Types of intelligence - classification in psychology. General concepts

What is intelligence and how does its presence affect successful implementation Personality is an interesting topic for psychologists and people seeking to develop personal knowledge. How to become an intellectual and does the human brain have frameworks that give clear signals about sufficient level knowledge and acquired experience, a question with a philosophical or logical conclusion - each person decides for himself.

What is human intelligence?

The word intellect comes from the Latin term Intellectus, which translated means knowledge, understanding. Intelligence is the ability of a person to mentally perceive easily and in large quantities, the tendency to quickly solve complex problems and life situations, with the help of active brain activity - through inferences, logical conclusions. An assessment of a person’s level of knowledge is called intelligence quotient; it is calculated using special methods and tests.

IQ can be much higher than real age of a person, the average knowledge of peers serves as the basis for conclusions about the level of intelligence - mental age. The average IQ is 100 points, indicators with values ​​of 90 or 110 are acceptable norms. People whose IQ is above 110 are highly intelligent individuals, and IQ scores at 70 are intellectual disabilities, in negative side. At the age of up to 5 years, the level of intelligence does not differ; it is generally accepted that the main factor that forms intellectual inclinations is transmitted hereditarily.

Intelligence in psychology

In psychology, thinking and intelligence are similar processes of mental activity. Thinking is the tendency to analyze, build logical conclusions on acquired knowledge. Intelligence is the ability to implement acquired knowledge, the result of thinking leading to rational actions. A person can read several encyclopedias and possess a large amount of information, but not apply them in practice; the presence of intelligence is evidence of the realized actions of an individual, based on knowledge, characterizing success in society.

What is artificial intelligence?

Many people are interested in the question of what synthetic intelligence is. Artificial intelligence is a human-created system that analyzes information and reproduces thinking processes that are similar in their effect on impulses occurring in the human brain. The branch of science that creates and studies such intelligence is called computer science. Conventional modern automatic control systems (computer, robot, car navigator) are perceived by the average person as the concept of intelligence with artificial thinking, aimed at performing certain functions.

What is the difference between an intellectual and an intellectual?

Often, the concepts of intelligentsia and intellectuals are mixed into one type of psychological behavior. A characteristic personality trait that distinguishes an intelligent person is high level good manners and cultural behavior, not only in society but also in any situation that does not attract attention. Intellectuals have a high level of education and earn money through mental work, are responsive to others, the intelligentsia is a part of society professionally engaged in educational and scientific work.

Intellectuals are characterized by a high level of encyclopedic knowledge in various fields. The behavior of an intellectual in society may differ significantly from that of an intelligent person, and cause negative emotions, but the most valuable contributions in the development of various scientific fields were made by people with high IQ, important public discoveries were also made by intellectuals.

What are intellectual disabilities?

A person’s intelligence may decline; its level depends on congenital or acquired defects in the structure of the brain. Congenital mental retardation is called dementia, acquired mental retardation is called senile dementia, oligophrenia. A decrease in intelligence can be a consequence of complex depression; it can develop after functional loss of organs (loss of hearing, vision) when a person does not receive information from external sources.

Types of intelligence

The innate abilities of an individual can become the basis on which a person can successfully develop abilities - choose a favorite profession, successfully realize one’s life plans. What is intelligence - in the average individual several talents develop harmoniously, but there is only one leader, the natural inclinations of a person are conventionally divided into the main types of intelligence:

  • natural;
  • musical;
  • mathematical;
  • linguistic;
  • spatial;
  • personal;
  • kinesthetic;
  • existential;
  • interpersonal.

Signs of High Intelligence

High intelligence is often hidden behind modest behavior, which has been proven in scientific experiments. It has not yet been possible to develop a method that accurately characterizes a highly intelligent person. A list of characteristics characteristic of individuals whose IQ level is above the statistical average has been compiled. The method for determining intelligent people based on these indicators is conditional:

  • Availability pet– cat;
  • love of disorder;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • philosophical views and liberal attitude to life;
  • the eldest child of the family, as a rule, has an IQ level higher than the younger children;
  • breastfeeding in infancy;
  • high level of anxiety;
  • left-handedness;
  • high growth;
  • slim physique;
  • early reading ability in childhood;
  • having a sense of humor.

How to increase intelligence?

