. But one child is asked to build a path so that there are no blocks of the same shape nearby (operating with one property), another - so that there are no blocks of the same shape and color nearby (operating with two properties at once). Depending on the level of development of children, you can use not the entire complex, but some part of it, first the blocks are different in shape and color, but the same in size and thickness, then different in shape, color and size, but the same in thickness and in the end is a complete set of figures.

This is very important: the more diverse the material, the more difficult it is to abstract some properties from others, and therefore to compare, classify, and generalize.

With logical blocks, the child performs various actions: lays out, swaps, removes, hides, searches, divides, and reasons along the way.

So, by playing with blocks, the child gets closer to understanding complex logical relationships between sets. From playing with abstract blocks, children easily move on to playing with real sets and concrete materials.


The mathematical development of children of senior preschool age in a specific educational institution (kindergarten, development groups, additional education groups, pro-gymnasium, etc.) is designed based on the concept preschool, goals and objectives of children's development, diagnostic data, predicted results. The concept determines the relationship between premathematical and prelogical components in the content of education. The predicted results depend on this ratio: the development of the intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age, their logical, creative or critical thinking; formation of ideas about numbers, computational or combinatorial skills, methods of transforming objects, etc.

Orientation in modern programs for the development and education of children in kindergarten, studying them provides the basis for choosing a methodology. IN modern programs(“Development”, “Rainbow”, “Childhood”, “Origins”, etc.), as a rule, includes the logical and mathematical content, the development of which contributes to the development of the cognitive, creative and intellectual abilities of children.

These programs are implemented through activity-based, person-oriented developmental technologies and exclude “discrete” learning, i.e., separate formation of knowledge and skills with subsequent consolidation.

The formation of general concepts in children of senior preschool age is important for the further development of thinking at school age.

Preschool children experience intensive development of thinking. The child acquires a number of new knowledge about the surrounding reality and at the same time learns to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize his observations, that is, to perform the simplest mental operations. The most important role Education and training play a role in the mental development of a child.

The teacher introduces the child to the surrounding reality, imparts to him a number of basic knowledge about natural phenomena and public life, without which the development of thinking would be impossible. However, it should be pointed out that simple memorization of individual facts and passive assimilation of imparted knowledge cannot yet ensure the correct development of children's thinking.

In order for a child to begin to think, he must be given a new task, in the process of solving which he could use previously acquired knowledge in relation to new circumstances.

Therefore, the organization of games and activities that would develop the child’s mental interests, set him certain cognitive tasks, and force him to independently perform certain mental operations to achieve the desired result is of great importance in the mental education of a child. This is achieved through questions asked by the teacher during classes, walks and excursions, didactic games of an educational nature, all kinds of riddles and puzzles specifically designed to stimulate the child’s mental activity.

Logical techniques as a means of developing the logical thinking of preschoolers - comparison, synthesis, analysis, classification, proof and others - are used in all types of activities. They are used starting from the first grade to solve problems and develop correct conclusions. Now, in conditions of a radical change in the nature of human work, the value of such knowledge is increasing. Evidence of this is the growing importance of computer literacy, one of theoretical foundations which is logic. Knowledge of logic contributes to cultural and intellectual development personality.

When selecting methods and techniques, the educator must remember that fundamentally educational process lies problem-game technology. Therefore, preference is given to the game as the main method of teaching preschoolers, mathematical entertainment, didactic, developmental, logical and mathematical games; game exercises; experimentation; solving creative and problematic problems, as well as practical activities.

List of used literature

    Bezhenova M. Mathematical ABC. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. – M.: Eksmo, SKIF, 2005.

    Beloshistaya A.V. Getting ready for math. Methodological recommendations for organizing classes with children 5-6 years old. – M.: Yuventa, 2006.

    Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. Mathematics. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. – M.: TC “Teacher”, 2007.