The development of intelligence is a systematic habit, one might say a lifestyle. By increasing intelligence, a person trains his memory every day, comprehends new knowledge and applies it in practice. How to give up the habit of watching TV, it entails invisible clogging of memory with useless information. Eat low-calorie food - food that is heavy on the stomach takes energy away from the brain, requiring expenditure in the digestive tract. Great for increasing IQ levels:

  • logic puzzles;
  • intellectual and board games with a strong opponent - chess, poker, backgammon;
  • computer games, requiring concentration;
  • healthy 8-hour sleep;
  • physical activity;
  • learning foreign languages;
  • classes in exact sciences.

Games that develop intelligence

Regular brain training to gain new knowledge can be done in a passive way - reading books, studying scientific facts, or memorizing. Experts in the field of intellectual studies have developed games that develop thinking and intelligence. IN modern world, most of these techniques have been transformed into computer games, and debates are ongoing about the benefits or uselessness of such memory training. It is a proven fact that systematically calculating costs Money in the mind trains memory even in mature age. Habitual activities that increase intelligence:

  • solve crosswords;
  • remember phone numbers;
  • train an unusual hand (for a right-handed person - the left) for everyday activities;
  • read books upside down;
  • quickly list out loud similar objects and words with the same root.

Books that develop intelligence

Reading works of fiction increases the level of intellectual knowledge, and studying scientific literature promotes increased level concentration - the ability to remember and analyze unknown details develops. Modern books for the development of intelligence contain visual training and puzzles that significantly develop intellectual abilities. Books to increase intelligence:

ANSWER: Intelligence(from Latin intellectus - sensation, perception, understanding, understanding, concept, reason) - a quality of the psyche consisting of the ability to adapt to new situations, the ability to learn from experience, understand and apply abstract concepts and use one’s knowledge to manage environment. General ability to knowledge and solution of difficulties, which unites all human cognitive abilities: sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, imagination.

Intellectual- a person with highly developed intelligence and analytical thinking; representative of intellectual work.

For the first time the question of the existence of intelligence was raised by Fr. Galton (1883). He believed that intellectual capabilities are determined by the peculiarities of human biological nature. As an indicator of general int. abilities – sensory discriminative sensitivity (the ability to distinguish size, color, pitch, etc.).

Intelligence is the main form of knowledge of reality.

There are three varieties in understanding the function of intelligence: 1) the ability to learn, 2) operating with symbols, 3) the ability to actively master the laws of the reality around us.

The influence of intelligence extends beyond the life of one person. The development of intelligence in Homo sapiens separated him from the animal world and the pack with the beginning of the development of society, and then human civilization. Intelligence as an ability is usually realized with the help of other abilities. Such as the ability to cognize, learn, think logically, systematize information by analyzing it, determine its applicability (classify), find connections, patterns and differences in it, associate it with similar ones, etc.

The essential qualities of human intelligence are inquisitiveness and depth of mind, its flexibility and mobility, logic and evidence. Let's clarify:

· curiosity - the desire to comprehensively understand this or that phenomenon in significant respects. This quality of mind underlies active cognitive activity;

· the depth of the mind lies in the ability to separate the main from the secondary, the necessary from the accidental;

· flexibility and mobility of mind - a person’s ability to widely use existing experience, quickly explore objects in new connections and relationships, overcome stereotyped thinking:

· logical thinking is characterized by a strict sequence of reasoning, taking into account all the essential aspects of the object under study, all possible relationships;

· evidence-based thinking is characterized by the ability to use at the right moment such facts and patterns that convince of the correctness of judgments and conclusions;

Critical thinking presupposes the ability to strictly evaluate results mental activity, subject them to critical evaluation, discard the wrong decision, abandon the actions started if they contradict the requirements of the task:

· breadth of thinking - the ability to cover the issue as a whole, without losing sight of the initial data of the corresponding task, to see multivariate solutions to the problem.

Various contents of activity require the development of certain intellectual abilities of the individual. But in all cases, the individual’s sensitivity to the new is necessary, current problems, to trends in the possible development of the situation. An indicator of the development of intelligence here is the unrelatedness of the subject external restrictions, his lack of xenophobia - fear of the new, unusual.

An essential quality of an individual's mind is foresight. possible consequences the actions he takes, the ability to prevent and avoid unnecessary conflicts. One of the main features of developed intelligence is the ability to intuitively solve complex problems.

The development of individual qualities of intelligence is determined both by the genotype of a given species and the breadth of its life experience.

Currently there are several types of intelligence. Let us briefly describe each of them.

1. Mental intelligence- intellectual abilities in the most common understanding today. Ability to count quickly, give answers quickly, grasp the essence quickly, etc. The intelligence that IQ tests try to measure. What is considered intelligence, probably by most people. Currently, in addition to mental intelligence, social and emotional intelligence are also distinguished.

2. Emotional intelligence– the ability to recognize one’s own feelings and the feelings of others, as well as the ability to manage these feelings. Emotional intelligence is characterized by knowledge of psychology and the ability to practically apply and use this knowledge. Emotional intelligence is not limited to psychology. Emotional intelligence includes:

· System of values, goals, desires, hobbies;

· Knowledge and accumulated personal experience;

· The ability to manage yourself and bring your goals and desires to life;

· Empathy – the ability to feel, understand and accept what other people feel and see;

· Interpersonal communication skills;

· Self-knowledge and self-awareness.

3. Social intelligence– the ability to recognize different roles, as well as to “take off” and “put on” these roles during the game of life.

We believe that almost every life situation is a game. And you play a certain role in this game. You can be a child or an adult, a teacher or a student, a manager or a subordinate, a couch potato or a housewife, or anyone. Games have certain rules. Sometimes you install them. Sometimes others. Sometimes you have to accept the rules of other people's games (for example, when applying for a job). Sometimes you set your own games and rules. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not.

A person with high social intelligence is able to notice and distinguish between roles and games. Able to recognize and recognize them. Knows how to change and create them (roles and games).

4. Spiritual intelligence- this is what directly determines the harmony of your inner world and your personality. This is, first of all, your internal integrity - that is, how much your actions correspond to your deep values, goals, desires and beliefs. How your life fits in with what you really want to do and can do very well. Spiritual intelligence is your ability to make spiritual choices. Spiritual intelligence also determines your understanding and sense of the meaning of life, your ability to find your place in life and purpose. We also include a person’s skills and abilities in the field of spiritual practices as spiritual intelligence.

5. Physical intelligence. A certain intellect that is connected to the body. Or the intelligence of the body itself. Determined by the ability to control your body and bodily desires. Body intelligence is well developed in people who play sports and generally “take care” of their body.

The term intelligence is often used to emphasize the specificity of human psychological activity. It should not be overlooked that the ability to deal with abstract symbols and relationships is only one side of the intellect; No less important is such an aspect as concrete thinking. Intelligence is often interpreted as the ability to adapt to new situations using previously acquired experience. In this case, intelligence is actually identified with the ability to learn. However, one cannot ignore the fact that intelligence contains a productive principle. The most essential thing for human intelligence is that it allows one to reflect the natural connections and relationships of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, thereby making it possible to creatively transform reality.

The main components of the human intellectual system are consciousness and the unconscious. Consciousness mainly serves self-preservation, and the unconscious contains all possible information and the actual intellectual activity is carried out in it. It can be shown that the main parts of the unconscious are high intelligence and the biological computing "machine", and main goal The activity of the entire intellectual system is the improvement, creation and accumulation of hereditary information, which is constantly used by consciousness and the unconscious. The human intellectual system is an absolute unity and not a single component can be considered as a separate and independent entity. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the functioning of intelligence are energy and information. Man, in a certain sense, is powerful information system, in a state of “black hole”, which is capable of assimilating and using all the information available to it. Structural scheme intelligence is shown in the figure.

Fig.- Structure of intelligence

Designations: Svit – superintelligences; ChuvM – sensually perceived world; ItSysChel – human intellectual system; BesSoz – unconscious; Soz – consciousness; Memory – storage device; VIm – high intelligence; SsohRod – self-preservation of the clan; R – mind; Ras – reason; SsohInd – self-preservation of an individual; BVM – biological computing “machine”; NEP – necessary natural needs; Vopr – perception; Preds – presentation; Pon – concept; Judgment - judgment; US – inference; SnVed – dream; X – transformation – unknown logical transformation; NaslInf – hereditary information.

Questions and ANSWERS in the discipline “Developmental and Developmental Psychology”.

Intelligence(Latin intellect us - mind, reason, mind) - a stable structure of an individual’s mental abilities, the level of his cognitive capabilities, the mechanism of an individual’s mental adaptation to life situations. Intelligence means understanding the essential relationships of reality, the inclusion of the individual in the sociocultural experience of society.

Intelligence is not reduced to aggregate cognitive processes, which are essentially the “working tools” of the intellect.

Modern psychology considers the stable structure of an individual’s mental abilities and his adaptability to various life situations.