    Denisova D., Dorozhin Y. Mathematics for preschoolers. Senior group 5+. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

    Entertaining mathematics. Materials for activities and lessons with preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. – M.: Uchitel, 2007.

    Zvonkin A.K. Kids and math. Home club for preschoolers. – M.: MTsNMO, MIOO, 2006.

    Kuznetsova V.G. Mathematics for preschoolers. A popular method of game lessons. – St. Petersburg: Onyx, Onyx-SPb, 2006.

    Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. – M.: Detstvo-Press, 2007.

    Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E. Playing game. Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. Guidelines. – M.: Yuventa, 2006.

    Sycheva G.E. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers. – M.: Knigolyub, 2007.

    Shalaeva G. Mathematics for little geniuses at home and in kindergarten. – M.: AST, Slovo, 2009.

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Presentation on the topic: Logical and mathematical games for preschoolers

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Dienesh's logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric shapes: a) four shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); b) four colors (red, blue, yellow); c) two sizes (large, small); d) two types of thickness (thick, thin). Each geometric figure is characterized by four characteristics: shape, color, size, thickness. There is not a single identical figure in the set.

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Many logic games use cards with property symbols. Introducing a child to property symbols is an important step in mastering the entire sign culture, literacy, mathematical symbols, programming, etc. The cards conventionally indicate the properties of the blocks (color, shape, size, thickness). There are 11 cards in total. + 11 cards with negation of properties, for example: Not red.

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Introduce the shape, color, size, thickness of objects. * Develop spatial understanding. * Develop logical thinking, the idea of ​​a set, operations on sets (comparison, partitioning, classification, abstraction, encoding and decoding of information). * Master the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking. Develop the ability to identify properties in objects, name them, generalize objects by their properties, explain the similarities and differences of objects, justify your reasoning. * Develop cognitive processes, mental operations. * Foster independence, initiative, and perseverance in achieving goals. * Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design abilities. * Develop speech. * Successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science.

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All games and game exercises can be divided into 4 groups with gradual complication: to develop the ability to identify and abstract properties; to develop the skills to compare objects according to their properties; to develop the actions of classification and generalization; to develop the ability for logical actions and operations. All games and exercises, with the exception of the fourth group (logical), are not addressed to a specific age

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“CODE LOCK” or “THE THIRD ONE” 3 figures are laid out on a cardboard. Two can be combined according to some property, one is extra. Behind the lock there can be anything: a surprise, an entrance to a room, a way to go for a walk... The child must open the lock: guess which button to press and explain why. For example: There's an extra one red figure. Because these are both yellow. Click on the red figure!

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“FIND THE TREASURE” or “WHERE THE PUPPY HID” There are 8 blocks in front of the child, a coin or a picture of a puppy is hidden. Option 1 The treasure hunter turns away, the leader hides the treasure under one of the blocks. The treasure hunter looks for it, naming the various properties of the blocks. If the kid finds a treasure, he takes it for himself, and hides a new treasure under one of the blocks. The presenter first plays the role of a treasure hunter and shows how to search for treasure. Names the various properties of blocks. For example, the presenter asks: - Is the treasure under the blue block? - No, - the child answers. - Under the yellow? - No. - Under the red? - Yes. - Under the big one? - Yes. - Under the round one? - Yes. The one who wins will find more treasures. As the game repeats, the blocks change and their number increases.

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“CITY OF GEOMETRIC FIGURES” The kids arrived to visit Mickey Mouse! Look what a city of figures this is! There is an area of ​​large and an area of ​​small houses. Each district has streets of different colors. The houses have different shapes. Seryozha is looking for a rectangular house in the area of ​​​​small houses, on the red street. And Katyusha came to visit the mole. And he says to all the children: “Mole lives in a square house on a blue street in an area of ​​small houses!” Four-year-olds walk around this city with interest and, in passing, identify three properties of figures at once. What is difficult for some first-graders in the School 2100 program!