Intelligence as the mental potential of an individual can be the object of psychological diagnostics.

IN early XIX V. German astronomer F.W. Bessel (1784-1846) claimed that he could determine the level of human intelligence by the speed of his reaction to a flash of light. But only in late XIX V. American psychologist J. M. Cattell (1860) acted as the founder of scientific testing, developing a system of tests aimed at identifying an individual’s mental capabilities, including intellectual (mental) ones. The scientific concept of human intelligence was formed.

The development of intelligence as mental age was studied by the French psychologist A. Vinet (1857-1911). The developer of the concept of IQ was the German psychologist W. Stern (1871 - 1938), who proposed determining the IQ of a child by dividing his mental age by his chronological age.

In 1937, D. Wexler (1896-1981) created the first intelligence scale for adults.

At the beginning of the 20th century. English psychologist C. E. Spearman (1863-1945) developed statistical methods intelligence measurements and advanced two-factor theory of intelligence. What stood out about him common factor(factor G) and special factors that determine success in solving problems of a specific type (factor S). A theory of specific abilities emerged. Psychologist J.P. Guilford (1897-1987) identified 120 factors of intelligence and presented the structure in the form of a cubic model (Fig. 80).

At the beginning of the 20th century. French psychologists A. Binet and T. Simon proposed determining the degree of development of intelligence in children (intelligence quotient) using a special test scale (IQ). Intelligence, mental development of an individual are interpreted as his ability to perform intellectual tasks accessible to his age and to successfully adapt to various types of life situations.

Both genetic and sociocultural factors play a significant role in an individual, or rather, the interaction of these factors. Genetic factors are the hereditary potential that an individual receives from his parents. These are the initial possibilities of interaction of an individual with the outside world.

Rice. 80. Structure of intelligence according to J. P. Guilford.

This cubic model is an attempt to define each of the 120 specific abilities based on three dimensions of thinking: what we think about (content), how we think about it (operation), and what that mental action leads to (outcome). For example, when learning symbolic notations such as Morse code signals (E12), when memorizing the semantic transformations necessary to conjugate a verb in a particular tense (DV3), or when assessing changes in behavior when it is necessary to take a new path to work ( AV4), are completely involved Various types intelligence

In the hundreds of thousands of genes located on 46 chromosomes lies the enormous, still little-explored potential of human individuality. However, only the “raw materials” for the construction of complex psychoregulatory structures are passed on to the individual by inheritance. The vital needs of an individual can send corresponding requests to individual genetic formations. Various genetic loci, as shown by the laureates' studies Nobel Prize R. Robertson and F. Sharp, are capable of functional rearrangements.

A person's intellectual capabilities are manifested in the strategies which he produces in various problematic situations, in his ability to transform problematic situation into a specific problem, and then into the search task system.

Some people are capable of quick conclusions, intuitive insights, instantaneous coverage of an event in all its relationships, they are consistent in putting forward hypotheses and testing their correctness; others close themselves on the first hypothesis that comes to mind, their thinking is not dynamic. Some try to solve problematic problems without any preliminary assumptions at all, hoping for random finds; their thinking is unsystematic, blocked by impulsive emotions. The thinking of many people is stereotypical and overly standardized.

Qualities of human intelligence

The main qualities of human intelligence are inquisitiveness, depth of mind, flexibility and mobility, logic and evidence.

Inquisitiveness of mind- the desire to comprehensively understand this or that phenomenon in significant respects. This quality mind is the basis of active cognitive activity.

Depth of mind lies in the ability to separate the important from the secondary, the necessary from the accidental.

Flexibility and agility of mind— a person’s ability to widely use existing experience and knowledge, quickly explore known objects in new relationships, and overcome stereotyped thinking. This quality is especially valuable if we keep in mind that thinking is the application of knowledge, “theoretical measures” to various situations. In a certain sense, thinking tends to be stable and somewhat conventional. This prevents the solution of creative problems that require an unusual, unconventional approach. Inertia of thinking is revealed, for example, when solving the following problem. It is necessary to cross out four dots arranged in a square with three closed lines. Trying to act by connecting these dots does not lead to a solution to the problem. It can only be solved if we go beyond these points (Fig. 81).

At the same time, the negative quality of intelligence is rigidity of thinking- inflexible, biased attitude towards the essence of a phenomenon, exaggeration of sensory impressions, adherence to stereotyped assessments.

Intelligence- the ability of an individual to comprehend a specific situation in a generalized, schematic way, to optimally organize the mind when making decisions non-standard tasks. However, the essence of intelligence cannot be understood only through a description of its individual properties. The carriers of intelligence are the individual’s experience of mental activity, the mental space he has formed, and the ability to present a structural representation of the phenomenon under study in the individual’s mind.

Logical thinking characterized by a strict sequence of reasoning, taking into account all the essential aspects of the object under study, all its possible relationships with other objects. Evidence-based thinking characterized by the ability to use at the right moment such facts and patterns that convince of the correctness of judgments and conclusions.

Critical thinking presupposes the ability to strictly evaluate the results of mental activity, discard incorrect decisions, and abandon initiated actions if they contradict the requirements of the task.

Breadth of thinking lies in the ability to cover the issue as a whole, without losing sight of all the data of the corresponding task, as well as the ability to see new problems (creativity of thinking).

An indicator of the development of intelligence is its divergence - the subject’s unboundness by external restrictions (for example, his ability to see the possibilities of new uses of ordinary objects).

An essential quality of an individual’s mind is prognostication—foreseeing possible developments of events and the consequences of actions taken. The ability to anticipate, prevent and avoid unnecessary conflicts is a sign of mental development and breadth of intellect.

Intellectually limited people reflect reality extremely narrowly, locally, and do not carry out the necessary transfer of knowledge to new objects.

The development of individual qualities of an individual’s mind is determined both by the genotype of the individual and the breadth of his life experience, the semantic field of his consciousness - individual system meanings, structure of intelligence. In totalitarian social regimes, conformist individuals develop so-called gap thinking, narrowed to extremely limited everyday limits, and intellectual infantilism spreads widely. In groupthink, stereotypes, template orientations, and schematized matrices of behavior begin to predominate. Deformations occur both in the content and structure of the intellect.

Significant non-pathological disorders in the structure of intelligence - mental abnormalities. They are expressed in a violation of the entire mental system of the individual - its motivational, goal-setting and goal-achieving regulatory mechanisms. Let us note the most typical signs of intellectual impairment:

  • inadequacy of motives for the actions performed;
  • violations in goal setting and programming of actions, control over their execution;
  • violations of semantic connections, inadequacy of means to goals;
  • defects in mental operations (generalization, classification, etc.).

Here are some intellectual tests that reveal the qualities of intelligence (Fig. 81-84).

In most intelligence tests, the test subject is offered tasks for generalization, classification, transfer of knowledge, extrapolation and interpolation. Some tasks involve drawings and geometric shapes. The test subject's success is determined by the number of correctly completed tasks.

Rice. 81. Tests for divergent thinking

Rice. 82. Select the desired shape from the six numbered

Rice. 83. Eliminate the extra figure

Rice. 84. Fill in the missing number (extrapolation test)

Test for identifying abstraction activity

From the words in brackets, select two words that are significantly related to the original word.

  1. GARDEN (plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth).
  2. RIVER (bank, fish, fisherman, mud, water).
  3. CITY (car, building, crowd, street, area).
  4. BARN (hayloft, horses, roof, livestock, walls).
  5. CUBE (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood).
  6. DIVISION (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper).
  7. RING (diameter, diamond, roundness, gold, seal).
  8. READING (eyes, book, picture, print, word).
  9. NEWSPAPER (truth, supplements, telegrams, paper, editor).
  10. GAME (cards, players, fines, penalties, rules).
  11. WAR (guns, planes, battle, guns, soldiers).
  1. Plants, earth.
  2. Shore, water.
  3. Building, street.
  4. Roof, stsny.
  5. Corners, side.
  6. Dividend, divisor.
  7. Diameter, roundness.
  8. Eyes, seal.
  9. Paper, editor.
  10. Players, rules.
  11. Battles, soldiers.

When it comes to an intelligent person, the imagination imagines a mathematician who solves questions that are incomprehensible to most, who is able to solve a problem in his head so quickly that a common person won't even have time to write it down. This represents the traditional idea of ​​reason as a unique skill associated with abstract thought.

In 1994, a psychologist proposed an idea that would change society's typical understanding of intelligence: the theory of multiple intelligences. According to it, there is not one, but 8 types of intelligence, which develop differently in each individual. “This is the main challenge to education,” says the psychologist.

Types of intelligence are divided into 8 categories:

  1. Linguistic.
  2. Logical-mathematical.
  3. Visual-spatial.
  4. Musical.
  5. Bodily-kinesthetic.
  6. Intrapersonal (existential).
  7. Interpersonal (social).
  8. Naturalistic.