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There are games and exercises with blocks that are designed for older preschoolers. They will help children develop the ability to divide sets into classes according to compatible properties, develop the ability to perform logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”, the ability to construct correct statements using these operations, encode and decode information about the properties of objects. RIDDLES WITHOUT WORDS"We will help the child learn to decipher (decode) information about the presence or absence of certain properties of objects by their symbolic designations. During this travel lesson, the children came to a magician's house. You must first disenchant it, and then knock. For example: the first figure should be triangular, yellow, small and thick. But the second one should be round, red, not thick and not small. So we will be looking for a red, large, thin circle. It's great when ingenuity helps! Now you can watch magic tricks!

“DIVIDE THE BLOCKS” The game will teach you to split a set according to two or three compatible properties, and perform logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”. There is a commotion in the forest! The fox, the wolf and the bear just can’t divide the gifts from Santa Claus! Santa Claus said to take all the small gifts for the fox, all the thick ones for the bear, and all the round ones for the wolf. But the problem is, there are gifts that are both round and small at the same time. Both the fox and the wolf must take them! And there are gifts that are round, and small, and fat! All animals can play with them together. Three intersecting hoops (ribbons, strings) helped us figure it out - find out where whose gifts are, who can use what as joint property!

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"Development games" on the go. 1. More often, together with your baby, count everything that you use in everyday life: how many chairs are there near the dining table, how many pairs of socks you put in the washing machine, how many potatoes need to be peeled to cook dinner. Count the steps in entrance, windows in the apartment - children love to count. 2. Measure different things - at home or on the street with your palms or feet. Remember the cartoon about 38 parrots - a great reason to review it and check how tall mom or dad is, how many palms “will fit” "in your favorite sofa. 3. Collect several empty shoe boxes or gifts. It is best to do this after a birthday or New Year. You can also buy boxes specifically for this purpose: they are not that expensive. It is advisable that they fit into each other friend like nesting dolls. Place the lids separately and the boxes separately. Ask to choose a lid for each container. The younger the child, the fewer boxes there should be. A two-year-old child will happily tinker with 4-5 boxes, but 10 will be too much for him.

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4. Buy “sticky” numbers made of foam, stick them on an empty container - from 0 to 5. Collect a variety of objects: one small car or doll, two large buttons, three beads, four nuts, five clothespins. Ask to put them in containers according to the number on the lid. 5. Make number cards from cardboard and sandpaper or velvet. Run your baby's finger over these numbers and name them. Ask to show you 3, 2, 1. Now take one of the cards out of the box at random and invite the child to bring as many items as are shown on his card. It's especially exciting to receive a zero card because nothing beats personal discovery. 6. Hunting for geometric shapes. Invite your child to play hunting. Let him try to find something that looks like a circle and show it to you. And now a square or rectangle. You can play this game on the way to kindergarten7. Place the spoon, fork and plate on the table in a special way. Ask your child to repeat your composition. When he is doing well, put some kind of screen between you and your baby or sit with your backs to each other. Invite him to arrange his items and then explain to you how he did it. You must repeat his actions, following only verbal instructions. Also a good game to pass the time waiting for an appointment at the clinic

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8. When your baby or toddler takes a bath, give him a variety of cups - measuring cups, plastic jugs, funnels, colorful cups. Let him pour water for his health. Talk about where there is more water. According to Piaget, this is the age of interesting discoveries for parents. Pour water into two identical glasses and ask the baby if there is the same amount of water in both containers? Now pour the water from one glass into a tall, thin glass, and the water from the other glass into a wide, short glass. Where is there more, you ask? Most likely, the answer will be interesting9. Play shopping with your child. Buy toy money or draw one yourself. Rubles can be taken from economic games, like "Manager". 10. Prepare meals with your baby more often. Show how you prepare this or that dish, how much food you take. Use measuring cups and demonstrate that for pancakes you need to use this much flour and this much sugar.