According to Gardner's intelligence types, a person has an innate tendency to perform certain actions. This determines what type a particular person should be classified as.

Therefore, some people are very smart in the field of mathematics, but may not be so good when it comes to interpersonal relationships. An exceptional musician may not be as gifted at expressing himself through words.

Teachers must understand students: strengths, weaknesses, vulnerable areas, ability to adapt, and also take into account which type of intelligence each of them belongs to and build training on this basis.

Gardner believes that the human mind is made up of a set of skills that allow us to overcome personal problems and cope with difficulties. To solve various issues, it is necessary to understand that the human mind is diverse and it is important to choose a development path that suits a certain type of personality.

Linguistic type of intelligence

These are people who love and know how to “juggle with words.” They learn to speak, read and write early. They understand complex text easily and are very good when it comes to expressing their own thoughts.

For example, people with linguistic type intelligence, it is easier to follow instructions when assembling furniture if they are presented in text form rather than in the form of a diagram. Any foreign language is easy for them, so among polyglots, linguistic intelligence predominates among all types of intelligence.

In order to develop, they need to read a lot and express their own thoughts on paper. It can be anything: diary, blog, Twitter, art and Play word games, such as crosswords and Word Maker. Learning a foreign language will be an excellent workout.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

People with a predominant logical-mathematical type of intelligence tend to solve abstract problems, make calculations and easily count the number of objects.

For example, when you need to divide the amount of a check for lunch, there is always a person in the company who can accurately do this in his head. It is very likely that this is the owner of exactly this type of intelligence.

To develop, the logical-mathematical type of intelligence can solve Sudoku, play games, chess and cope with everyday mathematical problems in the head.

Career: accountant, engineer, detective, analyst, financier, programmer.

Visual-spatial intelligence

Its owners are able to navigate the terrain very well and easily understand drawings and instructions in the form of diagrams.

They are aware of visual details in their surroundings that other people do not notice. This is especially true for the structure of buildings and their location.

To develop visual-spatial intelligence, you need to create a new route every day (for example, to work) or try to find your way in an unfamiliar area using a map, play puzzles and create models.

Career: artist graphic design, aviation specialist, architect and surgeon.

Musical type of intelligence

People with a musical type of intelligence are easily recognized by their habit of constantly tapping a melody from their heads with their fingers. They learn easily musical instruments, remember and play music.

To develop, they need to listen to music, and the more varied it is, the better. And, of course, it’s worth learning to play a musical instrument.

Bodily-kinesthetic type of intelligence

People of the bodily-kinesthetic type of intelligence have never been accused of clumsiness. They are very clearly aware own body, therefore they have good coordination of movement and are very mobile.

This can be observed in dancers and some athletes, such as gymnasts.

To develop this type, you need to dance a lot, study dance that helps train coordination or do yoga.

Career: physiotherapist, circus, surgeon, personal fitness trainer.

Intrapersonal intelligence

A high degree of awareness, emotional restraint and the ability to reason sensibly characterize such people. Those with an intrapersonal type of intelligence (which also means an existential type) are distinguished by their ability to deeply perceive their own self. They perfectly understand and control their own emotions, thoughts and motives for actions. Individuals with strong intrapersonal intelligence see personal flaws and strengths, which allows them to work on their emotional lives, make decisions and set goals in accordance with their own individuality.

It is necessary to focus on expressing your own thoughts to people with an intrapersonal type of intelligence, which means reflecting and writing down your thoughts in a diary, blogging, practicing meditation, reading articles on psychology and human intelligence.

Career: coaching, spirituality, ethics, entrepreneurship, politics, philosophy, psychology, psychiatry.

Social intelligence

The interpersonal type of intelligence, otherwise called social, gives its owners excellent communication skills. These people are good at understanding others: their emotions, needs, intentions and goals.

They are always in the spotlight, often becoming leaders and the soul of the company.

To develop themselves, people with interpersonal intelligence need to take part in group activities that encourage cooperation, such as team sports.

Career: Education, Human Resources, social sphere, consulting, psychiatry, management, politics, mentoring.

Naturalistic type of intelligence

People with this type of intelligence love and are able to understand nature well, distinguish, classify, and recognize patterns between species of plants and animals.

Such qualities are usually characteristic of biologists and people who love to garden.

To develop a naturalistic type of intelligence, you need to read a lot of books on biology, grow plants and care for animals.

Career: veterinary medicine, archeology, ecology, tourism, forestry, farming, geology, biology.

There are 4 main points of Gardner's theory about types of intelligence:

  1. Every person has everything listed species intelligence. But there is only one dominant.
  2. Most people have the potential to develop in each type of intelligence.
  3. Intelligence works in totality.
  4. There are many ways to interpret intelligence in each category.

Despite the fact that a person has a dominant certain type of intelligence, everyone has a tendency towards others to varying degrees. Skills can be developed even if you are born with a talent for other skills. Gardner's theory also points to the flexibility of intelligence types, which means the ability to change over time in each person.

In everyday life, a person uses his mental abilities as an element of knowledge of the world around him. It is difficult to imagine modern reality without intelligence, without the very ability to analyze and compare objects and phenomena. Thanks to his mental activity, a person discovers enormous opportunities for self-development and self-improvement. Without intelligence, a person would not be able to do scientific discoveries, such an activity as art would not exist at all.

Intelligence(from Latin “mind, mind”) is a highly organized system of thinking of an individual, in which new products of activity appear. Intelligence definitely affects mental capacity and all cognitive processes.

The concept of intelligence was introduced by the English scientist F. Galton at the end of the 19th century. Were taken as a basis scientific works Charles Darwin on evolution. The characteristics of intelligence were studied by such scientists as A. Binet, C. Spearman, S. Colvin, E. Thorne-dyke, J. Peterson, J. Piaget. All of them viewed intelligence as a field of limitless human capabilities. The task of each individual is to realize his intelligence competently, for the benefit of himself and others. In fact, only a few understand their true purpose and are ready to invest energy in developing their abilities.

The Essence of Intelligence

Learning ability

Personality cannot be imagined without mental activity. For especially developed people, development becomes an integral part of life: it leads them forward to new achievements and helps them make the necessary discoveries. The desire to learn in this case is dictated by a person’s internal need for self-realization. When the desire to express one's own individuality becomes brighter than the opinions of others, a person is able to use the full power of his mind in order to achieve tangible success.

In fact, the ability to learn is inherent in each of us. It’s just that some people make the most of the resource given to them by nature, while others find reasons to reduce this process to the level necessary for survival.

Ability to operate with abstractions

Scientists, thinkers, philosophers use scientific concepts and definitions in their activities. And not only them: students must also learn to understand the language of abstractions and operate with them freely. The ability to competently express one’s thoughts and share discoveries in a particular area necessarily presupposes mastery of the language at a high level. Intelligence here acts as a necessary link, a tool for scientific activity.

Ability to adapt to environmental conditions

The environment in which modern people live is constantly changing. Unforeseen circumstances arise that negatively affect work, mix up plans and disrupt deals. But a truly intelligent person is always able to analyze the situation that has arisen and see the benefit in it for himself. Thus, intelligence helps an individual to withstand difficult circumstances, fight in the name of a bright idea, predict the desired result and strive to achieve it.

Structure of intelligence

Scientists with different approaches and different views on this problem identify concepts that allow us to determine what intelligence consists of.

Spearman spoke about the presence in each individual of the so-called general intelligence, which helps to adapt to the environment in which he lives, to develop existing inclinations and talents. This scientist considered individual characteristics to be hidden opportunities for achieving certain goals.

Thurstone characterized the facets of general intelligence and identified seven directions through which a person’s mental realization occurs.

  1. The ability to easily handle numbers, perform mental calculations and mathematical operations.
  2. The ability to coherently express one’s thoughts and put them into verbal form. The scientist explained what the degree of word mastery depends on and highlighted the connection between mental activity and speech development.
  3. Ability to master written and oral speech another man. As a rule, than more people reads, the more he learns about the world around him. Self-awareness develops, memory capacity expands, and other (personal) possibilities appear. An individual most often receives information through thoughtful reading. This is how new material is learned, and existing knowledge is analyzed and systematized.
  4. The ability to imagine, build artistic images in the head, develop and improve creative activity. It must be admitted that it is in products of a creative orientation that the high potential of an individual is revealed and the essence of his capabilities is revealed.
  5. The ability to increase memory capacity and train memory speed. Modern man needs to constantly work on its resource.
  6. The ability to build logical chains, reason, analyze the realities of life.
  7. The ability to analyze, identify significant and significant differences between objects and phenomena.

Cattell discovered the enormous potential of possibilities that a person possesses. He defined intelligence as the ability for abstract thinking and abstraction.

Types of intelligence

Traditionally, psychology distinguishes several types of mental activity. All of them correspond to one direction or another in life or affect a person’s lifestyle.

Verbal intelligence

With the help of this type, a person always has the opportunity to communicate with other people. Writing activity perfectly develops the intellect, allows you to master foreign languages, study classic literature. Participating in discussions and debates on various topics helps you focus on the essence of the issue, determine your own values, and learn something important and valuable from your opponents.

Verbal intelligence is necessary to acquire basic knowledge about the world, so that a person has the opportunity to accumulate the necessary experience for his development. Communication with successful people who were able to reach new level life, to achieve a state of complete independence, in a positive way affects the worldview of the individual, the ability to accept and think about information.

Logical intelligence

Necessary for performing logical operations and solving mathematical problems. To improve the level of logic, it is recommended to solve crossword puzzles, read intellectual, useful books, engage in self-development, and attend thematic seminars and trainings.

Logical intelligence needs constant work. To operate freely with numbers, you need to constantly produce in your mind complex calculations, to solve problems.

Spatial intelligence

Based on the visual perception of any activity with the ability to repeat it on own experience. Thus, playing music and modeling with clay can become wonderful guides to self-development.

  • Physical intelligence. The ability to stay in excellent physical shape is the key wellness and longevity. Physical intelligence implies strong connection with the body, attentive attitude to your well-being. The absence of disease is not yet an indicator of physical health. In order for the body to be strong and vigorous, you need to give it enough strength and attention: if possible, do exercises and any sports. It is important to give yourself daily the degree of stress that a person is able to withstand. Of course, in order to manage this process, you need to have great motivation and a desire to change something for the better.
  • Social intelligence. This includes the ability to communicate. Man is a social being and cannot live outside of society. In order to adequately build relationships with other people and learn to understand them correctly, you need to daily train your will and ability to hear others. Understanding between people consists of several components, an important component of which is mutually beneficial cooperation. This is the basis of any business, to understand the needs of the client, to be able to convey the necessary information to the audience.
  • Emotional intellect. It assumes the development of a fairly high level of reflection in a person. The ability to think analytically, be aware of your individual needs and strive to achieve your own goals will undoubtedly help you achieve a high level of emotional intelligence. Another important component is the ability to communicate with people, understand their moods and feelings, and build models of effective interaction with them.
  • Spiritual intelligence. It assumes a conscious desire of the individual to know himself and engage in self-improvement. An intellectually developed person never lingers for long at one stage of development; he wants to progress, motivate himself to further actions. Individual reflections on life, the essence of being, meditation, and prayer are perfect for developing this type of intelligence.
  • Creative intelligence. Presumes that an individual has a certain artistic talent: literary, musical, picturesque. The need to concentrate on the task at hand, to concentrate on artistic image and embodying it on paper, canvas or sheet music is inherent in true creators. But you should remember that any abilities need to be developed; they need to be given a lot of effort and attention.

So, in order to develop literary talent, it is necessary to learn to understand the essence and meaning of what is written, study the works of great masters, and master artistic techniques and means of expression.


The human brain is designed in such a way that the more often we train it, the better it responds to training. In other words, the more attention, time, and effort a person is willing to invest in his own development, the sooner the opportunities for self-realization increase and expand.

For example, if the mind is able to concentrate on certain things, then it needs to be given the opportunity to expand its field of activity for a long period of time, and then visible changes will be noticeable.

Intelligence capabilities

The truth is that the possibilities of the human mind are inexhaustible. We have such potential that if everyone were closely involved in solving individual problems, the results would very soon be very impressive. Unfortunately, throughout his life a person uses no more than 4–5% of his potential and forgets that his possibilities are limitless. How to develop intelligence to a high level? Only the personality itself determines what framework to place itself within, only we govern ourselves.

How to increase intelligence?

Many people walking the path of personal development, one way or another, ask this question. Few people understand that increasing intelligence is associated, first of all, with being an active person, being able to accept new things into your life, and striving to achieve individual goals. Read more books related to self-realization or quality literature. Ironic detective stories or romance novels are not suitable.

Thus, the concept of intelligence is closely related to man himself. It is important to understand that our mind cannot exist separately from us. It is necessary to regularly “feed” him with fresh ideas, allow him to do brave deeds, make discoveries. And then you will be able to maintain a high level of intelligence for many years, and not just use it in your youth.
